SONIC BLUE Hard Disk Recorder Manual L0312078
User Manual: SONIC SONIC BLUE Hard Disk Recorder Manual SONIC BLUE Hard Disk Recorder Owner's Manual, SONIC BLUE Hard Disk Recorder installation guides
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ReplayTV_5000 User's Guide Package Contents ReplayTV Remote Coaxial Digital Video Recorder control cable Audio/Video cable Two AA batteries Telephone User Guide Serial cable Quick Setup Guide 9 to 15 pin serial cable adapter* Infrared R J-11 to 9-pin adapter* (1R) blaster cable *Use if the serial cable is not compatible with your satellite cable receiver. Copyright/Trademarks _; 2(RI2 SONICblue Incolpomted. All rights reserved. Printed in China, Repla) rv, Repla) rv Service, ReplayZones, QalckSkip, AutoSkip and Show OrganDer are n'ademarks of SON1Cblue Incorporated. All other product or brand names as they appear are trademarks or registered trademarks of thelr respective holders. ]¸his document contains proprietm_ inl_rmadon of SONICbIue Incorporated {the "Company"). No part ofthls document ma) be copied, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, transcribed, stood in a retrieval system, tttodi_ed or translated into any other language or cotttputer language, or stlbllcensed, in any forttt or by any means electronlc, mechanical, tltagnetlc, o_ical, chemical, manual or other_ is_wlth* out the prior written consent of the Technlcal Support Manager al _e Compan_ 2841 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054. Furthe_ this document ma) not be di_emlnated (or o_er_ise made available) using telecottttlt u nicalio ns lines or _i_quencles except in a I_itttited Access Environment and only to persons atllhorlzed by the Company to recelve and use this doctlment and the in_rmatlon con_ talned thereln. For purposes of {his copyrlgbt, {he {el'in "gimi{ed Access Envlronlttent" shall mean a cotllputer network {includlng, wlthotlt llmltatlon, a local area network, a wide area network or an intranet I that restrlck_ access to personnel in a reliable _ashlon (which, at a minimum, shall require each user to enter a unique pass_,_ord in older {o access the network) {hat can reasonably be expected to pl_vent acce_ _o the docmnent _ persons o_er lhan authorized users. In addition the training and instructional procedures described in this document are conl_dentlal and proprletar} intelligence of _e Corn paw and may not be copied or used exce_ as permitted by the Company. Any unauthorized or o_er_ise improper use oftMs document or any ofils material _ an_ person will su_ect lhat person {o liability _r damages. Ihe Compaw shall not be liable _)r any errors contained herein or _br any damages the possibility of such damages. Ihis document is intended liar informalional prior nod_cadon. and insb'uctional arising out of or related to this document or the int_mtadon purposes only. "11_eCompany reserves the right to make changes in the specifications contained therein, e\en and other information contained in this document without It is the inlent ofSONl( Nue that this product be used in thll compliance Mth the copyright laws of the United States. It is 3our responsibility to comply _silh such rlghtad television progrmns or providing copies of such programs to others may, in certain circumstances, violate copyrlght law and prior permission _]'om copyright tic performances and certain commercial uses. P/N41005017 ii if the Company has been advised of laws. Unauthorized recording of copy_ owners may be required l_r certain pub* Table 1 - Getting Welcome Started of Contents 1 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ • Before you Begin .............................................................................................................................................................................................. • Feature Updates from the ReplayTV Service ................................................................................................................................................... • Feature Highlights ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1 2 Remote Control OverMew ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Front Panel Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Rear Panel Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 • Turning on ReplayTV. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... • Putting ReplayTV in Standby Mode ................................................................................................................................................................ About Service Activation 2 - Connections Basic Connections Planning .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 7 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7 your Setup ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Incorporating ReplayTV into your Entertainment System ............................................................................................................................... Checking your Satellite Receiver ..................................................................................................................................................................... Connecting ReplayTV to an A/V Receiver ...................................................................................................................................................... Connecting ReplayTV to a VCR .................................................................................................................................................................... Connecting a Video Camera or VCR to ReplayTV ....................................................................................................................................... Connecting Cable Box and Satellite Receiver Controllers ............................................................................................................................. Completing the On-screen Setup .................................................................................................................................................................... Home Network 6 6 Connections 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 ................................................................................................................................................... 12 Connecting ReplayTV to an Existing Network .................................................................................... Router Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................................... Using ReplayTV with Firewall Software ....................................................................................................................................................... Entering Networking Information Manually on ReplayTV ........................................................................................................................... Determining the ReplayTV IF' Address .......................................................................................................................................................... Determining the ReplayTV MAC (Media Access Control) Address ........................................................................................................... 12 15 17 17 17 18 ""III • Finding • Finding the Router IP Address ....................................................................................................................................................................... your Computer's Network Information ............................................................................................................................................ 3 - Setup 18 19 21 About Menu Navigation ............................................................................................................................................................... 21 Main Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Setup Menu .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 ReplayTV Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Internet Identity and Address Book ................................................................................................................................................................ Default Record Options .................................................................................................................................................................................. Default Playback Options ............................................................................................................................................................................... Network and Input Settings ............................................................................................................................................................................ Video Output Settings .................................................................................................................................................................................... Screen Saver and Pause Screen ...................................................................................................................................................................... 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 Parental Control .............................................................................................................................................................................................. Add or Remove Channels ............................................................................................................................................................................... 24 24 MyReplayTV Registration ............................................................................................................................................................................. Privacy Policy ................................................................................................................................................................................................. System Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 24 25 Remote Control Setup ................................................................................................................................................................... 25 • Remote Control Setup Codes ......................................................................................................................................................................... • Setup Codes for TV/VCR Combinations ....................................................................................................................................................... • Setup Codes for TV/DVD Combinations ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 - Basic Basic Operations Operations 29 ................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 • Show Watching Options ................................................................................................................................................................................. • Show Recording Options ................................................................................................................................................................................ Controlling • • • • • iv 26 28 28 Live Television 29 29 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3o Pausing live TV and Recorded Shows ........................................................................................................................................................... Using Rewind and Fast Forward .................................................................................................................................................................... Using Multispeed Slow Motion ...................................................................................................................................................................... Using Frame Advance .................................................................................................................................................................................... Using Instant Replay ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 30 31 31 32 • Using QuickSkip ........................................................................................................................................................................................... • Using Jump ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... Accessing the • Using the Channel Recording Channel Guide ................................................................................................................................................ 33 Guide ................................................................................................................................................................................ Shows Replay • • • • • Zones .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Manual Record Zone: ........................................................................................................................................................ the Replay Guide Watching Shows Features Recorded • • • • Recordings to other 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 49 on other ReplayTVs ................................................................................................49 • Playing Shows from Another In-home ReplayTV ......................................................................................................................................... • Selecting Local/Remote Replay Guides ......................................................................................................................................................... Sending _40 41 42 42 44 ............................................................................................................................................................... 45 Navigating the Replay Guide ........................................................................................................................................................................ Category Options ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Replay Channel Options ................................................................................................................................................................................. Replay Show Options ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Watching a Recorded Show ........................................................................................................................................................................ Preserving an Episode of a Show ................................................................................................................................................................ Saving Recordings to Videotape .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 - Advanced 39 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40 Changing the Default Record Options .......................................................................................................................................................... Cancelling a Recording .................................................................................................................................................................................. Resolving Conflicting Recordings ................................................................................................................................................................. Replay Channels ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Recording Tips ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Using 37 ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 • To Record a Show from a Replay Using 34 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 36 • Setting Record Options ................................................................................................................................................................................... Find Shows 32 32 ReplayTVs 49 50 .................................................................................................................... 51 Adding other ReplayTV users to your Internet Address Book ...................................................................................................................... Sending Shows ............................................................................................................................................................................................... Using the Received Category ......................................................................................................................................................................... Accessing the Internet Address Book. ............................................................................................................................................................ 51 51 52 52 V COMMERCIAL ADVANCE • Setting COMMERCIAL • Turning COMMERCIAL Screen Saver .............................................................................................................................................................. 53 ADVANCE Default ............................................................................................................................................... ADVANCE on and off ......................................................................................................................................... and Pause Screen ......................................................................................................................................... • Installing ReplayTV Photo Transfer .............................................................................................................................................................. • Using the Photo Viewer .................................................................................................................................................................................. Remote Control Shortcuts 53 54 54 55 56 ........................................................................................................................................................ 57 Show-watching Shortcuts ............................................................................................................................................................................... Channel Guide Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 57 57 Replay Guide Shortcuts .................................................................................................................................................................................. Find Shows On-screen Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................... Slide Show Control Shortcuts ........................................................................................................................................................................ 57 58 58 Channel Surfing Display Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................................ Record Options Screen Shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................................... 58 58 6 - Help 59 Troubleshooting • Customer • Frequently Service .................................................................................................................................................................................. 59 Information Asked Questions ....................................................................................................................................................................... 59 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Technical Specifications .............................................................................................................................................................. 63 Limited Warranty and Software License ................................................................................................................... 64 • Warranty • Software ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... License Agreement ......................................................................................................................................................................... and Service Agreement ..................................................................................................................................67 Policy .........................................................................................................................................................................................69 Activation Privacy • Your Privacy is Important to Us ..................................................................................................................................................................... • Privacy Policy Q&A ....................................................................................................................................................................................... FCC and Industry Canada Compliance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. • Important Safely Instructions ......................................................................................................................................................................... • Safety/Regulatory Information ....................................................................................................................................................................... vi 69 70 ......................................................................................................................... 73 • FCC Rules, Part 68 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... Safety 64 65 73 74 74 76 Chapter Getting 1 Started •". Welcome Congratulations on your purchase of the ReplayTV 5000. In case warranty service is required, please take a moment receipt to this user's guide and write down your Serial Number, located on the back panel of the ReplayTV 5000. Serial Number: to attach your € o 8 Additional ing steps: system information for your new ReplayTV 1 2 Press Menu to display the ReplayTV Select Setup. 3 Select System 5000, including the Serial Number, can be found by performing f the follow- Main Menu. g Information. ,/ Before you Begin Make sure you have connected ReplayTV tions" on page 7 for instructions. to your television and other components. Refer to the Quick Setup Guide or "Connec- i,_o After you have experienced the exciting new world of personal television, you wilt never watch plain old television again. No videotapes. No hassles. No compromises. Pause live television. With ReplayTV, it's easy to quickly find and automatically record your favorite television shows, so you can watch them whenever you want--on your schedule, not somebody else's. Also, ReplayTV is the first digital video recorder (DVR) that allows you to share content among multiple units in a home network. You can even send your recordings over the Internet with friends and family who are using ReplayTV. i €III II$*W i>¢a Feature Updates from the ReplayTV Service New features are occasionally delivered through the Ethernet and telephone connections (whichever you use). When this occurs you may encounter screens that look a little different from those in this guide or you may find differences in the features covered. A message will be sent to your ReplayTV notifying you when new features are available. Choose Messages from the Main Menu to read about the new features. For the very latest user's guide and new feature instructions, visit 1 Feature Highlights Control live television. Pause, rewind, fast forward, play in slow motion, gle scene. See "Controlling Live Television" on page 30. or watch an instant replay--all without missing a sin- Automatically record every episode of your favorite shows, or constantly find and record shows that interest you. Schedule recording once and ReplayTV does the rest. See "Recording Shows" on page 36. Jump past commercials or recorded scenes you don't want to watch with QuickSkip TM. See "Using QuickSkip" Watch your shows commercial free. Use the COMMERCIAL ADVANCE feature to skip commercial back of recorded and delayed shows. See "COMMERCIAL ADVANCE" on page 53. messages a on page 32. during play- COMMERCIAL ADVANCE lets"you decide whether or not to watch eommereial messages during playbaek of a reeorded television btvadeast. [['you enable the feature it will skip most eommercial messages. You can turn it off or on at any time by pressing the 6bmmereial Advanee button. Locate shows that you want to watch without searching through pages of program schedules. The Find Shows feature locates shows based on specific titles, actors, directors, and topics that you choose. See "Find Shows" on page 38. Send recordings over the Internet. ReplayTV is broadband enabled, so you can send your recordings to other ReplayTV 4000s/ 4500s* and 5000s over the Internet by connecting ReplayTV to your home network. The Ethernet connection is also used to download Channel Guide information via broadband. It must be eonnected at all times. See "Sending Recordings to other ReplayTVs" on page 51. Watch shows recorded on other ReplayTV s. If you have more than one ReplayTV, you can watch shows in one room that were recorded in another. See "Watching Shows Recorded on other ReplayTVs" on page 49. Transfer digital photos from your PC to your ReplayTV to create and view slide shows of your vacation or other photo collections. Additionally, you can display your photos when you press Pause or when the screen saver starts. See "Screen Saver and Pause Screen" on page 54. _d_ 2 ReplayTV models and ReplayTV 4000/4500 will be * Sofiware 5000 support for video sharing and streaming models between available in the future. Please cheek "www.sonieblue. eom/ replaytv "for update information. :: Remote 1 Control Overview 2 "IV (Power) TV.) ReplayTV Power TV on or off. (See page 26 to program 3 4 0-9 Tune to channels; jump to a channel in the Channel Guide. Enter Display a current show's menu while in the Channel Guide. 5 6 7 Channel Guide Display TV listings. Zones Search TV listings by category. Arrow (Navigation) Buttons Move on-screen 8 9 Select Choose on-screen options; view channel Exit Exit on-screen menus. (Power) 10 Play/Slow 11 QuickSkip Power ReplayTV Play/slow motion. Skip 30 seconds of a recorded the remote to operate your Change channels; o highlight. surfing display while watching or delayed g show. Record 24 Menu 25 Replay 26 Jump advance white II) 21 i,,o TV. 18 Display Program information about current show. 19 Commercial Advance Turn COMMERCIAL ADVANCE show. 20 Rewind Rewind show. 23 8 live TV. move one screen at a time up or down in guides and 16 Mute Mute the volume of the programmed TV. 17 Volume +/Adjust the volume of the programmed 21 Instant 22 Pause t_ € Fast Forward Fast forward recorded or delayed show; frame-by-frame paused. 13 Stop Stop playback of show. 14 Return to Live Return to live TV while watching a show delayed. A/v 2 on or off. 12 15 Channel menus. 1 on and offfor the current i €:ll ta_ Replay Return 7 seconds and replay a segment. Pause live TV and recorded shows. Record show from Channel Guide or while viewing live TV. Display ReplayTV Main Menu. Guide Play your recorded shows. Jump between a recorded show and live TV, two live TV shows, or two recorded shows. 3 /! :: Front 1 Panel 2 3 Overview 4 1 2 3 POWER button Manually switches between On and Standby modes. POWER light Lights when ReplayTV is on. IR Receiver Point remote control here when operating your ReplayTV. 4 REC (Recording) 4 light Lights when ReptayTV is recording a show. :: Rear Panel Overview 1 2 3 4 5 6 € o 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 OUT TO TV Connect to a television VHFAJHF jack with coaxial cable. IN FROM ANT[CATV Connect an antenna, cable TV coaxial cable, or cable box with coaxial 3 VIDEO/AUDIO IN 1[IN 2 Connect to the Audio/Video outputs of a cable box or satellite receiver using standard audio/ video cables. S-VIDEO IN Connect to a cable box or satellite receiver that has S-Video Out. The Audio/Video 1N 2 connectors must be used with S-Video to receive sound. Please note that S-Video In is part of Line 2. VIDEO/AUDIO OUT 1lOUT 2 Connect to the Audio/Video inputs of a television, monitor or A/V receiver using standard audio/video cables. 4 5 6 7 PROGRESSIVE POWER CORD OUT Connect to a television, monitor or A/V receiver Connect to an electrical outlet. 8 S-VIDEO OUT Connect to a television, Out 2 and S-Video are active at all times. monitor or A/V receiver that has Progressive that has S-Video cable. Video In. In. Please note that Video Out 1, Video 9 DIGITAL AUDIO OUT (OPTICAL) Connect to an audio/video receiver equipped with an optical input. 10 SERIAL CONTROL Connect to a satellite receiver that has a Serial port. This allows ReplayTV to change the channels on the satellite receiver. The 1R Blaster is not needed (f the satellite receiver has Serial Out. 11 IR BLASTER Connect and affix the 1R emitter over the infrared detector on a cable box or satellite receiver. This allows ReplayTV to change the channels on these devices. 12 NETWORK ACTIVITY AND LINK LIGHTS Indicate the status ofReplayTV when using the Ethernet port. The green light indicates that ReplayTV is connected to the network. The yellow light indicates network activity; i.e., data is being transferred to or from the unit. i €:ll O, f 13 ETHERNET 14 (10/100BaseT) Connect to a broadband home network, including a router, hub or switch. USB PORT Currently inactive, but in the future will support USB 1.1 connectivity for wireless USB (802.11b) network devices and room-to-room video streaming between ReplayTV 5000 models and earlier ReplayTV 4000/4500 models. Please check" for update information. 15 TEL LINE Turning Connect on ReplayTV 1 Press the ReplayTV Or 2 Press the POWER Putting ReplayTV mode. directly to a wail jack. Power button on the ReplayTV button on the ReplayTV front panel. ReplayTV in Standby is in standby mode when it is plugged 1 Press the ReplayTV Or 2 Press the POWER :: About Mode Power button on the remote button on the ReplayTV Service remote control. in with the power turned off. ReptayTV wilt record even if it is in standby control. front panel. Activation A service activation fee is required to begin using your new ReplayTV 5000 Series Digital Video Recorder ("ReplayTV").You can choose from two payment options: a one-time fee or monthly payments. Only the ReptayTV unit containing the serial number that you register is paid for and activated through this process. Other ReptayTV units will require separate activation fee payments. There is a grace period after your initial connection to the ReplayTV Service, during which time you can use ReplayTV without having to activate the service. If you do not complete the service activation process and pay the service activation fee, your ReplayTV will cease to operate until the service is activated and the fee is paid. Please activate your service before the grace period expires. An activation key for your ReplayTV will be displayed during the on-screen setup process. To activate the service and pay the activation fee, have the activation key ready and go to our Web site at or call 1-800-480-7149. 6 Chapter •". Basic 2 Connections Connections This chapter describes how to connect ReplayTV to your TV and other devices, including your home network. You will find detailed connection options not found on the Quiek Setup Guide. If you have not already, take a look at the Quick Setup Guide before reading this chapter. Cable Overview You may not need to use all the cables provided with ReplayTVi Your setup will depend on the components (Cable box, satellite receiver, VCR, home network, etc.) you use. During setup, you may be called upon to identify one or more of the following cables: Coaxial cable (included) delivers the signals broadcast by your cable TV company, or local slations. You can also use lhis supplied cable to connect ReplayTV directly to your television. S-Video cable (not included) delivers high quality video signals between ReplayTV and your lclevision or monitor. Older-model TVs may not support S-Video. Because S-Video cable only provides the video signal, it must be used in combination wilh both of the audio plugs (red and while) on an A/V cable. i,_o Component Video cables (not included) connect from the Progressive Out (Y, Pb, Pr)jacks on ReplayTV to deliver high quality video signals to your television or monitor. Older-model TVs may not have a Progressive input. Because component video cables only provide the video signal, lhey must be used in combination with both of the audio plugs (red and while) on an A/V cable. i €III A/V cable (included) delivers audio and video signals between ReplayTV and your lelevision or monitor. The red and white plugs deliver stereo audio. The yellow plug delivers video. ® 7 Serial cable (included) lets ReplayTV change the channels on satellite receivers, many if which use serial cables tbr communication. "the RJ-11 to 9-pin adapter connects to INs cable, if it is used. IR blaster cable (included) lets ReplayTV change the channels on your cable box or satellite receiver if it does not support the serial cable. The IR blaster emitters need to be affixed directly over the IR delector on your salellite receiver or cable box. See "Connecting lhe IR Blaster" on page 10. 9-pin to 15-pin adapter (included) connects your satellile receiver to ReplayTV if the satellile receiver uses a 15-pin serial cable. _ RJ-11 to 9-pin adapter (included) connects your satellite receiver to ReplayTV iflhe satellite receiver uses a telephone cable in place of a serial cable. RCA models DRD221RD, DRD222RD, DRD223RD, and DS2122RD all require use of this adapler. [] Ethernet cable (not included) connects to lhe ETHERNET jack on ReplayTV, allowing you to connect ReplayTV to a broadband network. If you have a home network, you should leave ReplayTV connected to it at all times, because ReplayTV will use it to receive Channel Guide lislings. Telephone cable (included) connects from the TEL LINE jack on ReplayTV to a wall jack. Leave the cane connected to ReplayTV al all times to receive lhe daily Channel Guide lislings. 8 m [] :: Planning your Read this section before incorporating Incorporating ReplayTV Setup ReplayTV into your entertainment into your system. Entertainment System ReplayTV controls and records the television signals you receive (satellite, cable, antenna, or a combination of all three). The sign nal(s) connect directly to the ReplayTV inputs. The outputs from ReplayTV connect to a television, monitor, or A/V receiver. You can also connect a VCR to ReplayTV and save shows you have recorded to videotape. See "Saving Recordings to Videotape" on page 48 for more information. ReplayTV is not intended to record signals sent by DVD players and video game systems. Connect DVD players and video game systems directly to your television, not to ReptayTV. Checking your Satellite Receiver ReplayTV receives broadcast signals from satellite receivers through S-Video or A/V cables. ReplayTV can send channel-changing signals to your satellite receiver through the supplied serial cable or IR blaster. It is recommended that you connect your ReplayTV to your satellite receiver using a serial cable. Use the 1R blaster if your satellite receiver does not have a serial port. If the remote control for your satellite receiver has a "UHF" label, or if your satellite receiver uses a small antenna, your satellite receiver is radio controlled. ReplayTV does not support radio-controlled receivers. Check your receiver's owner's manual to see if serial or infrared controls are supported. Connecting Receiver 1 ReplayTV i ; to an A/V i,_o 2 Connect the incoming television signal to ReplayTV. Refer to the Quick Setup Guide for detailed instructions. Connect an A/V cable from the OUTPUT jacks on ReplayTV to the AUDIO/VIDEO 1N jacks on your A/V receiver, matching like colors. Use an S-Video cable if your receiver has S_Video In. 3 Refer to the Quick Setup Guide to complete tions. the remaining connec- II$*W 9 Connecting ReplayTV to a VCR Connect ReptayTV to a VCR if you want to watch or save your recordings on videotape. Deleting recordings from the Replay Guide will preserve hard drive space. Connect an A/V cable from the OUTPUT jacks on ReplayTV to the AUDIO/VIDEO 1N jacks on your VCR, matching like colors. Connecting ReplayTV a Video Camera or VCR to You can connect a video camera or VCR from its Outputs to the Inputs on ReplayTV and record the content onto ReptayTV using the Manual Record feature. See "Using Manual Record" on page 40. Connecting Cable Box and Satellite Receiver Controllers If you connect a cable box or satellite receiver to ReplayTV, you will need to attach a controller cable so ReplayTV can change the channels on either of these components. The controller, either a serial cable or an IR blaster cable, will act as a remote control for these components. Connecting the Serial Cable If your satellite receiver or cable box supports serial cable, use the provided serial cable as a controlling cable. Connect the serial cable to the SERIAL connector on ReplayTV and to the serial port on your cable box or satellite receiver. If your receiver uses a 15pin serial connector, use the supplied 15-pin to 9-pin adapter. If you have a satellite receiver that uses telephone cable in place of serial cable, you wilt need to use the R J-11 to 9-pin adapter to connect the satellite receiver to ReplayTV. RCA models DRD221RD, DRD222RD, DRD223RD, and DS2122RD wilt all require this adapter. Connecting the IR Blaster Use the IR blaster if your satellite receiver or cable box does not support serial cable. Locate the infrared detector on your cable box or satellite receiver The infrared emitter at the end of the 1R blaster must be placed directly over the infrared detector on your cable box or satellite receiver. The infrared detector receives the signals from the ReplayTV remote control. 10 Infrared Emitters If the infrared detector on the unit is not labeled, follow these steps: 1 2 Refer to the owner's manual of your cable box Look for an area of dark, nearly opaque plastic look closely into it. You may be able to see the should see a small square frame with a reddish Skip to "Connect and affix the IR blaster." 3 Shine a flashlight through the dark plastic area on the front of the unit. If you see the infrared detector, skip to "Connect and affix the 1R blaster." 4 Using the remote control for your cable box or satellite Do not use the ReplayTV remote control. 5 With the remote unit. 6 Try to turn the power on and off. If you succeed, tor. ? Move your hand to a different place on the front of the unit and repeat steps 5 and 6. Keep repeating in this manner until you cannot turn the power on and off. At this point, your hand is covering the infrared detector. Connect and affix the IN blaster 1 2 Plug the 1R blaster into the 1R BLASTER connector on the back of ReplayTV. Peel off the protective cover from one of the emitters on the 1R blaster. This will expose the adhesive material on the infrared emitter for placement onto your cable box or satellite receiver. 3 @d_ or satellite receiver. It may be shown there. on the front of the unit. If you find this area, infrared detector behind it. If it is visible, you area in the center. This is the infrared detector. receiver, turn the power on and off. control in one hand, place the other hand over one section of the front of the your hand is not covering the infrared detec- Affix the adhesive side of the infrared emitter to the dark plastic area directly over the center of the infrared detector. ° i,_o Locating the infrared detector unused emitter awaydevice, from any If you only wantbehind Replay the TV equipment, to control one hide detectors. the II$*W After you have connected the 1R blaster, you wilt need to provide ReptayTV with the setup code number for your cable box or satellite receiver. You wilt do this during the on-screen Quick Setup process. Affixing the 1R blaster 11 Completing the On-screen Setup After completing all the connections to your components and home network (if you chose to do so), you will need to complete ReplayTV's on-screen setup process. The setup process requires you to indicate the following: If you are using a broadband Your Zip code so ReptayTV The components connected or modem connection will receive the correct channels and the cables used to complete The setup code for your cable box or satellite :: Home Network receiver, for your area the connections if used, so ReplayTV can change the channels on these components Connections If you have a home network, you can connect ReplayTV to it using the ETHERNET connection. This connection will allow you to send recordings to other ReplayTV 4000/4500' and 5000 users, watch shows recorded on another ReplayTV in your home, and transfer photos from your PC to ReplayTV. The following sections provide instructions for setting up ReptayTV to use the networking features. Refer to "Advanced Features" on page 49 to learn how to use the features. ReplayTV needs its own 1P address to communicate with other devices on your network. It wilt automatically search for an IP address during the first-time Quick Setup process, lfan IP address is not automatically found, you will have to enter it manually. _d _ models will su_rt be available in the future. and Please check "www.sonieblue. information. * S_ftware f_r vide_ sharing streaming between ReplayTVcom/replaytv 5_ m_dels"forandupdate ReplayTV 4_/45_ lf you conneet ReplayTV direetly to the phonejaek in your home, the photo, send show, and in-home networking ,features are not available. Connecting 1 2 ReplayTV to an Existing Network If you are connecting ReplayTV to a broadband network, plug an Ethernet cable into the ETHERNETjack on ReplayTV an available Ethemet jack on your network (on a wall, hub, switch, or router). Turn ReplayTV on. It will automatically request an IP address from the network. You will see the Quick Setup screen. If ReplayTV does not find a DHCP server, it will present you with a screen to manually configure the network and to connection. You will need to enter the 1P address, Subnet Mask, Gateway address and DNS Server address. It is recommended that you use the DNS entries provided by your ISP and not the 1P address of your router. See "Entering Networking Information Manually on ReplayTV" on page 17 if necessary. 3 After a successful 4 If you have firewall software installed or a router with a built-in firewatl, See "Configuring Ports for Sending Recordings" on page 16. 12 test, you wilt be asked to enter your ZIP code and continue with setup. you should verify the router is configured properly. Connecting ReplayTV to a Cable Modem Using a router to connect ReplayTV to your cable modem is recommended. The router will allow you to share your cable modem without needing additional IP addresses from your lnternet Service Provider (ISP). Also, your 1SP may require that you log on or use special software on your PC in order to access the lnternet. Consult your ISP for requirements. Refer to the following connection examples for details. Connecting to a router 1 Use a recommended router that your 1SP supports and connect it directl to your cable modem. (See "Recommended Routers'_on page 15.) If you have a single-port router, you wilt also need a hub or a switch to connect 2 3 more than one device" tofortheReplayTV. router. Verify the routerrm is configuredproperly See that, Configu " g Ports for Sending Recordings" on page 16. Turn on your router. Refer to the router's user guide to set up the router. The default configuration of the router is normally sufficient. By default, most routers have DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) enabled for automatically assigning IP addresses. You can connect ReplayTV directly to the router, or to a hub or switch that is connected to the router. Refer to "Connecting ReplayTV to an Existing Network" on page 12 to complete the setup. ReplayTV Hub/Switch {Optionall Hub/Switch (Optional} Cable Modem 13 Connecting to a hub or switch (no router) If you are connecting ReplayTV directly to a hub or switch that is connected to your cable modem, you wilt need an 1P address from your 1SP for ReplayTV. Before setting up ReplayTV, you should verify with your ISP that a device like ReplayTV is supported. You may need to specify the IP address on ReplayTV. 1 2 Verify that there is no special software or log on required for lnternet access. Verify that no settings other than the IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway address, and DNS Server address are required. (For example, some broadband connections require that a DNS suffix be entered on your PC for lnternet access to work.) 3 Check to see if your 1SP requires the MAC address of devices like ReplayTV for Internet connectivity. (Some ISPs require the MAC address of a network device in order to automatically assign it an 1P address. See "Determining the ReplayTV MAC (Media Access Control) Address" on page 18.) 4 Refer to "Connecting setup. Connecting ReplayTV directly to an Existing Network" to a cable on page 12 to complete RepJayTV Hub/Swish the modem If you are connecting ReplayTV directly to a cable modem, you need to have an additional IP address from your ISP for ReplayTV. Before setting up ReplayTV, you should verify with your ISP that a device like ReplayTV is supported. You may need to specify the lP address on ReplayTV. Cable Modem 1 2 Verify that there is no special software or log on required for lnternet access. Verify that no settings other than the IP address, Subnet Mask, Gateway address, and DNS Server address are required. example, some broadband connections require that a DNS suffix be entered on your PC for Internet access to work.) 3 Check to see if your 1SP requires the MAC address of devices like ReplayTV for Internet connectivity. (Some 1SPs require the MAC address of network devices in order to automatically assign it an lP address. See "Determining the ReptayTV MAC (Media Access Control) Address" on page 18.) 4 Refer to "Connecting 14 ReplayTV to an Existing Network" on page 12 to complete the setup. (For Connecting ReplayTV to a DSL Modem Connecting ReptayTV to a DSL modem is the same as connecting it to a cable modem ReplayTV to a Cable Modem" on page 13 with the following additions. with a few exceptions. Refer to "Connecting The DSL modem you own might be a DSL router. If you are not sure, contact your 1SP or DSL modem provider. If it is a router, it can automatically assign an IP address to ReplayTV. If you have PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethemet) DSL (you have to log on through software before you can access the Intemet), you cannot connect ReptayTV directly to your DSL modem unless it is also a router. PPPoE accounts require that the user log on with a usemame and password. Software is normally provided for your computer to do this. If you purchase a router to use with your PPPoE account, verify that it supports PPPoE. Router Setup The default settings for routers are normally sufficient for ReplayTV to connect to the ReplayTV Service for the daily Channel Guide listings and occasional software updates. Follow the instructions below if you are experiencing connection issues or if you intend to share your recordings with other ReptayTVs. Recommended Ronters Make Model Nelgear RT311 Netgear RP114 SMC Barricade SMC7004BR Linksys BEFW 11$4 i,_o 1 2 If you are not manually specifying the IP address on ReplayTV, verify that DHCP is enabled on your router. You should specify the IP address of ReplayTV if you are sharing recordings. Some routers will allow you to automatically assign the same IP address to devices like ReplayTV. It is recommended that you enable this feature for ReplayTV, if it is available to you. Verify that DNS is enabled on your router and the proper DNS entries have been added. These would have been provided by your ISP. If the IP address of the router is specified (this is the external IP address), double-check the DNS entries from your ISP. 3 Verify that the router does not block ReptayTV's 1P address. This setting can normally be found in the advanced "access" controls. Some routers have a table listing which 1P addresses are allowed to use the router for Internet 4 Verify that TCP ports 53 (DNS), 123 (NTP), 80 (HTTP) those ports are blocked by default. are open. Your router documentation section under access. should indicate whether or not 15 i €III II$*W i>¢a 5 When you first go to the ReplayTV lnternet Address Book, you are asked to open a port number on your router. This is only required if you will be sending recordings to other ReplayTVs. The port number must be associated with the 1P address of ReplayTV. If you have multiple ReplayTVs, each must use a different port to share recordings. Configuring Ports for Sending Recordings Sending recording to other ReplayTVs requires a port to be forwarded through your router (or firewall) for incoming network connections. You can normally specify the incoming port number, port type, destination IP address, and port status when configuring a port. The following are example configuration settings. Refer to your router documentation for more complete instructions. Incoming Port Number: This can be any port that is not in use by another high port number like 29000. Port Type: your choices are normally Both, TCP, and UDR Choose application. It is recommended that you choose a TCR Destination 1P address: Enter the IP address that the port should be associated with or mapped to. This will be the 1P address of ReplayTV. It is recommended that you specify the IP address of ReplayTV for sending recordings. Port Status: Enable or Disable. Choose Enable. In the Advanced section of your router setup software, you may find either a Port Forwarding page, you wilt need to enter the port information described above. Filters or Virtual Server section. On this and Rules Some routers allow you to create filters and define rules for opening ports and forwarding 1P information. Within these rules and filters, you would enter the same information as you would on a Port Forwarding or Virtual Server page. Depending ReplayTV ReplayTV. 16 on your router, it might be necessary to add the IP address of ReplayTV to the DMZ host page. This will place outside of the firewatl. This may be necessary if the router is not properly routing the information it receives to Check your router manual for more details on when using DMZ is appropriate. Using ReplayTV with Firewall Software Sending recording to other ReplayTVs requires a port to be forwarded through your router (or firewall) for incoming network connections. If you have a firewatl on your computer or network, it needs to be configured properly or ReplayTV wilt not be able to receive Channel Guide listings and software updates from the ReplayTV Service. If you do not know how to open ports on your firewalt software, refer to the documentation that shipped with the software. 1 2 3 Verify that TCP ports 53 (DNS), 123 (NTP), 80 (HTTP) are open. Your firewatl those ports are blocked by default. Verify that the IP address that ReptayTV uses is not blocked. documentation should indicate whether or not If you are sharing recordings with other ReplayTVs, you will need to open a port to receive shows. When you first go to the ReplayTV lnternet Address Book, you are asked to open a port number on your router. This is the port that needs to be open on your firewatl software. It is recommended that you use a high port number like 29000. Entering Networking Information Manually 1 2 Press Menu on the remote control and choose Setup. Choose Network and Input Settings from the Setup menu. 3 Choose Change Network. 4 Choose Change from Automated Determining the on ReplayTV to Manual and enter the information. ReplayTV IP Address The IP address you specify on ReplayTV must be in the same range as the 1P addresses of other computers or devices on the same network, but not identical. For example, if the 1P address of your computer is with a Subnet Mask of, then the ReptayTV 1P address may be 192.168.0.x, where x can be any number from 2 to 254. No other device on your network can use the same 1P address as ReptayTV. What you base the ReplayTV information on depends on the configuration of your network. If ReptayTV is connected to a router, then you need to collect the network information router. It does not matter if there is a hub between ReplayTV and the router. If ReplayTV is connected You will need to purchase to a Cable Modem or DSL Modem, then the network a separate IP address for ReplayTV. If ReplayTV directly to your PC or through is connected i,_o from the router or a PC connected information a hub, then you need the network to the II$*W you need is provided information by your ISR from the network card. 17 Determining Every Ethemet the ReplayTV device has a unique hardware MAC (Media Go to the DOS or Command prompt on your PC. Type "Ping (ReptayTV's 1P address)" and press Enter. 3 Type "Arp -a" and press Enter. You will see a list of hardware addresses ReplayTV's IP address. the Router and associated 1P addresses. software Mac address. Look for the hardware and LAN (Internal) IP address. If you are specifying wilt come from the LAN settings. that shipped with your router. It normally address associated with that shipped the 1P address on ReptayTV, settings on your router. For most routers, all you with your router to check its IP settings. If you have a PC connected to the router, you can use IPCONF1G or W1N1PCFG on your PC to get the IP information need. See "Finding your Computer's Network Information" on page 19 for further details. 18 the has the default IP settings. If supported, use Netscape or Internet Explorer to took at the configuration need to do is enter the IP address of the router into your Web browser. Use the included Address IP Address Your router will have both a WAN (External) information you will use to set up ReptayTV Check the documentation Control) number. Follow these steps to find the ReplayTV 1 2 Finding Access you will Finding your Computer's Network Information If your home network does not have a DHCP server (a router, for example), you will need to manually ReplayTV. You can use the network information from your computer to determine what the 1P address steps to find this information for common computer systems. Windows 9x or set the 1P address on should be. Following are Millennium 1 2 Go to the Start menu on your PC and select Run. Type WINIPCFG and select OK. 3 Select the correct network adapter from the menu. The network adapter from which you collect information router) as ReplayTV. must be connected to ReplayTV or to the same network (e.g., hub or Go to the Command prompt on your PC and type IPCONF1G/all. The network adapter from which you collect information must be connected router) as ReplayTV. to ReplayTV or to the same network (e.g., hub or Windows Windows 2000 g XP 1 2 3 Go to the network and dialup connections Select the appropriate LAN connection. Double-click on the LAN connection. 4 Click on the Support button. The information for that adapter wilt display in the window. The network adapter from which you collect information must be connected to ReplayTV router) as ReplayTV. Windows folder. i,_o or to the same network (e.g., hub or or to the same network (e.g., hub or NT Go to the Command prompt on your PC and type IPCONFIG/all The network adapter from which you collect information must be connected router) as ReplayTV. to ReplayTV i €III Macintosh These instructions do not apply to Mac OS X. 1 2 Go to the Apple menu. Select Control PaneLs. 3 Select TCP/IR The information Some older Macintosh computers you need is located here: IP address, may have a MacTCP Subnet Mask, Gateway address (router), DNS address. control panel instead of a TCP/IP control panel. 19 20 Chapter 3 :: About Menu Setup Navigation The following keys are used to display and navigate ReplayTV menus: • Press to move up the list of menu items. • Press to move down the list of menu items. Press to move right and to change menu options. • Press to move backward through menu options. Select Press to display a menu or option and confirm menu settings. Exit Press to dismiss a menu or screen. i,ao Menu navigation i €:ll keys iI$*w 21 •". Main Menu Use the Main Menu to access ReplayTV's main features. Press the Menu button to display the Main Menu. Channel Guide: The Channel Guide is ReplayTV's on-screen program guide. The Channel Guide provides 12 days of current television listings for all of the TV channels you receive. See "Accessing the Channel Guide" on page 33 for more information on the Channel Guide. Replay Guide: Every show you schedule to record and every recorded show is stored in the Replay Guide. The Replay Guide is where to go to play, and delete recorded programs. See "Using the Replay Guide" on page 45 for more information. Photo Viewer: Use the Photo Viewer to view digital photos copied from your PC to ReplayTV. See "Using the Photo Viewer" on page 56 for more information. Find Shows: Use Find Shows to quickly locate shows that you would like to record using keywords. for more information. See "Find Shows" on page 38 Manual Record: Set up time-based recordings that are independent "Using Manual Record" on page 40 for more information. using Manual Record. of Channel Replay Zones: Use Replay Zones to quickly find shows within specific "Replay Zones" on page 39 for more information. Guide programming categories, such as movies, sports, and sitcoms. Messages: The ReplayTV Service will send messages about important news, and the latest features and enhancements they become available. You wilt receive a welcome message after you complete the on-screen setup of ReplayTV. Setup: 22 Use Setup to customize ReplayTV. See "Setup Menu" on page 23 for more information. See See as soon as •". Setup ReplayTV Menu Name Change the name of your local ReptayTV. Naming your ReplayTV is only necessary home network. You may name each ReptayTV a name of your choice. Internet Identity and Change your local ReptayTV's page 52. Default Record Address if you have more than one ReplayTV Book lnternet identity and manage Address Book entries. See "Accessing Playback and Book" on Input Update the A/V and networking networking equipment. how many episodes of a show are kept Options Set default for every recorded show to play back with or without commercials MERCIAL ADVANCE" on page 53. Network the lnternet Address Options Change the current recording options. This includes the quality at which shows are recorded, before being replaced by the next episode, and in which category a show is stored. Default on your using COMMERCIAL ADVANCE. See "COM- Settings information you provided i,_o during the on-screen setup process, or if you later add or remove A/V or You can also choose this option to change between use of a phone line and Ethernet connection. (For example, if you purchased your ReplayTV 5000 and use the telephone line to receive Channel Guide listings and then later add a broadband network to your home.) Choose Switch Connection from the Setup Summary screen if you switch from modem to Ethernet use. Video Output Settings Select the TV channel to use for viewing ReplayTV video output if you connect ReplayTV to your TV using the OUT TO TV connector. If you use the Progressive Video Out, select the video format supported by your television or monitor. Screen Saver and Pause Screen Choose which photos are used when the screen saver is displayed Pause Screen" on page 54 for more information. and when you press the Pause button. See "Screen Saver and 23 / Parental Control Parental Control offers you the ability to block video and audio of live TV shows or recorded shows based on the show rating or content. In addition, it allows blocking of speci±% channels. Once you access Parental Control, a screen will be displayed where you will be able to create or edit your 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number). Once you have created a new PIN or entered the correct PIN a new screen will be displayed with the following options: • Ratings and Content Settings Choose which movie ratings, TV ratings, mat content to block. Unmted lions of all movie and TV ratings are easily accessible. • Change Channel shows can also be blocked, ln£o Screens with de±_ni- Restrictions Block specific chmmels. Chamlel blocks have priority over "rating" and "content" blocks. It_ £or example, you unblock a channel, you remove all blocks until you change to another channal. All blocks would again be active when you return to the channel. • Turn On/OffPat_ental Turn Parental Control Control on/off. • Change PIN a screen where the PIN can be edited, • Display Exit Exit the Parental Cd_ Control screen. the settings on your 774 * override When Parental Controls are emTbled on Replay77( Add or Remove tlue settings Channels Add or remove channals fi'om ReplayTV's Ch_mel Guide. This feature is handy £or removing or channals that are inappropriate £or some viewers. MyReplayTV Registration Sign up to use MyReplayTV, Privacy which allows you to schedule recordings Policy View the currenI. Privacy Policy, 24 fl"om the Web. channels that you do not subseribe to System Information View tile system information for your ReplayTV. This screen lists: tile version o±"so'ware your ReplayTV is using tile Serial Number o£)'our ReplayTV tile lntemet Set'a] Number of your Rep]ayTV tile Inbound Port Number, ]±"set tile ReplayTV Service Key £or Service Activation :: Remote Control Setup Fo]low tilese steps m program the remote contro] m operate your television, TVi_,rCR combo or TV!DVD combo. When programmed, the ReplayTV remote will control your TV's power and volume. 1 Press and hold the IVluteand TV (Power) buaons _ltil tile LED blinks _a,ice. 2 Enter the 4-digit code for your br,md of television (see listings on pages 26-28). For example, £or Sony, press Mute and TV (power) simultaneously, and tilen press 0-0-0-0. Ira valid code has been entered, tile LED at tile top of tile remote will blink re,ice. If an invalid code has been entered, tilere will be one long blink and the remote will revert to tile previously programmed code. 3 To test the code, press the TV (Power) buaon on the remote control. If your TV turns on/off, progwammJng is complete. If your TV does not turn on/oft] try atlotiler code £or your brand o±'talevJsJon. Not all TVs can be programmed. Cd_ * To clear all settings, press Mute + TV(Power), then press 9-8-1. 25 Remote Control 3M 0737 A-Mark 0003 AOC 0030, 0019, 0003, 0052, 0137, 0185 Abex 0032 Admiral 0093, 0463 Advent 0761 Adventnra 0046 Aik 0092 Ahva 0701 Akai 0030, 0098, 0591 Alaron 0179, 0183,0216 Ambassador 0177 America Action 0180 Ampro 0751 Anam 0180, 0004, 0009, 0068 Anam National 0055, 0161 Apex Digital 0748 Archer 0003 Audmae 0391 Audlovox 0451,0180, 0003, 0092, 0623 Barco 0410, 0479 Baysonic 0180 Bcleor 0019 Bell & Howell 0154, 0016 Bradford 0180 Broelo_'ood 0019 Broksonic 0236, 0463, 0003, 0426, 0642 Bush 0355 CCE 0037, 0217, 0329 CXC 0180 Candle 0030, 0056, 0046, 0186 Carnivale 0030 Carver 0054, 0170 Casio 0611 26 Setup Codes Cdebri_" 0000 Cineral 0451, 0092 Citron 0060, 0030, 0056, 0039, 0046, 0092, 0186, 0280, 0561 Clairtone 0185 Compaq 0749, 0750 Concerto 0056 Contee 0180, 0157, 0158, 0185 Craig 0180, 0161 Croslcy 0054 Cm_va 0180, 0039, 0672 Curtis Malhes 0047, 0054, 0154, 0051, 0451,0093, 0060, 0030, 0145, 0056, 0016, 0039, O166, 0415, 0466, 0702, 0747 Daewoo 0451, 0019, 0039, 0066, 0067, 0091,0092, 0623, 0624 l)a)tron 0019 Denon 0145, 0511 Dumont 0017, 0019 lhsSn 0720, 0774 ll_ynateeh 0049 Ectee 0391 Eiki 0735 Electroband 0000, 0185 Elcctrohomc 0381, 0389, 0409, 0446 Emerson 0154, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0282, 0178, 0019, 0179, 0039, 0038, 0158, 0177, 0181, 0182, 0183, 0185, 0270, 0280, 0623, 0624 Emision 0030 F_isher 0154, 0159 Focus 0711 Pujitsu 0179, 0643, 0683 F_mal 0180, 0179, 0171 Futurctech 0180 Gg 0047, 0051, 0451, 0093, 0282, 0178, 0021, 0055, 0027, 0029, 0135, 0138, O174, 0251, 0279, 0747 Gibralter 0017, 0030, 0019 GoldStar 0030, 0178, 0019, 0056, 0001, 0002, 0032, 0106, 0409 Goodmans 0360 Gradlente 0053, 0056, 0170, 0392 Grundlg 0037, 0195 Grunpy 0180, 0179 Hallmark 0178 Harl_ Davidson 0179, 0043 Harman_ardon 0054, 0078 Harvard 0180, 0068 Hauppauge 0693 Havermy 0093 Hitachi 0145, 0056, 0016, 0032, 0038, 0095, 0097, 0151, O173, 0227, 0279, 0409, 0413, 0576, 0577, 0583 lnFocus 0736, 0738, 0739, 0741,0752, 0759 Infinity. 0054 lnnova 0037 lnteq 0017 BI_L 0054 JCB 0000 JVC 0053, 0036, 0069, O160, O169, 0182 Janell 0046 Jensen 0050 KEC 0180 KMC 0106 KFV 0180, 0030, 0039, 0183, 0185, 0217, 0280 Kamp 0216 Kawasho 0158, 0216, 0308 Kaypani 0052 Kcnwood 0030, 0019 Kloss 0024, 0046, 0078 Konka 0628, 0632, 0638, 0703, 0707 LG 0056, 0442 LXI 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, 0148, 0747 Loew¢ 0136, 0633, 0693, 0694 Logik 0016 Luxman 0056 MEI 0185 MGA 0150, 0030, 0178, 0019, 0155 MFC 0060, 0030, 0019, 0056, 0049, 0091, O185, 0216 Magnavox 0054, 0030, 0179, 0020, 0024, 0028, 0036, 0096, 0186, 0187, 0230, 0386 Majestic 0016, 0015 Maran_ 0054, 0030, 0037, 0444 Matsushita 0250 Megatron 0178, 0145, 00if3 Mcmorcx 0154, 0250, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0179, 0056, 0016, 0106 Mercury 0001 Midland 0047, 0017, 0051, 0039, 0032, 0135, 0747 Minu_ 0021 Mitsubishi 0093, 0150, 0178, 0019, 0014, 0098, O155, 0331, 0358, 0592 Motorola 0093, 0055 Multiteeh 0180, 0049, 0217 NAI) 0156, 0178, 0166 NEC0030, 0019, 0056, 0036, 0170, 0434, 0455, 0497, 0704 NqC 0092 Netsat 0037 Nikko 0030, 0178, 0092, 0317 Nisain 0391 Noblex 0430 Noshi 0018 On Command 0531,0876 Onwa 0180 Optimus 0154, 0250, 0166 Opti_i_, 0756 Optonica 0093, 0165 Orion 0236, 0463, 0179 Ovation 0734 Panasonic 0250, 0051, 0055, 0162, 0226, 0338, 0375 Penney 0047, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030, 0178, 0021, 0019, 0018, 0056, 0039, 0002, 0003, 0027, 0032, 0110, 0135, 0138, 0149, 0309, 0747 PMIco 0054, 0463, 0030, 0145, 0019, 0020, 0028, 0096, 0302 Philips 0054, 0037 Pilot 0030, 0019, 0039 Pioneer 0038, 0166, 0172, 0679 Portland 0019, 0039, 0092 Princeton 0685, 0700, 0717 Prism 0051 ProPresenter 0728, 0733 Proscan 0047, 0747 Proton0178,0003,0031,0052, 0466 Proxima 0734, 0735, 0737, 0742,0743 PulsarO017,0019 Quasar0250,0051,0165, 0055,0219 RCA0047,0051, 0093,0019, 0018,0029,0038,0090,0135, 0174,0254, 0278,0679, 0747 Radio Shack0047,0154,0165, 0180,0030,0178,0019,0056, 0039,0032,0409,0747 Realist_ 0154,0165,0180, 0030,0178,0019,0056,0039, 0032 Rhapsody0183,0185,02]6 Rtmeo 0017, 0030, 0251,0494, 0497,0603,0612 SKY 0037 SSS 0180,0019 Sampo0030,0039,0032,0052, 0100,0110 Samsung 0060, 0030, 0178, 0019,0056,0032,0037,0329, 0408,0427,0482,0702 Samsux0039 Sansd 0451 Sansui0463 Samdo 0154, 0088, 0107, 0146, 0159,0232, 0484 Seim_su 0019 Scotch 0178 Sco_ 0236,0180,0178,0019, 0179,0309 Sears0047,0054,0154,0156, 0178,0179,0056,0015,0146, 0148,0149,0159,0168,0171, 0281,0747 Semis'ox 0180 Semp 0156 Sharp 0093, 0165, 0039, 0153, 0157,0220,0281, 0386,0398, 0491,0688,0689 Shogun 0019 Siguatm_0016 Simpson 0186,0187 Sinud)ate0347 Sony0000, 0011, 0080, 0111, 0273,0353,0699 Soundesign0180, 0178, 0179, 0186 Spectrieon 0003, 0137 Squareview0171 Starfite 0180 Supre-Ma_0046 Supreme 0000 Sylvania 0054,0030,0020, 0028,0065,0096,0171,0381 S_Tnphonic 0180, 0171 TMK0178,0056,0177 qNCi 0017,0709 qandy0093 qashiko 0588 q_Omg 0055, 0003, 0049, 0396 qcehn_s0250,0051 qcehnolAce 0179 q¢chnovox 0007 q¢chwood 0051, 0056,0003 qCklaika0054, 0180, 0150, 0060,0019, 0179,0056,0016, 0039,0092, 0175,0186,0312, 0322 q¢_funkcn 0056, 0074, 0101, 0702 q¢_magie 0735 qcra0031 q:homson 0209,0210 q0shiba 0154,0156,0060, 0036,0149 q_soraic 0185 q_tevision 0039 q_ica10157 Ultra0391 Universal 0027 %cctor Research 0030 %ietor0053 _ideo Concepts 0098 %1dillon0054,0242 %idteeh 0178, 0019, 0036 Viking 0046, 0312 Wards0054,0165,0030,0178, 0021,0019, 0179,0056,0016, 0020,0027,0028,0029,0080, 0096,0111, 0174,0202 Waycon 0156 WhiteWestinghouse 0463, 0623,0624 Yamaha 0030, 0019 Zenith 0017, 0463, 0016, 0092, 0624 Zonda0003 27 Setup Codes for TV/ VCR _ombinations Setup_ for TV/ DVD Comoinations Aiwa 0680 Broksonic 0479 Citron 0278 Colt 0072 Dacwoo 0278 Emerson 0278, 0479 Funai 0000 GE 0240 GoldStar 0037 l_roksoni¢ Harley l)avidson Hitachi 0000 0000 Lloyd's 0000 Magnasonic 0278, 0593 Magnavox 0081, 0000 Magnin 0240 Memorcx 0162, 0037 Opfimus 0162, 0593 Orion 0479 Panasonic 0162 Pcnncy 0037, 0240 Quasar 0162 RCA 0240 Sansui 0000, 0479 Sanyo 0240 Scars 0037, 0000 Sony. 0032, 0000 Syh'ania 0081 Symphonic 0000, 0593 q_)shiba 0845 White Westinghouse 0278 Zenith 0000, 0479, 0637 28 Konka 0695 0719, 0720 Philips 0854 RCA 1022 Sansui 0695 Syh, ania 0821 Foshiba 0695, 1045 Chapter Basic 4 Operations :: Basic Operations ReplayTV gives you the power to watch television the way you have always watlted. Create your ox_l chatmels, watch only what you want to watch, atal do it all on your ox_l schedule-not someone else_s, xi%u can also control what you are watching like never belbre. Show Watching Options Pause live television Rewind and fast forward Create slow-motion Bypass unwanted replays progwamming 30 seconds at a time using QaickSkip See _.n instant replay with the press of a button Show Recording Options Record what you are currendy Record watching every episode o±'your _avor_te shows Find shows to record Record fix)m categories Record segments based on a keyword of shows ReplayTV makes recording )'oar favorite shows easy. ReplayTV lets you quickly ±_nd and record single shows, continuously record ever)' episode o±'yoar t_avorite shows, atal record shows based on themes you create or fix)m Replay Zones--categories of shows orgatfized and apdated by the ReplayTV Service. If you have more thatl one Rep]ayTV _d_ on )'oar local ne_,ork, you carl watch a show in one room that was recorded in atlother room. cable,ReplaylT box and/ordoes satellite receiver * your AIdrough not need to be must on to remain record on. television, 29 :: Controlling Live Television Tile _oment you turn on ReplayTV and your TV, ReplayTV automatically begins recording and temporarily preserves the recording on its hard d_ve. ReplayTV will continue to record even if you delay the bro',vzlcast by using tile pause, rewind, or Instam Replay features. Recording only stops when you change channels and begin watching a differem show. Pausing live TV and Recorded Shows ReplayTV_s pause ±'eature lets you attend to interruptions without missing a moment of your _avor_te show. You can pause whatever you're watching, whether Ws a live television bro',vzlcast or a recorded show in tile Replay Guide. When you pause a live broadcast, ReplayTV will continue recording it on the hard d_ve, so you won't miss a single moment. 1 2 Press Pause on tile ReplayTV remote comrol. After you press Pause, an on-screen message will appear to indicate the remaining Press Play to continue playing tile program pause time available. from tile point you paused. or 3 Press Return to Live to return to the live bro'ivzlcast. Pause options include: Press Display to view progwam information. Press Exit to remove tile on-screen display. Press FAST FORWARD to use tile flrame advance Using Rewind and Fast feature. Forward ReplayTV gives you the power to Rewind or Fast Forward tilrougb botil live and recorded programs. When using Rewind and Fast Forward, remember how ReplayTV works: ReplayTV is always recording, but recording will stop, and then start again, whenever you change channels, You cannot rewind a program to a point before you started watching it, nor can you ±hst forward a program to a point beyond tile live broadcast. To use Rewind while watching a show: 1 Press Rewind for lx rewind. 2 3 Press Rewind Press Rewind again for 2x rewind. again for 4x rewind. 4 Press Rewind again for ] 6x rewind. 5 Press Rewind again for 20x rewind. 6 Press Play, Stop, or Fast Forward 3O to stop rewinding. To use Fast Forward while watching a show: 1 Press Fast Forward for ] x fast %rward, 2 Press Fast Forward again %r 2x Fast forward. 3 Press Fast Forward again for 4x Fast forward. 4 Press Fast Forward again for 16x Fast forward. 5 Press Fast Forward again for 20x Fast forward. 6 Press Play, Stop, or Rewind to stop fast forwarding. Using Multispeed ReplayTV lets you watch both live and recorded To use Multispeed Slow Motion programs Slow Motion while watching 1 2 Press Play for lx slow motion. Press Fast Forward for 2x slow motion. 3 Press Fast Forward 4 Press Rewind a show: to move back one slow motion speed, Slow Motion: 1 Press Play m playback Or 2 Press Return to Live to return to the live broadcast, Using slow _otion. again for 3x slow motion. (if in 2x or 3x slow motion) To stop Maltispeed in m_hispeed Frame at normal speed. Advance Frame Advance lets you watch live or recorded programs a single fi:a_e at a time. This is a great feature for fast-moving such as sporting events, when you want to slow things down and see ever)' flame. To use Frame Advance 1 Press Pause. while watching scenes, a show: 2 Press Fast Forward to advmlce a single flame. 3 Repeatedly press Fast Forward to advance fi:arue-by-fi:arue. To stop Frame Advance: 1 Press Play to resume Or playback at nodal speed. 2 Press Return to Live to return to the live bro',k-lcast. 31 Using Instant Replay The Instant Replay fea_lre lets you jump back seven seconds during a live or recorded show. It's the perfect way to ensure you don't miss a single word o£ dialogue ill your favo_te movie, or i£you want to watch a great play over again at the touch o£ a bu_ton. You can also use tile number buttons to,amp back a speci±_c number o£minutes. tile Instant Replay button will jump back exactly 10 minutes. To use Instant 1 2 Replay while watching For example, pressing tile numbers 1-0 and tilen a show: Press Instant Replay on tile ReplayTV remote control. Press Retura to Live if you want to return to the live broadcast. Using QuickSkip You can use the QuickSkip feature to quickly jump 30 seconds ahead daring live or recorded shows. QuickSkip is perfect £or _u_ping past commereials and undesired scenes witiloat [laving to watch them as you would using fast £orward. QuickSkip can only be used daring live broadcasts i±'you are watching tile show delayed by more tilan 30 seconds. You can also use tile number buttons to_u_p ahead a specit_c number tile QuickSkip bu_ton will _u_p allead exactly l t) minutes. 1 2 o£minutes. the numbers 1-0 and then Jump Use Jump to move quickly between tile channel you are currently watching be_,een two recorded shows and a recorded show and a live show. To use Jump while watching and tile last charalel displayed. This includes _umping a show: Press Jump to move to tile last channel displayed. Press Jump again to retain to tile chamlel you were watching. You can also go to an exact poin_ in a show using hlmp. For example, 1-0 and tilen file Jump button. 32 pressing Press QuickSkip. If you skip for_,ard too far, simply press Instant Replay to _ump back. Using 1 2 For example, to go to the ten minute mark in a show, press tile numbers :: Accessing the Channel Guide Tile Charalel Guide is an interactive, on-screen pro_ar_ guide that lists 12 days of television prograr_ming for all of the channels you receive. ReplayTV receives the latest Charalel Guide info_ation 5"om the ReplayTV Service each day. As long as you keep an active Ethemet or telephone line plagged into ReplayYY. you will always have 12 days of the most current listings available. Program information: When available, program information can include show title, scheduled airtime, episode title, FCC rating; episode description, and actors' Program information haines, Channels Currently selected show Shows on now (blue) Shows C3 la[er (green) Program information includes the time the show ended. ReplaylW will display up to 24/wars of previously broadcast programming: If you missed a s/row you can select it in the Channel Guide and instruct ReplaylW to search for all the episodes that are scheduled to air. Then, you can scluedule Replayl$ r to record a future airing of the sho_*: Channels: Indicates the broadcast station far each particular channel Shows: Shows that have been broadcast appear grey. Slrows tluTt are on now are blue. Shows that are airing in the future are green. 33 Using the Channel Guide 1 Press Channel Or Guide on the ReplayTV 2 Press Menu, then select Channel remote control. Guide. Navigate through file Channel Guide by pressing the Lip, Do_l, Left and Right Arrow buttons. Notice the program changes to display file information for file currently highlighted show. To go to a channel, enter tile channel number To tune to a channel, highEght tile channel and press tile Select bu_ton. and press the Select button. To jump _Jlead 12 hours, press tile Fast Forward To go back 12 hours, press the Rewind button. bugon. To move one screen at a time, press tile Channel See "Channel Guide Shortcuts" Watching a Show Press Channel 2 3 Highlight a blue show. Press Select. ReplayTV Channel A !v buttons. on page 57. that 1 is Currently Airing Guide, will _une directly to tile channel you selected Guide unless anotiler channel ee¢ord options: Adjust file recording Turn off record: Turn off'a scheduled Find all episodes: Locate all episodes Tune to channel options may be available recording. when you press Select with af!_ture options. recording. of tile show that are scheduled "X': Tune your television Exit: Exit tile Channel Guide pop-up menu. 34 is currently Options Depending on file type of ch_mel you have selected, tile tbllowing show (green) highlighted: Record this show: Schedule the selected show to record. Change info_ation to the highlighted to air ill the next 12 days. cha_mel. Viewing Other Show You can see what is showing TV by doing the following: Information later on a channel you are currentiy watching, and see what is on other channels Press any of the Arrow buttons or the Select bu_ton to see information about the show you are curremly Right Arrow button repeatedly to view information about furore shows on the curcent channel. Press the Up Arrow button to see what's Watching Shows Blocked on the next channel by V-Chip while watching watching. live Press the and the Down Arrow button to see what's on the previous channel. Technology Although ReplayTV supports V-Cllip technology, your TV controls the actual V-Chip se_tings. Your TV may display a message that the current program is blocked. If you want to watch or record a show that is blocked, you will need to unlock the parental control on your TV. Refer to your television o_ler_s manual for more info_ation. Watching Shows with ReplayTV records closed caption normally would on your TV. Closed-Captioning in£o_ation. To view the closed captioning for a live or recorded show, enable the ±'eatare as you 35 :: Recording To 1 2 record the live Shows show you are watching: Press Record on file ReplayTV remote control. Set the Record Options, See "Se_ting Record Options" To record a single 1 Press Chaunel Guide, episode 2 3 show (green), Highlight an apcoming Press Record, To record multiple 1 Press C_hauuel Guide, 2 3 Highlight a show, Press Record, 4 Press Record See "Resolving of episodes on page 37 for more information Conflicting Recordings" * Hollow dots represent a show: of a show: on page 42 if you see a Record guaranteed non-guaranteed Conflic_ message recordings, recordings, * One red dot appears next to a show ifReplaylT is scheduled to record a single episode; two red dots appear if Replay77 z is selueduled to record all episodes, Gray dots represent record in its plaee). * $_e "Recording 36 Options. again, * Solid red dots represent * on _/le Record s_spended Ttl)S" onpage recordings 44for (another show will more ir_ormation, when setting up a recording. Setting Record Options There may be times when you want to adjust the Record Options for a specific movies or sporting events at higher quality than television shows. show. For example, you might want to record action When you record a show while watching it, or select a show to record in the Channel Guide, you will need to set the Record Options. See "Ctw_lging the DeFault Record Options" on page 40 for more information on ReplayTV's DeFaul_ Record Options. To change Record Record Record Options, Options highlight the setting and press Select or the Left or Right Arrow buttons on the remote control. Settings Quality: Clloose among Slandard, Slandard: Medium, Uses the least amount of recording Medium: Offers excellem picture and High. space, but records at a level that is not recommended quality but uses more recording for Fast-action shows. space thml Stmalard quality recordings. High: Provides the highest quality recording but uses the most recording space. Notice that the recording space 01ours and minutes available) changes as you adjust the recording quality. The higher the recording quality is set, the less recording space is available for recording. To conserve space, use Uigb sparingly, for example to record Fast-action shows where quality is vital. Guaranteed: is available Choose Yes or No. Yes metals space will be reserved mid it does not conflict with a guaranteed show. Store in Categot'y: Create Select a category, either predefined new Categot'y: Create a new category for this show. No metals file show will record only if space or that you create, to store the recorded for storing recorded Record All Episodes: Choose Yes or No. Yes will set ReplayTV ReplayTV to record only one episode. to record the show every time it is broadcast. Keep: If you select Record All Episodes (Yes), you can set how mmly episodes episode is recorded over the oldest episode. More show. shows. ReplayTV No will set should keep before the most currem Options Access More Options from the Record Options screen to ensure a pro_am will be recorded in its entirety, even if'it runs before or a_er its scheduled time, or if the broadcaster's schedule does not match perfectly with ReplayTV's Ch_mel Guide. You can also choose which days a show will record to minimize conSicts. Extending ReplayTV Adjustable t'ecording time: Some shows do not always stzrt and end at their scheduled times. Set the amo_xlt of _'nne you wan_ to record before or after the scheduled show airs. Options range _om one mim_te to 240 minutes. Recording To change More Options Days: Set recording days. Checked boxes indicate the days of'the week the show will be recorded. se_tings: 1 2 Highlight a Replay channel in the Replay Guide and press the Select button. Select Record Options then choose Mote Options. 3 Adjust the settings and select Done. 37 :: Find Shows ReplayTV can search fllrough tile Channel Guide for shows so you don't have to. Find Shows is tile perfect ±'eatare for those tir_es when there is a show you want to record, but don't know what tir_e or ch_Jmal k is on. You can also use it to find when your favorite show will air next. You can also use Find Shows to search for a show based on a topic, interest, hobby, show title, or Favorite actor or director. Theme-based clw_mels record a speci[% gJnoant ofprog_amr_ing (1/2 hour, 2 hours, etc.) based on keywords thin you choose. 1 2 Press Menu on tile ReplzyTV Select Find Shows, 3 4 Enter one or more keywords. Select Done, 5 6 Set Find Shows options. Select Done, remote control. Rep]ayTV will search through your channel listings for shows _atdling the keyword. If you use _u]tiple keywords, only shows appropriate to both keywords will be listed. Select Change search options if you want to change the keyword or search criteria. 7 Select Create the "Keyword(s)" Theme Channel. You can also highlight just this show, or twice to record all episodes of tile show. 8 9 Set Record Options. See "Se_ting Record Select Done, Your show will be recorded 38 Options" on page 3 7 for _ore at tile scheduled time. an individual show and press REC once to record inforr_ation. :: Replay Zones You can quickly and easily find what's hold a specil_c _Jno_x)t of programming Non-gaaromeed Zone-based on T_. organized in user-fihendly categories, (1/2 hour, 2 hours, etc.). chmmels behave exactly Eke gaar, mteed Zone-based Non-gaar, mteed Zone-based channels will not record Non-guaranteed chmmels will be recorded See "Guaranteed To Record Zone-based and Non-gaar, mteed Recordings" a Show from 1 2 Press Zones on the ReplayTV Select a Replay Zone. 3 Select a category', ReplayTV nel. will search through i£recording using Replay Zones. Zone-based channels channels c_Jl except: space does not permit. over ira gaar, mteed recording needs space. on page 42 for more in£orrr_ation. a Replay Zone: remote control. your channel listings for shows appropriate 4 Select Create Ihe "Zone 5 Set Record Options. marion. 6 Select Done, Your show will be recorded to the chan- Channel," Refer to "Se_ting Record Options" on page 37 for more in£of at _/le scheduled time. When setiing Zone-based Record Options, be sure to Keep enough time to record tlw shows you expect the Zotw to find. For example, if you only keep 30 minutes in the Seienee Fiction Zone eluTnneL the channel will never record a two how" movie. 39 :: Using Manual Record With Manual Record, you can record shows that do not fit into normal programming blocks, such as sporting evems, music videos, 24-hour news streams, or when you only warn to record a few minutes of a show. This feature also allows you to record yo_ home videos 5"om a video camera or VCR so you can watch them using ReplayTV. Recording by date, time and channel Select Manual Record from the Main Menu and follow the on-screen instructions. Choose single or repeat recording, date, time, and charmel. You will also be able to record _rom an input other than tile curren_ input. Recording or VCR and sharing home videos from a video camera 1 2 Select Manual Record from the Main Menu and choose Single Recording. Set the date and tim e you wan_ the recording to begin. Continue to tile screen where you choose which channel to record from, and press Display. 3 Choose tile input souse to which the video camera ReplayTV" on page 10 for more information. 4 Tuna on your video cam era or VCR before tile scheduled 5 ReplayTV will begin recording at the scheduled time you set up. Once tile recording is completed, go to file Replay Guide to watch )'our video. See "Sending Recordings to other ReplayTVs" on page 51 to send your home videos to other ReplayTV 4000, 4500 and 5000 owners. Changing the Default Record or VCR is connected. See "Connecting Press the Menu button on the ReplayTV Select Setup, 3 Select Default 4 5 Adjust tile options. Select Done, 4O Record Options. or VCR to recording tim e you set up. Options IfReplayTV does not require you to set record options when you schedule a show recording, Dei_aalt Record Options. 1 2 a V_deo Camera remote control the show will be recorded using your Cancelling a Recording To cancel a recording be[ore it slarls: 1 2 Press Channel Guide on the ReplayTV remote. Highlight the show you wanZ to cancel. 3 4 You will know it's set to record because Press Select. 5 Select Turn off record To cancel a recording _o_ the on-screen menu. in pt'ogress: Press Stop on _le ReplayTV To delete a recorded at least one red dot will appear next to the show. remote and [bllow file on-screen show in the Replay Guide: 1 2 3 Press Replay Guide on the ReplayTV remote, Highlight the show you wan_ to delete. Press Select. 4 Select Delete. Temporarily instructions, Stopping a Recording Follow these steps i±'you have a recurring theme, zone, or non-guaranteed disable so you can record another show. 1 Press Chamlel Guide on the remote control. 2 Highlight the show you wish to record and press the REC (record) Follow these steps i±'the show you want to temporarily 1 2 Press the Replay Guide bu_ton. Select the Replay channel of the recording 3 Choose 4 Change _le Guaranteed Change record show-based recording that you would like to temporarily bu_ton once. disable is a guaranteed show-based recording. you wish to disable. options. or Record All Episodes se_tings _o_ "Yes" to "No," 41 Resolving ReplayTV recording. Conflicting Recordings allows you to choose what will be recorded when a_tempting to record a show at tile same time as a previously scheduled When recordings conflict, a Record Conflict screen will indicate tilat a conSict has been detected be_,een a currently scheduled recording _ld tile new recording you are se_ting up. I±'you choose to record tile new recording, the previously scheduled recording(s) will be cancelled based on the following rules: New single recording/Scheduled tile Replay Guide. single recording: New single recording/Scheduled celled. eepeatlng New repeating recordlng/Seheduled fi:om tile Replay Guide. In tilis case, the scheduled recording: single recording: recording In this case, only one instance In this case, tile scheduled will be cancelled, o±'the repeating recording removing recording will be c_melled, it fi:om will be canremoving it New repeating recordlng/Seheduled repeating recording: Ill this case, tile scheduled repeating recording will be cancelled for the remaining days currently ill the Channel Guide and the con_Tict will reappear. You may want to see i£one o±'the shows is on at anotiler time. Cdt_ • Replay (;ray dots represent s:_spended repeating recordings. Channels Ever)' show you record becomes a Replay channel and is stored in a category you choose. Show-based and single-record channels store recordings o±'speci±% shows. Zone- and Theme-based channels store recordings based on common Zone or keyword themes. Understanding tile difference batween Show-based recordings and Zone or Theme-based recordings is the key to making sure your ReplayTV records what you want to see most. Guaranteed and Non-guaranteed Recordings Think of recording space on ReplayTV like parking spaces. Guaranteed recordings are given reserved parking spaces as soon as tiley are scheduled. Non-guaranteed recordings do not get reserved spaces and have to t_nd a place to park. Non-guaranteed recordings park in reserved spots, but they will be promptly towed i±'a guaranteed recording needs to park. After all, tile non-guaranteed recording was parking in tile guaranteed recording's spot. 42 Recording Priorities If you have created many Replay The tbllowing 1 2 recording priorities channels, iZis possible are nu_bared Guaranteed Single-record and Show-based recordings Ira change ill television schedules pu_s guaranteed Show-based channel created first will be recorded. Guaranteed Zone- and Theme-based All non-guaranteed If_,o 4 channels recordings with each other. smr_ at the saree tir_e, the show airing on the lowest-nur_bered or more non-guaranteed recordings overlap recording recordings star_ at tile saree time, Show-based Non-guaranteed and Show-based Single-record Show-based Zone- and Theme-based and Single-record times, the show that smr_s first will be recorded. recordings take priori_€ over Zone- and Theme- recordings recordings star_ at the same time, tile show along on tile Replay channel created recordings If _,o or more non-guaranteed Zone- or Theme-based bered Channel Guide charmel will be recorded. Show-based will contlict into a recording conflict with each other, the Replay If_,o or more non-guaranteed based recordings. Non-guaranteed recordings recordings If_,o or more non-guaranteed t_rst will be recorded. 5 two scheduled recordings If_,o or more Guaranteed Zone- or Theme-based Channel Guide channel will be recorded. 3 that eventually ffo_ highest priori_€ to lowest: recordings smr_ at tile same tir_e, tile show along on the lowest-nur_- Channels G_aranteed Show-based channels record every time a show is on at or near the time you speciSed, on tile channel yo_ specit_ed. Recorded Show-based episodes will be recycled to make room for a new episode when tile channel is filll. Single-record Non-guaranteed 1 2 channels will not be recycled Show-based Non-guaranteed Non-guaranteed channels Show-based Show-based If you set a Show-based tile charmel is filll, arltil you delete tilem. behave exactly channels channels channel to record like guaranteed Show-based channels except: will not record if recording space does not permit. will be recycled if'a guaranteed recording needs space. all episodes, tile oldest episode will be recycled to _ke room for a new episode when 43 Theme-based Channels Guaranteed Theme-based channels are designed to hold a specific amounZ of programming (1/2 hour, 2 hours, etc.). Twenty-£our hours afterbeing recorded, the oldest program will be recycled to make room for a new pvo_am when tile channel is fall. Non-guaranteed 1 2 Theme-based Non-guaranteed Non-guaranteed Zone-based channels Theme-based Theme-based behave exactly like guaranteed Zone-based Non-gua_,mteed Non-gua_,mteed Recording channels Zone-based Zone-based Guarantee to hold a specific amoun_ o£programming (1/2 hoar, 2 hours, etc.). Twenty-four will be recycled to make room for a new pvo_am when tile channel is fall. behave exactly like gua_,mteed Zone-based except: Tips follow these recording tips: shows you don't want to miss If you absolutely do not wan_ to miss a show, make sure it is scheduled based recording. Record channels channels will not record i±'recording space does not permit. channels will be recycled i±"a guaranteed recording needs space. To get the most out of ReplayTV, • except: Channels Non-gua_,mteed • channels channels will not record i£recording space does not permit. channels will be recycled ifa guaranteed recording needs space. Guaranteed Zone-based channels are designed hours afterbeing recorded, the oldest program 1 2 Theme-based in High qaallty as a guaranteed Single-recoM or guaranteed Show- sparingly Tile High quality setting provides tile highest quality picture, but uses tile most recording space, Recording in Medium quality should be 'ivzlequate for most o±'your recording needs. The High quality setting is best used for sporting events, ±'ast-action movies, and otiler shows where picture quality is vital. • Delete shows aRcr you watch them To increase tile likelihood tilem. The more available 44 o±'your non-guaranteed shows being recorded, space, the more shows ReplayTV can record. delete shows from the Replay Guide after you watch :: Using the Replay Guide Think of the Replay Guide as your personal television station, broadcasting only file shows you wan_ to watch. You can ±_nd every show that ReplayTV has recorded in tile Replay Guide. From tile Replay Guide, you c_l sche&lle, play, and delete recorded pro_ams. ReplayTV also allows you to place your recorded shows into Categories, either predefined or tilat you create, for easy managemem. Remote ReplayTV Remote Replayl_ Finder: Vtew and play shows _om other in-lrome networked ReplayTVs, This is only available if more than one ReplaylT is on your mtwork, See page 49. Program Information: When available, program information about the slrow is displayed. Care Categories: Choose fi'om provided Categories or create yow" own to store and organize your recorded slrows. Seepage 46. Replay Chmmels Reply, Channels: The channel associated with scheduled and recorded shows. Replay channels control how slrows are recorded. Seepage 46. Recorded Shows: Slrows that have been recorded, Every show tluTt ReplayTVrecords or has selwduled to record can be found in the Replay Guide. Seepage 29. Recorded Shows Available Recording Available Recording Time: Displ_s the amount of recording time currently m.'ailable at the current default record quality. 45 Navigating the Replay Guide 1 Press Replay Guide on the ReplayTV Or 2 Press Menu, then select Replay remote control. Guide. Navigate ti]rough the Replay Guide by pressing the Up, Down, Le_ and R]gh_ Arrow buttons. Press tile Fast Forward and Rewind buttons 5"om anywhere within the Replay Guide to view tile next or previous category. When navigating ti)roagh shows witifin a category, notice the pro_am information changes to display the information for tile currently highlighted show. Use tile Up and Down Arrow butZons to move among Channels and Shows, Categories, at]d tile Remote can also use tile Jump button to quickly go to and 5"om each area within the Replay Guide. _o_ Finderonewill be inaccessible. * Replay Iftlwre TV is only ReplayTTon the network, Category Rename Create Options category,: Change tile name of a category. new categot'y: Add a new category Move left: Move tile category right: Move tile category q_ eantrot be deleted. * and The All Shows eategory Replay Depending Channel to tile Replay to tile r_ght. eontai_ every slrow Replay lTreeords Options on tile type of'channel you have selected, the following Change Rename t'ecord options: Adjust tile recording options. channel: Create a new name for tile chmmel, Change eategot'y: Move the selected Replay Find all episodes: Find matching Guide. to the le_. Move Locate all episodes options may be available. channel to another category. ofti]e show associated shows: Find shows ti]at match tile theme. Delete: Delete the selected Replay channel. Exit: Exit tile Replay channel pop-up menu. 46 tlw Remote with tile Replay channel. ReplayTV Finder. You Replay Show Options Play: Play the show _m Play f_om beginning: Pt'eserve its current point. Play the show 5"om the start. this episode: Save the show in _/le Replay Save to VCR: Save the show to a videotape. Find all episodes: Find upcoming episodes Guide. See "Preserving See "Saving Recordings an Episode of a Show" below. to Videotape" on page 48. o±'the show. Rename show: Change the name o±'the show. This is beneficial Delete: Delete the show. for shows recorded using Manual Record. Exit: Exit file Replay show pop-up menu. Watching a Recorded Show 1 2 Press Replay Guide on the remote Select a category. 3 4 I/ighlight the show you wanZ to watch, Press Select. 5 Select Play or Play from beginning, Preserving an Episode control of a Show ffyou have scheduled ReplayTV to record all episodes of a particular show or to record a Zone- or Theme-based channel, even_lally the most current episode will be recorded over the oldest episode. ReplayTV lets you preserve episodes to prevent them from being recorded over be£ore you watch them. To preserve a recording: 1 2 3 Press Replay Guide on the ReplayTV remote. Highlight the show you wmlZ to preserve. Press Select. 4 Select Preserve If recording this episode. space per_ks, the show will be moved ±}ore its current Replay channel and saved in _/le Replay Guide. 47 Saving ReplayTV recordings Recordings to Videotape is not intended to be used as a long-te_ storage to videotape m)d watching them on your VCR. Before saving a recording to videotape, VCR, on page 10 £or more information. To save a recording ed_ 48 device, You can flee up more recording make sure your VCR is connected to videotape: 1, Turn on your VCR. 2, Insert a videotape 3, Press Replay Guide. 4, Highlight 5, Press Select. 6, Select Save to VCR, 7, Select Conlinae 8, Press Record into your VCR, the recording you w_alt to save to videotzpe, to start the countdown. on your VCR. on the ReplayTV remote tocontrol, dis* arty Whilebuttons the recording is being saved videotape,On-screen do not press plays will be recorded if they appear, properly to ReplayTV. space by trans±'erring your See "Comlecting ReplayTV to a Chapter Advanced 5 :: Watching Shows Recorded on other Features ReplayTVs By comlecting RepIayTV to your home network, you can watch a show in tile bedroom tilat was recorded h) tile living room. si%u can also transfer digital photos from your PC to RepIayTV by mstalhng the ReplayT_ _ Photo Transfer Sof_ are avaaIable at www.sonicblue.comireplaytv. See "Installing RepIayTV Photo Transfer" on page 55. _d_ not need have to a routen " you )bu do might set an IP Address Playing Shows from manually for Replay77 z if Another In-home ReplayTV If'you have more ti)_) one Rep]ayTV in)'our home on your ne_,ork, you can play shows from _)oti)_ReplayTV by remotely accessing its Replay Guide, Each ReplayTV on the network must have a unique name (Living Room, Kid's Room, Master Bedroom, etc.). You can choose from the list o£ defhuIt names or create your own. Select ReplzyTV Name from the Setup menu if you wan_ to rename your ReplayTV. _da_ units toat watch the same time,fi'om for best * Replay AItlrough77Zon it is multiple teehnicallyremote possible a show one results it is' recommended that you watch a remote show from only one Replay TE In addition to browsing remote Play a show on a remote Delete a show on a remote Replay Guides, you will be able to: ReplayTV ReplayTV from your local ReplayTV. from your local RepIayTV. 49 Selecting Local/Remote Replay Guides If more than one ReplayTV exists on tile ne_,ork, yoe will see left and right arrows next to tile ReplayTV name in tile upper right hand comer of tile Replay Guide. This is called tile Remote ReplayTV Finder. From here, you can access other networked ReplayTVs in your home. ed_ To trot one be displayed to tlue Replayl$ name. * arrows If tlwre will is only Replay TV next on the neiwor& tlw rleft and right Access a Remote ReplayTV: 1 Use tile Up Arrow or Jump bet_on to move to tile Remote ReplayTV Finder. You can also press tile QuickSkip bet_on I_com anywhere witilin tile Replay Guide to immediately access a remote Replay Guide. Press QuickSkip repeatedly to continue tilrough all ne_,orked ReplayTVs. 2 Use tile Right and Left Arrow buttons to choose a remote ReplayTV tilat is cofmected to tile ne_,ork. 3 Access tile category 4 Use tile Down Arrow or hlmp shows in tile category. 5 Highlight Operations you warn to browse. betton to access tile a show yoe want to watch and press Select, on Play: Play the selected Remote ReplayTV Finder Remote Replay Channels and their recorded shows Shows show fix)m its cerrent point. Play from beginning: Play the selected show _om the beginning. This option will only be available for remote shows that have already been played on tile remo_e ReplayTV. Delete: Delete tile selected show. ed_ 5O viewer, show you cannot delete recording the slrow. orPressing Stop while * atrother If due selected is currently being played by watching a remote show that is currently recording will stop playback but trot stop the reeorcling: :: Sending Recordings to other ReplayTVs ReplayTV allows you to send recordings-inckMing shows you record and home videos-to other ReplayTVs over the Intemet. You can send a recording to a maximum o±"] 5 ReplayTVs. To send a recording to another ReplayTV user you must first enter their lnternet Serial Number ill your lnternet Address Book. Adding 1 other ReplayTV users to your Internet 2 Get the lnternet Serial Number fi'om the other user. (The lnternet Book.) Select Setup _om the Main Menu and choose Internet Identity 3 Select Add Entry fl'om yo_tr lnternet Address 4 Using the tm_ber Internet Address buttons on the remote control, enter the Intemet Book screen, tilen select OK. Tile remote Replay will be contacted, recordings to tile 'added ReplayTV. Sending followed Address Serial Number and Address Book is the ] 5-digk number on tile Intemet Address Book fi:om tile Setup screen. Book. Serial Number by a screen confirming the addition. o£the other ReplayTV If successfid, on the Add Entry to you can now send yo_tr Shows Tile Send show option on a show's pop up mena will be available has completed recording. 1 2 Higlllight the show you wan; to send and Select Send show fcom tile pop up mena. Show Recipients will appear. This screen your Address Book. Tile list will contain you have added to yo_tr lnternet Address and Internet Serial Number. 3 4 Check the box next to the user you want to send the show to, Select Send. If all information is correct, conflr_ tile send. after a show press Select. A new screen entitled Select contains a list of all users ill the names of otiler ReplayqNrs Book and their ReplayTV name 51 Using the Received Category Shows tilat have been sent to you _}om other users are stored in the Received category. Selecting name _ld information about the show. You cmmot view file show arltil you choose to accept it. 1 2 a show will display the sender's To accept a show, highlight the show and press Select. Select Accept show to initiate trmlsmission to you. If file sender has deleted file show, a message will be displayed stating that file show is not available. If the sender deletes file show while it is being tr, msmkted, file transmission will be cmlcelled. The show title bar will be a differem color when file transmission is complete. _d _ * download starts'. The standard show menu options will be available Accessing the Internet 1 Press Menu. 2 Select Setup ±}ore the Main Menu. 3 Select Internet Identity Address after the Book and Address Book from tile Setup screen. The first time you enter tile Internet Address Book you will be prompted to name your ReplayTV. This screen will display your ReplayTVs Inter[let Serial Number and prompt you to enter a name to identify your Replay2% r on tile lnternet. This Flame iS di_'ferent than its in-home ne_,ork Flame. After eme_ng a Flame, tile lnternet Address Book will open. The lnternet Address Book has tile following options: Add Entry: This option lets you add a friend's Inter[let Serial Number to your Address Book so you can send recordings to each otiler. Selecting this option displays a Flew screen where you will be prompted to enter the Intemet Serial Number of the entry you wish to add. Once entered, your ReplayTV will contact tile remote Replay2% r to re.eve its name and tile entry will be added to your Address Book. Change router's Internet Identity: Selecting tilts option lets you change the Flame Of your ReplayTV flrewall that will allow others to send you shows. To change the ReplayTV and specit_' tile port number name: Type in a Flew name £or your ReplayTV using tile on-screen keyboard. ReplayTV's Address Book arltil tile next time tilat unit is contacted. Your ReplayTV's name will not be updated in a remote The port number is one that you have programmed on your router to open and allows access to your ReplayTV send you shows directly. Please refer to your router manual for instructions on Port Routing. The available 52 of your range of port numbers must be 00000 or within 01024 and 65535. so fi'iends can :: COMMERCIAL ADVANCE If yogi ever wanted to watdl TV witiloat commereia]s, then COMMERCIAL ADVANCE is what you've been waiting for. COMMERCIAL ADVANCE is a feaalre that allows you to choose whether to skip most commercial messages during playback of recorded shows. Commercials are still recorded with COMMERCIAL ADVANCE enabled, thougll you now have tile choice to watch them or not--autom atically. Commercials will not be skipped daring tile first and last two mimltes when playing back recorded shows. This is to preven; confilsion when playback is f_rst started. Additionally, shows delayed within a few minutes o£the five broadcast will not skip commercials, even if COMMERCIAL ADVANCE is enabled. You can still watch recorded shows with commercials by alrning COM'MERCIAL ADVANCE off. * Although 96% detection rates are achieved in controlled lab testing; in real worM use, you may experience between 70%-90% aee_a'acy in detecting and skipping commercials'. . Please note tl_at the COMMERCL4LADE4NCEfeature is greatly it_fluenced by signal source, channel and program. In some eases 100% of the commercials' may be skipped in a partieular program while notw of the commercials' are skipped in anotlwr. * Occasionally aportion oftheprogrwrtming may be inadvertently skil)ped.lf so, press b_stant Replay to go back 7 seeond_ at a time, or press QUICK SKIP to jump ahead 30 seconds at a time to reach tlw desired point in tlw show. You can also press Commercial Advance to turn this feature on or off: Setting COMMERCIAL ADVANCE Default Follow these steps to set your default to play back each show commercial CIAL ADVANCE £or each individual show. 1 2 Press Menu on tile ReplayTV Select Setup, 3 Select Default 4 Set the Skip commercials Playback remote free. I£you do this, you won't have to enable COMMER- comrol. Options, option to Yes to enable tile COIVIIVIERCIAL ADVANCE f_atar¢, 53 Turning COMMERCIAL ADVANCE Follow these steps to tam COM)cfERCIAL 1 2 3 Highlight Highlight ADVANCE on and off on and off£or individual recorded shows. a show in tile Replay Guide and press Select to display the show's pop up menu. the Skip commercials option and press Select to check or _xl-check the show. Select Play or Play from beginning arid the show will be played with or without comr_ereials, depending on tile setting you chose. qV sho_¢; press the Commercial buttonwhile on tlw * watching To switch abciwecn skipping and viewing Advance commercials' remote control. Keep in mind tlrot the following still apply: • Commcreials will trot be skipped during thcfirst minutes when playing back a recorded slro_: • Shows delayed within a few minutes of the live broadcast not skip eommcreials. :: Screen Saver and last two and Pause will Screen The screen saver and pause screen feature on the Setup menu allows you to display your digitzl photos when the screen saver is activated or when you press tile Pause button. To use your photos, you need to copy the_ from your PC to your ReplayTV through your LAN (Local Area Ne_,ork) using the ReplayTV Photo Tr,ms±'er sol_,are. See "Installing ReplayTV Photo Tr, msfer" below. The photos are stored in the Photo Viewer once you have copied tilem to ReplayTV. Rep]ayTV is equipped witil atl Ethemet port to cormect to your LAN. There is a deFau]t screen saver if you do not want to use your own photos. The screen saver wi]l be activated if there Js no input fcom the ReplayTV re_ote control or _ont pane] arid tile tbl]owing circumstzIlces apply: 1 2 54 Live TV is stopped or paused for 10 _inutes. A ReplayTV screen (?vfaJn Menu, Channel Guide, etc.) Js displayed on the screen for l 0 minutes. Installing ReplayTV replaytv. 1 2 _d_ ReplayTV Photo Photo Tr,msfar is compatible Transfer with Windows 98, 98SE, ME, and 2000 and can be downloaded from _-a-a,! Go to _-a-a,!replaytv to install tile Photo Transfer so2ra, are. The installation process will place a ReplayTV icon on your Window's desktop. Double-click the icon to open a window where all ReplayqWs on tile network will be listed. At the end o£tile installation, you will be able to view and print a "readme" file, which explains how the ReplayTV photo hierarchy works. Each folder a maximum of 2OOjpeg * of Youthose can foMers, create folders inside can the hold "!Photos" folder but not inside photos, You must eopy photo files into the foMers you create, To trans±'er your photos to ReplayTV, simply copy your photos into the Ibidem tilat you have created. Each folder (and its accompanying photos) is considered a separate slide show and can be named approp_ately: for example, "Fishing" or "Vacation." The slide show feature is controlled with the Photo Viewer, accessed fcom the Main Menu. See "Using tile Photo Viewer" on page 56. To access the screen saver 1 Press Menu. 2 Select Setup f}om the Main Menu. 3 Select Seeeen Saver 4 Choose and Pause and pause Seeeen screen settings: fix)m the Setup menu. which screen saver or pause screen you would like to use, tilen select Done. 55 Using 1 2 the Photo Viewer Press Menu on _le remote. Select Photo Viewer fi"om _le Main Menu. The Photo V_ewar will open, listing your available slide shows. Select _le slide show you warn to play and press the Select or Play button on the remote to start playback. The photos in _le slide show will be displayed in alphabetical order. The slide show can be controlled by the remote comrol t_letions listed below. Rewind and Fast Forward: QuickSkip: Speed up and slow down tile presentation. Move to file next slide. lnstan_ Replay: Go back to file previous Pause: Pause file slide show. slide. Stop: Return to the Photo Viewer. Exit: Return to the Photo VJewar. If Play is pressed point. 56 a_er Stop, the slide show will begin again _oru the stopping :: Remote Control Show-watching Shortcuts Shortcuts To skip ahead a specific amo_xlt o£time, enter tile time in minutes fllen press QuickSkip. To go back a specit_c amo_xlt of time, enter tile 5me in minutes tilen press Instant Replay. To go to a specit_c time witifin a recorded press the Jump but;on. show, enter tile time (for example, 02 to go to the second minute in tile show), tilen To skip to a certain time from tile end of a show, enter tile time ill minutes then press Return to Live. Channel Guide Shortcuts To jump ahead 12 hours, press tile Fast Forward button. To go back 12 hours, press the Rewind butxon. To move one screen at a time, press tile Channel To go to a channel, enter tile channel ml_ber To tune to a curren; show, highlight A !v buttons. arid press tile Select bu;ton. the show _ld press the Select bu;ton. To display a current show's pop-up menu, highlight tile show and press Enter. To go to a certain day, enter the number o£ days you wish to skip, then press Fast Forward. To go back to a certain day, enter tile number of days you wish to return, then press Rewind. To go to a specific hour in the day, enter the hour (0-23), then press Jump. To return to the current time, press Return to Live. Replay Guide Shortcuts To view the Replay Guide of the next ReplayTV To view the Replay Guide of the previous To return to viewing on the network, ReplayTV the local Replay Guide, highlight tile Remote Press Jump to go fi'om the show content area to the categories Press Return to Live witil a category highlighted press QuickSkip. on the network, press lnstatlt Replay. ReplayTV to file Remote Finder and press Return to Live. ReplayTV Finder. to go to tile All Shows ca;egory. 57 Find Shows On-screen Keyboard To move to tile next screen a_er typing a keyword, Shortcuts press the REC button. To erase a character, press tile Rewind button. To insert a space, press the Fast Forward Slide Show Control button. Shortcuts Select or Play: Start slide show playback. Rewind and Fast Forward: QuickSkip: Speed ap and slow down tile presentation. Move to tile next slide. lnstan_ Replay: Go back to tile previous Pause: Pause tile slide show. slide. Stop: Return to the Photo Viewer. If Play is pressed Exit: Return to tile Photo Viewer. Channel Surfing Display a_er Stop tile slide show will begin again fi:om tile stopping point. Shortcuts To return to the current time, press Return to Live. Record Options Screen Shortcuts To confirm the settings witilo_t scrolling To realm to tile Find Shows keyboard, 58 do_l to "Done," press REC, press Rewind, Chapter Hel 6 :: Troubleshooting Customer Service Information Tile FAQs below will help you solve common can con_c_ our Customer Service Department E-Mail cu Web www.sonic blue.comisupportireplayW Phone issues with your ReplayTV as follows: 5000. If you do no_ find the answers you need here, you (800) 933-5899 Frequently Asked Questions ReplayTV is colmceted to my+TV, but I do not see the Quick Setup Confirm that the correct llne input is selected on your'FV. _rcss the TV/Video button on your TV to cycle through inputs.) Confirm that ReplayTV is not in standby mode by+Iyressin_ the ReplayTV button on the r_,°motccontrol. Vcrlfy that the red Power li_2aton the unit is ill_tud, If you are using rite Componant Video Out on ReplayT'v', you need to colmeet the yellow video cable from rite A/ V cable durln_ the t_st-firne Quick Setup Froeeas. lt'you m'e usin_ an A/V reeelv_ in yew setup, vcfif-y that the input souTee is the same as rite output se_ee going to your television, For example, it'you arc using an S-Video output to connect Replayl'V to an A/V rceelv_, you _511need to use an S-Video output to connect your A]V rce_ver to your T'v', "[hls is a limitation of most A]V Witch setting up ReplayTV, the eerfeet cable company does not eppem" as a manu item in Setup. • Contact ReplayTV Custom_ Care by phone at (1800)933-5899. Please provide the tbllomSn_ information: 1) Complex name (_f applleable), 2) City, 3) State, 4) Z]? eede, 5) Cable Provider's Name, 6) Cable Provider eentaet intbrmatlon, and 7) Problem deserlptlon. In most eases, the eerreet information can bc added to the ReplayTV Set,See database within 48 hows. The RephyTV r_not_ does trot respond when ] Iyress a button, • Replace the batteries in the remote control v,Sth 2 new AA battcrlas, 59 When I select a channel in file Channel Guide, the ehatmal numbar does not ehenge on my satellite reealv_ or eable box. * If you are using an ]R blast_ connection to control ehunnal ehenging, vurlfy that the IR blister cable is securely attached to the IR BI.AS'[']'_R jack on RepliyT'v', and that you have afl_ed file IR _tter directly over file IR detector on your cable box or satellite r_._qvar, * Confima fltat you have selected the correct IR code tbr your cable box or satellite ree_var, • "[_ a different IR eode, evco it is not the exae_ eode for your eable box or satellite r-_alvun When I select a channel in rite Channel Guide, I see a blue sereco that states 'Me video seuzee," • * . • • Confima that you subserlbe to the channel in question, V_-Mfythat the A]V eonnccfions from your eable box/satellite reealv_ to Rc_play'[N are correct, V_MI_.that fire correct inputs to Rc_playTV are selected in Setup. Alse, if using S.Video, ve_t.y fltat ]N 2 is chosen. V_-Mfythat all your eomponunta are ttmaed on. "[_ diffea-ent cables, Poor quality cables ma?+cause this to ocour, When seleetlng a ehunnal in the Channel Guido, ] s_ a solid blue • Confirm that you have the correct input souree specified in Setup, Press ]_lcnu. lllghllght Setup and press Select. Choose Network and Input Setfirags, When seleetlng a show from the Channel Guido, ] see a sarcen that fades to bla_k. * "[_.pleally,this is caused by a weak video seuree, Contact Costomar Care for f_rfltar suggestions at (800) 9335899. * "[_ changing cables, Poor quality cables ma?- catlse this to _eur. The ehmmals are not ehunging. * If your orlginal re+mote control required un F+nterbutton press whco ehenging ehm'mals, press fire 1_Snterbutton on rite Rc+pliyTV remote control _t_ you enter rite ehunnal nvmb_. My cable box sometimes falls to change channels when using the RepliyTV remote control, • The ]R bJast_ o_onally misses eharmal change commands, Sometimes rite IR blast_ sends too strong of a signal to your cable box or satellite r_elver, eunsing it to miss a digit in the channel-change sequence. • AffL.:.the IR _tt_ next to or 1/2 inch awayf_,m rite ]R detcctoT on your cable box or satellite Tec_qvarinstead of _efly over it. RcpliyTV does not respond wheet ] press buttons on the remote control, Or, the image on my tele_fislon sarce_nis "fmz_n," • 6O If you are using rite ]R blist_, your cable box ree++ives]R commands from both the ReIJlay'[+V remote and rite IR blastun Some cable boxes can be eonfiased _ this, You can block the commands from the ReplayTV remote contml by+affixing an opaque eovurhag around the area where you have placed the ]R emltt_ on your cable box. I)o not covar rite ]R _tter, Press and hold rite POWER button on the front of Replay'[+V tbr 10 seconds, than release. Replay'[+V ,hill restart in a few moments. * Unplug fire power cord from the aleetrlcal outlet for 15 seconds flten plug it back in. RepliyTV will restart and power on in a few moments. A "Please Waif' messaSe displays more than 2-5 minutes during first time ¢._ick Setup, R_p_yrv might not be comml.micating with your network, "[iris may be caused by RcplayTV rccci-¢ing non-standard DIICP information, • Unpht_ ReplayTV t}om befll your nctwerk and electrlcal outlet. • Disable DHCP on your network, • PlugReplayTVbackintoanel_trleaiouflctandcomplctethe¢.'mlekSempscr_ns. • ManuaUy e-ntcr your Network Information: IP Address, Subnct Mask, Gateway, DNS Se_t-¢_ 1, I)NS Server 2 (optional), When I szlea a channel in the Channel G_de, the channel number does not change. • If you arc using a sc°rlaiconnection to control channel changing, verily- that you have securely connected the scclai cable to Rc-play'['V and your satellltz rzcaiv_. Some of my jpcg photos do not dlsplay. • . Opco the jpcg file in anoth_ program and sa,,e it again, VcMf-ythatthejpcgisnotprogj_sslvcjt_g,.llfisfurmatisnotsul_rtcd" My l)] [CP serv_ is not th_d dlJring setup and I am for_cd to e-ntcr the information manually. • _fy_u_ca_wy_uhavea_)_[CPs_ny_urnctw_rkan_itisn_tr_gai_zdbyRc`p_ay_[_v_mak_suz_y_urnctwork is connoted to the 1"TI[1CRN]_'['j _k on Re-play"['V. _fy_uerec_nn_ngR_p_ayTVt_ahub_swit_h_rr_ut_%_h_ckt_s_mtthe_ink_ightc_m_s_nwhcothz l'fllemct cable is Froperly connected. "[_hc_n try resl_rt_g Rc_playTV by rc_mo,qng the power cord from the ,,',-all, waiting s_veral s_.on3s, and fllco plugging it back into the wall. Replay is connoted to my Cable or I)SL modem and it can't conn_t, lt'Replay is uslng an ]P address pro,tided by your ]SP, you may have connection issues Jr'your ISP does not SUlypOrt d_dces llke Rcp_frV. Contact your ISP and ve-tify the IP settings. You must have an IP address, a subnct mask a gateway and at least one DNS. See "Home Network Connections" on page 12. My Rc_playTV 5000s are not cammuniea_g Frop_ly on the network. If the RcplayTV 5000s do not "see" c_h ofllc%some piece of nctwork hurd_e might not be propagating RcplayTV's network ddscovc_ packets properly. • V*,-Mt'y that yolJr Replay'['Vs ere on and connected to your network. • VcMfythaty_1_rRc_p_ay_[_shav_an_Paddmss_ater_dmam_y_raut_ma_cai_s_ngenc°ra_the_Paddresses sho_fld be identical except tbr the last number. • Restart each unit, one at a time. • Rcoame each unit. • _fther_isa_re_m_nit_ringy_ur_ainetw_rk_ddsab_ittc_r_ruri_yt_s_ifitis_rev_t_ngtheR_p_ayTVs from comm_icatlng v.qth each oth_,_r. • _ftheRep_ayTVsmtLstc_mm_m_cate_1r_u_har_uter_tryc_nn_ng_1umd_mct_ytothesam_hub_rs`Mteh. • 61 :: Glossary Bridge - A Brld_e allo_ an ICthctant network. the I_ flow or"data from one t_X_cof physical medium to anothan FOTcxanapla, a bridge is rcqulsud to conncet a phoanline antwoTk to DIICP (l;_mamlc llost C_nflgumtion Protocol) - 'this is the method by which anmpu_ts, and ReplayTV, automatically" get IF' add_ssas. By default, the Replay'['V 5O0Omill attempt to get its IF' add_ss automatically ,_.h_ it's starting up. It will att_npt to renew this IV address evc_" 24hrs. RcplayTV is conaldcr, xl a l)] [CP cllant. "['herouteT that automatically- assigns the IF' address to RoplayTV is conaldcr, xl a I)IICP sc_,_cn DMZ Host Page - A host on a network that grcvants outside uscTs from a_assing data on your network, l)cp_ding on your router, it might be necessary to add the ]P addrcas of ReplayTV to the DMZ host _c. "[his will place RcplayTV outside of the f'_cwall. 'this may be necassaE,, if the rout_ is not properly routing the infon'nafion it rccalves to RcplayTV. Cheek your rout_ manual for more details on whan using I)MZ is apl_oprlato. DNS 0)omain Name System) - A I)NS server translates domain names like ww,a5 into thc4r corresponding IF'addresses. DSL Router - A I)SL router is simply a touter that also fimctlons as an cxtc_'n_ DSL modem. "[his I)SL rout_ weald fimcfion as a DIICP server. Gateway -'the gat_'ay address is the ]P address of the computer or device on a local network that gives you access to the Interact. If you m'e using a rout_, it's the int,v-rnM(LAN) IF'address of the muter. Hub - A hub is like a _pllttan ]t tams one port into 4, 8, 16, etc, "['he hub pro_qdes more physical ports and nothing else, "[.he hub has an upllnk port that sometimes can be s,Mtehcd to a standard port. You weald normally- connect your Cable or I)SI, modem to the uplink port. Your PCs or d_dces llkc Replay'['V would plug into the non-upllnk ports. IP Address - "['his is a uniqu¢ addrcas that all computct_ and d_ices rcqui_e to communicate ovct the ]nt_'net. Computers on corpoTato and home networks most likaly use ]P addmssas to communieate ,Mth each othc_r.RcplayTV alsorequites an IP address to communicate, "[his address can be set manually or provided automatically. 1)epandlng on your sctop, this IF' address might come from a rout_, oT your ]SP (inturnet Sm_ice Pm%qd_). ISP (lnternet Sere, ice Provider) - A company" that provides lmcrnct a_ss MAC Address (Media Access Control) -The unique network device in order to automatically hardware number through talccemmunlcations lines. of devices on a network. Some ISPs require _he _vL_C address o±'a assign it an IP address. Router - ]n ord_ tot you computer to commtmlcato to the Inte_met using a broadband connection, it not only rcqu_s a physleal connection but also an IP address. "['he mute_ not only- lets you sh_ a physical connection t.3_e a hub or s,Mteh), it alsolets you shurc a single ]nt_'net IP add_ss ,Mth mote than one comput_ or de,dee. Instead of n_dlng three IF' addresses for three comput-,_ts in your home, you can purchase one for the rout_ and the rout_,Mll allow all thr_e comput-,_ts in your home to shure your Cable, I)SL, ]SDN, or Satellite connection. Some mutct_ allow you to share a modem connection in this way. Ifyoupurehasc a single port muter, you vdU also need a hub. or switch to connect more than one da_dce to the router. ]f connce6ng a PC or ReplayTV directly to a single port touter, you must use a crossov_ cable. If you have F.F.F.olCI)SL (tcqu:b'es that you use sotba'm'e to login for Inturnet access), you need to v_" that any rout_ you purchase also supports F.F'Po]:. Subnet Mask -This addrcas is a filter that detain'ulnas what part of the antwoTk your computeT oTReplay'['V is on. FOTexample, many- touteTs use for an ]P addrcas and for a subnct mask. Any"computer_ oT devices on your local antwoTk that has an IF. address that matches ] 92.168.0.x will be able to communicate _ithca@ other. Switch - If you have a mix of ] 0 and ] 00Mbps davices or anmputcts on your network, up_adlng from a hub. to a swltoh can _cafly improve pc_tt'ormanan. Also. it'you have many devices on your antwork, the switch will glve you better pcrfommnee than the hub. 62 :: Technical VI [I:/UI [l' IN!OUT Specifications (R]:) IN(1)/OUT(a) V]DI _O/AUD]O IN (18'11:111_O) (RCA) 2 IXN]', Vll)I _O/AUI)IO OU'[' (iS'l] :/(1 ',0) (RCA) 2 LINE S-V[IS ]2N/OUT (S-JACK) TEIflW] [ON]'_ JACK IR BLASTI (R J-11) _R PORT IN(1)/OUT0) YES VES ]';Jill _RNET PORT VES ]R BLASTI_R VES S]',R/AL VES DIGITAL PORT (9 PIN) AUDIO PROGRESSIV]', PORT OUT VES VES POWI_R 120W601 [z DIMI _NSIONS 3" (]D x 14" fl)) x 16-7/1_" (W) 63 :: Limited _o _ • • Warranty and Software License th}ns ,section at." http://_w_:sonicblue.co_/mplayt_ For service assistance or For your convenience, SO_'_g(Tbluehas fmquen@ resolution _a service pmblem, product establis&,d in_,rmathm aor operation a#wd hx,lp, quesplease contact the SO_qCblue Customer Care Department: B)'phone: 1-800-.933-58.9Yt By entail: techsuppor_@feplayt*_com Warranty SONICblan Incorporated ("SONlCblan") warrants your 5000 s_-MesReplay'['V (the "ReplayTV") and any included ReplayTV aceassofies against defects in material or workmanship as fallows: LABOR: ]:or a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase ("Warran W PcMod"), if file ReplayTV is dete_'rnmed to be defcetlve, SONICbluc "_qll repair or replace the unit, at its option, at no charge, or pay the labor char_as to any Rci_layTV anthorized s_ice faNllty. After the Warrant- Purled, the eustom_ must pay far all labor charges. PARt'S: ]n addition, for a period ofoan (1) yem" from the date of purehase, SONICbluc _qll supply, at no charge, a new or rebuilt Rc,playTV unit in exchanse for a defeetlve unit. AR_ the Wamm_" Period, parts arc available from SONICblue authoriTed sar_fiee facilities or a Rc-play'['V Service Centar at your expense. In addition, your RcplayTV carries a 30-day satisfaction gam_antee for units purehused at the SONICbluc ]_-store. It may be returned _5thin 30 days of purchase for a fall (minus any _laiFping ehar_es). Your Rc-playTV must be rzeumed in waaa_n_- condition with all original aeeassorles included, in urd_ to reealve a retired. Ofllur t_ns may be offered by ¢_-_talnr_allurs. Check with your retail_ for d_alls. Warranty Service "[b obtain w_-ranty sar_qee, you must f'_st obtain an RMA number (Rc_wn M_,_rehandise AuthoriTation) fi'om a Tcclmi¢al Support Rcpresantative at SONl{;blue. A "[b_hnical Support Rc°lZ_'esc'ntativemay be reached at (1800)933-5899. Once an RMA number is obtained, your ReplayTV must be shipped fi'_ght Frc°pald, in c-ithar its orisinal packaging or pa_kagln 8 affordin 8 an equal de_ce of protection, to the RcI_lay'['V authorlz_d di_'ib_tion faNllty. In order to rec_ive an advance replao_nant Rc_play'['V,the customer must f_ish a valid er,xllt cm'd number and explmtion date. Ofllurwlse, a rc_placurn_t ReplayTV w511be _aiFp_ upon reealpt ot"flw, defective unit. In addition, all aeeassorles must be returned _qth the defective Rc-playTV. A new or factory ref_bished set of aeeassorles _qll be famished _qth the replac_mant ReFlayTV. Failure to rz¢om any of the _ssory it_ns could result in a delay in r_Sng the replacomcot ReplayTV, and/ur result in an invoiee for the missing _$s0rle$, Important: When eallln 8 far an RMA numbur, please be prepared to answc'r some basle troubleshootln#setup related questions. It is belpfal for you to Call when you are in front of your ReplayTV so that you can respond to opurational instructions fi'om a Replay'IN Te_lmleal Support Repres,_tative. Scope of and Limitation on Warranty "[lalswarranty doas not covar eustom_ insm_ion, installation, set up adjum'n_ts or sigx_alreception probl_ns. 'this w_-mn _- does not eov_ comaeti_ _e due to acts of God, _ident, misuse, abuse, negliscane, eommareial use, or modification of, or to any part of your Rc-playT'v'. 'this ,h_rranty does not eovar damage due to improp_ operation or malnte_nanee, colmeetion to improper voRage supply, or attempted repair by anyone oth_ than a faNllty authorized by SONICblan to s_,_r'¢icoyour Rc'playTV. 'this w_-mu_- doas not cover consumables (such as thses and batturles). 'this v,_u_is _=,tlldonly in the United States and is non-tmngarable. "[his warmn_- is inx_=,d id it"the factor'-applied serial number has b_n altesud or _'cmoved from the Rc_playTV. RI_A]R OR R]'_PLAC]'_MI{N'[' AS PROVID]'A3 UNI)]'_R TIllS WARRANTY IS "['1[]'_ICXCLUSIV]'_ RI'_MICDYO], 'lllIC CONSUMI'_R. SONICblu¢ S] [AI.I. NO'[' BICLIABLIC ],OR ANY ]NCIDI{NTAL OR CONS]'A_UENTIAL DAMAGbS FOR BRI{ACII O]' ANY ILKPRICSS OR IMPIA]'A3 WARRANTY ON "[Ills PRODUCF, 1CXC]'_trl"TO "[II]'_]'_X'[]{NT PRO] []BITICI3BY APPIACABL]'_ LAW, ANY ]MPLIICD WARRANTY O], MI:M.C][A NTABILITY OR ]qTNESS ],OR A PAR2[TCULAR PURPOSE ON 'IIlIS PRODUCT ]S LIMITEI3 ]N DURA'[ION TO 'IIlIC DURNr/ON O1, TIOS WARRANTY. 64 Somo states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of ineidealtal or consequantial damages, or allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. "[llis w_n'ant3_ gives you sp_'ffie legal rights, and you may have other fights ,a_eh vary from state to state. Software License Agreement IMPORTAN'[' -- R1',All CAR1'A;UI .L¥: By selecting "1 ae_Fco,please contlnuc Setup." below and continuing wlth the setup process to begin using the se fob'arc in your Rcp_yrV product ("Psuduet"), you a_ce to 1_ bound by the turms of this Sol_'m'o Liv._se Agreanacnt (this "Agreanacnt"). lt'you do not a_ce to the turms of this A_ac'mant, you may promptiy return the Prod_ to the point of pro'chase for a retired of your pro'chase Irate, or you may contact SONICbluo Incorporated ("SO NICbluc") for in_uotlons on ,a_c_reto ship the Product, at SONICbluo's cost, for a fifll retired of the purchase 1_rice a_r insp_tlon. License Grant; Restrictions Subject to the terms of this A_ac'naant, SONICbluo grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license, without the fight to subllcanse, to use all soffwm'o included _qth the Product or subsequealtiy provided to yo_ and related danumantation (together, "Sotbh°are '') selaly tbr your inturnM, noncommerdial use and solely" in connection ,Mth your use of the Product and access to the ReplayTV S,_wvice(7'R'iNS'), You acknowledge and agree that SONICbluc may periodically update, modi_" or enhance the Solt_re remotely" through the RTVS, and that any"registration or other intbrrnafion provided by you may be used or disclosed by SONICbluo pursuant to the t_rns of SONICbluo's Replay'iN Pri,,_ Pofiey, as that policy may-be modified by SON] Cbluc from time to time. You filrther agree that: (a) use of the Soltwaro or the Product ,_ith any third io_ sersqec comt_titive _qth the K['VS is a _qolation of this Agrceracalt and is g_ounds for SONK;bluo's t_xminatlon thereof; (by you will not to attempt to me@, enhance, disasserablo, d_.ompilc, reverse engineer or oth_'isc attempt to gain access to the source code to the Sol°oh_re; and (c) you will not attempt to remove or unbundio the Sofob'are t_om the Product. Any resale or transtb-r of the Product by"you will be subject to the tea'ms and conditions of thls Agracmant. Ownership SONK;bluo and its llcansors own and r_aln all propriotaB_ rights, including all patent, copy_ght, trade sacreL trad_nurk and other properly rights, in and to the Software and any"corrections, bug fixes, enhancuracalts, updates or other modifications to theSoftware. You acknowledge that the licanse _anted under this A_cemcnt doas not psuvlde you with title to or ownership of the Software, but only"a right of limited use under the tc_un and conditions of this Agcemant. Confidential Information You agree that the Software contains cont'idcntial infommtion, including trade scere_s, know-how and other information, that is the oxcluslvo propurly of SONICbluo. You agrce to kcep this intbrmation confld_tial and to not use or disclose this information to any third p_ except as anthorlz_d by this Agrcurnant, No Warranties "FO "[3 []: MAXIMUM ICXThN'[' P]:RMI'[q3:I) BY LAW, SONICBI.U]: MAKES NO WARRAN'[I]:S, 1LKPR] CSS OR IMPL]ICI), Wrl]l R]:SPICCT "FO TIll: SOFTWARI', OR ]lIE I_['VS, INCLUDING WITI [OUT LIMI'['ATION ANY ]MPI.I]',I) WARRANTY 01' M].,RCIIAN'['AI_ILITY, ]:ITN]',SS FOR A PARr/CUI.AR PURPOS]% NON-INFRI NGI',MENT OF "['1[]RI) PARRY RI0{I['S AND "[IIOSIC ARIS]NG FROM A C¢)URS]', OF Dl:_d,] NG OR USAGE O], "[RADI C.NO WARRANTY IS MAD]', "[IIN[' US]', OF "['1[]', SOFTWARI ', OR "['1[]', I_ ['V S WILL B]', ERROR FRI C]',OR UNINTI',RRUPrl CD, 'ILIA[' ANY 1:klRORS OR DI C],]K;'['S WILL B]', CORRI CC[']'A), OR "[Ilk:l" "[liP, FUNC]IONALITY O], '1"1[]., SOF'['WARI COR "['1[]', I_ ['V S WILL M]',I f [' YOUR RI'X_UIRI CMENTS. BICCAUSIC SOME S'['ATI CSiJ UR/SI)] CTIONS DO NOT P]',RMIT ALL I)]SCLAIM]',RS OF WARRANTY, "[IIICSIC LIMI'['ATIONS MAY NO'['APPLY "['0YOU. Limitation of Liability "[liP, ]',N'[IRI CRISK AR] SING OUT OF ]lIE US]', OR P] ',RFORMANCE OF "[lie SOFTWARIC AND "['] []., PRODUC'[' R] .,MAIN S WI'[II YOU. "['0 '1"1[]., MA_¢AMUM I_,X'rl',N'[' _1CRMI'Yrl CI) ]_Y APP1,1CAIM,] ', I,AW, SONICBL UI CAN]) ]'['S SUPPII] ',RS OR IICI _NSORS WII,I, NOT B] ', I,]AIM,] ', FOR AN Y CONS]'X_UI;N'['IAL, ]NCll)]',N'DkI,, [NI)IR]K;'[; SPECIAl,, PUNI'['IV]% OR OTI [ICR DAMAGES WIIAiI'SO]',VI CR(1NCLUI)ING, WITI [OUT LIMI'['A"lION, DAMAGES ],OR LOSS OF PRO],ITS, BUSINESS [N]]:k_RUPI'IO N, LOSS O], ]NFORMA'[ION OR llA'[A, OR O'I]IICR PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF "['1[]S AGRI'A CM] _NT OR "[lie US]', OF OR [NAI]ILI'['Y TO US]', "['1[]', SOVrWAR]', OR "[lie RTVS, ]',V] ',Nl], SON] CBLU]', OR ]'['S 65 SUPPLli_RS OR 13C]_NSORS IIAVE BE]_N AI)VISI_I) OF "[lli_ POSS]BIL]'['Y O], SUCII I)AMAGI_S. B]K:AUSE SOMI_ S'['ATI_SDURISI)]CTIONS I)O NO'[' AI.I ,OW 'l]li _EXCLUSION OR L]MI'[',gJ'ION OF L]AI$]LITY FOR CONSEQU]',N'[IAL OR ]NC]I)]',N'['AL DAMAGP, S, 'l]li _ABOV]', L]MI'[',gJ'ION MAY NO'[' APPLY TO YOU, Termination "[l_is Agrccro_t and the liec-nses gyanted hereunder shall terminate autom_eully it'you fall to comply" with the limitations deserlbed in this Agycemant. No notice _qll be requited from SONK;blan to effcetnate sanh tv-_rminafion,On termination of this Agrecmc_nt, you must destroy all copies of the So ltv,m'e and a_ompanylng danum_tafion, 'Idle obligations of SONICbluc and You in Seztions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 shall sorvive term_afion of this Agycemant. Nothing in this Section 6 shall limit any other rcmeddes that SONICblan may have for your breach ofthls Agreana_t, Export Controls; Government Restricted Rights You anknowledge and agree that none of the Software or und_lying infammfion or tcehnolo_ may be daw_laadcd or otherwise exported or re-exported (1)into (or to a national or resld_t of) Angola, Cuha, Iron, ]raq, Libya, North Korea, Sttdan, S)ria, or any-other eonatty to which the U,S, has _har_oed goods; or anyone on the U,S, "[_a_ _l)c'p_ant_s list of Sp_ially l)esig_ated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce l)cpartm_t's Table of l)anlal (_lc_'s, By using the Software, you represent and wan'ant that you are not a national or resldant of any sanh countty or on any"sanh llst, 'tile Sot_rc is a commemlal l_odnat, devaloped at private expanse, and l_ovidcd with restricted rights. Use, tcpi'odantion, release, modification or ddselosoic of the Soft-ware, or any part thereof, inzluding tcehnleal data, by the Governm_t is restrlzted in accordance with ],ederal Acq_sltion Regulation (!']%R,) ]2.212 for zi_fillan agencles and l)ef_se ],ederal Aoquislfion Regulation Supplemant ("I)];ARS _') 227.7202 for millta W ag_cles. Miscellaneous "[lalsAgycemant shall in all respects be governed by"the laws of the State of Califomla without refcr_an to its prlnziples of conflicts of laws. "['heUnited Nations Conv_fion on Contracts for the Intc_-national Sales of Goods shall not apply" to thls A_cement, You hereby agree that all ddsputcs arising out of thls Agrcemant shall be subject to the exzluslve jurlsdlztion of and vanuc in the fedc_mland state anurts within Santa Clara Coun W, California, and you hereby anns_t to the personul and exzluslve jurlsdlefion and vanuc of these courts. If any of the pro_Sslons of thls Agycemant arc held to be inwalid undo" any-appllcable statute or nile of la_ they arc, to that extant, deemed omitted, "[he waiver of any brcanh or default, or any" delay"in ex*,_rc, ising any" rights shall not constitute a waiver of any subsequant breanh or default. "[lals Agrccm_t constltotes the complete and exzluslve a_e*,_mant betv¢c_,_you and SON]Cbluc with respect to the subjeet matter hercet; and supersedes all prior oral or vcrltt_ naderslmldings, communications or agrecm_ts. ]tfis agre*,_mantmay"not be modified except in writing duly sig3aed by"an anthodTed rc'prcs*,_tafive of SO N]Cblan. It is the intant of SON]Cbluc that this produnt be used in f_ll eompllanze with the anpyright laws of the United States, UnauthoriTed reeordlng and sending of c_-_lalncop)n'ighted matcMal may be contrary to the provisions of the United States cop)right lav,_. 'llae fights of co_n'ight holdouts are subjcet to lhnitations whan persons are engaged in 'Tab" use" or are l_totceted by"other provislons of la_; You arc tcsponslble for complying _qth these laws. "['hlspmdant incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by"U,S, patents and other intalleetnal propc-rty rights including, among othv_cs,Mazrovislon U.S. pat_ts nos. 4,631,603; 4,577,216; 4,819,098; 4,907,09".i and commv_mlal ad_nze techunlogy that is l_totceted by"U.S. pat_ts and other intclleetnal propc-rty, inzluding A1) Little Commcrzlal Advance patents uns, 5,3".i3,091; 5,692,09".i and 5,696,866, Use ofthls cop) right protection technology must be anthoriTed by Macrovision, and is intandcd tbr home uses only unless otherwqse anthoriTed by"Ma_o_fislon, Rcvv_cseangineerlng or dlsasscmbly is prohibited, COv_a,._ **ll_mlll, gr is a rcglstered tT_mark of Sg[, Inc. A Jerry ]gguldcn invantion liceaased in assanlation vdth Arflmf l), l,lttle ] mterprises, Inc. 66 :: Activation and Service Agreement "[llis Ag.yeement applies to },our use of the ReplayTV S_,°_r_.qce and is a legally" binding agreuruc_ntbctweco you, SONICblue incorpamt.xt and its wholly" owned _ubsidlaW, ReplayTV Inc. (collectively "ReplayTV"). By clieklng the button marked "1 Agree" below or by othzzwisz comm_icafirtg 3.our anceptance to ReplayTV or by using the Rc_alayTV S_'ice, you agyce to all the t_mris and conditions in this Agcemcot. 1MPOR_IAN F NO_I E: Your ReplayTV digital _,'ideo recerd_-r works _ by activating and recaln4ng the ReplayTV S_rvice off_ed and provided by Rc-playT'v'. If you do not agree with all the turms and conditions of this Agreuruc_nt,you m'o not anthoriTed to use the ReplayTV Se*_,'ice,and you may romm the Rc-play'[N udit to Rc-playTV or the anthoriTed rz_ailcrfrom whom you purchased the pmdant for a _1 rofi,md withha one (1) month of the original purchase gate. 1. Use o¢ the Service A. Authorized Product. You mat. access and use the Re-play'["€ Scr_dce only with a ReplayTV product anthoriTed to rec_ive the Re_playTV S_'ice and you an_ce that the Replay'IN unit and Replay'IN S_rvice arc being pro_dded to you in the specific form delivered and any modifications or tamperln$ with the authorized product or the Replay'['V Sur_4ce is unauthorized. It" you make ant. modifications to or oth_'isc tamper with the authorized product or the Replay'IN Scr%qcc,your warranty will be void and your ReplayTV Sm'ice may be disconncetcd and t_m'nmated.ReplayTV will not be responsible for the lagality" of ant. modification that you make or the roanlfi_g modified prodant or any problems or,_ngdding reanlfi_g from sanh modifications, ineludlng, but not limited to, problurns recd%qng or using the ReplayTV Smfic¢ or the RpplayTV unit. B. Personal Use Only,. 'llao ReplayTV Smqcc is for pc_'sondi, reside_ngal, non-cemm_,_reial use. AW othur use is not tx,_nitted u_der this Ago=snoot. You ma t. not re-sell the ReplayTV S_'vice in _olc or in part, nor, cxc_t as part of your transfer of the ReplayTV unit as pro_qded in this AgTecmcot, ma t. you transf_ the ReplayTV Sm'ice. C. Eligible Subscribers. You r_,Wrescotthat you m'o at least 11_years of age. You mat. p_nlt minors to use the Replay'IN Smficc undur your aucount, but you a_ce that you are fi_y responsible for the minors' use of the Replay'IN Sm4ce. D. Accurate Information. You must give us a_urato and complete information whco you uctixnatoand use your ReplayTV Service and pay" your subsedption fee. lt'you do not, ReplayTV may- t_mnlnato your account at any-time. E. Replay FV's Priva_" Polity,. RpplayTV respects the privusy of your information and ,Mll not diselusc ant' of your intbrmation except as purmltted in ReplayTV's Pdvusy Polio,. A current zopy of ReplayTV's Privusy Policy is included in the Privacy Policy" section of the main mceu in the Rc-playTV software included on your RpplayTV unit and on the SONICblan webslte m-_"_'.sunieblan.cem. Please read it ca_offdiy before using your subscription for the ReplayTV Smdc¢. By using the ReplayTV Sm'ice, you _nd_stand and agree with how Rc-playTV handles your information as described in our/Mvany Policy, and how the/Mvucy Policy" mat. be modified from time to time. Replay'IN will use comm,_relally reasonable efforts to notify"you of any"substantial and material ehangas to the Prlvucy Policy. However, you arc responsible for -¢iowSngthe latest Pri_aey Poli_, which can be _ssed through our website at www.senicbluc.cem. F. FV Programming. 'lho Replay'['V Sur_fiecgives you the ability to see and reco_ talcriscd progrm'ns, llowc'¢_, ReplayTV cx*,_reisesno editorial or progammlng control over [husc progams 0_['hh'd Party (3enter'). You tmdcrstand that (a) ReplayTV does not guarantee [he, access to or recording of any particalar program, (b) progammlng is not under Rc-play'[N's control, (e) ReplayTV is not responsible for and has no editorial control ovg any"'ltlkd Party C_ntcet, and (d) RpplayTV has no control ov_ [he distribution of progranas. You also und_rstond that talzvision progams, films, vidcotapas, and other materials mat. be copyrighted. Unau[horlz_d recording and sending of such matcfidi may- be contrary to the provislous of the United States coptright laws. The rights of coptright holders arc subject to limitations when pe_zons arc engaged in "fair use" or a_oprotected by"other pro_4slous of lain: You arc responsible for complt4_g with these la_. G. Changes to Ilepla3q V Servius. At its discretion, ReplayTV may- automatically add, modil_, or disable any t'catare or fimetionality of the ReplayTV S__,ficcor on the ReplayTV unit (s_%_ your unit connects to our sm'_ or at other times ,M[h or ,Mthout notice)./n addition, RpplayTV mat. modify the t_ns and conditions of this A_cemcot from time, to ill'no (and wSll notify you of these changes to the Agrcemcet by"_thcr sending a notice to your ReplayTV or, in Replay'[Y's sole discretion, to the adflmss of record that ReplayTV has tbr you). If. Soft'are. ReplayTV provldcd zcnaln se_'are _q[h the ReplayTV unit you pva_hascd, and may, at its option, provide replacement (tbr example, bug fixus, upgatus or upgadus) and additional seffwurc to you fi'om tlme to time (_eh may" include by automatic downioads to the RpplayTV unit), in order for you to access and use c_taln fcaturus of [he ReplayTV Sorv'iec. "['heReplayTV Sorv'iec mat" include select'are updates. RpplayTV reset'us the right to add, delete or 67 molly thatares in any- soi_ update. Your u_ ofall sanh soi_¢_ is _bject to tho t_s of this Agrecra_L Howcv_, if a m_f_rc llcanso a_raant is included with any sanh sofl_ro, than those t_mns (and not this A_emant) _Mllgovern your uso of that sofl_ro. You have a limited, non-exclusive right to us_ the m_f_ only _di the R_playTV unlt _th which the soibh_ _s pre_d ur tbr _h it _ do_o_. You may mako oan copy of tho m_t_'am you download for bankup purposes only. provld_d that sanh backup copy must ineludo all copy_ght and other Froprlotary information and notices contained on the original. You a_knowledge and agree that tho soft, to is cop)u'ighted and contains material that is Fsutceted by cop)Mght, tradcunark, trad_ s_r_ and other la_a_ and international treaty provisions relating to proprlotur_, rights. You may- not remove, O1angn or hide any" of ReplayTWs or its llcansors' or suppliants: proprL otary rights notieas on or in tho software or on output g_etated by tho sot'oh'are. ICxcept and only- to the oxtant permitted by applicablo law and this Agtcement, you may- not copy, dce_mpilo, revecso engineer, disassemble, modif3_, rent. lease, loan. distribute, assign, transfer, or create declvadvo works from the sollw_ro. You acknowledge and agyce that any un authori 7,._.tuse, transfer, sublic_sing or disclosure of the so fob'are may- cause i_-purable injury to ReplayTV, and under such e_taanes, Replay'IN shall be antitled to oqditablo relict, without posting bond or other sceuritp, including but not limited to, Im:llmlnury and p_Tnanant injuantlvo relief. I. Ownership; Certain Rights. Rc-playTV and its licansors and suppliers r_-_in titlo to and ownership of all the Rc-playTV sot'ohnare.ReplayTV and its licensots and suppli_,_csown tho intolle¢O._alproperty rights in and to tho Rc_play'['V unit and the ReplayrV Se-t_,ice, including the copyfights and trademarks associated with the ReplayTV unit and the Replay'TV S_,°_r_4ce. 2. Fees and Term of the ReplayTV Service A. Subsc_4ption Fees. Your uso ot'the ReplayTV Sc_'ice is subject to ),our pa)nnant ot'_ther: (1) a subscription fee in a oan-tlmo, up t_ont pa)nnant; or _?) a monthly- subsurlptlon fee. ]f you choose to pay" the monthly subscription Ice, you a_ce that ReplayrV may automatically" O_urgn the subsurlption foe to ),our credit or ehs_c card (whom legally- allowed) sevan (7) days bothre the beginning of eanh monthly set,Joe period. "[he monthly- subseriptlon fee will bo cba_ed each month on an ongoing basis while you arc authorized to use the ReplayTV Sc_4e.¢, and dicro is no cap on the amount that may- be charged, lt'you choose the monthly" subscription fee option, your R_layTV S_4ce a_cass ,hqll not be ostabllshed until Rc-playTV has verified that your credit card _unt is in good standing. ReplayTV reservas the right to ebangn the amount of die required monthly- subsurlption fee in its di_rcfion. ReplayTV will s_h a notice to your ReplayTV unit or the address of recerd ReplayTV has for you 30 days in ad_anee of any fee ebangns or imposition of now foes. You may- obtain a list of the fees currently in effect at any"time by going to the SONl(;blue website at www.sonlcblue.cem_playtv. 'llao subsurlption fee covers only"the basle ReplayTV Sm'ice, and doas not indiude any"other cbargas or fees, sanh as: (a) for premium or odier additional sc-t-cites offered as part of or through the ReplayrV Sc_'iee for which RcplayTV ebarges additional thas, or _) to third _as tbr telephone ser_qce or broadband access, if applicable. You arc responsible for ant.such talcphune or broadband ser_qce cba_as and acknowledge and agr_ that you shall be sololy responsible for all disputes with an t. third party related to the satr_. B. Pa)nment for Replay Service. Subj cot to tho te_ms of this Agycemant, if you pay the oan-time, up front subseription fee, you _qll not incur ant. additional O_urgns to r_.._ive the basic Replay'['V So'Moo while you am attthOriT_d to us_ ),our ReplayTV Fsudant. If you choose to pay"tho monthly- subscription fee, so long as you pay"it each month whan dim, you _qll not incur any"additional charges fi'om ReplayTV to recOve the basic ReplayTV Sc_4e.¢ while you am anthoriTed to use ),our ReplayTV unit, If you choose to pay"the one-time, up fi'ont subscription fee, the R_play'[N Sc_4e.¢ will be pro'tided only- to that purtieular R_playTV unit for which you paid the subscription fee and cannot be translated to any"other units you may" pumbase but the R_playTV Sc_4e.¢ will still apply to that unit evan it"you glve it or sell it to a fric_ d or family- member. Thus, any sc_4e.¢ that is activated through the one-time, up fi'ont subscription fee thllows the'[N unit and not the pearson. If you choose the monthly- subseription fee option, you may" choose to have your subsoqtmnt monthly pa)nnants go toward the R_playTV S_,_r_,_'ce for a differ_t Rel_layTV unit by contacting ReplayTV, C. Reactivation. ]f you choose to pay a monthly subscription fee and a monthly" payment is not made either duo to an inwalid or expired credit card or for any other reason. ),our ReplayTV Ser_fice may" be discounected, If you want to reactivate ),our'[N Sc_4e.¢ al%_ra period of 30 days from the last puriod of scrvice that was paid, you will be et_urged _4th a reactivation fee, along with any out_0ndlng balance, in addition to ),our monthly- subscription fee, "['he amount of such tee may" be O_anged from tlme-to-time by Replay'IN and you may fi_d out the amount of sanh cbar_¢ by _dsifing www. sonicblue.com_coplaytv. Notices s_t to ),our Rc°play'[N unit may indieato it"there are problems with your monthly subserlption fee paym_t and how to contact ReplayTV to resolve any"sanh issues. Your ReplayTV Service may"be d_tivated or t_m'dinated should a problom with paymet arise. ],or _.amplo, ReplayTV ros_,°_rves the right to dea_ivato or termlnato ),our R_layTV Smfiee without notice upon rejection of any"credit card O_urgns, Replay T V's inability to obtain an authorization for tho cbargn, or it"),our card iasanr (or its agant or ai-'fillate) returns or charges back any pa)nnant pr_fously mado to ReplayTV, Sanh rights are in addition to and not in llou of any"other legal right or rem_as available to Replay'IN. Replay'IN reserves the right to refer ).our account to a third part), for anllectlon in the event of an ongoing dofa_flt. 68 D. Fcrmination of Scrvicc; Your Indcmni_ Obligations. Notwithstanding any-term oftNs A_cemant, ReplayTV has the absolute right to innmcdiatoly suspand or terminate your account, and terminate this Agreurcent, it"you (a) breach any iYro_4slon of this Agycement or _) misuse fli¢ ReplayTV Sm'ice. In addition, it"ReplayTV is required to take action such as deactivating or terminating the provision of fli¢ Replay'IN Service to you to comply"with applicable lam_ or any compliance tx_li_ that SONICblue may adopt from time-to-time, it may do so without violating the terms of this Agreurcent. You fi.trfller agree that you mSll dcfcnd, indurnnil_- andhold harmless Rc-play'['V and its affiliates from anda_almtany and all claims, actions, suits, liabilities, losses, costs andexp_nses (including reasunablc attorneys' fees) arising out of or relating to any"of file actions dcserlbed above that wouid anfifle Rc-playTV to t_te this Agecmant. 3. DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY A, Warran_ Diselaimcl; "['][],. RICPI.AYTV SI CRVICIC IS PROVIDED ',AS IS, _="WIT][ ALL FAUIXS," AND "AS AVAILABL] ,.." RI'.PLAYTV AND ]'['S SLrPPLliCRS DISCI.AIM AI.I, WARRA N'[I]',S OF ANY KIND R]'_ARI)] NG '1"1[],, REPI.AY'['V S]',R'vqC]', (!NCLUI)I?NG "[IIlRD PAI_['Y PROGRAMS), WI []'i[IliCR EXPRESS, ]MPLIICI), OR ST_fUTORY, I?NCI.UI)] NG WITHOUT LIM]TA[']ON ANY ]MPLliCI) WARRANTY O], "[TI'LIC, MI,,RCIIAN'I'AB]I.ITY, FI'KN]',SS FOR A PAR'[ICUI .AR PURPOS]', OR NON-I?NFRIN GI CMI',N'[', ReplayTV makes no warranty that (a) the RcplayTV ScaMee or its content will meet your requlzem_ts, be uninterrupted, c-fret-free, secure or thnaly; or (b) that the in formation obtained through the RcplayTV S el%'ice (including but not limited to Third Party Pregyatrm) is accurate, eurr_t, complete or reliable, Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer ot'implled warranties, so the above disclaimer may not apply to you, You may also have other legal tights that vary from state to state, lg, N O INC1DEN'IAL OR ('ON SE QUEN'I 1AL I)A_IAG ES, IN NO 1_V] _NT W]I_L RI ;PI _AYTV OR ITS 1ACI _NS ORS OR SUPF'I AI ;RS B] _I_]AI_I_I _TO YOU OR ANY TI []RI) PARTY FOR ANY ]NCID]',N'D_d,, CONS]'_)UI _N'['] AL, ]NI)IRICC'I; OR SPECIAL I)AMAG]',S OF ANY K]ND (WI []'i[IliCR ]:OR LOS'[' PROF]'['S, LOSS OF I)A['A OR O'[IliCRWIS]',) ARISING ],ROM OR RI',I_A['] NG TO YOUR USE OF TlliC RI',PLAYTV S]',RV] C]', OR "['] [IS AGRIC]9 MEN]; ]',V]',N ]], RICPLAY'['V ][AS B]'A',N AI)V]S]',I) O], TlliC POSSII_I],]TY OF SUCII I)AMAGI',S, C, LIMIFAqIONS OF REPLAY FV'S LIABILIFY, IN NO ]',VKNT S] [ALL RICPLAYTV'S AGGRI'_JA[']', LIABI],]TY "['O YOU (AND ANYON]', ICI,S]', WI[O US]',S "[Ili; RI',?LAYTV SFk(VIC]', TI [ROUGII YOUR ACCOUN'D, FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS ON ANY BASIS, WIliCTI []',R IN "['OI_[, CONTRACT OR O'[Ili;RWISE, ]',XC] ',l',I) "[Ili; "['OTAL AMOUN'[' YOU PAl!) "['O REPLAY'['V ],OR Tlli; R1 ,,PLAY" [*V UNIT AND T] []', R] ',PLAYTV S] ',RVICE. YOU UNI)ICRS'DkNI) TIIA[' TIliCSIC L]MITA'[IONS O]' RI',F'LAYTV'S AND R]',F'LAYTV'S SUPPI.I]',RS' AND L]C]_NSORS' LIABILITY ARE A FUNDAMI _NTAI, PAR'[' O], 'I]IIS AGRICICMI',N'[; AN I) RI',PI.AYTV WOULD NOT 1;NTI',R ]N'['O "[Ills AGR]'A',MI ;N'[' WITI[OU'[" SUCII LIMI'[',gI'ION. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation oflncidcntal or eonsequcnfidi _es, so the above limltafion or exclusion may- not apply" to you. 4. Miscellaneous "[laisAgycemant (indiudin_ refcranoxl doeumants) constitutes the entire agycemant regarding your use of the ReplayTV Ser_qee and supca_so.!cs any"and all prior statements, agracmants or understandln_s mqth respect to the Replay'['V Ser_qce. "[lalsAgreurn_t is gov_,_medby"and will be interpreted in accordance mqth fli¢ laws of the State of Calffornla mqthout regard to its conflict or'laws principles. It"any pro_qslon or"this Agycemant is invalid, iUcgal oTunanforeeable, such pro_qslon will be de_,_ncdchanged only- to the extent n_ssary to make it valid, legal and c-ntbreeabJe; all oth_ pro',qsions of this Agye_,_nant mqll continue in f_ll tome and effect. Any"failure by ReplayTV to stticfly enforce any provision of this Agreement mSll not waive ReplayTV's right to lat_ enforce that provision or any subseqacnt default or breach of the same or a diffca-ent kind. :: Privacy Your Privacy Policy is Important to Us Pc_onal tele_Ssion and digital _4deo recording are radleally impro-,4ng the may"you watch "IN, You are now in charge of your own tele_Ssion -¢iemSngexpeti_ce. Alon_ mqth that, wc mmat you to know how important your Wivaey is to us. At SONICblue(TM), wc believe ptivaey is a tight, not a Wi'&le_e. In oth_ words, you should expect us to protect your privacy, and you shouldnev_ have to worry about it. We believe that a strict and clear-cut ptivaey poli_ is a k_y ingy_ant in gyomSng our company and the personal tele_qslon indus W. "['hlsPrivacy 69 Polio. is our pledge to safeguard your wivaey while groviding you with the best television viewing expurlcnce possible. "['here arc sctmmte Wivacy turms govconing our MYR1WLAYTV ser_qee that can be viewed at m)_laytv.anm. This 1 2 3 4 is our Privacy Credo: We see your IMvacy as a fight and not just a pri_qlcgc. We respect your IMvacy and are committed to maintaining tim IMvacy of your personal intbrmafion. We will tell you what infommfion we anllac't about you and how we use that in formation. We `hill glue you a eholee as to how your per._unal information `hqll be used. Sources of Information "[b best undarstand f_nt _o_as: this Privacy- Poli_ _, please 1 `h"_"_' 2 Digital video r_,orde_rs featuring the ReplayTV Se_r_,fice('I'M). These rccordurs brand. All of these rceurdcrs fea_wc our Replay'IN Smqee, "[blephone. YOU may call us and grovide us `hJthinforrrmfion, 3 Types (including keep in mind flint, apart from the MYR] ',PLAYTV w_, sur_qee, information may become a_filable to us from thrc_ dit'- Web site. are sold under brand names like Panasonlc and also under the ReplayTV of Information It is important to know that there are throe diffar_t typas of information that may b_omo available to us, "[hesecan be used in diffcreat ,hlays, as explained below in the Q&A soofion of our Privacy- Policy. 'l)le terms defined below arc used fllroughout ourPrivacy" Polley: 1 "Pc"rsonally ldeatifmble lnforrrmtion7' is pri-¢at¢ data about you as an indi*,qdaal, 1:_xamplesof tiffs data would be your name, address, telcophone nambar, e_all address, and ofllc-r po'sonal infommfion that idc_tifias you as you. We call this "Pe_onal lnforrrmtion" for short. 2 "Non-Po'senal Infommfion" is information about how you use our Web slte and ReplayTV Sc_qce that is not connoted to your _cular name, address, or other Po'sonal ]ntbmmfion. For crumple, Non-Personal lnforrrmtion coaid dcs_rlbe how many- people viewed a parfieaiar page on our Web site or how many- panple recorded the pmgmrn "]:dc_ds'= on their R_layTV digital vld_o recorders, without connecting that ]nt'ommfion to the sp_,ifie idc_tifies of those people, We eurrc_tiy do not eoll_t sanh inforrrmtion from the RcplayTV Smfiee or the ReplayTV unit, but it is possible that we may collect sanh information in the future, 3 '*[bclmleal Status Data" can be classified dthar as error eveats or malnteaanco stares cveats. ].or example, problurns that the _ait has connecting to the ReplayTV Smdco or the nambar of times the unit reboots, "['his data is neeassar3_ to allow us to analyze your unit's t_hnleal pca't'on'nanac and to help diagnose and fix problems `hqth your unit, Privacy Policy Q&A Q: What information does SON1Cblue eollvct from the Web site? A: When you _qslt ac-rtaln areas of `h'_,sonieblue.eom, we may ask you to regist_ by"providing Pcesonal lnforrrmtion, ],or example, it"you buy a product, enter a contest, or subscribe to a mailing list t_om our site, we ,hill ask you for ac-rtaln Pc_onal lnfurrrmtion in conn_fion `hqth that transaction. We also anllact Non-Po'sonal information from the Web site, ineludlng which pages you look at and oth_ similar data, As do most Web sites, ww`h_sonieblue.anm uses "cookies." A cookie is a small data file that a Web site can sead to your Lwowsarto be stored automatically on your computar, Cookies am commonly used to track your visits to a site so you don't have to log in on ew-_ pa_e and to analyze how you use the site. Tiffs allows Web site opuraturs to sc_e you bcttar, Whc_ you regist_ yourRc'play'l'V unit at www,, we collea Parsonal Information. Our practices regarding the collantion and use of this informatlon arc &acribed below in the sootlons about your digital %qdcorecorder usage. 7O Q: How does SONICbinc use the information it collects from the Web site? A: We may use Pm-sonal ]ntbmnation collected through the Web site to complete a transaction you rcqanst, lt'you purchasoa RcplayTV produm, fl,c Personal lnfonnafion coll_tad for that transaction _qll be, used to fill ),our urd_, get the produ_ to you and bill you corr_fly. SONK;blan may- also use your mailing address, talephonc number or c_mil address to alert you to sp_ial offsets, updated intbmmtion and anw sm'ices. If you don't _mt SONICblu¢ to contact you, you may- opt-out as discussed in the next qan_tlon and answer below. Non-Personal ]ntbrmatlon collected through our Web site is used for maintenance, monik_ring and marketing ttsos, but Non-Pm'sonal ]nthrmafion _qll not be linked to ),our idc_nfityvdthout pro_4dlng you an opportunity to opt out of sanh linking. Q: VChat choices do I have regarding the collection and use of information from the Web site? A: Wban you submit Personal Information at our Web site, you can opt-out of rc_qng inforrrmtion from SONICbluc about Rcplay'['V and related products, promotions, and ser_ficas by checking or rurno,Ang the check from appropriate boxes. You may-also set your Intcu-net bmw_c-r to reject cookies to limit file collection of Non-Po'sonal ]ntbmmfion from our Web site, but this may- aff_t ),our ability to use some parts of our Web site. Q: Is registration information received over the telephone treated the same as information from the wcbsitc? A: Yes. Pc'_sonal ]ntbmmtlon callceted over the telephone is treated the same way as Personal ]ntbmmtlon collected on the wcbsitc. Q: What information does SONICDIuc collect about my digital _idco recorder use? A: Wban you pumhase a Replay'IN digital _4dco recurd_, we ask you to regist_ the product so we can provide you with file bost t_ssiblc _'vvicc. You may rcgist_'r online at the Web site or by tell,-'phonc. During regi_t_'atlon, wc ask you for Pc_tsonal ]ntbmmtlon, including )'our name, address, phone numbs, emall address, and file serial number of your R_layTV digital _qd_o r_cordan "['he,Replay'IN digital video recurd_ is conn_tad to ),our tal_'ision and an 1Cthc_mctconanetlon. During ,_,stem setup and registration, we learn about how you ha'_,econnected your ReplayTV digital vldco r¢cord_ to your antcrtalnmant system and the progTammlng signal soureas a'¢dilablc to you (ant_mna, cable,, and/ur satelllte). We also learn about _cre you are located, and use this infon'natlon to detc'rmlnc what tal_'ision channels and soheddi¢ are available to you. 1:_a_hday, the ReplayTV digital vldco recorder contac_ SONICblan to dowdioad a turret "IN sohcddi¢ for you. Ofller than as dcsctibcd above, we do not collect any information about the _qe.,_Sngor recording habits of you or oth_ usc_ of your Rcplay'[N unit. We do ras_,_,e the right in the f_V.meto coll_t c_-.mdinNon-Personal Vie.,_SngData, sanh as which prog_ms us_ record, which features users use,, andoth_ similar dam about),our use of file RcpkayTV Sc_rvlce, but sanh information wodid only"be colMeted in the form of Non-Personal ]ntbmnation. Should we decide to ooll_t this inthmmtlon, wc would collect it on an a_gmgate basis, not connected to your Personal ]ntbmmtlon. though wc could also sort _uch Non- Pc_onal Infer marion by"d_nogyaphic or oth_ categories. ]f we ever began to coll_t information about your _q_'wing or recording habits that was connoted to Personal lnforrrmfion, we would always give you a chance to opt out from that collation (unless we arc unable to do sotbr legal reasons). Q: How does SONICbinc use the infomation it collects about my digital video recorder use? A: Curranfly, wc only use Personal Information collected during registration of your Rcplay'iN digitsl video record_ for diagno_cor so,rice purposes or to complete a transaction mqanstad by you. We can use it, for example, to see if ),our Rcplay'['V unit is wurklng pro_ly. We can also use it whc-n you contaet our Customer (kare a_ants sofl1_, can help you _ithany scuMcc-related problcuns, and for wmTanty allgibillty and fiflfillmant purposes. Again. wc wodid not llnk this information to Non-Personal ]ntbrmation or use it in ofl_ur_ys without providing you _ithan oppommlty to opt out ofsuch use. Q: VChat choices do I have _gardin_ the collection and use of information about my digital video recorder use? A: Registration of your ReplayTV digital vldco recorder is not r_qulrad to use fl_c unit. From tlme to time, wc may sand all of our cu_tom_ information about our products and ser_qcas that wc consider assonfial to providing you the Rc_play'[N S_vice, including intbmmtion about software upgyades, changes to fl_c ser_fice, technical or admlnistmfive issues, legal matt_ts, or ofl_er similar information. Users of our prodants and sc_rvlces am not able to opt-out of these announcements, It. in the thture, we ev_ began coll_fing Pemonal Information connoted to Non-Pemonal Information about viewing habits, we will pro_fide you an opportunity" to opt out of sanh collation. Q: Does SONICbinc share my information (gathered from cJthcr my use of the Web site or digital video recorder) with any third parties'._ A: SON]Cblu_ will not sham your Pc-monal Information with third _as without your consc'nt, except in fl_cw-nb'limited clmumstancas outlined in the next question and answer below. Your Personal ]ntbmmtion is not ofl_c_-hlsc sold, markc_d or shurad with third _es without gi_Sng you the opportunity" to opt out. 71 Should SONICblan begin to start colleotlng Non-Personal Information t_om the Replay'tO digital vi&o reeurdor urthe Rc_lay'[N Se/vico, _ch Non-Personal Information may be shared`hSth third _es for analysis or marketing purposes. ],or example, this infomlation may be pro_Sded to advertisers or marketurs who may use it to target advurfiseraents to your _lar interests. Because it's Non-Personal, this information will not be linked to you without f_t gi_g you the oppommlty to opt out. Q: Arc there any special cil_cumstanecs that may l_quire my information (gathercfl from my use of `h_t_t:soniebhie.eom Web site or my digital video recorder or over the telephone) to be shared with third parties? A: SON] Cbht¢ may _selose Personal Information and Non-Pca'sonal ]nformation if reqalred to do so by law, to protect and defcod the rights or Fropcrty of SONICblu¢, file ReplayTV S_ico or our viewers, whether or not reqalred to do so by law, or to protect file personal s_fety of our _q_'_ or file public. SONICblan reserves file right to contact appropriate authorities and dlselose F_-_onal or Non-Personal ]nformation to than at its dlseretion whco it appears that indlvldaals uslng our products or services are engaged in acfi_fities that may be illegal or _4olate file RcplayTV Activation and Sor_fiee Agac_-annt. Should SONICblve merge with or be acq_ted by anofller company, or if file buslness unit providing your s_iee wore sold to another company, fllco _m_tomer intbnlaation maintained by SON] Cbluc, including Personal and Non-Personal Information, if any, may be nanst'arred to and used by the resulting combined company. From tlme to thee we may also shure Personal ]nthmlation `hlth third parties who purfOrlTleta-rain ser_dees and fl_ncfions on our behalf. 'lhe_ parties only- have a_ess to file Personal Information fl1_ need to perform their fiJantlons and ,he reqalre thc_m to use the, information only- in eonn_tion with file _,'vvicos they" pro_Sde for us. Q: Can 1 corrvct the information collected about me? A: SON]Cblac believes in and supports your right to access and correct file Personal Information you have provided us. To do so, simply contact SON]Cbluc at 800-933-5899 and ,he will make corrections that you request, Q: Is all of my information kept securely? A: SON]Cblu¢ has s_urlty measures in place that are desired to protect your information. All Pccsonal Information and any Non-Pc_onal lnfommtion is _tored on physically secured servers, A_ss to this information is strictly limited to indi_fiduals with a legitimate reason to have _ss and who have signed a_eurannts that prohibit file tmauthorlz_d use or diselosure of such information, In addition, all of SONICblan_s stored information is firewall protected in a manner designed to prevent unauthorized "hacks '=into our syst_-_ns, While `he cannot gttarantc¢ that loss, misuse or alteration of your data ,hill not occur, ,he work hard to prevent sanh aneurrencos. Q: Does SONICbhie collect personal information about ehilflrvn? A: We are very concerned about the safe_" and privacy of ehildr_. "[tlerethre, SON]Cblu¢ will not knowlngiy collect Pc_onal Information from anyone trader fl_cage of 13, Q: Does SONICbhie collect personal information about the shows that I share with other Repla)q V users or shows that 1 record? A: No, `h_cn scodlng a _ow from one ReplayTV to another, fl_c Replay'IN Service does not track or r_ive notlf_eation of which show is being sent or which _ho`h_ you record. Q: Will this Privacy Pollc_"ever be changed? How can I find out about any changes to this Privacy" Policy'.* A: Our privacy poli_ could change in the thrum. As our business and services expand and change, we ,hSll update this policy to pro_dde you ,hlth information about changes to our privacy- polio% including how `he treat Personal Information colic€ted through our servlees, Updates to this policy, including oppommlties to opt out of data colic€riCh, mill be posted on our Web site, and sent to your ReplayTV digital vldco recorder along with a message scot to your ReplayTV message box indicating the policy" has beco updated, but in mo_t cases _ill not be scot to you in any other way. We encourage you to re_'iew this poli_ purlodieaUy to revlcw any changes that have been po_ted. One fl_ing that `hSllanver change at SONICblan is our eommltmcot to your privacy. Q: What ffl have other questions? A: ]t'you have any qan_tions or comments about our _se of your infommtion or abo_t this Privacy- Policy. please contact us at 800-933-5899 or _4a e-mat] at prlvaoy_)fl_1olayW.eom. We `hSll be happy to giveyou more information. If you have a complaint abo_t our _se of your information, please let _s know. We will promptly inve_gate and will comply" fiflly ,hSth fl_clegal and regulatory super_Sse_" authorities responsible tbr coforeing ouradherence to fl_cprivacy principles stated above. 72 :: FCC and Industry Canada Compliance "[l_ssectiondcsoribcsthe Toqulr_nantsforcompllanan with FedcTal(bmmuuicafions Commission (I;CC)Rules and ]ndu_" Canada CS-03 standm'd, FCC Registration and Requirements "[_he following paragraphs d_mi_ tcqugc'mants and _'onrmtlon ba_edon FCC rule, s. FCC Rules, Part 15 "[his cqtfipmant has b_ tested and fovzad to comply" with the limits for a ola_s B digital de_4cc, pursuant to Part ]5 of the ].CC Rules. "[tlesc limits are desigaed to Frovid_ reasonable protccfio_ against harm_l intorfor_an in a rcsid_ installation. "[his ¢Xlulpm_t ganoratcs, uses, and can radiate radio t_CXlU__ c_orgy and, if not installed and used in accordance wlth the in_ons, may- causeharmfizl intorfor_an to radio communications, llowevor, them is no gttarantee that int_'e'ranco will not occur in a _cular installation. If this eqtfipmant does cavse harmfizl int_,-n-t'or_anto radio or television rccc-pfion, which can be determined by turMag the equlpm_nt offand on, the usor is c_co_a_cd to try to corrant the intorfe'ranco by one or more of the fallowing mcasurcs: Reorient or relocate the rccalving ant_na; lnomas_ the sc-parafion bctwean the eqmpm_t and r_ceivor; Connant the eqopm_t into an outlet on a oirc_t diffe'.roIt from that to which the rcc_vor is connected; Consult the dealor or an expc_rie'nand ra_oi'[N teclmialan for help. "[his de,vice complies with Part 15 of the ].CC Rules. Ope'-tafion is subjant to the follov¢ing two conditions: 1 "INs device may not cause harmfizl intcfforcman, and 2 "[:is N_vice must _"pt any intcrforanco r_"ived, including katorfe'tanec that may- catts_ undesired oporafion. Company Name: SONICblan, ]ne'. Address: 2841 Mission College Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95054-1838 "[blclSimne':800-933-5999 C] [ANGI'.S OR MODI],ICAT/ONS NOT 1LXPRI'.SSIX APPROVbl) BY "[IllCPARRY RI'.SPONSH_L]'. FOR COMPLIANC]'. COUIJ) VOH) "['1[]'. USER'S AU'[IIORfFY "[O OPICRA'[]C 'llllC ]'_.)UIPMI :N'I" FCC Rules, 1 2 3 4 5 Part 68 "[lfis equipment complies v¢ith Part 61_of the ],CC rules and file"rcqulr_mcnts adopted b_ file"AC'[A. On file"bottom of fills eqtfipmcnt is a label fl_at con_s, among othor information, a pmd_ i_fifiorinthe"format US:AAAI CQ##'[_%X ,XX.It"requested, this numl_"r must be pm-_6dcd to the telc'phoan company. "['he F_--ral Communications Commission (IzCC) has established Rules which pc_fit this de_dcc to be _fly conne'aed to the"telephone" network. Standordizzd jacks am used for the'so connanfions. "[his cqulpmcot should not be used on par_- lines or coin ptmne's. If this de_qe'c is malf_antloning, it may also be causing harm to the telcpimne" nctwork; this dcvico should be dlsconnanted until the soumc of the"problcm can be dct_ed and until rcpa_ has bcco made. ]f this is not done', the telc'phoan company- may- tcmporurily disconnant scr_qcc. All rc-pa_s should be pe'rformed by"SON]Cblan, Ins, or an authorized agant. ]t is the"rcsponsthility of use'rs rcq_g sor_dcc to report the ne'cd for sor_dcc to SON] Cbluc, h_e'. or to one of our authorized agants, Sorvico can be fanilltated through SON]Cblue Customor Care. "[he,telc_phoan company" may" make e'hanges in its technical otxs_'afion and pranedvxcs; if sanh changes affect the compafiNllty or use ofthis de_dce, the"telephone company is roq_rcd togive adeqvate nofico of the changes. You will be a&dsed of yourfight to file a complaint _qth the ].CC. If the"telephone company" roqucsts intbn'aafion on what equipment is connanted to thc4r line's, intbrm tham of.' a. 'the telephone" nornbor to which this unit is conne'cted. b. "['he"ringor equl*,_alanconambor (REN): 0.008. e'. The USOC jank rcqub'ed: RJll C. 73 d. "['heFCC Regi_tTatlon Number: US:A'['I,MS 00BI_ [N5040, US:ATLM500BRTV5xxx. Items (b) and (d) arc indleatcd on the label. "['he RI_N assigned to caeh t_vmlnal equipmant pm_qdes an indleatlon of the maximum number of t_s allowed to be connected to a telephone interface, "["hetermination on an inter t'acg may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of tile Ring_ l:zlUlX_cane Numbers of all the dexfizes does not exceed five. NOFICE: "[his equipmant meets the applleable lndu_3_ _hnada Turmlnal l:zlulpm_t Tcelmleal Specifications. 'INs is confirmed by tile registration number. "['heabbre_fiation, ]C, before the registration numb,_r si_ifies that registration was performed based on a l)cclaration of Conformity indicating that Industry (_hnada tcehnlcal specifications v,_re met. ]t does not imply" that ]ndusttT/Canada approved the equipmant :: Safety Important 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Safety Instructions O Read Instructions Allfaesafetyandop,_'Tatlnginstruetlonsshouidbereadbeforefaeprodantlsoperated. Retain Instructions The safety and operali_g instru_tlons should be retained for fiitore referun_e. Heed Warnings All Waa'nlngson the product and in the operating instructions should be adhered to. PO gTABLE CAI1T WARN ING Follow Instructions All opera_g a_d use ins_etions _ould be followed. Cleaning Unplug this product from the wall outlet before elcanlng. Do not use liquid elcaners or _'_rusolelean,_-_rs. Use a damp eloti1for cleaning. Attachments I)o not use attaehmants not recemm,_-_nded by the produc_manufaettwcr as they may cause haz_ards. Water and Moisture Toredue_th_r_sk_ff.n_re_c_tr_eshank_donotexp_setI1_sappllancetoraln_rmulst_re. ApperaVasshallnotbeexposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquids, sanh as _mses, shall be place5 on the apparatus. I)o not use this prodant near _ter-for example, near a bath_b, wash bowl, Idtrhen sink, or latind_" tub; in a wet bas,_'_mant;or near a s_Smm_g pool; and the llke, Accessories Do not place this produc_ on an unstable cart, _tund, tripod, bruckct, or table. "['he produc_ may fall, eauslng serlou_ inj_ to a child or adult, and scrlous damage to the pmdant Use only wSth a cart, stand, tripod, br_ket, or table reeomm,_-_ndedby the munufuctarer, or sold with the produc_. Any mounting of the prodant should thllow the manufan_w_'s in_fions, and should use a mounting accessory recommanded by the munufuctaran A product and cart cembination should be moved with eere. Quick stops, cxcesslve for_e, and uanv_ surfaces may cause the product and cart cembination to eye-a-turn. Ventilation Slots and op_nings in the cabinet arc pm_qded for v_tilation and to ansure reliable op_ration of the product and to protect it from o'¢gheating, and these opanings must not be blocked or covered. 'l'he _nlngs should never be blocked by placing the prodant on a bed, sofa, rug, or oth_ similar surface. "[his prodant should not be placed in a built-in installation such as a beokease or rack unless proper vantllatlun is provided or the munufuctarer _s instructions bare bean adhered to. 1 0 Power Seul_es [his produc_ should be operated only- t_om the type of power source indleatcd on the marking label. ]f you are not _re of the type of power supply to your home, consult your produc_ dcal_ or local power cempany. ].or products int_ded to operate from batt_-_i power, or other sources, ret'ar to the opemtlag insm_etlons. 11 Grounding or Polarization 'lhisproduc_maybeequippedwlth apulurlz_daltcraatlng-curr_tlincplug(aplugba_Sngoncbladewidarthan ti_c oth_). 'lhis plug ,h511fit into the power outlet only- one way. 'lhis is a safety feature. It"you arc unable to insert the plug fiflly into the outlet, try reversing ti_c plug. If the plug should _11 fall to fit, contae_ your electrician to r_laee your obsolete outlet Do not defeat ti_c s_fcty purpose of the pulurlz_d plug. 12 Power-Cord Protection Power-supply cerds should be routed so that ti_, arc not likely- to be wa_ed on or pinched by"iturns placed upon or a_alnst ti_um, paying partleuhr attantlon to cords at plu_s, convuni_ce reeeptucles, and ti_c point where ti_ exit from ti_c product. 74 13 Protective Attach ment Pl uS t_e Fodua is cq_ppod _ an a_chmcm plug _g ov_ .... __ _ load protection, "l'hls is a safe_" feature. Scc Instruction Manual for replanemcnt or resetting of protective d_ice, ffToplanuracot of the plug is Tequ{rod, bc sure the s_r_dce t_hnlclan has used a replae_mcot plug specified by the manufacturor that has the same overload IYmt_fion as the original plug, __*_ 14 Outdoor Antenna Groundins If an outside antenna or cable system is conncctod to the /'/ product, be sure the antenna or cable ,_ste_n is grounded so as to provide semc prot_don against voltage .// _m_cs and b_lt-up static charges. Ardclc 810 or'file National l:J_trlcal Code, ANS]iNFPA 70, pro%rides intbmmfion with regard to propcr gyounding of the mast and supporting stmctore, gyounding of the lead-ln _%,>z_ ,him to an ant_mna dlscha_c unit, size, of grounding conductors, location of ant_mna-dlseharge unit, connection to grounding electrodes, andtrxl_mcnts for the grounding electrode. _........... 15 hightni ng ]:or added protcctlon for this product d_ing a llghming storm, or whco it is left unattended and umtsod thr long periods of firnc, unplug it fi'om file va_ll outlet and disconnect file ant_mna or cable sys_.............. _r-_<_Z_, _ tcan, This will prev_t _c to the produc_ ddc to llghmlng and pov¢c_rlines su_cs, 16 Power Lines An_uts_dcant_nasyst_m_uldn_tbe_eatodin_1_vicinity_f_varheadp_war_in_s_r_1aralectric_ight_rp_wc_rcim_ts_r whare it can fall into such pow_ lines or cimults, Wh_ installing an outsldc ant_na systeaa, extreme care should bc takco to kccp from touching _uch pov¢c_rlines or clmits as contact v,lth fllam might bc fatal. 17 Overloading I)o not ov_load wall outlets, extcoslon cords, or integyal convcni_cc receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire or el_tdc shock, 18 Object and Liquid Entry N_'_ push obj_ts of any kind into this product through openings as they may to_h dang_rous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or alcetrlc shock. Nw_ spiU llquld of any kind on the product. 1 S Se rvicin S Do not att_npt to service this product yoursalfas opening or r_no_qng co'¢_,_m may expose you to dangerous voltage or oth_ ha._vds, Rcfor all s_,o_t-_dcing to qualifiod sar_ficc personnel. 20 Damase Requiring Service Un_ht_s_r_dantfr_mthew_l_un_ctandreforsarvicingtoquali_odsarviccp_rs_nnalunder_eth_owing conditions: When the powar-anpply cord or plug is _od, It"llq_d has been spilled, or objects have fall_ into the product, If the product has bcco exposed to rain or watt, If the product does not _,_atc non-nally by following the oparafing instructions. Adjust only those controls that arc cov_,_redby the operating instructions as an improp_ adjustmcot of oth_ controls may result in damage and ,hill often requlr_ extensive work by a qualifiod tcctmlcian to restore the product to its normal opcTafion, lt'the product has been droppod or _od in any _% and Wh_ the product exhiblts a distinct change in pcfformancc_this indicates a need for scar€ice. 21 Replacement Pa i-_ Wh_ roplancment parts am required, be sure the smficc t_hnlclan has usod replanemcnt parts spccifiod by the maunf_turer ot have the same charact*,-Msficsas the original part. UnauthorL_od subsfi_tions may" result in fire, electric shook, or oth_ hazards. 22 Sa feb/C heck Upon completion of any set-cite or ropMm to this product, ask the sm_icc tcchniclan to pc°florin safety checks to d_nc that the product is in proper Ol_atlng condition. 23 Wa II or _eilin S Mou ntin S The product should bc mounted to a wall or c_-411ngonly as recommended %_the manufacture. 24 Heat "[heproduct should bc slmated a_y from heat so_cs such as radiators, heat raglst_ts, stoves, or ofl_c_tproducts (including amplifi_ts) that produce heat. 75 Safety/Regulatory Information Caution're prev_t tic, _oekhazard, orannoying intcffer_an, useo_ly the reeomm_ded _ssorics. "[o Frovcot oloetrlc shook, do not use this (polarizzd) plug wlth an extension cord, rcc_tanl¢, or oth_ unflct unless the blades can be fially inserted to IrrOvcotblade ¢xposoic. To rcdane the risk of aleetrle shank, do not remove the unit ¢ov_ or bank. 'D1ere arc no ser_qecablo parts inside, Rof_ ser_qelng to qualified p,_oa-solmalonly, Usel`/I'll st,ql IIel" Ca tltiorl Your authori_" to op_ratc this FCC certified oqulprn_t could be voided ifyun make changes or modifications not expressly apIrrOved by the manufanmrer, who is responsible for eomplianan with Part 15 ],CC rules, Note to CATV System Installerlqals _rHnd_ is provided to call the CATV ,_st_-xninstaller's attention to Article 820-40 of the National ] _eetrunie Code that _ovides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable gyotmd shall be connanted to the gyoundlng ,W_stemof the building, as close to the point of cable entry as Waetieal. CautionAl_ys discormeet all telephone lines from the _11 outict before sm4eing or disassembling this equlpmc_nt. .¢. / _ zx / 76 This symbo is inl_nd_d _9 alert t_e user t_ the _rese.c_ _, iJl_il_Jla_:ed da_gerou_ vo[la_e wlthin _he plcd._t% _nclo_e that may be of su_cient magnitude _o ¢o_sti_te r[_k of fire or electric _hock This svmbo is inte_ded !o _le"t : 't importantoperatingand ma ntenancein,tractions inthe [iteratu e accompanying t}_b3 pruduct Index H Add or Remove 24 A!_ Treceiver Channels B Basic operations C Cable overview 29 177'address, ReplayTV Connecting ReplayTV to an existing network 12 Cermecting the IR blaster 10 Connecting the serial cable 10 Customer Service Information 59 7 Cancel recording 41 Category options 46 Charalel Guide 33 Closed captioning 35 COMMERCIAL ADVANCE 53 Componem Connecting era orVCR 9 Video 7 a Video Cam10 17 J Jump 32 Q M Main Menu 22 Manual Record 40 QuickSkip MyReplayTV Rear panel 5 Received category 52 Record options 37 Recording 36 Recording conflicts 42 Recording priorities 43 Remote control 3 24 D N De#auk Record Options 23, 40 Navigation 21 Network and Input Settings 23 F Fast £orward 30 Networking info_afion, manual entry 17 Feature highlights 2 Feature updates 1 Find Shows 38 Frame Advance 31 Connecting ReplayTV cable modem 13 to a Connecting ReplayTV DSL Modem 15 to a Freqaemly tions 59 Connecting ReplayTV hub or swkch 14 to a Front panel 4 Connecting router 13 ReplayTV to a H Connecting VCR 10 ReplayTV to a Connecting ReplayTV to an Asked Home ne_,orking Ques- 12 I Instant Replay 32 lnternet Address Book 52 P_vacy Policy 69 Progressive Oat 5, 63 Progressive Video Out 23 0 On-screen setup 12 P Package contents ii Parental Control 24 Praise 30 Praise screen 23, 54 Photo Viewer 56 Play show fl'om another ReplayTV 49 Ports, configuring 16 Preserve _Jl episode 47 32 R Remote Remote 57 control setup 25 con_ol shortcuts Remote Replay cess 50 Guide ac- Replay channel options 46 Replay channels 42 Replay Guide 45 Replay show options 47 Replay Zones 39 ReplayTV Name 23 ReplayTV Photo Transfer software 55 Rewind 30 77 Service Activation Router setup 15 Setup Menu 23 Show-based recording Single recording 43 Slow Motion 31 S S_ety 74 Save m videotape 48 Screen saver 23, 54 Sending Recordings 78 6 Syste_ 51 Information 25 43 T v Technical specifications 62 Theme-based channels 44 V-Chip 35 Video Output Settings 23 Troubleshooting 59 Turning on ReplayTV 6 W,X,V,Z Watch a recorded show 47 Zone-based channels 44 replaytv" 5 0 0 0 GUIDE SETUP QUICK Refer to the User's Guide for connection options not found on this Quick Setup Guide and for information on incorporating ReplayTV into your home network GETTING STARTED _ TakeInventOly Makesureyourecawed thetallowingitems. , ReplayTVDigitalVideoRecorder •Coral cable ,A/Vcable . Telephone cable Cable/Satellite Box • Infiared(IR)blaster cable Im \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\illlllllllll////////// I Router/Hub/Switch I • User'sGuide i *use_thesenal cable mnotcompa_ble _thyour setell_rena[ver Nofe'Youmaynotneedte useallofthe cablesprovided_is depends onthe typesofconnecters onyourtelevisionandifyouhavea cableboxora satellite receiver J' ! ! ! Before youBegin 1.Ifyouwillbeconnec_ng RepteyTV toa home network, makesureyou haveanavailable network cannecl]on t Coa_:a 2.Install thebatteries intheReplay'(V remote conbol according tothe diagram inside thehatteejcomparbnent Incoming cable LLL{ LII] LLL Ethernetcable (not included) _ (satellitereceiveronly) cable lttl Coaxial cable (no cable box) Conneoffon Ovendew ReplayTV controls andrecords thetelevision signals you receive(satellite, cable, antennaora combmabon ofallthree)."filesx:jnal(s) connect directly to the ReplayTVinputs. Theoutputs _m ReplayTV connect to a talevls_on, monitor,or AN receiver For devices wrth D,g,tal Audio Input i LL If you areusinga broadbandconnection,connect an Ethematcable(notinduded)totheETHERNET connectoronReplayTVandto yourhomenetwork.(The LinkLighton the backof ReplayTVshouldbesolidgreen onceyouturn ReplayTVon.) ReplayrV : 0 @ Ifyouareusinga telephone line(notconnectingto a network), connect thesupplied telephonecableto theTELLINEjackonReplayTV andtothewalljack inyourhome.(Ifthereisnophone jacknearReplayTV, youcanuseawirelessphone formoreinfonna_on.) TheE'n-IERNET andTELLINEconnectors areusedtoreceive yourprogram listings _m theReplay'IV Service,, "l_eETHERNET connec_on isalsousedto ,.incorporate ReplayW intoyourhomenetwork. Unk Ugl-d _ L!!Icompatible Inputs Front of Cable/Satellite Box The dashedcoaxialcable showstheeasiestway to connect ReplayTVto yourtelevision.If you havea cable box orsatellite receiveryou willstillneed to performSteps2-5. If your components have AN or S-Video outputs it is recommended that you take advantage of these connectors, which supply better audio and video quality, Connect Incoming Signal O ffyouhavea cablebox: Connect a coaxialcable_m theOUTconnector on yourcableboxtotheINFROMANT/CATV connector on ReplayTV. Ifyouhavea satellitereceiver: ConnectanAN cable_m theAudioNideo OUT connectorsonyoursatellite receiver to the AudioNideo INconnectorsonReplayTV. Or No_: Ifyourcableboxorsatellite receiver hasan S-VideoOUTconnector, connect anS-Videocable fromthisOUTconnector to theS-VideoINconnector onReplayTV. (TheS-Video cableprovides better picture quality thantheyellowvideocable.)Then, connecttheaudiocables(redandwhite)fromyour cableboxorsatellitereceiver tothe IN2 Rand LAUDIOconnectorsonReplayTV. IfyourcableboxhasAudioNideo OUTconnectors, connectanAN cablefromtheseconnectors tothe Audio/video INconnectors onReplayTV. Youdonotneedto connect thecoaxialcableifyouchoose thisoption. blue L_ ! IR blastercable to Repla,/TV Attach Box/Satellite ReceiverCable Controller Ifyouconnecta cableboxorsatellite receiver to ReplayTV, youneedtoattacha conkoller cablesoReplayTV canchange thechannels onthesedevices. Thecontroller,eithertheesrial cableortheIRblastercable,actsasa remotecontrolforthese devices. • ifyoursatellite receiver hasa SERIAL connector,connectthesarialcablefromthis connectortothe SERIALconnectoronReplayTV. Ifyourdevicedoesnothavea SERIAL connector,orifyouhavea cableboxor EchoStar satellite receiver, usethesupplied IRblaster: 1 PlugtheIR blastercabteratathe IR BLASTERcannecter onReplay'rV 2 Peelofftheprotec_ve cover ononeoftheIRblaster For more help call Customer Care 800-933-5899 cableemitters, 3,A_x theemitter directly overtheIRdetector onthe cable boxor satellitemcan/er © 2002SONICblue,Inc P/N410(}5016 PnntedinChina Plug On-screen in ReplayTVSetup and Complete the IMPORTANT:Allotherconnectionsmustbe donebefore tumingon ReplayTV. I I I I % {, or YoucanalsoincorpoBte ReplayTVintoyourhomenetwork, which allowsyouto usethein-homeandIntemetsharing features,and the photoviewerfeature.Referto "HomeNetworkConnections"in the User'sGuideformoreinformation on systemsetup. Note:Youcanonlysendrecordings tootherReplayTV4000,4500 or 5000seriesusersifyouusethe ETHERNETconnector.(Sharing betweenReplay'rV5000andprevious modelswillhe possible in the nearfuture.) ble 1 to o Network ReplayTV allows youtouseeither a broadband connection (ETHERNET connector) ormodemconnec_on (TELLINE connector) toconnect totheReplayTV Service forupdates ofyour Channel Guide-acollection ofprogram li_ngsfromyoursatellite, cable,orlocaltelevisionprovider. Newfeatures arealsosentto yourReplayTV using theseconnections. Television , Senalcable ,9-pinto15-pin sedalcableadapter* •RJ-11 to9-pin adapter* , ReplayTV remotecorf¢ol wf{htwoAAhattenss Connect ReplayTV Telephone Line 4 Hidetheunusedemitterbehindthe equipment Referto theUser'sGuideformoreinformation. Telephonecable _) Connect ReplayTV 1.Plugthe ReplayTV powercordintoaneleckical outlet. 2. Turnonyourtelevision andothercomponents. 3. PresstheReplayTVPowerbutton ontheremotecontrol. Note:Itwilltakea fewminutes forReplayTV to startup. (ReplayTV iss_llstarling upifthe powerlightonthefiont oftheunitisflashing.)Youshould seethefollowingscreen: to your TV Connectthe suppliedAN cable from the Audio/VideoOUT connectors on ReplayTVtothe Audio/VideoIN connectors on yourtelevision,matchinglikecolors. Note: Ifyour televisionhasan S-VideoIN connector,connect an S-VideocablefTomthe S-VideoOUT connectoron ReplayTVto the S-VideeIN connectoron your "IV.Then, connectthe audiocables (redandwhite)_m the OUT 2 R and L AUDIO connectors on RaplayTVto the AudioIN connectorson yourTV. The DIGITALAUDIO OUT and PROGRESSIVEOUT connectorsare forA/V recek, ers,TVsor monitorswith compatibleinputs.PROGRESSIVEOUT is not active dudng the flint-time Quick Setup process.You must use compositeor S-Videoto complete the setup process. 4. Followtheon-screeninsti'uctions to completethe setupand beginusingReplayTV. Ifyou do not seethe QuickSetup screen,W oneof these tips: Makesurethe powerlightisilluminated on theReplayTV _nt panel.(If not,pressthe ReplayTV Powerbuttonon the remote control.) Pressthe FV/VIDEOor INPUT buttonon your TV untilthe screendisplays. Tune your televisionto thechannelthat displaysauxiliary INPUT.(Referto your iV owner'smanual.) Recheckyour connecSons. Referto =Troubleshooting"in the user'sguide. SONIC[blu 2841 Mission College Blvd. Santa Clara, CA 95054-1838
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.2 Linearized : No Page Count : 86 Page Layout : SinglePage Page Mode : UseNone Producer : Goby Monitor Application version 3, 2, 1, 4 Create Date : Tue Apr 03 05:10:16 2007 Author : Title : Subject :EXIF Metadata provided by