Samsung Electronics Co RFD01P-13A RRU (RFD01P) Base Station User Manual 2 Installation

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd RRU (RFD01P) Base Station 2 Installation


User Manual-2 Installation

Radio Access Network
RFD01P Series
Installation Manual
Describes product installation and requirement procedure.
Document Version 1.0
April 2017
Document Number:
© 2017 SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means whether, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise
without the prior written permission of SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
No warranty of accuracy is given concerning the contents of the information contained in this
publication. To the extent permitted by law no liability (including liability to any person by reason of
negligence) will be accepted by SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd., its subsidiaries or employees for
any direct or indirect loss or damage caused by omissions from or inaccuracies in this document.
SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. reserves the right to change detai ls in this publication without
This manual should be read and used as a guideline for properly installing and/or operating the
product. Owing to product variations across the range, any illustrations and photographs used in
this manual may not be a wholly accurate depiction of the actual products you are using.
This manual may be changed for system improvement, standardization and other technical
reasons without prior notice.
Samsung Networks documentation is available at
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 iii
© Samsung Proprietary and Confidential
Preface viii
Conventions in this Document ....................................................................................................... viii
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... ix
Organization of This Document ...................................................................................................... ix
Related Documentation .................................................................................................................. ix
Personal and Product Safety ............................................................................................................ x
Equipment Markings ...................................................................................................................... xiv
Chapter 1 Before Installation 1
System Configuration and Interface ................................................................................................ 1
RRU Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 1
RRU Interface ............................................................................................................................... 3
Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 4
Cautions for Installation ................................................................................................................... 5
Before Installing ........................................................................................................................... 5
While Installing ............................................................................................................................ 5
After Installing ............................................................................................................................. 6
Installation Tools .............................................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2 Installing System 10
Installation Procedure .................................................................................................................... 10
System Arrangement ..................................................................................................................... 11
Unpacking and Transporting .......................................................................................................... 15
Bringing in Items ........................................................................................................................ 15
Unpacking Items ........................................................................................................................ 15
RRU Handling ................................................................................................................................. 16
Fixing RRU ...................................................................................................................................... 17
Fixing Finger Guard .................................................................................................................... 17
Fixing Unit Bracket ..................................................................................................................... 19
Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front ........................................................... 23
Fixing Pole Type ......................................................................................................................... 25
Fixing Wall Type ......................................................................................................................... 40
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables 55
Cabling Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 55
Guidelines for Cable Connections .................................................................................................. 56
Cable Path Inspection ................................................................................................................ 56
Cable Cutting ............................................................................................................................. 57
Cable Installation ....................................................................................................................... 57
Cable Binding ............................................................................................................................. 58
Connector Attachment............................................................................................................... 58
Identification Tag Attachment ................................................................................................... 59
Cabling Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 60
Grounding ...................................................................................................................................... 61
Connecting Ground Cable .......................................................................................................... 62
Power Cabling ................................................................................................................................ 64
Connecting Power Cable ............................................................................................................ 65
Interface Cable Connection ............................................................................................................ 68
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Remove/Insert Optical Module .................................................................................................. 68
Connecting CPRI Cable ............................................................................................................... 70
Connecting UDA Cable ............................................................................................................... 77
Connecting RET Cable ................................................................................................................ 82
Connecting Cable ....................................................................................................................... 85
Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation 89
Appendix A Acronyms 94
Appendix B Clean the Optical Connectors 95
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 95
Measure the Optical Output and Connecting the Optical Connector ........................................ 96
Appendix C Standard Torque 97
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© Samsung Proprietary and Confidential
List of Figures
Figure 1. Configuration (without Finger Guard) .............................................................................................. 1
Figure 2. RRU Configuration (with Finger Guard) ........................................................................................... 2
Figure 3. RRU Interface ................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 4. Procedure to Install the RRU .......................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5. RRU Arrangement_1Sector Pole Type Installation ........................................................................ 11
Figure 6. RRU Arrangement_3Sector Pole Type Installation ........................................................................ 12
Figure 7. RRU Arrangement_1Sector Wall Type Installation ........................................................................ 13
Figure 8. RRU Arrangement_3Sector Wall Type Installation ........................................................................ 14
Figure 9. Using a Handle to transport an RRU .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 10. Finger Guard Fixing (1) ................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 11. Finger Guard Fixing (2) ................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 12. Fixing Unit Bracket_Standard Installation ...................................................................................... 20
Figure 13. Fixing Unit Bracket_Side Installation (1) ........................................................................................ 21
Figure 14. Fixing Unit Bracket_Side Installation (2) ........................................................................................ 22
Figure 15. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (1) .......................................................... 23
Figure 16. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (2) ......................................................... 24
Figure 17. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (3) ......................................................... 24
Figure 18. Assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type (1) ................................................................... 26
Figure 19. Assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type (2) ................................................................... 26
Figure 20. Assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type (1) ................................................................... 28
Figure 21. Assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type (2) ................................................................... 28
Figure 22. Lifting RRU & Mounting Bracket Assembly_Pole Type .................................................................. 29
Figure 23. Lifting RRU & Mounting Bracket Assembly_Pole Type .................................................................. 30
Figure 24. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type (1) ............................................................ 32
Figure 25. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type (2) ............................................................ 33
Figure 26. Leveling Mounting Bracket Assembly_ 1Sector Pole Type ............................................................ 33
Figure 27. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type (1) ............................................................ 34
Figure 28. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type (2) ........................................................... 35
Figure 29. Leveling Mounting Bracket Assembly_ 3Sector Pole Type ............................................................ 35
Figure 30. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Standard Installation) ................................................................... 36
Figure 31. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Side Installation)........................................................................... 37
Figure 32. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Pole Type (1) ................................................................................................. 39
Figure 33. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Pole Type (2) ................................................................................................. 39
Figure 34. RRU marking dimensions_1Sector Wall Type ................................................................................ 41
Figure 35. RRU marking dimensions_3Sector Wall Type ................................................................................ 42
Figure 36. Marking_Wall Type ........................................................................................................................ 43
Figure 37. Drilling & Anchoring ....................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 38. Fixing Mounting Bracket_1Sector Wall Type ................................................................................. 46
Figure 39. Fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation) ............................................ 47
Figure 40. Fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation) .................................................... 48
Figure 41. Fixing RRU_1Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation) .................................................................. 49
Figure 42. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Side Installation)........................................................................... 50
Figure 43. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation 1) ............................................................... 52
Figure 44. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation 2) .............................................................. 52
Figure 45. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Side Installation 1) ...................................................................... 54
Figure 46. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Side Installation 2) ...................................................................... 54
Figure 47. Procedure to Connect System Cable .............................................................................................. 55
List of Figures
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Figure 48. Cable Connection Procedure.......................................................................................................... 56
Figure 49. Cable Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 60
Figure 50. Connecting Ground Cable (1) ......................................................................................................... 63
Figure 51. Connecting Ground Cable (2) ......................................................................................................... 63
Figure 52. Power Equipment Elements ........................................................................................................... 64
Figure 53. Connecting Power Cable (1) ........................................................................................................... 66
Figure 54. Connecting Power Cable (2) ........................................................................................................... 66
Figure 55. Optical Module Removal (1) .......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 56. Optical Module Removal (2) .......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 57. Optical Module Removal (3) .......................................................................................................... 68
Figure 58. Optical Module Inset ...................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 59. The method for configuring the CPRI Cable’s cascade ................................................................... 70
Figure 60. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (1) ............................................................. 71
Figure 61. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (2) ............................................................. 71
Figure 62. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (3) ............................................................. 72
Figure 63. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (4) ............................................................. 72
Figure 64. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (5) ............................................................. 73
Figure 65. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (6) ............................................................. 73
Figure 66. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented (1) ......................................................................... 76
Figure 67. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented (2) ......................................................................... 76
Figure 68. Connecting UDA Cable (1) .............................................................................................................. 77
Figure 69. Connecting UDA Cable (2) .............................................................................................................. 78
Figure 70. Connecting UDA Cable (3) .............................................................................................................. 78
Figure 71. Connecting UDA Cable (4) .............................................................................................................. 79
Figure 72. Connecting UDA Cable (5) .............................................................................................................. 79
Figure 73. Connecting UDA Cable (6) .............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 74. Connecting RET Cable (1) ............................................................................................................... 83
Figure 75. Connecting RET Cable (2) ............................................................................................................... 83
Figure 76. Connecting RET Cable (3) .............................................................................................................. 83
Figure 77. Connecting RET Cable (4) ............................................................................................................... 84
Figure 78. Connecting RF Cable (1) ................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 79. Connecting RF Cable (2) ................................................................................................................. 86
Figure 80. Connecting RF Cable (3) ................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 81. Installation Inspection Procedure .................................................................................................. 89
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List of Tables
Table 1. Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 4
Table 2. Basic Installation Tools ..................................................................................................................... 7
Table 3. Parts and Tools for fixing Finger Guard .......................................................................................... 17
Table 4. Parts and Tools for fixing Unit Bracket (Standard Installation) ...................................................... 20
Table 5. Parts and Tools for fixing Unit Bracket (Side Installation) .............................................................. 21
Table 6. Parts and Tools for assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front ............................... 23
Table 7. Parts and Tools for assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type .......................................... 25
Table 8. Parts and Tools for assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type .......................................... 27
Table 9. Mounting Bracket type per installation type and sector type_Pole Type...................................... 31
Table 10. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type ................................... 32
Table 11. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type ................................... 34
Table 12. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Standard & Side Installation) ....................................................... 36
Table 13. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Pole Type ......................................................................... 38
Table 14. Tools for Marking ........................................................................................................................... 40
Table 15. Parts and Tools for Drilling & Anchoring ........................................................................................ 44
Table 16. Anchor Bolt Drill Bits and Hole Depth ............................................................................................ 44
Table 17. Mounting Bracket type per installation type and sector type_Wall Type ..................................... 45
Table 18. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_1Sector Wall Type ................................................... 46
Table 19. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation) .............. 47
Table 20. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation) ...................... 48
Table 21. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_1Sector Wall Type (Standard & Side Installation) ......................... 49
Table 22. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation) .................................... 51
Table 23. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation) ............................................ 53
Table 24. Recommended Minimum Allowed Cable bend Radius .................................................................. 58
Table 25. RRU Connection Cable ................................................................................................................... 60
Table 26. Parts and Tools for connecting Ground Cable................................................................................ 62
Table 27. Parts and Tools for connecting Power Cable ................................................................................. 65
Table 28. Power Cable/Connector Pin Map ................................................................................................... 65
Table 29. Parts and Tools for connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented ................................... 70
Table 30. Parts and Tools for connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented ............................................... 75
Table 31. Parts and Tools for connecting UDA Cable .................................................................................... 77
Table 32. UDA Cable Pin Map ........................................................................................................................ 77
Table 33. Parts for connecting RET Cable ...................................................................................................... 82
Table 34. RET Cable Pin Map ......................................................................................................................... 82
Table 35. RF Cable Minimum Radius of Curvature ........................................................................................ 85
Table 36. Parts and Tools for connecting RF cable ........................................................................................ 85
Table 37. RF Cable Identification Tag ............................................................................................................. 88
Table 38. Construction Situation Check list ................................................................................................... 90
Table 39. Standard Torque Value for Fastening Bolts ................................................................................... 97
Table 40. Brass Bolts Torque Value................................................................................................................ 97
Table 41. Connector Connection Torque Value ............................................................................................. 97
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 viii
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This manual describes how to install the 700 MHz RRU including how to connect
cables. This manual includes the following 700 MHz RRU:
RFD01P Series
Conventions in this Document
Samsung Networks product documentation uses the following conventions.
Indicates a task.
Indicates a shortcut or an alternative method.
Provides additional information.
Provides information or instructions that you should follow to avoid service
failure or damage to equipment.
Provides information or instructions that you should follow to avoid personal
injury or fatality.
Provides antistatic precautions that you should observe.
Menu Commands
menu | command
This indicates that you must select a command on a menu, where menu is the
name of the menu, and command is the name of the command on that menu.
File Names and Paths
These are indicated by a bold typeface. For example:
Copy filename.txt into the /home/folder1/folder2/bin/ folder.
User Input and Console Screen Output Text
Input and output text is presented in the Courier font. For example,
context <designated epc-context-name>
CLI commands are presented in bold small caps. For example,
Type the RTRV-NE-STS command in the input field.
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 ix
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Revision History
The following table lists all versions of this document.
Publication Date
RFD01P Series
April 2017
Organization of This Document
Before Installation
This chapter introduces RRU and describes items
should be understood before installation.
Installing System
This chapter describes the procedures to install
the RRU.
Connecting Cables
This chapter describes the procedures to connect
the cables to the RRU installed.
Inspect the Installation
This chapter describes the procedures of
inspecting installation status after RRU
installation and cabling is completed.
This annex describes the acronyms used in this
Clean the Optical Connectors
This annex describes the procedure of cleaning
the optical connector and cleaning tool.
Standard Torque
This annex describes the standard torque when
fastening the bolt.
Related Documentation
LTE eNB System Description
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 x
Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.
Personal and Product Safety
This product safety information includes European directives, which you must
follow. If these do not apply in your country, please follow similar directives that
do apply in your country.
Proposition 65 Warning (US Only)
State of California Proposition 65 Warning (US only)
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to
cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
The product is designed to operate from a -48 V DC supply and is therefore
classified as Safe Extra Low Voltage (SELV) equipment.
All structural parts are grounded and all input and outputs have built-in isolation
from the network. All input and output ports that connect to external power
sources are designed to meet relevant national safety requirements.
The product contains hazardous energy levels as defined by EN 60950. Care must
be taken when maintaining this equipment as injury to personnel or damage to the
equipment could result from mistakes. Maintenance should only be carried out by
trained and competent engineers who are familiar with the relevant procedures and
The product is fitted with optic modules rated as Class 1 radiation-emitting devices
under EN 60825-1. During installation, operation, and maintenance, never look
into the end of an optical fiber directly or by reflection either with the naked eye or
through an optical instrument. Do not operate equipment with exposed fiber
connectors-cover these with fiber cables or blanking caps. Do not remove
equipment covers during operation unless requested to do so in the documentation.
Carry out normal safety precautions when trimming fibers during installation.
Manual Handling
Care should be taken when handling equipment. Give due consideration to the
weight of the equipment, the physical capability of the individual(s) handling the
equipment, and movements such as twisting, bending and stooping, which could
lead to skeletal and muscular injuries.
Installation must be carried out by trained and competent engineers only. All
relevant safety measures should be taken to ensure equipment is not connected to
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 xi
Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.
live power and transmission sources during installation. Equipment must be
correctly installed in order to meet the relevant safety standards and approval
Each power feed to the unit requires a separate fused feed from the provided
power supply. The cable between the power distribution point and the installed
equipment must have a minimum cross-sectional area of 2.5 mm2.
Rack-mountable equipment must be placed in a standard 19-inch rack and secured
with the appropriate fixings as detailed in the installation manual.
Maintenance must only be carried out by a suitably trained and competent
technician. All safety instructions must be carefully observed at all times.
Equipment covers should not be removed while live power and transmission is
connected unless in a controlled environment by trained technicians.
The product is powered from a -48 V DC supply. To protect against fire, the
equipment is fused.
The product must be operated in an environment with the specified relative
humidity and ambient temperature ranges.
Keep all liquids away from the equipment as accidental spillage can cause severe
The product cools down by its own set of cooling fans housed in a fan module.
Each fan module detects a fan that is not operating normally. LEDs on the front
panel of the fan module provide an alarm indication in the event of fan failure.
In the event of fan failure, take urgent remedial action to restore full cooling
Take appropriate measures to ensure that fan modules do not start spinning during
repair and maintenance procedures.
Anti-Static Precautions
The circuit boards and other modules in the product are sensitive to and easily
damaged by static electricity. If any card or sub-assembly is removed from the unit,
the following anti-static precautions must be observed at all times:
Service personnel must wear anti-static wrist straps.
Circuit boards and sub-assemblies must be placed on ground conductive mats
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 xii
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or in conductive bags.
All tools must be discharged to ground before use.
The anti-static wrist strap and cord must be checked at regular intervals for
their suitability for use.
To comply with EN 60950, the equipment must be connected to a safety
grounding point via a permanent link. Grounding points are located on the product
for this purpose. Always connect the ground cable before fitting other cables. The
product must remain grounded continuously unless all connections to the power
supply and data network are all removed.
If equipment is grounded through a cabinet or rack, make sure it is done so
properly according to the installation instructions.
Power Supply Connection
The equipment is designed to be powered from a -48 V DC supply. Power
connections and installation of associated wiring must be carried out by a suitably
qualified technician.
Only devices that comply with all relevant national safety requirements should be
connected to the unit’s power supply inlets. Other usage will invalidate any
approval given to this equipment.
Connection of this equipment to devices that are not marked with all relevant
national safety requirements may produce hazardous conditions on the network.
When the power supply is obtained by a rectifier/safety isolation transformer, the
supply must meet the requirements of EN 60950 providing double/reinforced
insulation between hazardous voltages and SELV/TNV circuits. Any battery must
be separated from hazardous voltages by reinforced insulation.
Indirect Connection
Before indirectly connecting any equipment to another device through a shared
power supply, ALWAYS seek advice from a competent engineer.
Devices that are not marked according to the relevant national safety standards
may produce hazardous conditions on the network.
Product Disposal
To reduce the environmental impact of products, Samsung has joined WEEE
compliance activities.
The WEEE symbol on the product indicates that the product is covered by the
European Directive 2002/96/CE for the disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). This means that the product should be disposed of separately
from the municipal waste stream via designated collection facilities appointed by
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 xiii
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the government or the local authorities. This will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human health. Please check the terms and
conditions of the purchase contract for information about correct disposal.
Battery Disposal
The product contains a battery on the processor card. The battery should not be
disposed of with other household waste. Where marked, the chemical symbols Hg,
Cd or Pb indicate that the battery contains mercury, cadmium or lead above the
reference levels in EC Directive 2006/66. The battery incorporated in this product
is not user replaceable. For information on its replacement, please contact your
service provider. Do not attempt to remove the battery or dispose it in a fire. Do
not disassemble, crush, or puncture the battery.
End of life recycling materials information is available from Samsung.
California USA Only
This Perchlorate warning applies only to primary CR (Manganese Dioxide)
Lithium coin cells in the product sold or distributed ONLY in California USA
‘Perchlorate Material-special handling may apply, See’
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 xiv
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Equipment Markings
This marking on the product, accessories or literature indicates that the
product and its electronic accessories (e.g. charger, headset, USB cable)
should not be disposed of with other household waste at the end of their
working life. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health
from uncontrolled waste disposal, please separate these items from other
types of waste and recycle them responsibly to promote the sustainable
reuse of material resources.
Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased
this product, or their local government office, for details of where and how
they can take these items for environmentally safe recycling.
Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and
conditions of the purchase contract. This product and its electronic
accessories should not be mixed with other commercial wastes for disposal.
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 i
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Chapter 1 Before
System Configuration and Interface
RRU Configuration
The configuration of RRU is as follows.
Figure 1. Configuration (without Finger Guard)
[Bottom View]
12.59 (320)
[Front View]
[Top View]
[Left View]
[Right View]
[Rear View]
15.09 (383)
5.94 (151)
12.59 (320)
Unit: in. (mm)
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 ii
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Figure 2. RRU Configuration (with Finger Guard)
[Bottom View]
12.99 (330)
[Front View]
[Top View]
[Left View]
[Right View]
[Rear View]
15.47 (393)
6.61 (168)
13.38 (340)
Unit: in. (mm)
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 iii
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RRU Interface
The interface structure of RRU is as follows.
Figure 3. RRU Interface
[Bottom View]
Ground Terminal
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 iv
Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.
The table below lists the main specifications of the RRU.
Table 1. Specifications
3GPP Rel. 13
Duplex type
Operating Frequency
DL: 746 to 756 MHz
UL: 777 to 787 MHz
Channel Bandwidth
10 MHz 2Tx2Rx/2Tx4Rx/4Tx4Rx per RRU
Max. 1 cells @ 10 MHz 4T4R
Input Voltage
-48 V DC (-38~-57 V DC)
Input Current (Max)
18 A
Dimension (in./mm)
without Finger Guard : 12.59/320 (W) × 5.94/151 (D) × 12.59/320 (H)
with Finger Guard : 12.59/340 (W) × 6.61/168 (D) × 12.99/330 (H)
Approx. 17 kg
Operating Temperature (Ambient)
-40°C~55°C (without solar load)
Operating Humidity
5~100 % RH, condensing, not to exceed 30g/ absolute humidity
Altitude (m)
-60~1,800 (Telcordia GR-63-CORE)
Telcordia Earthquake Risk Zone4 (Telcordia GR-63-CORE)
Office Vibration (Section 4.4.4)
Transportation Vibration (Section 4.4.5)
Fanless (natural convection cooling)
FCC Title 47 CFR Part 15
UL 60950-1 2nd Ed.
FCC Title 47 CFR Part 27
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 v
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Cautions for Installation
Observe the following safety instructions when installing the system:
Installation shall be in accordance with the applicable local electric codes.
Before Installing
Post warning signs in areas where high-voltage cables are installed.
Post ‘off limit’ signs in areas where accidents are most expected.
With guardrails or fences, block open areas such as connecting parts, roof, and
Install the system in the Restrict Access Area.
While Installing
The system power must be cut off before installing.
Be careful not to damage or scratch the boards mounted on the system and the
cables among the boards when the system is transported or installed.
Make sure the power switch of power supply is off when installing the system.
Installing the system with power switch on may cause system damage or fatal
human injury when cables are not correctly connected.
Make sure that worker wears protection gloves and goggles to prevent damage
from debris while drilling holes in a wall or ceiling.
Do not wear accessories such as watches and rings in order to prevent electrical
Never allow foreign substances to be inserted into unused ports by covering them
with a cap.
To prevent foreign substances, outdoor air and moisture from entering the cable
inlet (including cable gland and conduit), finish it as follows:
- Unused inlet
Use the hole finishing materials including cap and rubber packing.
- Cable-installed inlet
After cable installation, block any space in the inlet with tape, compressed sponge,
rubber packing, and silicon.
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 vi
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After Installing
Remove any debris produced during the work and clean up the installation site.
In the system, the laser beam light runs through the optical cable. Handle the
optical cables with care as the laser beam can seriously damage the worker’s eyes.
Make sure that worker does not damage installed cables while cleaning the system.
While cleaning the power supply device, take caution that the device does not
come in contact with foreign objects that may cause power failure.
Chapter 1 Before Installation
RFD01P Series Installation Manual v1.0 vii
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Installation Tools
The basic tools for installation are listed in the table below. The additional tools
required for each site need to be identified and prepared during a site survey before
starting installation.
Table 2. Basic Installation Tools
Purpose of use
Torque Driver
Apply a torque range
: 6~22 lbf·in
For fastening finger guard(M4)
Apply a torque range
: 20~90 lbf·in
For fastening RRU ground pressure
Screw Driver Bit
‘+’, No. 2
For fastening finger guard(M4)
‘+’, No. 3
For fastening RRU ground pressure
Screw Driver
‘+’, No. 2
For loosening M3, M4 screw
‘+’, No. 3
For loosening M6 screw
Torque Wrench
Apply a torque range
: 10~50 lbin
For tightening M6 Hex.Bolt and RF
connector of system(4.3-10 Type)
Apply a torque range
: 100~400 lbin
For tightening M10 Hex.Bolt and RF
connector of antenna(DIN Type)
Torque Wrench Spanner Head
Apply Hex. Bolt Head: 10 mm
(for 10~50 lbf·in)
For tightening M6 Hex.Bolt
Apply Hex. Bolt Head: 17 mm
(for 100~400 lbf·in)
For tightening M10 Hex.Bolt
Apply Hex. Bolt Head: 22 mm
(for 10~50 lbf·in)
For tightening RF connector of
system(4.3-10 Type)
Apply Hex. Bolt Head: 32 mm
(for 100~400 lbf·in)
For tightening RF connector of
antenna(DIN Type)
10 mm
For loosening M6 Hex.Bolt
For loosening M10 Hex.Bolt
22 mm
For loosening RF connector of
system(4.3-10 Type)
For loosening RF connector of
antenna(DIN Type)
Ratchet Wrench
10 × 13/17 × 19 (4 in 1)
For fastening Hex. Bolt
Tape Measure
16 ft./150 ft.
Tape measure for length
Power Extension Cable
100 ft.
Basic tool
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Purpose of use
For horizontality and verticality
Hammer Drill
Wall Type Drilling
Concrete Drill Bit
0.55 in. (14 mm)
For M10 Strong Anchor
Anchor Punch
For M10 Strong Anchor
Anchor fixing
Vacuum Cleaner
For removing dust during the drilling
Heating Gun
122~572°F (50~300°C)
Shrinking Feeder cable tube
Cable Cutter
0.24~1.26 in. (6~32 mm)
Cable cutting
Crimping Tool
AWG14~AWG4 (1.5~16 mm2)
Pressure terminal for crimping
Wire Stripper
Apply cable thickness:
1.5~6.2 in.(4~16 mm)
Cable sheath for removal
Basic Tool
For cutting cable & cable tie
LAN Tool
Basic Tool
RJ45 Crimper
Industrial Scissor
Basic Tool
Basic Tool
Chapter 1 Before Installation
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Purpose of use
Optical Connector Cleaner
For LC Connector
For Optical Connector Cleaning
Optic Transceiver Removal
Separate the Optical Module
Multi tester
Digital Pocket Tester
The voltage and current
Whether measured cable
Fiber Optical Test Set
Wave length:
1310 nm, 1550 nm (single
mode) 850 nm, 1310 nm
(multi mode)
Optical level check
Angle Meter
Antenna angle measurement
Multi master (VSWR & RF
Feeder VSWR measurement
Check azimuth during installation
The required installation tools may vary depending on the conditions at the site.
In addition to the basic tools, a protractor, ladder, safety equipment, cleaning tools,
and so on should also be prepared in consideration of the site conditions.
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Chapter 2 Installing System
Installation Procedure
The procedure to install the RRU is as follows.
Figure 4. Procedure to Install the RRU
Make sure that the power switch of the power supply is OFF when installing the
system. Installing the system with the power switch ON may cause system damage
or fatal human injury when connecting or disconnecting the cables.
To prevent the risk of electrical shock do not wear accessories such as watches and
Foundation Work
Unpacking and Transporting
Fixing System
Unpacking Items
Bringing in Items
Marking and Drilling (only wall type)
System Leveling
Fixing System
Chapter 2 Installing System
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System Arrangement
A minimum distance must be secured around the RRU, in each direction for
installation and maintenance.
Figure 5. RRU Arrangement_1Sector Pole Type Installation
[Front View]
[Side Installation]
[Standard Installation]
Unit: in. (mm)
[Top View]
[Side View]
[Top View]
12 (300)
15.74 (400)
8 (200)
8 (200)
15.23 (387)
32 (800)
12 (300)
15.74 (400)
8 (200)
8 (200)
21.77 (553)
32 (800)
W : 13.38 (340)
H : 15.47 (393)
D : 6.61 (168)
H : 15.47 (393)
Chapter 2 Installing System
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Figure 6. RRU Arrangement_3Sector Pole Type Installation
When fixing a pole mounting bracket, the length of a carriage bolt is 220 mm for
the pole diameter 50~100 A.
Carriage Bolt
Carriage Bolt
Pole Size(Diameter)
Length of Carriage Bolt
50 A(60.5 mm)
220 mm
65 A(76.3 mm)
80 A(89.2 mm)
90 A(101.6 mm)
100 A(114.3 mm)
[Side View]
[Side Installation]
Unit: in. (mm)
[Top View]
12 (300)
15.74 (400)
8 (200)
8 (200)
21.77 (553)
32 (800)
D : 20 (508)
H : 15.47 (393)
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Figure 7. RRU Arrangement_1Sector Wall Type Installation
[Front View]
[Side Installation]
[Standard Installation]
Unit: in. (mm)
[Top View]
[Side View]
[Top View]
12 (300)
8 (200)
10.17 (258.5)
32 (800)
16.71 (424.5)
32 (800)
15.74 (400)
8 (200)
8 (200)
8 (200)
12 (300)
15.74 (400)
W : 13.38 (340)
H : 15.47 (393)
D : 6.61 (168)
H : 15.47 (393)
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Figure 8. RRU Arrangement_3Sector Wall Type Installation
[Front View]
[Side Installation]
[Standard Installation]
Unit: in. (mm)
[Top View]
[Side View]
[Top View]
16.71 (424.5)
32 (800)
32 (800)
12 (300)
15.74 (400)
D : 20 (508)
H : 15.47 (393)
W : 55.90 (1420) / H : 15.47 (393)
8 (200)
8 (200)
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Unpacking and Transporting
This paragraph describes the work to unpack cabinets and other components and
transport them to the place to be installed.
Bringing in Items
Bring in items, taking care of the followings:
When carrying a system, fasten the system firmly to the transport vehicle or
carrier to prevent a damage to the system for a vibration or shock.
When carrying system, use a lift to prevent accidents. However, if the system
must be carried by people, enough people are required to carry the system.
Before moving the system, check the storage place for the system and remove
obstacles in advance.
While moving system, the system should not be shocked physically and
damaged caused by dust, moisture, and static electricity.
Unpacking Items
The procedure to unpack items is as follows:
The packing items must be packed until they reach the installation place.
The items are classified in accordance with each job specification and stored
on a place that does not interfere with working.
Unpacked systems must be installed immediately. If not installed immediately,
the systems must be stored in the installation place temporarily.
Unpack only external packing, leaving the internal packing in unpacked status.
Unpack the inner packaging after each system is placed on its installation
Scrap by-products (packaging waste) in accordance with the rule. Do not
recycle the by-products.
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RRU Handling
When transporting an RRU, hold a handle at the top of the RRU. (No tool is
needed for using the handle.)
Figure 9. Using a Handle to transport an RRU
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Fixing RRU
Fixing Finger Guard
To fix Finger Guard
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 3. Parts and Tools for fixing Finger Guard
Finger Guard
1 EA
M4 × 10L SEMS
8 EA
Recommended Torque Value
13 lbf·in(15 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Driver (6~22 lbf·in), Screw Driver Bit ('+', No. 2),
Screw Driver('+', No. 2)
2 Place a unit bracket to the RRUs front.
Figure 10. Finger Guard Fixing (1)
Finger Guard
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3 Fix RRU and finger guard using fasteners.
Figure 11. Finger Guard Fixing (2)
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Fixing Unit Bracket
There are two ways to fix a unit bracket to the RRU.
One is fixing a unit mounting bracket to the rear side of RRU (Standard
installation). The other is fixing a unit bracket to the side of RRU (Side
These are the same for the wall type and pole type installation procedures.
[Unit Bracket Standard Installation]
[Unit Bracket Side Installation]
Unit Bracket rear
Unit Bracket left
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To fix Unit Bracket (Standard Installation)
1 Make sure that you have the following items:
Table 4. Parts and Tools for fixing Unit Bracket (Standard Installation)
Unit bracket
1 EA
M6 × 20L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
Recommended Torque Value
M6 × 20L Hex. Bolt
43 lbfin(50 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (10~50 lbfin), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 10 mm), Spanner (10 mm)
2 Place a unit bracket to the RRU rear and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 12. Fixing Unit Bracket_Standard Installation
Unit Bracket
M6 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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To fix Unit Bracket (Side Installation)
1 Make sure that you have the following items:
Table 5. Parts and Tools for fixing Unit Bracket (Side Installation)
Unit bracket
1 EA
M6 × 20L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
Recommended Torque Value
M6 × 20L Hex. Bolt
43 lbfin(50 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Screw Driver('+', No. 2), Torque Wrench (10~50 lbfin), Torque Wrench
Spanner head (apply Hex. Head: 10 mm), Spanner (10 mm)
2 Loosen a fastener of the finger guard left side and separate the dummy cover
from the system.
Figure 13. Fixing Unit Bracket_Side Installation (1)
Dummy Cover
M3 Screw
[Left View]
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3 Place a unit bracket to the RRU side and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 14. Fixing Unit Bracket_Side Installation (2)
M6 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
Unit Bracket
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Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
Assemble the 3sector mounting bracket assembly_front before installing 3sector
system. The method for assembling the pole type is identical to it of wall type.
To assemble 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
1 Make sure that you have the following items:
Table 6. Parts and Tools for assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
Extension Mounting Bracket
2 EA
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt(washer assembly)
2 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbf·in(250 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Hang the right hook of mounting bracket_front on the Extension mounting
bracket hook groove.
Figure 15. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (1)
Mounting Bracket_Front
Extension Mounting Bracket
Hook Groove
[3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front]
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3 Hang the left hook of mounting bracket_front on the Extension mounting
bracket hook’s groove.
Figure 16. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (2)
4 Fix mounting bracket_front and extension mounting bracket using fasteners.
Figure 17. Assembling 3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front (3)
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
Mounting Bracket
Mounting Bracket_Front
Extension Mounting Bracket
Hook Groove
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Fixing Pole Type
Assembling Mounting Bracket
For 1 Sector
The way to assemble 3sector mounting bracket is as follows:
To assemble Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 7. Parts and Tools for assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
Mounting Bracket_Rear
1 EA
M10 × 220L Carriage Bolt
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Hex. Nut
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
Working Tools
Spanner (17 mm)
When fixing the mounting bracket, the specification of pole is from 50A (2.38 in. /
60.5 mm) to 100A (4.5 in. / 114.3 mm) and the specification of carriage bolt is
M10 x 220L.
When fixing pole, fix it using the outside hole of mounting bracket_front.
Outside hole
Inside hole
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2 Insert carriage bolts to the outside hole of Mounting bracket_front.
Figure 18. Assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type (1)
3 Pass the carriage bolt through the side closed hole of the mounting
bracket_rear, fix the fastening material, and fasten the other carriage bolt to the
mounting bracket_front only.
Figure 19. Assembling Mounting Bracket_1Sector Pole Type (2)
For 3 Sector
The way to assemble 3sector mounting bracket is as follows:
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Plain Washer
Mounting Bracket_Rear
M10 Carriage Bolt
M10 Hex. Nut
Mounting Bracket_Front
M10 Carriage Bolt
Mounting Bracket_Front
Chapter 2 Installing System
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To assemble Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 8. Parts and Tools for assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
1 Set
Mounting Bracket_Rear
1 EA
M10 × 220L Carriage Bolt
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Hex. Nut
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
Working Tools
Spanner (Hexagon: 17 mm)
When fixing the mounting bracket, the specification of pole is from 50A (2.38 in. /
60.5 mm) to 100A (4.5 in. / 114.3 mm) and the specification of carriage bolt is
M10 x 220L.
When fixing pole, fix it using the outside hole of mounting bracket
Outside hole
Inside hole
Chapter 2 Installing System
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2 Insert carriage bolts to the outside hole of Mounting bracket assembly_front.
Figure 20. Assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type (1)
3 Pass the carriage bolt through the side closed hole of the mounting
bracket_rear, fix the fastening material, and fasten the other carriage bolt to the
mounting bracket Assembly_front only.
Figure 21. Assembling Mounting Bracket_3Sector Pole Type (2)
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Plain Washer
Mounting Bracket_Rear
M10 Carriage Bolt
M10 Hex. Nut
Mounting Bracket
M10 Carriage Bolt
Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
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Lifting RRU & Mounting Bracket Assembly
To lift RRU/Mounting Bracket Assembly
1 Tie the rope in two carrying points of RRU and Mounting bracket assembly.
The method for lifting 1sector is identical to it of 3sector.
Figure 22. Lifting RRU & Mounting Bracket Assembly_Pole Type
[Lifting 1Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly]
[Lifting RRU]
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2 While Operator A hauls the rope to carry up the RRU/mounting bracket
assembly, Operator B pulls the rope outward so that RRU/ mounting bracket
assembly would not hit the tower platform.
Figure 23. Lifting RRU & Mounting Bracket Assembly_Pole Type
RRU/Mounting Bracket Assembly
Tower Platform
Operator A
Operator B
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Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly
Check the Mounting Bracket_front type per installation type and sector type before
installing the Mounting bracket.
Table 9. Mounting Bracket type per installation type and sector type_Pole Type
Sector Type
Installation Type
Bracket Type
Standard Installation
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
Not Used
Side Installation
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
1 EA
[Mounting Bracket_Front]
[3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front]
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For 1 Sector
The way to fix 1sector mounting bracket assembly is as follows:
To fix Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 10. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type
1Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly
1 Set
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Nut
217 lbfin(250 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm), Level
2 Place a Mounting Bracket Assembly to the pole.
Figure 24. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type (1)
1Sector Mounting
Bracket Assembly
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3 Locate the carriage bolt in the side open hole of the mounting bracket_rear and
fix the fastening materials on both sides.
Figure 25. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_1Sector Pole Type (2)
4 Check the level of mounting bracket assembly on a pole and adjust the level.
Figure 26. Leveling Mounting Bracket Assembly_ 1Sector Pole Type
When fixing the pole mounting bracket assembly on a pole, be sure to check the
level of bracket. After finishing the installation, you can adjust the level minutely.
When occurring poor leveling, adjust the position of fasteners used to fix the
Mounting bracket assembly or its leveling status.
If it is level, the bubble of the
spirit level is positioned at the
center of both lines.
[1Sector Side & Standard Mounting Bracket Assembly]
Mounting Bracket_Rear
Side Hole
M10 Carriage Bolt
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For 3 Sector
The way to fix 3sector mounting bracket assembly is as follows:
To fix Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 11. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly
1 Set
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Nut
217 lbfin(250 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm), Level
2 Place a Mounting Bracket Assembly to the pole.
Figure 27. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type (1)
3Sector Mounting
Bracket Assembly
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3 Locate the carriage bolt in the side open hole of the mounting bracket_rear and
fix the fastening materials on both sides.
Figure 28. Fixing Mounting Bracket Assembly_3Sector Pole Type (2)
4 Check the level of mounting bracket assembly on a pole and adjust the level.
Figure 29. Leveling Mounting Bracket Assembly_ 3Sector Pole Type
When fixing the pole mounting bracket assembly on a pole, be sure to check the
level of bracket. After finishing the installation, you can adjust the level minutely.
When occurring poor leveling, adjust the position of fasteners used to fix the
Mounting bracket assembly or its leveling status.
Fixing RRU
For 1 Sector
The method for installing the 1sector RRU is sorted into standard installation and
[3Sector Side Mounting Bracket Assembly]
If it is level, the bubble of the
spirit level is positioned at the
center of both lines.
Side Hole
M10 Carriage Bolt
Mounting Bracket_Rear
Chapter 2 Installing System
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side installation.
To fix RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Standard & Side Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 12. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Standard & Side Installation)
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
1 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Hang the unit bracket hook of RRU side on the mounting bracket_front hook’s
groove and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 30. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Standard Installation)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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Figure 31. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Side Installation)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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For 3 Sector
3sector RRU can be installed by only side installation.
To fix RRU_3Sector Pole Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 13. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Pole Type
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
3 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
Check the location to install the RRU.
Fix the RRU according to the order of [RRU-0 RRU-1 RRU-2].
Chapter 2 Installing System
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2 Hang the unit bracket hook of RRU_0 side on the mounting bracket_front
hook’s groove and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 32. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Pole Type (1)
3 Fix RRU-1 and RRU-2 in the same way as the RRU_0.
Figure 33. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Pole Type (2)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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Fixing Wall Type
Marking and Drilling for Wall Mounting
To mark on a wall
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 14. Tools for Marking
Working Tools
Tape Measure, Permanent Maker, Level
To mount the system on a wall, perform the leveling test by referring to System
Leveling to check the positions are marked to be horizontal or vertical before
drilling. If the result shows they are not horizontal or vertical, modify the marking
When the position where the system will be placed is determined, place the system
on that position and then mark the positions where anchor bolts will be fixed. This
will reduce marking error range.
Chapter 2 Installing System
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2 Check the distance between the location for fixing the RRU and anchor bolt
Figure 34. RRU marking dimensions_1Sector Wall Type
[Rear View]
[Side Installation]
[Standard Installation]
Unit: in. (mm)
[Side View]
5.11 (130)
13.38 (340)
4.13 (105)
4.13 (105)
15.47 (393)
5.11 (130)
6.61 (168)
0.74 (19)
0.82 (21)
15.47 (393)
: Anchor Bolt Hole
Chapter 2 Installing System
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Figure 35. RRU marking dimensions_3Sector Wall Type
[Rear View]
[Side Installation]
[Standard Installation]
[Side View]
5.11 (130)
20 (508)
7.48 (190)
15.47 (393)
13.38 (340)
13.38 (340)
13.38 (340)
55.9 (1420)
8 (200)
8 (200)
7.4 (188)
Unit: in. (mm)
: Anchor Bolt Hole
Chapter 2 Installing System
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3 Place a mounting bracket on the fixing location, Check the level status using a
level and adjust the level of bracket assembly.
4 If the level status is normal, mark the anchor bolt holes on a wall.
Figure 36. Marking_Wall Type
If it is level, the bubble of the
spirit level is positioned at the
center of both lines.
[3Sector Side Installation Mounting Bracket Assembly]
[1Sector Side & Standard Mounting Bracket Assembly]
5.11 (130)
[3Sector Standard Installation Mounting Bracket Assembly]
16.14 (410)
16.14 (410)
Unit: in. (mm) / : Marking Point
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To drill anchor holes and fix anchors
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 15. Parts and Tools for Drilling & Anchoring
M10 Strong Anchor
2 EA
Woking Tools
Hammer Drill, Concrete Drill Bit [0.55 in. (14 mm)], Vacuum Cleaner, Hammer,
Anchor Punch (For M10 Strong Anchor)
Table 16. Anchor Bolt Drill Bits and Hole Depth
Anchor Bolt
Drill Bits
Hole Depth
RRU (Wall Type)
0.55 in. (14 mm)
1.73 in. (44 mm)
2 Drill anchor holes at marked points with removing dust from the holes using a
cleaner. Fix strong anchor to the drilled hole.
Figure 37. Drilling & Anchoring
Hammer Drill
Vacuum Cleaner
0.55 in.
(14 mm)
M10 Strong Anchor
Anchor Punch
* Remove the debris from the drilled hole.
[Anchor Hole Cross Section]
1.73 in.
(44 mm)
0.55 in.
(14 mm)
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Fixing Mounting Bracket
Check the Mounting Bracket_front type per installation type and sector type before
installing the Mounting bracket.
Table 17. Mounting Bracket type per installation type and sector type_Wall Type
Sector Type
Installation Type
Bracket Type
Standard Installation
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
Mounting Bracket_Front
3 EA
Side Installation
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
1 EA
When fixing the mounting bracket_front or 3sector mounting bracket
assembly_front on a wall, A side should stick on the wall.
[Top View]
Mounting Bracket_Front
3Sector Mounting Bracket
[Top View]
[Mounting Bracket_Front]
[3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front]
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For 1 Sector
The way to fix 1sector mounting bracket is as follows:
To fix Mounting Bracket_1Sector Wall Type
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 18. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_1Sector Wall Type
Mounting Bracket_Front
1 EA
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 × 70L Hex. Bolt
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Place the mounting bracket_front along with the fixed strong anchors and fix it
using fasteners.
Figure 38. Fixing Mounting Bracket_1Sector Wall Type
Mounting Bracket_Front
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Hex. Bolt
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For 3 Sector
To fix Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 19. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation)
Mounting Bracket_Front
3 EA
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 × 70L Hex. Bolt
2 EA / Mounting Bracket_Front
2 EA / Mounting Bracket_Front
2 EA / Mounting Bracket_Front
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Place the mounting bracket_front along with the fixed strong anchors and fix it
using fasteners.
Figure 39. Fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation)
Mounting Bracket_Front
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Hex. Bolt
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To fix Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 20. Parts and Tools for fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation)
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
1 EA
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 × 70L Hex. Bolt
2 EA
2 EA
2 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Place the 3sector mounting bracket assembly_front along with the fixed strong
anchors and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 40. Fixing Mounting Bracket_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation)
3Sector Mounting Bracket Assembly_Front
M10 Plain Washer
M10 Spring Washer
M10 Hex. Bolt
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Fixing RRU
For 1 Sector
The method for installing the 1sector RRU is sorted into standard installation and
side installation.
To fix RRU_1Sector Wall Type (Standard & Side Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 21. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_1Sector Wall Type (Standard & Side Installation)
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
1 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
2 Hang the unit bracket hook of RRU side on the mounting bracket_front hook’s
groove and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 41. Fixing RRU_1Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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Figure 42. Fixing RRU_1Sector Pole Type (Side Installation)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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For 3 Sector
The method for installing the 3sector RRU is sorted into standard installation and
side installation.
To fix RRU_3Sector Pole Type (Standard Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 22. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation)
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
3 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
Check the location to install the RRU.
Fix the RRU according to the order of [RRU-0 RRU-1 RRU-2].
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2 Hang the unit bracket hook of RRU_0 side on the mounting bracket_front
hook’s groove and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 43. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation 1)
3 Fix RRU-1 and RRU-2 in the same way as the RRU_0.
Figure 44. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Standard Installation 2)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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To fix RRU_3Sector Pole Type (Side Installation)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 23. Parts and Tools for fixing RRU_3Sector Wall Type (Side Installation)
M10 × 25L Hex. Bolt (washer assembly)
3 EA
Recommended Torque Value
M10 Hex. Bolt
217 lbfin(250 kgin),
Working Tools
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply Hex.
Head: 17 mm), Spanner (17 mm)
Check the location to install the RRU.
Fix the RRU according to the order of [RRU-0 RRU-1 RRU-2].
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2 Hang the unit bracket hook of RRU_0 side on the mounting bracket_front
hook’s groove and fix it using fasteners.
Figure 45. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Side Installation 1)
3 Fix RRU-1 and RRU-2 in the same way as the RRU_0.
Figure 46. Fixing RRU_3 Sector Wall Type (Side Installation 2)
Unit Bracket Hook
Mounting Bracket_Front
Hook Groove
M10 Hex. Bolt
(washer assembly)
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Chapter 3 Connecting
Cabling Procedure
The procedure to connect system cables is as follows:
Figure 47. Procedure to Connect System Cable
Power Cabling
Ground Cable Connection
External Interface Connection
CPRI Cable Connection
RET Cable Connection
Power Cable Connection
er Cable Connection
RF Cable Connection
UDA Cable Connection
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Guidelines for Cable Connections
The procedure for cable connections is as follows:
Figure 48. Cable Connection Procedure
When cutting the cable after installation, make sure that the connector is
disconnected. Installation of the cable with the connector connected to the system
may cause contact failure or damage to the connector assembled to the system and
the cable due to cable tension or the operator’s mistakes.
The sequence of cable cutting and installation of the cable workflow can be
changed depending on the field situation such as ‘cutting after installing’ or
‘installing after cutting’.
Cable Path Inspection
When installing a cable that connects between the rectifier, Main Ground Bar
(MGB), and backhaul device, and so on within the system, the cable path, length
and the cable installation method, and so on must be inspected.
Follow these guidelines when inspecting the cabling path.
A minimum cable length must be selected provided that it does not affect the
cable installation and maintenance.
Cable Installation
Connector Attachment
Identification Tag Attachment
Connector Assembly
When assembling the
connector at the site
Cable Path Inspection
Cable Cutting
Cable Binding
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The cable must be placed in a location where it will not be damaged by
external factors (power line, flooding, footpaths, and so on).
In areas where the cable may be damaged by external factors, ensure that
measures are taken to prevent damage to the cable (cable tray, ducts, flexible
pipe, and so on).
Cable Cutting
Measure the exact distance, carefully checking the route, and cut the cable using a
cutting tool.
Follow these guidelines when cutting the cable.
Cut the cable to the length determined in the Cable Path Inspection step.
Use a dedicated cable cutting tool.
Cut the cable at right angles.
Be careful to keep the cable away from any moisture, iron, lead, dust, or other
foreign material when cutting.
Remove any foreign material attached to the cable using solvent and a brush.
Cable Installation
Cable installation involves running the cable along the cabling path to the target
connector of the system or an auxiliary device after cable path inspection and cable
cutting have been completed.
Follow these guidelines when installing a cable:
Be careful not to damage the cable.
If the cable is damaged, cut out the damaged section before installing, or
replace the cable.
Run the cable so that it is not tangled. In particular, when installing a cable
from a horizontal section to a vertical section, be careful not to reverse the
upper and lower lines of the cable.
Always use the maximum curvature radius possible, and make sure that the
minimum curvature radius specification is complied with.
If the cable needs to be protected, use for example, a PVC channel, spiral
sleeve, flexible pipe, cable rack, and so on.
Install the DC power cable and data transmission cable away from the AC
power cable to prevent electromagnetic induction.
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Table 24. Recommended Minimum Allowed Cable bend Radius
Allowed Cable Bend Radius
Ground/Power Cable
8 times of the cable external diameter
Optical Cable (indoor)
Unloaded Condition (Installed)
: 20 times of cable external diameter
Loaded Condition (During
: 40 times of cable external
Optical Cable (Outdoor)
Unloaded Condition (Installed)
: 10 times of cable external diameter
Loaded Condition
(During Installation)
: 20 times of cable external
4 times of the cable external diameter
1/2 in. Feeder Line (Flexible)
4.92 in. (125 mm)
If the allowed cable bend radius is specified by the manufacturer, comply with the bend radius specified.
Cable Binding
Cable binding involves fixing and arranging an installed cable using binding
thread, cable ties, binding wire, and ram clamps, and so on.
Follow these guidelines when binding a cable.
Be careful not to damage the cable during binding.
Use appropriate cable binding tools according to the target location (indoor or
outdoor, and so on) and the type of the cable (power supply cable, optical
cable, feeder line, and so on).
Do not let the cutting section of a cable tie and binding line, and so on be
exposed to the outside. This may cause damage to cables or personal injury.
Make sure that the cutting sections of cable ties and binding lines, and so on
are not exposed to the outside.
Cut off the remainder of the cable thread by leaving about 50 mm of extra
length to prevent the knot from easily getting untied.
If there is a danger that contact failure may occur in a connector connection
due to tension, bind the cable at the closest location to the connector.
Connector Attachment
Connector attachment involves assembling a connector to an installed cable or to a
device on the site.
Follow these guidelines when attaching a connector.
Make sure operator is fully aware of the connector assembly method before
assembling a connector. Assemble the connector in accordance with its pin
Each connector has a hook to prevent its core positions from being changed.
Check the corresponding grooves before connecting a connector to another
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Use a heat shrink tube at a connector connection for cables that are installed
outdoor, such as feeder lines, to prevent water leakage and corrosion from
occurring at the part exposed to the outside.
Connect each cable of the connector assembly in a straight line.
Be careful when connecting a cable so that contact failure does not occur at a
connector connection due to tension.
Identification Tag Attachment
Identification tag attachment involves attaching a marker cable tie, nameplate, and
label, and so on to the both ends of a cable (connections to a connector) to identify
its use and cabling path.
Follow these guidelines when attaching an identification tag.
When installing a cable outdoor, use relief engraving and coated labels, and so
on to prevent the markings from being erased.
Since the form and attachment method for identification tags are different for
each provider, consult with the provider before attaching them.
When connecting the cables, always connect the ground cable first. If worker
contacts the equipment, connect a cable or perform maintenance without
connecting the ground cable, the system can be damaged or a worker may be
injured due to static electricity and short circuit.
When performing cable work for the system, proceed with the ground work before
any other work to prevent errors occurring due to static electricity and other
After completing cable installation, unused port should be capped.
When installing, take care not to overlap or tangle the cables; also, consider future
expansion. Install the DC power cable and data transmission cable away from the
AC power cable to prevent electromagnetic induction.
Make sure the work is done by personnel properly trained for the cabling job.
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Cabling Diagram
The cabling diagram of the RRU is as follows:
Figure 49. Cable Diagram
Table 25. RRU Connection Cable
1 Ground Cable
: AWG8 × 1C
2 Power Cable
: AWG 8 or AWG 10 × 2C
3 CPRI Cable
: Single Mode (Outdoor Type)
External Device
4 UDA Cable Assembly
RF Antenna
5 RET Cable Assembly
6 RF Cable
: 1/2 in. Feeder Line
The inlet hole finishing method of external equipment must be progressed after
consultation with operation company in case of the cable connected to external
equipment. (Optical distribution box, etc)
- The Cable: Power Cable, CPRI Cable, UDA Cable
RF Antenna
External Device
6) RF Cable
1) Ground Cable
3) CPRI Cable
4) UDA Cable
5) RET Cable
2) Power Cable
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Grounding is the process of operating an electronic system (for example. power
supplying system, communication system, and control system) stably from a
lightning, transient-current, transient-voltage and electric noise and of preventing
injury from electric shock.
Ground equipment minimizes the electrical potential of the electronic device to
that of the ground, which is zero electrical potential, so that it can prevent the
device from occurring electrification.
Connect the ground cable first. In cabling, the connection of cables without the
connection to the ground cable may cause damage of the equipment or bodily
injury to personnel.
The purposes of the ground construction are as follows:
To prevent human life and the system from over-current, over-voltage, and
To provide a discharge path for surge voltage generated by lightning and
power switch
To protect the system from static electricity
To eliminate or minimize the high-frequency potential in the system housing
To provide a conductor for the balance and stability of high-frequency current
To stabilize the potential of the circuit against the ground
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Connecting Ground Cable
To connect Ground Cable
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 26. Parts and Tools for connecting Ground Cable
Installation Section
MGB ~ RRU Ground Terminal
AWG 8 × 1C
Heat Shrink Tube
Ф 0.47 in. (12mm)/Clear/1.96 in. (50 mm)
Pressure Terminal
Checking MGB specifications per site and preparing connecting parts
AWG 8, 2 Hole, Hole diameter :1/4 in.( 6.4 mm),
Hole spacing : 0.63 in.(16 mm)
Checking MGB specifications per site and preparing connecting parts
M6 × 14L SEMS(Hex. +) / 2 EA
Torque Value
43 lbf·in(50 kgf·cm)
Working Tools
Cable Cutter, Wire Stripper, Crimping tool, Heating Gun, Nipper, Screw Driver (‘+’, No.
3), Torque Driver (20~90 lbf·in.), Screw Driver Bit (‘+’, No. 3)
For the pressure terminal or the cable, the UL Listed products or equivalent should
be used.
Ex) Manufacturer-Panduit
RRU : AWG8 Pressure Terminal (LCD8-14A-L)
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2 Install a ground cable from the MGB to the RRU ground terminal.
Figure 50. Connecting Ground Cable (1)
3 Assemble a pressure terminal and a heat shrink tube at the end of the RRU
ground cable.
4 Align the pressure terminal to the mounting hole of the RRU ground terminal.
5 Firmly fix the pressure terminal onto the RRU ground terminal using fasteners.
Figure 51. Connecting Ground Cable (2)
Ground Cable
Heat Shrink Tube (Clear)
Pressure Terminal
M6 SEMS (Hex. +)
[Bottom View]
Ground Cable
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Power Cabling
The power supply device consists of the following elements:
Figure 52. Power Equipment Elements
Since power is applied to the system where the power cable is connected by
manipulating the circuit breaker of the rectifier, be sure to check the rectifier’s
breaker is turned off (open) before connecting the power cable to the power
connector. If the system is installed while the circuit breaker is on, the worker may
be critically injured as soon as the cable is connected in the wrong way.
Handling the power cable incorrectly may damage the rack or cause an electric
short-circuit through the cable. Ensure the power switch on the rectifier or the
system is turned off before handling the power.
The fasteners for power cable must be tightly secured to prevent electrical
The heat-resistant temperature of the power cable should be 90°C or more.
Install the power cable to the power port of the system by considering the radius of
curvature of its cable specification and then cut the cable. If operator installs the
cable after cutting, there may be length difference among the core wires at the end
of the cable because of cable curvature. This may result in poor contact after the
cable is connected to the power port.
When using the system DC power cable, the length of the power cable can be up to
30m with AWG 10 specification, and is available up to 40 m with AWG 8
specification. The separation distance is decided only by normal installation. The
maximum separation distance may change when conditions changes.
Install a circuit breaker to a rectifier (or power distributor) for the stable power.
The capacity of circuit breaker is 20A or 25A. (Use UL Listed circuit breakers.)
AC Distributor
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Connecting Power Cable
To connect Power cable
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 27. Parts and Tools for connecting Power Cable
Rectifier ~ RRU Power Input Port
AWG 8 or AWG 10 × 2C
(The color of the core wire can be changed according to the specification of the cable used.)
Check specifications of rectifier output terminal per site and prepare fasteners.
JONHON, Push Pull Type, CT48J-1502TSCBM-07 to open
Working Tools
Cable Cutter, Wire Stripper, Compressor, Heating Gun, Nipper
Table 28. Power Cable/Connector Pin Map
Power Connector
Pin No.
Pin 1
-48 V DC
The color of the core wire can be changed according to the
specification of the cable used.
Pin 2
[Cable side Connector]
[System side Connector]
Pin 1
Pin 2
Pin 1
Pin 2
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2 Install a DC power cable from the rectifier to the RRU.
Figure 53. Connecting Power Cable (1)
3 Insert the connector aligning the cable side connector’s white dot and system
side connector’s white dot. When inserting the connector, push the shell to
upper side.
Figure 54. Connecting Power Cable (2)
System side connector’s white dot
Cable side connector’s white dot
[Bottom View]
Power Cable
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When the connector is fastened tight, the white line on the system side connector
should be invisible (or hidden).
The method for connecting/disconnecting the power connector is as follows:
- For connecting the connector, push the shell to upper side.
- For disconnecting the connector, pull the coupling nut to lower side.
Coupling Nut
White Line
[White Line is invisible]
[White Line is visible]
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Interface Cable Connection
Remove/Insert Optical Module
If the optical module needs to be removed or inserted before connecting the cable,
follow the below process.
To remove Optical Module
1 Hang the Optic Transceiver Removal Tools hook on the optical modules bail
within the system.
Figure 55. Optical Module Removal (1)
2 Completely remove the optical module from the transceiver by pulling the
Optic Transceiver Removal Tool.
Figure 56. Optical Module Removal (2)
3 Remove the optical module and the jig by pressing the Optic Transceiver
Removal Tools hook grip.
Figure 57. Optical Module Removal (3)
Optic Transceiver
Removal Tool
Optical Module
Optical Module
[System Inside]
Optic Transceiver
Removal Tools Hook
[Front View]
Location to hang
the Optic Transceiver
Removal Tool
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To inset Optical Module
Push the optical module into the transceiver within the connector.
Figure 58. Optical Module Inset
Inset the optical module's bail, facing the front of the system, to the port.
Do not inset when the optic module's bail is unlocked.
Optical Module Bail
[Raised: Lock]
[Lowered: Unlock]
Optical Module Bail
Transceiver Removal
Optical Module
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Connecting CPRI Cable
The method for configuring the CPRI cables cascade is sorted into connection-
oriented and end-oriented.
Cascade can be connected up to maximum three systems.
Figure 59. The method for configuring the CPRI Cables cascade
To connect CPRI Cable (Cascade connection-oriented)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 29. Parts and Tools for connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented
OFD(CDU Port) ~ RRU-0_L0 Port
RRU-1_L0 Port ~ RRU-0_L1 Port
CPRI Cable (Optical, Single Mode, for Outdoor Type)
RRU_L0, L1 Port
JONHON, Push Pull Type, PDLC03T03(DLC/UPC)
Working Tools
Optical Connector Cleaner
In the system, the laser beam light runs through the optical cable.
The exposure of the laser beam on worker’s eye may cause serious injury so that it
should be handled with care.
(CDU Port)
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Remove the cap of the optical connector before connecting.
- Before connecting the optical cable, check if the ferrule of the connector is soiled.
Be careful to keep the cutting section away from dust or foreign material.
If the cable is soiled with foreign material, do not blow to remove them.
- Make sure to clean the connector in accordance with the cleaning directions in
- Do not touch the ferrule at the end of optical cable because it is easy to be
2 Install a CPRI cable from the OFD (CDU port) to the RRU.
Figure 60. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (1)
3 Separate the cap from the system side connector (L0, L1 port).
Figure 61. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (2)
L0 Port
L0 Port
L1 Port
L1 Port
[Bottom View]
OFD (CDU Port)
RRU-0 (L1 Port)
CPRI Cable
RRU-1 (L0 Port)
RRU-2 (L0 Port)
CPRI Cable
[Before Removing Cap]
[After Removing Cap]
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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4 Separate the cap from the cable side connector.
Figure 62. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (3)
5 The latch of cable side connector should be toward the rear side.
Figure 63. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (4)
DLC Plug Latch
Cable side
white dot
Front Side
Rear Side
DLC Plug
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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6 Insert the DLC plug to the system sides optic module.
Figure 64. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (5)
Insert the connector aligning the cable side connector’s white dot and system
side connector’s white dot. When inserting the connector, push the shell to
upper side.
Figure 65. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade connection-oriented (6)
System side connector’s white dot
Cable side connector’s white dot
DLC Plug
System side’s optic
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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When the connector is fastened tight, the white line on the system side connector
should be invisible (or hidden).
The method for connecting/disconnecting the CPRI (optical) connector is as
- For connecting the connector, push the shell to upper side.
- For disconnecting the connector, pull the coupling nut to lower side.
Coupling Nut
White Line
[White Line is invisible]
[White Line is visible]
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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To connect CPRI cable (Cascade end-oriented)
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 30. Parts and Tools for connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented
Installation Section
RRU-1 L1 Port ~ RRU-2 L0 Port
CPRI Cable (Optical, Single Mode, for Outdoor Type)
JONHON, Push Pull Type, PDLC03T03(DLC/UPC)
Working Tools
Optical Connector Cleaner
In the system, the laser beam light runs through the optical cable.
The exposure of the laser beam on worker’s eye may cause serious injury so that it
should be handled with care.
Remove the cap of the optical connector before connecting.
- Before connecting the optical cable, check if the ferrule of the connector is soiled.
Be careful to keep the cutting section away from dust or foreign material.
If the cable is soiled with foreign material, do not blow to remove them.
- Make sure to clean the connector in accordance with the cleaning directions in
- Do not touch the ferrule at the end of optical cable because it is easy to be
Because L1 port is not used in Cascade end-oriented, assemble the cap at the L1
port to prevent foreign substances and do not remove the cap discretionally.
[L0 Port]
[L1 Port]
Not Using
[Before Removing Cap]
[After Removing Cap]
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2 Install a CPRI cable from the RRU-1(L1 port) to the RRU-2 (L0 port).
Figure 66. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented (1)
3 Because the method for connecting the cascade end-oriented CPRI cable is
identical to connection-oriented, refer to the how to connect it.
Figure 67. Connecting CPRI Cable_Cascade end-oriented (2)
[Bottom View]
RRU-1 (L1 Port)
CPRI Cable
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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Connecting UDA Cable
To connect UDA cable
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 31. Parts and Tools for connecting UDA Cable
Installation Section
External Device ~ RRU UDA Port
UDA Cable Assembly (AWG24, 8C, CAT5e, SFTP)
External Device
Check specifications of external device output terminal per site and
prepare fasteners.
JONHON, Push Pull Type, RJ45MF-CT-07
Working Tool
Cable Cutter, Wire Stripper, Nipper, LAN Tool
Table 32. UDA Cable Pin Map
System Side
Color Map
Rectifier Side
2 Install a UDA cable from the External Device to the RRU.
Figure 68. Connecting UDA Cable (1)
[Bottom View]
External Device
UDA Cable
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3 Separate the cap from the system side connector (UDA port).
Figure 69. Connecting UDA Cable (2)
4 Separate the cap from the cable side connector.
Figure 70. Connecting UDA Cable (3)
L0 Port
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5 The latch of cable side connector should be toward the front of the system.
Figure 71. Connecting UDA Cable (4)
6 Insert the RJ-45 plug to the system side connector.
Figure 72. Connecting UDA Cable (5)
RJ45 Plug
System side RJ45 port
RJ45 Plug Latch
Cable side
white dot
Front Side
Rear Side
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7 Insert the connector aligning the cable side connector’s white dot and system
side connector’s white dot. When inserting the connector, push the shell to
upper side.
Figure 73. Connecting UDA Cable (6)
System side connector’s white dot
Cable side connector’s white dot
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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When the connector is fastened tight, the white line on the system side connector
should be invisible (or hidden).
The method for connecting/disconnecting the UDA(RJ45) connector is as follows:
- For connecting the connector, push the shell to upper side.
- For disconnecting the connector, pull the coupling nut to lower side.
Coupling Nut
White Line
[White Line is invisible]
[White Line is visible]
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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Connecting RET Cable
To connect RET cable
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 33. Parts for connecting RET Cable
Installation Section
RF Antenna ~ RRU RET port
RET Cable Assembly
RF Antenna
Check the RF antenna (RETu) RET connector specification
per site
AISG 2.0
Table 34. RET Cable Pin Map
Pin No
Cable Color
N/C (Not Connected)
N/C (Not Connected)
RS485 B
RS485 A
+24 V DC
DC Return
N/C (Not Connected)
Before fitting the RET connector, make sure to align the female connector’s hole
with the male connector’s pin first.
2 Install an RET cable from the RF Antenna to the RRU RET port.
[Male Connector]
[Female Connector]
[Male: RRU Side]
[Female: Antenna Side]
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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Figure 74. Connecting RET Cable (1)
3 Separate the cap from the system side connector (RET port).
Figure 75. Connecting RET Cable (2)
4 Connect the cable side RET connector to the system side RRU RET port.
Figure 76. Connecting RET Cable (3)
RET Connector
RET Port
RET Cable
RET Port
RET Port (Female)
RF Antennas RET
[Bottom View]
RET Cable
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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5 Tie the system side RET cap to the RET connector with a waxed string.
Figure 77. Connecting RET Cable (4)
RET Connector
RET Port
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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Connecting Cable
The RF cable minimum radius of curvature must be observed.
Table 35. RF Cable Minimum Radius of Curvature
RF cable min. radius of
1/2 in. Feeder Line
Super Flexible Type
1.26 in. (32 mm)
Flexible Type
4.92 in. (125 mm)
To connect RF cable
1 Make sure you have the following items:
Table 36. Parts and Tools for connecting RF cable
Installation Section
RF Antenna ~ RRU ANT1, ANT2, ANT3, ANT4
RF Cable Assembly (1/2 in. Feeder Line)
RF antenna
DIN Type-Male
(Check the RF antenna specification and prepare connecting parts.)
4.3-10 Type-Male
Torque Value
RF antenna
217 lbfin (250 kgfcm)
44 lbfin (51 kgfcm)
Working Tools
RF antenna
Torque Wrench (100~400 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply
Hex. Head: 32 mm), Spanner (32 mm)
Torque Wrench (10~50 lbf·in), Torque Wrench Spanner head (apply
Hex. Head: 22 mm), Spanner (22 mm)
When operator installs the antenna, the antenna must be within the protective angle
(left/right side 4 each from the central axis) to prevent the antenna from
lightning damage.
Lightning Rod
RF Antenna
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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2 Install RF cable from the RRU to the RF antenna.
Figure 78. Connecting RF Cable (1)
3 Connect cables to the RF antenna ports.
Figure 79. Connecting RF Cable (2)
As different connector types may be used depending on the RF antenna type,
check the antenna connector before connecting the cable.
Antenna Port (Female)
RF Connector (DIN Male)
RF Cable (1/2in. Feeder Line)
RF Antenna
[Bottom View]
RF Cable
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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4 Connect cables to the system side RF port (ANT1, ANT2, ANT3, ANT4).
Figure 80. Connecting RF Cable (3)
RF Port (Female)
RF Connector (4.3-10 Male)
RF Cable (1/2in. Feeder Line)
Chapter 3 Connecting Cables
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Checking RF Cable Connection
After connecting the RF cables, perform the continuity test and feeder cable return
loss to check if the RF cable is changed and measure VSWR of antenna and RF
Measure all cables of section ~. The measured VSWR should be the
specification value or less. If the VSWR exceeds the specification value,
disassemble the connector and measure each section separately.
If the VSWR value for minimum cable bend radius and length of RF cable is not
applied, system may not work properly because RF signals cannot transmit or
receive smoothly. So, the VSWR value for minimum cable bend radius and length
of RF cable must be checked and applied.
When measuring VSWR, if operator opens the antenna port when the transmission
output is not completely off, a spike signal may flow into the reception path, which
may cause damage to LNA. Make sure the transmission output is completely off
when measuring VSWR.
When RF cable connection integrated RET signal and DC power is applied using
ANT1 port of RRU, RET cable should be installed separated from RF cable to RF
Depending on the supplier or manufacturer of antenna/arrestor the connector type
may be different. Also, the detail specifications of a connector may be different
depending on cable type even for the same connector type. Therefore, check the
detail specifications of a connector before preparing parts.
Ex) DIN Type-Male: for 1/2 in. Feeder line, for 7/8 in. Feeder Line
RF Cable Identification Tag Installation
Attach the identification tape in the below table to the RF cable.
Table 37. RF Cable Identification Tag
Installation position
Attach the identification tag to the both ends of the antenna.
Use the material of aluminum coated by vinyl for the identification tag.
Fixing method
Antenna side: Attach the tag to the feeder line using binding strings through the two
holes on the tag.
Equipment Side: Cover up the feeder line with the tag and fix it using binding strings
through the two holes on the tag.
The markings must be prevented from being erased by using relief engraving or coated
Connection Part of System External Interface Connector
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Chapter 4 Inspect the
The procedure to check the installation status is as follows:
Figure 81. Installation Inspection Procedure
Inspection Plan
Create an inspection sheet per system and select an inspector to set an inspection
schedule per site.
Sharing Inspection Results
Taking Corrective Actions
On-site Inspection
Inspection Checklist
Inspection Checklist/Corrective Actions
Sharing the Results of
Corrective Actions and
Preparing Preventive Plan
Inspection Plan
Checking the Results of
Corrective Actions
Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation
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On-site Inspection and Inspection Checklist
The on-site inspection is to perform inspection visually or using instruments for
each specification, standard, and installation status, and so on based on the
inspection checklist actually at a site where the system is installed.
The inspector must record the results onto the inspection checklist during or after
filed inspection.
Sharing Inspection Results and Taking Corrective Actions
The inspector must share the inspection results (inspection checklist/corrective
actions) with an installation operator and, the installation operator must take the
corrective actions if necessary after reviewing the requirements.
Checking the Results of Corrective Actions
The inspector must check if the corrective actions are properly taken. If they are
not sufficient, the inspector must ask the installation operator to take the corrective
actions again.
Sharing the Results of Corrective Actions and Preparing Preventive Plan
After the corrective actions are all completed, the inspector must share the results
with the installation operator and relevant departments and prepare a preventive
plan to prevent the same or similar problems from re-occurring.
Construction Situation Checklist
Table 38. Construction Situation Check list
Check Items
Appearance of equipment
and mechanical parts
Equipment damage such as Dent,
scratch and crack, and so on
Placement of equipment
and mechanical parts
Maintenance and horizontal/vertical
Leveling condition of
equipment and
mechanical parts
Horizontal/vertical status
Validity of status and
specifications of fastening
bolt/nut/washer, and so on
Checking fasteners omission
Compliance with assembly order of
Compliance with fastening torque value
Insulation status
Checking electrical contact between
insulators (insulation resistance tester)
Installation of ground bar
Checking the separation of
Cable specification
Checking the specification
Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation
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Check Items
Cable damage
Proper installation route
Compliance with the radius of curvature
Cable binding status
Binding status
Binding interval
Checking binding materials
Cable connection
Assembly condition of a pressure
Fastening condition of a pressure
Checking compliance with fastening
torque value
Installation status of cable
Marking content
Checking tag installation method
Installation status of power
Power supply capacity
Output voltage (tester)
Installation of circuit
Checking circuit breaker capacity
Cable specification
Checking the specification
Checking the limit distance
Cable damage
Proper installation route
Compliance with the radius of curvature
Cable binding status
Binding status
Binding interval
Checking binding materials
Cable connection
Checking cable connection (Pin Map)
Input voltage
Assembly condition of a pressure
terminal and connector
Fastening condition of a pressure
terminal and connector
Checking compliance with fastening
torque value
Installation status of cable
Marking content
Checking tag installation method
Other data
Cable specification
Checking the specification
Cable damage
Proper installation route
Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation
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Check Items
Compliance with the radius of curvature
Cable binding status
Binding status
Binding interval
Checking binding materials
Cable connection
Checking cable connection (Pin Map)
Assembly condition of a connector
Fastening condition of a connector
Checking compliance with fastening
torque value
Installation status of cable
Marking content
Checking tag installation method
Antenna installation status
Checking specifications
Checking installation position
Checking fixing status
Checking gap between antennas
Cable specification
Checking the specification
Installation status of
Checking the specification
Checking installation position
Checking fixing status
Cable damage
Proper installation route
Compliance with the radius of curvature
Cable binding status
Binding status
Binding interval
Checking binding materials
Cable connection
Compliance with connector finishing
Installation status of cable
Marking content
Checking tag installation method
Checking compliance with fastening
torque value
Compliance with connector finishing
Installation status of cable
Marking content
Checking tag installation method
Reserved ports
Checking port cap fastening status
Indoor: Dust cap
Outdoor: Water proof cap
Cable inlet status
Checking fastening status
Chapter 4 Inspect the Installation
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Check Items
/Connection of equipment
I/O port
(Conduit/Cable Gland)
Cable tray and duct
Checking installation status
Status of inside/outside of
the equipment and system
surrounding area
Checking the stocking condition (waste
parts, waste materials, packing
materials, and so on)
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Appendix A Acronyms
AC Alternating Current
CDU Cabinet Digital Unit
CPRI Common Public Radio Interface
DC Direct Current
DL Down-Link
eNB Evolved UTRAN Node-B
FTP Foiled Twisted Pair
LTE Long Term Evolution
MGB Main Ground Bar
RET Remote Electrical Tilting
RF Radio Frequency
RTN Return
SEMS pre-asSEMbled washers and screws
UDA User Defined Alarm
UL Up-Link
VSWR Voltage Standing Waveform Ratio
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Appendix B Clean the Optical
When connecting an optical cable to the system, the performance of the system
can be decreased or failures can occur if the core section of an optical connector is
dirty due to dust or foreign material. Therefore, operator should clean the optical
connector before connecting an optical cable to the system.
When using an optical connector cleaner, use the products shown in the example
below or their equivalents.
Manufacturer-USCONEC (
IBCTM Brand Cleaner (P/N: 9393): For LC-LC and MU Connector Cleaning
IBCTM Brand Cleaner (P/N: 9392): For SC Connector Cleaning
IBCTM Brand Cleaner (P/N: 12910): For ODC Connector Cleaning
Manufacturer-The Fibers (
HuxCleaner 1.25 mm Type: For LC and MU Connector Cleaning
HuxCleaner 2.5 mm Type: For SC, FC and ST Connector Cleaning
Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning the optical connectors.
Appendix B Clean the Optical Connectors
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Measure the Optical Output and Connecting the Optical Connector
To measure the optical output
1 Using an optical power meter check the optical output.
2 If the optical output measurement result meets the reference value, clean the
connector again and connect it.
3 If the measurement result does not meet the reference value, discard the cable,
replace it with a new cable, and then clean the new one and connect it to the
[Optical Power meter]
[LC/PC Plug]
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Appendix C Standard Torque
When operator fastens the bolt, refer to the standard torque value below to prevent
the equipment and bolt from damage and secure by fastening. When the torque
value for each connection part is defined already, refer to the defined value.
Table 39. Standard Torque Value for Fastening Bolts
Bolt Spec.
Torque Value (N·m)
Torque Value (lbf·in)
Torque Value (kgf·cm)
Table 40. Brass Bolts Torque Value
Bolt Spec.
Torque Value (N·m)
Torque Value (lbf·in)
Torque Value (kgf·cm)
Table 41. Connector Connection Torque Value
Torque Value (N·m)
Torque Value (lbf·in)
Torque Value (kgf·cm)
SMA connector
TNC connector
N-type connector
DIN-type connector
4.3-10-type connector
Torque value can be different, defending on the material, characteristic and
specification of the equipment and fastener. Make sure to check the proper torque
value for each specification of the equipment and fastener.
RFD01P Series
Installation Manual
Document Version 1.0
© 2017 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.

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