Sanwa Electronic Instrument Co 90225 2.4GHz RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM User Manual Part E
Sanwa Electronic Instrument Co Ltd 2.4GHz RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM Users Manual Part E
Users Manual Part E
SETUP MENU WWW." 4) Press the +/INC hey a second time, PUSH DEC will flash. Press the DEC/- key once. BIND Will be displayed in the Programming Vihnouw, the LCD and the Power Indicator Light will flash. then the Bind LED on the receiver will turn solid indicau'ng the Binding process is complete. 5) Alter verifying that the Binding process is complete (solid plue Bind LED on the receiver) and the servos operating normally. press eitherthe Right MENU key or the Left MENU key to return to the BIND menu Q When the Binding procedure is successful. the Bind LED will stay solld blue and the Power Indicator Lightwill flash slowly when both the transmitterand receiverareturned ON. litre Bind LED on lhe receiver is flashing rapidly. the transmitter ano receiver are not paired. in this case. turn both the transmitter and receiver DFE then repeat the Elndlng procedure —/I The Trim SWltch Assign function allows you to assign several diherent operations to the TRM switch on top of the transmitter. This allows you to easily control during use a speoiflcAuiniary function that you‘ve assigned to the TRM sztch. For example. you Cfluld assign the Step Auxiliary function to the TRM switch and control your glow»powered model's needle valve or your boat's adjustable trim step. In addition, you can change the Step Resolution of the TRM SWltch to Change how tar the servo travels with each press of the TRM switch. You can assign and control ONE of the (allowing Auxlllary functions with the TRM switch FUNCTION FUNCTION NAME FUNCTION DESCRlPTION D/R SrEsnlNG DUAL RATE ConrRots STEERING DUAL RArE TH_HI Tenants HlGH EPA CnNrants Tnnorri F HIGH SIDE END PoiNr AmuerENr TH_BR TnnorrtE BRAKE EPA CDNrRoLs THRm’LE BRAKE SIDE END PalNr ADJuerENr SC_HI AtlxltlARV Crown. 3 HIGH EPA Contacts AUXlLlARV CHANNEL 3 Hlen SiDE END POINT Amusmsyr 30_LO AUXILIARV CHANNE. 3 Low EPA CDNTRtLS AUXlLlARY CHANNEL 3 Low 5le END PnlNr AmuerENv 3_SUB AUXILIARV CHANNEL 3 SUEr-TRIM' CUNrRUts AuxltlARv Cnnuust 3 Sue-TRM P_AUX PoiNr AUXILIARY PROGRAM CoNrnDLS PROGRAMME) PniNr Auxl iawv Ssnvo MOVEMENT S_AUX SrEP AUXILIARY PROGRAM CoNrnol. PRBERAWED STEP AUXILIARY SERVO MovEMENr “This Sub-Trim function is only elfective when Auxiliary Channel 3 is used as a mixer. In the detault configuration, any servo plugged into Auxiliary Channel 3 will move T0 and FROM the HIGH and LOW positions only. It Is not a propom‘onal channel that features a center position, However, when being used as a mixer. for example, when controlling front and rear steering, Auxiliary Channel 3 will react as a proportional channel, just like the Steering and Throttle channels. In this case this Sub-Trim function will work as intended, allowing you to adjust the Auxiliary Channel 3 servo center trim independently. é Push the TRM sztch forward to decrease a Function value and pull the TRM backward to increase a tunctlon value Minimums 1) Press the Right or Left MENU key to highlight the EXP menu, TRM will be displayed in the Programming VWnoow. Page 4t SETUP MENU WWW... 2l Press the VINO or DECI- keys to display the desired Auxiliary function you would like to control with the TRM switch. TRM setting range is DIR. TH_HI. TH_ER, 3C_HI. ac_to. 3_sue, P_AtJX. AND S_AL|X. The delault setting is DiR. WM m DIR EPA ~ “,SPEED Aux F/sl sue-r REV MODEL il/l'i" fit'fllv' '”r~ST The Trim Step Resolution ofthe TRM switch Cari be changed to suit your prelerence. This function allows you to Edlust how far the Auxiliary Channel 3 servo travels when the TRM switch is pressed. You can increase the resolution by decreasing the Trim Step Resolution value. so that the servo travels less when you press the trim switch. This makes it possible to fine-tune the setting extremely accurately. In addition. you could decrease the resolution by increasing the Trim Step Resolution value. so that the servo travels more when you press the trim switch. This setting may not be as accurate. although it results in large amounts at servo travel. 1) Follow the steps in the previous section to choose which Auxiliary ruhelieh you would like to assign to the TRM switch, ThatAuiniary lurintlori will be displayed in the Programming Window 2) Press the Right MENU key 5 5wi|l be displayed in the Programming Viiheaw. 3) Press the t‘llNC or DESI» keys to choose the desired Trim Step Resolution. The higher the number, the more the Auxiliary Channel 3 serve travels with each press 01 the TRM switch and the lower the number the less theAuxiliary Channel 3 servo travels with each press orthe TRM switch. 5 setting range is 1 to 10, 20, 30, 40. 50, 60. 70, ED. 90, and 100 The delault setting Is 5. The Step Resolution selling aflects all Auxiliary lunctiorls equally It is not able to be set independently tor each Auxiliary function _I/ The Trim Step Resolution runction allows you to adjust how far the steering and Throttle servos travel when the trim switches are pressed. You can increase the resolution by decreasing the Trim Step Resolution value, so that the Steering and Throttle servos travel less when you press the trim switches, This makes it possible to fine-tune the settings extremely accurately. In addition. you could decrease the resolution by increasing the Trim Step Resolution values, so that the Steering and Throttle servos travel more when you press the trim switches. This setting may not be as accurate. although you can set large amounts of trim faster, C ' ' Trim R i 1) Press the Right or LeftMENU key to highlight the SPEED menu STEP will be displayed in the Programming Window. TH 0/5 EPA N SPEED AUX SUB-T [Fifi/“hum tll‘o t’li xvi l-l Alix Iii ——'————— Page 42 SETUP MENU 2) Press the +/IND key ST S 5 will be displayed in the Programming Vlllndnw a) Press the ~rlNc er DEC!» keys te cheese the cesiree Trim Step Raseiutien uaiue tor the Steering Trim Switch. The higher the number, the mere the Steering serve travels with each press 01 the ST—TRIM switch and the lower the number the less the Steering servo travels with each press of the ST-TRIM switch. sr-s setting range is 1 to 10. The delsull setting is 5. 4) From within the ST Trim Step Resolutiun menu, press the Right MENU key TH s 5 will be displayed in the Programming Window. 5) Press the +IINC ur DECI- keys to choose the desired Trim Step Resolution value fur the Throttle trim switch. The higher the number. the more the Throttle servo travels with each press at the TH-TRIM switch and the lowerthe number the less the Throttle servo travels with each press nithe TH-TRIM swrtch. TH-S setting range is 1 to to. The derauit setting is 5 r D/R hit) EXP sugar lag MODEL Wt . , W Th 75/741??? TEE " EES‘T SB-flLFLEl EEG ., ST W ‘i i" fivml'” nsr Tit WiEfilfifi F/S MODEL _ Wm L i 1 i t I. i i iRST TH? “575 ii .l . -i’ ot""l”"riST Trim Step Resolution torAuxiliary Channel 3 ls rlnt set within this menu. It is set independently. based on the Auxiliary function you've programmed. _II The Model Naming lunctien allcws yeti to name the eirTerent meeels you have saved in the transmitter. This makes it easier te keep track cf the eirterent meeels since yeu can give each ene a specific lvletlel Name Mceel Names can consist at up tn 4 upper-case er lewer-case letters, numeers. u! symbols. ur a combination of all four. uemmleueueeel 1) Belore naming your model. use the Model Select iurlctinrl to choose and load the Programming Data for the partlcular model number (1~i B) that you would like to name. For more information see page 38. Page 43 SETUP MENU 2) Press the Right or Left MENU key to highlight the AUX menu. NAME will be dispiayed in the Programming vinhdpw. 3) Press the +IINC or DEC/— keys once to enter the Model Naming screen. The cursor will flash in the lower left corner cf the Fmgramming Window and the current Model Name will be displayed. The current Model Number will alsn be displayed under the Battery Indicalur. é In the default configuration. the Model Name Will be the same as the currently selected Model Number. 4) Press the dim: or DECi- keys to scruli to the desired character. then press the Right MENU key twice to advance the cursor to the next space. 5) Press the ”INC dr DEC/4 keys to scroll to the desired character. then repeat the proceedures in steps 4 and 5 to enterlhe remaining two characters, You can enter a total offaur characters. A group oi character styles can be selected by pressing the HINC and DECI— keys at the same time. Choose from capital letters, Ir/wer case letters, symbols. and numbers Erasin aCh r iHLD/H EYE Em “JSPEED iiii . g i F/S sum [HE Mofl um l: rt ST Li’trrnii “rlSl 1) To erase a character. press the Right or Leit MENU keys to muvetu the character ynu would like to delete That characterwiil begin to flash. 2) Press the +I|NC and DEcl— keys at the same time until the cursor is displayed The flashing characterWill be replaced by the flashing curspr. Maw 1) When you press the Right or Let! MENU keys to move |he cursor larward and backward. you will notice that an Underscure flashes between the first. second. and third character spaces. and that 3 Period flashes between the third and lounh character spaces. It yuu wuuid like In add lhese Underscores ehd/Drthe Period between the characters, press the +/INC and DEC/- keys at the same tlme when the desired underscore dr Pertud is flashing. Page 44 SETUP MENU _Il/ ‘ by, [r F'A‘EXP] The Mudel Clear lunctien allcws you to reset lhe selected mudel's Programming Data to the default values. All mudel—specihc Programming Data is reset Transmitter-specific Programming Data, such aaAudihle Key Toner inactivity Alarm, and Battery Cell cdunt are not reset. WW 1) Esters clearing your Model Programming Datat use the Model Select lunntlnn to choose and load the Programming Dela lorlile particularmndel number (1~1 E) that you would like to clear the Programming Data lor. Fur mure inhrmatlont see page 38. 2) Press the Right or Left MENU key tu hrghlighl the F/S menu. M_CLR will he dlspleyed In the Programming Vlflrldow. 3) Press the HINC or DECI- key The currently selected Mndel Name and out will alternately flash in the Programming erldnw. 4) Press and HOLD the t/INC and DECI- keys at the same time for approximately 1 seeund. COMP will flash In the Programming Vlflnddwt [hen tile default Model Name will be displayed. "il- l'lll/l I'J ”3 isl_l_ll ll ' at mtwtsr _// ”ltmulLiTtli xii u [in r nlitu I r -ltil TheAudibIe Key Tune funcliun allows yuu In turn Audible Key Tones ON or OFF When turned ON (ACT) an Audlble Tone will be heard when a Programming Key nr a Trim Switch is pressed. When turned OFF (INH), no Audible Tone will be heard when a Prdgrammlng Key nr 5 Trim Switch is pressed Agra] [lg 9L uh'hil’ng Audible Key Tones |) Press the Right or Lert MENU key to highlight the suer menu BEEP Will be displayed in the programming vwhdow. Page 45 SETUP MENU WWW.“ m-l-Emhi—XEJ H ,, 2) Press the ‘lINC or DECl— keys to select ACT [Acllvel or INH (Inhibillr When set to ACT. arl ' HP” MES Audible Torte will sound when a Programming Key or a Trim Switch is pressed. When set to -@ MODEL INH. rig Audible Tone will sound when 3 Programming Key or a Trim Switch is pressed BEEP setting range is ACT or INH. The default setting is ACT ALRM INACTI TY ALARM The Inactivity Alarm function allows you to be wanted when you leave the transmitter turned ON and there has been no movement of the controls or the Programming Keys for 10 minutes. It the transmitter Is left ON for 10 minutes or longer without any Input the Inactivity Alarm will sound oontinuwslyr POWR ON will flash in the Programming Vlfindow, and the Power Indicator Light will flash. The Inactivity Alarm helps prevent battery drain by accidentally leaving the transmitter turned ON. TH it snowman 1) Press the Right or Left MENU key to highlight the REV menu, ALRM will be displayed in the .. _ _ Mill Programming andow I'J' } | “A It E Ii. \ l l 5 fillif'r'ilnsr Xlfl 2) Press the +1|NC or DECI- keys to select ACT (Aofive) or INH (Inhibltl, When set to ACT. an Audible Alarm will sound it the transmitter is lelt ON without any input tor 10 minutes to alert you to turn the transmitter OFF. When set to INH. no Audible Alarm will sound if the transmitter is left ON without any input for 10 minutes. ALRM setting range Is ACT or INH The default setting is INH. marlmmaJnamxitiLAlann 1) To clear the Inactivity Alarm once it sounds. either turn the transmitter OFF, press any of the Programming KeysI or move any or the transmitters controls. —/I y innit The Battery Cell Countfunction allows you to choose the voltage range or the transmitter battery that you‘re using (based on the cell count and the voltage of each cell). to ensure that the transmitter Low VoltageAIarm operates correctly You are able to choose trom 4 Cell and 6 Cell options. allowing you set the correct Low Voltage Alarm for either the stock dry cell battery holder. the optional 6 cell Ni-MH battery. or even it you use a 2 cell Li-Po battery or a 2 cell Li-Fe battery. WARNING it's important that the Battery Cell Count matches the type of battery you're using or the Low Voltage Alarm will not operate correctly. For a table cl Battery Types and voltages. see pages 45 and 47. Audible alarms will sound if the incorrect Battery Cell Count option Is selected. but you can silenoe the alarms and change the Battery Cell Count option to the correct one without worrying about damaging the transmitter, Page 45 SETUP MENU & If you're using an optional rechargeable battery pack, to ensure that there are no Issues when selecting the Battery Cell Count, you should first fully—charge your battery before installing it into the transmitter and choosing the Battery Cell Count 1) Press the Right or Left MENU key in highlight the MODEL menu. BATr will be displayed in the Programming iMnduw. 2) Press the r/INC or DECI- keys to highlight which Battery Cell Count option matches the type of battery you‘re using. The Battery Cell Count option displayed that‘s not currently in use will begin to flash. Use the table below to determine the correct optiont BATT setting range is 4CEL or SCEL The delault setting is 4CEL. Use the table below to determine the Battery Cell Count option to use: 3) Press and HOLD the +IINC arid DEcl- keys at the same time tor approximately 1 second, The hashing Battery Cell Count displayed will stop flashing indicating that the option has been set. It you attempt to change the Battery Cell Count to an option that doesn't match the current battery type installed pressing the +rinc and DECI- keys at the same time will have no efiecti Mm till'li i i 3h EPA Exji H SPEED ME SUB-T nEV lull ill: E' L " ollri‘rlrfi‘tns‘r BATTERY "PE USE THE OPTION If the BATI' option is set to ACEL and you oiug in a SCEL i . 4 voltage battery. OVER met. erI trash in the Programming 4 CE“ ‘AA'AWL‘NE [5mm GEL window and an Audible Alarm will sound If the GATT option is 40m M RECHARGEAELE (OWiONAt) 4CEL set to SCEL and you plug in a ACEL uoitage batteiy, a rapid s CEL, Ni-MH (cerium) ecsL Audible Alarm will sound, To silence either ulthese alarms press any Programming Key. then proceed to change the Battery Cell 2 CE“ L"P° ‘OW'WL’ “E" Count option as described. 2 Clth Ll-FE (OPYIONAL) scar. Ari audible Low Voltage Alarm will sound when your battery reaches a predetermined voltage level, warning you to stop using the transmitter and either change the batteries with lresh balteries‘ or recharge the batteries. BATTERY OPTION LOW VOLTAGE WARNING “DEL AT 4 Av, an VOITAGE WkRNlNG SOUNDS. THEN STOPS Ar 4.3v, Low VOLYAGE WARNlNG SDUNDS AGAlN (DiFFEPENr TONE) TNEN STOPS Ar 4.2\/. Low VOLTAGE WARNiNG SOUNDS AGAiN [DiFFERENr TovE)‘ TNEN Smps AT 4.1v. Low VetrAGE WARNlNG SouNos AND NEVER Sreas SCEL Ar 6 7m Low VDJAGE WARNlNS SaiihiDs, THEN Sroes Ar 5.5v, Low VOLVAGE WARVlNG SOUNDS AGAiN (DIFFERENT ToNEL THEN SraPs Ar 6.3V‘ LOW VOLTAGE WARNiNG SOUNDS AGAlN [DiFFERENT TONE)‘ THEN SrUPs Ar 5,1v, LowVDtrAsE WAwNiNG SouNDs AND NEVER SYOPS Page 47 TROUBLESHOOTING GU‘tDE This troubleshooting guide has been provided to help you diagnose and solve most problems that you may encounterwitn your Mx-sx 24an Fuses radio control system. Most proolems encountered can be solved by following the problem-cause-solution sections. If you cannot solve the problem using this trouoiesnooting guide please contact us using the iniormauon on me back cover or this Operating Manual. PROBLEM Transmitter does not turn ON Transmitter will not bind to receiver CAUSE Batteries not installed correctly S TIDN Reinstall batteriest Observe correct polarity Battery tray not plugged in Plug in battery trayi ObseNe correct polarity Damage caused by using incorrect charger or reverse polarity Contact Airtronias Customer Service Low transmitter battery voltage Replace or fully charge battery incorrect Battery Cell Count Modulation Incorrect Ensure Battery Cell Count in SETUP menu matches the battery type you're using Ensure Modulation Type matches the type at receiver you‘re using Too much time elapsed after pressing Bind Button Quickly press the t/INC key after releasing the Eind Button on the receiver Attempting to bind incompatible receiver Transmitter compatible only with Airtronics 2.4GH2 FHSS-3 and FHSS—Z surface receivers Using ESC with EEC Disconnect ESE and use dry cell battery for Binding procedure. then reconnect ESC after binding Alarm oeeps continuously Low iransrniiier battery voltage Replace or iuiiy cnarge battery Transmitter left ON more than 10 minutes without control input Move steering wheel orthrottle trigger. or press any uutton to continue use, Incorrect Battery Cell Count Ensure Battery Cell Count in SETUP menu matches the battery type you're using Cannot enter SETUP menu incorrect menu operation Press and HOLD Left MENU key while turning transmitter ON No sound when keys are pressed Audible Key Tones are Inhibited Activate Audible Key Tones in SETUP menu Servo movement is slow Receiver battery low Replace or fully charge receiver batteries A negative Servo Speed value is programmed Check Servo soeeo settings Control linkages binding Adjust control linkages to operate smoothly Servo does not move when using trim swrtch Trim is outside of operational range Reset trim to zero and center the servo horn and control linkage Inadequate tre—rgmit-ting range Lowtransmitter or receiverbattery voltage Replace or fully charge batteries Receiver antenna not mounted correctly in your model Mount receiver antenna as recommended Servo moves too much or doesn't move enough when trim switch is moved Trim Step resolution requires adjustment Adjust Trim Step resolution in SETUP menu Transmitter battery voltage not displayed on LCD Transmittervoltage noioispiayeo when a menu is Active Press and the Right and Lett MENU Keys at the same time Throttle servo or £50 moves to programmed position without input Receiver battery voltage has reachedtheprograrrimed Battery Fail Sate voltage level Replace or tully charge receiver battery cannot program receiver Battery Fail Sate Voltage level Throttle channel Fall Sate set to FREE or HOLD SetThrottIe channel Fail Safe to a percentage value Page AB GLOSSARY OF TERMS Activate: To turn ON a particular function. Antenna: Transmits the signal from the transmitter to the receiver in the model. Never touch the transmitter antenna during use. Doing so may cause loss of transmitter output. resulting in loss of signal. The antenna is flexible tor extra safety. Do not bend or twist the antenna or damage could result. During use. the transmitter should be held so that the antenna is vertical at all times. Antenna Reception Wire: The portion of the receiver antenna that actually receives the transmitter signal. The Antenna Reception Vihre should never be bent or it could be damaged and limit the range of your model. Audible Key Tone: An audible tone that is emitted from me transmitter each time a Programming Key or a Trim Switch is pressed. This function can be turned ON or OFF. Auxiliary Lever: The Auxiliary Lever controls different options, depending on your programming preferences. In the deiault configuration, the Auxiliary Lever controls Auxiliary Channel 3. In addition, the Auxiliary Lever is used to program and control the different Mixes that are available. Auxiliary High and Low: Used as an Auxiliary Channel 3 as a dedicated ON or OFF third channel. For example. it your monster truck features a transmission with reverse, you can use the Auxiliary Lever to control the reverse mechanism by simply moving the Auxiliary Lever UP and DOWN to control the servo's travel in each direction. In addition, End PointAdjustments can be made Auxiliary Channel 3 to limit the amount of servo travel In both directions. Battery Compartment: Houses the 4 'AA' Alkaline cells that power the transmitter. Battery Indicator: Displays the approximate capacity remaining of the transmitter battery. Binding: The act of pairing the transmitter and receiver to prevent interference from radio controllers opemted by other users. The transmitter and receiver must be paired so that the two can ‘talk‘ to each other. Once the Binding process is complete. the setting is remembered even when the transmitter and receiver are turned OFF. Bind Button and Bind LED: Used in the process of Binding the transmitter and receiver: Brake Hold: Used with the Brake Mixing function. Holds the second brake servo in the last position it was in when the Brake Hold function Is Activated. For example. if your model features two separate brake servos. you can use the Brake Hold teature to keep your model from rolling forward during the start-up process. Brake Mixing: Used primarily with 1/5th scale gas-powered models or other types of models that use two separate brake servos. Allows you to control two separate brake servos the throtue trigger. Brake Side: Refers to the throtde trigger stroke that engages the brakes on your model (pushing the throttle trigger). Burn: Used with the Motor on Axle function (dual ESCs). the front motor is inhibited while keeping full control of the rear motor during rock crawling. Burn can be Activated and Inhibited with the press oi a button. charging Jack: Used tor onboard charging of the optional 6 cell 2200mAh Ni-MH battery. Do not attempt to charge Alkaline batteries. Only the recommended Airtronics 11 OvAC charger should be used through the Charging Jack. It using an after—market Peak charger or other type of fast charger. the battery should be removed from the transmitter to avoid damage to the transmitter circuitry, Coaxial cable: The portion of the receiver antenna that extends the Antenna Reception Vinre. The Coaxial Cable can be bent into gentle curves. however. do not bend the Coaxial Cable acutely. or repeatedly bend it. orthe antenna core can be damaged. The Coaxial Cable should be installed through a nylon tube (antenna tube) in the vertical position for the best reception. DECI- Key: Decreases number values in the Programming Window and is used to make programming selections, Dlg: Used with the Motor on Axle function (dual ESCs), the rear motor is inhibited while keeping full control of the front motor during rock crawling. Dig can be Activated and Inhibited with the press oi a button. Digital Voltage Indicator: Displays the current voltage remaining in the transmitter battery. 052 Modulation: This is a special modulation type typically used in Japan. It should not be selected for use in North America. End Point Adjustment: Used to adjust the desired amount of servo travel in both directions independently. This makes it possible to balance servo travel in both directions, The End Point Adjustment function can be adjusted for the Steering channel (Right and Left), the Throttle channel (Throttle High and Throttle Brake). and Auxiliary channel 3 (High and Low). Exponential: Used to vary the amount of servo travel in relation to the movement of the steering wheel and the throttle trigger near the neutral positions to change the way the steering. throttle. and brake react to control movement. Increasing the Exponential percentage value will soften the control feel around neutral and decreasing the Exponential percentage value will heighten the control feel around neutral. Using a lower negative value allows for smoother control. Using a higher positive value may result in more 'twitchy‘ control response. Fail Safe: Automatically moves the serves to a predetermined position in the event that the signal between the transmitter and the receiver is interrupted, whether due to signal degradation orto low transmitter battery. Page 49 GLOSSARY OF TERMS FHz Modulation: Frequency Hopping 2nd genemtion FHss technology. FH2 Modulation is used in legacy Airtronics 2.4on FHSS-Z Irflnsmitters and receivers, such as the Airtronlcs M11. M11 FHSS-Z, and MX-3FG radio control systems. FH3 Modulation: Frequency Hopping 3rd generation FHSS technology. FHd Modulation is used in new-generation Airtmnics radio control systems. FrtsF Modulation: Frequency Hopping 3rd generation FHSS technology used only in France. This is a special modulation type typically used in France. it should not he selected for use in North America. FHSS: Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum. FHss is a modulation type which transmits data across the entire frequency spectrum by transmitting data on dinerent channels at an extremely rast interval. Four Wheel Steering Mixing: used to control either the Front or Rearsteering independently. or Mix the Front end Rearsteering so that they can be used together. For example. it your Rock Crawler uses Four Wheel steering. you can use the Programming Keys to switch between Front or Rear independent Steering. Farsiiel Four Wheel Steering. and Tandem Fourwheei steering. Grip: The Grip is molded in an ergonomic shape lor increased comiort. control and reel. High side: Revers to the throttle trigger stroke that opens the throttle and powers your model (pulling the throttle trigger) inch Key: increases numper values in the Programming Vinndow and is used to make programming selections. Inactivity Alarm: Warns you when you leave the transmitter turned ON and there has been no movement ofthe controls or the Programming Keys tor 111 minutes. It the transmitter is leit ON ror 1 0 minutes or longer without any input the Inactivity Alarm will sound continuously. POWR ON will tlash in the Programming Nndow. and the Power Indicator Light will flash. The Inactivity Alarm helps prevent battery drain by accidentally leaving the transmitterturned DN. Inhih :To deactivate or turn OFF a particular lunction. LCD: Liquid crystal Display The LCD displays all orthe transmitter programming and related information. Lert Menu Key: Scrolls left (backward) through the individual functions assigned to the currently highlighted menu in addition. when held down while turning the transmitter on. enters the SETUP menu Model Clear: Used to reset the selected model‘s Programming Data to the detault values. All model-specific Programming Data is reset Transmitter-specific Programming Data. such as Audible Key Tone Inactivity Alarm. and Battery Dell Count are not reset. Model Naming: Used to name the dltferent models you have saved in the transmitter. This makes it easier to keep track of the dinereni models since you can give each one a specific Model Name. Model Names can consist or up to 4 upper-case or lower-case letters. numbers. or symbols, or a combination or all four. Model Select: Used to store and retrieve Programming Data tar any made” through 18. ll you have Programming Data stored tor more than one model. using the Model Select runcllon to load the Programming Data lorthe particular model that you wish to use. The currently selected Model Number is displayed below the Battery Indicator. Motor on Axle Mixing: Used to control either the Front and Rear throttles together or independently. giving you Dig and Burn features. in addition to Front or Rear Throttle Hold reatures. These features are mostly used in Rock Crawling and allow the utmost in functionality. Operating Voltage: The sate voltage thatthe transmitter or receiver can operate within. Exceeding the minimum operating voltage can result in loss or power to the devicets). Exceeding the maximum operating voltage can result in damage to the devices(s) Output Fewer: The power [In Milllwatls) that your transmitter transmits a signal. Output power is defined by government guidelines and diners by region. Parallel Steering: Used With FourWneel steerlrlg. both iront and rear wheels pivot right and left together. Polnl Auxiliary: Used to program Auxiliary channel 3 to move the servo to up to 5 dinerent points along its travel. then cycle through those Points using either the TRM switch or by pressing the Left and Right MENU keys. For example. ir your model requires a separate 3-position or more switch to operate a reature. the FointAuxiiiary lunction can be customized to control this Power indicator Light: Flashes slowly when the transmitter is turned on and transmitting a signal. Flashes in rapid succession indicating that Mixing is Active. The Power indicator Light is also used during the Binding process. Power Switch: Turns the transmitter ON and OFF. Programming Keys: The Programming Keys are used to facilitate transmitter programming. The four Programming Keys consist of two MENU keys (Right and Left). one ‘IINC (Increase) key. and one NOI- (Decrease) key. Programming Window: The area in the LCD that the actual programming or the dinerent transmitter iunctions takes place. Fage so
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