Scheidt and Bachmann NVP Ticket-Vaildation device User Manual

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH Ticket-Vaildation device


User Manual OV41

Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.2017Fare collectionsystems State: December 2017Customer DocumentationFareGo VAL OV|41
Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.2017This manual, including all of its component parts, is copyright protected. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbHreserves all rights to its contents. Any use not expressly approved by copyright law is subject to priorapproval by Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH. This applies particularly to copying, processing, translations andmicrofilming, as well as to storage and data processing in any electronic systems. All contents of this manual shall be treated confidentially and shall not be transferred to any third party, eitherfor their own commercial use or for any other client.Since all information and facts are subject to technical changes, any liability for the data contained is herebydisclaimed. Modifications of technical details, in terms of information and illustrations are reserved. Makesure to follow the updating index. Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH cannot be held responsible for direct damageand/or possible consequential damage due to misuse by the customer or by third parties, unless the ProductLiability Act (ProdHaftG) is concerned. In no event shall Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH be liable for any dam-age out of or in connection with the provision of the manual.© 2017 Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH, Fare collection system (FCS) Breite Straße 132 41238 Mönchengladbach www.scheidt-bachmann.comSubject to change.HistoryVersion Date Change Edit1.00 01.12.2016 Start Version Stevens1.01 31.03.2017 Reduced the contents of the manual to OV|41 relevant topicsStevens1.02 03.04.2017 Changes made according to specifications from the design departmentStevens1.03 05.07.2017 Information on radio frequencies added Stevens1.04 21.08.2017 Changes made according to specifications from the design department (C.Gerspacher)Stevens1.05 15.09.2017 Changes made according to specifications from the design department (N.Huendgen.)Stevens1.06 13.12.2017 Changes made according to specifications from the design department (N. Huendgen. and I. Izler)StevensTable 1-1
Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.2017 1-3Fare collectionsystemsChapter 1 Introduction and Safety Considerations1.1 Overview ................................................................................................ 1-71.2 Manual Organization............................................................................. 1-71.3 Safety ..................................................................................................... 1-81.4 General Safety Guide............................................................................ 1-91.5 Protective Equipment ......................................................................... 1-101.6 Special Tools ....................................................................................... 1-101.7 Use of Symbols in Manual.................................................................. 1-101.7.1 Warning Symbol .....................................................................................................1-101.7.2 Caution Symbol ......................................................................................................1-101.7.3 Information Symbol................................................................................................ 1-101.7.4 Example Symbol..................................................................................................... 1-101.7.5 Finger Tip Maintenance Symbol ...........................................................................1-111.7.6 Tools Symbol..........................................................................................................1-111.7.7 Electrical Hazard Symbol....................................................................................... 1-111.7.8 Electrostatic Discharge Symbol............................................................................ 1-111.7.9 Hot Hazard Symbol................................................................................................. 1-121.7.10 Maintenance Cycle Symbol ...................................................................................1-121.8 Device Safety Labels .......................................................................... 1-121.8.1 Labels On the OV|41............................................................................................... 1- Label Locations ..............................................................................................1- CE Label......................................................................................................... 1- FCC License Label......................................................................................... 1- TÜV SÜD NRTL Label ................................................................................... 1-14Chapter 2 Glossary2.1 Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations .............................................. 2-15Chapter 3 Declaration of Conformity3.1 Europe.................................................................................................. 3-273.2 USA/CANADA ...................................................................................... 3-28
Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.20171-4Chapter 4 Troubleshooting and Module Removal4.1 Troubleshooting Overview..................................................................4-314.1.1 Out of Service ......................................................................................................... 4-314.2 Error Identification...............................................................................4-324.2.1 Blocked Card .......................................................................................................... 4-374.2.2 Card Error ............................................................................................................... 4-384.2.3 Recovery Scenarios ............................................................................................... 4-454.2.3.1 Recovery Scenario 1...................................................................................... 4-454.2.3.2 Recovery Scenario 2...................................................................................... 4-464.3 Verifying Software Versions ...............................................................4-474.4 Tools and Consumables .....................................................................4-47Chapter 5 Preventive Maintenance5.1 General Maintenance and Cleaning ...................................................5-495.2 Preventive Maintenance Schedule Summary....................................5-505.3 Materials and Replacement Parts.......................................................5-50Chapter 6 OV|41 Installation6.1 Overview ...............................................................................................6-516.2 Hardware...............................................................................................6-516.3 Dimension and Weight ........................................................................6-516.4 Power Requirements ...........................................................................6-516.5 Operating Features ..............................................................................6-546.5.1 OV|41 Mounting and Environmental Considerations ......................................... 6-546.6 Installation Requirements ...................................................................6-556.6.1 Materials.................................................................................................................. 6-556.6.2 Standard Tools ....................................................................................................... 6-556.6.3 Special Tools .......................................................................................................... 6-556.7 Needs and Requirements for OV|41 Installation...............................6-556.8 Installation ............................................................................................6-566.9 Post-Installation Checklist ..................................................................6-626.10 Disassembly and Removal..................................................................6-62
Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.2017 1-5Fare collectionsystemsChapter 7 OV|41 Initialization7.1 Initialization ......................................................................................... 7-637.1.1 Initialize OV|41 With New System Software.........................................................7-63
Edit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Date:13.12.20171-6
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 1-7Fare collectionsystemsChapter 1  Introduction and Safety Considerations1.1 Overview The OV|41 (On-Board Validator 41) Repair and Maintenance Manual providescomplete, detailed instructions for operating, maintaining, and troubleshootingthe OV|41. Comprehensive charts, tables, graphs, and other diagrams provide atechnical document that is easy to use and understand.Full documentation that would be needed by maintenance personnel is availablethrough Scheidt & Bachmann. The manual assumes that comprehensive repairprocedures will be performed by fully trained contractor technicians. This manual reflects Scheidt & Bachmann’s commitment to providing our cus-tomers with comprehensive technical documentation, along with training guide-lines to augment our customer training program.1.2 Manual Orga-nizationThe organizational structure of the OV|41 Repair and Maintenance Manual isoutlined below.Chapter 1 – IntroductionChapter 2 – GlossaryChapter 3 – Declaration of ConformityChapter 4 – Troubleshooting and Module RemovalChapter 5 – Preventive MaintenanceChapter 6 – OV|41 InstallationChapter 7 – OV|41 InitializationPLEASE READ THIS MANUAL AND ALL REFERENCED DOCUMENTSCAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO INSTALL THIS AFC EQUIPMENT.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS MANUAL AND THEINSTRUCTIONS OR NOTES IN THE INSTALLATION DRAWINGS MAYCAUSE INJURY TO YOURSELF OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT ANDMAY ULTIMATELY COMPROMISE THE OPERABILITY OF THEEQUIPMENT!All Automated Fare Collection (AFC) equipment is TÜV-SÜD-NRTL listed. Tocontinue to be compliant with TÜV-SÜD-NRTL requirements, please note thatthe following items need to be performed during installation: The equipment will remain TÜV-SÜD-NRTL compliant only if the mounting andwiring are also TÜV-SÜD-NRTL compliant. Please take great care during instal-lation to comply with TÜV-SÜD-NRTL and NEC requirements.When measuring for position, always use the center of the device as the refer-ence point.Ensure compliance with all Safety Regulations and Safety Recommendations.Although this manual has been prepared with great care, some information mayseem unclear. If so, please feel free to contact us with your remarks or ques-tions.Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20171-8DISCLAIMERScheidt & Bachmann GmbH IS NOT LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO ANYPERSON OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT RESULTING FROM FAILURETO COMPLY WITH THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS ORDOCUMENTATION. THIS DISCLAIMER INCLUDES ALL THIRD PARTYDOCUMENTATION PREPARED BY OEMS AND PROVIDED AS ACOURTESY BY Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH. TO ITS CUSTOMERS. 1.3 Safety This section describes safety requirements for technicians who perform mainte-nance or repair procedures for all AFC Systems. Information provided in thischapter also includes a description of safety warnings and precautions.PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL AND ALL REFERENCED DOCUMENTSCAREFULLY BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO WORK WITH THIS EQUIPMENT.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS ENTIRE MANUALMAY CAUSE INJURY TO YOURSELF OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENTAND MAY ULTIMATELY COMPROMISE THE OPERABILITY OF THEEQUIPMENT!DISCLAIMERScheidt & Bachmann GmbH IS NOT LIABLE FOR INJURIES TO ANYPERSON OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT RESULTING FROM FAILURETO COMPLY WITH THE MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS ORDOCUMENTATION. THIS DISCLAIMER INCLUDES ALL THIRD PARTYDOCUMENTATION PREPARED BY OEMS AND PROVIDED AS ACOURTESY BY Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH TO ITS CUSTOMERS.FAILURE TO FOLLOW MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS MAYINVALIDATE ANY OR ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.NOTE: NOT ALL OF THESE WARNING LABELS OR HAZARDS MAY EXIST IN ALL AFC DEVICES. ONLY THOSE LABELS THAT APPLY TO THE OV|41, AND ARE REQUIRED TO MEET TÜV-SÜD-NRTL CERTIFICATION REQUIRE-MENTS, WILL BE FOUND IN THE OV|41. BE CAUTIOUS AND OBSERVANT, AND LOOK FOR SUCH WARNING LABELS AND POTENTIAL HAZARDS. ANY TECHNICIAN OR PERSON ACCESSING THE INTERIOR OF ANY AFC DEVICE SHOULD USE COMMON SENSE AND EXERCISE EXTREME CAU-TION.Safety FeaturesSafety engineering is an integral part of Scheidt & Bachmann’s designs. Mainte-nance technicians must perform maintenance and repair in accordance withindustry safety standards including MSHA, OSHA, and other Federal, State, andLocal codes and regulations. Close attention to proper safety precautions is of the utmost importance. Com-ponents should be installed, maintained, and repaired only by trained, qualifiedpersonnel using reasonable care. Improper installation, maintenance, or repairprocedures may damage the device or cause serious personal injury or death.The following pages provide detailed information on safety precautions thatmust be observed when working on AFC Systems. This information should becarefully read and thoroughly understood before performing routine mainte-nance or attempting to troubleshoot or repair the device.
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 1-9Fare collectionsystemsIt is the responsibility of the maintenance agency to ensure that the safetyinstructions in this manual are read, understood, and implemented by properlytrained maintenance and service technicians. All other persons who work withthe internal systems of any AFC systems should also be trained in safety. 1.4 General Safety GuideThis chapter provides the technician with the safety information necessary toavoid personal injury or equipment damage. Only qualified, trained techniciansusing reasonable care should perform maintenance or repair. As with anymechanical system, the AFC components can pose certain safety hazards. Thefollowing guidelines must be followed when working on the mechanical systemsof any AFC Systems or Components.Only competent, qualified technicians trained by Scheidt & Bachmann should service this device.Service technicians must read and understand all operating and service instructions.Turn electrical power off before opening any electrical enclosure.Do not operate the device with the cover of any enclosure, or the guard or covers over any mechanism, removed.Due consideration should be given to any safety regulation applicable to the particular location in which the device is operating.Do not turn on power to the device when components are disconnected.The device must not be used for any purpose other than that for which it was designed and approved by Scheidt & Bachmann.When servicing or repairing the device, all device control panels must be tagged in compliance with OSHA Lockout/Tag out procedures to indicate that the device should not be operated.
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20171-101.5 Protective EquipmentThe technician should use care when working with solvents and other cleaningagents that may be abrasive or have a tendency to cause irritation to the skin oreyes. Read all labels carefully and follow instructions for the use of gloves whenworking with chemical fluids.When using cleaning agents such as fluids or pressurized air, safety glassesmust be worn to prevent eye damage.1.6 Special Tools There are no special tools required to ensure the safety of the service techni-cian. However, ESD (Electrostatic Discharge: see paragraph  1.7.8) protection isrequired for all procedures involving contact with electrostatic sensitive printedcircuit boards. The use of a standard ESD Safety Wrist Strap is required whenworking with electrostatic sensitive printed circuit boards.1.7 Use of Symbols in ManualSymbols for cautions and warnings are used frequently throughout this manual.Each symbol appears on the left side of the page with the associated text printedto the right. There are several different types of symbols that indicate varying levels of safetyhazards. Detailed information on each symbol is provide in this chapter. It is vital that the technician understand and follow all safety warnings, cautionsand information guidelines when working on AFC Systems.1.7.1 Warning SymbolThe Warning Symbol indicates a potential for serious damage to the equipmentor serious injury to the maintenance or service technician. Extreme care shouldbe used when performing procedures that are preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates a WARNING. A detailed description of the particularhazard will appear next to the symbol in bold, italic print.1.7.2 Caution Symbol The Caution Symbol indicates a potential for damage to a particular part or func-tion of the device. Reasonable care should be used when performing proce-dures preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates a CAUTION. A detailed description of the particularhazard will appear next to the symbol in bold, italic print.1.7.3 Information SymbolThe Information Symbol indicates special information that could be important forprotecting a particular part or function of the device. Reasonable care should beused when performing procedures that are preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates that more INFORMATION follows. A detaileddescription of the particular hazard will appear next to the symbol in bold,italic print.1.7.4 Example SymbolThe Example Symbol precedes an example of a function. The text or illustrationexplains one possible function. This explanation applies to all other functions ofthe same kind.
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 1-11Fare collectionsystemsThis symbol indicates that an EXAMPLE follows. 1.7.5 Finger Tip Maintenance SymbolThe Finger Tip Symbol indicates that no tools are required to perform the taskdescribed. Reasonable care should be used when performing procedures thatare preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates a FINGER TIP MAINTENANCE action. A step-by-step description of the task will appear next to the symbol in bold, italicprint.1.7.6 Tools Symbol The Tools Symbol indicates that tools are required to perform the taskdescribed. Reasonable care should be used when performing procedures thatare preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates a TOOL is required to perform the task described inthe text. 1.7.7 Electrical Hazard SymbolThe Electrical Hazard Symbol indicates the potential for serious damage to thedevice caused by electrical voltage surges or serious injury to the service tech-nician caused by electrical shock. Extreme care should be used when perform-ing procedures preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates possibility of ELECTRICAL HAZARD. A detaileddescription of the particular hazard will appear next to the symbol in bold,italic print.1.7.8 Electrostatic Discharge SymbolThe Electrostatic Discharge Symbol indicates the potential for serious damageto the printed circuit boards or other Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) sensitivedevices in the device. Extreme care should be used when performing proce-dures preceded by this symbol. The technician should wear a grounding strapand use the proper techniques associated with handling printed circuit boards orother ESD sensitive devices.This symbol indicates an ESD HAZARD. A detailed description of theparticular hazard will appear next to the symbol in bold, italic print.
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20171-121.7.9 Hot Hazard SymbolThe Hot Hazard Symbol indicates the danger for serious burns caused by sur-faces within the device that may be extremely HOT to the touch. Hot surfacescan cause serious injury to the service technician. Extreme care should be usedwhen performing procedures preceded by this symbol.This symbol indicates a RISK OF BURNS. A detailed description of theparticular hazard will appear next to the symbol in bold, italic print.1.7.10 Maintenance Cycle SymbolThe maintenance cycle symbol indicates the required maintenance cyclesdescribed in the subsequent part of the manual. An example is shown below.Time is indicated by month or by quantities of coins or tickets.1.8 Device Safety LabelsThe typical AFC device has safety labels on some internal components to alertservice technicians and other personnel that a safety hazard may exist whenworking on certain device subassemblies. Not all safety labels may apply to ser-vice operations on every subassemblies.A series of different labels is used within the device. The following paragraphsdescribe these labels and note the location within the device where they will befound. It is important to read and understand this information thoroughly.Preventive maintenance cycle: Every 3 months
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 1-13Fare collectionsystems1.8.1 Labels On the OV|41There are several labels used on the OV|41. These labels and their meaningsare described below. Label LocationsThe Labels shown in  Figure 1-1 are found inside the device as shown. Figure 1-1 Label LocationsSerial Number LabelCE LabelTÜV-NRTL Label
Chapter 1Introduction and Safety ConsiderationsEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20171- Type Label The type label shown in  Figure 1-2 appears at the back of the enclosure asshown in  Figure 1-1. This label indicates the voltage range, maximum amperes,year of manufacture, and manufacturing location as well as the name of thedevice and serial number. Figure 1-2 The Type Label1.8.1.2 CE Label The CE label shown in  Figure 1-3 appears on the backside of the device asshown in  Figure 1-1 Figure 1-3CE Label1.8.1.3 FCC License LabelThe FCC License label shown in  Figure 1-4 appears on the backside of thedevice. Figure 1-4FCC-License1.8.1.4 TÜV SÜD NRTL LabelThe TÜV-SÜD-NRTL label shown in  Figure 1-4 appears on the backside of thedevice as shown in  Figure 1-1. Figure 1-5FCC-LicenseHVIN: OV41IC: 8312A-NVPFCC ID: O5K-NVP
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-15Fare collectionsystemsChapter 2  Glossary 2.1 Glossary of Terms and Abbre-viations Many terms and abbreviations are used to describe Fare Collection Equipment.Some are Automated Fare Collection (AFC) industry standard terms, some areapplication-specific, such as networking and telecommunications terms, andsome are unique to the customer’s system. AA See “Ampere”.AC See “Alternating Current”. Access Level Individual users of a computer system have specific access rights that regulate what they can view or modify. Access rights are organized into groups, which are called Access Levels.ADA See “Americans with Disabilities Act”.Alarm Event An alarm event is generally defined as the unauthorized opening of an AFC device.Alternating Current  An electrical current that continuously changes polarity or direction of flow, usually 50 or 60 times per secondAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The federal law mandating facility and equip-ment accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities.Ampere A unit of measure of electrical current, the cur-rent produced by applying one volt to a circuit with a resistance of one ohm.ANSI American National Standards InstituteApplication Server NT-based server which runs the Central Data Collection System Application processesAPTA American Public Transportation AssociationASCII American Standard Code for Information Inter-changeAudio Speaker A speaker that broadcasts messages in the lan-guage of choice with content similar to the mes-sage on the customer display.AWG American Wire Gauge, a measure of the cross section of a wire.B
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-16Barcode A barcode is used to encrypt data into a series of vertical bars (universal product code [UPC]). It identifies various modules within an AFC device such as a ticket roll.Barcode Scanner The Barcode Scanner is a handheld scanner used to read barcodes (e.g. on replacement components).Bitmap Bit-oriented graphicsBlower Also referred to as a “fan,” the blower cools the Central Processing Unit (CPU) in the ECU.Boot Loading of the operating system into the RAMByte 1 Byte = 8 BitCCard A credit, debit, stored value, or “smart” cardCDCS See “Central Data Collection and Information System”.Central Data Collection System (CDCS)Centralized company file server that collects and distributes operating and system fare col-lection data. The CDCS serves all connected machines and devices.Command Instruction to initiate a special transactionCommand Codes See “Service Command”.CPU Central Processing UnitCRC Cyclic Redundancy Check. Check sum of the content of the file.Customer Display The Customer Display is a part of the user interface. In some devices, it may include a touch screen.Customer Specific Value A data field in which the customer is able to store individualized information.DDatabase A database is an accumulation of individual pieces of information that are related to each other.Database Server The Database Server is the CDCS hardware and software system on which the database is located.DC Direct CurrentDCM Data Control Module; a flash card used to update equipment in the field.
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-17Fare collectionsystemsDevice Type Device type is a term that refers to categories of AFC equipment, such as TVMs, TOMs, Fare Gates, MEMs, etc.Distance Based Fares Fares that vary in cost with the length of the trip.DK Derivation key; the derivation key is used within the data encryption process.Download The process of sending information from a host to a client, enabling client data to be updated.Driver Software interface which connects devices to the operating system.DTE Diagnostic and Test EquipmentEElectrostatic Discharge (ESD)The Electrostatic Discharge symbol indicates the potential for serious damage to the printed circuit boards or other Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) sensitive devices in the device. Ground-ing precautions must be followed whenever this symbol appears.Element.h The element.h file defines elements in service/statistic printouts.EPF Ethernet Power Feed; S&B power supply sys-temError Codes Also called an error message, which is gener-ated automatically when a particular set of abnormal conditions occurs. Error information concerning a system fault or equipment mal-function can be viewed on the Customer Dis-play, Service Terminal Display, or on a printed report.Error Message See “Error Code”.ESD See “Electrostatic Discharge”.Ethernet Card The Ethernet Card is installed in the ECU main computer. It provides a communications inter-face between the device and an Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN).Event Every action that occurs at or in the TSM is defined as event.F
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-18FCC Labels Federal Communications Commission (FCC) labels that identify the license for the transpon-der identification system. These labels are located near each transponder, such as on the Additional Coin Magazine connection board, in the Coin Magazine Drawer and beside the Coin Vault.File Transfer Protocol (FTP)The Internet's file transfer protocol. FTP, which has been used for more than two decades, is a standard protocol for accessing files on servers all over the world.Filter A Filter selects data under special criterion.Firmware Computer programs and data loaded into read-only memory that cannot be modified by the computer during normal operation and that is not erased by loss of power.Flash Card The Flash Card is a memory storage module (PCMCIA) used for device initialization and backup storage.FTP See “File Transfer Protocol”. GGHz GigaHertz - a unit of measure of electrical fre-quency equal to one thousand million (1012) Hertz (cycles per second).Graphical User Interface The panel and components through which the customer interacts with the device.GUI See “Graphical User Interface”. HHexadecimal Numeric system with base 16 (figures from 0 to 15).Hz A unit of measure of electrical frequency, equal to one cycle per second.II/O Abbreviation for input/outputID Abbreviation for “Identification Number”IEC International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic EngineersISDN See “Integrated Services Digital Network”.ISO International Standards Organization
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-19Fare collectionsystemsKKB Kilobyte (one thousand bytes, where 1 byte equals 8 bits)Keyboard The keyboard is used by the user to enter data into the system.kHz KiloHertz – a measure of frequency equal to one thousand Hertz (cycles per second)LLAN See “Local Area Network”.Language Marker Displays the language the device is equipped with.LCD Liquid Crystal Display; see “LCD Display” .LED Light Emitting DiodeLLRC See “Lowest Level Replaceable Component”.LLRU See “Lowest Level Replaceable Unit”.Lmk Check Value The Lmk Check Value images the check sum of the host security module internal data.Local Area Network (LAN) A group of interconnected computers located within the same physical or geographical area (e.g. within the same building or campus.) See Wide Area Network.Login To get access the system, a login with ID and password has to be completed.Lowest Level Replaceable Component (LLRC)The most basic component that is normally replaced in the fieldLowest Level Replaceable Unit (LLRU)The most basic unit or assembly that is nor-mally replaced in the fieldMmA Milliampere – a unit of measure of electrical current equal to one thousandth of an ampere. An ampere is the current that flows through a circuit of 1 ohm resistance with a voltage of 1 Volt applied.MAC Abbreviation for Message Authentication Codes.
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-20mAh An mAh is a milliampere-hour. It is one thou-sandth of an ampere-hour and is commonly used as a measure of charge in batteries. An ampere-hour is the amount of energy charge in a battery that will allow one ampere of current to flow for one hour. The HCR battery is rated at 1200 mAh.Main Circuit Breaker The Main Circuit Breaker, which is located in the Power Connection Box, protects the system against high current overload.Main Module Main Application which controls the Central Server Application.Maintenance The action performed to prevent equipment performance degradation or failure (preventive maintenance) or restore the device to an in-ser-vice condition following a failure (corrective maintenance).MB Megabyte – one million bytes, where one byte equals 8 bits.Mbps Megabits per second – one million bits per sec-ondMDT Abbreviation for Mobile Data Transporter.MSHA Mine Safety and Health AdministrationMultimedia Multimedia includes texts, pictures and audio data.NNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers AssociationNoise Extraneous or interfering signals present on a system caused by undesirable voltages or cur-rents.NRTL National Registered Test LaboratoryNWC Abbreviation for Network ControllerOOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)The United States Government regulatory and oversight agency responsible for safety in the workplace.ODBC Open Data Base ConnectivityOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerOersted [Oe] 1 Oersted = 2.021268 Ampere per inch
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-21Fare collectionsystemsOnline/Offline If the TSM is connected to the Network, the net-work state of the TSM is online, if the TSM is disconnected, the state is offline.Oracle Manufacturer of database software.OSHA See “Occupational Safety and Health Adminis-tration”.PPacket A unit of data routed between an origin and a destination on any packet switching network. These “chunks” of data are an efficient size for routing.Pass A magnetically encoded document that pro-vides access to designated portions of the sys-tem for a specified time period.Password Every user has his own individual, classified password that provides access to equipment.Path The path describes the location of a data file.PC Personal Computer – a mass-market class of computer.PCB Printed Circuit BoardPDU See “Portable Data Unit”.Permit A fare media element issued to a specific per-son that identifies that person as authorized for a reduced fare or adjustment. It is presented when the person purchases a ticket or pays for a ride.PIN Personal Identification Number.Polling Data transmission initiated by inquiry.Portable Data Unit A device used to extract data from a farebox for uploading to the Garage Computer System.Powerfail Control A possible power failure is monitored by the systemPrimary Key Unique number (index) for a row in the data-baseProcess System Interface  The Process System Interface (PSI) is a soft-ware process that both controls a hardware component and interprets its state. This pro-cess is specific to each hardware component. The PSI, which is responsible for communica-tion between separate software modules, oper-ates independently of the operating system.PROM Programmable Read-Only Memory
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-22PSI See “Process System Interface”.PSI number Address number of the devicePsiboot.bat Helpfile that starts different processes.QQA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-23Fare collectionsystemsRRAM Random Access MemoryRF Radio Frequency – a high frequency electrical signalRGB Video display color standard (Red, Green, Blue)ROM Read-Only MemoryRR Abbreviation for railroadRTTE Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive = RL 1999/EG) label iden-tifies the radio license which is used for the transponder reading transactions. The label is located on the ACM (Additional Coin Magazine) connection board.SS&B Scheidt & BachmannSCR See “Smart Card Reader”.Service Command The Service Commands are entered into the service terminal to initiate actions (e.g. prints error codes, test tickets).Service Text Service Text appears on the display inside of the device (TVM) or on the agent display (TOM).Smart Card Reader A device that reads the encoded value stored on a smart card.Speaker See “Audio Speaker”.Stored Value Card A magnetically encoded ticket or smart card with a specified dollar value that provides access to designated portions of the system. The value on the card is reduced with each use.System Devices that are integrated to perform a spe-cific function, such as the Coin Processing Sys-tem, Bank Note System, and so on.T
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-24TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Proto-col. The TCP is a reliable, connection-oriented protocol that delivers, with virtually no error, a byte stream originating on one device to another device anywhere on the Internet. The IP facilitates this transfer of data by placing the bytes into packets that are easily transmitted.Ticket A magnetically encoded plastic or paper docu-ment used for entrance to the system and for verification of payment. In general, this term refers to the physical media, which can be encoded as a stored value card or a time based pass. Ticket Validator A Ticket Validator is a complete, replaceable module designed to verify the authenticity of a properly inserted magnetic ticket. Paper tickets without magnetic strips may not be validated. The printing components of a Ticket Validator interface with the CDCS through an device.Touch Controller Monitors the device Customer Display touch screen panel. Reports the results of data input (screen touches) to the Application Software. (Applies only to systems equipped with Touch Screen devices.)Touch Screen A Touch Screen is the component part of the Customer/Agent Display that detects user input by sensing a touch (or tap) on specific areas of a surface wave-sensitive touch panel. Transponder The Transponder Chip stores the individual ID-numbers of the Money Modules.Transponder Reader The Transponder Reader is located in such a way that it will read and/or recognize the chip only when the corresponding money module is correctly positioned.UUNIX Operating System.Upload The process of sending data from the Client to the Host Computer. Username Every individual has a unique username that identifies that person within the system.VVAC Volts Alternating CurrentVariableelement.vel Fixes the organization and the position of the components of the freetext record.
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 2-25Fare collectionsystemsVDC Volts Direct CurrentVersion Group of data downloaded to the devices.VGA Abbreviation for video graphics arrayVGA Controller The VGA Controller, located in the ECU Main Computer, provides the synchronization and control signals required to generate the video for the color VGA Customer Display.WWAN See “Wide Area Network”.Watchdog Timer The Watchdog Timer monitors the ECU CPU. Should the CPU fall into a “dead” processor loop, the Watchdog Timer instructs the CPU to re-initialize the ECU and to reboot.WAV-File File containing audio data.Wide Area Network (WAN) Spanning a country or continent, a Wide Area Network is a communication network that serves geographically separated areas and locations.Workstation PC within a network serving as a control, input, or monitoring device.Z
Chapter 2GlossaryEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20172-26   THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK.
Chapter 3Declaration of ConformityEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 3-27Fare collectionsystemsChapter 3  Declaration of Conformity3.1 Europe The device complies to the European Directive RED 2014/53/EUThe OV41 use the following radio frequencies in EuropeCharacteristic SpecificationRadio frequency: Transmission power:radio frequency:             Transmission power:radio frequency:             Transmission power:2400 - 2483.5 MHz49 mW5150-5775 MHz45 mW13.56 MHz1.18 μWTable 3-2 Operating Characteristics
Chapter 3Declaration of ConformityEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20173-283.2 USA/CANADANOTICE:This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause undesired operation.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.NOTICE:Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by(Scheidt&Bachmann) may void the FCC authorization to operate this equip-ment.Radiofrequency radiation exposure Information:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. It also complies with Industry Canada licence-exemptRSS standard(s).The radiated output power of the device is far below the FCC radio frequencyexposure limits. Nevertheless, the device shall be used in such a manner thatthe potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits fora Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a res-idential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio fre-quency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.   How-ever, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular instal-lation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the fol-lowing measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Chapter 3Declaration of ConformityEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 3-29Fare collectionsystems
Chapter 3Declaration of ConformityEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20173-30
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-31Fare collectionsystemsChapter 4  Troubleshooting and Module Removal4.1 Trouble-shooting Overview This chapter provides information about OV|41 error and failure identification. The first indication of a problem is usually a message displayed on the LCD screen. Responding to an error involves identifying the nature of the error and taking appropriate action to finish the transaction. Responding to a failure involves identifying the nature of the failure and taking appropriate action to restore the OV|41 to service. When service cannot be restored, the module needs to be replaced with an operational one.To reiterate what is said in the preceding paragraph, a maintenance technicianshould troubleshoot OV|41 errors by:Making sure the OV|41 can power on.Making sure the correct software versions are on the OV| Out of Service Shown in  Figure 4-6, the ‘Out of Service’ screen is displayed when the OV|41 is in ‘Out of Service’ mode. The device will not read or write to any Farecards.Figure 4-6 ‘Out of Service’ Screen
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-32When a critical alarm is detected, the OV|41 switches to Out-of-Service mode.Possible causes include:Micro SD-card access failure.Card reader failure.No currently active business configuration data or other software versions.The solution is to remove and replace the OV|41. If the failure persists, contact-ing the Helpdesk is the appropriate action.4.2 Error Identi-fication When an error occurs, an indication of the error appears on the LCD. This is the first place to look for messages such as Already Tapped ( Figure 4-7). Errors interrupt one type of fare transaction. Figure 4-7 Already Tapped
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-33Fare collectionsystems4.0.1 Cash Supplement RequiredA cardholder may invoke the screen shown in  Figure 4-8 under four sets of cir-cumstances. These are:Tapping a Farecard with a Period Pass where Cash Supplement is required,Tapping an STO card with a valid Period Pass where a Cash Supplement is required,Tapping a Farecard with a Transfer Product where Cash Supplement is required, orTapping an STO card with a Transfer Product where Cash Supplement is required.Figure 4-8 Cash Supplement
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-344.0.2 Cash Fare RequiredWhen a cardholder taps an STO card with an expired Transfer product and noPeriod Pass product, the screen in  Figure 4-9 appears. Figure 4-9 Cash Fare Required
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-35Fare collectionsystems4.0.3 Not Enough Funds, Reload RequiredThere are three circumstances when a cardholder may invoke the screen shown in  Figure 4-10. These are:Tapping a registered Farecard with a negative e-Purse,Tapping an anonymous Farecard with a zero e-Purse,Tapping an anonymous Farecard with a positive e-Purse that is less than the fare.Figure 4-10 Funds Lacking
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-364.0.4 Card Read ErrorA card read error will cause the screen shown in  Figure 4-11 to appear.Figure 4-11 Farecard Read Error
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-37Fare collectionsystems4.1 Failure IdentificationWhen a failure occurs, an indication of the failure appears on the LCD. This is the first place to look for messages such as Blocked Card. 4.2.1 Blocked Card A failure occurs when a Farecard tap on fails. The issue may be one of the fol-lowing:Blocked Farecard,A Farecard that has not been activated, orA card read/write error.When a cardholder taps a blocked Farecard, a blocked card, a Hotlisted Fare-card, or a Hotlisted STO card on the OV|41, the screen in  Figure 4-12 appears. Figure 4-12 Blocked Card
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-384.1.1 Card Inactive When a cardholder taps a not activated Farecard on the OV|41, the screenshown in  Figure 4-13 appears.Figure 4-13 Card Inactive4.2.2 Card Error When a cardholder taps an invalid WMATA Farecard, the screen in  Figure 4-14 appears. Figure 4-14 Card Error
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-39Fare collectionsystems4.1.2 Reversal Not PossibleWhen a cardholder tries to reverse a fare payment via the OV|41 where farereversal is not processed, the screen in  Figure 4-15 appears.Figure 4-15 Reversal Error
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-404.2 Module Removal - Base UnitThe drawing in  Figure 4-16 illustrates how to unlock the OV|41Base Unit and remove it for field replacement.STEP 1: Use the key to unlock the device.STEP 2: Push the Base Unit so fare upward, that the OV|41 can take away from the mounting unit.At no time should the service provider open the device to troubleshoot,repair, or replace OV|41 components in the field.Figure 4-16 Module Removal - Base UnitNOTE: As a backup to the online data transmission, a second, pre-configured Micro SD card may be inserted into the OV|41 (different from the backup module Micro SD-card). This second, pre-configured card may be used if the OV|41 is not online or cannot connect to the back end. Transaction data is also stored in the non-volatile system memory (flash memory).Base UnitMounting UnitKeyServiceCoverConnector
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-41Fare collectionsystemsSTEP 3: Open the service cover.STEP 4: Remove the Backup microSD Card as shown in  Figure 4-17.STEP 5: Insert the MicroSD Card in the replacement OV|41.STEP 6: Set the base unit on the mounting unit and push it down.STEP 7: Lock the base unit by turning the key showing in  Figure 4-16.Figure 4-17 Service Cover - openBase UnitService CovermicroSDCardmicroSDCardBackupCPU module
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-424.3 Module Removal - Mounting UnitThe drawing in  Figure 4-18 illustrates how remove the OV|41 mounting unit from the mounting bar.STEP 1: Remove the base unit from the mounting unit as shown in Chapter 4.2.STEP 2: Cut the cable tie and remove the power/network cable as shown in  Figure 4-19.STEP 3: Remove the four screws which fix the mounting plate to the mounting unit front part and remove the mounting plate.STEP 4: Remove the four screws which fix the mounting unit rear part to the mounting unit front part and remove the mounting unit parts from the mounting bar.Be careful when removing the mounting unit front part. When you push theFront part up or down you can damage the Power/network cable.Figure 4-18 Module Removal - Mounting UnitMounting PlateMounting UnitFront PartMounting UnitRear Part14 Nm14 Nm10 Nm 10 Nm10 Nm10 Nm10 Nm 10 Nm10 Nm10 NmBase Unit
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-43Fare collectionsystemsFigure 4-19 Wiring ConnectionsSTEP 5: Place a new OV|41 mounting unit near the proper mounting position and connect the power/network cable as shown in  Figure 4-19.STEP 6: Secure the plug to the circuit board by a cable tieSTEP 7: Put the OV|41 in the proper mounting position on the mounting post as shown in  Figure 4-20.Figure 4-20 Wiring ConnectionsCable Tie
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-44STEP 8: Set the mounting unit rear part on the mounting unit front part and fix it with the four screws shown in  Figure 4-18STEP 9: Set the mounting plate on the mounting unit front part and fix it with the four screws shown in  Figure 4-18STEP 10: Install the base unit as shown in Chapter 4.2.Replacement devices will be pre-initialized. The system provider is not respon-sible for either initialization or creation of system initialization modules.NOTE: The back-up module holds the last shift data and the device ID only.No configuration is needed for creation of the device back-up module. Use anempty micro SD card, insert in the slot, power on the device. The device will rec-ognize the empty micro SD card and will initialize it automatically. If the devicedetects a non-empty micro SD card, the device will reject the micro SD card andremain out of service. The device initialization through the back-up module willbe completed with a synchronization through IVN. Spare back-up modules(micro SD cards) will be provided with each spare device. The service provideris responsible for providing additional spare back-up modulesIf the device is faulty, transfer the faulty device’s back-up module to the newreplacement device. There will be no loss of device data. Avoid using an emptyback-up card.   Only use an empty card during a device swap if the original backup module is lost, defective, or the entire device/back-up combination is notavailable. Maintenance staff should be careful not to damage or lose back-upmodules when swapping faulty devices, because all backed up data will be lost.Users may determine if a device back-up module is faulty by checking the Back-end system.
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-45Fare collectionsystemsFigure 4-21 MicroSD Card4.2.3 Recovery ScenariosIf the OV|41 is faulty and the Back-up MicroSD card is still intact, follow Recov-ery Scenario 1. If the MicroSD card is lost, damaged, or defective but the OV|41is functional, follow Recovery Scenario 2. If both the OV|41 and the BackupMicroSD card are damaged (a double failure), follow Recovery Scenario Recovery Scenario 1When the OV|41 is faulty and the Backup MicroSD Card is still intact, followthese steps. STEP 1: Remove faulty OV|41 from the bus (unplug data (Cat-6 cable) and power – remove from the pole).STEP 2: Remove the Backup MicroSD card from the malfunctioning OV|41 (spring loaded, pressing it down will pop it up for removal). It is a small module; be careful handling it.STEP 3: Install new OV|41 on the bus (following the standard installation process).STEP 4: Insert the working MicroSD Backup card (from faulty OV|41) into the new OV|41 (left slot).STEP 5: Turn on the OV|41 (hook up data and power cables and re-attach to pole).STEP 6: OV|41 goes through a recovery process (configures IP, data, transactions, etc.).STEP 7: OV|41 will reboot after the recovery process. At this point the device is identical to the failed one.STEP 8: Turn on the device and sync to Backend system (to receive updated lists / version data) – confirm that the OV|41 is operational and communicating online.STEP 9: DATA STATUS: NO data loss.microSDCardBackup
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-464.2.3.2 Recovery Scenario 2If the MicroSD card is lost, damaged, or defective but the OV|41 is functional, fol-low these steps.STEP 1: Open the OV|41 cover. If necessary, remove the faulty backup module.STEP 2: Insert a formatted new MicroSD-Card. The device auto recovery function will copy the correct Backupmodul.ini file onto the new card (ini file is now also saved on device internal hard disk) and backup the data.STEP 3: DATA STATUS: NO data loss - All transaction data will be retrieved from the working OV|41 and uploaded to the Backend system.If Manual Data Recovery must be attempted, follow these steps.STEP 1: Create a Service Modul to execute the Service Command automatically on the Device. This may be created on Backend system in Offline Modul processing.Figure 4-22 Initialize Offline Data CarrierSTEP 2: The Procedure on the Device is the same as in Recovery Scenario 1.
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 4-47Fare collectionsystems4.3.0.1 Recovery Scenario 3If both the OV|41 and the Backup MicroSD Card are damaged (a double failure),follow these steps.STEP 1: Remove the damaged OV|41 from the bus; it needs to be replaced.STEP 2: Send OV|41 (along with its MicroSD backup module) to Central Repair Depot to attempt retrieval of the shift files (data recovery may not be possible depending on the extent of the damage).STEP 3: Install a new OV|41 on the bus.STEP 4: Insert new Backup SD card which has the file Backupmodule.ini with the correct ID setting (this number will be the same as the one on the original backup module, and can also be seen under Extended Parameters in Device Maintenance). The OV|41 will configure itself and use the SD card as the backup module when it is powered on. STEP 5: DATA STATUS: Possible Loss. The transaction data generated since the last IVN sync is at risk of being permanently lost in the case of the dual failures of both the OV|41 and Backup module. If the main logic board of the OV|41 is intact, or if the SD card can still be read, then data recovery at the Central Repair Depot may be possible.Please note: The format for the ID number in the Backupmodule.INI file is as fol-lows: AABBBBBBCC, where AA is the provider number (12 for WMATA), BBBBBB isthe 6 digit device ID (such as 020001), and CC is the position in the bus of theOV|41 (02, 03, or 04). Thus, an example number would be 1202000103. Thisinformation is also available by opening the INI file in notepad, and is easily set. Here is an example:Backupmodul.ini Identifier=129999902Operator ID 12Busnumber 999999OV|41 1.4.3 Verifying Software VersionsAs a troubleshooting step, a maintenance technician may verify the device soft-ware versions with the expected version. If the versions are different, the techni-cian should request that the Backend system Operator confirm that the newsoftware versions are linked to the device. If so, attempt the device softwaredownload through the Backend system maintenance of jobs.4.4 Tools and Con-sumablesThere are no consumables for this device. The only tool is a unique key used to open and close the device.  Name Part NumberOV|41 Base Unit 00 XXXXX03 XXXXX03 XXXXXTable 4-3 Part Numbers
Chapter 4Troubleshooting and Module RemovalEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20174-48
Chapter 5Preventive MaintenanceEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 5-49Fare collectionsystemsChapter 5  Preventive Maintenance5.1 General Maintenance and CleaningThe following general preventive maintenance procedures are for the overallmaintenance and cleaning of the OV|41. This includes testing and validating theequipment to ensure proper operation. During this Preventive Maintenance pro-cess, notify the Network Control Administrator that alarms may be triggered.Unless otherwise specified, the power must be turned “Off” prior toperforming maintenance procedures.Figure 5-23 OV|41LCD/Touch ScreenStatus LEDSmart Card AreaOpen PaymentStatus LEDBarcode ReaderMounting Unit(Bracket for Pole)Base Unit
Chapter 5Preventive MaintenanceEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20175-505.2 Preventive Maintenance Schedule SummaryThe following table is a single source that summarizes all of the preventative maintenance procedures mentioned in this chapter. Use this table to determine what procedures that need to be accomplished, and when they should be scheduled.  When the recommended preventive maintenance intervals have both a time period and a receipt usage maximum, then preventive maintenance must take place when either the time or the usage maximum is reached. These are maximum maintenance intervals, which may have to be reduced, and they assume average usage in a moderate environment. If certain devices are heavily used or exposed to atypical environmental conditions, such as extreme temperature fluctuations or nearby construc-tion work, then preventive maintenance must be undertaken more fre-quently in order to reduce the amount and frequency of field maintenance. Operation and maintenance histories should be consulted and preventive maintenance procedures undertaken for those devices and locations where experience shows more frequent preventive mainte-nance will reduce field maintenance.5.3 Materials and Replacement PartsTable 13-2 provides a complete list of the materials and replacement partsneeded to perform corrective maintenance on the OV|41. Table 5-4 Recommended Preventive Maintenance Schedule/FrequencyFREQUENCY DESCRIPTIONEvery Month Cleaning and Visual Inspection of the ExteriorScreen Preventive MaintenanceSmart Card AntennaLock Preventive MaintenanceEvery Three Months Cleaning and Visual Inspection of the InteriorITEM PART NUMBER WHERE USEDCanned Air General Use Alcohol Isopropyl, (70% min.) General UseLexan Cleaner Windex (or other mild) Customer Display Heavy Duty Shop ClothsLint-free, soft Miscellaneous UseTable 5-5 Materials and Replacement Parts
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-51Fare collectionsystemsChapter 6  OV|41 Installation6.1 Overview The OV|41 installation instructions described in the this chapter explain how toinstall the devices, but do not prepare the devices for operation. Once installa-tion is complete, the installer should follow the OV|41 Initialization instructions.The following information and instructions are provided for the installer of aOV|41.To avoid damage, deliver OV|41 equipment to the installation location in the original packaging and Scheidt & Bachmann wrapping.The OV|41 device is installed inside bus vehicles and provides Farecard validation. The OV|41 equipment is fragile. Handle with extreme care. Do not drop!6.2 Hardware The OV|41 assembly is composed of two main parts:The OV|41 Base UnitThe Mounting UnitThe Mounting Unit is mechanically fixed onto a pole internally on the bus. TheMounting Unit supports the OV|41. The OV|41 base unit is securely fixed to theMounting Unit.The internal components of the device are covered by the front and the rear cov-ers which protect them against vandalism and water. Both covers are screwedtogether so that unauthorized access to inner components from outside is notpossible.6.3 Dimension and WeightThe dimensions of the OV|41 are in Table 6-6.The weight of the OV|41 is approximately 4 kg.6.4 Power Requirements The power/network connector of the OV|41 is located in the mounting unit andhas a full operating range from 20 VDC to 40 VDC.Use only S&B EPF systems as power source and CAT6 SFTP cable as wiring.In standby mode, the OV|41 uses 8 W. In operational mode, the OV|41 uses 12W.Height Width DepthBase Unit 295 mm 155 mm 56 mmBase Unit incl. Mounting Unit295 mm 155 mm 148 mmTable 6-6Dimensions
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-52The safety labels shown in the section “Device Safety Labels” must befollowed. Review them carefully before proceeding.Power supply(Mode Power ConsumptionStandby OV|41 ready to accept Smart Card   8 WOperational Farecard processing and audio 12 WNOTE: Use only S&B EPF systems as power source and CAT6 SFTP cable as wiringTable 6-7 Power ConsumptionArticle No. Description0377252 OV41 Power Box cpl. without CPDTable 6-8 Power Supply
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-53Fare collectionsystems6.4 Network RequirementsA NRTL listed, flexible Cat 6 cable will provide data communication and powersupply. The cable complies with NFPA70 and NEC including Chapter 800. TheEthernet Connector is a standard RJ45.   Figure 6-24 Block Diagram OV|41
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-546.5 Operating Features OV|41 operating characteristics are shown in Table 6- OV|41 Mounting and Environmental ConsiderationsDuring transportation and when OV|41 equipment is installed but not opera-tional, the environmental and storage conditions of Table 6-10 must be met. Therequirements for OV|41 equipment mounting must also be met. Observing theserequirements is the responsibility of the Transit Authority, its architect, andinstallers. Minimum clearances, minimum distances from obstructions, place-ment in a convenient location, and the comfort of the operator are all consider-ations that should be foremost in the minds of those planning the installation.The OV|41 should be operated only when “office environmental conditions” existin the workplace.  Non-operational environmental and storage conditions must be observed!Non-operational environmental and storage conditions apply when theOV|41 is installed but not operational. During operation “OfficeEnvironmental Conditions” must be provided.Characteristic SpecificationOperating Humidity 10% to 95%,  non-condensingOperating Temperature -30 °C to +50 °CPower Supply Nominal 24VDC (20VDC to 40VDC)Power Consumption 12 Watts maximum, 8 Watts standbyUse CAT6 SFTP cable as wiring.Table 6-9 Operating CharacteristicsEnvironmental Condition Acceptable RangeTemperature Range  -40 °C to +70 °CHumidity 10% to 95%,  non-condensingTable 6-10 Non-Operational Environmental Conditions
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-55Fare collectionsystems6.6 Installation RequirementsThe following materials, standard tools, and preconditions are required forOV|41 installation.6.6.1 Materials At a minimum, the following materials will be included in the OV|41 package: 1 x Fully Assembled Functional OV|41 unit6.6.2 Standard Tools Below is a list of required tools and materials:Small wrench with bit holderCable CutterDrillSpiral DrillsEdge Trim for the cable openingMeasuring Tape, minimum 2 meter length6.6.3 Special Tools Drilling Aid 6.7 Needs and Requirements for OV|41 InstallationThe following preconditions must be met by installer before installing the OV|41(OV|41). The installer must check the following items:Is there enough space available for the OV|41?Are all installation components present?Is a regular metric tool set available? A 174 piece SAE/Metric tool set with 4 drive tools, 10 wrenches, and 121 additional tools, similar to the Alltrade 320329 Tool Set with Tool Box, should have all the necessary tools to make any adjustments, connections, or installations required.Is an Ethernet/Power cable with an RJ 45 plug available?Are a pencil and pad of paper available for note taking, such as noting IP addresses, and check list verification?Is the unique key available?Ensure there is no other cabling in the bus framework that may bedamaged by the installation. Before starting installation, ensure there is no power on any cable,breakers are shut off, and all data cabling is disconnected.
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-56 Figure 6-25 OV|41 Mounting Unit6.8 Installation This section gives details related to the mechanical mounting of the OV|41. AMounting Unit will be attached to the bus framework. The chosen location is tobe agreed upon between the installation subcontractor and the customer.The mounting unit of the OV|41 consists of two parts that are mounted togetherwith four screws ( Figure 6-25). The base unit covers all the electrical compo-nents. Two fix studs in the front part of the mounting unit will avoid twisting theOV|41 around the pole. The OV|41 base unit will be secured by a lock under themounting unit.Mounting PlateMounting UnitFront PartMounting UnitRear Part
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-57Fare collectionsystemsFollow these steps to attach a OV|41.STEP 1: Mark the upper edge of the OV|41 on the pole. (See Figure 6-26)Figure 6-26 Marking Upper OV|41 PositionSTEP 2: Clamp the drilling aid on the pole. The top hole of the drilling aid is located 97 mm from the upper edge of the validator.Figure 6-27 Marking Upper OV|41 PositionSTEP 3: Drill the 5 mm holes for the studs and the cut out for the cable into the pole (see  Figure 6-27 and Figure 6-28).Upper OV|41 PositionUpper OV|41 Position97mmDrilling Aid
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-58STEP 4: Expand the 5 mm hole for the cable opening (middle hole) as needed for the existing cable with a appropriated drill.STEP 5: De-burr all boreholes.Wear safety glasses when drilling for eye protection!Grip the drill firmly. If it sticks, it can twist in your hands and cause seriousinjury!STEP 6: Use a trim along the sharp edges of the cable cut out to protect the wiring. This edge trim must comply with TÜV-SÜD-NRTL R/C QMFZ2 Plastics with a minimum Flame class HB.Figure 6-28OV|41 Mounting OpeningsSTEP 7: Run the Power/Network cable through the pole and pull it out through the cable opening.STEP 8: First plug in the cables to the OV|41 mounting part ( Figure 6-29) STEP 9: Secure the plug to the circuit board by a cable tie see ( Figure 6-29).STEP 10: and then place the OV|41 onto the pole by inserting the studs in the designated holes. The studs prevent the OV|41 from twisting on the pole ( Figure 6-30). Cable Opening (predrilled 5 mm) Holes for Studs (5 mm)Cable Opening(expanded to 18 mm)Use edge Trim
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-59Fare collectionsystemsFigure 6-29Wiring ConnectionCable Tie
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-60NOTE: The cable, must be attached to the back of the OV|41 mounting unit.Figure 6-30Pole InstallationSTEP 11: Put the rear part of the mounting unit on the front part of the mounting unit around the pole and fix it with four screws. (see  Figure 6-31).Figure 6-31Mount the Mounting UnitSTEP 12: Put the mounting plate on the mounting unit front part and fix it with four screws.Mounting PlateMounting UnitFront PartMounting UnitRear Part14 Nm14 Nm10 Nm 10 Nm10 Nm10 Nm10 Nm 10 Nm10 Nm10 Nm
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 6-61Fare collectionsystemsSTEP 13: Put the base unit on the mounting unit.STEP 14: Lock the device as shown in  Figure 6-32.Figure 6-32LockLockBase UnitMounting Unit
Chapter 6OV|41 InstallationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20176-626.9 Post-Installation ChecklistThe installer must use the following checklist to verify proper installation of theOV|41 and associated equipment.Ensure the stability of the OV|41 on the Pole.Verify any attached cables are secure.Ensure there is adequate power and network.6.10 Disassembly and RemovalShould it become necessary to remove the complete OV|41 (mounting unit andbase unit) from its permanent location, the following procedure must be fol-lowed.Ensure power to all cables is shut off before starting the removal. Breakers must be shut off and all data cables should be disconnected. Electrical power must be turned off at the source.STEP 1: Turn off Main Circuit Breaker.STEP 2: Disassemble the OV|41in reverse order . STEP 3: After removing the OV|41, the remaining cables and conduits must be removed by an authorized worker.Any questions please contact the Environment Agency on 0XXXX XXX XXX.Registration Number XXXXXXXX
Chapter 7OV|41 InitializationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 7-63Fare collectionsystemsChapter 7  OV|41 Initialization7.1 Initialization This chapter explains how to initialize the OV|41. 7.1.1 Initialize OV|41 With New System SoftwareTo perform a base initialization of a OV|41, follow these steps.For these procedure the OV|41 must have a connection to the softwareserver.STEP 1: Take the base unit from the mounting unit.STEP 2: Remove the service cover.STEP 3: Insert the micro SD card containing the new system software into the "System microSD card" slot (see  Figure 7-33).Refer to  Figure 7-33 for the location of the micro SD slot that may be used.Figure 7-33 Micro SD Card Location STEP 4: Put the base unit on the mounting unit.STEP 5: The OV|41 will run through the boot process.STEP 6: When the device starts up, the SysInit will be downloaded from the software server.STEP 7: When the device is starting up, the following screen will be shown:microSDCardBackupmicroSDCardSystemService Cover(optional)
Chapter 7OV|41 InitializationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20177-64Figure 7-34 SysInit "IDLE" screenSTEP 8: Choose "online SysinitDataCarrier" to download the latest successful build or latest pinned build.Figure 7-35 SysInit "download" screen
Chapter 7OV|41 InitializationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.2017 7-65Fare collectionsystemsSTEP 9: When the SysInit Data Carrier was successfully downloaded, press "run sysinit".Figure 7-36 SysInit "run SysInit" screenSTEP 10: After a minute the device will reboot. Now you see the processes starting:STEP 11: After successful starting of all processes, the customer application will start and the IDLE screen will be displayed.sbuser@Trizeps7:~$ psiinfo -l  PSI - Process ListProcess-ID    Status      (Name)0x00000020    running    (PSI Timer Process)0x00000021    running    (Config Process)0x00000023    running    (Powerfail Process)0x00000027    running    (Tcp32 Process)0x00000031    running    (Crypto Process)0x00001081    running    (Version Control [135_1551])0x00001088    running    (Transaction Recorder [177_1349])0x00001100    running    (DeviceControl [169_1481])0x00001413    running    (Event-/Status-Handler)0x00002100    running    (Service Process [127_1352])0x00003405    running    (Production Process)0x0000340C    running    (Smart Card Process Version 16.9.26,o,r)0x00003800    running    (Payment)0x00003806    running    (LogicalIO [211_1673:16/11/16_0949])0x00003C50    running    (Filetransfer)0x00003C51    running    (OnlineControl)0x00004C01    running    (PxUSB S&B Smartcard Reader)0xFFFFFFFC    running0xFFFFFFFE    running    (Rousnp Process)
Chapter 7OV|41 InitializationEdit: Stevens Art.#.: 86 -----, Ver. 1.06 Datum:13.12.20177-66Figure 7-37 Application "IDLE" screen

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