Selex ES 774-0788NB PUMA T3 Plus/806-870 User Manual Puma T3 Plus SR A3 pm6

Selex ES SPA PUMA T3 Plus/806-870 Puma T3 Plus SR A3 pm6


safety instructions

P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01P/N MAN-0696/01.01Safety recommendationsCarefully read all of the cautions and warnings before using theradio:•Do not use the radio equipment for uses different thanthose indicated in the present guide.•For a correct use of the radio read what is listed in thisguide.•Protect the radio from sprinklings of water and/or otherliquids and from dust.•Do not bring the radio close to heat sources.•Do not place the hand-held radio above the airbags orin their area of action. If the airbag is activated, it maynot swell correctly and/or hurl the portable unit, withgreat force, inside the passenger compartment whereare located the vehicle occupants.•The external antenna connector, not used during normaloperations, must be protected by proper cover.•First and second maintenance level interventions onthe equipment are to be carried out by authorizedtechnicians only. Third maintenance level interventionsare to be carried out by SELEX technicians only. Themaintenance levels are defined in the technical manual.•Use only original accessories and spare parts,approved by the manufacturer, suitable for the PUMAT3 PLUS. The use of different accessories and/or spareparts (earphone, antenna, etc.) makes the safety andelectromagnetic compatibility certifications to be validno more and it could lower the user safety level and/orgenerate electromagnetic fields that exceed theaccepted limits.•Follow the battery charger instructions in order to useit correctly.•During voice calls, the PUMA T3 PLUS use with itsproper leather bag is recommended in environmentswhith temperature greater than 45 °C.•The emergency call is a priority type call. The hand-held radio, like all mobile telephony equipment, operateswith radio frequency signals, therefore, the forwardingof the call depends on the network coverage at themoment of the call.•If you need send an emergency call, keep pressed theemergency button for at least 2 seconds, when theradio is switched on. In fact, a switched off radio canbe turned on by keeping pressed the emergency key,but for an outgoing emergency call a new pressure ofthe related button must be done.Relating to the radio setting (from PRP), two cases mayoccur if the transmission is inhibit:a) the emergency call is not sent; it is necessary todisable the Tx Inhibit function from radio menu toforward a call (even if the call is an emergencycall).b) the emergency call is sent and automatically the TxInhibit function is disabled; from radio menu it ispossible to recover the Tx Inhibit function again.WARNINGThis equipment is markedAccording to the requirements specified in the R&TTE directive1999/5/EC and the Commission Decision 6th April 2000, theEC marking is accompanied by the Class II equipment classidentifier.The equipment (in the 380÷430 MHz and 410÷470 MHzversions) is intended for sell and use in AT, BE, CY, CZ, DK, EE,FI, FR, DE, GR, HU, IE,  IT, LV, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, PT, SK, SI, ES,SE, GB.This equipment requires authorization or license for use.This equipment operates on frequency bands non-harmonisedin the EU.This equipment can also be used worldwide where theequipment is approved for use.FCC  APPROVALFor US owners onlyFCC approvalPUMA T3 Plus/806-870 Hand Held equipment complies withPart 15 of the FCC/Federal Communication Commissionregulations.Operation is governed by the following:FCC ID: X5Y774-0788FCC ID: X5Y774-0788NBThese devices comply with part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:- these devices may not cause harmful interference, and- these devices must accept any interference received,  including interference that may cause undesired  operation.Any unauthorized modifications or changes to thesedevices could void the user's authority to operate thesedevices.Note:FCC ID X5Y774-0788 and FCC ID X5Y774-0788NB apply toPUMA T3 Plus/806-870 versions only.• Hold the radio in a vertical position in front of face with themicrophone (and the other parts of the radio, including theantenna) at least one inch (2.5 cm) away from the nose. Keepingthe radio at the proper distance is important because RFexposures decrease with distance from the antenna. Antennashould be kept away from eyes.• When worn on the body, always place the radio in a SELEXElsag approved clip, holder, holster, case, or body harness forthis product. Using approved body-worn accessories isimportant because the use of Selex Elsag or othermanufacturer's non-approved accessories may result inexposure levels, which exceed the FCC's occupational/controlled environment RF exposure limits.• If you are not using a body-worn accessory and are not usingthe radio in the intended use position in front of the face, thenensure the antenna and the radio are kept at least 2.5 cm (oneinch) from the body when transmitting. Keeping the radio at theproper distance is important because RF exposures decreasewith increasing distance from the antenna.• Use only SELEX Elsag approved supplied or replacementantennas, batteries, and accessories. Use of non-manufacturer-name approved antennas, batteries, and accessories mayexceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines.• For a list of SELEX Elsag approved accessories (see the usermanual), or (visit the following website which lists approvedaccessories:, or (contact the radiomanufacturer at InformationFor additional information on exposure requirements or otherinformation,
P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01P/N MAN-0696/01.01•Carry out the maintenance interventions on the hand heldradio following the instructions given in the technicalmanual.•Follow all accident prevention standards when carryingout maintenance interventions on the hand held radioequipment and use the proper tools (spanners,screwdrivers,…..).•Do not use the radio if the antenna is damaged.•Turn off the radio or inhibit transmission, if the equipmentallows it, in electromagnetically sensitive environments(ex. hospitals, airports, etc.).•The electronic devices are sensitive to electromagneticinterference (EMI) if not adequately shielded, designed orconfigured differently for electromagnetic fields immunity.If electromedical equipment (ex. pace-makers, acousticalequipment, etc.) is used together with the hand held radio,make sure that it is adequately shielded from externalelectromagnetic fields.•Use only battery chargers recommended by manufacturerand follow the instructions reported in the manual torecharge the battery.•Replace the batteries with equivalent batteries approvedby the manufacturer.•Replace the batteries following the instructions given inthe technical manual.•Make sure that batteries are not damaged.•Do not use the radio if the battery is damaged.•Position the battery charger far from heat sources and insuch a way as to guarantee its correct aeration as wellas safe accessibility to the network power supply outlet.Do not use the battery charger outside of the environmentsfor which it was specified (ex. use in indoor environmentsonly).•Do not use the battery charger if the power supply cableand/or the plug are damaged.•Do not cause short circuits between the battery terminals,even if the terminals are provided of protection againstaccidental short circuits.•Do not take the radio into environments that have apotentially explosive atmosphere (ex. fuel storage sites,filling stations, etc.). Even when it is off, the radio, beingequipped with battery, might casually trigger fires and/orexplosions.•Do not use the battery charger in environments that havea potentially explosive atmosphere (ex. fuel storage sites,filling stations, etc.). The use of battery charger mighttrigger fires and/or explosions.•The danger of explosion exist if the battery is incorrectlyreplaced.•Even if the battery is discharge, the danger of explosionexist if the battery is disposed on fire.•It is advisable the use of the connector covers, when theconnectors are not used during normal operations.The radio complies with all product specifications and great careis taken by the manufacturer so that user safety, as far as theeffects of electromagnetic waves on health are concerned, isguaranteed within the limits established by the internationalspecifications.In order to further increase the level of user safety,we invite you to take into consideration the following additionalprecautions:•The radio is equipped with an automatic system to controlthe power transmitted so that the radio transmits at themaximum power only in cases of radio coverage limit oremergency call. Avoid touching the antenna when theradio is on and especially during transmission becausethe ability of transmitting power gets worse. When theantenna is touched, the radio automatically transmits at agreater power level than that required, nevertheless thecommunication may be broken down or get qualitativelyworse.•Avoid touching the equipment during data transmission.•During voice communications in earphone mode hold thehand-held radio with the antenna straight and above yourshoulder and speak directly into the microphone.•Hold the hand-held radio in the vertical position and alwaysat least 3 cm away from your head during voicecommunications in loudspeaker mode.•Earphone kit (and/or tube audio kit) is recommended whenusing the equipment in full-duplex mode for a long time.•When using the earphone do not allow the cable to twistup around the radio forming spirals.WARNINGWARNINGWARNINGPRECAUTIONPRECAUTIONRF energy exposureRF ENERGY EXPOSURE AWARENESS AND CONTROLINFORMATION, AND OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR FCCOCCUPATIONAL USE REQUIREMENTSBEFORE USING YOUR PORTABLE 2-WAY RADIO, READ THISIMPORTANT  RF ENERGY AWARENESS  AND CONTROLINFORMATION AND OPERATIONAL INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURECOMPLIANCE WITH THE FCC'S RF EXPOSURE GUIDELINES.NOTICE: This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlledconditions, where users have full knowledge of their exposureand can exercise control over their exposure to meet FCC limits.This radio device is NOT authorized for general population,consumer, or any other use.This 2-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radiofrequency (RF) spectrum to provide communications betweentwo or more users over a distance. It uses radio frequency (RF)energy or radio waves to send and receive calls. RF energy isone form of electromagnetic energy. Other forms include, but arenot limited to, electric power, sunlight and x-rays. RF energy,however, should not be confused with these other forms ofelectromagnetic energy, which when used improperly can causebiological damage. Very high levels of x-rays, for example, candamage tissues and genetic material.Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health and industrywork with organizations to develop standards for exposure to RFenergy. These standards provide recommended levels of RFexposure for both workers and the general public. Theserecommended RF exposure levels include substantial margins ofprotection.  All 2-way radios marketed in North America aredesigned, manufactured and tested to ensure they meetgovernment established RF exposure levels. In addition,manufacturers also recommend specific operating instructions tousers of 2-way radios. These instructions are important becausethey inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simpleprocedures on how to control it. Please refer to the followingwebsites for more information on what RF energy exposure isand how to control your exposure to assure compliance withestablished RF exposure limits. Communications Commission RegulationsThe FCC rules require manufacturers to comply with the FCC RFenergy exposure limits for portable 2-way radios before they canbe marketed in the U.S. When 2-way radios are used as aconsequence of employment, the FCC requires users to be fullyaware of and able to control their exposure to meet occupationalrequirements. Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the useof a product label directing users to specific user awarenessinformation. Your SELEX Elsag 2-way radio has a RF exposureproduct label. Also, your SELEX Elsag user manual, or productmanual, or separate safety booklet includes information andoperating instructions required to control your RF exposure and tosatisfy compliance requirements.Compliance with RF Exposure StandardsYour SELEX Elsag 2-way radio is designed and tested to complywith a number of national and international standards andguidelines (listed below) for human exposure to radio frequencyelectromagnetic energy. This radio complies with the IEEE andICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposureenvironment at operating duty factors of up to 25% transmittingand is authorized by the FCC for occupational use only. In terms ofmeasuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC exposureguidelines, your radio radiates measurable RF energy only while itis transmitting (during talking), not when it is receiving (listening)or in standby mode.Note: The approved batteries supplied with this radio are rated fora 5-5-90 duty factor (5% talk-5% listen - 90% standby), eventhough this radio complies with the FCC occupational RF exposurelimits and may operate at duty factors of up to 25% talk.Your SELEX Elsag 2-way radio complies with the following RFenergy exposure standards and guidelines:• United States Federal Communications Commission, Code ofFederal Regulations; 47 CFR §§ 1.1307, 1.1310, 2.1091 and2.1093• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electricaland Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999 EditionRF Exposure Compliance and Control Guidelines andOperating InstructionsTo control your exposure and ensure compliance with theoccupational/controlled environment exposure limits always adhereto the following procedures.Guidelines:• Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.• User awareness instructions should accompany device whentransferred to other users.• Do not use this device if the operational requirements describedherein are not met.Operating Instructions:• Transmit no more than the rated duty factor of 100% of the time.To transmit (talk), push the Push-To-Talk (PTT) button. To receivecalls, release the PTT button. Transmitting 100% of the time, orless, is important because this radio generates measurable RFenergy exposure only when transmitting (in terms of measuringfor standards compliance).

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