Selex ES 774-0788NB PUMA T3 Plus/806-870 User Manual Puma T3 Plus QRG A3 pm6

Selex ES SPA PUMA T3 Plus/806-870 Puma T3 Plus QRG A3 pm6


user manual

P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01P/N MAN-0696/01.01Group Mng (only TETRA)(group management)Calls (only TETRA)Delivery Options (onlyTETRA)(to select the kind of mes-sages delivery report)Tx Inhibit (only TETRA)(to disable/enable thetransmission)Group (only FM)(to select the active group/channel)Dead Man(to enable/disable therelative functionality)PreferencesBluetoothAccessories© 2010 SELEX Communications S.p.A. - All rights reserved.SELEX Communications S.p.A. reserves the right to change specifications, performance or features relevant to the product describedwithout notice. This is an unpublished work the copyright in which vests in SELEX Communications S.p.A. The information containedherein is confidential and the property of SELEX Communications S.p.A. and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. Nopart may be reproduced, disclosed or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission.Handportable radioQuick reference guideSELEX Communications S.p.A. A Finmeccanica CompanyVia Pieragostini, 80, 16151 - Genova, ItalyBefore using the equipment, read all theinstructions contained in the present guide and,with special care, those relative to safety.WARNINGMenu structure NOTE:—Some menus can be or not available according to the configurationof the radio terminal.— Choosing some options of WPS menus can cause the ending ofactive group calls.E2EE Status(enable/disable E2EE)Phone Book (only TETRA)(user defined)Home TETRA (only TETRA)(pre-configured phonebook)Non TETRA (only TETRA)(pre-configured phonebook, TMO only)Group Scanning(to enable/disable it)WPS SelectionWPS UpdateWPS ReconfigureActive WPS(to change the configura-tion of the active WPS)Extra WPS(to move the groupsassigned by DGNA in thecurrent WPS)Key Access(direct access keys are shown)Dialling (only TETRA)(dialling digits are shown)Supplementary String (onlyTETRA)(supplementary strings areshown)Symbols(symbols meaning is shown)Activation/DeactivationDevicesActive ConnectionOffered ServicesFind NewDevices ListDisplayed symbolsSignal level (TMO channel)Network (search if flashing)Direct ModeDirect Mode with DM-GATEWAY equipment presencedetectedDirect Mode with DM-REP equipment presence detectedE2E Crypto enabledPresence of not read messages in the In-Box. If thesymbol is blinking the queue is full, and there is at leastone message not readFull Queue, each message is readActive Data CallFallback modeEarphone speech CallSpeech connection active, loudspeaker modeKeypad Volume OFFKeypad lockedGroup Scanning enabledGroup Attach FailureGroup selector enabled, displayed alternatively toBattery level indicationPacket Data ContextPacket Data ChannelHeadset detectedBluetooth activated (*)Handset detectedGPS External Device detectedCar kit detectedUHF Simplex channelUHF Network channelCustom E2EE enabledCustom E2EE errorVOX enabledTransmission activeMenuMain controls and indicatorsDuring normal operation the knob has the volume controlfunction, turn it clockwise to turn up the volume of the audiooutput of the loudspeaker/earphone.Turn the knob counterclockwise to decrease the volume.If the knob is kept pressed until the alternate symbols   and appear on the display it goes to group-channel selectionfunction. Once in this modality turn the knob to chooseamong the available groups and select the group-channel bypressing the knob. Once pressed the knob you go back tovolume control function. If, in group-channel selection modality,no operation on the knob is performed for a pre-defined timeinterval, the knob automatically changeovers to volumecontrol function.Keep pressed the emergency key for at least 2 seconds tosend an emergency alarm, when the radio is on. When theradio is off pressing the emergency key will turn on the radio.Right navigation key: it's usually related to the BACK/CLEARoption. When the radio is in idle status it allows the accessto send status menu; during calls using this key it is possibleto send DTMF tones (only TETRA).Up/down navigation key. In idle status allows to access thephone lists menu. It changes conversation mode (fromloudspeaker to earphone and vice versa) during calls.Left navigation key, for menu options selection. In idle statusand during calls it allows the access to the main menu.Keep pressed for a few seconds to switch on/off the radio. Ifpressed during communication it interrrupts the connection.Speaker used for Loudspeaker conversation mode.Off hook key, to accept/make (after having typed in theaddress) an individual full duplex call; if pressed in idle statusit allows to access the list of the last calls (made/received).Push-To-Talk  button, press it to talk during half-duplexconversation. If pressed (in idle status when a group isselected, or after having typed in a group address) it sendsa call to the selected group/channel.If the network allows this function, pressing PTT(1) in idlestatus when a group is selected the first available dispatcherof the selected group is called (not the group). Otherwise,after having typed in the address, press PTT(1) to make thehalf duplex individual call.It is lit while the radio is transmitting; blinking in Tx Inhibitmode (only TETRA).It is lit while the radio is receiving.Small speaker used for earphone conversation mode.Group -channelSelector /VolumeControllerEmergencykeyLoudspeakerPTTPTT(1)Red LedGreen LedEarphonePIN(to change/enable/disable it)Talk (only TETRA)(to select the default conversa-tion mode loudspeaker/ear-phone for direct incoming calls)LanguageSounds(to disable and to control thesounds volume)DisplayDPFGPSUHFVOX NOTE:For what concerns technical characteristics, reference standard,maintenance and troubleshooting, refer to the relevant technicalhandbook.& FMPUMA T3 PLUSPUMA T3 PLUSMessagesChange Mode(TMO/DMO/FM)Encryption(only TETRA)Phone ListsSettingsMonitor(to check radio coverage,only FM)GPSInformationHelpLate Entry(to enable/disable the function)Communication(with/without ACK, DMO only)Send TPNI(enable/disable, DMO  only)Group Call(to select the type of groupcall, TMO only)Dial Mode(to select the dialling modality)Call Identification(to choose if send or hide itsown radio identifier, TMO only)Gateway(to select the default gatewayfrom the gateway list, TMOonly)Backlight(to change the display backlight modality)LCD Contrast(to change the display contrast)Wallpaper(to change the display background image)Colour(to change by means of various sub-menus the colour ofthe background and of the text of various display contexts)Black & White(to set the display in black and white mode)Zoom(to zoom in/zoom out the display)Screensaver(to change the display screensaver)Logo(to change the welcome display image)WPS Data(to modify the currentWPS parameters)Group Data(to modify the groupsparameters)In BoxOut BoxText MessageSend StatusChar SizeSee the Safety Recommendations guide for FCC Approval
P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01 P/N MAN-0696/01.01P/N MAN-0696/01.01Switch on/switch off thehandportableManage thePIN(PersonalIdentificationNumber)Hold yourPuma T3PLUSChange con-versationmode Ear-phone/Loud-speakerAdjust theVolumeLock/unlockkeypadChangemodalityTMO/DMO/FM (*)ChangeWorkingProfile Sub-set (WPS)Call a groupKeep pressed the  key   for a few seconds.The radio can also be turned on by keepingpressed the emergency key for a few sec-onds.PIN insertion at power on, can be:• Enable/disabled from menu• Always enabled• Always disabledIf PIN insertion is enabled, at power on theuser must insert the current PIN.In case of insertion of 3 consecutive wrongpin, the current PUK must be inserted to un-lock the radio.In case of 3 consecutive wrong PUK insertionthe radio must be reprogrammed to be un-locked.When you are speaking in  Earphonemode, hold your radio like a normaltelephone.In Loudspeaker  mode (or in FM modewithout the use of earphone accesso-ries) hold Puma T3 PLUS in verticalposition with its microphone, which islocated towards the bottom of the ra-dio, in front of your mouth.During conversation, press the key  .Otherwise select Settings →→→→→ Preferences →→→→→Talk from main menu.To adjust the speech volume, use the volumeknob; turn it clockwise to increase the volumeand counterclockwise to decrease it. To ad-just the volume of the various sounds accessfrom main menu to Settings  →→→→→ Preferences→→→→→ Sounds.Press the keys   and then   to lock thekeypad; to unlock it press any key and followthe instructions shown on the display.Keep pressed key 0 for a few seconds. Oth-erwise select Change mode from main menuand select the modality.Each WPS is composed of a set of differentgroups related to the group selector knob po-sitions. Changing WPS you change the groupsthat can be selected by means of the knob.To change WPS, keep pressed key 2ABC for afew seconds. Otherwise select Settings →→→→→Group MNG →→→→→ WPS Select.Select the group by means of the relevantknob, then press PTT to talk; otherwise typein the group address and press PTT.Call the dis-patcher ofthe selectedgroup (if thenetworkallows thisfunction)Call theOPENGROUPMake anindividual fullduplexspeech callMake anindividualhalf duplexspeech callMake a callin FM mode(*)Send anemergencyalarmSend astatusmessageSend a textmessageSend DTMFtonesRead areceivedmessage(Inbox)Access lastcalls listGo back ina group callEnable/disableencryptionActivateBluetooth(*)Connect anduseBluetoothaccessories(*)**RemoveBluetoothaccessories(*)DeactivateBluetooth (*)VisualizeGPS dataCheck theradiocoverage ofother users******************Select the group by means of the relevantknob and press PTT(1) to call the first avail-able dispatcher of the selected group (notthe group).Keep pressed key 9WXYZ for a few seconds,then press PTT to talk.Type in the address or select a subscriberselecting  Phone Lists →→→→→ Phone Book thenpress key  .Type in the address or select a subscriberselecting  Phone Lists →→→→→ Phone Book thenpress PTT(1).To make a call in FM mode (whether to a useror to a group) dial the user or the group ad-dress to be called, or select the address fromthe Phone Lists and press the key  . PressPTT to talk.Keep pressed the emergency key at least for2 seconds. In TETRA mode the radio can beprogrammed to:• Send a call request• Sen an SDS• Send a call request and an SDSat the emergency key pressing.In FM mode, if the channel selected is UHF(simplex or network) the radio sends an alarmuntil another radio gives the received alarmsignal through the key  .Access the send status menu, pressing thekey   or selecting from main menu:Messages →→→→→Send Status.Select the status to be sent, then select anuser   or a group   and send it by meansof the key   or selecting the Send  option.Access the text messages selecting from mainmenu  Messages  →→→→→ Text Messages; other-wise keep pressed key 4GHI for a few seconds.Create a new message or select a predefinedmessage then select Option →→→→→ Send. Selectan user   or a group     and send themessage by means of key   or selectingthe option Send. During the editing of a mes-sage it is possible to change from Uppercaseto Lowercase pressing the key  .During a half duplex call, access the DTMFmenu by pressing the key   from the mainscreen keep pressing the PTT and send DTMFtones by means of the relative keys (eachalphanumeric key is a different tone).Access the received messages list from mainmenu selecting Messages →→→→→ Inbox. Use the key to scroll the list of messages. The re-ceived messages can be status   or text messages. Select the message to be readand then Option  to choose among Delete-Replay-Replay+History.From idle status press key   to display thelist of the last 20 calls. Scroll them by meansof key  . In TETRA mode it is possible torecall the subscriber by means of PTT (1) (Half-Duplex) or key   (Full-Duplex, TMO only). InFM mode it is possible to recall the subscriberor the group, by means of the key  .It is possible to go back in a group call whichis still active and from which you have discon-nected: in TMO by pressing the PTT and inDMO by keeping pressed the keyTUV .To enable/disable encryption End  To Endencryption select Encryption  →→→→→ E2EE sta-tus. Once encryption is enabled the symbol appears on the radio display and it is pos-sible to choose the key used for the encryptionselecting the item E2EE key.Activate Bluetooth functionality selecting Set-tings  →→→→→ Bluetooth  →→→→→ Activation. OnceBluetooth is active the symbol   appears onthe radio display. Note: If the radio is turnedoff with the Bluetooth active, at the succes-sive switch on the Bluetooth is deactivated.With Bluetooth functionality active select themenu item Find New from Settings  →→→→→Bluetooth →→→→→ Devices (Bluetooth device mustbe in inquiring status). Once the device hasbeen found check if it is "Trusted" or"Untrusted" through the menu item DevicesList from menu Settings →→→→→ Bluetooth →→→→→ De-vices, showing the device information. If thedevice is "Untrusted" select Option from thedisplay showing the device information, andthen select Services Search.Once the device is "Trusted" select  Optionfrom the display showing the device informa-tion, and then select Services List.Choose the service scrolling the list throughthe key   , select Option and then Open, toopen the service. If the accessory connectedis a Bluetooth headset, once the service hasbeen opened the symbol   will be shown onthe radio display. To pass the audio signal tothe headset press the button located on theheadset itself. Pressing the headset buttonagain the audio signal returns to the radio.************************How to...TMODMOFM***How to... How to... How to...****To remove a Bluetooth accessory it is firstnecessary to disconnect it closing and remov-ing the relative service:• select  Settings  →→→→→ Bluetooth  →→→→→ Devices→→→→→ Devices List;• scroll the device list till the device to be re-moved and select  Option;• select the item Services List and scroll theService List till the service to be close;• select  Option and then Close. Then, fromthe same menu select Remove to removethe service.Now it is possible to remove the accessory:• select  Settings  →→→→→ Bluetooth  →→→→→ Devices→→→→→ Devices List;• scroll the device list till the device to be re-moved and select  Option;• select the item Remove Device;• press the key   associated with "YES" toconfirm the operation.To deactivate Bluetooth it is first necessary toremove all the Bluetooth accessories, thenselect  Settings  →→→→→ Bluetooth  →→→→→ Deactiva-tion.Select GPS item from main menu to visualize:date, time, latitude, longitude, satellite number.Access the monitor menu keeping pressedthe key   for a few seconds from idle sta-tus, otherwise select Monitor item from mainmenu. Selecting Option it is possible to chooseamong:•Add (to add an user to be monitored)•Delete (to remove an user to be monitored)•View (to visualize the details of the last threeradio coverage checks of the specific user).The first time that you access this menu it isrequired to enter the first address to be moni-tored.******TMODMOFM***TMODMOFMTMODMOFM** NOTE:Through the sub-menus of item Settings it is possible to configure several options of thehand-held radio terminal. For example, in TETRA mode, it is possible to inhibit the trans-mission (Tx Inhibit) or to select the default gateway and the digit ("0" "9") that must bedialled to access that gateway (Gateway<0>, Gateway<9>).It is also possible to configure the accessories connected and to enable/disable the deadman functionality. Through the Preferences sub-menu the user can personalize the termi-nal, setting: language, sounds volume, display options. Selecting Help from main menu it ispossible to visualize: the direct access keys function (direct access keys are availableeven during calls), the description of the strings to be dialled to define the call priority, thegateways and the address composition method (for TETRA). Also the meaning of thesymbols that can be visualized on the radio display is shown. NOTE:From the idle status keep the key pressed for about two seconds to quickly access therelevant functions.****(*) Function not available for U.S. market

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