Sharp HRO00085 Cellular Phone User Manual 4

Sharp Corporation Cellular Phone Users Manual 4

Users Manual 4
Overseas Use
Outline of international roaming (WORLD WING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Available services overseas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Before use overseas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Making a call at your country of stay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Receiving a call overseas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
Setting a search method of telecommunications carrier
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <Network search mode>393
Setting a telecommunications carrier to preferentially connect to
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <PLMN setting>394
Displaying a telecommunications carrier during roaming
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <Operator name disp>394
Activating roaming guidance . . . . . . . . . . . . <Roaming guidance>394
Setting incoming call to reject during roaming. . . . . <Call barring>395
Using network services during roaming. . . . . . . . . <Int’l services>395 387 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
International roaming (WORLD WING) is a service that
enables you, using overseas telecommunications carrier’s
networks, to make calls and use i-mode.
Use this FOMA terminal for voice/Videophone calls, i-mode
and SMS with the phone number and mail address used in
Japan. Network services such as Voice Mail and Call
Forwarding Services can also be used.
This service is available in the 3G network service area. The FOMA
terminal cannot be used in the GSM/GPRS network service area.
Refer to the DOCOMO “International Services website” for details
on the area.
By default, the FOMA terminal is set to automatically switch
networks (nP. 393).
Refer to the following user’s guides before using the FOMA terminal
“Mobile Phone User’s Guide [International Services]”
“Mobile Phone User’s Guide [Network Services]”
Country codes of major countries
The following shows “Country code” used when making international
calls (nP. 56) or setting International dial assist (nP. 56).
For other country codes and details, refer to the DOCOMO
“International Services website”.
Outline of international roaming
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Australia 61 Maldives 960
Austria 43 Netherlands 31
Belgium 32 New Caledonia 687
Brazil 55 New Zealand 64
Canada 1 Norway 47
China 86 Peru 51
Czech 420 Philippines 63
Egypt 20 Russia 7
Fiji 679 Singapore 65
Finland 358 South Korea 82
France 33 Spain 34
Germany 49 Sweden 46
Greece 30 Switzerland 41
Hong Kong 852 Tahiti
(French Polynesia)
Hungary 36
India 91 Taiwan 886
Indonesia 62 Thailand 66
Italy 39 Turkey 90
Japan 81 U.K. 44
Macau 853 U.S.A. 1
Malaysia 60 Vietnam 84 388 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
The available communication services overseas are as
Some communication services are not available depending on the
overseas telecommunications carrier. Refer to the DOCOMO
“International Services website” for details.
Packet transmission charges are separately incurred for the
transmission included in monthly usage fees of i-Channel
(nP. 172) overseas.
Unable to use 64K data communication by connecting a PC, etc.
日英版しゃべって翻訳 for SH (J-E Speech Translation for SH) is
available overseas (nP. 253).
GPS function is not available overseas. An error screen appears
and packet transmission charges are incurred when the site of GPS
Service settings is accessed overseas.
Overseas packet transmission charges differ from those in Japan.
When the 2in1 is used, calling from Number B is not available
When Multi Number is used, calling from Additional Number is not
available overseas.
The following items must be checked before departure, at
your country of stay, and after homecoming.
Prepare below in Japan before using the FOMA terminal overseas.
About contract
If subscribed to the FOMA service after September 1, 2005, a
subscription for “WORLD WING” is not required. However, if a
subscription for “WORLD WING” is canceled at or after a
subscription for the FOMA service, a subscription for “WORLD
WING” is required again.
If subscribed to the FOMA service before August 31, 2005 but not
subscribed to “WORLD WING”, a subscription for “WORLD WING”
is required. Some payment plans are not available.
Insert the WORLD WING compatible FOMA card (other than blue)
to the FOMA terminal (nP. 35).
About charging batteries
Precautions for handling the AC adapter nP. 16
Methods for charging the AC adapter nP. 39
Available services overseas
Communication service
Voice call Make or receive calls in your country of stay
or make international calls to Japan or to
other countries with the same phone number
as used in Japan while abroad.
Videophone Make international Videophone calls to users
of the specified 3G telecommunications
carriers overseas and FOMA users in Japan.
i-mode mail Send or receive i-mode mail overseas with
the same address as used in Japan.
i-mode Use i-mode overseas.
i-Channel Use i-Channel overseas.
SMS Send or receive SMS overseas with the
same phone number as used in Japan.
Data communication
(packet transmission)
Use packet transmission overseas.
Before use overseas
Preparation before departure 389 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
About browsing i-mode sites
To browse i-mode site overseas, the settings for overseas use must
be made from iMenu in advance.
i-mode site: Select [iMenu]/[English]/[Options]/[International
Settings]/[i-mode services Settings].
Refer to “Mobile Phone User’s Guide [International Services]” and
“Mobile Phone User’s Guide [i-mode] FOMA version” for details.
About setting network service
If subscribed to network services, Voice Mail Service, Call Forwarding
Service or other services can be used overseas.
Some network services may not be set or checked depending on
overseas telecommunications carrier. In addition, some network
services are available only in Japan. Refer to “Mobile Phone User’s
Guide [International Services]” and “Mobile Phone User’s Guide
[Network Services]” before departure.
To use network services overseas, set Remote control (nP. 380,
P. 395) to “Activate”.
About inquiries overseas
For lost, stolen, and cost settlement, or malfunction of the FOMA
terminal overseas, refer to “Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment
of cumulative cost overseas” or “Failures encountered overseas” on
the back of this manual. Note that any call or transmission charges
incurred after the FOMA terminal is lost or stolen are charged to the
Add the “International call access code (Table 1)” or “International
prefix number for the universal number (Table 2)” that is assigned
to your country of stay, to the head of your phone number for
For the latest information of the international call access code and
the international prefix number for the universal number, refer to the
DOCOMO “International Services website”.
International call access codes of major countries
(Table 1)
The following shows the International call access codes of major
Communication charges to Japan will apply.
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Australia 0011 Monaco 00
Belgium 00 Netherlands 00
Brazil 0021/
New Zealand 00
Norway 00
Canada 011 Philippines 00
China 00 Poland 00
Czech 00 Portugal 00
Denmark 00 Russia 810
Finland 00 Singapore 001
France 00 South Korea 001
Germany 00 Spain 00
Greece 00 Sweden 00
Hong Kong 001 Switzerland 00
Hungary 00 Taiwan 002
India 00 Thailand 001
Indonesia 001 Turkey 00
Ireland 00 U.A.E. 00
Italy 00 U.K. 00
Luxemburg 00 U.S.A. 011
Macau 00 Vietnam 00
Malaysia 00 390 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
International prefix number for the universal number
(Table 2)
The following shows the International prefix number for the universal
number of each country.
Communication charges or other charges to your country of stay
will apply.
Communication charges to your country of stay will apply when
calling from the mobile phone.
Some codes may not be used.
Note that the universal number may not be used for calls from a
mobile phone, payphone or hotel.
The universal number can be used only for countries listed above.
Calling from a hotel may cost you extra call charges requested by
the hotel (You are responsible for the call charges). Confirm with
the hotel before making calls.
The service is available in the 3G network service area.
The FOMA terminal is set to automatically search for the network
when the power is turned on, and to be connected to the available
telecommunications carrier in your country of stay.
If the connected telecommunications carrier is changed when Auto
time correction (nP. 44) is set to [ON], a screen notifying that time
difference is adjusted may appear.
When Operator name display (nP. 394) is set to [Display on], the
telecommunications carrier connected appears in stand-by.
When Clock display (nP. 91) is set to [ON(Large)], the local time
and Japan time appear (excluding regions keeping the same
standard time as Japan time). The local time appears in the sub
Talk time or stand-by time may be reduced to half the normal time
depending on the network condition of your country of stay.
By default, the FOMA terminal is set to automatically search for the
network and to be connected to the FOMA network when the power is
turned on after homecoming.
If the Network search mode is set to [Manual], switch to the FOMA
network (DOCOMO) manually or change to [Auto].
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Argentina 00 Luxemburg 00
Australia 0011 Malaysia 00
Austria 00 Netherlands 00
Belgium 00 New Zealand 00
Brazil 0021 Norway 00
Bulgaria 00 Peru 00
Canada 011 Philippines 00
China 00 Portugal 00
Columbia 009 Singapore 001
Denmark 00 South Africa 09
Finland 990 South Korea 001
France 00 Spain 00
Germany 00 Sweden 00
Hong Kong 001 Switzerland 00
Hungary 00 Taiwan 00
Ireland 00 Thailand 001
Israel 014 U.K. 00
Italy 00 U.S.A. 011
Using at your country of stay
Setting after homecoming 391 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
Make a call from overseas using the international roaming
Make a call from your country of stay to Japan or other countries.
1In stand-by, enter [+] (press 0 for 1+ seconds),
country code, area code (city code) and other
party’s phone number.
:When the area code (city code) begins with 0, omit the 0 when
dialing (However, include 0 when making a call to landline
phones in some countries or regions such as Italy).
2Press s (Phone)/i (
Making an international call outside your country
of stay using Country code conversion
Set Country code conversion (nP. 56) to [ON] and set the country
code frequently called to easily make an international call.
0 at the beginning of a phone number is automatically converted to
the country code set in Country code conversion.
Example: Make a call from phonebook
1In stand-by, press a/select the other party.
2Press s (Phone)/i (
3Select [Call].
:To dial a phone number as stored in the phonebook: Select
[Original number].
Making a call to the phone in country saved in Set
country code
Save a country code using Set country code (nP. 57) to select a
country code before making an international call.
The following operation is available overseas only.
1In stand-by, enter a phone number/C/[Add
prefix setting]/[International Call].
2Select the country code/t.
3Press s (Phone)/i (
Make a domestic call at your country of stay in the same way as you
do in Japan.
1In stand-by, enter a phone number.
2Press s (Phone)/i (
:Always dial the area code (city code), even when the number is
in the same area.
:When making a domestic call at your country of stay using the
phonebook, select [Original number] in step 3 of “Making an
international call outside your country of stay using Country
code conversion” on P. 392.
Making a call at your country of stay
Making a call outside your country of stay
(including Japan)
Making a call in your country of stay
Refer to the DOCOMO “International Services website” for details
on available countries, country codes and telecommunications
Even when Notify caller ID setting of the network service
(nP. 45) is set to “Send ID”, [Unavailable] or [User unset]
appears depending on the telecommunications carrier, and the
caller ID may not be displayed correctly. 392 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
When making a call to a “WORLD WING” subscriber overseas, make
an international call to Japan regardless of your country of stay.
1In stand-by, enter [+] (press 0 for 1+ seconds),
country code 81 (Japan) and the other party’s
mobile phone number excluding 0.
2Press s (Phone)/i (
Receive a call overseas in the same way as you do in Japan.
1Press s to receive an incoming call.
:Speak to the caller.
Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from
To receive an international call from Japan, have your phone number
dialed just as a domestic call in Japan.
090 (or 080)-XXXX-XXXX
Calling from Received calls may not be available since the phone
number may not be displayed correctly.
Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from
countries other than Japan
Have the international call access code and 81 (Japan) added to the
beginning of your phone number, and 0 excluded as an international
call to Japan regardless of your country of stay.
International call access code of the country of the caller-81-90
(or 80)-XXXX-XXXX
Set to manually select a telecommunications carrier.
Re-search a network to set another telecommunications carrier.
Check that the Network search mode is set to [Auto] when A
appears even after homecoming.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Network search mode].
2Select the setting.
;Select [Auto]/[Yes].
When [Auto] is already set: Select [Auto].
;Select [Manual]/select a telecommunications carrier/t.
The telecommunications carrier is changed.
;Select [Network re-search].
The host network is changed automatically if the Network
search mode is set to [Auto]. If set to [Manual], select a
telecommunications carrier and press t.
Making a call to a WORLD WING subscriber
Receiving a call overseas
Even when a caller tried to notify of caller ID, it might not be
notified depending on the used telecommunications carrier.
When a call is received during international roaming, the call is
forwarded from Japan. Call charges to Japan are incurred by the
caller and receiving charges by the receiver.
Having calls to your FOMA terminal
Network search mode
Setting a search method of
telecommunications carrier 393 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
Check the status whether making a call, data transmission or packet
transmission is available.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[In-area status]/
Specify the priority order of telecommunications carriers
connected to when the Network search mode is set to [Auto].
Save up to 20.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Network search mode]/[PLMN setting].
:To check the saved telecommunications carrier’s detailed
information: Select the telecommunications carrier/t.
2Select the number of the priority order/C.
3Select the saving method.
;Select [PLMN manual select]/enter a country code
(MCC)/t/enter a network code (MNC)/t.
;Select [UPLMN by list]/select a telecommunications
To search a telecommunications carrier from country name:
Select [UPLMN by list]/C/select a country name/t/
select a telecommunications carrier/t.
;Select [Set VPLMN to PLMN].
Save the telecommunications carrier currently connected to.
;Select [Change priority]/select a destination/t.
;Select [Delete]/[Delete one].
;Select [Delete]/[Delete all]/enter the terminal security
4Select [Yes].
Set whether to display a telecommunications carrier name
currently connected to in stand-by during international
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Operator name disp].
2Select the setting/t/[Yes].
When displaying a telecommunications carrier
When a call is received during international roaming, the
caller hears the guidance indicating that international
roaming is activated.
Make this setting while still in Japan.
Checking available communication services
<In-area status>
PLMN setting
Setting a telecommunications
carrier to preferentially connect to
Operator name disp
Displaying a telecommunications
carrier during roaming
Roaming guidance
Activating roaming guidance
carrier name 394 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Overseas Use
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Other NW
Services]/[Roaming guidance].
2Select an item/t.
3Select [Yes].
Set incoming call to reject during roaming. Select whether to
bar all incoming calls or only the Videophone and 64K data
communication calls.
Depending on the overseas telecommunications carrier, the setting
cannot be made.
Unable to use 64K data communication overseas.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Call barring].
2Select an item.
;Select [Activate]/[Yes]/select the barring method/t/
enter the network security code/t.
;Select [Deactivate]/[Yes]/enter the network security
;Select [Status request].
Use network services such as Voice Mail and Call
Forwarding from overseas.
Voice Mail and Call Forwarding subscription are required to use
Voice Mail (Int.) and Call Forward (Int.).
To use network services overseas, set Remote control (nP. 380)
to “Activate” in advance.
If operated from overseas, international call charges for your
country of stay are incurred.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International Roam.].
2Select an item.
;Select [Voice Mail(Int.)]/select an item of Voice Mail
;Select [Call Forward (Int.)]/select an item of Call
Forwarding Service/t.
;Select [Remote access(Int.)].
;Select [Caller ID req (Int.)].
;Select [Roam. guidance(Int.)].
3Select [Yes]/operate according to the voice
Call barring
Setting incoming call to reject
during roaming
Int’l services
Using network services during
roaming 395 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Combine the FOMA terminal with various optional
accessories (sold separately) for expanded personal and
business use.
Some products may not be available in certain areas.
Contact a docomo Shop or retailer for details.
Refer to the user’s guide of each product for more details.
*1 Refer to P. 39 for details on charging with an AC adapter.
*2 Connect Earphone Plug Adapter for External connector terminal
01 and Earphone Plug Adapter to use these options and related
*3 Connect Earphone Plug Adapter for External connector terminal
01 to use these options and related devices.
*4 The use of USB HUB may not work correctly.
*5 For use only in Japan.
*6 FOMA In-Car Hands-Free Cable 01 is required to charge and
connect with the USB cable.
*7 Activate Side key guard settings to use the In-Car Holder 01.
Play back movies saved on microSD Cards on the FOMA
terminal by using supported external devices.*
microSD Cards are sold separately. Purchase microSD Cards
at home electronics shops (nP. 314).
For details on compatible devices, refer to http:// Or, contact the number
Play i-motion created on external devices (including music data in
AAC format) on the FOMA terminal (nP. 233).
* Some movies cannot be played back depending on the file format
or the type of external device.
Check the phone number carefully before dialing.
Introduction of options and related
FOMA AC Adapter 01*1/02*1
Battery Pack SH21
Back Cover SH27
Desktop Holder SH23
Earphone Terminal P001*2
Flat-plug Stereo Earphone Set
Flat-plug Earphone/Microphone
with Switch P01*3/P02*3
Stereo Earphone Set P001*2
Earphone/Microphone with
Switch P001*2/P002*2
Earphone/Microphone 01
Stereo Earphone Set 01
Earphone Plug Adapter P001*3
Earphone Plug Adapter for
External connector terminal 01
Earphone Plug Adapter 01
FOMA USB Cable*4
FOMA AC Adapter 01 for Global
FOMA DC Adapter 01/02
FOMA Indoor Booster Antenna
In-Car Hands-Free Kit 01*6
FOMA In-Car Hands-Free
Cable 01
In-Car Holder 01*7
FOMA Dry Battery Adapter 01
Carry Case S 01
Bone conduction microphone/
receiver 01*3
FOMA USB Cable with Charge
Function 01*4/02*4
FOMA Portable Charging
Adapter 01
FOMA Indoor Booster Antenna
(Stand Type)*5
Interfacing to external devices
Sharp Data Communication Support Center
TEL: 03-5396-2351
Hours: 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon, 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.,
Monday through Friday
(Closed on weekends, national holidays, and company
holidays) 429 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
*1 Up to 50 entries can be saved in the FOMA card.
*2 Total number of the timers for starting and recording programs.
*3 Save a national holiday besides holidays already saved.
*4 For SMS, up to 20 received and sent messages can be saved in
the FOMA card (nP. 152).
*5 Capacity may decrease depending on the available memory
(nP. 327).
*6 Pre-installed data which can be deleted is included.
*7 Pre-installed folder is included.
*8 Set up to five dictionaries.
*9 Still picture for which 1Seg programs is recorded is included.
This model phone SH-02A meets the MIC’s* technical
regulation for exposure to radio waves.
The technical regulation established permitted levels of radio frequency
energy, based on standards that were developed by independent
scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of
scientific studies. The regulation employs a unit of measurement
known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit is 2
watts/kilogram (W/kg)
averaged over ten grams of tissue. The limit
includes a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all
persons, regardless of age and health. The value of the limit is equal to
the international guidelines recommended by ICNIRP
All phone models should be confirmed to comply with the regulation,
before they are available for sale to the public. The highest SAR value
for this model phone is 0.754 W/kg. It was taken by the Telecom
Engineering Center (TELEC), a Registered Certification Agency on the
Radio Law. The test for SAR was conducted in accordance with the
MIC testing procedure using standard operating positions with the
phone transmitting at its highest permitted power level in all tested
frequency bands. While there may be differences between the SAR
levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the
MIC’s technical regulation. Although the SAR is determined at the
highest certified power level, the actual SAR of the phone during
operation can be well below the maximum value.
For further information about SAR, please see the following websites:
Machi-chara 50*5, 6
User folder 20
Chara-den 50*5, 6
User folder 20
Melody 500*5
User folder 20
ToruCa 200*5
User folder 20
e-book/e-dictionary/e-comic 1,000*5, 6
Folder 400*7
1Seg video 99*5
Font (TTF) 1
Data type
Number of
entries to be
Number of
entries to be
Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of
mobile phone
World Health Organization (WHO)
MIC 460 ページ 2008年11月21日 金曜日 午前10時43分
Continued on next page
Information to User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation; if this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined
by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
SHARP Corporation
* Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
** The technical regulation is provided in Article 14-2 of the Ministry
Ordinance Regulating Radio Equipment.
*** International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
European RF Exposure Information
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed
not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves recommended
by international guidelines. These guidelines were developed by the
independent scientific organization ICNIRP and include safety
margins designed to assure the protection of all persons, regardless
of age and health.
The guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific
Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg
and the highest SAR value for this device when tested at the ear was
0.850 W/kg*.
As SAR is measured utilizing the devices highest transmitting power
the actual SAR of this device while operating is typically below that
indicated above. This is due to automatic changes to the power level
of the device to ensure it only uses the minimum level required to
reach the network.
The World Health Organization has stated that present scientific
information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for
the use of mobile devices. They note that if you want to reduce your
exposure then you can do so by limiting the length of calls or using a
hands-free device to keep the mobile phone away from the head.
* The tests are carried out in accordance with international
guidelines for testing.
FCC Notice
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the
manufacturer responsible for compliance could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
Hereby, Sharp Telecommunications of Europe Ltd, declares
that this SH-02A is in compliance with the essential
requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
A copy of the original declaration of conformity can be
found at the following Internet address:
Declaration of Conformity 461 ページ 2008年11月21日 金曜日 午前10時43分
1. Reorient/relocate the receiving antenna.
2. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
3. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
to which the receiver is connected.
4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
FCC RF Exposure Information
Your handset is a radio transmitter and receiver.
It is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for
exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal
Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.
The guidelines are based on standards that were developed by
independent scientific organisations through periodic and thorough
evaluation of scientific studies. The standards include a substantial
safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless
of age and health.
The exposure standard for wireless handsets employs a unit of
measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The
SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg.
The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the ear and
worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each model. The highest
SAR value for this model handset when tested for use at the ear is
0.785 W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user
guide, is 0.956 W/kg.
Body-worn Operation; This device was tested for typical body-worn
operations with the back of the handset kept 1.5 cm from the body. To
maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, use
accessories that maintain a 1.5 cm separation distance between the
user’s body and the back of the handset. The use of beltclips, holsters
and similar accessories should not contain metallic components in its
The use of accessories that do not satisfy these requirements may not
comply with FCC RF exposure requirements, and should be avoided.
The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model
handset with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with
the FCC RF emission guidelines. SAR information on this model
handset is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display
Grant section of after searching on FCC
Additional information on Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) can be
found on the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association
(CTIA) Website at
The Japan Export Administration Regulations (“Foreign
Exchange and International Trade Law” and its related laws)
will be applied to this product and its accessories under
certain conditions. The Export Administration Regulations
are also applied. To export or reexport this terminal and its
accessories, conduct all legally required procedures at your
own risk and expense. For details on the procedures, contact
the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry or the US
Department of Commerce.
Export Administration Regulations 462 ページ 2008年11月21日 金曜日 午前10時43分
Continued on next page
Data with third party copyrights such as text, images, music and
software that is downloaded or acquired via Internet web pages,
shot by the FOMA terminal, or acquired from TV or other video
cannot be duplicated, altered or publicly transmitted without rightful
party’s consent. Only duplicating, quoting, etc. for personal use is
permitted under copyright laws.
Even if for personal use, filming and recording may be prohibited for
demonstrations, performances and exhibitions.
Also, shooting another’s image or posting another’s image on
Internet web pages without their consent may constitute a violation
of one’s right to their image.
“FOMA”, “mova”, “ToruCa”, “mopera”, “mopera U”, “FirstPass”,
“Chara-den”, “Deco-mail”, “Chaku-motion”, “i-motion mail”, “i-appli”,
“i-appliDX”, “i-motion”, “i-mode”, “i-Channel”, “iD”, “DCMX”,
“WORLD WING”, “Public mode”, “DoPa”, “WORLD CALL”, “Dual
Network”, “visualnet”, “V-live”, “Security Scan”, “musea”,
“sigmarion”, “OFFICEED”, “IMCS”, “i-area”, “2in1”, “Chokkan
Game”, the “i-mode” logo, the “FOMA” logo, the “i-appli” logo, the
“DCMX” logo, the “iD” logo, the “HIGH-SPEED” logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of NTT DOCOMO, INC.
Free Dial logo mark is a registered trademark of NTT
Communications Corporation.
Catch Phone (Call Waiting) is a registered trademark of Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
Multitask is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation.
This product is equipped with NetFront Browser, NetFront Sync
Client and NetFront Browser DTV Profile Wireless Edition by
ACCESS Co., Ltd. for an internet browser or other application
This product adopts Media: specifications of ACCESS CO., Ltd. for
activating broadcasting contents.
Copyright © 1996-2008 ACCESS CO., LTD.
ACCESS, NetFront and Media: are trademarks or registered
trademarks of ACCESS Co., Ltd. in the United States, Japan and
other countries.
Microsoft®, Windows®, Windows Vista® and Windows Media® are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
U.S.A. and other countries.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S.A. and
other countries.
QuickTime is a registered trademark of Apple Inc., in the US and
other countries.
QR code is a registered trademark of Denso Wave Inc.
microSDHC Logo is a trademark.
Intellectual property rights
Copyrights and rights of portrait
Registered trademarks and trademarks
This product includes software licensed from
Symbian Software Ltd.
Symbian, Symbian OS and other associated Symbian marks are all
trademarks of Symbian Software Ltd.
© 1998-2008 Symbian Software Ltd. All rights reserved. 463 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Powered by JBlend™ Copyright 2002-2008 Aplix
Corporation. All rights reserved.
JBlend and JBlend related trademarks are registered
trademarks or trademarks of Aplix Corporation in Japan
and other countries.
“AXISFont” is a trademark of AXIS Inc. in Japan.
This handset features LCFONT, developed by Sharp Corporation,
to make the LCD easier to view and read. LCフォント/LCFONT
and are registered trademarks of Sharp Corporation.
Heisei font is an intellectual property of Font Development and
Promotion Center of Japanese Standards Association, and “SH
Heisei Mincho” is a font developed by DynaComware Corp. with a
DynaFont is a registered trademark of DynaComware Taiwan Inc.
McAfee® is registered trademarks or trademarks of McAfee, Inc.
and/or its affiliates in the U.S.A. and other countries.
Gガイド, G-GUIDE, Gガイドモバイル, G-GUIDE
MOBILE and the G-GUIDE related logos are
registered trademarks of Gemstar-TV Guide
International, Inc. and/or its affiliates in Japan.
Google and Google Map for Mobile are trademarks of Google Inc.
iavatar is a trademark of D2 Communications Inc.
Avatar Maker is a trademark of Acrodea, Inc.
Mobile Suica is a registered trademark of East Japan Railway
IrSimple™, IrSS™ or IrSimpleShot™ are trademarks of Infrared
Data Association®.
FeliCa, which uses non-contact IC card technology, was
created by Sony Corporation.
FeliCa is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation.
b is a registered trademark of FeliCa Networks, Inc.
Napster is a registered trademark of Napster, LLC. and/or its
affiliates in the US and/or other countries.
Dolby and the double-D symbol are registered trademarks of Dolby
FlashFX® Pro™ is a trademark or registered trademark of the
Datalight, Inc. in the US.
(U.S.Patent Office 5,860,082/6,260,156)
PhotoSolid® and FaceSolid™ are the trademarks or the registered
marks of Morpho, Inc.
“VeilView”, “Shotdeco”, “Wakeup TV” and “AQUOS” are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Sharp Corporation.
All other company names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective companies.
Under the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License, customers have
licensed permission for the following use of this product to engage
in non-profit personal use. Other uses are not permitted.
Encoding MPEG-4 standard video (henceforth referred to as
MPEG-4 video).
Decoding an MPEG-4 video that a customer not engaged in
personal commercial activities has encoded.
Decoding an MPEG-4 video obtained from a licensed provider.
For details on other intended uses, contact MPEG LA, LLC.
This product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Systems Patent
Portfolio License for encoding in compliance with the MPEG-4
Systems Standard. An additional license and payment of royalties
are necessary in the following cases.
Data stored or replicated in physical media which is paid for on a
title by title basis.
Data which is paid for on a title by title basis and is transmitted to
an end user for permanent storage and/or use.
Such additional license may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC.
Contact MPEG LA, LLC for additional details.
Others 464 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Continued on next page
This product is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license for
the personal and noncommercial use of a consumer to (i) encode
video in compliance with the AVC standard (henceforth referred to
as AVC video) and/or (ii) decode AVC video that was encoded by a
consumer engaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and/or
was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide AVC video.
No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use.
Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.
This product is licensed under the VC-1 Patent Portfolio License for
the personal and noncommercial use of a consumer to (i) encode
video in compliance with the VC-1 standard (henceforth referred to
as VC-1 video) and/or (ii) decode VC-1 video that was encoded by
a consumer engaged in a personal and noncommercial activity and/
or was obtained from a video provider licensed to provide VC-1
video. No license is granted or shall be implied for any other use.
Additional information may be obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.
Contains Adobe® Flash® Lite™ technology by
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe Flash Lite Copyright © 2003-2008 Adobe
System Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Adobe, Flash, and Flash Lite are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States
and/or other countries.
This product includes modules developed by the Independent
JPEG Group.
This product uses the GestureTek technology.
Copyright © 2006-2008, GestureTek, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This product is equipped with “Fugue” by Kyoto Software Research,
Inc. for a file system function.
Fugue ©1999-2008 Kyoto Software Research, Inc. All rights
Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories.
Licensed by QUALCOMM Incorporated under one or more of the
following United States Patents and/or their counterparts in other
4,901,307 5,490,165 5,056,109 5,504,773
5,101,501 5,506,865 5,109,390 5,511,073
5,228,054 5,535,239 5,267,261 5,544,196
5,267,262 5,568,483 5,337,338 5,600,754
5,414,796 5,657,420 5,416,797 5,659,569
5,710,784 5,778,338 465 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Content owners use Windows Media digital rights management
(WMDRM) technology to protect their intellectual property, including
copyrights. This device uses WMDRM software to access
WMDRM-protected contents. If the WMDRM software fails to
protect the content, content owners may ask Microsoft to revoke the
software’s ability to use WMDRM to play or copy protected content.
Revocation does not affect unprotected content. When you
download licenses for protected content, you agree that Microsoft
may include a revocation list with the licenses. Content owners may
require you to upgrade WMDRM to access their content. If you
decline an upgrade, you will not be able to access content that
requires the upgrade.
Adobe and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States
and/or other countries.
This manual refers to each OS (Japanese version) as follows.
Windows Vista is an abbreviation of Windows Vista® (Home
Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, Ultimate).
Windows XP is an abbreviation of Microsoft® Windows® XP
Professional operating system or Microsoft® Windows® XP
Home Edition operating system.
Windows 2000 is an abbreviation of Microsoft® Windows® 2000
Professional operating system.
Internet dictionary embedded in this product uses the BSD license.
Copyright © 2002,2003, Stefan Haustein, Oberhausen, Rhld.,
Germany All rights reserved
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
without modification, are permitted provided that the following
conditions are met:
Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of
its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written
ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 466 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
Index/Quick Manual
~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~
Remove the Quick Manual attached to the end of this manual by cutting along the perforations and fold it as shown below.
Carry the Quick Manual “Overseas Use” when the mobile phone is used with the International Roaming (WORLD WING) overseas.
Folding Quick Manual
Be careful of injuries when cutting out the Quick Manual.
Quick Manual
How to use Quick Manual
<Cut here>
Cut along the perforations.
This manual is produced using recyclable material. Please recycle when no longer needed. 478 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
General Inquiries <docomo Information Center>
Service available in: English, Portuguese, Chinese, Spanish, Korean.
Available from mobile phones and PHSs.
For DOCOMO mobile phones
(In Japanese only)
Unavailable from fixed-line telephones, etc.
For fixed-line telephones
(In Japanese only)
Available from mobile phones and PHSs.
Please confirm the phone number before you dial.
For DOCOMO mobile phones
(In Japanese only)
Unavailable from fixed-line telephones, etc.
For fixed-line telephones
(In Japanese only)
Available from mobile phones and PHSs.
Please confirm the phone number before you dial.
1In stand-by, press a (for 1+ seconds)/[Phone].
2Enter a name/t/9/enter a phone number/
t/select a phone type icon/t/S/enter a
mail address/t/select a mail address type
Other save items
Q: Group F: Secret code
a: Company/school <: Select ring tone
q: Department V: Mail ring tone
r: Title q: Called LED color
N: Postal code -: Called LED pattern
O: Postal address :: Mail/Message LED color
j: Location info +: Mail LED pattern
P: Birthday 8: Picture call set
G: Memo 1: Substitute image
;: Secret
1In stand-by, press r (I)/q (M)/select a
phone number/C/[Add to phonebook]/
[Save new to phone]/add to the phonebook.
1In stand-by, press a/select a name/C/[Edit
data]/[Edit]/select an item/t/edit.
Quick Manual
s0120-005-250 (toll free)
r(No prefix) 151 (toll free)
s0120-800-000 (toll free)
If you have problems with your FOMA
r(No prefix) 113 (toll free)
s0120-800-000 (toll free)
Adding entries to phonebook (Phone) Adding entries to phonebook from
Redials/Received calls
Editing phonebook entries
1In the text input screen, press a/select the
input mode/t.
1Enter a character/*.
1Move the cursor to the text and press c.
:To delete all text: At the end of the message, press c
(for 1+ seconds).
1In the text input screen, press a (for 1+
seconds)/select a phrase/t/t.
1In the text input screen, press i.
:To switch between pictograph and Deco-mail
pictograph: Press i.
:To switch between single- and double-byte symbols:
Press C.
1In the text input screen, press m (for 1+
seconds)/select an emoticon/t.
1In the text input screen, move the cursor to the
start position/C/[Copy]/[Cut]/t.
2Move the cursor to the end position/t.
3Move the cursor to the paste position/* (for
1+ seconds).
Ex.) 今日のテニス3t
1In the text input screen,
press 2 (twice)/p/[
:As each hiragana character is
entered, conversion
candidates appear and they
can be selected.
Text input
Changing input mode
Switching upper/lower case
Deleting text
Using phrases
Entering pictographs/symbols
Entering emoticons
Cutting/Copying/Pasting text
Text input example
–1– –2–
–4––3– –5– 479 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
2Press p/[].
3Press 453/o/[テニス].
:Use o for One-touch conversion.
4Press a (five times)/t/3.
:Press a (five times) for single-byte alphanumeric
5Press a (twice)/t/3 (twice)/*/p/
:Use * for dakuten mark.
6Press i/t.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Disp/
LED/Power saver]/[Font style]/[Font style
setting]/select the font/t.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Disp/
LED/Power saver]/[Font style]/[Font size]/
[Individual setting]/select the [Input] field/
t/select the font size/t/[Yes].
:To change collectively: In stand-by, press 5 (for 1+
1In stand-by, press C/t/t.
Shooting panoramic pictures
1In the still picture shooting screen, press m/
t/move the FOMA terminal to either direction
of left or right/t/t.
1In the still picture shooting screen, press C/
[Switch camera-mode]/[Movie]/t/t/
1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[My
picture]/select a still picture/t.
Changing font (font style)
Changing font size
Shooting still pictures
Shooting movies
Displaying still pictures
1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/
[i-motion]/select a movie/t.
1In the Custom menu, select [1Seg]/[Channel
2Select the number to save/C/[Auto channel
3Select an area/t/select a prefecture/
1In the Custom menu, select [1Seg]/[Channel
setting]/select a channel list/t.
1In stand-by, press C (for 1+ seconds).
:To record a movie of 1Seg programs: While watching
1Seg, press i (for 1+ seconds)/(record)/i.
:To record 1Seg programs as a still picture: While
watching 1Seg, press i.
1In the Custom menu, select [Data box]/[1Seg]/
select a video/t.
In the Custom menu, select [Data box]
select the data type
select music data
1In stand-by, press m (for 1+
seconds)/select the [To]
field/t/select the input
;Select [Search
phonebook]/select a
;Select [Sent messages]/
select a recipient/t.
;Select [Rcvd messages]/select a recipient/t.
Playing back movies
Watching 1Seg
Performing Automatic channel setting
Selecting a channel list
Watching 1Seg
Watching videos
Music playback
Using MUSIC Player
Key operations for MUSIC Player
To pause/play t
To stop m
To adjust the volume u
To play previous song/return to
the beginning of song
To play next song r
To end MUSIC Player c/H/[Yes]
Composing and sending i-mode mail
–6– –8–
–11––9– 480 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
;Select [Mail members]/select a mail member/
;Select [Direct input]/enter an address/t.
2Select the [Sub] field/t/enter a subject/
t/[Msg]/enter the message text/t/i.
1In the text input screen, press m/select a
decoration type/t/specify decoration/t/
input text/t/i.
1In stand-by, press m (for 1+ seconds)/select
the attachment field (No attachment)/t/
select the file to attach.
;Select [Image]/select an image/i.
;Select [Melody]/select a melody/i.
;Select [i-motion]/select an i-motion/i.
;Select [ToruCa]/select a ToruCa/i.
;Select [Phonebook]/select a save destination/
t/select a name/t.
;Select [Schedule]/select a save destination/t
(/select a day/i)*/select a schedule/t.
* No operation is needed if [microSD] is selected as the
save destination
;Select [Bookmark]/select a save destination/
t/select a bookmark/t.
;Select [Other]/select a file/t.
;Select [Start cam (still)]/t/t.
;Select [Start cam (movie)]/t/t/[Save].
1In stand-by, press m/[Compose SMS]/select
the [To] field/t/[Direct input]/enter an
address/t/[Msg]/enter the message/t/
1Mail is automatically received.
2Select [Mail]/select mail/t.
1In stand-by, press m/[Check new message].
:SMS: Press m/[Check new SMS].
1In the received message details screen, press
2Select the reply method/t.
3Compose and send a mail.
1In the received message details screen, press
2Enter an address and send a mail.
Sending Deco-mail
Attaching a file Composing and sending SMS
Receiving mail automatically
Checking new i-mode mail
Replying to i-mode mail
Forwarding i-mode mail
1In the Custom menu/Basic menu, press a.
1In the Basic menu, enter a function number.
Menu list
Switching between the Custom menu/Basic menu
Recalling a function number
USelect volume phone ring vol, Mail ring vol, Key/
Standby i-motion, Charge start sound,
Charge end sound, Timer sound, GPS
VSelect sound Select ring tone, Select mail tone,
Shutter sound, Timer sound, GPS tone
WVibrator Vibration mode, Mail vibration, GPS
XManner mode ON (Normal, Silent, Original), OFF
YHeadset setting
ZRing time
Mail ring time set, GPS ring time set
[Set mute ring time
\Hold/On hold
Set on hold tone, Set hold tone
]Snd playbck
Stereo fx (earphone), Equalizer
VDisp/LED/Power saver
USet screen Stand-by display, Clock display,
Calendar display, Stand-by memo
disp, Sub) Caller ID disp, Sub) Clock
VFont style Font style setting, Font size
WThemes Kisekae Tool, Call/Rcv display, Send/
Rcv display, Submenu image, Dial
image set, Animate notices, Signal/
batt/s clock, Color theme setting, Sub)
Disp settings
XLED settings Called LED, Mail LED, Notice LED,
In-call LED, Alarm/Timer LED, IC card
LED, Open/close LED, GPS LED
YDisplay img
Vibrant image mode, Control by scene
Norm (auto bright), Norm (fixed bright),
Eco mode (Pwr saver), Original Eco
[VeilView Linked manner, Pattern
\Menu priority
VDisp/LED/Power saver
–13– –14–
–16––15– –17–
–12– 481 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
WGeneral settings
UCheck status Owner Information, Check memory,
Battery level, Check settings
VText input
User dictionary, Dwnld dictionary, Edit
phrase, Clear memory terms
WAuto power
Auto power ON, Auto power OFF, Link
alarm/power ON
XDate settings
YSelect language
ZUSB mode setting
Update, Set auto-update, Set scan,
\Software update
]Reset settings
XNW Services
UVoice Mail Check messages, Play Messages,
Activate VoiceMail, Set ring time,
Deactivate VoiceMail, Check setting,
Voice Mail setting, Notification setting,
VCall waiting Activate, Deactivate, Check setting
WCall forwarding Activate, Deactivate, Register number,
Forwarding No. busy, Check setting
XBar nuisance
Register caller, Register selected No,
Delete all entries, Delete last entry,
Check No of entries
YNotify caller ID Check setting, Notify caller ID
ZCaller ID
Activate, Deactivate, Check setting
[Talk time/cost
\2in1 setting Mode switching, Phonebook 2in1 set,
Stand-by display, Set call/receive No.,
2in1 function OFF, Receive avoidance
]In-call arrival
Set arrival act, Arrival Call Act
YOther NW Services
URemote control Activate, Deactivate, Check setting
VDual network Switching, Status request
Guidance setting, Check setting
USSD, Reply message
ZMulti number Set multi number, Check setting,
Number setting
[Chaku-moji Create message, Message display
Activate, Deactivate, Status request
XNW Services
ZPhone settings
UIn-call settings Noise reduction, Reconnect signal,
Quality alarm
VHeadset sw to call
Any key answer, Auto answer setting,
Melody Call setting
XVideophone set Redial voice call, Set sending image,
Display setting, Subscreen position,
Visual preference, Notify switch mode,
Hands-free, V-phone while
Record message, Answering duration,
Reply message, reply image
ZSet when folded
[Self mode
\Other settings Int’l prefix, Sub address, Int’l dial
assist, International Roam., In-area
USecret mode
VUIM Settings PIN1 code input set, Change PIN1
code, Change PIN2 code
Accept calls, Reject calls, Reject
unknown, User unset, Reject
payphone, Reject not support
XShow call/
Show rcvd calls, Show redial
YShow sent/
Show sent messages,
Show rcvd messages
ZLock settings All lock, Keypad dial lock,
Function lock, IC card lock,
Multi easy lock set,
Multi lock auto-set
[Change security code
\Delete all data Delete user data, Del secret data
Other settings
\Initial setting
TOwn number
–18– –20–
–23––21– 482 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
]UData box
UMy picture
WMusic&Video ch
[Kisekae Tool
UBar code reader
VReceive Ir data
View microSD data, Backup/restore,
Import, New manager info, Format,
USB mode setting
XCard reader
YText memo
[Timer/Alarm Timer, Alarm, Wakeup TV
]Data Sec. Service
TGPS menu Position location, i-appli, Location
history, Set position loc.,
Loc.notification/set, Loc. request menu
]WMedia tool
VVoice recorder
WVoice memo/Rec msg
XQuick search
]VLifeKit Other menus
Other functions
Manner mode enable/disable # (for 1+ seconds)
Public mode (Drive mode)
* (for 1+ seconds)
Multi easy lock activate/
t (for 1+ seconds)
Show i-Channel list c (J)
Activate Quick search $
Show i-mode menu i
Show i-appli software list screen i
) (for 1+ seconds)
Activate Multi Assistant
$ while using a
Display Shortcut menu p
When the confirmation screen appears, select [Yes].
Voice Mail Service is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that
requires subscription.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW
Services]/[Voice Mail].
2Select [Activate VoiceMail]/[Activate
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate VoiceMail].
:To play messages: Select [Play Messages].
:To check messages: Select [Check messages].
Call Waiting is a paid option (monthly fees apply) that requires
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW
Services]/[Call waiting].
2Select [Activate].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To check settings: Select [Check setting].
Call Forwarding Service is a free option (no monthly fees) that
requires subscription.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW
Services]/[Call forwarding].
2Select [Activate]/[Activate].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To check settings: Select [Check setting].
Subscription is not required (no monthly fees).
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[NW
Services]/[Caller ID request].
2Select [Activate].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To check settings: Select [Check setting].
Register Shortcut menu $ (for 1+ seconds)
when m appears
One-touch key set o
Side key guard set/disable q (for 1+ seconds)
Position location { (for 1+ seconds)
VeilView ON/OFF & (for 1+ seconds) with
the FOMA terminal
Network services
Voice Mail Service
Call Waiting
Call Forwarding Service
Caller ID Request Service
–25– –26–
–28––27– –29–
–24– 483 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
Icons are shown in the order of main display and sub display.
Icon list
Main display
12345 789a b
olkjihgfmp nq ed
Sub display
1r s gh 82 a 2
jk z 2 y
1]/aSignal status
2"/bBattery level
37=AABNO i-mode/Full Browser
5GNIQ i-appli
7mShortcut menu
8UhHv[/xi-mode mail/SMS/Area Mail
<9>07! Message R/F
a^ (gray)/m (gray) microSD Card is inserted
^ (pink)/m (pink) microSD Card is being used
bClock display
ca1Seg being recorded
D to PkRecord message
Refer to P. 27 to P. 31 of the manual for detailed explanations
of displayed icons.
gZ/fManner mode
h_/dPublic mode (Drive mode)
iWXStorage status of i-mode center
jH/cIC card lock
KX/ie Restriction indicator
n0Music&Video Channel program
o=; i-mode mail send reservation
psEarphone/Microphone connection
qxUSB mode
rR/jFOMA card is malfunctioning or not
B/hNon-FOMA card is inserted
sg/gSelf mode
tJtu Ir communication/External device
v4Overseas 3G network
wIH Status of Comics setting
zwOperation in progress
<Emergency contacts in case of
loss or other accidents>
Omakase Lock
Omakase Lock is a paid service. However, if Omakase
Lock is subscribed while or at the same time as when
the use of FOMA terminal is suspended, or if the user is
a member of docomo Premier Club, the usage fee of
Omakase Lock is not charged. Additionally, if Keitai
Anshin Pack (Mobile Phone Security Package) is
subscribed, Omakase Lock is available for a flat-rate.
Enable/Disable Omakase Lock
Office hours: 24hours
Other contacts
<Contacts: >
<Contacts: >
<Contacts: >
Please confirm the phone number before you dial.
–30– –32–
–35––33– 484 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
For DOCOMO mobile phones
If you use the SH-02A, you should dial the number
+81-3-5366-3114 (to dial “+”, press the “0” key for 1+ seconds).
For fixed-line telephones
<Universal number>
See P.19 to P.20 and P.21 to P.22 for international call access
codes of major countries (Table1) and international prefix
number for the universal number (Table2).
For DOCOMO mobile phones
If you use the SH-02A, you should dial the number
+81-3-6718-1414 (to dial “+”, press the “0” key for 1+ seconds).
For fixed-line telephones
<Universal number>
See P.19 to P.20 and P.21 to P.22 for international call access
codes of major countries (Table1) and international prefix
number for the universal number (Table2).
Setting in Japan
1In stand-by, press i/[iMenu]/[English]/
[Options]/[International Settings]/[i-mode
services Settings]/[Yes]/select the [Enter
i-mode Password] field/t/enter the i-mode
Setting in overseas
1In stand-by, press i/[iMenu]/[English]/
[International Settings]/[i-mode services
Settings]/[Yes]/select the [Enter i-mode
Password] field/t/enter the i-mode
Quick Manual “Overseas Use”
Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or payment of
cumulative cost overseas
<docomo Information Center> (24-hour service)
International call access code
of your country of stay (Table 1)
-81-3-5366-3114* (toll free)
* Communication charges to Japan will apply when you make a call
from a fixed-line telephone.
International prefix number for
the universal number (Table 2)
Communication charges or other charges to your country of stay will apply.
Failures encountered overseas
<Network Technical Operation Center>
(24-hour service)
International call access code
of your country of stay (Table 1)
-81-3-6718-1414* (toll free)
* Communication charges to Japan will apply when you make a call
from a fixed-line telephone.
International prefix number for
the universal number (Table 2)
* Communication charges or other charges to your country of stay
will apply.
Preparing for overseas use
Setting i-mode
Setting in Japan
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Other
NW Services]/[Remote control]/[Activate]/
Setting in overseas
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Remote access(Int.)]/[Yes]/operate
according to the voice guidance.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[General
settings]/[Date settings]/select the [Auto time
correction] field/t/[ON]/i.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[General
settings]/[Date settings]/select the [Auto time
correction] field/t/[OFF].
2Press C/select a time zone/t/select a
The available communication services overseas are as follows.
Voice call Videophone i-mode mail
i-mode i-Channel SMS
Data communication (packet transmission)
Unable to use 64K data communication by connecting a PC,
etc. overseas.
Setting remote access
Correcting date and time automatically
Setting time zone manually
Available network
3G network Available
GSM network Not available
GPRS network Not available
Available services overseas
–1– –2–
–4––3– –5– 485 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
Default setting: Auto (Automatically switches telecommunications
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Network search mode].
2Select [Auto]/[Yes].
:To manually switch telecommunications carriers:
Select [Manual]/select a telecommunications
:To re-search for the host network: Select [Network
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Network search mode]/[PLMN
setting]/select the number of the priority
2Select [PLMN manual select]/enter a country
code (MCC)/t/enter a network code (MNC)/
:To save from a telecommunications carrier list: Select
[UPLMN by list]/select a telecommunications
:To save the telecommunications carrier currently
connected to: Select [Set VPLMN to PLMN]/[Yes].
:To change the priority: Select [Change priority]/
select a destination/t/[Yes].
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Operator name disp]/[Display on]/
Setting a search method of
telecommunications carrier
Network search mode
Setting a telecommunications carrier to
preferentially connect to
Displaying a telecommunications carrier
name in stand-by
carrier name
If Network search mode is set to [Auto], reset Network search
mode to the FOMA network (DOCOMO) automatically when the
power is turned on after homecoming.
Setting to FOMA network (DOCOMO) manually
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Network search mode]/[Manual]/
Using + to make an international call
1In stand-by, press 0 (for 1+ seconds)/enter
the country code, area code (city code) and other
party’s phone number/s (Phone)/i
:When the area code (city code) begins with 0, omit the
0 when dialing. However, include 0 when making a call
to landline phones in some countries or regions such
as Italy.
Making an international call outside your country
of stay using country code conversion
0 at the beginning of a phone number is automatically converted to
the country code set in Country code conversion.
Example: Make a call from the phonebook
1In stand-by, press a/select the other party/
s (Phone)/i ([Call].
Making an international call
Save a country number using Set country code to select a country
code before making an international call.
The following operation is available overseas only.
1In stand-by, enter a phone number/C/[Add
prefix setting]/[International Call]/select the
country code/t/s (Phone)/i (
1In stand-by, enter a phone number/s (Phone)/
i (
Making a call to the phone in your country of
stay using phonebook
1In stand-by, press a/select the other party/
s (Phone)/i ([Original number].
Setting after homecoming Making a call
Making a call outside your country of stay
(including Japan)
Making a call in your country of stay
–6– –8–
–11––9– 486 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
Making a call to a WORLD WING subscriber
Even when making a call to the phone in your country of stay,
make an international call to Japan if the call recipient is a
“WORLD WING” subscriber overseas.
1In stand-by, press 0 (for 1+ seconds)/81/
enter the other party’s mobile phone number
excluding the first 0/s (Phone)/i (
1Press s to answer an incoming call.
Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from
Enter the phone number in the same way as it is entered in Japan
and make a call.
Having calls made to your FOMA terminal from
countries other than Japan
Enter international call access code of the country of the
caller-81-user’s phone number excluding the first 0 and make a
Make this setting while still in Japan.
When the confirmation screen appears, select [Yes].
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Other
NW Services]/[Roaming guidance].
2Select [Activate].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To check settings: Select [Status request].
Depending on the overseas telecommunications carrier, the
setting cannot be made.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Call barring].
2Select [Activate]/[Yes]/select the barring
method/t/enter the network security code/
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate]/[Yes]/enter the
network security code/t.
:To check settings: Select [Status request].
Receiving calls
Setting roaming guidance Call barring
To use network service overseas, set Remote control to
When the confirmation screen appears, select [Yes].
Operate according to the voice guidance.
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Voice Mail(Int.)].
2Select [Activate Voice Mail].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To play messages: Select [Play Messages].
:To set the service: Select [Voice Mail settings].
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Call Forward (Int.)].
2Select [Activate].
:To deactivate: Select [Deactivate].
:To set the service: Select [Settings].
1In the Custom menu, select [Settings]/[Phone
settings]/[Other settings]/[International
Roam.]/[Roam. guidance(Int.)].
The following shows “Country code” used when making
international calls or setting International dial assist.
Using network service
Voice Mail (Int.)
Call Forward (Int.)
Roaming guidance (Int.)
Country codes of major countries
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Australia 61 Hong Kong 852
Austria 43 Hungary 36
Belgium 32 India 91
Brazil 55 Indonesia 62
Canada 1 Italy 39
China 86 Japan 81
Czech 420 Macau 853
Egypt 20 Malaysia 60
Fiji 679 Maldives 960
Finland 358 Netherlands 31
France 33 New Caledonia 687
Germany 49 New Zealand 64
Greece 30 Norway 47
–13– –14–
–16––15– –17–
–12– 487 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
<Cut here>
For other country codes and details, refer to the DOCOMO
“International Services website”.
The following shows the International call access codes of major
Peru 51 Tahiti
(French Polynesia)
Philippines 63
Russia 7 Taiwan 886
Singapore 65 Thailand 66
South Korea 82 Turkey 90
Spain 34 U.K. 44
Sweden 46 U.S.A. 1
Switzerland 41 Vietnam 84
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code International call access codes of major
countries (Table 1)
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Australia 0011 Hungary 00
Belgium 00 India 00
Brazil 0021/
Indonesia 001
Ireland 00
Canada 011 Italy 00
China 00 Luxemburg 00
Czech 00 Macau 00
Denmark 00 Malaysia 00
Finland 00 Monaco 00
France 00 Netherlands 00
Germany 00 New Zealand 00
Greece 00 Norway 00
Hong Kong 001 Philippines 00
Poland 00 Taiwan 002
Portugal 00 Thailand 001
Russia 810 Turkey 00
Singapore 001 U.A.E. 00
South Korea 001 U.K. 00
Spain 00 U.S.A. 011
Sweden 00 Vietnam 00
Switzerland 00
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
The following shows the International prefix number for the
universal number of each country.
For lost, stolen, and cost settlement, or
malfunction of the FOMA terminal overseas,
refer to “Loss or theft of FOMA terminal or
payment of cumulative cost overseas” on the
cover of Quick Manual “Overseas Use” or
“Failures encountered overseas” on P.1.
Add the “International call access code (Table 1)” or
“International prefix number for the universal
number (Table 2)” that is assigned to your country of
stay, to the head of your phone number for inquiries.
International prefix number for the
universal number (Table 2)
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code
Argentina 00 Hong Kong 001
Australia 0011 Hungary 00
Austria 00 Ireland 00
Belgium 00 Israel 014
Brazil 0021 Italy 00
Bulgaria 00 Luxemburg 00
Canada 011 Malaysia 00
China 00 Netherlands 00
Columbia 009 New Zealand 00
Denmark 00 Norway 00
Finland 990 Peru 00
France 00 Philippines 00
Germany 00 Portugal 00
Singapore 001 Switzerland 00
South Africa 09 Taiwan 00
South Korea 001 Thailand 001
Spain 00 U.K. 00
Sweden 00 U.S.A. 011
Country/Region Code Country/Region Code About inquiries overseas
–18– –20–
–23––21– 488 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分
[489/489] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~
When using your FOMA terminal, please be considerate of those around you.
When in an area where use is prohibited
There are places where the use of mobile phones is prohibited. Be sure to turn
off your FOMA terminal in the following places.
On an aircraft In a hospital
There are people outside hospital wards who also use electric medical equipment.
Please make sure that your FOMA terminal is turned off in the lobby and waiting room.
While driving
Using a mobile phone in hand while driving is regarded as a punishable act.
If there is no choice but to receive a call, use Hands-free and tell the caller
that you will “call back”, and then pull over to a safe place to make a call.
When in crowded places such as rush-hour trains in case
somebody nearby is using an implanted cardiac
pacemaker or implanted cardioverter-defibrillator
Your FOMA terminal may affect the operation of such equipment.
When in public places such as theaters, movie theaters, or museums
Use of your FOMA terminal in quiet public places will annoy others.
When using your FOMA terminal in a restaurant or a hotel
lobby, lower your voice.
In crowded places, be careful not to obstruct other pedestrians.
Check/change the subscription, apply for various services, and request various information materials online.
(User Support)
(Various Applications/Procedures)
My docomo (各種お申込お手続き (Various Applications/Procedures)
You will need your “Network Security Code” to access the site from i-mode.
No packet communication charges are incurred when accessing the site from i-mode. Accessing from overseas will incur charges.
You will need your “docomo ID/Password” to access the site from PC.
If you do not have or you have forgotten your “Network Security Code” or “docomo ID/Password”, contact the number listed in General Inquiries on the back of this manual.
The site may not be available depending upon the content of your subscription.
You may not be able to access some site services due to system maintenance, etc.
From i-mode
Packet communication charges free
From a PC
Please follow proper etiquette
Turn off your FOMA terminal in the following places
Be careful of where you use your FOMA terminal and the
volume of your voice and the ring tone
Be considerate of the privacy of the individuals around you
tPlease be considerate of the privacy of individuals around
you when taking and sending images using a
camera-enabled mobile phones.
The following functions will help you to keep your manners in public
There are useful functions you can use to set your FOMA
terminal not to answer incoming calls, and to silence all sounds.
Manner mode (nP. 88)/Original manner mode (nP. 89)
Silences the Key/Standby i-motion sound and all the sounds from the FOMA
terminal, and Record message is set (Manner mode). When in the Manner
mode, automatically set functions (Record message, Vibrator, Mic sensitivity up,
Ring tone, Mail ring tone, alarm tone, Key/Standby i-motion sound and Low
battery alarm) can be set to ON (enable)/OFF (disable) (Original manner mode).
Public mode (Drive mode/Power OFF) (nP. 62, P. 63)
The caller hears a guidance message stating that the receiver is driving, or
in the place where the receiver should refrain from using the mobile phone
or turn off the power. The call is disconnected.
Vibration mode (nP. 87)
Notifies incoming calls by vibration.
Record message (nP. 64)
When you are unable to take a call, the Record message function records
the caller’s message.
You can also use optional services such as Voice Mail Service
(nP. 372) and Call Forwarding Service (nP. 375). 489 ページ 2008年11月18日 火曜日 午前11時17分

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