Sharp HRO00163 Cellular Phone with Bluetooth, WLAN and Felica User Manual English version part 2

Sharp Corporation Cellular Phone with Bluetooth, WLAN and Felica English version part 2

English version part 2

44Address BookAOn the home screen,   [Address Book [Select a contact information.Tap image (face) on the address book list screen (newly arrived order).ANameTap to display the available applications.BImage (Whole body)CRegistered contentsSlide upward to check or use all the registered contents.DSpeech bubbleDisplays messages such as incoming calls, received mails and mixi from the contact. If you tap, you can use the message pack.EAction iconsTap to retrieve the following functions.: Call to the selected phone number.: Create a C-mail message using the selected phone number as an address.: Create a mail message using the selected mail address as an address.: The application set in the chat address type starts and start a chat with the selected chat address.When a corresponding application has not been installed, you have not signed in your account, etc., the application may not start.: The Google map starts based on the selected address/GPS information.: Displays the mail creation screen on which the GPS information is entered in the message.: Displays the site of the selected URL.: Call to the address for the selected internet calling.FPicture fieldYou can register the people category of pictures and display the data.Long-touch the picture field [tap Yes to cancel the registration.Using an Address BookViewing the Address Book Details Screen《Address book details screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
45Address BookAOn the home screen,   [Address Book [Select a contact information.■When calling/sending to a phone numberBSelect the phone number.C■When setting a phone numberBLong-touch the phone number.CAOn the home screen,   [Address Book [Select a contact information.■When sending a mail message to a mail addressBSelect the mail address.■When setting a mail addressBLong-touch the mail address.CUsing Phone NumberCall Call to the selected phone number.Edit and call Displays the phone number entry screen with the selected phone number entered.Create mail Create a C-mail message using the selected phone number as an address.Call added special numberAdd the specific number to the selected phone number.Set main phone numberSet the phone number for usual use.Create shortcut Create a shortcut to call to the selected phone number or to activate C-mail message using the selected phone number as an address.Using Mail AddressSet main mail addressSet the mail address for usual use.Create shortcut Create a shortcut to activate mail message using the selected mail address as an address.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
46MailE-mail ( is a service that you can exchange e-mail with other cell phones and with PCs that support e-mail. In addition to text messages, you can also send data such as photos and movies by e-mail.C-mail is a service that uses phone numbers as the destination to exchange messages between cell phones which support C-mail and between cell phones of other carriers which support short messages.•Connecting to the packet communication is required to use e-mail. Also, initial settings must be done in advance. For details, refer to Setting Guide (Japanese).•Subscription to IS NET is required to use e-mail. Those who did not subscribe to the service at the time of the purchase can contact an au shop or Customer Service Center for the service.AOn the home screen,   [Mail [Create.ADestination entry fieldBSubject entry fieldCMessage entry fieldDRemaining space for entryEContacts quotation menu keyFFile attachment keyB.You can also enter an address directly by tapping the destination entry field.If you have already entered destinations,   is displayed. Tap it to display the destination list screen.CUsing E-mail/C-mail•E-mail/C-mail can be used overseas, too. For details, refer to Global Passport Owner’s Guide (Japanese).•The packet communication charge for sending and receiving e-mail varies according to the amount of data sent and received. For using overseas, high charges can be incurred. For details, refer to the au comprehensive catalogue or au homepage.•Sending and receiving e-mails may take some time if attached data are included in them or depending on radio wave status of the area where the phone is used.•Receiving C-mail is free.Sending E-mail MessagesAddress BookEnter a mail address in the destination entry field by selecting one included in an entry from the address book.《E-mail creation screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
47MailDTap the subject entry field [Enter a subject.Up to 50 full-width/100 half-width characters can be entered in the subject entry field.ETap the message entry field [Enter a message.Up to approximately 5,000 full-width/10,000 half-width characters can be entered in the message entry field.FSend.You can send a message consisting of kanji/hiragana/katakana/alphanumeric/symbols/pictograms/facemarks.AOn the home screen,   [Mail [Create [Cmail.The C-mail creation screen is displayed.Send/Receive historyEnter a mail address in the destination entry field by selecting one included in the list of entries from the send/receive history.•On the send/receive history selecting screen, tap e [Set secrecy not to display Send/Receive history when selecting destinations etc.Mail Group Enter a mail address in the destination entry field by selecting one included in a mail group.Profile Enter a mail address in the destination entry field by selecting one registered in the profile.Secrecy Disable secrecy setting of the send/receive history temporarily.•The decoration animation is not supported.•If a mail message which includes half-width katakana and half-width symbols is sent, those characters may not be displayed properly on the receiving side.•You can send a maximum of 1,000 e-mails per day, which is the total number of mails with all the destinations combined.•You can send an e-mail to a maximum of 30 different destinations at the same time (including To/Cc/Bcc. 64 half-width characters per message).•If you send pictograms of au version to cell phones of other carriers, those pictograms will be converted to other carriers’ version before they are received by the other party.* Some pictograms will not be converted.•Part of pictograms sent to cell phones of different models, PCs, etc. may not be displayed properly on the receiving side.•On the e-mail creation screen, tap e [Save [Save to unsent box. After that, the mail message is saved to the unsent box without being sent.•If you enter a destination or a name in the destination entry field, the destination candidates are searched for automatically from the send/receive history or the address book and displayed. Select one of them to be set as the destination. After setting, you can enter and add another destination successively.Auto resend, Sending reservation•On the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [General settings [Send/create settings [Mark Auto resend. After that, a mail message will be resent to the other party up to twice automatically if it fails to be sent. A mail for which Sending reservation is set will also be resent automatically if it fails to be sent.•Mail messages will not be sent automatically during roaming.•On the e-mail creation screen, tap e [Sending reservation. After that, the mail transmission is reserved and will be sent to the other party whenever the IS14SH enters within the service area or at the specified time.•A mail for which Sending reservation is set will not be sent if the power is turned off at the specified time. On the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [General settings [Send/create settings [Mark Auto resend. After that, the mail will be sent automatically whenever the power is turned on.•A mail may not be sent automatically depending on the status of the server. Try again after a while.•The number of mails (with e-mails and C-mails combined) which can be reserved or sent automatically is up to 20.•Select a mail whose setting for Auto resend or Sending reservation you want to disable in unsent folder [Yes to disable the setting.Sending C-mail MessagesKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
48MailB.You can also enter a phone number as the destination directly by tapping the destination entry field.If you have already entered destinations,   is displayed. Tap it to display the destination list screen. You can edit/delete destinations in the same way as e-mail.CDTap the message entry field [Enter a message.ESend.Address BookEnter a phone number in the destination entry field by selecting one included in an entry from the address book.Send/Receive historyEnter a phone number in the destination entry field by selecting one included in an entry from the send/receive history.•On the send/receive history selecting screen, tap e [Set secrecy not to display Send/Receive history when selecting destinations etc.Profile Enter a phone number in the destination entry field by selecting one registered in the profile.Secrecy Disable secrecy setting of the send/receive history temporarily.•A C-mail with 51 or more full-width/101 or more half-width characters may be divided into two separate C-mails depending on the receiving side.•On the C-mail creation screen, tap Save. After that, the mail message is saved to the unsent box without being sent.•On the C-mail creation screen, tap Email to switch C-mail in process of creation to e-mail. When switched, part of information such as the destination will be deleted and half-width katakana will be converted to full-width one.•Each item of the option menu in the C-mail creation screen can be operated in the same way as in the e-mail creation screen.•If you enter the name in the destination entry field, the destination candidates are searched for automatically from the send/receive history or the address book and displayed. Select one of them to set as the destination.•The caller ID will be notified when a C-mail is sent regardless of the setting (On the home screen, tap   [Settings [Call settings [Uncheck Send caller ID).•There is the limit for the number of C-mails which can be sent due to the conditions during the contract period. For details, refer to au homepage.•Part of pictograms sent to cell phones of different models may not be displayed properly on the receiving side.•Even when a C-mail is successfully sent, a message indicating that sending the mail failed may appear infrequently.C-mail center•A message to ask whether to store a C-mail to the C-mail center is displayed if the C-mail failed to be received due to such reasons as the number of characters in the C-mail sent is beyond the limit, the cell phone of the other party is out of reach of radio waves and the power is turned off.Yes: You can store the C-mail to the C-mail center. The C-mail will be resent whenever the other party enters within the service area.No: The C-mail sending will be terminated. The unsent C-mail will be saved in unsent folder.On the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [C-mail settings [Mark Auto-storage. After that, C-mails are automatically sent to the C-mail center.•C-mails will be kept (stored) in the C-mail center for up to 72 hours. C-mails kept in the C-mail center beyond that period will automatically be deleted. Also, there is no limit for the number of C-mails kept.•C-mails may not be kept in the C-mail center depending on usage of the receiving users or types of the cell phones of the sending users.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
49MailAA mail message is received.When a mail message is received,   appears on the status bar, and the mail ring tone sounds.•The name, mail address and phone number are displayed on the status bar.BTap the status bar.CSelect mail information.If you receive multiple mail messages, the inbox screen is displayed■Receiving Mail Message by InquiringIf you set the cell phone not to receive mail messages automatically (on the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [E-mail settings [Receive/display settings [Uncheck Auto-receive mail) or the mail reception fails, you can receive the mail messages by inquiring them.AOn the home screen,   [Mail [Receive new mails.Check whether new mail messages have been received.Received mail messages are saved in the inbox. Sent mail messages are saved in the outbox. If the received mail messages and sent mail messages match a condition for sorting mail messages, they are saved in the set folders. Mail messages saved without being sent and failed to be sent are saved in the unsent box.AOn the home screen,   [Mail.The inbox screen is displayed. Select a mail message to check the received mail.•C-mails stored in the C-mail center will be sent in the following conditions.•Immediately after a C-mail is stored: All the C-mails stored in the C-mail center will be sent every time a new C-mail is stored in the C-mail center.•Via the retry function: A C-mail will be sent via the retry function which keeps sending one repeatedly for a maximum of 72 hours if the C-mail failed to be sent immediately after a C-mail is stored due to such reasons as the cell phone of the other party is out of reach of radio waves and the power is turned off.•When a call is ended: If a C-mail failed to be sent immediately after a C-mail is stored, all the C-mails stored in the C-mail center will be sent after the user ends a call with the IS14SH.Auto resend, Sending reservation•You can use Auto resend or Sending reservation in the same way as e-mail.•A C-mail may be stored in the C-mail center and be sent regardless of the setting (on the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [C-mail settings [Mark Auto-storage) if Sending reservation is set for the C-mail.Receiving E-mail/C-mail Messages•Mail messages will be received in the background even during operations of mail or other functions. On the home screen, tap   [Mail [e [Settings [E-mail settings [Receive/display settings [Uncheck Auto-receive mail. After that, mail messages will not be received in the background.•If a name of the sender is set for the received e-mail message, the set name is displayed on the status bar. If the mail address is registered in the address book, the name registered in the address book takes priority and it is displayed.•Packet communication charges may apply even if mail messages are not properly received depending on the reception status and data received.•The maximum data capacity of an e-mail’s message that can be received is approximately 5,000 full-width/10,000 half-width characters (approximately 10 KB). If the number of the characters exceeds the capacity, a notice to inform you that the exceeded characters have not been received will be displayed.•Some contents of the received mail message will not be properly displayed.Reading Received E-mail/C-mail MessagesKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
50MailBFolder.AMail box nameBFolderCAll mailsAppears when a folder is created. All mail messages saved in the inbox/outbox are displayed.DUnopened mail messages/Number of failed sending mail messagesCSelect a folder.Example: In the inbox screenAMail box nameBFolder nameCMail messages/Templates listMail messages/Templates saved in the selected folder are displayed as a list.If you tap Switch E/C in the inbox/outbox screen, the type of displayed mail messages is switched in order of “only C-mail” [“only E-mail” [“all mails”./ : Received e-mail/C-mail which is opened*/ *: Received e-mail/C-mail which is unopened/ *: Unfinished e-mail which is opened/unopened/ : Sent e-mail/C-mail / : Unsent e-mail/C-mail/ : Template of e-mails/C-mails* Turns to opened state if tapped.The following icons are attached to mail icons depending on the states.《Folder list screen》《Inbox screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
51Mail: Received mail message which are replied: Received mail message which are forwarded: Mail message with attached files: Protected mail message: Mail message with Auto resend/Sending reservation set: Failed sending mail messageDIndicatorAppears when there are multiple folders and it indicates the currently displayed folder.A folder in which unopened mails are saved is displayed in orange.ENumber of unopened mail messages/failed sending mail messagesDSelect mail messages/templates list.If you select an unsent mail messages, the e-mail creation screen/C-mail creation screen is displayed.If you select a template, the preview screen is displayed. Tap Select in the preview screen to display the mail creation screen.Example: In the received mail contents display screenAName/Mail address/Phone numberBSubject*CMessageDAttached file*Long-touch to receive/play/save the attached file.EAddress details key*Appears when there are multiple destinations. Tap to display addresses as a list.FDate and time information indicator Appears when a subject or message has a date and time information. Tap to register schedules by using the date and time information.* Not appears in C-mail messages•If mail messages are received while the inbox is full, received mail messages will be deleted from the oldest ones which are unprotected and opened. If there is no opened mail messages, received mail messages will be deleted from the oldest ones which are unprotected and unopened.《Received mail message screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
52MailMail filters have functions to receive and reject specific e-mail messages and to reject e-mail messages spoofing cell phones or PHSs.AOn the home screen,   [Mail [e [Settings [E-mail settings [Other settings [OK.■Setting the mail filter as recommendedB(See Recommended Settings) [(Register).Set the mail filter that enables to reject spoofing or auto-forwarded mail messages, and to receive mail messages from cell phones, PHSs or PCs.■Setting details of the mail filterB(Mail Filter) [Tap (Entry field) [Enter your security code [(Send).The mail filter screen is displayed.C•If mail messages are sent while the outbox is full, sent mail messages will be deleted from the oldest ones which are unprotected.Setting Mail Filtersオススメの設定はこちら登録迷惑メールフィルター送信カンタン設定(Simple Settings)1.「携帯」「PHS」「PC」メールを受信(1. Receive Mail Messages from Cell Phone, PHS or PC)Reject spoofing or auto-forwarded mail messages, and receive mail messages from cell phones, PHSs or PCs.2.「携帯」「PHS」メールのみを受信(2. Receive only Mail Messages from Cell Phone or PHS)Reject mail messages from PCs, spoofing mail messages or auto-forwarded mail messages, and receive mail messages from cell phones or PHSs.詳細設定(Advanced Settings)一括指定受信(Collective Receive Setting)Receive or reject all mail messages from the Internet or cell phones.迷惑メールおまかせ規制(Nuisance Mail Automatic Restriction)Detect mail messages suspected of being nuisance mail messages automatically from among PC mail messages received via the mail server and restrict them.なりすまし規制(Spoof Restriction)Reject mail messages sent with an alleged sender address. You can set the following levels; 高 (High), 中 (Medium), 低 (Low). HTMLメール規制(HTML Mail Restriction)Reject e-mail messages in HTML format.URLリンク規制(URL Link Restriction)Reject e-mail messages that include a URL.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
53Mail詳細設定(Advanced Settings)ウィルスメール規制(Virus Mail Restriction)Perform the receiving restriction if any of attached files of a mail message received via the mail server is infected with viruses.拒否通知メール返信設定(Block Mail Notification Setting)Sets whether to send a receiver error (address unknown) mail message to the sender of the rejected e-mail message.指定拒否リスト設定(Reject Mail Address List Setting)Reject mail messages from certain e-mail addresses, domains or parts of addresses to the left of “@” that are contained in the specified address list.指定受信リスト設定(Allowed Address List Setting)Prioritize reception of mail messages from certain e-mail addresses, domains or parts of addresses to the left of “@” that are contained in the specified address list.•To block e-mail messages from addresses other than the specified ones, unmark all items in   (Collective Receive Setting).指定受信リスト設定(なりすまし・転送メール許可)(Allowed Address List Setting (Spoofing or Forwarded Mail Messages))Avoid the mail block due to  (Spoof Restriction) setting, and receive auto-forwarded mail messages.一括指定受信なりすまし規制詳細設定(Advanced Settings)アドレス帳受信設定(Address Book Receive Setting)Receive mail messages sent from the mail addresses saved on either au one Address Book or au one Friends Note.設定確認/設定解除(Check Settings/Release Settings)Check the setting status of the mail filters and release all the settings at one time.PC設定用ワンタイムパスワード発行(Issue One Time Password for PC Setting)Issue a one time password to set the mail filter on your PC.設定にあたって(Notes on Setting Mail Filter)Display the explanation for setting mail filters.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
54Mail■Setting Mail Filters Using a PCMail filters can also be set using your PC. Access PCからメールフィルター設定 (Mail Filter Settings From PC) (in Japanese only) inside the screen of 迷惑メールでお困りの方へ (For Customers Bothered By Unwanted Spam) (in Japanese only) on the au homepage and set the mail filter after entering a one time password for PC setting.You can check the one time password for PC setting by accessing PC設定用ワンタイムパスワード発行 (Issue One Time Password for PC Setting) in the mail filter screen.Connect to the mail filter setting from a PC within 15 minutes after issuance of the one time password for PC setting. When 15 minutes has passed after that, the one time password for PC setting will become invalid.•If the security code is incorrectly entered three times consecutively during a single day, the mail filter setting operation will be disabled until the next day.•Note that you cannot receive e-mail messages once rejected by mail filters. Be careful when you set mail filters.•Mail filters functions apply to new e-mail messages in order of the followings.指定受信リスト設定(なりすまし・転送メール許可) (Allowed Address List Setting (Spoofing or Forwarded Mail Messages)) >なりすまし規制 (Spoof Restriction) >指定拒否リスト設定 (Reject Mail Address List Setting) >指定受信リスト設定 (Allowed Address List Setting) >アドレス帳受信設定 (Address Book Receive Setting) >HTMLメール規制 (HTML Mail Restriction) >URLリンク規制 (URL Link Restriction) >一括指定受信 (Collective Receive Setting) >迷惑メールおまかせ規制 (Nuisance Mail Automatic Restriction) >ウィルスメール規制 (Virus Mail Restriction)• なりすまし規制 (Spoof Restriction) function judges whether received e-mail messages are definitely from no other domains and restricts any e-mail message whose domains it considers may be spoofing messages domains.This function is limited to the occasions where the providers or e-mail distributing companies controlling the domains written on the header of the received e-mail messages are setting the domain authentication (SPF record). For details on the setting conditions of the domain authentication, contact the respective provider, e-mail distributing companies, etc.* While e-mail messages received by a PC are being forwarded, the transmissions may be blocked after those messages are judged not to be from proper domains. In that case, register an address of the automatic forwarding source to 指定受信リスト設定(なりすまし・転送メール許可) (Allowed Address List Setting (Spoofing or Forwarded Mail Messages)).• 指定受信リスト設定(なりすまし・転送メール許可) (Allowed Address List Setting (Spoofing or Forwarded Mail Messages)) is a function to prevent auto-forwarded e-mail messages from being rejected because of the setting of なりすまし規制 (Spoof Restriction). E-mail messages whose mail addresses are included in To (destination) or Cc (Carbon Copy) can be received without being restricted by registering an address of the automatic forwarding setting source to 指定受信リスト設定(なりすまし・転送メール許可) (Allowed Address List Setting (Spoofing or Forwarded Mail Messages)).* Note that this function does not apply to the e-mail messages (including some e-mail magazines) whose mail address is included only in Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy).•If you set HTMLメール規制 (HTML Mail Restriction), e-mail messages in the HTML format may not be received when they are among other HTML e-mail messages sent from e-mail magazines or PCs. Also, decorated e-mail messages from cell phones and PHSs can be received even if HTMLメール規制 (HTML Mail Restriction) is set.•If you set URLリンク規制 (URL Link Restriction), you may not receive e-mail messages on which a URL is written in the messages such as e-mail magazines and information providing e-mail messages, or member subscriptions to some cell phone sites etc. may not be available.• 拒否通知メール返信設定 (Block Mail Notification Setting) is set to   (Reply) first time you set the mail filters. Also, spoofing e-mail messages will not be replied to even if   (Reply) is set.返信する返信するKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
55MailYou can register the phone numbers to reject C-mail messages. You can also set to reject C-mail messages sent from the phone numbers not registered in the address book.AOn the home screen,   [Mail [e [Settings [C-mail settings [Receiving filter [Enter Lock No. [OK.BYou can use PC-mail by setting an account of au one mail etc.•To use au one mail in PC-mail, acquiring au one mail account, enabling IMAP setting, setting mail password are required in advance. On the home screen,   [au one [ (Support) [ (au one mail help) and set after confirming the contents of the help.When you activate PC-mail for the first time, you need to register an account. When the registration finishes, you can use the PC-mail.AOn the home screen,   [PC-mail.BIn the mail address field, enter mail address.CIn the password field, enter password.■When setting a mail server automaticallyDNext.Set manually when the mail server of the mail account you use is not automatically set.ETap an account name entry field [Enter account name.FTap your name entry field [Enter your name [Done.■When setting a mail server manuallyDManual setup.Confirm the setting of the receiving mail server and sending mail server by contacting the provider you use in advance.Rejecting Spam C-mail MessagesBlock specified numbersSet Specified NumbersSet whether to enable the Block specified numbers.If no phone number to be blocked is specified in Specified Number List, the specified number screen is displayed. Tap Add new and register the phone number.Specified Number ListSpecify the phone number to be blocked.•Tap Add new to register a phone number to be blocked. •Long-touch the registered phone number [Change/Delete to change/delete the phone number.•Tap e [Delete [Delete selection/Delete all to select the phone numbers to be deleted or to delete all the phone numbers.•Up to ten phone numbers can be registered.Not in address bookSet whether to block C-mail from any phone number not saved in the address book.E-mail notificationsSet whether to block e-mail notifications.•Even when you reject receiving by receiving filter, the sender is supposed to send the mail message correctly, and the charge applies.Setting Account for PC-mailサポートau one メールヘルプKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
56MailESelect an account type.When setting by POP3 server, the PC-mail saved in the IS14SH terminal may be deleted depending on the provider you use.When using the mail server supporting IMAP (Gmail, au one mail, etc.), set by IMAP server.FGNext.H* Besides the above mentioned items, the user information entry field and password entry field are displayed.INext.JKNext.LTap an account name entry field [Enter account name.MTap your name entry field [Enter your name [Done.Username/Domain¥UsernameEnter the user information.Password Enter the password.POP3 server/IMAP server/ServerEnter the server information.Port Enter the port number.Security type Set when necessary.Delete email from server Set whether to remain the received PC-mail in the server.IMAP path prefix Enter when necessary.Use secure connection (SSL)Set whether to use the SSL when receiving PC-mails.Accept all SSL certificatesSet whether to accept all the SSL certificates.SMTP server Enter the server information.Port Enter the port number.Security type Set when necessary.Require sign-in. Set when necessary.Enter the Username and Password when setting valid.Inbox checking frequencySet the interval to confirm to the server whether a new PC-mail is received.Send email from this account by default.Set to the priority account when composing a PC-mail if multiple mail accounts are set.Notify me when email arrives.Set whether to display to the status bar that a PC-mail is received.•When the account type is “Exchange”, entering “¥UsernameDomain” in the “Domain¥Username” area is required depending on the provider. Contact the administrator of the server for details.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
57MailAOn the home screen,   [PC-mail [e [Compose.ADestination entry fieldBSubject entry fieldCMessage entry fieldBTap the destination entry field [Enter the destination.If you enter a name or a mail address in the address book, the address book is automatically searched and the destination candidate is displayed. After setting the destination, you can enter and add the destination in a row. CTap the subject entry field [Enter the subject.DTap the message entry field [Enter the message.ESend.If you tap Save as draft, PC-mail is saved to draft without sending it.If you tap Discard, PC-mail in process of composition is discarded.APC-mail is received.If PC-mail is received,   appears on the status bar, and the mail ring tone sounds.BTap the status bar.CSelect PC-mail information.DSelect the received PC-mail.Gmail is a mail service provided by Google. You can send and receive Gmail with the IS14SH.•Google account is required to use Gmail. For details on Google account, refer to “Setting Up a Google Account”.•On the home screen, tap   [Settings [Accounts & sync to synchronize Gmail saved in the server with one saved in the IS14SH.•For using Gmail, refer to Google homepage.AOn the home screen,   [Gmail.Sending PC-mail Messages《PC-mail composition screen》Receiving PC-mail MessagesUsing GmailKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
58MailATray/Label name, Number of unopened mail messagesTap to display trays/labels as a list.BMail messageCAccount nameTap to display accounts as a list.DLabelDisplayed on a mail message for which a label is set.EAttached file iconDisplayed on a mail message with files attached.FCheck boxTap to make it marked and to display the menu.Mark a mail message which you intend to make marked and select the menu.GStar iconTap to enable/disable the setting of starring a message.AOn the home screen,   [Gmail [e [Compose.BTap the destination entry field [Enter the destination.CTap the subject entry field [Enter the subject.DTap the message entry field [Enter the message.E.AGmail is received.When Gmail is received,   appears on the status bar, and the mail ring tone sounds.BTap the status bar.CSelect mail information.DSelect the received mail.The received mail message screen is displayed.■Replying/Forwarding GmailAOn the received mail message screen,   [Reply/Reply all/Forward.《Inbox tray screen》Sending GmailReceiving GmailKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
59InternetAOn the home screen,   [Browser.The browser screen is displayed.On the home screen, tap   [au one to connect to the au one portal site.AOn the home screen,   [Browser [.ABookmark/History listDisplays the list of the bookmark/history.B“Bookmarks” tabDisplays the registered bookmark.C“Most visited” tabDisplays the viewing history of the site from the most frequently viewed one.D“History” tabDisplays the viewing history of the site.BSelect a bookmark/history.Viewing Sites with Browser•When browsing a web page with a large amount of data, the application may be terminated automatically.Filtering function•The filtering function blocks inappropriate web pages for young people. On the home screen, tap   [Settings [Wireless & networks [Filtering settings [Yes [Enter a password [OK [Enter a password again [OK.•The filtering function is not compatible with the application communication and the Wi-Fi® connection. It is recommended to use the filtering function of “ウィルスバスター (VirusBuster)” and “安心アプリ制限 (Restrict Applications)”.•The password used when enabling the filtering function is necessary when disabling the setting. Be sure to keep the password.•Even if you enable the filtering function, you can display the sites that you displayed them while disabling the filtering function and caches remain.Using Bookmarks/HistoryDisplaying a Site from Bookmarks/History•On the history screen, tap  /  to bookmark/delete the selected history.《Bookmarks/History screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
60InternetBookmark the displayed site.AOn the home screen,   [Browser [ [Add.BOK.Bookmarking a Web Page•On the home screen, tap   [Browser [  [Long-touch a bookmark [Delete bookmark to delete the bookmark. Likewise, on the home screen, tap   [Browser [  [History [Long-touch a history [Delete from bookmarks to delete the bookmark.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
61MultimediaIS14SH has a CMOS camera with approximately 8.04 effective megapixels for shooting photos and movies.•All the photos and movies shot are saved in a microSD memory card. Insert a microSD memory card before using the camera.•The mobile light flashes in red while each camera mode (except for “mosimo camera”) is activated.•If the camera lens is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, the internal color filter may discolor and it causes discoloration of shot images.•The quality of images may deteriorate when shot or saved after the IS14SH has been left in a warm location for a long time.•Although the camera are made of high-precision parts, some pixels look constantly dark or bright. Further, blue, red, white dots, etc. appear in images especially when shooting images in a very dark place.•Fingerprints, fats, etc. on the lens may cause the images to blur. Wipe the lens with a soft cloth such as cloths for cleaning glasses before shooting images. The lens may be damaged if you wipe it strongly.•Make sure that your fingers, hair, the straps of the IS14SH, etc. do not obscure the camera lens when shooting images. If the straps interrupt you when shooting images, hold the straps with your hand.•Be careful of camera shakes. Hold the IS14SH tight or use the self-timer function since such shakes may cause the images to blur.Be careful of camera shakes especially in a place without enough light such as inside of a room.Also, images may blur when the subject of the images moves.•Before shooting images, make sure that the subject is completely displayed. If you shoot images while moving the camera, the images may blur.•Indoor fluorescent lighting may cause flickers (too fine to be seen with human’s naked eyes) to be detected and light fringes may be displayed. This is not a malfunction.•When shooting images under incandescent lamps, the display may become red. On the home screen,   [Camera [ [White Balance [Tungsten to solve this problem.•Make sure that the microphone is not covered by your fingers etc.when recording movies. Also, the quality of its sounds may deteriorate depending on the voice volume and surrounding environment during the recording.•The color and brightness of the subject of images shot with the IS14SH may differ from the actual color and brightness. Because of the characteristics of the lens, some part of the images may appear dark or light depending on the subject and light ray while shooting. Also, note that some part of the subject in the images may be distorted due to the usage of wide-angle lens.•Purple lines and bars may be displayed on images while recording strong light or shiny subject. This is not a malfunction.•When you subject the camera to strong impacts when shooting images, the images may be out of focus. In such case, reactivate the camera.•The following subjects may cause images to be out of focus.・Subjects with few contrasts such as solid color walls・Backlit subjects・Subjects reflecting light brightly such as shiny objects・Subjects with horizontal repetitive patterns such as blind・In the case when there are many subjects located at different distances from the camera・Subjects in dark placesUsing the CameraCautions for Using the CameraKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
62Multimedia・Subjects which move quickly•Do not position the mobile light close to your eyes. Do not look at the mobile light directly while it is on. Do not point on the mobile light toward the eyes of others. It may harm eyesight.•The tone for locking AF and the shutter tone sounds, even if you set Manner mode. The tone for starting and stopping movies also sounds. You cannot change the tone volume.•While the camera is operating, such as activating the camera, you may hear small sound made from the operation of the inner parts. This is not a malfunction.•The IS14SH may be warm after displaying the photo monitor screen or recording movies repeatedly for a long time. Be careful of touching for a long time which may result in a low temperature burn. Also you may not be able to use camera when the temperature of the IS14SH is increased.•When shooting images of strong light sources such as the sun or a lamp, the images may appear dark, distorted, etc.•When shooting images of moving subjects or changing the place from light place to dark place, the display may whiten or darken for a moment. Also, the display may be distorted for a moment.•When shooting images in a dark place, noises may increase and shot photos may become rough etc.•Note that if the self-timer shooting is set and the IS14SH is left on an unstable place, it may fall due to the vibration etc.•It may take time to display the brightness and color properly right after displaying the preview screen, switching the camera mode, changing the camera settings, etc.•When the battery level is   (approximately 10 %) or lower, Camera cannot be activated.•You may not be able to use the camera when the battery level is low or when using the camera in a cold place such as outdoors in winter.•If you use the IS14SH camera in a wrongful manner, you may be subject to punishment according to laws or ordinances/nuisance prevention ordinance etc.•You cannot use VeilView while using the camera.•You may not be able to use the camera when using other applications.AOn the home screen,   [Camera.A confirmation screen asking whether to attach location informations to a data shot appears. Check the content and follow the instructions on the screen.Taking Photos《Photo monitor screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
63MultimediaAShake reducing iconOn the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Shake Reducing [ON. After that, the icon is displayed. BAutomatic current location adding iconOn the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Save Settings [Location info [Automatic added [ON. After that, the icon is displayed.CMiniature setting/Blog mode setting key•On the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Switch camera [Miniaturize Cam* [  [Miniaturize Set to change the pattern of the blurring. Also, you can change the setting each time you tap the miniature setting key.•On the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Blog mode sets [Blog mode ON/OFF [ON [  [Blog mode sets [Upload settings to set the upload destination. * After selecting Miniaturize Cam, you can edit shot images to make them look like they are miniatures by blurring some parts of them.DAF markOn the home screen, tap   [Camera [  [Face AF to detects and focuses on a person’s face.EZoom barZoom in/out the subject.Slide your finger to the left/right to display and set the bar.FVideo camera switching keyGVarious setting keyChange the various settings.HSelf-timer keySet the self-timer. Shoot images if the set time has passed after   is tapped.•The mobile light flashes while counting down.•Tap ^ to stop a countdown.IFocus setting keySet the type of the AF and design of the AF mark.JPicture size switching keySet the picture size.KScene setting keySet the scene setting.LRemaining number of images for shootingMBrightness adjusting barAdjust the brightness.Slide your finger up/down to display and set the bar.NPreviously shot dataDisplays the thumbnail of previously shot data. Tap the thumbnail to confirm the data.OShootB.On the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Save Settings [Auto Save [ON to automatically save the shot image. When the setting is set to OFF, the photo preview screen is displayed.•On the photo preview screen, tap Save to save the shot image.•On the photo preview screen, tap Cancel to delete the shot image and return to the photo monitor screen.When Blog mode sets is set to ON, Auto Save is set to OFF and the photo preview screen is displayed.•Tap Upload to upload the shot image to photo services or SNS on the Internet, etc.•Tap Edit to edit the shot image.•If you operate nothing for approximately three minutes, Camera is terminated.•If the mobile light is set to ON, the mobile light is turned on and it is automatically turned off after approximately three minutes.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
64MultimediaAOn the home screen,   [Video Camera.AScene setting keySet the appropriate scene setting.BPicture size switching keySet the picture size.CFocus setting keySet the type of the AF.DSelf-timer keySet the self-timer. Start recording if the set time has passed after   is tapped.•The mobile light flashes while counting down.•Tap ^ to stop a countdown.EVarious setting keyChange the various settings.FMobile light ON/OFFGAmount of the time left for recording.HPreviously recorded dataDisplays the thumbnail of previously recorded data. Tap the thumbnail to confirm the data.IRecord/StopJCamera switching keyKRecording timeLZoom barZoom in/out the subject.Slide your finger to the left/right to display and set the bar.MBrightness adjusting barAdjust the brightness.Slide your finger up/down to display and set the bar.B.Recording starts.C.On the home screen, tap   [Video Camera [ [Auto Save [ON to automatically save the recorded data. When the setting is set to OFF, the movie preview screen is displayed.•Tap   to play the recorded data.•On the movie preview screen, tap Save to save the recorded data.•On the movie preview screen, tap Cancel to delete the recorded data and return to the movie monitor screen.AF lock•By tapping the section on which you want to set the focus in the photo monitor screen, you can hold it in the state that it focuses on the tapped section. When the focusing is locked, the AF mark is displayed and focus lock tone sounds. If the focusing is failed, the AF mark is displayed in red. If you tap the screen while the focusing is locked, the focusing is unlocked.•On the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Chase Focus [ON. After that, the AF mark chases the subject even if the subject is moving.•On the home screen, tap   [Camera [ [Infinity Fixed. After that, you cannot use the AF lock.•You can take a photo by tapping the AF mark.Recording Movies《Movie monitor screen》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
65MultimediaIn the Gallery, you can share the images and the movies saved in the microSD memory card, display them as a list or edit the images.AOn the home screen,   [Gallery.The album selection screen is displayed.Camera is activated by tapping  .BSelect an album.The thumbnail display screen is displayed.Tap   to return to the album selection screen.Tap   to switch the date display and the thumbnail display of the images.Slide   to the left/right to slide the thumbnails.CSelect an image or movie.When you select an image, the one image display screen is displayed.When you select a movie, an application corresponding to its data type is activated and the movie is played. If there are multiple applications to play the movie, the application selection screen may be displayed. Select an application to play the movie.If you tap an image or movie, you can hide/show the informations except for the image/movie informations.Tap   to show the thumbnail display screen.You can categorize and list, display/play, check, and manage data on a microSD memory card, using Contents Manager.AOn the home screen,   [Contents Manager.ATitle areaDisplays a selected category name or save location.BContents display areaDisplays a list of the data.CCategoryPhoto: Displays photos shot by the built-in camera, decorated pictograms and other images.Movie: Displays data recorded by the built-in video camera and other movies.•If the battery level becomes   (approximately 10 %) or lower while recording, recording is stopped and saved automatically.•When you get an incoming call while recording, the recording is stopped and saved, and then the incoming call screen is displayed. If Auto Save is set to OFF, the recording is stopped, and then the incoming call screen is displayed. After the incoming call or the call, the movie preview screen is displayed.•If you operate nothing for approximately three minutes, Video Camera is terminated.•If the mobile light is set to ON, the mobile light is turned on and it is automatically turned off after approximately three minutes.Using GalleryUsing Contents ManagerDisplaying/Playing Data《Contents display screen (grid display)》KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
66MultimediaMusic: Displays voice data recorded by the built-in voice recorder, music and sounds.TV/SD-Video: Displays recorded data of 1Seg or recorded data such as data cooperated with recorders.Doc.: Displays Office and text data.Others: Displays other data.DSearching iconSet the search criteria.EThumbnailDisplays thumbnails of the data. If the thumbnail is not available, displays an icon for data type.FFile nameDisplays title name if the data contains title information. Displays the program name if the data is recorded TV program.BSelect data.An application corresponding to the data type is activated and the data is displayed/played.Regardless of displaying/playing the data from the contents screen, if there are multiple applications to play/display, the application selection screen may be displayed. Select an application to display/play the data.AOn the contents screen,   [Contents Manager.Be.C•Some data displayed in Contents Manager cannot be played/displayed.•You cannot play data on which   is displayed.Using Menu in the Contents ScreenDelete selectedDelete data.List Players Display types of applications related to file format.•If you long-touch a file format, you can change the application related to the file format.Switch grid/list Switch grid display and list display to display the contents display screen.Sort Sort saved data.Slideshow Display the taken pictures by slideshow.microSD/phone spaceDisplay the space of the microSD memory card and the IS14SH.App setting Retrieval condition settingSet the search range under various search criteria and whether to save the search criteria.Initialize settingsReset the settings to default.Update InformationUpdate the information of the microSD memory card.Slideshow settingsSlideshow intervalSet the interval of the slideshow.Slideshow transitionSet the operation of the slideshow.Photo block settingsSet the size and color of block for photo block.Repeat settingSet whether to repeat the slideshow display.Shuffle settingSet whether to display the slideshow in random order.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
671Seg■Cautions for using 1Seg•No communication charges apply for watching 1Seg. However, when you use an additional service using communication on a data broadcast, packet communication charges apply.•1Seg is only for the terrestrial digital TV broadcasting in Japan. You cannot watch 1Seg overseas due to the differences in the system and frequency of the broadcasting. Also, you cannot watch BS and 110 degree CS digital broadcasting.•The IS14SH may be warm while watching 1Seg. Be careful of touching for a long time which may result in a low temperature burn.•Do not watch 1Seg while driving a car, motorcycle and bicycle or walking. It prevent you from hearing the ambient sounds, and you are distracted by the video images and sounds. It may cause a traffic accident.•Be careful not to watch 1Seg for a long time at a loud volume. It may harm your hearing.■Behavior by Battery Level•If the battery level becomes   (approximately 10 %) or lower while activating 1Seg, it is terminated automatically. If the battery level becomes so while recording TV programs, the recorded content is saved and 1Seg ends.•When watching 1Seg, extend the TV antenna to ensure that you can receive an adequate signal.•Sufficiently pull out the TV antenna until it is fixed into position.Also, the TV antenna can be rotated for 360-degree. Please rotate the TV antenna to the direction having good receiving sensitivity.Set the watching area when you activate 1Seg for the first time. After you have finished to set, you can watch 1Seg.AOn the home screen,   [One Seg [Yes.BSelect a region.CSelect a prefecture.DSelect a locality.Searching for local channels begins.EOK.Cautions for Using 1SegTV antennaInitial Setup of 1Seg•On the home screen, tap   [One Seg [One Seg TV [e [More [Channel setting [Switch area to change the area.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
681SegAOn the home screen,   [One Seg [One Seg TV.AProgram informationTap to display the program name.BVideo imageTap to show/hide the program information and operation key.Double-tap to switch image sizes.Long-touch to display the channel list.Slide/Flick to the left/right to switch channels.COperation key/ : Switches channels or searches for a channel by long-touch.DSubtitleEData broadcastF1Seg operation panel/Data broadcast operation panel/ : Starts/Stops recording.: Displays the channel list.: Displays the data broadcast operation panel./ : Switches channels or searches for a channel by long-touch.: Displays the program guide./ : Moves the cursor.: Selects an item.: Returns to the previous screen.: Displays the 1Seg operation panel.GSignal strengthHData broadcast lock indicatorIndicates that the data broadcast lock content is displayed on a data broadcast.ISSL indicatorIndicates that the page protected by the advanced security is displayed on a data broadcast.JMultiple services indicatorIndicates that another service (program) is broadcast in a channel being received.KLanguageWatching 1Seg《1Seg screen》•When you activate 1Seg or switch channels, it may take time to get the video image or data broadcast data due to the characteristics of the digital broadcasting.•The video image or sound may be interrupted depending on the signal strength.•Camera is not available while activating 1Seg.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
691Seg■Operations while displaying Channel ListSelect the broadcast station name: Switches to the selected broadcast station.Long-touch the broadcast station [Channel overwrite registration [Yes: Assigns the broadcast station being watched to the selected remote control number.Long-touch the broadcast station [Delete channel [Yes: Deletes the broadcast station from the selected remote control number.Long-touch the unset remote control number: Assigns the broadcast station being watched to the selected remote control number.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
70Applicationsau Disaster Countermeasure is an application in which you can use Disaster Message Board and Early warning mail (earthquake early warnings and disaster/evacuation information).AOn the home screen,   [ (au Disaster Countermeasure).The au disaster countermeasure menu is displayed.■Using Disaster Message BoardDisaster Message Board is a service to enable customers in disaster areas to register their safety information via IS NET when large-scale disasters, such as an earthquake whose Japan seismic scale is approximately 6-lower or more, occur. The registered safety information can be checked by customers using au phones, and also from other carriers’ mobile phones, PC, etc.For details, refer to “Disaster Message Board Service” on au homepage.AFrom the au disaster countermeasure menu,  (Disaster Message Board).Follow the instructions on the screen for registration/confirmation.■Using Early Warning MailEarly warning mail is a service to collectively deliver earthquake early warnings and disaster/evacuation information to au phones in the specified areas.* From the spring of 2012, we will start providing “Disaster/evacuation information” as early warning mail. You will be notified on the au homepage for details.At the time of purchase, receiving setting of early warning mail (earthquake early warnings and disaster/evacuation information) is set to   (Receive).When you receive an earthquake early warning, secure your safety and act composedly according to the surrounding situations.AFrom the au disaster countermeasure menu,  (Early warning mail).The inbox is displayed.Select a mail you want to check to check the details of the mail.Using au Disaster Countermeasure Applicationau災害対策《au disaster countermeasure menu》•To register the safety information, an e-mail address ( is required. Set the mail address in advance.•It is unavailable while connecting via Wi-Fi®.•The notification mail function of safety information will be provided from the spring of 2012.災害用伝言板受信する緊急速報メールKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
71Applications削除 (Delete) Delete received mails.設定 (Settings) 緊急地震速報 (Earthquake Early Warning) (At the top)Set whether to receive earthquake early warnings.災害・避難情報 (Disaster/Evacuation information) (At the top)Set whether to receive disaster/evacuation information.音量 (Volume)Set the volume of the receiving sound for earthquake early warnings.バイブ (Vibrator)Set whether to activate the vibrator when receiving earthquake early warnings.マナー時の鳴動 (Linkage to Manner mode)Set whether to notify you with Manner mode settings applied while Manner mode is set.緊急地震速報 (Earthquake Early Warning) (At the bottom)Check the operations of the receiving sound and vibrator.災害・避難情報 (Disaster/Evacuation information) (At the bottom)Check the operations of the receiving sound and vibrator.•When you receive an early warning mail, the dedicated alarm tone rings. The alarm tone cannot be changed.•An earthquake early warning is a warning to show the areas where a strong shaking (Japan seismic scale 4 or more) is expected when an earthquake whose maximum Japan seismic scale is predicted of 5-lower or more has been detected.•This service detects an earthquake (P-wave, preliminary tremors) near the seismic center immediately after the earthquake occurs and automatically calculate its location, scale and predicted strength of the shaking. After that, you will be notified of the earthquake as soon as possible within a few seconds to dozens of seconds before a strong shaking from the earthquake (S-wave, principal shock) occurs.•In the vicinity of the seismic center, a strong shaking may reach you before an earthquake early warning.•Disaster/Evacuation information is to notify information related to the safety of citizens, such as evacuation advisories, evacuation orders, various alarms delivered by the national government or the local governments, etc.•This service is available only in Japan (Not available overseas).•Early warning mail is free of both information charges and communication charges.•As for this service, au shall not be liable to any damage incurred on the users resulted from communication disturbance, failure or delay of information delivery due to system failure, contents of the information or other problems that are not supposed to be blamed on our company.•For details on earthquake early warnings provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency, refer to the Japan Meteorological Agency homepage.•Early warning mails cannot be received during a call. Also, they may not be received during communication such as while sending and receiving C-mails/e-mails and while using the browser.•Early warning mails may not be received when you turn off the power or you are in a place where the signal cannot be received or the signal is weak, even within the service area.•Early warning mails which failed to be received will not be able to be received again.•The earthquake early warning distribution system provided by this service is different from that provided by TV, radio and other communication media and thus the arriving time of earthquake early warnings may be different among those media.•Information intended for the areas of other than your present location may be received.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
72ApplicationsYou can download and install various applications such as useful tools or games from Android Market offered by Google.•Google account is required to use Android Market. For details on Google account, refer to the “Setting Up a Google Account”.•For details, on the Android Market screen, tap e [Help to refer to Android Market Help.AOn the home screen,   [Market.The Android Market screen is displayed.When you activate Android Market for the first time, the terms of service are displayed, so tap Accept after confirming the contents.You can install Android-based applications recommended by au.•au one-ID is required to use some functions. For setting au one-ID, refer to “Setting an au one-ID”.AOn the home screen,   [au one Market.The au one Market screen is displayed.When you activate au one Market for the first time, the terms of service and cautions for using au one Market are displayed, so tap   (Agree) [OK after confirming the contents.You can search for games and contents provided by au one GREE. You can search them easily without login.AOn the home screen,   [GREE_MARKET.The GREE Market screen is displayed.You can search for games etc. you want to use from the section on the screen.You can be supported for the security of the Android phone totally using three types of applications, “3LM Security”, “Remote Support” and “VirusBuster™ mobile for au”.•The Anshin Security Pack is a paid service.Using Android MarketUsing au one Market•Follow the terms of service to use au one Market. Procedures on downloading applications and making payment for fee-based applications differ depending on the distributor of au one Market.同意Using GREE Market•To use games searched from GREE Market, registering as an au one GREE member may be required.Using Anshin Security PackAnshin Security PackBefore using location search of Anshin Security Pack•Note that au shall not be liable for any loss of the users caused by provided GPS informations.Precautions•Even if you are within the service area, you may not be able to obtain the accurate location information in a location where the signal from GPS satellites and base stations is weak.•The location information may not be notified if, on the home screen, tap   [Settings [Location & security [Uncheck Use GPS satellites.•You can search a terminal whose information of the subscribed au IC-Card matches that of the au IC-Card which is inserted at the time when you use the service for the first time.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
73Applications■3LM Security•If the IS14SH is stolen or lost, you can delete data on the IS14SH. Contact the Customer Service Center to delete the data.•If the IS14SH is stolen or lost, you can lock the IS14SH remotely. Also, you can unlock the IS14SH remotely.•When activating “3LM Security” or the IS14SH is locked remotely, the location information of the IS14SH will be sent to the server. Also, you can set the location information to be always sent. •The terminal information of IS14SH is sent to the server periodically.■Remote Support•When you contact us about the operations of the cell phone, the operator will share the screen of your IS14SH with you, and solve the problems directly by supporting your operations.■VirusBuster™ mobile for au•Countermeasure against improper applications: When you install applications, scan the files and prevent installing improper applications. Also, you can scan applications already installed manually and delete the applications.•WEB filter: Prevent young people from accessing inappropriate sites such as gambling and dating sites.•Countermeasure against dangers in WEB: Prevent you from accessing improper sites such as sites which distribute virus and improper applications and phishing sites.•Blocking incoming calls/SMS: Other than rejecting nuisance calls and SMS, you can also reject messages which contain specific keywords.AOn the home screen,   [3LM [For Consumer.Alternatively, on the home screen, tap  [au  (au Customer Support) [ (Support & Services) [ (Anshin Security Pack) [3LM Security [For Consumer.When you activate 3LM Security for the first time, the terms of service for 3LM Security are displayed, so tap I Accept [Activate after confirming the contents.BSelect and set items.AContact the Customer Service Center.BOn the home screen,   [ (Remote Support).Alternatively, on the home screen, tap  [au  (au Customer Support) [ (Support & Services) [ (Anshin Security Pack) [ (Remote Support).C(Agree).DFollow the instructions from the operator.Using 3LM SecurityUsing Remote Supportお客さまサポートサポート & サービス安心セキュリティパックリモートサポートお客さまサポートサポート & サービス安心セキュリティパックリモートサポート同意するKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
74ApplicationsAOn the home screen,   [ (VirusBuster).Alternatively, on the home screen, tap  [au  (au Customer Support) [ (Support & Services) [ (Anshin Security Pack) [ for au (VirusBuster mobile for au).When you activate VirusBuster for the first time, the license agreement for VirusBuster is displayed, so tap  (Agree) after confirming the contents. Also, if you have not set up a Google account, a message asking you to set up a Google account appears. Follow the screen to set up one.BSelect an item.CFollow the instructions on the screen.You can delete data, clear cache or stop installed applications forcefully.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Applications [Manage applications.The installed applications list is displayed.BSelect an application.The detailed application information is displayed.CSelect the operation to perform.Follow the on-screen instructions to perform it.Using VirusBuster™ mobile for au•Web filter is enabled when you use Android standard browser connected via IS NET or Wi-Fi®.ウイルスバスターお客さまサポートサポート & サービス安心セキュリティパックウイルスバスター モバイル同意するManaging Applications•When you select an application installed from Android Market etc., Uninstall is displayed. Tap it to remove the application.KUUJAGAHOࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧟㧝ಽ
Settings of IS14SH75AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Profile.■Using Menu in the Profile ScreenAOn the profile screen, e.BYou can select and set data for the incoming ring tone.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Sound settings [Melody.BSelect the data.You can select and set an image to display as the wallpaper.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Display settings [Wallpaper.BSelect the application.CSelect the data [Save/Set wallpaper/Set to wallpaper.Checking Your ProfileEdit Edit your profile.Send by InfraredSend your profile using infrared communication.Send by BluetoothSend your profile using Bluetooth®.Send by IC Send your profile using IC communication.Attach to Mail Create a mail message using your profile as an attached data.Send Setting Set the sending settings. You cannot disable Name and Own phone number.《Profile screen》•If au IC-Card is not inserted or different au IC-Card is inserted, auIC Card(UIM) error. Please insert card appears for checking your profile. Tap OK to display the profile screen. However, information such as Own phone number, Own mail address or ICCID is not displayed. Also, some operations, such as attaching the profile to mail, may not be carried out. Insert your au IC-Card and turn on power again.Changing the Incoming Ring ToneChanging the WallpaperKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
76Settings of IS14SHWhen initializing a microSD memory card, all data (including applications) saved on the microSD memory card is deleted.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [microSD & phone storage [Unmount microSD [OK.BErase microSD [Erase microSD [Enter Lock No. [OK [Erase everything.Initializing microSD Memory Card•Initialize a microSD memory card while charging or with the battery fully charged.•To have the microSD memory card recognized after having unmounted it, tap Mount microSD.•Do not unmount the microSD memory card while saving data on it since it may result in damage to data on the microSD memory card or data loss.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
77Global Function■When the IS14SH is Stolen or Lost If the IS14SH is stolen or lost while overseas, please contact Customer Service Center immediately to suspend phone service. Please be aware that any calling charges and packet communication charges incurred after theft or loss of a phone are the responsibility of the customer. If the au IC-Card inserted into the IS14SH is stolen or lost, the card may be inserted into another mobile phone (including GSM mobile phone for overseas use) by a third party. So, it is recommended to set the PIN code to protect from improper use by a third party.■Using the IS14SH Properly by Knowing About Calling and Communication Services Overseas Calling charges differ depending on the country/region. Discount services do not apply to calling charges incurred while overseas.  Calling charges are also incurred when receiving calls overseas. Depending on the country/region, calling charges may be incurred from the time that you tap Call. ■Obtaining the PRL (Roaming Area Information)To use the IS14SH overseas, you are required to change to the telecommunications carrier’s networks that you connect to at your travel destination.Please obtain the latest PRL before traveling.The PRL (roaming area information) contains information on roaming areas of overseas partner providers who have signed an international roaming contract with KDDI (au). AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Wireless & networks [Mobile networks [Roaming settings [PRL settings [Update PRL version.The PRL is obtained. Download the PRL data by following the on-screen instructions.Using Global Passport CDMAFor Overseas Use without AnxietyThe overseas network condition is available on the au homepage. Make sure to check the condition before leaving Japan. the Overseas Settings•When you download the PRL data, packet communication charges apply.•Be aware that service may be unavailable in some areas if you do not update the PRL. KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
78Global Function■Setting the AreaYou can set the area where you use the IS14SH.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Wireless & networks [Mobile networks [Roaming settings [Area settings.B■Setting the data roamingYou can use the packet communication during roaming.AOn the home screen,   [Settings [Wireless & networks [Mobile networks [Data roaming.Tap OK to enable the data roaming.■Making a Call to Another Country (Including Japan) from Your Travel DestinationYou can make a call to Japan or another country from your travel destination.Example: To call “212-123-XXXX” in USA from South KoreaAOn the home screen,   [Phone.BEnter “002” as the international access code for South Korea.Long-touch the “0” to enter “+” and the international access code of your travel destination is automatically added when calling.CEnter “1” as the country code for USA.DEnter “212” as the area code.If the area code starts with “0”, dial it without including the “0” (There are some exceptions such as fixed-line phones in some countries or regions including Italy and Moscow).EEnter “123XXXX” as the other party’s phone number [Call.Japan Set for using within Japan.Roaming Set for using overseas (Automatic setting in accordance with the PRL).•The country selection screen may be displayed if Area settings is set to Roaming. Select the travel country.•To enable the data roaming, set Area settings to Roaming in advance.•If you have not subscribed to IS NET, au.NET charges (525 yen including tax for the used month) and communication charges apply.Making a Call at Your Travel Destination•If the person you are dialing is using Global Passport, enter the country code “81” (Japan) regardless of his/her travel destination.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
79Global Function■Making a Call within the Same Country While OverseasYou can call to general fixed-line phones or mobile phones with the same method as when calling in Japan.AOn the home screen,   [Phone.BEnter a phone number.The method for making calls varies depending on where you are calling.CCall.You can receive calls with the same method as when receiving calls in Japan.■Having Calls Made to Your Travel Destination from JapanPeople calling you can use the same method as when calling you from Japan.■Having Calls Made to Your Travel Destination from Countries Other Than JapanInternational access code and “81” (Japan) have to be dialed regardless of the travel destination since the call is made through Japan.Example: To have a call made to your au phone in Japan “090-1234-XXXX” from the USAAEnter “011” as the international access code for USA.BEnter “81” as the country code for Japan.COmit the first “0” and enter “901234XXXX” as the phone number of au phone [Call.Travel destination NumberU.S. Mainland, Hawaii, Saipan “1” + Area code + Other party’s phone numberNew Zealand, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Vietnam, Israel, India, Bermuda Islands, Bangladesh, Bahamas, VenezuelaArea code + Other party’s phone numberMexico (Local call) Other party’s phone numberMexico (Toll call) “01” + Area code + Other party’s phone numberReceiving a Call at Your Travel Destination•If you receive a call while overseas, the call is forwarded from Japan no matter where the call is made from. Call charges to Japan are incurred by the caller and receiving charges by the receiver.KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
80Appendix/IndexTroubleshootingTrouble DetailCannot turn on the power by pressing K. Is the battery pack charged? (zP.16) Is the battery pack attached properly? (zP.12) Is the jack of the battery pack clean?Wipe the external connection jack with a dry swab etc. periodically. Did you hold down K? (zP.18)The power is turned off automatically. Is there enough power left in the battery pack? (zP.16)The power is turned off while the wake-up logo is displayed. Is there enough power left in the battery pack? (zP.16)Cannot make calls.  Is the power turned on? (zP.18) Is an au IC-Card inserted? (zP.13) Did you enter the correct phone number? (Did you enter the phone number starting with the area code?) (zP.38) Did you tap Call after entering a phone number? (zP.38) Did you set the correct setting in Area settings? (zP.78)Cannot receive calls.  Is the IS14SH within the service area or in a location where the signal is strong? (zP.29) Is the power turned on? (zP.18) Is an au IC-Card inserted? (zP.13) Did you set the correct setting in Area settings? (zP.78) (out of service area indicator) appears. Is the IS14SH within the service area or in a location where the signal is strong? (zP.29) Is your finger off the area around the internal antenna? (zP.8) Did you set the correct setting in Area settings? (zP.78)Display and charging/incoming indicator illuminates or flashes, but ring tone does not sound. Is the ring tone volume set to other than minimum? Is Manner mode disabled? (zP.41)Cannot charge the battery pack. Are the charging devices connected properly? (zP.17) Is the battery pack attached properly? (zP.12) If you use Fast transfer mode, make sure the USB driver is installed to the PC. For the USB driver and install manual, refer to the Support page in SH DASH ( operate key/touch panel. Is the power turned on? (zP.18) Restart the IS14SH. (zP.18)Cannot operate touch panel as intended. Check the proper operation of touch panel. (zP.21) Restart the IS14SH. (zP.18)auIC card(UIM) error. is displayed. Is an au IC-Card inserted? (zP.12) Is a proper au IC-Card inserted? (zP.12)A message indicating that charging is necessary appears. The battery pack is almost empty. (zP.16)Calls are answered automatically. Is Answering memo disabled? (zP.41) Is Manner mode disabled? (zP.41)Battery usage time is short. Is the battery pack charged enough? (zP.16) Make sure the battery does not approach the end of its service life. Make sure the IS14SH is not left in the place for a long period where   (out of service area indicator) appears. (zP.29) Suspend the functions not being used. (zP.30)When making a call, a beeping sound is heard from the earpiece and a connection cannot be established. Are you within the service area or in a location where the signal is strong? (zP.29) The wireless line is busy or the other party is on another line. Try again later.Trouble DetailKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
81Appendix/IndexFor more detailed information, visit auお客さまサポート (au Customer Support) on the au homepage. is dark.  Is VeilView disabled? (zP.30)Cannot hear the other party. Is the earpiece volume set to other than minimum? (zP.38) Make sure your ear is not covering the earpiece.Put your ear on the earpiece.Cannot use the microphone of earphone/microphone. Is the connector of the microphone inserted properly?Insert the connecter securely.Cannot watch 1Seg, images or sounds are interrupted or noise occurs. Does the IS14SH receive an adequate digital broadcasting signal? (zP.67) Is TV antenna extended? (zP.67) Is the selected area for the area where you use the IS14SH?Cannot operate any key and the screen is frozen. Press the reset button with a pointed end of an object for at least two seconds. The IS14SH restarts.Cannot operate the respective address book settings. Is the other party’s phone number notified?If there is no notification, the settings of the address book are not enabled.Images are not displayed on web page. Make sure the settings is not set to hide images.Cannot create a PC-mail. Did you Register a PC-mail account? (zP.55)Cannot recognize a microSD memory card. Is a microSD memory card inserted properly? (zP.15) Is the microSD memory card mounted? (zP.76)Cannot operate the camera. Is there enough power left in the battery pack? (zP.16) Confirm for using the camera. (zP.61)Trouble DetailKUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
82Appendix/IndexNumeric3LM ................................................73AAbsence Memo .............................40Accept all SSL certificates...........56Accessories ....................................2Add.................................................60Address BookAddress Book .............................43Cmail...........................................48Create .........................................46Advanced Settings .......................52Anshin Security Pack...................72Answer...........................................40Answer Holding ............................40Answering an incoming call........40Answering Memo List ..................42Answering memo setting.............41App setting....................................66Area settings.................................78Attach to Mail................................75Attaching the battery pack ..........12au IC-Card .....................................12au international call service ........39au one Market ...............................72au one-ID setting ..........................20BBattery pack ................................. 10Battery pack cover....................... 10Birthday ........................................ 43Block specified numbers ............ 55Bookmarks ................................... 59Browser......................................... 59CCall ................................................ 45Call added special number ......... 45CameraCamera....................................... 62Using .......................................... 61Camera lens.................................... 9Cautions for using 1Seg.............. 67Cautions for using the camera ... 61Cell phone etiquette....................... 2Character entry screen................ 33Character Input (Hardware Keyboard).................................. 36Character input (Software Keyboard).................................. 33ChargingBattery pack ............................... 16Charging with the AC adapter.... 17Charging with the DC adapter ... 17Charging indicator ......................... 8Charging with a PC ...................... 18IndexChat ............................................... 43Check Settings/Release Settings.................................................... 53C-mailC-mail.......................................... 46Cmail........................................... 47ComposeGmail........................................... 58PC-mail messages...................... 57Contents Manager ........................ 65Context menu ............................... 32Create ............................................ 46Create mail .................................... 45Create shortcutMail address ............................... 45Phone number ............................ 45DData roaming ................................ 78DeleteAnswering Memo List ................. 42Early warning mail....................... 71Delete email from server.............. 56Delete selected ............................. 66Disabling sleep mode .................. 18Disaster Message Board.............. 70Display............................................. 8Display settings............................ 24Displaying a site from bookmarks.................................................... 59Displaying a site from history ..... 59Displaying data............................. 65Displaying menu........................... 32Domain¥Username ...................... 56Double-tap .....................................21Drag................................................22EEarly warning mail ........................70Earpiece...........................................8Edit .................................................75Edit and call...................................45E-mail .............................................46E-mail notifications.......................55Entering decoration-emojiHardware keyboard ....................37Software keyboard ......................35Entering emojiHardware keyboard ....................37Software keyboard ......................35Entering facemarkHardware keyboard ....................37Software keyboard ......................35Entering symbolHardware keyboard ....................37Software keyboard ......................35Erase microSD ..............................76Event ..............................................43External connection jack ...............9External connection jack cover.....9FFamily name ..................................43FeliCa mark ...................................10Flick................................................21For overseas use without anxiety....................................................77KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
83Appendix/IndexForward......................................... 58GGallery........................................... 65Given name................................... 43Global passport CDMA................ 77Gmail ............................................. 57Google account............................ 20GPS ............................................... 43GREE_MARKET............................ 72Group setting................................ 43HHardware keyboard........................ 8History........................................... 59Home key ........................................ 8Home screen................................. 22Home settings .............................. 23Home Switcher ............................. 24IIllustrations and descriptions....... 3IMAP path prefix........................... 56IMAP server .................................. 56Inbox checking frequency........... 56Incoming History.......................... 40Incoming indicator......................... 8Infrared port.................................... 9Initial setupInitial setup ................................. 19Initial setup of 1Seg.................... 67Input method ................................ 36Input modeHardware keyboard ....................37Software keyboard ......................35Inserting au IC-Card .....................13Inserting microSD Memory Card....................................................15Internal antennas..........................10Internet call ...................................43Issue One Time Password for PC Setting ........................................53JJapan .............................................78LLauncher .......................................24Light sensor....................................8List Players ...................................66Lock key ..........................................9Long-touch....................................21MMailAddress Book .............................43E-mail/C-mail messages .............49Mail address..................................45Mail Group.....................................47Making a call to another country from your travel destination.....78Making a call within the same country while overseas ............79Manage applications ....................74Manner mode................................ 41Market ........................................... 72Melody........................................... 75Memo............................................. 43Menu in the contents screen ...... 66Menu in the home screen............ 23Menu key......................................... 8microSD memory card................. 13microSD memory card slot ......... 10microSD/phone space ................. 66mixi................................................ 43Mobile light ................................... 10Mouthpiece ..................................... 8Moving folders ............................. 24Moving shortcuts ......................... 24Moving widgets ............................ 24NNames and functions of parts ...... 8Nickname ...................................... 43Not in address book .................... 55Notes on Setting Mail Filter......... 53Notification indicator ................... 29Notification/Status panel............. 30Notifications ................................. 24Notify me when email arrives. .... 56OOff.................................................. 42On .................................................. 42One Seg TV................................... 68Opening the IS14SH..................... 11Operating the touch panel .......... 21Option menu ................................. 32Organization ................................. 43Outgoing History .......................... 40PPassword ...................................... 56PC-mail .......................................... 55Phone ............................................ 38Phone numberAddress Book .............................43Phone number ............................ 45PIN code .......................................... 4Pinch.............................................. 22Playing data .................................. 65POP3 server .................................. 56Port ................................................ 56Postal............................................. 43Power key........................................ 8Power off ....................................... 18PRL settings ................................. 77ProfileCmail........................................... 48Create ......................................... 47Profile .......................................... 75Proximity sensor ............................ 8RRead first....................................... 43Read last ....................................... 43Reboot ........................................... 18Receive new mails........................ 49Receiving a call at your travel destination................................. 79KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
84Appendix/IndexReceiving calls from countries other than Japan .......................79Receiving filter.............................. 55Receiving Gmail............................58Receiving mail ..............................49Receiving PC-mail ........................57Remote Support............................73Removing au IC-Card...................12Removing folders .........................24Removing microSD memory card....................................................14Removing shortcuts.....................24Removing the battery pack..........11Removing widgets........................24Reply..............................................58Reply all.........................................58Require sign-in. ............................56Reset button..................................10Return key.......................................8Ring Set.........................................43Roaming ........................................78SSearch............................................24Search key....................................... 8SecrecyCmail...........................................48Create .........................................47Security code..................................4Security type.................................56Select language ............................19Send by Bluetooth........................75Send by IC.....................................75Send by Infrared ...........................75Send email from this account by default........................................ 56Send Setting................................. 75Send/Receive historyCmail .......................................... 48Create......................................... 47Server............................................ 56Set main mail address ................. 45Set main phone number.............. 45Setting mail filter.......................... 52SettingsEarly Warning Mail...................... 71Menu in the home screen........... 24Simple Settings............................ 52Sleep mode................................... 18Slide .............................................. 21Slideshow ..................................... 66Slideshow settings ...................... 66SMTP server ................................. 56Sort................................................ 66Speaker ......................................... 10Speaker off ................................... 42Speaker on.................................... 42Status bar ..................................... 28Status indicator............................ 29Stop............................................... 42Strap eyelet..................................... 9Switch grid/list ............................. 66Switching desktops ..................... 23Switching orientation .................. 31Switching software keyboards ... 33TTap................................................. 21Tray................................................ 10Troubleshooting ........................... 80Turning the power on................... 18Turning the power on/off ............. 18TV antennaNames and Functions of Parts...... 9TV antenna.................................. 67Twitter............................................ 43UUndo .............................................. 24Unlock Screen .............................. 19Unmount microSD........................ 76Use secure connection (SSL)...... 56Username ...................................... 56VVideo Camera ............................... 64Viewing the address book details screen ........................................ 44VirusBuster ................................... 74Volume up/down key...................... 9WWallpaper ...................................... 75Wallpapers .................................... 23Website.......................................... 43KUUJAWGDQQMࡍ࡯ࠫ㧞㧜㧝㧝ᐕ㧝㧞᦬㧝ᣣޓᧁᦐᣣޓඦᓟ㧡ᤨ㧝㧥ಽ
Getting ReadyContentsIntroductionLearning the BasicsPhoneAddress BookMailInternetMultimediaApplications1SegSettings of IS14SHGlobal FunctionAppendix/IndexBasic ManualFor inquiries, call: Customer Service CenterFor general information and charges (toll free)From fixed-line phones: From au cell phones:From fixed-line phones: From au cell phones:In case above numbers are not available,0120-977-033 (except Okinawa)0120-977-699 (Okinawa)For loss, theft or damage and operation information(toll free)PRESSING ZERO WILL CONNECT YOU TO AN OPERATORAFTER CALLING 157 ON YOUR au CELLPHONE.area code not requiredarea code not requiredSales: KDDI CORPORATION・  OKINAWA CELLULAR TELEPHONE COMPANYManufactured by: SHARP CORPORATIONCell phone and PHS operators collect and recycle unused telephones, batteries and battery chargers at stores bearing the       logo regardless of brand and manufacturer to protect the environment and reuse valuable resources.November 2011 Edition

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