Shindaiwa Powerbroom 80732 Owners Manual

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SHINDAIWA OWNER’S/OPERATOR'S MANUALPB2500 PowerBroom娃WARNING!Minimize the risk ofinjury to yourselfand others! Readthis manual andfamiliarize yourselfwith the contents.Always wear eyeand hearingprotection whenoperating this unit.Part Number 80732  Rev. 4/03䊛
2ENGLISHThroughout this manual are specialattention statements.WARNING!A statement preceded by the triangularattention symbol and the word “WARN-ING” contains information that shouldbe acted upon to prevent serious bodilyinjury.CAUTION!A statement preceded by the word“CAUTION” contains information thatshould be acted upon to preventmechanical damage.IMPORTANT!A statement preceded by the word“IMPORTANT” is one that possessesspecial significance.NOTE:A statement preceded by the word“NOTE” contains information that ishandy to know and may make your jobeasier.Attention StatementsIMPORTANT!The operational procedures described inthis manual are intended to help you getthe most from this unit as well as toprotect you and others from harm.These procedures are guidelines forsafe operation under most conditions,and are not intended to replace anysafety rules and/or laws that may be inforce in your area. If you have questionsregarding your Shindaiwa power tool, orif you do not understand something inthis manual, your Shindaiwa dealer willbe glad to assist you. You may alsocontact Shindaiwa Inc. at the addressprinted on the back of this manual.IntroductionPAGEShindaiwa 2500-series hand heldpower equipment has been designed andbuilt to deliver superior performance andreliability without compromise to quality,comfort, safety or durability.Shindaiwa’s high-performance enginesrepresent the leading edge of all position4-cycle engine technology, deliveringexceptionally high power with remark-ably low displacement and weight. As anowner/operator, you’ll soon discover foryourself why Shindaiwa is simply in aclass by itself!IMPORTANT!The information contained in thisowner's/operator's manual describesunits available at the time of publication.Shindaiwa Inc. reserves the right tomake changes to products without priornotice, and without obligation to makealterations to units previously manufac-tured.Attention Statements................................ 2Safety Information .................................... 3Checking Unit Condition......................... 3Safety Labels ............................................. 5Unit Description ....................................... 6Specifications ............................................ 6Assembly ................................................... 7Engine Fuel ............................................. 10Starting the Engine ................................ 11Stopping the Engine............................... 11Adjusting Engine Idle ............................ 12Using the PowerBroom ......................... 12Maintenance ........................................... 13Long Term Storage ................................ 16Accessories ............................................. 16Troubleshooting Guide ......................... 17Emission System Warranty ................... 19WARNING!The engine exhaust from this unitcontains chemicals known to theState of California to cause cancer,birth defects or other reproductiveharm.ContentsRead and follow thisoperators manual.Failure to do so couldresult in serious injury.Do not operate this toolif you are tired, ill orunder the influence ofalcohol, drugs, ormedication.Beware of thrown objects. Keep bystandersat least 50 feet (15 m)away during operation.Wear eye and hearingprotection at all timesduring the operation of this unit.

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