Shinko Electric Co 199909010003 CMC User Manual CMC Operation Manual

Shinko Electric Co Ltd CMC CMC Operation Manual

Users manual

FCC ID: OPO199909010003 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     iSystem Operation Manualof SHINKO Communication unit CMCK44-2127Revision 0Nov. 2, 2000The information furnished herein by SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.    is proprietary and confidential toSHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. personnel and is not to be duplicated, published, or disclosed toany third party in whole or in part without permission from SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     ii  Copyright © 2000 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.    ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.  Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.  The information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms of a License, Non-disclosure and/or Confidentiality Agreement and constitutes and contains valuableproprietary information and trade secrets of SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., embodyingsubstantial creative efforts and confidential information, ideas, and expressions.  Accordingly, strict compliance with the terms and conditions of the governing Agreement,including, without limitation, all restrictions on use and disclosure, is required as a conditionto the use of the information contained herein.  Except as may be permitted in the applicable agreement, the information herein may notbe reproduced or disclosed in whole or in part.Restricted Rights Legend  Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth insubparagraph <c> (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause atDFARS 252.277-7013.SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.100 Takegahana, Ise city,Mie prefecture,516-8550, JapanTelephone: +81-596-36-2335Facsimile: +81-596-36-2162
FCC ID: OPO199909010003 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     iiiRevision Note#Revision Month/Day/Year Contents Author#1 Rev.0 November. 2,2000 The first edition Mitsuyoshi KURODA
FCC ID: OPO199909010003 SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     ivContents1. Introduction________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11111.1. Construction of the documents ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11111.2. Application ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11111.3. Related Rules, Laws ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11111.4. Abbreviations ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11112. Safety________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22222.1. Alert Boxes ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________22222.1.1. General___________________________________________________________________________ 22.1.2. Definitions of DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION _____________________________________ 22.1.3. Precautions on use_________________________________________________________________ 32.1.4. Storage___________________________________________________________________________ 42.1.5. Installation ________________________________________________________________________ 42.1.6. Maintenance and Inspection_________________________________________________________ 53. Outline of Communication Unit CMC____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________66663.1. Overview ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________66663.2. CMC configuration ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________66663.3. Function of each unit ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________99993.3.1. CMC-BC (Communication Modem Controller  :Base Controller) _________________________ 93.3.2. CMC-BM(Communication Modem Controller  :Base Modem) ___________________________ 93.3.3. CMC-TR(Communication Modem Controller  :TRansformer)____________________________ 93.4. FCC standard ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________141414144. Specification____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 151515154.1. CMC-BC____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________151515154.2. CMC-BM____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________151515154.3. CMC-TR ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________151515155. Error process________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16161616
FCC ID: OPO199909010003 Introduction SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     11. Introduction1.1. Construction of the documents             The documents of the communication units CMC are as follows.          Kind of document Name of the document # of documentsOperation manual Communication unit CMC Operation Manual K44-21271.2. ApplicationThis document describes the operation of communication unit for transport system, OHT,OHS, etc.1.3. Related Rules, Laws(1) FCC Part15 Subpart C    1.4. Abbreviations(1) CMC : Communication Modem Controller(2) CMC-BM: Communication Modem Controller  :Base Modem(3) CMC-BC: Communication Modem Controller  :Base Controller(4) CMC-TR: Communication Modem Controller  :TRansformer(5) COM : COmmunication Modem
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Safety SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     22. Safety2.1. Alert Boxes2.1.1. General(1) Read and understand fully this manual and attached documents before operating theproducts.(2) Engage specialists in electrical and mechanical works.(3) Don’t improve the product by yourselves.(4) Be sufficiently proficient with the equipment, the relevant safety knowledge and theprecautions prior to using this product.In the content of this “Safety Precautions ”, items which need to be alert shall beclassified into “DANGER”, “WARNING” and ”CAUTION”.2.1.2. Definitions of DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION DANGER: An imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in              death or serious injury. WARNING: A potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result               in death or serious injury. CAUTION: A potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in              minor or moderate injury.  [Note 1]Medium degree of injuries or light injuries refers to injuries, e.g., burns and electricshock, which do not require hospitalization of or prolonged hospital visit by the victims.As material losses refers to expanded losses pertaining to the damage of property andequipment.  [Note 2]Depending on the situation, the events described under “WARNING” may also result insevere outcome. In either case, make sure that the advice is followed.After reading, make sure this information shall be kept at places where it can alwaysbe read by users.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Safety SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     32.1.3. Precautions on use      DANGERFollow the following advice strictly to avoid electric shock or burns.1. Don’t enter the operation area of the vehicle. Work on the ladder maycollide to the vehicle and may cause injury.2. Don’t touch the vehicle on the track when Power Supply Panel outputthe power.3. Don’t touch the moving parts of the vehicle while it is in operation.Doing so may cause injuries.4. Only those who received training for maintenance and teaching cando maintenance and teaching.5. Make sure the earth terminals for the relate equipment shall begrounded. Not doing so may cause electric shock.6. Don’t break the cable, impose excessive stress, place heavy weights,or pinch it between items. Doing so may cause electric shock.     WARNING1. Don’t use the equipment at locations where water, corrosiveatmosphere, or flammable gas is present, or beside flammable items.Doing so may cause life and fails.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Safety SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     42.1.4. StoragePROHIBITION1. Don’t store the equipment at locations where it is subject to rain, aterhazardous gas or liquid.    MANDATORY ACTION1. Store the equipment at locations in not subjected to sunshine. Store itat predetermined relative humidity and temperature. 0 degrees C. -50 degrees C., 90% RH and below, no dew.2.1.5. Installation     WARNING1. Don’t climb on top of the equipment or place heavy items on it.Doing so may cause injuries.2. Don’t block the air inlet and outlet ports or allow foreign particles toenter them. Doing so may cause fire.3. Follow the installation direction strictly as it is so design fordissipation of heat, fails or fire.4. Don’t hit the equipment with strong impact. Doing so may causeequipment fails.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Safety SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     52.1.6. Maintenance and InspectionPROHIBITION1. Don’t engage non-specialist technicians to disassemble and repairthe equipment.     DANGER1. Before servicing CMC-BC,CMC-BM,CMC-TR,always shut off thepower supply.  If the communication signals are overlaid onto the non-conductivepower line, also shut off the power source of the non-conductivepower line before starting maintenance on CMC-BM and CMC-TR.  Not doing so may cause electric shock.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003 Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     63.  Outline of Communication Unit CMC3.1. Overview  The communication unit CMC (Communication Modem Controller) is used for thecommunication between the ground Vehicle Controller and several vehicles in theconveyance system made by Shinko Electric Co., Ltd.  The communication signals are overlaid onto the power line for non-conductive powersupply to the vehicles. In some systems, a separate signal lines may be used.  CMC meet the requirements of FCC Part15 Subpart C. The FCC ID is as follows.FCC ID of CMC:  OPO199909010003  It modulates the signals sent from the Vehicle controller and transmits the modulatedsignals to the vehicles. It also demodulates the signals sent from the vehicles and transmitsthem to the Vehicle controller.  The communication method in use is FSK ( frequency shift keying).  The communication frequencies are as follows.   From to Frequency(1) Vehicle controller   →Vehicles:  285.7 kHz and 315.8 kHz(2) Vehicles          →Vehicle controller:342.9 kHz and 363.6 kHz3.2. CMC configuration    Figures 1 to 3 show the basic configuration of CMC.    CMC consists of the following units.(1)CMC-BC (Communication Modem Controller  :Base Controller)¾ Printed circuit NBV-BC¾ DC power supply (5V)¾ Case(2)CMC-BM (Communication Modem Controller  :Base Modem)¾ Printed circuit BV-BM2¾ DC power supply (24V,5V,±12V)¾ Case(3)CMC-TR(Communication Modem Controller  :TRansformer)¾ Communication transformer(transmission, reception)¾ Case
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     7Vehicle ControllerPower Supply PanelCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCPower Supply UnitPower Supply Line(Parallel Wire)PCBNBV-BCPCBBV-BM2TXRXCMCBMCMCBMCMCBMCMCBM CMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRDigital Signal line with shieldDigital Signal line with shieldAnalog Signal line with shieldModemCPUTX RXVehicleTrackFig. 1 Basic configuration of CMCPower Supply PanelCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCPower Supply UnitPower Supply Line(Parallel Wire)CMCBMCMCBMCMCBMCMCBMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRDigital Signal line with shieldDigital Signal line with shieldAnalog Signal line with shieldModemCPUTX RXVehicleTrackPCBBV-BM2CMCBMCMCBMCMCBMCMCBMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRDigital Signal line with shieldAnalog Signal line with shieldOutput: 8-Port maximumPCBNBV-BCVehicle ControllerPCBBV-BM2Fig. 2 Modified CMC configuration Example 1
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     8Power Supply PanelPower Supply UnitPower Supply Line(Parallel Wire)Digital Signal line with shieldDigital Signal line with shieldModemCPUTX RXVehicleTrackDigital Signal line with shieldOutput: 8-Port maximumCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCPCBNBV-BCVehicle ControllerCMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRAnalog Signal line with shieldPCBBV-BM2CMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRAnalog Signal line with shieldPCBBV-BM2CMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMCMC-BMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRPCBBV-BM2CMCBMCMCBMCMCBMCMCBMTXRXCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRCMC-TRPCBBV-BM2CMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCCMC-BCPCBNBV-BCOutput: 8-Port maximumDigital Signal line with shieldFig. 3 Modified CMC configuration Example 2
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     93.3. Function of each unit3.3.1. CMC-BC (Communication Modem Controller  :Base Controller)  This is an interface unit to handle the signals from/to the Vehicle controller. It also servesas the multiplexer for several CMC-BM units.  CMC-BC can work in two different modes, master mode and slave mode. It allows theuser to use the multiple units according to the scale of the conveyance system.     The CMC-BC unit may vary in its outward form depending on the conveyance system.However, the internal configuration is common. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of CMC-BC.  Figure 5 shows the outward form of the CMC-BC’s main printed circuit board NBV-BC.  Figure 6 shows for example the outward form of the CMC-BC unit.3.3.2. CMC-BM(Communication Modem Controller  :Base Modem)    This is a modem unit to handle the signals from/to several vehicles.  It incorporates a driver that modulates the digital signals sent from CMC-BC to analogsignals and overlay the converted signals onto the non-conductive power line or signal line.  It also demodulates the analog signals sent from the vehicles to digital signals andtransmit them to CMC-BC.  The CMC-BM unit may vary in its outward form depending on the conveyance system.However, the internal configuration is common. Figure 4 shows the block diagram of CMC-BM.  Figure 7 shows the outline form of the CMC-BM’s main printed circuit board BV-BM2.  Figure 8 shows for example the outline form of the CMC-BM unit.3.3.3. CMC-TR(Communication Modem Controller  :TRansformer)  The transmission transformer overlays the signals from CMC-BM onto the non-conductivepower line or signal line.  The reception transformer receives the signals from vehicles overlaid in the non-conductive power line or signal line.  Figure 9 shows the outer forms of the transformers.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     10Fig. 4 The block diagram of CMCCMC-TR(Communication ModemController-TRansfoemer)CMC-BM(Communication Modem Controller-Base Modem)CMC-BC(Communication Modem Controller-Base Controller)BV-BM2  PCBDemodulaterNBV-BC  PCBTX AmpRX AmpRX filterModulaterControl logicLine driverLinereceiverIndicateLEDMaster/SlaveI/FResonancecircuit350KHzLine receiverLine driverSerial I/FRS232C/ RS485Power SupplyDC5VPower SupplyDC5,P12,N12,24VSwitch circuitControllogicBlock diagramPower LineReset circuitReset circuitX'tal OSC24MHz300KHz+5VP12V+5V0VN12V+24V0VHOSTControllerFrom 8.66KHz power supplyTo  trackSquelchHost I/FFCC ID:OPO199909010001Max8PortLine transciverRXtransformerTXtransformerCMC-BC(Slave)FCC ID: OPO199909010003
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     11Fig. 5 Outward form of the CMC-BC’s main printed circuit board NBV-BCFig. 6 For example the outward form of the CMC-BC unitThePowerLED
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     12Fig. 7 The outline form of the CMC-BM’s main printed circuit board BV-BM2ThePowerLED
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     13Fig. 8 For example the outline form of the CMC-BM unitFig. 9 The outer forms of the transformers
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Outline SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     143.4. FCC standard  The transmission assembly in the communication unit CMC meets FCC Part15 Subpart Cas the intentional radiator.    FCC ID of CMC:OPO199909010003[Note.1]  The FCC certificate position may vary because different case materials and shapes areadopted for different customers.NOTICE  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.    These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment isoperated in a commercial environment.    This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference inwhich case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.FCC WARNING  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Specification SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     154. SpecificationCommunication speed: Vehicle controller−Vehicle  19.2 kBPS  (MAX  38.4 kBPS)Communication method: FSK4.1. CMC-BCUnit name CMC-BCManufacturer SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.Weight Approx. 10 kgf    *Case materials and shape vary with the systemSize 453mm (W) x 363 mm (L) x 160 mm (H)*Case materials and shape vary with the systemPowerconsumption 10WInput 1 200V AC 1φ  or 100V AC 1φ   50/60HzInput 2 Vehicle controller―CMC-BC  RS232C/RS485Output 1 CMC-BC―CMC-BM  RS485  8 ports max.Output 2 CMC-BC―CMC-BC  RS485  1 portOutput 3 CMC-BC―CMC-BM  200V AC 1φ  or 100V AC 1φ 50/60Hz4.2. CMC-BMUnit name CMC-BMManufacturer SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.Weight Approx.10kgf    *Case materials and shape vary with the systemSize 603 mm (W) x 187.5 mm (L) x 70 mm (H)*Case materials and shape vary with the systemPowerconsumption 20WInput 1 CMC-BC―CMC-BM  200V AC 1φ  or 100V AC 1φ   50/60HzInput 2 CMC-BC―CMC-BM  RS485Input 3 CMC-TR―CMC-BM  Analog signal  4 ports max.Output 1 CMC-BM―CMC-TR    Analog signal    2 ports max.4.3. CMC-TRUnit name CMC-TRManufacturer SHINKO ELECTRIC CO., LTD.Weight Approx. 5 kgf    *Case materials and shape vary with the systemSize 150 mm (W) x 150 mm (L) x 110 mm (H)*Case materials and shape vary with the systemPowerconsumptionMAX  1W*When communication signal transmitted through the non-conductivepower lineInput 1 CMC-BM―CMC-TR  Analog signalOutput 1 CMC-TR―CMC-BM  Analog signal
FCC ID: OPO199909010003Error Process SHINKO ELECTRIC CO.,LTD K44-2127   Rev.0   Communication unit CMC Operation Manual     165. Error process[Note.1]  Before servicing CMC-BC,CMC-BM,CMC-TR,always shut off the power supply.[Note.2]  If the communication signals are overlaid onto the non-conductive power line, also shut offthe power source of the non-conductive power line before starting maintenance on CMC-BM and CMC-TR.<Communication error trouble shooting>Vehicle Controller issues a communication errorIs Vehicle Controller sending communication signals?Check the settings for Vehicle Controller.Are the power indicator lights of CMC-BC and CMC-BM illuminated?Is the power supply of 200V AC 1φ  or 100V AC 1φ50/60Hz connected?Is the input fuse burnt?Replace the fuse.Turn the power supply OFF. Is the input resistance of the DC poweralmost 0 ohm?Replace the DC power supply.Is the power LED of the print circuit NBV-BC illuminated?Is the power LED of the print circuit BV-BM2 illuminated?Replace the print circuit boardIs the connection between CMC-BM and CMC-TR normal?Restore connection.

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