Silex Technology SXDS3000WAN SX-DS-3000WAN User Manual Manual

Silex Technology, Inc. SX-DS-3000WAN Manual


WA100070XX Easy Setup Using WPS Feature
SX-DS-3000WAN allows you to congure its wireless settings easily using a push switch if your wireless router supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
This sheet explains how to congure wireless settings using the push switch.
SX-DS-3000WAN will start to communicate with your
wireless router.
The Wireless LED's lighting pattern will show you if the
wireless conguration succeeded or failed.
- The name, position and shape of the WPS button will dier depending
on your wireless router. For details, refer to the operation manual that
came with your wireless router.
- Please use only one wireless router. If two or more routers are waiting for
wireless connections, SX-DS-3000WAN will not be able to connect
- Within 3-10 sec after pressing and holding down the push switch,
the Wireless LED will blink in Green.
- It may take a while to complete the wireless conguration
depending on your environment (up to 2 min).
Connect the AC adaptor to SX-DS-3000WAN and the AC plug
to the power outlet.
Power Outlet
AC Adaptor
- It is not necessary to connect a network cable to SX-DS-3000WAN.
Conrm that the Wireless LED(WLAN) on SX-DS-3000WAN
blinks in Orange or turns to Green.
- If the Wireless LED does not blink in Orange or turn to Green, reset
SX-DS-3000WAN to factory defaults and start from step 1 again.
For how to reset SX-DS-3000WAN to its factory defaults, refer to the
Users Manual or Setup Guide.
Press the WPS button on your wireless router.
Conrm that your wireless router is ready for a wireless
connection to be made.
Wireless Router
Press and hold the push switch on SX-DS-3000WAN. When
the Wireless LED blinks in Green, release the push switch.
When successful, the Wireless LED will turn to Green.
In this case, wireless conguration is complete.
- Power o SX-DS-3000WAN, move it to where you wish to use it and
then power it on again.
- Connect the USB device(s) that you wish to use over the network to
- To install the software applications onto your computer, click Computer
Conguration from the menu screen. For details, refer to the Users Manual.
When wireless conguration has failed, the Wireless LED will blink in Red.
Read the instructions on this sheet and start from step 3 again.
- It is not necessary to install the applications if you plan to use printers
with the standard Windows printing feature.
Searching for
Connected to
existing network
Push Switch
To perform the wireless conguration using WPS, your wireless router must support WPS. Please make sure that a wireless router supporting WPS is set up in your environment.
While performing this conguration, please temporarily move SX-DS-3000WAN closer to your wireless router to make it easier for both devices to communicate.
Depending on your wireless router, WPS may need to be enabled manually. For details, refer to the operation manual that came with your wireless router.
If a security feature such as MAC Address ltering is enabled on your wireless router, disable it temporarily so that SX-DS-3000WAN can communicate with your wireless router.
Push Switch SX-DS-3000WAN Power Outlet
* The information below will be your own information that is used on your network and none of us are able to nd it from our side. For how to see each setting,
please refer to the operating manual that came with your router or contact the manufacturer.
(De) Auf der CD-ROM befindet sich ein deutschsprachiges
Setup-Handbuch im PDF-Format. Zum Anzeigen der PDF-Datei
unter Windows benötigen Sie den Acrobat Reader.
(Fr) Un guide d'installation en français au format PDF est inclus
dans le CD-ROM. Acrobat Reader est nécessaire pour lire les
fichiers PDF dans un environnement Windows.
Una Guida alla configurazione in italiano è inclusa nel CD-ROM
come file PDF. Per visualizzare il file PDF in ambiente Windows è
necessario Acrobat Reader.
En el CD-ROM se incluye una Guía de instalación en español
como archivo PDF. Se necesita Acrobat Reader para ver el
archivo PDF en un entorno Windows.
Um Guia de Configuração em português é fornecido no
CD-ROM no formato de arquivo PDF. É necessário ter o Acrobat
Reader para visualizar o arquivo PDF em um ambiente Windows.
AC Adaptor
Device Server Setup CD
(Including conguration software and online manual)
Parts and Fucntions
Thank you very much for purchasing our wireless USB Device Server
This Setup Guide provides information on how to congure and use
SX-DS-3000WAN in your network environment. Please follow instructions
on Step1- Step 4 to congure SX-DS-3000WAN.
Before you begin, please carefully read the "Safety Instructions" and
"About Wireless Interference" in the online manual included in the
CD-ROM to properly congure SX-DS-3000WAN.
Please complete the user registration after you nish the setup.
It is required to provide you better technical supports and services.
User Registration
For the user registration, a Serial Number is required. The Serial Number is
a last 6-digit number of the Ethernet Address(12-digit number) which can
be found on the bottom of the unit.
Package Contents
User Registration Website
Example: If the Ethernet Address is "00:80:92:00:11:22", the Serial Number will be "001122".
Network Cable
Connect the AC adaptor to SX-DS-3000WAN and the AC
plug to the power outlet.
SX-DS-3000WAN Power Outlet
AC Adaptor
Conrm that both POWER LED and LAN LED
turn on.
If SX-DS-3000WAN has been used in other network or
you wish to start conguration from factory defaults
again, follow the instructions below.
Remove the AC plug from the power outlet. Press and hold down the push switch on SX-DS-3000WAN while inserting the AC plug back into the power outlet.
Keep holding a while and release the push switch when LAN LED turns to Red.
Step2 Getting Started
Factory Default Conguration
Connect SX-DS-3000WAN to your wireless router using
a network cable.
Wireless Router
Connect SX-DS-3000WAN to your network using a network cable.
Before You Begin About conguration methods
This Setup Guide explains how to congure SX-DS-3000WAN using a network
cable. For other conguration methods, please refer to the online manual
included in the CD-ROM.
Following 3 conguration methods are supported.
- Conguration using a network cable (Recommended)
- Conguration using a WPS feature of your wireless router
- Conguration using a USB ash drive
By connecting SX-DS-3000WAN to your existing network using a network
cable, you can congure the network settings from your computer.
For this method, a network cable is required.
By saving the conguration information to a USB ash drive and connecting it to
SX-DS-3000WAN, you can congure the network settings. To save the conguration
information to the USB ash drive, please use the conguration utility contained in
the CD-ROM. For this conguration method, a USB ash drive is required.
If your wireless router supports WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup), the network
conguration can be done automatically by pressing the wireless connection button
on your wireless router and the push switch on SX-DS-3000WAN.
For this conguration method, a wireless router supporting WPS is required.
Network Cable
Wireless Router
Sample connection
August, 2011
If LAN LED turns to Green or Orange
Succsessfully connected to your network. Go on to Step 3.
The network cable is not plugged properly. Start from Step2-1 again.
If the network cable is plugged properly, SX-DS-3000WAN may contain
icorrect network settings. In such a case, reset SX-DS-3000WAN to factory
defaults and start from Step2-1 again. For details on how to reset
SX-DS-3000WAN to factory defaults, refer to Factory Default Conguration.
Step1 Necessary Wireless Setting Information
To use SX-DS-3000WAN in your wireless network, SX-DS-3000WAN must have the same settings as your wireless router (Access Point).
Please check the wireless settings of your router and write it down on the table below:
Wireless Mode
The SSID is an ID that distinguishes a wireless LAN network from others. For
wireless devices to communicate with each other on a wireless network, they
must share the same SSID. (The SSID is also referred to as "ESSID".) Depending
on your wireless router, it may have several SSIDs. If there are dierent SSIDs
for a game machine and computer, use the one for the computer.
There are "Infrastructure" mode and "Ad hoc" mode.
Select "Infrastructure" mode when you wish to connect to your network
via a wireless router.
Select "Ad hoc" mode when you wish to make a direct connection to
your wireless computer without using a wireless router. When using this
mode, set the same channel as your wireless computer.
Encryption Mode
No Encryption
If WEP encryption is used, wireless communication will
be encrypted using the settings for "WEP Key 1-4" and
"Key Index".
Set the same "WEP key Size(64bit/128bit)", "WEP Key"
and "Key Index" as your wireless router.
Uses no encryption for wireless communication.
(In this case, you do not have to check any of your
settings beforehand.)
Uses PSK for network authentication. The encryption
key will be generated by communicating with the
wireless router using a Pre-Shared key. WEP key setting
is not used for this mode. Set the same "Pre-Shared
key" and "Encryption Mode"(TKIP/AES) as your wireless
router. The Pre-Shared key is also referred to as
"Network Key" or "Password".
Pre-Shared Key
WEP key Size and
Key Index
Encryption Mode
(Open / Shared)
Conguration Memo
Setup Guide (this document)
SX Virtual Link Users Guide
Warranty Booklet
Rubber feet (4 psc)
The AC adaptor is not plugged properly.
Start from Step2-2 again.
Keep holding down
the push switch
Push Switch
Please check the following items are bundled with SX-DS-3000WAN:
/ /
Power Outlet
(1) Power Connector
(2) Network Port
(3) Push Switch
(4) Wireless LED
(8) USB Port
(9) Ethernet Address
) Serial Number
(2)(3)(1) (6)(4)
E/ A : 008092XXXXXX
Infrastructure / Ad hoc (ch. )
Step3 Setup SX-DS-3000WAN
<<< Windows environment >>>
Insert the Device Server Setup CD into your
* In Windows 7 (or Windows Vista), the User Account
Control screen is displayed. Click Yes .
(Click Continue in Windows Vista).
* If SX-DS-3000WAN is not displayed in a list,,,
- Check the network setting on your computer (IP
address setting) is properly congured.
- Please temporarily disable the security software
(e.g. "Virus Buster" of Trend Micro, Inc.) or the
rewall function of Windows XP.
Before clicking Finish, follow the instructions on Step 4
to take eect of the conguration you made. After
completing Step 4, click Finish and go on to install the
USB device connection utility, "SX Virtual Link".
* The information diplayed here will dier depending
on how you have congured.
* If you wish to assign the IP address manually, click
Assign IP Address and enter the IP address, subnet
mask and default gateway.
* If the window does not have the option, ”Get IP
Address Automatically, it is unable to obtain the IP
address from DHCP server. In such a case, the sample
address created with your computer's setting will be
displayed. Please enter the IP address manually.
* Use the wireless setting information that you have
checked at Step 1.
Select the SSID of the wireless network that you to
connect to and enter the network key.
If the wireless network that you wish to connect to is
not shown on a list, click Detailed Cong button and
congure each setting in the window displayed.
* If you plan to use SX-DS-3000WAN on a wired network
using a network cable, check Skip wireless
conguration and click Next.
Congure SX-DS-3000WAN using the conguration software included in the Device Server Setup CD.
The conguration can be done from Windows or Macintosh computers.
Insert the Device Server Setup CD into your
Double click the CD-ROM icon ( )
and then double click DSSetup ( ).
Restart SX-DS-3000WAN to take eect of
the new settings.
Remove the AC plug from the power
outlet and then network cable from
* If you plan to use SX-DS-3000WAN on a wired
network, it is not necessary to unplug the
network cable.
Step4 Enabling the New Settings
USB Devices
Conrm that the Wireless LED turns on.
Power Outlet
Power Outlet
If Wireless LED turns to Green
Successfully connected to the wireless
network. The setup is complete now.
Go on to install the USB device
connection utility, SX Virtual Link.
Please refer to the "SX Virtual Link
User's Guide".
If Wireless LED blinks in Orange
Searching for a wireless network.
Please wait until a wireless connection is made.
When not connected within 2-3 min, the SX-DS-3000WAN's
wiress settings may not have been congured
properly. Go back to Step 1 and check the wireless
setting information once again.
If Wireless LED is OFF
The network cable is plugged.
When you plan to use SX-DS-3000WAN in a
wireless network, follow the instructions
from Step 4-1 again.
When you plan to use SX-DS-3000WAN in a
wired network, check the LAN LED's
lighting pattern. If the LAN LED turns to
Green or Orange, SX-DS-3000WAN has
been connected to a wired network.
The setup is complete now.
<<< Macintosh environment >>>
Wireless LED
Click Device Server Conguration.Click Congure using the setup utility
Check the notice information and click Next.Read the software license agreement and click
Yes .
Select SX-DS-3000WAN and click Next.Select Get IP Address Automatically and click
Select the wireless network that you wish to connect
to from a list , enter the network key and click Next.
Check the settings and click Execute.
Click Device Server Conguration.Click Congure using the setup utility
Check the notice information and click Next.Read the software license agreement and click
Yes .
Select SX-DS-3000WAN and click Next.
* If SX-DS-3000WAN is not displayed in a list,,,
- Check the network setting on your computer
(IP address setting) is properly congured.
Select Get IP Address Automatically and click
* If you wish to assign the IP address manually, click
Assign IP Address and enter the IP address, subnet
mask and default gateway.
* If the window does not have the option, ”Get IP
Address Automatically, it is unable to obtain the IP
address from DHCP server. In such a case, the sample
address created with your computer's setting will be
displayed. Please enter the IP address manually.
Select the wireless network that you wish to connect
to from a list, enter the network key and click Next.
* Use the wireless setting information that you have
checked at Step 1.
Select the SSID of the wireless network that you with to
connect to and enter the network key.
If the wireless network that you wish to connect to is
not shown on a list, click Detailed Cong button and
congure each setting in the window displayed.
* If you plan to use SX-DS-3000WAN on a wired network
using a network cable, check Skip wireless
conguration and click Next.
Check the settings and click Execute.
* The information diplayed here will dier depending
on how you have congured.
Before clicking Finish, follow the instructions on Step 4
to take eect of the conguration you made. After
completing Step 4, click Finish and go on to install the
USB device connection utility, "SX Virtual Link".
Connect the USB device that you wish to use
over the network to SX-DS-3000WAN using
a USB cable and then insert the AC plug of
SX-DS-3000WAN to the power outlet.
Click Yes and click Finish.
Click Yes and click Finish.
* If the menu screen does not appear automatically,
open My Computer, select the CD-ROM drive and
execute Autorun.exe.
Click Yes .
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance
20cm between the radiator & your body.
This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum

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