Sirius XM Radio SX1E Sirius XM RX and FM TX User Manual XMH User Guide with Kit Part 3

Sirius XM Radio Inc. Sirius XM RX and FM TX XMH User Guide with Kit Part 3

XMH User Guide with Kit Part 3

Download: Sirius XM Radio SX1E Sirius XM RX and FM TX User Manual XMH User Guide with Kit Part 3
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Document ID1515476
Application IDenRcjLUoSGAvTNAkaK8CJw==
Document DescriptionXMH User Guide with Kit Part 3
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize187.29kB (2341185 bits)
Date Submitted2011-08-02 00:00:00
Date Available2011-09-16 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleXMH User Guide with Kit Part 3
Document CreatorHewlett Packard MFP

Configuring Y ur XMH
humn tn toggle the selling.
4 A warnlnq screen will be alsplayeu.
Press the Select huttnn tn confirm that »
you want to disable AUX Detect. D'sable A X Detect
5 ll you want tu cancel press menu to ‘ .
return to Factory Settlngs. AUX Detect
wIlI remain enabled.
6 AUX Detect will show as disabled.
Press and hold menu to return to the
main display screen.
Flues Se r,l Ir
gr menu l. lane,
To enable AUX Detect
(DD this when the Radio is transierred to the PowerCunnect Vehicle [Jack from an
older model Vehicle Duck.)
1 Press menu.
2 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and highlight Factory Settings and
press the Select button.
3 AUX Detect will be highlighted and Show as disabled, Press the Select
button again to toggle the setting tn enabled.
4 Press and hold menu to return to the main display screen.
Restore Defaults
You can clear all ol your personal settings, such as favorite Channels. FM presets,
etc' and return the Radio to lts original uut-ol-the‘box settings
Ta reset XMH CD factory defaults:
! NOTE! Resmrinn uelaults permanently removes all personal seltihqs.
Press menu.
Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and highlight Factnrv Settinus and
press the Select button.
Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and
highlight Restore Defaults and press
the Select button.
Are You Sure?
A warning screen will be displayed. if
you are certain that you want ta reset
your XMH to the default settings,
press the select button to confirm.
If you want to cancel, press menu to
return to Factory Settings,
Demo Mode
Your xle has a demo mode that starts playing when, for a prolonged period pl
time (more than 5 minutes). the Radio either detects it's not connected tn the
antenna, or the antenna steps receiving a signal. It disappears when the antenna is
cannected properly or when the Radio starts receivmq a signal. You can also exit
demo mode at any time. by pressing and holding the Select button for 10 secands.
it desired. you can also manually put XMH in demo mode.
The abilitv for XMH to enter demo mode is enabled by delault. Ii you don't want
XMH to ever enter the demo mode, you can disable the demo leature. You can
enable it again at another time if desired,
Ta enable or disable the demo mode:
1 Press menu.
2 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and DW" MG“
highlight Demo Made and press the Status ‘
Select button.
a status will be highlighted. Press EMU Demo Made
the Select mutton to toggle the
setting between enabled or disabled
(Repeatedly pressing the Select button
toggles between the choices.)
4 If you have selected disabled. press and hold menu to return to the main
display screen. ll you have selected enabled continue with step 5.
5 Turn the Rotary Knot! to scroll to and highlight Enter Demo Mode and
press the Select buttons The demo mode will start in 10 seconds.
5 To exit demu mode at any time, press
and huid the Seieet button for to
Auto Shut Off
XMH witi automaticaiiy strut on after 8 hours
of inactivity, i.e.. when no buttons have been
pressed. This ieature prevents the venicie
battery irom being discharged it you target to
turn your XMH off.
When XMH is about to shut cif. the message
Auto Shut on, Started auto shut off sue
to inactivity is dismayed, renewed by press
any hutton to cancel, it vciu wish to continue
listening, press any button.
To enable 0! disable Auto Shut OH:
1 Press menu.
2 Turn the Rotary Knob ta scroll to and
hiqhiiqht Auto Shut D“ and press the
Select button.
3 Status will be highlighted. Press the
Select button to toggle the setting
between dlsahled and enabled.
4 Press and hold menu ta return to the
main display screen.
Berna Mode
Pres L Haid
tnr m wmnds in 8in
Auto Shut Off
ess any bullon tu (ancei
in Shut OH
Configuring Y ur XMH
Uslnq the Vehicle Dock From the Universal Xpress Car Klt
If you have chosen ta use the Vehicle Dock from the Universal Xpress Car Kit rather
than the PowerConnect Vehicle Dock included with your XMH Radlo, yuu will need
to complete some additional installatinn steos. When you have completed these
additional steps. you can continue with the installation of your XMH,
when you are using the Universal Xpress Vehicle Dock. the screen will inltially
display "AUX Connected" when you power on your XMH. annre this message. Once
yuu have completed the steps below, it will not be displayed again.
If you are connecting the audio through your Vehicle's FM radio (SureCcnnect
or FMDA):
1 Disable the AUX Detect feature. Refer to "AUX Detect” on page 83, and
disable AUX Detect.
2 Turn the FM Transmitter in XMH On. Refer to "Turn FM Transmitter On]
Off" on page 39, and turn the FM Transmitter On,
3 Continue with the installation.
If you are cannectlnq the audio using the Aux in Cable or Cassette Adapter:
1 Disable the AUX Detect feature. Refer to "AUX Detect” on page 83. and
disable AUX Detect.
1m The FM Transmitter must he on. ‘(o verify that the FM Transmitter is oft.
refer to ”Turn FM Transmitter anion" on page 59,
2 Continue With the installation.
Turn FM Transmitter On/Off
Turnlnq the FM Transmitter on aoolies on|v ii you are
using the older model Vehicle much from the universal
Xpress Car Kit. and plan to use SureConnect or FMDA as
the audio connection option,
You'll have to turn On the FM Transmitter under the FM
Semnqs menu. However, before vou can access the FM
Sefllngs menu, you first need to disable AUX Detect. UV COWWC‘M
Refer to “AUX Detect" on page 834 Once you have
disabled AUX Detect, the FM Settings menu will be
To turn the FM Transmitter On:
1 Press menu.
2 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and
highlight FM Settlnqs and press the
Selecf button.
3 FM Transmitter will be highlighted, FM Transmitter
Press the Select button to toggle the
setting from OH to On.
FM Semn‘u
4 The FM Channels menu item will now
be accessible. allowing you to tune
XMH and the FM radio in your vehicle
to the same FM channels
. TIP! XMH is proarammed with m chehnei 97.9 as the neleult setting,
Confiqurinq Your XMH
70 turn the FM Transmitter D”:
H you are using the older model Venicle Dock lrom the Universal Xpress Car Kit.
and plan tn use the Aux In Cable or a Cassette Aflapter as the audio connection
option, you'll have to turn the FM Transmitter under the FM settings menu in
XMH off, it it was previously turned On.
1 Pressmenut
FM emrlgs-
2 Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and ‘
highlight FM Settinqs and press the FM Transmitter
Select button,
3 FM Transmltter wIlI be highlighted.
Press the Select button to toqqle the
setting from Onto Off.
4 A warning message will be displayed
advising you ta connect the Aux In
Game Press the Select button to
confirm that you want to turn off the
m Transmitter. Turn OFF FM?
5 Press and hold menu to exit
Pies, seletltu
XMH has been designed and buiit to be troubleclree but if you experience a
problem. try tin
' Check that all connections are firm and secure.
' Make sure the vehicle power socket is clean and free of corrosion.
~ Make sure you have connected XMH as described in this User Guide. Verify
that the PowerConnect Power Adapter is plugged into the vehicle's cigarette
lighter or power adapter socket. and that the LED on the PowerConnect
Power Adapter is lit (on). ll not. your vehicle may need to he running to
provide power to the socket.
it you see this on the screen: rry this:
Acquirinu Signai - Make sure that the vehicle ls Duidoors with a clear
View ol the sky.
- Make sure the Magnetic Mount Antenna is mounted
outside of the vehicle.
~ Move the antenna away from any obstructed area.
For example, ll you are parked In an underground
garage, you should receive a signal after ieavlnq the
check Antenna Connectlon - Make sure that the antenna cable is lirrhly and
securely plugged into the PowerConnect Vehicle
Duck. Make sure the cable is not bent or oroken.
~iurn xMH oil, then on. to reset this message.
~ ll the message persists, most likely the Magnetic
Mount Antenna cable has been damaged, Replace
the antenna,
channel 0" Air - The channel you've selected is not currenlly
broadcasting. Tune to another channel.
il you see this on the screen:
ll this happens:
You do not receive all the
channels to which you subscrined
Try this:
~ Vour XMH is acquiring audio or orooram inlormation
This message usually ques away in a law seconds.
- vour mm is updating with tne latest encryption
code. wait until tne update is done.
- you may no trying to tune to a channel mat is
blocked or unavailable. Tune to another channel.
~ No orooram iniormat‘ion, sucn as artist name, song
title, or channel exists.
Try this:
- Ensure that you have subscribed to me service by
[allowing the steps in ”Subscribe" on page 45,
- Go to www.slriusxm.comlrefresn and loiiow the
directions to reiresn your naoio.
- caii |-BOB-96772346 for further assistance.
Audio sounds too soit
- Raise the uoiume of your stereo system or increase
the audio ieyei at your XMH until the sound quality
improves. Refer to “Set Audio Level" on page
ND audlo when using the Aux In
Cable or Cassette Aoapter
- Check all cables between your XMH and your
vehicle's stereo system lor a firm and secure
- Ensure you have seiecteo tne proper input source
on your yenicie's stereo system,
~ increase the audio leyei oi XMH, Refer to "Set
Audio Level" on page Bl.
. ii you are usino the Vehicle Dork that came With
the universal xnress car Kit. ensure that the FM
iransmitter in XMH is turned olt,
Troub|eshooti q
it this happens:
No auolo when using the Aux in
cable or cessette Aoepter
Try this:
- Check all cables between your xMH and your
vehicle‘s stereo system tor a tirni and secure
~ Ensure you have selecteo the owner input source
on your vehicle's stereo system.
~ increase the smile level at XMH. Reler to "set Audio
Level” on page BL
~ it you are using the Vehicle back that came with
the universal xoress Car Kit, ensure that the FM
transmitter iii XMH is turned Off.
Audiofeaes or has static when
- Check all cables [er a firm and secure connection.
- it you are iisino powerconneci to listen via your
vehicle‘s m reoio, and the pvnhlem persists it
most likely i erterence train another commercial
or hmadcast FM station. You WI need (0 find an
unused or available FM channel In your area. Rater
to "Find Available rm Channels in Your Area" on
page 73.
- it you are uslnl; Powerconnect. and you cannot
solve the main problem, try connecting the audio
using the Aiiit In cahle or a cassette Adapter.
(Rater lopaqe 39 and paueAl.) "you cannot use these
solutions, consider uslnq an FM Direct Adapter.
(Reler to page 46.)
ll this happens:
No audio when using
PowerCnnhect or FMDA
No song title or artist name is
Try this:
- Check that your XMH and your vehicle‘s FM radio
are tuned to the same FM channel.
- for Powerconnecl, ensure you are us'inq the
Powertonnect Vehicle Dock and PowerConneet
Power Adamer.
- ll you are using the Vehicle Dock that came with
the Universal Xwess car Kit. ensure that the FM
Trinsmifler in XMH turned on. Refer to ”Turn FM
Transmitter Uri/rm on page a9.
- the tnlolmafinn may not no available or updates
may he in progress.
Trafllc and Weather channels
sauna different from other
- these channels use a dilterent audio technology
than other channels so they often souno nillereht
from other channels.
XMN turns off unexpectedly
‘ it Auto Shut Off is enapleo, XMH will automatically
turn ott alter an eight hour period of inacti 'ty
(no user intervention). set Auto shut on status to
he demo is plavinq 7—- vour Mannetic Mount Antenna is not connected
or you are not re: no the signal. Check that
the antenna is connected properly and is not
- Press and hold the select button tor to seconds to
exit Demo Mode.
. vou can nisaole Demo Mode. water to “Demo Mode“
on pane as.
3252 m mnmznmzozm
Product Specifications
Power Requirements:
Operahnq Temperature:
Audio Output:
XMN Rndln
Fowercanmct Vehicle Duck
w ht:
Audio connector:
Antenna connectar:
Powelcolinect Power Adapter
input / output:
Cahle Length:
Vehicle Amenna
Cabie Lenqlh:
Aux in came
Cable Length:
9-i5 v 06,500 mA (max)
-4’F to amo‘F (-20”c to wave)
LO Vrms (max)
4 5 in iwidlh) . z 4 in (neiqmv ( 07 In (depth)
“5 mm (mm) . (n mmmeiqml x (7 mm (aeptm
3 4 oz (95 qi
4.0 in (width) x 2.3 in (height) x |.2 in (depth)
"32 mm (width) x 59 mm (height) x 3! mm (depth)
L6 010169)
(is in (3.5 mm) iemaie
SMB male
3.7 In (wimh) )( 1.7 in (height) x 1.3 In (depth)
94 mm (width) x 43 mm (height) x 34 mm (depth)
2.4 01(69 (1)
9-16 v DC / 5 v Dc. L5 A
4 ft 7 in (L4 7“)
xM Magnetic Mnunl
sun iemaie, nqnt anqie
23 ft (7,0 in)
we in (3.5 mm) stereo male to 1/8 in (3.5 mm)
stereo male
4 it (1.2 m)
Patent and Environm ntal information
Patent information
It is prohibited to, and you agree that you will not, cupy. decamplle, disassemble.
reverse engineer, hack, manipulate. or otherwise access and/or make available
anv technology incorporated in this product. Furthermore, the AMBE'V voice
compression soltware included in this product is prutected by intellectual
property rights including patent rights. copyrights, and trade secrets oi Digitai
Voice Systems, Inc. The software is licensed solely for use within this pruduct.
The music, talk, news. entertainment, data. and other Content on the Services
are protected av copyright and other intellectual property laws and all ownership
rights remain with the respective content and data service providers. You are
prohibited from any export oi the content and/or data (or derivative thereol)
except in compliance with applicable export laws, rules and regulations. The ser
of this or any other software contained in a SiriusXM Radio is explicitly prohi ted
irom attempting to copy. decompile, reverse engineer, hack, manipulate or
disassemble the obiect code. or in any other way convert the object code Into
humanrreadable form.
Environmental Information
Folluw iocai guidelines for waste disposal when discarding packaging and
eiectronic appliances.
The user is cautioned that changes or mad ations not expressly approved by Sirius xM
Radio lnc. can void the user's authority to operate this device.
This de ce complies with Fart is of the Fcc Rules. Operation is suniect to the following two
l. This device may not cause harmlui interlerence.
2. This device must accept any
cause undesired operation
erlerence received. includinq interlerence that may
This equipment has been tested and round to comply with the lim' 5 lor a class B digital
device, pursuant to Part i5 oi the FCC Rules These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harinhil lnterlerence in a residential installation.
This equipment generates. uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, it not installed
and used in accordance with the installation instructions. may cause harmlui interference
to radio communications. However, there is no ouarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. ll this equipment does cause harmiul interlerence to radio or
telev n receptlon. which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on. the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interierence by one or more or the following measures:
- Reor‘ient or relocate the receiving antenna of the altected receiver.
~ increase the separation between the siriust equipment and the aliected receiver.
- connect the SlriusXM equipment into an putieton a circuit dillerent train that to which
the allected receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help,
WARNING! The res and FAA have not certiiied this satellite Radio Receiver lor use in any
a‘lruafl (neither portable nor permanent installation). Therefore, Sirius XM Radio inc. cannot
support this lype oi application or installation.
Copyrights and Trademarks
©20il Sirius XM Radio Inc. ”SIrius’ “KM" and all related marks and logos are trademarks
oi Slrlus XM Radio inc. and its subsidiaries. ”BBC" and "Radio one" are trademarks of the
British eroadcasting Corporation and are used under license. BBC logo (9 BBC i995. Radio
l logo s) Bet 201“. cosmopolitan"- is a registered trademark of Hearst Communications.
lnc. Elvis Radio logo 6) [PE Reg, Us. Fat 5 TM oii. lndyCar land Deslqn) are registered
trademarks oi Brickyard Trademarks, Inc” used with permission. Maior League Easeball
trademarks and copyrights are used with permission oi Major League Baseball Properties.
lnc. visit the oiilelal wehsite at Museum. Games subject to availability and change and
may not include all spring training games. All rights reserved. NASCAR’“ is a registered
trademark oi the National Association ior stock car Auto Racing. inc. The NBA
identiiicatiohs are the intellectual property or NBA Properties, inc. and the respective NBA
member teams. © 20“ NBA Properties. Inc. © 20" NFL Properties LLC, All NFL‘reiated
trademarks are trademarks oi the National Football League, NHL and the NHL shield are
registered trademarks oi the National Hockey League. is NHL zoii. All NHL logos and
marks and NHL team logos and marks depicted herein are the property oi the NHL arid the
respective teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent oi
NHL Enterprises. LP. The Name lce® channel is a registered trademark oi XM satellite
Radidlnc.1he Swinger Golier logo rs a registered trademark of PGA TOUR, inc, visit
www.siriusxrn.conr/channellineup ior updates. All programming/channel lineup/m service
suhiect to change or preemption All other marks and logos are the property at their
respective owners. All rights reserved.
Hardware and subscription sold separately. and activation ree reguired. other lees and taxes may
apply. subscriptions ooverned ay siriusxu Cnmmr Agreement; see wwwalrlusxmeom. Prices
and programming are suoiect to change. serulee dramatically reviews into the subscription
paoirage you choose (Milch may dliier tram the mugs which Irrlvm with the h oi. ior
additional periods at (In same length A: the Plan you choose, and automatically lulls at the
then current renewal rate, alter any oomolirrierrtery trial or promotional period ends, until you
call SIrIusXM "1-856-535-2349 to cancet XM U.S. Satellite service available only (0 those BI
least la years OI age ln the 45 contiguous USA and DC. while SinusXM lhtemet Radio Is available
throughout our silellh! area and also AK. HI and FR.
Owners Record
The Radio model number is located below and the XM Radio in is located on the
label on the back of XMH.
Record the xm Radio ID in the space prdv|ded below. Refer to mess numbers
whenever you can your deaier regarding this product.
Radio Model Number: SXIE
XM Radio iD:
SirlusXM 90-Day Limited Warranty
What This warranty covers
This warranty covers detects In material and wortmanshlp for 90 days ironr the data of purchase try the
oridinai retail purchaser only. Sirius xM Radio Inc, at its sole option, will repair or replace the product
with a new or reconditioned product without chime tor parts and labor. Products replaced under this
warranty oecorne the property at Slriust.RepIaoement pwdut‘ts are warranted to be me Irom delects
ior 30 days or the remainder of the original warranty, whichever is longer.
What This Warranty Does Not covar-
Thls warranty does not covar: products sold as used, as rs. reoondltioned or relurbished; soltware stored
on Internal or removable memory; non-recharoeahle oatte es, surface preparation cleaners, adhesive
pads, iastenars, and eaHouds, osts incurred tor installation, removal or reinstaliatron of the product;
correction oi installation ymblems. such as elimination of externally generated static or noise and
antenna placement and aiming; detects or damaoe caused by alteration, improper installation or removal.
use oi third party accessories. mishandlino. misuse, neglect, accident, power suroes or acts of nature.
now to Oataln warranty Service
To obtain warranty service, please oall Siriust Listener Cafe at l-BSWAS-TSSL You will be required
to provide proct O1 purchase and a descrrption of the defect. You must prepay the cost ot shippino the
product to an approved service center.
LIMITATIONS OR EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLV TO VOU. This warranty gives you soeeiilc legal rights
and you mly also have other rights, which vary irom state to state.
Sirius XM Radio Inc.
1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
LBDU 957 41
, "w Hum my mm mm

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