Sirius XM Radio SX1E Sirius XM RX and FM TX User Manual XMH User Guide with Kit Part 2

Sirius XM Radio Inc. Sirius XM RX and FM TX XMH User Guide with Kit Part 2

XMH User Guide with Kit Part 2

Download: Sirius XM Radio SX1E Sirius XM RX and FM TX User Manual XMH User Guide with Kit Part 2
Mirror Download []Sirius XM Radio SX1E Sirius XM RX and FM TX User Manual XMH User Guide with Kit Part 2
Document ID1515475
Application IDenRcjLUoSGAvTNAkaK8CJw==
Document DescriptionXMH User Guide with Kit Part 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize324.58kB (4057219 bits)
Date Submitted2011-08-02 00:00:00
Date Available2011-09-16 00:00:00
Creation Date0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document Lastmod0000-00-00 00:00:00
Document TitleXMH User Guide with Kit Part 2
Document CreatorHewlett Packard MFP

Vehicle Installation
to 99.5. Turn the Rotary Knob to tune in steps Dl1,i.e., 99.3 to 100.3.
Press the Select button to select the FM channel.
Vi. Star! Usan is highllqhtedt Press the Select button.
Vil. The FM channel you selected will be Confirmed on the display screen.
XMH will tune to the FM channel.
9 You Should hear XM channel 1 through your vehicle's FM radio If you are
satislied with the sound quality, the installatron is complete. You are now
ready to actlvate your XMH.
10 If the selected FM channel doesn't work well lor you, work down the list of
FM Channels until you find one with which you are satisfied, Each tlme. you
will need to tune your vehicle's FM radio to the FM channel and then set
your XMH to transmit on the same FM channel (Steps 7 G 8).
If the Signal reception is good, showing at least one bar in the lower left corner
of the display, but there is no XM audio, Verify that both XMH and your vehicle's
FM radio are tuned to the same FM Channel (steps 7 St E). Also ensure the chosen
FM channel is a suitable one to use in your area (step 5). Verify that nothing is
plugged into the AUDIO connector on the PowerConnect Vehicle Dookt Refer to
"Troubleshooting" on page 92 for additional help.
Option 4: FM Direct Adapter (FMDA) Installation
The FMDA needs to be installed by a professional installen Professional
installation can help improve your Radio's reception and significantly reduce the
Visiblllty ol wires. To learn more, check with the retailer where you bought your
Radio. or go to|es.
You can either ioliow the general activation and subscription process or use the
on-board activation guide to activate your XMH and subscribe to the XM service.
General activation and subscription process:
1 Make sure your XMH is turned on,
tuneo to XM Preview channel 1, and
receiving the XM signal so that you can ("mm
hear the XM audio. ‘
Z Mk t fthRd'ID.Y
fi:dil:anoeo e a lo oucan 800—643>2‘|12
- by selecting Radio ID in menu items WWW“ W“
- on channel 0 (zem)
' on a label on the bottom of the gift
' on the label on the back of your XMH
3 To subscribe: Radio in
- Online: Go to www.s|r|
ac r atenow to access or setup an
online account, subscribe to the . - . »
service. and activate your Radio. A234B456
. By phone: Call l-eoo-xwl-RAnio ll»
4 Activation usually takes less 10 to is
minutes after you have completed the subscription process, nut sometimes
may take up to an hour. We recommend that your Radio remain on until
activated. once subscribed. the Radio will receive and you can tune to
channels in your subscription plan.
Turn the Rotary Knob to tune to other channels. and press ( or > to browse
the different categories oi channels. Learn what all the outtons do oy turning to
”Nav|qaticn Basics” on page 53.
Activation guide:
For your convenience, XMH has an on-ooard activation quiole. Vou can activate
your radio and subscribe to the XM service by using this guide. where you wIH
be guided step-ov-step through the subscription process. To access and use the
guide, simply follow these steps:
1 Press menu.
M i
2 Activate Radio will oe highlighted. er“
Press the Select button. Activate Radio
3 Follow the directions on each
successive screen until you complete Radio ”3
the suoscri tion recess.
a 9 Channel Tuning
FM Settings
Cmmsa <2: x2:
The Main Dlsplay
When Iistenlnq to a channel, information about the channel and what Is Currenllv
playing is displayed.
Antenna Signal
Channel Number — 28 ' 4 Channel Name
Amst Name
orTaIkShow Hast— Tom Petty
nr 5 arts Teams/Score
p 1 Should Have Known n
Song/Program Title
or Talk Show Schedule
or Game Time/Game Details
Navigatlon Basics
Power Button 0
Pressing the Power button turns xMH On or on.
Rotary Knob and Select Button
- Rotary Knob: Rotating clnckwise or counter-clockwise continuously
scrolls through lists and highlights an item in the list,
- Select button (press and release): Pressing in the center selects a
highlighted item in a menu or list.
category Buttons M
Displays the channel categories such as Rock, Pop. Sports. Talk/News, etct
Repeated presses cycle through the categories one at a time.
Menu Button "‘
Pressing menu displays various options to make setup and Ieature changes. Pressing
menu when In menu options returns to the previous menu option screen until menu
options is exited, Pressing and holding menu returns to the main display screen in
most instances.
FM Button
Pressing FM provides easy tuning of FM presets for optimlzed
PowerCDnnect performance. Repeatedly pressing FM displays and cycles through
the list of preset FM channels one at a time. The Radio automatically tunes to the
displayed FM channel. Pressing and holding FM accesses the FM Settings menu.
It is not available when an Aux |n Cable Or Cassette Adapter is used for audio
Jump Button F'
Depending on how it is configured. pressing jump either tunes to the
channel broadcasting traffic and weather conditions of a city of your Choice,
selected from a list of the 22 most congested cities, or tunes to the previous
channel that was being played. Pressing it again returns it to the original channel.
Pause and Replay Buttons EH:
Replays approximately 30 minutes of live radio.»- plays/pauses,« rewinus, and »
fast-forwards through temporarily stored content,
3 Button (9
Pressing tt prompts for the entrv at a channel number using the number buttons.
Once the channel number is entered. the Radio directly tunes to the new channel.
Number Buttons ©0t®
Each number button stores a favorite channel in its button location and provides
one touch access to it afterwardl Number buttons also directly tune to a channel
when the channel number is entered after pressing 31.
Llstenlnq to Satellite Radio
Tune M a channel:
Turn the Rotary Knob to wmmediatelv tune to the next or previous channel,
View a catevory:
Channels are orqanized inn: categories to make it easier for you to Iind the ones
that Suit your taste.
< Racy
To view a category press < or >,
1 Scroll tnrnuqh the category by turning 72 my» Ff?” Jam R‘a'
the Rotary Knob, and find the channel '
1m r
you want, G Bleful Deaf
2 Press the select button to select “4 L" ‘3
the channel.orpress( or )forthe __ Margamavfllv
previaus ur next category
TIP! To briefly lusten In each channel in the category, scruu to am hrqnliqht Scan
at the end of the zalegory list and press the Serect button. Refer to “Scanning
Channels In a Cateqary“ on page 58 to learn more about Scan,
Direct Tune
A channel can be tuned directlv hv entering
the channel number using the number buttons.
D reci Tune
1 To directly tune to a channel press it
2 Use the number buttons 0-9 to enter
the channel number and wa|t a moment
until the channel is tuned. or press the
Select button to immediately tune to
the Channelu
Depending upon how yau configure the mode. Dressing jump will either tune (a
the traffic and weather channel hr the city of your Choice which you select from
a list of the 22 most congested Cities, or tune to the last channei tn which you
were listening.
up! By detauit jump is Lun'lquved tu tune to a traffic/weather channel. To select
a city for traffic and weatner. or to cenliqurelumpw tune ta me last (hannel to
which you were Ilstemm). reler to ”Jump Settings" en page 79.
Return to Maln Dlsplay Screen
Pressing and noldinq menu in most instances will return you to the main dispiav
screen. In some cases, you may need to follow the instructions on the dlsplay
Favorlte Channels
You can set up tom of your favorite channels so you can easiW access (heme
Each Iavorite channel can be assigned to a number button.
Tn asslqn a favorite channel to a number button:
1 Tune lo the desired channel.
2 Press and held a number button between Fa voriie Saved
0-9 that vou want to assign to that
iavurite channei. An advisory with the v i
channel number and name wiii be r .
displayed on the screen confirming that
the channel has been assigneda
To listen 90 a favorite channel:
1 Press the number button between 09 that was assigned to the desired
favorite channel. XMH will tune to that channel.
TIP] when you are at the main dismay screen, Mess ( Io see vuur iist oi favartte
channeis. saroii to htthith a favorite and press the seiect button to iisten to
that channel,
Scanning Channels In a Category
You can scan a cateuorv and listen to each channel for "J seconds before XMH
automatltally tunes to the next Channel. lf you want to stay tuned to the channel
being played and stop the scan, just press the Select button
To scan a tummy:
1 Press ( or > until the desired category is displayed.
2 Scrall down to highlight the last item in the category which will be Scan
and the catequry name.
3 Press the Select button, The scan will begin.
4 Press the Select lumen to stop the scan, and to continue to listen to the
channel currently being played, or press 7 or A (a return 10 me channel
vou were llstsnlng m belore you beqan the scan.
The Blend
r Scan Pop
FM Presets
FM presets make it easy to quickly access stored FM channels and chuDse a new FM
channel from them.
Use FM presets when you use PawerConnect or the FMDA to listen to your XMH
through your vehicle’s FM radio. (He'er (0 "Option 3: PawerConnect Installation
Instructions" on page 43 for more informatlon.)
To use a dlfferenf FM preset:
1 Press FM to display the current FM
2 To display and select the next FM
preset. press FM. The Radio will tune
to the displayed FM channel. If the
preset is the one you want, press menu
or wait for the screen to timE‘ouL
3 Repeatedly pressing FM will cycle
through the FM presets.
4 Set your vehicle's FM radmto the
same FM channel. 103.7 FM
. IMPORTANT! you neen la ensure that v l r r
your vehicle's FM ram ls tuned to the v
same m channel
TIP] To configure the Ilsl cl preset m
channels, you need to find available FM
channels ln your area. Refer lo"Find
Available FM Channels in Your Area" on
page 73. Next, refer in "Set and Salad an FM Channel" on page 76.
mumfim: 1255.3
Special Features
Pause St Replay
Pause & Replay gives you the opportunity to "hear that again” by temporarily
storing and letting you access content which playeo in approximately the last 30
minutes. Pressing HI or « places xwlllinto Replay mode.
- TiPl Thls leoture applies to the current channel to which you are listening and
for the current listening session only. Changing channels or turning a" XMH
remnves me lempnrirlly slored content (mm the Radio.
Tn Play/Pause:
1 Press and release >l to pause the live broadcast. At this point the Radio
will mute and continue to store live audio.
Tom Petty
I Shculd Have Known ll
stored content Behind — 10 u‘ g) : I A Tlme Behind Live
Play/Pause Point aroaocast
z Pressing and releasing u again will begin playing storeo audio from the
pnlnt at whlch the program was paused,
nPl Pressing and holdlng HI will Show the Replay List. A listlng of artlst names
are shown lor the stereo audio lroin most recent to oldest, beginning with entry
called "le2“, Turn the Henry Knob lo scroll to highlight a song or program and
press the Select button to play it. Choosing "le5" exits Pause s. Replay mode
and resumes playing the live broadcast,
Ta ”sun to the previous track:
1 Press and release 44 ta rewind to the beginning or the current song or
2 Repeated press and releases skips backwards to the start of the previous
songs or programs until the beginning oi the stored audio is reached.
When the beginning is reached, playoacit automatically begins.
a T!!! Pressing and holding «rewinds through storeo audio in K) second
intervals. which increases to lS and then 30 second Intervals the longer the
button is pressed Playback begins whenthe button is released. ll pegmning oi
the stored audio is reached. playback automatically oegins.
To listen to the next track:
1 Press and release P) to skip forward to the start or the next song or
2 Repeated press and releases skips forward to the beqlnninq oi the next
songs or programs until the end of stored audio Is reached. When the am:
is reached, XMH exits Pause s. Replay mode and resumes playing the live
- rivi Pressing and holding >> advances through the stored audio in lo second
intervals. which Increases to 15 and the" 30 second intervals the longer the
button Is pressed. Playback begins when button is releasad. if end 09 stored
audio is reached. XMH Exits Pause s Replay mode and resumes playing the live
Special Features
Parental Controls
XMH has a parental control feature which allows you to lack access to channels.
or lock access to an entire category. A 4-digit code controls access to the locked
channel or locked category.
when you browse a category. the number or the
locked channel Wlll be shown but not the artist
and song/program information. lnstead. a lock “W”
icon fland the word "Locked" is shown. If you mu Pearl Jam Ra'
scroll through the channels using the Rotary . ,—,., rm P»
Knob, the locked channels are shipped and are 6 ‘ ‘ 1 D
neither displa emnortuned. ' re 5 u 93‘
Y W w .
lr ynu attempt to tune to a lucked channel. r. Locked
either by using direct tune or through the
category list. you'll be promoted to enter your
4-digit code. When the correct code is entered.
you'll be aole to tune to and listen to the channel. All lacked channels become
unlocked and remain unlocked until you turn XMH on. and back On. ln the category
list, the previously locked channels will show an unlocked icon ”in.
Tn turn Parental Cantrols On (Air 0”):
1 Press menu.
2 Press 7 to scroll to and highlight Parental Controls, Press the Select
‘ chij lsthe tjrst gime you want to turn on Parental Controls. Parental
Controls wl be highlightedt Press the Select button. You wlll be
prompted to select a 4cdlqlt code:
i. For each must, press one oi the we
keys and then press ) to advance
to the next digits (Press ( it you
need to go back no edit a previous
Euler Parental (out:
ll. When You have selected all 4 d|qit5 0
ol Vnur code press the Select
lil. The Code Cnnfirmation Screen will Press Select lo iznriltrm
be displayed. For your records,
write down the code you have
seieoteo. Press the Select button.
Continue witn step 3.
' If wehad wiousL serum a Code coninmanon
4-diqit code you will be prompted to
enter your cod :
i. For each digit, press one of the 0-9 0000
keys and then press > to advance . ,_ .
to the next digit, (Press < if you
need to go back ano edit a previous
file“) Press Selecl tn coniinue
ii. When you nave selected on 4
digits oi the code press tne Select
3 At the “Parental Controls" Screen. Parental Controls will be highlighted.
Press the Select button to turn parental control On (or press the Select
button to turn parental Control Oll).
4 Press and hold menu to return to the main msplay Screen,
Special Features
To luck (or unlack) channels or categories:
Press menur
Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and highlight Parental Controls, Press
the select buttons
You WIII be prompted to enter the 4-digit code. For each digit. press one
of the 0-9 keys and then Dress > to advance to the next digit. (Press < if
you need to go back and edit a previous digit.)
When you have entered all 4 digits or the code press the Select button.
ll Parental Controls is shown as 0", press the Select button to turn it On,
otherwise continue with the next step.
At the "Parental Controls” screen, turn the Rotary Knob to scrall to and
highlight Locked Channels. Press the Select button
A list of all the categories and the channels in each category will be
disvlayed, Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and highlight a channel or
category you want to lock Press the Select button. A lack icon a will be
displayed to the lelt of the channel cr category you lockedr (To unlock a
locked channel or category, Simply highlight the locked channel or
Locked Channels Locked Categories
Lam! Err-firmer,
a Rock
n Elvls Radio
n E Slreel Radio
Lat—rem Channels
Elws Radlo
H E Slreel Radlo
Underground Gara u U derground Gare
category and press the Seiect button. The lock icon wllI disappear
indicating the channel or category is unlocKed.)
You can continue to lock and unlock as many channels or categories as
you wish. When you are finished, press and hold menu to return to the
main display screen.
To change your code.-
Press menu.
Turn the Rotary Knob to Scrcll to and highlight Parental Controls. Press
the Select button.
You will be prompted to enter your existing 4-dlqit code. For each digit,
press one of the 0-9 keys and then press > to advance to the next digit.
(Press ( if you need to go pack and edit a previous digit.)
When you have entered all 4 dlqits of the code press the Select button.
If Parental Controls are shown as 0". press the Select button to turn it
On, Otherwise continue with the next Step.
At the "Parental Controls" screen, turn the Rotary Knob to soroii to and
highiiqht Change My Code. Press the
select button.
You will be prompted to enter a new
a-diqit code. For each digit, press one
of the 0-9 keys and then press ) to
advance to the next mqit. (Press ( it
you need to go back and edit a previous
digit.) ‘ ‘
The Code Confirmation screen will be stop“ to Comm“
Code Coitlirriialinri
Special Features
displayedt For your records, write down the code you have selected, Press
the select button.
9 Press and hold menu to return to the main display screen.
To listen ta a locked channel:
There are two ways to tune to a channel which has been hacked, The first is
to uirectly tune to the locked channel, am: the second is to select the locked
channel from a category IisL
1 Directly tune ta or select the locked channel:
Mirectly lune tog locked channel:
Press as and enter the channel number using the 0-9 keys.
Lo seleLtL/ocked Cllannel from the category list:
i. Press < or ) to view the category list of the locked channel to which
you wish to tune
ii, Turn the Rotary Knob to scroll to and highlight the locked channel.
Press the Select buttont
z Veu will be prumpted to enter your existing 4-fliqit code. For each uiqit,
press one of the 0-9 keys anu men press ) to advance to the next diqlt.
(Press ( il you need to go back and edit a previous digit)
3 When you have entered all 4 digits oi the code. press the select button. ll
vour cafle is correct the channel will be tuned. All locked channels become
unlocked and remaln unlocked until you turn XMH 0“ and back OrL in the
Category llst, the previously locked Channels will Show an unlocked Icon 1].
2:2.» m_mm 0m: 
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