Smartware UN3D Smartcard reader User Manual USN 3D DSHEET

Smartware Smartcard reader USN 3D DSHEET


user manual

USN-3D - Data Sheet         © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 1       USN-3D Product    From 3 to 6 USnano in a rackable format        Data Sheet V1R01d  Date: 14 November 2011      Versions:   USN3  MX3-3I3P  MX6-6I  MX6-6I3P
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    2  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware    DOCUMENT HISTORY  Edition  Date  Author  Description of changes V1R01a  Sep 2011  FA  Original Version V1R01b  Nov 2011  FA  Remove USN1 from FCC / IC compliance V1R01c  Nov 2011  FA  Remove all references to USN1  V1R01d  Nov 2011  FA  Remove FCC / IC to MX6-6I                    COPYRIGHT  All rights of translation adaptation and reproduction by any mean reserved for all the countries. Any reproduction or any complete or partial representation of the pages published in this work, made without the written permission of SMARTWARE is illicit and constitutes an imitation, whatever mean is used. Only reproductions strictly reserved for the private use of the purchaser and not intended to be used collectively are authorized. So are the short quotations justified by the scientific or informative nature of the work which they are extracted from.(art L.122-4 L. 122-5 and L. 335-2 of the French Code ruling on intellectual property).  © Smartware, Les ULIS, France, 1999-2011 WARNING Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of SMARTWARE.
 USN-3D - Data Sheet        © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 3  Contents: 1Description .................................................................................................................. 62USN-3D - FUNCTIONNALITIES .................................................................................. 72.1Differences between versions ................................................................................... 82.1.1Backplane connector .................................................................................................... 82.1.2Ethernet ........................................................................................................................ 82.1.3Bridge connector (MX6 only) ........................................................................................ 82.1.4Versions in Photos ....................................................................................................... 82.2Connectivity ................................................................................................................ 92.3ESD Protections ......................................................................................................... 92.4Hardware settings ...................................................................................................... 92.4.1Safe Mode .................................................................................................................... 92.4.2Node Definition ............................................................................................................. 92.4.3Default Configuration ..................................................................................................  10MX6 Version ............................................................................... 10MX3 Version ............................................................................... 10USN3 Version .............................................................................. 113USN-3D – INPUTS/OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION ......................................................... 123.1Notation ..................................................................................................................... 123.2Backplane Connector (J30) ..................................................................................... 123.2.1USN3 Version ............................................................................................................. 133.2.2MX3 / MX6 Version .................................................................................................... 153.3Contact Interface Connector ................................................................................... 173.4ContactLess Connector ........................................................................................... 183.5SW1 MicroSwitch ..................................................................................................... 183.6SW70 / SW71 / SW72 MicroSwitches ...................................................................... 184USN-3D - CABLE RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................ 194.1Contact Interface Cable ........................................................................................... 194.1.1Cable model ............................................................................................................... 194.1.2Output connector ........................................................................................................ 194.2Contactless Interface Cable .................................................................................... 204.3Contactless Antenna ................................................................................................  205USN-3D – CHARACTERISTICS ................................................................................ 215.1Electrical Characteristics ........................................................................................ 215.2Mechanical Characteristics ..................................................................................... 225.2.1MX6 Version ............................................................................................................... 225.2.2MX3 / USN3 Version .................................................................................................. 23
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    4  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   5.3Front Panel ................................................................................................................ 245.3.1MX6 Version ............................................................................................................... 245.3.2MX3 Version ............................................................................................................... 245.3.3USN3 Version ............................................................................................................. 256USN-3D – REGULATORY ......................................................................................... 267USN-3D – ORDERING INFORMATION .................................................................... 27
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 5   List of Figures:  Figure 1: USN3 / MX3 / MX6 ............................................................................. 8Figure 2: MX6 Node Identifier Default Configuration ....................................... 10Figure 3: MX3 Node Identifier Default Configuration ....................................... 10Figure 4: USN3 Node Identifier Default Configuration ..................................... 11Figure 5: Cable recommendation .................................................................... 19Figure 6: RJ45 Cable Connector ...................................................................... 19Figure 7: MX6 Mechanical Schematic .............................................................. 22Figure 8: MX3/USN3 Mechanical Schematic .................................................... 23Figure 9: MX6 Front Panel Mechanical Schematic ............................................ 24Figure 10: MX3 Front Panel Mechanical Schematic ..........................................  24Figure 11: USN3 4f Front Panel Mechanical Schematic .................................... 25   List of Tables:  Table 1 : MX6 Node Identifier Definition ......................................................... 10Table 2 : MX3 Node Identifier Definition ......................................................... 10Table 3 : USN3 Node Identifier Definition ....................................................... 11Table 4 : J30 Reference .................................................................................. 12Table 5 : USN3 - J30 Connector Pinout ............................................................ 14Table 6 : MX3/MX6 J30 Connector Pinout ....................................................... 16Table 7 : Contact Connector Pinout ................................................................. 17Table 8 : Contactless Connector Pinout ........................................................... 18Table 9 : SW1 Definition ................................................................................. 18Table 10 : SW70/71/72 Definition .................................................................. 18Table 11 : Contact Cable Definition ................................................................. 20Table 12 : General Characteristics .................................................................. 21Table 13 : Ordering Information ..................................................................... 27   References:   US-Nano - Datasheet v1r03c  T70x45x2 – Datasheet v1r01b  Application Note TP_200911_020
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    6  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware    USN3         MX3          MX6 ULTRASMART™ USN-3D 1 DESCRIPTION The USN-3D product is declined in several versions: USN3, MX3-3I3P, MX6-6I and MX6-6I3P. The standard Europe form factor (220 x 100 mm) makes it easy to integrate on standard format racks.  Features  - Fully Integrated Gigabit Switch :  o  10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps Ethernet on backplane  - Configurable Hardware: o  Multiple Hardware versions:   3 to 6 USnano    up to 6 contact & 3 contactless interfaces o  Configurable node (IP address) o  Safe mode functionality o  Serial port for debug or communication (USN3 only)  - Integrated Protocols:  o  ISO 7816-3/4 (T=0 / T=1) o  ISO 14443 A / B up to 424 Kbps, FeliCaTM 212 / 424, MifareTM, Mifare+, PayPass A / B o  USB Host Low / Full / High speed (up to 480 Mbps) o  Single Wire Protocol (SWP) up to 1.6 Mbps    Applications - Production environment         ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE SENSITIVITY  The USN-3D can be damaged by ESD.  SMARTWARE recommends that USN-3D has to behandled with appropriate bracelet linked to earth.Failure to observe proper handling and installationprocedures can cause damages.  SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS  - Handling and connections should be done without power supply. - The product includes a hot Surface.    - A fire enclosure must be provided in the end product.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS  Power Supply……………………………………………+14 Volts
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 7  2 USN-3D - FUNCTIONNALITIES The USN-3D product is a solution for:  - USnano Integration in a 220 x 100 format:  o Contact interface:  ISO7816  SWP  USB  Open Short Test (Clamp Diode functional Test).  Continuity Test (Check the entire connection with smartcard: pins, cable, connectors…)  o Contactless interface:   ISO 14443 Type A / B up to 424 Kbps   PayPass A / B  FeliCaTM 212 / 424  MifareTM  Mifare +   Please refer to US-NANO Datasheet v1r03c for more detailed information about smartcard contact and contactless interfaces.  Some functionalities are under licenses. Please refer to specific documentation for more information.
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    8  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   2.1 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN VERSIONS The definitions of the versions are USNx & MXx-yIzP: - Where x means the number of USnano board in the assembly. - Where y means the number of contact interfaces (max: 6). - Where z means the number of contactless interfaces (max: 3).  Note: The MX versions are dedicated to specific customers. 2.1.1 Backplane connector The main difference between USNx & MXx is the backplane connector pin out.  2.1.2 Ethernet The USN3, MX3 includes a Gbps Ethernet switch. The MX6 includes two Gbps Ethernet switches (1 on master board / 1 on slave board). - The two switches are connected using Ethernet Gbps connection 2.1.3  Bridge connector (MX6 only) The MX6 uses a bridge connector to provide power supply, Ethernet connection, and configuration signals from master board (with backplane connector) to slave board (without backplane connector). 2.1.4  Versions in Photos Below are shown the different versions (represented without shielding for understanding).                   Figure 1: USN3 / MX3 / MX6        USN3                                 MX3                  MX6
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 9  2.2 CONNECTIVITY The USN-3D product can be managed by: o Ethernet 10 / 100 / 1000 Mbps (UDP / TCP Protocols). o RS232 serial port (only available for USnano A of USN3 version)  2.3 ESD PROTECTIONS The USN-3D provides ESD protections on contacts C1 to C8.  A dedicated earth path evacuates the ESD through sidebands & front panel.  The sidebands are 2 metal strip lines of 2 mm large on the USN-3D which slide into the guides.  The guides might have some earth connection to connect the USN-3D earth to the machine / rack’s earth.  Please refer to ESD application note TP_200911_020 for more information about ESD protection on test Head.  2.4 HARDWARE SETTINGS 2.4.1 Safe Mode The safe Mode is common to all USnano using micro switch SW1 (require a restart). In safe Mode, each USnano will also take its hardware specified node. 2.4.2 Node Definition The “Node Base” is the node defined by the DIN connector (bit 0 to 7). The bit 6 and 7 can also be set using SW1 switch.  The “SubNode” is defined by SW70 / SW71 / SW72 (bit 0 to 2).  => Computed Node = NodeBase + SubNode  Important: The assembly’s node base should be set using an 8 bits micro switch present on the backplane.
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    10  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   2.4.3 Default Configuration MX6 Version  Nano #  Boards  Node value  Example with  NodeBase = 1  Example with NodeBase = 7 A  Master (with backplane connector)  Node Base + 0  1  7 B  Master   Node Base + 2  3  9 C  Master   Node Base + 4  5  11 A  Slave (without backplane connector)  Node Base + 1  2  8 B  Slave  Node Base + 3  4  10 C  Slave  Node Base + 5  6  12 Table 1 : MX6 Node Identifier Definition  NodeBase = 1:      Figure 2: MX6 Node Identifier Default Configuration MX3 Version  USnano #  Node value  Example with NodeBase = 1  Example with NodeBase = 7 A  Node Base + 0  1  7 B  Node Base + 2  3  9 C  Node Base + 4  5  11 Table 2 : MX3 Node Identifier Definition  NodeBase = 1:     Figure 3: MX3 Node Identifier Default Configuration  2  4 6 1  3 5 1  3 5
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 11 USN3 Version USnano #  Node value  Example with NodeBase = 1  Example with NodeBase = 7 A  Node Base + 0  1  7 B  Node Base + 1  2  8 C  Node Base + 2  3  9  Table 3 : USN3 Node Identifier Definition  NodeBase = 1:     Figure 4: USN3 Node Identifier Default Configuration    1  2 3
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    12  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   3 USN-3D – INPUTS/OUTPUTS DESCRIPTION 3.1 NOTATION The notation for pin type is as following: I Input (default)  O Output  L Active low  H  Active high (default)  T Tri-state  C Open Collector  G Ground  P Power supply  N  Not connected  U  A pull up is connected  D  A pull down is connected  x  Undefined  The types can be mixed. Example: IL = Active Low Input  3.2 BACKPLANE CONNECTOR (J30) GigaBit Ethernet using transformer connection will be connected as below.   Description   This connector is only mounted on master board Number of PINs  3 * 16 (2 mm X 2 mm X 2 mm) Location  Top side Reference  FCI 86093487313755ELF (DIN41612 C/2 male 48) Table 4 : J30 Reference  Note for NodeBase: INi lines give the negation of the Network Node ID of the board during Boot phase.  The value 0xFF represents the default node (Node Id = 0x01, or is defined by software).  Another value has priority over the software definitions (ex: value 0xFC represents Node 3). When at least one of the micro-switches is ON, the node-ID defined by micro-switch has priority on the software definitions.
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 13  3.2.1 USN3 Version PIN Name Type Voltage Domain DESCRIPTION A1  GND  G  0V  Common Ground  B1  L1Tx  O  +- 5V  Line1 RS232 Transmit (USnano A only) C1  L1Rx  I  +- 5V  Line1 RS232 Receive (USnano A only) A2  RFU      B2  RFU       C2  RFU       A3  RFU       B3  RFU       C3  RFU       A4  GND  G  0V  Common Ground B4  IN0  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 0 C4  IN1  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 1 A5  IN2  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 2 B5  IN3  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 3 C5  IN4  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 4 A6  IN5  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 5 B6  IN6  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 6 C6  IN7  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 7 A7  RFU       B7  RFU       C7  Safe_Mode  ILU  0 / 3V3  Safe Mode A8  RFU       B8  RFU       C8  RFU       A9  RFU       B9  +3V3  PO  +3V3  Internal Logic Power Supply (since v1r02) C9  LILED  OL  0 / 3V3  Ethernet Led Link (since v1r02) A10  RFU       B10  RFU       C10  RFU       A11 ETH_BP_3P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 3+ B11 ETH_BP_3M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 3- C11  RFU       A12  ETH_BP_1P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 1+ (RX+) B12 ETH_BP_2P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 2+ C12  ETH_BP_0P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 0+ (TX+) A13  ETH_BP_1M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 1- (RX-)
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    14  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   B13 ETH_BP_2M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 2- C13  ETH_BP_0M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 0- (TX-) A14  RFU       B14  RFU       C14  RFU       A15  Vaa  P  +12V  Main power supply B15  GND  G  0V  Common Ground C15  GND  G  0V  Common Ground A16  Vaa  P  +12V  Main power supply B16  GND  G  0V  Common Ground C16  GND  G  0V  Common Ground  Table 5 : USN3 - J30 Connector Pinout
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 15  3.2.2  MX3 / MX6 Version  PIN Name Type Voltage Domain DESCRIPTION A1  GND  G  0V  Common Ground  B1  GND  G  0V  Common Ground  C1  GND  G  0V  Common Ground  A2  RFU      B2  RFU       C2  RFU       A3  Vaa  P  +12V  Main power supply B3  Vaa  P  +12V  Main power supply C3  Vaa  P  +12V  Main power supply A4  IN2  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 2 B4  IN3  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 3 C4  RFU       A5  IN0  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 0 B5  IN1  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 1 C5  RFU       A6  ETH_BP_1P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 1+ (RX+) B6  ETH_BP_1M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 1- (RX-) C6  RFU       A7  ETH_BP_0P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 0+ (TX+) B7  ETH_BP_0M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 0- (TX-) C7  RFU       A8  IN4  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 4 B8  IN5  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 5 C8  RFU       A9  RFU       B9  RFU       C9  RFU       A10  RFU       B10  RFU       C10  RFU       A11  RFU       B11  RFU       C11  RFU       A12  IN6  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 6 B12  IN7  ILU  0 / 3V3  NodeBase 7 C12  RFU
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    16  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   A13  RFU       B13 ETH_BP_2P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 2+ C13  RFU       A14  RFU       B14 ETH_BP_2M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 2- C14  RFU       A15  RFU       B15 ETH_BP_3P  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 3+ C15  RFU       A16  RFU       B16 ETH_BP_3M  IO  -  Ethernet Pair 3- C16  RFU        Table 6 : MX3/MX6 J30 Connector Pinout
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 17  3.3 CONTACT INTERFACE CONNECTOR A standard RJ45 is used for contact interface. The connector is shielded to PCB main Ground. The yellow led indicate the CPU activity. The green led indicate the contact interface power status.  PIN Name Type  DESCRIPTION 1  CC3  IO  Card Contact 3 (CLK) 2  CC5  IO  Card Contact 5 (GND) 3  CC4  IO  Card Contact 4 (SPU & USB) 4  CC8  IO  Card Contact 8 (SPU & USB) 5  CC1  IO  Card Contact 1 (Vcc) 6  CC6  IO  Card Contact 6 (SPU & SWP) 7  CC2  IO  Card Contact 2 (RST) 8  CC7  IO  Card Contact 7 (DATA) Led1  MCU Led  O  CPU activity Led2  Contact Led  O  Contact interface status Shielding Sh1,Sh2  SHIELD  PCB main Ground  Table 7 : Contact Connector Pinout
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    18  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   3.4 CONTACTLESS CONNECTOR The SMB is used for contactless interface. A green side led is present in front of the SMB to indicate the RF status.  PIN Name Type  DESCRIPTION 1  RF_ANT  O  13.56 MHz RF Signal 2,3,4,5 Gnd  G  GND  Table 8 : Contactless Connector Pinout  3.5 SW1 MICROSWITCH Sw DESCRIPTION 1  NodeBase / bit 6 2  NodeBase / bit 7 3  RFU 4  Safe Mode ON:    Boot in safe Mode  OFF:   Normal Operation  Table 9 : SW1 Definition  This switch is common to all USnano of the assembly.  For MX6 Only:  As this switch is available on master and slave boards, the ON status is the prioritary state.  Then, a “OR” is done between the 2 switches (on the master and on the slave board).  For example, if “Master.SW1.SafeMode” is ON, the 6 USnano of an MX6 assembly will start in safe mode whatever the state of “Slave.SW1.SafeMode”  3.6 SW70 / SW71 / SW72 MICROSWITCHES Those switches define the SubNode for respectively USnano A, B, & C.   Sw DESCRIPTION 1  SubNode / bit 0 2  SubNode / bit 1 3  SubNode / bit 2 4 RFU   Table 10 : SW70/71/72 Definition
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 19  4 USN-3D - CABLE RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 CONTACT INTERFACE CABLE 4.1.1 Cable model CAT.5e UTP 24AWG(7/0.195)*4 PAIR INS: HD-PE ID:0.97±0.08mm Outer PVC Jacket, OD:5.5±0.2mm   Figure 5: Cable recommendation 4.1.2 Output connector Connector: RJ45 8P8C Plug Male, PinGold Plated 50µ     Figure 6: RJ45 Cable Connector
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    20  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware     RJ45 Connector Pinout  Chip Signal PAIR 1  1 (WHITE GREEN)  C3 2 (GREEN)  C5 PAIR 2  3 (WHITE ORANGE)  C4 4 (ORANGE)  C8 PAIR 3  5 (WHITE BLUE)  C1 6 (BLUE)  C6 PAIR 4  7 (WHITE BROWN)  C2 8 (BROWN)  C7  Table 11 : Contact Cable Definition  The other side of the cable should be defined depending of your configuration. Please check that the cable is suitable for your specific connector. 4.2 CONTACTLESS INTERFACE CABLE The defined cable is SMB on USN-3D side. The other side of the cable should be defined depending of your configuration.  A 50 ohms coaxial cable should be used. 4.3 CONTACTLESS ANTENNA The USN-3D product should be used with T70x45x2 v1r01 antenna.  Please refer to T70x45x2 Datasheet v1r01b for more information about the antenna.
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 21  5 USN-3D – CHARACTERISTICS 5.1 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITSMAIN POWER SUPPLY (must be SELV, no energy Hazard) Voltage 10 ,2 12 13 ,8 VCurrent Config MX6: V = 12 V / (Typ:  Idle state)  - 1800 3000 mACurre nt Config MX3 : V = 12 V / (Typ:  Idle  state )  - 820 1420 mACurre nt Config US N3 : V = 12 V / (Typ:  Idle sta te)  - 820 1420 mADIMENS IONSLe n g th 221,3 221,5 221,7 mmWid th 99,8 100 100,2 mmThic kne s s PCB Thickness - 1,6 - mmWEIGHT Config MX6 - 624 - gConfigMX3 - 384 - gConfig US N3 - 370 - gAMBIANT TEMPERATURE RANGE 0-40°CES D HARDWARE IMMUNITY Discharges on Smartcard Contact - ± 4 - kVExte rna l ES D S uppress orUSN- 3D General Paramete rs  Table 12 : General Characteristics   Note: All Tests were performed in a laboratory environment with 40 cm cable (except if specified), within an ambient temperature of +25°C.  Precautions should be taken in the end Product to obtain a good thermal dissipation.
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    22  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   5.2 MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS 5.2.1 MX6 Version  Figure 7: MX6 Mechanical Schematic
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 23  5.2.2  MX3 / USN3 Version  Figure 8: MX3/USN3 Mechanical Schematic
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    24  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   5.3 FRONT PANEL 5.3.1 MX6 Version  Figure 9: MX6 Front Panel Mechanical Schematic  5.3.2 MX3 Version   Figure 10: MX3 Front Panel Mechanical Schematic
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 25  5.3.3 USN3 Version  Figure 11: USN3 4f Front Panel Mechanical Schematic
   USN-3D - Data Sheet    26  CONFIDENTIAL © 2011, Smartware   6 USN-3D – REGULATORY The Models USN3, MX3-3I3P, and MX6-6I3P are CE, FCC /IC modular approval, and RoHS compliant. The Model MX6-6I is CE and RoHS compliant as no emitter is available in this model.   Les modèles USN3, MX3-3I3P, et MX6-6I3P sont certifiés CE, FCC / IC approbation modulaire, et RoHS. Le modèle MX6-6I, est certifié CE et RoHS, car il n’y a pas d’émetteur sur ce modèle.            Warning 1: The USN-3D product is considered as a component that will be operated in combination with the final equipment. Then, the final equipment (including power supply system) still needs to re-confirm that the whole system complies with the local EMC directives.  Le produit USN-3D est considéré comme un composant qui sera intégré dans un équipement hôte. Le fabricant de l’équipement hôte (système d’alimentation inclus) devra alors reconfirmer que le système complet répond toujours aux différentes normes locales.   Warning 2: The USN-3D product is a low power radiofrequency emitter, and then specific precaution should be taken to restrict the human presence near the antennas. - We recommend that persons should be at least at 20 cm far from the emitting antennas. This information also has to be mentioned in the end product.    Access should only be authorized to qualified personal. If the product is not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  Le produit USN-3D intègre plusieurs émetteurs radiofréquence. Des précautions particulières doivent être prises pour contrôler la présence humaine près des antennes. - Nous recommandons qu’aucune personne ne puisse se situer à une distance inférieure à 20 cm des antennes. Cette information doit également être mentionnée sur l’équipement hôte. L’accès doit être restreint au personnel qualifié. Si le produit n’est pas installé et utilisé tel que décrit dans la notice, il peut engendrer des perturbations radioélectriques.  Warning 3: To reduce the risk of fire or injury to persons, follow these instructions:  - All maintenance and servicing of this device must be performed in a safe area away from hazardous locations.  Disconnect all power before servicing.  - Use an earthed bracelet to avoid ESD damages.  Afin de réduire les risques de feu ou blessure aux personnes, suivez les instructions suivantes : - Toutes les opérations de service et de maintenance doivent être réalisées dans un endroit sécurisé. Déconnectez toutes les alimentations avant manipulation.  - Utilisez un bracelet relié à la terre pour éviter des dommages liés aux ESD.  Warning 4: To comply with directives, the backplane Ethernet cable length should be less than 3 meters.   Pour être en conformité avec les normes, le câble du connecteur Ethernet du fond de panier doit avoir une longueur inférieure à 3m.  Warning 5: The product has been certified with the antenna named T70x45x2 provided by Smartware. The use of this antenna is mandatory to comply with standards.  Le produit a été certifié avec l’antenne T70x45x2 fournies par Smartware. L’utilisation de cette antenne est obligatoire pour être en conformité avec les normes.  Warning 6: In case of collocated transmitters, the max number of transmitters in a small place should be maximum of 48.  Dans le cas de plusieurs émetteurs, le nombre maximum d’émetteurs dans un petit espace est de 48.  Warning 7: The product shall not be modified without written authorisation of Smartware. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  Le produit ne doit pas être modifié sans l’autorisation écrite de Smartware. Changements et modifications non approuvés par l’entité responsable de la conformité peut annuler l’autorité de l’utilisateur à opérer cet équipement.  Warning 8: The end product’s sticker should mention that it “contains a FCCID: RPM-UN3D and IC: 4783A-UN3D” product.   L’étiquette du produit hôte doit mentionner « Contient un FCCID: RPM-UN3D et IC: 4783A-UN3D ».  Warning 9: NOTE:  This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Use of shielded contact cable (with ferrite ref RICHOH RKCF-06-A5) is mandatory to comply with Class B limits of Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  NOTE:  Cet équipement a été testé et trouvé conforme aux limites d’un appareil de classe B, conformément à la section 15 de la notice FCC relative aux interférences radioélectriques. Ces limites sont conçues pour fournir une protection raisonnable contre les interférences nuisibles dans une installation résidentielle. Ce matériel génère, utilise et peut émettre de l’énergie haute fréquence. S’il n’est pas installé et utilisé en accord avec les instructions, il peut provoquer des interférences et perturber les communications radio. L’absence d’interférences n’est toutefois pas garantie dans une installation particulière. Si ce matériel provoque des interférences et perturbe la réception radio ou télévisée, ce qui peut être vérifié en mettant le matériel sous et hors tension, nous encourageons l’utilisateur à y remédier en appliquant l’une des mesures suivantes : Modifier l’orientation de l’antenne de réception ou la déplacer. Augmenter la distance séparant le matériel du récepteur. Brancher le matériel sur une prise située sur un circuit différent de celui où se trouve le récepteur. Contacter votre revendeur ou un technicien radio/TV expérimenté.  L’utilisation d’un câble d’interface contact blindé (accompagné d’une ferrite RICHOH RKCF-06-A5) est nécessaire pour se conformer aux limites de la classe B de la section 15 de la notice FCC relative aux interférences radioélectriques.  Warning 10: This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.  This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.   Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
 USN-3D - Data Sheet    © 2011, Smartware  CONFIDENTIAL 27  7 USN-3D – ORDERING INFORMATION  SMARTWARE 11, avenue des Andes 91940 LES ULIS Tél : Contact:   Part Number Version J30 Format ContactInterfaces(ISO7816)ContactlessInterfaces(ISO14443/Mifare) Description6 Contact heads6 Contactless heads (Hardware ready)Adapt Board + Mounting + Alu Front Panel6 Contact heads3 Contactless heads (Licences on Main Board)Adapt Board + Mounting + Alu Front Panel3 Contact heads3 Contactless headsAdapt Board + Mounting + Alu Front Panel3 Contact heads3 Contactless headsAdapt Board + Mounting + Alu Front Panel 4fUSN3MX6-6IMX6-6I3PMX3-3I3P63619B10-00003 USN319B00-0006019B00-0006319B00-000333033MXMXMX3   Table 13 : Ordering Information

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