Sony Group RCS620S Contactless IC Card Reader/Writer User Manual 2

Sony Corporation Contactless IC Card Reader/Writer 2


User Manual_2

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Date Submitted2014-03-04 00:00:00
Date Available2014-03-04 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-02-27 20:44:55
Producing SoftwareDocuCentre-III C4405
Document Lastmod2014-02-27 20:45:25
Document TitleUser Manual_2
Document CreatorDocuCentre-III C4405

Rc-sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i E a
3 Software specifications
3.1 Communication packet
The host packet tormat defines three types of frames — normal. extended and ACK
Transactions between the host controller and the module are based on packet communication using host
packets. The module processes the received host command packet and returns a host response packet.
Needless to say, the module cannot autonomously transmit host response packets,
3.1.1 Normal frame
Between the host controller and the module, the normal frame allows transmiSSion and reception of host
command/host response packets whose LEN value is equal to or smaller than 255 bytes. This frame also
provides a subordinate error frame used by the module to notify the host controller of syntax error detection.
Table 3-1: Normal frame
Designation Size (bytes) Remarks
Preamble 1 00h fixed
Start Of Packet 2 00h FFh fixed
LEN 1 Specw the data length (max. 255 bytes)
L08 1 Specify the checksum ol LEN data (a value that sets 00h to the lower
1 byte of the sum of LEN and LCS bytes).
Packet data Max. 255
DOS 1 Specify the checksum of data in a packet (at value that sets 00h to
the lawer1 byte of the sum of data and D03 bytes).
Postarnble 1 00h fixed
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RC-SGZO/S Product Specifications F E I i I: a
3.1.2 Extended frame
The extended frame is used to send and receive host command/host response packets whose LEN value is
equal to or greater than 256 bytes and equal to or smaller than 265 bytes
Table 3-2: Extended frame
Designation Size (bytes) Remarks
Preamble 1 00h fixed
Start Of Packet 2 00h FFh fixed
Zebyte frame identification code 2 FFh FFh tixed
LENEx 2 Specify the data length (max 265 bytes) in the big
endian format All data equal to or greater than 266
bytes is interpreted as 265 bytes.
LCSEx 1 Specify the :hecksum of LENEx data (a value that
sets 00h to :he lower 1 byte of the sum of 2»byte
LENEx and 1rbyte LCSEX).
Packet data Max. 265
DOS 1 Specify the Checksum of data in a packet (a value that
sets 00h to :he lower 1 byte of the sum of data and
Des bytes)
Postamble 1 00h fixed
Which type of frame is to be used for the host response packet is automatically determined — the normal
frame if the LEN value is equal to or smaller than 255 bytes and the extended frame if it is equal to or greater
than 256 bytes.
3.1.3 ACK frame
The ACK frame is intended for use in the following situations,
0 Module to Host Controller Transmission
0 Informing the host controller that no data link level error is detected in the received host command
NOTE This is the one and only instance the module transmits the ACK frame.
- Host Controller to Module Transmission
0 Interrupting host command execution.
0 Determining the results on command execution (prerequisite with the Reset command or
SetSerialBaudrate command).
For more information. see the “RC—5956 Series Command Reference Manual".
NOTE In the cases other than those above, the module ignores the ACK frame received from the host
Table 3-3: ACK frame
Designation Size (bytes) Remarks
Preamble 1 00h fixed
Start Of Packet 2 00h FFh fixed
LEN 1 00h fixed
LCS 1 FFh fixed
Postamble 1 00h fixed
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ROSSZO/S Product Specifications F E I i I: B
3.2 Communication protocol
The communication protocol consists of a data link Ievei and an application level
3.2.1 Data link level
The module uses this leveI to make sure that the host packet is transmitled or received in accordance with the
communication protocoi, i.e., without any error. For this purpose, the moduie verifies the foliowmg information
contained in each host packet.
. Host Packet Format
0 LEN. LCS (In case of normal frame)
0 LENEx, LCSEx (In case of extended frame)
0 Postamble
If no error is detected in the received host packet, the module returns an ACK packet to the host controiler.
A) Figure 3—1 shows a typical communication sequence on the data link level,
Host controiler
Host command packel
:| Max. 3 5[ms]
Response time
Host response packet
ACK (Optional)
Figure 3-1: Communication protocol between host controller and module
If the host command packet is verified, the module prepares an ACK frame Within 3.5 ms. Stated the other
way round, the module requires a maximum of 3.5 ms in order to be ready to transmit an ACK packet after
receiving an IN packet.
Acknowledging packet reception, the module proceeds to host command processing, returns a host response
packet, and waits for the reception of the next host command packet, Accordingiy, it is not necessary for the
hosl controlierto be concerned with the time intervai between the reception of a host response packet and the
transmission of the next host command packet. Upon detection ofa host response packet from the module,
the controller optionally transmits an ACK frame to the module.
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Rc—sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i I: B
B) If a data link level error is detected. the module remains non-responsive to the host controller Seeing that
no ACK frame is returned. the host controller retransmlts a host command packet to recover communication.
Host controller Module
Host command packet
Figure 3-2: Data link level error in host command packet
Mayor errors encountered during data link level communication are listed below.
LCS Error
In the case of Normal Frame. the lower 1 byte of the sum (2 bytes) of LEN and LCS is not 00h.
in the case of Extended Frame. the lower 1 byte of the sum of the upper 1 byte of LENEx. the lower 1 byte
of LENEx. and LCSEX (totally 3 bytes) is not 00h.
DCS Error
The lower 1 byte of the sum obtained by adding up all data bytes and DOS is not 00h.
Postamble Error
The postamble byte is not included
Data Link Level Timeout Error
This error refers to a condition that occurs when the time limit predetermined for data detection has been
With the module. a timeout occurs if all the packets. between the Sebyte data headed by the Start of
Packet bytes and the F'ostamble byte at the end of the frame. are not received within the timeout interval
specified in Table 3-4.
In the event of a timeout error. the module discards all the packets received up to that point The timeout
interval varies depending on the transfer rate. although the same setting and detection method are used
for both the normal frame and the extended frame
Table 3-4: UART host command reception timeout interval
Transfer rate (bps) Timeout (ms)
9.600 1067
19 00 533
115.200 default 69
230.400 44
460.800 22
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Rosezo/s Product Specifications F E I i E 3
3.2.2 Application level
This is the level where the module executes the host command specified in the host command packet.
A) When command processing is complete, the module returns a host response packet to the controller.
B) The host controller transmits an ACK frame when it is necessary to interrupt command execution by the
module The next host command cannot be sent until more than 1 ms elapses from the interruption of host
command execution (or the completion of ACK frame transmission).but never interrupt the host command
execution by the following way.
0 When a host command packet, comprised of equal to or greater than 3 bytes appended to the
Preamble byte and the Start Of Packet bytes, is received from the host controller. the module
discontinues the on—going processing and executes the newly received host Command if no error is
detected through the verification at the data link level.
C) If a syntax error is detected in the received packet, the module notifies the controller by returning an error
Table 3-5: Error frame
Designation Size (bytes) Remarks
Preamble 1 00h fixed
Start Of Packet 2 00h flh fixed
LEN 1 01h fixed
LCS 1 ffh fixed
Packet data 1 7th fixed
DOS 1 31h fixed
Postamble 1 00h fixed
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Rc—sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i I: a
3.3 Mode transition
3.3.1 Concept of operating mode
The module operates in seven modes - Mode 0, Mode 1. Mode 2, Mode 3, Mode 4, Mode 5 and Mode 6.
Available commands vary according to the mode, while the mode changes as the result of host command
execution or RF command reception. For more details, see the ”RC-$956 Series Command Reference
3.3.2 Overview of individual modes
0 Mode 0
[Initial Mode]
Used to perform the following functions.
Self diagnosis
Transfer speed setting for host communication
RF wavelorm test
Various settings for RF communication
0 Starting up as an initiator or a target
In Mode 0, the module exists neither as an initiator nor a target. SWItching between the initiator and target
states cannot be performed without traversing this mode.
. Mode 1
{Target Initial State]
Enables the module to operate as a target to wait for RF command packets (see Condition R-1. R-2 and R—3
of 5.1 “Concept of Operation Modes” mentioned in the “RC-$956 Series Command Reference Manual").
In other words. this is the mode where the TglnitTarget command is executed. As soon as the command
execution is normally completed the operation mode shifts to Mode 2, Mode 3 or Mode 5. Reception of a new
host command packet terminates and disables the ongoing TglnitTarget command processing and causes
transition to Mode 0 for processing of the newly received host command packet.
. Mode 2
[Target Initial ATR Incomplete State]
Enables the module to operate as DEPTarget to receive the first ATR_REQ This is the mode to set Gt of
ATR_RES by the host controller, and to reply ATR_RES.
It is the state immediately after receiving ATRiREQ when fAutomatrcATRthS flag is (0)b.
- Mode 3
[Target Initial ATR Complete State]
Enables the module to operate as DEPTarget to receive the first DEP_REQ. In this mode. the module can not
reply DEPiRES.
It is the state immediately after receivmg ATR_REQ and replying ATR_RES when fAutomaticATR_RES flag
is (1)b,
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Rc~sezors Product Specifications F E I i I: B
- Mode4
[DEPTarget State]
Enables the module lo operate as DEPTarget lo perform lhe following function.
0 Replying DEP_RES
0 Receiving second or later DEP_REQ
. Mode 5
[FeliCa Targel State]
The module operates and RF communicales as a FeliCa target.
. Mode 6
[Initialor Operation]
The module operates and RF communicates as an initiatorv
Page 26
RC-SGZO/S Product Specifications
3.4 Command list
Table 3—6 provtdes a list of available commands. Command/response code size is 2 bytes. Command code is
comprised of d4h (fixed) and sub-command code (1 byte), response code is also comprised of d5h (fixed) and
sub-response code (1 byte). The module returns a syntax error message if a value other than the one
specified In the sub-command code column is used. Functional details of individual commands are provided
in the “RC-$956 Series Command Reference Manual",
Table 3-6: Command list
Command Sub-command Sub-response
Command overview
Normal command
Diagnose 00h 01h Used to perform self-diagnosis of
GetFirmwareVersion 02h 03h Used to obtain RC-SQSE firmware version
GetGeneralStatus 04h 05h Used to obtain information about
RC—SQSB internal state
ReadRegister 05h 07h Used to access data in the RAM or I20
WriteRegister 08h 09h Used to write data in the RAM or IZC
ReadGPlO Och Ddh Used to obtain the value of the input port
RFU" Oeh on
SetSerialBaudrate 10h i1h Used to change the transfer rate between
ROSQSS and the host controller,
SetParameters 12h 13h Used to change the internal parameters
RC-5956 retains in the RAM
RFU 14h 15h
FowerDown 16h 17h Used to set RC-8955 in the power~down
RFConfiguration 32h 33h Used to change the RF setting intormation
RC-SQSG retains in the RAM.
RFReguiationTest 58h 59h Used to test RC-SSSS RF waveform.
Reset 18h 1% Used to cause transition to Mode 0
RFU ‘lch ‘idh
Command for initiator
inJumpForDEP 56h 57h Used to capture DEFTarget for DEF
anumpForPSL 46h 47h Used to test the oommand, The function
of this command Is same as
lnListPassiveTarget Aah Abh Used to capture a target to obtain its
target ID
InATR 50h 51h Used (0 transmit ATRiREQ and receive
lnPSL 4eh 4th Used to change RF communication rate.
lnDataExchange 40h 41h Used to transmit and receive RF packets
when the classification of Target card is
FeliCa card but not |SOIIEC 14443 Type
B card
InCornrnunicateTriru 42h 43h Used to transmit and receive RF packets
when the classification of Target card is
FeliCa card or ISO/IEC 14443 Type E
Page 27
RC—SSZO/S Product Specifications
Command Sub-command Sub-response Command overview
code code
InDeselect 44h 45h Used to set the Target in Deselected
lnReiease 52h 53h Used to set the Target in Released stated
InSelect 54h 55h Used to change state of the Target In
Selected from Deselected
Command far target
TginitTarget Sch Bdh Used to start up RC-SQSG in the target
TgSetGerieralBytes 92h 93h Used to set Gt parameter and reply
TgGetDEPData 86h 87h Used to obtain payload data at
TgSetDEPData Beh am Used to reply payload data of
TgSetMetaDEPData 94h 95h Used to reply chaining payload data of
TgGetinitiatdrCommahd 88h 89h Used to obtain an RF packet when
RC-SQSS is started in the target mode,
TgReSpUnSeTolnitiatur 90h 91h Used to transmit an RF packet when
FUD-$956 is started in the target mode.
TgGetTargetStatus 8ah Bbh Used to obtain information about the
currently set transfer speed when
RC-SQSG is started in the target mode.
CommunicateThruEX aDh alh Used to transmit and receive RF packets
Command to be implemented in the future
Page 28
in Ad-hnc communication.
This command can be used regardless at
whether RC-SQSS Is started in the initiator
mode or the target mode,
Rc-sezo/S Product Specifications F E I i C a
4 Packing specifications
4.1 Packing details
The foliowmg shows how modules are packed in a master carton.
- Number of packed modules : 100
- Master carton external dimensions : 415 mm X 108 mm x 430 mm (W X H X D)
Protective panel
/ 100 pieces 1 master cartun
(2 pieces X 5 rows X 10 columns)
Partition panel
————— Folded
Master carton
A15mm x 108mm x 43Dmth>< H x D)
Bar code label
Model label
Figure 4-1: Packing details
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RCrSBZO/S Producl Specificatrons F E I i E a
4.2 Contents of bar code label
SY RC-SGZO/S Medelname
P-98927310—L Sony product number (fixed number)
SAO_1000001_/ Sony internal use code (nol fixed)
Figure 4-2: Contents of bar code label
4.3 Contents of model label
Made in Japan I Fabrlqué an Japan
Figure 4—3: Contents of model label
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Rc—sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i E a
5 Precautions
5.1 Handling precautions
The module must be handled with special care. keeping the followmg precautions in mind.
a The module is an inductive-type read/write communication device that is type-certified in compliance with
the Radio Law of Japan. The operating frequency is 13 56 MHz. Disassembly or modification of the
module, removal of the type number or similar acts are subject to penalties according to applicable laws.
- Be sure to use a stable power supply so that the module can be protected from the effect of noise and
excessive voltage peaks, such as lightning. transmitted through the power supply connector
I Do not cause any chemical or physical damage to the module.
a Do not subject the module surface to contaminated air or materials.
- Tightly ground not only module after installation but all jigs, machines, Workbenches and workers’ bodies
to prevent static electricity from affecting the module.
- For safety’s sake, be sure to wear gloves when handling the module, although its surfaces are carefully
- Protect the module from interference from other Wireless machines.
- Do not install the module in an environment where a strong electromagnetic field may exert deleterious
effects on communication performance. Take special note of the installation location so that interference
between the module and other equipment can be adequately controlled.
- Communication performance may be affected by the harmonics of the 13 56 MHz carrier frequency
generated on the signal line.
- Check in advance the compatibility between the module and your system. The module cannot handle part
of the processing sequences ' provided by mobile phones and other portable devices incorporating
mobile FeIiCa lC chips
- The interface cable (FFC/FPC) is not supplied, making it necessary to prepare the one appropriate for
your system When selecting the cable, make sure to connect a cable in the right direction because the
connector has a double terminal.
- Measures for static neise and power line noise must be designed and incorporated on your own.
" Among the processing sequences unique to mobile FeliCa compatible portable deVices, the module cannot handle the
sequence which allows wireless communication from the Reader/Writer after the mobile FeliCa IC chip was activated by
the portable device via a wired interface. For more information. see the “Mobile FeliCa Technical Information" (Japanese
only) that explains Reader/Writer operation in mobile applications.
5.2 Notes on external appearance
Since the module is designed for embedded applications, please realize that flaws on the order described
below may occur.
- Scratch or stain on the product surface, which has no effect on performance
a Change in the board color.
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RC-SSZO/S Product Specifications F E I i C 3
Appendix A About installation
A.1 Installation requirements for RC-SGZOIS
The followtng describes the points to remember when installing the modules.
1. Do not use any metal or carbon compound as the material for the cabinet. The cabinet surface must be at
least 1 5 mm apart lrorn the board surface.
2. Do not place any metal in the forbidden area (dot-meshed area in Figure A-1) secured around the module
Particularly, communication performance undoubtedly deteriorates if a plate-like metal is put near the
3. In order not to induce eddy current, make a cut in the metal plate surrounding the above forbidden zone.
4 If no performance improvement is achieved through the steps described above, attempt to add magnetic
sheets, as shown in Figure A72, to the metal surface that faces the card and keep away the module from a
metal plate at least 0.5 mm (d > 0.5).
Side ew
ii! 1.5 mm or more
(board side)
Top View
Card direction
Module area
‘ 10 mm or more
\ When an antenna unit Is surrounded with a metal plate,
make sure to make a cut.
Figure A-1: Installation requirements
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Rc-sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i E 3
A2 Reduction of the impact of metal
Deviation from the resonance point caused by bringing the card closer to the metal plate may result in a
change in the card's original characteristics. The effect of metal plate could be reduced by adding magnetic
sheets to the positions illustrated above.
(board side) Cabinet
, Unavoidable metal in the cabinet
Addition of magnetic sheet
Magnetic sheet
Figure A-2: Reduction of the impact of metal
Page 33
Rc—sszo/s Product Specifications F E I i I: 3
Appendix B About temperature rise
B.1 The verification method and measure
The temperature of the module rises, when emitting a magnetic field Therefore. check that the intemal
temperature in the situation that the module is installed in your system. And verify on any conditions, since the
temperature of the module changes by power supply voltage, the existence of cards. Note that the module
temperature rises considerably when power supply is 5‘0Vi
The temperature rise of the module could be suppressed by implementing the following measures
. Cut a magnetic field except when using
. Emit a magnetic field intermittently until it catches a card even when using.
. Shorten the processing time and set up timeout
NOTE If satisfactory in your system, it is not this limitation.
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RC-SBZO/S Product Specifications F E I i E 3
Appendix C About interface cable
C.1 Terminal requirements of FFCIFPC
Recommended FFCIFPC (for host controller communication) dimensions are illustrated below.
Supporting tape
4 U or more
0.50:0,05 _ _D.3o:ooa 4130:1105
oso:n1u_ _o.50:o1u
_ 2 so i 0.05
(Unit: mm)
Figure 6-1: Recommended FFCIFPC dimensions
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Rc—sezo/s Product Specifications F E I i E 3
(Blank page)
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Reader/Writer Module
RC-SGZO/S Product Specifications Version 1.1
February 2014 First Edition FeliCa Business Division
Sony Corporation
No. Mxxx7E>o<»xX
© 2014 Sony Corporation Printed in Japan

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