Sony Group SPPA2780 Cordless Telephone User Manual

Sony Corporation Cordless Telephone Users Manual

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Date Submitted2001-04-16 00:00:00
Date Available2001-05-22 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-03-28 16:21:48
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Document TitleUsers Manual
Document Creator橡D:\Scandata\取説2.tif
Document Author: æ©¡gaps

S ONY; 3-252-153-11 (1)
M 1“
T | musmoov-uzwfi
with Answering System
Operating Instructions E-
me- an w-mng
020m Sony corporanon
1 . want my AM [ l“—
SPP-A2780 3-232-153-11.US
Owner's Record
The model and the serial numbers are
located at the bottom of the unit. Record
the renal number in the space provided
below. Refer to thae numbers
whenever you call upon your Sony
dealer regarding this product
Model Nor SPF-M730
Serial No.
—’ l musm Eta-news z
When using your telephone equipment,
basic safety precautions should always
he Followed to reduce the risk of fire,
electric shock and injury to persons,
including the following:
1. Do not use this product near water,
for example, near a bath rub, wash
bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in
a wet basement, or near a swimming
2 Avoid using a lelephone (other lhan a
cordless type) during an electrical
storm. There maybe a remote risk of
electric shock From lightning.
3, Do not use the telephone to report a
gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
4. Use only the power cord and batteries
indicated in this manual. Do not
dispose of batteries in a fire, They may
explode. Check with local codes for
pessible special disposal instructions.
mm. 357 pm
SPP-A2780 3-232-153-1 1 .US
I l—
1. This squipmeiu complies with Pzrt15 and
Pan ea oi the ear: rules for the United States.
On the bottom or this equipment is a label that
oontaina, amng other intormation the FCC
certification number and ringer equivalenoe
number (mam lor this equipmeau. if
requested, this latter-nation must be provided
to the telephone company.
1. This equipment connect to nationwide
telephone network through a modular
telephone pelt which applicable cenilication
jack (connector) is USOC-RIIIC.
3, The PC: compliant telephone cord and
modular plug is provided with this
equipment. this equipment is desi ed to be
connected to the telephone networ or
premises wiring using a compatible modular
jack mat is part 68 compliant.
t The REN is used to detennine the quantity of
devices ttiat may be connected to the
telephone lim- lixcessive RENsoa-t the
telephone linemay result in the devicesnot
ringing in response to an incoming all.
Typically, the sum of the KEN; should not
weed Five (5.0).T0 be cendin of the number
oldevices that maybe connected to a lino,as
determined by the total RENa, contact the
local telephone company.
5. If this equipment (spwtfltlo) muses harm to
the telephone network. the telephone
company will notify you in advance that
temporary discontinuance oi service my be
required. But it advance notice isn't practical,
the telephone oompany will notify the
customeras soonas possible, AM you will
be advised of your right to file a complaint
with the rcc it you believe it is necessary.
6. The lele hone ornipany may make changes to
it’s lacili as, equipment, operations or
pmdtlres that could affect the operation ol
the Bqulpllllmx ll this happens the telephone
company will provide advance notice so you
can make the necessary modifications to
rnatnmn uninterrupted service.
7. ii uouble is experienced with this equipment
(SPF-Aim), Inr repair or wlmnly
information, please contact Sony Direct
Response Center: Tel woo-2224669. lithe
equipment ii causing harm'te the telephone
network the telephone company may request
that you disconnect the equipment until the
problem is rtsolved.
3. All repairs will be performed inan authorized
Sony service station.
9. This equipment may not be used on coin
service provided by the Phone company or
party line;
IllThis equipment is hearing aid compatible.
When programming emergency numbers and
(or) making test calls to emelxmw numbers:
1. Remain on the line and briefly explain to
the dispatcher the reason for the rail
1. Perform such activities in the off-peak
hours, such as early moniing or late
Operation is subject to the following two
conditions (lmiis device may not cause
interference, and (mm device must accept any
interference, including inter/creme that may
cause undesired operation.
You are eautioncd that any changes or
modifications not otpressly approved in this
manual could va'ci your authority to operate this
Privacy of communications may not be ensured
when using this phone.
This equipment hasbeen tested and round to
oomply with the limits toraclass Bdigital
device, pursuant to Pan t5 or the nu. nules.
These its are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful inletlerenre iii a
resldertnal uiatauation This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, i! not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio conununications
However, there is no guarantee that tnterlerence
will not occur in: particular inmllation If this
equipment docs cause harmlul interiarance to
radio or television reception. which can be
determined by tut-nun; the equipment oil and
on, theuser is encouraged to try to correct the
interleronae by one or mine of the following
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase tliesepar—ation between the
equipment and receiver.
» Connect the equipment into on outlet on a
circuit dilieieni from that to which the
reoeiver is connected
— consult the dealer or an experienced radio/
TV technician lor help.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance
requirements, please lollow the follcwing
guidelines in order to protect body tiom
exposing to “elecmmznefic emrgy.
i. Avotd direct body Conldd with transmitting
antenna during telephone conversation
2. Do not replace or many the transmitting
antenna in any way.
01,323, 357 pm
SPF-M750 3-232-153-1 1.US
l T
—| ‘ nlusae swam o i
A fin de reducir el l-lesgo de lneendio,
descatga eléctrica y lesiones a las
personas cuando usted use su equipn
telefénico, siempre debs observar
precauciones bésicas de seguridad, enne
1. No use est! preclude oerca del agua,
per ejemplo, cerca de una bafiera,
lavabo, fregadem de cucina o
lavadora, an un sétano mojado o cema
de um plscina,
2. Evim uszr un teléfam) (que no sea del
fipo mullmbrleos) duranke una
tormenta eléct'rica. Exiske la remota
posibiljdad de shock eléctrico debido
a mynsl
3. Pan notificar una fuga de gas, no
utilioe el teléfonu en la vecindad de
cliche fuse
4. Utilice solamente el cable'd'e
alimcmacién y lus pilas indiondos en
9519 manual. Nu tire las piles al fuegm
Podrlan explctar, Compruebe los
cédigos locales con respecto a las
instrucciones especiales sabre cbmo
deshacerse de ellas.
FCC . .
Is Here equlpo cumple can la ram 15 y la Pane
58de Las reghs dela FCC pm EEUU. En la
buse us ewe equlpu hay mu etiquela que
conflene, sue-e Okla lnlmmeclcm, el mlmem de
cenlfiado de la FCC y el numero de
equivalenlcla de mm (is llamada (mam para
esle equlpo. Cmndo se solicite, est:
ml’omladdn debm oincerse a la compam
1 we equlpe semen A la red lelelanlea
neclmla través de una lama lelelonica
modular cuya mm leenecm) de mlifltade
npliubla es USOC~RIHC
3 Con esbe equlpe le suministflnun cable
lelelouleo y une claviia mndulax que cumplen
la: norms de la FCC. Esle eqmpu ha side
discflado pm coneeeuse e In ma leleleulcu e
la illslalacién de un usuano unlsuudo um
coma modular compatible que we de acuetda
mn h Paul: 65.
4. ElllEN se utilize: pan demermillal' Ia ranfidad
cl» dbpeslnvos que podrén conecmse a la
lluu. telemnica. El mesa deREN ceuecuaes
ule mm leleleulce puede mulls! euque los
disposillvns no muleslen a “amadas
emu-lees. Nomalme'nte, la sum de REN no
debera sex supel-lm elm (5,0), Pam
enlemse del mlmem mlel dp RFN que puede
cemmse a una llnea, péngase en contacw
con la cumpml'a lelemucu.
5b Si me equipu (SPY-NIOD) pmduce dam en
13 red leis/duke, la compaifla lelelonlca le
nullficm con amelacwn que es peslble que se
reqmera la mlexrupclen temporal del semclo.
Pem sl Ia nefificacmu con amelacién no es
prtdica, l. mmpmle Ielelénica lo naiflcalfl al
clleme lu ames posible. Ademés, se le
mtihcaré el demhe e mlizar una
reclamacifin a la FCC si uslud lo wnsidem
e. la cumpaliia leleloum puede nahzar
cambio: en sue muleelm,equlpbs,
opamcionles, o procedimilemos qua pueden
elem: la eperaciou del equipn. Cuando
sucedn «00,11 eempunlu eelelmlse le avisaxé
con unlelaclou para que pueuu reallzarlas
modiflcaclum necesams a fin de memem
nunzellumpldo el sen/id“
7. Si expexlmeme alguu pmblema con esbe
equlpo (SPF-N1025), con respects a la
reparatién o a la lnlumuclon sobre la
gnrankin, péngue en wnlacm con Suny Dim
Response Center: Tel 1-500-222-7669 (55 ml.
solanwme). sa el equipo cause problem-m en
la lluee, Ia oompam‘a teleiénica pueds
mliellarle quedpfimnerka pl nquipo hast: que
se resuelva el pmblema,
s, Todu las lepuacleues debel-a nzliuxlas un
ceurm ele xeparadoms Sony.
9. &0e equips pueae no ul‘llizarse en el servido
de page prevlo propomiomdo per la
companlu leleiénica o la lluea companida.
10A Esle equipe es compatible con dispeslllves
yam aynda a l. mama"
Cuandc presume uumems de emergencia y 10)
malice llamadas de pmeba alas mismos:
01.121357 pm
$PP-AZ780 3-232-1 53-11,US
s} —|L
1. Pemnma pom tiempoen la 11m y
zxphq'ue . In em pane la lax/Sn de la Uamda.
2, Rulice ml“ acfiwdades en hum no puma,
come pox la manana Iernpmnoo a lilfilnas
hams de la rarde
La uperadm esté someuda a las dos mine-m
siguienms: (1) Esta disposldvo puede no cam:
inwrl'rwllu'a, y (2) 11m disposmvo dam-a
acepm cualquier infierlerencra, 1nc1nyendn la
que pueda causal um opendén indeseada.
Se 1g advlene qua cuilqmer cambm n
momma.- no apmbadc expresamenu en a
presume mwal pod“: muhr su aumnudon
pm npanr «m equipo
El secrete dc Ias wmuniaciones puede no
asegurnse mndo mince esle klékmm
Nota .
Esme equipo seha sammdnn [Wu-h" y 54 ha
determinado qua cumplelos 11mm pm un
apmw digital Clase 11 de confomndad con la
Pane 15 de hikes!” FCC Dinky: 11mm: min
, disemdos pm bnndar pwlecrién nmnable
contra inlerlerencia danina en um mum”
raddnneizl. an. eqmpo gemm,ufiliza y pnede
radiaremrgfla de mdiotmuencia y, si no se
1mm ysa 1133 de stun-down 1:5 mgrruccicmx,
pucde ocasimr inkerieumia am en 11»
xadiocfimunk—acinm. 5m embargn, no hay
garnnlh de que 110 mm inmfemcia en um
immhdfin especmct Eu 14:0 11: quv are equlpo
Masiune inmrlemwia dam-u en 1; memo-1 de
may: 0 ulevissén, mm se puede determiner
apagamlu y mendlendo elequ1po,se|e nun a1
usuaria a que «me de mmgirla film-{em
mediante Inna a mas de Ins signignm mam;
- 12mm" 0 man,- In mom de rece'pcién
- Aumemar la separacidn mm 2] eqlupe y 91
- Congas: el eqmpo en nn Enchule a: un
ammo disnnw al circuim al cua! em
mm el receptor.
» Consullar ten 91 d1sskribuidor Deon un
I6cni¢o expenmenlado de radio / televisién
para ayuda.
Pm cumpllr lea requisites duxposmon a RF
de 1: EC ‘ g: 135 gums manna; a
communion a fin de pmeger 91mm mm
In exposicién a h emerge elecmmfmen‘u dc
1 Evile e1 contacto dueclo con 1; amen: de
uammkufln dunnh h convertadén
1 No reemphce n1 modifique de ninguna
manera 11 men.
j ‘ musneaeauzws 5
01.321; 57 pm
SPF-M780 3-232-153-11.US
_! |
Table of contents
Getting Started
3 About this manual
9 Read this first
10 Step 1: Checking the package
11 Step 2: Setting up the base phone
14 Step 3: Preparing the battery
16 Step 4; Choosing the dialing
17 Step 5; Entering the area code
21 Step 6: Setting the day and time
23 Setting up the 152 Access function
25 Changing the language of the
27 Assigning the station number on
the cordless handsets (supplied
or additional)
28 Identifying the parts
32 Making calls
37 Redlaling
39 Receiving calls
Telephone Features
d3 Phnne Directory
43 Storing phone numbers and
names '
46 Changing a stored name
and/or phone number
47 Erasing a memory location
5"5 Table oi contents
7 i “m“ m“ “ it
48 Making calls from the Phone
50 Transferring the Phone
Directory memory
52 Switching the phones during a
51 To switch from the base
phone to the cordless
52 To switch from the cordless
handset to the base phone
53 Switching from the cordless
handset to another cordless
handset (When the system
has an additional cordless
Intercom Operation Q»
54 Talking between the phones
54 To talk from the cordless
handset to the base phone
55 To talk between the cordless
handsets (When the system
has an additional cordless
56 To talk from the base phone
to the cordless handset
57 Transferring a call
57 To transfer from the cordless
handset to the base phone
58 To transfer between the
cordless handsets (When the
system has an additional
cordless handset.)
59 To transfer from the base
phone to the cordless
mum m ‘ r—
SPP—A2780 3-232-153-11.US
l 67
Answering Machine
Preparing the answering machine
Recording the greeting
Selecting the ring time
Selecting the recording
Selecting the answering
Setting the audible message
Turning on the answering
Playing back messages
When you com home
To display of remaining
available recording time for
Erasing messages
Screening incoming calls
To screen incoming calls on
the cordless handset
To answer the call
Recording a mum
Operating from an outside
Setting the remote ID code
(security code)
Picking up new messages
Caller ID Features
Understanding the Caller ID
When you receive a call
—| ‘ museum-02 ass 7
77 Looking at the Caller ID list
77 Viewing the Caller ID list
78 Erasing data from the
Caller ID list
80 Using the Caller ID list
80 Calling back a number from
the Caller ID list
81 Playing back a message from
the Caller ID list
32 Storing anumber of the
Caller ID list into the Phone
83 To change the number at
digits of the phone number
35 Using "an" m with call
waiting" service
Additional Information
86 Mounting the base phone on a
87 Carrying the cordless handset by
the belt clip
88 Notes on power sources
89 Maintenance
90 Troubleshooting
94 Spedfications
95 Index
Table of contents 7":
area/m. 9:10 AM
SPP-A2780 3-232-153-11.U S
(1?! tr
Getting started
bout th manual
. You can add other cordless handsets to the system. If you dn so, be
sure to assign a skafion number on eaAh cordless handset. (See
”Assigning a station numher on the cordless handsets" on page 27)
. Some procedures may Vary according to the number of the cordless
handset assigned to the system The distinctions are explicitly
explained in this manual In such a case, see the appropriate
8‘” Gening Staned
—| ‘ muse Er-uepes a 01.125.:t§7pm
SPF-M780 3-232-153-11.US
\ f
—H Muslims-mm s e 013211579'“
Read th
Before you use your phone, you must first set it up. Here’s a quick way
to set up you! phone: Steps 1 to 64
Step 1 (page 10)
First, unpack the phone and the supplied accessories
Step 2 (pages 11 to 13)
You need to do two things to set up the
base phone, including finding the best
location for the base phone
Step 3 (pages 14 to 15)
Insert the battery pack into the cordless
handset and charge it for more than 12
Step 4 (page 16)
Choose an appropriate dialing model
Step 5 (pagu 17 to no)
Enter the area code to use the Caller ID
Base phone
Step 6 (pages-21 to 22)
' Set the day and time to stamp day and
time for the incoming messages,
That's it!
Cordless handset
For using the EZ Access function, follow the procedure in
"Setting up the EZ Access function” on page 23.
For rhanging the language of the display, follow the
procedure in "Changing the language of the display” on
page 25.
Getting Started
SPP-A2780 3-232-1 53-1 1 Us
Checking the package contents
Make sure you have received the following items ln the package.
lt anything is missing, contact yuul‘ lncal Sony dealer.
Ac pow adaptor (AC-T“)
Charger/AC power
adaptor (AC—7127)
line cord! (2)
10“ Getting Started
7 | musm swam to
Wall bracket!
stand let base
Handset cord
battery Pick
01.3 m, 357 w-
SPP-A2780 3-232-153-11.US
l I—
Setting up, the base phone
Do the following steps:
. Choose the best location
- Connect the base phone
Choose the best location
Where you place ihe base phone affects the reception quality of the
cordless handset.
Away fiom noise some: sneh as . window
by a street with heavy traftir
Away ire-n televisisn
sets and other Away from heat sources, snth as radlators,
elmwnk wulpm-M airdum, and sunllam
Away from a microwave
Away from excessive
moiswrt, nxvomoly low
v . ‘ tempemuros, dust,
¢_ , . , s ‘ > 2 mechanical vibratlon, or
Away from a personal
Hoar a cum] Iantlon
and on a level surhu
Away from another
cordless telephone
CAUTION: - Should you expenenee lntmnimnt loss of nndlu flnrlng a conversation, try
moving (loser to the base or move base yhone away from other noise sources.
- The cordless telephone cpeum at a frequency that may cause interference to
nearby TVs, chs. and mlcrowa on the base phone should not be plaud
near 01 on (M (w oi a TV 0! VCR, and, If Imevfecence Is experienced, moving
the tonne“ telepho Janitor away 610m flu TV, VCR, er rnierowav- own will
ofien reduce or lli mm the interference.
Gemng Started ‘
T' mUSDdGET—Uzinfi || mazzlssnim
SPF—A2780 3-232-153-11.US
step 2: Sewing up the base phone (zontinued)
Connect the base phone
If you want to hang the base phone on the wall, see page 86,
3 10 an AC outlet To DC m sv
fl Ac power gdepmr
- if?“
fiN/fihpfinm line card
4? zTnneelephune (sup-pm; ' ' ~ Q
_ 1 Connect the handset cord to the
7° "" the Wm“e HANDGET jack and to the
If you want to tilt the phone attach the handset.
supplied wall bracket on the bottom of
the base phone.
2 Connect the telephone line card
to the LIN'E jack and to a
telephone outlete
3 Connect the AC power adaptor
to the DC IN 9Vjack and in an
AC outlet.
4 Raise the antenna. Make sure it
pains towards the cemng.
12'” Gating 5mm
"11 am Er-Uzpes 12 ‘ Nuauum H'—
SPP-A2780 3-232-153-11.US
- Use nnly the supplied AC-Tté AC power adaplor.
Do not use any other AC power adaptor,
. Canned the AC Power adaplol‘ cu a continuous power
- Planethe base phone close Io the AC outlfl so that
you can unplug the AC power Adamo: easily.
If your telephone outlet is not modular, Contact your
telephone service company for “sum“
7 ‘ musmaswzpm |3 '
Polarity M m. plug
Gemng Started
omen, 3:57 w“
SPF-M780 3-232-153-11.U5
Prepar ng the battery pack
Charge the battery pack for more than 12 hours before you start using
your cordless handset ‘
1 Slide open the battery
compartment lid of the cordless
2 Connect the battery connector
with correct polarity (black wire
goes on lower side and red wire
goes on upper side),
Hook the cords and insert the
‘ battery pack. Then close the lid,
4 Connect the AC power adaptor
to the DC l'N 9Vjack of the
charger and to an AC outlet and
To an AC 0mm place the cordless handset on
the charger.
The CHARGE lamp on the
charger lights up when the
7 L ‘ cordless handset is properly
“4-127 ' seated on the charge temfinals
of the Lhargerr Charge the
battery pack for more than 12
hours so that the battery is fully
charged, The CHARGE lamp
" remains Lit even after charging
cm“ Iaml’ is completed.
Front side
14"5 Getting Started
—| I muse Huh)“ 0 E 0|.323.3:$7pm
SPP-AZ7BO 3-232-153-11.US
l I—
_Jl_ Q E
Battery duration
A fully charged battery pack lasts for about:
- Approx. 5 hours wlmn you use the cordless handset cvntinuously
0 Approx 6 days when the cordless handset is in standby mode
~ The battery pad
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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.2
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Page Count                      : 20
Creator                         : .橡.D:\Scandata\取説2.tif
Create Date                     : 2001:03:28 16:21:48
Title                           : .橡.D:\Scandata\取説2.PDF
Author                          : .橡.gaps
Producer                        : Acrobat PDFWriter 4.05 Windows
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