Sony PM0872 PDA Phone User Manual Sony Mobile Communications AB

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Support for youHelp is never far away. You can access our supportwebsite and a range of help options directly in your deviceusing the Support application. Or you can from any supported browser.The support options on our website include downloads,troubleshooting tips, User guides, support numbers, andchat and email support. You can access support contactinformation for your country or region using the Contact uslinks.If you don’t have a network connection, you can stillaccess support contact information such as phonenumbers and email addresses in your device. Just openthe Support application and select the Contact usoption near the top of the screen.To access the Support application1From your Home screen, tap  .2Find and tap  .Overview2341561 Charging/Notification light2 Power key3 Volume/Zoom key4 Camera key5 Charger/USB cable port6 Nano SIM/Memory card slot coverTo insert a memory card1Insert a fingernail into the gap between the top of thememory card slot cover and the device, then open thecover.2Press the button next to the memory card slot (asillustrated) using the tip of a paper clip or other similarobject with a long, fine tip, then drag out the memory cardholder that pops out.3Place the memory card in the holder, then re-insert theholder.4Close the cover.Make sure you insert the memory card in the correctorientation.To insert the nano SIM cardYour device only supports nano SIM cards. Make sure youuse the nano SIM card holder and don’t confuse the nanoSIM card slot with the memory card slot.1Insert a fingernail into the gap between the top of the nanoSIM card slot cover and the device, then open the cover.2Press the button next to the nano SIM card slot (asillustrated) using the tip of a paper clip or other similarobject with a long, fine tip, then drag out the nano SIMcard holder that pops out.3Place the nano SIM card in the holder, then re-insert theholder.4Close the cover.If you insert a nano SIM card while the device is poweredon, the device restarts automatically.To turn on the device1Make sure your device is charged for at least 30 minutesbefore you turn it on for the first time.2Press and hold down the power key   until the devicevibrates.3Wait a while for the device to start.To activate the screen•Briefly press the power key  .Starting upThe first time you start your device, a Setup guide opens tohelp you configure basic settings, personalise your deviceand sign in to some accounts, for example, your Google™account. The Setup guide can also be accessed later fromthe Settings menu.Important InformationBefore you use your device, please read the Importantinformation provided in the Setup guide in your device. Fromhere, you can find legal information as well as warranty,safety and SAR information.Transferring contacts and othercontentIf you need help to find and transfer contacts, messages,photos and other data from an old device to your new device,we recommend that you use the Xperia™ Transferapplication. Visit formore information.Dust and water protectionYour device is waterproof and protected against dust as longas you follow a few simple instructions: make sure all portsand attached covers are firmly closed; don´t take the devicedeeper than 1.5m in water and for longer than 30 minutes;and only use it in fresh water.Casual use in chlorinated pools is permitted provided thedevice is rinsed in fresh water afterwards. Do not expose it toseawater or saltwater pools. Abuse and improper use of thedevice will invalidate the warranty.Your device has an Ingress Protection rating of IP65 andIP68. To see what this means and for more information, using your device in water, it’s important that theUSB port is completely dry before a USB cable is insertedinto it. To remove moisture from the USB port, shake yourdevice several times with the USB port facing downwardsand then use a micro-fibre cloth to wipe the device dry. Ifmoisture is still visible in the USB port, repeat the shakingand drying procedure.Learn moreYou are now ready to start using your new device. To learnmore about your device and its full functionality, access oursupport website directly in your device using the Supportapplication or by visiting bands and model infoBelow is the model number and supported frequency bandsfor your device. You can find your model number underSettings > About phone.E5303UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE850/900/1800/1900 LTE Band 1 3 5 7 8 20E5606UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 4 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE850/900/1800/1900 LTE Band 2 4 5 7 12 13 17 28E5653UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE850/900/1800/1900 FDD LTE Band 1 3 5 7 8 20 28 TDD LTEBand 40Some frequency bands might be turned off in certainmarkets or by certain operators.Legal informationSony E5303/E5606/E5653Publication number: 1284-9581.2This Startup guide is published by Sony Mobile Communications Inc. or its local affiliated company, withoutany warranty. Improvements and changes to this Startup guide necessitated by typographical errors,inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made bySony Mobile Communications Inc. at any time and without notice. Such changes will, however, beincorporated into new editions of this Startup guide. All illustrations are for illustration only and may notaccurately depict the actual device.See regulatory information such as the device CE mark in the relevant label tray in the device.All product and company names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of theirrespective owners. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Visit for more information.Product compliance: This product has been manufactured by or on behalf of Sony Mobile CommunicationsInc., 1-8-15 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan. Inquiries related to product compliance based onnational legislation shall be addressed to Sony Mobile Quality Office, Sony Mobile Communications Inc.,1-8-15 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan. Should your device need warranty service, please returnit to the dealer from whom it was purchased or visit to contact your localSony Mobile repair partner (national rates may apply).© 2015 Sony Mobile Communications Inc. All rights reserved.To view the CE mark and the FCC ID1Insert a fingernail into the gap between the top of thememory card slot cover and the device, then open thecover.2Press the button above the nano SIM card slot using thetip of a paper clip or other similar object with a long, finetip, then drag out the nao SIM card holder that pops out.3Using the same tool as described above, drag out the labeltray in the nano SIM card slot. The CE mark is nowviewable.4To view the FCC ID, turn the device over. The FCC ID isdisplayed on the other side of the label.If a SIM card is inserted in the device, the device restartsautomatically when you drag out the nano SIM cardholder.To view the regulatory compliance mark•Open the phone dialer, then enter *#07#.Startup guideXperia™ M5E5303/E5606/E5653Sony Mobile Communications Inc.1-8-15 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan1284-9581.2
SAR InformationFCC StatementDeclaration of ConformitySony E5606 UMTS HSPA Band 1 2 4 5 8 GSM GPRS/EDGE850/900/1800/1900 LTE Band 2 4 5 7 12 13 17 28
Important InformationUnited States & CanadaTHIS PHONE MODEL HAS BEEN CERTIFIED IN COMPLIANCEWITH THE GOVERNMENT’S REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPOSURETO RADIO WAVES.The E5606 Series mobile phones have been designed tocomply with applicable safety requirements for exposure toradio waves. Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter andreceiver. It is designed to not exceed the limits of exposure toradio frequency (RF) energy set by governmental authorities.These limits establish permitted levels of RF energy for thegeneral population. The guidelines are based on standardsthat were developed by international scientific organizationsthrough periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific studies.The standards include a safety margin designed to assure thesafety of all individuals, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).Tests for SAR are conducted using standardized methods withthe phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in allused frequency bands. While there may be differencesbetween the SAR levels of various phone models, they are alldesigned to meet the relevant guidelines for exposure to radiowaves. The highest SAR value as reported to the authorities for thisphone model when tested for use by the ear is 0.345 W/kg,and when worn on the body is 1.347 W/kg. For body-wornoperation, the phone has been tested when positioned aminimum of 15 mm from the body without any metal parts inthe vicinity of the phone or when properly used with anappropriate accessory and worn on the body. For deviceswhich include “WiFi hotspot” functionality, SAR measurementsfor the device operating in WiFi hotspot mode were takenusing a separation distance of 10 mm. Use of third-party2
accessories may result in different SAR levels than thosereported.Before a phone model is available for sale to the public inthe US, it must be tested and certified by the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC) that it does not exceedthe limit established by the government-adopted requirementfor safe exposure. The tests are performed in positions andlocations (i.e., by the ear and worn on the body) as required bythe FCC for each model. The FCC has granted an EquipmentAuthorization for this phone model with all reported SAR levelsevaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposureguidelines. While there may be differences between the SARlevels of various phones, all mobile phones granted an FCCequipment authorization meet the government requirement forsafe exposure. SAR information on this phone model is on fileat the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant sectionof after searching on FCCID PY7-PM0872. Additional information on SAR can be foundon the Mobile Manufacturers Forum EMF website at the United States and Canada, the SAR limit for mobilephones used by the public is 1.6 watts/kilogram (W/kg)averaged over one gram of tissue. The standard incorporates amargin of safety to give additional protection for the public andto account for any variations in measurements.3
Renseignements importantsÉtats-Unis et CanadaCE MODÈLE DE TÉLÉPHONE A ÉTÉ CERTIFIÉ CONFORME AUXEXIGENCES GOUVERNEMENTALES RELATIVES ÀL'EXPOSITION AUX ONDES RADIOÉLECTRIQUES.Les téléphones mobiles de la E5606 ont été conçus pourrépondre aux normes de sécurité en vigueur en matièred'exposition aux ondes radioélectriques. Votre téléphone sans filest un émetteur et un récepteur radio. Il est conçu de manière àne pas dépasser les limites d'exposition à l'énergie desfréquences radio (RF) établies par les autoritésgouvernementales. Ces limites fixent les niveaux maximauxd'énergie RF auxquels peut être soumis le grand public. Ceslignes directrices sont basées sur des normes qui ont étéélaborées par des organisations scientifiques internationales parle biais d'évaluations périodiques et approfondies des étudesscientifiques. Ces normes prévoient une marge de sécurité visantà assurer la protection de tous les individus, peu importe leurâge et leur état de santé.Les lignes directrices relatives à l'exposition aux ondesradioélectriques utilisent une unité de mesure appelée « Tauxd'absorption spécifique » (TAS). Les tests de TAS sont effectuésselon des méthodes standardisées dans lesquelles le téléphoneémet dans toutes les bandes de fréquences utilisées, à la plusforte puissance pour laquelle il a été homologué. Bien que leTAS puisse être différent d'un modèle de téléphone à un autre,tous les appareils sont conçus pour respecter les lignesdirectrices relatives aux ondes radioélectriques. Le DAS le plus élevé relevé par les autorités pour ce modèlede téléphone est de 0.345 W/kg lorsqu'il est testé en utilisationprès de l'oreille, et de 1.347 W/kg lorsqu'il est porté sur lecorps. En mode d’utilisation porté sur le corps, le téléphone aété testé lorsqu’il est à au moins 15 mm du corps et à l’écart detoute pièce en métal, ou lorsqu’il est utilisé de façon adéquate
avec un accessoire et porté sur le corps. Pour les appareilsmunis de la fonctionnalité « point d'accès WiFi », les mesures duDAS de l'appareil en mode WiFi ont été prises à une distance desécurité de 10 mm. L'utilisation d'accessoires tiers peut produiredes niveaux de DAS différents de ceux relevés.Avant qu'un modèle de téléphone ne soit mis en venteauprès du public aux États-Unis, la Commission fédérale descommunications (CFC) doit le tester et certifier qu'il respecte leslimites fixées dans les exigences gouvernementales d'expositionsans danger*. Pour chaque modèle, les tests sont effectués enposition et aux endroits d'usage (c.-à-d. près de l'oreille et portésur le corps), tel que requis par la CFC. La CFC a accordé uneautorisation d'équipement pour ce modèle de téléphone, aprèsque tous les niveaux de TAS indiqués aient été évalués etconsidérés conformes aux lignes directrices de la CFC enmatière d'exposition aux radiofréquences. Même s'il peut y avoirdes différences entre les niveaux de TAS des différentstéléphones, tous les téléphones mobiles auxquels la CFC aaccordé une autorisation d'équipement répondent aux normesgouvernementales en matière d'exposition sans danger. La CFCconserve dans ses dossiers l'information relative aux TAS relevéspour ce modèle de téléphone. Vous pouvez la consulter au sous la rubrique « DisplayGrant », après avoir effectué une recherche sur CFCID PY7-PM0872. Vous trouverez des renseignementssupplémentaires concernant le DAS sur le site Web du MobileManufacturers Forum MMF au États-Unis et au Canada, la limite de TAS destéléphones mobiles utilisés par le public est de 1,6 watt/kg(W/kg) en moyenne sur un gramme de tissus. Cette normecomporte une marge importante de sécurité afin d'assurer uneprotection supplémentaire et de tenir compte de toute variationdans les mesures.5
Información importanteEstados Unidos y CanadáESTE MODELO DE TELÉFONO HA SIDO CERTIFICADOCONFORME A LOS REQUISITOS GUBERNAMENTALES PARALA EXPOSICIÓN A ONDAS DE RADIO.Los teléfonos móviles de la Serie E5606 han sido diseñadossegún los requisitos de seguridad aplicables para la exposición aondas de radio. Su teléfono inalámbrico es un transmisor yreceptor de radio. Está diseñado para no superar los límites deexposición a energía de radiofrecuencia (RF) fijados por lasautoridades gubernamentales. Estos límites establecen losniveles permitidos de energía de RF para la población general.Las especificaciones se basan en los estándares desarrolladospor organizaciones científicas internacionales medianteevaluaciones periódicas y minuciosas de estudios científicos.Los estándares incluyen un margen de seguridad destinado agarantizar la seguridad de todas las personas,independientemente de la edad y de la salud.Las especificaciones de la exposición a ondas de radioemplean una unidad de medida conocida como la Tasaespecífica de absorción (SAR, por su sigla en inglés). Laspruebas de SAR se llevan a cabo mediante el uso de métodosestandarizados con la transmisión telefónica al más alto nivel deenergía registrado en todas las bandas de frecuencia utilizadas.Aunque es posible que haya diferencias entre los niveles de SARde los diferentes modelos de teléfonos, todos están diseñadospara cumplir con las especificaciones correspondientes de laexposición a ondas de radio. Según se reportó a las autoridades, el valor más alto de SARde este modelo de teléfono cuando se probó usándolo cerca deloído es de 0.345 W/kg y al usarlo en el cuerpo es de1.347 W/kg. Para su uso cerca del cuerpo, el teléfono ha sidoprobado para su funcionamiento a una distancia mínima de 15mm (0,59 pulg.) del cuerpo, sin que haya piezas metálicas cerca
del teléfono o cuando se utiliza correctamente con el accesorioadecuado. Para los dispositivos que incluyen la funcionalidad“Zona activa WiFi”, las medidas SAR para el dispositivo en modode zona activa WiFi se tomaron con una distancia de separaciónde 10 mm (0,39 pulg.). El uso de accesorios de terceros puedeprovocar niveles de SAR diferentes a los informados.Antes de que un modelo de teléfono se encuentre disponiblepara la venta al público en los Estados Unidos, la Comisiónfederal de telecomunicaciones (FCC) debe aprobarlo y certificarque no supera el límite establecido por el requisito adoptado porel gobierno para una exposición segura*. Las pruebas se llevan acabo en posiciones y ubicaciones (es decir, cerca del oído ycerca del cuerpo) según lo requiere la FCC para cada modelo.La FCC ha otorgado una Autorización de equipo para estemodelo de teléfono con todos los niveles de SAR reportados, loscuales fueron evaluados conforme a las especificaciones deexposición a RF de la FCC. Aunque es posible que hayadiferencias entre los niveles de SAR de los diferentes teléfonos,todos los teléfonos móviles que cuentan con una autorización deequipo de la FCC cumplen con los requisitos gubernamentalespara la exposición segura. La información sobre SAR de estemodelo de teléfono está archivada en la FCC y puedeencontrarla en la sección Display Grant (Mostrar subvención) en después de buscar laID PY7-PM0872 de la FCC. Si desea obtener informaciónadicional sobre SAR, visite el sitio Web de EMF del foro defabricantes de dispositivos móviles en los Estados Unidos y Canadá, el límite de SAR de losteléfonos móviles utilizados por el público es de 1.6watts/kilogramo (W/kg) promediados sobre un gramo de tejido.El estándar incluye un margen de seguridad para proporcionarleuna protección adicional al público y para tomar en cuentacualquier variación en las medidas.7
Important InformationLatin & South AmericaRadio wave exposure and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)informationThis mobile phone model E5606 has been designed tocomply with applicable safety requirements for exposure toradio waves. These requirements are based on scientificguidelines that include safety margins designed to assure thesafety of all persons, regardless of age and health.The radio wave exposure guidelines employ a unit ofmeasurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.Tests for SAR are conducted using standardized methods withthe phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in allused frequency bands.While there may be differences between the SAR levels ofvarious phone models, they are all designed to meet therelevant guidelines for exposure to radio waves.SAR data information for residents in countries that haveadopted the SAR limit recommended by the InternationalCommission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP),which is 2 W/kg averaged over ten (10) gram of tissue (forexample European Union, Japan, Brazil and New Zealand). Forbody worn operation, this phone has been tested and meetsRF exposure guidelines when used with an accessory thatcontains no metal and that positions the handset a minimum of15 mm from the body. Use of other accessories may notensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines.The highest SAR value for this model phone when tested bySony for use at the ear is 0.170 W/kg (10g). In the case wherethe phone is worn on the body, the highest tested SARvalue is 0.406 W/kg (10g).8
Información importanteAmérica Latina y América del SurInformación sobre exposición a ondas de radio y tasasespecíficas de absorción (SAR)Este modelo de teléfono móvil E5606 ha sido diseñado segúnlos requisitos de seguridad aplicables para la exposición a ondasde radio. Estos requisitos se basan en especificacionescientíficas que incluyen márgenes de seguridad diseñados paragarantizar la seguridad de todas las personas,independientemente de la edad y la salud.Las especificaciones de la exposición a ondas de radioemplean una unidad de medida conocida como la Tasaespecífica de absorción o SAR. Las pruebas de SAR se llevan acabo mediante el uso de métodos estandarizados con latransmisión telefónica al más alto nivel de energía registrado entodas las bandas de frecuencia utilizadas.Aunque es posible que haya diferencias entre los niveles deSAR de los diferentes modelos de teléfonos, todos estándiseñados para cumplir con las especificacionescorrespondientes de la exposición a ondas de radio.La información sobre SAR para residentes en países que hanadoptado el límite recomendado de SAR según la Comisióninternacional sobre la protección contra las radiaciones noionizantes (CNIRP), que es 2 W/kg promediado endiez (10) gramos de tejido corporal (por ejemplo, Unión Europea,Japón, Brasil y Nueva Zelanda). Para su uso cerca del cuerpo, elteléfono ha sido probado para su funcionamiento a una distanciamínima de 15 mm del cuerpo y cumple con las especificacionesde exposición a RF cuando se utiliza con un accesorio que nocontiene metales. Es posible que el uso de otros accesorios nogarantice el cumplimiento de las especificaciones de exposicióna RF.El valor de SAR más alto para este modelo de teléfonoprobado por Sony para usar en el oído es 0.170 W/kg (10g). En9
caso de que el teléfono se utilice cerca del cuerpo,el valor de SAR más alto probado es 0.406 W/kg (10g).10
Informações importantesAmérica Latina e do SulInformações sobre exposição a ondas de rádio e Taxa deAbsorção Específica (SAR)Este celular modelo E5606 foi projetado de modo a estar emconformidade com os requisitos de segurança aplicáveis paraexposição a ondas de rádio. Esses requisitos se baseiam emdiretrizes científicas que incluem margens de segurançaprojetadas para garantir a segurança de todas as pessoas,independentemente da idade e do estado de saúde.As diretrizes de exposição a ondas de rádio empregam umaunidade de medida conhecida como Taxa de AbsorçãoEspecífica, ou SAR. Os testes relacionados à SAR sãoconduzidos com métodos padronizados em que o celulartransmite com seu nível de potência certificado mais alto emtodas as bandas de frequência utilizadas.Embora possa haver diferenças entre os níveis de SAR dosvários modelos de celular, todos eles foram projetados paraatender às diretrizes relevantes de exposição a ondas de rádio.Informações de dados de SAR para residentes em países queadotaram o limite de SAR recomendado pela ComissãoInternacional de Proteção contra as Radiações Não-Ionizantes(ICNIRP), cuja média é de 2 W/kg por 10 (dez) gramas de tecido(por exemplo, União Europeia, Japão, Brasil e Nova Zelândia).Para operação próximo ao corpo, este celular foi testado ecumpre as diretrizes de exposição à RF quando usado com umacessório que não contenha metal e com o aparelhoposicionado a, no mínimo, 15 mm do corpo. O uso de outrosacessórios pode não garantir a conformidade com as diretrizesde exposição à RF.O mais alto valor de SAR deste modelo de celular quandotestado pela Sony para uso ao ouvido é de 0.170 W/kg (10 g).Nos casos em que o celular é usado em contato com ocorpo, o valor de SAR mais alto testado é de 0.406 W/kg (10 g).11
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FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) This device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any change or modification not expressly approved by Sonymay void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses andcan radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment andreceiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit differentfrom that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician forhelp.17
Industry Canada StatementThis device complies with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisdevice may not cause interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference, including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.This Class B digital apparatus complies with CanadianICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à lanorme NMB-003 du Canada.Operation in the band 5150-5250 MHz is only for indoor useto reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channelmobile satellite systems. Please note that high-power radarsare allocated as primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands5250-5350 MHz and 5650-5850 MHz and that these radarscould cause interference and/or damage to LE-LAN devices.Avis d’industrie CanadaLe présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canadaapplicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et, and (2)l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillageradioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptibled'en compromettre le fonctionnement.18
Declaration of Conformity for E5606We, Sony Mobile Communications AB ofNya Vattentornet SE-221 88 Lund, Swedendeclare under our sole responsibility that our productSony type PM-0872-BVand in combination with our accessories, to which thisdeclaration relates is in conformity with the appropriatestandards:        following the provisions of, Radio Equipment and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment directive 1999/5/EC.Lund, June 2015Fredrik Björk,Head of Product Compliance LundSpectrum EMC SafetyEN 300 328:V1.8.1 EN 301 489-3:V1.6.1 EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013EN 300 440-2:V1.4.1 EN 301 489-7:V1.3.1 EN 62209-1:2006EN 301 511:V9.0.2 EN 301 489-17:V2.2.1 EN 62209-2:2010EN 301 893:V1.7.1 EN 301 489-24:V1.5.1EN 301 908-1:V6.2.1EN 301 908-2:V6.2.1EN 301 908-13:V6.2.1    We fulfil the requirements of the R&TTE Directive(1999/5/EC).Ce produit est conforme aux directives de R&TTE(1999/5/EC).
Cumplimos con los requisitos de la Directiva R&TTE – Normassobre equipos de terminales de radio y telecomunicaciones(1999/5/EC).Atendemos aos requisitos da Diretriz R&TTE (1999/5/EC).19
www.sonymobile.comSony Mobile Communications Inc.1-8-15 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan

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