Spectralink PP6N40-1G9 KIRK 5040 Handset with Blue tooth User Manual UserMan BT
Spectralink Corporation KIRK 5040 Handset with Blue tooth UserMan BT
- 1. UserMan BT
- 2. UserMan
- 3. User Man
UserMan BT
Page 1 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 WML- 46### User Manual The purpose of this m anual is to explain correct way how to integrate m odule WML- 46# # # to the end product. I t includes procedures that shall assist you to avoid unforeseen problem s. This m anual presents inform ation that shows how m odule and OEM product, where m odule integrated, com plies with regulations in certain regions. Any m odifications, not expressly approved by the m anufacturer could void the authority to operate in these regions. Content 1.General 2. Regulatory and Safety Com pliance. European Union. 2.1 Declaration about perform ed tests. 2.2. Labelling 3. FCC Regulatory I nform ation 3.1 Labelling. 3.2 Antenna im plem entation notes. 4. Other regulatory notes for OEM. 5. A separate approval. 1 . General This Bluetooth radio m odule has to be installed and used in accordance with the technical description/ installation instructions provided by the m anufacturer. This Bluetooth radio m odule is intended to be placed on the m arket in all States, where the Bluetooth™ technology and the used frequency band is released. For detail inform ation concerning type approval of this m odule (e.g. where this m odule is already pre-approved) please contact the authorised local distributor or the m anufacturer. The system m ay only be im plem ented in the configuration that was authorized. Note that any changes or m odifications to this equipm ent not expressly approved by the m anufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate this equipm ent. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing. Page 2 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 2 . Regulat ory and Safet y Com pliance . European Union. 2 .1 Declaration about perform ed tests. The Mit sum i m odule WML- C46# # # is wireless dat a t ransm ission syst em . This ‘Bluet oot h’ m odule can be int egrat ed int o various end product s. MI TSUMI declares t hat The Mit sum i m odule WML- C46# # # com plies wit h t he following direct ive and st andards: Direct ive 1 9 9 9 / 5 / EG ( R&TTE Direct ive) : EN 3 0 0 3 2 8 - 2 V1 .2 .1 ( 1 1 - 2 0 0 1 ) , Radio Equipm ent and Syst em s ( RES) ; Wideband t ransm ission syst em s; Technical charact erist ics and t est condit ions for dat a t ransm ission equipm ent operat ing in t he 2,4 GHz I SM band and using spread spect rum m odulat ion t echniques. Part 2: Harm onized EN covering essent ial requirem ent s under art icle 3( 2) of t he R&TTE direct ive. EN 3 0 1 4 8 9 - 0 1 V1 .3 .1 ( 0 9 / 2 0 0 1 ) , Elect rom agnet ic Com pat ibilit y and radio spect rum Mat t ers ( ERM) ; Elect roMagnet ic Com pat ibilit y ( EMC) st andard for radio equipm ent and services; Part 1: Com m on t echnical requirem ent s EN 3 0 1 4 8 9 - 1 7 V1 .1 .1 ( 0 9 - 2 0 0 0 ) , Elect rom agnet ic Com pat ibilit y and radio spect rum Mat t ers ( ERM) ; Elect roMagnet ic Com pat ibilit y ( EMC) st andard for radio equipm ent and services; Part 17: Specific condit ions for wideband dat a HyperLAN equipm ent We hereby declare t hat t he hum an exposure of t he Mit sum i m odule WML- C46# # # is below t he SAR lim it s specified in t he EU recom m endat ion 1999/ 519/ EC ( t he applicable lim it s are specified in t able 1 wit h 2W/ kg) . The technical docum entation as required by the Conform ity Assessm ent procedure is kept at the following address : 2-11-2,TSURUMAKI ,TAMA-SHI ,TOKYO,206-8567 JAPAN. MI TSUMI ELECTRI C CO.,LTD. ACCESS DEVI CE ENGI NEERI NG DEPT. I NTERFACE EQUI PMENT BUSI NESS DI VI SI ON COMPONENT DEVI CES BUSI NESS HQ TEL: + 81-42-310-5829 FAX: + 81-42-310-5582 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing. Page 3 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 2 .2 Labelling CE conform ity m arking for product. OEM product / application, where this radio m odule is integrated/ installed in , has to be labelled in accordance to R&TTE directive, Article 12. An auxiliary label is included in the packaging to the radio m odule, which can be used for that purpose and has to be perm anently affixed to the OEM product/ application, otherwise OEM product m ust be approved separately. Regulatory inform ation on the OEM devise should contain labelling that: Approved in accordance to R& TTE directive transm itter m odule m arked by CE, m anufactured by MI TSUMI incorporated to OEM product . More detail inform ation present below in chapter 5. 3 . FCC Regulatory I nform ation The Federal Com m unication Com m ission Radio Frequency I nterference Statem ent includes the following paragraph: This equipm ent has been tested and found to com ply with the lim its pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These lim its are designed to provide reasonable protection against harm ful interference in a residential installation. This equipm ent generates, uses and radiates radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, m ay cause harm ful interference to radio com m unication. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. I f this equipm ent does cause harm ful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determ ined by turning the equipm ent off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or m ore of the following m easures: -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -I ncrease the separation between the equipm ent and receiver. -Connect the equipm ent into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help. FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statem ent: This device com plies with FCC radiation exposure lim its set forth for an uncontrolled environm ent. End users m ust follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure com pliance. This transm itter m ust not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transm itter. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing. Page 4 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 Not Authorized m odification could void authority to use this equipm ent. 3 .1 Labelling. MI TSUMI m odule WML-46# # # labelled as below. Module internal Antenna Module’s Serial Number MITSUMI Company Logo FCC Regulatory inform ation. OEM devise should contain labelling that: Approved in accordance to FCC rules transm itter m odule m arked by FCC-I D POOWML-C46 label, m anufactured by MI TSUMI incorporated to OEM product. When its not possible, in user m anual should be included such inform ation. For exam ple : “This device com plies w ith Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the follow ing tw o conditions: ( 1 ) this device m ay not cause harm ful interference, and ( 2 ) this device m ust accept any interference received, including interference that m ay cause undesired operation.” This device contains FCC- I D POOW ML- C4 6 COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing. Page 5 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 This label will be placed on the final product, clearly visible to all persons exposed to the transm itter. The specific location on the final product will be consistent with each sam e final product, but will vary in location across various final products, and in any case will always be clearly visible to all persons exposed to the transm itter. The physical size of the label and font size of the lettering will be dependent on the size of the final product, but in any case will always be clearly visible to all persons exposed to the transm itter. 3 .2 Antenna im plem entation notes. Any antenna of a sim ilar type witch listed in antenna declaration m ay be used without retesting. Use of an antenna of a different type than the tested antenna or one that exceeds the gain of a tested antenna would require retesting and new approval by either a Telecom m unication Certification Body or the Com m ission. Manufacturers OEM would be expected to supply a list of acceptable antenna types with applications for equipm ent authorization. The external antennas are described as following. Model Name ANT8030-2R4-01 Manufacturer TDK Max.Gain [dBi] 2.0 Radio m odule WML-46# # # can be incorporated into m any different devices. The m odules generally consist of a com pletely self-contained radiofrequency transm itter m issing only an input and a power source to m ake it functional. Once the m odules are authorized by the Com m ission under our certification procedure, they m ay be incorporated into a num ber of host devices such as, PCs or PDAs, which have been separately authorized. The com pleted product generally is not subject to requirem ents for further certification by the FCC. More detail inform ation present below in chapter 5. 4 . Ot her regulat ory not es for OEM. Modular transm itters save m anufacturers the tim e and any related expenses that would be incurred if a new equipm ent authorization were needed for the sam e transm itter when it is installed in a new device. This m eans that it can be integrated into end products without further testing or approval listing. The m anufacturer m ust state the MI TSUMI part num ber and product reference in his literature in order to m eet the requirem ents of the Bluetooth and regulatory. This should be clearly indicated in the OEM m anuals. The purchaser / integrator ( developer) m ust satisfy all relevant FCC, SAR, EMC and Radio regulations which apply to their finished product. We believe such parties have the technical com petence to ensure that the system s they deploy continue to com ply with all those rules. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing. Page 6 of 6 WML-C46###_User_Manual Feb. 13. 2006 Further inform ation and guidance on this subject and other equipm ent authorization m atters can be found under -Regarding FCC regulatory inform ation on the FCC’s website at: www.fcc.gov/ oet/ info/ database/ letters/ . - Regarding R&TTE directive http: / / europa.eu.int/ com m / enterprise/ rtte/ dir99-5.htm 5 . A separat e approval. A separate approval of the device into which the m odule is incorporated is only required when it cannot be insured that the conditions on the m odule grant will be m et. The purchaser m ust satisfy all relevant FCC, EMC and Radio regulations R&TTE directive which apply to their finished product. COMMERCIAL IN CONFIDENCE This material may not in whole or part be copied, stored electronically or communicated to third parties without MITSUMI ELECTRIC CO., LTD’s prior agreement in writing.
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