Strategic Technologies STISURETRAC User Manual part 4

Strategic Technologies Inc. part 4

user manual part 4

STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Quick InstallQuick InstallThe Quick Install feature enables the installer to easily setup the PRU+ / PID set and have thePRU+ determine if the setup is completed.  The Quick Install feature is designed to prompt theinstaller for any setup requirements that have not been met.  Once all the criteria has been met theunit will automatically call into the Central Computer and pick up it’s final configuration settings.The Quick Install will display different messages depending on what is still required.  The PRU+ willscan the list of requirements and prompt for the next one needed.  The list is as follows:1.  Telephone Line is present2.  AC is connected3.  PRU+ Case is closed4.  PID has transmitted / PID has been received by PRU+5.  PID has transmitted with a Strap Severe ok indication6.  PID has transmitted with a Case ok indication7.  PID has transmitted with a Battery ok indicationOnce these conditions have been met the PRU+ will indicate that everything is ok and will call theCentral Computer.  If the PRU indicates “Call Successful” the installation is complete.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Quick InstallMotion SensorThe Platinum Plus Receiver (PRU+) contains a sensor which will report motion if the receiver ismoved by the participant once it has been installed. Normal household activities could causemovement such as the receiver being bumped or being moved to clean.When the PRU+ senses motion, it will immediately record a motion event.  In order to move thereceiver any distance it would be necessary for the participant to disconnect both the AC power andtelephone.   If the receiver records a Telephone Disconnect, Telephone Connect, AC Disconnectand/or AC Connect event within two (2) minutes before or after an motion event,  the motion eventwill be recorded as an “Alarm Motion”.    If there is no Telephone or AC message, the motion eventwill be recorded as an “ motion” message.The following examples show various ways the motion is reported and when a motion alarm wouldbe reported:A. An AC or telephone event occurs, then within two minutes a motion event occurs, the receiverwill report the following:Event reported Explanation   Alarm No AC - AC was disconnected, no previous motion was recently evidentAlarm Motion - motion is sensed within 2 minutes of the AC disconnect.B. A motion event occurs, there was no prior AC or Telephone related event, the receiver willreport the following:Event reported Explanation   ..Info Motion - motion was sensed, no previous recent AC or Telephone event.C. Motion occurs, then within 2 minutes an AC or Telephone disconnect occurs, the receiver willreport the following:Event reported Explanation   ..Info Motion - motion was sensed, no previous recent AC or Telephone event.Alarm Tel. Disc. - the telephone was disconnected from the receiverAlarm Motion - the telephone disconnect occurred within 2 minutes of the firstmotion event
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. PRU / PID Preventive MaintenancePRU+ / PID Preventive MaintenanceReturned PRU+'sPhysical Checks1. Check all cables for cut's or breakage.2. Make sure the AC and Telephone cable connectors are firmly attached to their cords and arenot broken.  Also check that any connector pins are not bent.3. Check Power Connector Jack at the back of the PRU+.  The Power Jack should be flush withthe outside case and should not move when pulled upon.  The Power Jack should also haveone copper pin inside each of the two sections of the connector.4. Check Telephone Connector Jacks at the back of the PRU+.  The Two Telephone Jacksshould be aligned with the two holes in the back of the PRU+ and should be clear of anyforeign material.  Remove any foreign material found if possible.  If the foreign material can notbe removed send the unit back to STRATEGIC for repair.5. If a PRU+ is dirty or has any foreign substance on it, wipe the entire PRU+ with a damp cloth.If the dirt is still attached take isopropyl alcohol and rub to remove.  If Isopropyl Alcohol is notavailable, spray the PRU+ lightly with Lysol to disinfect.6. Check the screw plugs underneath the PRU+ for pry marks or gouges.  The screw plugs arelocated next to the rubber feet at the back of the unit and on the raised ledge at the front of theunit.  (See Figure 4 : Underneath a PRU+)Figure 7 : Underneath a PRU+7. Check all labels to make sure they haven't been severely scratched or damaged in any way.Send unit back for replacement of any label that shows any sign of damage.  ReplacementLabels can be obtained from STRATEGIC.8. Check that the front display is not physically damaged including the label cover.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. PRU / PID Preventive MaintenanceElectrical Checks1. Plug the unit into the AC Power and make sure that the AC light comes on.  If the unit needscharging the Charge Light should come on.  Leave the unit plugged into AC until the chargelight goes out.  This should also be done to all PRU+’s that are stored for longer than onemonth.  The battery inside the PRU+ can be damaged by leaving it in a discharged state.2. The front display should display the PRU+ Serial Number / PID Code.  The Display will thenshow the current date and time.  If any of these numbers are incorrect, Change them to theright values by using Extended Special Function Mode (As Described on Page 38).3. Using Special Function Mode on a PRU+ enter Test Mode and check the AC and TelephoneDisconnect by unplugging the cables from their respective outlets (For more Informationconcerning Test Mode consult Page 33).Figure 8 : Test Mode Display4. The stored events should be erased each time the unit is changed from one participant toanother.  Be careful because once the events have been erased they can never be retrieved.To erase the events, enter Special Function Mode and step through the functions until B=ClearEvents appears.  Push button B once.  The display will then prompt A=** Clear ** Press A toerase the events.  Once the events have been erased "Events Cleared" will be displayed.5. If the unit was used as a passive unit or previously had it's phone number changed, check thephone number.  Use Extended Special Function Mode to change the phone number back tothe original number.  (For More Information on accessing Extended Special Function Mode seePage 38)
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. PRU / PID Preventive MaintenanceReturned PID'sPhysical ChecksFigure 9 : TheUnderneath of aPID1. Check for damages to the PID plastic (If any PID is damaged, return to STRATEGIC for repair)a. PID latching bars are broken or stressedb. Cracked seam at sealing edge.c. Bent strap contact pins.d. Pry marks on PID edge.2. Cleaning PID'sa. Put the battery into the PID with an O-Ring on it so that water will not leak into the batterycompartment.b. While holding the battery in with your thumb scrub the PID with a soft bristle brush underrunning water (using ani-bacterial soap) and dry with paper towel.c. Use a fine tipped brush (under running water) to clean the latching bar area on thebottom of the PID.d. Clean surface of the PID with isopropyl alcohol for further sanitary protection.Electrical TestsTesting a PID1. All PID's may be tested by using a PRU+2. Testing PID's with a PRU+a. Put the battery into the PID under test. (See Install the battery on Page 18, 20, 25, 28,33)b. Find the PID code (See Figure 6 : The Underneath of a PID Page 47)c. Enter Special Functions Mode by using a LOCK.d. Step through Special Function Mode until "B= Test Mode" appears.e. Push button B.  The PRU+ is now in test mode. (See Figure 5 : Test Mode Display Page42).
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. PRU / PID Preventive Maintenancef. Watch for the PID code to appear in the right lower half of the display.  This indicates thePID is transmitting.Returned Straps1. Setup three cleaning containers as seen in Figure 8: Strap Cleaning.  The first container hassoapy water.  The second container has clean water.  The third container has isopropylalcohol.Figure 11 : Strap Cleaning2. Place the dirty straps into the soapy water.  Scrub the strap to remove any dirt/grime.3. Once the strap is clean, rinse the strap in the clean water.4. Disinfect the strap by placing it into the Isopropyl Alcohol.  If Isopropyl Alcohol is not available,spray the strap lightly with Lysol to disinfect.5. To dry, hang the strap up or place on a paper towel.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Individual Status Log ReportIndividual Status Log ReportWhen a PRU+ calls the Central Computer (CC) the transferred information is stored in an IndividualStatus Log on the CC.  Each participant has a unique ID that is used to identify the participant.  Thereport will indicate all activity of the participant.The Events generated by the PRU+ are recorded as follows:-EventsEvent Type sch. call Info The PRU+ made a scheduled cc busy Info The PRU+ called the  CC, but the line was no dialtone Info The PRU+ attempted a call, but the line was no connect Info The PRU+ dialled but did not connect to the comm error Info The PRU+ connected to the CC but the call wasinterrupted or terminated by excessive line noiseALARM NO AC Alarm The PRU+ was disconnected from AC power.cont no ac Cont Indicates a continuing disconnection from AC ac ok Clear AC power was restored to the PRU+ALARM PRU CASE OPEN Alarm The PRU+ case has been opened or severelydamaged..cont pru case open Cont Indicates a continuing tamper pru case ok Clear The PRU+ case has been closed or correctedALARM TEL DISC Alarm The PRU+ was disconnected from the telephone tel conn Clear The PRU+ was reconnected to the telephone lineALARM TAMPER/SEVER Alarm The PID strap has been completely cut or not reset.cont tamper/sever Cont Indicates a continuing strap tmp/sever ok Clear The strap circuitry has been reset with LOCK againALARM PIU/PID TAMPER Alarm The PID strap has been partially cut or tampered with.cont piu/pid tamper Cont Indicates a continuing strap piu/pid tmp ok Clear The strap circuitry has been reset with a LOCK againALARM PID CASE OPEN Alarm The PID’s case has been opened.cont pid case open Cont Indicates a continuing pid case pid case ok Clear The case has been closedALARM LOW PIU/PID BAT Info The PID battery is low or improperly installed.cont low piu/pid bat Cont Indicates a continuing low pid piu/pid batt ok Info The PID is indicating the low battery has been correctedALARM LOW PRU BATT Alarm The battery in the PRU+ is low.  The PRU+ will stopmonitoring unless it is plugged into AC power..cont low pru batt Cont Indicates a continuing PRU+ low battery
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Individual Status Log pru batt ok Clear The PRU+ is indicating the low battery has enter Info Non-Violation leave Info Non-Violation PRU Reset Info The PRU+ has been reset or turned on after total lossof powerALARM AWAY Alarm Unauthorized absence.cont away Cont Indicates a continuing unauthorized enter ok Clear The participant has entered after an unauthorizedabsenceALARM ENTER Alarm Unauthorized presence.. cont here Cont Indicates a continuing unauthorized leave ok Clear The participant has left after an authorized presenceALARM PENDANT Alarm The Victims pendant has transmitted. (See DomesticViolence Deterrent Program)ALARM PANIC BUTTON Alarm The Panic Button attached to the PRU+ has beenpressed.  (See Domestic Violence Deterrent Program)ALARM MOTION Alarm The PRU+ has been moved while being unpluggedfrom AC motion Info The PRU+ has been motion ok Clear The PRU+ has stopped movingALARM PRU OVERDUE CC The PRU+ has not called in to the CC at the scheduled check-in events cleared Info The events have been cleared on a inFunctionMode Info The PRU+ has been put into Special Function Mode bythe pru power down Info The PRU+ has been turned off while in Special Function mess. receiv. Info The Participant has seen the message sent to thePRU. (ie Participant has pressed “A” to receivemessage) auto page CC A pager alarm notification was pd changed CC The participant personal data was sd/cd changed CC The participant sentence / curfew data was cc changed CC The participant curfew comments were log comment CC A comment manually entered into the log by anoperatorEvent Type DefinitionsThe event type describes when each event calls the Central Computer and the priority assigned tothat event (see Events Generated for the Individual Status Log above).
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Individual Status Log ReportAlarm  - These events indicate a violation has occurred that needs immediate attention.  Theseevents are called into the Central Computer immediately.Clear  - These events indicate a violation has been resolved.  These events are called into theCentral Computer immediately.Info   - These events are for your information only or they do not need immediate attention.These events are NOT called into the CC immediately except for RU Reset.CC  - These events are generated by the Central Computer.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Explanation of the Individual Status Log ReportExplanation of the Individual Status Log ReportThe Central Computer will print out the reports for each participant in the following format:-SureTrac ID (81443) : Unique Number assigned to each participant by the monitoringcenterGroup Code (STI) :  Code that identifies all participants from an agency or group.  It isassigned by the monitoring center.Participant (Fred Jones) :  Participants nameOfficer (Jim Ladd) :  Supervision OfficerEvent Time  :  The time the event occurred (uses the PRU+ time).Event :  Type of Event that occurred.  Please refer to Individual Status Log Report on Page 50Time Received :  Date and Time the event was received by the Central Computer (CC time used).  The report will group events that arereceived at the same time.  This is independent of the event time.  It will then display the collective time received at  the topof the group.Next Call :  Date and Time of the next schedule call.  The next call will be at thistime unless a violation (ALARM) occurs.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Explanation of the Individual Status Log ReportReport Reading TechniquesIndividual Log Reports provide the officer with feedback regarding each participant monitored.They provide detailed information on the activities of the participant.  It is important that every officerhave a complete understanding on how reports are generated and read.The system is extremely through in the number of events that are reported.  The informationcan be very valuable in determining the offenders’ activities.  Due to the attention to detail, somereports are difficult to read unless the user is aware of the philosophy to use when reading them.1.  PRU+ events are placed into the log file in the same order they are received.When the PRU+ communicates with the Central Computer the events that were stored aretransferred in the same order they were recorded. ie.  No sorting is done on the data received.2. Report FiltersReports can be generated using filters that can remove certain types of events from being printed.These filters are usually used to remove any information that is either not desired by the officer oronly adds complexity to the report.  Please consult your monitoring center on the type of alarms thatare included in your reports.3.  Multiple events can be sent to the CC during a phone call.All events that are stored within the PRU+ will be sent to the CC when the PRU+ makes asuccessful call.  The officer can denote which events have been sent on each call because the firstevent in the list will have a time received/ next call header.  Non-violation events ( See Event TypeDefinitions on Pg. ) will not be sent to the CC immediately but will be stored until the next time thePRU+ calls the Central Computer.4.  Events have standardized formatsAll Alarm indications are in capitals (ie ALARM AWAY). All Clear messages that indicate an alarmhas been resolved end with ok (ie enter ok).  Info events are for your information and are inlower case.5.  The leave window affects when the PRU+ calls in with alarms.The PRU+ will not record an ALARM AWAY / leave until the leave window has beenexceeded.  At this time, the PRU+ will generate an ALARM AWAY / leave with a time thatreflects the last time the PRU+ received a transmission from the PID (ie the event is back dated bythe length of the leave window).  Leaves that occur around the time of the curfew boundary will usethe curfew at the time the event was generated.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Explanation of the Individual Status Log Report6.  Communication Errors are combined. (if alike)Whenever communication errors (ie cc busy, no dialtone, no connect or ..infocomm error) occur back-to-back that are the same type the PRU+ automatically combines thecommunication error into one event.  This is designed to save on storage space inside the PRU+.7.  The PRU+ determines curfew violationsThe PRU+ receives a curfew model from the Central Computer.  When the curfew is violated thePRU+ will call into the Central computer and report the alarm.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions1. Can an answering machine be used with the PRU+?An answering machine will not, as a general rule, affect the operation of the equipment  Although,depending on the quality of the answering machine it may load the line or create an unsuitable linecondition that could cause problems with PRU+ communications.2.  Can the PRU+ work with call waiting and call notes?No, these services interrupt the unit while it is making outgoing calls.  They should be removed.3.  Will the computer call the PRU+ and when?The Central Computer never calls the PRU+.  The PRU+ initiates all communications with the hostcomputer.  The Call Overdue alarm indicates when the PRU+ has not checked in on time to theCentral Computer.5.  Will light switches affect the PRU+?A light switch will only affect the PRU+ if the switch controls the electrical power to the outlet thePRU+ is connected.  When the switch is turned off it will disconnect the PRU+ from AC power.  Thiswill cause a NO AC alarm to be reported to the Central Computer.6.  Will the PRU+ operate if connected to a modem on a computer?A computer modem may interfere with the operation of the PRU if it is using the phone line whenthe PRU+ needs to make a call to the CC.  Also, if the computer modem has the auto answersetting enabled it will interfere with all calls.7. Will the PRU+ operate when the phone line from the system is connected to a jack shared by asatellite system?Most satellite systems have been found to interrupt the unit from making outgoing calls9.  Will the unit listen to personal phone conversations?The PRU+ has no capability to tape phone conversations10. Can the offender tamper with the A/B buttons, and manipulate the function mode commandswithin the PRU+?The A/B buttons will only function when the PRU+ is in Special Function Mode.  The only way toaccess Special Function Mode is by using the LOCK.11.  Can the PID be placed in water, or does it have to be wrapped in plastic?The PID is completely waterproof for normal bathing activity.12.  Can the PRU+ provide 24 Hour battery backup?
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. Frequently Asked QuestionsAs soon as there is an interruption in power, the PRU+ will immediately switch to the backupbattery.  This battery lasts for approximately 24 hours.13.  Can two PRU+ systems be placed in a home simultaneously?You may place two units in the same residence.  You must assure that the two PID’s have differenttransmitter codes. This will allow each PRU+ to monitor each offender independently.  You mayencounter some communication errors due to both units communicating across the same phoneline.  You may also experience some short leaves / enters if both PID’s transmit at the same time14.  Does the PRU+ system need to be programmed for it to be used passively?The PRU+ will only need to be programmed if the line that the PRU+ will call out on has to dial adifferent number (IE additional digits to access an outside line).  See the Extended Function Modesection in the Platinum Series User Guide for information on how to change the telephone number.15.  Do the PRU+ units instantly receive schedule changes when the officer calls in a curfewchange?The PRU+ will only pickup the curfew model when the unit calls into the CC.16.  Can the PRU+ be placed directly on the floor of a offenders home?The unit must be placed at least three feet above the floor.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.Trouble-ShootingTrouble-ShootingPRU TipsPROBLEM : CC Busy (2)SOLUTION1. All lines at the monitoring center are busy.  The PRU+ will re-attempt the call in varyingintervals (Or you can force another call attempt immediately).PROBLEM : No Dialtone (3)SOLUTION1.  Check the phone line has a valid dialtone.2. Check that there are no telephone services that eliminate or alters the dialtone.3. Assure no one is using the phone line while the PRU is attempting a call.4. Use Passive Mode to monitor the offender. (See Passive Mode in the Platinum Series UserGuide)PROBLEM : No Connect (4)SOLUTION1. Check that the phone line is connected to the LINE jack on the back of the PRU+.  The LINEjack is directly above the AC connector.2. Check the phone number in the PRU+ (See the Extended Special Function Mode section in Platinum Series UserGuide) is correct.3. Dial the phone number using a phone and check that it is possible to call the CC from thatlocation.4. Check that the phone line is capable of rotary (pulse) dialling.  If not, switch the dial mode on the PRU+ to Tone.PROBLEM : Communication Error (5)SOLUTION1. Re-try the call attempt and assure that the call is not interrupted by anyone in the residence (ie.while the PRU+ displays “Telephone in Use” assure that no one picks up the phone.)2. Remove any extra devices attached to the phone line (ie. Answering machine, fax machine, computer) to eliminatethese as possible sources of the problem.3. Remove any telephone services that may interfere with the PRU+ communications. (ie callwaiting, call notes)PROBLEM : The unit will not phone in on initial call-inSOLUTION :1. Enter Test Mode and check if the Tel. Symbol is present.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.Trouble-Shooting2. If the Tel symbol is not presentCheck the cable is plugged into the phone lineb. Check the connectors on the cable (both ends)c Check that the tel cable is plugged into the LINE jack on the PRU+ (directly above the AC connector)The PRU+ will not display the tel symbol if it is plugged into the PHONE jack.d. Attach a phone to the same phone line and check if a dial tone is present.5. Dial a number and check if the line is working.3. If the Tel symbol is present.1. Refer to the communication error that occurred (ie No Connect (4), No Dialtone (3))PROBLEM : Cockroaches or other foreign material in the unitSOLUTION:1. Return the equipment to STI for repairPROBLEM : Multiple RU Reset on the CC reportSOLUTION:1. If the resets occur after a call is initiated (ie during a call attempt).1. The PRU+ will give a reset message if a critical error occurs during a phone call.These messages can be ignored or considered telephone communication errors.2. Return Unit to STI for repairPROBLEM : PRU locks up in Run ModeSOLUTION :1. Is the date correct?  Is the date incrementing?1. If not, Return Unit to STI for repair.2. Will a LOCK enter Special Function Mode?a. Is the LOCK working? Verify that the LOCK is working by using the LOCK on a different PRU.2. If not, return Unit to STI for repair3. Does the PRU+ attempt to call the CC?a. Force a call by causing an alarm that is reported immediately (ie disconnect AC or cause a PID strap orprox alarm)b. If not, return the Unit to STI for repairPROBLEM : Call Overdue after successful installationSOLUTIONS1. Is the unit on? Is the date and time on the display?1. Is the AC adapter connected?  If not, connect the AC adapter and check that PRU callsinto CC2.  Refer to PROBLEM : PRU locks up in Run Mode
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.Trouble-Shooting2. Is the tel cable connected from the wall outlet to the LINE jack?1. Connect tel cable to LINE jack3.  See PROBLEM : PRU locks up in Run ModePROBLEM : Multiple Telephone DisconnectsSOLUTION1. Does this happen constantly or only during night?1. The telephone company maybe lowering line voltage that causes PRU+ to detect thatthe telephone has been disconnected.2. Replace unit it verify that there is nothing wrong with the PRU+.1. If the problem persists, monitor offender via Passive Mode.PID TipsPROBLEM : Not TransmittingSOLUTION3. Check the PID with another PRU+ in test mode to make sure it is not transmitting.4. Check that the battery is turned fully in the battery compartment.3. Check the springs in the battery compartment are ok and that the spring tensioner material is under the springs.4. Make sure no water or other foreign material is in the battery compartment.  If water is in thebattery compartment1. Return the PID to STI for repair5. Return the PID to STI for repairPROBLEM : The Strap will not ResetSOLUTION1. Check that LOCK is working using LOCK test instruction.2. Check if the PID metal pins on the underside of the PID are alright3. Check position of LOCK during reset.  Is the LOCK in the correct reset location on the PID.FVU TipsPROBLEM : Not Picking Up PID'sSOLUTION1. Does the FVU have anything on the display?1. Replace AA batteries or plug into AC2. Return FVU to STI for repair2. How close is the PID? (the FVU has a free air range of 1100')
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc.Trouble-Shooting1. Is the PID transmitting?i. assure that the PID is transmitting with a PRU+)3. Does the unit pick up the PIDs with either antenna? (ie the stubby antenna and the mag-mount)4. If the FVU picks up transmissions with one but not the other1. Check the antenna that doesn't pick up transmissions is connected correctly.b. Check the antenna connector is attached okc. Check the antenna cable (Mag-Mount antenna) is not bent or pinched along it entire length.5. If the FVU picks up no transmissions from either antenna.1. Check the connector on the FVU (make sure that it doesn't move or rotate)LOCK TipsPROBLEM : LOCK does not reset the PIDSOLUTION1. Check the LOCK battery2. Does the red light come on? If No, Return to STI for repair3. Try resetting another PID.  If the LOCK resets another PID, check PID troubleshooting tips.Otherwise return to STI for repair.PROBLEM : The LOCK does not allow access to Special Function ModeSOLUTION1. Check the LOCK battery2. Check the LOCK with a different PRU+3. If the LOCK works on the other PRU+ refer to PRU+ Problems4. If the LOCK does not work on the other PRU+ return to STI for repair
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. System DefinitionsSystem DefinitionsAlarm............................ An event that needs immediate attention.Battery (PID) ................ Proprietary 6V power pack that provides the PID one year of life.Battery (PRU+)............. There are two batteries in the PRU+.  The main battery (lead acid)provides power to the PRU+ when it is disconnected from AC power (life -24 hours).  The memory back-up battery (Lithium) provides power to theevent memory and the clock when the PRU+ is switched off (life - onemonth).  Both batteries are re-chargeable.Case Open (PID).......... Alarm that indicates the PID has been opened or severely damaged.Case Open (PRU+)...... Alarm that indicates the PRU+ has been opened or severely damaged.CC................................ Central Computer.Clear ............................ An event that indicates an alarm has been resolved.CMU............................. Cellular Module Unit.  Uses the cellular telephone network to connect thePRU+ to the CC.Cursor .......................... A block that blinks indicating which number is being edited in ExtendedSpecial Function Mode.Date Format ................. The order in which the date appears (YMD, DMY, MDY) in run mode.Dial Mode..................... The type of dialling the PRU+ will perform when calling the CC.Downloading ................ The act of sending information from the PRU+ to the CCEvent............................ An occurrence that is generated by the PRU+ or CC.Extended SpecialFunction Mode ............. Accessible by using the LOCK.  Used to change internal settings andparameters.FVU..............................Field Verification Unit.  Used to monitor the participant away from the areaof confinement.ID ................................. The number on the CC that identifies each participant.Info .............................. An event that is for your information or does not require immediateattention.Interference.................. Radio Frequency noise that affects the communication link between thePRU+ and PIDLeave Time .................. The time between transmissions before the PRU+ will acknowledge thePID is out of range.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. System DefinitionsLOCK ........................... Unit Access Controller.  This device is used to access SpecialFunction Mode on a PRU+ and is used to reset the straptamper alarm on a PID.Locking Pins................. Plastic pins that hold the PID and baseplate together.Memory ........................ The location in the PRU+ where events are stored.  The PRU+can store up to 2500 events.Passive......................... The ability of the PRU to monitor an participant without beingattached to a telephone line.PID .............................. Personal Identification Device.  This device attaches to theparticipants leg and identifies the presence of the participant tothe PRU+.PRU+ ........................... Platinum Plus Receiver Unit Series.  This device is placed inthe area of confinement and monitors the participants activityvia the PID.PVU.............................. Personnel Verification Unit.  Used to monitor the participantaway from the area of confinement.Reset (PID)................... The act of clearing the strap sever, strap tamper, pid lowbattery and pid case open alarm.Reset (PRU+)............... The act of starting or re-starting the PRU+ in Run Mode.RSSI............................. Receiver Signal Strength Indication.  This is a value between 1- 255 that indicates the relative distance the PID is locatedfrom the PRU+.RF . .............................. Radio Frequency.  The method in which the signal is sent fromthe PID to the PRU+.Run Mode..................... The area of confinement is monitored in this mode.  Thedisplay has the date and time on the top line.Signal ........................... Information sent by the PIDSpecial FunctionMode ............................ Accessible by using the LOCK.  Used when installing thePRU+Strap............................. Band that holds the PID to the participant.Strap Sever .................. Alarm that indicates the strap has been completely cut.
STRATEGIC Technologies Inc. System DefinitionsStrap Tamper ............... Alarm that indicates the strap has been partially cut ortampered with.Test Mode Allows installer to view current status of all hardware alarms.

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