Tagmaster LRXX RFID Communicator User Manual

Tagmaster AB RFID Communicator

User manual

  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB                                                                             HR-2 Reader User’s Manual                MANUAL
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  2 (21)   Revision Date  Comment 01 2010-07-08 First version                                       Copyright The copyright and ownership of this document belongs to TagMaster AB. The document may be downloaded or copied provided that all copies contain the full information from the complete document. All other copying requires a written approval from TagMaster AB. Disclaimer While effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document TagMaster AB assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  3 (21)   Table of Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 HR-2 Reader .................................................................................................. 4 1.2 TagMaster’s RFID System ............................................................................. 4 2 Safety Instructions  6 2.1 Warnings ........................................................................................................ 6 3 Overview 7 3.1 General Information........................................................................................ 7 4 Operating the Unit  8 4.1 Starting the Unit.............................................................................................. 8 4.2 Main Menu...................................................................................................... 9 4.3 ReadTag Menu............................................................................................. 10 4.4 WriteTag Menu............................................................................................. 11 4.5 Settings Menu .............................................................................................. 11 4.6 Info Menu ..................................................................................................... 13 5 External Interfaces  14 5.1 Ethernet Interface......................................................................................... 14 5.2 Service Interface .......................................................................................... 14 6 Charging the Unit  16 7 Technical Data  17 7.1 Reader Overview.......................................................................................... 17 7.2 Performance Data ........................................................................................ 17 7.3 Electrical Data .............................................................................................. 18 7.4 Mechanical Data........................................................................................... 18 7.5 Environmental Specification ......................................................................... 19 8 Contact 21 8.1 Technical Support ........................................................................................ 21 8.2 Office ............................................................................................................ 21
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  4 (21)   1 Introduction 1.1 HR-2 Reader The HR-2 handheld RFID reader provides fully mobile read/write capability for TagMaster’s 2.45 GHz ID-tags. The device is designed for use in a wide range of demanding environments where ID-tags need to be verified and recorded. The combination of this portable RFID device and its touch screen user interface with TagMaster’s powerful Linux operating system provides integrators with the flexibility to customise or enhance the functionality of the HR-2.   The HR-2 is used for verifying the stored data and status of an ID-tag or for programming TagMaster ScriptTags. ID-tag information is stored in Flash memory and is easily transferred via Ethernet using the built-in web interface. The HR-2 reader provides a 2 meter standard read-range which can easily be adjusted using the configuration menu. Frequency hopping (FHSS) is the default frequency setting which ensures error free operation in close proximity with permanent reader installations. The HR-2 is a robust portable handheld reader powered by lithium-ion batteries. By utilising a default stand-by mode, the HR-2 can be operated for a full 10 hour work shift. The Reader becomes fully operational as soon as a reading is initiated via the touch screen. The HR-2 is based on the versatile and proven LR-series hardware platform which includes, Ethernet TCP/IP and RS232 connections, USB and SD memory data storage. The Software Development Kit (SDK) can be used for proprietary application development and the open-source HR-2 software can be customised, including the touch-screen interface word-list language. 1.2 TagMaster’s RFID System TagMaster’s RFID system consists of readers and ID-tags. Readers can work standalone or be connected to a host computer using a serial or Ethernet connection. 1.2.1 Reader The reader is a device for reading ID-tags using 2.45 GHz radio frequencies. In addition to reading, some readers have the capability to write information to ScriptTags. Some readers are also capable of detecting the speed and direction of moving objects without ID-tags, so called movement detection.  The reader has built-in antennas for communication with ID-tags as well as various interfaces for communication with a host computer and other external devices.  To reduce the risk of interference, several readers in close proximity to each other should use frequency hopping or be set to different frequency channels. 1.2.2 ID-tags An ID-tag carries information that can be read at a long distance using radio frequency. There are two general types of TagMaster ID-tags called MarkTag and ScriptTag. MarkTag are read-only while ScriptTag are both readable and writable. Both types of ID-tags contain a unique and permanent identification number called the ID-tag mark. A ScriptTag contains an additional writable data field called the ID-tag userdata.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  5 (21)   The data in an ID-tag is protected by a 32-bit checksum (16-bit for Open48) for maximum system security. A lithium battery is used in the ID-tag to preserve stored data and get a high communication speed.  TagMaster has a wide range of ID-tags with different properties. Technical data for the different ID-tags are presented in the respective ID-tag’s data sheet.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  6 (21)   2 Safety Instructions Read this manual carefully before installation work is performed and take notice of warnings in order to prevent injury and product damage.   Where local regulations exist, these are to be followed. The safety information in this manual is a supplement to local regulations. It is the responsibility of the local project manager to make certain that local regulations are known and followed.  The relevant manual (including this safety information) must be followed in any work performed on the TagMaster products or systems.   The use of TagMaster’s genuine spare parts is recommended. TagMaster will not assume responsibility for any malfunction due to use of spare parts produced by a third party.  2.1 Warnings Warnings are used throughout this manual to alert the reader to special instructions concerning a particular task or operation that may be hazardous if performed incorrectly or carelessly. The warnings are preceded by the common hazard symbol.   Figure 1   Hazard Symbol  The following two levels of warnings are used:   Warning! Warning means that an accident may occur if the safety precautions are neglected. This type of accident may cause injury. It may also damage the product.    Caution! Caution means that an accident may occur if the safety precautions are neglected. This type of accident may damage the product.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  7 (21)   3 Overview 3.1 General Information The HR-2 reader is designed for stand alone operation, reading and writing to ID-tags. After a working shift, information in the handheld can be uploaded into a system using serial or Ethernet interface.  A typical application for a HR-2 reader is reading ID-tags during a scheduled service (see Figure 2). This could be in order to identify the object being equipped with the ID-tag or to confirm the correct function of the tag itself.  HandheldIdentification of tag attached to an objectTrain Figure 2   A typical application using a HR-2 reader.   Warning! To comply with FCC RF exposure limits and Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC, it is recommended that the reader is handled so that a separation distance of at least 20 cm (8 in) from all persons is provided.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  8 (21)   4  Operating the Unit 4.1 Starting the Unit To start the HR-2 reader, press the power switch button (see Figure 3). When the unit is powered on, this will be indicated with a red LED indication in the middle of the power switch button.  Touch ScreenEthernet Interface Power Switch ButtonPower & Service InterfaceFigure 3   HR-2 reader overview.    Warning! Never power-on the HR-2 if any signs of the unit being damaged can be observed. As the unit contains a lithium-ion battery, this could result in an accident and potential injury. Please contact TagMaster for advice on how to proceed if the unit is damaged.    Caution! Never exceed the environmental and electrical limits as specified in paragraph 7. Exceeding the limits can result in permanent damage to the reader.   As soon as the power switch button has been pressed the boot procedure of the HR-2 will start. During this stage a boot screen will be displayed (see Figure 4). The boot
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  9 (21)   duration is approximately 15 seconds, but will be depending on software version and possible specific software additions.   Figure 4   Start-up screen. 4.2 Main Menu The main menu (see Figure 5) of the HR-2 will display a number of icons. These include ‘ReadTag’, ‘WriteTag’, ‘Settings’ and ‘Info’. Additional Icons might be present if optional software has been ordered from TagMaster or developed by the user.   Figure 5   Main menu screen.   The bottom of the main menu screen also displays date, time and remaining battery capacity.  A number of general ways to interact with the HR-2 are listed below:     The vertical arrows (↑↓) at the bottom of the screen can be used to navigate (if not all info can be displayed at once). If all info is present on the screen, these arrows will be shaded.    The horizontal arrow (←) is being used to go back to the next higher level of the menu hierarchy.   By touching the screen (using the tip of a finger is recommended but a stylus can also be used) a specific alternative is activated.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  10 (21)    Caution! Never use a sharp or metal object when touching the screen. This will lead to permanent scratches on the screen. Always us a finger (or a plastic stylus) when interacting with the touch screen.  The HR-2 touch screen includes a function for backlight. In general, the screen backlight will be on for a few seconds after the last user interaction. To save power, the backlight will then fade away. To activate the backlight again touch the screen. This single action of touching the screen to activate the backlight will not be used as input to any of the HR-2 menus.   4.3 ReadTag Menu To read an ID-tag, touch the ‘ReadTag’ icon to enter the ‘ReadTag’ menu (see Figure 6).   Figure 6   ‘ReadTag’ screen.  Hold the HR-2 reader over the tag to be read. By touching ‘Read Tag’, the reader starts searching for a tag. It will continue to search until a tag is found or an abort is issued by the user. If a tag is found, corresponding info will be presented on the screen.  A log of all read tags will be present, and this log can be navigated using the vertical arrows. This log can be cleared by touching ‘Clear’.  The info on ‘Read Tag’ screen is explained below:  No./Total:  The record number of the displayed tag reading / the total number of stored tag readings. Timestamp:  Timestamp of displayed tag reading. Format:  Tag type and formatting of displayed tag reading. Mark, Bat:  Info on mark and battery status of displayed tag reading. Userdata:  Info on userdata (ScriptTag only) of displayed tag reading.  The user data formatting can be changed by touching the area just below the word Userdata.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  11 (21)   4.4 WriteTag Menu To write an ID-tag, touch the ‘WriteTag’ icon to enter the ‘WriteTag’ menu (see Figure 7).   Figure 7   ‘WriteTag’ screen.  Alternatives for selecting different ScriptTag modes (see corresponding Data Sheet for more info) and formatting can be made. By using ‘Clear’, ‘Read’ and ‘Write’ the corresponding actions can be carried out.  By selecting the ‘Userdata’ area, a submenu can be accessed (see Figure 8) which can be used for entering userdata.   Figure 8   Userdata entry screen. 4.5 Settings Menu The settings menu (see Figure 9) allows the user to change a number of reader parameters.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  12 (21)     Figure 9   Settings screen.  Settings that can be adjusted include:  RFID:  FHSS  Frequency   Read level  Bit rate  Date & Time:   Time zone   NTP  Date  Time  Network:  DHCP   Bonjour   Host name   IP address   Netmask  Gateway  Primary DNS  Secondary DNS
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  13 (21)   4.6 Info Menu To get info on the HR-2 software and network settings, touch the ‘Info’ icon to enter the ‘Info’ menu (see Figure 10).   Figure 10   ‘Info’ screen.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  14 (21)   5 External Interfaces 5.1 Ethernet Interface  The HR-2 reader is equipped with an Ethernet Interface accessible using a M12 Ethernet connector (see Figure 2). For convenience a short cable converting the M12 Ethernet to RJ45 is included with the HR-2.  The Ethernet interface can be used for uploading log files and adjusting the settings of the HR-2. All settings available using the touch screen can also be adjusted using the web server of the reader.  5.2 Service Interface The HR-2 reader is equipped with a combined Power & Service Interface (see Figure 3). The service interface is providing a text-based way to configure the reader. A PC with terminal emulation software is used to access the administration interface.  Perform the configuration as follows: 1.  Connect the Service Interface of the reader to the serial port of a PC with a RS232. 2.  Configure the terminal emulator with the following communication settings: • Baud rate:  115200 • Data bits:  8 • Parity:  None • Stop bits:  1 • Flow control: None • Emulation:  VT100 3.  Open a connection from the terminal emulator to the reader and press ENTER. The login prompt will be displayed. 4.  Login as user admin. The default password is qwerty. 5.  The main menu will be displayed with the following menu items: •  Start  TagMaster contact information •  Information  Detailed system information (HW/SW versions, etc.) • Settings  Settings menu •  Reboot  Reboots the reader •  Exit  Exits the administration interface
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  15 (21)    Figure 11 Service interface main menu.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  16 (21)   6 Charging the Unit The HR-2 is equipped with an internal lithium-ion battery. When the HR-2 is running low on power, this will be indicated by the battery status icon on the main menu (see Figure 5 ).To start recharging, connect the HR-2 charger (included with the unit) to the Power and Service Interface M12 connector (see Figure 3). Only the original HR-2 charger may be used together with the unit, and the specific M12 connector is chosen to make a mix-up highly unlikely. If the HR-2 charger is lost or broken, contact TagMaster for a replacement charger.  A full recharge takes 5 hours to complete (given that the HR-2 is powered off during this time).  The HR-2 battery and charging electronics has been designed and reviewed to fulfil relevant safety requirements. For this reason the battery may not be replaced or the HR-2 unit modified in any way. If a change of battery is need, return the unit to TagMaster for service.   Warning! The HR-2 may only be charged in the temperature interval of 0°C to 50°C. Charging the HR-2 outside this specified temperature interval may cause injury.     Warning! Incinerate, disassemble, short circuit, dispose of in fire, or heat above 60°C/140°F may cause burst or burn. Use designated charger only.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  17 (21)   7 Technical Data 7.1 Reader Overview Figure 12 shows an overview of the internals of HR-2 reader.     Figure 12   Overview of the HR-2 reader. The following table describes the position of the components inside the unit.  No Component   No Component 1  Top   7 Bottom 2  Gasket   8 Gasket 3  LCD gasket and cover film   9 Enclosure Base 4  Screen module   10 Reduction Nipple 5  Li-Ion battery pack   11 Shield Plate 6  Barrier nut    12 Lid Table 1 Components of the HR-2. 7.2 Performance Data 7.2.1  Communication range data Parameter Value Unit Up to 3.5*  m Read Range  Up to 11.5*  ft Up to 0.2  m Write Range Up to 0.6  ft * Default setting is 2m/6.6 ft, which can be easily adjusted using the configuration menu 1 3  4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 2 8
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  18 (21)   7.2.2  RFID communication speed  Parameter Value Unit Data Speed  16  kb/s 7.3 Electrical Data Data regards the temperature range −20°C to +45°C or −4 to +113 °F. 7.3.1 Radio  Parameter Value  Unit Radio Wave Polarisation  Circular   Output Power  10  mW e.i.r.p CW-mode: Radiation Frequency 2435–2465 MHz CW-mode: Number of RF Channels 93  CW-mode: Channel Separation 300 KHz FHSS-mode*: Radiation Frequency 2400–2483.5 MHz FHSS-mode*: Number of RF Channels 400  FHSS-mode*: Channel Separation 200 KHz * Not available in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. 7.3.2 Power supply  Parameter Value  Unit DC battery Charger*  24  VDC DC Power Consumption Typical 4.5 W Max DC Power Consumption 15 W Internal battery voltage  14.4  VDC Internal battery capacity  2200  mAh * 100- 240 VAC powered battery charger (24V, Max 2A) included with reader 7.4 Mechanical Data  Parameter Value Unit 1.4 kg Weight 3.1 lbs 257×154×142 mm Dimensions 10.12 × 6.06 × 5.59  in
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  19 (21)   Enclosure Material  PC-PBT and PC (Xenoy)  Chassis Material  Aluminium   Sealing Rubber Gaskets  Colour: Enclosure base & bottom  Dark Grey RAL7024   Colour: Lid & top  Light Grey RAL7001    Power and Service Interface connector  M12 × 5 Poles   Ethernet connector  M12 x 4 Poles   7.5 Environmental Specification 7.5.1 Climate  Parameter Value Reference Cold  −20°C or −4°F - Heat  +60°C or +140°F  - Sealing IP54    Caution! Do not remove the pressure balance membrane, or use the unit without protective caps on the Power & Service Interface or Ethernet Interface. This will compromise the IP classification.  7.5.2 RoHS The HR-2 reader complies with RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC 7.5.3 Electrical  Parameter Reference Immunity  Acc. to CE: EN 301 489-3 Emission Acc. To: CE: EN 300 440-2 (radio) and EN 301 489-3 (EMC). FCC part 15 subpart B and C. The Reader fulfils Class B digital equipment limits Safety  EN  60 950-1  NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  20 (21)   Caution Information to user: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
HR-2 Reader User’s Manual  Doc no. 10-233 01 © TagMaster AB  21 (21)   8 Contact For any further inquiries, please contact TagMaster AB. 8.1 Technical Support Phone: + 46 8 632 19 50 Fax: +46 8 750 53 62 E-mail: support@tagmaster.com 8.2 Office TagMaster AB Kronborgsgränd 1 S-164 87  KISTA, Sweden  Phone: +46 8 632 19 50 Fax: +46 8 750 53 62 E-mail: sales@tagmaster.com Web: www.tagmaster.com

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