Telefield 2-5255D 1.9GHz DECT 2 Lines Corded and Cordless Phone User Manual 1

Telefield Ltd. 1.9GHz DECT 2 Lines Corded and Cordless Phone 1

User Manual

US number, Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), a product identifier in the  format US:AAAEQ##TXXXX.
The changes or modification  to this unit not expressly approved by the partyresponsible fors
4 FCC RF Radiation Exposure StatementInformation for DECT Productbase unitcordless handset
5Equipment Approval Information   2Interference Information     3Licensing     3Hearing Aid Compatibility     3FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement   4Information for DECT Product     4Introduction      7Parts Checklist    7  -Telephone Jack Requirements    Installation    8 -Digital Security SystemImportant Installation Guidelines   8Handset Layout       9Base Layout       10Installing the Phone       11  -Installing the handset battery  11 -Base Station  12-14Programming the Phone     15 -Standby Screen    15 -Programming Functions    15 -Phone Setting  15 -Date/Time     16 -Auto Answer  16 -Auto Answer Intercom    16 -Dial Mode   17      -Area Code      17 -Registration     17 -Register   18 -Remove Handset    18 -De-Register     18  -2nd Call Alert    19  -Add  Headset    18 -Handset Name  19  -Update Handset List    19 -Display Setting  19     -Contrast   20 -Backlight   20 -Sound Setting  20 -Answering System  21 -VOICE MAIL  21 -On/Off Status  21  -Outgoing Message (OGA)  Playback  22  -Set Office Time    22 -Set Work Hours  23 -Set After Hours  23 -Ring Delay   24 -Message Length  24 -Call Screening  24 -Message Alert  24 -Remote Password  25 -Restore Setting  25     Table of ContentsTelephone Operation     25       -Making calls with the cordless handset     25       -Making calls with the corded handset (from the base)   25       -Making calls in the speakerphone mode (from the base)   26       -Making calls in the speakerphone mode (from the handset)  26       -Making calls with the optional headset     26       -Pre-dialing        27       -Answering a Call         27       -Switching between the speakerphone, handset & headset         mode           27       -Mute      28       -Do not disturb         28       -Flash      28       -Inserting a pause in the dialing sequence     28       -Redial      29       -Reviewing the Redial Numbers       29       -Storing a Redial Record in Directory     29       -Transferring a call to another extension     30       -Receiving a transferred call from another extension   30       -Ringer on/off and ringer volume       30       -Speakerphone, handset and headset volume     30       -Hold      31       -Conference calls         31Intercom Calls     32       -One-touch /memory log       32       -Answering an intercom call       32       -Page      32       -Auto Standby         32Caller ID (CID)     33       -Receiving and storing CID records     33       -Reviewing CID records       33       -Saving a CID record to the phone directory     34       -Deleting a CID record       34       -Deleting all call records       34       -Dialing back         34       -Call waiting caller ID        35Directory & One-Touch Memory      36       -Adding directory entries       36       -Storing a record in the one-touch/memory buttons   36       -Reviewing directory records       37       -Editing a name or number stored in the one-touch/         memory log         37       -Reviewing record in the one-touch/memory     37       -Editing a directory record       37       -Copying a directory record       38       -Deleting a directory record       38       -Deleting all directory records       38       -Deleting a one-touch/memory       39       -Dialing a directory record       39       -Dialing a one-touch memory/record     39
6  Table of Contents Cont.Answering System Operation       40       -Answering system on/off       40       -Recording incoming messages       40       -Monitoring incoming calls       40       -Memo record     41       -Memo recording     41       -Message/memo playback       41       -Erasing messages     42       -Remote access from remote party      42       -Memory full     43Changing the Battery     43Battery Safety Precautions       43Display Messages     44Handset Sound Signals       45        -Backup battery operation       45Troubleshooting Guide    46        -Telephone solutions     46        -Caller ID solutions         47        -Battery     47General Product Care       48Causes of Poor Reception       48Warranty Assistance     49Limited Warranty     50-51
7IntroductionCAUTION: When using telephone equipment, there are basic safety instructions that should always be followed. Refer to the IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS provided with this product and save them for future reference.IMPORTANT: Because cordless phones operate on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn’t cordless, in case the power in your home goes out.Corded HandsetHandset battery packTelephone  2- Line cordsAC power   adaptor  (for base)Parts ChecklistShort Line CordBelt ClipCoiled  Handset CordCharging CradleTelephone Jack RequirementsfifiModular  telephone line jackWall plateCordless HandsetAC power   adaptor  (for charging cradle)7
8 InstallationDigital Security SystemYour cordless phone uses a digital security system to protect against false ringing, unauthorized access, and charges to your phone line.INSTALLATION NOTE: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause or receive interference with nearby TVs, microwave ovens, and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, the base of the cordless telephone should not be placed near or on top of a TV, microwave ovens, or VCR. If such interference continues, move the cordless telephone farther away from these appliances.Certain other communications devices may also use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication, and, if not properly set, these devices may interfere with each other and/or your new telephone. If you are concerned with interference, please refer to the owner’s manual for these devices on how to properly set channels to avoid interference. Typical devices that may use the 1.9 GHz frequency for communication include wireless audio/video senders, wireless computer networks, multi-handset cordless telephone systems, and some long-range cordless telephone systems.Important Installation Guidelinesf  $YRLGVRXUFHVRIQRLVHDQGKHDWVXFKDVPRWRUVflXRUHVFHQWOLJKWLQJPLFURZDYHRYHQVKHDWLQJDSSOLDQFHVDQGGLUHFWVXQOLJKWf  $YRLGDUHDVRIH[FHVVLYHGXVWPRLVWXUHDQGORZWHPSHUDWXUHf  $YRLGRWKHUFRUGOHVVWHOHSKRQHVRUSHUVRQDOFRPSXWHUVf  1HYHULQVWDOOWHOHSKRQHZLULQJGXULQJDOLJKWQLQJVWRUPf  1HYHULQVWDOOWHOHSKRQHMDFNVLQZHWORFDWLRQVXQOHVVWKHMDFNLVVSHFLfiFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUZHWORFDWLRQVf  1HYHUWRXFKQRQLQVXODWHGWHOHSKRQHZLUHVRUWHUPLQDOVXQOHVVWKHWHOHSKRQHOLQHKDVEHHQGLVFRQQHFWHGDWWKHQHWZRUNLQWHUIDFHf  8VHFDXWLRQZKHQLQVWDOOLQJRUPRGLI\LQJWHOHSKRQHOLQHV
9Handset LayoutDisplayDND/ Privacy(button) Spk(Speaker button)DIR(button)CID(button)3 Soft keysVOL +/- (buttons)Talk(button)End(button)Redial(button)Menu/ Flash(button)Exit(button)Int/ Hold(button)Mute/ Del(button)Visual Indicator* Tone(button)#Pause(button)Headset Jack
10  Base LayoutDND/ Privacy(button)Delete(button)Exit(button)3 Soft KeysPlay/ Stop(button)Memo(button)Ans Sys(button)DIR/Prev(button)CID /Next(button)Vol +/-(buttons)Line 1 & 2(buttons)Intercom(button)Page(button)Redial(button)Hold(button)Headset(button)Flash(button)Mute(button)Speaker(button)*Tone (button)One Touch/  Memory Log  (1- 10)buttons#Pause(button)DisplayHeadset  Jack
T-T104 (GP, 2.4V, 550mAh),
12  Base Station7KHSKRQHPD\EHFRQQHFWHGWRWZROLQH5-&ZDOOMDFNVWRDFFRPPRGDWHDOOWZROLQHV &KRRVHDQDUHDQHDUDQHOHFWULFDORXWOHWDQGDWHOHSKRQHZDOOMDFN5-&DQGSODFH\RXUFRUGOHVVWHOHSKRQHRQDOHYHOVXUIDFHVXFKDVDGHVNWRSRUWDEOHWRSRU\RXPD\PRXQWLWRQWKHZDOO ,QVWDOO$$$VL]HDONDOLQHEDWWHULHVQRWLQFOXGHGIRUEDFNXSSRZHULQWKHHYHQWRIDSRZHUIDLOXUHf ,QVHUWDflDWKHDGVFUHZGULYHURU VLPLODUREMHFWLQWRWKHEDWWHU\GRRUODWFKDQGJHQWO\SU\XSZDUGWRUHOHDVHWKHEDWWHU\GRRUIURPWKHEDVHf ,QVHUWWKHEDWWHULHVLQVLGHWKHEDWWHU\FRPSDUWPHQWDVVKRZQRQWKHGLDJUDPf 6QDSWKHEDWWHU\FRPSDUWPHQWGRRUEDFNLQWRSODFHNOTE: If the low battery icon appears in the display, you need to replace the batteries. It is important that you replace them as soon as possible to maintain unit operation when electrical power is off. As a precaution, you may want to write down any stored information you do not want erased.IMPORTANT: If you are not going to use the telephone for more than 30 days, remove the batteries because they can leak and damage the unit. 3OXJWKHSRZHUVXSSO\FRUGLQWRWKHSRZHUMDFNRQWKHEDFNRIWKHEDVHDQGWKHRWKHUHQGLQWRDQHOHFWULFDORXWOHWCAUTION: To reduce risk of personal injury, fire, or damage use only the   T-2757  (base) power adaptor listed in the user’s guide. This power adaptor is intended to be correctly orientated in a vertical or floor mount position. &RQQHFWWKHWHOHSKRQHOLQHFRUGV ,I\RXKDYHVLQJOHOLQHZDOOMDFNVLQVWDOOHGLQ\RXUKRPHRURIfiFH\RXFDQXVHDGDSWRUVFRXSOHUVQRWLQFOXGHGWRFRPELQHWKHVLQJOHWHOHSKRQHOLQHVLQWRGXDOOLQHV7KHDGDSWRUFRXSOHUPD\ORRNVLPLODUWRWKHRQHSLFWXUHGKHUHDQGFDQEHSXUFKDVHGIURP\RXUORFDOWHOHSKRQHSURGXFWVUHWDLOHULine 1Line 2
15  Programming the Phone Standby ScreenNOTE: The Soft keys will change according to the status of the unit.NOTE: The base LCD has a dedicated “SET CLOCK” icon flashing when the clock is not set. Please go to menu “Phone Setting- Date /Time” to set the clock.Programming FunctionsNOTE: During programming, you may press the BACK Soft key (left) at any time to exit the sub-menu and return to the main menu, or press exit key to exit programming and return to standby screen.NOTE: If no key is pressed for 30 seconds, the handset  or base  will automatically exit programming and return to standby screen.Phone SettingOFFmenu MENUVOLSELECTAdd Headset (base only)fiAnswering SYS., Voice Mail and Restore Setting.
16Date/TimeFrom the Phone Setting Menu:VOL2. Press SELECT Soft key.3. LCD will display last-set time (or, if the device is new or has been reset to default, the LCD will display     12:00AM 01/01/11)4. Use the dial-pad to enter digits for the current time and date.    Note: Use DIR/CID button to move the cursor and the AM/PM softkey to set the time AM or PM.5. Press SAVE softkey to confirm the setting, a confirmation tone will indicate that your selection has been     saved.Date/TimeNOTE: If you subscribe to Caller ID service, the current Date/Time is set automatically when you receive your first CID record and will override manually set Date/Time.  However the Year must still be set manually.  The Year information is not in the CID record.NOTE: The Date/Time setting item only exists in base menu, handset Date/Time should update automatically after it is set in the base.Auto Answer (only applicable for cordless handset)Talk/Spk/L1/L2From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL Auto AnswerSELECT VOLSELECTAuto Answer Intercom   (applicable for base and cordless handset)From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL Auto Answer Int.SELECT VOLOffSELECT
17 Dial Mode  (only applicable for base)From the Phone Setting Menu:vol Dial ModeSELECT3.    Use the VOL (- or +) button to toggle between L1 and L2 and press Select soft key        to confirm, then use the VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Tone or Pulse.SELECTNOTE: The Dial mode only can be set in the base menu.Area Code  (only applicable for base)From the Phone setting Menu:vol Area codeSELECTSAVE .Registration  (only applicable to handset)NOTE: If a handset has not been registered to the base, then the  display will show  PRESS REG TO INITIATE REGISTRATION once the handset has been activated. Press the REG Soft key to start the registration.From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL RegistrationSELECTNOTE: If an optional cordless headset has been registered to the base , up to 9 cordless handset can be registered to one base .
RegisterFrom the Phone Setting Menu:VOL RegisterSELECT Register HS about 3 secondsRegisteringRegistration completefiREGISTRATION FAILED!Remove HandsetWARNING: It is not recommended that a handset be deregistered unless absolutely necessary because once a handset is deregistered, that handset’s telephone features cannot be used until the handset is   re-registered.From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL Remove handsetSELECT Remove handset?YES fiPress REG to initiate registrationNOTE: You can press the REG Soft key to enter the registation mode again.De-Register (only applicable for base)From the Phone Setting Menu:vol DeregistrationSELECTvolSELECT Remove handset?YES fibase emit a confirm tonePress REG to initiate registration18Add Headset (only applicable for base)Note:  This wireless headset option is only compatible with the RCA 25065RE1. From the Phone Setting Menu:Note: Only one cordless Headset may pair with a base unit.Talk On/Off
19 2nd Call Alert From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL 2ND Call AlertSELECT VOLOnSELECTHandset Name  (only applicable for handset)From the Phone Setting Menu:VOL Handset nameSELECT HandsetNOTE: If you make a mistake, press DIR/CID button to move the cursor forward or backward, and then use the mute/del button to backspace and delete one character at a time.SAVEUpdate Handset List  (only applicable for base)From the Phone Setting Menu:vol Update  HS  ListSELECTDisplay SettingOFFmenu MENUVOL Display SettingSELECT
20LanguageFrom the Display Setting Menu:VOL LanguageSELECTVOL English , Francais Espa ol|EnglishSELECTContrastFrom the Display Setting Menu:VOL ContrastSELECTVOLVOLSELECTBacklight  (only applicable for base)From the Display Setting Menu:vol BacklightSELECT vol Always On AutomaticSELECTSound SettingOFFmenu MENUVOL Sound SettingSELECT fiRing ToneFrom the Sound Setting Menu:VOL Ring ToneSELECT3.    Use the VOL (- or +) button to toggle between L1 and L2 and use the VOL (- or +) button to         scroll to your selection.The default setting is Melody 1 for Line1 and Melody 2 for Line 2.SELECT
21Ring VolumeFrom the Sound Settings Menu:VOL Ring VolumeSELECT3.    Use the VOL (- or +) button to toggle between L1 and L2 and use the VOL (- or +) button to         scroll to your selection.The default setting is VOL 3.SELECTThis feature is used to conveniently access the voicemail feature offered by your telephone service provider.       NOTE: You must subscribe to telephone service provider-offered voicemail on at least one phone        line in order for this feature to operate.1.   Make sure your phone is in idle mode. (not in Talk mode)2.   Press the MENU Soft key (left) to go to the main menu.3.   Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Voice Mail.4.   Press SELECT Soft key (right) to confirm and you may program the following items:      Call VM      SettingsCall VMFrom the Voice Mail Menu:1.   Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Call VM.2.   Press SELECT Soft key3.   Use the VOL (- or +) button to toggle between Line 1 and Line 2 and press SELECT soft key to select.4.   The phone will dial your voicemail access number. You may proceed to access your voicemail per       your service provider’s instructions.SettingsFrom the Voice Mail Menu:1.    Press VOL (- or +) button to scroll to Settings.2.    Press SELECT Soft key3.    Use the VOL (- or +) button to toggle between Line 1 and Line 2 and press SELECT soft key to select.4.    Use the dial pad to enter the call-in access number for your voicemail. Press Delete button to        backspace and delete numbers, if necessary.5.    Press SAVE Soft key.6.    A confirmation tone will indicate that your selection has been saved.Key ToneFrom the Sound Settings Menu:Voice MailFrom the Main Menu:VOL Key ToneSELECT VOL On OffSELECTAnswering System  (only applicable for base)OFF
22Outgoing Message (OGA) PlaybackFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL OGA PlaybackSELECTUse VOL(- or+) to select Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use Vol(- or +) button to select  the direct OGA record.Use VOL(- or+) to select Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use Vol(- or +) button to select  the direct OGA.Use VOL(- or+) to select Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use Vol(- or +) button to select the direct OGA error tone will be emit.SELECTEMPTYOutgoing Message (OGA) RecordFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL1. RecordSELECTSELECTFINISHSet Outgoing Message (OGA)From the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Set OGASELECTSELECTEMPTYMENUVOL Answering Sys.fiSELECTOn/Off StatusFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL On/Off StatusSELECTVOL Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use SELECTfiVol(- or +) button to select On or Off.
23 Set Work HoursFrom the Set Office Time Menu:VOL Set Work HoursSELECTAM/PM AM PMSAVE5.    Use the Yes or No Soft key for Announce Only.5.    Use the Yes or No Soft key for Announce Only.NOTE: If you select Yes for Announce Only,  the “Work Hours” OGA and “After Hours” OGA The unit will hang up the call after announcing the greeting when answering the call is in the answering mode.Set After HoursFrom the Set Office Time  Menu:VOL Set After HoursSELECTAM/PM AM PMSAVENOTE: If you select Yes for Announce Only,  the “Work Hours” OGA and “After Hours” OGA . The unit will hang up the call after announcing the greeting when answering the call is in the answering mode.NOTE: If you select the option “TIMED”, the “Work Hours” OGA and “After Hours” OGA MUST  berecorded first. When there is an incoming call, the “Work  Hours” OGA or “After Hours” OGA will be played to the caller according to the office time you set.Set Office TimeFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Set Office TimeSELECT
24Ring DelayFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Ring DelaySELECTSELECTNOTE: When the Toll saver is selected, the unit will answer the incoming call after  3 rings if there is new message. Otherwise, the unit will answer the incoming call after  5 rings.Message LengthFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Message LengthSELECTSELECTCall ScreeningFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Call ScreeningSELECT VOL On OffSELECTMessage AlertFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Message AlertSELECT VOL On Off OffSELECTUse VOL(- or+) to select Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use Vol(- or +) button to select from 2 rings to 6 rings or toll saver.Use VOL(- or+) to select Line1 or Line2, press select softkey and then use VOL(- or +) button to select from 1 to 3 minutes.
25 Remote PasswordFrom the Answering Sys Menu:VOL Remote PasswordSELECT 000.SAVERestore SettingFrom the Standby or Idle Mode (not in Talk mode) :menu MENUVOL Restore SettingSELECT LOAD TO DEFAULT?YESthen reset the unit automatically after the base shows " please NOTE: Use the Clear soft key or Delete button can delete the exist numbers and then enter the new password.wait..." in the display for about 3 seconds.NOTelephone OperationMaking Calls with the Cordless HandsetTalkline 1 line 2endMaking Calls with the Corded Handset (from the base)line 1 line 2fififififi3.    Use the Clear Soft key to delete the current Remode password,then use the touch-tone pad to        enter your desired 3-digit security code.
26Making Calls in the Speakerphone Mode (from the base)speakerfiline 1 line 2One-Touch/Memory Logspeaker fiNOTE: After pick the line, the call timer starts to run until all the calls are hung up. The timer serves for both 2 lines.Making Call in the Speakerphone Mode (from the handset)Spk fiPress the Line1 or Line2 Softkey to select a specific line. The Handset will activate the ear piece. Then press the SPK button to switch to the speakerphone mode.end fiMaking Calls with a Wired HeadsetheadsetfiTalkheadset endfiNote:  Although this device will accept a variety of standard 2.5mm telephone headsets,  RCA does not guarantee compatibility with 3rd party devices.  Performance may vary depending on the quality of the headset. .Making Calls with the RCA Wireless HeadsetPlease refer to the Instruction Booklet for your RCA Wireless Headset for instructionson setup and use.2.3.

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