Telefield IPX-500 Intelligent Executive Business SIP Phone User Manual

Telefield Ltd. Intelligent Executive Business SIP Phone

User Manual

2This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and the Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this phone.The telephone shall be installed and used such that parts of the user's body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20cm( 8 inches) or more.NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  (that is, the antenna for radio or television that is “receiving” the interference).– Reorient or relocate and increase the separation between the telecommunications equipment and Receiver.– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.If these measures do not eliminate the interference, please consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Also, the Federal Communications Commission has prepared a helpful booklet, “How To Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. Please specify stock number 004-000-00345-4 when ordering.Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
3NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:  – Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  – Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.  – Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which         the receiver is connected.  –Consult the dealer or an experienced radio TV technician for help.
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed five.Important Information
This product meets the applicable Industry Canada technical specifications. This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.The Ringer Equivalence Number is an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed five.Important Information
9R,3 3KRQH ,QWURGXFWLRQA VoIP phone or IP Phone uses voice over IP (VoIP)technologies for placing and transmitting telephone calls overan IP network instead of the traditional public switchedtelephone network (PSTN). IP-based telephone service usescontrol protocols such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).Currently most SIP phones in the US market are based onembedded chips, e.g. SiTel and DSPG – their functionality isconfined by the feature set of the chip vendor. Telefield candevelop new features in software while developing the OSand hardware architectural layers independently and inparallel.
,QVWDOODWLRQPower on IP phone, and connect it to yourrouter/switch/hub/other operational Internet devices at WANport by Ethernet cable.By default, the unit will get the IP address from the DHCPserver. Also it is possible to connect PC to the LAN port, thusPC can be in the same network as the IP phone. After anabsolute startup, you can add a SIP account andmake/answer a VoIP call.*HWWLQJ VWDUW ±zzzz$GGLQJ D 6,3 DFFRXQWPress Settings > Account System > Add account.Then you can configure IP account Name, User Name,Server and Password.After successful registration, the icon will show in“Green” color. Otherwise it will show in grey color. Youmay also be able to activate/deactivate the account bypressing the icon once.Press and hold the icon , you are able to edit/delete the
account accordingly.In addition, you can activate more than one SIP accounton the unit.zzzz0DNLQJ D FDOOTake a line at various modes:Handset Modea. Lift the handset and dial the phone number.(To correct the number press “X” icon)b. No more input after a few second, it willstart for calling or just press “Call” icon todial out immediately.c. When you finish the call, press “End call”orplace the handset back to the cradle todrop the call.Speakerphone Modea. Press the SPEAKER button and theSpeaker LED will turn on. And dial thephone number.b. No more input after a few second, it willstart for calling or just press “Call” icon todial out immediately.
c. When you finish the call, press “End call”icon or SPEAKER button again to drop thecall and Speaker LED is off.Headset Modea. Press the HEADSET button and theHEADSET LED will turn on. Then dial thephone number.b. No more input after a few second, it willstart for calling or just press “Call” icon todial out immediately.c. When you finish the call, press theHEADSET button again to drop the calland the Headset LED goes offNote:1) If headset is not plugged into the jack andHEADSET button is pressed, the HeadsetLED indicator also turn on.Switching among modesa. Lift up the handset to switch fromspeakerphone mode or headset mode tohandset mode.b. Press the SPEAKER button to switch from
handset mode or headset mode tospeakerphone mode.c. In handset mode, press the HEADSET buttonand replace the handset to the cradle. Theunit will switch to headset mode.d. In speakerphone mode, press the HEADSETbutton to switch to headset mode.zzzz$QVZHULQJ D FDOOWhen there is a call coming from the linea. Lift the handset (handset mode), ORb. Pressing the Speaker buttonor Answer icon(speakerphone mode), ORc. Pressing the HEADSET buttonzzzz3UH'LDOLQJUser can input dial digit, edit a number or press“Recents” icon etc. when unit is idle state. Check thenumber and then dial the number.a. Unit is at idle state.b. Manual input dial digits. (Press the “X”
icon to delete the last input digit.) Orc. Press the “Contacts” icon and search thephone book memory, select the numberOrd. Press the “Recents” icon to select thecall log memory and then select thenumber Ore. After either above b) to d), press the“Call” icon or Take a Line to start dialing.zzzz0XWHPress the MUTE button while phone is engaged inhandset, speaker or headset mode to mutecorresponding microphone. When mute is activated,themuteLEDlit.Switch the talking modeor press the MUTE button againto release microphone muting.zzzz+ROGPress “Hold” icon to hold the current call. If the call puton-hold, you can make a 2ndcall, or transfer the call toother party.To release hold function, press “Return” icon.
zzzz%OLQG 7UDQVIHUIf the call put on-hold, select “Blind/WarmTransfer”,then input the number and press ”Transfer” icon totransfer the call immediately.zzzz:DUP 7UDQVIHU $WWHQGDQW 7UDQVIHUIf the call put on-hold, select “Blind/WarmTransfer”,then input the number and press ”Warm Transfer” iconto perform attendant transfer.zzzz&RQIHUHQFHPut the call on hold by pressing “HOLD” icon. Inputthe telephone number of the party you want toconference with and then press “2nd Call” icon. Pressthe “CONFERENCE” icon to put them in conference.zzzz&DOO )RUZDUGVzzzz7R EH GHILQHzzzz'1'zzzz7R EH GHILQH
6HWWLQJVzzzz1HWZRUN 1HWZRUN VHWWLQJV/$1 3RUW VHWWLQJ HQWHU ODQ SRUW VHWWLQJ KHUH$GYDQFHG 6HWWLQJV,3 $GGUHVV [[[[[[[[[[[[¾¾¾¾/$1 3RUW VHWWLQJV HQWHU ODQ SRUW VHWWLQJKHUHEth0 (Status)For DHCP , when plugging Ethernet cable tothe WAN port,it will show “connected” if the unit obtain theIP address successfully. Otherwise, it willshow “Failed operation”For Static, user have to configure allparameters including “IPsettings”, ”Gateway”, ”Network prefix length”,“DNS1” and “DNS2”.¾¾¾¾$GYDQFHG 6HWWLQJV9/$1 6HWWLQJ
4R6; 0RGH¾¾¾¾,3 $GGUHVV,W ZLOO GLVSOD\ WKH XQLW ,3 DGGUHVV DQG 0$&zzzz'HYLFH6RXQG¾¾¾¾1RWLILFDWLRQ 6RXQGThis option allows you to set the ringtonethat will sound for notifications (like 2ndcall alert tone). Turn on this tone to heara tone for incoming calls while you are onthe telephone¾¾¾¾5LQJHU 6RXQGThis option allows you to set customizingringing tone.¾¾¾¾7RXFK 6RXQGThe Audible touch tones options is usedwhen you use the dialing pad or make ascreen selection. Each time you press akey, make a selection, the selected tone
sounds.9ROXPHTheVolumeoptionallowsyoutochangethe volume for all phone sounds in oneeasy way. Touch and drag the slider toadjust the sound level for speaker,handset&headset and notifications.'LVSOD\¾¾¾¾%ULJKWQHVVThis option allows you to set theBrightness percentage of the screen.¾¾¾¾6OHHSThis option allows you to set the timebefore the screen times and goes to turnoff the backlight.'DWH WLPHThis menu allows you to change the currenttime and date displayed. Tap $XWRPDWLFGDWH  WLPH to allow the network set thedate and time.
Tap Select time Zone to change the timezone area.There are two more options for 24-hourdisplay format as well as date format.(The system will update daylight settingsfor corresponding time zone.)%OXH7RRWKBluetooth is a short-range communicationstechnology that allows you to connectwirelessly to Bluetooth-enabled headset.To turn Bluetooth on: From the Homescreen, tap 䫒Settings 䫒Device 䫒Tapthe Bluetooth On/Off button toactivate/deactivate the feature.In Bluetooth settings menu allows you toset up :i. The name of your phone uses forBluetooth communicationii. Device visibility for other Bluetoothdevicesiii. Search to start search for visible
external Bluetooth-compatible devicelike Bluetooth headset.iv. Pairing Bluetooth devicev. Disconnecting a paired devicezzzz$FFRXQW 6\VWHP$GG DFFRXQW5HRUGHU%DFNXS5HVWRUHzzzz$ERXW ,3;8SGDWH 6\VWHP'RZQORDG $33 E\ 85/&RQWDFWVAll records will be stored in the internal memory and issorted in alphabetical order.In Contacts review screen, press “+” icon to add/editthe contact’s record.
Select “Create NEW Contact”, you can add a recordwhere you can entry Name, Phone number withappropriate Tag like Mobile, Home and so on.Just press “Done” or “Back” icon to save the record.Adding the photo, each contact can add the photo. Theuser can select the photo from the external USBmemory stick. Once the file is selected , the photo willcopy to the internal contacts memory.In Contacts review screen, press and hold the recordto delete/edit the contact’s record directly.5HFHQWVPressing “Recents” icon can review all incoming callhistory. Missed calls will be marked with Red Arrowsymbol in “Recents” records. By pressing and holdingthe record, users can select to store the numbers toContacts or delete it accordingly.:HE ,QWHUIDFH
90Troubleshooting GuideLine status is unavailable• Check or repeat installation steps;• Check the IP address and the VOIP status , make sure the phone connect to the available       SIP server or an existing SIP PBX.• Check the line setting , make sure all settings are not wrongTry to Power rest the phone Can not enter web page• Check the Network cords , make sure it is not damaged.• Check the IP address , make sure the IP address itself has the popedom to enter the    web page• Make sure the network is not busy You cannot be heard by the other party• Make sure the handset or headset cord is inserted properly and securely.• Make sure the MUTE feature is not turned on.Phone does not ring• Make sure the ringer is turned on.Incoming voice too low or none at all• Check volume setting.20
91Causes of Poor Reception• Aluminum siding.• Foil backing on insulation.• Heating ducts and other metal construction that can shield radio signals.• You ’re too close to appliances such as microwaves, stoves, computers, etc.• Atmospheric conditions, such as strong storms.• Base is installed in the basement or lower oor of the house.• Base is plugged into AC outlet with other electronic devices.ServiceIf trouble is experienced with this equipment, for repair or warranty information, please contact customer service at 1-800-511-3180.  If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.This product may be serviced only by the manufacturer or its authorized service agents.  Changes or modications not expressly approved by Teleeld NA Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate this product.  For instructions on how to obtain service, refer to the warranty included in this guide or call customer service at 1-800-511-3180.Or refer inquires to:Teleeld NA Inc.Manager, Consumer Relations4915 SW Grith Dr. #205Beaverton, Or 97005Attach your sales receipt to the booklet for future reference or jot down the date this product was purchased or received as a gift.  This information will be valuable if service should be required during the warranty period.Purchase date ________________________________________________   Name of store ________________________________________________21
92WarrantyLimited WarrantyWhat your warranty covers:• Defects in materials or workmanshipFor how long after your purchase:• Two years, from date of purchaseWhat we will do:• Provide you with a replacement unit. The exchange unit is under warranty for the remainder ofthe original product’s warranty period.How you get service:• Locate your proof of purchase in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice which is evidencethat the product is within the warranty period. Proof of warranty eligibility is required and must be presented to obtain warranty service.• Contact RCA Customer Care at (800) 511-3180. Our representatives will help you troubleshoot and diagnose the problem. As you may be asked to disconnect your RCA telephone from it’s power source, you must call from another telephone. If the issue cannot be resolved by our Customer Care Team, you will be issued an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) number and be given instructions on how to submit your proof-of-purchase paperwork and where to send your defective merchandise.• You will be responsible for shipping the defective unit back to our warranty fulllment center at your own expense. You are responsible for damage or loss during shipment so insuring the product during return shipping is highly recommended.• We will ship a replacement to you freight pre-paid.What your warranty does not cover:• Customer instruction. (Your Instruction Book provides information regarding operatinginstructions and user controls. Additionally, our Customer Care Center is staed 24x7 withproduct experts that can assist you with any questions that may arise during setup and use of your RCA telephone.• Installation and setup service adjustments• Batteries• Damage from misuse or neglect• Products that have been modied of serviced outside the USA• Products purchased from non-authorized retailers, dealers or resellers22
93• Products purchased or serviced outside the USA• Acts of nature, such as, but not limited to lightning damageProduct Registration:• Please complete and mail the Product Registration Card packed with your unit.  It will make it easier to contact you should it ever be neccessary.  The return of the card is not required for warranty coverage.Limitation of Warranty:• THE WARRANTY STATED ABOVE IS THE ONLY WARRANTY APPLICABLE  TO THIS PRODUCT.  ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED     (INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.  NO VERBAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION GIVEN BY TELEFIELD NA INC., ITS AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A GUARANTY OR IN ANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY.•REPAIR OF REPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER.  TELEFIELD NA INC. SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF ANY BREACH OF ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS PRODUCT.  THIS DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITED WARRANTY ARE GOVERENED BY THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF OREGON.  EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON THIS PRODUCT IS LIMITED TO THE APPLICABLE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE.How state law relates to this warranty:• Some states do not allow the exclusion nor limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.• This warranty gives you specic legal rights, and you also may have other rights that vary from state to state.If you purchased your product outside the USA, Mexico or Canada:This warranty does not apply. Contact your dealer for warranty information.23
2014. All rights reserved.Model: IPX500TCT00032 (Rev.00 E)14-02Printed in China24

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