Telit Wireless Solutions BRSI Bluetooth Module User Manual BlueRS I Designguide eng V1 2

Stollmann E+V GmbH Bluetooth Module BlueRS I Designguide eng V1 2

OEM Instructions

StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 1 of 22BlueRS+IDesignGuide
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 2 of 22Content1 Objective............................................................................................................. 42 Product Description ............................................................................................ 42.1 Product Versions............................................................................................. 42.1.1 Power Supply........................................................................................... 42.2 Operation Modes............................................................................................. 42.2.1 AT-Mode .................................................................................................. 42.2.2 Autoconnect ............................................................................................. 42.2.3 Autoconnect DTR..................................................................................... 42.3 Security ........................................................................................................... 52.4 Block Diagram................................................................................................. 53 Applications ........................................................................................................ 63.1 Cable Replacement Serial Point-to-point ........................................................ 63.2 Cable Replacement Multipoint ........................................................................ 63.3 LAN Access..................................................................................................... 7Terminal Server...................................................................................................... 73.5 PC Client ......................................................................................................... 74 Software Interfaces............................................................................................. 84.1 AT Commands ................................................................................................ 84.1.1 Configuration Commands ........................................................................ 84.1.2 Connection Commands............................................................................ 84.2 Autoconnect .................................................................................................... 94.3 Security ........................................................................................................... 95 Hardware .......................................................................................................... 105.1 Dimensions.................................................................................................... 105.2 Interfaces, Pin Assignment............................................................................ 115.2.1 Serial Interface....................................................................................... 115.2.2 Connector P1 ......................................................................................... 125.2.3 Bluetooth Interface................................................................................. 145.3 Sample interfacing GPIO............................................................................... 14
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 3 of 225.4 Layout Guidelines Basic board, Components Requirements........................ 145.5 Power Supply ................................................................................................ 155.6 Power consumption and power down modes................................................ 155.6.1 Deep Sleep state.................................................................................... 155.6.2 Power down state................................................................................... 155.6.3 Idle state ................................................................................................ 165.6.4 Power consumption................................................................................ 165.6.5 Power-up time........................................................................................ 166 Mounting instructions........................................................................................ 176.1 Antenna Issues ............................................................................................. 176.2 Housing Guidelines ....................................................................................... 187 Regulatory Information...................................................................................... 197.1 FCC Statement.............................................................................................. 197.2 Caution.......................................................................................................... 197.3 FCC Warning................................................................................................. 197.4 RF-exposure Statement ................................................................................ 207.5 Labeling requirements for the End Product................................................... 208 Test................................................................................................................... 218.1 Test Setup..................................................................................................... 218.2 Compatible Remote Stations......................................................................... 229 Variants of Delivery........................................................................................... 22
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 4 of 221 ObjectiveThis DesignGuide documents how BlueRS+I can be integrated into customersystems. It addresses developers of hardware and software environments forBlueRS+I. For detailed information about technical data refer to the manual.Since BlueRS+I is under permanent further development, some information mightalter. The following documentation is therefore meant to provide an overview.Stollmann expressly declares that this DesignGuide is no basis for a layout.This documentation is a recommendation to the best of our knowledge. Stollmanndoes not assume any liability for the information in this documentation nor for anydamages related to or caused by the use of this Design Guide.2 Product DescriptionBlueRS+I connects an asynchronous serial interface with TTL level with theBluetooth interface.2.1 Product Versions2.1.1 Power SupplyThe BlueRS+I is supplied through the double row connector. It can be configured for5V (default) and 3,3V supply.2.2 Operation ModesBlueRS+I runs in three modes:2.2.1 AT-ModeThe Bluetooth connection is controlled by AT commands of the end device. Youhave full control over configuration and initiation of the serial link.2.2.2 AutoconnectFor some legacy applications or cable replacement, it may be difficult to activelyestablish a serial connection before sending the data over the serial link. If you donot want to program the host device, the BlueRS+I automatically establishes theserial connection to a previously configured Bluetooth address.2.2.3 Autoconnect DTRWith the activation of the DTR line, the BlueRS+I Bluetooth connection is set upautomatically. No adaptation of the integrating device is required since the BlueRS+Iis meant to be a transparent serial cable replacement.
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 5 of 222.3 SecurityThe BlueRS+I supports various security features to restrict access via Bluetooth forunauthorized devices. These features include device bonding, restricted access viaBluetooth for bonded devices only and encryption of the transferred data viaBluetooth link.2.4 Block DiagramVoltageRegulatorPower SupplyConnector P1(5 / 3,3V)serial TTLBlueRS+IBluetooth ChipExternalAntenna(Option)InternalAntennaBluetooth
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 6 of 223 ApplicationsBlueRS+I can be used in different applications. Some typical are described in thischapter. For application requiring an external adapter please refer to other BlueRS+versions from Stollmann.3.1  Cable Replacement Serial Point-to-pointTo establish a cable replacement between two devices with a serial interface,BlueRS+I can be used.3.2  Cable Replacement MultipointSince several devices may be connected with a master device via Bluetooth, severalend devices can also be multiplexed via Bluetooth. This adaptation is shown belowfor a desktop device.In order to handle multiple links a multiplexing protocol is required for thecommunication between devices, the BlueRS+ and the host. The BlueRS+ has to beadapted to the routing scheme of the protocol to transmit the data in an appropriateway. This includes Bluetooth connection control (i.e. are the Bluetooth linkspermanently active or only on demand) and data distribution (i.e. are all data fromthe host to be forwarded to all devices or only depending on the address header; aredata from the devices are transmitted to the host transparently or is an addressheader to be added). In case you have a multipoint application please contactStollmann for specific support.BluetoothRS-232BlueRS+ Control UnitBlueRS+IBluetoothMultiplxingprotocolRS-232BlueRS+Control UnitDeviceBluetoothBlueRS+IBlueRS+I
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 7 of 223.3 LAN Access3.4 Terminal Server3.5 PC ClientBlueRS+I as Bluetooth Client can establish connections with other Bluetoothinterfaces, e.g. in PCs.BluetoothLAN AccessPointBlueRS+IBluetoothTerminalServerBlueRS+BluetoothRS-232BlueRS+IBlueRS+IBluetoothPCPCMCIAUSBBluePCMCIA+BlueUSB+BlueRS+I
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 8 of 224 Software Interfaces4.1 AT CommandsVia AT-Commands you may change not only the configuration of BlueRS+I but alsocontrol the Bluetooth connections. The end device must be adapted since a doubleconnection setup might be required: the first for the Bluetooth connection and thesecond for the dial-up link itself. Additionally the Bluetooth-specific configurationcommands must be supported by the end device.4.1.1 Configuration CommandsA range of parameters can be controlled by configuration commands of BlueRS+I aslisted below:•  Bluetooth Alias Name•  Bluetooth access permission (Security)• Bluetooth Services•  Passive Scanning capability•  AT/Autoconnect operation mode• Firmware download4.1.2 Connection CommandsCommand Function ResponseAT**BDINQ Scanning the environment for Bluetooth devices OKAT**BDLIST Displays all found Bluetooth devices OKATD Establishes a Bluetooth connection with anotherdevice.OK orConnectATH Disconnects the Bluetooth Connection. OKWhenever the Bluetooth connection with a communication partner is established, atransparent channel for serial data is provided. The Bluetooth link then behaves likea serial cable.A detailed description of the AT-Commands is found in the BlueRS+I manual.
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 9 of 224.2 AutoconnectIn case the end device cannot be programmed on the Bluetooth AT Commands orBlueRS+I should be in fixed operation with another Bluetooth device, the BlueRS+IAutoconnect can be configured.Several triggers (i.e. DTR active) may be defined which introduce the scanningprocess of the environment and the connection setup with particular Bluetoothdevices.BlueRS+I then behaves at the interface as a serial cable which is plugged in byestablishing the Bluetooth connection. In case the Bluetooth connection is not beingbuilt up, BlueRS+I is comparable to an unplugged cable.Trigger Function ParameterDTR active Bluetooth Connect Bluetooth AddressPower On Bluetooth Connect Bluetooth AddressTransmit data activity Bluetooth Connect Bluetooth AddressBluetooth link request(incoming)accept Bluetooth link none4.3 SecuritySecurity features are controlled via special AT-commandsbrestr defines security level for all incomming BT-linksbcrypt enables/disables data encyption on BT-linkPlease refer to the manual for detailed information.
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 10 of 225 Hardware5.1 Dimensions
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 11 of 22BlueRS+I Dimensions Europe USWidth 21,5 mm ~0.85 inchHeight 8 mm ~0.3 inchLength 36 mm ~1.42 inchWeight ~ 10 g ~ 0.35 ozTemperature 0...70 Degree Celsius 32...160 FahrenheitHumidity 95% Non-Condensing 95% Non-Condensing5.2  Interfaces, Pin AssignmentThe BlueRS+I is connected via the double pin row connector P1. This includes:• power supply•  serial communication interface (V.24/RS-232 with TTL level)•  reserved general purpose IO pins5.2.1 Serial InterfaceThe interface functionally corresponds to the norm V.24 / RS-232 but has TTL-level.It is compatible to the BlueRS+.•  Transmission speeds 2.400 – 230.400 bps (asynchronous)•  Character representation: 8Bit no Parity, 1 stop bit7Bit even/odd Parity, 1 stop bit•  half duplex or full duplex•  Flowcontrol hardware (RTS/CTS)
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 12 of 22The signal levels are dependent on the supply voltage. The inputs are in any case5V tolerant. The outputs are supplied as open-drain over 10 kOhm (RxD, CTS) or100 kOhm (others) by the supply voltage such that the output level is raised to thesupply level. This should be the same on the motherboard to achieve compatibility.Current sinks should be low-active. 10mA can be driven. It is not possible to driveLEDs high active directly. Drive LEDs low active or via driver circuitry.Vcc= 5 V Vcc = 3,3 VVIH 2,5..5,5 V 2,5..5,5 VVIL 0..0,8 V 0..0,8 VVOH(RxD,CTS)5 V via 10 kOhm 3,3 V via 10 kOhmVOH(all other Outputs)5 V via 100 kOhmImax:  -10µA3,3 V via 100 kOhmImax -10µAVOL 0,55 V @ 10 mAImax:  +24mA0,55 V @ 10 mAImax:  +24mA5.2.2 Connector P1This Connector includes the serial Interface (TTL) and power supply.Output/Input definition of table belowBlueRS+ DeviceOutputInputOutput CircuitOpen Drain74LVC0710/100 kOhmVcc= 5V or 3,3VVoh> 0,9 VCC@ Ioh < - 3 µA3,3VOutput Circuit
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 13 of 22P1 Signal Dir. active BlueRS+I usage1 GND I - 0V-Power2 VCC I - +5V / +3.3V -Power3GNDI-GND4 TXD I H Transmit Data5GNDI-GND6 RXD O H Receive Data7 reserved8 RTS~ I L RTS low active9 reserved10 CTS~ O L CTS low active11 RESET~ I L RESET low active12 DTR~ I L DTR low active13 reserved14 DCD~ O L DCD low active15 RI~ O L RI low active16 DSR~ O L DSR low active17 UA O H User Output 118 UE~ I L User Input 119 UA2 O H User Output 220 UE2~ I L User Input 2
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 14 of 225.2.3 Bluetooth InterfaceBluetooth Specification V1.1RF transmit level 4 dBm (Class 2)Receiver sensitivity -80 dBmRange ~10 mProfiles GAP (General Access Profile)SDP (Service Discovery Profile)Serial Port ProfileDial-up Networking Profile (Option)LAN-Access Profile (Option)5.3 Sample interfacing GPIOIt is possible to use the GPIOs on the BlueRS+I pins UEx und UAx. Their behaviorhas to be defined project specific in the firmware.5.4  Layout Guidelines Basic board, Components RequirementsSamtec FCI (Berg)Pin strip serial P1 MTMM-110-02-S-D-060 86451-106
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 15 of 225.5   Power SupplyThere are two variants of supplying power to the BlueRS+I:•  5 VDC+– 10%, the voltage is regulated on the BlueRS+I (linear regulator). Theregulator is temperature and overcurrent protected.•  3,3 V +- 2% low noise, the supply voltage is directly used (0 Ohm)The power supply voltage can be switched as follows. The linear regulator needs tobe replaced by an 0 Ohm resistor.5.6  Power consumption and power down modesTo reduce power consumption of the BlueRS+I power down modes can be activatedautomatically by the BlueRS+ (controlled by parameter settings).If no Bluetooth connection is established, the following states are implemented, theactivation of these states can be controlled by the parameter bpsm and pwd.For more details please refer to the BlueRS+I manual.5.6.1  Deep Sleep stateThe Bluetooth RF is completely deactivated, no paging requests from otherBluetooth devices will be recognized. Only rising control line DTR will activate theBlueRS+I and may initiate a Bluetooth link dependent on other parameters.Note: In Deep Sleep state the AT command set is not active, CTS line is low.5.6.2  Power down stateThe Bluetooth RF is activated every 1.25 seconds, paging requests from otherBluetooth devices will be recognized after that intervals and accepted if allowed.Additionally rising control line DTR will activate the BlueRS+I and may initiate aBluetooth link dependent on other parameters.Note: In Power down state the AT command set is not active, CTS line is low.Line regulator 0 Ohm resistor5 Vsupply3,3 VsupplyLinear regulator ICremoved
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 16 of 225.6.3 Idle stateNo power down mode activated.wAll functionality is available immediately including connection control using ATcommand set.5.6.4 Power consumptionThe following values are approximate power consumption values in the differentstates:Condition Current Consumption(3.3V or 5V DC)Deep sleep ~ 0.7 mAPower down ~ 2.5 mAIdle, all functions available, no Bluetooth link ~ 22 mABluetooth connected, no data traffic,(Master/slave)~ 24 / 35 mABluetooth connected, data traffic 115 kbit/s ~ 46 mA5.6.5 Power-up timeThe time until the BlueRS+I is able to accept link requests or serial data is about 9seconds after power-up.
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 17 of 226 Mounting instructions6.1 Antenna IssuesBlueRS+I may be delivered in two antenna designs:•  BlueRS+I comprises an ceramic antenna which as a component is soldered tothe circuit board. This is functional for a BlueRS+I integrated into a plastichousing. No additional antenna is required.•  For an external antenna to be set in, e.g. because the BlueRS+I is integratedinto a metal housing, the ceramic antenna is replaced by a mini-SMA connector(50 Ohm technology) . An external antenna can either directly be connected withthis SMA or indirectly by an antenna cable.The mini Murata SMD socket for the external antenna may be soldered on thesocket pads. The matching network components connecting the internal antennahas to be removed.The influence of the internal antenna resp. the external antenna is in any case to bechecked within the final integration environment. Adjacent PCBs, components,cable, housings etc. could otherwise influence the radiation pattern.ZeevoSocket PadsCouplingcomponentZeevoInternal AntennaSocket forexternal antennaInternal Antenna External Antenna
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 18 of 22The mother board should have no ground plane under the BlueRS+I to allow bestradiation.Furthermore there must be a space of at least 15 mm in each direction from theantenna free from wire, circuits and conductive material.It must be ensured that the antenna is not co-located or operating in conjunctionwith any other antenna or transmitter.When using an external Antenna the antenna is fixed and connot be removed orreplaced by the enduser.For detailed consulting on integration please contact Stollmann.6.2 Housing GuidelinesThe individual case must be checked to decide whether a specific housing issuitable for the use of the internal antenna. A plastic housing must at least fulfill thefollowing requirements:•  Non-conductive material, non-RF-blocking plastics•  No metallic coating•  ABS is suggestedSpared Ground PlaneSpared Ground Plane BlueRS+IBlueRS+IBlueRS+IMother Board Mother BoardMother BoardSpace 13 mmSpace 13 mmSpace 10 mm
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 19 of 227 Regulatory Information7.1 FCC StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of IndustryCanada.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) this device my not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.7.2 CautionWarning: Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approvedby Stollmann Entwicklungs und Vertriebs may void the FCC authorization to operatethis equipment.7.3 FCC WarningThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Bdigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.  These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for helpThe radiated output power of BlueRS+E and BlueRS+I is far below the FCC radiofrequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the BlueRS+E and BlueRS+I shall be usedin such a manner that the potential for human contact during normal operation isminimized
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 20 of 227.4 RF-exposure StatementThe BlueRS+I contains a portable modular transmitter. Thus it must have aseparation of at least 2.5 cm between the antenna and the body of the user ornearby persons, excluding hands, wrists, feet, and ankles.Any notification to the end user of installation or removal instructions about theintegrated radio module is not allowed.7.5  Labeling requirements for the End ProductAny End Product integrating the BlueRS+I must be labeled with at least thefollowing information:This device contains transmitter withFCCID: RFR-BRSI / IC: 4957A-BRSI
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 21 of 228 Test8.1 Test SetupTest Setup cable replacementTest Setup PC connectivityBluetoothRS-232BlueRS+ Control UnitBlueRS+IBluetoothPCPCMCIAUSBBluePCMCIA+BlueUSB+BlueRS+I
StollmannE + V GmbHBlueRS+IDesignGuideAuthor: cl Date of Saving: 19.03.04 Ref: Revision: 1.2 Page 22 of 228.2  Compatible Remote StationsDeveloper Product ProfilesStollmann BlueRS+ SerialStollmann BlueRS+E SerialStollmann BluePCMCIA Serial, Dial-up NetworkingStollmann BlueUSB Serial, Dial-up NetworkingStollmann BlueTA+ Serial, Dial-up Networking9  Variants of DeliveryName Class SupplyVoltageAntenna Art No.BlueRS+I C2 V5 AI 2 5V Internal 51961BlueRS+I C2 V5 AE 2 5V External 51963BlueRS+I C2 V3 AI 2 3,3V Internal 51999BlueRS+I C2 V3 AE 2 3,3V External 52048

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