

                    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide1vv0300891 Rev.5 – 2011-03-18
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 2 of 89  APPLICABLE PRODUCT  PRODUCTHE863-EUDHE863-EURHE863-EUGHE863-NADHE863-NARHE863-NAGHE863-AUDHE863-AUG
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 3 of 89  Disclaimer  The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Telit Communications S.p.A. and its affiliates (“TELIT”).  The contents are confidential and any disclosure to persons other than the officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of the owner or licensee of this document, without the prior written consent of Telit, is strictly prohibited.  Telit makes every effort to ensure the quality of the information it makes available. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Telit does not make any warranty as to the information contained herein, and does not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage of any kind incurred by use of or reliance upon the information.  Telit disclaims any and all responsibility for the application of the devices characterized in this document, and notes that the application of the device must comply with the SAFETY standards of the applicable country, and where applicable, with the relevant wiring rules.   Telit reserves the right to make modifications, additions and deletions to this document due to typographical errors, inaccurate information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment at any time and without notice.  Such changes will, nevertheless be incorporated into new editions of this document.   Copyright: Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages. All rights are reserved.   Copyright © Telit Communications S.p.A. 2010.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 4 of 89  Contents 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................6 1.1. SCOPE.................................................................................................................................................................6 1.2. AUDIENCE............................................................................................................................................................6 1.3. CONTACT INFORMATION, SUPPORT...................................................................................................................6 1.4. DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION................................................................................................................................7 1.5. TEXT CONVENTIONS...........................................................................................................................................8 1.6. RELATED DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................................................................8 1.7. DOCUMENT HISTORY..........................................................................................................................................9 2. OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................................11 2.1. HE863FAMILYPRODUCTSPECIFICATION...................................................................................................................12 3. HE863FAMILYMECHANICALDIMENSIONS.......................................................................................................14 4. HE863FAMILYMODULECONNECTIONS...........................................................................................................15 4.1. HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD PIN-OUT................................................................................................................15 4.2. HE863-EUR/NAR PIN-OUT..........................................................................................................................20 4.3. HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG PIN-OUT................................................................................................................25 4.4. BALLS LAYOUT.............................................................................................................................................30 5. HARDWARECOMMANDS.................................................................................................................................31 5.1. TURNING ON THE HE863................................................................................................................................31 5.2. INITIALIZATION AND ACTIVATION STATE............................................................................................................31 5.3. TURNING OFF THE HE863..............................................................................................................................34 5.3.1. Hardware Unconditional Restart.........................................................................................................36 5.4. SUMMARY OF TURNING ON AND OFF THE HE863.........................................................................................37 6. POWERSUPPLY................................................................................................................................................38 6.1. POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................................38 6.2. GENERAL DESIGN RULES.................................................................................................................................40 6.2.1. Electrical Design Guidelines................................................................................................................40 +5VInputSourcePowerSupplyDesignGuidelines...............................................................................................40 +12VInputSourcePowerSupplyDesignGuidelines.............................................................................................41 6.2.2. Thermal Design Guidelines..................................................................................................................43 6.2.3. Power Supply PCB Layout Guidelines...............................................................................................44 7. ANTENNA(S)....................................................................................................................................................46 7.1. GSM/WCDMA ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................46 7.2. GSM/WCDMA ANTENNA – PCB LINE GUIDELINES........................................................................................47 7.3. GSM/WCDMA ANTENNA – INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.................................................................................52 7.4. GPS ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG ONLY)................................................................53 7.5. GPS ANTENNA-PCB LINE GUIDELINES (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG ONLY)....................................................54 7.6. GPS ANTENNA-INSTALLATION GUIDELINES (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG ONLY)..............................................58 8. LOGICLEVELSPECIFICATIONS...........................................................................................................................59 8.1. RESET SIGNAL..................................................................................................................................................60 9. SERIALPORTS..................................................................................................................................................61
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 5 of 89  9.1. MODEM SERIAL PORT.......................................................................................................................................61 9.2. RS232 LEVEL TRANSLATION............................................................................................................................63 10. USBPORT....................................................................................................................................................65 10.1. USB TRANSCEIVER SPECIFICATIONS (TBD)....................................................................................................65 11. AUDIOSECTION(HE863‐EUR/EUG/NAR/NAG/AUGONLY)............................................................................66 11.1. SELECTION MODE..............................................................................................................................................66 11.2. MICROPHONE CHARACTERISTICS.....................................................................................................................68 11.2.1. Input Lines (MIC1 and MIC2) Characteristics (TBD)........................................................................68 11.3. OUTPUT LINES (SPEAKER)...........................................................................................................................68 11.3.1. Output Lines Characteristics (TBD)....................................................................................................69 12. GENERALPURPOSEI/O................................................................................................................................70 12.1. LOGIC LEVEL SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................................72 12.2. USING A GPIO PAD AS INPUT..........................................................................................................................72 12.3. USING A GPIO PAD AS OUTPUT......................................................................................................................72 12.4. USING THE ALARM OUTPUT GPIO6.................................................................................................................73 12.5. INDICATION OF NETWORK SERVICE AVAILABILITY...........................................................................................73 12.6. RTC BYPASS OUT............................................................................................................................................74 12.7. VAUX1 POWER OUTPUT..................................................................................................................................74 13. DACANDADCSECTION................................................................................................................................76 13.1. DAC CONVERTER.............................................................................................................................................76 13.1.1. Description..............................................................................................................................................76 13.1.2. Enabling DAC.........................................................................................................................................76 13.1.3. Low Pass Filter Example......................................................................................................................77 13.2. ADC CONVERTER.............................................................................................................................................77 13.2.1. Description..............................................................................................................................................77 13.2.2. Using ADC Converter............................................................................................................................77 14. MOUNTINGTHEHE863FAMILYONYOURBOARD........................................................................................78 14.1. GENERAL...........................................................................................................................................................78 14.1.1. Recommended footprint for the application.......................................................................................78 14.1.2. Suggested Inhibit Area..........................................................................................................................79 14.1.3. Stencil......................................................................................................................................................79 14.1.4. PCB Pad Design....................................................................................................................................79 14.1.5. Solder paste...........................................................................................................................................80 14.1.6. HE863 Family Solder Reflow...............................................................................................................81 14.2. DEBUG OF THE HE863 FAMILY IN PRODUCTION...................................................................................82 15. SIMHOLDERDESIGNGUIDE.........................................................................................................................83 15.1. OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................................................83 15.2. SIM INTERFACE.................................................................................................................................................84 16. ANTENNADETECTIONDESIGNGUIDE...........................................................................................................86 17. CONFORMITYASSESSMENTISSUES(TBD).....................................................................................................87 18. SAFETYRECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................................88
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 6 of 89  1.  Introduction 1.1. Scope The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the Telit HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD/EUG/NAG/AUG/EUR/NAR module. All the features and solutions detailed are applicable to all HE863 family, whereas “family” is intended the modules listed in the applicability table. When a specific feature is applicable to a specific product, it will be clearly highlighted. 1.2. Audience This document is intended for Telit customers, who are integrators, about to implement their applications using our HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD/EUG/NAG/AUG/EUR/ NAR module. 1.3.  Contact Information, Support For general contact, technical support, to report documentation errors and to order manuals, contact Telit’s Technical Support Center (TTSC) at: TS-EMEA@telit.com TS-NORTHAMERICA@telit.com TS-LATINAMERICA@telit.com TS-APAC@telit.com Alternatively, use:  http://www.telit.com/en/products/technical-support-center/contact.php For detailed information about where you can buy the Telit modules or for recommendations on accessories and components visit:  http://www.telit.com To register for product news and announcements or for product questions contact Telit’s Technical Support Center (TTSC). Our aim is to make this guide as helpful as possible. Keep us informed of your comments and suggestions for improvements. Telit appreciates feedback from the users of our information.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 7 of 89   1.4. Document Organization This document contains the following chapters: Chapter 1: “Introduction” provides a scope for this document, target audience, contact and support information, and text conventions.  Chapter 2: “Overview” provides an overview of the document.  Chapter 3: “HE863 Family Mechanical Dimensions” deals with the layout.   Chapter 4: “HE863 Family Module Connections”  Chapter 5: “Hardware Commands ” How to control the module via hardware  Chapter 6: ”Power Supply” deals on supply and consumption.  Chapter 7: “Antenna(s)” The antenna connection and board layout design are the most important parts in the full product design  Chapter 8: “Logic Level specifications” Specific values adopted in the implementation of logic levels for this module.            Chapter 9: “Serial ports”   Chapter 10: “USB Port”   Chapter 11: “Audio Section ” Refers to the audio blocks and electrical characteristics of the Base Band Chip .  Chapter 12: “General Purpose I/O” How the general purpose I/O pads can be configured.  Chapter 13 “DAC and ADC Section” Deals with these two kind of converters.  Chapter 14 “Mounting the HE863 Family on your board”  Chapter 15 “SIM holder design guide”
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 8 of 89  Chapter 16 “Antenna detection design guide”  Chapter 17: “Conformity Assessments Issues” provides some fundamental hints about the conformity assessment that the final application might need. Chapter 18: “Safety Recommendations” provides some safety recommendations that must be followed by the customer in the design of the application that makes use of the HE863 Family. 1.5. Text Conventions  Danger  – This information MUST be followed or catastrophic equipment failure or bodily injury may occur.  Caution or Warning – Alerts the user to important points about integrating the module, if these points are not followed, the module and end user equipment may fail or malfunction.  Tip or Information – Provides advice and suggestions that may be useful when integrating the module.  All dates are in ISO 8601 format, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD. 1.6. Related Documents   HE863 Product Description  HE863 AT Command Manual
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 9 of 89  1.7. Document History  RReevviissiioonn  DDaattee CChhaannggeess Rev.0  2010-07-23  First issue Rev.1  2010-07-27  Updated 4 HE863-EUD Modules Connections Updated 4.1 PIN-OUT Updated 5.2 Initialization and Activation state(TBD) Updated 5.3 Turning off the HE863-EUD Updated 5.4 Summary of Turning ON and OFF the HE863-EUD(TBD) Updated 8.1 Reset Signal Updated 14 SIM holder design guides Removed 17.1 The schematics of the HE863 interface board Rev.2  2010-10-13  Added     HE863-NAD/AUD/EUG/NAG/AUG characteristics Added     2.1 HE863 Family Product Specification Added     7.4 GPS Antenna Requirements(HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) Added     7.5 GPS Antenna-PCB Line Guidelines(HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) Added     7.6 GPS Antenna-Installation Guidelines(HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) Added     11 AUDIO Section(HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) Added     13 DAC and ADC section Updated 4 HE863 Family Modules Connections Updated 5.2 Initialization and Activation state Updated 6.1 Power Supply Requirements Updated 7 Antenna(s) Updated 9.2 RS232 Level Translation Renumbered chapters. Rev.3  2010-11-24  Added     HE863-EUR/NAR Updated 1 Introduction Updated 2.1 HE863 Family Product Specification Updated 4 HE863 Family Modules Connections Updated 6.1 Power Supply Requirements Updated 7 GSM/WCDMA Antenna Requirements Updated 11 AUDIO Section(HE863-EUR/EUG/NAR/NAG/AUG only) Rev.4  2011-02-23  Updated 4.1 HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD PIN-OUT Updated 4.2 HE863-EUR/NAR PIN-OUT Updated 4.3 HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG PIN-OUT Updated 5.1 Turning On the HE863 Removed 5.4 Summary of Turning ON and OFF Updated 6.1 Power Supply Requirements Updated 6.2.2 Thermal Design Guidelines Updated 8.1 Reset Signal Updated 11 Audio Section Updated 12 General Purpose I/O Updated 13 DAC And ADC Section Updated 15.2 SIM interface Added 16 Antenna detection design guide Rev.5  2011-03-18  Updated 5.1 Turning ON the HE863
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 10 of 89  Updated 5.2 Initialization and Activation state Updated 5.3 Turning OFF the HE863 Added 5.4 Summary of Turning ON and OFF Updated 7.2 GSM/WCDMA Antenna – PCB line Guidelines Updated 7.3 GSM/WCDMA Antenna – Installation Guidelines Updated 7.5 GPS Antenna – PCB line Guidelines(HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) Updated 15.2 SIM interface  Updated 17 Conformity Assessment Issues
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 11 of 89  2. Overview The aim of this document is the description of some hardware solutions useful for developing a product with the Telit HE863 Family module. In this document all the basic functions of a M2M device will be taken into account; for each one of them a proper hardware solution will be suggested and eventually the wrong solutions and common errors to be avoided will be evidenced. Obviously this document cannot embrace the whole hardware solutions and products that may be designed. The wrong solutions to be avoided must be considered as mandatory, while the suggested hardware configurations must not be considered mandatory, instead the information given must be used as a guide and a starting point for properly developing your product with the Telit HE863 Family module. . NOTICE: The integration of the GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA HE863 Family cellular module within user application must be done according to the design rules described in this manual.    The information presented in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Telit Communication S.p.A. for its use, such as any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Telit Communication S.p.A. other than for circuitry embodied in Telit products. This document is subject to change without notice.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 12 of 89  2.1. HE863 Family Product Specification  ITEM FEATUREHE863-EUD  HE863-EURHE863-EUGHE863-NAD HE863-NAR HE863-NAGAir  interface ▪ Dual-band  UMTS/HSPA 2100/900 ▪ Quad-Band  GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Data only ▪ Dual-band UMTS/HSPA 2100/900 ▪ Quad-Band GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Dual-band UMTS/HSPA 2100/900 ▪ Quad-Band GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Standalone GPS ▪ Dual-band UMTS/HSPA 1900/850 ▪ Quad-Band GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Data only ▪ Dual-band  UMTS/HSPA 1900/850 ▪ Quad-Band  GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Dual-band UMTS/HSPA 1900/850 ▪ Quad-Band GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Standalone GPS Size  41.4(L)X31.4(W)X2.9(T) Data Service ▪ HSPA UL 5.8Mbps,  DL 7.2Mbps ▪ EDGE UL 118kbps,  DL 236.8Kbps, ▪ GPRS UL 42.8kbps, DL 85.6 Kbps Interface ▪ 189 Balls Grid Array interface ▪ 22 general I/O ports maximum including multi-functional I/Os ▪ Status LED output ▪ 3 A/D converters ▪ 1 D/A converter (PWM output) ▪ Full RS232 CMOS UART: baud rate up to 6Mbps ▪ Reserved two wires CMOS UART for debugging ▪ USB 2.0, baud rate up to 480Mbps ▪ 1.8V/3V SIM interface Antenna  External Antenna Audio ▪ 2 pairs of analog audio interface ▪ PCM interface for Digital audio (Audio only for HE863-EUG/EUR/NAG/NAR/AUG) Message  SMS (MO/MT) SIM Card  Support 1.8 and 3V UICC
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 13 of 89   ITEM FEATUREHE863-AUD  HE863-AUGAir  interface ▪ Dual-band  UMTS/HSPA 2100/850 ▪ Quad-Band  GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Data only ▪ Dual-band UMTS/HSPA 2100/850 ▪ Quad-Band GSM850/900 /1800/1900 ▪ Standalone GPS      Size  41.4(L)X31.4(W)X2.9(T) Data Service ▪ HSPA UL 5.8Mbps,  DL 7.2Mbps ▪ EDGE UL 118kbps,  DL 236.8Kbps, ▪ GPRS UL 42.8kbps, DL 85.6 Kbps Interface ▪ 189 Balls Grid Array interface ▪ 22 general I/O ports maximum including multi-functional I/Os ▪ Status LED output ▪ 3 A/D converters ▪ 1 D/A converter (PWM output) ▪ Full RS232 CMOS UART: baud rate up to 6Mbps ▪ Reserved two wires CMOS UART for debugging ▪ USB 2.0, baud rate up to 480Mbps ▪ 1.8V/3V SIM interface Antenna  External Antenna Audio ▪ 2 pairs of analog audio interface ▪ PCM interface for Digital audio (Audio only for HE863-EUG/EUR/NAG/NAR/AUG) Message  SMS (MO/MT) SIM Card  Support 1.8 and 3V UICC
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 14 of 89  3.  HE863 Family Mechanical Dimensions The Telit  HE863 Family module overall dimensions are:  •  Length:     41.4 mm •  Width:     31.4 mm •  Thickness:   2.9 mm
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 15 of 89  4.  HE863 Family Module Connections The HE863 Family features a 189 Balls Grid Array: in the following sections a description of the available signals and their position in the balls layout is presented.  4.1. HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD PIN-OUT Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type SIM card interface H11  SIMCLK  O  External SIM signal – Clock   1.8 / 3V G12  SIMRST  O  External SIM signal – Reset   1.8 / 3V F12  SIMIO  I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O   1.8 / 3V E12  SIMIN(TBD)  I  External SIM signal – Presence (active low)   1.8 H12  SIMVCC  -  External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM   1.8 / 3V USB SIM(RESERVED) F11  USB_SIM_D+ (TBD)  I/O USB SIM data (+), TBD   1.8V/3.0VG11  USB_SIM_D- (TBD)  I/O USB SIM data (-), TBD   1.8V/3.0VTrace N4  TX_TRACE  O  Tx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VN3  RX_TRACE  I  Rx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VProg. / Data + HW Flow Control M4  C125/RING (TBD)  O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VM3  C109/DCD (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VL3  C108/DTR (TBD)  I  Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VL4  C107/DSR (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 16 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type K4  C106/CTS  O  Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VK3  C105/RTS  I  Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ4  C104/RXD  O  Serial data output to DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ3  C103/TXD  I  Serial data input (TXD) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VUSB S8  USB_VBUS   Power supply for the internal USB transceiver   5V S9  USB_ID(TBD)  AI Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected.  Analog R9  USB_D+  I/O USB differential Data (+)   3.3V R8  USB_D-  I/O USB differential Data (-)   3.3V DAC and ADC S4  DAC_OUT  AO  Digital/Analog converter output  Analog S5  ADC_IN3  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 3/GPS ANT current detection   Analog R5  ADC_IN2  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 2/GPS ANT voltage detection   Analog R4  ADC_IN1  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 1/GPS ANT voltage detection   Analog Miscellaneous Functions G5  RESET*  I  Reset input  Pull up  2.3V C9  VRTC_2V3  AO  VRTC Backup capacitor   Power B11  STAT_LED  O  Status indicator LED   CMOS 1.8VG4  ON_OFF*  I Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command) Pull up  2.3V D10  PWRMON  O  Power ON Monitor   CMOS 1.8VA3  RF_ANT  -  Antenna for GSM/WCDMA – 50 ohm   RF P7  MODEM_RDY (TBD)  O  Indicates that the boot sequence completed successfully  CMOS 1.8V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 17 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type R6  WAKEUP(TBD)  O  Wake up signal to external host system   CMOS 1.8VP6  SLEEP(TBD)  I  Input for entering sleep mode   CMOS 1.8VS6  CALL_KEY(TBD)  I  Input for make/answer a call (toggle command)   CMOS 1.8VG6  EMG_PWR_OFF (TBD)  I  Input for emergency power off  Pull up  CMOS 1.8VN8  MODE1(TBD)   Mode select 1(TBD)     N9  MODE2(TBD)   Mode select 2(TBD)      SPI(TBD)   6 pins for SPI (F4,D4,F5,E4,D5,C11)     E5  VAUX1  -  Power output for external accessories   Power GPIO L11  TGPIO_22  I/O Configurable GPIO #22   CMOS 1.8VK12  TGPIO_21  I/O Configurable GPIO #21   CMOS 1.8VM11  TGPIO_20  I/O Configurable GPIO #20   CMOS 1.8VP10  TGPIO_19  I/O Configurable GPIO #19   CMOS 1.8VM9  TGPIO_18  I/O Configurable GPIO #18   CMOS 1.8VM7  TGPIO_17  I/O Configurable GPIO #17   CMOS 1.8VN10  TGPIO_16  I/O Configurable GPIO #16   CMOS 1.8VM12  TGPIO_15  I/O Configurable GPIO #15   CMOS 1.8VP11  TGPIO_14  I/O Configurable GPIO #14   CMOS 1.8VN11  TGPIO_13  I/O Configurable GPIO #13   CMOS 1.8VL12  TGPIO_12  I/O Configurable GPIO #12   CMOS 1.8VP12  TGPIO_11  I/O Configurable GPIO #11   CMOS 1.8VM8  TGPIO_10  I/O Configurable GPIO #10   CMOS 1.8VN12  TGPIO_09  I/O Configurable GPIO #09   CMOS 1.8VB10  TGPIO_08  I/O Configurable GPIO #08   CMOS 1.8VE9  TGPIO_07  I/O Configurable GPIO #07   CMOS 1.8VE10  TGPIO_06 / ALARM  I/O Configurable GPIO #06 / ALARM   CMOS 1.8V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 18 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type F10  TGPIO_05 I/O Configurable GPIO #05   CMOS 1.8VF9  TGPIO_04 I/O Configurable GPIO #04   CMOS 1.8VK11  TGPIO_03  I/O Configurable GPIO #03   CMOS 1.8VG9  TGPIO_02  I/O Configurable GPIO #02   CMOS 1.8VJ11  TGPIO_01  I/O Configurable GPIO #01   CMOS 1.8VPower Supply C1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power D1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power  GND   52 pins for Ground (A2,A5,A12,B2,B3,B4,B5,B9,C2, C10,D6,D9,E1,E6,E11,F1,F6,G10, H5,H6,H7,H8,H9,H10,J5,J10,J12, K5,K10,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,M2, M5,M10,N6,N7,P8,P9,R1,R2,R3, R7,R10,R11,R12,S3,S7,S10)  Power Reserved  RESERVED   9 pins reserved (J8,J7,J6,K9,K8,K7,K6,N5,M6)      RESERVED   20 pins reserved (D3,E3,F3,G3,H3,D2,E2,F2,C4,C3, H2,J2,G2,K2,L1,K1,G1,J1,L2,H1)     RESERVED   7 pins reserved (P5,P3,P2,M1,N1,N2,P1)      RESERVED   9 pins reserved (G7,E7,D7,D8,E8,F8,G8,D11,F7)      RESERVED   6 pins reserved (C5,B8,C7,C8,B7,C6)      RESERVED   17 pins reserved (A7,A8,C12,J9,A1,A6,A9,A10,A11,B1,B6,B12,D12,H4,P4,S1,S12)
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 19 of 89  NOTE:  RESERVED Pins must be UNCONNECTED BUT BE SOLDERED. NOTE: If not used, almost all pins must be left disconnected.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 20 of 89  4.2. HE863-EUR/NAR PIN-OUT Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type Audio J6  EAR_MT+  AO  Earphone signal output, phase +  Audio J7  EAR_MT-  AO  Earphone signal output, phase -  Audio J8  EAR_HF+  AO  Handsfree signal output, phase + (Single ended)   Audio K6  MIC_MT+  AI  Mic signal input, phase +   Audio K7  MIC_MT-  AI  Mic signal input, phase -   Audio K8  MIC_HF+  AI  Handsfree mic signal input, phase +   Audio K9  MIC_HF-  AI  Handsfree mic signal input, phase -   Audio PCM interface M7  TGPIO_17/ PCM_SYNC  I/O GPIO 17/PCM sync signal of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM6  PCM_CLOCK  I/O PCM clock of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM8  TGPIO_10/ PCM_TX  I/O PCM data output of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM9  TGPIO_18/ PCM_RX  I/O PCM data input of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VSIM card interface H11  SIMCLK  O  External SIM signal – Clock   1.8 / 3V G12  SIMRST  O  External SIM signal – Reset   1.8 / 3V F12  SIMIO  I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O   1.8 / 3V E12  SIMIN(TBD)  I  External SIM signal – Presence (active low)   1.8 H12  SIMVCC  -  External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM   1.8 / 3V USB SIM(TBD) F11  USB_SIM_D+ (TBD)  I/O USB SIM data (+), TBD   1.8V/3.0V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 21 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type G11  USB_SIM_D- (TBD)  I/O USB SIM data (-), TBD   1.8V/3.0VTrace N4  TX_TRACE  O  Tx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VN3  RX_TRACE  I  Rx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VProg. / Data + HW Flow Control M4  C125/RING (TBD)  O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VM3  C109/DCD (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VL3  C108/DTR (TBD)  I  Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VL4  C107/DSR (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VK4  C106/CTS  O  Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VK3  C105/RTS  I  Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ4  C104/RXD  O  Serial data output to DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ3  C103/TXD  I  Serial data input (TXD) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VUSB S8  USB_VBUS   Power supply for the internal USB transceiver   5V S9  USB_ID(TBD)  AI Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected.  Analog R9  USB_D+  I/O USB differential Data (+)   3.3V R8  USB_D-  I/O USB differential Data (-)   3.3V DAC and ADC S4  DAC_OUT  AO  Digital/Analog converter output  Analog S5  ADC_IN3  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 3/GPS ANT current detection   Analog
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 22 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type R5  ADC_IN2  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 2/GPS ANT voltage detection   Analog R4  ADC_IN1  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 1/GPS ANT voltage detection   Analog Miscellaneous Functions G5  RESET*  I  Reset input  Pull up  2.3V C9  VRTC_2V3  AO  VRTC Backup capacitor   Power B11  STAT_LED  O  Status indicator LED   CMOS 1.8VG4  ON_OFF*  I Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command) Pull up  2.3V D10  PWRMON  O  Power ON Monitor   CMOS 1.8VA3  RF_ANT  -  Antenna for GSM/WCDMA – 50 ohm   RF P7  MODEM_RDY (TBD)  O  Indicates that the boot sequence completed successfully  CMOS 1.8VR6  WAKEUP(TBD)  O  Wake up signal to external host system   CMOS 1.8VP6  SLEEP(TBD)  I  Input for entering sleep mode   CMOS 1.8VS6  CALL_KEY(TBD)  I  Input for make/answer a call (toggle command)   CMOS 1.8VN5  AXE(TBD)  I  Input for handsfree switching   CMOS 1.8VG6  EMG_PWR_OFF (TBD)  I  Input for emergency power off  Pull up  CMOS 1.8VN8  MODE1(TBD)   Mode select 1(TBD)     N9  MODE2(TBD)   Mode select 2(TBD)      SPI(TBD)   6 pins for SPI (F4,D4,F5,E4,D5,C11)     E5  VAUX1  -  Power output for external accessories   Power GPIO L11  TGPIO_22  I/O Configurable GPIO #22   CMOS 1.8VK12  TGPIO_21  I/O Configurable GPIO #21   CMOS 1.8VM11  TGPIO_20  I/O Configurable GPIO #20   CMOS 1.8V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 23 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type P10  TGPIO_19  I/O Configurable GPIO #19   CMOS 1.8VN10  TGPIO_16  I/O Configurable GPIO #16   CMOS 1.8VM12  TGPIO_15  I/O Configurable GPIO #15   CMOS 1.8VP11  TGPIO_14  I/O Configurable GPIO #14   CMOS 1.8VN11  TGPIO_13  I/O Configurable GPIO #13   CMOS 1.8VL12  TGPIO_12  I/O Configurable GPIO #12   CMOS 1.8VP12  TGPIO_11  I/O Configurable GPIO #11   CMOS 1.8VN12  TGPIO_09  I/O Configurable GPIO #09   CMOS 1.8VB10  TGPIO_08  I/O Configurable GPIO #08   CMOS 1.8VE9  TGPIO_07 I/O Configurable GPIO #07    CMOS 1.8VE10  TGPIO_06 / ALARM  I/O Configurable GPIO #06 / ALARM   CMOS 1.8VF10  TGPIO_05 I/O Configurable GPIO #05    CMOS 1.8VF9  TGPIO_04 I/O Configurable GPIO #04    CMOS 1.8VK11  TGPIO_03  I/O Configurable GPIO #03   CMOS 1.8VG9  TGPIO_02 I/O Configurable GPIO #02  CMOS 1.8VJ11  TGPIO_01  I/O Configurable GPIO #01   CMOS 1.8VPower Supply C1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power D1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power  GND   52 pins for Ground (A2,A5,A12,B2,B3,B4,B5,B9,C2, C10,D6,D9,E1,E6,E11,F1,F6,G10, H5,H6,H7,H8,H9,H10,J5,J10,J12, K5,K10,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,M2, M5,M10,N6,N7,P8,P9,R1,R2,R3, R7,R10,R11,R12,S3,S7,S10)  Power Reserved  RESERVED   20 pins reserved (D3,E3,F3,G3,H3,D2,E2,F2,C4,C3, H2,J2,G2,K2,L1,K1,G1,J1,L2,H1)       RESERVED   7 pins reserved (P5,P3,P2,M1,N1,N2,P1)
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 24 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type  RESERVED   9 pins reserved (G7,E7,D7,D8,E8,F8,G8,D11,F7)      RESERVED   6 pins reserved (C5,B8,C7,C8,B7,C6)      RESERVED   17 pins reserved (A7,A8,C12,J9,A1,A6,A9,A10,A11,B1,B6,B12,D12,H4,P4,S1,S12)                NOTE:  RESERVED Pins must be UNCONNECTED but be soldered. NOTE: If not used, almost all pins must be left disconnected.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 25 of 89  4.3. HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG PIN-OUT Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type Audio J6  EAR_MT+  AO  Earphone signal output, phase +  Audio J7  EAR_MT-  AO  Earphone signal output, phase -  Audio J8  EAR_HF+  AO  Handsfree signal output, phase + (Single ended)   Audio K6  MIC_MT+  AI  Mic signal input, phase +   Audio K7  MIC_MT-  AI  Mic signal input, phase -   Audio K8  MIC_HF+  AI  Handsfree mic signal input, phase +   Audio K9  MIC_HF-  AI  Handsfree mic signal input, phase -   Audio PCM interface M7  TGPIO_17/ PCM_SYNC  I/O GPIO 17/PCM sync signal of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM6  PCM_CLOCK  I/O PCM clock of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM8  TGPIO_10/ PCM_TX  I/O PCM data output of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VM9  TGPIO_18/ PCM_RX  I/O PCM data input of digital voice interface   CMOS 1.8VSIM card interface H11  SIMCLK  O  External SIM signal – Clock   1.8 / 3V G12  SIMRST  O  External SIM signal – Reset   1.8 / 3V F12  SIMIO  I/O External SIM signal - Data I/O   1.8 / 3V E12  SIMIN(TBD)  I  External SIM signal – Presence (active low)   1.8 H12  SIMVCC  -  External SIM signal – Power supply for the SIM   1.8 / 3V USB SIM(TBD) F11  USB_SIM_D+ (TBD)  I/O USB SIM data (+), TBD   1.8V/3.0VG11  USB_SIM_D-  I/O USB SIM data (-), TBD   1.8V/3.0V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 26 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type (TBD) Trace N4  TX_TRACE  O  Tx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VN3  RX_TRACE  I  Rx data for diagnostic monitor   CMOS 1.8VProg. / Data + HW Flow Control M4  C125/RING (TBD)  O Output for Ring indicator signal (RI) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VM3  C109/DCD (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VL3  C108/DTR (TBD)  I  Input for Data terminal ready signal (DTR) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VL4  C107/DSR (TBD)  O  Output for Data set ready signal (DSR) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VK4  C106/CTS  O  Output for Clear to send signal (CTS) to DTE   CMOS 1.8VK3  C105/RTS  I  Input for Request to send signal (RTS) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ4  C104/RXD  O  Serial data output to DTE   CMOS 1.8VJ3  C103/TXD  I  Serial data input (TXD) from DTE   CMOS 1.8VUSB S8  USB_VBUS   Power supply for the internal USB transceiver   5V S9  USB_ID(TBD)  AI Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected.  Analog R9  USB_D+  I/O USB differential Data (+)   3.3V R8  USB_D-  I/O USB differential Data (-)   3.3V DAC and ADC S4  DAC_OUT  AO  Digital/Analog converter output  Analog S5  ADC_IN3  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 3/GPS ANT current detection   Analog R5  ADC_IN2  AI  Analog/Digital converter input   Analog
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 27 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type 2/GPS ANT voltage detection R4  ADC_IN1  AI  Analog/Digital converter input 1/GPS ANT voltage detection   Analog Miscellaneous Functions G5  RESET*  I  Reset input  Pull up  2.3V C9  VRTC_2V3  AO  VRTC Backup capacitor   Power B11  STAT_LED  O  Status indicator LED   CMOS 1.8VG4  ON_OFF*  I Input command for switching power ON or OFF (toggle command) Pull up  2.3V D10  PWRMON  O  Power ON Monitor   CMOS 1.8VA3  RF_ANT  -  Antenna for GSM/WCDMA – 50 ohm   RF S1  GPS_ANT  - Antenna for GPS – 50 ohm GPS_ANT for HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only  RF P7  MODEM_RDY (TBD)  O  Indicates that the boot sequence completed successfully  CMOS 1.8VR6  WAKEUP(TBD)  O  Wake up signal to external host system   CMOS 1.8VP6  SLEEP(TBD)  I  Input for entering sleep mode   CMOS 1.8VS6  CALL_KEY(TBD)  I  Input for make/answer a call (toggle command)   CMOS 1.8VN5  AXE (TBD)  I  Input for handsfree switching   CMOS 1.8VG6  EMG_PWR_OFF (TBD)  I  Input for emergency power off  Pull up  CMOS 1.8VN8  MODE1(TBD)   Mode select 1(TBD)     N9  MODE2(TBD)   Mode select 2(TBD)      SPI(TBD)   6 pins for SPI (F4,D4,F5,E4,D5,C11)     E5  VAUX1  -  Power output for external accessories   Power GPIO
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 28 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type L11  TGPIO_22  I/O Configurable GPIO #22   CMOS 1.8VK12  TGPIO_21  I/O Configurable GPIO #21   CMOS 1.8VM11  TGPIO_20  I/O Configurable GPIO #20   CMOS 1.8VP10  TGPIO_19  I/O Configurable GPIO #19   CMOS 1.8VN10  TGPIO_16  I/O Configurable GPIO #16   CMOS 1.8VM12  TGPIO_15  I/O Configurable GPIO #15   CMOS 1.8VP11  TGPIO_14  I/O Configurable GPIO #14   CMOS 1.8VN11  TGPIO_13  I/O Configurable GPIO #13   CMOS 1.8VL12  TGPIO_12  I/O Configurable GPIO #12   CMOS 1.8VP12  TGPIO_11  I/O Configurable GPIO #11   CMOS 1.8VN12  TGPIO_09  I/O Configurable GPIO #09   CMOS 1.8VB10  TGPIO_08  I/O Configurable GPIO #08   CMOS 1.8VE9  TGPIO_07 I/O Configurable GPIO #07    CMOS 1.8VE10  TGPIO_06 / ALARM  I/O Configurable GPIO #06 / ALARM   CMOS 1.8VF10  TGPIO_05 I/O Configurable GPIO #05    CMOS 1.8VF9  TGPIO_04 I/O Configurable GPIO #04    CMOS 1.8VK11  TGPIO_03  I/O Configurable GPIO #03   CMOS 1.8VG9  TGPIO_02 I/O Configurable GPIO #02  CMOS 1.8VJ11  TGPIO_01  I/O Configurable GPIO #01   CMOS 1.8VPower Supply C1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power D1  VBATT   Main power supply   Power  GND   52 pins for Ground (A2,A5,A12,B2,B3,B4,B5,B9,C2, C10,D6,D9,E1,E6,E11,F1,F6,G10, H5,H6,H7,H8,H9,H10,J5,J10,J12, K5,K10,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9,L10,M2, M5,M10,N6,N7,P8,P9,R1,R2,R3, R7,R10,R11,R12,S3,S7,S10)  Power
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 29 of 89  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Internal Pull up  Type Reserved  RESERVED   20 pins reserved (D3,E3,F3,G3,H3,D2,E2,F2,C4,C3, H2,J2,G2,K2,L1,K1,G1,J1,L2,H1)       RESERVED   7 pins reserved (P5,P3,P2,M1,N1,N2,P1)      RESERVED   9 pins reserved (G7,E7,D7,D8,E8,F8,G8,D11,F7)      RESERVED   6 pins reserved (C5,B8,C7,C8,B7,C6)      RESERVED   16 pins reserved (A7,A8,C12,J9,A1,A6,A9,A10,A11,B1,B6,B12,D12,H4,P4,S12)                NOTE:  RESERVED Pins must be UNCONNECTED but be soldered. NOTE: If not used, almost all pins must be left disconnected.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 30 of 89  4.4. BALLS LAYOUT   TOP VIEW
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 31 of 89  5. Hardware Commands 5.1.  Turning ON the HE863 To turn on HE863 Family, the pad ON/OFF# must be tied low for at least 1 second and then released. The maximum current that can be drained from the ON/OFF# pad is 0.1 mA.  A simple circuit to do it is:  NOTE:  The HE863 Family turns fully on by supplying power more than 3.2V to the VBATT pads because of the first connect power on feature. This feature could be done only when Vbatt equals to almost 0V at the beginning. Normally the high value capacitor will be mounted on Vbatt line so the user should have a wait enoughly since vbatt is disabled till the remaining voltage on Vbatt is fully dischaged in order to do re-start by this feature. Because the discharge time depends upon the capacitance on Vbatt in the application it should be definitely considered in the application side. HE863 Family has dozens uF on Vbatt line inside.  5.2.  Initialization and Activation state Upon turning on HE863 Family, HE863 Family is not activated yet because the boot sequence of HE863 Family is still going on internally. It may take more than about 10 seconds to complete the initializing the module internally. For this reason, it would be useless to try to access HE863 Family during Initialization state as below. To get the
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 32 of 89  desirable stability, HE863 Family needs at least 10 seconds after the PWRMON goes High. Following time charts can be referred according to the application design.  i. First time supplying the power more than 3.2V to Vbatt By only first time supplying the power to Vbatt line, the HE863 Family will power on without toggling ON/OFF# pin.   ii. Using ON/OFF key when USB interface is not used If the application will not use the usb interface of HE863 Family, that is, actually the usb interface is not connected between the devices, the hold time to tie ON/OFF# to GND should be 1 ~ 2 sec to make it powering on.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 33 of 89  iii. Using ON/OFF key when USB interface is used If the application will use the usb interface of HE863 Family, that is, actually the usb interface is correctly connected between the devices and USB_VBUS is asserted, the hold time to tie ON/OFF# to GND should be 3 ~ 4 sec to make it powering on.    During the Initialization state, any kind of AT-command is not available. DTE must be waiting for the Activation state to communicate with HE863 Family.  NOTE:  To check if the HE863 Family has powered on, the hardware line PWRMON must be monitored. When PWRMON goes high, the module has powered on. NOTE:  Do not use any pull up resistor on the ON/OFF# line, it is internally pulled up. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the HE863 Family power regulator and improper power on/off of the module. The line ON# must be connected only in open collector configuration. NOTE:  In this document all the lines are inverted. Active low signals are labeled with a name that ends with a "#" or with a bar over the name.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 34 of 89  For example: 1- Let us assume you need to drive the ON/OFF# pad with a totem pole output of a +1.8/5 V microcontroller (uP_OUT1):  2- Let us assume you need to drive the ON/OFF# pad directly with an ON/OFF button:   5.3.  Turning OFF the HE863 The turning off the device can be done by below ways: - via AT command only (see HE863 Software User Guide) - by tying low the ON/OFF# pad for at least 2 seconds.  Either ways the device issues to the network a detach request that informs the network that the device will not be reachable any more. To turn OFF HE863 Family the pad ON/OFF# must be tied low for at least 2 seconds and then released.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 35 of 89  When the hold time of ON/OFF# reaches above 2 seconds, HE863 Family goes into the finalization state and finally will shut down PWRMON at the end of this state.  The period of the finalization state can differ from the situation in which the HE863 Family is so it cannot be fixed definitely.  Normally it will take above 10 seconds later from releasing ON/OFF# and DTE should monitor the status of PWRMON to see the actual power off.    TIP:  To check if the device has powered off, hardware line PWRMON must be monitored. When PWRMON goes low it can be considered the device has powered off.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 36 of 89  5.3.1. Hardware Unconditional Restart  WARNING: The hardware unconditional Restart must not be used during normal operation of the device since it does not detach the device from the network. It shall be kept as an emergency exit procedure to be done in the rare case that the device gets stacked waiting for some network or SIM responses.  To unconditionally restart the HE863 Family, the pad RESET# must be tied low for at least 200 milliseconds and then released.  A simple circuit to do it is:   NOTE:  Do not use any pull up resistor on the RESET# line or any totem pole digital output. Using pull up resistor may bring to latch up problems on the HE863 Family power regulator and improper functioning of the module. The line RESET# must be connected only in open collector configuration   TIP:  The unconditional hardware Restart must always be implemented on the boards and the software must use it as an emergency exit procedure.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 37 of 89    For example: 1- Let us assume you need to drive the RESET# pad with a totem pole output of a +1.8/5 V microcontroller (uP_OUT2):   This signal is internally pulled up so the pin can be left floating if not used.    5.4.  Summary of Turning ON and OFF the HE863 Below chart describes the overall sequences for turning ON and OFF.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 38 of 89  6. Power Supply The power supply circuitry and board layout are a very important part in the full product design and they strongly reflect on the product overall performances. Read carefully the requirements and the guidelines that will follow for a proper design. 6.1.  Power Supply Requirements The HE863 Family power requirements are: Power Supply Nominal Supply Voltage  3.8V Max Supply Voltage  4.2V Supply Voltage Range  3.4V – 4.2V  HE863-EUD/NAD/AUD/EUG/NAG/AUG/EUR/NAR Mode  Average(mA) Mode Description IDLE mode  Standby mode; no call in progress;  GPS OFF (GPS for HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only)AT+CFUN=0  -  60uA  Shutdown mode(Power off) AT+CFUN=1  WCDMA  34  Normal mode; full functionality of the module GSM  33 AT+CFUN=4  WCDMA  33  Disabled TX and RX; modules is not registered on the network GSM  33 AT+CFUN=5 WCDMA  4/2*  CFN=5 full functionality with power saving; Module registered on the network can receive incoming call and SMS GSM  4/2* WCDMA TX and RX mode with GPS OFF GPS OFF (GPS for HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only)WCDMA Voice  600  WCDMA voice channel WCDMA data  600  WCDMA data channel HSDPA  680  HSDPA data channel HSUPA  610  HSUPA data channel GSM TX and RX mode with GPS OFF  GPS OFF (GPS for HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only)GSM Voice  250  GSM voice channel GPRS Class12  650  GPRS data channel EDGE Class12  470  EDGE data channel * Worst/best case depends on network configuration and is not under module control.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 39 of 89  HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only Mode  Average(mA) Mode Description IDLE mode with GPS ON full power mode* Standby mode;  no call in progress; GPS ON AT+CFUN=1  WCDMA  62 GSM  61 AT+CFUN=4  WCDMA  61 GSM  61 AT+CFUN=5  WCDMA  54/53* GSM  54/53* WCDMA TX and RX mode with GPS ON full power mode*   WCDMA Voice  630  WCDMA voice channel WCDMA Data  630  WCDMA data channel HSDPA  710  HSDPA data channel HSUPA  630  HSUPA data channel GSM TX and RX mode with GPS ON full power mode*   GSM Voice  280  GSM voice channel GPRS Class12  670  GPRS data channel EDGE Class12  500  EDGE data channel * except external active GPS antenna TIP:  The electrical design for the Power supply must be made ensuring that it will be capable of a peak current output of at least 2A. In GSM/GPRS mode, RF transmission is not continuous and it is packed into bursts at a base frequency of about 216 Hz, and the relative current peaks can be as high as about 2A. Therefore the power supply has to be designed in order to withstand these current peaks without big voltage drops; this means that both the electrical design and the board layout must be designed for this current flow. If the layout of the PCB is not well designed, a strong noise floor is generated on the ground; this will reflect on all the audio paths producing an audible annoying noise at 216 Hz; if the voltage drops during the peak, current absorption is too much. The device may even shut down as a consequence of the supply voltage drop.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 40 of 89  6.2. General Design Rules The principal guidelines for the Power Supply Design embrace three different design steps:  the electrical design  the thermal design  the PCB layout 6.2.1. Electrical Design Guidelines The electrical design of the power supply depends strongly on the power source where this power is drained. We will distinguish them into two categories:  +5V input  (typically PC internal regulator output)  +12V input (typically automotive) + 5V Input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines  The desired output for the power supply is 3.8V, hence there is not a big difference between the input source and the desired output and a linear regulator can be used. A switching power supply will not be suited because of the low drop-out requirements.  When using a linear regulator, a proper heat sink must be provided in order to dissipate the power generated.  A Bypass low ESR capacitor of adequate capacity must be provided in order to cut the current absorption peaks close to HE863 Family, a 100μF tantalum capacitor is usually suited.  Make sure the low ESR capacitor on the power supply output (usually a tantalum one) is rated at least 10V.  A protection diode must be inserted close to the power input, in order to save HE863 Family from power polarity inversion.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 41 of 89  An example of linear regulator with 5V input is:   +12V Input Source Power Supply Design Guidelines  The desired output for the power supply is 3.8V, hence due to the big difference between the input source and the desired output, a linear regulator is not suited and must not be used. A switching power supply will be preferable because of its better efficiency especially with the 2A peak current load represented by HE863 Family.  When using a switching regulator, a 500 kHz or more switching frequency regulator is preferable because of its smaller inductor size and its faster transient response. This allows the regulator to respond quickly to the current peaks absorption.   In any case, the frequency and Switching design selection is related to the application to be developed due to the fact the switching frequency could also generate EMC interferences.  For car PB battery the input voltage can rise up to 15.8V and this must be kept in mind when choosing components: all components in the power supply must withstand this voltage.  A Bypass low ESR capacitor of adequate capacity must be provided in order to cut the current absorption peaks. A 100μF tantalum capacitor is usually suited for this.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 42 of 89   Make sure the low ESR capacitor on the power supply output (usually a tantalum one) is rated at least 10V.  For Car applications a spike protection diode must be inserted close to the power input, in order to clean the supply from spikes.   A protection diode must be inserted close to the power input, in order to save HE863 Family from power polarity inversion. This can be the same diode as for spike protection.  An example of switching regulator with 12V input is in the below schematic (it is split in 2 parts):  Switching regulator
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 43 of 89  6.2.2.  Thermal Design Guidelines The thermal design for the power supply heat sink must be done with the following specifications:  Average current consumption during WCDMA/HSPA transmission @PWR level max : 710mA  Average current consumption during class12 GPRS transmission @PWR level max : 670mA  Average GPS current during GPS ON (Power Saving disabled) in HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG : 55mA NOTE:  The average consumption during transmissions depends on the power level at which the device is requested to transmit via the network. The average current consumption hence varies significantly. NOTE:  The thermal design for the Power supply must be made keeping an average consumption at the max transmitting level during calls of 750mA rms plus 100mA rms for GPS in tracking mode in HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG.  Considering the very low current during idle, especially if Power Saving function is enabled, it is possible to consider from the thermal point of view that the device absorbs current significantly only during calls.  If we assume that the device stays in transmission for short periods of time (let us say few minutes) and then remains for quite a long time in idle (let us say one hour), then the power supply has always the time to cool down between the calls and the heat sink could be smaller than the calculated for 850mA maximum RMS current. There could even be a simple chip package (no heat sink). Moreover in average network conditions the device is requested to transmit at a lower power level than the maximum and hence the current consumption will be less than 850mA (TBD, being usually around 150mA). For these reasons the thermal design is rarely a concern and the simple ground plane where the power supply chip is placed can be enough to ensure a good thermal condition and avoid overheating. For the heat generated by the HE863 Family, you can consider it to be during transmission 1W max during CSD/VOICE calls and
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 44 of 89  2W max during class12 GPRS upload.  This generated heat will be mostly conducted to the ground plane under the HE863 Family; you must ensure that your application can dissipate heat. In the WCDMA/HSPA mode, since HE863 Family emits RF signals continuously during transmission, you must pay special attention how to dissipate the heat generated. The current consumption will be up to about 710mA in HSPA continuously at the maximum TX output power (23dBm). Thus, you must arrange the PCB area as large as possible under HE863 Family which you will mount. You must mount HE863 Family on the large ground area of your application board and make many ground vias to dissipate the heat. The peak current consumption in the GSM mode is higher than that in WCDMA. However, considering the heat sink is more important in case of WCDMA. As mentioned before, a GSM signal is bursty, thus, the temperature drift is more insensible than WCDMA. Consequently, if you prescribe the heat dissipation in the WCDMA mode, you don’t need to think more about the GSM mode.  6.2.3.  Power Supply PCB Layout Guidelines As seen in the electrical design guidelines, the power supply must have a low ESR capacitor on the output to cut the current peaks and a protection diode on the input to protect the supply from spikes and polarity inversion. The placement of these components is crucial for the correct working of the circuitry. A misplaced component can be useless or can even decrease the power supply performances.  The Bypass low ESR capacitor must be placed close to the Telit HE863 Family power input pads, or in the case the power supply is a switching type, it can be placed close to the inductor to cut the ripple if the PCB trace from the capacitor to HE863 Family is wide enough to ensure a drop-less connection even during the 2A current peaks.  The protection diode must be placed close to the input connector where the power source is drained.  The PCB traces from the input connector to the power regulator. IC must be wide enough to ensure no voltage drops to occur when the 2A current peaks are absorbed.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 45 of 89  Note that this is not made in order to save power loss but especially to avoid the voltage drops on the power line at the current peaks frequency of 216 Hz that will reflect on all the components connected to that supply (also introducing the noise floor at the burst base frequency.) For this reason while a voltage drop of 300-400 mV may be acceptable from the power loss point of view, the same voltage drop may not be acceptable from the noise point of view. If your application does not have audio interface but only uses the data feature of the Telit HE863 Family, then this noise is not so disturbing and power supply layout design can be more forgiving.  The PCB traces to HE863 Family and the Bypass capacitor must be wide enough to ensure no significant voltage drops to occur when the 2A current peaks are absorbed. This is a must for the same above-mentioned reasons. Try to keep this trace as short as possible.  The PCB traces connecting the Switching output to the inductor and the switching diode must be kept as short as possible by placing the inductor and the diode very close to the power switching IC (only for switching power supply). This is done in order to reduce the radiated field (noise) at the switching frequency (usually 100-500 kHz).  The use of a good common ground plane is suggested.  The placement of the power supply on the board must be done in a way to guarantee that the high current return paths in the ground plane are not overlapped to any noise sensitive circuitry as the microphone amplifier/buffer or earphone amplifier.  The power supply input cables must be kept separately from noise sensitive lines such as microphone/earphone cables.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 46 of 89  7. Antenna(s) The antenna connection and board layout design are the most important parts in the full product design and they strongly reflect on the product’s overall performances. Read carefully and follow the requirements and the guidelines for a proper design. 7.1. GSM/WCDMA Antenna Requirements As suggested on the Product Description, the antenna for a Telit HE863 Family device must fulfill the following requirements:  When using the Telit HE863 Family, since there’s no antenna connector on the module, the antenna must be connected to the HE863 Family through the PCB with the antenna pad using a 50 Ohm transmission line.  In the case that the antenna is not directly developed on the same PCB, hence directly connected at the antenna pad of the HE863 Family, then a PCB line is needed in order to connect with it or with its connector. GSM / WCDMA Antenna Requirements Frequency range Depending by frequency band(s) provided by the network operator, the customer must use the most suitable antenna for that/those band(s) Bandwidth HE863-EUD/EUR/EUG HE863-NAD/NAR/NAG  HE863-AUD/AUG 70 MHz in GSM850, 80 MHz in GSM900, 170 MHz in DCS & 140 MHz in PCS 80 MHz in WCDMA900, 250 MHz in WCDMA2100 70 MHz in GSM850, 80 MHz in GSM900, 170 MHz in DCS & 140 MHz in PCS 70 MHZ in WCDMA850, 140 MHz in WCDMA1900 70 MHz in GSM850, 80 MHz in GSM900, 170 MHz in DCS & 140 MHz in PCS 70 MHz in WCDMA850, 250 MHz in WCDMA2100 Gain  Gain < 3dBi Impedance  50 Ohm Input power  > 33dBm(2 W) peak power in GSM > 24dBm Average power in WCDMA VSWR absolute max <= 10:1 VSWR recommended <= 2:1
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 47 of 89  This line of transmission shall fulfill the following requirements: ANTENNA LINE ON PCB REQUIREMENTS Impedance  50 ohm Max Attenuation  0,3 dB No coupling with other signals allowed Cold End (Ground Plane) of antenna shall be equipotential to the HE863 Family ground pins. Furthermore if the device is developed for the US and/or Canada market, it must comply to the FCC and/or IC approval requirements: This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed application. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-Users must be provided with transmitter operation conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. OEM integrators must ensure that the end user has no manual instructions to remove or install the HE863 Family module. Antennas used for this OEM module must not exceed 3dBi gain for mobile and fixed operating configurations.  7.2.  GSM/WCDMA Antenna – PCB line Guidelines   Antenna line must have uniform characteristics, constant cross section, avoid meanders and abrupt curves;   Keep, if possible, one layer of the PCB used only for the Ground plane;   Surround (on the sides, over and under) the antenna line on PCB with Ground, avoid having other signal tracks facing directly the antenna line track;   The ground around the antenna line on PCB has to be strictly connected to the Ground Plane by placing via holes once per 2mm at least;   Place EM noisy devices as far as possible from HE863 Family antenna line;   Keep the antenna line far away from the HE863 Family power supply lines;   If you have EM noisy devices around the PCB hosting the HE863 Family, such as fast switching ICs, take care of shielding it with a metal frame cover.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 48 of 89   HE863 Family can only be used with a host antenna circuit  trace layout according to below guidelines and a host system designer must follow the guidelines to keep the original Grant of HE863 Family. OEM, host system designer has to know that the strict  compliance to the layout reference design which Telit will  provide is required to ensure that only approved antenna  shall be used in the host system.  If in a host system there is any difference from the trace layout already approved, OEM host system designer have to know that it requires a Class II permissive change or a new grant as appropriate as FCC defines. Compliance of this device in all final host configurations is the responsibility of the Grantee.  Here is the information of Telit’s approved interface  board layout and please see carefully the pictures  extracted from the gerber files for respective layer as attached below. This guidance should be referenced by OEM host.  Telit EVK for HE863 Family has a structure of six pcb layers.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 49 of 89  Layer1, Top layer: The ball in blue circle is A3 which is assigned to the RF_ANT  in the HE863 Family. It is the starting point from the HE863 Family to an Antenna connector in a host system. The trace info as;   Thickness =  0.035 mm       Width =  1.0 mm Length =    1.414 mm Clearance =  0.775 mm (Signal to GND) The actual trace limits in a host system should be calculated to correspond to 50ohm and it may be provided by the pcb maker.     Layer2, inner layer: It needs a cut-out on layer2 to meet 50ohm.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 50 of 89  Layer3, inner layer: There is no cut-out. The related via remains only.     Layer4, inner layer: There is no cut-out. The related via remains only.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 51 of 89  Layer5, inner layer: Same cut-out with layer 6’s should be applied to match 50ohm.     Layer6, Bottom layer: The trace info as;   Thickness =  0.035 mm       Width =  1.2 mm Length =    18.42 mm Clearance =  2.0 mm (Signal to GND)  The actual trace limits in a host system should be calculated to correspond to 50 ohm which may be provided by the pcb maker.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 52 of 89  7.3.  GSM/WCDMA Antenna – Installation Guidelines  Install the antenna in a place covered by the GSM/WCDMA signal.  The Antenna must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter;  Antenna shall not be installed inside metal cases;   Antenna shall be installed also according Antenna manufacturer instructions.  FCC Section 15.203 describes that the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical connector is prohibited. Do NOT use this type of connector on the host system and the host system should have one of special ones. The host system designers should keep in mind this information before they start their actual design. Below descriptions will make it clearer. According to the FCC requirement, SMA type is prohibited because it is one of standard types but the system designer can adopt RP-SMA type which is  considered a special type. RP-SMA represents “Reversed Polarized SMA”. Useful pictures below;
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 53 of 89           7.4.  GPS Antenna Requirements (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only) The use of combined GPS antennas is NOT recommended; this solution could generate an extremely poor GPS reception and also the combination antenna requires additional diplexer and adds a loss in the RF route. The module is provided of an Antenna supply circuit with the following characteristics:  Supply voltage referred to VBATT (Must accept values from 3.4 to 4.2 V DC)  Supply enable controlled internally by the BB. When using the Telit HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG, since there’s no antenna connector on the module, the antenna must be connected to the HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG through the PCB with the antenna pad using a 50 Ohm transmission line. In the case that the antenna is not directly developed on the same PCB, hence directly connected at the antenna pad of the HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG, then a PCB line is needed in order to connect with it or with its connector. This line of transmission shall fulfill the following requirements: ANTENNA LINE ON PCB REQUIREMENTS Impedance  50 ohm No coupling with other signals allowed Cold End (Ground Plane) of antenna shall be equipotential to the HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG ground pins.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 54 of 89  Furthermore if the device is developed for the US and/or Canada market, it must comply to the FCC and/or IC approval requirements: This device is to be used only for mobile and fixed application. 7.5.  GPS Antenna-PCB Line Guidelines (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only)  Ensure that the antenna line impedance is 50 ohm;  Keep the antenna line on the PCB as short as possible to reduce the loss.  Antenna line must have uniform characteristics, constant cross section, avoid meanders and abrupt curves;  Keep, if possible, one layer of the PCB used only for the Ground plane;  Surround (on the sides, over and under) the antenna line on PCB with Ground, avoid having other signal tracks facing directly the antenna line track;  The ground around the antenna line on PCB has to be strictly connected to the Ground Plane by placing vias once per 2mm at least;  Place EM noisy devices as far as possible from HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG antenna line;  Keep the antenna line far away from the HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG power supply lines;  Keep the antenna line far away from the HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG WCDMA/GSM RF lines;  If you have EM noisy devices around the PCB hosting the HE863-EUG/NAG /AUG, such as fast switching ICs, take care of the shielding of the antenna line by burying it inside the layers of PCB and surround it with Ground planes, or shield it with a metal frame cover.  If you don't have EM noisy devices around the PCB of HE863-EUG/NAG /AUG, by using a strip-line on the superficial copper layer for the antenna line, the line attenuation will be lower than a buried one;
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 55 of 89  Here is the guidance for GPS antenna path.  Layer1, Top layer: The ball in blue circle is S1 which is assigned to the GPS_ANT in the HE863 Family. It is the starting point from the HE863 Family to an Antenna connector in a host system. The trace info as;   Thickness =  0.035 mm       Width =  1.0 mm Length =    1.025 mm Clearance =  0.775 mm (Signal to GND) The actual trace limits in a host system should be calculated to correspond to 50ohm and it may be provided by the pcb maker.     Layer2, inner layer: It needs a cut-out on layer2 to meet 50ohm.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 56 of 89  Layer3, inner layer: There is no cut-out. The related via remains only.     Layer4, inner layer: There is no cut-out. The related via remains only.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 57 of 89  Layer5, inner layer: Same cut-out with layer 6’s should be applied to match 50ohm.     Layer6, Bottom layer: The trace info as;   Thickness =  0.035 mm       Width =  1.2 mm Length =    13.395 mm Clearance =  2.0 mm (Signal to GND)  The actual trace limits in a host system should be calculated to correspond to 50 ohm which may be provided by the pcb maker.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 58 of 89  7.6.  GPS Antenna-Installation Guidelines (HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG only)  The HE863-EUG/NAG/AUG due to its characteristics of sensitivity is capable to perform a Fix inside the buildings. (In any case the sensitivity could be affected by the building characteristics i.e. shielding)   The Antenna must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter;  Antenna shall not be installed inside metal cases  Antenna shall be installed also according Antenna manufacturer instructions.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 59 of 89  8.  Logic Level Specifications Where not specifically stated, all the interface circuits work at 1.8V CMOS logic levels. The following table shows the logic level specifications used in the Telit HE863 Family interface circuits:  For 1.8V CMOS signals:  Absolute Maximum Ratings -Not Functional Parameter  Min  Max Input level on any digital pin when on -0.3V  +3.6V Input voltage on analog pins when on -0.15V  +3.0 V  Operating Range - Interface levels Level  Min  Max Input high level 1.26V  2.0 V Input low level -0.2V  0.36V Output high level 1.6V  1.8V Output low level 0V  0.2V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 60 of 89  8.1. Reset Signal Signal  Function I/O  BGA Ball RESET  Phone reset  I  G5 RESET is used to reset the HE863 Family module. Whenever this signal is pulled low, HE863 Family is reset. When the device is reset it stops all operations. After the release of the reset HE863 Family is unconditionally shut down, without doing any detach operations from the network where it is registered. This behavior is not a proper shutdown because the device is requested to issue a detach request on turn off. For this reason, the Reset signal must not be used for normally shutting down the device, but only as an emergency exit in the rare case the device remains stuck waiting for some network response. The RESET is internally controlled on start-up to achieve always a proper power-on reset sequence. There is no need to control this pin on start-up. It may only be used to reset a device already on that is not responding to any command. NOTE:  Do not use this signal to power off HE863 Family. Use AT#SHDN command to perform this function.  Reset Signal Operating levels: Signal  Min  Max RESET Input high  2.0V*  2.6V RESET Input low 0V  0.2V * This signal is internally pulled up so the pin can be left floating if not used. If unused, this signal may be left unconnected. If used, it must always be connected with an open collector transistor to permit the internal circuitry the power on reset and under voltage lockout functions.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 61 of 89  9. Serial Ports The serial port on the Telit HE863 Family is the interface between the module and OEM hardware.  2 serial ports are available on the module:  MODEM SERIAL PORT;  MODEM SERIAL PORT 2 (DEBUG). 9.1. Modem Serial Port Several configurations can be designed for the serial port on the OEM hardware. The most common are:  RS232 PC com port;  microcontroller UART @ 1.8V – 2.0V (Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit) ; Depending on the type of serial port on the OEM hardware, a level translator circuit may be needed to make the system work. The only configuration that does not need a level translation is the 1.8V – 2.0V UART. The serial port on HE863 Family is a +1.8V UART with all the 7 RS232 signals. It differs from the PC-RS232 in signal polarity (RS232 is reversed) and levels. The levels for HE863 Family UART are the CMOS levels:  Absolute Maximum Ratings -Not Functional Parameter  Min  Max Input level on any digital pin when on  -0.3V  +3.6V Input voltage on analog pins when on  -0.15V  +3.0 V   Operating Range - Interface levels Level  Min  Max Input high level  1.26V  2.0 V Input low level  -0.2V  0.36V Output high level  1.6V  1.8V Output low level  0V  0.2V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 62 of 89  The signals of the HE863 Family serial port are: RS232 Pin Number Signal HE863 Family Ball Name  Usage 1 DCD - dcd_uart (TBD) M3  Data Carrier Detect Output from the HE863 Family that indicates the carrier presence 2  RXD - Tx_uart  J4  Transmit line *see Note Output transmit line of HE863 Family UART 3  TXD - Rx_uart  J3  Receive line *see Note  Input receive of the HE863 Family UART 4 DTR - dtr_uart (TBD) L3  Data Terminal Ready Input to the HE863 Family that controls the DTE READY condition 5  GND  All GND  Ground  ground 6 DSR - dsr_uart (TBD) L4  Data Set Ready Output from the HE863 Family that indicates the module is ready 7 RTS -rts_uart K3  Request to Send Input to the HE863 Family that controls the Hardware flow control 8 CTS - cts_uart K4  Clear to Send Output from the HE863 Family that controls the Hardware flow control 9 RI - ri_uart (TBD) M4  Ring Indicator Output from the HE863 Family that indicates the Incoming call condition TIP:  For minimum implementation, only the TXD and RXD lines can be connected, the other lines can be left open provided a software flow control is implemented. NOTE:  According to V.24, RX/TX signal names are referred to the application side, therefore on the HE863 Family side these signal are on the opposite direction: TXD on the application side will be connected to the receive line (here named TXD/ rx_uart ) of the HE863 Family serial port and vice versa for RX.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 63 of 89  9.2.  RS232 Level Translation In order to interface the Telit HE863 Family with a PC com port or a RS232 (EIA/TIA-232) application a level translator is required. This level translator must:  invert the electrical signal in both directions;  Change the level from 0/1.8V to +15/-15V. Actually, the RS232 UART 16450, 16550, 16650 & 16750 chipsets accept signals with lower levels on the RS232 side (EIA/TIA-562), allowing a lower voltage-multiplying ratio on the level translator. Note that the negative signal voltage must be less than 0V and hence some sort of level translation is always required.  The simplest way to translate the levels and invert the signal is by using a single chip level translator. There are a multitude of them, differing in the number of drivers and receivers and in the levels (be sure to get a true RS232 level translator not a RS485 or other standards). By convention the driver is the level translator from the 0-1.8V UART to the RS232 level. The receiver is the translator from the RS232 level to 0-1.8V UART. In order to translate the whole set of control lines of the UART you will need:  5 drivers  3 receivers NOTE:  The digital input lines working at 1.8V CMOS have an absolute maximum input voltage of 3.6V; therefore the level translator IC shall not be powered by the +3.8V supply of the module. Instead, it must be powered from a +1.8V / +2.0V (dedicated) power supply. This is because in this way the level translator IC outputs on the module side (i.e. HE863 Family inputs) will work at +3.8V interface levels, damaging the module inputs.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 64 of 89  An example of level translation circuitry of this kind is:   The RS232 serial port lines are usually connected to a DB9 connector with the following layout: signal names and directions are named and defined from the DTE point of view.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 65 of 89  10. USB Port The HE863 Family module includes a Universal Serial Bus (USB) transceiver, which operates at USB low-speed (1.5Mbits/sec), USB full-speed (12Mbits/sec) and USB high-speed (480Mbits/sec). It is compliant with the USB 2.0 specification and can be used for diagnostic monitoring, control and data transfers. The table below describes the USB interface signals: TIP:  The HE863 Family does NOT support host device operation at the moment, that is, it works as a slave device.   10.1.  USB transceiver specifications (TBD) Signal HE863 Family Ball  Usage USB_VBUS  S8 Power supply for the internal USB transceiver. This pin is configured as an analog input or ananalog output depending upon the type of peripheral device connected. USB_D-  R8 Minus (-) line of the differential, bi-directional USB signal to/from the peripheral device USB D+  R9 Plus (+) line of the differential, bi-directional USB signal to/from the peripheral device USB_ID (TBD)  S9 Analog input used to sense whether a peripheral device is connected and if connected, to determine the peripheral type, host or slave
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 66 of 89  11.  Audio Section (HE863-EUR/EUG/NAR/NAG/AUG only) The Baseband chip was developed for the cellular phones, which needed two separated amplifiers both in RX and in TX section. A couple of amplifiers had to be used with internal audio transducers while the other couple of amplifiers had to be used with external audio transducers. To distinguish the schematic signals and the Software identifiers, two different definitions were introduced, with the following meaning:   internal audio transducers   HS/MT  differential/Single ended type (from HandSet or MicroTelephone )  external audio transducers  HF only single-ended output type (from HandsFree )     Actually the acronyms have not the original importance.  In other words this distinction is not necessary, being the performances between the two blocks like the same.  Only if the customer needs higher output power to the speaker, he has a constraint. Otherwise the choice could be done in order to overcome the PCB design difficulties.   For these reasons we have not changed the HS and HF acronyms, keeping them in the Software and on the schematics.   11.1. Selection mode Only one block can be active at a time, and the activation of the requested audio path is done via hardware by AXE line or via software by AT#CAP command.  Moreover the Sidetone functionality could be implemented by the amplifier fitted between the transmit path and the receive path, enabled at request in both modes.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 67 of 89  100nF 100nF 100nF100nF 100nFBias Single ended Differential or Single ended                                Only Single ended Baseband AFEEAR_MT+ (EPP1)EAR_MT- (EPN1)MIC_MT- (MICN1) Single ended DifferentialMIC_MT+ (MICP1)Differential or Single ended100nF 100nFBias DifferentialSingle ended Differential or Single endedMIC_HF- (AUX2N)MIC_HF+ (AUX1N)EAR_HF+ (EPPA2)EAR_HF- (EPPA1)Reserved BallDifferential16Ω 16Ω
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 68 of 89  11.2. Microphone Characteristics  TIP:  Being the microphone circuitry the more noise sensitive, its design and layout must be realized with particular care. Both microphone paths are balanced and the OEM circuitry must be balanced designed to reduce the common mode noise typically generated on the ground plane. However the customer can use the unbalanced circuitry for particular application.                 11.2.1.  Input Lines (MIC1 and MIC2) Characteristics (TBD)  Line coupling   Line type   Coupling capacitor   Differential input impedance  Differential input voltage     11.3. OUTPUT LINES (Speaker) We suggest driving the load differentially from both output drivers, thus the output swing will double and the need for the output coupling capacitor avoided.  If a particular OEM application needs a Single Ended Output configuration the output power will be reduced four times. The OEM circuitry shall be designed to reduce the common mode noise typically generated on the ground plane and to get the maximum power output from the device (low resistance tracks).   (*) WARNING: Using single ended configuration, the unused output line must be left open. Not respecting this constraint, the output stage will be damaged.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 69 of 89  DANGER: Using HS/MT, the serial capacitors below 100nF must be connected in the output lines. The handsfree mode only supports single ended type and reserved HF- Ball must be opened.  11.3.1.  Output Lines Characteristics (TBD)  Line coupling              differential                                single-ended DC   AC   Output load impedance differential 16 Ω Differential output impedance   Signal bandwidth   150 - 4000 Hz @ -3 dB Differential output voltage (typ.)  1060 mVrms /16 Ω   Max Output Power @ 16 Ω    Max load capacitance     Table 3.  “Ear_MT” Output (EAR_EPP1 differential amplifier)  Line coupling             differential                               single-ended   Output load impedance                                      single-ended     16 Ω (≤ 26) S.E.  output impedance   ≤ 0,5  Ω @ 1.02kHz signal bandwidth    150 - 4000 Hz @ -3 dB Differential output voltage (typ.)  833 mVrms /16 Ω   Max Output Power @ 16Ω    Max load capacitance     Table 4.   “Ear_HF”   Output (EAR_EPPA2 amplifiers)
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 70 of 89  12.  General Purpose I/O The general-purpose I/O pads can be configured to act in three different ways:  input  output  alternate function (internally controlled) Input pads can only be read and report the digital value (high or low) present on the pad at the read time; output pads can only be written or queried and set the value of the pad output; an alternate function pad is internally controlled by the HE863 Family firmware and acts depending on the function implemented. The following GPIOs are available on the HE863 Family.  Ball  Signal  I/O  Function  Type Drive strengthDefault State ON_OFF State  Note J11  TGPIO_01 I/O GPIO01 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   G9  TGPIO_02 I/O GPIO02 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   K11  TGPIO_03 I/O GPIO03 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   F9  TGPIO_04 I/O GPIO04 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   F10  TGPIO_05 I/O GPIO05 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   E10  TGPIO_06 I/O GPIO06 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW Alternate function (ALARM) E9  TGPIO_07 I/O GPIO07 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   B10  TGPIO_08 I/O GPIO08 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   N12  TGPIO_09 I/O GPIO09 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 71 of 89  M8  TGPIO_10 I/O GPIO10 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW Alternate function (PCM_TX) -R/-G onlyP12  TGPIO_11 I/O GPIO11 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   L12  TGPIO_12 I/O GPIO12 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   N11  TGPIO_13 I/O GPIO13 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   P11  TGPIO_14 I/O GPIO14 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   M12  TGPIO_15 I/O GPIO15 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   N10  TGPIO_16 I/O GPIO16 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   M7  TGPIO_17 I/O GPIO17 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW Alternate function (PCM_SYNC)-R/-G onlyM9  TGPIO_18 I/O GPIO18 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW Alternate function (PCM_RX) -R/-G onlyP10  TGPIO_19 I/O GPIO19 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   M11  TGPIO_20 I/O GPIO20 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW   K12  TGPIO_21 I/O GPIO21 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  HIGH   L11  TGPIO_22 I/O GPIO22 Configurable GPIO CMOS 1.8V 2mA  INPUT  LOW    Not all GPIO pads support all these three modes:  GPIO6 supports all three modes and can be input, output, alarm output (Alternate function) Some alternate functions for HE863 Family may be added if needed.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 72 of 89  12.1.  Logic Level Specifications Where not specifically stated, all the interface circuits work at 1.8V CMOS logic levels. The following table shows the logic level specifications used in the HE863 Family interface circuits:  For 1.8V CMOS signals:  Absolute Maximum Ratings -Not Functional Parameter  Min  Max Input level on any digital pin when on -0.3V  +3.6V Input voltage on analog pins when on -0.15V  +3.0 V  Operating Range - Interface levels Level  Min  Max Input high level 1.26V  2.0 V Input low level -0.2V  0.36V Output high level 1.6V  1.8V Output low level 0V  0.2V  12.2.  Using a GPIO Pad as Input The GPIO pads, when used as inputs, can be connected to a digital output of another device and report its status, provided this device has interface levels compatible with the 1.8V CMOS levels of the GPIO.  If the digital output of the device is connected with the GPIO input, the pad has interface levels different from the 1.8V CMOS. It can be buffered with an open collector transistor with a 47KΩ pull-up resistor to 1.8V. 12.3.  Using a GPIO Pad as Output The GPIO pads, when used as outputs, can drive 1.8V CMOS digital devices or compatible hardware. When set as outputs,
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 73 of 89  the pads have a push-pull output and therefore the pull-up resistor may be omitted.  12.4.  Using the Alarm Output GPIO6 The GPIO6 pad, when configured as Alarm Output, is controlled by the HE863 Family module and will rise when the alarm starts and fall after the issue of a dedicated AT command. This output can be used to power up the HE863 Family controlling microcontroller or application at the alarm time, giving you the possibility to program a timely system wake-up to achieve some periodic actions and completely turn off either the application or the HE863 Family during sleep periods. This will dramatically reduce the sleep consumption to few μA. In battery-powered devices this feature will greatly improve the autonomy of the device. NOTE:  During RESET the line is set to HIGH logic level.  12.5.  Indication of Network Service Availability The STAT_LED pin status shows information on the network service availability and Call status. In the HE863 Family modules, the STAT_LED usually needs an external transistor to drive an external LED. Because of the above, the status indicated in the following table is reversed with respect to the pin status:  LED status  Device Status Permanently off  Device off Fast blinking (Period 1s, Ton 0,5s) Net search /  Not registered / turning off Slow blinking (Period 3s, Ton 0,3s)  Registered full servicePermanently on  a call is active
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 74 of 89                 12.6.  RTC Bypass Out The VRTC pin brings out the Real Time Clock supply, which is separate from the rest of the digital part, allowing having only RTC going on when all the other parts of the device are off. To this power output a backup capacitor can be added in order to increase the RTC autonomy during power off of the battery.  NOTE:  NO devices must be powered from this pin.   12.7.  VAUX1 Power Output A regulated power supply output is provided in order to supply small devices from the module. This output is active when the module is ON and goes OFF when the module is shut down. The operating range characteristics of the supply are: Operating Range – VAUX1 power supply  Min  Typical Max Output voltage  1.75V  1.8V  1.85V
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 75 of 89  Output current      100mA Output bypass capacitor (Inside the module)    1μF
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 76 of 89  13.  DAC and ADC section 13.1. DAC Converter 13.1.1. Description The HE863 Family module provides a Digital to Analog Converter. The signal (named DAC_OUT) is available on BGA Ball S4 of the HE863 Family module. The on board DAC is a 16-bit converter, able to generate an analogue value based on a specific input in the range from 0 up to 65535 but recalibrated in the range from 0 to 1023. However, an external low-pass filter is necessary.  Min  Max  Units Voltage range (filtered) 0  1.8  Volt Range  0  1023  Steps The precision is 1023 steps, so if we consider that the maximum voltage is 1.8V, the integrated voltage could be calculated with the following formula: Integrated output voltage = 1.8 * value / 1023 DAC_OUT line must be integrated (for example with a low band pass filter) in order to obtain an analog voltage. 13.1.2. Enabling DAC An AT command is available to use the DAC function. The command is:AT#DAC[=<enable>[,<value>]] <value> - scale factor of the integrated output voltage (0..1023 - 10 bit precision) it must be present if <enable>=1 Refer to SW User Guide or AT Commands Reference Guide for the full description of this function. NOTE:  The DAC frequency is selected internally. D/A converter must not be used during POWERSAVING.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 77 of 89  13.1.3.  Low Pass Filter Example   13.2. ADC Converter 13.2.1. Description The on board ADCs are 10-bit converters. They are able to read a voltage level in the range of 0-1.2 volts applied on the ADC pin input and store and convert it into 10 bit word.  Min  Max  Units Input Voltage range 0  1.2  Volt AD conversion  -  10  bits Resolution  -  < 1.2  mV The HE863 Family module provides 3 Analog to Digital Converters. The input lines are: ADC_IN1 is available on BGA Ball R4 of the HE863 Family module. ADC_IN2 is available on BGA Ball R5 of the HE863 Family module. ADC_IN3 is available on BGA Ball S5 of the HE863 Family module. 13.2.2.  Using ADC Converter An AT command is available to use the ADC function.  The command is AT#ADC=1,2 The read value is expressed in mV Refer to SW User Guide or AT Commands Reference Guide for the full description of this function.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 78 of 89  14.  Mounting the HE863 Family on your board 14.1. General The Telit HE863 Family module has been designed in order to be compliant with a standard lead-free SMT process.  14.1.1.  Recommended footprint for the application
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 79 of 89  14.1.2. Suggested Inhibit Area In order to easily rework the HE863 Family it is suggested to consider on the application a 1.5mm Inhibit area around the module.  It is also suggested, as common rule for an SMT component, to avoid having a mechanical part of the application in direct contact with the module.  14.1.3. Stencil Stencil’s apertures layout can be the same of the recommended footprint (1:1), we suggest a thickness of stencil foil ≥ 120µm.  14.1.4.  PCB Pad Design “Non solder mask defined” (NSMD) type is recommended for the solder pads on the PCB.  Recommendations for PCB pad dimensions
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 80 of 89   Placement of microvias not covered by solder resist is not recommended, unless the microvia carries the same signal of the pad itself.   Holes in pad are allowed only for blind holes and not for through holes.  Recommendations for PCB pad surfaces:   The PCB must be able to resist the higher temperatures, which are occurring at the lead-free process. This issue should be discussed with the PCB-supplier. Generally, the wet-ability of tin-lead solder paste on the described surface plating is better compared to lead-free solder paste.  14.1.5. Solder paste
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 81 of 89  14.1.6.  HE863 Family Solder Reflow The following is the recommended solder reflow profile   NOTE:  All temperatures refer to topside of the package, measured on the package body surface.  WARNING:  HE863 Family module can accept only one reflow process.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 82 of 89  14.2.  DEBUG OF THE HE863 Family IN PRODUCTION To test and debug the mounting of HE863 Family, we strongly recommend foreseeing test pads on the host PCB, in order to check the connection between the HE863 Family itself and the application and to test the performance of the module connecting it with an external computer. Depending on the customer application, these pads include, but are not limited to the following signals:  TXD  RXD  ON/OFF  RESET  GND  VBATT  TX_TRACE  RX_TRACE  PWRMON
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 83 of 89  15.  SIM holder design guide 15.1. Overview In HE863 Family modules there are five pins for SIM card holder connection.  These lines are:  SIMVCC   (SIM Power supply) SIMRST   (SIM Reset) SIMIO   (SIM Data) SIMIN   (SIM Presence/Absence) (TBD) SIMCLK   (SIM Clock)  SIM connection must take in account of three key issues:  1) Data Integrity: standard rules for digital layout and routing must be followed taking in consideration that SIMCLK has frequency of 3.57 MHz and SIMIO has 9600Bps baud rate.  2) EMI/EMC: this is a key aspect to consider designing an application based on TELIT modules with internal antenna and/or without a proper-shielded box. Some of these conditions may occur:  - Antenna picks-up digital noise coming from SIM card lines. - Antenna radiated field may interfere digital lines. - Digital lines (in particular clock) may radiate spurious in the surrounding space.  To overcome all these potential problems, connection lines must be kept as short as possible and shielded. SIM-holder position has to be as far as possible from antenna. RF bypass capacitors (10pF...33pF) closed to SIM card SIM-holder are another good care. When connection is not short, insertion of 10..100ohm resistor with 10..33pF capacitor (RC filter) is a good caution to improve EMI from SIMCLK line. Do not insert resistor on SIMVCC, SIMRST and SIMIO lines, their use is not supported by SIM electrical interface.  3) ESD: take standard ESD caution if application based on TELIT module has SIM holder with contacts reachable from human body.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 84 of 89   NOTE: SIMIN doesn’t require any pull-up resistor. It is built in. SIM card is detected inserted when this line is short to ground.(TBD)  If in the application the SIM holder doesn’t foresee the switch for the presence/absence of the SIM card, the SIMIN line must be connected to ground.  15.2. SIM interface When designing SIM interface on the application boards, the following schematics are recommended.    3GPP specifications define that the rise time and the fall time of the IO signal shall not exceed 1 usec. R1 and C2 are very closely related to the rise and fall time of the SIMIO signal.  It can differ according to application board therefore it should be considered at the customer point of view. It means that the values of R1,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 may be necessary to be optimized according to the application design.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 85 of 89  Telit highly recommends that the customers should verify the relating specification when they design. But in general there will be no issue if above schematics were made on the application board. All components are DNI but one component should be reserved for each line because they may need to debug in future. HE863 Family modules already have internally 4.7kohm pull up resistor on SIMIO line.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 86 of 89  16.  Antenna detection design guide The following assumes that the application is using a commonly found 10KΩ DC terminated antenna. The figure below outlines the reference implementation, please keep in mind that these components are in the RF path and care must be taken when implementing this circuit. The Vaux is a 1.8V regulated power source output from the module. ADC is a 0 ~ 1200mV 10-bit Analog to Digital Converter input. The software assumes the use of the ADC1 input and GPIO13 port of the module for this purpose. For the detailed operation of this function, please find AT#GSMAD command in the HE863 AT Command Manual.    Component  Value R1  68KΩ R2  15KΩ R3  68KΩ R4  68KΩ L1  47nH C1  33pF
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 87 of 89  17.  Conformity Assessment Issues (TBD) Information for the OEMs and Integrators - HE863 Family modules are intended for the OEM integrator only. - Please See the full Grant of Equipment document for other restrictions. - HE863 Family modules must be operated and used with a locally approved access point.  Information to be supplied to the end user by the OEM or integrator The following regulatory and safety notices must be published in documentation supplied to the end user of the product or system incorporating an adapter in compliance with local regulations. Host system including HE863-NAD must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID:RI7HE863NA”. Host system including HE863-EUD must be labeled with “Contains FCC ID:RI7HE863EU”.
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 88 of 89  18. Safety Recommendations Read carefully! Be sure about that the use of this product is allowed in your country and in the environment required. The use of this product may be dangerous and has to be avoided in the following areas:  Where it can interfere with other electronic devices in environments such as hospitals, airports, aircrafts, etc.  Where there is risk of explosion such as gasoline stations, oil refineries, etc.  It is responsibility of the user to enforce the country regulation and the specific environment regulation. Do not disassemble the product; any mark of tampering will compromise the warranty validity. We recommend following the instructions of the hardware user guides for a correct wiring of the product. The product has to be supplied with a stabilized voltage source and the wiring has to be conforming to the security and fire prevention regulations. The product has to be handled with care, avoiding any contact with the pins because electrostatic discharges may damage the product itself. Same cautions have to be taken for the SIM, checking carefully the instruction for its use. Do not insert or remove the SIM when the product is in power saving mode. The system integrator is responsible of the functioning of the final product; therefore, care has to be taken to the external components of the module, as well as of any project or installation issue, because the risk of disturbing the GSM network or external devices or having impact on the security. Should there be any doubt, please refer to the technical documentation and the regulations in force. Every module has to be equipped with a proper antenna with specific characteristics. The antenna has to be installed with care in order to avoid any interference with other electronic devices and has to be installed with the guarantee of a minimum 20 cm distance from the body. In case of this requirement cannot be satisfied, the system integrator has to assess the final product against the SAR regulation. The European Community provides some Directives for the electronic equipments introduced on the market. All the relevant information are available on the European Community website: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/rtte/dir99-5.htm
    HE863 Family Hardware User Guide 1vv0300891 Rev.5- 2011-03-18    Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A’s. written authorization - All Rights Reserved.    Page 89 of 89  The text of the Directive 99/05 regarding telecommunication equipments is available, while the applicable Directives (Low Voltage and EMC) are available at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/enterprise/rtte/dir99-5.htm

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