VTech Telecommunications 80-9754-00 SIP Wireless Conference-Base Unit User Manual manual

VTech Telecommunications Ltd SIP Wireless Conference-Base Unit manual

User Manual

User’s manualModel: VCS754BCErisStationTMbusinessphones.vtech.comSIP Conference Phone with Wireless Mics
Congratulationson purchasing your new VTech product. Before using this product, please read Important safety instructions on page ii of this manual.This manual includes the information and procedures necessary to install and operate your new VTech product. Please review this manual thoroughly to ensure proper installation and operation of this innovative and feature rich VTech product. For support, shopping, and everything new at VTech, visit our website at  http://businessphones.vtech.com.ErisStationTM and Orbitlink Wireless TechnologyTM are trademarks of VTech Communications, Inc.
When using your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics, basic safety precautions should DOZD\VEHIROORZHGWRUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJ1. Read and understand all instructions.2. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning.4. Do not use this product near water such as near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub or swimming pool, or in a wet basement or shower.5. Do not place this product on an unstable table, shelf, stand or other unstable surfaces.6. Slots and openings in the back or bottom of the base unit and wireless mic are provided for ventilation.      To protect them from overheating, these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in any area where proper ventilation is not provided.7. This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If youDUHQRWVXUHRIWKHW\SHRISRZHUVXSSO\LQ\RXURI¿FHFRQVXOW\RXUGHDOHURUORFDOSRZHUFRPSDQ\8. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not install this product where the cord may be walked on.9. 1HYHUSXVKREMHFWVRIDQ\NLQGLQWRWKLVSURGXFWWKURXJKWKHVORWVLQWKHEDVHXQLWRUZLUHOHVVPLFbecause they may touch dangerous voltage points or create a short circuit. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.10. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to an authorized VHUYLFHIDFLOLW\2SHQLQJRUUHPRYLQJSDUWVRIWKHEDVHXQLWRUZLUHOHVVPLFRWKHUWKDQVSHFL¿HGDFFHVVdoors may expose you to dangerous voltages or other risks. Incorrect reassembling can cause electric shock when the product is subsequently used. 11. Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords.12. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to an authorized service facility under the IROORZLQJFRQGLWLRQV13.  When the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.14.  If liquid has been spilled onto the product.15.  If the product has been exposed to rain or water.16. ,IWKHSURGXFWGRHVQRWRSHUDWHQRUPDOO\E\IROORZLQJWKHRSHUDWLQJLQVWUXFWLRQV$GMXVWRQO\WKRVHFRQWUROVWKDWDUHFRYHUHGE\WKHRSHUDWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQV,PSURSHUDGMXVWPHQWRIRWKHUFRQWUROVPD\ result in damage and often requires extensive work by an authorized technician to restore theproduct to normal operation.17.  If the product has been dropped and the base unit and/or wireless mic has been damaged.18.  If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.19. Avoid using the ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics during an electrical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.20. Do not use the ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak. Under certain circumstances, a spark may be created when the adapter is plugged into the power outlet, or when the wireless mic is replaced in its cradle. This is a common event associated with the closing of any electrical circuit. The user should not plug the phone into a power outlet, and should not put a charged wireless mic onto the charging cradle, if the phone is located LQDQHQYLURQPHQWFRQWDLQLQJFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRIÀDPPDEOHRUÀDPHVXSSRUWLQJJDVHVXQOHVVWKHUHLVDGHTXDWHYHQWLODWLRQ$VSDUNLQVXFKDQHQYLURQPHQWFRXOGFUHDWHD¿UHRUH[SORVLRQ6XFKHQYLURQPHQWVPLJKWLQFOXGHPHGLFDOXVHRIR[\JHQZLWKRXWDGHTXDWHYHQWLODWLRQLQGXVWULDOJDVHVFOHDQLQJVROYHQWVJDVROLQHYDSRUVHWFDOHDNRIQDWXUDOJDVHWF21. Only put the wireless mic next to your mouth when it is in normal talk mode.22. 7KHSRZHUFDEOHVDUHLQWHQGHGWREHFRUUHFWO\RULHQWHGLQDYHUWLFDORUÀRRUPRXQWSRVLWLRQ7KHprongs are not designed to hold the plug in place if it is plugged into a ceiling or cabinet outlet.23. )RUSOXJJDEOHHTXLSPHQWWKHVRFNHWRXWOHWVKDOOEHLQVWDOOHGQHDUWKHHTXLSPHQWDQGVKDOOEHHDVLO\accessible.24. &$87,218VHRQO\WKHEDWWHULHVLQGLFDWHGLQWKLVPDQXDO7KHUHPD\EHDULVNRIH[SORVLRQLIDImportant safety instructionsii
wrong type of battery is used. Use only the supplied rechargeable battery or replacement battery SDFN%7%7'RQRWGLVSRVHRIEDWWHULHVLQD¿UH7KH\PD\H[SORGH'LVSRVHRIused battery according to the information in The RBRC® seal.25. Use only the adapter included with this product. Incorrect adapter polarity or voltage can seriously GDPDJHWKHSURGXFW%DVHXQLWSRZHUDGDSWHU,QSXW±9$&+]2XWSXW9'&20P$SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS iii
Table of contentsIntroduction................................. 1About ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics.............................1Parts checklist........................................1Getting Started............................ 2Connect base unit..................................2Install the wireless mic battery ..............3Before use..............................................4%DVHXQLWRYHUYLHZIURQW......................5%DVHXQLWRYHUYLHZUHDU.......................7Wireless mic overview ...........................8Status indicators overview.....................9Idle screen.............................................10Idle mode screen icons.........................10Active call screen icons ........................10Using the phone menu .........................11Main menu items ..................................11Making calls ..........................................12Conference phone operation.... 12Use a wireless mic during a call...........13Ending the call ......................................13Answering a call....................................13Putting a call on hold ............................14Forwarding calls....................................15Transferring calls ..................................16Making a conference call......................18Setting up a Network Conference ........19Retrieving messages............................19Redialing ...............................................20Muting active calls ................................20Temporarily silencing the ringer............20Locating wireless microphones ............21Using the conference phone as a PC speakerphone ..................................21Phone Features.......................... 22Using the Features menu .....................22Using the Call menu .............................23Using the local directory .......................27Call history ............................................30Using Speed Dial..................................33Entering speed dial numbers ...............33&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH.............. 34+RZWRFRQ¿JXUHWKHSKRQH .................34Using the User Settings menu .............34Preferences...........................................35Setting the language.............................35Setting date and time preferences .......36Display ..................................................37Audio .....................................................38Wireless Mic Registration......... 40WebUI ......................................... 41Using the WebUI...................................41Status ....................................................42Call Settings..........................................43User Preferences..................................45Speed Dial ............................................47Directory................................................48User Password .....................................51Appendix .................................... 52Battery...................................................52Troubleshooting ........................ 53Finding the software version ................53Precautions for usersof implanted cardiac  pacemakers................................ 58
Table of contentsAbout wireless mics.................. 58Maintenance............................... 59FCC, ACTA and IC  regulations ................................. 60The RBRC® seal ......................... 61California Energy Commission battery charging testing instructions................................ 62For C-ETL compliance only...... 62Mesures de sécurité  importantes................................ 62Limited warranty........................ 657HFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQV ........... 67
1IntroductionEthernet cableBattery ×4User’s manual Wireless mic ×4Base unitDC power cable ZLWK\HOORZSOXJVAbout ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics7KH(ULV6WDWLRQ&RQIHUHQFH3KRQHZLWK:LUHOHVV0LFVLVGHVLJQHGIRUXVHLQRI¿FHsettings. It consists of a base unit and four wireless mics, enabling participants in different areas of a meeting room to deliver clear conversation in a phone conference.Parts checklistYour conference phone package contains the following items. Save your sales receipt and original packaging in the event warranty service is necessary.AC power cordPower adapterTo purchase any accessories or replacements, visit our website at http://businessphones.vtech.comor call 1-888-370-2006.Battery door ×4VCS754ETHERNT CABLEUser’s manualModel: VCS754businessphones.vtech.comSIP Conference Phone with Wireless MicsQuick Start GuideModel: VCS754businessphones.vtech.comSIP Conference Phone with Wireless MicsQuick start guideUSB cable
2Connect base unitConnect the base unit as shown below. • The ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics requires connection to AC power to operate.• The supplied power adapter is designed for use with only the ErisStation ConferencePhone with Wireless Mics. It is not PoE compatible and is not designed to power any network devices. Do not connect the supplied power adapter to any other network devices through the supplied DC power cable or any other Cat5e ethernet cable.• Connect your network to the adapter only with the supplied Ethernet cable. This cable has a shielded interface and ferrite added for optimal performance.• The ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics requires a network connection to an IP PBX to operate. This manual assumes that your network infrastructure is HVWDEOLVKHGDQGWKDW\RXU,33%;SKRQHVHUYLFHKDVEHHQRUGHUHGDQGFRQ¿JXUHGIRUyour location. For more information about installation options and phone setup, see the VCS754 Administrator and Provisioning Manual, available at  http://businessphones.vtech.com.• When the base unit is powered up, the status indicators turn green for about two seconds.•7KH$&SRZHUFRUGLVLQWHQGHGIRUDYHUWLFDORUÀRRUPRXQWSRVLWLRQ7KHSURQJVDUHQRWdesigned to hold the plug in place if it is plugged into a ceiling or cabinet outlet.1. 3OXJRQHHQGRIWKH'&SRZHUFDEOHLQWRWKHSRZHUMDFNRIWKHEDVHXQLWDQGplug the other end into the VCS754MDFNRIWKHSRZHUDGDSWHU5RXWHWKHFRUGthrough the slots.2. Plug one end of the Ethernet cable into the LAN MDFNRIWKHSRZHUDGDSWHUDQGplug the other end into a network switch or router. 3. 3OXJWKHVPDOOHQGRIWKH$&SRZHUFRUGLQWRWKHSRZHUMDFNRIWKHDGDSWHUDQGplug the large end into a wall outlet not controlled by a switch. 4. 2SWLRQDO3OXJWKHPLQL86%HQGRIWKH86%FDEOHWRWKHEDVHXQLW&RQQHFWWKHRWKHUHQGRIWKH86%FDEOHWRD3&WRXVH3&VSHDNHUSKRQHPRGHNetwork switch or router1LANVCS75423EWall outletDC power cable (with yellow plugs)Ethernet cableAC power cordAdapterSlots4Getting Started
3Install the wireless mic battery1. Place the battery (with the label THIS SIDE UPIDFLQJXSLQWRWKHEDWWHU\compartment.2. Slide the battery door until it clicks into place.Note: The status indicator on the wireless mic turns orange when charging, and turnsoff when the wireless mic is fully charged. 3ODFHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFRQWRWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHXQWLOLWLVÀXVKGetting Started
4Before useCheck for dial toneLift all the wireless mics from the charging cradles, and then put them on the table.After that, press  . If you hear a dial tone, and see that the status indicators turn green on both the base unit and the wireless mics, the installation is successful.If you do not hear a dial tone:• Recheck the installation diagram and the connections to the unit.•(QVXUHWKHXQLWLVFRUUHFWO\FRQ¿JXUHGZLWKWKHFRUUHFW6,3DFFRXQWLQIRUPDWLRQFor more information, see the VCS754 Administrator and Provisioning Guide, available at http://businessphones.vtech.com.• Consult your service provider if you require additional user accounts or if you suspect a service disruption is at fault.Operating rangeThis conference phone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal &RPPXQLFDWLRQV&RPPLVVLRQ)&&(YHQVRWKLVZLUHOHVVPLFDQGEDVHXQLWFDQcommunicate over a certain distance, which can vary with the locations of the base XQLWDQGZLUHOHVVPLFWKHZHDWKHUDQGWKHOD\RXWRI\RXURI¿FH:KHQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLVRXWRIUDQJHWKHVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUÀDVKHVUHGTXLFNO\RQthe wireless mic. The wireless mic will sleep after being out of range for 30 minutes. Therefore, you should always return the wireless mic to the charging cradle after use.If there is an incoming call while the wireless mic is out of range, the incoming call JUHHQOLJKWPD\QRWÀDVKRQWKHZLUHOHVVPLF,ILWÀDVKHVWKHFDOOPD\QRWFRQQHFWwell when you press   on the base unit. Move the wireless mic closer to the base unit, and then press   on the base unit to answer the call. If the wireless mic moves out of range during a telephone conversation, there may be interference. To improve reception, move closer to the base unit.Getting Started
5Base unit overview (front)anbcedfghijklm1.    Speaker2.    LCD screen3.    Status indicator•    Indicates the system status. See also Status indicators overview on page 9.4.    MENU / SELECT•    Press to show the menu.•    Press to select an item, or save an entry or setting in a menu.5. Navigation keys ST/WX•    Press to scroll up or down while in the menu, phonebook, or call log.• Press to move the cursor right or left while entering names or numbers.• Press to view additional soft key labels and view multiple active calls.Getting Started
66.•    Press to make, answer, or end a call.7.    Dial pad keys•   Press to enter numbers or characters.•While editing names, press   to add a space. 8.    Front microphone 9. MUTE ALL•    During a call, press to mute or end mute all microphones in the system.10.  /   3UHVVWRDGMXVWWKHULQJHUYROXPH  'XULQJDFDOOSUHVVWRDGMXVWWKHOLVWHQLQJYROXPH11.  Soft keys•3UHVVWRSHUIRUPDFWLRQVDVLQGLFDWHGE\WKHRQVFUHHQODEHOV12. Wireless mic•  See Wireless mic overview on page 8.13.  Charging contacts14.  HOLD / CANCEL• While on a call, press HOLD to put the call on hold.• While in a menu, press CANCEL to return to the previous menu.Getting Started
7Base unit overview (rear)1.    Status indicator• Indicates the system status. See also Status indicators overview on page 9.2.    Rear microphone3.    USB port• For connecting a PC to use the PC speakerphone feature. See page 21.4.    Adapter jackabcdGetting Started
8Wireless mic overview1.    Microphone• Functions as an extended microphone of the base unit during a call.2.    Status indicator• Indicates the system status. See Status indicators overview on page 9.3.    MUTE ALL• During a call, press to mute or end mute all microphones in the system.4.    Battery door5.    Charging contacts12345Getting Started
9Status indicators overviewStatus indicator on the base unitPower up • Green for about two seconds.On a call • Green during a call.• Red when the system is muted during a call.Call on hold • Flash green slowly.Incoming call • Flash green when there is an incoming call.Status indicator on the wireless micPower up • Orange for about two seconds.On the cradle • Orange when charging on the cradle except during registration.•)ODVKHVUHGDQGJUHHQDOWHUQDWHO\ZKHQWKHQRQUHJLVWHUHGwireless mic is charging on the cradle.Off the cradle • Green during a call.• Red when the system is muted during a call.• Off when the wireless mic is in idle mode or without a battery.• Flashes orange when the wireless mic’s battery is low.• Flashes green when there is an incoming call.•)ODVKHVUHGVORZO\ZKHQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLV•RXWRIUDQJHRU•QRWUHJLVWHUHGRU•RIIFUDGOHGXULQJSDJLQJZLWKDSDJLQJWRQHDuring registration• Flashes red and green alternately.Getting Started
10Idle screen7KH,GOHVFUHHQDSSHDUVDIWHUWKHSKRQHLVFRQQHFWHGDQGFRQ¿JXUHGIRU\RXU6,3PBX service. The Idle screen indicates that you have no active or held calls.)URPWKH,GOHVFUHHQ\RXFDQSUHVV•Directory to view the directories that are available to you. See Using the local directory on page 27.•Line WRVHOHFWDQRWKHUOLQH6,3$FFRXQW:KHQ\RXPDNHDFDOOWKHSKRQHwill use this line. Note Line  appears only if more than one SIP account is registered to your phone.•PC SPK  to use the VCS754 as a speakerphone for calls made on the connected 3&XVLQJDVRIWSKRQHRUPHVVDJLQJDSSOLFDWLRQ6HHSDJH•Call Log  to view the phone’s call history. See Call history on page 30.Note that the default Idle screen soft keys are shown above. Your phone’s soft keys are programmable and may differ from what is shown here.Idle mode screen iconsIn idle mode, the following screen icons indicate your phone’s current settings.Icon StatusCall Forward All is on. See To set Call forward: on page 24.The ringer is off.Do Not Disturb is on. See To set Do Not Disturb: on page 24.Active call screen iconsDuring a call, the following screen icons indicate the call’s status.Icon StatusSpeakerphone—the speakerphone is active.1/2 Call counter—more than one call is active.More than one call is active. Press T or S to view another call.Getting Started
11Using the phone menu1. Press MENU to show the main menu.2. Press T or S to highlight menu items.3. Press SELECT or a corresponding dial pad key to select a highlighted menu item. For example, when Features is highlighted, you can press SELECT or you can press 1 on the dial pad to view the Features submenu.4. Press SELECT or an appropriate soft key to save changes.5. Press CANCEL to cancel an operation, exit the menu display or return to the idle screen.Main menu items1. )HDWXUHVVHHSDJH2. 6WDWXVVHHSDJH3. 8VHUVHWWLQJVVHHSDJH4. $GPLQVHWWLQJVDYDLODEOHRQO\WR\RXUV\VWHPDGPLQLVWUDWRUGetting Started
12Making callsYou can make a call at any time by pressing   , and then dialing a number. When WKHSKRQHLVLQLGOHPRGHRUKDVFDOOVRQKROG\RXFDQPDNHDFDOOE\SUHGLDOLQJDphone number and then pressing    or  Dial  to call the number. To make a call:1. Press  . You hear a dial tone.2. Use the dial pad keys to enter the desired phone number.• Press Backspc if you enter an incorrect digit.• Press 123  to change from entering digits to entering letters (if you need WRHQWHUDGRPDLQQDPHDVSDUWRIWKHQXPEHUWhen entering letters, pressing the * or # keys allows you to enter symbols. For example, press *twice for the @ symbol.3. Press Dial  , or, if the number as valid, the phone dials the number after a short delay.Note that the default live dial soft keys are shown above. Your phone’s soft keys are programmable and may differ from what is shown here.To make a call by pre-dialing:1. Use the dial pad keys to enter the desired phone number.• Press Backspc if you enter an incorrect digit. • Press 123  to change from entering digits to entering letters (if you need WRHQWHUDGRPDLQQDPHDVSDUWRIWKHQXPEHUWhen entering letters, pressing the * or # keys allows you to enter symbols. For example, press * twice for the @ symbol.2. Dial the number by pressing    or  Dial Conference phone operation
13When the call is answered, the active call screen appears.Note that the default active call screen soft keys are shown above. Your phone’s soft keys are programmable and may differ from what is shown here.Use a wireless mic during a call1. During a call, lift a wireless mic from the base unit charging cradle, and then put it on the table. The status indicator on the wireless mic turns green.2. Speak towards the microphone on the wireless mic. • For best performance, speak to the microphone on the wireless mic at a distance of no more than 3 feet. • Always return the wireless mics to the charging cradles after use.Ending the callTo end the call, press    or  End  .Answering a callTo answer a call:On the base unit, press  , or press  Answer  .• If you have multiple incoming calls, (as indicated by  SUHVVT or Sto select the call you want to answer.2QWKHLQFRPLQJFDOOVFUHHQ\RXFDQDOVRSUHVV•5HMHFW  to terminate the incoming call.•Forward  to forward the call to another number.,I\RXGRQ¶WUHVSRQGWRDQLQFRPLQJFDOOWKHSKRQHGLVSOD\VDPLVVHGFDOODOHUWVFUHHQConference phone operation
14,IDPLVVHGFDOODOHUWVFUHHQDSSHDUV\RXFDQSUHVV•Exit  to return to the Idle screen.•Callback to immediately dial the caller’s number.•View  to see the caller’s information in the call history.Putting a call on holdUse this feature to hold one call while you access another. The phone also puts calls on hold automatically when you answer another call, transfer a call, or create a conference.To put a call on hold:During a call, press HOLD on the base unit.The On holdVFUHHQDSSHDUV7KHVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUVÀDVKJUHHQVORZO\From the On holdVFUHHQ\RXFDQSUHVV•End  to end the call•New  to dial a new call•Resume  to take the call off hold.•Transfer  to transfer the held call to another party.•Conf  to start a conference with the held call.Note that the default On hold screen soft keys are shown above. Your phone’s soft keys are programmable and may differ from what is shown here.If another party puts you on hold, you may see the message Held by far end. This message depends on compatibility between phones and PBX types, and may not always appear. You can press  End  to end the call.Conference phone operation
15Forwarding callsYou can forward an incoming call to another number, either by entering the number yourself, or by selecting a number from the directory or call history (the call history VWRUHVWKHQXPEHUVIRUPLVVHGFDOOVUHFHLYHGFDOOVDQGGLDOHGFDOOVNote<RXUSKRQH¶V&DOO)RUZDUG±1R$QVZHUVHWWLQJZLOOFDQFHOWKHPDQXDOIRUZDUGLQJSURFHVVLILWWDNHVHIIHFW¿UVW)RUH[DPSOH\RXUSKRQHPD\EHVHWWRforward calls to voicemail after a call rings for 10 seconds, before you can reach the phone to forward the call yourself. If you have problems forwarding calls because of WKH&DOO)RUZDUG±1R$QVZHUVHWWLQJ\RXFDQH[WHQG\RXU&DOO)RUZDUG±1R$QVZHUdelay. See Using the Call menu on page 23.To forward a call using manual entry:1. When an incoming call appears, press  Forward  . The phone stops ringing and the Forward to screen appears.If you press  Cancel  , the phone begins ringing again and the incoming call screen reappears.2. Enter the number to which you want to forward the call.3. Press Forward  . Your phone returns to idle mode if you have no other active calls.To forward a call using the directory or call history:1. When an incoming call appears, press  Forward  . The phone stops ringing and the Forward to screen appears. 2. Press MENU, and then select the Features menu to access the Directory or Call +LVWRU\Conference phone operation
163. 6HOHFWWKH&DOO+LVWRU\IROGHURU'LUHFWRU\\RXZDQWWRDFFHVV4. If necessary, press W or X until  Dial  appears and then press  Dial .The Call Forwarded screen appears. Your phone returns to idle mode if you have no other active calls.Transferring callsYou can transfer a call to someone else at another phone.If you talk to the transfer recipient before completing the transfer, you are making a “supervised” transfer. +RZHYHUWKHWUDQVIHUUHFLSLHQWGRHVQRWKDYHWRWDONWR\RXEHIRUHUHFHLYLQJWKHtransferred call. If you do not talk to the transfer recipient before transferring the call, you are making a “blind” transfer. You can also transfer a call to a held call.To transfer a call (supervised):1. During a call, press  Transfer  . The call is automatically put on hold and the transfer setup screen appears.2. Dial the number to which you want to transfer the call. You can also use a QXPEHUIURPDOLVWVXFKDVWKH'LUHFWRU\RU&DOO+LVWRU\3. When the second caller answers, you can talk to the caller to notify them of the transfer, then press  Transf  to transfer the call.The Call transferred screen appears, and your phone returns to idle mode.Conference phone operation
17To cancel the transfer, press:•Cancel  on the transfer setup screen. The active call screen reappears.•End  when the second call is active. You will hang up on the second call.•Split  when the second call is active. You will stay connected to the second FDOO<RXU¿UVWFDOOUHPDLQVRQKROGTo transfer a call (blind):1. During a call, press  Transfer  . The call is automatically put on hold and the transfer setup screen appears.2. Press Blind  .3. Dial the number to which you want to transfer the call. You can also use a QXPEHUIURPDOLVWVXFKDVWKH'LUHFWRU\RU&DOO+LVWRU\4. Press Transf , or wait for the phone to automatically dial, once it recognizes a valid number.The Call transferred screen appears, and your phone returns to idle mode.To transfer a call to a held call:1. During a call, press W or X to view the next set of soft keys.2. Press XferCall  . The call is automatically put on hold, and a list of held calls appears.3. On the Transfer to targetVFUHHQSUHVV•Select  to talk to the held call, then press  Transf WRWUDQVIHUWKH¿UVWFDOO•Blind , then  Select WRWUDQVIHUWKH¿UVWFDOOWRWKHKHOGFDOOLPPHGLDWHO\The Call transferred screen appears, and your phone returns to idle mode.Conference phone operation
18Making a conference callYou can hold a conference call between yourself and two other callers.To make a conference call:1. During a call, press  Conf  . The call is automatically put on hold and the conference setup screen appears. 2. 'LDOWKHVHFRQGQXPEHUIRUWKHRWKHUSDUW\\RXZDQWWRMRLQ\RXUFRQIHUHQFH<RXFDQDOVRXVHDQXPEHUIURPDOLVWVXFKDVWKH'LUHFWRU\RU&DOO+LVWRU\3. When the second call is established, press  Conf  . The conference begins and the conference screen appears.To cancel the conference setup, press:•Cancel  on the conference setup screen. The active call screen reappears.•End  when the second call is established. You will hang up on the second call DQGUHWXUQWR\RXU¿UVWFDOO•Split  when the second call is established. You will remain on the second call DQG\RXU¿UVWFDOOUHPDLQVRQKROGWhen you have an active call and a held call, you can also create a conference with the held call.To create a conference with a held call:1. During a call, press W or X to view the next set of soft keys.2. Press ConfCall  . The call is automatically put on hold, and a Conf. with targetscreen showing all calls on hold appears.3. +LJKOLJKWWKHGHVLUHGFDOODQGSUHVV Select  . You can now talk to the caller you selected.4. Press Conf  . The conference begins and the conference screen appears. Conference phone operation
19To end a conference call:3UHVVRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJVRIWNH\V•End  , to hang up on both calls.•Split  , to put both calls on hold. The screen shows information for the second FDOO<RXZLOOUHPDLQRQWKHVHFRQGFDOODQG\RXU¿UVWFDOOLVSXWRQKROG•Bridge WRFRPELQHWKH¿UVWDQGVHFRQGFDOOVDQGUHWXUQ\RXUSKRQHWRLGOHmode.Setting up a Network ConferenceA Network Conference is hosted by your service provider and allows multiple parties WRMRLQDFRQIHUHQFH$1HWZRUN&RQIHUHQFHZRUNVLQDVLPLODUZD\WRWKHUHJXODUconference described above, except that the  Split  and  Bridge  functions will not be available. In addition, the soft keys  Add  and/or  AddCall  will appear during a conference, allowing you to add more parties to the ongoing conference call.Retrieving messagesThe phone displays the New Message alert screen when you have a new message.On the New Message alertVFUHHQ\RXFDQSUHVV•Exit  to return to the Idle screen.•View  to access your messages. The Message menu appears.The Message menu displays the mailboxes you can access from your phone. If your phone has more than one line, you may be able to access multiple mailboxes. Press S or T to highlight the desired mailbox and press SELECT to access messages in that mailbox.When there is no New Message alert screen, you can access the Message menu using the phone menu.Conference phone operation
20To view the Message menu:1. When the phone is idle, press Menu.2. With Features highlighted, press SELECT.3. On the Features menu, press T to highlight Message, and then press SELECT.The Message menu appears.4. On the Message menu, highlight the desired line and then press SELECT.Redialing1. From the idle screen, press the X navigation key.  The  softkey appears. 2. Press  to view the Call history menu. 3. Select the All calls,Missed calls,Received calls, or Dialed calls list. 4. On the list you are viewing, press the T or S navigation key to view the entry you want to dial. 5. While viewing the desired entry, press   to dial the number.Muting active callsThe mute function allows you to hear the other party but the other party cannot hear you.• During a call, press MUTE ALL on the base unit or a wireless mic. The status indicators turn red. All microphones in the system are muted until the mute function is turned off.• Press MUTE ALL on the base unit or a wireless mic to end mute all microphones in the system. The status indicators turn green.Temporarily silencing the ringerWhen the base unit is ringing, you can temporarily silence the ringer of the base unit without disconnecting the call. The next call rings normally at the preset volume.To silence the ringer:Press MUTE ALL on the base unit. The   symbol appears.Note: You can also press  or  onWKHEDVHXQLWWRDGMXVWWKHULQJHUYROXPH7KHDGMXVWPHQWZLOOEHVDYHGDQGDSSOLHGWRWKHQH[WLQFRPLQJFDOOConference phone operation
21Conference phone operationLocating wireless microphones7KLVIHDWXUHKHOSV\RX¿QGDQ\PLVSODFHGZLUHOHVVPLFVZLWKLQWKHUDQJHRIWKHbase unit.To locate wireless microphones: 1. Press MENU, and then highlight and select STATUS.2. On the Status menu, highlight and select Wireless microphone.3. On the Wireless microphone menu, press   . The base unit screen displays Wireless microphones will ring. Press CANCEL/Back to stop. All wireless mics that are not on the charging cradles play the location tone for 30 seconds.To mute the mic-location tone:•PressMUTE ALL on a wireless mic, or put it back onto the charging cradle.Using the conference phone as a PC speakerphone7RXVHWKHFRQIHUHQFHSKRQHDVDVSHDNHUSKRQHIRU\RXU3&EDVHGYRLFHFDOOVconnect the VCS754 to your PC with the supplied USB cable. The cable connects to the VCS754 USB port shown on page 7. After connecting the devices, the VCS754 should appear as “USB Audio Device” in \RXUDSSOLFDWLRQ¶VDXGLRVHWWLQJVZKHQXVLQJWKH:LQGRZVRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPEnsure that you have selected the VCS754 as the default audio device on your PC. When you press the  PC SPK  soft key, the audio from your soft phone or messaging application will be directed to the VCS754, and you can continue your call using the conference phone.The screen shown below appears, and the VCS754 status indicators turn green.
22Using the Features menuOn the Features menu, you can manage incoming calls, use the Directory, access \RXUPHVVDJHVYLHZWKH&DOO+LVWRU\DQGPDQDJH\RXUVSHHGGLDOQXPEHUVTo access the Features menu:1. When the phone is idle, press MENU.The Main Menu appears.2. If necessary, press S or T to highlight Features, and then press SELECT.The Features menu appears.7KH)HDWXUHVPHQXLQFOXGHVWKHIROORZLQJLWHPVSetting Seepage… Description1. Call 23 Manages how your phone handles incoming calls.2. Directory 27 Stores contact information and call contacts.&DOO+LVWRU\ 30 Lists incoming and outgoing call information.4. Message 19 Accesses your voicemail.5. Speed dial 33 Accesses your list of speed dial numbers.Phone Features
23Using the Call menuOn the Call menu, you can manage how your phone handles incoming calls.7KHVHWWLQJVDYDLODEOHRQWKH&DOOPHQXLQFOXGHSetting Seepage… Description1. Do Not Disturb 24 <RXFDQVHW'R1RW'LVWXUE'1'IRUHDFKOLQHDVVLJQHGto your phone. When DND is set, the ringer is silenced and WKHSKRQHUHMHFWVLQFRPLQJFDOOVDQGSDJHV$IWHUUHMHFWLQJa call, the phone displays the Missed Calls screen.You can enable the phone to answer incoming calls when DND is on. When DND answering is enabled, the incoming call screen appears. See “Do Not Disturb Settings” on page 43.2. Call forward 24 Automatically forwards incoming calls depending on the setting. You can enable the following types of call IRUZDUGLQJ•&DOOIRUZDUGDOZD\VLQFRPLQJFDOOVDUHIRUZDUGHGimmediately and the phone does not ring. •&DOOIRUZDUGEXV\LQFRPLQJFDOOVDUHIRUZDUGHGLIDOOyour available lines are busy.•&DOOIRUZDUGQRDQVLQFRPLQJFDOOVDUHIRUZDUGHGafter the no answer delay expires.3. Block anonymous 25 (QDEOHVWKHSKRQHWRUHMHFWLQFRPLQJFDOOVWKDWKDYHQRcaller ID.4. Dial as anonymous 25 Enables the phone to make outgoing calls with the Caller ID hidden from the far end.5. Missed call alert 25 Enables the missed call alert screen.6. Call waiting 26 Enables or disables incoming call alerts while you are on another call.To use the Call menu:1. When the phone is idle, press MENU.2. If necessary, press S or T to highlight Features, and then press SELECT.3. If necessary, press S or T to highlight Call, and then press SELECT.The Call menu appears.Phone Features
24To set Do Not Disturb:1. From the Call menu, if necessary, press S or T to highlight Do Not Disturb.2. Press SELECT.3. On the Do Not Disturb menu, highlight the line for which you want to turn Do Not Disturb On or Off.4. When the desired line is highlighted, press W or X to turn Do Not Disturb On or Off. 5. Press Save  .When Do Not Disturb is on,   appears on the idle screen.To set Call forward:1. From the Call menu, press T to highlight Call forward.2. Press SELECT.The Call forward menu appears.3. +LJKOLJKWWKHOLQHIRUZKLFK\RXZDQWWRFRQ¿JXUHFDOOIRUZDUGVHWWLQJVDQGWKHQpress SELECT.4. On the next screen, press TWRKLJKOLJKWWKHGHVLUHGRSWLRQ• Call forward always • Call forward busy • Call forward no ans. 5. Press SELECT.6. On the next screen, press W or X to turn call forwarding On or Off.Phone Features
257. Press T.8. Enter the number to which you would like to forward calls.9. (If you selected Call forward no ansHDUOLHU3UHVVT.10. (If you selected Call forward no ansHDUOLHU3UHVVW or X to set the No answer delay between 1 to 10 rings.11. Press Save  .When Call forward always is on,  appears on the idle screen.To block anonymous callers:1. From the Call menu, press T to highlight Block anonymous.2. Press SELECT.The Block anonymous menu appears.3. +LJKOLJKWWKHGHVLUHGOLQHDQGWKHQSUHVVW or X to turn anonymous call blocking On or Off for that line.4. Press Save  .To dial as an anonymous caller:1. From the Call menu, press T to highlight Dial as anonymous.2. Press SELECT.The Dial as anonymous menu appears.3. +LJKOLJKWWKHGHVLUHGOLQHDQGWKHQSUHVVW or X to turn anonymous call dialing On or Off for that line.4. Press Save  .Phone Features
26To enable missed call alerts:1. From the Call menu, press T to highlight Missed call alert.2. Press SELECT.The Missed call alert menu appears.3. Press W or X to turn missed call alerts on or off.4. Press Save  .To enable call waiting alerts:1. From the Call menu, press T to highlight Call waiting.2. Press SELECT.The Call waiting menu appears.3. Press W or XWRWXUQFDOOZDLWLQJDOHUWVRQ<HVRURII1R4. Press Save  .When Show alert is on and you are on a call, incoming calls are displayed on the screen. When Show alertLVRII•,QFRPLQJFDOOVDUHUHMHFWHGDQGQRQRWL¿FDWLRQDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ•5HMHFWHGLQFRPLQJFDOOVDUHORJJHGDVPLVVHGFDOOVSee also Call Waiting Settings on page 46.Phone Features
27Using the local directoryYou can store the names and phone numbers for up to 200 contacts in the directory. Once directory entries are saved, you can dial them directly from the directory. You FDQDOVRVHDUFKGLUHFWRU\HQWULHVE\¿UVWRUODVWQDPHWhen adding an entry, you can enter numbers for work, mobile, and other. You can also select a ringtone for that contact. Later, you can edit entries if their contact information changes.To view the local directory:1. When the phone is idle, press MENU.2. With Features highlighted, press SELECT.3. Press T to highlight Directory, and then press SELECT.The Directory screen appears, listing all your available directories and the EODFNOLVW$Q\GLUHFWRULHVRWKHUWKDQ/RFDODUHVHUYHUEDVHGDQGZLOOYDU\ZLWKyour installation. You can edit the Local directory and the blacklist.4. With Local highlighted, press SELECT.7KH/RFDOGLUHFWRU\DSSHDUVVKRZLQJWKH¿UVWHQWU\VRUWHGDOSKDEHWLFDOO\E\¿UVWQDPH5. Press S or T to view other entries.7KHIROORZLQJVRIWNH\VDUHDYDLODEOHZKHQYLHZLQJDGLUHFWRU\HQWU\Back Returns to Directory list screenLastNme Sorts the list by last name from the top of the listType Displays the contact’s other QXPEHUV:RUNMobile, OtherDial Dials the entry Edit Allows you to change the entrySearch Allows you to search the list alphabetically E\¿UVWRUODVWQDPHAdd Allows you to add a new entryDelete Deletes the entry Del. all Deletes all entriesPhone Features
28To call a contact:1. Press S or T or  Search  to view the desired directory entry.2. To view other numbers for the entry, press  Type  .3. When the desired number appears, press   or  Dial  .Note,I\RXYLHZDGLUHFWRU\HQWU\ZKHQWKHSKRQHLVLQGLDOPRGHSUHVV Dialto dial the number. You can use this feature when making a call, forwarding a call, transferring a call, and setting up a conference call.To add a directory entry:1. When viewing a directory entry, press W or X until the  Add  soft key appears.2. Press Add  . A blank directory entry appears.3. 8VHWKHGLDOSDGNH\VWRHQWHUWKH¿UVWQDPHODVWQDPHDQGFRQWDFWQXPEHUV• Press ABC WRVZLWFKEHWZHHQHQWHULQJXSSHUFDVHOHWWHUVORZHUFDVHletters, and numbers. • Press Backspc to delete incorrect characters. • After completing a line, press T to move to the next line.4. When you have entered the desired information and selected the ringtone you want to use for this contact, press  Save  .To edit a directory entry:1. When viewing the desired directory entry, press W or X until the  Edit  soft key appears.2. Press Edit  . The directory entry edit screen appears.3. 8VHWKHGLDOSDGNH\VWRFKDQJHWKH¿UVWQDPHODVWQDPHDQGFRQWDFWQXPEHUVas desired.• You can edit the name and numbers, and change the ringtone.• Press ABC WRVZLWFKEHWZHHQHQWHULQJXSSHUFDVHOHWWHUVORZHUFDVHletters, and numbers.• Press Backspc to delete incorrect characters.• After completing a line, press T to move to the next line.4. Press Save  . Phone Features
29To search directory entries:1. From the Local or Blacklist directory, press W or X until the  Search  soft key appears.2. Press Search  . The search screen appears.3. 7R¿OWHU\RXUVHDUFKE\¿UVWQDPHRUODVWQDPHSUHVVW or X.4. Press T to move to the Search¿HOG5. 3UHVVDGLDOSDGNH\WRHQWHUDOHWWHUIRU\RXU¿UVWQDPHRUODVWQDPHVHDUFKPress 2 once for A, or three times for C, for example.6. Press Search 7KHSKRQHVHDUFKHVIRUWKH¿UVWQDPHRUODVWQDPHEHJLQQLQJwith the letter you entered.7KH¿UVWHQWU\IRXQGDSSHDUV,IPRUHWKDQRQHHQWU\ZDVIRXQGSUHVVS or T to view other entries.To delete a directory entry:1. Press S or T or  Search  to view the desired directory entry.2. Press W or X until the  Delete  soft key appears.3. Press Delete  .4. :KHQWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQVFUHHQDSSHDUVSUHVV Yes  .To delete all directory entries:1. From a directory entry, press S or T until the  Del. all  soft key appears.2. Press Del. all  .3. :KHQWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQVFUHHQDSSHDUVSUHVV Yes  .Phone Features
30Call historyThe call history provides available name and number information for the last 200 incoming and outgoing calls. The newest entries replace the oldest. You can view FDOOKLVWRU\LQIRUPDWLRQIRU• All calls—all categories of calls• Missed calls—incoming calls that were not answered•5HFHLYHGFDOOV²LQFRPLQJFDOOVWKDW\RXDQVZHUHGIRUZDUGHGRUUHMHFWHG• Dialed calls—all outgoing calls. You can use this as a redial list.To view the call history:1. When the phone is idle, press MENU.2. If necessary, press S or T to highlight Features, then press SELECT.3. Press S or T to highlight Call history, then press SELECT.The Call history screen appears.4. Press T to highlight the desired call history folder.5. Press View  to see call history entries in the highlighted folder. 7KH¿UVWHQWU\DSSHDUVIf the folder is empty, the message No entries to display. appears.6. Press T to view more entries.The call history entry screen shows the time, date, name and number of the call, the number of entries in the folder, along with an icon indicating the type of call.Received call Dialed call Missed callPhone Features
317KHIROORZLQJVRIWNH\VDUHDYDLODEOHZKHQYLHZLQJDFDOOKLVWRU\HQWU\Delete Deletes the entry Dial Dials the entry Edit Dial Displays the predial screen so you can edit the number before dialingSave Saves the call information to the local directoryTo call a call history entry:While viewing the desired entry, press   or  Dial  . The phone dials the number immediately.±RU±Press Edit Dial  . The predial screen appears, allowing you to edit the number before pressing Dial  .Note,I\RXYLHZDFDOOKLVWRU\HQWU\ZKHQWKHSKRQHLVLQGLDOPRGHSUHVVWKHDial  soft key to dial the number. You can use this feature when making a call, forwarding a call, transferring a call, and setting up a conference call.To add a call history entry to the directory:1. While viewing the desired entry, press W or X until the  Save  soft key appears.2. Press Save  .3. On the Save to menu, select the location to which you want to save the entry. • To save the entry to your directory, highlight Local and then press SELECT.• To save the entry to your blacklist, highlight Blacklist and then press SELECT.7KHGLUHFWRU\DGGHGLWVFUHHQDSSHDUV7KHSKRQHDXWRPDWLFDOO\¿OOVLQWKHQDPHand number, if available.Phone Features
32• If necessary, edit the name and number.  Press T to move the cursor to the next line.• Press Backspc to delete incorrect characters.4. Press Save  to save the entry.To delete a single call history entry:While viewing the desired entry, press  Delete  .To delete multiple call history entries:1. While viewing the list of call history folders, press T to highlight the folder for ZKLFK\RXZRXOGOLNHWRGHOHWHDOOHQWULHV$OOFDOOV0LVVHGFDOOV5HFHLYHGFDOOVor Dialed calls.2. Press Del. all  .3. :KHQWKHFRQ¿UPDWLRQVFUHHQDSSHDUVSUHVV Yes  .Phone Features
33Using Speed DialThe speed dial menu allows you to enter up to 10 numbers that you dial frequently. To dial a speed dial number, press and hold the dial pad key that matches the speed dial entry number (for entry 10, press and hold 0You can also enter speed dial numbers using the WebUI. See Speed Dial on page 47.Entering speed dial numbersTo add a speed dial entry:1. When the phone is idle, press Menu.2. With Features highlighted, press SELECT.3. Press T to highlight Speed dial, and then press SELECT.The Speed dial menu appears.4. Press T to highlight a speed dial entry marked <Empty>.5. Press Add  . A blank speed dial entry appears.6. Use the dial pad keys to enter the name and number.• Press 123 WRVZLWFKEHWZHHQHQWHULQJQXPEHUVORZHUFDVHOHWWHUVDQGXSSHUFDVHOHWWHUV• When you start entering characters, the  Cancel  soft key changes toBackspc . Press Backspc  to delete incorrect characters. • After completing a line, press T to move to the next line.7. Press T and then press W or X to select the line you want to use for this speed dial entry.8. When you have entered the desired information, press  Save  .Phone Features
34&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH+RZWRFRQ¿JXUHWKHSKRQH<RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHWKHSKRQHXVLQJRQHRIWZRPHWKRGV1. The User Settings menu on the phone2. The WebUI, which you access using your Internet browser.This section describes the User Settings menu. For information about the WebUI, see page 41.Using the User Settings menuTo view the User Settings menu:1. Press MENU when the base unit is not in use.2. Press T to highlight User settings.3. Press SELECT.±RU±Press 38VHUVHWWLQJVRQWKHGLDOSDGThe User settings menu appears.7KHXVHUVHWWLQJVDUHSetting Options1. Preferences LanguageDate & Time (Clock time, Clock date, Time zone, DST, NTP VHUYHU6HWPDQXDOO\Restart phone2. Display &RQWUDVW/HYHO±%DFNOLJKW212II/RZ0HGLXP+LJK%DFNOLJKWLGOH2II/RZ0HGLXP+LJK7LPHRXW±VHFRQGV3. Audio 5LQJHUWRQH/LQH/LQH«.H\WRQH2Q2II4. Wireless microphone RegisterDeregister
35PreferencesUse the Preferences menu to set the language, date and time formats, and restart the phone.To use the Preferences menu:1. From the User Settings menu, ensure that Preferences is highlighted, and then press SELECT.The Preferences menu appears.2. Press S or T to highlight the desired option, and then press SELECT. The DYDLODEOHRSWLRQVDUH• Language• Date & Time• Restart phoneSetting the language1. From the Preferences menu, press S or T to highlight Language, and then press SELECT.The Language menu appears.2. Press S or T to highlight the desired language.3. Press SELECT.&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH
36Setting date and time preferencesFrom the Preferences menu, press T to highlight Date & Time, and then press SELECT.The Date & Time menu appears.Note,IWKH1HWZRUN7LPH3URWRFRO173VHUYHULVHQDEOHG\RXFDQQRWPDQXDOO\VHWthe date and time using this this menu.To set the time format:1. From the Date & Time menu, ensure that Clock Time is highlighted.2. Press W or XWRVHOHFWDKRXUFORFNDPSPRUKRXUFORFN3. Press Save  .To set the date format that appears on the idle screen:1. From the Date & Time menu, press T to highlight Clock date.2. Press W or X to select the desired date format (DD/MM/YY, MM/DD/YY, YY/MM/''3. Press Save  .To set the Time Zone:1. From the Date & Time menu, press T to highlight Time Zone.2. Press Edit  .3. Press S or T to select a setting. The time zone is set as an offset from GMT. For H[DPSOH(67LVDQG367LV4. Press Save  . To enable or disable the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server:1. From the Date & Time menu, press T to highlight NTP server.2. Press W or X to select Enabled or Disabled.3. Press Save  . Note,IWKH173VHUYHULVGLVDEOHG\RXPXVWPDQXDOO\VHWWKHWLPHDQGGDWH7KLVVHWWLQJLVYDOLGRQO\LIWKHV\VWHPDGPLQLVWUDWRUKDVDOUHDG\FRQ¿JXUHGWKH1HWZRUNTime settings. For more information, see the VCS754 Administrator and Provisioning Guide, available from http://businessphones.vtech.com.&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH
37To manually set the Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minute:1. From the Date & Time menu, press T to highlight Set manually.2. Press SELECT.Note,IWKH173VHUYHULVHQDEOHGZKHQ\RXSUHVVSELECT a message appears informing you that date and time cannot be edited. See To enable or disable the NTP (Network Time Protocol) server on page 36.3. For each setting, press W or X to select the desired setting, and then press T to move to the next line.4. :KHQ\RXKDYH¿QLVKHGSUHVV Save  .DisplayUse the Display menu to set screen appearance and backlight behavior.To use the Display menu:1. Press MENU, then select User settings, or press 3.The User settings menu appears.2. Press S or T to highlight Display, then press SELECT.The Display menu appears.To set the contrast level:1. From the Display menu, ensure that Contrast is highlighted.2. Press W or XWRVHWWKHFRQWUDVWOHYHOIURPWRLVWKHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJ3. Press Save  .To set the backlight level that applies when the phone is active:1. From the Display menu, press T to highlight Backlight ON.2. Press W or XWRVHOHFW2II/RZ0HGLXPRU+LJK+LJKLVWKHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJ3. Press Save  .To set the backlight level that applies when the phone is idle:1. From the Display menu, press T to highlight Backlight idle.2. Press W or XWRVHOHFW2II/RZ0HGLXPRU+LJK2IILVWKHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJ3. Press Save  .&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH
38To set the backlight off timeout:1. From the Display menu, press T to highlight Timeout.2. Press W or XWRVHOHFWEHWZHHQDQGVHFRQGVDWVHFRQGLQWHUYDOVVHFRQGVLVWKHGHIDXOWVHWWLQJ3. Press Save  .AudioUse the Audio menu to pick one of ten ringer tones, and turn key tones on and off.Note7RDGMXVWWKHULQJHUYROXPHSUHVVWKH  /   keys while the phone is idle.To use the Audio menu:From the User Settings menu, press T to highlight Audio, and then press SELECT.The Audio menu appears.To select different ringer tones for each line:1. From the Audio menu, ensure that Ringer tone is highlighted, and then press Select  .2. On the Ringer tone menu, press TLIQHFHVVDU\WRKLJKOLJKWDOLQHIRUZKLFKWRselect a ringer tone, and then press  Select  .3. On the selected line screen, press W or X to select one of ten ringer tones. The default is 1. Ringer tone samples play when selected. If you turn off the ringer volume, you will not hear ringer tone samples. 4. After selecting the desired ringer tone, press  Save  . To exit without saving a new ringer tone, press  Cancel  .&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH
39To set the key tone:1. From the Audio menu, press T to highlight Key tone and then press SELECT.The Key tone menu appears.2. On the Key tone menu, press W or X to turn key tones on or off. When off, key presses are silent.3. Press Save  .&RQ¿JXULQJWKH3KRQH
40Your wireless micVDUHSUHUHJLVWHUHG,I\RXQHHGWRSXUFKDVHUHSODFHPHQWZLUHOHVVmics (model VCS754-WMYLVLWRXUZHEVLWHDWhttp://businessphones.vtech.comor call 1-888-370-2006. You should register your new wireless mics to the base unit IROORZLQJWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKH9&6:0ZLUHOHVVPLF4XLFN6WDUW*XLGHWireless Mic Registration
41Using the WebUI8VHDQ,QWHUQHWEURZVHUWRDFFHVVWKH:HE8VHU,QWHUIDFH:HE8,WKDWUHVLGHVRQWKHFRQIHUHQFHSKRQH$IWHU\RXORJRQWRWKH:HE8,\RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHWKHIROORZLQJIHDWXUHV•&DOO6HWWLQJV6HHSDJH•8VHU3UHIHUHQFHV6HHSDJH•6SHHG'LDO6HHSDJH•/RFDO'LUHFWRU\6HHSDJH•%ODFNOLVW6HHSDJH•&DOO+LVWRU\9LHZRQO\<RXFDQFOLFNQXPEHUVWKDWKDYHK\SHUOLQNVWRGLDOWKHP•8VHU3DVVZRUG6HHSDJHThe WebUI also has a Status page, where you can view status and information.To access the WebUI:1. Ensure that your computer is connected to the same network as your phone. 2. )LQGWKH,3DGGUHVVRI\RXUSKRQHa. When the phone is idle, press MENU.b. Press T to highlight Status, and then press SELECT.The Status menu appears.c. On the Status menu, ensure that Network is highlighted, and then press SELECT.The Network screen appears.d. On the Network screen, note the IP Address.3. On your computer, open an Internet browser. Depending on your browser, some of the pages presented here may look different and have different controls.4. Type the phone IP address in the browser address bar and press ENTER on your computer keyboard. A Login page appears.5. Under User Name, enter user.WebUI
426. Under Password, enter userWKHGHIDXOWSDVVZRUGRU\RXURZQSDVVZRUGLIyou have already changed the default password. You can change a password after you log on.7. Click Log In. The WebUI appears.Click topics from the navigation bar at the top of the page, and then click the desired setting on the left side of the WebUI to see the page for that setting. You view and FKDQJHVHWWLQJVLQWZRGLIIHUHQWW\SHVRI¿HOGVGURSGRZQOLVWVDQGHQWU\¿HOGVLQWRwhich you type information. For your security, the WebUI times out after 10 minutes, so if it is idle for that time, you must log on again.The remaining procedures in this section assume that you have already logged on to the WebUI.Status7KH6WDWXVSDJHVKRZV• General information about your phone, including model, MAC address, and software version.• Account Status information about your SIP account registration.• Network information regarding your phone’s network address and network connection.The Status page has no settings that you can change. You may need some of the status information for troubleshooting purposes.WebUI
43Call SettingsTo view the call settings, click SYSTEM in the WebUI header, and then click CallSettingsLQWKHVLGHEDU<RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHFDOOVHWWLQJVIRUHDFKDFFRXQWWKDWLVavailable to your phone. Click Account 1,Account 2, and so on to select the call settings page for the desired account.Call Settings include Do Not Disturb and Call Forward settings. You can also set Do Not Disturb and Call Forward using the phone menu. See Using the Call menu on page 23.:KHQ\RXKDYH¿QLVKHGFKDQJLQJVHWWLQJVRQWKLVSDJHFOLFNSave to save them.General Call SettingsSetting Description$QRQ\PRXV&DOO5HMHFW Select to block incoming calls that have no caller ID.Enable Anonymous Call Select to make outgoing calls that remove your own caller ID information.Do Not Disturb SettingsSetting Description Range DefaultEnable DND Turns Do Not Disturb on or off. n/a DisabledIncoming Calls Selects whether the phone displays incoming call information while Do Not Disturb is on.6KRZ5HMHFW 5HMHFWWebUI
44Call Forward SettingsSetting DescriptionEnable Call Forward AlwaysSelect to enable call forwarding for all calls on that account.Target Number Enter a number to which all calls will be forwarded.Enable Call Forward BusySelect to enable call forwarding for calls when you are on another call on that account.Target Number Enter a number to which calls will be forwarded when the line is busy.Enable Call Forward No AnswerSelect to enable call forwarding for unanswered calls on that account.Target Number Enter a number to which unanswered calls will be forwarded.Delay Select the number of rings before unanswered calls are forwarded.5DQJHWRULQJV'HIDXOWULQJVWebUI
45User Preferences2QWKH8VHU3UHIHUHQFHVSDJH\RXFDQFRQ¿JXUHVRPHEDVLFVHWWLQJVIRU\RXUphone and set how your phone responds to calls.After changing any settings on this page, click Save to save them.General User SettingsSetting Description Range DefaultWebUI LanguageSets the language that appears on the WebUI.Any language supported by your phone. For example, English, French, Spanish, etc.EnglishPhoneLanguageSets the language that appears on your phone.Any language supported by your phone. For example, English, French, Spanish, etc.EnglishBacklight Timer Sets how long the screen backlight stays on after the last button press.10 to 60 seconds 30 secondsRinger Volume Sets the ringer volume for incoming calls. You can also use the VOLUME T or S keys on the phone.2II± 5WebUI
46User Preferences (continued)Call Hold Reminder SettingsSetting Description Range Default(QDEOH&DOO+ROGReminder ToneEnables or disables the call hold reminder tone.n/a — Select to enableEnabled7RQH,QWHUYDOVHFV Sets the interval for the call hold reminder tone.±seconds30 secondsCall Waiting SettingsSetting Description Range DefaultCall Waiting Off 5HMHFWVDGGLWLRQDOLQFRPLQJFDOOV1RQRWL¿FDWLRQDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQn/a — Select to enableDisabledCall Waiting On Shows additional incoming calls on the screen.n/a — Select to enableEnabledEnable Call Waiting ToneEnables or disables Call Waiting Tone. n/a — Select to enableEnabled7RQH,QWHUYDOVHFV Sets the interval for the call waiting tone.±seconds30 secondsWebUI
47Speed DialThe speed dial keys are used for dialing numbers with one key press. To view the speed dial keys, click SYSTEM in the WebUI header, and then click Speed Dial in the sidebar.On the Speed Dial page, you can enter up to 10 numbers that you dial frequently. To dial a speed dial number, press and hold the dial pad key that matches the speed dial HQWU\QXPEHUIRUHQWU\SUHVV)RUHDFKVSHHGGLDOQXPEHU\RXHQWHU\RXPXVWassign the account on which the number will be dialed out.You can also add speed dial entries using the phone. The Speed dial list is accessed through the Features menu. See page 33.After entering information on this page, click Save to save it.To enter speed dial numbers:1. In the Name column, enter a speed dial label for the desired key.2. In the Value column, enter a phone number for the desired key.3. In the Account column, select the account that this speed dial number will use.4. Click Save.WebUI
48DirectoryTo view the local directory, click CONTACTS in the WebUI header, and then click Local Directory in the sidebar. On the Local Directory page, you can manage your local directory entries. You can sort, edit, delete, and add contact information for up to 200 entries. The page also DOORZV\RXWRH[SRUW\RXUSKRQH¶VORFDOGLUHFWRU\RULPSRUWDORFDOGLUHFWRU\¿OH7KHexport function lets you back up your contacts to your computer.Phone numbers appear as links. If your service provider’s click to dial feature is enabled, you can dial a number by clicking its link.The Local Directory lists entries on up to 10 pages, with 20 entries per page. Click Next,First,Last, or a page number to view the desired page of entries.Note<RXFDQDOVRXVHWKHSKRQHPHQXWRPDQDJH\RXUORFDOGLUHFWRU\HQWULHV)RUmore information, see Using the local directory on page 27.WebUI
49Local DirectoryClick To...Sort the list by last name.Edit information for an entry.View the last page of entries.View the next page of entries.Delete selected entries from the directory. Click Select All to select every entry on the page you are viewing.Add a new directory entry.Delete all Directory entriesTo add a new directory entry:1. Click Add New Entry.The Create Local Directory Entry page appears.2. (QWHUWKHUHTXLUHGLQIRUPDWLRQ$WPLQLPXPD¿UVWDQGODVWQDPHDUHUHTXLUHGSetting Description Range DefaultFirst Name (QWHUWKHDSSURSULDWHQDPHVLQWKHVH¿HOGV n/a n/aLast NameRinger Tone Sets a unique ringer tone for calls from this directory entry.Auto,7RQH±AutoAccount Sets the account used when you dial this directory entry.Default Account, $FFRXQW±DefaultAccountWork Number (QWHUWKHDSSURSULDWHQXPEHUVLQWKHVH¿HOGV n/a n/aMobile NumberOther Number3. Click Save.WebUI
50To edit a directory entry:1. Click Edit for the entry you want to edit.The Edit Local Directory Entry page appears.2. Edit or add the desired information.3. Click Save.Import Local Directory<RXFDQLPSRUWDQH[LVWLQJORFDOGLUHFWRU\¿OH,PSRUWLQJDGLUHFWRU\¿OHUHSODFHVDOO\RXUSUHYLRXVORFDOGLUHFWRU\HQWULHV$IWHULPSRUWLQJDGLUHFWRU\¿OH\RXFDQDGGHGLWor delete entries as desired.Note'LUHFWRU\¿OHVDUH[PO¿OHVFRQWDLQLQJFRQWDFWVDQGFRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQ)RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWFUHDWLQJRUHGLWLQJDGLUHFWRU\¿OHFRQVXOW\RXUV\VWHPadministrator.7RLPSRUWDORFDOGLUHFWRU\¿OH1. Click Choose File.2. ,QWKH¿OHZLQGRZWKDWRSHQVQDYLJDWHWRWKHGLUHFWRU\¿OH3. &OLFNWKH¿OHDQGWKHQFOLFNOpen.4. On the WebUI, click Import.Export Local Directory<RXFDQH[SRUWWKHGLUHFWRU\DQGVDYHLWDVDQ[PO¿OHRQ\RXUFRPSXWHUTo export the local directory:1. Click Export.2. $W\RXUEURZVHU¶VSURPSWVDYHWKH¿OHWRWKHGHVLUHGORFDWLRQRQ\RXUFRPSXWHUWebUI
51User PasswordOn the User Password page, you can change the password you use to log on to WKH:HE8,%\FKDQJLQJ\RXUSDVVZRUGIURPWKHGHIDXOWSDVVZRUG³XVHU´\RXFDQprevent others from logging on to the WebUI remotely and changing your settings.To view the User Password page, click Servicing on the WebUI header.The User Password page appears.WebUI
52BatteryIt takes up to 8 hours for the wireless mic battery to be fully charged (the orange VWDWXVLQGLFDWRUWXUQVRII$OZD\VUHWXUQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFVWRWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHVDIWHUXVH:KHQLWLVIXOO\FKDUJHG\RXFDQH[SHFWWKHIROORZLQJRSHUDWLQJWLPHVOperation Operating time:KLOHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLVLQXVHWDONLQJ Up to 8 hours:KLOHQRWLQXVHVWDQGE\ Up to 70 hours$FWXDOWDONWLPHZLOOEHVKRUWHUIRUFDOOVXVLQJ+'DXGLR*** The wireless mic is not charging or in use.The battery needs charging when:• A new battery is installed into the wireless mic.•7KHVWDWXVLQGLFDWRURQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFÀDVKHVRUDQJHCAUTION:7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRI¿UHRULQMXU\UHDGDQGIROORZWKHVHLQVWUXFWLRQV• Use only the batteries provided or equivalent. To order a replacement, visit our website at http://businessphones.vtech.com or call 1-888-370-2006.•'RQRWGLVSRVHRIWKHEDWWHULHVLQD¿UH&KHFNZLWKORFDOZDVWHPDQDJHPHQWcodes for special disposal instructions.• Do not open or mutilate the batteries. Released electrolyte is corrosive and PD\FDXVHEXUQVRULQMXU\WRWKHH\HVRUVNLQ7KHHOHFWURO\WHPD\EHWR[LFLIswallowed.• Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to create a short circuit with conductive materials.•&KDUJHWKHEDWWHULHVSURYLGHGZLWKRULGHQWL¿HGIRUXVHZLWKWKLVSURGXFWRQO\LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQGOLPLWDWLRQVVSHFL¿HGLQWKLVPDQXDO• Observe proper polarity orientation between the battery and metallic contacts.•7RSUHYHQW¿UHRUVKRFNKD]DUGGRQRWH[SRVHWKLVSURGXFWWRZDWHURUDQ\W\SHof moisture.Appendix
53,I\RXKDYHGLI¿FXOW\ZLWK\RXUFRQIHUHQFHSKRQHSOHDVHWU\WKHVXJJHVWLRQVEHORZFor customer service, visit our website at http://businessphones.vtech.com or call  1-888-370-2006.Finding the software versionAs part of troubleshooting, you may be asked to provide the software version of the conference phone.To view the software version of your phone:1. When the phone is idle, press MENU.2. On the Main menu, press T to highlight Status, and then press SELECT.3. On the Status screen, press T to highlight Product Info, and then press SELECT.4. On the Product Info screen, press T until Software Ver. appears.My ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics does not work at all.$IWHUSRZHULQJXSWKHEDVHXQLWZLWKDFRUUHFWVHWXSSDJHWKH/&'GLVSOD\ZLOOVKRZWKHGLVSOD\QDPHDQGDFFRXQWQXPEHUH[WHQVLRQRIWKHEDVH3UHVV  and \RXZLOOKHDUDGLDOWRQH,IDQ\RIWKLVGRHVQRWKDSSHQSOHDVHWU\WKHIROORZLQJ• Make sure the DC power cable is securely plugged into base unit and the power adapter.• Make sure the AC power cord is securely plugged into the power adapter and a wall outlet not controlled by a wall switch.I cannot dial out.• Try all the above suggestions.• Make sure there is a dial tone before dialing.•,IRWKHUWHOHSKRQHVLQ\RXURI¿FHDUHKDYLQJWKHVDPHSUREOHPWKHSUREOHPLVLQthe wiring or telephone service. Contact your IP PBX system administrator.•(OLPLQDWHDQ\EDFNJURXQGQRLVH'LDOIURPDQRWKHUURRPLQ\RXURI¿FHZLWKOHVVbackground noise.Troubleshooting
54TroubleshootingThe base unit does not ring when there is an incoming call.• Make sure there is a dial tone before dialing.•0DNHVXUHWKHULQJHUYROXPHRIWKHEDVHXQLWLVQRWVHWWRRIISDJH• Make sure the DC power cable, Ethernet cable, AC power cord, and the power DGDSWHUDUHSOXJJHGLQSURSHUO\SDJH•,IRWKHUWHOHSKRQHVLQ\RXURI¿FHDUHKDYLQJWKHVDPHSUREOHPWKHSUREOHPLVLQWKHZLULQJRU,33%;VHUYLFH&RQWDFW\RXUVHUYLFHSURYLGHUFKDUJHVPD\DSSO\or system administrator.•2WKHUHOHFWURQLFSURGXFWVVXFKDV+$0UDGLRVDQGRWKHU'(&7SKRQHVFDQcause interference with your conference phone. Try installing your conference phone as far away as possible from these types of electronic devices.• Unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet. Wait for approximately 15 seconds, and then plug it back in. If you still cannot get a dial tone, please contact our customer service hotline designated above for assistance.My wireless mic does not work at all.The wireless mic works only when the base unit is properly powered and the wireless mic is lifted from the charging cradle.If the wireless mic works, with the wireless mic lifted, the status indicator under the MUTE ALL button turns green within 2 seconds when you press   on the base unit.,IWKHVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUUHPDLQVRIIDQGLQDFWLYHSOHDVHIROORZWKHVWHSVEHORZ1. Remove the battery from battery compartment.2. Insert the battery again and secure the battery door. Then, return the wireless mic to the charging cradle.3. 0DNHVXUHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLVSODFHGLQWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHFRUUHFWO\SDJHThe status indicator under the MUTE ALL button should turn orange.If the status indicator remains off at the time the wireless mic returned to the charging cradle, the wireless mic or the charging cradle is probably defective. Please contact customer service for assistance. ,IWKHVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUGRHVQRWWXUQRUDQJHSOHDVHIROORZWKHVWHSVEHORZ1. 5HPRYHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFIURPWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHDQGLQVWDOOWKHEDWWHU\DJDLQSDJH2. Return the wireless mic to the charging cradle. The status indicator under the MUTE ALL button should turn orange. The wireless mic is charging now. 3. Allow the wireless mic to be charged for at least 30 minutes.4. Remove the wireless mic from the charging cradle again.5. Press . The status indicator under the MUTE ALL button should turn green within 2 seconds.If that still does not work, the wireless mic might have lost its connection to the base unit.1. 5HUHJLVWHUDOOWKHZLUHOHVVPLFVZLWKWKHEDVHXQLW2. Remove the wireless mic from the charging cradle. 3. Press  again. The status indicator under the MUTE ALL button should turn green.
Troubleshooting55If that still does not work, you might have a defective battery or a defective wireless mic. Please contact customer service for assistance.Note: Every time the base unit is powered up, the wireless mics will need some time to connect to the base unit. Please allow at least one minute for the wireless mic and base unit to synchronize before use after the base unit has powered up.  Note: If your have more than one ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics LQWKHRI¿FHXVHWKHLocateIXQFWLRQSDJHWRLGHQWLI\WKHZLUHOHVVPLFVWKDWare connected to the corresponding base unit. Make sure that they are not mixed up between each of your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics.The callers cannot hear me when I am using the wireless mic.• Make sure the wireless mic is not muted during a call.• Move the wireless mic closer to the base unit. It may be out of range. • Speak into the wireless mic from a distance of no more than 3 feet. • Reset the base unit. Unplug the AC power cord from the wall outlet. Wait for approximately 15 seconds, and then plug it back in. Allow at least one minute for the wireless mic and base unit to synchronize. • If your have more than one ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics LQWKHRI¿FHXVHWKHORFDWHIXQFWLRQMENU > Status > Wireless microphoneto identify the wireless mics that are connected to the corresponding base unit. Make sure that they are not mixed up between each of your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics.•2WKHUHOHFWURQLFSURGXFWVVXFKDV+$0UDGLRVDQGRWKHU'(&7SKRQHVFDQcause interference with your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics. Try installing your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics as far away as possible from these types of electronic devices.6WDWXV,QGLFDWRURQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFÀDVKHVRUDQJHThe wireless mic has low battery.• Place the wireless mic onto the charging cradle for recharging.)RURSWLPDOEDWWHU\OLIHSHUIRUPDQFHV•&KDUJHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFVIRUXSWRKRXUVEHIRUHWKH¿UVWWLPHRIXVH• Return the wireless mics to the charging cradle after use. Charge them for at least 30 minutes before subsequent uses.6WDWXV,QGLFDWRURQWKHZLUHOHVVPLFÀDVKHVRUDQJHHYHQDIWHUDORQJSHULRGRIcharging.7KHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHEattery might have been reduced after being used for some time.•0DNHVXUHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLVSODFHGLQWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHFRUUHFWO\SDJHwhen charging.•5HPRYHDQGLQVWDOOWKHEDWWHU\DJDLQSDJHDQGXVHLWXQWLOWKHEDWWHU\LVIXOO\depleted, and then charge the wireless mic in charging cradle for 8 hours.• If the above measures do not solve the problem, replace the battery.
56TroubleshootingThe status indicator on the wireless mic does not turn orange when in  charging cradle.• The wireless mic might be fully charged. • Clean the charging contacts on the wireless mic and the charging cradles each PRQWKZLWKDSHQFLOHUDVHURUDGU\QRQDEUDVLYHIDEULF• Make sure the DC power cable, telephone line cord, AC power cord, and the SRZHUDGDSWHUDUHSOXJJHGLQSURSHUO\SDJH•0DNHVXUHWKHZLUHOHVVPLFLVSODFHGLQWKHFKDUJLQJFUDGOHFRUUHFWO\SDJH• Unplug the power cable. Wait for 15 seconds before plugging it back in. Allow up to one minute for the wireless mic and base unit to reset.• Lift the wireless mic and place it back into the charging cradle. If the wireless mic status indicator turns orange for 5 seconds, and then turns off, the battery is fully charged.There is interference during a telephone conversation.My calls fade out when I am using the wireless mic.• Move the wireless mic closer to the base unit. It may be out of range. • Appliances plugged into the same circuit as the base unit can cause interference. Try moving the appliance or base unit to another outlet.•2WKHUHOHFWURQLFSURGXFWVVXFKDV+$0UDGLRVDQGRWKHU'(&7SKRQHVFDQcause interference with your conference phone. Try installing your conference phone as far away as possible from these types of electronic devices.• If your telephone is plugged into a modem or a surge protector, plug the WHOHSKRQHRUPRGHPVXUJHSURWHFWRULQWRDGLIIHUHQWORFDWLRQ,IWKLVGRHVQ¶Wsolve the problem, relocate your telephone or modem farther apart from each other, or use a different surge protector.•,IRWKHUWHOHSKRQHVLQ\RXURI¿FHDUHKDYLQJWKHVDPHSUREOHPWKHSUREOHPLVLQthe wiring or the IP PBX service. Contact your IP PBX system administrator.
Troubleshooting57I have accidentally set my LCD language to Spanish or French, and I don’t know how to change it back to English.• When the base unit is not in use or on a call, press 0(18ĺĺĺĺ.Common cure for electronic equipment.• If the telephone is not responding normally, put the wireless mics onto the FKDUJLQJFUDGOHV,ILWGRHVQRWUHVSRQGWU\WKHIROORZLQJLQWKHRUGHUOLVWHG1. Disconnect the power to the base unit.2. Remove the battery from the wireless mics.3. Wait a few minutes before connecting power to the base unit.4. Install the battery again and place the wireless mics onto the charging cradles.5. Wait for the wireless mic to synchronize with the base unit. Allow up to one minute for this to take place.
58&DUGLDFSDFHPDNHUVDSSOLHVRQO\WRGLJLWDOFRUGOHVVWHOHSKRQHV:LUHOHVV7HFKQRORJ\5HVHDUFK//&:75DQLQGHSHQGHQWUHVHDUFKHQWLW\OHGDPXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\evaluation of the interference between portable wireless telephones and implanted cardiac pacemakers. 6XSSRUWHGE\WKH86)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ:75UHFRPPHQGVWRSK\VLFLDQVWKDWPacemaker patients• Should keep the wireless telephone at least six inches from the pacemaker.• Should NOT place wireless telephones directly over the pacemaker, such as in a breast pocket, when it is turned ON.• Should use the wireless telephone at the ear opposite the pacemaker.WTR’s evaluation did not identify any risk to bystanders with pacemakers from other persons using   wireless telephones.About wireless mics• Privacy: The same features that make a wireless mic convenient create some limitations. Calls on conference phones are transmitted between the base unit and the wireless mic by radio waves, so there is a possibility that the wireless mic conversations could be intercepted by radio receiving equipment within range of the wireless mic. For this reason, you should not think of conference phone conversations as being as private as those on corded telephones.• Electrical power: The base unit of this conference phone must be connected to a working electrical outlet. The electrical outlet should not be controlled by a wall switch. Calls cannot be made from the conference phone if the base unit is unplugged, switched off or if the electrical power  is interrupted.• Potential TV interference: Wireless mic operates at frequencies that may cause interference to televisions and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, do not place the base unit near or on top of a TV or VCR. If interference is experienced, moving the wireless mic farther away from the TV or VCR often reduces or eliminates the interference.• Rechargeable batteries: Exercise care in handling batteries in order not to create a short circuit with conducting material such as rings, bracelets and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and  cause harm.• Lithium-ion rechargeable batteries: Dispose of these batteries in a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture. Like other batteries of this type, if burned or punctured, they could release caustic material ZKLFKFRXOGFDXVHLQMXU\Precautions for users of implanted cardiac pacemakers
595HPHPEHUWKDWHOHFWULFDODSSOLDQFHVFDQFDXVHVHULRXVLQMXU\LIXVHGZKHQ\RXDUHZHWRUVWDQGLQJLQZDWHU,IWKHEDVHXQLWVKRXOGIDOOLQWRZDWHU'21275(75,(9(,7817,/<28813/8*7+($&32:(5&25')5207+(:$//7KHQUHPRYHWKHWHOHSKRQHE\WKHXQSOXJJHGFRUGVMaintenanceTaking care of your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless MicsYour conference phone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care.Avoid rough treatmentPlace the wireless mic down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics if you ever need to ship it.Avoid waterYour ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics can be damaged if it gets wet. Do not use the wireless mic outdoors in the rain, or handle it with wet hands. Do not install the base unit near a sink, bathtub or shower.Electrical stormsElectrical storms can sometimes cause power surges harmful to electronic equipment. For your own safety, take caution when using electrical appliances during storms.Cleaning your ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless MicsYour ErisStation Conference Phone with Wireless Mics has a durable plastic casing that should retain its luster for many years. Clean it only with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water or mild soap. Do not use excess water or cleaning solvents of any kind.
60FCC Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device XQGHU3DUWRIWKH)HGHUDO&RPPXQLFDWLRQV&RPPLVVLRQ)&&UXOHV7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVDUHLQWHQGHGto provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVPD\FDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHWRUDGLRFRPPXQLFDWLRQV+RZHYHUWKHUHLVQRJXDUDQWHHthat interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is HQFRXUDJHGWRWU\WRFRUUHFWWKHLQWHUIHUHQFHE\RQHRUPRUHRIWKHIROORZLQJPHDVXUHV• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.&KDQJHVRUPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKLVHTXLSPHQWQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUcompliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOLHVZLWK3DUWRIWKH)&&UXOHV2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJWZRFRQGLWLRQVWKLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQGWKLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHreceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone.To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC criteria. The wireless mic may be safely held against the face of the user. The base unit shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body RWKHUWKDQWKHKDQGVDUHPDLQWDLQHGDWDGLVWDQFHRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\FPLQFKHVRUPRUH7KLV&ODVV%GLJLWDODSSDUDWXVFRPSOLHVZLWK&DQDGLDQUHTXLUHPHQW&$1,&(6%10%%FCC, ACTA and IC regulations
61,IWKLVHTXLSPHQWLVPDOIXQFWLRQLQJLWPXVWEHXQSOXJJHGIURPWKHPRGXODUMDFNXQWLOWKHSUREOHPKDVEHHQcorrected. Repairs to this telephone equipment can only be made by the manufacturer or its authorized agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the Limited warranty. If this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone service provider may temporarily discontinue your telephone service. The telephone service provider is required to notify you before interrupting service.  ,IDGYDQFHQRWLFHLVQRWSUDFWLFDO\RXZLOOEHQRWL¿HGDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH<RXZLOOEHJLYHQWKHRSSRUWXQLW\WRFRUUHFWWKHSUREOHPDQGWKHWHOHSKRQHVHUYLFHSURYLGHULVUHTXLUHGWRLQIRUP\RXRI\RXUULJKWWR¿OHDcomplaint with the FCC. Your telephone service provider may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operation, or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of this product. The telephone service provider is required to notify you if such changes are planned.If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible.If this product has memory dialing locations, you may choose to store emergency telephone numbersHJSROLFH¿UHPHGLFDOLQWKHVHORFDWLRQV,I\RXGRVWRUHRUWHVWHPHUJHQF\QXPEHUVSOHDVH5HPDLQRQWKHOLQHDQGEULHÀ\H[SODLQWKHUHDVRQIRUWKHFDOOEHIRUHKDQJLQJXS3HUIRUPVXFKDFWLYLWLHVLQRIISHDNKRXUVVXFKDVHDUO\PRUQLQJRUODWHHYHQLQJIndustry Canada7KLVGHYLFHFRPSOLHVZLWK,QGXVWU\&DQDGDOLFHQVHH[HPSW566VWDQGDUGV2SHUDWLRQLVVXEMHFWWRWKHIROORZLQJWZRFRQGLWLRQVWKLVGHYLFHPD\QRWFDXVHKDUPIXOLQWHUIHUHQFHDQGWKLVGHYLFHPXVWDFFHSWDQ\LQWHUIHUHQFHUHFHLYHGLQFOXGLQJLQWHUIHUHQFHWKDWPD\FDXVHXQGHVLUHGoperation.Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone.7KHWHUPµ¶,&µ¶EHIRUHWKHFHUWL¿FDWLRQUHJLVWUDWLRQQXPEHURQO\VLJQL¿HVWKDWWKH,QGXVWU\&DQDGDWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVZHUHPHW7KLVSURGXFWPHHWVWKHDSSOLFDEOH,QGXVWU\&DQDGDWHFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVFCC, ACTA and IC regulationsThe RBRC® Seal means that the manufacturer is voluntarily participating in an LQGXVWU\SURJUDPWRFROOHFWDQGUHF\FOHOLWKLXPLRQUHFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHULHVZKHQtaken out of service within the United States. These batteries may be taken to a participating local retailer of replacement batteries or recycling center. Or you may call 1 (800) 8 BATTERY®IRUORFDWLRQVDFFHSWLQJVSHQW/LLRQEDWWHULHVRBRC® and 1 (800) 8 BATTERY® are registered trademarks of the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.The RBRC® seal
62California Energy Commission battery charging  testing instructions7KLVWHOHSKRQHLVVHWXSWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKHHQHUJ\FRQVHUYLQJVWDQGDUGVULJKWRXWRIWKHER[7KHVHLQVWUXFWLRQVDUHLQWHQGHGIRU&DOLIRUQLD(QHUJ\&RPPLVVLRQ&(&FRPSOLDQFHWHVWLQJRQO\:KHQWKHCEC battery charging testing mode is activated, all telephone functions, except battery charging, will  be disabled.To activate the CEC battery charging testing mode: 1. 3ODFHDOOZLUHOHVVPLFVZLWKEDWWHULHVLQVHUWHGLQWRWKHEDVHXQLWWRPDNHVXUHWKH\FDQZRUNnormally with the base unit.2. Turn the base unit upside down. The end with the display screen and dial pad should be closest to you.3. Access the battery testing switch, which is located beneath the base unit, midway up and to the right. The switch is hidden beneath an adhesive cover. Use a pen knife or another small blade to lift off the cover and access the switch.4. Use a small screwdriver or another instrument to slide the switch from right to left. 5. Turn the base unit right side up.6. Remove the batteries from each wireless mic.7. Insert the battery back into a wireless mic while holding the MUTE ALL key on the mic until the mic’s status indicator shows steady red.8. Release the MUTE ALL key and then press it again immediately.9. 3ODFHWKHPLFLQLWVFKDUJLQJFUDGOHRQWKHEDVHXQLW7KHPLFVWDWXVLQGLFDWRUVKRXOGÀDVKUHGDQGgreen.10.Repeat steps 6 through 8 for the remaining wireless mics.After about one minute, the base unit will enter the CEC battery charging testing mode. The base indicators turn off and all wireless mics are will be deregistered. All telephone functions, except battery charging will be disabled.If the base unit has failed to enter this mode, repeat step 5 through step 9 above.To deactivate the CEC battery charging testing mode: Turn the base unit upside down and slide the switch back to its original position. The base unit is powered up as normal. To register the wireless mics again, go to 0DLQ0HQXĺ8VHU6HWWLQJVĺ:LUHOHVVPLFURSKRQHĺ5HJLVWHU, or follow WKHLQVWUXFWLRQVLQWKH9&6:0ZLUHOHVVPLF4XLFN6WDUW*XLGH.For C-ETL compliance onlyMesures de sécurité importantes9RXVGHYH]WRXMRXUVREVHUYHUGHVPesures de précaution lorsque vous utilisez le Téléphone de FRQIpUHQFHDYHFPLFURSKRQHVVDQV¿O(ULV6WDWLRQD¿QG¶pYLWHUOHVULVTXHVG¶LQFHQGLHG¶pOHFWURFXWLRQHWGHEOHVVXUHVLQFOXDQWFHTXLVXLW1. Lisez et comprenez bien toutes les instructions.2. Observez toutes les instructions et mises en garde inscrites sur l’appareil.3. Débranchez ce téléphone de la prise murale avant de le nettoyer. N’utilisez pas de nettoyeurs liquides ni en aérosol. N’utilisez qu’un chiffon doux et légèrement humecté.4. N’utilisez pas ce produit près de l’eau, tel que près d’un bain, d’un lavabo, d’un évier de cuisine, d’un EDFGHODYDJHRXG¶XQHSLVFLQHRXGDQVXQVRXVVROKXPLGHRXVRXVODGRXFKH5. Ne déposez pas ce téléphone sur un chariot, support ou table chancelants. L’appareil pourrait tomber   et être sérieusement endommagé.6. /HVRXYHUWXUHVVLWXpHVjO¶DUULqUHRXVRXVOHVRFOHHWOHPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿OVHUYHQWjODYHQWLODWLRQ$¿QG¶HPSrFKHUODVXUFKDXIIHFHVRXYHUWXUHVQHGRLYHQWSDVrWUHREVWUXpHVHQSODoDQWO¶DSSDUHLOVXUun lit, divan, tapis ou autre surface similaires. Ne placez pas cet appareil à proximité d’un élément de chauffage ni d’une plinthe électrique. De plus, ne l’installez pas dans une unité murale ou un cabinet fermé qui ne possède pas d’aération adéquate.7. Ne faites fonctionner cet appareil qu’avec le type d’alimentation indiqué sur les étiquettes de l’appareil.Si vous ne connaissez pas le voltage de votre maison, consultez votre marchand ou votre fournisseur d’électricité.
638. Ne déposez rien sur le cordon d’alimentation. Installez cet appareil dans un endroit sécuritaire, là où personne ne pourra trébucher sur la ligne d’alimentation ni le cordon téléphonique modulaire.9. 1¶HQIRQFH]MDPDLVG¶REMHWVGDQVOHVIHQWHVGXVRFOHRXGXPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿OFDUFHFLULVTXHUDLWG¶HQWUHUHQFRQWDFWDYHFGHVSRLQWVGHWHQVLRQGDQJHUHX[RXSURYRTXHUXQFRXUWFLUFXLW1¶pFKDSSH]pas de liquides dans l’appareil.10. $¿QGHUpGXLUHOHVULVTXHVG¶pOHFWURFXWLRQQHGpPRQWH]SDVO¶DSSDUHLOPDLVDSSRUWH]OHSOXW{WjXQFHQWUHGHVHUYLFHTXDOL¿pV¶LOGRLWrWUHUpSDUp/¶RXYHUWXUHRXOHUHWUDLWGHSLqFHVGXVRFOHRXGXPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿ODXWUHTXHOHVSRUWHVG¶DFFqVSHXYHQWYRXVH[SRVHUjGHVWHQVLRQVGDQJHUHXVHVHWjG¶DXWUHVULVTXHVDébranchez l’appareil avant de procéder au nettoyage. Utilisez un chiffon humide et doux.11. Ne surchargez pas les prises de courant et les rallonges.12. Débranchez cet appareil de la prise de courant et communiquez avec le département de service à la FOLHQWqOHGH97HFKGDQVOHVFDVVXLYDQWV• Lorsque le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé ou écorché.• Si du liquide a été échappé dans l’appareil.• Si l’appareil a été exposé à une source d’humidité telle que la pluie ou l’eau.• Si le produit ne fonctionne pas normalement en respectant les instructions de fonctionnement. Réglez uniquement les commandes indiquées dans le les instructions de fonctionnement. Les réglages incorrects des autres commandes pourraient provoquer un dommage qui pourrait H[LJHUXQWUDYDLOH[KDXVWLIGHODSDUWG¶XQWHFKQLFLHQDXWRULVpD¿QGHUpWDEOLUOHIRQFWLRQQHPHQWnormal de l’appareil.•6LOHSURGXLWDpWppFKDSSpHWTXHOHVRFOHHWRXOHPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿ODpWpHQGRPPDJp•6LOHSURGXLWDI¿FKHXQHQHWWHGLPLQXWLRQGHVDSHUIRUPDQFH13. eYLWH]G¶XWLOLVHUOH7pOpSKRQHGHFRQIpUHQFHDYHFPLFURSKRQHVVDQV¿O(ULV6WDWLRQSHQGDQWXQRUDJH14. 1¶XWLOLVH]SDVOH7pOpSKRQHGHFRQIpUHQFHDYHFPLFURSKRQHVVDQV¿O(ULV6WDWLRQSRXUUDSSRUWHUXQHIXLWHGHJD]jSUR[LPLWpGHODIXLWH(QFHUWDLQHVFLUFRQVWDQFHVXQHÀDPPqFKHSRXUUDLWrWUHprovoquée lorsque l’adaptateur est branché dans une prise de courant ou lorsque le microphone auxiliaire est déposé sur son socle. Ceci est un événement commun associé à la fermeture d’un circuit électrique. L’utilisateur ne doit pas brancher le téléphone dans une prise de courant ni insérer XQPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿OUHFKDUJpGDQVOHVRFOHVLOHWpOpSKRQHVHWURXYHGDQVXQHQYLURQQHPHQWFRQWHQDQWGHVFRQFHQWUDWLRQVGHPDWLqUHVLQÀDPPDEOHVRXDXWUHVJD]VXVFHSWLEOHVGHSURGXLUHGHVÀDPPHVVDXIHQSUpVHQFHG¶XQHDpUDWLRQDGpTXDWH8QHÀDPPqFKHGDQVXQWHOHQGURLWSRXUUDLWSURYRTXHUXQLQFHQGLHRXXQHH[SORVLRQ'HWHOVHQYLURQQHPHQWVSHXYHQWFRPSUHQGUHGHVHQGURLWVRO¶RQXWLOLVHGHO¶R[\JqQHPpGLFDOVDQVYHQWLODWLRQDGpTXDWHGHVJD]LQGXVWULHOVGLVVROYDQWVGHQHWWR\DJHGHVYDSHXUVG¶HVVHQFHHWFXQHIXLWHGHJD]QDWXUHOHWF15. 1HGpSRVH]TXHOHPLFURSKRQHVDQV¿OSUqVGHYRWUHRUHLOOHTXHORUVTX¶LOHVWHQPRGHGHconversation normale.16. &HVDGDSWDWHXUVRQWpWpFRQoXVSRXUrWUHRULHQWpVHQSRVLWLRQYHUWLFDOHRXPRQWpVDXVRO/HVEURFKHVQHVRQWSDVFRQoXHVSRXUPDLQWHQLUO¶DGDSWDWHXUHQSODFHVLFHOXLFLHVWEDUQFKpGDQVXQHprise au plafond ou sous une table/ armoire.17. 3RXUOHV352'8,76¬%5$1&+(5¬81(35,6('(&285$17ODSULVHGHFRXUDQWGRLWrWUHLQVWDOOpHSUqVGXSURGXLWD¿QG¶DVVXUHUXQHDFFHVVLELOLWpVpFXULWDLUHjODSULVHGHFRXUDQW18. MISE EN GARDE : Il peut y avoir un risque d’explosion si vous utilisez le mauvais type de piles. 1¶XWLOLVH]TXHOHEORFSLOHVUHFKDUJHDEOHLQFOXVRXOHEORFSLOHVGHUHFKDQJH%7%71¶LQFLQpUH]SDVOHVSLOHV&HOOHVFLULVTXHUDLHQWG¶H[SORVHU-HWH]OHVSLOHVXVpHVVHORQOHVrenseignements suivant le sceau du RBRCMD.19. N’utilisez que les adaptateurs inclus avec ce produit. L’utilisation d’un adaptateur dont la polarité ou la tension serait inadéquate risque d’endommager sérieusement le produit et mettre votre sécurité en SpULO$GDSWDWHXU(QWUpH±9&$+]6RUWLH9&&20P$CONSERVEZ CES INSTRUCTIONS
64Pile•0,6((1*$5'(1¶XWLOLVH]TXHODSLOHLQFOXVH•1HMHWH]SDVODSLOHDXIHX9pULILH]OHVLQVWUXFWLRQVVSpFLILTXHVGHPLVHDX[UHEXVDXSUès des autorités locales.• N’ouvrez pas et ne mutilez pas la pile. L’électrolyte qui s’en échapperait est corrosif et pourrait causer des brûlures ou des blessures aux yeux ou à la peau. L’électrolyte est toxique si avalé.•6R\H]SUXGHQWVORUVTXHYRXVPDQLSXOH]OHVSLOHVDILQG¶pYLWHUOHVFRXUWVFLUFXLWVSURYRTXpVSDUGHVmatériaux conducteurs.• Rechargez la pile incluse avec cet appareil, selon les instructions et limites spécifiées dans ce guide d’utilisation.Stimulateurs cardiaques implantés dans l’organisme/HVVLPXODWHXUVFDUGLDTXHVV¶DSSOLTXHXQLTXHPHQWDX[WpOpSKRQHVQXPpULTXHVVDQVILO/¶RUJDQLVPHµ:LUHOHVV7HFKQRORJ\5HVHDUFK//&:75¶XQHILUPHGHUHFKHUFKHLQGpSHQGDQWHDPHQpune évaluation pluridisciplinaire des interférences entre les téléphones sans fil portatifs et les stimulateurs FDUGLDTXHVLPSODQWpVGDQVO¶RUJDQLVPH$SSX\pHSDUO¶$GPLQLVWUDWLRQGHVDOLPHQWVHWGURJXHV)'$GHVeWDWV8QLVODILUPH:75UHFRPPDQGHDX[PpGHFLQVAvis aux détenteurs de stimulateurs cardiaques• Ils doivent tenir le téléphone sans fil à une distance d’au moins six pouces du stimulateur cardiaque.• Ils ne doivent PAS placer le téléphone sans fil directement sur le stimulateur cardiaque, tel que dans une SRFKHGHFKHPLVHORUVTXHFHOXLFLHVWHQPDUFKH• Ils doivent utiliser le téléphone sans fil en l’appuyant sur l’oreille qui se trouve dans la direction opposée au stimulateur cardiaque.L’étude effectuée par l’organisme WRS n’a pas identifié de risque pour les détenteurs de simulateurs FDUGLDTXHVFDXVpVSDUOHVJHQVTXLXWLOLVHQWXQWpOpSKRQHVDQVILOjSUR[LPLWpGHFHX[FL¬SURSRVGHVPLFURSKRQHVVDQV¿O• Confidentialité: Les mêmes caractéristiques qui constituent des avantages pour les téléphones sans fil affichent également des restrictions. Les appels téléphoniques sur les téléphones conférence sans ILOVRQWWUDQVPLVHQWUHOHFRPELQpVDQVILOHWOHVRFOHSDUOHELDLVG¶RQGHVUDGLRLO\DGRQFODSRVVLELOLWpque vos conversations téléphoniques sans fil soient interceptées par des équipements de réception radio se trouvant dans la portée du combiné sans fil. Pour cette raison, vous ne devez pas percevoir les communications sur les téléphones conférence sans fil comme étant aussi confidentielles que celles des téléphones à cordons.• Alimentation électrique: Le socle de ce téléphone conférence sans fil doit être branché à une prise pOHFWULTXHIRQFWLRQQHOOH/DSULVHpOHFWULTXHQHGRLWSDVrWUHFRQWU{OpHSDUXQLQWHUUXSWHXUPXUDO/HVappels ne pourront pas être effectués du téléphone conférence sans fil si le socle est débranché ou mis hors tension ou si le courant est interrompu.• Possibilité d’interférences aux téléviseurs: Certains microphones sans fil sans fil fonctionnent sur des fréquences pouvant causer des interférences aux téléviseurs et aux magnétoscopes. Pour réduire ou prévenir de telles interférences, ne placez pas le socle du téléphone sans fil à proximité ou sur un téléviseur ou magnétoscope. S’il y a présence de parasites, il est conseillé d’éloigner le téléphone sans fil du téléviseur ou du magnétoscope afin de réduire possiblement les interférences.• Piles rechargeables:0DQLSXOH]OHVSLOHVDYHFVRLQDILQGHQHSDVOHVFRXUWFLUFXLWHUDYHFGHVEDJXHVbracelets ou clés. Les piles ou le conducteur peut surchauffer et causer des blessures.• Les bloc-piles rechargeables à au lithium-ion:-HWH]FHVEORFVSLOHVGHPDQLqUHpFRORJLTXHet sécuritaire. Ne les incinérez pas et ne les percez pas. Tel que les autres piles de ce type, elles pourraient dégager une matière toxique qui peut causer des blessures corporelles si elles sont brûlées ou percées.For C-ETL compliance only
65What does this limited warranty cover?The manufacturer of this VTech Product warrants to the holder of a valid proof of purchase (“Consumer” or ³\RX´WKDWWKH3URGXFWDQGDOODFFHVVRULHVSURYLGHGLQWKHVDOHVSDFNDJH³3URGXFW´DUHIUHHIURPGHIHFWVin material and workmanship, pursuant to the following terms and conditions, when installed and used normally and in accordance with the Product operating instructions. This limited warranty extends only to the Consumer for Products purchased and used in the United States of America and Canada.What will VTech do if the Product is not free from defects in materials and workmanship during the limited warranty period (“Materially Defective Product”)?During the limited warranty period, VTech’s authorized service representative will repair or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, a Materially Defective Product. If we repair the Product, we may use new or refurbished replacement parts. If we choose to replace the Product, we may replace it with a new or refurbished Product of the same or similar design. We will retain defective parts, modules, or equipment. Repair or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive remedy. VTech will return the repaired or replacement Products to you in working condition. You should expect the repair or replacement to take approximately 30 days.How long is the limited warranty period?7KHOLPLWHGZDUUDQW\SHULRGIRUWKH3URGXFWH[WHQGVIRU7:2<($56IURPWKHGDWHRISXUFKDVH,IVTech repairs or replaces a Materially Defective Product under the terms of this limited warranty, this OLPLWHGZDUUDQW\DOVRDSSOLHVWRWKHUHSDLUHGRUUHSODFHPHQW3URGXFWIRUDSHULRGRIHLWKHUDGD\VIURPWKHGDWHWKHUHSDLUHGRUUHSODFHPHQW3URGXFWLVVKLSSHGWR\RXRUEWKHWLPHUHPDLQLQJRQWKHRULJLQDOWZR\HDUZDUUDQW\ZKLFKHYHULVORQJHUWhat is not covered by this limited warranty?7KLVOLPLWHGZDUUDQW\GRHVQRWFRYHU1. 3URGXFWWKDWKDVEHHQVXEMHFWHGWRPLVXVHDFFLGHQWVKLSSLQJRURWKHUSK\VLFDOGDPDJHLPSURSHULQVWDOODWLRQDEQRUPDORSHUDWLRQRUKDQGOLQJQHJOHFWLQXQGDWLRQ¿UHZDWHURURWKHUOLTXLGLQWUXVLRQRU2. 3URGXFWWKDWKDVEHHQGDPDJHGGXHWRUHSDLUDOWHUDWLRQRUPRGL¿FDWLRQE\DQ\RQHRWKHUWKDQDQDXWKRUL]HGVHUYLFHUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRI97HFKRU3. Product to the extent that the problem experienced is caused by signal conditions, network reliability, or FDEOHRUDQWHQQDV\VWHPVRU4. 3URGXFWWRWKHH[WHQWWKDWWKHSUREOHPLVFDXVHGE\XVHZLWKQRQ97HFKDFFHVVRULHVRU5. Product whose warranty/quality stickers, product serial number plates or electronic serial numbers KDYHEHHQUHPRYHGDOWHUHGRUUHQGHUHGLOOHJLEOHRU6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for repair from outside the United States of America or Canada, or used for commercial or institutional purposes (including but not limited to Products used for UHQWDOSXUSRVHVRU7. 3URGXFWUHWXUQHGZLWKRXWDYDOLGSURRIRISXUFKDVHVHHLWHPRQWKHQH[WSDJHRU8. &KDUJHVIRULQVWDOODWLRQRUVHWXSDGMXVWPHQWRIFXVWRPHUFRQWUROVDQGLQVWDOODWLRQRUUHSDLURIV\VWHPVoutside the unit.Limited warranty
66How do you get warranty service?To obtain warranty service in the USA, please visit our website at http://businessphones.vtech.com or call 1-888-370-2006.NOTE%HIRUHFDOOLQJIRUVHUYLFHSOHDVHUHYLHZWKHXVHU¶VPDQXDODFKHFNRIWKH3URGXFW¶VFRQWUROVDQGfeatures may save you a service call.Except as provided by applicable law, you assume the risk of loss or damage during transit and transportation and are responsible for delivery or handling charges incurred in the transport of the 3URGXFWVWRWKHVHUYLFHORFDWLRQ97HFKZLOOUHWXUQUHSDLUHGRUUHSODFHG3URGXFWXQGHUWKLVOLPLWHGwarranty. Transportation, delivery or handling charges are prepaid. VTech assumes no risk for damage or loss of the Product in transit. If the Product failure is not covered by this limited warranty, or proof of purchase does not meet the terms of this limited warranty, VTech will notify you and will request that you authorize the cost of repair prior to any further repair activity. You must pay for the cost of repair and return shipping costs for the repair of Products that are not covered by this limited warranty.What must you return with the Product to get warranty service?1. Return the entire original package and contents including the Product to the VTech service location DORQJZLWKDGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHPDOIXQFWLRQRUGLI¿FXOW\DQG2. ,QFOXGHD³YDOLGSURRIRISXUFKDVH´VDOHVUHFHLSWLGHQWLI\LQJWKH3URGXFWSXUFKDVHG3URGXFWPRGHODQGWKHGDWHRISXUFKDVHRUUHFHLSWDQG3. Provide your name, complete and correct mailing address, and telephone number.Other limitationsThis warranty is the complete and exclusive agreement between you and VTech. It supersedes all other written or oral communications related to this Product. VTech provides no other warranties for this Product. The warranty exclusively describes all of VTech’s responsibilities regarding the Product. There are no other H[SUHVVZDUUDQWLHV1RRQHLVDXWKRUL]HGWRPDNHPRGL¿FDWLRQVWRWKLVOLPLWHGZDUUDQW\DQG\RXVKRXOGQRWUHO\RQDQ\VXFKPRGL¿FDWLRQ6WDWH3URYLQFLDO/DZ5LJKWV7KLVZDUUDQW\JLYHV\RXVSHFL¿FOHJDOULJKWVDQG\RXPD\DOVRKDYHRWKHUrights, which vary from state to state or province to province./LPLWDWLRQV,PSOLHGZDUUDQWLHVLQFOXGLQJWKRVHRI¿WQHVVIRUDSDUWLFXODUSXUSRVHDQGPHUFKDQWDELOLW\DQXQZULWWHQZDUUDQW\WKDWWKH3URGXFWLV¿WIRURUGLQDU\XVHDUHOLPLWHGWRWZR\HDUVIURPWKHGDWHRIpurchase. Some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall VTech be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, FRQVHTXHQWLDORUVLPLODUGDPDJHVLQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRORVWSUR¿WVRUUHYHQXHLQDELOLW\WRXVHWKH3URGXFWRURWKHUDVVRFLDWHGHTXLSPHQWWKHFRVWRIVXEVWLWXWHHTXLSPHQWDQGFODLPVE\WKLUGSDUWLHVresulting from the use of this Product. Some states/provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.Please retain your original sales receipt as proof of purchase.Limited warranty
677HFKQLFDOVSHFL¿FDWLRQVFrequency control Crystal controlled PLL synthesizerTransmit frequency :LUHOHVVPLF±0+]%DVHXQLW±0+]Channels 5Nominal effective rangeMaximum power allowed by FCC and IC. Actual operating range may vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use.Optimal and minimum distances2SWLPDOGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQWKHEDVHXQLWZLUHOHVVPLFDQGWKHSDUWLFLSDQWIHHW0LQLPXPGLVWDQFHEHWZHHQHDFKZLUHOHVVPLFIRRWPower requirements :LUHOHVVPLF/LLRQ%DWWHU\3DFN9P$+UHFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHU\%DVHXQLWDGDSWHU,QSXW±9$&+]                               Output9V DC @ 2000mAMemory /RFDOGLUHFWRU\PHPRU\ORFDWLRQVXSWRGLJLWVDQGFKDUDFWHUV&DOOORJPHPRU\ORFDWLRQVXSWRGLJLWVDQGFKDUDFWHUV
68VTech Communications, Inc. $PHPEHURI7+(97(&+*52832)&203$1,(697HFKLVDUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNRI97HFK+ROGLQJV/LPLWHGErisStationTM and Orbitlink Wireless TechnologyTM are trademarks of VTech Communications, Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation  in the United States and/or other countries. 6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWQRWLFH© 2015 for VTech Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Version 1 04/15'HVLJQHGWR¿W\RXUKRPHAnd your life.

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