VTech Telecommunications 80-6292-00 Cordless Phone with Instant Messaging User Manual II

VTech Telecommunications Ltd Cordless Phone with Instant Messaging Users Manual II


Users Manual II

www.vtechphones.com39Telephone settingsRecord sound clipsYou can record your own sound clip which can be used as a ringer using either the microphone or audio cable. When using the microphone, the sound clip will be recorded through the handset’s microphone. When using the audio ECDNGVJGUQWPFENKRYKNNDGTGEQTFGFVJTQWIJVJGJGCFUGVLCEMTo record sound clip using microphone:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Ringer, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Record Sound Clip, then press the SELECT softkey or     the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Using Microphone.Step 5: Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The screen will display Record after the tone temporarily and a recording tone will be sounded.     (Proceed to Step 6 on the next page)-OR-To record a sound clip using an audio cable:5VGR 7UKPIVJGCWFKQECDN GRTQXKFGF RNWIQPGGPFKPVQVJGLCEMQPVJGUKFGQ HVJ GJCPFUG VDGPGCV JVJ GUOCN NTWDDG TƀCRCP FRNW IVJ Gother end into an audio port   on your computer.Step 2: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 3: Press the  ,  ,   and/or   NavKeys to choose Ringer then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Using the telephone when recording will end the recording procedure.You can exit the recording procedure anytime by pressing OFF.The screen will display Recording discarded and the sound clip will not be saved.••SELECTRingerBACKBACK SELECTRingerPlay Sound ClipsRinger Melody Ringer Volume Record Sound ClipBACKUsing Microphone Using Audio Cab le Remaining record time:2:54Record Sound ClipSELECTRecord after the toneRecord Sound Clip
www.vtechphones.com 40Telephone settingsTo record a sound clip using audio cable:Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Record Sound Clip, then press the SELECT softkey or     the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Using Audio Cable.Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The screen will display Insert Audio Cable into headset jack. Press RECORD to start. Step 5: Press the RECORD softkey to start recording. Step 6: The screen will then display Recording... to indicate the recording is in progress.Step 7: Press the STOP softkey to stop recording or the telephone will stop recording automatically when it has exceeded its recording time for a single sound clip and Recording completed will be displayed on the screen.Step 8: Press the PLAY softkey to playback the sound clip recorded.Step 9: Press the SAVE softkey to save the sound clip. Use the dial pad to enter the name of the sound clip in the box and press the SAVEsoftkey.  The screen will display Sound clip saved.Step 10: Press OFF to discard the sound clip.Step 11: It will then return to the Record Sound Clip screen and the remaining record time will be shown.Step 12: The recorded sound clip will be displayed at the bottom of the list on the Play Sound Clips screen.Telephone settingsBACKUsing Microphone Using Audio Cable Remaining record time:2:54Record Sound ClipSELECTRecord Sound ClipInsert audio cable  into headset jack. Press RECORD to start. RECORDRecord Sound Clip    Recording completed SAVE PLAYRecord Sound ClipSAVE    Enter Clip Name Morning
www.vtechphones.com41Telephone settingsRinger melodyIn this menu, you can listen to the ring melodies and set different ring melodies for the standard and VoIP incoming calls.Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press  the  , ,   and/or    NavKeys to  choose  Ringer  then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose a Ringer Melody,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .Step 4: To set ringer melody for standard incoming calls, press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose PSTN Ringer Melody.    -OR-    To set ringer melody for VoIP incoming calls, press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose VoIP Ringer Melody.Step 5: Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 6: A list of ring melodies will be shown. The selected melody has a check beside it and the melody currently playing is shown in larger/bold text.Step 7: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose a melody and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTOThe screen will display Choice saved.SELECTRingerBACKBACK SELECTRingerPlay Sound ClipsRinger MelodyRinger Volume Record Sound ClipBACK SELECTPSTN Ringer MelodyVoIP Ringer MelodyRinger MelodyBACK SELECTPSTN Ringer Melody√    Melody 1Melody 2     Melody 3  Melody 4 Riff Rock Change Up!
www.vtechphones.com 42Telephone settingsTelephone settingsRinger volume6QCFLWUVVJGJCPFUGVTKPIGTXQNWOGStep 1 : Press th e MENU softk ey from th e idle sc reen.Step 2 : Press  th e  , ,  a nd/or    N a v K eys  to  c h oose R ing er,  th en press th e S EL EC T softk ey or th e c enter N a v K ey/S EL EC T/.Step 3 : Press th e u p or dow n N a v K ey   or   to c h oose R ing er V o lu m e,th en press th e S EL EC T softk ey or th e c enter N a v K ey/S EL EC T/.T h e c u rrent ring er v olu me w ill b e pla yed.Step 4 : Press  th e  left  or  rig h t  N a v K ey    or    to  inc rea se  or  dec rea se th e v olu me. T h e v olu me  lev el w ill b e sh ow n on th e sc reen w h en CFLWUVKPI#UCORNGQHVJGXQNWOGNGXGNYKNNDGRNC[GFCVVJGUCOGtime. W h en th e ring er v olu me is set to off (no h ig h lig h ted v olu me b a r is sh ow n on th e sc reen), no sa mple v olu me w ill b e pla yed a nd R ing er O ff w ill b e displa yed on th e sc reen. Step 5 : Press  th e  S EL EC T  softk ey  or  th e  c enter  N a v K ey/S EL EC T/.  A EQPſTOCVKQPVQPGYKNNDGUQWPFGFStep 6 : T h e ring er off ic on   w ill b e displa yed w h ile in th e ma in idle sc reen if th e ring er v olu me is set to off. Press th e B a c k softk ey a t a nytime to retu rn to th e prev iou s sc reen.T h e ring er v olu me is th e sa me for sta nda rd a nd V oIP c a lls.••SELECTR in g erB ACKBACK SELECTRingerPlay Sound ClipsRinger Melody Ringer VolumeRecord Sound Clip Ringer Volume BACK  SELECT
www.vtechphones.com43Telephone settingsD isplayF rom  this  menu  you  can  change  the  wallpaper,  color  scheme  and  L C D brightness of the telephone.W allpapersThe  handset  is  preset  with  a  background  picture  (wallpaper)  that  will  be displayed  when  the  handset  is  in  the  idle  screen.  To  choose  a  different wallpaper:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey on the main idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose D isplay, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose W allpaper, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The current wallpaper will be displayed.Step 4: Press the left or right NavKey   or   to scroll through the list of wallpaper then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ to set the selected picture as wallpaper. Step 6: Press the Back softkey to return to the previous screen, or press OFF  to  return  to  the  idle  screen.  The  selected  wallpaper  will  be displayed on the idle screen.SELECTDisplayBACKBACK SELECTW allpaperColor SchemeLCD Brightness  DisplayWallpaperBACK SELECT
www.vtechphones.com 44Telephone settingsTelephone settingsColor SchemeThe color of the handset screen can be changed to different color schemes. To set the color themes:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey on the main idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Display then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Color Scheme,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .A list of color schemes will be shown. Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to scroll through the color schemes and the highlighted color scheme will be shown on the screen accordingly.Step 5: Press the  SELECT  softkey or  the  center  NavKey/SELECT/  to EQPſTOCP FVJ GUGNGEVG FEQNQ TUEJGO GYKN ND GFKURNC[G FQPVJ Ghandset.SELECTDisplayBACKBACK SELECTWallpaperColor Scheme LCD Brightness  DisplayBACK SELECTColor SchemeColor Scheme 1 Color Scheme 2  Color Scheme 3  Color Scheme 4  Color Scheme 5
www.vtechphones.com45Telephone settingsLCD Brightness6JGDTKIJVPGU UQHJCPFUGVŏ UUETGG PECPDGCFLWUVG FVQUWKVFKHHGTGP VNKIJVKP Iconditions. To change the LCD brightness of the handset screen:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Display, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose LCD Brightness,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.The current level of LCD brightness will be shown on the screen.Step 4: Press the left or right NavKey   or  VQCFLWU VVJ GNGXGNQH.%&brightness.  The  level  of  LCD  brightness  will  be  shown  when CFLWUVKPIStep 5: Press the SELECTUQHVMG[VQEQPſTOCPFVJGNGXGNQH.%&DTKIJVPGUUwill be displayed on the screen.SELECTDisplayBACKBACK SELECTWallpaperColor SchemeLCD Brightness DisplayBACK SELECT LCD Brightness
www.vtechphones.com 46Telephone settingsTelephone settingsSettingsFrom  this  menu  you  can  change  the  clock  setting  and  key  tone  of  the telephone. Y ou can remove the VM WI indicator   manually if it is on while there is no voicemail message. Y ou can also reset the telephone setting to the default value.Clock settingThe  telephone  clock  is  set  by  default  to  synchroniz e  with  the  clock  of your  personal  computer.  Y ou  can  allow  the  clock  to  be  set  manually  or automatically if you subscribe to the caller ID service provided by your local telephone company (refer to Caller ID operation on page 7 2). To synchroniz e the telephone clock with the computer/caller ID:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Clock Setting,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .Step 4: To synchroniz e with computer, press the up or down NavKey or   to choose P C and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The telephone clock will be synchroniz ed with the personal computer automatically.    -OR-    To synchroniz e with caller  ID, press the up or  down NavKey or   to choose CID and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The telephone clock will be synchroniz ed with VJGECNNGT+&CHVGTVJGſTUVKPEQOKPIECNNYKVJECNNGT+&KPHQTOCVKQPInvalid time input (e.g. 27 :7 6) using the dial pad will be ignored by the system and it will return to its previous setting after the time is saved.O nly the 12 hour clock format of time is accepted in the clock setting.••SELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock  SettingIM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsBACK SELECTClock SettingIM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsCIDPCManualBACK SELECTClock SettingIM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsCIDPCManual
www.vtechphones.com47Telephone settingsClock settingTo set the clock manually:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Clock Setting,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Manual, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The current time will be displayed.Step 5: Press  the  up  or  down  NavKey    or  V QCFLWU VVJ GPWODG TD [KPETGOGPVUQHYJKNGVJGſGNFKUJKIJNKIJVGF    -OR-    U se the dial pad (see Chart of characters on page 35) to enter the time directly.Step 6: Press the left or right NavKey   or   to move the cursor to the nex t ſGNFStep 7: R epeat the Step 4 -5 until the time is correct. Press the SA VE softkey VQEQPſTOSELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock SettingIM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsBACK SELECTClock SettingIM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsCIDPCManualBACK SAVE07:11 PM Manual Clock Input
www.vtechphones.com 48Telephone settingsTelephone settingsK ey toneKey tone is off by default. When the key tone is on, the handset will beep with each key press. To change the key tone setting:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose K ey Tone, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose On or Off, and press  the SELECT softkey or  the  center  NavKey/SELECT/  to EQPſTOSELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsOnOff
www.vtechphones.com49Telephone settingsIM alert toneIM alert tone is off by default. When the IM alert tone is on, the handset will beep  while there is  an incoming instant  message.  To  change the  IM alert tone setting:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose IM Alert Tone,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose On or Off, and press  the  SELECT  softkey  or  the  center  NavKey/SELECT/  to EQPſTOSELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert Tone Clear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert Tone Clear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsOnOff
www.vtechphones.com 50Telephone settingsTelephone settingsClear voice mailIf you subscribe to the voicemail service provided by your local telephone company and you have a new voicemail message, the VMWI icon   will be displayed on the screen. Please contact your local telephone company for more information about voicemail service. To manually remove the VMWI indication:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Clear Voice Mail,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Y es and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTOThe VMWI icon   will disappear on the idle screen. Press the Nosoftkey to return to the previous screen.Clearing the VMWI only turns off the indicator; it does not delete the voicemail message(s). Use this feature when the telephone indicates there is voicemail when you have none, or you have accessed your voicemail from a different telephone line (while away from home). If there actually is a new voicemail message, your local telephone company will continue to send the signal which turns the indicator back on.SELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsYesNo
www.vtechphones.com51Telephone settingsDefault settingTelephone settings including handset volume, headset volume,  speakerphone volume, ringer volume, melody for standard calls, melody for VoIP calls, key tone, wallpaper, color scheme, LCD brightness, clock setting, real time clock, VMWI and redial records can be reset to the default values in this menu. To reset the telephone settings:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Settings, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Default Settings,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .Step 4: The  screen  will  display  Are you  sure  you  want  to  restore  the d efault settings?Step : Press the YesUQHVMG [VQEQPſT OCP FVJ GVGNGRJQP GUGVVKPI UYKN Nbe reset to the default values listed in Default setting tab le on the next page. Press the No softkey to cancel.Registration information, directory and call log entries will not be deleted when the default settings are restored.•SELECTSettingsBACKBACK SELECTClock Setting IM Alert ToneClear Voice Mail Default SettingsKey ToneSettingsHandset will bederegistered.Are you sure?YES NODefault SettingsAre you sure youwant to restore the default settings ?
www.vtechphones.com 52Telephone settingsDefault setting tableParameter Default valuesH andset volume Level 3H eadset volume Level 2Speakerphone volume Level 5Ringer volume Level 6Melody for standard call Melody # 1Melody for VoIP call Melody # 2Key tone  OFFIM alert tone OFFWallpaperColor scheme Color scheme 1LCD brightness Level 4Clock setting Synchronize with PCReal time clock 12:00 AMVMWI ClearedRedial records ClearedTelephone settings
www.vtechphones.com53MessengerThis menu allows you to send instant messages to the people on your IM buddy list. To access the messenger:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  ,  ,   and/or   NavKeys to choose Messenger, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .    -OR-    Press the MSNG R softkey to access the messenger directly while in the idle screen.Step 3: The buddy status window will be displayed on the screen. Press the left or right NavKey   or   to choose from different tabs.Buddy status windowB uddy status window has been divided into four tabs including ACTIVE CH AT WINDOW  , ONLINE  , OFFLINE   and STATUS  . The buddy names are displayed alphabetically.For those buddies with Internet voice req uests or unread message, their name will be put at the top of the list in the active chat window. Active chat windowWhile there is an incoming or outgoing instant message or voice req uest from or to a buddy, the name of the buddy will be shown in this window. If there is an unread message or an Internet voice connection req uest,   or   will be shown in front of the name of the buddy respectively.All the buddies in this window should also be in the ONLINE window.SELECTMessengerBACK7:15 PMMENUMSNGRShirleyONLINEOPTIONSCHATJane DoeJoeMarySusan SmithThe name associated with VJGRTQſNG[QWCTGlogged into will show in the title bar.The ONLINE tab will be displayed by default after you login to the messenger. If there is a chat activity, the ACTIVE CH AT WINDOW tab will be displayed after logging in.••ShirleyACTIVE CHAT WINDOWSusan SmithCLOSECHAT
www.vtechphones.com 54MessengerMessengerOnlineA  list  of  active  (on-line)  buddies  will  be  displayed  in  this  window.  Instant messages  (IM)  and  Internet  voice  requests  (VoIP)  can  only  be  made  to buddies currently in the active (online) list.The status will be shown in front of the buddy name. The wording used for online status and the display of the status in PC and IS6110 phone are similar but not the same. See the below table for details.SettingPC IS6110  phone Display of the status in IS6110 phoneOnline OnlineBusy Busy [Busy]Be right back Be Back [Idle]Away Away [Idle]In a call / On the phone Onphone [Idle]Out to lunch To Lunch [Idle]#RRGCTQHƀKPG Invisible [Idle]1HƀKPG#NNQHVJGQHƀKPGDWFFKGUCPFDWFFKGUYJQJCXGUKIPGFKPVQOGUUGPIGTYKVJ#RRGCTQHƀKPG status will be displayed in this window. IM and VoIP requests ECPPQVDGUGPVVQCDWFF[YKVJQHƀKPGUVCVWUIf the online buddy list is too long, only part of the list can be shown. The rest of the list can be viewed by pressing the down NavKey to scroll through the list.The messenger screen will disappear from the screen automatically while you try to make a call or press OFFwhen in the messenger, but the messenger still runs in the background.••ShirleyONLINEOPTIONSCHATJane DoeJoeMarySusan SmithShirleyOFFLINEOPTIONSAnnieDavidJohn RyanPeter
www.vtechphones.com55MessengerActive statusWhile there is an Internet voice connection (VoIP) request or unread instant message (IM) from a buddy,   or the   icon will be shown in front of the name of the  buddy and the buddy will also appear in the  ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW. If the buddy sends out both IM and VoIP request, both icons will be shown in front of the name of the buddy. While in idle mode, the icon(s) will also be shown on the screen and a beep tone will sound to remind you there is an unread IM or VoIP request. Press the MSNGR softkey to access the messenger directly. To accept the Internet voice connection (VoIP) req uest:Step 1: While in ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW tab, press the up or down NavKey  or   to highlight the desired buddy with the   icon.Step 2: Press  the  ACCEPT  softkey  to  accept  the  request  or  press  the DECLINE softkey to refuse the request.If the incoming  VoIP request is  not answered and the buddy cancels the request, the system will send a new message on behalf of the buddy to notify you that the VoIP call was ended and   icon will be shown in front of the buddy name on the screen instead.Reviewing unread instant messages:Step 1: While in ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW tab, press the up or down NavKey  or   to choose a desired buddy with the   icon.Step 2: Press the center NavKey/SELECT/ or the CHAT softkey to review the message. If you receive an instant message while on a call, the   icon will be displayed but there will be no audio alert. To check the message, end the call and go to the contact listIf there are more than one VoIP requests coming in, only VJGſTUVTGSWGUVwill be accepted. The remaining request(s) will DGTGLGEVGFautomatically.•ShirleyACTIVE CHAT WINDOWSusan SmithCLOSECHATShirleyACTIVE CHAT WINDOWSusan SmithCLOSECHAT
www.vtechphones.com 56MessengerMessengerSend out instant messages Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  ,  ,   and/or   NavKeys to choose Messenger, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .    -OR-    Press the MSNGR softkey to access the messenger directly while in the idle screen.Step 3: Press the left or right NavKey   or   to choose either ONLINE or ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW tab.Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired buddy, and press the CHAT softkey. A chat window of the selected buddy will be displayed. There is an input box at the bottom of the chat window.Step 5: Use the dial pad to enter the message in the input box. Press ALT to change to numeric input mode, or press CAP to alternate between uppercase or lowercase. The name of the person you are talking to will be shown in the title bar. Press the left or right NavKey   or to move the cursor to the desired place and press DEL  to delete text.Step 6: After entering the message, press   to send out the message and the sent message will be shown in the chat window. Press the up or down NavKey   or   to review the chat history.Step 7: To  return  to  the  buddy  list  without  ending  your  chat,  press  the BUDDIES  softkey.  To  return  to  an  active  chat,  press  the  up  or down NavKey  to choose the desired buddy, and press the CHAT softkey.       -OR-    Press the OPTIONS softkey, and press the up or down NavKey or   to choose Close. Press the SELECT softkey or  the center NavKey/SELECT/.When there is an incoming or outgoing instant message from or to the buddy, the name of the buddy will be added in the ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW on the buddy list.•SELECTMessengerBACKShirleyONLINEOPTIONSCHATJane DoeJoeMarySusan Smith> HiSusan Smith > Hello!Susan SmithBUDDIES OPTIONS
www.vtechphones.com57MessengerSend a VoIP requestStep 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Messenger,then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/ .    -OR-    Press the MSNGR softkey to access the messenger directly while in the idle screen.Step 3: + Step 4: Press the CHAT softkey. A chat window of the selected buddy will be displayed. Press the OPTIONS softkey and press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose VoIP. Press the SELECTsoftkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.    -OR-    While in ONLINE tab, press the OPTIONS softkey and press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose VoIP. Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 5: The chat window will display > Calling (name of the buddy). At this time, you are still able to send out or receive messages. If you want to cancel the VoIP request, press the CANCEL softkey and > Call cancelled will be displayed in the chat window.Step 6: The  chat  window  will  display  > Call  accepted  when  the  buddy accepts  your VoIP request. The speakerphone is used by default and    is  shown  in  the  center  of  the  softkey  bar.  Press    to alternate  between  the  speakerphone  and  handset  mode.  If  a headset is plugged into the telephone, it will change to headset mode automatically and the    icon will be displayed in the center of the softkey bar. A VoIP request icon   will also be shown next to the name of the buddy. Only the buddies in the ACTIVE CHAT WINDOWor ONLINEsection can receive VoIP requests.•SELECTMessengerBACKShirleyONLINEOPTIONSCHATJane DoeJoeMarySusan Smith> HiSusan SmithBACK SELECTVoIPCloseShirleyONLINESELECTBACKJane DoeJoeMarySusan SmithVoIPInfoHistory
www.vtechphones.com 58MessengerMessengerSend a VoIP requestStep 7: To mute the microphone during a conversation, press the  MUTEsoftkey and the mute icon   will be shown in the center of the softkey bar.  Press the UNMUTE softkey to resume normal conversation.Step 8: To end the VoIP conversation, press the CANCEL softkey. The chat window  will  display  >Call ended  when  either  you  or  your  buddy decline.Step 9: Press the BUDDIES softkey to return to the buddy list.Accept an incoming instant voice requestStep 1: While in the chat window, a VoIP request message will be displayed (e.g.  Incoming  call)  when  there  is  an  incoming  Internet  voice connection (VoIP) request from the same buddy. Step 2: Press  the  ACCEPT  softkey  to  accept  the  request  and  >Call answered will be displayed in the chat window. Press the DECLINEsoftkey to decline the request and >Call declined will be displayed in the chat window.During a VoIP conversation, you can still send out or receive instant messages.•> Hi> Calling Susan Smith Susan SmithMUTE CANCEL> Hi> Calling Susan Smith > Call acceptedSusan SmithMUTE CANCEL> Incoming call> Call answered Susan SmithBUDDIES OPTIONS
www.vtechphones.com59MessengerVoIP/IM  request from buddy outside the current buddy chat windowStep 1: While in the chat window, if there is an incoming VoIP or IM request from a different buddy, a blinking   or   icon and the name of the buddy will be displayed at the top of the screen to replace the current buddy name. The incoming buddy name will only appear for a few seconds and then return to the name of the current buddy. Step 2: Press the BUDDIES softkey.       -OR-    Press the OPTIONS softkey, and press the up or down NavKey or   to choose Close. Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: The buddy status window will be displayed. Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired buddy with   or   icon in the ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW. Step 4: While a buddy with VoIP request is highlighted, press the ACCEPTsoftkey to accept the request and >Call accepted will be displayed in a new chat window. Press the DECLINE softkey to decline the request. You may press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the previous buddy in the ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW and press the CHAT softkey to return to the previous chat window.For details on how to access the chat window, see Step 1 -4 of Send out instant messages on page 56.If there are multiple VoIP requests from different buddies, QPN[VJGſTUVrequest will be shown.If there are multiple IM requests from different buddies, only the last request will be shown.•••> HiSusan Smith > Hello!Susan SmithBUDDIES OPTIONS> HiSusan Smith > Hello!MaryBUDDIES OPTIONSShirleyACTIVE CHAT WINDOWMaryCLOSECHAT
www.vtechphones.com 60MessengerMessengerIncoming standard call while using IM in messengerWhile  in the chat window, if there is an incoming standard telephone  call, the messenger screen will disappear. The telephone will ring and the screen will display Incoming call. If you subscribe to caller ID from your telephone EQORCP[OQTGURGEKſEKPHQTOCVKQPQHVJGECNNGTUWEJCUVJGPCOGCP Ftelephone  number  will  be  displayed.  If  the  incoming  telephone  number matches one of the entries in the directory, the information of the entry will be shown.Press  /FLASH or the ANSWER softkey to answer the call. Press if you want to answer using the speakerphone. After you answer the call, the name of the buddy will be removed from the ACTIVE CHAT WINDOW in the messenger.•While in the chat window, if there are incoming standard call and VoIP request at the same time, only the incoming standard call will be displayed on the screen, the VoIP request will be declined automatically. But if the standard call is answered before the VoIP request is ended by the buddy, the VoIP requests will be displayed.•> HiSusan Smith > Hello!Susan SmithBUDDIES OPTIONSIGNOREANSWERIncoming     Call
www.vtechphones.com61MessengerIncoming standard call while using VoIP in messengerIf there is an incoming standard call while you are on a VoIP call, the phone will not ring through the speaker. There will be an audio alert heard to alert you of the new VoIP call.The screen will display Incoming call. If you subscribe to caller ID from your VGNGRJQPGEQORCP[OQTGURGEKſEKPHQTOCVKQPQPVJGECNNGTUWEJCUPCOGand telephone number will be displayed. If the incoming telephone number matches one of the entries in the directory, the information of that entry will be shown on the screen.Press  /FLASH  or  the  ANSWER  softkey  to  answer  the  call.  Press  if you want to answer using the speakerphone. The VoIP call will be dropped automaticallyPress the IGNORE softkey or OFF to drop the standard telephone call and return to the VoIP call. If the incoming call is not answered, it will return to the VoIP call after the end of the ringing. •••> Call answeredMaryBUDDIES OPTIONSIGNOREANSWERIncoming     Call
www.vtechphones.com 62MessengerMessengerIncoming Internet voice call (VoIP) while idleWhile in the idle screen and there is an incoming VoIP call, the handset will TKPIſXGVKOGUCPFVJGUETGGPYKNNFKURNC[VJGPCOGQHVJGECNNGTPress the ACCEPT softkey or   to accept the call. Press the MUTE softkey or OFF to mute the ringer. +HVJG8Q+2ECNNKUPQVCPUYGTGFCHVGTſ XGTKPIUVJG8Q+2TGSWGUVYKNND Gdropped automatically.Incoming  Internet  voice  call  (VoIP)  while  on  a  standard callWhile on a call and there is an incoming VoIP call, the name of the buddy will be displayed on the screen. The phone alert will not ring through the speaker. There will be an audio alert heard to alert you of the new VoIP call.During an incoming VoIP call, the current standard call is still on. Press OFF to end the standard call.Press the ANSWER softkey to answer the VoIP call and the standard call will end automatically.Press the IGNORE softkey to ignore the VoIP call. The standard call will be returned.If VoIP call is not answered, the call will continue until the call is declined or ended by the buddy.The VoIP call will be declined if you try to make a call.•••••ACCEPT MUTESusan Smithis callingANSWER IGNORESusan Smithis callingPress “ANSWER”  to answerIV call and end phone call.
www.vtechphones.com63Simultaneous incoming standard call and VoIP call while on a standard call8Q+2ECNNTGSWGUVEQOGUſTUVWhile on a call and there is an incoming VoIP call, the name of the caller will be displayed on the screen with an audio alert on the handset. If, at the same time, there is a standard call coming in, the VoIP call will be declined automatically and the caller ID of the standard call will be displayed on the screen with an audio alert on the handset. Press  /FLASH to answer the incoming call and put the current call on hold.5VCPFCT FECNNEQOGUſTUVWhile on a call and there is a incoming call, the caller ID of the standard call will be displayed on the screen for ten seconds with an audio alert on the handset. If a VoIP call is coming in at the same time while the caller ID information is still shown on the screen, the VoIP call will be declined automatically and the caller will receive a notice.If the VoIP request comes in after the caller ID display has disappeared, the name of the caller will be displayed on the screen. Press the ANSWER softkey to accept the request or press the IGNORE softkey to ignore the request.For details on how access buddy status window, see Step 1-2  of  Send out instant messages on page 56.•MessengerANSWER IGNORESusan Smithis callingPress “ANSWER” to answerIV call and end phone call.John Smith 555-1212Feb 14 12:35 PM
www.vtechphones.com 64MessengerMultiple incoming  Internet  voice  calls  (VoIP) while on  a standard call9JKNGQPCECNNCPFOWNVKRNG8Q+2TGSWGUVUCTGEQOKPIKPQPN[VJGſTUV8Q+2request will be accepted and displayed on the screen with an audio alert on the handset. The rest of the VoIP requests will be declined automatically. Press the ANSWER softkey to accept the request or press the IGNORE softkey to ignore VJGTGSWGUV+HPQCEVKQPKUVCMGPVQYCTFVJGſTUV8Q+2TGSWGUVVJGTGSWGUVYKNNtimeout automatically and it will then return to the standard call.View buddy historyBoth the current and previous sessions of chat history for the selected buddy can be retrieved. The date and time of the history will be shown as well. All the chat history is stored in your computer for up to six months.Step 1: While in the buddy status window, press the left or right NavKey or   to choose either ONLINE or OFFLINE tab, press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired buddy.Step 2: Press the OPTIONS softkey. Press the up or down NavKey   or  to choose History, and press the SELECT softkey or     the center NavKey/SELECT/. A history of the selected caller will be displayed.Step 3: Press  the  up  or  down  NavKey    or    to  scroll  through  the history.MessengerShirleyONLINESELECTBACKJane DoeJoeMarySusan SmithVoIPInfoHistory07-27-2007 11:57Shirley>I will. But when shall we meet?07-27-2007 11:59Billy>Me too. Let’s meet at 42nd St. at 2 pm.07-27-2007 12:00Shirley>OK!BUDDY HISTORYBACK DELETEANSWER IGNORESusan Smithis callingPress “ANSWER” to answerIV call and end phone call.
www.vtechphones.com65Delete buddy historyStep 1: Repeat Step 1-2 of View buddy history on page 64.Step 2: Press  the  DELETE  softkey.  All  the  chat  history  of  the  selected buddy will be removed. View buddy informationFrom this menu you can access email information for your buddies.Step 1: Repeat Step 1 of View buddy history on page 64.Step 2: Press the OPTIONS softkey. Press the up or down NavKey   or  to choose Info, and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The email address of the selected buddy will be displayed.Choose your IM statusStep 1: While in the buddy status window, press the left or right NavKey or   to choose either STATUS tab, press the up or down NavKey  or   to choose your status. Step 3: Press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. Your status will be shown at the top of the buddy status window. See Online on page 54 for details of status display.Sign out instant messengerStep 1: Repeat Step 1 of Choose your IM status above (page 65).Step 2: Press the SIGN OUT softkey. Messenger07-27-2007 11:57Shirley>I will. But when shall we meet?07-27-2007 11:59Billy>Me too. Let’s meet at 42nd St. at 2 pm.07-27-2007 12:00Shirley>OK!BUDDY HISTORYBACK DELETEBACKBUDDY INFORMATIONDisplay NameLogin NameSusan Smith susan_ smith@ hotmail.comShirleySTATUSSELECTSIGN OUTBe BackAwayOnphoneTo LunchOnline
www.vtechphones.com 66Telephone operationTelephone operationMaking calls on the Home lineTo make a regular telephone call, press   /FLASHEQPſTO[QWJGCTCdial tone, then dial the number.-OR-To use the speakerphone, press   then dial the number.6QRTGFKCNRTGXKGYPWODGTUDGHQTGFKCNKPIGPVGTVJGPWODGTUſTUV+H[QWmake a mistake while entering the numbers, press DEL   to backspace and delete number(s).After entering the number, press  /FLASH.-OR-6QRTGFKCNVJGPWUGVJGURGCMGTRJQPG FKCNVJGPWODGTUſTUVVJGPRTGUU.While you are on a call, the screen displays the elapsed time of the call (in minutes and seconds) and the telephone number dialed.Line In Use will be displayed if the telephone line is in use by a parallel set.Receiving calls on the Home lineWhen  the  telephone  is  ringing,  press  /FLASH  or  the  ANSWERsoftkey  to  answer  the  call.  Press    if  you  want  to  answer  using  the speakerphone.  After you answer the call, the screen displays the elapsed time of the call. If you subscribe to caller ID service, see page 72 for caller ID information.If the incoming telephone number matches one of the entries in the directory, the information on the entry will be shown on the screen.••••••Messenge MenuShift-LLine In Use7:15 PMMENUMSNGRMUTEANSWERIncoming     Call
www.vtechphones.com67Telephone operation• When the telephone is ringing, press the OFF or MUTE softkey to disable the ringer temporarily and the ringer off icon will be shown on the screen. The ringer function will resume with the next call. Options MuteEnding calls on the Home lineWhile on a call, press OFF to end the call. After a call ends, the screen will show Ended and the length of the call in hours, minutes and seconds.Speakerphone operationThe speakerphone provides you a hands-free option while on a call. During a call, press   to alternate between speakerphone and normal handset use. The speakerphone icon   will be shown in the center of the softkey bar while the speakerphone is in use.MuteThe mute function is used to silence the microphone during a conversation. You will be able to hear the caller, but the caller will not be able to hear you until you press the UNMUTE softkey to resume the conversation. When you hang up, this feature will be canceled.To mute/unmute the microphone:During a call, press the MUTE softkey to mute the microphone and the mute icon   will be shown in the center of the softkey bar. Press the UNMUTEsoftkey to resume normal conversation.Volume;QWEC PCFLWU VVJGNKUVGPKP IXQNWO GHTQOVJ GJCPFUG VQTJGCFUGVURGCMG Tvolume during a call.While on a call using the handset, headset or speakerphone, press VOL  /  VQCFLWUVVJGNKUVGPKPIXQNWOGCPFCXQNWOGDCTYKNNDGFKURNC[GFon the screen. #HVGTCFLWUVKPIVJGXQNWOGVJGXQNWOGDCTYKNNDGFKURNC[GFHQTCHGYUGEQPFUand the volume level will be saved automatically.
www.vtechphones.com 68Telephone operationTelephone operationThe volume settings of the handset, headset or speakerphone are stored separately, so changing one of them will not affect the others.•Find handsetThis feature allows the telephone base to page the handset.Press FIND HANDSET on the telephone base, and the handset will ring and the screen will display PAGING.To stop paging, press FIND HANDSET again on the telephone base, or press  /FLASH, , OFF, or the STOP softkey on the handset.To mute the sound of paging , press the MUTE softkey on the handset.Redial6JGVGNGRJQPGECPUVQTGVJGſXGOQUVTGEGPVN[FKCNGFPWODGTUKPCTGFKCNNKUV+HVJGTGCTGOQTGVJCPſXGECNNUVJGQNFGUVGPVT[KUFGNGVGFVQOCMGTQQOHQTthe new call. E ntries are displayed in order from the oldest to the most recent entry. The most recently called number will be highlighted. You can review or redial calls on the redial list, or save the numbers into the directory.To review and dial a redial entry, press SPACE/REDIAL on the handset and press the up or down NavKey   or   to review the entries or choose a number you wish to dial. Press  /FLASH or   to make the call.To save a redial entry into the directory, press SPACE/REDIAL on the handset and press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose a desired entry to save into the directory. Press the SAVE softkey and you will be directed  to  the  directory  screen,  see  Step  3  in  Edit  a directory  entrysection on page 70 for details. To delete a redial entry, press SPACE/REDIAL on the handset and press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired entry to delete. Press the DELETE softkey.••••••DELETESAVE800-268-527562-2222Redial
www.vtechphones.com69Telephone operationDirectoryDirectory is a phonebook for storing names and telephone numbers. It can store up to  50 entries, with each entry consisting of up to 32 digits and 16 characters. A distinct picture and ringer melody can be assigned to each entry.Entries are sorted alphabetically, and names beginning with numbers are listed ſTUV#PCNRJCDGVKEC NUGCTEJECPDGFQPGCHVGTGPVGTKPIVJGFKTGEVQT[Search and review a directory entryStep 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Directory, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Search, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.    -OR-    Press the up NavKey   to access the directory directly while in the main idle screen.Step 4: A list of directory listings will be displayed. Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired entry to review.     -OR-    Press the dial pad (A-ZV QUVCT VCSWKE MPCO GUGCTE JVQſP FVJ GFGUKTGFGPVT[6JGUETGGPYKNNJKIJNKIJVVJGſTUVPCOGDGIKPPKPIYKVJthe letter associated with that key.Step 5: Press  the  OPTIONS  softkey  and  press  the  up  or  down  NavKey  or   to choose View. The details of the entry including name, telephone number, picture and ringer will be displayed. Step 6: To dial the entry, press  /FLASH or   while the entry is highlighted to review the details of the entry.Press OFF to return to the idle screen.While there is an incoming call or making a call, the editing of the directory will be cancelled automatically. ••SELECTDirectoryBACKDirectoryBACK SELECT Search      AddDirectoryBACK OPTIONSJoe Wong Susan SmithMary Chan John SmithJane DoeDirectoryBACK OPTIONSJoe Wong Susan SmithMary Chan John SmithJane DoeViewEditDeleteDelete All
www.vtechphones.com 70Telephone operationTelephone operationEdit a directory entryStep 1: Repeat Step 1-4 or Step 1-5 of Search and review a directory entry on page 69 and press the OPTIONS softkey. Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Edit and press the SELECTsoftkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTOStep 2: Press the up or down NavKey   or  VQJKIJNKIJVVJGFGUKTGFſGNFto edit.Step 3: Use  the  dial  pad  (see  Chart of characters  on  page  35) to  edit the name and number. Press the left or right NavKey   or   to move the cursor to the desired location and press DEL  to delete character(s).Step 4: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to movGVQVJGPGZVſGNFWhile editing the picture or ringer, press the left or right NavKey  or   to choose one of the available options. Step 5: After all the settings have been entered, press the SAVE softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTO CPFVJGUETGGPYKNNdisplay Saved. Press the Back softkey to return to the previous screen.Delete a directory entryStep 1: Repeat Step 1-4 or Step 1-5 of Search and review a directory entry on page 69.  Step 2: Press the OPTIONS softkey. Press the up or down NavKey   or  to choose Delete, and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTODelete all directory entriesRepeat Step 1-3 or of Search and review a directory entry on page 69. Press the OPTIONS softkey and press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Delete All, and press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/VQEQPſTOPressing   or CAP in the text entry mode to alternate between lowercase, uppercase and numeric modes. The sub-display bar will display the mode which is activated. For details, see Entering characters on page 33.Pressing SYM in text entry mode will generate a chart of different symbols. Use the navigation key to scroll though the options and press the SELECTsoftkey to insert the symbol.••DirectoryBACK OPTIONSJoe Wong Susan SmithMary Chan John SmithJane DoeViewEditDeleteDelete AllBACK SAVEName: Jane DoeNum: 555-1234 Picture:Ringer: Melody 1 DirectoryDirectoryBACK OPTIONSJoe Wong Susan SmithMary Chan John SmithJane DoeViewEditDeleteDelete AllDirectoryBACK OPTIONSJoe Wong Susan SmithMary Chan John SmithJane DoeViewEditDeleteDelete All
www.vtechphones.com71Telephone operationAdd a new entry in the directoryStep 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Directory, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose Add, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/.Step 4: A blank directory will be displayed and the name will be highlighted. Use the dial pad to enter the name (see Chart of characters on page 35). When you enter a name, the handset will automatically FKURNC[VJGſTUVEJCTCEVG TQHGCE JYQTFKPVJGWRRGTECUG &QWDN Gclick CAP until   is shown in the center of the softkey bar and the subsequent characters will be in the uppercase. Step 5: Press  the  down  NavKey    to  move  down  to  enter  the  number ſGNFStep 6: Use the dial pad to enter the telephone number. Press the down NavKey    to  move down  to  set  the  picture  and ringer,  or  press the SAVE softkey to save the entry with no picture and the default ringer.Step 7: While setting either the picture or ringer, press the left or right NavKey  or   to scroll through the available options.                                                                        Step 8: After  all  the  settings  are  entered,  press  the  SAVE  softkey  or                   the center NavKey/SELECT/.Press the BACK softkey anytime to return to the previous screen without saving.•SELECTDirectoryBACKDirectoryBACK SELECT  SearchAddDirectoryBACKName:    <Enter name> Num:    <Enter number> Picture: EmptyRinger:   PSTN Ringer MelodyDirectoryBACK SAVEName:     Jane DoeNum: 555-1234Picture:Ringer:   PSTN Ringer Melody
www.vtechphones.com 72Telephone operationCaller ID operationCaller ID with call waitingThis product can be used with regular caller ID service, or this product’s other features can be used without subscribing to either caller ID or combined caller ID with call waiting service. There are fees for caller ID services, and they may not be available in all areas.Depending on your service, you may see the caller’s number or the caller’s name and number. This product can provide information only if both you and the caller are in areas offering caller ID service and  if  both  telephone  companies  use  compatible  equipment.  The  time  and  date  are  sent  by  the telephone company along with the call information.This product has a caller ID function with call waiting feature which works with service from your local telephone company.Caller ID with call waiting lets you see the name and telephone number of the caller before answering the telephone, even when on another call.It may be necessary to change your telephone service to use this feature. Contact your telephone company if:You  have  both  caller  ID  and  call  waiting,  but  as  separate  services  (you  may  need  combined service).You have only caller ID service, or only call waiting service.You do not have any caller ID or call waiting services.•••Telephone operation
www.vtechphones.com73• Due to regional service differences, caller ID information may not be available for every incoming call. In addition, the callers may intentionally block their name and/or telephone number.A corresponding picture will be displayed on the call log record if the record matches the one in the directory.Press the Backsoftkey to return to the previous screen, or press OFF to return to the idle screen.••Call logThe IS6110 telephone has call logs and can hold a maximum of 50 missed call records, with each entry consisting up to 24 digits and 16 characters. Entries  are  displayed  in  order  from  the  most  recent  entry  to  the  earliest entry. When the memory is full, the earliest entry is deleted to make room for new call information.If you subscribe to caller ID from your telephone company, then the missed ECNNTGEQTFUYKNNFKURNC[OQTGURGEKſEKPHQTOCVKQPQHVJGECNNGTUUWEJCUVJGKTname and telephone number; otherwise, the telephone will only record the date and time the call comes in. Missed call records are the calls that were not answered (including missed call waiting records). If you have un-reviewed calls and the handset is not in use, X Missed Call(s) will be display on the screen. To review and dial the numbers directly from the call logs:Step 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Call log, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The ſTUVECNNNQITGEQTFYKNNDGFKURNC[GF    -OR-    Press the down NavKey   to access the call log directly while in the main idle screen.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to scroll through the records. If the entry has not been reviewed, NEW will be displayed at the top left corner of the screen.Step 4: To dial the record, press  /FLASH, or  . If you want to change the  telephone  number  format  (e.g.  7,  8,  10  or  11  digits)  before dialing, see Make call log entries ready to dial or store on page 74.Telephone operationSELECTCall logBACKBACKPeter Ryan 555-1234AUG 25  12:24PM Call LogOPTIONS
www.vtechphones.com 74Telephone operationSave call log entry to the directoryStep 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Call log, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The ſTUVECNNNQITGEQTFYKNNDGFKURNC[GF    -OR-    Press the down NavKey   to access the call log directly while in the idle screen.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired entry to save in the directory. If you want to change the telephone number format (e.g. 7, 8, 10 or 11 digits) before saving, see Make call log entries ready to dial or store below.Step 4: Press the OPTIONS softkey and press the up or down NavKey   or  to choose Save. The directory edit menu will be displayed. See Step 3 in Edit a directory entry section on page 70 for details. Make call log entries ready to dial or storeAlthough the call log entries you receive have ten digits (the area plus the seven-digit number) in some areas, you may need to dial only the seven digits, or a 1 plus the seven digits,  or a 1 plus the area code plus the seven digits. You can change the number of digits that you dial or save in the call log.   While reviewing the call log, press # repeatedly to display these dialing options for local and long distance numbers before dialing or saving the telephone number. See an example at right.If the telephone number has either seven or ten digits, and you want to dial it out as an international call, pressing 1 will also allow the system to add a 1 in front of the telephone number automatically.595-59111-595-5911800-595-59111-800-595-5911Telephone operationSELECTCall logBACKBACKPeter Ryan 555-1234AUG 25  12:24PM Call LogOPTIONSSaveDeleteDelete AllDirectoryBACK SAVEName:    Peter RyanNum: 555-1234Picture: EmptyRinger:   PSTN Ringer Melody
www.vtechphones.com75Delete call log entryStep 1: Press the MENU softkey from the idle screen.Step 2: Press the  , ,  and/or   NavKeys to choose Call log, then press the SELECT softkey or the center NavKey/SELECT/. The ſTUVECNNNQITGEQTFYKNNDGFKURNC[GF    -OR-    Press the down NavKey   to access the call log directly while in the main idle screen.Step 3: Press the up or down NavKey   or   to choose the desired entry to delete.Step 4: Press the OPTIONS softkey and then press the up or down NavKey  or   to choose Delete. Press the SELECT softkey or     the center NavKey/SELECT/.    -OR-    Press DEL .Delete all call log entriesStep 1: Repeat Step 1-2 of Delete call log entry above. Step 2: Press the OPTIONS softkey, and then press the up or down NavKey  or   to choose Delete All. Press the SELECT softkey or     the center NavKey/SELECT/.Telephone operationSELECTCall logBACKBACKPeter Ryan 555-1234AUG 25  12:24PM Call LogOPTIONSSaveDeleteDelete AllBACKPeter Ryan 555-1234AUG 25  12:24PM Call LogOPTIONSSaveDeleteDelete All
www.vtechphones.com 76Handset screen display messageHandset screen display messageLow battery  The battery is low.Fail to connect to messenger The handset cannot connect to the messenger.Fail to connect to Home line The handset cannot make a standard call or answer an incoming call.Directory empty The directory is empty.Call log empty The call log is empty.Redial empty The redial record is emptyDirectory full The directory is full.Duplicate number  Try to save an entry with a number which has already been saved in the record.Saved A record is saved in the directory.Not available The handset cannot connect to the telephone base while it try to use the function of the telephone base.Maximum duration recorded The recording is stop as the maximum of recording time has been exceeded.Buddy list empty! There is no buddy in the buddy list.Sound clip full The  memory  is  already  full  while  you  try  to  record  a  new  sound clip.Sound clip deleted The sound clip is deleted.Record after the tone Recording will start after the tone.Recording deleted Recording is terminated by the user.
www.vtechphones.com77Recording completed Recording is completed.Record Aborted Recording is aborted by external event such as ringing or paging.Place in charger Put the handset into the charger while the battery is low.Registration success Registration to the telephone base is successful.Registration fail Registration to the telephone base is not successful.Charging... The handset is charging.Not registered The handset is not registered to the telephone base.USB disconnected! There is no USB connection between the telephone base and the computer.Transmission error! There is a transmission problem while you try to send out a message.Password error! The password is wrong.Sign in error! There is a problem to sign in.Handset screen display message
www.vtechphones.com 78Registration and de-registrationRegistration and de-registrationRegistration of handsetThe handset which comes with the telephone base is automatically registered to the telephone base after completing the procedures in Telephone base installation on page 7. However, if the screen displays NOT REGISTERED after power up of the telephone base or if you are replacing a handset, you have to register the handset to the telephone base manually. To register the handset:Step 1: Put  the  handset  on  the  telephone  charger,  and  it  will  display  Press  FIND  HANDSET  4 seconds on the screen after a while. Step 2: Press and hold FIND HANDSET on the telephone base until the PHONE IN USE light is on (2-8 seconds). This indicates the telephone base is in registration mode.A maximum of two handsets can be registered to the same telephone base at the same time.The registration process will be canceled when a parallel set or call activities (e.g. making a call and reviewing of directory or call log) is detected.The PHONE IN USE light will be turned off when the registration is complete or time-out.•••
www.vtechphones.com79If the telephone base already has eight handsets registered to it, existing handsets should be de-registered in order for new handsets to be registered.•Registration of handsetStep 3: The handset will register to the telephone base automatically while the telephone base is in registration mode. The registration process usually take less than 90 seconds. When the registration process is complete, the handset will display HS REGISTERED and a beep tone will sounded. Step 4: If the registration is not successful, the handset will display NOT REGISTERED, then it should be placed on the charger again to start the registration process again.Registration and de-registration
www.vtechphones.com 80Registration and de-registrationDe-registration of handsetThis  menu  allows  you  to  de-register  the  handset  from  the  telephone  base.    To  de-register  the handset:Step 1: Press and hold FIND HANDSET on the telephone base until the PHONE IN USE light is blinking (10-15 seconds), and then release FIND HANDSET.Step 2: Press FIND HANDSETCICKP#NNVJGJCPFUGVUYKNNDGFGTGIKUVGTG FCPFCEQPſTOCVKQ Pbeep  will  sound.  The  PHONE  IN  USE  light  on  the  telephone  base  will  be  off  and  NOT REGISTERED will be displayed on the handset’s screen.Registration and de-registration
www.vtechphones.com81TroubleshootingProblem SuggestionMy telephone does not work at all.Make sure the battery is installed and charged correctly (see pages 4 to 6). For optimum daily performance, return the cordless handset to the handset charger after use.Make sure the handset charger power adapter is securely plugged into an outlet not controlled by a wall switch./CMGUWT GVJ GVGNGRJQP GNKP GEQT FK URNWIIG FſTON [KPV QVJ GVGNGRJQP GDCUG VJ GJCPFUG VEJCTIGTRQYGTCFCRVGTCPFVJGOQFWNCTYCNNLCEMUnplug the unit’s electrical power. Wait for approximately 15 seconds, then plug it back in. Allow up to one minute for the cordless handset and telephone base to synchronize.Charge the battery in the cordless handset for at least 16 hours.Remove and re-insert the battery. If that still does not work, it may be necessary to purchase a new battery.&KUEQPPGE VVJGJCPFUGVEJCTIGTHTQOVJGOQFWNCTLCEMCPFRNWIKPCYQTMKPIVGNGRJQPG+HVJKUtelephone does not work, the problem is probably in the wiring or the local service. Call the local telephone company.•••••••Low battery icon is displayed on screen.Place the handset in the handset charger for recharging.Remove and re-install the battery and use it normally until fully discharged, then recharge the handset on the handset charger for 16 hours.If the above measures do not correct the problem, the battery may need to be replaced.•••+H[QWJCXGFKHſEWNV [QRGTCVKPI[QWTVGNGRJQPGRNGCUGVT[VJGUWIIGUVKQPUDGNQY(QT%WUVQOGT5GTXKEGXKUKVQWTYGDUKVGCVwww.vtechphones.com, or call VTech Communications at 1 (800) 595-9511; in Canada, visit our website at www.vtechcanada.com, or call VTech Telecommunications Canada Ltd. at 1 (800) 267-7377.
www.vtechphones.com 82AppendixProblem SuggestionThe  battery  does  not charge  in  the  handset or the handset battery does not accept charge.Make sure  the  handset  is  placed  in  the  charger  correctly.  The  CHARGE  light  on  handset charger should be on.Remove and re-insert the battery. If that still does not work, it may be necessary to purchase a new battery. Please refer to the Install handset battery section (see page 4) of this user’s manual.The telephone might be malfunctioning. Please refer to the Warranty section (see page 90) of this user’s manual for further instruction.•••The POWER indicator on the telephone base is off.Clean the charging contacts on telephone base each month using a pencil eraser or a dry non-abrasive fabric.Make  sure  the  power  adapter  and  telephone  line  cords  are  plugged  in  correctly  and securely.Unplug the telephone base power adapter. Wait for 15 seconds before plugging it back in. Allow up to one minute for the cordless handset and telephone base to reset.The telephone might be malfunctioning. Please refer to the Warranty section (see page 90) of this user’s manual for further instruction.••••Troubleshooting
www.vtechphones.com83TroubleshootingProblem SuggestionThe CHARGEIndicator on the handset charger is ƀCUJKPIThis  is  a  signal  that  there  is  no  electrical  contact  between  the  battery  and  the  handset charger.Ensure the connector of the battery is securely plugged into the handset and place the handset in the handset charger for charging.••There is no dial tone. First, try all the above suggestions.Move the cordless handset closer to the telephone base. It might be out of range.The telephone line cord might be malfunctioning. Try installing a new telephone line cord.&KUEQPPGE VVJGVGNGRJQP GDCUGHTQOVJGVGNGRJQP GLCE MCPFEQPPGE VCFKHHGTGP VVGNGRJQPG If there is no dial tone on the telephone either, the problem is in your wiring or local service. Contact your local telephone company.••••The telephone does not ring  when  there  is  an incoming call.Make sure the ringer is on. (See page 42 for handset).Make sure the telephone line cord and power adapter are plugged in properly (see page 7).The cordless handset may be too far from the telephone base. Move it closer to the telephone base.There may be too many extension phones on the telephone line to allow all of them to ring simultaneously. Try unplugging some of them.If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or local service. Contact the local telephone company (charges may apply).Other electronic products can cause interference to your cordless telephone. Try installing your telephone as far away as possible from the following electronic devices: wireless routers, radios, radio towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, digital telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, VCRs, personal computers, kitchen appliances, and other cordless telephones.••••••
www.vtechphones.com 84AppendixTroubleshootingProblem Suggestion6GUVCYQTMKPIVGNGRJQP GCVVJGVGNGRJQP GLCEM+HCPQVJGTVGNGRJQP GJCUVJGUCOGRTQDNGOVJGRTQDNG OKUK PVJ GVGNGRJQP GLCEM %QPVCE V[QWTNQEC NVGNGRJQP GEQORCP [EJCTIG UOC[apply).The telephone line cord might be malfunctioning. Try installing a new telephone line cord.Re-install the battery and place the cordless handset in the handset charger.Wait for the cordless handset to synchronize with the telephone base. To be safe, allow up to one minute for this to take place.••••I cannot dial out. First, try all the above suggestions.Make  sure  there  is  a  dial  tone  before  dialing.  It  is  normal  if  the  cordless  handset  takes  a second or two to synchronize with the telephone base before producing a dial tone. Wait an extra second before dialing.If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or local service. Contact your local telephone company (charges may apply).Eliminate any background noise. Noise from a television, radio, or other appliances may cause VJGVGNGRJQP GVQPQVFKCNQWVRTQRGTN[+H[QWECPPQVGNKOKPCV GVJGDCEMITQWP FPQKUGſTUVVT[muting the cordless handset before dialing, or dialing from another room in your home with less background noise.  •••
www.vtechphones.com85TroubleshootingProblem SuggestionThere is noise or interference during a telephone conversation.My calls fade out or cut in and out when I am using the cordless handset.The handset may be out of range. Move it closer to the telephone base.Appliances or other cordless telephones plugged into the same circuit as the telephone base can cause interference. Try moving the appliance or telephone base to another outlet.Other electronic products can cause interference to your cordless telephone. Try installing your telephone as far away as possible from the following electronic devices: wireless routers, radios, radio towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, digital telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, VCRs, personal computers, kitchen appliances, wireless routers, and other cordless telephones.Microwave ovens operate on the same frequency as your telephone. It is normal to experience static on your telephone while the microwave oven is operating. Do not install this telephone in the same outlet or near a microwave oven.If  your telephone  is  plugged in with  a  modem or  a surge protector, plug  the telephone  (or modem/surge  protector) into a  different location. If this solves  the problem,  re-locate  your telephone or modem farther apart from each other, or use a different surge protector.  6JGNC[QWVQH[QWTJQO GQTQHſE GOKIJ VD GNKOKVKP IVJ GQRGTCVKP ITCPIG 6T[KPIOQXKP IVJ Gtelephone base to another location, preferably a higher location for better reception.&KUEQPPGE VVJGVGNGRJQPGDCUGHTQOVJGOQFWNCTLCEMCPFRNWIKPCEQTFGFVGNGRJQPG+HECNNUare still not clear, the problem is probably in the wiring or local service. Contact your local service company (charges may apply).If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring or local service. Contact the local telephone company (charges may apply).&Q[QWJCXG&5.UGTXKEG!+H[GU[QWPGGFVQJCXGC&5.ſNVGTKPUVCNNGFCVGXGT[VGNGRJQPGLCEMVJCVJCUCVGNGRJQPGEQPPGEVGFVQKV%QPVCEV[QWT&5.UGTXKE GRTQXKFGTHQTſNVGTKPHQTOCVKQP•••••••••
www.vtechphones.com 86AppendixTroubleshootingProblem SuggestionI hear other calls when using the telephone.&KUEQPPGE VVJGVGNGRJQPGDCUGHTQOVJGVGNGRJQPGLCEM2NWIKPCFKHHGTGP VVGNGRJQPG+H[QWstill  hear other  calls,  the  problem is probably  in the  wiring or  local  service. Call  your  local telephone company.•I hear noise in the cordless handset, and none of the keys or buttons work.Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged in securely.•My caller ID features are not working properly.Caller ID is a subscription service. You must subscribe to this service from your local telephone company for this feature to work on your telephone.The caller may not be calling from an area which supports caller ID.Both you and the caller’s telephone companies must use equipment which are compatible with caller ID service.+H[QWUWDUETKDGVQ&5.UGTXKEGKPUVCNNC&5.ſNVGTVQVJGVGNGRJQPGNKPGDGVYGGPVJGVGNGRJQPGDCUGCPFVJGVGNGRJQPGNKPGLCEM%QPVCEV[QWT&5.UGTXKE GRTQXKFGTHQTſNVGTKPHQTOCVKQP••••The system does not receive caller ID or the system does not display caller ID during call waiting.Make sure you subscribe to caller ID with call waiting features services provided by the local telephone company. The caller may not be calling from an area which supports caller ID.Both you and the caller’s telephone companies must use equipment which are compatible with caller ID service.+H[QWUWDUETKDGVQ&5.UGTXKEGKPUVCNNC&5.ſNVGTVQVJGVGNGRJQPGNKPGDGVYGGPVJGVGNGRJQPGDCUGCPFVJGVGNGRJQPGNKPGLCEM%QPVCEV[QWT&5.UGTXKE GRTQXKFGTHQTſNVGTKPHQTOCVKQP••••
www.vtechphones.com87TroubleshootingProblem SuggestionMy cordless handset beeps and is not performing normally.Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into the telephone base. Plug the unit into a different working electrical outlet not controlled by a wall switch.Move the cordless handset closer to the telephone base. It may be out of range.Reset the telephone base by unplugging the unit’s electrical power. Wait for 15 seconds and plug it back in again. Allow up to one minute for the cordless handset and the telephone base to synchronize.Other electronic products can cause interference to your cordless telephone. Try installing your telephone as far away from these electronic devices as possible: wireless routers, radios, radio towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, intercoms, room monitors, televisions, personal computers, kitchen appliances and other cordless telephones.••••Common cure for electronic equipment.If the unit is not responding normally, trying putting the cordless handset in the telephone base or the charger. If it does not seem to respond, try the following (in the order listed):Disconnect the power to the telephone base.Disconnect the battery on the cordless handset.Wait a few minutes before connecting power to the telephone base.Re-install the battery and place the cordless handset into the handset charger.Wait for the cordless handset to synchronize its connection with the telephone base. To be safe, allow up to one minute for this to take place.••••••How can I get replacement parts for my IS6110?If you need a replacement, call VTech Communications, Inc. at 1 (800) 595-9511 in the United States. In Canada, go to www.vtechcanada.com or call 1 (800) 267-7377.•
www.vtechphones.com 88AppendixTroubleshootingProblem SuggestionThe USB light on the telephone base is off.The USB light on the telephone base will be on only when the IS6110 phone software is started on the computer. First, make sure the USB cable is securely plugged into the telephone base and the computer, then launch the IS6110 phone software on the computer.•
www.vtechphones.com89Operating rangeThis cordless telephone operates with the maximum power allowed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Even so, this handset and telephone base can communicate over only a EGTVCKPFKUVCPEGYJKEJECPXCT[YKVJVJGNQECVKQPUQHVJGVGNGRJQPGDCUGCPFJCPFUGVVJGYGCVJGTCPFVJGNC[QWVQH[QWTJQOGQTQHſEGWhen the handset is out of range, the handset will display Searching. The user can access the handset directory, and certain parts of the menu system, i.e. handset setting and registration, but not the time setting and base setting. Not possible will be displayed if access is tried.If there is a call while the handset is out of range, it might not ring, or if it does ring, the call might not connect well when you press  . Move closer to the telephone base, then press   to answer the call.If the handset moves out of range during a telephone conversation, there might be interference.To improve reception, move closer to the base. MaintenanceTaking care of your telephoneYour cordless telephone contains sophisticated electronic parts, so it must be treated with care. Avoid rough treatmentPlace the handset down gently. Save the original packing materials to protect your telephone if you ever need to ship it. Avoid waterYour telephone can be damaged if it gets wet. Do not use the handset outdoors in the rain, or handle it with wet hands. Do not install your telephone base near a sink, bathtub or shower.Electrical stormsElectrical storms can sometimes cause power surges harmful to electronic equipment. For your own safety, use caution when using electric appliances during storms. Cleaning your telephoneYour telephone has a durable plastic casing that should retain its luster for many years. Clean it only with a soft cloth slightly dampened with water or a mild soap. Do not use excess water or cleaning solvents of any kind.4GOGODGTVJCVGNGEVTKECNCRRNKCPEGUECPECWUGUGTKQWUKPLWT[KHWUGFYJGP[QWCTGYGVQTUVCPFKPIKPYCVGT+H[QWTVGNGRJQPGDCUGUJQWNFHCNNKPVQYCVGT&10164'64+'8'+6706+.;1770-PLUG THE POWER CORD AND TELEPHONE LINE CORDS FROM THE WALL. Then pull the unit out by the unplugged cords.
www.vtechphones.com 90AppendixAbout cordless telephones•Privacy: the same features that make a cordless telephone convenient create some limitations. Telephone calls are transmitted between the base and the cordless handset by radio waves, so there is a possibility that your cordless telephone conversations could be intercepted by radio receiving equipment within range of the cordless handset. For this reason, you should not think of cordless telephone conversations as being as private as those on corded telephones.•Electrical Power: The telephone base of this cordless telephone must be connected to a working electrical outlet. The electrical outlet should not be controlled by a wall switch. Calls cannot be made from the cordless handset if the telephone base is unplugged or switched off, or if the electrical power is interrupted. •Potential TV Interference: Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may cause interference to televisions and VCRs. To minimize or prevent such interference, do not place the telephone base of the cordless telephone near or on top of a TV or VCR. If interference is experienced, moving the cordless telephone father away from the TV or VCR will often reduce or eliminate the interference. (Applies to 25 channel cordless telephones only).•Rechargeable Battery(ies): This product contains either Nickel-Cadmium or Nickel-Metal Hydride rechargeable battery(ies). Exercise care in handling battery(ies) in order not to create a short circuit between the battery and conducting material such as rings, bracelets, and keys. The battery or conductor may overheat and cause harm. Observe proper polarity between the battery and the battery charger.Nickel-Metal Hydride Rechargeable Battery(ies): Dispose of these battery(ies) in a safe manner. Do not burn or puncture. Like other battery(ies) of this type, if burned or punctured, they EQWN FTGNGCU GECWUVK EOCVGTKC NYJKEJEQWN FECWUGKPLWT[ •WarrantyWhat does this limited warranty cover?The manufacturer of this VTech Product warrants to the holder of a valid proof of purchase (“Consumer” or “you”) that the Product and all accessories provided in the sales package (“Product”) are free from defects in material and workmanship, pursuant to the following terms and conditions, when installed and used normally and in accordance with the Product operating instructions. This limited warranty extends only to the Consumer for Products purchased and used in the United States of America and Canada.What will VTech do if the Product is not free from defects in materials and workmanship during the limited warranty period (“ Materially Defective Product” )?During the limited warranty period, VTech’s authorized service representative will repair or replace at VTech’s option, without charge, a Materially Defective Product. If we repair the Product, we may use new or refurbished replacement parts.  If we choose to replace the Product, we may replace it with a new or refurbished Product of the same or similar design.  We will retain defective parts, modules, or equipment.  Repair or replacement of the Product, at VTech’s option, is your exclusive remedy.  VTech will return repaired or replacement Products to you in working condition.  You should expect the repair or replacement to take approximately 30 days.How long is the limited warranty period?The limited warranty period for the Product extends for ONE (1) YEAR from the date of purchase. If VTech repairs or replaces a Materially Defective Product under the terms of this limited warranty, this limited warranty also applies to repaired or replacement Product for a period of either (a) 90 days from the date the repaired or replacement Product is shipped to you or (b) the time remaining on the original one-year warranty; whichever is longer.What is not covered by this limited warranty?This limited warranty does not cover: 2TQFWE VVJCVJCUDGGPUWDLGEVG FVQOKUWUGCEEKFGPV UJKRRKP IQTQVJGTRJ[UKEC NFCOCIGKORTQRG TKPUVCNNCVKQP CDPQTOC NQRGTCVKQ PQTJCPFNKPI PGINGEV KPWPFCVKQP ſTGYCVGTQTQVJGTNKSWK Fintrusion; or 2TQFWE VVJCVJCUDGGPFCOCIG FFWGVQTGRCKTCNVGTCVKQ PQTOQFKſECVKQ PD[CP[QPGQVJGTVJCPCPCWVJQTK\G FUGTXKE GTGRTGUGPVCVKX GQH86GEJQT3. Product to the extent that the problem experienced is caused by signal conditions, network reliability, or cable or antenna systems; or4. Product to the extent that the problem is caused by use with non-VTech accessories; or5. Product whose warranty/quality stickers, Product serial numbers plates or electronic serial numbers have been removed, altered or rendered illegible; or6. Product purchased, used, serviced, or shipped for repair from outside the United States of America or Canada, or used for commercial or institutional purposes (including but not limited to Products used for rental purposes); or7. Product returned without valid proof of purchase (see item 2 below); or
www.vtechphones.com91Warranty%JCTIG UHQTKPUVCNNCVKQ PQTUGVWRCFLWUVOGP VQHEWUVQOG TEQPVTQNU CPFKPUVCNNCVKQ PQTTGRCKTQHU[UVGOUQWVUKF GVJGWPKVHow d o you g et wa rra nty serv ic e?To ob tain warranty serv ic e in the U nited S tates of A meric a, p lease c all 1-8 0 0 -5 9 5 -9 5 11; In C anada, p lease dial 1 (8 0 0 ) 2 6 7 -7 3 7 7 . N OTE: B efore c alling for serv ic e, p lease rev iew the user’s manual - a c hec k of the P roduc t c ontrols and features may sav e you a serv ic e c all.Ex c ep t as p rov ided b y ap p lic ab le law, you assume the risk of loss or damage during transit and transp ortation and are resp onsib le for deliv ery or handling c harges inc urred in the transp ort of the P roduc t(s) to the serv ic e loc ation.  V Tec h will return rep aired or rep lac ed P roduc t under this limited warranty to you, transp ortation, deliv ery or handling c harges p rep aid.  V Tec h assumes no risk for damage or loss of the P roduc t in transit.  If the P roduc t failure is not c ov ered b y this limited warranty, or p roof of p urc hase does not meet the terms of this limited warranty, V Tec h will notify you and will req uest that you authoriz e the c ost of rep air p rior to any further rep air ac tiv ity.  Y ou must p ay for the c ost of rep air and return ship p ing c osts for the rep air of P roduc ts that are not c ov ered b y this limited warranty.W ha t m ust you return with the P rod uc t to g et wa rra nty serv ic e? 4GVWTPVJGGPVKTGQTKIKPC NRCEMCI GCPFEQPVGPV UKPENWFKP IVJG2TQFWE VVQVJG86GEJUGTXKE GNQECVKQ PCNQPIYKVJCFGUETKRVKQ PQHVJGOCNHWPEVKQ PQTFKHſEWNV[ CPF2 . Inc lude “v alid p roof of p urc hase” (sales rec eip t) identifying the P roduc t p urc hased (P roduc t model) and the date of p urc hase or rec eip t; and3 . P rov ide your name, c omp lete and c orrec t mailing address, and telep hone numb er.O ther L im ita tionsThis warranty is the c omp lete and ex c lusiv e agreement b etween you and V Tec h.  It sup ersedes all other written or oral c ommunic ations related to this P roduc t.  V Tec h p rov ides no other warranties HQTVJKU2TQFWEV 6JGYCTTCPV [GZENWUKXGN [FGUETKDG UCNNQH86GEJŏUTGURQPUKDKNKVKG UTGICTFKP IVJG2TQFWEV 6JGTGCTGPQQVJGTGZRTGU UYCTTCPVKGU 0QQPGKUCWVJQTK\G FVQOCMGOQFKſECVKQP UVQVJKUNKOKVG FYCTTCPV [CPF[QWUJQWN FPQVTGN[QPCP[UWEJOQFKſECVKQP 5VCVG2TQXKPEKC N.CY4KIJVU 6JKUYCTTCPV [IKXGU[QWURGEKſ ENGIC NTKIJVU CPF[QWOC[CNUQJCXGQVJG TTKIJVU YJKEJXCT[HTQOUVCV GVQUVCVGQTRTQXKPE GVQRTQXKPEG .KOKVCVKQPU +ORNKG FYCTTCPVKGU KPENWFKP IVJQU GQHſVPGU UHQTCRCTVKEWNC TRWTRQU GCP FOGTEJCPVCDKNKV [CPWPYTKVVG PYCTTCPV [VJC VVJG2TQFWE VKUſVHQTQTFKPCT [WUGCTGNKOKVG FVQQP G[GCTHTQ Odate of p urc hase. S ome states/p rov inc es do not allow limitations on how long an imp lied warranty lasts, so the ab ov e limitation may not ap p ly to you.  In no ev ent shall V Tec h b e liab le for any KPFKTGEV URGEKCN KPEKFGPVCN EQPUGSWGPVKCN QTUKOKNCTFCOCIG UKPENWFKPI DWVPQVNKOKVGFVQNQUVRTQſV UQTTGXGPWGKPCDKNKV [VQWUGVJG2TQFWE VQTQVJGTCUUQEKCVG FGSWKROGPV VJGEQUVQHUWDUVKVWV Geq uip ment, and c laims b y third p arties) resulting from the use of this P roduc t.  S ome states/p rov inc es do not allow the ex c lusion or limitation of inc idental or c onseq uential damages, so the ab ov e limitation or ex c lusion may not ap p ly to you.P lea se reta in your orig ina l sa les rec eip t a s p roof of p urc ha se.
www.vtechphones.com 92AppendixImportant safety instructions9JGPWUKP I[QWTVGNGRJQP GGSWKROGPV DCUK EUCHGV[RTGECWVKQP UUJQWN FCNYC[UDGHQNNQYG FVQTGFWE GVJGTKUMQHſTGGNGEVTK EUJQE MCPFKPLWT[ KPENWFKP IVJGHQNNQYKPI 1. R ead and understand all instructions. 2. F ollow all warnings and instructions marked on the product.3. Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. D o not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. 4 . D o not use this product near water (for example, near a bathtub, kitchen sink, or swimming pool).5. D o not place this product on an unstable table, shelf, stand or other unstable surface.6. Slots and openings in the back or bottom of the telephone base and handset are provided for ventilation. To protect them from overheating, these openings must not be blocked by placing the product on a soft surface such as a bed, sofa or rug. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in any area where proper ventilation is not provided. 7. This product should be operated only from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply in your home, consult your dealer or local power company. 8. D o not allow anything to rest on the power cord. D o not install this product where the cord may be walked on.  0GXGTRWUJQDLGEV UQHCP[MKPFKPVQVJKURTQFWE VVJTQWI JUNQVUKPVJGDCUGQTJCPFUG VCUVJG[OC[VQWEJFCPIGTQW UXQNVCI GRQKPVUQTUJQT VQWVRCTVUVJCVEQWNFTGUWN VKPCTKUMQHſTGQTGNGEVTK EUJQEM 0GXGTURKN NNKSWKFQHCP[MKPFQPVJGRTQFWEV 10. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassemble this product, but take it to an authorized service facility. Opening or removing parts of the base or handset other than URGEKſG FCEEGU UFQQT UOC[GZRQU G[QWVQFCPIGTQW UXQNVCIG UQTQVJG TTKUMU+PEQTTGE VTGCUUGODNKP IECPECWUGGNGEVTK EUJQE MYJGPVJGRTQFWE VKUUWDUGSWGPVN [WUGF &QPQVQXGTNQC FYCNNQWVNGV UCPFGZVGPUKQ PEQTF UCUVJKUECPTGUWN VKPVJGTKUMQHſTGQTGNGEVTK EUJQEM 12. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to an authorized service facility under the following conditions:A.  W hen the power supply cord or plug is damaged or frayed.B.  If liquid has been spilled onto the product. C.  If the product has been exposed to rain or water.& +HVJGRTQFWE VFQGUPQVQRGTCV GPQTOCNN [D[HQNNQYKP IVJGQRGTCVKP IKPUVTWEVKQPU #FLWUVQPN[VJQU GEQPVTQN UVJCVCTGEQXGTG FD[VJGQRGTCVKQ PKPUVTWEVKQPU CUKORTQRG TCFLWUVOGP VQHQVJGTEQPVTQN UOC[TGUWNVKPFCOCIGCPFQHVG PTGSWKTG UGZVGPUKX GYQTMD[CPCWVJQTK\G FVGEJPKEKC PVQTGUVQTGVJGRTQFWE VVQPQTOC NQRGTCVKQP E.  If the product has been dropped and the base and/or handset has been damaged.F .  If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance.13. Avoid using a telephone (other than cordless) during an electrical storm. There is a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.14 . D o not use the telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.15. Only put the handset of your telephone next to your ear when it is in normal talk mode. 6JKURQYGTWPK VKUKPVGPFG FVQDGEQTTGEVN [QTKGPVG FKPCXGTVKEC NQTƀQQ TOQWPVRQUKVKQP 6JGRTQPI UCTGPQVFGUKIPG FVQJQN FVJGRNWIKPRNCE GKHKVKURNWIIG FKPVQCEGKNKPI under-the-table or cabinet outlet.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
www.vtechphones.com93FCC, ACTA and IC regulationsFCC Part 15This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the requirements for a Class B digital device under Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These requirements are intended to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.%JCPIGUQTOQFKſECVKQPUVQVJKUGSWKROGPVPQVGZRTGUUN[CRRTQXGFD[VJGRCTV[TGURQPUKDNGHQTEQORNKCPEGEQWNFXQKFVJGWUGTŏUCWVJQTKV[VQQRGTCVGVJGGSWKROGPV6JKUFGXKEGEQORNKGUYKVJ2CTVQHVJG(%%4WNGU1RGTCVKQPKUUWDLGEVVQVJGHQNNQYKPIVYQEQPFKVKQPUVJKUFGXKEGOC[PQVECWUGJCTOHWNKPVGTHGTGPEGCPFVJKUFGXKEGOWUVCEEGRVCP[interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Privacy of communications may not be ensured when using this telephone.To ensure safety of users, the FCC has established criteria for the amount of radio frequency energy that can be safely absorbed by a user or bystander according to the intended usage of the product. This product has been tested and found to comply with the FCC criteria. The handset may be safely held against the ear of the user. The telephone base shall be installed and used such that parts of the user’s body other than the hands are maintained at a distance of approximately 20 cm (8 inches) or more. If you choose to use a clipping device, please make sure to only use the supplied VTech belt clip.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.USB cable included in this package must be used with this equipment to ensure compliance with the Class B FCC limits.FCC Part 68 and ACTAThis equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC rules and with technical requirements adopted by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments (ACTA). The label on the back or bottom of VJKUGSWKROGPVEQPVCKPUCOQPIQVJGTVJKPIUCRTQFWEVKFGPVKſGTKPVJGHQTOCV75###'36::::6JKUKFGPVKſGTOWUVDGRTQXKFGFVQ[QWTNQECNVGNGRJQPGEQORCP[WRQPTGSWGUV6JGRNWICPFLCEMWUGFVQEQPPGEVVJKUGSWKROGPVVQRTGOKUGUYKTKPICPFVJGVGNGRJQPGPGVYQTMOWUVEQORN[YKVJCRRNKECDNG2CTVTWNGUCPFVGEJPKECNTGSWKTGOGPVUCFQRVGFD[#%6##EQORNKCPVVGNGRJQPGEQTFCPFOQFWNCTRNWIKURTQXKFGFYKVJVJKURTQFWEV+VKUFGUKIPGFVQDGEQPPGEVGFVQCEQORCVKDNGOQFWNCTLCEMVJCVKUCNUQEQORNKCPV#P4,LCEMUJQWNFPQTOCNN[DGWUGFHQTEQPPGEV-KPIVQCUKPINGNKPGCPFCP4,LCEMHQTVYQNKPGU5GG+PUVCNNCVKQP+PUVTWEVKQPUKPVJGWUGTŏUOCPWCNThe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) is used to determine how many devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have them ring when you are called. The REN for this product is GPEQFGFCUVJGVJCPFVJEJCTCEVGTUHQNNQYKPIVJG75KPVJGRTQFWEVKFGPVKſGTGIKHKUVJG4'0KU+POQUVDWVPQVCNNCTGCUVJGUWOQHCNN4'0UUJQWNFDGſXGQTNGUU(QTOQTGinformation, please contact your local telephone company.This equipment may not be used with Party Lines. If you have specially wired alarm dialing equipment connected to your telephone line, ensure the connection of this equipment does not disable [QWTCNCTOGSWKROGPV+H[QWJCXGSWGUVKQPUCDQWVYJCVYKNNFKUCDNGCNCTOGSWKROGPVEQPUWNV[QWTVGNGRJQPGEQORCP[QTCSWCNKſGFKPUVCNNGT+HVJKUGSWKROGPVKUOCNHWPEVKQPKPIKVOWUVDGWPRNWIIGFHTQOVJGOQFWNCTLCEMWPVKNVJGRTQDNGOJCUDGGPEQTTGEVGF4GRCKTUVQVJKUVGNGRJQPGGSWKROGPVECPQPN[DGOCFGD[VJGOCPWHCEVWTGTQTKVUauthorized agents. For repair procedures, follow the instructions outlined under the Limited Warranty.••••
www.vtechphones.com 94AppendixFCC, ACTA and IC regulationsThe RBRC® Seal on the  nickel-metal-hydride battery indicates that  VTech Communications, Inc. is voluntarily participating in an industry program to collect and recycle these batteries at the end of their useful lives, when taken out of service within the United States and Canada. The RBRC® program provides a convenient alternative to placing used nickel-metal-hydride batteries into the trash or municipal waste, which may be illegal in your area.VTech’s participation in RBRC® makes it easy for you to drop off the spent battery at local retailers participating in the RBRC® program or at authorized VTech product  service centers. Please  call  1-800-8-BATTERYTM  for information  on  Ni-MH battery recycling  and  disposal bans/restrictions  in  your  area. VTech’s involvement in this program is part of its commitment to protecting our environment and conserving natural resources.RBRC®  is a registered trademark of Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.The RB RC® SealIf this equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may temporarily discontinue your telephone service. The telephone company is required to notify you before inter-TWRVKPIUGTXKEG+HCFXCPEGPQVKEGKUPQVRTCEVKECN[QWYKNNDGPQVKſGFCUUQQPCURQUUKDNG;QWYKNNDGIKXGPVJGQRRQTVWPKV[VQEQTTGEVVJGRTQDNGOCPFVJGVGNGRJQPGEQORCP[KUTGSWKTGFVQKPHQTO[QWQH[QWTTKIJVVQſNGCEQORNCKPVYKVJVJG(%%;QWTVGNGRJQPGEQORCP[OC[OCMGEJCPIGUKPKVUHCEKNKVKGUGSWKROGPVQRGTCVKQPQTRTQEGFWTGUVJCVEQWNFCHHGEVVJGRTQRGTHWPEVKQPKPIQHVJKURTQFWEVThe telephone company is required to notify you if such changes are planned.If this product is equipped with a corded or cordless handset, it is hearing aid compatible.+HVJKURTQFWEVJCUOGOQT[FKCNKPINQECVKQPU[QWOC[EJQQUGVQUVQTGGOGTIGPE[VGNGRJQPGPWODGTUGIRQNKEGſTGOGFKECNKPVJGUGNQECVKQPU+H[QWFQUVQTGQTVGUVGOGTIGPE[PWODGTURNGCUG4GOCKPQPVJGNKPGCPFDTKGƀ[GZRNCKPVJGTGCUQPHQTVJGECNNDGHQTGJCPIKPIWRPerform such activities in off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.Industry Canada1RGTCVKQPKUUWDLGEVVQVJGHQNNQYKPIVYQEQPFKVKQPUVJKUFGXKEGOC[PQVECWUGJCTOHWNKPVGTHGTGPEGCPFVJKUFGXKEGOWUVCEEGRVCP[KPVGTHGTGPEGKPENWFKPIKPVGTHGTGPEGVJCVOC[ECWUGundesired operation.6JGVGTOŎŏ+%ŎŏDGHQTGVJGEGTVKſECVKQPTGIKUVTCVKQPPWODGTQPN[UKIPKſGUVJCVVJG+PFWUVT[%CPCFCVGEJPKECNURGEKſECVKQPUYGTGOGVThe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this terminal equipment is 0.2. The REN is an indication of the maximum number of devices allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termina-VKQPQPCPKPVGTHCEGOC[EQPUKUVQHCP[EQODKPCVKQPQHFGXKEGUUWDLGEVQPN[VQVJGTGSWKTGOGPVVJCVVJGUWOQHVJG4'0UQHCNNVJGFGXKEGUFQGUPQVGZEGGFſXG6JKURTQFWEVOGGVUVJGCRRNKECDNG+PFWUVT[%CPCFCVGEJPKECNURGEKſECVKQPU••
www.vtechphones.com956GEJPKECNURGEKſECVKQPUFrequency control Crystal controlledPLL synthesizerTransmit frequency Handset: 1921.536 - 1928.448 MHzTelephone base: 1921.536 - 1928.448 MHzReceive frequency Handset: 1922.470 - 1929.312 MHzTelephone base: 1922.470 - 1929.312 MHzChannels 5Nominal effective range Maximum power allowed by FCC and IC. Actual operating range may vary according to environmental conditions at the time of use.Size Handset: 141.0mm X 63.0mm X 28.8mmTelephone base: 151.5mm X 115mm X 40.2mmCharger: 89.5mm X 93.0mm X 105.0mmWeight Handset: 153.0 grams (including battery)Telephone base: 174.6 gramsCharger: 121.6 gramsPower requirements Handset: 2 cells AAA 750mAh NiMH batteryTelephone base: DC 6V @ 300mACharger: DC 6V @ 200mAMemory Directory: 50 memory locations; up to 32 digits, 16 characters per location.Call log: 50 memory locations.
www.vtechphones.com 96IndexAAbout cordless telephones 90About tab of the IS6110 phone software 22Accept an incoming instant voice request 58Active chat window 53Active status 55Add a new entry in the directory 71BBasic navigation 33Before you begin 1Belt clip 28Belt clip & headset (optional) 28Buddy status window 53CCaller ID operation 72Caller ID with call waiting 72Call log 73Charge handset battery 5Chart of characters 35Choose your IM status 65Clear voice mail 50Clock setting 46Color Scheme 44DDe-registration of handset 80Default setting 51Default setting table 52Delete a directory entry 70Delete all call log entries 75Delete all directory entries 70Delete buddy history 65Delete call log entry 75Directory 69Display 43EEdit a directory entry 70Ending calls on the Home line 67Entering characters 33FFCC, ACTA and IC regulations 93Find handset 68GGetting to know the IS6110 29HHandset charger installation 3Handset layout 31Handset screen display message 76Handset status icons 32Headset 28IIM alert tone 49Important safety instructions 92Incoming Internet voice call (VoIP) while idle 62Incoming Internet voice call (VoIP) while on a standard call 62Incoming standard call while using IM in messenger 60Incoming standard call while using VoIP in messenger 61Index 96Installation 3Install handset battery 4Install IS6110 phone software 11Install MSN Messenger/AIM software 8KKey tone 48LLCD Brightness 45Log into the IS6110 phone software 23
www.vtechphones.com97IndexMMaintenance 89Make call log entries ready to dial or store 74Making calls on the Home line 66Messenger 53Minimum requirements 1Multiple incoming Internet voice calls (VoIP) while on a standard call 64Mute 67O1HƀKPG 4Online 54Operating range 89PParts checklist 2Play or delete sound clips 38RReceiving calls on the Home line 66Record sound clips 39Redial 68Registration and de-registration 78Registration of handset 78Reviewing unread instant messages: 55Ringer 38Ringer melody 41Ringer volume 42Running the IS6110 phone software 19Running the IS6110 phone software 26SSave call log entry to the directory 74Search and review a directory entry 69Send a VoIP request 57Send out instant messages  56Settings 46Settings for running the IS6110 software: 21Settings of the IS6110 phone software 20Sign out instant messenger 65Simultaneous incoming standard call and VoIP call while on a standard call 63Softkeys 33Speakerphone operation 675VCPFCTFECNNEQOGUſTUV 3Status lights on the telephone base 30Symbol table 37T6GEJPKECNURGEKſECVKQP U 5Telephone base installation 7Telephone base layout 29Telephone operation 66Telephone settings 38Text entry tips 34The RBRC® Seal 94To accept the Internet voice connection (VoIP) request: 55To login on the computer: 23To login on using the handset: 25To record a sound clip using an audio cable: 39To record sound clip using microphone: 39To set the clock manually: 47To setup/change the messenger account: 21To synchronize the telephone clock with the computer/caller ID: 46Troubleshooting 81
www.vtechphones.com 98IndexUUsing the handset 33VView buddy history 64View buddy information 65VoIP/IM request from buddy outside the current buddy chat window 598Q+2ECNNTGSWGUVEQOGUſTUV 3Volume 67WWallpapers 43Warranty 90
InfoVTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD.A member of THE VTECH GROUP OF COMPANIES.Distributed in the U.S.A. by VTech Communications, Inc., Beaverton, OregonDistributed in Canada by VTech Telecommunications Canada, Ltd., Richmond, B.C.Copyright © 2007 for VTECH TELECOMMUNICATIONS LTD.Printed in China.Version 1
User’s manualwww.vtechphones.comModel: IS6110

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