Volansys Technologies pvt GW6UL01M2M4 Modular IoT Gateway User Manual Proposal

Volansys Technologies pvt ltd Modular IoT Gateway Proposal

User manual

Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 2 Copyright Info  The information contained in this document is the proprietary information of Volansys Technologies Pvt., Ltd.  The  contents  are confidential  and  any  disclosure  to  persons  other  than  the  officers,  employees, agents or subcontractors of the owner or licensee of this document, without the prior written consent of Volansys, is strictly prohibited.     Further, no portion of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Volansys, the copyright holder.  Volansys  publishes  this  document  without  making  any  warranty  as  to  the  content  contained  herein.  Further Volansys reserves the right to make modifications, additions and deletions to this document due to  typographical  errors,  inaccurate  information,  or  improvements  to  reference  design  platforms  or products mentioned in the document at any time and without notice. Such changes will, nevertheless be incorporated into new editions of this document.   Warranty  For details on the Volansys Modular IoT Gateway warranty policy, please visit our website: www.volansys.com
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 REVISION HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................ 7 1.2 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 2 USING THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 PURPOSE AND AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 SUMMARY OF CHAPTERS ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3 OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 KEY FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................ 10 3.2 USER CASES ................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 PROTOCOL SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................................ 11 3.4 ADDRESSES AND PORT NUMBERS ....................................................................................................................... 12 3.4.1 Hardware Address ................................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.2 IP Address .............................................................................................................................................. 12 3.4.3 Port Numbers ......................................................................................................................................... 12 3.5 REFERENCE DESIGN PLATFORM INFORMATION LABEL .............................................................................................. 12 4 REFERENCE DESIGN PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE AND INTERFACES .............................................................. 13 4.1 MEMORY, I/O PORTS AND EXTERNAL PERIPHERAL SUPPORT .................................................................................... 14 4.1.1 DDR3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1.2 NAND Flash ............................................................................................................................................ 14 4.1.3 Micro SD Card Slot ................................................................................................................................. 14 4.2 ETHERNET PORT ............................................................................................................................................. 14 4.3 USB PORTS ................................................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 USB DEBUG PORT .......................................................................................................................................... 15 4.5 WI-FI AND BLUETOOTH .................................................................................................................................... 15 4.6 USER INTERFACE SWITCH .................................................................................................................................. 15 4.6.1 Commissioning Switch (SW1) ................................................................................................................. 15 4.6.2 Reset Switch ........................................................................................................................................... 16 4.7 USER LED INDICATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 16 4.8 NFC CONTROLLER ........................................................................................................................................... 16 4.9 MIKROBUS COMPATIBLE HEADERS ..................................................................................................................... 17 4.10 JN5179 ZIGBEE MODULE ................................................................................................................................ 17 4.11 MKW41Z THREAD+BLE MODULE .................................................................................................................... 18 5 INSTALLATION OF GATEWAY ....................................................................................................................... 19 5.1 MODULAR IOT GATEWAY BOX CONTENT ............................................................................................................. 19 5.2 DEVICES INSIDE MODULAR IOT GATEWAY ............................................................................................................ 19 5.3 USER REQUIRED ITEMS ..................................................................................................................................... 19 6 DEMO SETUP OF MODULAR IOT GATEWAY ................................................................................................. 20 7 CONTACT US AND SUPPORT ........................................................................................................................ 21 8 APPENDIX-A ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 4 8.1 ACRONYMS & GLOSSARY .................................................................................................................................. 22 9 APPENDIX-B ................................................................................................................................................ 23 9.1 COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................................................................. 23 9.2 ROHS, REACH COMPLIANCE ............................................................................................................................ 23
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 5 List of Figures  Figure 1 – Modular IoT Gateway .........................................................................................................9 Figure 2 - Modular IoT Gateway With Inbuilt Peripheral .................................................................... 10 Figure 3 – Modular IoT Gateway With Inbuilt Peripheral ................................................................... 11 Figure 4 – Reference Design platform information Label ................................................................... 12 Figure 5 – Architecture Block Diagram .............................................................................................. 13 Figure 6 – Inside view of Modular IoT Gateway ................................................................................. 13 Figure 7 – Reference design Platform interface details ...................................................................... 14 Figure 8 – Modular IoT Gateway Switches ......................................................................................... 15 Figure 9 - NFC Controller .................................................................................................................. 16 Figure 10 - MikroBUS Header............................................................................................................ 17 Figure 11 - JN5179 Module ............................................................................................................... 17 Figure 12 - MKW41Z Module ............................................................................................................ 18
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 6 List of Tables    Table 1 - Revision History ...................................................................................................................7 Table 2 – References ..........................................................................................................................7 Table 3 - References ...........................................................................................................................8 Table 4 - Gateway USB Configuration ............................................................................................... 14 Table 5 - Terminal Settings ............................................................................................................... 15 Table 6 - User Interface Switch ......................................................................................................... 16 Table 7 - User LED Indications ........................................................................................................... 16 Table 8 – Modular IoT Gateway Reference design platform Content .................................................. 19 Table 9 - Modular IoT Gateway Unit Contents ................................................................................... 19 Table 10 – Other Require Equipment ................................................................................................ 19 Table 11 - Acronyms & Glossary ....................................................................................................... 22
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 7 1 REVISION HISTORY 1.1 Revision History Rev. Date Description Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By 0.1 21-Nov-16 Initial draft version released Volansys Volansys  0.2 02-March-17 Updated based on review comments Volansys Volansys  0.3 03-March-17 Updated based on review comments Volansys Volansys  0.4 12-July-17 Added MKW41Z details and updated certification label details with new Gateway part# Volansys Volansys  Table 1 - Revision History 1.2 References Documents Revision i.MX6UL Base Board Hardware User Guide 0.4 Datasheet of JN5179 Module 1.1 Datasheet/Product manual of MKW41Z Module 0.4 Quick start Guide of PN7120 NFC Controller Board 1.1 Table 2 – References
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 8 2 USING THIS MANUAL 2.1 Purpose and Audience This  document  provides  Introduction,  key  features,  Reference  design  platform  Architecture  and interfaces, demo setup and use of Modular IoT Gateway. It is intended for the users who are configuring this Reference design platform. The user need to use this reference design platform in well controlled indoor environment. 2.2 Summary of chapters Chapter No. Chapter Description 3 Overview Describes Introduction and key features and the protocols it supports. Includes technical specifications. 4 Reference Design Architecture and Interfaces Describes Hardware interface idea and wireless technology support details. 5 Installation of Gateway Describe details of List of content in box of Reference design platform and how to install it on field 6 Demo Setup of Modular IoT Gateway Describes setup and configuration procedure with Wi-Fi and Ethernet using mobile application. 7 Contact us and support Instructions for contacting Volansys and Technical Support details 8 Appendix A Acronyms and Glossary – Full forms of used short names 9 Appendix B Gateway compliance details Table 3 - References
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 9 3 OVERVIEW  “Modular  IoT  Gateway”  is  a  smart,  modular,  customizable,  multi-service  advance  Reference  Design Platform for Internet of Things. It is targeted for multiple use cases in various segments of IoT such as Smart  Home,  Buildings  and  Industries.  Powered  by  industrial  leading  technologies,  the  Gateway  is designed with Core features like Modular Hardware Design and Multi-Radio Connectivity (i.e. Wi-Fi, BLE, ZigBee, Thread and NFC).  Figure 1 – Modular IoT Gateway The Modular IoT Gateway, based on advance processor i.MX6UltraLite introduces users to the assembled version of Gateway carrier and SoM board inside the platform. This gateway will help users to develop and run their IoT based concept using wireless interfaces like Wi-Fi, BLE, ZigBee, Thread and NFC easily and operate any supported devices wirelessly. It supports Wi-Fi and Ethernet for communication with cloud. The Modular IoT Gateway supports various versatile wireless hardware module through MikroBUS Header such as Volansys’ RF Modules and other MikroBUS standard supported modules. It also support new generation  features  PN7120  base  NFC  module,  KW41Z  based  Thread+BLE  module  and NXP  JN5179 ZigBee Module.
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 10  Figure 2 - Modular IoT Gateway With Inbuilt Peripheral 3.1 Key Features The following specifications are available in the Modular IoT Gateway Reference design platform:  Power Supply o DC Jack for Input - 5V/3A from adaptor  Processor o i.MX 6UltraLite applications processor with a 528 MHz ARM® Cortex®-A7 core  Memory o 256MB DDR3L SDRAM o 1GB NAND Flash o Micro SD connector  Ethernet o 1x 10/100Mbps Ethernet RJ-45 connector  USB Port o 1x USB 2.0 Host connector o 1x USB 2.0 Host connector (Device mode support)  Wireless Technology  o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n and 802.15.1 BLEv4.0 compatible Wi-Fi + BT module from Murata o 802.15.4/ZigBee Module JN5179  o NFC module using PN7120 controller for commissioning o Thread+BLE Module MKW41Z  Header Support o MikroBUS compatible header to support mikroBUS compatible Volansys’ RF modules & all other MikroBUS’ click modules which is universally accepted with same header compatibility  Other I/O o 1x Debug port via USB micro-B connector o 1x Power LED, 2x Status LED o 1x User Switch (for commissioning), 1x reset Switch o JTAG connector
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 11  Dimension o 146.045 mm x 96.656 mm x 27.537 mm  Weight o 250 Grams  Operating Temperature and Humidity o 0 to 50 °C, 10% to 80% RH (Non-considering)  Storage Temperature and Humidity o -10 to 50 °C, 5% to 80% RH (Non-considering) 3.2 User Cases  Figure 3 – Modular IoT Gateway With Inbuilt Peripheral Volansys modular IoT gateway is central device to test gateway out of box. In this demo, user can control and monitor ZigBee/Thread end devices with help of mobile application. In order to use, Modular IoT Gateway, user needs to provide Internet connectivity to gateway board. The Gateway board support Ethernet and Wi-Fi interface for cloud connectivity. Gateway also support NFC commission. Using this NFC commission method user can provide Wi-Fi credential to Gateway and register them. User can seamlessly add  ZigBee  device  in  Gateway  network  by  NFC  commission  method.  Once  End  devices  are  added  to Gateway’s  network  then  user  can  control  them  remotely.  Here  note  that  the  user  need  to  use  this reference design platform in well controlled indoor environment. 3.3 Protocol Support The Modular IoT Gateway contains a full-featured IP networking and wireless software stack:  DHCP Client, DHCP Server, DHCPv6 Client  uPnP (Discovery), LCAP (77FE), SSH, SSLv3/TLSv1, HTTP(S)  IPv4/IPv6, TCP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, Auto-IP, DNS  WPA/WPA2 Personal
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 12 3.4 Addresses and Port Numbers 3.4.1 Hardware Address The hardware address is also referred to as the Ethernet address, physical address, or MAC address. The first three bytes of the Ethernet address are fixed and identify the unit as a volansys reference design platform.  The  fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth  bytes  are  unique  numbers  assigned  to  each  unit.  Sample  ways hardware address may be represented:  00-80-A3-14-1B-18  00:80:A3:14:1B:18 3.4.2 IP Address Every device connected to an IP network must have a unique IPv4 address. This address references the specific unit. 3.4.3 Port Numbers Every TCP connection is defined by a destination and source IP Address, and a destination and source port number. For example, a Telnet server commonly uses TCP port number 23.  The following is a list of the default server port numbers running on the Modular IoT Gateway:   TCP Port 22: SSH Server (Command Mode configuration)  TCP Port 80: HTTP (Web Manager Configuration) 3.5 Reference design platform information Label The Reference design platform information label on the device contains the following information about the specific unit:  Company Logo  Model Name  Platform Part Number  Serial Number and Barcode  MAC Address and Barcode  Power Rating  FCC and CE certificate details e.g.:  Figure 4 – Reference Design platform information Label
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 13 4 REFERENCE DESIGN PLATFORM ARCHITECTURE AND INTERFACES  Modular IoT Gateway implements a variety of peripheral interfaces to connect with i.MX6UL based SoM Module. This section provides detailed information about different peripherals of Modular IoT Gateway. The architecture block diagram of Modular IoT Gateway board is shown as below:   Figure 5 – Architecture Block Diagram The inside view of Modular IoT Gateway is shown in following figures,  Figure 6 – Inside view of Modular IoT Gateway
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 14 4.1 Memory, I/O Ports and external peripheral support 4.1.1 DDR3  Modular IoT Gateway is equipped with 256 MB DDR3L Memory which is upgradable up to 1 GB. 4.1.2 NAND Flash  Gateway is available with on-board NAND (1GB) flash. 4.1.3 Micro SD Card Slot  Micro SD slot (J18) is provided on Modular IoT Gateway.  It is connected to USDHC1 interface of i.MX 6UltraLite on SoM Module.  Figure 7 – Reference design Platform interface details 4.2 Ethernet Port Modular IoT Gateway incorporates a single full-featured 10/100 Ethernet interface, implemented with the i.MX6UL MAC-NET core in conjunction with a 10/100-Mbit/s MAC coupled with an on-board 10/100 PHY.  The modular IoT Gateway comes with following features:  Integrated PHY on SoM for 10/100 Mbps  Auto-negotiation support  Programmable MAC address 4.3 USB Ports The USB interface block provides two High speed USB port, which supports USB ver. 2.0. Initially both the connectors  will  act  as  host.  User  can  configure  USB-2(J17)  port  as  device  also  by  modifying  jumpers setting. USB-1 (J16) will work as host only. Jumper setting for USB-2 port host and device mode are shown in below table:  USB-2 HOST USB-2 DEVICE JUMPER 1 (J30) CLOSE OPEN JUMPER 2 (J29) OPEN CLOSE Table 4 - Gateway USB Configuration
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 15 When using serial download option for Boot, USB-2(J17) will be used in Device mode. It is required to change Jumper setting to enable device mode. 4.4 USB Debug Port The  Modular  IoT  Gateway  comes  with  one  microUSB  debug  port  support  to  simplify  debugging mechanism. A CP2102, USB to serial UART IC is used to convert the UART signals to USB. A micro-B to standard A USB cable can be used. UART1 port is used as the debug port. The required terminal settings are shown in the following table:  Baud Rate 115200 Data Bits 8 Parity None Stop Bits 1 Flow Control None Table 5 - Terminal Settings 4.5 Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Modular  IoT  Gateway  provides  support  of  Single  Band  (2.4GHz)  Wi-Fi  and  Bluetooth  using  Murata’s LBEE5KLDX RF module on Gateway. The Modular IoT Gateway supports following features:  Support of single band IEEE 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi   Bluetooth ver. 4.1 BLE   Provides SDIO interface for Wi-Fi and UART interface for Bluetooth operation  External  u.fl  connectors  is  connected  with  antenna  line  of  module  to  provide  external  Whip antenna support 4.6 User Interface Switch 4.6.1 Commissioning Switch (SW1) SW1 is used to start/stop NFC commissioning mode. It is also used to power off the gateway board by long pressing it for more than 15 sec.  Figure 8 – Modular IoT Gateway Switches
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 16 Different control mechanism for switch is provided as below: Switch Control Last State Next State SW1 Short Press ( >5sec & < 15sec) NFC Commission Window Off Start NFC commission window NFC Commission Window ON Stop NFC commission window Long press  (> 15sec) Any Power off gateway board  Table 6 - User Interface Switch 4.6.2 Reset Switch One reset switch is provided for user, to reboot the system without removing power supply. Pressing the switch will drive logic zero on RESETn signal, which will affects every modules on gateway. 4.7 User LED Indications Two dual color LEDs are used to provide indication about different Gateway functionalities. Below table indicates color mark to represent specific events.  LED Behavior Represents LED1 Green Connected to cloud Red Not Connected to cloud Orange Connecting to cloud LED2 Green Commission window is On Orange Commission window is Off Blink fast for 10 times ED Commission successful Blink slow for 5 times ED Commission failed Table 7 - User LED Indications Note: User can change LEDs behavior based on their use case scenario. 4.8 NFC Controller Modular IoT gateway have NFC Module Header for NFC Connectivity. It’s have PN7120 NFC Controller from NXP Semiconductor.                                                           Figure 9 - NFC Controller
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 17 4.9 MikroBus Compatible Headers Modular IoT Gateway contains two standard MikroBUS header which provides SPI, I2C & UART interface and other MikroBUS standard support signals. MikroBUS standard click board can be used with Modular IoT Gateway board. Below figure displays Standard MikroBUS socket position on Modular IoT Gateway board:  Figure 10 - MikroBUS Header                                 4.10 JN5179 ZigBee Module NXP’s  ZigBee  module  have  JN5179  wireless  controller  which  was  low  power  supporting  for  ZigBee interface. JN5179 module supports following features:  2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant   512KB Flash  32KB RAM  On board PCB Antenna  Compact size: 14.5mm x 20.5mm  TX power 8.5 dBm/10 dBm  Receiver sensitivity –96 dBm  TX current 24 mA at 10 dBm  TX current 21.2 mA at 8.5 dBm  RX current 14.3 mA at maximum input level –2 dBm  2.0 V/3.6 V operation     Figure 11 - JN5179 Module
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 18 4.11 MKW41Z Thread+BLE Module The MKW41Z module is ultra-compact, low power high sensitivity module. It is based on NXP’s MKW41Z512VHT4 SoC combined with Bluetooth Low energy and IEEE 802.15.4 network stacks like Thread, ZigBee pro etc. MKW41Z module supports following features:  32bit 48MHz ARM® Cortex-M0+ MCU   64KB SRAM   512KB Flash  Integrated chip antenna  Compact size: 19mm x 11.51mm x 3mm (L x W x H)  Max Tx power: +3.5 dbm  Typical Receiver Sensitivity (BLE) = -96 dBm  Typical Receiver Sensitivity (802.15.4) = -100 dBm  Integrated DC-DC Buck/boost converter, 0.9 V to 4.2 V operation  Low Power Mode (VLLS0) Current: ≈180 nA  On module 32MHz and 32KHz crystal    Figure 12 - MKW41Z Module
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 19 5 INSTALLATION OF GATEWAY The Modular IoT Gateway comes with its required contents and it is mentioned in below section. 5.1 Modular IoT Gateway Box Content Modular IoT Gateway comes with following listed items: Item Description Modular IoT Gateway Unit Comes with External Antenna attached Power Adapter DC 5V, 3A – plug in with Gateway to power up Gateway Documentation Quick Start Guide   Table 8 – Modular IoT Gateway Reference design platform Content 5.2 Devices inside Modular IoT Gateway Modular  IoT  Gateway  has  different  peripherals  support.  It  contains  following  peripherals  to  support different functionality and all must be installed inside Gateway: Item Description SoM Based on i.MX6UL processor, 200-pin SO-DIMM standard supported module Base Board Multiple RF interface support with Volansys’ SoM NFC Module For commissioning of different modules JN5179 module Provides ZigBee interface support MKW41Z module Provides Thread+BLE interface support Table 9 - Modular IoT Gateway Unit Contents 5.3 User required Items To complete your demo installation you need following items and it is not standard parts of Modular IoT Gateway. User needs to manage it. Item Description USB Cable USB Cable (micro B to standard A) Ethernet Cable To connect with network using Ethernet Micro SD Card Bootable Linux image NFC Tags To register/commission on network through Gateway Internet connectivity To connect Gateway via Ethernet or Wi-Fi Mobile Application To operate Gateway  Windows PC To update firmware and get EUI-64 of FRDM-KW24D512          Table 10 – Other Require Equipment Note: Recommended Ethernet cable length is 3mm or less.
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 20 6 DEMO SETUP OF MODULAR IOT GATEWAY  Kindly refer Modular IoT Gateway OOB Demo Setup Guide-v1.1 for Demo setup and configuration.
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 21 7 CONTACT US AND SUPPORT  INDIA Office:                                                                                                                     USA Office: Block A - 7th Floor,                                                                                                           3080 Olcott St. Suite D235 Safal Profitaire,                                                                                                                 Santa Clara CA – 95054. Corporate Road,                                                                                                               Phone: +1 510 358 4310 Prahaladnagar,  Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015 Phone: + 91-79-40041994. E-mail: sales@volansys.com  Volansys offers many resources to support our customers and reference design platforms at Website: www.volansys.com  For instance, you can ask a question and other technical details related to reference design platforms at our website. At this site you can also find FAQs, bulletins, warranty information, extended support services and Reference design platform documentation.  To contact technical support or sales, look up your local office at: http://volansys.com/contact/  When you report a problem, please provide the Following information:  Your name, company name, address, and phone number  Description of the problem  Status of the unit when the problem occurred.
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 22 8 APPENDIX-A 8.1 Acronyms & Glossary The following terms are used in this document Sr No# Terms Definition 1.   BLE/BT Bluetooth Low Energy/Bluetooth 2.   eMMC Embedded Multimedia Card 3.   GPIO General Purpose Input and Output 4.   GPS Global Positioning System 5.   GSM Global System for Mobile Communication 6.   I2C Inter Integrated Circuit 7.   IoT Internet Of Things 8.   JTAG Joint Test Action Group 9.   LDO Low Dropout 10.   LED Light Emitting Diode 11.   MCU Microcontroller Unit 12.   NFC Near Field Communication 13.   PMIC Power Management Integrated Circuits 14.   SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory 15.   SMA Subminiature version A 16.   SoC System on Chip 17.   SoM Systems On Module 18.   SPI Serial Peripheral Interface 19.   TBD To Be Define 20.   U.FL Ultra-Miniature RF Connector 21.   UART Universal Asynchronous receiver and Transmitter 22.   USB Universal Serial Bus Table 11 - Acronyms & Glossary
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 23 9 APPENDIX-B 9.1 Compliance (According to ISO/IEC Guide and EN 45014)  Reference Design Platform Name Model: Modular IoT Gateway Conforms to the following standards or other normative documents:  Safety  EN 60950-1:2006 + A11:2009 + A1:2010 + A12:2011 + A2:2013  Emissions  CFR Title 47 FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class A Emissions  EN55022: 2010, Class A Emissions  CISPR 22: 2009, Class A Emissions  Immunity  EN55024: 2010  EN610000-4-2: 2009  EN61000-4-3: 2006 + A1: 2008 + A2: 2010  EN61000-4-4: 2004  EN61000-4-5: 2005  EN61000-4-6: 2009  EN61000-4-8: 2010  EN61000-4-11: 2004  CISPR 16-1-4: 2008  ICES-0003 Issue 6 9.2 RoHS, REACH Compliance
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 24 FCC Regulations: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause  harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of  the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiated radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is  encouraged  to  try  to  correct  the interference by one or more of the following measures:  -Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. -Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. -Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  Caution: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authority to operate the equipment. RF Exposure Information This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation. ISED Notice This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and  (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.  Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR Innovation, Sciences et Développement économique Canada applicables  aux  appareils  radio  exempts  de  licence.  L'exploitation  est  autorisée  aux  deux  conditions suivantes:  (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et  (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en  This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. IC: 22256-GW6UL01M2M4
Modular IoT Gateway User Manual     Rev0.4  Confidential  Copyright © 2016 Volansys  August 17, 2017  Volansys Technologies  Page | 25 ISED RF Exposure Statement This device complies with ISED RSS-102 RF exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the IC RSS-102 RF exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20cm (8 inches) during normal operation.  Cet appareil est conforme aux limites d'exposition aux rayonnements de la CNR-102 définies pour un environnement  non  contrôlé.  Afin  d'éviter  la  possibilité  de  dépasser  les  limites  d'exposition  aux fréquences radio de la CNR-102, la proximité humaine à l'antenne ne doit pas être inférieure à 20 cm (8 pouces) pendant le fonctionnement normal.

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