User Manual 4

26Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationTurning off the TransceiverTo turn off the transceiver, press and hold P over 1 second.Adjusting the Volume LevelYou can adjust the transceiver volume level for the A-band and B-band separately.1 Press A to select the A-band or B-band for which you want to adjust the volume level. Pressing A each time toggles between the A-band and B-band.2  While pressing v, turn O to adjust the volume level.  The volume bar graph moves up/down. Supplement  If no sound is heard from the speaker, press T and then adjust the volume level while listening to white noise.3 Release v to exit from the Volume Level Adjustment mode.Tips•  Pressing v starts MUTE (silencing the audio) function, muting entire sound.•  Pressing v while the audio is being muted cancels the MUTE function. Sound Volume Bar GraphA “SP VOLUME” level among 0 trough 31 appears.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
27Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationSelecting an Operating BandThe frequency displayed on the LCD in large letters is the operating band.You can change the frequency of the operating band and activate the transmitter.Each time A is pressed, the operating content displayed on the LCD screen is changed.Press F↓Press A.Press F↓Press A.Press A.Press A.A-band (operating band)B-bandPress and hold A about 1 second.Press and hold A about 1 second.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
28Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationTip•  On A-band, you can transmit and receive using the 144 MHz and 430 MHz Amateur radio bands.•  On B-band, you can transmit and receive using the 144 MHz and 430 MHz Amateur radio bands.In addition, the frequencies on the chart below can be received on A-band and B-band.Chart of A-band and B-band reception frequenciesA-band and B-band reception frequenciesA-band B-band0.5 MHz to 1.8 MHz(AM BC Band)30 MHz to 76 (88) MHz (50 MHz band)108 MHz to 137 MHz (AIR band)137 MHz to 174 MHz (144 MHz band)174 MHz to 222 MHz(VHF-TV Band)222 MHz to 420 MHz (INFO band (1))420 MHz to 470 MHz (430 MHz band)470 MHz to 774 (800) MHz(UHF-TV Band)803 (800) MHz to 999.9 MHzCellular Blocked USA version108 MHz to 137 MHz (AIR band)137 MHz to 174 MHz (144 MHz band)174 MHz to 222 MHz(VHF-TV Band)222 MHz to 420 MHz (INFO band (1))420 MHz to 470 MHz (430 MHz band)470 MHz to 580 MHz(  ): EXP/European version−−−−−−1.8 MHz to 30 MHz (SW band)−−76 (88) MHz to 108 MHz (FM BC Band)−−•  A-band and B-band can be received at the same time.You can receive Amateur radio frequency while listening to the AIR band, or receive two Amateur radio frequencies on the same frequency band at the same time (V+V/U+U: Dual frequency reception on the same band).Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
29Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationSelecting a Frequency BandYou can select a frequency band to use for the A-band and B-band separately.Setting a Frequency Band for the A-band1 Press A to select the A-band.2 Press B repeatedly to select a frequency band.Short Wave Band50 MHz bandFM BC Band AIR band 144 MHz bandVHF-TV BandInformation radio band (1)430 MHz bandUHF-TV BandCellular BlockedUSA versionAM BC Band Tip  Pressing F and then B changes frequency bands shown above in the reverse order.Selecting a Frequency Band for B-band1 Press A to select the B-band.2 Press B to select a frequency band.AIR band  144 MHz band VHF-TV BandInformation radio band (1)430 MHz band470MHz to 580MHz Tip  Pressing F and then B changes frequency bands shown above in the reverse order.Caution Digital communication can be performed only on the A-band.Digital communication cannot be performed on the B-band.Tips•  The frequency settings from the factory are:A-band: 144.000 MHz  B-band: 430.000MHz•  The factory setting of the Auto mode is set such that the transceiver is automatically switched to the optimal reception mode for the default frequency bands.To change the default reception mode, press and hold M for over 1 second and then select [2 TX/RX] → [1 MODE] → [4RX MODE] (See page 38).•  For the relationship between frequency bands and reception frequencies, see the table on page 28.•  You can also recall the home channel of each frequency band by pressing F and then 4 (See page 45).Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
30Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationTuning in to a FrequencyTune in to your desired frequency using either of the following methods:(1) Turn O to tune in to your desired frequency.(2) Enter your desired frequency directly using the numeric keys.Tuning in to your desired frequency with O.1  Switch to the VFO mode.2 Turn O to tune in to your desired frequency. Turning O clockwise: The frequency increases. Turning O counterclockwise: The frequency de-creases. Tip   You can tune to the desired frequency in steps of 1 MHz by pressing F and turning O.Entering a Desired Frequency Directly Using Numeric Keys1 Press V to enter the VFO mode, in which you can tune to the desired frequency.2  Enter the desired frequency using numeric keys.  Example: To enter 145.520 MHz, Press the T he following keys in sequence: 1→4→5→5→2  Example: To enter 430.000 MHz, Press the T he following keys in sequence: 4→3→HTips•  In factory settings, the Auto Step mode is set such that the transceiver is automatically switched to the optimal frequency steps for the reception frequency.You can change frequency steps manually using O (See page 37).•  If you enter a wrong digit when entering a frequency using numeric keys, you can cancel it by press-ing p.•  In factory settings, turning O beyond the selected frequency band does not change the selected frequency band to another frequency band and displays the selected frequency band repeatedly on the LCD.To prevent it, press and hold M for over 1 second to switch to the Set mode, select [8 CONFIG] → [21 VFO MODE] and change the [21 VFO MODE] to “ALL”. Thereby, you can change the frequency band to another frequency band by turning O beyond the selected frequency band.Selecting Communication ModeThis transceiver can operate in both analog and digital communication modes.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
31Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationPressing % repeatedly switches the communication mode as follows.[Analog (FM)] → [Auto (¢FM)] → [Digital (DN)] → [Digital Wide (VW)]FM:   Analog  Analog communication using FM mode.¢○○  Auto   Automatically switches between Analog AM (¢AM), Analog FM (¢FM), and Digital (¢DN).DN:  Digital   Digital communication using (C4FM (Quaternary FSK) modulationVW:  Wide Digital  High sound quality of Digital CommunicationCaution Digital communication can be performed only on the A-band.Performing Communication1  Speak into the microphone while pressing p.  When speaking into the microphone, keep it about 5 cm away from your mouth.2 Release p.  The transceiver returns to the Reception mode.CautionsUse the transceiver at the minimum required transmission power level.Doing so prevents the transceiver from overheating and saves battery power, increasing the operat-ing time.Do not continue transmitting for a prolonged period. The transceiver can overheat, resulting in mal-function or burn.If transmission is continued for a long period, the transceiver overheats and the overheat protection function is activated. As a result, the transmitting power level is automatically set to Low Power. If you continue transmitting while the overheat protection function is active, the transceiver will be forc-ibly returned to the Reception mode.If you touch the transceiver immediately after the overheat protection function has become active, you can get burned. Wait for the temperature inside the transceiver to drop sufficiently before resum-ing transmission.Do not perform transmission without attaching the antenna. The transmitter circuit can be damaged.Tips•  In the FM mode, you can transmit on the 144 MHz and 430 MHz ham radio bands.•  Even while you are receiving in the AM mode, you can transmit in the FM mode by pressing p.•  You can change the transmit power level by pressing F and then 1.Transmit power level may be lower when using the battery pack or the alkaline battery case.For more details, see “Changing the Transmission Power Level” on page 36.•  If p is pressed when a frequency other than the amateur ham radio band is selected, an alarm tone (beep) will be emitted and “ERROR” appears on the LCD, disabling transmission.•  Pressing and holding M for over 1 second, and changing the Set Mode option [8 CONFIG] will allow you to use the transceiver more conveniently.•  Selecting [8 CONFIG] → [2 BCLO] prohibits transmission during reception of a signal.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
32Basic OperationPerforming CommunicationSelecting Communication ModeThis transceiver is equipped with AMS (Automatic Mode Select) which automatically se-lects between 4 modes of transmission to fit the signal being received. Because the trans-mission is automatically adjusted to that of the other station, not only C4FM digital signals, but analog signals are also recognized.Press % to display [¢DN*] on the LCD.* (The display depends on the received signal.)䰢䰒䰛䰢䰒䰛䰒䰙Ā䎧䎱䰔䰕 䰔䰕 䰀䯿䯿䯺䯼䯼䯼䯽䰀䰁䯺䎚䎛䯼ÿĀExample of when AMS is displayed.To fix the transmission mode for operation, switch the transmission mode with %.Pressing % toggles between communication modes in the order listed below.[¢DN (AMS)] → [DN (V/D mode)] → [VW (FR mode)] → [FM (analog)]Operation mode Display Description of ModesAMS  (Automatic Mode Select)¢○○ Transmission mode is automatically selected from 4 types ac-cording to the signal received.(“○○” part differs depending on the received signal.)The AMS feature settings may be changed via Set Mode ( p.112).V/D Mode  (Voice/Data simultaneous transmission mode)DN Call is less prone to interruption due to detection and correction of voice signals during digital voice signal transmission. This is the standard mode for C4FM FDMA DigitalVoice FR Mode  (Voice Full Rate Mode)VW Digital voice data transmission using the entire 12.5kHz band. Enables high-quality voice communication.Data FR Mode (High Speed Data Communication Mode)High speed data communication using entire 12.5kHz band.This mode is automatically selected for image communication.Analog FM Mode FM Analog communication using FM mode. Effective when the signal is weak and audio is susceptible to interruption in digital mode.CautionsDigital communication can be performed only on the A-band.Digital communication cannot be performed on the B-band.In V/D mode (“DN” on the LCD), position information is included in the radio wave during voice communication, however, it is not include in the Voice FR mode (“VW” on the LCD).Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
33Basic OperationListening to the RadioListening to the AM/FM RadioAM broadcast stations can be easily received using “Preset Memory Receiver” (See page 52), where many major broadcast stations are already saved to this transceiver, or the stations can be directly tuned in by inputting the frequency of the desired broadcast sta-tion with the O and key pad.1 Press A  Set A band as the operating band.2 Press B  Select either the “AM broadcast” or “FM broadcast” bands. The “R” icon will ap-pear on the display while in the Broadcast Reception mode.3  Adjust the frequency by turning O or using the key pad (See page 30).Tip•  Broadcast stations that are frequently listened to can be saved to memory (See page 43).•  If you would like to scan a radio band, set A band as the operating band and press F, then 2.•  If a signal is detected during the scan, a beep will sound; the transceiver will receive the signal for 5 seconds then resume scanning.•  The decimal point will flash when the scan is stopped.Switching between AM AntennasWhen listening to AM broadcast stations, the Bar and external antennas may be switched for best reception according to conditions. During normal use, you may not need to switch between AM antennas.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [2 TX/RX].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [1 MODE].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [1 ANTENNA AM].7 Press H.8 Turn O to switch to the desired antenna.Display OperationBAR & EXT ANTENNAAM broadcasts can be received using both the whip antenna provided at the top of the transceiver and the built-in bar antenna.BAR ANTENNA When receiving AM broadcasts, the trans-ceiver uses only the built-in bar antenna.Rotate the transceiver to adjust the AM broadcast (middle wave band) for the best receiving sensitivity.9 Press p to exit from the Set mode.䎶䎨䎷䎝䎃䎃䎕䫹 䎷 䎻 䎒 䎵 䎻䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎖䫹䎰䎨䎰䎲䎵䎼䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䫹䎗 䫹 䎶 䎬 䎪 䎱 䎤 䎯 䎬 䎱䎪䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎘䫹 䎶 䎦 䎤 䎱䎔䎃䎃䎰䎲䎧䎨䎕 䫹 䎧 䎬 䎪 䎬 䎷䎤䎯䎖 䫹 䎤 䎸 䎧 䎬 䎲䎔䎃䎃䎤䎱䎷䎨䎱䎱䎤䎃䎃䎤䎰䎕 䫹 䎤䎱䎷䎨䎱䎱䎤䎃䎃䎤䎷䎷䎖 䫹 䎩 䎸 䎯 䎯䎃䎃䎧 䎸 䎳 䎯 䎨 䎻䎗䎃䎃 䎫 䎤 䎯 䎩䎃䎃䎧 䎨 䎹 䎬 䎤 䎷 䎬 䎲䎱䎤䎱䎷䎨䎱䎱䎤䎃 䎃䎤䎰䎥䎤䎵 䎃 䎃䎉 䎃 䎃 䎨䎻䎷Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
34Basic OperationMiscellaneous SettingsSetting clock timeThis transceiver is equipped with an internal clock. The clock is used to display the time, and also to turn the transceiver on or off at a specified time (timer function). Set the clock before using the transceiver for the first time.Enter the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4  Turn O to select [19 DATE & TIME ADJ].5  Press H.6  Turn O to set [YEAR].7  Press H.  The cursor moves to [MONTH].8  Turn O to set [MONTH].9   Repeat steps 5 and 6.  Set [DAY], [HOUR], and [MINUTE] Pressing F moves the cursor to the setting item shown on the left. Remark   The hour appears in the 24-hour clock format. Tip   If GPS information is received, the clock will be set automatically.Next, set the time signal alarm.If you do not want to set the time signal alarm, proceed to step 3 described in “Setting the Time Signal”.Setting the Time SignalSet the time signal so that a tone is emitted at 00 minute of each hour.1 Press B.  The cursor moves to [– –].2 Turn O to select “SIG”.  If you select [TIME SIGNAL] you will hear a time signal tone (beep) at 00 minute of each hour.  If you do not want to hear the time signal tone, leave “– –” as it is.3 Press H.  The cursor moves to [SET].4 Press H to save the [TIME SIGNAL] setting.5 Press p to exit from the Set mode. Remark   When “MONOBAND RECEPTION” is selected, the current time appears on the LCD.䎔䎜䎃䎃 䎧 䎤 䎷 䎨 䎃 䎃䎉䎃䎃 䎷 䎬 䎰䎨䎃䎃䎤䎧䎭䎕䎓䫹 䎷 䎲 䎷䎕䎔䫹 䎹 䎩 䎲 䎃 䎰 䎲 䎧䎨䎕䎕䎃䎃 䎹 䎬 䎥 䎵 䎤䎷䎲䎵䎕 䎓 䎔 䎖 䎑 䎓 䎔 䎑 䎓 䎔䎕 䎓 䎔 䎖 䎑 䎓 䎙 䎑 䎓 䎔䎕 䎓 䎔 䎖 䎑 䎓 䎙 䎑 䎔 䎚䎓 䎓 䎝䎖䎚䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎶䎨䎷䎃䎓 䎓 䎝䎖䎚䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎶䎨䎷䎃䎓 䎓 䎝䎖䎚䎃䎃 䎶 䎬 䎪䎃䎃䎶䎨䎷䎓 䎔 䎝䎔䎙䎃䎃 䎶 䎬 䎪䎃䎃䎶䎨䎷䎃Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
35Basic OperationMiscellaneous SettingsTips•  The accuracy of the clock is 30 seconds/month. However, it may vary depending on the environment conditions, such as the temperature.•  The transceiver is equipped with a dedicated rechargeable lithium battery for the clock.Normally, the transceiver is powered from the battery pack. When the battery pack is detached or runs out, the lithium battery starts operating automatically. The lithium battery can power the clock for approximately 2 months.•  When you use the transceiver for the first time or without the battery pack for a long period of time, the accuracy of the clock may be poor. In such case, reattach the battery pack and adjust the time. •  When the transceiver is operating in “Mono” band, the current time appears on the LCD.However, when display of double-size characters or dual display is selected, the current time does not appear on the LCD.•  The calendar can display dates from January 1, 2000 A.D. up to December 31, 2099 A.D.•  If AUTO is selected in [9 APRS] → [21 GPS TIME SET] in the Set mode, the clock will automatically display accurate time. However, the day of the week is not set automatically. Set the day of the week manually.•  If you use the timer function, the transceiver will be turned off automatically (See page 132).In addition, you can set the transceiver to turn on at the specified time (See page 132).Muting AudioIf it is difficult to hear the voice because the audio of A-band and the B-band are mixed during dual reception, you can mute the audio of the non-operating band.1  Press and hold M for over 1 second to select the Set  mode.2 Turn O to select [2 TX/RX].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [3 AUDIO].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [2 MUTE].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select a mute level. Remark   You can select one of the following 4 levels of mute:• MUTE 30%• MUTE 50%• MUTE 100%• OFFThe higher the value for MUTE, the more the non-operating band audio is reduced.  To deactivate the muting function, select OFF.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
36Basic OperationMiscellaneous Settings9 Press p to exit from the Set mode. Remark   When the muting function is active, ] appears on the LCD.  When the muting function is active, ] blinks on the LCD.Tips•  Even if the muting function is activated, the voice is not muted when no signal is received on the operating band.•  Pressing v while in frequency display screen, zooms in on [MUTE] and both A and B bands can be muted simultaneously.Pressing v again will deactivate MUTE.Changing the Transmission Power LevelThe maximum transmission power level of this transceiver is 5W. When communicating with a friend in the immediate area or when you want to reduce the battery power con-sumption, you can lower the transmit power level. For power supply types and transmit power levels, see the table shown below.1 Press F and then 1.2 Turn O to select the transmit power level.  Select [LOW1], [LOW2], [LOW3], or [HIGH] by turning O.3 Press p to save the selected transmit power level. Battery typeHI (High Power)L3 L2 L1Battery pack5 W 2.5 W 1 W 0.1 WExternal power supply (13.8 VDC)Battery Case (alkaline battery) Approx. 0.8 W 0.1 WTips•  You can set the transmitter power level separately for the A-band and B-band.•  Use the transceiver at the minimum required transmit power level to reduce battery power consumption.•  By default, “HI (High power)” is selected.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
37Basic OperationMiscellaneous SettingsAdjusting the Squelch LevelYou can mute the raspy noise heard when no signal is being received. The squelch level can be adjusted separately for two broadcasts (FM and AM) received on the A-band and B-band. When the squelch level is increased, the noise is more liable to disappear but, if it is set too high, it becomes difficult to receive weak signals. Adjust the squelch level as required.1 Press A to select the desired operating band.2  On the FT1XDR, press F and then T.  On the FT1XDE, press and hold M over 1 second to enter the Set mode, and then select [4 SIGNALING] → [8 SQL LEVEL].3 Turn O to adjust the squelch level. Remark   The squelch level can be adjusted within the range from 0 to 15.  Default: LEVEL 14 Press p to save the Squelch Level Adjustment and exit the Squelch Level Adjustment mode.TipsWhile T is held pressed, the squelch function will be deactivated for both the A-band and B-band.Changing the Frequency Step ManuallyBy default, “AUTO (Step)” is selected so that the optimum frequency step is automati-cally selected according to the received frequency. You can change this frequency step manually.1  Press and hold M over 1 second.  Enters the Set mode.2 Turn O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4  Turn O to select [18 STEP].5  Press H.6  Turn O to select your desired frequency step. Remark   Selectable frequency steps are as follows:• AUTO • 5 KHz • 6.25 KHz• (8.33 KHz) • 10 KHz • 12.5 KHz• 15 KHz • 20 KHz • 25 KHz• 50 KHz • 100KHz  It is recommended that AUTO be selected normally.  Default: AUTO7 Press p to save the frequency step, and exit the Frequency Step Setting mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
38Basic OperationMiscellaneous SettingsTips•  For the AIR band (108 MHz to 136.991 MHz), the frequency step “8.33 kHz” can be selected.•  For bands covering 250MHz to 300MHz, and bands covering 580 MHz or higher, the frequencies, frequency steps “5 kHz”, “6.25 kHz”, and “15 kHz” cannot be selected.Changing the Mode ManuallyBy default, the reception (RX) is set to “AUTO (Auto Mode)” so that the optimal reception mode (radio wave type) is automatically selected according to the receiving band (fre-quency band). You can change this mode manually.Enters the Set mode:1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [2 TX/RX].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [1 MODE].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [4 RX MODE].7 Press H.8 Turn O to select your desired reception mode.  It is recommended that AUTO be selected normally.Display OperationAUTO The optimal reception mode is automatically selected according to the frequency band.FM Only the selected band is switched to the NFM (FM mode).AM Only the selected band is switched to the AM mode.9  Press p to exit the Set mode.Tip•  Even if the AM mode is selected on a ham radio band, 144 MHz band or 430 MHz band, transmission takes place in the FM mode.Caution You cannot change the mode of A-band AM/FM broadcast radio bands.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
39Basic OperationMiscellaneous SettingsLocking keys and switchesTo prevent accidental frequency change during operation, keys, switches and O except p switch, T, v, P can be locked.1 Press P to lock the keys and switches. l appears on the LCD. Remark   To unlock a key or switch, press P again. l disappears from the LCD.Tip•  You can also lock the O and p switch by selecting the Set mode option [8 CONFIG] → [9 LOCK].Restoring to Defaults (All Reset)You can restore all transceiver settings and memory content, such as memory channels, to the defaults.1 Press P while pressing %, D, and H.  The transceiver is turned on, followed by beep.  When you hear the beep, release the keys.2  When “ALL RESET PUSH F KEY!” appears on the LCD, press F.  A beep sounds and the callsign input screen appears on the LCD.3  Input a callsign for your transceiver.  Input the callsign with the numeric keys.4 Press p to save your callsign and the screen returns to the frequency display. Remark   To cancel the All Reset function, press a key or switch other than F.CautionWhen the All Reset function is performed, all data such as memory channels registered in the memory is deleted. Be sure to write it down on paper or back up the data on the microSD memory card (See pages 138 to 139).TipTo return only the Set Mode option settings to default, press P while pressing % and V.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
40Repeater OperationRepeater OperationRepeater OperationCommunicating Via the RepeaterThe transceiver includes an ARS (Automatic Repeater Shift) function which permits com-munication through the repeater automatically just by setting the receiver to the repeater frequency.1  Set the receive frequency to the repeater frequency. “  ” or “   ” appears in the upper right corner of the LCD.2 Press p, to begin communicating through the repeat-er.Tips•  Pressing F and then pressing 5 enters the “reverse” state where the transmit frequency and the receive frequency are temporarily reversed. This allows you to check and find if direct communication with the remote station is possible.•  In the “reverse” state, [   ] blinks on the LCD.•  Pressing F again and then 5 exits the “reverse” state.•  Press and hold M over 1 second to enter the Set mode and change the options to allow more convenient use of this function.[8 CONFIG] → [14 RPT ARS]   You can deactivate the ARS function.[8 CONFIG] → [15 RPT SHIFT]   You can set the repeater shift direction.[8 CONFIG] → [16 RPT SHIFT FREQ]   You can change the repeater shift step.Tone Calling (1750 Hz)If your transceiver is FT1XDE (European version), press and hold in the T switch (just below the p switch) to generates a 1750 Hz burst tone to access the European repeater. The transmitter will automatically be activated, and a 1750 Hz audio tone will be superimposed on the carrier. Once access to the repeater has been gained, you may release the T switch, and use the p switch for activating the transmitter thereafter. If you need to access the repeaters which requires a 1750 Hz burst tone for access by the FT1XDR (USA/EXP versions), you can set the T switch to serve as a “Tone Call” switch instead. To change the configuration of this switch, use Set Mode [8 CONFIG] → [10 MONI/T-CALL].䰀䰀䎚䯺䎕䎘䯼䯽䰀䎙䯺䯽䯼䯼Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
41Repeater OperationRepeater ShiftThe FT1XDR/DE has been configured, at the factory, for the repeater shifts customary in the country where it is sold. For the 144 MHz band, this usually will be 600 kHz, while the 430 MHz shift will be 1.6 MHz, 7.6 MHz, or 5 MHz (USA version).Depending on the part of the band in which you are operating, the repeater shift may be either downward (−) or upward (+), and one of these icons will appear to the right of the display frequency on the LCD when repeater shifts have been enabled.Automatic Repeater Shift (ARS)The FT1XDR/DE Automatic Repeater Shift feature causes the appropriate repeater shift to be automatically applied whenever it is tuned into the designated repeater sub-bands. If the ARS feature does not appear to be working, you may have accidentally disabled it.To re-enable ARS: 1  Press and hold the M for over 1 second to enter the set mode.2  Turn the O to select [8 CONFIG].3 Press H.4  Turn the O to select [14 RPT ARS].5 Press H.6  Turn the O to select “ON” (to enable Automatic Repeater Shift).7  Press the p to save the new setting and exit the Set mode.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
42Using the MemoryUsing the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsThe FT1XDR/DE transceiver provides the following various types of memory channels in addition to the regular memory channels (numbers 001 to 900). • [Home channels] which can be recalled on each frequency band with one touch of a key. (See page 45) • Preset Receiver Memory Channels such as VHF Weather Broadcast Station (10 chan-nels), international VHF (marine) radios (57 channels) and world broadcasts (89 chan-nels) (see pages 51 to 55) • 99 (901 to 999) skip search memory channels that allow you to skip unwanted frequen-cies during VFO scanning (See page 58) • 50 sets of memory channels (L01/U01 to L50/U50) for programmable memory chan-nels scanning (PMS) (See page 63)The operating frequency and other operational information can be registered to eachregular memory channel, home channel, or PMS memory channel:• Operating frequency  • Memory tag    • Repeater information• Tone information  • DCS information  • Transmission output• Memory channel skip information(The operating mode information is not registered to the memory channels)Memory channels can be sorted and registered to memory banks according to the in-tended use. The transceiver allows you to use 24 types of memory banks. A maximum of 100 memory channels can be registered to each memory bank. A name can be assigned to each memory bank with up to 16 characters. (See page 48)/8/8/8/8/8/8Memory Channel Configuration of the transceiverMemory channels(900 channels)Home channels(11 channels)Memory banks(24 banks)Up to 100 memory channels can be registered to each bank.Skip search memory channels(99 channels)PMS memory channels(50 sets)Preset receiver memory channels• Memory channels for short wave broadcasts   (89 channels and international VHF (marine)     radios (57 channels))Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
43Using the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsRegistering to Memory ChannelCautionThe information such as operating frequency that is registered to memory channels can be corrupted due to wrong operation, static electricity, or electrical noise. Also, it can be erased in the case of a failure or repair. Be sure to write it down on paper or otherwise save the information (See pages 138 to 139).The transceiver allows you to use 900 memory channels (memory channel numbers 1 to 900).1  Switch to the VFO mode.2  Tune in to a frequency by turning O.  Select the frequency you want to register to a memory chan-nel.3  Press and hold F over 1 second.  Enters the Memory Channel Registration mode, and the number of the memory channel next to the memory channel to which you registered a frequency last blinks. Remarks   •  To cancel the memory channel registration, press the p switch.  •  To register a frequency to a memory channel specified, Turn O to select the memory channel.     The  ( icon indicating [The specified memory channel is unregistered] lights, and the memory channel blinks.   The ) icon indicating [The specified memory channel is registered] lights.  •   Pressing  M each time skips memory channels quickly in steps of 100 memory channels.4 Press F to complete the memory channel registration. The registered frequency appears on the LCD.  When registering a frequency to a memory channel already registered, “Overwrite OK?” appears on the LCD.Tips•  By default, 144.000 MHz is registered to the memory channel 1. It can be changed to another fre-quency, but not be deleted.•  The frequency which has been registered to a memory channel can be overwritten with a new frequency. When you attempt to register a new frequency to a memory channel, an unregistered memory chan-nel appears.•  To display the lowest unregistered memory number when you register a frequency to a memory channel, press and hold M over 1 second to enter the Set mode, and then select [3 MEMORY] →[6 MEMORY WRITE].•  To inhibit registration to all memory channels, press and hold M over 1 second to enter the Set mode, and then select [3 MEMORY] → [4 MEMORY PROTECT].Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
44Using the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsSplit MemoryTwo different frequencies, one for reception and other for transmission, can be registered to a memory channel.1  Register a receive frequency to a memory channel. Remark   See “Registering to Memory Channel” above.2  Select a transmit frequency in the VFO mode.3  Press and hold F over 1 second.4 Turn O to select the memory channel number that you registered the receive fre-quency to.5  While pressing p, press F to save the Split memory  channel.   When you recall the memory channel to which you reg-istered two different frequencies (one for receive and the other for transmit), the @ appears on the LCDRecalling a Memory ChannelRecall a registered memory channel using the following procedure:1 Press V to enter the Memory mode and the memory  channel you used last appears on the LCD.2 Turn O to select the desired memory channel.  Select the memory channel to use. Remarks   •  You can directly recall a memory channel using numeric keys.    To recall memory channel 15: Press 15H  •   Pressing  F and turning O allows you to skip memory channels quickly in steps of 10 memory channels.3 Press V to exit  the Memory mode, and the frequency selected in the VFO mode appears.Tips•   Unregistered memory channels are skipped.•  By default, a priority memory channel, which is used as dual receive priority memory channel, is set to the memory channel number 1. [P] appears on the upper right corner of the priority memory channel number (See page 75).•  The frequency registered to a memory channel can be transferred to the VFO operating band in the following procedure:Press and hold F over 1 second. → Press V → “OVERWRITE OK?” appears → Press V.•  To place the FT1XDR/DE transceiver in the Memory Channel only mode, use the following procedure, which allows the use of memory channels only.Press V while pressing P to turn on the transceiver.To cancel the Memory Channel Only mode, press P while pressing V again.䋴䋳䋰䋮䋰䋰䋰Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
45Using the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsRecalling Home Channel1 Press F and then 4.  The home channel of the currently selected frequency band appears on the LCD. Tips   •  For the relationship between the frequency bands and the home channel frequencies, see the table on the next page.  •  Selecting a frequency by turning O allows you to return to  the VFO mode.Frequency band Frequency Frequency band FrequencyAM BC Band 540 kHz 174 to 222 MHz band 174.000 MHzFM BC Band 76.000 (88.000) MHz  (INFO band (1)) 222.000 MHz (SW band) 1.800 MHz 430 MHz band 446.000 (430.000) MHz50 MHz 50.000 MHz 470 to 770 MHz band 470.000 MHz (AIR band) 108.000 MHz Information radio band (2) 860.000 MHz144 MHz band 146.520 (144.000) MHz ― ―(  ): EXP/European versionReturning to the Previous Frequency1 Press F and then 4  The frequency used before recalling the home channel appears on the LCD.Changing Home Channel FrequencyYou can change a default home channel frequency.1  Switch to the VFO mode.2 Turn O to select a frequency.  Select a frequency to change.3  Press and hold F for over 1 second to enter the Write mode.4 Press D.  “OVERWRITE?” appears on the LCD for about 5 seconds.5 Press D.  When the home channel frequency has been overwritten by a new frequency, the home channel frequency of the se-lected frequency band is changed.䎲䎹䎨䎵䎺䎵 䎬 䎷䎨䎢Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
46Using the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsDeleting Memory Channel1  Switch to the Memory mode.2  Press and hold F for over 1 second.3 Turn O to select the memory channel to delete.4 Press H.  “MASK?” appears on the LCD for about 3 seconds. Remark    To cancel the memory channel deletion operation, press F.5 Press H to delete the memory channel. Remark   To delete other memory channels, repeat steps 2 through 5.CautionMemory channel 1 cannot be deleted.TipsThe memory channel specified as a priority memory channel cannot be deleted. To delete a priority memory channel, specify it as a regular memory channel, then delete it.Restoring Deleted Memory ChannelYou can restore a deleted memory channel.1  Switch to the Memory mode.  The last used memory channel appears.2  Press and hold F for over 1 second.3 Turn O to select the memory channel to restore.4 Press H to restore the deleted memory channel.Using Memory TagMemory channels and home channels can be assigned a name (memory tag) such as a callsign or broadcast station name. A memory tag can be specified with up to 16 charac-ters. The following types of characters can be entered:• Alphabetic characters (uppercase and lowercase characters)• Numeric characters (numbers)  • Symbols䎰䎤䎶䎮䎢Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
47Using the MemoryA Wide Variety of Memory FunctionsAssigning a Name to a Memory ChannelExample: Assignment of name [YAESU]1  Switch to the Memory mode.2  Recall the memory channel to assign a name.3  Press and hold M for over 1 second to enter the Set mode.4 Turn O to select [3 MEMORY].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select [3 MEMORY NAME].7 Press H. The  cursor appears on the LCD.8 Press 9 8 times to select the numeric character [Y].9 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.10 Press 2 5 times to select the numeric character [A].11 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.12 Press 3 6 times to select the numeric character [E].13 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.14 Press 7 9 times to select the numeric character [S].15 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.16 Press 8 6times to select the numeric character [U].17 Press p to save the memory tag to the memory channel and exit the Set mode.Tips•  To delete a character, press F. The character is deleted and the cursor moves to left.•  Pressing 0 while entering alphanumeric characters (A,0) allows you to select 0, (space), –, /, ?, !, ., : and # •  When entering the same character repeatedly, press H to move the cursor.•  When assigning a name to a home channel, recall the target home channel by first executing step 1 (see above).Displaying Memory TagDuring mono band operation, the tag (name) of the memory channel or home channel can be displayed using the following procedure:1  Switch to the Memory mode.2  Press and hold A for over 1 second.  The operating band is displayed in Mono band, and a tag (name) appears under the frequency.䎙䎼䎤䎨䎶䎸䎃 䎦䎯䎸䎥Tag (name) displayApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
48Using the MemoryUsing Memory BankRegistered memory channels can be sorted according to the intended use. The trans-ceiver allows you to use 24 types of memory banks. A maximum of 100 memory channels can be registered to each memory bank.One memory channel can be registered in two or more memory banks. If the memory channel registered in any memory bank is changed or updated, the content of the cor-responding memory channel in the other memory banks is automatically changed or up-dated.Memory banksb1b2b3b4  b5b6b7b8b9(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)(1~100)b10 (1~100)b24 (1~100)144MHz band is registered.430MHz band is registered.Ham radio bands are registered together.AIR band is registered.~Memory channels1145.000MHz2145.500MHz3120.400MHz4−5439.700MHz6432.800MHz7108.700MHz8 −9 −10  −900−~Registering a Memory Channel in a Memory Bank1  Switch to the Memory mode.2 Turn O to select a memory channel.  Select the memory channel to register in a memory bank.3  Press and hold F for over 1 second to enter the Memory Write mode.4 Turn O to select a memory bank number.  Select the number (B1 to B24) of the memory bank to regis-ter the memory channel.5 Press F to register the memory channel in the memory bank.Tips•  See “Registering Your Favorite Preset Receiver Memory Channels in Memory Bank” on page 51.•  When selecting a memory bank using O, the memory channel, skip search memory channel, and programmable memory channel appear on the LCD as well. They appear repeatedly on the LCD in the following order:1 ⇔ 2 ⇔ 3 ⇔ ...L50 ⇔ U50 ⇔ BANK1 ⇔ BANK2 ⇔ ...BANK24 ⇔ 1 ⇔ 2...When the displayed number is close to [1], turning O counterclockwise will display memory banks. When the displayed number is close to [U50], turning O clockwise will display memory banks.•  Pressing M displays memory banks quickly in steps of 100 memory channels. If the bank name was changed, the changed bank name appears.•  The   icon appears for a memory bank in which no memory channel is registered, and the   icon appears for a memory bank in which at least one memory channel is registered.Bank numberBank nameApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
49Using the MemoryUsing Memory BankRecalling Memory Bank1   Switch to the Memory mode.2 Press B.  Pressing  B each time toggles between the memory channel number and bank number.3 Press F and then B.4 Turn O to select a memory bank.  Select a memory bank.5 Press B.  The memory bank to be used is determined.6 Turn O to select a memory channel.  Select a memory channel in the memory bank. Remarks   •  To select another memory bank, repeat steps 3 through 5.  •  To return to the Regular Memory Channel mode, press B.Canceling Memory Channel Registration in Memory Bank1 Recall the memory bank in which the memory channel registration is to be deleted. See “Recalling Memory Bank” above.2  Turn O to select a memory channel that is to be canceled from the Memory bank.3  Press and hold F over 1 second, and then press H.  Registration of memory channel in the memory bank is cancelled, returning to the memory bank display state. If no other memory channel is registered in the memory bank, the memory bank having the lowest bank number appears.Assigning Name to Memory BankA memory bank can be specified with up to 16 characters.The following types of characters can be entered:• Alphabetic characters (uppercase and lowercase characters)• Numeric characters (numbers)  • SymbolsExample: 144Mz band1  Press and hold M for over 1 second to enter the Set  mode.2 Turn O to select [3 MEMORY].3 Press H.䋹Memory channel numberBank numberBank number Bank nameBank numberChange the bank name.Enter a name (First digit)Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
50Using the MemoryUsing Memory Bank4 Turn O to select [2 BANK NAME].5 Press H.6 Turn O to select a memory bank.  Select the number of the memory bank to which you want to assign a name.7 Press H to move the cursor to the first character of the bank name.8 Press 1 to select the numeric character [1].9 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.10 Press 4 7 times to select the numeric character [4]. Pressing 4 allows you to select the following characters sequentially:  G → H → I → g → h → i → 4 → G11 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.12 Press the 4 key 7 times to select the numeric character [4].  Pressing the 4 key allows you to select the following char-acters sequentially:  G → H → I → g→ h → i → 4 → G13 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.14 Press 6 to select [M]. Pressing 6 allows you to select the following characters sequentially:  M → N → O → m → n → o → 6 → M15 Press H to move the cursor to the next character position.16 Select [H].17 Press [9] 8 times.  Select [z].18 Press p to save the name of memory bank and exit the Set mode.Tips•  To delete a character, press F. A character is deleted and the cursor moves to left.•  Pressing 0 while entering alphanumeric characters (A,0) allows you to select 0, (space), –, /, ?, !, ., : and # •  When entering the same type of characters repeatedly, press H to move the cursor.Bank numberChange the bank name.Enter a name (First digit)Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
51Using the MemoryConvenient Preset Receiver Memory ChannelsFrequencies of SP1 Weather Broadcast (10 channels). SP2 International VHF (marine) radio (57 channels) and SP3 Shortwave Broadcasts (89 channels) are preset in the pre-set receiver memory channels. These channels can be selected in advance from region to region.• VHF Weather Broadcast Station preset receiver memory channels  [SP1 WX CH] ......................................................................................................Page 52The frequencies (10 channel) used for the VHF Weather Broadcast Station are regis-tered to the dedicated preset receiver memory channels.• International VHF (marine) radio preset receiver memory channels  [SP2 INTVHF] .....................................................................................................Page 53The frequencies (57 channel) used for the international VHF (marine) radio are regis-tered to the dedicated preset receiver memory channels.• World broadcast preset receiver memory channels  [SP3 SW] ............................................................................................................Page 54You can listen to major broadcasts from around the world (total 89 channels).Registering Your Favorite Preset Receiver Memory Channels in Memory BankYou can register your favorite preset receiver memory channel in a memory bank.1 Turn O to select your favorite preset receiver memory channel.2  Press and hold F for over 1 second to enter the Memory  Bank Write mode. The f blinks on the LCD. Remark   To cancel registration, press p.3 Turn O to select the memory bank in which you want to register your favorite preset receiver memory channel.4  Press the F to register the preset receiver memory channel in the memory bank, and the frequency appears on the LCD.Recalling Preset Receiver Memory Channel to Listen to the Weath-er Broadcast1 Press A to set A-band to the operating band.2 Press F and then 3 to enter the Preset Receiver mode.3 Press B.  Select [SP1 WX CH].4 Turn O to select a preset Weather Broadcast receiver memory channel to listen to. Remark   To stop reception of the Weather Broadcast, press 3.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
52Using the MemoryConvenient Preset Receiver Memory ChannelsRecalling Preset Receiver Memory Channel to Listen to the Interna-tional VHF (Marine) RadioThe frequencies (57 channels) used for the international VHF (marine) radio are regis-tered to the dedicated preset receiver memory channels.1 Press A to set  A-band to the operating band.2 Press F and then 3 to enter the Preset Receiver mode.3 Press B.  Select [SP2 INTVHF].4 Turn O to select a preset VHF receiver memory channel to listen to. Remark   To stop reception of the international VHF radio, press 3.In the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as storms and hurricanes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sends a weather alert ac-companied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weather report on one of the NOAA weather channels. You may enable the Weather Alert tone via Set Mode option  [4 SIGNALING] → [14 WX ALERT], if desired (See page 124).Tips•  The preset receiver memory channel cannot be rewritten with the data of another frequency.•  To scan the preset receiver memory channels toward higher channel numbers, press F and then 2.Turning  O one click counterclockwise scans the preset receiver memory channels toward lower channel numbers. If a signal is received during scanning, the scanning is suspended for 5 seconds. •  The operation that is performed when scanning stops can be set by following the procedure described in “Selecting a Reception Method When Scanning Stops” on page 59.WX Channel Frequency ListCH Frequency CH Frequency1 162.550 MHz 6 162.500 MHz2 162.400 MHz 7 162.525 MHz3 162.475 MHz 8 161.650 MHz4 162.425 MHz 9 161.775 MHz5 162.450 MHz 10 163.275 MHz䎬䎱䎷䎃 䎹䎫䎩Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
53Using the MemoryConvenient Preset Receiver Memory ChannelsFrequencies of International VHF (Marine) Radio registered to the preset receiver memory channelsMemory channel No. Frequency (MHz) Memory channel No. Frequency (MHz)1 156.050 160.650* 15 156.7502 156.100 160.700* 16 156.8003 156.150 160.750* 17 156.8504 156.200 160.800* 18 156.900 161.500*5 156.250 160.850* 19 156.950 161.550*6 156.300 20 157.000 161.600*7 156.350 160.950* 21 157.050 161.650*8 156.400 22 157.100 161.700*9 156.450 23 157.150 161.750*10 156.500 24 157.200 161.800*11 156.550 25 157.250 161.850*12 156.600 26 157.300 161.900*13 156.650 27 157.350 161.950*14 156.700 28 157.400 162.000*Memory No. Frequency (MHz) Memory No. Frequency (MHz)60 156.025 160.625*74 156.72561 156.075 160.675* 75 156.77562 156.125 160.725* 76 156.82563 156.175 160.775* 77 156.87564 156.225 160.825* 78 156.955 161.550*65 156.275 160.875* 79 156.975 161.575*66 156.325 160.925* 80 157.025 161.625*67 156.375 81 157.075 161.675*68 156.425 82 157.125 161.725*69 156.475 83 157.175 161.775*70 156.525 84 157.225 161.825*71 156.575 85 157.275 161.875*72 156.625 86 157.325 161.925*73 156.675 87 157.375 161.975*– – 88 157.425 162.025*Remark* indicates the frequency of the VHF Marine base station. For example, if the preset receiver memory channel 1 is selected, the base station frequency 160.650 MHz appears and @ lights. Pressing F and then 5 displays the Ship Station frequency 160.650 MHz and @ lights The base station fre-quency minus 4.6 MHz equals the Ship Station frequency, and duplex operation starts. To return to the base station frequency, press F and then 5.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
54Using the MemoryConvenient Preset Receiver Memory ChannelsWorldwide short wave broadcastCH NumberFrequency  (MHz) Name Broadcast Station Name1 6.030 VOA USA2 6.160 VOA USA3 9.760 VOA USA4 11.965 VOA USA5 9.555 CANADA Canada6 9.660 CANADA Canada7 11.715 CANADA Canada8 11.955 CANADA Canada9 6.195 BBC UK10 9.410 BBC UK11 12.095 BBC UK12 15.310 BBC UK13 6.090 FRANCE France14 9.790 FRANCE France15 11.670 FRANCE France16 15.195 FRANCE France17 6.000 DW Germany18 6.075 DW Germany19 9.650 DW Germany20 9.735 DW Germany21 5.990 ITALY Italy22 9.575 ITALY Italy23 9.675 ITALY Italy24 17.780 ITALY ItalyCH NumberFrequency  (MHz) Name Broadcast Station Name25 7.170 TURKEY Turkey26 7.270 TURKEY Turkey27 9.560 TURKEY Turkey28 11.690 TURKEY Turkey29 9.660 VATICAN Vatican30 11.625 VATICAN Vatican31 11.830 VATICAN Vatican32 15.235 VATICAN Vatican33 5.955 NEDRLAND Netherlands34 6.020 NEDRLAND Netherlands35 9.895 NEDRLAND Netherlands36 11.655 NEDRLAND Netherlands37 5.985 CZECH Czech Republic38 6.105 CZECH Czech Republic39 9.455 CZECH Czech Republic40 11.860 CZECH Czech Republic41 9.780 PORTUGAL Portugal42 11.630 PORTUGAL Portugal43 15.550 PORTUGAL Portugal44 21.655 PORTUGAL Portugal45 9.650 SPAIN Spain46 11.880 SPAIN Spain47 11.910 SPAIN Spain48 15.290 SPAIN SpainRecalling Preset Receiver Memory Channel to Listen to the  World BroadcastThe frequencies (89 channels) used for the world broadcast are registered to the dedicated preset receiver memory channels.1 Press A to set A-band to the operating band.2 Press F and then 3 to enter the Preset Receiver mode.3 Press B.  Select [SP3 SW].4 Turn O to select a preset world Broadcast receiver memory channel to listen to. Remark   To stop reception of the world broadcast, press 3. Depending on time zone or signal strength, Broadcasts may not be received.There are broadcast station other than those listed below that can be received. In addition, depending on the broadcast station, the frequency may be changed, off-air, or have become abolished. For details, please refer to a commercially sold frequencies list.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
55Using the MemoryConvenient Preset Receiver Memory ChannelsCH NumberFrequency  (MHz) Name Broadcast Station Name49 6.055 NIKKEI Japan (Nikkei)50 7.315 NORWAY Norway51 9.590 NORWAY Norway52 9.925 NORWAY Norway53 9.985 NORWAY Norway54 6.065 SWEDEN Sweden55 9.490 SWEDEN Sweden56 15.240 SWEDEN Sweden57 17.505 SWEDEN Sweden58 6.120 FINLAND Finland59 9.560 FINLAND Finland60 11.755 FINLAND Finland61 15.400 FINLAND Finland62 5.920 RUSSIA Russia63 5.940 RUSSIA Russia64 7.200 RUSSIA Russia65 12.030 RUSSIA Russia66 7.465 ISRAEL Israel67 11.585 ISRAEL Israel68 15.615 ISRAEL Israel69 17.535 ISRAEL Israel70 6.045 INDIA IndiaCH NumberFrequency  (MHz) Name Broadcast Station Name71 9.595 INDIA India72 11.620 INDIA India73 15.020 INDIA India74 7.190 CHINA China75 7.405 CHINA China76 9.785 CHINA China77 11.685 CHINA China78 6.135 KOREA South Korea79 7.275 KOREA South Korea80 9.570 KOREA South Korea81 13.670 KOREA South Korea82 6.165 JAPAN Japan83 7.200 JAPAN Japan84 9.750 JAPAN Japan85 11.860 JAPAN Japan86 5.995 AUSTRALI Australia87 9.580 AUSTRALI Australia88 9.660 AUSTRALI Australia89 12.080 AUSTRALI AustraliaReception Mode: AMApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
56Scanning FunctionScanning FunctionUsing the Scanning FunctionThe FT1XDR/DE supports the following four scan modes:(1) VFO Scan(2) Memory Channel Scan(3) Programmable Memory Channel Scan(4) Selected Memory Channel ScanVFO Scan1  Switch to the VFO mode, and then select a band to scan.2  Press F and then 2 to start scanning (SCAN) toward  higher frequencies. Tips   When a signal is received during scanning, the decimal point blinks. Turn O clockwise:  Scanning is performed toward higher fre-quencies. Turn O counterclockwise:  Scanning is performed toward lower frequencies.  When a signal is received during scanning, a beep is emitted and its frequency appears for 5 seconds. When scanning is suspended, the decimal point blinks and the LCD stays lit. After receiving the signal for 5 seconds, scanning resumes.  The range for scanning can be selected by selecting the Set mode options [5 SCAN WIDTH] and then [5 SCAN] .When a signal is received, the decimal point blinks.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
57Scanning FunctionUsing the Scanning FunctionCanceling ScanningTo cancel scanning, press p.Tips•  Even during scanning, you can adjust the squelch in the following procedure:Press F. → Press T. → Turn O to adjust the squelch.•  During scanning, you can save the squelch adjustment in the following procedure:Press F → Press T.A-band and B-band reception frequenciesA-band B-band0.5 MHz to 1.8 MHz(AM BC Band)30 MHz to 76 (88) MHz (50 MHz band)108 MHz to 137 MHz (AIR band)137 MHz to 174 MHz (144 MHz band)174 MHz to 222 MHz(VHF-TV Band)222 MHz to 420 MHz (INFO band (1))420 MHz to 470 MHz (430 MHz band)470 MHz to 774 (800) MHz(UHF-TV Band)803 (800) MHz to 999.9 MHzCellular Blocked USA version108 MHz to 137 MHz (AIR band)137 MHz to 174 MHz (144 MHz band)174 MHz to 222 MHz(VHF-TV Band)222 MHz to 420 MHz (INFO band (1))420 MHz to 470 MHz (430 MHz band)470 MHz to 580 MHz(  ): EXP/European version−−−−−−1.8 MHz to 30 MHz (SW band)−−76 (88) MHz to 108 MHz (FM BC Band)−−•  For the operation to perform when scanning stops, see “Selecting a Reception Method When Scan-ning Stops” on page 59.•  Press and hold M over 1 second to select the Set mode option, and then select the following setting items for more convenient use:[8 CONFIG] → [3 BEEP] → [EDGE]: Emits a beep when the frequency band edge is reached.[8 CONFIG] → [3 BEEP] → [SELECT]: Prevents a beep from being emitted when scanning stops.[5 SCAN] → [2 SCAN LAMP]: Prevents the LCD from being lit when scanning stops.Skipping a Frequency You Do Not Want to Scan (Skip Search Memory)Scanning may stop at a frequency that you do not want to receive. Such a frequency can be skipped by registering it to the [skip search memory channels]. Up to 99 frequencies can be saved in the skip search memory channels (memory channels 901 to 999).Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
58Scanning FunctionUsing the Scanning FunctionSpecifying the Frequency You Do Not Want to Scan1  Start VFO scanning.  Start VFO scanning with reference to [VFO Scanning] on page 56.2  When scanning stops at a frequency you do not want to receive, press and hold F for over 1 second.  The number of the next unregistered skip search memory channel will blink. Tips  Turning O allows you to specify other skip search memory channels.3 Press F to save (register) the frequency to the skip search memory channel, and resume scanning. Tips   •  You can register a frequency you do not want to receive to a skip search memory channel by using the following procedure in advance:  1  In the VFO mode, tune in to the frequency you do not want to scan.  2  Press and hold F for over 1 second.  3  Turn O to select a skip search memory channel.  4  Press F to save (register) the frequency to the skip search memory channel.  •  To stop scanning, press p.Deleting a Frequency Registered to the Skip Search Memory ChannelThe frequency registered to the skip search memory channel can be deleted in the follow-ing procedure. After it is deleted the frequency is scanned.1  Switch to the Memory mode.2  Press and hold F for over 1 second.3 Turn O to select a skip search memory channel from which you wish to delete the registered frequency.  Select the skip search memory channel (901-999) from which the registered frequen-cy is to be deleted.  When selecting a skip search memory channel number, pressing M allows you to skip memory channel numbers in steps of 100 memory channel numbers.4 Press H.  [DELETE OK?] appears on the LCD.5 Press H to delete the registered frequency from  the skip search memory channel. Tip   To delete another frequency from the skip search memory channel, repeat steps 2 through 4.Tips•  Restoring the Frequency Deleted from the Skip Search Memory ChannelIf you have not specified a new frequency for the same memory channel, you can restore the deleted frequency by repeating steps 1 through 4.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20
59Scanning FunctionUsing the Scanning FunctionSelecting a Reception Method When Scanning StopsWhen scanning stops, you can select one of the following three reception methods:(1)  The signal is received for the specified period of time, and then scanning resumes. You can specify this period of time in steps of 0.5 second within the range from 2 to 10 seconds.(2)  The signal is received until it fades out. Two seconds after the signal fades out, scan-ning resumes. [BUSY] appears on the LCD.(3)  Scanning stops and the current frequency is received. [HOLD] appears on the LCD.1  Press and hold M for over 1 second.2 Turn O to select [5 SCAN].3 Press H.4 Turn O to select [4 SCAN RESUME].5 Press H.6  Press H again.7 Turn O to specify the reception method.  Select a reception method from [2 SEC TO 10 SEC (0.5 SEC STEP)], [BUSY], and [HOLD].8 Press p to save the specified reception method and exit from the Set mode.Tips•  The reception method selected here is also applied to [VFO Scanning], [Programmable Memory Channel Scanning] and [Memory Channel Scanning].•  The scanning restart time after BUSY (duration of signal reception) can be changed by selecting the Set mode option [5 SCAN RESTART] → [3 SCAN RE-START].Memory Channel ScanningFrequencies registered to the memory channels can be scanned in the order of memory channel number.1  Switch to the Memory mode and recall a memory channel.2  Press F and then 2.  Scanning (SCAN) is performed toward higher memory channel numbers.  When a signal is received, the decimal point blinks.䎗 䎃 䎶䎦䎤䎱䎃 䎃䎵䎨䎶䎸䎰䎨䎃䎃䎃 䎶 䎦䎤䎱䎃䎃 䎝 䎃 䎘 䎑 䎓䏖 䏈 䏆䎃 䎃 䎃䎧䎺䎃䎃䎃䎃䎃䎝䎃䎃䎫䎲䎯䎧䎃䎃䎃 䎃䎃䋱䋶䋰When a signal is received, the decimal point blinks.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620445X20 IC: 511B-20445X20

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