
User Manual 3

Memory Recall1.  While operating in the VFO mode, press the [ MR] key to enter the Mem-ory mode.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired memory channel.3.  To return to the VFO mode, press the [#VFO] key.When the transceiver is already set to the Memory mode, an easy way to recall a memory channel  is to enter the memory channel number using the numeric keypad.For example: in the Memory Mode to recall memory channel #002, press the [2] key.• To recall Memory Channel #200, enter “200”. To recall Pro-grammable Memory channels “L1/U1” through “L10/U10” enter “201/202” through “210/220”.Changing the memory label (tag) name1.  Press the [ MR] key to recall the memory channel that you wish to label or rename.2.  Press and hold the F key to enter the Set Mode.3.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select Set Mode item “20 NAME TAG”.4.  Press the F key to enter (or edit) the channel name tag.“NAME-TAG” message will appear.5.  Press the Alphabet / Numeric keys to enter the characters or symbols for the memory channel “Tag” (label).• To move the cursor to the next character, press the [▲] key.•  To correct a mistake, press the [▼] key repeatedly until the cursor returns to the character position.For more details on character/symbol input, see page 38.6.  Press the PTT switch to save the new setting and return to the memory channel.31Memory ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
HOME Channel Memory RecallA “HOME” channel memory is provided for each operating band, to allow quick recall of a favorite operating frequency on each band. The default home channels are below:Default Home ChannelsBand Frequency144 MHz Band 144.000 MHzFM Radio Band 95.000 MHz1.  Press the F key, then press the [P1] key.The default home channel, as listed above, is displayed.2.  Press the F key, then press the [P1] key to exit to normal operation.Repeat this process to recall the HOME channel on any operating band.Changing the Home Channel FrequencyThe home channel frequencies may be changed from the default settings.1.  While operating in the VFO mode, select the desired frequency.2.  Press and hold the [ MR] key.A blank memory channel will be displayed.3.  Press the [P1] key.•  “HOME-IN” will be displayed, and then exit to normal operation.• The home channel frequency is changed and overwriting is complete.Memory Offset TuningOnce a particular memory channel is recalled, it is easy to tune off that chan-nel, as though you were in the “VFO” mode.1.  Recall the memory channel.2.  Press the [#VFO] key to activate the “Memory Channel Tuning” feature.The Memory Channel number on the LCD display will be replaced by “tun”.32Memory ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
When an alpha-numeric Tag is shown in place of the memory channel operating frequency display, the display will automatically revert to  display the operating frequen-cy along with the “tun” indication. It is not  necessary to enter the Menu and change from the alpha-numeric Tag  display to the operating frequency display.3.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to tune to the desired frequency.4.  To return to the original memory frequency, just press the [#VFO] key.The display will revert to a display of the alpha-numeric Tag (if any) that may have originally appeared on the LCD.To store the new frequency while using Memory Offset Tun-ing, press and hold the [ MR] key (per the normal memory storage procedure). The next-available clear memory location will be displayed. Then press and hold the [ MR] key again to save the new frequency the available memory channel.Deleting MemoriesAll excerpt the Memory Channel “001” and the Home Channels may be easi-ly deleted.Once deleted, the channel data cannot be recovered, so make a note of the information (Memory Channel settings, etc), before deleting the memories.1.  Press and hold the F key to enter the Set Mode.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select Set Mode item “18 MEM DEL”.3.  Press the F key to enable adjustment of this Item.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the memo-ry channel to be “deleted”.5.  Press the F key to delete the selected mem-ory channel.6.  Press the PTT switch to return to normal operation.33Memory ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Weather Broadcast ChannelsIn the USA, the VHF Weather Broadcast Station Memory Channel Bank has been pre-programmed at the factory for immediate access to NOAA weather information stations.1.  Press and hold the [1] key to recall the Weather Broadcast Memory Bank.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired Weather Broadcast channel.3.  To scan for additional or stronger Weather stations, just press the PTT switch  (or  press  and  hold  the  [▲]  or [▼] key).When the scanner pauses on a sta-tion, press the PTT switch once to halt the scan, or press it again to re-start the scan.CH Frequency CH Frequency01 162.550 MHz 06 162.500 MHz02 162.400 MHz 07 162.525 MHz03 162.475 MHz 08 161.650 MHz04 162.425 MHz 09 161.775 MHz05 162.450 MHz 10 163.275 MHz4.  To return to normal operation, press the [ MR] key, or press and hold the [1] key again.Severe Weather AlertIn the event of extreme weather disturbances, such as severe thunderstorms and hurricanes, the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra-tion) sends a weather alert accompanied by a 1050 Hz tone and subsequent weather report on one of the NOAA weather channels.34Memory ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
ScanningThe FT-25R/E makes available scanning of the stored memory channels, or  scanning of the entire operating band, or scanning of a programmable sub band  portion. Scanning will halt when signals are encountered, and commu-nication may be initiated on that frequency.Operation is basically the same in each of the above scanning modes. Be-fore beginning, take a moment to select the way the scanning will resume after it  halts on a signal.Setting the Scan-Resume TechniqueThree options for the Scan-Resume mode are available:Display DescriptionBUSY(default setting)In BUSY mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it en-counters. Scanning will resume one second after the other station signal ceases transmitting. In the case of constant-carrier signals like Weather Station broad-casts, the scanner will likely remain on this frequency indefinitely.HOLDIn HOLD mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it en-counters.Scanning will only resume when it is manually re-initiat-ed.TIMEIn TIME mode, the scanner will halt on a signal it en-counters, scanning will resume after five seconds even if a signal is still on the frequency. To cancel scanning, press the the PTT switch, [▲] or [▼] key.1.  Press and hold the F key to enter the Set mode.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select Set Mode Item “25 RESUME”.3.  Press the F key to enable adjustment of this Set Mode Items.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the desired scan-resume mode.5.  Press the PTT switch to save the setting and exit to normal operation.35FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
VFO ScanningThe  FT-25R/E provides two VFO scanning functions: “Manual VFO Scan-ning” and “Programmed Mode (VFO) Scanning.”Manual VFO Scan1.  If necessary, press the [ MR] key to change to the VFO mode.2.  Press and hold the [▲] or [▼] key to initiate upward or downward scanning, respectively.3.  When scanning encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the  scanner will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blink to indicate this “Resuming” condition.4.  The scanning will resume according to the Scan-Resume mode selected in the Set Mode Item “25:RESUME”.5.  To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch, [▲] or [▼] key.Programmed Mode (VFO) Scan1.  Press and hold the [#VFO] key.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the band-width for Programmed Mode (VFO) scanner.Available selections are ±1 MHz, ±2 MHz, ±5 MHz, ALL, PMS-X, and BAND.Display DescriptionBAND(default setting)The scanner will sweep frequencies on the current op-erating band.±1MHz The scanner will sweep ±1 MHz from the operating fre-quency.±2MHzThe scanner will sweep ±2 MHz from the operating fre-quency.±5MHz The scanner will sweep ±5 MHz from the operating fre-quency.ALL The scanner will sweep all frequencies.PMS-XThe scanner will sweep frequencies designated by the currently selected PMS (Programmable Memory Scan) frequency pair.PMS-X will appear in the [#VFO] selections after setting a PMS frequency pair.36ScanningFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
3.  Press the [#VFO] key to save the new setting and return to normal oper-ation.4.  Press the F key, then press the [#VFO] key to start scanning.5.  When scanning encounters a signal strong enough to open the squelch, the scanning will halt temporarily; the decimal point of the frequency display will blink during this “Pause” condition.6.  The scanner will then resume according to the Scan-Resume mode select-ed in the “RESUME” setting.7.  To cancel scanning, press the PTT switch, [▲] or [▼] key.37ScanningFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Input Character/Symbol ListOn a character inputting display such as the memory mode “tag” display, the characters and symbols may be input as below:Key Key Assignment Key Key Assignment1 7 P Q R S p q r s2 A B C a b c 8 T U V t u v3 D E F d e f 9 W X Y Z w x y z4 G H I g h i 0 (blank character)5 J K L j k l Û + - , . / : ; @ (blank character)6 M N O m n o38 FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Set (Menu) ModeThe  FT-25R/E Set Mode, already partially described in the previous chap-ters, may be activated to select or change various transceiver functions. Many of the  useful parameter congurations  have not been  fully detailed in this manual. Refer to the chart below for a list of the Set Mode Items and their various parameters.1.  Press and hold the F key to enter the Set Mode.2.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to select the Set Mode Item to be adjusted.3.  Press the F key momentarily to enable adjustment of the Set Mode Item.4.  Press the [▲] or [▼] key to adjust or select the parameter to be changed on the Set Mode Item selected in above step.5.  After completing your selection and adjustment, press the PTT switch mo-mentarily to save the new setting and exit to normal operation.Press and hold the F key to move from the lower menu con-tents to the upper menu contents in the Set Mode.Item(lower menu item)Function Values Default Value1 APO Setting of the Automatic Power-Off feature.OFF / 0.5H to 12.0H (Step 0.5H)OFF2 ARTS Selects the Beep option and the Polling Interval during ARTS™ operation.BEEP= INRANG / ALWAYS / OFF INTV= 25SEC / 15SECBEEP=OFF INTV= 25SEC3 BATTSAVE Selects the Receive-mode Battery Saver interval (“sleep” ratio)200mS / 300mS / 500mS / 1SEC / 2SEC / OFF200mS4 B-CH.L/O Enables/Disables the Busy Channel Lock-Out feature.OFF / ON OFF5 BEEP Beep function Enable/Disable on presssing the keypad, or stopping the receiver scanning.KEY+SC / KEY / OFF KEY+SC6 BELL Select the number of CTCSS/DCS/PAGER/ARTS™ Bell ringer repetitions.OFF / 1Time / 3Times/ 5Times / 8Times / CONTINUEOFF7 COMPANDE(COMPANDER)Enables/Disables the Voice Compander  featureOFF / ON OFF39FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Item(lower menu item)Function Values Default Value8 CTCSS(CTCSS TONE)Setting the CTCSS Frequency TX and RX50 CTCSS tones / OFF TX=100.0Hz RX=100.0Hz9 CW ID CW Identifier during ARTS™ operation.TX= OFF / ON ID= ------ (6 characters)TX= OFF ID= blank10 DC VOLT displays Battery DC Voltage. − −11 DCS CODE Setting the DCS CODE TX and RX104 DCS CODEs / OFF TX=023 RX=02312 DTMF SET Selects the MANUAL or AUTO DTMF tones.Setting the DTMF autodialer sending delay time and Speed.MODE= MANUAL / AUTO DELAY=  50mS / 250mS / 450mS / 750mS / 1000mSSPEED= 50mS / 100mSM=MANUAL D=450mS S=50mS13 DTMF WRT Programming to DTMF autodialer. − −14 EDG.BEEP Enables/Disables the Band-edge beeper while selecting the frequency via the [▲] or [▼] key.BEEP OFF / BEEP ON BEEP OFF15 KEY LOCK Keyboard Lock function KEY / PTT / P+K KEY16 LAMP Selects the LCD/Keypad Lamp mode.5secKey / 10secKey / 30secKey / CONT / OFF5secKey17 LED Selects the enable or disable TX/BUSY LED function.TX= ON / OFF BUSY= ON/ OFFTX=ON BUSY=ON18 MEM DEL    (MEM DELETE)Deletes Memory Channel − −19 MON/T-CL    (MON/T-CALL)Selects the MONI or T.CALL switch function.MONITOR / T-CALL1750 / T-CALL2100 / T-CALL1000 / T-CALL1450MONITOR (*) or T-CALL1750 (*)20 NAME TAG Renames Alpha-Numeric “Tags” for the Memory channels.− −40Set (Menu) ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Item(lower menu item)Function Values Default Value21 PAGER Setting the TX CTCSS of 2 tone and the RX CTCSS of 2 tone.Enables/disables the Answer Back function.TX: ** ** RX: ** ** ACK : ON / OFFTX=05 47 RX=05 47 ACK=OFF 22 PASSWORD Enables/disables the Password featureOFF / ON / OFF23 PRI.RVT Enables/disables the Priority Revert feature.RVT.OFF / RVT. ON RVT.OFF24 REPEATER ARS / MODE / SHIFT function settingARS= ON / OFF MODE=SIMPLEX / +RTP / -RTP SHIFT= 0.05 MHz - 99.95 MHz (per 50KHz)ARS=ON MODE=SIMPLEX SHIFT=**.**M (*)25 RESUME Selects the Scan Resume mode.BUSY / HOLD / TIME BUSY26 RF SQL Adjusts the RF Squelch threshold level.S-1 / S-2 / S-3 / S-4 / S-5 / -6 / S-8 / S-FULL / OFFOFF27 SCN.LAMP Enables/Disables the Scan lamp while paused.ON / OFF ON28 SKIP(SKIP SCAN)Selects the Memory Scan “Skip” channel-selection mode.− −29 SQL TYPE Selects the Tone Encoder and/or Decoder mode.OFF / R-TONE / T-TONE / TSQL / REV TN / DCS / PAGEROFF30 STEP Setting of the frequency steps.5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 kHz, or AUTOAUTO31 TOT Setting of the TOT time.1 min - 30 min (per 1 min) or OFF3min32 TX PWR Selects TX Power HI(5W) / MID(2.5W) /LOW(0.5W)HI(5W)41Set (Menu) ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Item(lower menu item)Function Values Default Value33 TX SAVE Enables/Disables the Transmitter Battery Saver.SAVE OFF / SAVE ON SAVE OFF34 VFO.SPL Enables or disables “VFO Split” operation.VSP.OFF / VSP.ON VSP.OFF35 VOX Enable / Disable VOX function.VOX OFF / VOX ON VOX OFF36 WFM.RCV Broadband FM Radio(WFM) function Enables/Disables WFM.ON / WFM.OFF WFM.ON37 WIDE/NAR Select Wide (±5 kHz) or Narrow (±2.5 kHz) TX Deviation.WIDE / NARROW WIDE38 WX ALERT Enables/Disables the Weather Alert Scan feature.ALT.OFF / ALT. ON ALT.OFF39 SCRAMBLE(*)Inversion scrambling (Encryption)SCRB.OFF/SCRB.ON SCRB.OFF(*) :   This function may be displayed, depending on the transceiver ver-sion.42Set (Menu) ModeFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
TroubleshootingIf you suspect a malfunction, check the following items before requesting a repair.The transceiver does not turn on.•  Is the battery depleted?•   Charge the battery pack after purchase, and when the transceiver has not been used for a long time.•  Is the battery pack properly attached?  Refer to “Installing the Battery Pack” and securely mount the battery pack.There is no sound.•  Is the squelch level (or S meter squelch) set too high?  Press the MONI/T.CALL key and verify that you can hear white noise.   Adjust the squelch level (or S meter squelch) when receiving a weak sig-nal.•  Is the volume low?  Rotate the PWR/VOL knob clockwise to increase the volume.•  Is the tone squelch or DCS on?   When the tone squelch or DCS is on, the sound is not output until the transceiver receives a signal containing the same tone frequency or DCS code set.  For more details on the DCS code, refer to the Advance Manual.There is no transmission of radio waves.•  Are you pressing the PTT switch properly?•  Is the PTT lock on?•  Is the Busy TX Block (BCLO function) on?   When the Busy TX Block (BCLO function) is on, transmission is inhibited when receiving a signal, even if the PTT switch is pressed. Wait until the signal being received stops and then press the PTT switch.•  Is the transmission frequency on a ham radio band?   Transmission cannot be performed on the FM Radio Broadcast Band/Infor-mation Radio Band.•  Is the voltage of the battery pack correct?  Check the remaining charge on the battery pack.   In addition, using an inadequate power supply where voltage drops during transmission will prevent the FT-25R/E from operating at full capability.The keys or DIAL do not respond.•  Is the Keypad Lock or PTT Lock on?43FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
The battery pack cannot be charged or battery power depletes immediately after charging.•  Is the battery pack being charged with a charger specied by Yaesu?   Charge the battery pack using the accessory battery charger (SAD-20B/C/U/G) or the rapid charge cradle (SBH-22).•  Is the battery pack in use exhausted?   If the “Charging Error” appears on the desktop charger lamp when charging, there is a chance the battery pack is over discharged. If the er-ror is repeatedly displayed after charging the battery pack several times, the battery pack may have reached its service life or be defective. Battery packs are consumables. Please replace an exhausted battery pack with a new one immediately. Battery packs can be charged and reused up to approximately 300 times.Some  specic  combinations  of  signals  may  cause  internal  beats  (“birdies”) from high frequencies, caused by the internal oscillator. This is not a malfunction. (See the calculation formula below: “n” is for the arbitrary integer). Also, de-pending on the combination of simultaneously received signals, there may be uctuations in receive sensitivity.•  Receive Frequency = 13 MHz × n multiplicative•  Receive Frequency = 19.2 MHz × n multiplicative44TroubleshootingFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
SpecificationsGeneralFrequency Ranges:  RX  136 - 174 MHz  TX  144 - 146 (148) MHz  FM Broadcast  65-108 MHzChannel Steps:  5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 50 / 100 kHzFrequency Stability:  ±5 ppm (–10 °C to +60 °C, +14 F to +140F )Repeater Shift: ±600 kHz (144 MHz), ±1.6 / 5.0 / 7.6 MHzEmission Type:  F2D, F3EAntenna Impedance:  50 OhmsSupply Voltage:  Nominal: 7.4V DC, Negative GroundCurrent Consumption:  215 mA (Receive) 200 mW Output(Approx. @7.2V)  110 mA (Standby, Saver Off)  30 mA (Standby, Saver On)  4 mA (Auto Power Off)  1.5 A (5 W Tx , 144 MHz) 7.4 V DCOperating Temperature:  – 4 °F to +14 °F (– 20 °C to + 60 °C)Case Size: 2.1” (W) x 4.1” (H) x 1.2” (D) (52.5 x 104.5 x 31 mm)  (W/O knob and antenna)Weight:  9.17 Oz (260 g) with SBR-25LI and antennaTransmitterRF Power Output:  5.0 W (High) / 2.5 W (Middle) / 0.5 W (Low)  (@ 7.4 V with SBR-25LI)Modulation Type:  Variable Reactance F2D, F3EMaximum Deviation:  ±5.0 kHz (F2D, F3E)Spurious Emission:  At least 60 dB down (@ High and Middle power)  At least 40 dB down (@ Low power)Microphone Impedance:  2 kOhms45FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
ReceiverCircuit Type: Direct-ConversionSensitivity :  0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (140 - 150 MHz, NFM)  0.2 µV for 12 dB SINAD (420 - 470 MHz, NFM)Selectivity:  12 kHz / 35 kHz (–6 dB /–60 dB)AF Output:  0.8 W @ 16 ohms for 10% THD (@ 7.4 V)  (Internal SP Max Power 1 W)  0.8 W @ 16ohms for 10%THD (@ 7.4 V)  (EXT SP Jack Max Power 1 W)Specifications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed with-in the 144 MHz amateur band only. Frequency ranges will vary according to transceiver version; check with your dealer.“AUTO” Mode Preset Operating ParameterUSA VersionFrequency Range (MHz) Mode step136.000-144.000 FM 12.5 kHz144.000-148.000 FM 5k Hz148.000-156.000 FM 12.5 kHz156.000-157.450 FM 25 kHz157.450-160.600 FM 12.5 kHz160.600-160.975 FM 25 kHz160.975-161.500 FM 12.5 kHz161.500-162.900 FM 25 kHz162.900-174.000 FM 12.5 kHz65.000-108.000 (RX only) WFM 100kHzAsian/European VersionFrequency Range (MHz)Mode step136.000-160.600 FM 12.5 kHz160.600-162.025 FM 25 kHz162.025-174.000 FM 12.5 kHz65.000-108.000 (RX only) WFM 100 kHz46SpecificationsFT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
1. Changes or modifications to this device that are not expressly approved by YAESU MUSEN could void the user’s authorization to operate this device.2. This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference including received, interference that may cause undesired operation.3. The scanning receiver in this equipment is incapable of tuning, or readily being altered, by the User to operate within the frequency bands allocated to the Domestic public Cellular Telecommunications Service in Part 22.This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.DECLARATION BY MANUFACTURERThe Scanner receiver is not a digital scanner and is incapable of being converted or modified to a digital scanner receiver by any user.WARNING: MODIFICATION OF THIS DEVICE TO RECEIVE CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE SERVICE SIGNALS IS PROHIBITED UNDER FCC RULES AND FEDERAL LAW.47FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Note48 FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
Note49FT-25R/FT-25E Operating ManualApplication for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20
1612H-XXPrinted in JapanCopyright 2016YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.All rights reserved.No portion of this manualmay be reproducedwithout the permission ofYAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.YAESU MUSEN CO., LTD.Tennozu Parkside Building2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0002 JapanYAESU USA6125 Phyllis Drive, Cypress, CA 90630, U.S.A.YAESU UKUnit 12, Sun Valley Business Park, Winnall CloseWinchester, Hampshire, SO23 0LB, U.K.Application for FCC / IC FCC ID: K6620663X20, IC: 511B-20663X20

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