dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik MEGA23M12 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant radio module User Manual 15 MEGA23M12 UserMan

dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh 2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4 compliant radio module 15 MEGA23M12 UserMan



 User Manual ConBee           Document Version V1.0 2016-06-15
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 2 of 25  Table of contents 1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 6 2. Applications ..................................................................................................................... 6 3. Features .......................................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Short facts .............................................................................................................. 6 3.2. How does the USB Dongle work? ........................................................................... 7 4. Quick start ....................................................................................................................... 8 4.1. Content of delivery.................................................................................................. 8 4.2. Requirements ......................................................................................................... 8 4.2.1. Supported Operating Systems .................................................................... 8 4.3. Installing drivers ..................................................................................................... 8 4.3.1. Windows ..................................................................................................... 8 4.3.2. Linux  9 4.3.3. Mac OS X ................................................................................................... 9 4.4. Using the USB Dongle with deCONZ application .................................................... 9 4.4.1. Windows ..................................................................................................... 9 4.4.2. Raspbian Linux ........................................................................................... 9 4.4.3. Ubuntu Linux ............................................................................................. 10 4.4.4. Mac OS X ................................................................................................. 10 5. Installing individual firmware with GCFFlasher .............................................................. 11 5.1. Windows ............................................................................................................... 11 5.2. Raspbian Linux ..................................................................................................... 11 5.3. Ubuntu Linux ........................................................................................................ 12 5.4. Mac OS X ............................................................................................................. 12 5.5. Notes on custom firmware .................................................................................... 12 5.6. Example with BitCatcher ...................................................................................... 12 5.6.1. Software .................................................................................................... 13 5.6.2. Firmware ................................................................................................... 13 5.7. EEPROM layout ................................................................................................... 13 5.8. Fuse setting .......................................................................................................... 13 6. Technical data ............................................................................................................... 13 6.1. Output power and channel settings ...................................................................... 16
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 3 of 25  7. Pin assignment .............................................................................................................. 17 8. Hardware modifications for development ....................................................................... 19 8.1. Assemble the program header ............................................................................. 19 8.2. Assemble the trace header ................................................................................... 19 8.3. Assemble the Serial Flash Memory ...................................................................... 20 8.4. Assemble the User button .................................................................................... 20 8.5. Assemble the status LEDs .................................................................................... 21 9. Radio certification .......................................................................................................... 22 9.1. United States (FCC) ............................................................................................. 22 9.2. European Union (ETSI) ........................................................................................ 22 9.3. Approved antenna list ........................................................................................... 23 10. Ordering information ...................................................................................................... 23 11. Revision notes ............................................................................................................... 23 12. References .................................................................................................................... 24
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 4 of 25  Document history Date Version Description 2016-06-15 1.0 Initial version
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 5 of 25  Abbreviations Abbreviation Description IEEE 802.15.4 Communication  standard,  applicable  to  low-rate  Wireless  Personal  Area Networks (WPAN) CE Consumer Electronics ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute FCC Federal Communications Commission GPIO Generals Purpose Input Output JTAG Joint  Test  Action  Group,  digital  interface  for  debugging  of  embedded  devices, also known as IEEE 1149.1 standard interface MAC Medium (Media) Access Control MCU, µC Microcontroller Unit OS Operating System RF Radio Frequency RPi Raspberry Pi, a famous inexpensive single board computer in credit card size R&TTE Radio  and  Telecommunications  Terminal  Equipment  (Directive of the European Union) U[S]ART Universal [Synchronous/]Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ZigBee Low-cost, low-power wireless mesh network standard. The ZigBee Alliance is a group of companies that maintain and publish the ZigBee standard. ZHA ZigBee Home Automation profile ZLL ZigBee Light Link profile
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 6 of 25  1.  Overview The  ConBee  is  the  platform  independent  USB  Dongle  that  turns  your  host  into  a  full functional wireless node which can be seamlessly integrated into ZigBee networks. This will enhance the application range of your host with monitoring and controlling ZigBee networks. ZigBee compatible devices are available from a lot of manufacturers. This USB Dongle contains a powerful radio module with integrated power amplifier and low noise  amplifier.  Together  with  the  assembled  onboard  chip  antenna  which  has  been optimally tuned ensures a superior RF performance.  The  ConBee  is  shipped  with  a  bootloader  application  for  simple  firmware  uploads  and updates. The ZigBee firmware is interfaced by a software called deCONZ which runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and is responsible for ZigBee network control and monitoring. Basically, the USB Dongle is a reference design for the ZigBee radio module deRFmega256-23M12 by dresden elektronik. 2.  Applications Mainly  the  ConBee  is  designed  to  handle  ZigBee  Light  Link  (ZLL)  and  ZigBee  Home Automation  (ZHA)  applications  in  connection  with  the  ZigBee  firmware  and  software deCONZ.  A  more  detailed  description  of  the  ZLL  standard,  the  features,  benefits  and available certified products can be found on the official alliance website [1]. It is also possible to use a custom firmware for wireless applications. Follow the instructions in Section 5 and Section 10 for detailed instructions on software installation and customer modifications. Note:  Please  note  that  depending  on  the  modifications  the  radio  certification  and compliance may become invalid. Please get in contact with us to advise you for a custom FCC certified and/or compliant design. 3.  Features The ConBee contains the features listed  below.  Figure  1 illustrates the feature parts  in  a detailed view.  3.1.  Short facts   Slim size: 70.7 x 23.0 x 8.3 mm   Supply voltage: USB powered 5.0V / DC   Onboard 2.4 GHz ZigBee radio module „deRFmega256-23M12‟   Application interfaces: USB
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 7 of 25   Figure 1: ConBee in detail 3.2.  How does the USB Dongle work? The functional parts of the ConBee are shown in a schematic overview in Figure 2. The USB Dongle will be supplied by the USB 5.0 V domain. Therefore the USB power supply must be sufficient to support the additional load. An onboard low-drop-out voltage regulator generates a stable 3.3 V voltage to supply the radio module on the USB Dongle. The onboard placed radio module deRFmega256-23M12 by dresden elektronik contains an 8-bit AVR microcontroller with an integrated low-power 2.4 GHz transceiver for ZigBee and IEEE 802.15.4 applications. The ConBee has no pre-installed firmware. You can install the firmware  that  fits  your  needs.  Each  USB  Dongle  contains  a  world-wide  unique  identifier, named MAC-ID. It consists of an 8 byte address, including the vendor ID and product ID. The MAC-ID is stored in the MCU internal EEPROM. Radio module Chip antenna USB connector Flash (n.a.) LEDs (n.a.) FTDI UART (n.a.) JTAG (n.a.) Button (n.a.) n.a.: not assembled
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 8 of 25  The RF output signal of the 2.4 GHz radio module is routed to the assembled onboard chip antenna. Figure 2: Block Diagram 4.  Quick start This section describes in short steps a fast start-up of the ConBee to control and monitor a ZigBee network. 4.1.  Content of delivery One shipped USB Dongle package contains the following:   1x ConBee - USB Dongle   1x Instruction leaflet 4.2.  Requirements The ConBee needs a dedicated USB port with up to 500mA current supply and  works on desktop PCs, laptops and the Single Board Computer Raspberry Pi 1, 2 and 3. 4.2.1.  Supported Operating Systems   Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10   Canonical  Ubuntu Linux 16.04   Raspberry Pi Raspian Wheezy and Jessie   Apple Mac OS X  10.11 4.3.  Installing drivers On  most  platforms  the  necessary  USB  COM  port  drivers  by  FTDI  will  be  installed automatically when you plug in the USB Dongle. You can also download and install the FTDI drivers manually from http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDrivers.htm 4.3.1.  Windows Plug  in  the  USB  Dongle  into  a  free  USB  port.  On  Windows  the  drivers  will  be  installed automatically if you have activated automatic driver installation. A window will pop up where you can select automatic driver installation. USB UART   deRFmega256-23M12  FTDI  Chip Ant. LDO VUSB 4.5V to 5.5V RFOUT2 VOUT 3.3V
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 9 of 25  4.3.2.  Linux No further driver installation is needed. All common Linux distributions include the necessary COM port drivers. 4.3.3.  Mac OS X No further driver installation is needed. Mac OS X includes the necessary COM port drivers. 4.4.  Using the USB Dongle with deCONZ application The deCONZ1 application allows the configuration, operation, monitoring and maintenance of ZigBee networks. 4.4.1.  Windows 1.  Download and install the deCONZ software from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/products/software/pc/deconz/  Important Note:   The next step will bring up a windows firewall warning. This happens because deCONZ runs  a  webserver  to  provide  the  WebApp  and  is  using  a  discovery  mechanism  via Internet so that your devices can find the WebApp. For proper operation it‟s required to confirm the firewall exception. 2.  Start the deCONZ application from the start menu. 3.  The application automatically connects to the USB Dongle and a blue coordinator node with address 0x0000 appears. 4.  In a browser navigate to http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/discover/ 5.  Login as user: delight and password: delight For further instructions on the WebApp refer to the Quick Start Guide [3]. 4.4.2.  Raspbian Linux  Required software packages 1.  Download and install Qt 4.8 $ sudo apt-get install libqt4-core  Download and install deCONZ 1.  Download deCONZ software package: $ wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/deconz/stable/deconz-latest.deb 2.  Install deCONZ software package: $ sudo dpkg -i deconz-latest.deb  Start and run the application 1.  If not already running start the desktop environment                                                 1 See https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/products/software/pc-software/deconz/?L=1
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 10 of 25  $ startx 2.  Start the deCONZ application via start menu Menu / Programming /deCONZ 3.  In a browser navigate to http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/discover/ 4.  Login as user: delight and password: delight For further instructions on the WebApp refer to the Quick Start Guide [3].  Execute the application at start-up 1. Create the folder “autostart”: $ mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/autostart/ 2.  Create and edit the file “deCONZ.desktop”: $ nano /home/pi/.config/autostart/deCONZ.desktop 3.  Insert the following lines and save the file: [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=deCONZ Exec=deCONZ-autostart.sh StartupNotify=false Now, the application will run automatically after start-up of the Raspberry Pi. 4.4.3.  Ubuntu Linux 1.  Download the deCONZ (Ubuntu Linux) software from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/products/software/pc/deconz 2. In the file manager right click on the downloaded .deb file and chose “Open With / Ubuntu Software Center”. In the software center click on the install button. 3.  Start the deCONZ application from the applications menu. 4.  The application automatically connects to the USB Dongle and a blue coordinator node with address 0x0000 appears. 5.  In a browser navigate to http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/discover/ 6.  Login as user: delight and password: delight For further instructions on the WebApp refer to the Quick Start Guide [3]. 4.4.4.  Mac OS X 1.  Download the deCONZ (OS X) software from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/products/software/pc/deconz 2.  Unzip the package and drag the deCONZ.app file to applications folder. 3.  For  the  first start  you  need to  right click  the  deCONZ application  in  Finder  and  chose open. After that deCONZ can be started from Launchpad.
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 11 of 25  4.  The application automatically connects to the USB Dongle and a blue coordinator node with address 0x0000 appears. 5.  In a browser navigate to http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/discover/ 6.  Login as user: delight, password: delight For further instructions on the WebApp refer to the Quick Start Guide [3]. 5.  Installing individual firmware with GCFFlasher GCFFlasher is a command line tool which can be used to update the USB Dongle without additional programming hardware. It is also used by deCONZ to update the ZigBee firmware. The GCFFlasher communicates with the USB Dongle bootloader via COM port interface.  Note 1:  GCFFlasher accepts firmware files in binary file format (.bin) and in dresden elektronik‟s proprietary GCF file format. There is no EEPROM programming support within GCFFlasher. EEPROM programming must be done within your application  code.  Please  note  that  modifying  the  EEPROM  may  cause irreversibly  damage  to  your  USB  Dongle.  Use  with  care.  GCFFlasher  also provides the option „-r‟ to power cycle the target device. Note 2:  It is not possible to perform the update while running the deCONZ application. Therefore it is necessary to close the deCONZ application before updating the firmware with GCFFlasher. Note 3:  For help on the GCFFlasher options run: GCFFlasher -h 5.1.  Windows 1.  Download GCFFlasher (Windows) from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/software 2.  Unzip the package and double click the GCFFlasherCommandline.bat file. A command prompt will open and output a list of all connected device(s). 3.  Put the firmware file in the same folder as GCFFlasher.exe 4.  To upload the firmware, invoke GCFFlasher from the command prompt as follows: GCFFlasher –d <device> -f <YourApplication.bin[.GCF]> For example: GCFFlasher –d 0 –f deCONZ_0x26050500.bin.GCF Note:    You can list the devices with: GCFFlasher –l 5.2.  Raspbian Linux 1.  Download GCFFlasher $ wget http://www.dresden-elektronik.de/rpi/gcfflasher/gcfflasher-latest.deb 2.  Install GCFFlasher $ sudo dpkg -i gcfflasher-latest.deb 3.  To upload the firmware, invoke GCFFlasher (superuser rights required) as follows:
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 12 of 25  $ sudo GCFFlasher –d <device> -f <YourApplication.bin[.GCF]> For example:    $ sudo GCFFlasher –d 0 –f deCONZ_0x26050500.bin.GCF Note:    You can list all devices with: $ sudo GCFFlasher –l 5.3.  Ubuntu Linux 1.  Download GCFFlasher (Ubuntu Linux) from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/software 2.  In the file manager right click on the downloaded .deb file and chose “Open With / Ubuntu Software Center”. In the software center click on the install button. 3.  To upload the firmware, invoke GCFFlasher (superuser rights required) as follows: $ sudo GCFFlasher –d <device> -f <YourApplication.bin[.GCF]> For example:    $ sudo GCFFlasher –d 0 –f deCONZ_0x26050500.bin.GCF Note:    You can list all devices with: $ sudo GCFFlasher –l 5.4.  Mac OS X 1.  Download GCFFlasher (OS X) from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/software 2.  In Finder unzip the package by double click on it. 3.  Put the firmware file in the unzipped folder 4.  Open a terminal and cd into the GCFFlasher folder 5.  To upload the firmware, invoke GCFFlasher from the command line as follows: $ sudo GCFFlasher –d <device> -f <YourApplication.bin[.GCF]> For example: $ sudo GCFFlasher –d 0 –f deCONZ_0x26050500.bin.GCF Note:    You can list all devices with: $ sudo GCFFlasher –l 5.5.  Notes on custom firmware When  using  the  JTAG  interface,  do  not  modify  sensitive  EEPROM  areas  like  Bootloader control section, ZigBee firmware settings,  NV-section containing i.e. MAC address,  unless you are absolutely sure what you are doing. Please  also  note  that  dresden  elektronik  will  neither  provide  firmware  images  of  the bootloader nor support restoring the bootloader or EEPROM once overwritten. 5.6.  Example with BitCatcher BitCatcher is a software tool for analyzing wireless transmissions in ZigBee based networks and allows the monitoring of complex network structures as well as observe data flows and runtime performance in detail without additional effort.
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 13 of 25  5.6.1.  Software 1.  Download and install the Luxoft BitCatcher ZigBee Network Analyzer from: http://www.luxoft.com/embedded-systems-development/bitcatcher 5.6.2.  Firmware 1.  Download the BitCatcher firmware for ConBee from: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/software/ 2.  Execute the steps of section 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 depending on your operating system. 5.7.  EEPROM layout The  radio  module  contained  on  the  ConBee  uses  the  following  EEPROM  sections.  If developing custom firmware, please do not modify the sections already used. Table 1: EEPROM sections EEPROM sections address range content / remark 0x0000 ... 0x00FF Bootloader specific 0x0100 ... 0x1EFF user available  0x1F00 ... 0x1FDF ZigBee firmware specific 0x1FE0 ... 0x1FFF NV-section 5.8.  Fuse setting The table below shows the recommended fuse byte settings for the ConBee which the board also comes with in factory new condition. Please refer to the radio module user manual [4] for their description and alternative configurations. Table 2: Fuse settings Fuse bytes Setting Description EXTENDED 0xF8 Extended fuse byte HIGH 0x90 Fuse high byte LOW 0xCE Fuse low byte 6.  Technical data The USB Dongle contains the 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 radio module „deRFmega256-23M12‟ by dresden elektronik. A detailed description of the module‟s characteristics and properties can be found in the radio module user manual [4].
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 14 of 25  Table 3: Mechanical data Mechanical data Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Size L   70.7  mm W   23.0  mm H   8.3  mm  Table 4: Temperature range Temperature range Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Working temperature Twork  -40 +25 +85 °C  Table 5: Absolute maximum ratings Absolute maximum ratings Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage Vin_max T=25°C   5.5 V Supply current Iin_max TX_ON, TX_PWR=0x0   215 mA Note:  Stresses  beyond  those  listed  under  “Absolute  maximum  ratings”  may  cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation  of  the  device  at  these  or  any  other  conditions  beyond  those indicated in the operational sections of this manual are not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.  For  more  details  about  these  parameters,  refer  to  individual datasheets of the components used.  Table 6: Electrical characteristics Electrical characteristics Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Supply voltage Vin  4.5 5.0 5.5 V Supply current Iin_trxoff Vin=5.0 V (only Bootloader)  5.5  mA
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 15 of 25  Iin_txon Vin=5.0 V, TX_PWR=0xE Vin=5.0 V, TX_PWR=0xF  59 48  mA mA  Table 7: MCU clock MCU clock Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit MCU clock CLKMCU   8  MHz  Table 8: Radio characteristics Radio characteristics Value Descriptor Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Antenna ANT1 Type Chip Ceramic  Gain  -0.7  dBi Coaxial connector COAX Type U.FL  Frequency range Frange_EU PHY_CC_CCA = 0x0B..0x1A 2405  2480 MHz Frange_US PHY_CC_CCA = 0x0B..0x19 2405  2475 MHz Channels CH_EU PHY_CC_CCA = 0x0B..0x1A 16  CH_US PHY_CC_CCA = 0x0B..0x19 15  Absolute TX power POUT Vin=5.0 V, TX_PWR=0xE Vin=5.0 V, TX_PWR=0xF   8.7 3.9 dBm dBm Receiver sensitivity SENS Data Rate = 250 kBit/s Data Rate = 500 kBit/s Data Rate = 1000 kBit/s Data Rate = 2000 kBit/s  -105 -101 -99 -94  dBm dBm dBm dBm Data rate (gross) DR TRX_CTRL_2 = 0x00 TRX_CTRL_2 = 0x01 TRX_CTRL_2 = 0x02 TRX_CTRL_2 = 0x03  250 500 1000 2000  kbps kbps kbps kbps
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 16 of 25  6.1.  Output power and channel settings The ConBee is able to provide an output power greater than 10 dBm. Table 9 defines the power  settings  of  the  TX_PWR  register  [4],  which  must  be  set  to  fulfill  all  national requirements of Europe (EN 300 328) and the United States (CFR 47 Ch. I FCC Part 15). Note:  Channel  26  must  be  deactivated  for  using  the  USB  Dongle  in  the  United States  to  fulfill  the  band  edge  requirements  of  FCC  Part  15  Subpart  C  § 15.247. Table 9: Output power settings Device ConBee Region ETSI (EU) FCC (US) Channel TX_PWR TX_PWR 11 0xF 0xE 12 0xF 0xE 13 0xF 0xE 14 0xF 0xE 15 0xF 0xE 16 0xF 0xE 17 0xF 0xE 18 0xF 0xE 19 0xF 0xE 20 0xF 0xE 21 0xF 0xE 22 0xF 0xE 23 0xF 0xE 24 0xF 0xE 25 0xF 0xF 26 0xF Not used
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 17 of 25  7.  Pin assignment This section lists all available signals and their function on the USB Dongle.  Note:    The signal NC means Not Connected. NA means Not Assembled. Table 10: Signal pin description Signal pin description of assembled radio module deRFmega256-23M12 Radio module pin Signal Function Comment 28 PE0/RXD0 UART RX 0 Communication interface to FTDI 29 PE1/TXD0 UART TX 0 Communication interface to FTDI 30 PE2/XCK0 CTS Communication interface to FTDI 4 RESET Reset 10k pull-up onboard, low-active, Connected to CBUS0 of FTDI 27 PB7 SW1 Button to GND (NA) 15 PD7 LED1 Red, low-active (NA) 8 PG2 LED2 Green, low-active (NA) 57 RFOUT1 RF out signal 1 terminated with 49R9 resistor 53 RFOUT2 RF out signal 2 Chip antenna 48 PF4/TCK JTAG NA 47 PF5/TMS JTAG NA 46 PF6/TDO JTAG NA 45 PF7/TDI JTAG NA 13 PD2/RXD1 UART RX 1 NA 12 PD3/TXD1 UART TX 1 NA 20 PB0/SS Chip Select Serial Flash Memory (NA) 21 PB2/MOSI Serial Data In Serial Flash Memory (NA) 22 PB1/SCK Serial Clock Serial Flash Memory (NA) 23 PB3/MISO Serial Data Out Serial Flash Memory (NA)
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 18 of 25  - VBUS Voltage supply 5 V supplied by USB port 2, 50 VCC Voltage supply 3.3 V generated internally 1, 31, 44, 49, 51 GND Ground System ground  Table 11: Header pin description Header pin description Header Pin Signal Comment Program (not assembled) 1 TCK JTAG 2 GND  3 TDO JTAG 4 VCC 3.3 V generated internally 5 TMS JTAG 6 RESET Reset  signal  for  ZigBee  USB Gateway 7 VCC 3.3 V generated internally 8 NC  9 TDI JTAG 10 GND  Trace (not assembled) 1 TXD1 UART 2 VCC 3.3 V generated internally 3 NC  4 RXD1 UART 5 NC  6 GND
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 19 of 25  8.  Hardware modifications for development Besides  the  factory-default  USB  Dongle  configuration  it  is  also  possible  to  modify  the hardware to enhance its functionality. 8.1.  Assemble the program header The program header provides the microcontroller programming interface of the radio module. Assemble a 50 mil 10-pin SMT header on the bottom side. We recommend the use of the header FTSH-105-04-LM-DV-P by SAMTEC or a similar item.  The header pin description can be found in Section 8 Table 11 . A detailed description of suitable programmers and related software tools are listed in [5].    Figure 3: USB Dongle program header position (default not assembled) Note:  Improper handling in respect of erasing or overwriting the MCU internal flash or  EEPROM  completely  or  in  parts  may  result  in  an  unusable  USB  Dongle unit. Modification of the pre-allocated EEPROM memory sections or removal of  the  pre-installed bootloader will  irreversibly  preclude  restoring,  booting  or upgrading the shipping firmware at all. dresden elektronik will not support such modifications (see Section 5.3 for details). 8.2.  Assemble the trace header The trace header provides the microcontroller UART interface of the radio module. Assemble a 50 mil 6-pin SMT header on the bottom side. We recommend the use of the header FTSH-103-01-F-DV by SAMTEC or a similar item.  The header pin description can be found in Section 8 Table 11.  Program header footprint 1
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 20 of 25   Figure 4: USB Dongle trace header position (default not assembled) 8.3.  Assemble the Serial Flash Memory The USB Dongle offers the use of an external Serial Flash Memory for custom application or features. The memory interface is connected to the SPI of the radio module. The provided footprint is SO-8. We recommend the use of a Serial Flash Memory like M25P40-VMN6TPB by MICRON. It is useful to place a stabilizing capacitor of 100nF to the 0402 footprint next to the memory. The signal pin description can be found in Section 8 Table 10.  Figure 5: USB Dongle Serial Flash Memory position (default not assembled) 8.4.  Assemble the User button The USB Dongle offers the use of an external user button. We recommend the use of the SMT button KSR211GLFS by ITT or similar items. The button is connected with ground and signal PB7. The signal pin description can be found in Section 8 Table 10Table 11. Trace header footprint 1 Serial Flash Memory footprint 1 Stabilizing capacitor
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 21 of 25   Figure 6: USB Dongle user button position (default not assembled) 8.5.  Assemble the status LEDs The USB Dongle offers the use of two status LEDs. The first LED is connected with signal PD7 and  the second  LED is  connected  with  signal  PG2.  Each  LED needs  one additional series resistor with a value of 820 Ohms. Both LEDs are low-active. We recommend the use of the following LEDs and resistors:   Red low current LED: TLMS1000-GS08 by Vishay (SMT package 0603)   Green low current LED: LG L29K-G2J1-24-Z by OSRAM (SMT package 0603)   Resistor 820 Ohms: RC0402FR-07820RL by YAGEO (SMT package 0402) The signal pin description can be found in Section 8 Table 10.  Figure 7: USB Dongle status LEDs (default not assembled)  User button footprint PB7 GND Red LED Series resistor Series resistor Green LED
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 22 of 25  9.  Radio certification 9.1.  United States (FCC) The ConBee contains the radio module „deRFmega256-23M12‟, which is certified according to  FCC  part  15.  The  FCC-ID  of  the  radio  module  deRFmega256-23M12  is  printed  on  a visible permanently affixed label on the top of the module‟s RF shielding. This product contains FCC ID: XVV-MEGA23M12 This equipment complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation (FCC 15.19). The internal / external antenna(s) used for this mobile transmitter must provide a  separation  distance  of  at  least  20  cm  from  all  persons  and  must  not  be  co-located  or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. Modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate this equipment (FCC section 15.21). This  equipment  has  been tested  and found  to comply with the  limits  for  a Class  A  digital device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  when  the  equipment  is  operated  in  a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at their own expense (FCC section 15.105). This  equipment  has  been tested  and found  to comply with the  limits for  a  Class  B  digital device,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC  Rules.  These  limits  are  designed  to  provide reasonable  protection  against  harmful  interference  in  a  residential  installation.  This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used  in  accordance  with  the  instructions,  may  cause  harmful  interference  to  radio communications.  However,  there  is  no  guarantee  that  interference  will  not  occur  in  a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,  which  can  be  determined  by  turning  the  equipment  off  and  on,  the  user  is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help 9.2.  European Union (ETSI) The ConBee is compliant for use in European Union countries. Hereby, dresden  elektronik  ingenieurtechnik gmbh  declares that  the  radio  equipment type ConBee is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: www.dresden-elektronik.de
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 23 of 25  If the USB Dongle is incorporated into a product, the manufacturer must ensure compliance of the final product to the European harmonized EMC and low-voltage/safety standards. A Declaration of  Conformity must be issued for each of these standards and kept  on file as described in Annex II of the R&TTE Directive. The manufacturer must maintain a copy of the USB Dongle documentation and ensure the final  product  does  not  exceed  the  specified  power  ratings,  antenna  specifications,  and/or installation requirements as specified in the user manual. If any of these specifications are exceeded in the final product, a submission must be made to a notified body for compliance testing to all required standards. 9.3.  Approved antenna list  The  USB  Dongle  has  an  integrated  chip  antenna.  The  design  is  fully  compliant  with  all regulations and certified as reference design of the integrated radio module deRFmega256-23M12 (FCC ID: XVV-MEGA23M12). Table 12: Approved antenna Approved antenna(s) for deRFmega256-23M12 Type Gain Mount Order code Vendor / Supplier Integrated antenna 2400 to 2483.5 MHz Chip antenna +1.3dBi (peak) SMT 2450AT43B100 Johanson Technology  10. Ordering information Table 13: Ordering information Ordering information Part Number Product Name Comment BN-600090 ConBee  Contains bootloader application  11. Revision notes Actually no design issues are known.
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 24 of 25  12. References [1] ZigBee Light Link,  URL: http://www.zigbee.org/zigbee-for-developers/applicationstandards/zigbee-light-link/ [2] User Manual deCONZ; URL: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/documentation/ [3] Quick Start Guide Wireless Light Control,  URL: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/documentation/ [4] User Manual deRFmega256 radio modules;  URL: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/documentation/ [5] Software Programming User Manual;  URL: https://www.dresden-elektronik.de/funktechnik/service/downloads/documentation/
User Manual Version 1.0 2016-06-15  ConBee - USB Dongle      www.dresden-elektronik.de  Page 25 of 25  dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh Enno-Heidebroek-Straße 12 01237 Dresden GERMANY  Phone +49 351 31850-0 Fax  +49 351 31850-10 Email  wireless@dresden-elektronik.de          Trademarks and acknowledgements   IEEE 802.15.4™ is a trademark of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).    ZigBee® is a registered trademark of the ZigBee Alliance.   ZigBee  USB  Gateway™  is  a  registered  trademark  of  the  dresden  elektronik  ingenieurtechnik gmbh. All trademarks are registered by their respective owners in certain countries only. Other brands and their products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be noted as such.      Disclaimer  This note is provided as-is and is subject to change without notice. Except to the extent prohibited by law, dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh makes no express or implied warranty of any kind with regard to this guide, and specifically disclaims the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh shall not be liable for any errors  or incidental or consequential damage  in connection  with the furnishing,  performance or use of this guide. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose other than  the  purchaser‟s  personal  use,  without  the  written  permission  of  dresden  elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh.  Copyright © 2016 dresden elektronik ingenieurtechnik gmbh. All rights reserved.

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