ASUSTeK Computer F94965AGN NOTEBOOK P.C User Manual AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466

ASUSTeK Computer Inc NOTEBOOK P.C AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466


21Knowing the Parts 2Front SideRefer to the diagram below to identify the components on this side of the Notebook PC.11Status Indicators (front)Status indicators represent various hardware/software conditions. See indicator details in section 3.
223    Getting Started
233. Getting StartedUsing AC PowerUsing Battery PowerPowering ON the Notebook PCChecking Battery PowerRestarting or RebootingPowering OFF the Notebook PCSpecial Keyboard FunctionsSwitches and Status Indicators
243    Getting StartedIMPORTANT!  Damage may occur if you use a different adapter to power the Notebook PC or use the Notebook PC’s adapter to power other electrical devices. If there is smoke, burning scent, or extreme heat coming from the AC-DC adapter, seek servic-ing. Seek servicing if you suspect a faulty AC-DC adapter. You may damage both your battery pack(s) and the Notebook PC with a faulty AC-DC adapter.NOTE: This Notebook PC may come with either a two or three-prong plug depending on territory. If a three-prong plug is provided, you must use a grounded AC outlet or use a properly grounded adapter to ensure safe operation of the Notebook PC.WARNING! THE POWER ADAPTER MAY BECOME WARM TO HOT WHEN IN USE. BE SURE NOT TO COVER THE ADAPTER AND KEEP IT AWAY FROM YOUR BODY.Power SystemUsing AC PowerThe Notebook PC power is comprised of two parts, the power adapter and the battery power system. The power adapter converts AC power from a wall RXWOHWWRWKH'&SRZHUUHTXLUHGE\WKH1RWHERRNPC. Your Notebook PC comes with a universal $&'&DGDSWHU7KDWPHDQVWKDW\RXPD\FRQQHFWthe power cord to any 100V-120V as well as 220V-240V outlets without setting switches or using SRZHUFRQYHUWHUV'LIIHUHQWFRXQWULHVPD\UHTXLUHthat an adapter be used to connect the provided US-standard AC power cord to a different standard. Most hotels will provide universal outlets to sup-port different power cords as well as voltages. It is always best to ask an experienced traveler about AC outlet voltages when bringing power adapters to another country. TIP: You can buy travel kits for the Notebook PC that includes power and modem adapters for almost every country.:LWKWKH$&SRZHUFRUGFRQQHFWHGWRWKH$&'&FRQYHUWHUFRQQHFWWKH$&SRZHUFRUGWRDQ$&RXWOHWSUHIHUDEO\ZLWKVXUJHSURWHFWLRQDQGWKHQFRQQHFWWKH'&SOXJWRWKH1RWHERRN3&&RQQHFWLQJWKH$&'&DGDSWHUWRWKH$&RXWOHWÀUVWDOORZV\RXWRWHVWWKH$&RXWOHW·VSRZHUDQGWKH$&'&FRQYHUWHULWVHOIIRUFRPSDWLELOLW\SUREOHPVEHIRUHFRQQHFWLQJWKH'&SRZHUWRWKH1RWHERRN3&7KHSRZHULQGL-cator on the adapter (if available) will light if the power is within accepted ranges.
25Getting Started 3IMPORTANT!  Never attempt to remove the battery pack while the Notebook PC is turned ON, as this may result in the loss of working data.IMPORTANT!  Only use battery packs and power adapters supplied with this Notebook 3&RUVSHFLÀFDOO\DSSURYHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUUHWDLOHUIRUXVHZLWKWKLVPRGHORUelse damage may occur to the Notebook PC.231312To install the battery pack: To remove the battery pack::$51,1*)RUVDIHW\UHDVRQV'2127WKURZWKHEDWWHU\LQÀUH'2127short circuit the contacts, and DO NOT disassemble the battery. If there is any abnormal operation or damage to the battery pack caused by impact, turn OFF the Notebook PC and contact an authorized service center.Using Battery PowerThe Notebook PC is designed to work with a removable battery pack. The battery pack consists of a set of battery cells housed together. A fully charged pack will provide several hours of battery life, which can be further extended by using power management features through the BIOS setup. Additional battery packs are optional and can be purchased separately through a Notebook PC retailer.Installing and Removing the Battery PackYour Notebook PC may or may not have its battery pack installed. If your Notebook PC does not have its battery pack installed, use the following procedures to install the battery pack.Battery CareThe Notebook PC’s battery pack, like all rechargeable batteries, has a limit on the number times it can be recharged. The battery pack’s useful life will depend on your environment temperature, humidity, and KRZ\RXU1RWHERRN3&LVXVHG,WLVLGHDOWKDWWKHEDWWHU\EHXVHGLQDWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJHEHWZHHQÝ&DQGÝ&Ý)DQGÝ)<RXPXVWDOVRWDNHLQWRDFFRXQWWKDWWKH1RWHERRN3&·VLQWHUQDOWHPSHUDWXUHis higher than the outside temperature. Any temperatures above or below this range will shorten the life of the battery. But in any case, the battery pack’s usage time will eventually decrease and a new battery pack must be purchased from an authorized dealer for this Notebook PC. Because batteries also have a shelf life, it is not recommended to buy extras for storing.
263    Getting StartedIMPORTANT! If warnings are still given during bootup after running a software disk checking utility, you should take your Notebook PC in for servicing. Continued use may result in data loss. IMPORTANT!  To protect the hard disk drive, always wait at least 5 seconds after turn-ing OFF your Notebook PC before turning it back ON. 127(%HIRUHERRWXSWKHGLVSOD\SDQHOÁDVKHVZKHQWKHSRZHULVWXUQHG217KLVLVpart of the Notebook PC’s test routine and is not a problem with the display.WARNING! DO NOT carry or cover a Notebook PC that is powered ON with any materi-als that will reduce air circulation such as a carrying bag.Powering ON the Notebook PCThe Notebook PC’s power-ON message appears on the screen when you turn it ON. If necessary, you may adjust the brightness by using the hot keys. If you need to run the BIOS Setup to set or modify the V\VWHPFRQÀJXUDWLRQSUHVV>)@XSRQERRWXSWRHQWHUWKH%,266HWXS,I\RXSUHVV>7DE@GXULQJWKHVSODVKVFUHHQVWDQGDUGERRWLQIRUPDWLRQVXFKDVWKH%,26YHUVLRQFDQEHVHHQ3UHVV>(6&@DQG\RXZLOObe presented with a boot menu with selections to boot from your available drives.The Power-On Self Test (POST):KHQ\RXWXUQ21WKH1RWHERRN3&LWZLOOÀUVWUXQWKURXJKDVHULHVRIVRIWZDUHFRQWUROOHGGLDJQRV-tic tests called the Power-On Self Test (POST). The software that controls the POST is installed as a permanent part of the Notebook PC’s architecture. The POST includes a record of the Notebook PC’s KDUGZDUHFRQÀJXUDWLRQZKLFKLVXVHGWRPDNHDGLDJQRVWLFFKHFNRIWKHV\VWHP7KLVUHFRUGLVFUHDWHGby using the BIOS Setup program. If the POST discovers a difference between the record and the exist-LQJKDUGZDUHLWZLOOGLVSOD\DPHVVDJHRQWKHVFUHHQSURPSWLQJ\RXWRFRUUHFWWKHFRQÁLFWE\UXQQLQJBIOS Setup. In most cases the record should be correct when you receive the Notebook PC. When the WHVWLVÀQLVKHG\RXPD\JHWDPHVVDJHUHSRUWLQJ´1RRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPIRXQGµLIWKHKDUGGLVNZDVQRWpreloaded with an operating system. This indicates that the hard disk is correctly detected and ready for the installation of a new operating system.Self Monitoring and Reporting TechnologyThe S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology) checks the hard disk drive during POST and gives a warning message if the hard disk drive requires servicing. If any critical hard disk drive warning is given during bootup, backup your data immediately and run Windows disk checking program. To run Window’s disk checking program: (1) right-click any hard disk drive icon in “My Computer”, (2) choose Properties, (3) click the Tools tab, (4) click Check Now, (5) select a hard disk drive, (6) select Thorough to also check for physical damages, and (7) FOLFN6WDUW7KLUGSDUW\GLVNXWLOLWLHVVXFKDV6\PDQWHF·V1RUWRQ'LVN'RFWRUFDQDOVRSHUIRUPWKHVDPHfunctions but with greater ease and more features.
27Getting Started 3NOTE: You will be warned when battery power is low. If you continue to ignore the low battery warnings, the Notebook PC eventually enters suspend mode (Windows default uses STR).WARNING!  Suspend-to-RAM (STR) does not last long when the battery power is depleted. Suspend-to-Disk (STD) is not the same as power OFF. STD requires a small amount of power and will fail if no power is available due to complete battery depletion or no power supply (e.g. removing both the power adapter and battery pack).Right-click the battery icon for sub-menus. Left-click the battery icon for power management settings.Note: Screen captures shown here are examples only and may not re-ÁHFWZKDW\RXVHHLQ\RXUV\VWHPMove your mouse over the battery icon for remaining power information.When the AC power is connected, charging status will be shown.WARNING!  Do not leave the battery pack discharged. The battery pack will discharge over time. If not using a battery pack, it must continued to be charged every three months to extend recovery capacity or else it may fail to charge in the future. NOTE: The battery stops charging if the temperature is too high or the battery voltage is too high.Checking Battery PowerThe battery system implements the Smart Battery standard under the Windows environment, which allows the battery to accurately report the amount of charge left in the battery. A fully-charged battery pack provides the Notebook PC a few hours of working power. But WKHDFWXDOÀJXUHYDULHVGHSHQGLQJRQKRZ\RXXVHWKHSRZHUVDYLQJfeatures, your general work habits, the CPU, system memory size, and the size of the display panel.To check the remaining battery power, move your cursor over the power icon. The power icon is a “battery” when not using AC power DQGD´SOXJµZKHQXVLQJ$&SRZHU'RXEOHFOLFNRQWKHLFRQIRUmore information and settings.Charging the Battery PackBefore you use your Notebook PC on the road, you will have to charge the battery pack. The battery pack begins to charge as soon as the Notebook PC is connected to external power using the power adapter. )XOO\FKDUJHWKHEDWWHU\SDFNEHIRUHXVLQJLWIRUWKHÀUVWWLPH$QHZEDWWHU\SDFNPXVWFRPSOHWHO\FKDUJHbefore the Notebook PC is disconnected from external power. It takes a few hours to fully charge the battery when the Notebook PC is turned OFF and may take twice the time when the Notebook PC is turned ON. The battery charge light turns OFF when the battery pack is charged.
283    Getting StartedRestarting or RebootingAfter making changes to your operating system, you may be prompted to restart the system. Some installation processes will provide a dialog box to allow restart. To restart the system manually, click Windows Start button and select Shut Down and then choose Restart. Powering OFFIn Windows XP, power OFF the Notebook PC by clicking Windows Start button and select Shut Down and then choose Turn off (or Shut down). For operating systems without proper power man-agement (DOS, Windows NT), you must close all applications and exit operating systems and then power OFF by holding the power switch for 2 seconds (as opposed to 1 second to power ON). Holding the power switch for 2 seconds is necessary in order to prevent accidental power-OFFs.IMPORTANT!  To protect the hard drive, wait at least 5 seconds after turning OFF your Notebook PC before turning it back ON. (Screens are different depending on security settings.)Emergency ShutdownIn case your operating system cannot properly turn OFF or restart, hold the power button   over 4 seconds to shutdown your Notebook PC.
29Getting Started 3Special Keyboard FunctionsColored Hot Keys7KH IROORZLQJ GHÀQHV WKH FRORUHG KRW NH\V RQ WKH 1RWHERRN 3&·V NH\ERDUG 7KHFRORUHGFRPPDQGVFDQRQO\EHDFFHVVHGE\ÀUVWSUHVVLQJDQGKROGLQJWKHIXQFWLRQkey while pressing a key with a colored command.1.3MEGAPIXELSOFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOKNOTE: The Hot Key locations on the function keys may vary depending on model but the functions should remain the same. Follow the icons instead of the function keys.(continued on next page)“Zz” Icon (F1): Places the Notebook PC in suspend mode (either Save-to-RAM or Save-WR'LVNGHSHQGLQJRQVOHHSEXWWRQVHWWLQJLQSRZHUPDQDJHPHQWVHWXSRadio Tower (F2): Wireless Models Only: Toggles the internal wireless LAN or Bluetooth (on selected models) ON or OFF with an on-screen-display. When enabled, the corresponding wireless indicator will light. Windows software settings are necessary to use the wireless LAN or Bluetooth.Filled Sun Icon (F5):'HFUHDVHVWKHGLVSOD\EULJKWQHVVOpen Sun Icon (F6):Increases the display brightnessSpeaker Icons (F10):Toggles the speakers ON and OFF (only in Windows OS)Crossed-out Touchpad (F9)7RJJOHVWKHEXLOWLQWRXFKSDG/2&.('GLV-DEOHGDQG81/2&.('HQDEOHG/RFNLQJWKHWRXFKSDGZLOOSUHYHQW\RXfrom accidentally moving the cursor while typing and is best used with an external pointing device such as a mouse. Note: An indicator between the touchpad buttons ZLOOOLJKWZKHQWKHWRXFKSDGLV81/2&.('HQDEOHGDQGQRWOLJKWZKHQWKHWRXFKSDGLV/2&.('GLVDEOHG“e” Icon (F4): Pressing this button will launch your Internet browser application while Windows is running.Envelope Icon (F3): Pressing this button will launch your Email application while Windows is running.LCD Icon (F7): Toggles the display panel ON and OFF. (On certain models; stretch-HVWKHVFUHHQDUHDWRÀOOWKHHQWLUHGLVSOD\ZKHQXVLQJORZUHVROXWLRQPRGHVLCD/Monitor Icons (F8):7RJJOHVEHWZHHQWKH1RWHERRN3&·V/&'GLVSOD\DQGDQH[WHUQDOPRQLWRULQWKLVVHULHV1RWHERRN3&/&'!([WHUQDO0RQLWRU!%RWK7KLVIXQFWLRQGRHVQRWZRUNLQ&RORUVVHOHFW+LJK&RORULQ'LVSOD\3URSHUW\6HWWLQJVNOTE: Must connect an external monitor “before” booting up the Notebook PC.
303    Getting StartedColored Hot Keys (Cont.)1.3MEGAPIXELSOFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOKBattery Mode AC ModePower4 Gear+ (Fn+Space Bar): The Power4 Gear+ button toggles power savings be-tween various power saving modes. The power saving modes control many aspects of the Notebook PC to maximize performance versus battery time.When you are using an AC power adapter, Power4 Gear+ will switch between modes in the AC power mode segment. When you remove the AC adapter, Power4 Gear+ will VZLWFKEHWZHHQPRGHVLQWKHEDWWHU\'&PRGHVHJPHQW:KHQ\RXUHPRYHRUDSSO\WKHAC adapter, Power4 Gear+ will automatically shift you up or down into the proper mode VHJPHQW$&RU'&Speaker Up Icon (F12):Increases the speaker volume (only in Windows OS)Speaker Down Icon (F11):'HFUHDVHVWKHVSHDNHUYROXPHRQO\LQ:LQGRZV26OSDIconsFn+C: Toggles “Splendid Video Intelligent Technology” function ON and OFF. This allows switching between different display color enhance-ment modes in order to improve contrast, brightness, skin tone, and color saturation for red, green, and blue independently. You can see the current mode through WKHRQVFUHHQGLVSOD\26'Fn+V: Toggles “ASUS Life Frame” software application.Scr Lk (Del): Toggles the “Scroll Lock” ON and OFF. Allows you to use a larger portion of the keyboard for cell navigation.Num Lk (Ins): Toggles the numeric keypad (number lock) ON and OFF. Allows you to use a larger portion of the keyboard for number entering.Fn+T: Toggles “Power For Phone” software application.
31Getting Started 3NOTE: The red arrows are illustrated here for your reference. They are not labeled on the keyboard as shown here.Microsoft Windows KeysThere are two special Windows keys on the keyboard as described below.The key with the Windows Logo activates the Start menu located at the bottom left of the Win-dows desktop.The other key, that looks like a Windows menu with a small cursor, activates the properties menu and is equivalent to pressing the right mouse button on a Windows object. Keyboard as a Numeric Keypad The numeric keypad is embedded in the keyboard and consists of 15 keys that make number intensive input more convenient. These dual-purpose keys are labeled in orange on the key caps. Numeric assignments are located at the upper right hand corner RIHDFKNH\DVVKRZQLQWKHÀJXUH:KHQWKHQXPHULFNH\SDGLVHQJDJHGE\SUHVVLQJ>Fn@>Ins/Num LK@WKHQXPEHUORFN/('OLJKWVXS,IDQH[WHUQDONH\ERDUGLVFRQQHFWHGSUHVVLQJWKH>Ins/Num LK@on the external keyboard enables/disables the NumLock on both key-boards simultaneously. To disable the numeric keypad while keeping WKHNH\SDGRQDQH[WHUQDONH\ERDUGDFWLYDWHGSUHVVWKH>Fn@>Ins/Num LK@NH\VRQWKH1RWHERRN3&Keyboard as CursorsThe keyboard can be used as cursors while Number Lock is ON or OFF in order to increase navigation ease while entering numeric data in spreadsheets or similar applications.With Number Lock OFFSUHVV>Fn@DQGRQHRIWKHFXUVRUNH\VVKRZQ EHORZ )RU H[DPSOH >Fn@>8@ IRU XS >Fn@>.@ IRU GRZQ>Fn@>U@IRUOHIWDQG>Fn@>O@IRUULJKWWith Number Lock ONXVH>Shift@DQGRQHRIWKHFXUVRUNH\VVKRZQEHORZ)RUH[DPSOH>Shift@>8@IRUXS>Shift@>K@IRUGRZQ>Shift@>U@IRUOHIWDQG>Shift@>O@IRUULJKW
323    Getting StartedPower SwitchThe power switch allows powering ON and OFF the Notebook PC and recovering from 67'8VHWKHVZLWFKRQFHWRWXUQ21DQGRQFHWRWXUQ2))WKH1RWHERRN3&,Q:LQGRZVXP, this button can also be used to safely turn OFF the Notebook PC. The power switch only works when the display panel is opened.SwitchesSwitches and Status Indicators1.3MEGAPIXELSOFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOKBattery Mode AC ModePower4 Gear+ KeyThe Power4 Gear+ button toggles power savings between various power saving modes. The power saving modes control many aspects of the Notebook PC to maximize performance versus battery time.When you are using an AC power adapter, Power4 Gear+ will switch between modes in the AC power mode segment. When you remove the AC adapter, Power4 Gear+ will switch between modes LQWKHEDWWHU\'&PRGHVHJPHQW:KHQ\RXUHPRYHRUDSSO\WKH$&DGDSWHU3RZHU*HDUZLOODX-WRPDWLFDOO\VKLIW\RXXSRUGRZQLQWRWKHSURSHUPRGHVHJPHQW$&RU'&Wireless SwitchWireless Models Only: Toggles the internal wireless LAN or Bluetooth (on selected models) ON or OFF with an on-screen display. When enabled, the corresponding wireless indicator will light. Windows software settings are necessary to use the wireless LAN or Bluetooth.
33Getting Started 3Status IndicatorsFrontBattery Charge Indicator7KHEDWWHU\FKDUJHLQGLFDWRULVDQ/('WKDWVKRZVWKHVWDWXVRIWKHEDWWHU\·VSRZHUDVIROORZVON:  The Notebook PC’s battery is charging when AC power is connected.OFF: The Notebook PC’s battery is charged or completely drained.Blinking: Battery power is less than 10% and the AC power is not connected.1.3MEGAPIXELSOFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOKWireless IndicatorThis is only applicable on models with built-in wireless LAN and/or built-in Bluetooth. When the built-in wireless LAN and/or built-in Bluetooth is enabled, this indicator will light. (Windows software settings are necessary.)Power IndicatorThe power indicator lights when the Notebook PC is turned ON and blinks slowly when the Note-book PC is in the Suspend-to-RAM (Standby) mode. This indicator is OFF when the Notebook 3&LVWXUQHG2))RULQWKH6XVSHQGWR'LVN+LEHUQDWLRQPRGHDrive Activity IndicatorIndicates that the Notebook PC is accessing one or more storage device(s) such as the hard GLVN7KHOLJKWÁDVKHVSURSRUWLRQDOWRWKHDFFHVVWLPHCapital Lock Indicator,QGLFDWHVWKDWFDSLWDOORFN>&DSV/RFN@LVDFWLYDWHGZKHQOLJKWHG&DSLWDOORFNDOORZVVRPHof the keyboard letters to type using capitalized letters (e.g. A, B, C). When the capital lock light is OFF, the typed letters will be in the lower case form (e.g. a,b,c). Number Lock Indicator,QGLFDWHVWKDWQXPEHUORFN>1XP/N@LVDFWLYDWHGZKHQOLJKWHG1XPEHUORFNDOORZVVRPHof the  keyboard letters to act as numbers for easier numeric data input.Bluetooth IndicatorThis is only applicable on models with internal Bluetooth (BT). This indicator will light to show that the Notebook PC’s built-in Bluetooth (BT) function is activated.
343    Getting StartedCD Play/PauseDuring CD stop, begins CD play.During CD play, pauses CD play.CD StopDuring CD stop: Ejects the CD tray.During CD play: Stops CD play.CD Skip to Next Track (Fast Forward) & Audio Volume UpDuring CD play, this button has two functions:Track: Push once to skip to the next track during CD playing.Audio: Hold down to increase audio volume.Audio Volume ControlsFn + Speaker Icons (F10):    Toggles the audio volume ON and OFFFn + Down Speaker Icon (F11): Decreases the audio volumeFn + Up Speaker Icon (F12): Increases the audio volumeMultimedia Control Keys (on selected models)The multimedia control keys allows for convenient controlling of the multimedia application. The fol-ORZLQJGHÀQHVWKHPHDQLQJRIHDFKPXOWLPHGLDFRQWURONH\RQWKH1RWHERRN3&CD Skip to Previous Track (Rewind) & Audio Volume DownDuring CD play, this button has two functions:Track: 7KHÀUVWSXVKZLOOUHVWDUWWKHFXUUHQWWUDFN6HFRQGSXVKZLOOVNLSWRWKHprevious track.Audio: Hold down to decrease audio volume.Use the [Fn] key in combination with the arrow keys for CD control functions.
354. Using the Notebook PCPointing DeviceStorage DevicesExpansion CardOptical driveFlash memory card readerHard disk driveMemory (RAM)Connections    Modem Connection    Network Connection    Wireless LAN Connection (on selected models)Bluetooth Wireless Connection (on selected models)Power Management ModesFingerprint Scanner (on selected models)Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (on selected models)
364    Using the Notebook PCIMPORTANT! Do not use any objects in SODFHRI\RXUÀQJHUWRRSHUDWHWKHWRXFK-pad or else damage may occur to the touchpad’s surface.Pointing DeviceThe Notebook PC’s integrated touchpad pointing device is fully compatible with all two/three-but-ton and scrolling knob PS/2 mice. The touchpad is pressure sensitive and contains no moving parts; therefore, mechanical failures can be avoided. A device driver is still required for working with some application software.Using the Touchpad/LJKWSUHVVXUHZLWKWKHWLSRI\RXUÀQJHULVDOOWKDWLVrequired to operate the touchpad. Because the touch-pad is electrostatic sensitive, objects cannot be used in SODFHRI\RXUÀQJHUV7KHWRXFKSDG·VSULPDU\IXQFWLRQis to move the cursor around or select items displayed RQWKHVFUHHQZLWKWKHXVHRI\RXUÀQJHUWLSLQVWHDGRIa standard desktop mouse. The following illustrations demonstrate proper use of the touchpad.Moving The Cursor3ODFH\RXUÀQJHULQWKHFHQWHURIWKHWRXFKSDGDQGslide in a direction to move the cursor.6OLGHÀQJHUforward6OLGHÀQJHUleft6OLGHÀQJHUbackward6OLGHÀQJHUrightCursorMovementRight ClickLeft ClickNOTE: A software-controlled scrolling function is available after setting up the included touchpad utility to allow easy Windows or web navigation.Scrolling (on selected models)6OLGH \RXU ÀQJHU XS RU GRZQ RQ WKH ULJKW VLGH WRscroll a window up or down.6FUROOLQJRQWKHÀQJHUSULQWVFDQQHU$IWHU VRIWZDUH VHWXS \RX FDQ XVH WKH ÀQJHUSULQWscanner as a scroll wheel like that on a mouse.OFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOK
37Using the Notebook PC 4Double-clicking/Double-tapping - This is a common skill for launching a program directly from the corresponding icon you select. Move the cursor over the icon you wish to execute, press the left button or tap the pad twice in rapid succession, and the system launches the corresponding program. If the interval between the clicks or taps is too long, the operation will not be executed. You can set the double-click speed using the Windows Control Panel “Mouse.” The following 2 examples produce the same results.Press the left button twice and release.Lightly but rapidly strike the touchpad twice.Press the left cursor button and release.Lightly but rapidly strike the touchpad.Clicking/Tapping -:LWKWKHFXUVRURYHUDQLWHPSUHVVWKHOHIWEXWWRQRUXVH\RXUÀQJHUWLSWRWRXFKWKHWRXFKSDGOLJKWO\NHHSLQJ\RXUÀQJHURQWKHWRXFKSDGXQWLOWKHLWHPLVVHOHFWHG7KHVHOHFWHGLWHPZLOOchange color. The following 2 examples produce the same results.Clicking Tapping Double-ClickingDouble-Tapping Touchpad Usage IllustrationsDragging -'UDJJLQJPHDQVWRSLFNXSDQLWHPDQGSODFHLWDQ\ZKHUHRQWKHVFUHHQ\RXZLVK<RXFDQmove the cursor over the item you select, and while keeping the left button depressed, moving the cursor to the desired location, then release the button. Or, you can simply double-tap on the item and hold while GUDJJLQJWKHLWHPZLWK\RXUÀQJHUWLS7KHIROORZLQJLOOXVWUDWLRQVSURGXFHWKHVDPHUHVXOWV+ROGOHIWEXWWRQDQGVOLGHÀQJHUon touchpad.Lightly strike the touchpad twice, VOLGLQJÀQJHURQWRXFKSDGGXULQJsecond strike.Dragging-Clicking Dragging-Tapping
384    Using the Notebook PCNOTE:  The touchpad responds to movement not to force. There is no need to tap the surface too hard. Tapping too hard does not increase the responsiveness of the touchpad. The touchpad responds best to light pressure.Caring for the TouchpadThe touchpad is pressure sensitive. If not properly cared for, it can be easily damaged. Take note of the following precautions.•  Make sure the touchpad does not come into contact with dirt, liquids or grease.'RQRWWRXFKWKHWRXFKSDGLI\RXUÀQJHUVDUHGLUW\RUZHW'RQRWUHVWKHDY\REMHFWVRQWKHWRXFKSDGRUWKHWRXFKSDGEXWWRQV'RQRWVFUDWFKWKHWRXFKSDGZLWK\RXUÀQJHUQDLOVRUDQ\KDUGREMHFWVAutomatic Touchpad Disabling (on selected models) Notebook PC models with newer chipsets will auto-matically disable the Notebook PC’s touchpad when an external USB mouse is attached. To turn OFF this feature, deselect the option in Windows ControlPanel - Mouse Properties - Device Settings.
39Using the Notebook PC 4Storage Devices6WRUDJHGHYLFHVDOORZWKH1RWHERRN3&WRUHDGRUZULWHGRFXPHQWVSLFWXUHVDQGRWKHUÀOHVWRYDULRXVdata storage devices. This Notebook PC has the following storage devices:•  Expansion Card•  Optical drive•  Flash memory reader•  Hard disk driveExpansion CardOne 26pin Express card slot is available to support one ExpressCard/34mm or one ExpressCard/54mm expansion card. This new interface is faster by using a serial bus supporting USB 2.0 and PCI Express instead of the slower parallel bus used in the PC card slot. (Not compatible with previous PCMCIA cards.)Inserting an Expansion CardBe sure the ExpressCard is level when inserting.1. If there is an ExpressCard socket protector, remove it using the “Removing an Express-Card” instructions below.2. Insert the ExpressCard with the connector side ÀUVWDQGODEHOVLGHXS6WDQGDUG([SUHVV&DUGVZLOOEHÁXVKZLWKWKH1RWHERRN3&ZKHQIXOO\inserted.3. Carefully connect any cables or adapters needed by the ExpressCard. Usually connectors can only be inserted in one orientation. Look for a sticker, icon, or marking on one side of the connector representing the top side.Removing an Expansion CardThe ExpressCard slot does not have an eject but-ton. Press the ExpressCard inwards and release to eject the ExpressCard. Carefully pull the ejected ExpressCard out of the socket.
404    Using the Notebook PCOptical DriveInserting an optical disc 1. While the Notebook PC’s power is ON, press the drive’s eject button and the tray will eject out partially.2. Gently pull on the drive’s front panel and slide the tray completely out. Be careful not to touch WKH&'GULYHOHQVDQGRWKHUPHFKDQLVPV0DNHsure there are no obstructions that may get jammed under the drive’s tray.3. Hold the disc by the edge and face the disc’s printed side up. Push down on both sides of the disc’s center until the disc snaps onto the hub. The hub should be higher than thedisc when correctly mounted.4. Slowly push the drive’s tray back in. The drive will begin reading the table of contents (TOC) on the disc. When the drive stops, the disc is ready to be used.NOTE: It is normal to hear as well as feel the CD spinning with great intensity in the CD drive while data is read.
41Using the Notebook PC 4$&'GULYHOHWWHUVKRXOGEHSUHVHQWUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHSUHVHQFHRID&'GLVFLQWKHGULYH$IWHUWKH&'LVproperly inserted, data can be accessed just like with hard disk drives; except that nothing can be written WRRUFKDQJHGRQWKH&'8VLQJWKHSURSHUVRIWZDUHD&'5:GULYHRU'9'&'5:GULYHFDQDOORZ&'5:GLVFVWREHXVHGOLNHDKDUGGULYHZLWKZULWLQJGHOHWLQJDQGHGLWLQJFDSDELOLWLHV9LEUDWLRQLVQRUPDOIRUDOOKLJKVSHHGRSWLFDOGULYHVGXHWRXQEDODQFHG&'VRU&'SULQW7RGHFUHDVHYLEUDWLRQXVHWKH1RWHERRN3&RQDQHYHQVXUIDFHDQGGRQRWSODFHODEHOVRQWKH&'Listening to Audio CD7KHRSWLFDOGULYHVFDQSOD\DXGLR&'VEXWRQO\WKH'9'520GULYHFDQSOD\'9'DXGLR,QVHUWWKHDXGLR&'DQG:LQGRZVDXWRPDWLFDOO\RSHQVDQDXGLRSOD\HUDQGEHJLQVSOD\LQJ'HSHQGLQJRQWKH'9'DXGLRGLVFDQGLQVWDOOHGVRIWZDUHLWPD\UHTXLUHWKDW\RXRSHQD'9'SOD\HUWROLVWHQWR'9'audio. You can adjust the volume using hotkeys or Windows™ speaker icon on the taskbar.Using the Optical DriveOptical discs and equipment must be handled with care because of the precise mechanics involved. .HHSLQPLQGWKHLPSRUWDQWVDIHW\LQVWUXFWLRQVIURP\RXU&'VXSSOLHUV8QOLNHGHVNWRSRSWLFDOGULYHVWKH1RWHERRN3&XVHVDKXEWRKROGWKH&'LQSODFHUHJDUGOHVVRIWKHDQJOH:KHQLQVHUWLQJD&'LWLVLPSRUWDQWWKDWWKH&'EHSUHVVHGRQWRWKHFHQWHUKXERUHOVHWKHRSWLFDOGULYHWUD\ZLOOVFUDWFKWKH&'WARNING!  If the CD disc is not properly locked onto the center hub, the CD can be damaged when the tray is closed. Always watch the CD closely while closing the tray slowly to prevent damage.Eject the tray and gently pry the edge of the disc upwards at an angle to remove the disc from the hub.The emergency eject is located in a hole on the op-tical drive and is used to eject the optical drive tray LQFDVHWKHHOHFWURQLFHMHFWGRHVQRWZRUN'RQRWuse the emergency eject in place of the electronic eject. Note: Make sure not to stab the activityindicator located in the same area.Actual location will vary by model.Optical Drive (Cont.)Emergency ejectRemoving an optical disc
424    Using the Notebook PCIMPORTANT!  Never remove cards while or immediately after reading, copying, format-ting, or deleting data on the card or else data loss may occur.Memory Stick Duo/Pro/Duo Pro/MG (with MS adapater)Memory Stick (MS)Memory Stick Magic Gate (MG)Memory Stick SelectSD (Secure Digital)MiniSD (with SD adapter)Memory Stick Micro (with MS adapter)xD Picture CardMMC (Multimedia Card)MMC PlusRS-MMC (Reduced Size) (with MMC adapter)Flash Memory Card ReaderNormally a memory card reader must be purchased sepa-rately in order to use memory cards from devices such as GLJLWDOFDPHUDV03SOD\HUVPRELOHSKRQHVDQG3'$V7KLV1RWHERRN3&KDVDVLQJOHEXLOWLQPHPRU\FDUGUHDGHUWKDWFDQXVHPDQ\ÁDVKPHPRU\FDUGVDVVKRZQLQWKHH[DPSOHEHORZ7KHEXLOWLQPHPRU\card reader is not only convenient, but also faster than most other forms of memory card readers because it utilizes the internal high-bandwidth PCI bus.IMPORTANT! Flash memory card compatibility varies depending on Notebook PC model DQGÁDVKPHPRU\FDUGVSHFLÀFDWLRQV)ODVKPHPRU\FDUGVSHFLÀFDWLRQVFRQVWDQWO\change so compatibility may change without warning. Flash Memory Card Examples
43Using the Notebook PC 4563412Hard Disk Drive CompartmentThe hard disk drive is secured in a compartment. Hard disk drive upgrades should be done by authorized service centers or dealers.7Removing the Hard Disk Drive Installing the Hard Disk DriveHard Disk Drive+DUGGLVNGULYHVKDYHKLJKHUFDSDFLWLHVDQGRSHUDWHDWPXFKIDVWHUVSHHGVWKDQÁRSS\disk drives and optical drives. The Notebook PC comes with a replaceable 2.5” (6.35cm) wide and approximately .374” (.95cm) high hard disk drive. Current hard drives support S.M.A.R.T. (Self Monitoring and Reporting Technology) to detect hard disk errors or failures before they happen. When replacing or upgrading the hard drive, always visit an authorized service center or retailer for this Notebook PC. IMPORTANT!  Poor handling of the Notebook PC may damage the hard disk drive. Handle the Notebook PC gently and keep it away from static electricity and strong vibrations or impact. The hard disk drive is the most delicate component and will likely EHWKHÀUVWRURQO\FRPSRQHQWWKDWLVGDPDJHGLIWKH1RWHERRN3&LVGURSSHG
444    Using the Notebook PCInstalling a Memory Card Removing a Memory Card5634123Memory (RAM)Additional memory will increase application performance by decreasing hard disk access. The BIOS automatically detects the amount of memory in the sys-WHPDQGFRQÀJXUHV&026DFFRUGLQJO\GXULQJWKH32673RZHU2Q6HOI7HVWprocess. There is no hardware or software (including BIOS) setup required after the memory is installed.4The memory compartment provides expansion ca-pabilities for additional memory. Visit an authorized service center or retailer for information on memory upgrades for your Notebook PC. Only purchase expansion modules from authorized retailers of this Notebook PC to ensure maximum compatibility and reliability.
45Using the Notebook PC 4NOTE: The built-in modem and network cannot be installed later as an upgrade. After purchase, modem and/or network can be installed as an expansion card.CAUTION: For electrical safety concerns, only use telephone cables rated 26AWG or higher. (see Glossary for more information)NOTE: When you are connected to an online service, do not place the Notebook PC in suspend (or sleep mode) or else you will disconnect the modem connection.ConnectionsExample of the Notebook PC connected to a telephone jack for use with the built-in modem:Modem ConnectionThe telephone wire used to connect the Notebook PC’s internal modem should have either two or four wires (only two wires (telephone line #1) is used by the modem) and should have an RJ-11 connector on both ends. Connect one end to the modem port and the other end to an analog telephone wall socket (the ones found in residential buildings). Once the driver is setup, the modem is ready to use. Telephone Wall JackTelephone cableswith RJ-11 connectorsTelephone connection is optional Telephone connector is the smaller of the two.
464    Using the Notebook PCWARNING!  Only use analog telephone outlets. The built-in modem does not support the voltage used in digital phone systems. Do not connect the RJ-11 to digital phone systems found in many commercial buildings or else damage will occur!Example of the Notebook PC connected to a Network Hub or Switch for use with the built-inEthernet controller.Network ConnectionConnect a network cable, with RJ-45 connectors on each end, to the modem/network port on the Note-book PC and the other end to a hub or switch. For 100 BASE-TX / 1000 BASE-T speeds, your network cable must be category 5 or better (not category 3) with twisted-pair wiring. If you plan on running the interface at 100/1000Mbps, it must be connected to a 100 BASE-TX / 1000 BASE-T hub (not a BASE-T4 KXE)RU%DVH7XVHFDWHJRU\RUWZLVWHGSDLUZLULQJ0ESV)XOO'XSOH[LVVXSSRUWHGon this Notebook PC but requires connection to a network switching hub with “duplex” enabled. The software default is to use the fastest setting so no user-intervention is required. 1000BASE-T (or Gigabit) is only supported on selected models. Twisted-Pair CableThe cable used to connect the Ethernet card to a host (generally a Hub or Switch) is called a straight-through Twisted Pair Ethernet (TPE). The end connectors are called RJ-45 connectors, which are not compatible with RJ-11 telephone connectors. If connecting two computers together without a hub in between, a crossover LAN cable is required (Fast-Ethernet model). (Gigabit models support auto-crossover so a crossover LAN cable is optional.)Network Hub or SwitchNetwork cable with RJ-45 connectors LAN connector is the larger of the two.
47Using the Notebook PC 4These are examples of the Notebook PC connected to a Wireless Network.Desktop PCPDANotebook PCAccessPointDesktop PCPDANotebook PCWireless LAN Connection (on selected models)The optional built-in wireless LAN is a compact easy-to-use wireless Ethernet adapter. Implementing the IEEE 802.11 standard for wireless LAN (WLAN), the optional built-in wireless LAN is capable of IDVWGDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQUDWHVXVLQJ'LUHFW6HTXHQFH6SUHDG6SHFWUXP'666DQG2UWKRJRQDO)UHTXHQF\'LYLVLRQ0XOWLSOH[LQJ2)'0WHFKQRORJLHVRQ*+]*+]IUHTXHQFLHV7KHRSWLRQDOEXLOWLQZLUH-less LAN is backward compatible with the earlier IEEE 802.11 standards allowing seamless interfacing of wireless LAN standards.The optional built-in wireless LAN is a client adapter that supports Infrastructure and Ad-hoc modes JLYLQJ\RXÁH[LELOLW\RQ\RXUH[LVWLQJRUIXWXUHZLUHOHVVQHWZRUNFRQÀJXUDWLRQVIRUGLVWDQFHVXSWRmeters between the client and the access point.7RSURYLGHHIÀFLHQWVHFXULW\WR\RXUZLUHOHVVFRPPXQLFDWLRQWKHRSWLRQDOEXLOWLQZLUHOHVV/$1FRPHVwith a 64-bit/128-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) features.Ad-hoc modeThe Ad-hoc mode allows the Notebook PC to connect to another wireless device. No access point (AP) is required in this wireless environment.(All devices must install optional 802.11 wireless LAN adapters.)Infrastructure modeThe Infrastructure mode allows the Notebook PC and other wireless devices to join a wireless network cre-ated by an Access Point (AP) (sold separately) that provides a central link for wireless clients to commu-nicate with each other or with a wired network.(All devices must install optional 802.11 wireless LAN adapters.)
484    Using the Notebook PC3UHVV >)1 )@ RU GRXEOH FOLFNthe Wireless Console icon on the taskbar). Four icons will appear as shown here. Click on the 1st setting to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or you may select the 2nd option for Wireless activa-tion only.1. Click Start | All Programs |Intel PROSet Wireless | IntelPROSet Wireless.2. Select the Network by double clicking or click on connect. (Eg: WL-520G network)3. If the network has a security setup, a window will appear requesting a password to con-nect.4. After connecting, it will indi-cate that “You are connected to (network)” and showing the IP address.Trouble Shooting&KDQJLQJQHWZRUNSURÀOHSDVV-word1. Select the Network then click 3URÀOH and click Properties. 3URÀOHQDPHZLOOQRWQHHGWRbe changed. For “Operating Mode” select Infrastructuremode.3. Select Personal Security and re-enter the password then click Ok.Intel PROSet (3945) Wireless LAN (on selected models)Connecting to a network

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