ASUSTeK Computer F94965AGN NOTEBOOK P.C User Manual AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466

ASUSTeK Computer Inc NOTEBOOK P.C AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466


Appendix ASystem BIOS SettingsBoot Device2. Select each item and press [Enter] to select a device.1. On the Boot screen, select Boot Device Priority.Security Setting1. On the Security screen, select Change Supervisor orChange User Password.2. Type in a password and press [Enter].3. Re-type the password and press [Enter].4. Password is then set.1. Leave the password ÀHOGEODQNDQGSUHVV[Enter].To clear the password:2. Password is then cleared.
A    AppendixPassword CheckSelect whether to ask for a password during bootup (Always) or only when entering the BIOS setup utility (Setup). Select the level of access to allow the “User Password” to have in the BIOS setup utility.User Access LevelSave Changes,I\RXZDQWWRNHHS\RXUFRQÀJXUDWLRQVHWWLQJV\RXPXVWsave changes before exiting the BIOS setup utility.If you want to restore default settings, choose LoadManufacture Defaults. You must then save changes to keep the manufacture default settings.
Appendix ACommon Problems and SolutionsHardware Problem - Optical Disc The optical disc drive is not able to read or write discs.1. Update the BIOS to the latest version and try again.2. If updating the BIOS does not help, try better quality discs and try again. 3. If the problem still exist, contact your local service center and ask an engineer for assistance. Unknown Reason - System UnstableCannot wake up from the hibernation.5HPRYHXSJUDGHGSDUWV5$0+'':/$1%7LIWKH\ZHUHLQVWDOOHGDIWHUSXUFKDVH2. If not the case, try MS System Restore to an earlier date.,ISUREOHPVWLOOSHUVLVWVWU\UHVWRULQJ\RXUV\VWHPXVLQJWKHUHFRYHU\SDUWLWLRQRU'9'(NOTE: You must backup all your data to another location before recovering.)4. If the problem still exist, contact your local service center and ask an engineer for assistance. Hardware Problem - Keyboard / HotkeyThe Hotkey (FN) is disabled.$5HLQVWDOOWKH´$7.µGULYHUIURPWKHGULYHU&'RUGRZQORDGLWIURPWKH$686ZHEVLWHHardware Problem - Built-in CameraThe built-in camera does not work correctly. &KHFN´'HYLFH0DQDJHUµWRVHHLIWKHUHDUHDQ\SUREOHPV2. Try reinstalling the webcam driver to solve the problem. 3. If the problem is not solved, update the BIOS to the latest version and try again. 4. If the problem still exist, contact your local service center and ask an engineer for assistance. Hardware Problem - BatteryBattery maintenance.1. Register the Notebook PC for a one-year-warranty using the following website:'R127UHPRYHWKHEDWWHU\SDFNZKLOHXVLQJWKH1RWHERRN3&ZLWKWKH$&DGDSWRUWRSUHYHQWdamage caused by the accidental power loss. The ASUS battery pack has protection circuitry to prevent over-charging so it will not damage the battery pack if it is left in the Notebook PC.  6WRUHWKHEDWWHU\SDFNLQDGU\ORFDWLRQZLWKWHPSHUDWXUHVEHWZHHQɅDQGɅLI\RXZLOOnot be using it for a long time. It is strongly recommended that you charge the battery pack every three months.
A    AppendixCommon Problems and Solutions (Cont.)Hardware Problem - Power ON/OFF ErrorI cannot power ON the Notebook PC.Diagnostics:1. Power On by Battery only? (Y = 2, N = 4)2. Able to see BIOS (ASUS Logo)? (Y = 3, N = A)3. Able to load the OS? (Y = B, N = A)$GDSWHUSRZHU/('21"< 1 &5. Power ON by Adapter only? (Y = 6, N = A)6. Able to see BIOS (ASUS Logo)? (Y = 7, N = A)$EOHWRORDGWKH26"< '1 $Symptom & Solutions:$3UREOHPPLJKWEHLQWKH0%+''RU1%YLVLWDORFDOVHUYLFHFHQWHUIRUDVVLVWDQFHB. Problem caused by the operating system, try restoring your system using the recovery partition or disc. (IMPORTANT: You must backup all your data to another location before recovering.)C. Adapter problem; check the power cord connections, otherwise visit a local service center for replacement.'%DWWHU\SUREOHPSOHDVHFKHFNWKHEDWWHU\FRQWDFWVRWKHUZLVHYLVLWDORFDOVHUYLFHFHQWHUIRUrepair.Mechanical Problem - FAN / ThermalWhy is the cooling fan always ON and the temperature high?1. Make sure that the FAN works when the CPU temperature is high and check whether there is DLUÁRZIURPWKHPDLQDLUYHQW2. If you have many applications running (see taskbar), close them to decrease system load. 3. The problem may also be caused by some viruses, use anti-virus software to detect them. ,IQRQHRIWKHDERYHKHOSWU\UHVWRULQJ\RXUV\VWHPXVLQJWKHUHFRYHU\SDUWLWLRQRU'9' (IMPORTANT: You must backup all your data to another location before recovering.) &$87,21'RQRWFRQQHFWWRWKH,QWHUQHWEHIRUH\RXKDYHLQVWDOOHGDQDQWLYLUXVVRIWZDUHDQG,QWHUQHWÀUHZDOOWRSURWHFW\RXUVHOIIURPYLUXVHV6HUYLFH6SHFLÀFDWLRQIXQFWLRQSULFHHow to check whether a Notebook PC is equipped with a wireless card?A. Enter Control Panel!Device Manager. You will see whether the Notebook PC has a WLAN card under the “Network Adapter” item.
Appendix ACommon Problems and Solutions (Cont.)Software Problem - ASUS bundled software:KHQ,SRZHU21WKH1RWHERRN3&WKHUHZLOOEHDQ´2SHQSROLF\ÀOHHUURUµPHVVDJHA. Reinstall the latest version “Power4 Gear” utility to solve your problem. It is available on the ASUS website.Unknown Reason - Blue screen with white textA blue screen with white text appears after system bootup.1. Remove additional memory. If additional memory was installed after purchase, power OFF, remove the additional memory, and power ON to see if the problem is due to incompatible memory.2. Un-install software applications. If you have installed software applications recently, they may not be compatible with your system. Try to un-install them in Windows Safe Mode.3. Check your system for viruses.  8SGDWHWKH%,26WRWKHODWHVWYHUVLRQZLWK:,1)/$6+LQ:LQGRZVRU$)/$6+LQ'26PRGH7KHVHXWLOLWLHVDQG%,26ÀOHVFDQEHGRZQORDGHGIURPWKH$686ZHEVLWH:$51,1*0DNHVXUH\RXU1RWHERRN3&GRHVQRWORRVHSRZHUGXULQJWKH%,26ÁDVKLQJSURFHVV5. If problem still cannot be solved, use the recovery process to reinstall your entire system. (IMPORTANT: You must backup all your data to another location before recovering.)&$87,21'RQRWFRQQHFWWRWKH,QWHUQHWEHIRUH\RXKDYHLQVWDOOHGDQDQWLYLUXVVRIWZDUHDQG,QWHUQHWÀUHZDOOWRSURWHFW\RXUVHOIIURPYLUXVHV127(0DNHVXUHWKDW\RXLQVWDOOWKH´,QWHO,1)8SGDWHµDQG´$7.$&3,µGULYHUVÀUVWVRWKDWKDUGZDUHGHYLFHVFDQEHUHFRJQL]HG6. If the problem still exist, contact your local service center and ask an engineer for assistance.
A    AppendixSoftware Problem - BIOSUpdating the BIOS. 3OHDVHYHULI\WKH1RWHERRN3&·VH[DFWPRGHODQGGRZQORDGWKHODWHVW%,26ÀOHIRU\RXUPRGHOfrom the ASUS website. 8VHWKH´:,1)/$6+µXWLOLW\WRXSGDWH\RXU%,267KHXWLOLW\FDQEHIRXQGLQ\RXU'ULYHU8WLOLW\&'WKDWFDPHZLWK\RXU1RWHERRN3& ([WUDFWWKH%,26ÀOHWRDWHPSRUDU\ORFDWLRQVXFKDVWKHURRWLQ&?4. Click Start | All Programs | ASUS Utility | WINFLASH | WINFLASH D6HOHFWWKHQHZ%,26LPDJHÀOH E&RQÀUPWKHVHOHFWHG%,26LQIRUPDWLRQ&KHFNWKHPRGHOYHUVLRQDQGGDWDc. Click Flash to initialize the BIOS updating procedure.d.Click Exit when procedure completes. H5HERRWWKHV\VWHP$VVXPLQJWKDW\RXKDYHVXFFHVVIXOO\ÁDVKHGWKH%,26ÀOHSUHVV>F2@WRenter BIOS setup page when the ASUS logo appears during system boot-up.f. After entering BIOS setup page, go to Exit page and choose Load Manufacture Defaults.Then select Save and Exit and reboot the system again.  J7KH%,26ÁDVKSURFHGXUHLVQRZFRPSOHWHYou can also use the “Easy Flash” function on the Advanced page of the BIOS Setup Utility. Follow the instructions shown.You must “Load Manufacture Defaults” after XSGDWLQJÁDVKLQJWKH%,26
Appendix ACommon Problems and Solutions (Cont.)Symantec’s Norton Internet Security (NIS)1. Sometimes NIS will show an alert to stop a Trojan virus from a local IP address.7KLVSUREOHPFDQEHVROYHGE\PDNLQJVXUHWKHYLUXVGHÀQLWLRQÀOHLVWKHODWHVWRQHDQGUHJXODUO\XSGDWLQJWKHYLUXVGHÀQLWLRQÀOH2. Reinstalling fails at the “Information Wizard” after uninstalling Norton Antivirus.Make sure NIS has been uninstalled from your computer,  reboot your system, install NIS again, use ´/LYH8SGDWHµDQGXSGDWHWKHYLUXVGHÀQLWLRQÀOH3. Norton accidently blocks desired web pages or reduces download speeds.&KDQJHWKHVHFXULW\FRQÀJXUDWLRQWRDORZHUOHYHO1,6VFDQVYLUXVZKLOHGRZQORDGLQJGDWDVRQHW-work speed will be decreased.4. Cannot login to MSN or Yahoo messenger services.Make sure NIS has been updated and also update the Windows system by using “Windows Update”. If the problem still exist, try:1. Open NIS 200x by clicking on the NIS icon in your system tray. 2. Open “Norton AntiVirus” in “Options” menu. 3. Click on “Instant Messenger” uncheck “MSN/Windows Messenger” from “Which Instant mes-sengers to protect.”5. NIS is damaged and need reinstalling.NIS is located in the provided disc in the “NIS200x” folder (x is the version number).  7KH´6WDUWÀUHZDOOZKHQV\VWHPLVERRWHGµRSWLRQLVVHOHFWHGEXWLWWDNHVDERXWRQHPLQXWHWRVWDUWXSWKHÀUHZDOOHYHU\WLPH,HQWHU:LQGRZV:LQGRZVLVQRWUHVSRQVLYHGXULQJWKLVWLPH,I1,6ÀUHZDOOUHGXFHV\RXUV\VWHPVSHHGWRDQLQWROHUDEOHOHYHOGHVHOHFWWKDWRSWLRQ
A    Appendix7. Much of my system speed has been reduced by NIS.NIS will reduce your system speed (both booting and running performance) if you are using NIS’s full protection functions, NIS scans and tracks all data in the background. You can speed up your system by stopping NIS’s auto scan functions in system bootup. You can then scan virus manually when your computer is not in use.8. Cannot uninstall NIS.Go to Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs. Look for “Norton Internet Security 200x (Symantec Corporation)”. Click Change/Remove and choose Remove All to uninstall NIS.9. Windows Firewall must be stopped before installing “Norton Internet Security” or “NortonPersonal Firewall”. How to stop Windows Firewall:1. Click Start and then Control Panel.2. You will have one of two control panels.  Click on the Security Center icon.3. Click on the Windows Firewall icon beneath the status updates.4. Click Off and then click OK.10. Why is the “Privacy Control” icon showing ‘x’?Turn off Privacy Control from “Status & Settings”.,QVXIÀFLHQWSULYLOHJHPHVVDJHMany settings, including disabling or uninstalling NIS, require you to be logged into Windows with Administrator privileges. Log Off and switch to a user account with Administrator privileges.Common Problems and Solutions (Cont.)
Appendix AWindows XP Software RecoveryUsing Hard Disk Partition The Recovery Partition includes an image of the operating system, drivers, and utilities installed on your Notebook PC at the factory. The Recovery Partition provides a comprehensive recovery solution that quickly restores your Notebook PC’s software to its original working state, provided that your hard GLVNGULYHLVLQJRRGZRUNLQJRUGHU%HIRUHXVLQJWKH5HFRYHU\3DUWLWLRQFRS\\RXUGDWDÀOHVVXFKDV2XWORRN367ÀOHVWRÁRSS\GLVNVRUWRDQHWZRUNGULYHDQGPDNHQRWHRIDQ\FXVWRPL]HGFRQÀJXUDWLRQsettings (such as network settings).Using the Recovery Partition:3UHVV>)@GXULQJERRWXSUHTXLUHVD5HFRYHU\3DUWLWLRQAbout the Recovery PartitionThe Recovery Partition is a space reserved on your hard disk drive used to restore the operating system, drivers, and utilities installed on your Notebook PC at the factory.,03257$17'RQRWGHOHWHWKHSDUWLWLRQQDPHG´5(&29(5<µThe Recovery Partition is created at the factory and cannot be restored by the user if deleted. Take your Notebook PC to an authorized ASUS service center if you have problems with the recovery process.Select menu item (within 60 seconds):1. Reboot to Windows XP _____.This option will automatically execute after 60 seconds if no selections are made. This option will reboot your Notebook PC and enter Windows. 5HFRYHU:LQGRZV;3BBBBBWRÀUVWSDUWLWLRQRQO\7KLVRSWLRQZLOOGHOHWHRQO\WKHÀUVWSDUWLWLRQDOORZLQJ\RXWRNHHSRWKHUSDUWLWLRQVDQGFUHDWHDQHZsystem partition as drive “C”.3. Recover Windows XP _____ to entire HD.This option will delete all partitions from your hard disk drive and create a new system partition as drive “C”.4. Recover Windows XP _____ to entire HD with 2 partition.This option will delete all partitions from your hard disk drive and create two new partitions “C” DQG´'µFollow the on-screen instructions to complete the recovery process.NOTE: Please visit for updated drivers and utilities.
A    AppendixWindows XP Software Recovery (Cont.)Using CDs (on selected models)7KH5HFRYHU\&'VLQFOXGHVDQLPDJHRIWKHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPGULYHUVDQGXWLOLWLHVLQVWDOOHGRQ\RXU1RWHERRN3&DWWKHIDFWRU\7KH5HFRYHU\&'VSURYLGHVDFRPSUHKHQVLYHUHFRYHU\VROXWLRQWKDWTXLFNO\restores your Notebook PC’s software to its original working state, provided that your hard disk drive LVLQJRRGZRUNLQJRUGHU%HIRUHXVLQJWKH5HFRYHU\&'VFRS\\RXUGDWDÀOHVVXFKDV2XWORRN367ÀOHVWRÁRSS\GLVNVRUWRDQHWZRUNGULYHDQGPDNHQRWHRIDQ\FXVWRPL]HGFRQÀJXUDWLRQVHWWLQJVVXFKas network settings).Detailed procedure on using the Recovery CDs: ,QVHUW5HFRYHU\&'LQWR\RXURSWLFDOGULYH2. Turn ON your notebook PC or restart if it is already ON. 3UHVV(VF!RQERRWXSDQGVHOHFWWKHRSWLFDOGULYHXVLQJWKHGRZQFXUVRUDQGSUHVV(QWHU!WRERRWIURP5HFRYHU\&'2UVHW\RXURSWLFDOGULYHWRERRWLQ%,265. Select menu item (within 60 seconds):1. MS-DOS with CD-ROM Support.This option will automatically execute after 60 seconds if no selections are made. This option is like XVLQJD'26VWDUWXSGLVNDQGORDGWKH&'520GULYHUIRU'26DQGJLYH\RXD'26SURPSW6HYHUDO'26XWLOLWLHVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHRQGULYH´$µ5HFRYHU:LQGRZV;3BBBBBWRÀUVWSDUWLWLRQRQO\7KLVRSWLRQZLOOGHOHWHRQO\WKHÀUVWSDUWLWLRQDOORZLQJ\RXWRNHHSRWKHUSDUWLWLRQVDQGFUHDWHDQHZsystem partition as drive “C”.3. Recover Windows XP _____ to entire HD.This option will delete all partitions from your hard disk drive and create a new system partition as drive “C”.4. Recover Windows XP _____ to entire HD with 2 partition.This option will delete all partitions from your hard disk drive and create two new partitions “C” DQG´'µ6. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the recovery process. You will be asked for Recovery &'DIWHUDIHZPLQXWHVDQG$686'ULYHUDQG8WLOLW\&'DIWHUDIHZPRUHPLQXWHV 5HPRYHWKH5HFRYHU\&'DQGUHVWDUW\RXU1RWHERRN3&WRFRQÀJXUH:LQGRZV8. Follow the on-screen wizards to complete Windows setup.WARNING: Do not remove the Recovery CD (unless instructed to do so) during the recovery process or else your partitions will be unusable.NOTE: Please visit for updated drivers and utilities.
Appendix ANTFS Converter (Windows XP only)NOTE: If your local disk is already in NTFS format, “ already NTFS” will be shown for the relevant hard disk drive. 3. Restart your system and check the details of your local disk to see if conversion is suc-cessful. Open My Computer and click the disk drive for details. (Click the expand icon if necessary.) (This drive has not been converted.)(This drive has been converted to NTFS.) 'LVPRXQWLVQHFHVVDU\IRUWKHFRQYHUVLRQ3UHVVY to continue. 'RXEOHFOLFNWKH17)6LFRQRQWKHGHVNWRS7KHconversion command will be executed once for each partition on your Notebook PC so you will have to answer additional questions.
A    AppendixGlossary$&3,$GYDQFHG&RQÀJXUDWLRQDQG3RZHU0DQDJHPHQW,QWHUIDFHModern standard for reducing power usage in computers.APM (Advanced Power Management)Modern standard for reducing power usage in computers.AWG (American Wire Gauge)NOTE: This table is for general reference only and should not be used as a source of the American Wire Gauge standard as this table may not be current or complete.Gauge Diam Area R I@3A/mm2AWG (mm) (mm2) (ohm/km) (mA)33 0.18 0.026 676 750.19 0.028 605 8532 0.20 0.031 547 9330 0.25 0.049 351 14729 0.30 0.071 243 21227 0.35 0.096 178 28826 0.40 0.13 137 37825 0.45 0.16 108 477Gauge Diam Area R I@3A/mm2AWG (mm) (mm2) (ohm/km) (mA)24 0.50 0.20 87.5 5880.55 0.24 72.3 7150.60 0.28 60.7 85022 0.65 0.33 51.7 1.0 A0.70 0.39 44.6 1.16 A0.75 0.44 38.9 1.32 A20 0.80 0.50 34.1 1.51 A0.85 0.57 30.2 1.70 ABIOS (Basic Input/Output System)BIOS is a set of routines that affect how the computer transfers data between computer components, such as memory, disks, and the display adapter. The BIOS instructions are built into the computer’s read-only PHPRU\%,26SDUDPHWHUVFDQEHFRQÀJXUHGE\WKHXVHUWKURXJKWKH%,266HWXSSURJUDP7KH%,26FDQEHXSGDWHGXVLQJWKHSURYLGHGXWLOLW\WRFRS\DQHZ%,26ÀOHLQWRWKH((3520Bit (Binary Digit)Represents the smallest unit of data used by the computer. A bit can have one of two values: 0 or 1.BootBoot means to start the computer operating system by loading it into system memory. When the manual instructs you to “boot” your system (or computer), it means to turn ON your computer. “Reboot” means WRUHVWDUW\RXUFRPSXWHU:KHQXVLQJ:LQGRZVRUODWHUVHOHFWLQJ´5HVWDUWµIURP´6WDUW_6KXW'RZQµwill reboot your computer.Byte (Binary Term)One byte is a group of eight contiguous bits. A byte is used to represent a single alphanumeric character, punctuation mark, or other symbol.Clock ThrottlingChipset function which allows the processor’s clock to be stopped and started at a known duty cycle. Clock throttling is used for power savings, thermal management, and reducing processing speed.
Appendix ACPU (Central Processing Unit)The CPU, sometimes called “Processor,” actually functions as the “brain” of the computer. It interprets and executes program commands and processes data stored in memory. Device DriverA device driver is a special set of instructions that allows the computer’s operating system to communicate with devices such as VGA, audio, Ethernet, printer, or modem.DVD'9'LVHVVHQWLDOO\DELJJHUIDVWHU&'WKDWFDQKROGYLGHRDVZHOODVDXGLRDQGFRPSXWHUGDWD:LWKWKHVHFDSDFLWLHVDQGDFFHVVUDWHV'9'GLVFVFDQSURYLGH\RXZLWKGUDPDWLFDOO\HQKDQFHGKLJKFRORUIXOOPRWLRQYLGHRVEHWWHUJUDSKLFVVKDUSHUSLFWXUHVDQGGLJLWDODXGLRIRUDWKHDWHUOLNHH[SHULHQFH'9'aims to encompass home entertainment, computers, and business information with a single digital format, HYHQWXDOO\UHSODFLQJDXGLR&'YLGHRWDSHODVHUGLVF&'520DQGYLGHRJDPHFDUWULGJHVExpressCardExpressCard slot is 26 pins and support one ExpressCard/34mm or one ExpressCard/54mm expansion card. This new interface is faster by using a serial bus supporting USB 2.0 and PCI Express instead of the slower parallel bus used in the PC card slot. (Not compatible with previous PCMCIA cards.)HardwareHardware is a general term referring to the physical components of a computer system, including pe-ripherals such as printers, modems, and pointing devices.IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics),'(GHYLFHVLQWHJUDWHWKHGULYHFRQWUROFLUFXLWU\GLUHFWO\RQWKHGULYHLWVHOIHOLPLQDWLQJWKHQHHGIRUDVHSDUDWHDGDSWHUFDUGLQWKHFDVHIRU6&6,GHYLFHV8OWUD'0$RU,'(GHYLFHVFDQDFKLHYHXSto 33MB/Sec transfer.IEEE1394 (1394)Also known as iLINK (Sony) or FireWire (Apple). 1394 is a high speed serial bus like SCSI but has simple connections and hot-plugging capabilities like USB. The popular 1394a interface has a bandwidth of 400Mbits/sec and can handle up to 63 units on the same bus. The newer 1394b interface can support twice the speed and will appear in future models when peripherals support higher speeds. It is very likely WKDWWRJHWKHUZLWK86%ZLOOUHSODFH3DUDOOHO,'(6&6,DQG(,'(SRUWVLVDOVRXVHGLQKLJKHQGGLJLWDOHTXLSPHQWDQGVKRXOGEHPDUNHG´'9µIRU'LJLWDO9LGHRSRUWInfrared Port (IrDA) (on selected models)7KHLQIUDUHG,U'$FRPPXQLFDWLRQSRUWDOORZVFRQYHQLHQWZLUHOHVVGDWDFRPPXQLFDWLRQZLWKLQIUD-red-equipped devices or computers up to 4Mbits/sec. This allows easy wireless synchronization with 3'$VRUPRELOHSKRQHVDQGHYHQZLUHOHVVSULQWLQJWRSULQWHUV6PDOORIÀFHVFDQXVH,U'$WHFKQRORJ\WRVKDUHDSULQWHUEHWZHHQVHYHUDOFORVHO\SODFHG1RWHERRN3&VDQGHYHQVHQGÀOHVWRHDFKRWKHUZLWKRXWa network.Glossary (Cont.)
A    AppendixGlossary (Cont.)Kensington® LocksKensington® locks (or compatible) allow the Notebook PC to be secured usually using a metal cable and ORFNWKDWSUHYHQWWKH1RWHERRN3&WREHUHPRYHGIURPDÀ[HGREMHFW6RPHVHFXULW\SURGXFWVPD\DOVRinclude a motion detector to sound an alarm when moved./DVHU&ODVVLÀFDWLRQVAs lasers became more numerous and more widely used, the need to warn users of laser hazards became DSSDUHQW7RPHHWWKLVQHHGODVHUFODVVLÀFDWLRQVZHUHHVWDEOLVKHG&XUUHQWFODVVLÀFDWLRQOHYHOVYDU\IURPoptically safe, requiring no controls (Class 1) to very hazardous, requiring strict controls (Class 4).CLASS 1: A Class 1 laser or laser system emits levels of optical energy that are eye-safe and consequently require no controls. An example of this class of laser system is the checkout scanning device found in most grocery stores or lasers used in optical drives.CLASS 2 & CLASS 3A: Class 2 and Class 3A lasers emit visible, continuous-wave (CW) optical ra-diation levels slightly above the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) level. Although these lasers can cause eye damage, their brightness usually causes observers to look away or blink before eye damage occurs. These lasers have strict administrative controls requiring placement of signs warning personnel not to stare directly into the beam. Class 3A lasers must not be viewed with optically-aided devices.CLASS 3B: Class 3B lasers, and Class 3A lasers with outputs of 2.5mW, are hazardous to personnel ZKRDUHZLWKLQWKHEHDPSDWKDQGORRNDWWKHEHDPVRXUFHGLUHFWO\RUE\VSHFXODUUHÁHFWLRQ7KHVHODVHUVFDQQRWSURGXFHKD]DUGRXVGLIIXVHUHÁHFWLRQV3HUVRQQHOZRUNLQJZLWKWKHVHODVHUVVKRXOGZHDUappropriate protective eye wear during any operation of the laser. Class 3B lasers have both admin-istrative and physical controls to protect personnel. Physical controls include limited access work areas. Administrative controls include special warning signs posted outside the entrances to the laser work spaces and lights outside the entrances that warn personnel when the lasers are in use.CLASS 4: Class 4 lasers are high-power lasers that will cause damage to unprotected eyes and skin WKURXJKLQWUDEHDPYLHZLQJDQGVSHFXODURUGLIIXVHUHÁHFWLRQV&RQVHTXHQWO\QRSHUVRQQHOVKRXOGbe in a room where a Class 4 laser is operating without proper eye protection.PCI Bus (Peripheral Component Interconnect Local Bus)3&,EXVLVDVSHFLÀFDWLRQWKDWGHÀQHVDELWGDWDEXVLQWHUIDFH3&,LVDVWDQGDUGZLGHO\XVHGE\H[-pansion card manufacturers.POST (Power On Self Test):KHQ\RXWXUQRQWKHFRPSXWHULWZLOOÀUVWUXQWKURXJKWKH3267DVHULHVRIVRIWZDUHFRQWUROOHGGLDJ-nostic tests. The POST checks system memory, the motherboard circuitry, the display, the keyboard, the diskette drive, and other I/O devices.
Appendix AGlossary (Cont.)RAM (Random Access Memory)RAM (usually just called memory) is the place in a computer where the operating system, applica-tion programs, and data in current use are temporarily kept so that they can be quickly reached by the computer’s processor instead of having to read from and write to slower storage such as the hard disk or optical disc.Suspend Mode,Q6DYHWR5$0675DQG6DYHWR'LVN67'WKH&38FORFNLVVWRSSHGDQGPRVWRIWKH1RWHERRN3&devices are put in their lowest active state. The Notebook PC enters Suspend when the system remains LGOHIRUDVSHFLÀHGDPRXQWRIWLPHRUPDQXDOO\XVLQJWKHIXQFWLRQNH\V7KHWLPHRXWVHWWLQJRIERWK+DUG'LVNDQG9LGHRFDQEHVHWE\WKH%,266HWXS7KH3RZHU/('EOLQNVZKHQWKH1RWHERRN3&LVLQ675PRGH,Q67'PRGHWKH1RWHERRN3&ZLOODSSHDUWREHSRZHUHG2))System Disk$V\VWHPGLVNFRQWDLQVWKHFRUHÀOHRIDQRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPDQGLVXVHGWRERRWXSWKHRSHUDWLQJV\VWHPTPM (Trusted Platform Module) (on selected models)The TPM is a security hardware device on the system board that will hold computer-generated keys for encryption. It is a hardware-based solution that can help avoid attacks by hackers looking to capture passwords and encryption keys to sensitive data. The TPM provides the ability to the PC or Notebook PC to run applications more secure and to make transactions and communication more trustworthy.Twisted-Pair CableThe cable used to connect the Ethernet card to a host (generally a Hub or Switch) is called a straight-through Twisted Pair Ethernet (TPE). The end connectors are called RJ-45 connectors, which are not compatible with RJ-11 telephone connectors. If connecting two computers together without a hub in between, a crossover twisted-pair is required. UltraDMA/66 or 1008OWUD'0$RUDUHQHZVSHFLÀFDWLRQVWRLPSURYH,'(WUDQVIHUUDWHV8QOLNHWUDGLWLRQDO3,2PRGHZKLFKRQO\XVHVWKHULVLQJHGJHRI,'(FRPPDQGVLJQDOWRWUDQVIHUGDWD8OWUD'0$RUXVHVERWKrising edge and falling edge.USB (Universal Serial Bus)A new 4-pin serial peripheral bus that allows plug and play computer peripherals such as keyboard, PRXVHMR\VWLFNVFDQQHUSULQWHUDQGPRGHP,6'1WREHDXWRPDWLFDOO\FRQÀJXUHGZKHQWKH\DUHDW-tached physically without having to install drivers or reboot. With USB, the traditional complex cables from back panel of your PC can be eliminated.
A    AppendixDeclarations and Safety StatementsDVD-ROM Drive Information7KH1RWHERRN3&FRPHVZLWKDQRSWLRQDO'9'520GULYHRUD&'520GULYH,QRUGHUWRYLHZ'9'WLWOHV\RXPXVWLQVWDOO\RXURZQ'9'YLHZHUVRIWZDUH2SWLRQDO'9'YLHZHUVRIWZDUHPD\EHSXUFKDVHGZLWKWKLV1RWHERRN3&7KH'9'520GULYHDOORZVWKHXVHRIERWK&'DQG'9'GLVFVRegional Playback Information3OD\EDFNRI'9'PRYLHWLWOHVLQYROYHVGHFRGLQJ03(*YLGHRGLJLWDO$&DXGLRDQGGHFU\SWLRQRI&66protected content. CSS (sometimes called copy guard) is the name given to the content protection scheme adopted by the motion picture industry to satisfy a need to protect against unlawful content duplication. Although the design rules imposed on CSS licensors are many, one rule that is most relevant is playback re-VWULFWLRQVRQUHJLRQDOL]HGFRQWHQW,QRUGHUWRIDFLOLWDWHJHRJUDSKLFDOO\VWDJJHUHGPRYLHUHOHDVHV'9'YLGHRWLWOHVDUHUHOHDVHGIRUVSHFLÀFJHRJUDSKLFUHJLRQVDVGHÀQHGLQ´5HJLRQ'HÀQLWLRQVµEHORZ&RS\ULJKWODZVUHTXLUHWKDWDOO'9'PRYLHVEHOLPLWHGWRDSDUWLFXODUUHJLRQXVXDOO\FRGHGWRWKHUHJLRQDWZKLFKLWLVVROG:KLOH'9'PRYLHFRQWHQWPD\EHUHOHDVHGIRUPXOWLSOHUHJLRQV&66GHVLJQUXOHVUHTXLUHWKDWDQ\V\VWHPcapable of playing CSS encrypted content must only be capable of playing one region.5HJLRQ'HÀQLWLRQVRegion 1Canada, US, US TerritoriesRegion 2Czech, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Gulf States, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-land, Syria, Turkey, UK, Greece, Former Yugoslav Republics, SlovakiaRegion 3Burma, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamRegion 4$XVWUDOLD&DULEEHDQ ([FHSW867HUULWRULHV&HQWUDO$PHULFD1HZ =HDODQG3DFLÀF ,VODQGV6RXWKAmericaRegion 5CIS, India, Pakistan, Rest of Africa, Russia, North KoreaRegion 6China127(7KHUHJLRQVHWWLQJPD\EHFKDQJHGXSWRÀYHWLPHVXVLQJWKHYLHZHUVRIWZDUHthen it can only play DVD movies for the last region setting. Changing the region code after that will require factory resetting which is not covered by warranty. If resetting is desired, shipping and resetting costs will be at the expense of the user.
Appendix AInternal Modem CompliancyThe Notebook PC with internal modem model complies with JATE (Japan), FCC (US, Canada, Korea, 7DLZDQ DQG&757KHLQWHUQDO PRGHPKDV EHHQDSSURYHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK &RXQFLO'HFLVLRQ98/482/EC for pan-European single terminal connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN). However due to differences between the individual PSTNs provided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself, give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on every PSTN network termination point. In the event of problems you should contact your equipment supplier in the ÀUVWLQVWDQFHOverview2QWK$XJXVWWKH(XURSHDQ&RXQFLO'HFLVLRQUHJDUGLQJWKH&75KDVEHHQSXEOLVKHGLQWKH2IÀFLDO-RXUQDORIWKH(&7KH&75DSSOLHVWRDOOQRQYRLFHWHUPLQDOHTXLSPHQWZLWK'70)GLDOOLQJwhich is intended to be connected to the analogue PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network). CTR 21 (Common Technical Regulation) for the attachment requirements for connection to the analogue public switched telephone networks of terminal equipment (excluding terminal equipment supporting WKHYRLFHWHOHSKRQ\MXVWLÀHGFDVHVHUYLFHLQZKLFKQHWZRUNDGGUHVVLQJLISURYLGHGLVE\PHDQVRIGXDOtone multifrequency signalling.Network Compatibility Declaration6WDWHPHQWWREHPDGHE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHUWRWKH1RWLÀHG%RG\DQGWKHYHQGRU´7KLVGHFODUDWLRQZLOOLQGLFDWHWKHQHWZRUNVZLWKZKLFKWKHHTXLSPHQWLVGHVLJQHGWRZRUNDQGDQ\QRWLÀHGQHWZRUNVZLWKZKLFKWKHHTXLSPHQWPD\KDYHLQWHUZRUNLQJGLIÀFXOWLHVµNetwork Compatibility Declaration Statement to be made by the manufacturer to the user: “This declaration will indicate the networks with ZKLFKWKHHTXLSPHQWLVGHVLJQHGWRZRUNDQGDQ\QRWLÀHG QHWZRUNVZLWKZKLFKWKHHTXLSPHQWPD\KDYHLQWHUZRUNLQJGLIÀFXOWLHV7KHPDQXIDFWXUHUVKDOODOVRDVVRFLDWHDVWDWHPHQWWRPDNHLWFOHDUZKHUHnetwork compatibility is dependent on physical and software switch settings. It will also advise the user to contact the vendor if it is desired to use the equipment on another network.”8SWRQRZWKH1RWLÀHG%RG\RI&(7(&20LVVXHGVHYHUDOSDQ(XURSHDQDSSURYDOVXVLQJ&757KHUHVXOWVDUH(XURSH·VÀUVWPRGHPVZKLFKGRQRWUHTXLUHUHJXODWRU\DSSURYDOVLQHDFKLQGLYLGXDO(XURSHDQcountry.Non-Voice Equipment Answering machines and loud-speaking telephones can be eligible as well as modems, fax machines, auto-dialers and alarm systems. Equipment in which the end-to-end quality of speech is controlled by regulations (e.g. handset telephones and in some countries also cordless telephones) is excluded.
A    AppendixInternal Modem Compliancy (Cont.)This table shows the countries currently under the CTR21 standard.Country    Applied   More TestingAustria1    Yes     NoBelgium     Yes     NoCzech Republic   No     Not Applicable   'HQPDUN1   Yes     Yes   Finland     Yes     NoFrance     Yes     NoGermany     Yes     NoGreece     Yes     NoHungary     No     Not Applicable   Iceland     Yes     NoIreland     Yes     NoItaly       Still Pending Still PendingIsrael       No     NoLichtenstein    Yes     NoLuxemburg    Yes     NoThe Netherlands1Yes     Yes   Norway     Yes     NoPoland     No     Not Applicable   Portugal     No     Not Applicable Spain       No     Not Applicable Sweden     Yes    NoSwitzerland    Yes     NoUnited Kingdom   Yes     NoThis information was copied from CETECOM and is supplied without liability. For updates to this table, you may visit National requirements will apply only if the equipment may use pulse dialling (manufacturers may state LQWKHXVHUJXLGHWKDWWKHHTXLSPHQWLVRQO\LQWHQGHGWRVXSSRUW'70)VLJQDOOLQJZKLFKZRXOGPDNHDQ\DGGLWLRQDOWHVWLQJVXSHUÁXRXV,Q7KH1HWKHUODQGVDGGLWLRQDOWHVWLQJLVUHTXLUHGIRUVHULHVFRQQHFWLRQDQGFDOOHU,'IDFLOLWLHV
Appendix AFederal Communications Commission StatementThis device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:• This device may not cause harmful interference, and• This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING!  The use of a shielded-type power cord is required in order to meet FCC emission limits and to prevent interference to the nearby radio and television recep-tion.  It is essential that only the supplied power cord be used. Use only shielded cables to connect I/O devices to this equipment. You are cautioned that changes or PRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UHVSRQVLEOHIRUFRPSOLDQFHFRXOGvoid your authority to operate the equipment.5HSULQWHGIURPWKH&RGHRI)HGHUDO5HJXODWLRQVSDUW:DVKLQJWRQ'&2IÀFHRIWKH)HGHUDO5HJLVWHU1DWLRQDO$UFKLYHVDQG5HFRUGV$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ86*RYHUQPHQW3ULQWLQJ2IÀFHCE Mark WarningThis is a Class B product, in a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in which case the user may be required to take adequate measures.
A    AppendixR&TTE Directive (1999/5/EC)7KHIROORZLQJLWHPVZHUHFRPSOHWHGDQGDUHFRQVLGHUHGUHOHYDQWDQGVXIÀFLHQWIRUWKH577(5DGLR& Telecommunications Terminal Equipment) directive: (VVHQWLDOUHTXLUHPHQWVDVLQ>$UWLFOH@ 3URWHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUKHDOWKDQGVDIHW\DVLQ>$UWLFOHD@ 7HVWLQJIRUHOHFWULFVDIHW\DFFRUGLQJWR>(1@ 3URWHFWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUHOHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\LQ>$UWLFOHE@ 7HVWLQJIRUHOHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\LQ>(1@>(1@ 7HVWLQJDFFRUGLQJWR>@ (IIHFWLYHXVHRIWKHUDGLRVSHFWUXPDVLQ>$UWLFOH@ 5DGLRWHVWVXLWHVDFFRUGLQJWR>(1@FCC Radio Frequency Interference Requirements7KLVGHYLFHLVUHVWULFWHGWR,1'22586(GXHWRLWVRSHUDWLRQLQWKHWR*+]IUHTXHQF\UDQJHFCC requires this product to be used indoors for the frequency range 5.15 to 5.25GHz to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel of the Mobile Satellite Systems.High power radars are allocated as primary user of the 5.25 to 5.35GHz and 5.65 to 5.85GHz bands. These radar stations can cause interference with and / or damage this device.IMPORTANT: This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.FCC Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Caution StatementThis equipment complies with FCC RF exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, please follow operation instruc-tions in the user’s manual. This equipment is for operation within 5.15 GHz and 5.25GHz frequency ranges and is restricted to indoor environments only.)&&&DXWLRQ$Q\FKDQJHVRUPRGLÀFDWLRQVQRWH[SUHVVO\DSSURYHGE\WKHSDUW\UH-sponsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. “The manufacturer declares that this device is limited to Channels 1 through 11 in the *+]IUHTXHQF\E\VSHFLÀHGÀUPZDUHFRQWUROOHGLQWKH86$µA    Appendix2.4GHz Band (2412MHz~2462MHz)=1.445 W/kg, 5.2GHz Band ((5150MHz~5250MHz)= 0.983 W /kg5.8GHz Band ((5725MHz~5850MHz)= 1.477W /kgSAR Value:
Appendix AFrance Restricted Wireless Frequency BandsSome areas of France have a restricted frequency band. The worst case maximum authorized power indoors are: • 10mW for the entire 2.4 GHz band (2400 MHz–2483.5 MHz) • 100mW for frequencies between 2446.5 MHz and 2483.5 MHzNOTE: Channels 10 through 13 inclusive operate in the band 2446.6 MHz to 2483.5 MHz.There are few possibilities for outdoor use: On private property or on the private property of public SHUVRQVXVHLVVXEMHFWWRDSUHOLPLQDU\DXWKRUL]DWLRQSURFHGXUHE\WKH0LQLVWU\RI'HIHQVHZLWKPD[L-mum authorized power of 100mW in the 2446.5–2483.5 MHz band. Use outdoors on public property is not permitted. In the departments listed below, for the entire 2.4 GHz band: • Maximum authorized power indoors is 100mW • Maximum authorized power outdoors is 10mW 'HSDUWPHQWVLQZKLFKWKHXVHRIWKH²0+]EDQGLVSHUPLWWHGZLWKDQ(,53RIOHVVWKDQ100mW indoors and less than 10mW outdoors:01  Ain Orientales    02  Aisne 03  Allier 05  Hautes Alpes08  Ardennes    09  Ariège 11  Aude   12  Aveyron&KDUHQWH  'RUGRJQH 'RXEV 'U{PH32  Gers      36  Indre 37Indre et Loire41  Loir et Cher45  Loiret      50  Manche 55  Meuse 58  Nièvre1RUG   2LVH 2UQH 3X\GX'{PH64Pyrénées Atlantique66  Pyrénées 67  Bas Rhin 68  Haut Rhin+DXWH6D{QH  6D{QHHW/RLUH75  Paris   82  Tarn et Garonne84  Vaucluse    88  Vosges 89  Yonne 90Territoire de Belfort94  Val de MarneThis requirement is likely to change over time, allowing you to use your wireless LAN card in more areas within France. Please check with ART for the latest information ( NOTE: Your WLAN Card transmits less than 100mW, but more than 10mW.Wireless Operation Channel for Different DomainsN. America   2.412-2.462 GHz   Ch01 through CH11Japan    2.412-2.484 GHz   Ch01 through Ch14Europe ETSI 2.412-2.472 GHz   Ch01 through Ch13
A    AppendixUL Safety NoticesRequired for UL 1459 covering telecommunications (telephone) equipment intended to be electrically connected to a telecommunication network that has an operating voltage to ground that does not exceed 200V peak, 300V peak-to-peak, and 105V rms, and installed or used in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70).When using the Notebook PC modem, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the ULVNRIÀUHHOHFWULFVKRFNDQGLQMXU\WRSHUVRQVLQFOXGLQJWKHIROORZLQJ•Do not use the Notebook PC near water, for example, near a bath tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool. • Do not use the Notebook PC during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.•Do not use the Notebook PC in the vicinity of a gas leak.Required for UL 1642 covering primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary (rechargeable) lithium batter-ies for use as power sources in products. These batteries contain metallic lithium, or a lithium alloy, or a lithium ion, and may consist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cells connected in series, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energy by an irreversible or reversible chemical reaction. •Do not GLVSRVHWKH1RWHERRN3&EDWWHU\SDFNLQDÀUHDVWKH\PD\H[SORGH&KHFNZLWKORFDOcodes for possible special disposal instructions to reduce the risk of injury to persons due to ÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ•Do not use power adapters or batteries from other devices to reduce the risk of injury to per-VRQVGXHWRÀUHRUH[SORVLRQ8VHRQO\8/FHUWLÀHGSRZHUDGDSWHUVRUEDWWHULHVVXSSOLHGE\WKHmanufacturer or authorized retailers.Power Safety RequirementProducts with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than 3Kg must use approved power cords greater than or equal to: H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75mm2 or H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm2.
Appendix ANordic Lithium Cautions (for lithium-ion batteries)(Japanese)CAUTION!  'DQJHURIH[SORVLRQLIEDWWHU\LVLQFRUUHFWO\UHSODFHG5HSODFHRQO\ZLWKWKHVDPHRUHTXLYDOHQWW\SHUHFRPPHQGHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHU'LVSRVHRIXVHGEDW-teries according to the manufacturer’s instructions. (English) ATTENZIONE! Rischio di esplosione della batteria se sostituita in modo errato. Sosti-tuire la batteria con un una di tipo uguale o equivalente consigliata dalla fabbrica. Non disperdere le batterie nell’ambiente. (Italian) VORSICHT! Explosionsgetahr bei unsachgemäßen Austausch der Batterie. Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einem vom Hersteller empfohlenem ähnlichen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des Herstellers. (German)ADVARSELI! Lithiumbatteri - Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage til OHYHUDQG¡UHQ'DQLVKVARNING! Explosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion. (Swedish) VAROITUS! Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo aino-astaan laitevalmistajan sousittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistagan ohjeiden mukaisesti. (Finnish) ATTENTION!  Il y a danger d’explosion s’il y a remplacement incorrect de la bat-terie. Remplacer uniquement avec une batterie du mêre type ou d’un type équivalent recommandé par le constructeur. Mettre au rebut les batteries usagées conformément aux instructions du fabricant. (French) ADVARSEL! Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefalt av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner. (Norwegian)
A    AppendixService warning label:$51,1*0DNLQJDGMXVWPHQWVRUSHUIRUPLQJSURFHGXUHVRWKHUWKDQWKRVHVSHFLÀHGin the user’s manual may result in hazardous laser exposure. Do not attempt to disas-semble the optical drive. For your safety, have the optical drive serviced only by an authorized service provider.CAUTION: INVISIBLE LASER RADIATION WHEN OPEN. DO NOT STARE INTO BEAM OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS.CDRH Regulations7KH&HQWHUIRU'HYLFHVDQG5DGLRORJLFDO+HDOWK&'5+RIWKH86)RRGDQG'UXJ$GPLQLVWUDWLRQLPSOH-mented regulations for laser products on August 2, 1976. These regulations apply to laser products manu-factured from August 1, 1976. Compliance is mandatory for products marketed in the United States.WARNING: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than WKRVHVSHFLÀHGKHUHLQRULQWKHODVHUSURGXFWLQVWDOODWLRQJXLGHPD\UHVXOWLQKD]DUG-ous radiation exposure.Macrovision Corporation Product NoticeThis product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S.A. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.Optical Drive Safety InformationLaser Safety Information,QWHUQDORUH[WHUQDORSWLFDOGULYHVVROGZLWKWKLV1RWHERRN3&FRQWDLQVD&/$66/$6(5352'8&7/DVHUFODVVLÀFDWLRQVFDQEHIRXQGLQWKHJORVVDU\DWWKHHQGRIWKLVXVHU·VPDQXDO
Appendix ACTR 21 Approval (for Notebook PC with built-in Modem)DanishDutchEnglishFinnishFrenchGermanGreekItalianPortugueseSpanishSwedish
A    Appendix
Appendix ANotebook PC InformationThis page is provided for recording information concerning your Notebook PC for future reference or IRUWHFKQLFDOVXSSRUW.HHSWKLV8VHU·V0DQXDOLQDVHFXUHGORFDWLRQLISDVVZRUGVDUHÀOOHGRXWOwner’s Name: ___________________________ Owner’s Telephone: ______________Manufacturer:_______________ Model: ___________ Serial Number: ______________Display Size: ___________ Resolution: _____________Memory Size: ______________Retailer: _________________Location: ___________ Purchase Date: ______________Hard Drive Manufacturer: ____________________________ Capacity: ______________Optical Drive Manufacturer: _____________________________ Type: ______________BIOS Version:__________________________________________Date: ______________Accessories: _____________________________________________________________Accessories: _____________________________________________________________SoftwareOperating System:__________Version: ___________ Serial Number: ______________Software: _________________Version: ___________ Serial Number: ______________Software: _________________Version: ___________ Serial Number: ______________SecuritySupervisor Name: _______________________ Supervisor Password: ______________User Name:___________________________________User Password: ______________NetworkUser Name:______________Password: _________________ Domain: ______________User Name:______________Password: _________________ Domain: ______________
Copyright InformationNo part of this manual, including the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, trans-mitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any means, except documentation kept by the purchaser for backup purposes, without the express written permission of ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. (“ASUS”).$686 3529,'(6 7+,6 0$18$/ ´$6 ,6µ :,7+287 :$55$17< 2)$1< .,1' (,7+(5(;35(6625,03/,(',1&/8',1*%87127/,0,7('727+(,03/,(':$55$17,(625&21',7,2162)0(5&+$17$%,/,7<25),71(66)25$3$57,&8/$5385326(,112(9(17 6+$//$686 ,76 ',5(&7256 2)),&(56 (03/2<((6 25$*(176 %( /,$%/()25$1<,1',5(&763(&,$/,1&,'(17$/25&216(48(17,$/'$0$*(6,1&/8',1*'$0$*(6)25/2662)352),76/2662)%86,1(66/2662)86(25'$7$,17(5-5837,212)%86,1(66$1'7+(/,.((9(1,)$686+$6%((1$'9,6('2)7+(326-6,%,/,7<2)68&+'$0$*(6$5,6,1*)520$1<'()(&725(5525,17+,60$18$/25352'8&7Products and corporate names appearing in this manual may or may not be registered trademarks or FRS\ULJKWVRIWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHFRPSDQLHVDQGDUHXVHGRQO\IRULGHQWLÀFDWLRQRUH[SODQDWLRQDQGWRWKHRZQHUV·EHQHÀWZLWKRXWLQWHQWWRLQIULQJH63(&,),&$7,216$1',1)250$7,21&217$,1(',17+,60$18$/$5()851,6+(')25,1)250$7,21$/86(21/<$1'$5(68%-(&772&+$1*($7$1<7,0(:,7+28712-7,&($1'6+28/'127%(&216758('$6$&200,70(17%<$686$686$6680(612RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY ERRORS OR INACCURACIES THAT MAY APPEAR ,17+,60$18$/,1&/8',1*7+(352'8&76$1'62)7:$5('(6&5,%(',1,7Copyright © 2007 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.Limitation of LiabilityCircumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS’ part or other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from ASUS. In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property; or any other actual and direct dam-ages resulted from omission or failure of performing legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listed contract price of each product.ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claims based in contract, tort or infringement under this Warranty Statement.  This limit also applies to ASUS’ suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum for which ASUS, its sup-pliers, and your reseller are collectively responsible.81'(512&,5&8067$1&(6,6$686/,$%/()25$1<2)7+()2//2:,1*7+,5'3$57<&/$,06$*$,167<28)25'$0$*(6/2662)25'$0$*(72<2855(-&25'625'$7$2563(&,$/,1&,'(17$/25,1',5(&7'$0$*(625)25$1<(&2120,&&216(48(17,$/'$0$*(6,1&/8',1*/267352),76256$9,1*6(9(1,)$686,766833/,(5625<2855(6(//(5,6,1)250('2)7+(,53266,%,/,7<Service and SupportVisit our multi-language web site at
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION INTERFERENCE STATEMENT This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: –  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. –  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. –  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. –  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. CAUTION: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.  This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.  This equipment must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.   "The user is cautioned that this device should be used only as specified within this  manual to meet RF exposure  requirements.  Use of this device in a manner inconsistent with this manual could lead to excessive RF exposure conditions. "

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