ASUSTeK Computer F94965AGN NOTEBOOK P.C User Manual AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466

ASUSTeK Computer Inc NOTEBOOK P.C AD5EA4E5A4E2A5552E706466


49Using the Notebook PC 43UHVV>)1)@RUGRXEOHFOLFNthe Wireless Console icon on the taskbar). Four icons will appear as shown here. Click on the 1st setting to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or you may select the 2nd option for Wireless activation only.1. Click  Start | Programs| ASUS Utility | WLANCard | ASUS WLAN Con-trol Center.2. On the left hand side menu, click Survey to start scan-ning for available networks in your area.3. The list will show all avail-able networks within your area. Select the network you want and click Connect.4. If the selected Network has security settings, you may be required to enter a pass-word.5. Click the Encryption tab to configure the Network Authentication mode and Password.6. The Status tab will show connection status and de-tails.Note: Click “Save Con-ÀJXUDWLRQµ DQG ´6DYHµto remember settings for this network. ASUS Wireless LAN  (on selected models)Connecting to a network
504    Using the Notebook PC3UHVV >)1 )@ RU GRXEOH FOLFNthe Wireless Console icon on the taskbar). Four icons will appear as shown here. Click on the 1st setting to activate both Wireless & Bluetooth, or you may select the 2nd option for Wireless acti-vation only.1. Click on Start and select Control Panel2. Click on the icon NetworkConnections (If this icon cannot be seen, click “Switch to Classic View” on the left side menu.3. Right click on the icon Wire-less Network Connectionand select View AvailableWireless Networks.4. Select Refresh network listfrom the left side menu and a list of available network within your area and its sig-nal strength will show. Select your network and click on Connect. 'HWHFWLQJ DQG FRQQHFWLQJwill start to initiate as shown here.6. When connecting, you may have to enter a password.7. After connection has been established, “Connected”  will be shown on the right side above the signal strength indicator.Windows Wireless Network ConnectionConnecting to a network
51Using the Notebook PC 4Add New Connection from the Bluetooth taskbar iconBluetooth Settings from Windows Start | Programs | BluetoothClick New Connection fromBluetooth Settings. Follow the wizard to add Bluetooth devices. After complete, you should see your device in the window.Pairing with Bluetooth-enabled devices<RXÀUVWQHHGWRSDLU\RXU1RWHERRN3&ZLWKD%OXHWRRWKHQDEOHGGHYLFHEHIRUH\RXFDQconnect to it. Make sure the Bluetooth-enabled device is turned ON and ready to accept a pair. Launch Bluetooth Settings from Windows Start | Programs | Bluetooth or select Add New Connection from the Bluetooth taskbar icon if available. Bluetooth Wireless Connection (on selected models)Notebook PCs with Bluetooth technology eliminates the need for cables for connecting Bluetooth-enabled devices. Examples of Bluetooth-enabled devices may be Notebook PCs, 'HVNWRS3&VPRELOHSKRQHVDQG3'$VNote: If your Notebook PC did not come with built-in Bluetooth, you need to connect a USB or ExpressCard Bluetooth module in order to use Bluetooth. Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones<RXFDQZLUHOHVVFRQQHFWWR\RXUPRELOHSKRQH'HSHQGLQJRQ\RXUPRELOHSKRQH·VFDSD-ELOLWLHV\RXFDQWUDQVIHUSKRQHERRNGDWDSKRWRVVRXQGÀOHVHWFRUXVHLWDVDPRGHPWRconnect to the Internet. You may also use it for SMS messaging. Bluetooth-enabled computers or PDAs<RXFDQZLUHOHVVFRQQHFWWRDQRWKHUFRPSXWHURU3'$DQGH[FKDQJHÀOHVVKDUHSHULSKHUDOVRUshare Internet or network connections. You may also make use of Bluetooth-enabled wireless keyboard or mouse.
524    Using the Notebook PCPower Management ModesThe Notebook PC has a number of automatic or adjustable power saving features that you can use to maximize battery life and lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). You can control some of these features through the Power menu in the BIOS Setup. ACPI power management settings are made through the operating system. The power management features are designed to save as much electricity as possible by putting components into a low power consumption mode as often as possible but also allow full operation on demand. These low power modes are referred to as “Stand by” (or Suspend-to-RAM) and ´+LEHUQDWLRQµPRGHRU6XVSHQGWR'LVN67'7KH6WDQGE\PRGHLVDVLPSOHIXQFWLRQSURYLGHGE\WKHoperating system. When the Notebook PC is in either one of the power saving modes, the status will be VKRZQE\WKHIROORZLQJ´6WDQGE\µ3RZHU/('%OLQNVDQG´+LEHUQDWLRQµ3RZHU/('2))Full Power Mode & Maximum PerformanceThe Notebook PC operates in Full Power mode when the power management function is disabled by FRQÀJXULQJ:LQGRZVSRZHUPDQDJHPHQWDQG6SHHG6WHS:KHQWKH1RWHERRN3&LVRSHUDWLQJLQ)XOO3RZHU0RGHWKH3RZHU/('UHPDLQV21,I\RXDUHFRQVFLRXVRIERWKV\VWHPSHUIRUPDQFHDQGSRZHUconsumption, select “Maximum Performance” instead of disabling all power management features.ACPI$GYDQFHG&RQÀJXUDWLRQDQG3RZHU0DQDJHPHQW$&3,ZDVGHYHORSHGE\,QWHO0LFURVRIWDQG7RVKLEDespecially for Windows and later to control power management and Plug and Play features. ACPI is the new standard in power management for Notebook PCs. NOTE: APM was used in older operating systems like Windows NT4 and Windows 98.Because newer operating systems like Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows ME utilize ACPI, APM is no longer fully supported on this Notebook PC.Suspend Mode,Q´6WDQGE\µ675DQG´+LEHUQDWLRQµ67'WKH&38FORFNLVVWRSSHGDQGPRVWRIWKH1RWHERRN3&devices are put in their lowest active state. The suspend mode is the lowest power state of the Notebook 3&7KH1RWHERRN3&HQWHUVVXVSHQGPRGHZKHQWKHV\VWHPUHPDLQVLGOHIRUDVSHFLÀHGDPRXQWRIWLPHRUPDQXDOO\XVLQJWKH>)Q@>)@NH\V7KH3RZHU/('EOLQNVZKHQWKH1RWHERRN3&LVLQ675PRGH,Q67'PRGHWKH1RWHERRN3&ZLOODSSHDUWREHSRZHUHG2))5HFRYHUIURP675E\SUHVVLQJDQ\NH\ERDUGEXWWRQH[FHSW)Q5HFRYHUIURP67'E\XVLQJWKHSRZHUVZLWFKMXVWOLNHSRZHULQJ21WKHNotebook PC).Power Savings,QDGGLWLRQWRUHGXFLQJWKH&38FORFNWKLVPRGHSXWVGHYLFHVLQFOXGLQJWKH/&'EDFNOLJKWLQWKHLUORZHUactive state. The Notebook PC enters “Stand by” mode (low priority) when the system remains idle for a VSHFLÀHGDPRXQWRIWLPH7KHWLPHRXWFDQEHVHWWKURXJK:LQGRZVSRZHUPDQDJHPHQWKLJKHUSULRULW\To resume system operation, press any key.
53Using the Notebook PC 4Thermal Power ControlThere are three power control methods for controlling the Notebook PC’s thermal state. These power FRQWUROFDQQRWEHFRQÀJXUHGE\WKHXVHUDQGVKRXOGEHNQRZQLQFDVHWKH1RWHERRN3&VKRXOGHQWHUthese states. The following temperatures represent the chassis temperature (not CPU).• The fan turns ON for active cooling when the temperature reaches the safe upper limit.• The CPU decreases speed for passive cooling when the temperature exceeds the safe upper limit.• The system shut down for critical cooling when temperature exceeds the maximum safe upper limit.Power State SummarySTATE ENTRY EVENT EXIT EVENT“Stand by” • “Stand by” through Windows Start button• Timer as set though “Power Management” in Windows Control Panel (higher priority)• Any device• Battery lowSTR (“Stand by”)(Suspend-to-RAM) • Hotkey (see “Colored Hotkeys” under “Special Keyboard Functions” in the previous section) • Signal from modem port• Power button or any keySTD (“Hibernate”)(Suspend-to-Disk) •  Hotkey (see “Colored Hotkeys” under “Special Keyboard Functions” in the previous section) • Power buttonSoft OFF 3RZHUEXWWRQFDQEHGHÀQHGDV675RU67'• “Shut down” through Windows Start button • Power button
544    Using the Notebook PC“Stand by” is the same as Suspend-to-RAM (STR). This function stores your current data and status in RAM while many components are turned OFF. Because RAM is volatile, it requires power to keep (refresh) the data. To operate: select “Start” | “Shut down”, and “Stand by”.“Hibernate” LV WKH VDPH DV  6XVSHQGWR'LVN 67' DQGstores your current data and status on the hard disk drive. By doing this, RAM does not have to be periodically refreshed and power consumption is greatly reduced but not completely eliminated because certain wake-up components like LAN needs to remain powered. “Hibernate” saves more power compared to “Stand by”. To operate: Enable hibernation in “Power Options” and select “Start” | “Shut down”, and “Hibernate”.Stand by and HibernatePower management settings can be found in the Windows control panel. The following shows the power RSWLRQVSURSHUWLHVLQ:LQGRZV<RXFDQGHÀQH´6WDQG%\µRU´6KXWGRZQµIRUFORVLQJWKHGLVSOD\SDQHOpressing the power button, or activating sleep mode. “Stand by” and “Hibernate” saves power when your Notebook PC is not in use by turning OFF certain components. When you resume your work, your last status (such as a document scrolled down half way or email typed half way) will reappear as if you never left. “Shut down” will close all applications and ask if you want to save your work if any are not saved.
55Using the Notebook PC 4OFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOKFingerprint Scanner (on selected models)7KHÀQJHUSULQWVFDQQHUFDQEHXVHGIRULQVWDQWDQGVHFXUHXVHUDXWKHQWLFDWLRQ1.3MEGAPIXELSOFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOK/HIWRUULJKWFOLFNWKHÀQJHUSULQWWDVNEDULFRQWRRSHQWKHPHQXWRHGLWÀQJHUSULQWVRUPDNHcontrol settings.,I\RXKDYHQRWFRQÀJXUHGDXVHU\RXZLOOEHdirected to the “User Enrollment”. Follow the LQVWUXFWLRQVWRVHWXSWKHÀQJHUSULQWVFDQQHU6FDQQLQJ\RXUÀQJHUSULQWUHTXLUHVWKDW\RXUÀQJHUEHVWUDLJKWDQGÁDWDVVKRZQKHUHAfter you setup a user, you can open the Control Center to edit Fingerprints or make software settings.You can launch the Control Center from Windows “Start” if the taskbar icon is not running.After software setup, you can use the ÀQJHUSULQWVFDQQHUDVDVFUROOZKHHOOLNHWKDWon a mouse.OFF ONASUS WIDE SCREEN NOTEBOOK
564    Using the Notebook PCFingerprint Login7KHÀQJHUSULQWVFDQQHUFDQEHXVHGWRUHSODFHWKHV\VWHPERRWXSDQGRU:LQGRZVORJLQSDVVZRUGFKHFNTo use this feature:1. You must set a Supervisor Password on the “Security” page in BIOS SETUP UTILITY.2. Password CheckRQWKH´6HFXULW\µSDJHLQ%,266(78387,/,7<PXVWEHVHWWR>)LQJHUSULQW@3.  Choose Power-on Security in the “Control Center”. 4.  Select “Replace the power-on and hard...”.5.  Select “Allow power-on security single VLJQRQµ in System Settings from the “Control Center”. This page allows you to select ÀQJHUSULQWORJRQRSWLRQV 'XULQJV\VWHPERRW\RXZLOOVHH´6ZLSHÀQJHUWRDXWKRUL]HDFFHVVµ,I\RXGRQRWVXFFHVVIXOO\GRVRLQWKHDOORZHGWLPHLWZLOOUHYHUWWR´(QWHU3DVVZRUGBµ3UHVVLQJWKH>(6&@NH\ZLOOVKRZ´%LRPHWULFRSHUDWLRQFDQFHOOHGµDQGDOORZ\RXWRHQWHUDSDVVZRUGLQVWHDGRIXVLQJDÀQJHUSULQW,QHLWKHUFDVH\RXZLOOVHH$&&(66*5$17('ZKHQDXWKRUL]HG ,I\RXXVHGDÀQJHUSULQWRQV\VWHPERRW\RXZLOODOVRDXWRPDWLFDOO\ORJLQWR:LQGRZVZLWK\RXUaccount. You will see “Succeeded” on the login screen. If you used a password on system boot, you ZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRXVH\RXUÀQJHUSULQWRUW\SHLQDSDVVZRUGWRORJLQWR:LQGRZV6.  Set the password type for power-on security DVVRFLDWHGZLWK\RXUÀQJHUSULQWLQ´(QUROORU(GLWFingerprints” from the “Control Center”. You will be asked for the relevant BIOS password based on your selection.
57Using the Notebook PC 4Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (on selected models)The TPM, or Trusted Platform Module, is a security hardware device on the system board that will hold computer-generated keys for encryption. It is a hardware-based solution that an help avoid attacks by hackers looking to capture passwords and encryption keys to sensitive data. The TPM provides the abil-ity to the PC or notebook to run applications more secure and to make transactions and communication more trustworthy.  The security features provided by the TPM are internally supported by the following cryptographic capa-bilities of each TPM: hashing, random number generation, asymmetric key generation, and asymmetric encryption/decryption. Each individual TPM on each individual computer system has a unique signature initialized during the silicon manufacturing process that further enhances its trust/security effectiveness. Each individual TPM must have an Owner before it is useful as a security device. TPM ApplicationsTPM is useful for any customer that is interested in providing an addition layer of security to the com-puter system. The TPM, when bundled with an optional security software package, can provide overall V\VWHP VHFXULW\ ÀOH SURWHFWLRQ FDSDELOLWLHV DQG SURWHFW DJDLQVW HPDLOSULYDF\ FRQFHUQV 730 KHOSVprovide security that can be stronger than that contained in the system BIOS, operating system, or any non-TPM application.Enabling TPM SecurityEnter BIOS SetupSUHVV>)@RQV\VWHPVWDUWXSOn Security page, set TPM Security to [Enabled],PSRUWDQW8VH\RXU730DSSOLFDWLRQҋV´5HVWRUHµRU´0LJUDWLRQµIXQFWLRQWREDFNXSyour TPM security data.Note: The TPM is disabled by default. Use BIOS setup to enable it.
59Using the Notebook PC 45. Choose UPEK Enhanced Authentication Provider. &OLFN&RQÀJXUHLQ8VHU6HWWLQJVSDJH7. Check the Enhanced Authentication and Next. 8. Select the UPEK Fingerprint Sensor and Next.9. Enter the old password and a new passphrase. 6ZLSHÀQJHUWRDXWKHQWLFDWHTPM Setup for Fingerprint Scanner (Cont.)
604    Using the Notebook PC11. Settings are complete. Authentication whenaccessing TPM in Infineon Security Platformwill change from asking TPM basic password toBiometric device (Fingerprint Reader) or newpassphrase.12. This is the original screen before setting en-hanced authentication.13. This is the screen after setting enhanced au-thentication.14. This is the screen after setting enhanced authen-WLFDWLRQLIÀQJHUSULQWQRWVXFFHVVIXOLQWKHDOORZHGtime (previous screen).TPM Setup for Fingerprint Scanner (Cont.)
61Using the Notebook PC 4You can launch the Security Platform application from Windows “Control Panel”.You can launch the Security Platform application from Windows “Start” menu.When the Security Platform is running, this icon will show in the Windows taskbar. You can choose to initialize or manage here.When you launch the Security Platform DSSOLFDWLRQIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHDQVZHUYes and IROORZWKHLQVWUXFWLRQVWRFRQÀJXUHLWClearing TPM Secured DataWhen Supervisor Password is installed, TPM Se-curity Clear will appear. Use this item to clear all data secured by TPM. Important: Use should routinely backup your TPM secured data.Running Security Platform in Windows
624    Using the Notebook PC
AppendixOptional Accessories & ConnectionsOperating System and SoftwareSystem BIOS SettingsCommon Problems and SolutionsWindows Software RecoveryNTFS ConverterGlossaryDeclarations and Safety StatementsNotebook PC InformationNOTE: Photos and icons in this manual are used for artistic purposes only and do not show what is actually used in the product itself.
A    AppendixOptional AccessoriesThese items, if desired, come as optional items to complement your Notebook PC.USB Flash Memory Disk$86%ÁDVKPHPRU\GLVNLVDQRSWLRQDOLWHPWKDWFDQUHSODFHWKH0%ÁRSS\disk and provide storage up to several hundred megabytes, higher transfer speeds, and greater durability. When used in current operating systems, no drivers are necessary. USB Hub (Optional)Attaching an optional USB hub will increase your USB ports and allow you to quickly connect or disconnect many USB peripherals through a single cable.Vehicle Power Adapter The vehicle power adapter provides a source of power for using the Notebook PC and/or charging the Notebook PC’s battery pack while in transit when no AC power is available. This product is an essential tool for today’s mobile profes-sional. Your purchase will enhance the power, performance, and versatility of your portable computer while traveling on the road or on the sea. The Vehicle Power Adapter can be used in vehicles or boats using a standard cigarette lighter VRFNHW7KH9HKLFOH3RZHU$GDSWHUDFFHSWVLQSXWUDQJHVIURP9'&9ROWV'LUHFW&XUUHQWWR9'&DQGSURYLGHV9'&XSWR::DWWVUSB Floppy Disk Drive$QRSWLRQDO86%LQWHUIDFHÁRSS\GLVNGULYHFDQDFFHSWDVWDQGDUG0%RU.%LQFKÁRSS\GLVNHWWHWARNING! To prevent system failures, use   (Windows XP Safely Remove Hardware) on the taskbar before disconnecting the USB ÁRSS\GLVNGULYH(MHFWWKHÁRSS\GLVNEHIRUHWUDQVSRUWLQJWKHNotebook PC to prevent damage from shock.Windows Vista
Appendix AOptional ConnectionsThese items, if desired, may be purchased from third-parties.USB Keyboard and MouseAttaching an external USB keyboard will allow data entry to be more comfortable. Attaching an external USB mouse will allow Windows navigation to be more comfortable. Both the external USB keyboard and mouse will work simultaneously with the Notebook PC’s built-in keyboard and touchpad.Printer ConnectionOne or more USB printers can be simultaneously used on any USB port or USB hub.
A    Appendix1. A Bluetooth icon should be located on your Windows taskbar.Right click the taskbar Bluetooth icon and choose  Add New Connection.5. Select “Express Mode” and click Next.3. Turn ON the switch on the bottom of the mouse.2. Install two “AA” batteries.6. A list of available Bluetooth devices will appear.Select “Logitech Travel Mouse” and click Next.7. The software will register the Bluetooth mouse.Click Finish when complete.8. A mouse icon with a pair of green and yellow hands will show in this window.RESETOFF ONIf you do not see the Bluetooth mouse here. Push the “RESET” button on the bottom of the mouse and click Refresh here.1RWH´5(6(7µPD\EHQHFHVVDU\DIWHUFKDQJLQJEDWWHULHV5HSHDWVWHSVLIQHFHVVDU\Bluetooth Mouse (optional)Windows XP4. Push the “RESET” button on the bottom of the mouse.
Appendix ATroubleshooting (Windows XP)In “Device Manager”, check if “Bluetooth Personal Area Network” is available as shown here.4XHVWLRQ,FDQQRWVHHP\%OXHWRRWKPRXVHLQthe list. What do I do?Double-click on the Bluetooth Icon.Double-click on the registered Bluetooth mouse.After connection, the icon will show a pair of green and yellow hands.Click Refresh in the software and “RESET” on the mouse. Repeat if necessary.4XHVWLRQ , DOUHDG\ UHJLVWHUHG WKH %OXHWRRWKmouse before. Why is it not working now? Howdo I connect to it?4XHVWLRQ +RZ GR , FKHFN LI P\ %OXHWRRWK LVready?$SURPSWZLOODSSHDUIRUFRQÀUPDWLRQ&OLFNOK.RESETOFF ON
A    AppendixSupport SoftwareThis Notebook PC comes with a support disc that provides BIOS, drivers and applications to enable hardware features, extend functionality, help manage your Notebook PC, or add functionality not provided by the native operating system. If updates or replace-ment of the support disc is necessary, contact your dealer for web sites to download individual software drivers and utilities. The support disc contains all drivers, utilities and software for all popular operating systems including those that have been pre-installed. The support disc does not include the operating system LWVHOI7KHVXSSRUWGLVFLVQHFHVVDU\HYHQLI\RXU1RWHERRN3&FDPHSUHFRQÀJXUHGLQRUGHUWRSURYLGHadditional software not included as part of the factory pre-install. A recovery disc is optional and includes an image of the original operating system installed on the hard drive at the factory. The recovery disc provides a comprehensive recovery solution that quickly restores the Notebook PC’s operating system to its original working state provided that your hard disk drive is in good working order. Contact your retailer if you require such a solution.Note: Some of the Notebook PC’s components and features may not work until the device drivers and utilities are installed.Operating System and SoftwareThis Notebook PC may offer (depending on territory) its customers the choice of a pre-installed operat-ing system such as Microsoft Windows “XP” or “Vista”. The choices and languages will depend on the territory. The levels of hardware and software support may vary depending on the installed operating system. The stability and compatibility of other operating systems cannot be guaranteed.

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