Agfa NV 5365 Drystar 5300/xxx tabletop printer User Manual part 4

Agfa Gevaert N V Drystar 5300/xxx tabletop printer part 4

User manual part 4

Drystar 5300User manualPOWER
22921B EN 20031206For more information on Agfa products and Agfa HealthCare products, please visit, yourPoint of Knowledge.© Agfa-Gevaert N.V. 2003.No parts of this document may be reproduced, copied, adapted or transmitted in any form or by any meanswithout the written permission of Agfa-Gevaert N.V.Agfa-Gevaert N.V. makes no warranties or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accu-racy, completeness or usefulness of the information contained in this document and specifically disclaimswarranties of suitability for any particular purpose. Agfa-Gevaert N.V. shall under no circumstances be liablefor any damage arising from the use or inability to use any information, apparatus, method or process dis-closed in this document.Agfa-Gevaert N.V. reserves the right to make changes to this document without prior notice.Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Septestraat 27, B-2640 Mortsel, Belgium.Drystar 5300 is a trademark of Agfa-Gevaert N.V., Belgium.Agfa and Agfa-Rhombus are trademarks of Agfa-Gevaert AG, Germany.
32921B EN 20031206Table of contentsChapter 1: Introducing the Drystar 5300.......................................................... 5Drystar 5300 features....................................................................................... 6Safety precautions ........................................................................................... 8Security precautions....................................................................................... 12Safety compliance.......................................................................................... 13Operating modes ........................................................................................... 16Control modes (local and remote)................................................................... 17The user interface.......................................................................................... 18Switching on the Drystar 5300........................................................................ 28Switching off the Drystar 5300 ........................................................................ 30Chapter 2: Basic operation (operator mode) ................................................. 31Overview of operator functions ....................................................................... 32Managing the print queue............................................................................... 33About Drystar 5300 consumables................................................................... 35Loading films.................................................................................................. 36Chapter 3: Advanced operation (key-operator mode)................................... 43Overview of key-operator functions ................................................................ 44Quality control procedure ............................................................................... 45Preventive maintenance schedule.................................................................. 58Cleaning the exterior ...................................................................................... 59Cleaning the print head resistor line ............................................................... 60Troubleshooting checklist ............................................................................... 64Appendix A: Equipment information sheet.................................................... 65Specifications................................................................................................. 66Options and accessories ................................................................................ 69Appendix B: Quality Control Charts............................................................... 71
42921B EN 20031206
Introducing the Drystar 5300This chapter introduces the Drystar 5300 to the user anddraws attention to important safety precautions.!Drystar 5300 features!Safety precautions!Security precautions!Safety compliance!Privacy and security!Operating modes!Control modes (local and remote)!The user interface!Switching on the Drystar 5300!Switching off the Drystar 5300Chapter1
62921B EN 20031206Drystar 5300 featuresThe Drystar 5300 is a dry digital tabletop printer for producing medicaldiagnostic images. It can print two formats (11x14” or 14x17”) blue-based andclear-based film and offers crisp, dense grayscale images."The Drystar 5300 is a Dicom-only network printer.The Drystar 5300 offers the following features:#Dry technology for printing diagnostic quality hardcopies in full daylight offersimportant advantages: no chemistry, no wet processing, simple cleaningprocedures, no time-consuming adjustments, no darkroom and no chemicaldisposal costs. The consumables can be loaded in full daylight.#With its compact design, the Drystar 5300 needs little work space and allowseasy customer access. Maintenance and service activities are reduced to aminimum.#The direct thermal printing system provides grayscale images with highquality: 320 pixels per inch resolution, each pixel with 12 bit contrastresolution and an optical density ranging from 0.2 up to 3.1 (if an X-Rite 310densitometer is used).#Two film formats (11x14” or 14x17”) can be used.#The input tray of the Drystar 5300 is equipped with an RF-tag reader, whichautomatically traces the films used in the printer and protects the printer whendetecting non-identified media.#Number of input trays.The Drystar 5300 is delivered with 1 input tray, which can use two film formats(11x14” or 14x17”).#Number of output trays.The Drystar 5300 is equipped with 1 output tray, which can be adjusted to receivetwo film formats (11x14” or 14x17”).
72921B EN 20031206Network features#The modular design offers optimal application functionality for your specificnetworking requirements.In a network configuration, the Drystar 5300 is fully compatible with Agfa’sdiagnostic imaging systems, including the ADC Compact and ADC Quality Systemsoftware, the Paxport and the entire line of Impax Review Systems, StorageStations and Transmitting Stations.#The functionality of the Drystar 5300 is completely controlled via the network.#You can control the working of the Drystar 5300 via the local keypad or via aremote PC with a functioning web browser.Customizable features#Consumables.The Drystar 5300 can handle Drystar DT 2B and Drystar DT 2C consumables, bothin two formats (11x14” or 14x17”).Software license information#The Drystar 5300 uses software developed by the Apache SoftwareFoundation (
82921B EN 20031206Safety precautions"The Drystar 5300 must only be operated according to its specificationsand its intended use. Any operation not corresponding to thespecifications or intended use may result in hazards, which in turn maylead to serious injuries or fatal accidents (for example electric shocks).AGFA will not assume any liability whatsoever in these cases."All images created using any image technology can show artifacts whichcould be mixed up with diagnostic relevant information. If there is anydoubt that the diagnostic information could not be absolutely true,additional investigations must be performed to get a clear diagnostic.When operating or maintaining the Drystar 5300, always observe thefollowing safety guidelines:•Have electrical or mechanical defects repaired by qualified personnel only!•Do not override or disconnect the integrated safety features.•Ventilation openings should not be covered.•Always switch off the Drystar 5300 and disconnect the power cord from theoutlet before carrying out any maintenance work."Film jam removal or cleaning the printer thermal head can be donewithout switching the power off. Nevertheless, care should be taken andthe following instructions should be respected:
92921B EN 20031206Always take into account the markings provided on the inside and outside ofthe printer. A brief overview of these markings and their meaning is givenbelow.Safety warning, indicating that the Drystar 5300 manuals should be consulted before making any connections to other equipment. The use of accessory equipment not complying with the equivalent safety requirements of this printer may lead to a reduced level of safety of the resulting system. Consideration relating to the choice of accessory equipment shall include:• Use of the accessory equipment in the patient vicinity,• Evidence that the safety certification of the accessory equipment has been performed in accordance with the appropriate IEC 601-1 and IEC 601-1-2 harmonized national standard.In addition all configurations must comply with the medical electrical systems standard IEC 601-1-2. The party that makes the connections acts as system configurator and is responsible for complying with the systems standard.If required contact your local service organization.Caution hot:Keep hands clear from the thermal print head.In order to reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove any covers.Type B equipment:Indicates that the Drystar 5300 complies with the limits for type B equipment. Supplementary protective earth connector: Provides a connection between the Drystar 5300 and the potential equalization busbar of the electrical system as found in medical environments. This plug should never be unplugged before the power is turned off and the power plug has been removed.Intergrounding connector:Provides a connection between the printer and other equipment which might exhibit minor ground potential differences. These differences may degrade the quality of communication between different equipment. Never remove connections to this terminal.Protective earth (ground):Provides a connection between the printer and the protective earth of the mains. Do not remove this connection, because this will have a negative influence on the leakage current.
10 2921B EN 20031206Power button:Note that the power cord has to be disconnected from the wall outlet in order to disconnect the unit entirely from the mains.Precautions for use in USA only:Make sure that the circuit is single-phase center-tapped, if the printer is connected to a 240 V/60 Hz source instead of a 120 V/60 Hz source.
112921B EN 20031206Transport after installationBefore moving the printer, always switch off the machine. The Drystar 5300should always be transported by 2 persons. When doing this, the stability andthe structure of the table top have to be taken into account. The printer shouldnot be placed on a soft surface, since this might prevent appropriateventilation and cause overheating. The printer must only be transported withall covers closed. The appliance may not be transported continuously fromone location to the other. Do not lift the printer by the output tray.Waste disposal and environmental regulationsIn most countries Drystar film is considered industrial waste andconsequently it is not allowed to be disposed as household waste. Pleaseconsult your local waste disposal regulations. Agfa recommends havingwaste Drystar film collected by a licensed company. After its life span, do not dispose of the Drystar 5300 without consideration oflocal waste disposal regulations. Please consult your local serviceorganization.
12 2921B EN 20031206Security precautionsCAUTION: U.S. Law restricts this device to sale to or on the order of alicensed physician.Printed images should be treated as patient records and should only beviewed by authorized personnel.If the power to the printer is unexpectedly interrupted, ensure thatunprinted images are not deleted from the modality prior to printing. Toavoid loss of images in such conditions, a UPS (Uninterruptable PowerSupply) needs to be supplied to the printer.
132921B EN 20031206Safety complianceEMC issues•USA: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aclass A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when theequipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the Reference manual, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely tocause harmful interference, in which case the user will be required to correct theinterference at its own expense.If required, contact your local service organization.•Canada: This class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the CanadianInterference-Causing Equipment Regulations.•EC: This is a class A product. In a domestic environment this product may causeradio interference in which case the user may be required to take adequatemeasures.CompliancesThis equipment complies with:•the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC•the standards UL2601-1 of Underwriters Laboratories•CSA 22.2 No. 601.1-M90 of the Canadian Standards Association•FDA 510k•FDA Part 820 Good Manufacturing Practice for Medical devices•IEC 601-1 and IEC 601-1-2•EN 60601-1:1990 + A1:1993 + A2:1995•EN 60601-1-2:2001"The Drystar 5300 carries the CE, TÜV and CUL labels.
14 2921B EN 20031206Privacy and securityWithin the healthcare industry, several standardization efforts are ongoing asa response to Privacy and Security legislation and regulations. The purposeof this standardization for hospitals and vendors is to enable informationsharing, interoperability and to support the workflow of hospitals in a multiplevendor environment.In order to allow hospitals to comply with HIPAA regulations (HealthInsurance Portability and Accountability Act) and to meet the IHE standards(Integrated Healthcare Enterprise) some security features are included in theuser interface of the Drystar 5300 (available via the web pages only: under‘Security tools’. Refer to Chapter 4, ‘Controlling the Drystar 5300 via a remotePC (with browser)’ of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual):•User authentication. The administrator can configure different user accounts.Each account consists of a user name and a password.•Audit logging. This implies logging to a central log server of specific Drystar 5300‘actions’, e.g. startup/shutdown, user authentication (failures), received print jobID information, etc.•Node authentication, using certificates. Working with SSL (Secure SocketsLayer) allows secure communications over an insecure network. SSL is thesecurity layer on top of TCP/IP.The first two functions are available when access to the Administrator isgranted (i.e. when the Administrator password has been correctly entered).To activate the SSL, please contact your Agfa representative.
152921B EN 20031206Node authentication, certificates and Certification AuthorityEach device, connected to a network, will receive a unique identifier: theX.509 certificate, a digital passport. Any device on the network is only allowedto communicate with another node of which it is holding the certificate in a‘communication allowed’ table.A Certification Authority (CA) is responsible for creating a certificate. The CAcan be the hospital, Agfa or a third party.This CA distributes the certificate to the hospital security responsible orservice technician, who for his part:•Imports the device certificate, created by the CA.•Imports the certificates of all peer devices with which communication isauthorized, i.e. creates the list of ‘communication allowed’ device certificates.
16 2921B EN 20031206Operating modesThe Drystar 5300 can be operated in four modes: Operator mode, Key-operator mode, Service mode and Administrator mode.Operator modeThe Operator mode groups all basic functions that are intended forradiographers without special technical skills:•Producing diagnostic usable hardcopies,•Loading consumables,•Ensuring normal operation of the printer.All functions of the Operator mode are described in both User and Referencemanuals. Refer to Chapter 2, ‘Basic operation (operator mode)’.Key-operator modeThe Key-operator mode groups advanced functions that are intended fortechnically skilled operators such as X-ray operators, network managers andservice and hospital technicians.The Key-operator mode can be accessed via the Key-operator key on thekeypad and is menu-driven. The Key-operator functions are described in theReference manual only. Refer to Chapter 3, ‘Advanced operation (key-operator mode)’.Service modeThe Service mode functions are reserved for trained Service personnel. TheService mode is password protected and is only accessible by browser via aremote PC.Administrator modeThe Administrator mode functions are reserved for the System Administrator.The Administrator mode is password protected and is only accessible bybrowser via a remote PC.
172921B EN 20031206Control modes (local and remote)You can control the working of the Drystar 5300 via the local keypad or via anetwork remote PC.The table below gives an overview of the operating modes you can accesslocally and/or via the remote PC.The manual describes the controlling of the Drystar 5300 via the keypad. Themenus for controlling the Drystar 5300 via a remote PC are structured in thesame way, and sometimes they offer even more possibilities. Refer toChapter 4, ‘Controlling the Drystar 5300 via a remote PC (with browser)’ ofthe Drystar 5300 Reference manual.Local Password protected Remote Password protectedOperator mode No ––– –––Key-operator mode No Key-operator mode Yes––– ––– Service mode Yes––– ––– Administrator Yes
18 2921B EN 20031206The user interfaceThe Drystar 5300 interfaces with the user via the following controls:•Power/Reset button,•a keypad and a display,•a status indicator LED,•audio signals.Overview of user interface controls1Power/Reset button2Display3Keypad4Status indicator LED5Film input tray6Film output trayNever try to open the printer when the Drystar 5300 is printing a film.Always follow the instructions on the display!1 23465
192921B EN 20031206The status indicator LEDOn the right side of the display, an LED indicates the status of theDrystar 5300.The control buttonsOne control button has been provided:Color / Light Status ActionGreenConstant Ready (stand-by) ProceedBlinking Busy or in key-operator mode WaitRedBlinking Warning status Check the display for messages. Refer to ‘Checking the status indicator LED’ on page 171 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual.Constant Error statusPower/Reset button• To power on or off the printer.• To reset the printer.Do NOT press the Power/Reset button without first following theprocedure to stop printing when the Drystar 5300 is printing a film. Referto ‘Switching off the Drystar 5300’ on page 30.
20 2921B EN 20031206Rear panelAt the rear side of the printer, one slot and three connectors are available:1CF-card slot • To insert an external CF-card for software installation, backup, etc.2Network connector• To connect a remote PC (used for access via the web browser pages).3Input/output connector• To connect a terminal PC (used by the Service engineer).4Power connector • To connect the printer power cord.
212921B EN 20031206Working with Compact flash cards (CF-card)The Drystar 5300 is equipped with an external CF-card slot.A CF-card has the following physical characteristics:•a flat surface on one side (there is also often a label present),•a small rim on the other side,•connector holes on the opposite side of the rim side.Inserting a CF-cardTo insert a CF-card in the Drystar 5300 (the slot is located at the rear side):1Hold the CF-card vertically with the connector holes in front of the slot, andwith the flat surface pointing to the left.2Insert the CF-card gently into the slot, and push it until the unlocking leverunderneath the slot comes out."If you cannot push the CF-card completely into its position, this meansthat you have to turn it 180 degrees (while keeping the connector holesfaced to the slot).
22 2921B EN 20031206Removing a CF-cardTo remove a CF-card from the Drystar 5300 slot:1Push the unlocking lever underneath the CF-card slot.The CF-card is pushed slightly outward.2Remove the CF-card gently from the slot.12
232921B EN 20031206Audio signalsThe Drystar 5300 gives status information via beeps. The length of the beepindicates the response of the system to a key command.•A short beep means that Drystar 5300 has accepted the key command and isstarting the operation.•A  long beep means that you have pressed a non-active key or that theDrystar 5300 has rejected the key command."Certain conditions can cause an interval beep. An interval beepaccompanies an error or warning message. Refer to ‘Troubleshootingchecklist’ on page 64.The keypadThe keypad is located below the display panel.The Drystar 5300 keypad features the following keys:Key-operator keyTo access the advanced functions of the key-operator mode. Refer to Chapter 3, ‘Advanced operation (key-operator mode)’.Escape key To quit the current function or exit a menu without saving modifications.
24 2921B EN 20031206"All keys (except the key-operator key) have an LED that is on when thekey is valid in a certain situation."You can press and hold down an arrow key to scroll quickly through a listor a menu.Confirm key(In key-operator mode)• To select a menu.• To accept an entry in a menu.Up key• To move the cursor to the previous entry field.• To scroll upwards.• To increment the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field.Down key• To move the cursor to the next entry field.• To scroll downwards.• To decrement the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field. Left key• To scroll backwards through multiple choices within a field.• To move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from right to left.• To toggle between values in a field. Right key• To scroll forwards through multiple choices within a field. • To move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from left to right.• To toggle between values in a field.
252921B EN 20031206The displayThe Drystar 5300 control panel has a backlit LCD display with 4 lines of20 characters each (2 lines of 7 characters for Greek or Asian languages). Itslay-out depends on the operating mode.General display featuresThe figure below shows how the display is illustrated in this manual:The visible display lines are indicated in the grey zone. The other possiblelines are shown in the white area, and can be reached by scrolling using theUp/Down arrow keys on the Keypad.In the upper right corner, the current printer status is displayed:•In Operator mode, two characters display the print queue status. Refer to‘Managing the print queue’ on page 33.•In Key-operator mode, two characters are displayed in reverse video to indicatethe current menu- or submenu level (e.g. ‘KO’ for Key-operator main level).1 Show settings2 Change settings3 Print image4 Save configuration5 Restore config.6 Calibration7 Service actions8 Quality control9 InstallationKOReachable with Up/Down arrow keysVisible
26 2921B EN 20031206Operator modeIn operator mode, appropriate information is displayed in accordance withthe status of the printer.The operator basic screen looks as follows, indicating that the Drystar 5300 isready for operation and that no job is currently being executed.When the printer is busy with at least one print job, the print queue screen isdisplayed:•The progress indicator keeps the user informed of the progress of a process(e.g., calculation of a bitmap, printing of a film). The line is gradually filled fromleft to right, from 0% to 100% as the process proceeds."On the print queue screen the modality name defined during installationwill be used to refer to the corresponding modality. In case a nickname(daily used name) has been defined during installation, this nickname willbe used.Refer to ‘Managing the print queue’ on page 33.READYModaname 10:21:34 PRfilm 1 of 662%Modaname 10:21:34 CAxx Jobs in memory WA
272921B EN 20031206Key-operator modeIn  key-operator mode, operation is menu driven. The menu displays thekey-operator functions.The display shows only four lines. In the above figure, they are indicated inthe grey zone. The other possible lines are shown in the white area, and canbe reached by scrolling using the Up/Down arrow keys on the Keypad.The active keys are indicated by their respective LEDs.Data entryWhen entering numerical or alphanumerical data, always adhere to thefollowing principles:•Only (alpha)numerical data can be entered.•During data entry, the field is displayed in reverse mode.•Increment the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field by pressing the Upkey. Transition from 9 to 0 of one figure will also increment the next figure to theleft, respecting the valid limits of the range.•Decrement the number in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field by pressing the Downkey. Transition from 0 to 9 of one figure will also decrement the next figure to theleft, respecting the valid limits of the range.•Move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from right to left bypressing the Left key.•Move the entry position in a(n) (alpha)numerical entry field from left to right bypressing the Right key.•Press and hold down a key to repeat arrow key actions.•To accept an entry in a menu, press the Confirm key.•A short beep acknowledges and terminates the entry.•The Drystar 5300 will sound a long beep if you press a key that is not to be usedat that moment.1 Show settings2 Change settings3 Print image4 Save configuration5 Restore config.6 Calibration7 Service actions8 Quality control9 InstallationKOReachable with Up/Down arrow keysVisible
28 2921B EN 20031206Switching on the Drystar 5300"Before switching on the Drystar 5300, read the safety instructions. Referto ‘Safety precautions’ on page 8.Follow the procedure below to ensure proper startup of the Drystar 5300 andto check that everything is working correctly.1Check that the power cord is plugged in and then switch on the printer bypressing the Power/Reset button.On the display, the following message is displayed. After a short while, a progressindicator will show the proceeding of the self-test.•If anything goes wrong during the self-test, refer to ‘Startup errors’ on page 185of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual.2The printer is ready for operation:•If, on the front panel display, the READY message is shown, the status indicatorLED is constantly green."It takes 13 minutes (starting up of the Drystar 5300 and heating up of thethermal print head) before you can start printing. The display will informyou that the printer is warming up:Please WAITSelf-testproceeding 62%READYWARMING UPPlease wait
292921B EN 20031206•If, on the front panel display, the print queue screen is shown, the status indicatorLED is green and blinking.3Make sure that the printer is loaded with appropriate consumables."Refer to page 36 for detailed information on loading films."If the job status displays a warning or error indication, refer to‘Troubleshooting checklist’ on page 64.Modaname 10:21:34 PRfilm 1 of 662%Modaname 10:21:34 CAxx Jobs in memory WA
30 2921B EN 20031206Switching off the Drystar 5300When you want to switch off the printer, it is recommended to follow theprocedure as described below, to make sure that any pending print jobs havefinished printing.1Make sure that pending jobs are correctly finished. If necessary, follow theprocedure to stop printing.2Press the Power/Reset button to switch off the Drystar 5300.•If the printer is ready, it shuts down immediately:•If the printer is busy printing images, it will first print all images in the memorybefore shutting down:•If there is an error/warning/incident during power off and there are still unprintedimages in the memory, the following message is displayed:Press the Confirm button (YES) to proceed with the power-off, or the Escape button (NO)to quit.Powering off the printer with unprinted images in memory may result inimage loss!Power off initiatedPlease waitPower off afterfinishing images inmemoryPlease waitAre you sure topower off theprinterYES (v) NO (x)
Basic operation(operator mode)This chapter will inform on how to manage the print queue,how to print films with priority and how to load new films.!Overview of operator functions!Managing the print queue!About Drystar 5300 consumables!Loading filmsChapter2
32 2921B EN 20031206Overview of operator functionsThis section focuses on the basic operating principles of the Drystar 5300.After reading this chapter, the operator should be able to produce diagnosticusable hardcopies. No special technical skills are required.All basic operator functions can be activated directly by pressing a single keyon the keypad.Function / Task Description Page‘Managing the print queue’ Jobs that have been received are put in a print queue, waiting to be printed.33‘Loading films’ Instructions for loading new films on the printer. 36
332921B EN 20031206Managing the print queueYou can always check the status of the print jobs."Keep in mind that one print job can hold several films to be printed. Inaccordance with the acquisition modality used and with the actualsettings, films can be grouped in a folder to be submitted as one print jobfor the Drystar 5300. Refer to the User manual of the acquisition modalityfor more information.Checking the print queueIf jobs have been transmitted from the network to the Drystar 5300, they areput in the print queue on a first in, first out schedule. New jobs that are addedto the queue get the ‘waiting’ status.As soon as the last film of a job is ejected in the output tray, the next job thathas been calculated will be put in printing status.Example of the print queue screen:•The first line shows information on the job that is currently being printed: themodality name, the time of receipt of the job and the job status (refer to the tablebelow).•The second line shows how many films are to be printed for the current job andalso which film from that total is currently being printed.•The progress indicator keeps the user informed of the progress of a process(e.g., calculation of a bitmap, printing of a film). The line is gradually filled fromleft to right, from 0% to 100% as the process proceeds.•The last line (reachable by using the down arrow key) displays the number (xx)of print jobs that are in the Waiting (WA) status. These jobs have been loadedinto the print queue and they are waiting to be printed.Modaname 10:21:34 PRfilm 1 of 662%Modaname 10:21:34 CAxx Jobs in memory WA
34 2921B EN 20031206A description of the possible status of the jobs is listed in the table below:"On the print queue screen the modality name defined during installationwill be used to refer to the corresponding modality. If there is also anickname (daily used name) defined during installation, the nickname isused.Status DescriptionPR Printing Printing of this job is in progress.CA Calculating The necessary calculations are already being made before printing of the job can be started.WA Waiting Jobs are queued in the printer memory.
352921B EN 20031206About Drystar 5300 consumablesThe Drystar 5300 can handle blue-transparent and clear-transparent films.Available film formats are 11x14” and 14x17”.When a new film pack is loaded, the Film Identification tag is read and theprinter settings are automatically adjusted.The key-operator can overrule the film settings for the input tray. Refer to‘Changing the configuration settings’ on page 58 of the Drystar 5300Reference manual.The following film types can be used:"If you want to change the film format, the tray configuration must bemodified. Refer to ‘Changing the film format of the trays’ on page 152 ofthe Drystar 5300 Reference manual for more information.Film type Film formatDrystar DT2 B 11x14” or 14x17”Drystar DT2 C 11x14” or 14x17”
36 2921B EN 20031206Loading filmsThis section describes how to load the Drystar 5300 with appropriate films.The Drystar 5300 can be loaded with 11x14” or 14x17” films."The Drystar 5300 can be loaded with new films in full daylight. Loadingfilms is easy and can be done very quickly. Follow the procedures asdescribed in this section.The Drystar 5300 will inform you in several ways when a film tray is empty:•an audible signal,•the status indicator LED is flashing (red color),•the display screen shows a message informing you that the input tray is empty."The procedure is slightly different, depending on the fact whether theDrystar 5300 is printing/calculating or in the ready state."When the printer is in the ready state, go to Step 3.Make sure not to load more than one film pack in an input tray. Loadingmore than one film pack in the input tray may damage the Drystar 5300.
372921B EN 20031206When the Drystar 5300 is printing or calculating and the inputtray is empty:1The display shows the following message:2Wait while the printer finishes printing any current jobs.When the film path is cleared, proceed with step 3.When the Drystar 5300 is in the ready state and the input tray isempty:3The display shows the following message:4Open the input tray.To avoid possible film jams, make sure to open input tray all the way.Empty input trayDo not open tray yetGet new film pack FlashingFlashingEmpty input trayOK to open theinput tray FlashingFlashing132456XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX
38 2921B EN 200312065The printer is ready to receive a new film when the following messageappears:6Remove the white (protective) film sheet.7Take film pack and slide it into the input tray."Do not slide the film pack completely into the input tray, otherwise youcannot reach the sticker anymore."Verify that the film type on the film pack corresponds with the sticker onthe tray! If you use an other film type, you are advised to change thelabels (inside and outside) on the tray.- Remove cover sheetfrom tray- Load new film- Close trayXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX
40 2921B EN 2003120610 Remove the plastic film bag.11 Tear the plastic tape from around the film pack.12 Close the input tray."The Drystar 5300 resumes printing as soon as the tray is closed."Loading instructions are also available inside the input tray cover.XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX   XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX
412921B EN 20031206Loading a single film in the input tray"When you load a single film sheet (e.g. after removing it from the inputtray, or after film jam), make sure that it is correctly positioned. Refer to‘Checking the correct position of a film in the input tray’ on page 42."Also make sure to position the film sheet under both the retainers at theback of the input tray, as shown is the figure:
42 2921B EN 20031206Checking the correct position of a film in the input tray"You can verify that the film is properly loaded by watching the lower rightcorner of the films in the input tray. The rounding of this corner should besmaller than the other three corners. This is also indicated on the stickerat the right side of the input tray cover."When a new film is loaded, the Film Identification tag is read and theprinter settings are automatically adjusted. The Film Identification tag islocated on the protective sheet on the backside of the film pack. Thefigure below shows the film pack upside down.132456XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXXXXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX XXXXXX    XXXX   XXXXXX
Advanced operation(key-operator mode)This chapter gives an overview of functions for theadvanced user:!Overview of key-operator functions!Quality control procedure!Preventive maintenance schedule!Cleaning the exterior!Cleaning the print head resistor line!Troubleshooting checklistChapter3
44 2921B EN 20031206Overview of key-operator functionsThe key-operator menus make it possible to use the Drystar 5300 advancedfunctions."These functions are described in detail in the Drystar 5300 Referencemanual.For general information on the key functions of the Drystar 5300, refer to ‘Theuser interface’ on page 18.OverviewThe Drystar 5300 features the following functions on the main menu level ofthe key-operator mode:Refer to the indicated page of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual for anexplanation of the function and the appropriate procedures.Menu item Function PageShow settings To consult the current settings of the printer. 48Change settings To change the current settings of the printer. 58Print imageTo print one of the Drystar 5300 test images.To load and print images from an external CF-card.91Save configuration To make a backup of the printer settings. 95Restore configuration To restore the backup of the printer settings. 97Calibration To maintain optimal image quality. 101Service actions To view error, repair and maintenance data. 122Quality control To perform the QC procedure. 45Installation To install or update the Drystar 5300 software. 122
452921B EN 20031206Quality control procedureIn order to establish and maintain constant image quality, a regular evaluationof the image quality is advised.The Drystar 5300 Imager contains an automatic QC feature designed tomaintain optimum image quality. The QC procedure consists of two mainsteps:•Before initial use, establishing a number of reference values that will be usedfor further follow-up and verifying initial image quality.•After establishing these values, performing regular daily, weekly and annualquality tests.The results of these tests are registered on Quality Control Charts.The QC image (see page 52) has several additional fields where the QC datacan be filled in. This image should be filed as part of the QC procedure.For more info on QC charts, please refer to Appendix C ‘Quality ControlCharts’ on page 71.
46 2921B EN 20031206Establishing the reference values and verifying image qualityAfter installation of a new Drystar 5300 Imager and before initial use you mustestablish Quality Control aim values. These values will be used as the baseline for comparison when daily Quality Control is done. These values shouldbe determined again after major service or repair.The following Quality Control aim values must be determined:•The daily operating density levels. Refer to ‘Establishing the daily operatingreference density levels’ on page 47.•Drystar 5300 image geometry. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometryreference values’ on page 52.Once Quality Control aim values are established you must evaluate theSpatial Resolution and the Artifact Levels to determine if the image quality isacceptable. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometry reference values’ onpage 52.The Quality Control aim values, the Spatial Resolution and Artifact levels andthe Image Geometry values are all recorded on the Quality Control charts.Refer to Appendix B ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 71.On these charts, the following test conditions are also recorded:•The type and serial number of the Drystar 5300 Imager,•Type and emulsion number of the film used to determine the reference values,•The type of densitometer used, e.g. internal (in printer) or external,•If an external densitometer is used: the type and the serial number of thedensitometer,•The time (day, month, year) that the values were established.Before you can establish the daily operating levels, the Drystar 5300Imager must be switched on for at least 15 minutes and it must becalibrated as well. Refer to ‘Switching on the Drystar 5300’ on page 28and ‘Film calibration’ on page 104 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual.
472921B EN 20031206Establishing the daily operating reference density levelsThis procedure enables you to establish the base line values for:•Base+Fog density,•Mid density,•DD (Density Difference),•MaxD (Maximum Density).To establish the daily operating density levels, proceed as follows:1Press the Key-operator key to enter the key-operator mode.2Press the Down key seven times, followed by the Confirm key to select‘Quality control’.A confirmation screen appears:3Press the Confirm key (YES) to start the QC procedure or the Escape key(NO) to quit.The Drystar 5300 will automatically print the QC test image.By default, the internal densitometer of the Drystar 5300 will be used. Theinternal densitometer of the Drystar 5300 is calibrated at installation.Authorized service personnel should recalibrate the internaldensitometer annually or after major service or repair.Do not change the ‘default’ internal densitometer during the entire QCprocedure!1 Show settings2 Change settings3 Print image4 Save configuration5 Restore config.6 Calibration7 Service actions8 Quality control9 InstallationKOStart QCProcedureYES (v) NO (x)QCQC procedurein progressPlease wait 62%QC
48 2921B EN 200312064After the image is printed, the Drystar 5300 will display the optical densityvalues:The displayed values represent the following steps on the test film:•Base+Fog -The density value of the Base + Fog step.This value should be less than 0.25.•Mid Density -The density value of the Mid density step.This value should be greater than 1.20.•DD - Density Difference, i.e. the density value of the high-density step minus thedensity value of the low-density step. This value should be greater than 1.30.•MaxD - The density value of the 100% step.•(densitometer = xxxxx) - indicates the default densitometer used to measure thedensity values. It should not be changed during the entire QC procedure.5Record the density levels on the Drystar 5300 Chart 1 (Drystar 5300‘Determination of Operating Levels’). Refer to Appendix C ‘Quality ControlCharts’ on page 71.6Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.7Repeat steps 1 through 6 once a day for five consecutive days, as indicatedon the Drystar 5300 Chart 1.8Calculate the average value of the densities from the five (5) images. Thesevalues represent operating levels, or aim values, for each density.9Record the respective aim (average) values as the ‘Operating levels’ on theDrystar 5300 Charts 2A and 2B (Drystar 5300 ‘Daily Density Control Chart’).Refer to Appendix B ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 71.If the Mid Density and DD values do not meet or exceed therecommended values, the reason must be found and the problem solvedbefore any further clinical films can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining optimal image quality’ on page 101 and ‘Preventivemaintenance’ on page 161, or call your local Agfa service organization.QC readings:Base+Fog x.xxMid Density x.xxDD x.xx MaxD x.xx(densitometer=xxxxx)QC
492921B EN 20031206"The calculated ‘Operating levels’ should respect the following tolerances:"The tolerances may be different according to local regulations.10 These charts will be used for the daily quality test. For more information, referto ‘Performing the daily QC test’ on page 54.Operating level ToleranceBase + Fog - 0.03 / + 0.05Mid Density +/- 0.20DD (Density Difference) +/- 0.20MaxD +/- 0.25
50 2921B EN 20031206Verifying Acceptable Spatial Resolution and Artifact LevelsTo establish the image geometry reference values, proceed as follows:1Print the 'QC ' test image or use the previously printed QC test image used toestablish the daily operating density levels.You should obtain an image looking like this:Drystar 5300 Quality Control Test Image Date : __________Initials : _____   Sharpness Test    Geometry Test  Density test     Dimension ADimension BEach cluster has 3 groupsof dots of different sizesEach group has 5 dots3 Resolution clustersMaxD (100%): DD (Density Difference): (High-Low)Mid Density:Base + Fog:
512921B EN 200312062Visually check the 'QC ' test image for artifacts: no significant disturbingartifacts should be visible.3Check the spatial resolution by examining the three squares, each of whichcontains an oval. Within each oval are three groups, each having five dots. Allfive dots of each group must be visible (use a magnifying glass and optimizeviewing conditions).4Record these values at the top of the Drystar 5300 Chart 3 (‘Drystar 5300Artifacts and Spatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to Appendix B ‘QualityControl Charts’ on page 71.5These charts will be used for the weekly quality test. For more information,refer to ‘Performing the weekly QC test (Spatial Resolution and Artifact Test)’on page 56.In case of significant artifacts or insufficient spatial resolution, thereason must be found and the problem solved before any further clinicalfilms can be printed.Refer to ‘Maintaining optimal image quality’ on page 101 and ‘Preventivemaintenance’ on page 161 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual, or callyour local Agfa service organization.
52 2921B EN 20031206Establishing the image geometry reference valuesTo establish the image geometry reference values, proceed as follows:1Print the 'QC ' test image or use the previously printed QC test image.You should obtain an image looking like this:Drystar 5300 Quality Control Test Image Date : __________Initials : _____   Sharpness Test    Geometry Test  Density test     Dimension ADimension BEach cluster has 3 groupsof dots of different sizesEach group has 5 dots3 Resolution clustersMaxD (100%): DD (Density Difference): (High-Low)Mid Density:Base + Fog:
532921B EN 200312062To determine the reference values for geometry, measure the dimensions Aand B of the geometry square on the test image.3Record these values as reference dimensions Aref and Bref on theDrystar 5300 Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5300 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’).Refer to Appendix C ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 71.These charts will be used for the annual quality test. For more information, refer to‘Performing the annual QC test (Geometric Consistency Test)’ on page 57.4Save this film for future reference.Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to theright edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of theupper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30-cm (12-inch) machinist scale with0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).
54 2921B EN 20031206Performing quality control (QC) testsThe following procedures must be performed daily, weekly or annually asindicated.The reason for performing quality control tests is to determine if anysignificant image quality variation or deterioration has occurred which mayrequire corrective action. Comparing the results of the tests with thereference values previously established does this.This procedure allows the operator to take the necessary preventive actionsbefore any image quality loss can take place.Performing the daily QC test1Switch on the Drystar 5300 and wait for at least 15 minutes. Refer to‘Switching on the Drystar 5300’ on page 28.2Press the Key-operator key to enter the key-operator mode.3Press the Down key seven times, followed by the Confirm key to select‘Quality control’.A confirmation screen appears:This test must be performed every day before any clinical film can beprocessed.1 Show settings2 Change settings3 Print image4 Save configuration5 Restore config.6 Calibration7 Service actions8 Quality control9 InstallationKOStart QCProcedureYES (v) NO (x)QC
552921B EN 200312064Press the Confirm key (YES) to start the QC procedure or the Escape key(NO) to quit.The Drystar 5300 will automatically print the QC test image.After the QC test image is printed, the Drystar 5300 will display the optical densityvalues:5Report the density levels on the Drystar 5300 Control Charts 2A and 2B(Drystar 5300 ‘Daily Density Control Chart’). Also record the date and time ofthe test on the charts and on the QC test image. Refer to Appendix B ‘QualityControl Charts’ on page 71.6Press the Confirm key to return to the main menu.In case the measure results are not within the aim values, the reason forthe unacceptable density variations must be identified and resolvedbefore any further clinical films can be processed. This may includerepeating the film calibration procedure.For possible causes of non-compliance and the respective actions, referto  ‘Maintaining optimal image quality’ on page 101 and ‘Preventivemaintenance’ on page 161 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual.QC procedurein progressPlease wait 62%QCQC readings:Base+Fog x.xxMid Density x.xxDD x.xx MaxD x.xx(densitometer=xxxxx)QC
56 2921B EN 20031206Performing the weekly QC test (Spatial Resolution and Artifact Test)To identify artifacts and verify spatial resolution you must perform thefollowing test weekly or as needed to troubleshoot image quality problems.1Check the QC test image visually for artifacts: no significant disturbingartifacts should be visible.2Check the spatial resolution.The test film also shows three squares which each contains an oval. These 3 ovalscontain 3 groups, each having 5 dots. All five dots of each group must be visible(use a magnifying glass and optimize viewing conditions).3Record the results on Drystar 5300 Chart 3 (Drystar 5300 ‘Artifacts andSpatial Resolution Control Chart’). Refer to Appendix B ‘Quality ControlCharts’ on page 71.In case of significant artifacts, insufficient spatial resolution or failure ofany other recommended QC tests, the cause of the problem must beidentified, and corrective action must be taken before the Drystar 5300can be used for any further clinical imaging.Refer to ‘Maintaining optimal image quality’ on page 101 and ‘Preventivemaintenance’ on page 161 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual, or callyour local Agfa service organization for assistance.
572921B EN 20031206Performing the annual QC test (Geometric Consistency Test)To be able to notice fluctuations in image size and aspect ratio, you mustperform this procedure once a year.1First, perform the daily test.2Use the QC test image of the weekly test and measure the dimensions A andB of the geometric square. Refer to ‘Establishing the image geometryreference values’ on page 52.3Record these values as measured dimensions A and B on the Drystar 5300Chart 4 (‘Drystar 5300 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’). Refer toAppendix B ‘Quality Control Charts’ on page 71.4Compare the A and B values with the reference values Aref and Bref on theChart 4 (‘Drystar 5300 Geometric Consistency Control Chart’).The differences between measured dimensions A and B and the reference valuesAref and Bref should be less than or equal to 1.0%.5Check for image distortion.6Calculate the aspect ratio by dividing A by B.The result must be 1 ± 0.01.Make sure to measure distance A from the left edge of the left line to theright edge of the right line and distance B from the upper edge of theupper line to the lower edge of the lower line.We strongly recommend using a 30-cm (12-inch) machinist scale with0.5 mm divisions (1/64 inch).If the image size or distortion values are outside of limits, contact Agfaservice to solve the problem.
58 2921B EN 20031206Preventive maintenance scheduleThe Drystar 5300 is designed for trouble-free service. Maintenance andcleaning involve only some minor user tasks.Safety guidelines•Do not lubricate the printer.•Do not attempt to disassemble the printer.•Do not touch the resistor line of the print head.•Always switch off the Drystar 5300 and disconnect the power cord from theoutlet before carrying out any maintenance work inside the printer."Film jam removal or cleaning the printer head can be done withoutswitching the power off. Nevertheless, care should be taken and the‘Safety precautions’ on page 8 should be respected.Interval What to do? PageAd hoc ‘Cleaning the exterior’ 59Ad hoc ‘Cleaning the print head resistor line’ 60To prevent damage to the printer while performing maintenance, observethe following safety precautions:
592921B EN 20031206Cleaning the exterior1Switch off the Drystar 5300 by following the procedure as described in‘Switching off the Drystar 5300’ on page 30.2Remove the power plug from the socket.3Wipe the exterior of the printer with a clean, soft, damp cloth.Use a mild soap or detergent if required but never use an ammonia–based cleaner.Be careful not to get any liquid in the power cord port.4Plug in the printer and switch it on by following the procedure as described in‘Switching on the Drystar 5300’ on page 28.
60 2921B EN 20031206Cleaning the print head resistor lineTo clean the print head:1Press the Key-operator key to enter the key-operator mode.2On the key-operator main menu, press the Down key five times, followed bythe Confirm key to select ‘Calibration’.3On the Calibration menu, press the Down key, followed by the Confirm key toselect ‘Therm. Head clean.’.The printer will automatically shut down:4The ‘Thermal head cleaning’ screen will give step by step instructions onwhat to do:Print head cleaning must be done when image quality problems occur.For more information on maintaining image quality, refer to ‘Imagequality problems’ on page 186 of the Drystar 5300 Reference manual.1 Show settings2 Change settings3 Print image4 Save configuration5 Restore config.6 Calibration7 Service actions8 Quality control9 InstallationKOCASELECTCALIBRATION1 film calibration2 Therm. Head clean.THERMAL HEADCLEANING- Open top coverCA
612921B EN 200312065Open the top cover.6As soon as the top cover is opened, the ‘Thermal head cleaning’ screencontinues giving the following instructions:7Open the hold-down bracket.THERMAL HEADCLEANING- Clean thermal head- Close top coverCA
62 2921B EN 200312068Open the print head unit.9Locate and check on sight the print head resistor line."Be careful not to touch the print head resistor line with your fingers.The print head unit can be warm.
632921B EN 2003120610 Clean the print head resistor line.Gently pass over the resistor line a few times with a lint free cloth, slightlymoistened with Isopropyl alcohol or Ethanol. Do this only in one direction, i.e.from left to right, without lifting the cloth."Do not apply any pressure on the print head because this pressure maycause damage on the interconnections underneath the print head.11 Close the top cover.After you have cleaned the print head resistor line and you have closed the topcover, the printer will restart automatically."If residue dust is present as part of the cleaning procedure it willdisappear after a few prints.
64 2921B EN 20031206Troubleshooting checklistThe table below lists some general problems which can occur when workingwith the Drystar 5300. Refer to the appropriate pages of the Drystar 5300Reference manual.•The Drystar 5300 does not print.•The quality of the printed images is bad (printing remains possible).Action Refer to PageCheck the Drystar 5300 ‘Checking the status indicator LED’ 171‘Checking the connections’ 172‘Checking the print queue’ 174Remove a jammed film‘Film input tray jams’ 176‘Film transport jams (clearing from the top)’ 179‘Unauthorized opening of the printer’ 181Resolve error messages ‘Checking error messages’ 173Handle CF-card errors ‘Checking CF-card error messages’ 173Resolve film identificationproblems ‘Film identification problems’ 182Action Refer to PageResolve film quality problems ‘White dots or lines appear in the transport direction’ 186Resolve warning messages ‘Maintenance messages’ 188Have electrical or mechanical defects repaired by skilled personnel only!
Equipment information sheetAppendixA
66 2921B EN 20031206SpecificationsProduct descriptionType of product  PrinterCommercial name Drystar 5300Original seller/manufacturer Agfa-Gevaert N.V.LabelingTÜV-Certification MarkcUL-Certification Mark, CE-markingDimensionsDimensions (approx. values in cm)• Unpacked: width 67, length 80, height 36• Packed: width 80, length 106, height 61Weight • Unpacked: approx. 52 kg• Packed: approx. 82 kgRAM memory 512 MbMass storage media (internal/external) Compact Flash Type IIElectrical connectionOperating voltage 100-127 V; 220-240 V ACNo external mains fusesMains frequency 50/60 Hz
672921B EN 20031206Network connectivityEthernet / connectors RJ45 twisted pair for 100Base-TX; Serial RS232 connectionNetwork protocols (TCP/IP services) FTP, Telnet, HTTP, SMTPImage formats DICOM (Default)TIFFPostscript Not availablePower consumption During operation 250 WIn standby 40 WProtection againstElectrical shocks Class 1 (grounded)Ingress of water IPXØEnvironmental conditions (operation)Room temperature Between +15°C and +30°CRelative humidity Between 10% and 80%Note: Films may not become wet!Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa - 106 kPaEnvironmental conditions (transport and storage)Room temperature Between -25°C and 55°C (storage) Between -25°C and 70°C (transport)Relative humidity Between 10% and 100%Atmospheric pressure 70 kPa - 106 kPaNoise emission (method of measurement in accordance with DIN 45635 part 19)During operation Max. 56 dBAIn standby Max. 47 dBA
68 2921B EN 20031206ConsumablesDrystar DT 2B and Drystar DT 2C 11x14” and 14x17” film sizesPrint technologyDirect thermal printingReliabilityEstimated product life(if regularly serviced and maintained according to Agfa instructions)> 5 years and > 125,000 filmsService interventions Max. 2 interventions / 3 yearsEarthquake kit (standard) Meets the CA requirements
692921B EN 20031206Options and accessoriesMobile / Earthquake provisionsHardwareThe OPTIONAL mobile/earthquake installation kit allows you to use theDrystar 5300 in a van, or to use it in unstable environment.It contains the necessary equipment to fix the printer onto a table.The mobile/earthquake installation kit is delivered with the necessarymounting instructions.SoftwareNo additional software for mobile/earthquake use is required. Separatesaving and restoring of the network settings is provided to facilitate mobileconfiguration of the printer. Refer to ‘Save configuration procedure’ onpage 95, and to ‘Accessing the restore configuration menu’ on page 97 of theDrystar 5300 Reference manual for more information.
70 2921B EN 20031206Connectivity with Agfa equipment•Paxport•MG3000•ADC 70•ADC Compact•ADC Compact Plus•ADC Solo•Impax•DR-ThoraxConnectivity with non-Agfa equipmentFrom a connectivity point of view, every connection to a modality supporting"DICOM print" is released per default (Generic Release). At market launch,the most important modalities (depending on the printers main market, e.g.CR/DR) of the OEM's will have been covered. In a later stage, moreconnectivity testing will take place depending on the specified requests. Themost actual listing of verified modalities can be found in the Interface StatusReport.
Quality Control ChartsAppendixB
72 2921B EN 20031206Drystar 5300 Imager: Determination of Operating Levels Chart 1Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _________________ Date ____________________Film Type: ____________ Emulsion #: ______________Densitometer (Internal or External ) If External: Type ____________   Serial #: _________________Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5MonthDayInitialsBase + Fog Average of 5 Values = operating (aim) level Base + FogMid Density  Average of 5 Values = operating (aim) level "Mid Density"Dens. Difference Average of 5 Values = operating (aim) level Density Difference DmaxAverage of 5 Values = operating (aim) level DmaxStep 1: Print QC Test images on five consecutive days. Record the optical densities measurements in the tables below. After five days, average the values to determine the operating (aim) levels for each of the parameters. Step 2: Copy the operating (aim) levels to Charts 2A/B (’Daily Density Control Chart’)
732921B EN 20031206Drystar 5300 Imager Daily Density  Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________ Densitometer (Internal or External )    If External: Type _______________          Serial #:________________ Mid Density (Density closest to 1.20)Density DifferenceUpper Control limit =+0.20Mid Density AimLower Control Limit =-0.20Upper Control limit =+0.20Density DifferenceAip(High - Low)Lower Control Limit =-0.20Chart 2A
74 2921B EN 20031206Drystar 5300 Imager Daily Density  Control Chart  Imager Type: __________ Serial #: _____________ Film Type:____________ Emul #:___________ Densitometer (Internal or External )    If External: Type _______________          Serial #:________________ Base + FogD MaxUpper Control limit =+0.05Base + Fog AimUpper Control limit =+0.25 Lower Control Limit =-0.25D max AimChart 2B
752921B EN 20031206Chart 3Drystar 5300 Imager Artifacts and Spatial ResolutionControl Chart Test Frequency:     Weekly Drystar 5300 Serial # _____________Initial Reference Test DateInitial Reference ArtifactsInitial Reference Dot Visibility Month Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all DotsMonth Day Artifacts Visibility of all Dots
76 2921B EN 20031206Chart 4Drystar 5300 Imager Geometric ConsistencyControl ChartTest Frequency: Annually or as required  Drystar 5300 Serial # ______________Reference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio Aref A: A/Aref A/BBref B: B/BrefReference DimensionsDate:Measured DimensionsDate:Consistency Aspect Ratio Aref A: A/Aref A/BBref B: B/Bref
772921B EN 20031206
Printed in BelgiumPublished by Agfa-Gevaert N.V., B-2640 Mortsel-Belgium2921B EN 20031206

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