Asia Pacific Satellite communications SO-2510 Thuraya Satellite Mobile Phone User Manual SO 2510Eng co indd

Asia Pacific Satellite communications Inc. Thuraya Satellite Mobile Phone SO 2510Eng co indd


User Manual Part1
For your safety  For your safety  1Battery Information  Battery Information  2Taking Care of your Thuraya Mobile Phone   Taking Care of your Thuraya Mobile Phone   2Certification information (SAR) Certicationinformation(SAR)  3SO-2510 Unpacking SO-2510Unpacking  4 SO-2510Accessories  4Your SO-2510 YourSO-2510  4 Keyandbuttondescription 5Introduction Introduction  8HPA (High-Penetration Alerting) HPA(High-PenetrationAlerting)  9Initial steps  InsertingSIMcard 10 Connectthechargerandchargethebattery 10 SwitchthemobilephoneOn/Off 11  Enter your PIN  11 Emergencycall(SOS) 11 SetupWizard 12 Lock/UnlockinIdleScreen 12Display Displaylayout 13 Displaysymbols 13Using softkey and menu Softkeyaction 15  Menu navigation  15 Quickaccess 16 Stepbackonemenulevel 16  Exit the menu  16Making and receiving call Dialusingthekeypad 17 Receivingacall 17 High-PenetrationAlerting 18 Optionduringacall 19New Message  Selectmode 19  SO-2510 I 02 Getting started SO-2510 I 01 Before you startCONTENTS...
  Edit mode  19 ChangeInputmode 20 Inputsymbol 20 Inputnumber 21  Change language  22 eZitxtOn/Off 22 Dictionary 23 Tocleartext 23  SO-2510 I 02 Getting started1. Messaging 1.1.NewMessage  26  1.2. Inbox   27  1.3. Draft  29 1.4.SentMessages 30 1.5.Outbox 31 1.6.Templates 32 1.7.Settings 32  1.8. Info Message  34 1.9.MemoryStatus 35 1.10.DeleteAll 352. Contacts 2.1.Search  38 2.2.AddName 39 2.3.CallerGroup 40 2.4.SpeedDials 41 2.5.ShortDialing 42 2.6.Copy 42  2.7. Delete  43 2.8.MemoryStatus 433. Call Logs  3.1. Missed Calls  44 3.2.ReceivedCalls   44  3.3. Dialed Calls   44 3.4.DeleteAll 45 3.5.CallDuration   454. Organizer 4.1.Alarm  46 4.2.Schedule  48 4.3.Calculator  49 4.4.Stopwatch  495. Navigation 5.1.Currentposition 50 5.2.Cont.position 50 5.3.Waypoints 51 5.4.Locationtrack   52 5.5.Setting 52 5.6.Qiblah&Prayer 536. Sound Setting 6.1.Ringingtone 54  SO-2510 I 03 Using the menu 6.2.SoundVolume 55 6.3.IncomingCallAlert   55 6.4.KeypadTone 55 6.5.KeypadToneVolume 557. Settings 7.1.Language 56 7.2.Wallpaper 57 7.3.GreetingMessage 57 7.4.Ownernumber 57 7.5.SendOwnerNumber 57 7.6.DTMFTone 57 7.7.Cost 58 7.8.DataConnection 59 7.9.SetupWizard 59 7.10.Backlight 61  7.11. LCD Contrast  61 7.12.AnswerMethod 61 7.13.AutoRedial 62 7.14.Time/Date 628. Network 8.1.Networkmode 64 8.2.SATRegistration 64 8.3.Preference 649. Security 9.1.PINcode 65 9.2.Securitycode 65 9.3.Changecodes 66  9.4. Fixed Dialing  67 9.5.ClosedUserGroup 69  9.6. IMEI Number  69 9.7.CallBarring 70 9.8.CallWaiting 71  9.9. Call Diverting  72 9.10.ResetFactorySettings 74  SO-2510 I 03 Using the menuTroubleshooting  Troubleshooting   76Quick access codes  Quickaccesscodes    77Access codes Quickaccesscodes   86Security code  Securitycode   86PIN & PUK PIN&PUK    86PIN2 & PUK2 PIN2&PUK2  86Barring code  Barringcode   86   SO-2510 I 04 Additional
FCC FCCFCC SAR Compliance StatementThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC-certied equipment. This wireless mobile phone has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET65C(01-01)andfoundtobecomplianttotherequirementsofuncontrolledenvironmentallimitsassetforthinCFR47Sections 2.1091, 2.1093 addressing RF Exposure from radio frequency devices when operated in accordance with the operation guidelines described in this manual. Proper operation of this radio device according to the instructions in this publication will result in user exposuresubstantiallybelowtheFCCrecommendedlimits.YourwirelessphoneSO-2510isaradiotransmitter andreceiver.Itisdesignedandmanufactured nottoexceedtheemission limits forexposure toradiofrequency (RF) energysetby the FederalCommunicationsCommissionof the U.S. Government.Theselimits arepartofcomprehensiveguidelinesandestablishpermittedlevelsofRFenergyforthegeneralpopulation.Theguidelinesarebasedonstandardsthatweredevelopedbyindependentscienticorganizationsthroughperiodicandthoroughevaluationofscienticstudies.Thestandardsincludeasubstantialsafetymargindesignedtoassurethesafetyofallpersons,regardlessofageandhealth.Theexposurestandardforwirelessmobilephonesemploysa unitofmeasurementknownastheSpecic AbsorptionRate,orSAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.* Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCCwiththephonetransmittingat its highestcertiedpowerlevel in alltestedfrequencybands.AlthoughtheSARis determinedatthehighest certied power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value. This is be-causethephoneisdesignedtooperateatmultiplepowerlevelssoastouseonlythepowerrequiredtoreachthenetwork.Ingeneral, thecloseryouaretoawirelessbasestationantenna,thelowerthepoweroutput.Beforeaphonemodelisavailableforsaletothepublic,itmustbetestedandcertiedtotheFCCthatitdoesnotexceedthelimitestab-lishedbythegovernment-adoptedrequirementforsafeexposure.Thetestsareperformedinpositionsandlocations(forexample,attheearandwornonthebody)asrequiredbytheFCCforeachmodel.ThehighestSARvalueforthismodelphoneasreportedtotheFCCwhentestedforuseattheearis0.37W/kg(withregardtoBody-wornmeasurements,thismobilephonecannotbeusedinabodywornpositionbecauseinthispositionthephonecannotproperlyreceiveandtransmitthesatellitesignalandtheoperationisnotpracticable).Thebody-wornoperationisrestrictedinuse.WhiletheremaybedifferencesbetweentheSARlevelsofvariousphonesandatvariouspositions,theyallmeetthegovernmentrequire-ment.The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this wireless mobile phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this phone is on le with the FCC and can be found under theDisplayGrantsectionofaftersearchingonFCCID:TZ5SO-2510.FCC RF Interference StatementThisdevicecomplieswithPart15oftheFCCRules.Operationissubjecttothefollowingtwoconditions:1.Thisdevicemaynotcauseharmfulinterference,and2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.  ThisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundtocomplywiththelimitsofaClassBdigitaldevice,pursuanttoPart15oftheFCCRules.  These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a  residential environment. This equipment generates, uses, and radiates radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in  accordancewiththeinstructions,maycauseharmfulinterference. However,thereisnoguaranteethatinterferencewillnotoccur.  Ifthisequipmentdoescauseinterferencetoradioortelevisionreception,whichcanbedeterminedbyturningtheequipmentoffand  on,theuserisencouragedtocorrecttheinterferencebyoneofthefollowingmeasures: •Reorientorrelocatethereceivingantenna. •Increaseseparationbetweentheequipmentandreceiver. •Connecttheequipmenttoanoutletonacircuitdifferentfromwhichthereceiverisconnected. •Consultthedealeroranexperiencedradio/TVtechnician.IntheUnitedStatesandCanada,theSARlimitformobilephonesusedbythepublicis1.6watts/kilogram(W/kg)averagedoverone gramoftissue.Thestandardincorporatesasubstantialmarginofsafetytogiveadditionalprotectionforthepublicandtoaccountfor anyvariationsinmeasurements.SARvaluesmayvarydependingonnationalreportingrequirementsandthenetworkband.
101Before you start  020304Before you start For your safetyReadthesesimpleguidelinestheywillhelpyougetthemostoutofyourThurayaPhone. Formoredetailedexplanationspleaserefertothecompleteuserguide.PleasereadcarefullyandmakeyourselffamiliarwiththesafetymeasuresanduserinstructionsinthisManualbeforeyoustarttouseyourSO-2510.UserInterfaceintheproductcouldbedifferentfromtheimageintheManual.Thesettingsmaybedifferentdependingontheregion.Internalsoftwarecouldbepartiallychangedforimprovedperformancewithoutpriornotice,andthecontentsofanychangescanbecheckedatSWITCH ON SAFELYDonotswitchthephoneonwhenwirelessphoneuseisprohibitedorwhenitmaycauseinterferenceordanger.ROAD SAFETY COMES FIRSTObeyalllocallaws. Alwayskeepyourhandsfreetooperatethevehiclewhiledriving.Yourrstconsiderationwhiledrivingshouldberoadsafety.SWITCH OFF IN HOSPITALSFollowanyrestrictions. Switchthephoneoffnearmedicalequipment.SWITCH OFF IN AIRCRAFTFollowanyrestrictions. Wirelessdevicescancauseinterferenceinaircraft.SWITCH OFF WHEN REFUELINGDonotusethephoneatarefuelingpoint. Donotusenearfuelorchemicals.SWITCH OFF NEAR BLASTINGFollowanyrestrictions. Donotusethephonewhereblastingisinprogress.SO-2510 I 01 Before you start01030402 For your safety  For your safety  1Battery Information  Battery Information  2Taking Care of your Thuraya Mobile Phone   Taking Care of your Thuraya Mobile Phone   2Certification information (SAR) Certicationinformation(SAR)  3FCC SAR Compliance Statement FCCSARComplianceStatement  4FCC RF Interference Statement FCCRFInterferenceStatement 5SO-2510 Unpacking SO-2510Unpacking  7 SO-2510Accessories  7Your SO-2510 YourSO-2510  7 Keyandbuttondescription  8
201Before you start 301Before you start  020304Before you start Battery Information Donotshort-circuitthebattery.Accidentalshort-circuitingcanoccurwhenametallicobjectsuchasacoin,clip,orpencausesdirectconnectionofthepositive(+)andnegative(-)terminalsofthebattery.(Theselooklikemetalstripsonthebattery.)Thismighthappen,forexample,whenyoucarryasparebatteryinyourpocketorpurse.Short-circuitingtheterminalsmaydamagethebatteryortheconnectingobject.Taking Care of your Thuraya Mobile Phone Yourdeviceisaproductofsuperiordesignandcraftsmanshipandshouldbetreatedwithcare. Thesuggestionsbelowwillhelpyouprotectyourwarrantycoverage. • Keepthedevicedry.Precipitation,humidityandalltypesofliquidsormoisturecancontainmineralsthatwillcorrodeelectronic   circuits.Ifyourdevicedoesgetwet,removethebatteryandallowthedevicetodrycompletelybeforereplacingit. • Donotuseorstorethedeviceindusty,dirtyareas.Itsmovingpartsandelectroniccomponentscanbedamaged. • Donotstorethedeviceinhotareas.Hightemperaturescanshortenthelifeofelectronicdevicesanddamagebatteries. • Donotstorethedeviceincoldareas.Whenthedevicereturnstoitsnormaltemperature,moisturecanforminsidethedeviceand   damageelectroniccircuitboards. • Donotattempttoopenthedeviceotherthanasinstructedinthisguide. • Donotdrop,knock,orshakethedevice.Roughhandlingcanbreakinternalcircuitboardsandnemechanics. • Useonlythesuppliedoranapprovedreplacementantenna.Unauthorizedantennas,modications,orattachmentscoulddamage   thedeviceandmayviolateregulationsgoverningradiodevices. • Usethebatterychargersindoors. • Alwayscreateabackupofdatayouwanttokeep(suchascontactsandcalendarnotes)beforesendingyourdevicetoa   servicefacility.Certication information (SAR) THIS DEVICE MEETS INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR EXPOSURE TO RADIO WAVESYourmobiledeviceisaradiotransmitterandreceiver.Itisdesignedandmanufacturednottoexceedthelimitsforexposuretoradiofrequency(RF)recommendedbyinternationalguidelines(ICNIRP).TheselimitsarepartofcomprehensiveguidelinesandestablishpermittedlevelsofRFenergyforthegeneralpopulation.Theguidelinesincludeasubstantialsafetymargindesignedtoassurethesafetyofallpersons,regardlessofageandhealth.
401Before you start 501Before you start  020304Before you start SO-2510 Unpacking Handset BatteryYour SO-2510 1SATantenna2Earspeaker3LCDscreen4 Left soft key 5Rightsoftkey6Sendkey7 End key 84waysnavigationkey9Okkey10 Numerickeypad11 Starkey12 Sharpkey13 Microphone14 Dockinghole15  Battery hole 16 Chargesocket17 SIMcardhole18 USB/DatacableslotSO-2510 Accessories  Datacable1234 56 7891011 1213 16QuickstartguideTravelchargerUsermanual&WarrantycardEar set171815Key and button description Navigation Key4-waydirectionkeyformovingfocusinmenuscreen.Center KeyThiskeyisusedtoselect/unselectandconrmmenuoptions. Left Soft KeyThefunctionofthekeydependsonthetextshownonthedisplayabovethekey.Right Soft KeyThefunctionofthekeydependsonthetextshownonthedisplayabovethekey.Send KeyToacceptorinitiateacall.End KeyToendthecurrentconnection,ortorejectanincom-ingcall.Pressandholdtoturnthephoneonoroff.KeypadUsedtoenterphonenumbersandtoentertextusingthenumberkeys,1to9,repeat-edlyuntilthedesiredcharacterappears.Alongkeypresson0keywilldisplaya‘+’. KeyA long key press will put the phone intoa Manner mode. KeyPressandholdtolockthekeypad.
www.thuraya.comSO-2510SO-2510 I 02 Getting started02030401Introduction  Introduction  8HPA (High-Penetration Alerting)  HPA (High-Penetration Alerting)  9Initial steps   Inserting SIM card   10  Connect the charger and charge the battery   10  Switch the mobile phone On/Off   11  Enter your PIN  11  Emergency call (SOS)   11  Setup Wizard  12  Lock/Unlock in Idle Screen   12Display  Display layout  13  Display symbols  13Using softkey and menu  Softkey action  15  Menu navigation  15  Quick access  16  Step back one menu level  16  Exit the menu  16Making and receiving call  Dial using the keypad  17  Receiving a call  17  High-Penetration Alerting  18  Option during a call   19New Message   Select mode  19  Edit mode  19  Change Input mode   20  Input symbol  20  Input number  21  Change language  22  eZitxt On/Off   22  Dictionary  23  To clear text  23
802Getting started902Getting started0304Getting started 01IntroductionYour SO-2510 is a high performance mobile phone using satellites for communication. The combination of Satellite (SAT) communications and GPS (Global Positioning System) technology allows phone communications without base stations. SAT phone communications are similar to GSM and any GSM phone user can easily use it. However, there are a few specifi c differences between GSM and SAT. These are explained below. While idle with SAT or communicating with a good quality signal, the antenna need not be pulled out. However, the antenna should be pulled out to receive SAT calls or to start SAT. While watching the indicator for SAT signal strength, move around to achieve the best connection quality for the mobile phone. SAT communication requires clear space without obstructions. Avoid obstructions such as buildings, trees or mountains. Also, it is important to direct the antenna of the mobile phone towards satellites. HPA (High-Penetration Alerting) The Thuraya system features a 'High-Penetration Alerting' capability that allows you to be notifi ed of incoming calls even when your mobile phone has poor signal coverage. When the mobile phone receives a High-Penetration Alerting signal it will alert you with an 'early ring' and a special display message (see page 18). To answer the call, you must immediately extend the antenna and move the mobile phone into a position that has a clear 'line of sight' to the satellite. When this has occurred the mobile phone display will change, prompting you to answer the calland proceed with the conversation. If the call is not answered promptly after theHigh-Penetration Alerting signal is received, the calling party will be diverted tovoice mail and/or an announcement stating that you are not available to answer. Just like GSM, the satellite coverage area is divided into many different regions. The phone searches the network automatically (see page 64) and determines which service region is active by registering its presence with the Thuraya system. If the mobile phone has not been able to update this registration due to a weak signal, the registration information will become out of date or 'stale'. This is indicated on the display by a blinking SAT icon in the left of the signal strength indicator. This condition will clear automatically once signal conditions improve and a call is made or a period of time elapses. You also have the option to speed up that procedure by manually having the mobile phone register with the Thuraya system. This is accomplished with the function SAT Registration in the mobile phone's menu (see page 64). Make sure you have good SAT signal strength before using this function.
1002Getting started1102Getting started0304Getting started 01Connect the charger and charge the battery You should charge the battery supplied with the mobile phone as soon as possible to obtain full battery charge.To charge the battery :1. Fit the correct country specifi c adapter into the charger.2. Plug the charger plug into the charger socket.3. Connect the charger to an AC source. Initial steps Inserting SIM card The SIM card (Subscriber Identity Module) is the 'plug' to the network and provides the phone number, memory for storing phone numbers and short text messages (SMS).To insert the SIM card :1. Switch off the mobile phone before removing the battery and  inserting the SIM card.2. Lift the battery from the back of the mobile phone and insert  the SIM card as shown in the pictures below.While the battery is charging you see the   symbol changing to   cyclically. The battery is fully charged after 2 hours and 30 minutes. The charger stops charging automatically when the battery is full. As long as the charger is not disconnected it restarts charging after a while to keep the battery fully charged. You may still use the mobile phone while charging the battery. The internal clock for time, date (see page 62) and alarms (see page 46) will still keep running for about two hours if neither the battery nor the charger is connected, but no alarm will sound unless a charged battery is connected. Emergency call (SOS) Until you have entered the correct PIN, you can make only emergency calls. To make an emergency call before having entered the PIN.In screen Press   (SOS).Or.1. Enter a specifi c emergency number.2. Press  .The softkey SOS is available even when the SIM card in your mobile phone is not valid.when you have a valid SIM card but no roaming with the  selected service provider is possible.After the PIN is accepted, you have to make an emergency call in the same way as you make a 'normal' call.●●Switch the mobile phone On/Off Press   for 3 seconds to switch the mobile phone on.Press   for 3 seconds again to switch the mobile phone off.Enter your PINThe PIN (Personal Identifi cation Number; 4 to 8 digits) is initially supplied together with the SIM card by your service provider and can be changed later. (see page 65)1. Enter PIN using keys on keypad.  Each digit entered is displayed as an *.2. Press   to confi rm PIN.NoteIf more than 3 errors are made when entering PIN code,   PUK code must be entered.●
1202Getting started1302Getting started0304Getting started 01Lock/Unlock in Idle Screen The keypad may be locked so that a number can not be accidentally dialed e.g. while the mobile is in your pocket or handbag.  (e.g. It is to protect your personal information while you have left the phone in a pocket, bag or some other place for a while, or from the person who might have picked up your lost phone.) Calls can be received while the phone is locked. To Lock :1. In idle screen, long press   (#) key. 2. Locked.To Unlock :1. Press   key. 2. Press   key within 3 seconds. 3. If not pressing   key within 3 seconds,   the locked mode will not change.NoteEmergency calls may not be possible on all cellular telephone   networks or when certain network service are in use. In uneven terrain or close to large buildings, the operating   range can be limited, which affects the connection.With some service providers it may not be possible to make an   emergency call if no SIM card is inserted in the mobile phone.●●●Emergency numbers normally are : 112, 911, 999Check with your network service provider for local emergency numbers in your area.Setup WizardUse this to set the basic details of the phone when booting initially. You can either use or skip this function.To change settings, use the applicable menu or Setup Wizard Menu in Settings. For more details, refer to Setup Wizard Menu in Settings.DisplayDisplay layoutThe pattern of the display areas is as follows :1. The indicator line shows mainly symbols which inform you   about the operating conditions of the mobile phone.2. The main area shows data relating to calls, menu and their   submenus, and displays the editors for the Contacts and SMS   messages. In idle mode (standby), the network name, time   and date are displayed.3. The softkey line operates together with the   and     softkey and the OK key   beneath this line.   It provides access to menus and controls.   (see 'Using softkey and Ok key' on page 14)Indicator line SAT area informationDisplay symbolsSAT HPARoamingSignal typeSAT signal 1 SAT signal 2SAT signal 3 SAT signal 4SAT signal 5Signal strengthHPA signal 01 ~ HPA signal 15HPA strengthBattery almost discharged Low batteryBattery good Battery fullBattery strength~Time & Date line Softkey comment line
1402Getting started1502Getting started0304Getting started 01Using softkey and menuYou can, with these functions, execute and cancel Menu and Sub menu items to obtain desired results quickly. While on call or during editing numbers or text, changes to menu system and approach to the wide functions are offered according to the situation. Menu can be more easily used by carefully following the items below. In idle mode your mobile phone offers functions and settings which allow you to adapt the mobile phone to your needs. You access these functions through menus and submenus by scrolling or by using the appropriate shortcut.During a call or while you are editing a number or text, the menu system changes and gives access to various functions, depending on the context. The following section describes the principles of using the menu. : Select   : BackSoftkey actionSoftkey actions for function calls and navigation in menus and lists are performed through entries in the softkey line in conjunction with the corresponding keys below this line. Depending on the number of softkey actions offered, the two softkeys beneath the softkey line and the okay key can be used:On call muteCall statusListOkSoftkey commandSpeed dial EditSave SearchUndo ViewNoteCommand of   is in the form of Icon.    Refer to page 14 where each icon and corresponding command   are shown. ● : Save   :       (Edit) : BackMenu navigationMenu screen is composed of 9 menus. Use the navigation key to move the focus to the desired menu icon, and execute by pressing  . 4 ways navigation keyLeft / Right directionUp / Down directionLeft / Right directionUp / Down directionDevice connect SilentPhone statusUnread SMS Voice mailSchedule AlarmVoice mail + SMS Incomming call silent
1602Getting started1702Getting started0304Getting started 01Quick accessMenu items can be executed by using the key pad as well as by using the navigation key and softkey as in menu navigation. In the following example, Speed dial is described using both methods. 1. In idle screen press Menu.2. Scroll to [Contacts] and select.3. Scroll to Speed dial and select.Or. (Quick access)1. in idle screen press Menu.2. Press  .3. Press  .Step back one menu levelIf you need to go back to a previous window or to move to higher menu during menu execution: 1. Press  . Exit the menuTo go to idle screen during menu execution: 1. Press  . Making and receiving callIn order to make a call you must be connected to a network and have an adequate SAT signal. When   comes on in Indicator line, call can be refused by using reject. Dial using the keypadTelephone numbers can be dialed using traditional method. 1. Enter phone number using keypad. 2. Press  . NoteTo make an international call, long press   for + is displayed   and then enter country code without the leading 0’s. When entering a number, a long press on   enters P(pause)   and a long press on   enters W (Wait), but the number entering   cannot start with P or W.●●How to end a call  1. Press  . Receiving a callWhen there is an incoming call, it is displayed on the screen as follows. Ringtone (according to melody and volume of current setting)   can be heard.A ashing   is displayed. If caller’s number is set to be displayed, the number will be   displayed on the screen. If the number is one stored in   contacts, corresponding name of contact is displayed on the   screen.Accept a call1. Press  .  Reject a call1. Press   or  .●●●NoteWhen in an existing call is used, press   to reject an incoming   call using reject.●
1802Getting started1902Getting started0304Getting started 01Silent a callIf the ringtone of your phone is inconvenient, it can be turned off by using silent. 1. Press  .NoteSound volume during call can be increased/decreased by using    and other sound volumes can be changed by using the   sound setting menu. ●High-Penetration AlertingYou cannot receive an incoming call if the SAT signal to your mobile phone is not good enough. In this situation, a message box with “SAT Call Find Improved Reception” and a special ringtone will be displayed on the screen, and signal on indicator line changes to HPA signal.You cannot receive calls in High-Penetration Alerting mode.  You must move to a place of better SAT signal to receive calls.  Otherwise, you can use reject or ringtone off. To receive calls in HPA mode: 1. Move to a place with an improved signal  .2. Fully extend the antenna of SO-2510. 3. Point SO-2510 roughly towards satellites.4. While watching signal on indicator, as soon as signal strength   is strong enough the warnings disappear from the display.   Now you can accept the call as usual by using the   key. Option during a call Iincoming call: When User1 is receiving a call from User3, while talking with User2, User1 can ‘accept; or ‘reject’ the call from Uesr3.  If the call is rejected, the conversation between User1 and User2 is not affected.  If the call is accepted, User2 is put on hold and User1 is connected to the call from User3. Using the option menu, User1 can swap over User2 and User3, or operate a multi-party call up to 6 users including User1.     Outgoing call: If User1 wants to make a call to User3, while talking with User2, using the option menu puts User2 on hold and enters Ueser3’s phone number. To include User2 in the conversation with User3, select a multiparty call on the option menu.   User2 and User3 can be swapped over. Up to 6 users including User1 can have a conversation simultaneously.New Message To enter Name, Message and Memo, follow the below procedures.  In order to facilitate fast operation, the Select mode and Enter mode are separated with SO-2510. In the Select mode, entry cannot be made with keypad but can be made by using the Edit mode.Select modeFocus can be moved using navigation key, and entry cannot be made in general text box except number entry. When text entry is possible,   is displayed on softkey line.That is, to enter name in select mode, should be pressed to move into edit mode.Edit modeDesired characters can be entered. In edit mode, navigation key can be used to put space at the end of text row, as well as to move cursor. Text composition is restricted for each item, 20 Latin characters for name and 100 Latin characters for schedule.
2002Getting started2102Getting started0304Getting started 01Change Input mode Entry status is displayed with            .  Among these, change of capital/small characters can be done by pressing   (sharp key). To change to        , Option should be used. shows whether current entry status is capital or small characters. Differentiating capital and small character is supported only with Latin language and supported entry forms in Text entry are as below. : Capital   : Small   : Capital + Small : Number   : Special Character   : eZitxt On indicates number of current entered characters and available characters for entry.Input symbolThere are two ways to enter symbols. One is in symbol pop up by changing entry status with  ,  and the other is to obtain desired symbol by pressing  . To close the window without entering symbol, press   key (Close). To make a symbolIn text editor1. Press  (option). 2. Scroll to Symbol and select. 3. Use   to select a page. 4. Press desired symbols or numbers.NoteIn eZitxt status, capital/small character status is not shown.   However, pressing   lets you know that capital/small character   entry is still operating. To switch on or off eZitxt, press   (for a few seconds).   Additionally, press   shortly and a symbol input popup window  will be shown. Once text is input, the status will change to Tap mode. ●● is composed of page 1~4 and change of page is done with    , and symbol entry is done using keypad.(e.g.) Entry of "?" is complete by  pressing  .NoteSpecial characters can be simply entered by pressing   when   it is not for symbol or numbers. ●Input numberThere are two ways to enter numbers in text entry window.  One is to change entry status to numeric and the other is to press desired number on keypad for 2 seconds.To make a Number modeIn text editor1. Press  (option). 2. Scroll to 123 and select. 3. Scroll to NUM and select (Arabic, Urdu, Hindi Number). 4. Press desired numbers on the keypad.Or.1. Press desired numbers on the keypad for a few seconds. NoteIt is easier to change entry status to numeric when entering a   series of numbers.●The details of special characters are below.
2202Getting started2302Getting started0304Getting started 01eZitxt On/Off eZitxt is built in for faster entry of words. With eZitxt, you don’t have to type in desired words. A few keys in combination entered by user will recommend the nearest words.To switch eZitxt On/Off  In text editor1. Press  (option). 2. Scroll to eZitxt and select. 3. Press desired numbers on the keypad.Change languageSO-2510 supports 10 languages. Supported languages are: 1. English   2. French   3. German     4. Spanish   5. Turkish   6. Russian    7. Farsi   8. Arabic   9. Hindi    10. Urdu The language is divided into System language and Input language, and System language is for menu settings shown on screen and Input language is for entering messages or name.When composing a message, the user can use two languages. English is supplied as basic, and the other language should be set up by the user in <Settings - Language>. (see page 56)To change entry language In text editor1. Press  (option). 2. Scroll to Language and Ok. 3. Scroll to desire language and press Ok.Results obtained through   -   -   -  are two recommended words including “Believe".To enter the recommended word from eZitxt, repeatedly press keypad of the word until desired word is found, and press   to enter, and in case desired word is not shown, move focus using    to the desired word and press  . Use   to search more words. To enter a new word which is used frequently, register it in Dictionary located in Option for easy future use.To delete the registered word1. Press  (option).2. Scroll to Dictionary and select a word.3. Dictionary list Move 4. Press  (Delete).DictionaryIn eZitxt only the words registered in eZi engine are recommended, when new words or names are not recommended, the user has the ability to insert a new word in the eZitxt dictionary.To register a new word In text editor1. Press  (option).2. Scroll to Dictionary and select a word. 3. Dictionary List Move.4. Press  (Add).5. Input new word.To change the registered word1. Press  (option).2. Scroll to Dictionary and select a word. 3. Dictionary List Move. 4. Press  (Edit).5. Change word.NoteUsing Dictionary ‘Add’ and ‘Edit’ functions may affect the Input   language. Particularly, when editing a word in the Dictionary,   the Input language in which a word is already saved, and the   Input language currently set up must be the same. ●To clear textTo clear already entered text, a short press of the  key clears one character at a time and a long press of the   key clears all of the entry.
www.thuraya.comSO-2510SO-2510 I 03 Using the menu030402011. Messaging  1.1. New Message  26  1.2. Inbox   27  1.3. Draft  29  1.4. Sent Messages  30  1.5. Outbox  31  1.6. Templates  32  1.7. Settings  32  1.8. Info Message  34  1.9. Memory Status  35  1.10. Delete All  352. Contacts  2.1. Search  38  2.2. Add Name  39  2.3. Caller Group  40  2.4. Speed Dials  41  2.5. Short Dialing  42  2.6. Copy  42  2.7. Delete  43  2.8. Memory Status  433. Call Logs  3.1. Missed Calls  44  3.2. Received Calls   44  3.3. Dialed Calls   44  3.4. Delete All  45  3.5. Call Duration   454. Organizer  4.1. Alarm  46  4.2. Schedule  48  4.3. Calculator  49  4.4. Stopwatch  495. Navigation  5.1. Current position  50  5.2. Cont. position  50  5.3. Way points  51  5.4. Location track   52  5.5. Setting  52  5.6. Qiblah & Prayer  536. Sound Setting  6.1. Ringing tone  54  6.2. Sound Volume  55  6.3. Incoming Call Alert   55  6.4. Keypad Tone  55  6.5. Keypad Tone Volume  557. Settings  7.1. Language  56  7.2. Wallpaper  57  7.3. Greeting Message  57  7.4. Owner number  57  7.5. Send Owner Number  57  7.6. DTMF Tone  57  7.7. Cost  58  7.8. Data Connection  59  7.9. Setup Wizard  59  7.10. Backlight  61  7.11. LCD Contrast  61  7.12. Answer Method  61  7.13. Auto Redial  62  7.14. Time/Date  628. Network  8.1. Network mode  64  8.2. SAT Registration  64  8.3. Preference  649. Security  9.1. PIN code  65  9.2. Security code  65  9.3. Change codes  66  9.4. Fixed Dialing  67  9.5. Closed User Group  69  9.6. IMEI Number  69  9.7. Call Barring  70  9.8. Call Waiting  71  9.9. Call Diverting  72  9.10. Reset Factory Settings  74

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