BTE Technologies WER-1 MCU Wireless User Manual 40040005 rev 000

BTE Technologies, Inc. MCU Wireless 40040005 rev 000


Users Manual Part I

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Date Submitted2006-03-24 00:00:00
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40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
40040005 rev. 000
C opyr ight 2 005
BTE Technologies
All Rights Reser ved
In format i on i n t h is document is subject to change
w i th ou t n ot i ce.
Co mpanies , names and data used in
exa mp l e s a r e f i c t i t i o u s u n l e s s ot h e r w i s e n ote d . N o
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i n any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, or
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con n ect i on w i th any infor mation s tor age and r etr ieval
sy stem, w i th ou t p ri o r per m is s ion from BTE Technologies .
B T E Tech n ol og i es, Inc.™ m ay have patents or pending
p aten t ap p l i cati on s, tr ademarks copyr ights or other
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any w ri t ten l i cen se agr eem ent from BTE Technologies , Inc.™
Printed in the U.S.A .
This manual suppor ts the BTE Multi-Cer vical™ Unit
Rev. 0 00
B TE Technol ogi es
7455-L New Ridge Road
Hanover, MD 21076
Phone: 410.850.0333
Toll F ree: 800.331.8845
Fax: 410.850.5244
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
We g uaran tee t h at t h e B T E Technologies , Inc. r ehabilitation products
are free of manufacturer defects in both workmanship and material.
We will replace or repair defective par ts or equipment for a period
o f t im e an d i n accord an ce with the conditions s et for th below:
T h i s warran t y cover s t h e str uctur e and fr am ework for 1 year of nor mal
in s t it ut i on al u se. A l l mechanical components including bear ings,
b us h i n g s, p u l l ey s an d g l ides ar e war r anted from m anufactur er
defects in both workmanship and material for a one-year period.
C o rd s an d p ad d i n g are cove r ed for a 1-year per iod under nor m al use.
T h i s limi ted warran ty i s i n l ieu of all war r anties , expr ess ed or implied
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Under no circumstances shall BTE Technologies, Inc. be liable by vir tue
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s o eve r for any sp eci al , i n d i r ect, secondar y or consequential damage of
any nature however arising out of the use or inability to use this product.
This limited warranty applies only while the BTE Technologies, Inc. product
r e m a i n s i n th e p ossessi on o f the or iginal purchas er and has not been
s u b j e c t to a c c i d e n t , m i s u s e , a b u s e , u n a u t h or i z e d m o d i f i c a t i o n , fa i l u r e
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C la ss A Di gi t al Devi ce
T h i s e qu i p men t h as b een te s ted and found to comply with the lim its
fo r a C l ass A d i g i t al d evi ce, pur s uant to par t 15 of the FC C Rules.
T h e s e l i mi ts are d esi g n ed to prov ide r easonable protection agains t
harmful inter ference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate
r a d io f requ en cy en erg y an d, if not ins talled and used in accordance
with the instruction manual, may cause harmful inter ference to
radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential
a r e a i s l i kel y to cau se h armful inter fer ence in which cas e the user
wi ll b e requ i red to correct the inter fer ence at his own expens e.
40040005 rev. 000
01 - Installation and Setup
02 - General Operation
03 - Client Information
04 - Templates
05 - Calibration
06 - Protocols
07 - Reports
08 - Cervical Conditioning
09 - Maintenance
10 - The Melbourne Protocol
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 01
0 1 - I NS TA L L AT I O N & SE TU P
Introduc tion
M CU ™ Compon en ts
M ulti-Cer v ica l ™ S ta tion
Calibra tion Tools
Co mpu ter Equ ipmen t a n d Ca r t
Ass e m bly In stru ction s
Setting up the MCU ™ S ta tion
Setting up the Computer Equipment and Car t
Stro ng ly Recommen ded Addition al P u rc h as e s
Comp uter Ca re
Ch e c k Compu ter Ca bles
Environ men t Requ iremen ts
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 01
40040005 rev. 000
section 01
When you f ir st look at the MCU™, it may be dif f icult to imagine that a cer vical assessment can
b e s o s i mple. H owever, onc e you familiarize yourself with the basic comp onents of the u n it a n d
p r a ct i ce it s oper a t ion follow ing a pp rop riate training , you will wonder how you ever did asse ssments without it.
This MCU™ Operator’s Manual will review the basic components of the Multi Cer vical™ Unit.
Once you are familiar with the components, you can explore the techniques and protocols for
per forming a cer vical assessment, including range of motion and isometric strength testing.
T h i s M a nua l w ill a ls o r eview t h e d if ferent typ es of rep or ts that are automatically g ener a te d
using the information acquired throughout the assessment, as well as the clinical documentat i o n yo u provid e t h e O b jec t ive Doc umentation Evaluation System (ODES™) comp uter dia g n ostic
system component.
BTE Technologies recommends that the Multi-Cer vical™ Unit be used in conjunction with a cert i f i e d t ra ining progr a m on The Melbourne Protocol . Two-day comp rehensive training p ro g r a m s
are tailored to suit the specif ic needs of your facility. Refer to Section 10 for more information.
Any changes or modif ications, especially to the wireless components, not expressly approved
by BTE Technologies, Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
T h e M ult i C er vic a l™ S t a t ion c onsists of the base, column with weig ht stack, seat, ha l o,
we i gh t s t a c k pins , ROM s top, (2 ) head braces, (3) Velcro strap s, and (4) RJ45 cable s - 2
shor t and 2 long (Figure 1-1).
Weig ht Stack Pins
& ROM Stop
Head Brace s
RJ45 Cable s
Velcro Straps
Fi gur e 1- 1. Mul ti -Ce rvi ca l T M S ta ti on
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section 01
T h e M C U ™ c a l i b r a t i o n k i t c o n s i s t s o f ( 1 ) c a l i b r a t i o n b l o c k , ( 1 ) 10 l b .
we i g h t , a n d ( 1 ) 15 l b . we i g h t ( F i g u r e 1 - 2 ) .
Fig u r e 1-2.
Calib ration Tool s
T h e co mputer equipment c ons is t s of a comp uter car t, LC D monitor, CPU, p rinter, sp eake r s,
i s o l a t i o n t r a ns for mer, a nd a w ir ele ss hub (Fig ure 1-3).
LC D M onitor
Wireless Hub
C o mp u ter C a r t
P r inter
S p e a ke r s
Fi gur e 1 -3 . Compute r Equi pmen t an d Car t
Once the MCU™ Station and computer car t have been unpacked, you are ready to star t assemb l i n g t h e u n it .
T h e M C U ™ is s h ipped on c a s ter s to p rov ide maximum p rotection in transit and ease of
installation. The caster assemblies provide adjustable ground clearance. The system is
shipped in the highest position to clear ramps, curbs, and thresholds, but it can also be
l owe re d to pa s s und er low d oor ways.
Step 1 . M ove t h e M C U™ to t h e location you wish it to be used. Using a 3/4” wrench, l owe r
each caster a small amount until the MCU™ base is resting on the ground. Once the base
i s o n t h e ground , r emove t h e c a s ter s (Fig ure 1-4).
Lower t h e C a s ter s
Remove the Caster s
F i gure 1 -4 . L owe rin g an d Rem ovin g th e Caster s
40040005 rev. 000
section 01
Step 2 . Locate the weight stack pins and ROM stop pin and place them in the correspondi n g holes on t h e c a lib r a t ion plate (Fig ure 1-5).
F i gure 1 -5 . L oca ti on of Weig h t Stack P in s & RO M STop P in
Step 3 . Loc a te t h e h ea d b r a c es and secure them to the calibrat i o n pla te (F igur e 1-6).
Fig u re 1-6. H ead B races
Secu r ed to Colu m n
Step 4 . Locate the Velcro straps and RJ45 cables. These may be placed on the computer
car t.
Step 5 . Loc a te t h e c a lib r a t ion weig hts and calibration block and
p l a ce t h em in t h e t r ia ngula r b racket on the base (Fig ure 1-7).
Fig u re 1-7. L ocat i on
of Calib ration Tool s
Step 6 . Locate the 2 antennas and then locate the farright hole on the top back of the MCU™ station. Inser t
one of the antennas through this hole and secure it to the
PCB (Figure 1-8).
Fig u re 1-8. Attach in g t he
An ten n a
T h i s d evic e h a s b een d es igned to op erate with the antenna(s) listed below and hav in g
a ma x imum ga in of 2.7 d Bi. Antennas not included in this list or hav ing a g ain g re a te r
t h an 2.7 d Bi a r e s t r ic t ly proh ibited for use with this dev ice. The required antenna im p e da nc e is 50 oh ms .
Acceptable antenna(s) include:
1. L i n x Te c h n o l o g i e s 916 M H z 1 / 4 Wave W h i p A n te n n a ( A N T- 916 - C W - Q W )
To r ed uc e potent ia l r a d io inte r ference to other users, the antenna typ e and its g a in
s h ould b e s o c h os en t h a t t h e equivalent isotrop ically radiated p ower (e.i.r.p .) is n ot
more than that permitted for successful communication.
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 01
Step 7. Locate the arm rests, note which is labeled lef t and which is right, and attach
t h e m to t h e s ea t on t h e a ppropriate sides (Fig ure 1-9). N ote that the armrest is inser te d
b e l ow t h e pla s t ic piec e t h a t is w ithin the bracket.
T h r ea d ed h ole
on a r m r es t
Ar m Res t Knob
Arm Rest Bracket
under Seat
Inser t Arm Rest
i n to B r a c ket
Thread Knob into
Threaded Hole
Final Result
F i gure 1 -9 . Atta chi n g th e Arm Rests
Step 8 . Plug the power cord, which is located at the bottom back of the MCU™, into the
designated wall outlet. Hold your hand above the back of the MCU™, next to the antenna,
a n d ve rif y a r ed ligh t s h ines on your hand; this conf irms the PCB is receiv ing p ower (Fig u r e
1 - 10 ) .
F i gure 1-10. P lu g g in g in th e MCU
If you haven’t done so, remove the small bag from the top shelf of the computer car t
a n d m ount t h e LC D monitor to the car t (Fig ure 1-11). Plug the p ower cord and seria l
cable into the back of the LC D monitor.
S lid e monitor
through brackets
Secure monitor
with set screw
F i gure 1 -1 1 . S e cu rin g LCD Mon itor
40040005 rev. 000
section 01
Remove the printer from its box and place it on the 2 n d shelf of the computer car t. Following the instructions from the printer box, inser t the ink car tridges and plug in the
power cord and USB cable. Once the computer is running and the printer is turned on,
print a test page.
3. CPU
Remove the CPU (computer tower) from its box and place it on the 3 rd shelf of the computer car t. Plug in the power cord, monitor serial cable, and printer USB cable.
Re move t h e s pea ker s f rom their box and p lace them on the 3 rd shelf of the computer
car t. Plug the cable from the lef t speaker into the designated jack on the right speaker.
N ex t , plug t h e power c ord in to the desig nated jack on the rig ht sp eaker. Finally, p l u g th e
speaker cable, which is attached to the right speaker into the CPU.
Remove the keyboard and mouse from their box. Place the keyboard on the auxiliar y
shelf of the computer car t and plug the cord into the CPU. Place the mouse on the top
s h elf of t h e c omputer c a r t and p lug the cord into the CPU.
Locate the wireless Hub and place it on the 2 n d shelf of the
computer c a r t . Note t h a t inside of the Hub are mag nets, which
are intended to keep the Hub stable on the shelf. Secure the 2 n d
antenna (from Step 6 of ‘Setting up the MCU Station’) to the Hub
( Figur e 1-12). P lug t h e US B cable into the CPU.
Note that is impor tant to store the Hub in a location such that its
antenna is at least 3 feet from the antenna at the top of the MCU.
Fig u r e 1-12. P l acem en t of H u b
Locate the isolation transformer and its power cord and place
it next to the designated wall outlet. Attach the computer car t
cable, which is located at the bottom back of the car t, to the
isolation transformer. Plug one end of the isolation transformer
power cord into the isolation transformer and the other end into
the designated wall outlet. Turn on the isolation transformer via
the green switch (Figure 1-13).
Fig u re 1-13. P l acem en t of Tr an sf orm er
The use of extension cords is not recommended. If an extension cord cannot be avoide d , us e no les s t h a n 14 ga ug e wire. Keep the cord as shor t as p ossible, and use on l y
hospital approved plugs. The extension cord MUST complete the ground from the ER
power supply cord to the wall outlet.
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section 01
In addition to the equipment shipped to you from BTE Technologies, the purchase of the following items from a local supplier is strongly recommended for adequate protection of your
patient data:
• Seve ral “CD-RW” re-writable compact discs for backing up and archiving copies of patient
• An Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) unit providing at least 14 amps as a safeguard
against the permanent loss of patient information due to power surge or electrical power
In case of a malfunction, your computer can be repaired or replaced, but your valuable patient
da t a ca n o n l y b e r es tor ed f rom c opies kep t on “back-up ” CDs (See Section 2 - General Infor m a tion).
• Disinfectant wipes to clean the commonly used sur faces on the machine and components.
A computer’s hard disk is vulnerable to loss of data and “corruption” of data (may not function
correctly when you attempt to retrieve patient information) from a sudden change in the leve l
of electrical power. In the event of a power failure, the UPS batter y will generate electricity
long enough to allow you to shut down the system without damage to your patient data.
Since computer s are sensitive to extremes of temperature, do not place equipment close to a
d i r e ct s o u rc e of h ea t or c old (for exa mp le, in direct sunlig ht, next to a radiator or an air con d itioner).
Do not install any additional sof tware onto the controlling computer. The BTE Technologies
MCU™ system is in constant communication with the computer, so a “clean”, dedicated comp u te r s y s te m is c r uc ia l to t h e integr it y of this communication system. L astly, your comp ute r w il l
not be covered under the warranty if any unapproved sof tware has been installed.
Handle your computer with extreme care. A drop or a bump, even from a height of 3-4 inches,
may cause serious damage, which is not covered by the warranty.
C h e ck t h a t a ll c a b les a r e s ec ur ely connected to the comp uter. Just about ever y cable
co n n e ctor is ma d e in s uc h a way that it will only attach in its ap p rop riate location. If th e
cables are not secured properly, there may be an interruption of the data transmission,
resulting in error messages.
T h e M C U™ is d es igned to oper a te within the following env ironmental conditions:
Ambient Temperature:
50 o F to 100 o F ( 10 o C to 40 o C )
Re l a t ive H umid it y :
30% to 75%
At mospheric Pressure:
700hPa to 10 60 hPa
Voltage Supply:
110-120 VAC (International Voltages dif fer)
40040005 rev. 000
section 02
0 2 - G EN ER A L O PE R ATI O N
Getting Star te d
Basic S of twa re Nav iga tion
T h e Win dows XP E nv iron ment
U s ing the OD ES Sof twa re
Home (S ta r t-Up) S creen
Adm inistra tion Men u
Clinic In forma tion
Pr act ition er In forma tion
Environ men t S ettin gs
Data Acqu isition Cha n n el
Device Settings
Global Settings
U RFIO Con f igu ra tion A ppl i c at i on
U s e r Ma n a ger
Imp or t, E x por t, a n d Archive Dat a
Jo b D ema n d Templa tes
S u p e r f i c i a l Te n d e r n e s s Re p o r t s
Protocol Hibern a tion
Remove Current Case
Tas k b ar
F ile D rop-D own Men u
Da ta ba se Utilities
Compa ct a n d Repa ir D a ta b as e
Back Up Database
Restore Database
Log Of f and Exit
Calibra tion D rop-D own Men u
Statistics D rop-D own Men u
Employe r Information
Patient Status Information
Patient Information
Referra l In forma tion
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 02
Ins ura n ce In forma tion
Statistica l Qu eries
Real Time Analysis
Exp or t Cer v ica l D a ta
Exp or t Admin In forma tion
Imp or t Admin In forma tion
Snap s h ots
Cr e at in g a Sn a pshot
Em ailin g, Sav in g, Remov in g, an d V i ew i n g a Sn aps h ot
Forms Drop-Down Menu
U tilitie s D rop-D own Men u
Stand in g/Sittin g Tolera n ce Re por t
C a l c u l a to r s D ro p - D ow n M e n u
Calcula tor
Devia tion Ca lcu la tor
Dig ital Ca ptu re
H e lp Drop-D own Men u
He lp Ma n u a ls
Ab out
40040005 rev. 000
section 02
Ensure that you have carefully read Section 1 of this manual prior to star ting up your MCU™.
Vo l t a ges over 125V c a n r es ult in eventual damag e to the MCU™ electronics and p rodu ce
f re qu ent er ror mes s a ges . E ven if you have a dedicated circuit for your MCU™, have a te ch nician check the outlet with a voltmeter to ensure that the wall voltage does not exceed
1 2 5 Volt s (U.S . a nd C a na d a ). If your wall voltag e exceeds this voltag e, call BTE Techn ol ogi e s i mmed ia tely.
D a ma g e to your M C U™ r es ult ing from wall voltag es exceeding 125 Volts is not covere d u n d e r t h e wa r r a nt y.
Step 1 . Af ter ma king s ur e ever y t hing is p lug g ed in p rop erly, turn on the comp uter.
Step 2 . Once the system is booted and the MCU™ is ready to use, click on the Star t Button
a n d s e l e c t BT E UR F IO C onf ig. T h e U RFIO Config screen will ap p ear for 5 seconds and th e n d isappear; however, it is still running in the back ground. Refer to Section IV-C on how to access
t h e UR F IO C onf ig s c r een t h rough ODES.
Step 3 . Open the sof tware by double-clicking the ODES icon, which is located on the “deskto p ” o f t h e c omputer monitor.
T h e B T E Tec h nologies M C U™ is c ontrolled throug h its own unique sof tware. Use this se ction a s
b ot h a n init ia l pr imer a nd a to-t h e-p oint, quick reference g uide to your ODES sof tware.
A s a new us er of M C U™ , it is imp or tant for you to fir st acclimate yourself to the Mic rosof t
W i n d ow s XP oper a t ing s y s tem.
Fa milia r iz e your s elf w it h t h es e basic functions:
Desktop – O nc e Wind ow s loads up , the entire screen is taken up by the ‘desktop’ .
Double-clicking the ODES ‘shor tcut’ icon, which is located on the desktop, launches the
ODES sof tware.
M i n i m i z e – Clicking this button ‘hides’ the open program and
reduces it to a button on the star t bar (Figure 2-1).
Maximize/Res tore – Expands the program window to f it the
s iz e of t h e ent ir e s c r een. If the p rog ram is already exp anded,
cl ic king t h is w ill s h r ink t h e screen to a smaller window (Fig u re 2-1).
C l ose
Fig u r e 2-1. Min i m i z e/
Maxim ize/ Close
C l o s e – C los es t h e a c t ive prog ram window (Fig ure 2-1).
S crollbar s – C lic k t h e s ma ll black “up ” and “down” arrows on the bar at the rig ht of a
given w ind ow to s c roll up a nd down in screens.
St a r t b a r - This horizontal bar located at the bottom of your screen displays a button of
ever y open program. Clicking a program name here switches you to that program.
St ar t button – T h is b ut ton is used to launch nearly ever y p rog ram and
f unc t ion of M ic ros of t Wind ows (Fig ure 2-2).
Fig u r e 2- 2.
Start Ic on
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 02
O n ce you a r e c omfor t a b le w it h Win dows XP, take some time to familiarize yourself with th e
g e n e ra l layout a nd f unc t ioning of the ODES sof tware. Doing this now will maximize you r e ff i ciency down the line.
To access ODES, click on the ODES icon, which is displayed on the computer’s desktop. You
wi l l b e prompted for a us er na me and p assword (Fig ure 2-3). The username is odes and th e
p a s s wo rd is b te (b ot h lower c a s e); the username and p assword may be modified throu g h
t h e Adminis t r a t ion M enu if you c hoose to do so later.
F i gure 2 -3 . OD ES Us e rn am e an d P assw or d
Upon entering ODES, you will notice the following elements are used throughout:
T i t l e B a r – The narrow blue strip located at the top of the screen which displays the database into which the data is being stored.
Tas k b a r – Loc a ted a t t h e top of t he screen under the title bar; while in the home scre e n ,
this bar includes the menus: File, Calibration, Statistics, Snapshots, Forms, Utilities, Calculators, Digital Capture, Patient Standing and Sitting icons, and Help. This bar changes
d e p e n d ing on w h ic h a r ea of t h e s of tware you are using .
Tas k b a r i tem s – Items lis ted und e r each menu title which allow you to p er form an op e r a t i o n o r to pull up a r epor t .
Text fields – Tex t a nd numer ic a l values are entered into “f ields”. To enter text or an in te g e r i nto a f ield , c lic k t h e f ield , and a blinking black cur sor will indicate that the f ield is
active. Type in the required information.
Che c k b oxes – A c h ec kb ox is like a switch; click one to activate a setting and click it a g a in
to de - a ct iva te t h e s et t ing.
Drop-down menu – A tex t f ield w ith an arrowhead p ointing down. When the arrowhead is
cl i cke d , t h e menu d rops d ow n to show a list of op tions available.
Th e f i r s t a ct i ve s c r een you w ill s ee w h en the ODES p rog ram is initiated is the Home Screen (Fig ure 2 - 4 ) . Fro m t h is s c r een, a ll of t h e s et ting s, p atient information, and p rotocols may be accessed.
Note t h a t t h e s ec t ions on S elf Repor t s , ROM Tests, Streng th Tests, and Exercise Prog ram are
covered in this manual; however, these sections are also comprehensively covered in the traini n g p ro gr a m o n The Melbourne Protocol . Refer to Section 10 for more information on this training
40040005 rev. 000
section 02
Fi gure 2 -4 . OD ES Home Scr een
A . H i s to r y – Patient Histor y Te mplates
N . RO M Tes ts – Rang e of Motion Protocol s
B. Examination – Patient Examination Res u l t s Te mpla tes
O . Str e ng th Tes ts – Muscular Strength Proto cols
C . D i a g n o s i s – Patient Diagnosis Templates
P. Wo rk Si m Tes ts – Work Simulation Protocols
D . X- R ay s / L a b – Patient X-Ray and Lab Res u l t s Te mpla tes
E. Referral – Patient Re ferral Letter Temp l a te s
F. Impairment – Patient Impairment and
D i s a b i l i t y Templa tes
G. Re turn To Wo rk – Patient Return To Work
(RT W) Letter Templates
H. Cus tom Note – Bla nk Templa te for Custo m i z e d Notes
Q. Clinic al Tes ts – Clinical Analysis of Pain
R. Impairment Ratings – Patient Impairment
Rating s
S . Tes ti n g A n a l y s i s – Analysis of the Te st
Results Templates
T. Recommendations – Recommend a tion
Letter Templates
U . C over L e t te r – Cover L etter Temp l a te s
I . P r o g r ess An aly sis – Patient Progress
A n a l y s i s Templa tes
V. Exercise Program – Pre-p rog ramm e d Exercises to add to a case
J . Val i d it y An aly sis – C ompa r is on of Actual
Re sults vs. Expected Results
W. Clie nt Info r m atio n – C r e a te a n d f i n d c l i ents and cases; display the current client
K . J o b De man d s – C ompa r is on of Job Demand vs. Ability Demonstrated
X. Re por ts – Create, edit, and print repor ts
L. Self Repor ts – Patient-Filled Questionn a i re s
Z. Adm inis tr atio n – Clinic and Practition e r
Personalization Setting s, Sof tware Settin g s,
Hear t Rate Comments, and Protocol Settings
M . Ca r d i o – C a rd iova s c ula r M ea s urement
Y. Exi t – Exit the ODES sof tware
Fro m t h e Ad minis t r a t ion M enu you can control several typ es of setting s, temp lates, and p rotoco l s a s well a s r emove c a s es (F igure 2-5).
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F i gure 2-5. Ad m in istr ation Men u
T h i s s creen a llow s you to per s onalize the rep or ts with your clinic’s information and lo g o
F i g u re 2-6).
Add a cl inic by c lic king N ew .
To e n te r a c linic logo, d oub le c lic k
on the Clinic Logo blank f ield.
Locate the saved logo f ile on your
hard drive.
T h e l o g o c a n b e in a ny gr a ph ic f ile
fo rmat (.jpg, .gif, etc.) and should
be 3.2” x 0.8”, so that it doesn’t
become distor ted when attached to
a repor t.
E d i t a clinic ’s infor ma t ion by pulli n g u p th e c linic ’s s c r een, mod if y i n g t h e nec es s a r y infor ma t ion, a n d
t h e n cl ic king N ew , Previous, N ex t,
o r C l o s e.
Fig u r e 2-6. Clin ic In form ation
Re move a clinic by clicking Rem ove.
C h a n g e t h e d efa ult c linic by c lic king N ex t or Pr ev io us to select the correct location and
then checking the ‘Set as default clinic’ box. Note that a default clinic cannot be removed
u n t i l a not h er c linic h a s b een a s s ig ned as the default.
When a repor t is printed, the default clinic and logo are included on the repor t.
T h i s s creen a llow s you to per s onalize the rep or ts with the p ractitioner’s name and digita l
s i gn a t u re (F igur e 2-7).
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Step 1 . Ty pe in t h e na me a nd demog rap hics of the
p r a ct it ioner.
Step 2 . To a d d a d igit a l s igna ture, you must fir st
s ca n t h e s igna t ur e a nd s ave it to your hard drive in
a graphic f ile format (.jpg, .gif, etc.).
C l i ck t h e ’a llow d igit a l s igna t ure‘ box, enter a p asswo rd (optional), and double click the icon in order to
locate the signature f ile on your hard drive.
Step 3 . C lic k Ad d to include the practitioner to the
da t a b a s e. T h e na me w ill now ap p ear at the bottom
of the screen.
E di t t h e h ea lt h pr a c t it ioner information by hig hlig hting the name from the list and then clicking Edit. A
p ra ct it ioner may a ls o b e r epla ced by another within
the Edit screen. Once the changes have been made
cl i ck on Ad d.
Re m ove t h e h ea lt h pr a c t it ioner information by
highlighting the name from the list and then clicking
Rem ove.
Fig u r e 2-7. H ealth P r actitioner
This screen allows you to set up communication between your wireless hub and computer,
ch a n ge h ow you inter fa c e w it h the sof tware, set up reminders, and monitor the wire l e ss
co n f igur a t ions (F igur e 2-8).
F i gure 2 -8 . En vir on m en t Settin g s
C lic k Auto to ensure the wireless hub is communicati ng proper ly w it h t h e c omputer (Fig ure 2-9). If there is a
problem, an error message will appear stating that ODES
cannot communicate. Other wise, if ever ything is working
properly, a message will appear stating the data acquisit i on b ox h a s b een s et up s uccessfully.
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Fig u r e 2-9. DAQ C hannel
section 02
T h e D evic e S et t ings s ec t ion indicates which channel
va rious tools are being read from based on the set-up
the sof tware (Figure 2-10). This section is most helpful
t ro u bles h oot ing.
th e
Fig u re 2-10. Device Set t i ngs
F i gure 2 -1 1 . G lob al Settin g s
Countr y, U nits, and Language – Sp ecify the countr y, lang uag e, and the units of me a s u re m ent to b e us ed in pr inted rep or ts.
Bac kup Reminder – Set reminder s for backing-up your data. The recommended amount
o f t i m e b et ween b a c k-ups is 7 days. The backup s should be saved on flop py disks, C D s,
o r Z I P d is ks a nd kept s epa r a te from your system in case of fire, thef t, or other equal l y
damaging events.
Verify or Calibrate – Set reminder s for calibrating and verifying the equipment. The reco m mend ed a mount of t ime b etween calibrations is 7 days, and the unit should be ve r if i e d b efor e ea c h d ay of tes t ing to ensure your tools are accurate. The accuracy of you r
equipment is extremely impor tant, par ticularly if your repor ts will be used in litigious
cases. In addition, the Reminder can be set up as ‘Remind only’ or ‘Must Be Done’.
Spell Chec ker – Spell check your documents using Microsof t Word or the provided Medica l S pellc h ec ker.
Automatically Read Shelf Heights – This is not used for an MCU™ system.
Vo i ce Ty p e – Change the type and speed of the voice inter face. You may also turn the
s o u nd s a nd voic es on a nd of f by clicking on the knobs.
The URFIO Conf iguration Application is the por tion of the sof tware that monitor s the
wireless conf igurations of the system (Figure 2-12).
F i g u r e 2-12. DAQ Ch an n el
C l i ck ing on t h e UR F IO C onf igur ator icon bring s up the URFIO Config uration Tool Mapp in g
screen (Figure 2-13). This screen displays which wireless channel the system is operating on and which tool is mapped to that current wireless channel. This screen should
only be used when a new tool needs to be mapped or for troubleshooting purposes.
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F i gure 2 -1 3 . U RFIO Con fig u ration Tool Map p in g
If a tool needs to be mapped: click on the tool name under Tool Selection, highlight the
tool’s serial number under Available Tools, and then click the green arrow to map the
tool; t h e s er ia l numb er s h ould ap p ear under Current Map p ing . To unmap a tool, cl ick on
the tool name under Tool Selection (the serial number must appear under Current Mapp ing), c lic k on t h e r ed a r row; “N ot Map p ed” should ap p ear under Current Map p in g .
This screen allows you to add, edit, and remove user s as well as set each user’s level of
r i g h ts to t h e s of t wa r e (F igur e 2-14).
F i gure 2 -1 4 . Us er Man ag er
To add a new user, enter a user’s name, password (case sensitive), and select a security
l eve l f rom t h e d rop-d ow n menu . Click Add to include the new user.
W h e n t h e us er s igns into t h e s of tware, he or she will use the name and p assword a ssig n e d
in this screen.
E di t a us er ’s infor ma t ion by h ig hlig hting their name on the rig ht hand side of the scr e e n
a n d clic king on E d it. O nc e t h e chang es have been made, click on Update .
Delete a user by highlighting their name and then clicking on Rem ove.
D e s c r ipt ions of t h e s ec ur it y levels:
Adminis trator – A l l r i g h t s
H i g h – All r igh t s exc ept Us er Manag er
M ed ium High - All r igh t s excep t User Manag er and removal of cases
Medium - All r igh t s exc ept Administration
L ow M ed ium - All rights except Administration, Repor ts, removal of assigned protocols
to a c lient , a nd d elet ion of tests
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L ow - All r igh t s exc ept a c c es s to client notes, Administration, Rep or ts, and unable to
edit, delete or create tests
L owes t - Only access to client information and client case information
T h i s s creen a llow s you to impor t and exp or t data with var ying deg rees of detail (Fig ure 2 15 ) .
Step 1 . C lic k B r ow s e to loc a te t he datab a s e yo u w is h to impor t or ex por t the data
f ro m. H igh ligh t t h e d es ir ed d a t a b ase and
cl i ck Open . T h e d a t a b a s e infor ma tion will
b e n ow lis ted . You w ill b e prompte d to include the ODES Database Password if you
a re i mp or t ing or ex por t ing f rom a n ODES
d a t a b a s e t h a t is in a z ipped for mat.
Note that the impor ted/expor ted database
ca n n ot s h a r e t h e s a me na me a s an existi n g da t ab a s e. Rena me t h e f ile a nd tr y
Fig u re 2-15. Im p or t/ Exp or t & Ar ch ive Dat a
Step 2 . S elec t w h et h er you would like to imp or t to your current database or exp or t data
f ro m yo u r c ur r ent d a t a b a s e to a nother.
Step 3 . S elec t t h e C lient Impor t Criteria:
A l l C lien t s – impor t/expor t all clients; new templates, custom tests, and super protocols are impor ted/expor ted as well
Selected Clients – impor t/expor t select clients; new templates, custom tests, and super protocols are impor ted/expor ted as well
St ar ting Date – impor t / ex por t according to clients’ star t date; new temp lates, custom
te sts, and super protocols are impor ted/expor ted as well
St atus – impor t / ex por t a c c ord ing to clients’ status; new temp lates, custom tests, a n d
super protocols are impor ted/expor ted as well
Employer – impor t / ex por t a c c ording to clients’ emp loyer; new temp lates, custom te sts,
and super protocols are impor ted/expor ted as well
N o Clien t s – impor t/expor t only new templates, custom tests, and super protocols
Step 4 . Choose how you would like the data handled by clicking on the boxes next to the
Step 5 . O n c e a l l o f t h e p a r a m eter s a r e s et to yo u r p r e fe r e n c e s , c l i c k St ar t.
Note that when an impor t/expor t is processed, the sof tware will run a check of the tests.
I f a ny ch a nges h ave b een ma d e to t he standard tests, the sof tware considers this as a n ew
te st and will include copies of both. You may wish to store the duplicates under protocol hibernation or delete them. However, be aware that deleting a test also deletes the data from
that test in all patients’ f iles.
It is recommended that if you will be impor ting data obtained of f-site to your main database,
yo u s h o u l d ex por t t h e ma in d a t a b a se (no clients) to the local database you will be using .
T h e r e fo r e , w h en you impor t t h e d a t a from your local database back to the main database ,
there will be no test duplicates since the sof tware recognizes these as the same databases.
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A p rogr es s s c r een w ill a ppea r and then a notification will indicate whether the imp o r t/ exp o r t wa s s uc c es s f ul or not .
T h i s s c r een a llow s you to c r ea te, edit, delete, and p rint Job Demand Temp lates (Figu r e
2-16). These te mplates can be used within the Job Demands screen that is accessed from
the Home Screen.
F i gure 2 -1 6 . Job D e ma nd Tem p lates
Add a new Job Demand Template by clicking N ew . Enter the job title and source of the info rmation (I.e. Job Site Analysis, Dictionar y of Occupational Titles, Self Repor t, etc.).
T h e S ec t ion H ea d er is opt iona l ; however, if Section Headers are used, the Job Dema n d
Te mpla tes w ill b e grouped by Section Header (I.e. lif ting , p ositional tolerance, mob il ity,
etc.) whenever the templates are printed.
Include details on job tasks, units of measurement, and the job demand level (OCCasional
– 1 - 3 3 % ; F R E Q u e n t – 3 4 - 6 6 % ; C O N s t a n t – 6 7 - 10 0 % ) . C l i c k Save once you have adde d a l l
the needed information.
Impor t templa tes by c lic king Impor t and selecting the director y from which you wil l b e
retrieving the templates and the director y into which you will be impor ting the templates.
Yo u m us t a ls o ind ic a te w h et h er you will be imp or ting all the temp lates in the source OD ES
d a t a ba s e or jus t t h e c ur r ent temp late.
Print t h e J ob Dema nd s Templates by clicking Print. The rep or t can also be p rinted by cl icki n g Expor t to c r e a te t h e r e p o r t a s a Word d o c u m e n t ( i f yo u h ave M i c ro s o f t O f f i c e i n s t a l l e d
on your computer), or by creating a repor t Snapshot (see the Snapshot section of this
E d i t a J ob Dema nd Templa te by selecting the job from the drop -down menu, clickin g Edit,
and making any required changes.
Rem ove a Job Dema nd Template by selecting the job from the drop -down menu and cl icki n g Rem ove.
Access a J ob Dema nd s Template within the Job Demands screen by selecting the jo b from
t h e drop-d ow n menu a nd c lic ki ng Po pul ate. T h i s w i l l a d d t h e h e a d e r, j o b t a s k , j o b d e m a n d
l eve l , unit s , a nd infor ma t ion s ource to the ap p rop riate fields. Comp lete the Ability D e m on s t r a ted f ield s , a nd d eter mine whether there is a job match or not.
Add a Job Dema nd templa te f rom the Job Demands screen by clicking on Add to Template .
This screen allows you to create, edit, and delete Super ficial Tenderness Templates. These
te mplates can be accessed through the Super f icial Tenderness protocol within the Self
Re por ts screen (Figure 2-17).
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Fi gure 2 -1 7 . S upe rfi ci a l Ten d ern ess Tem p lates
Add a n ew templa te by c lic king N ew .
E d i t a n ex is t ing templa te by c lic king Edit and then selecting the temp late.
Remove a n ex is t ing templa te by clicking Rem ove and then selecting the template.
T h i s s creen a llow s you to pla c e protocols, which may not be used of ten, in hibernation
as well as remove protocols, which may be needed, from hibernation. Moving protocols in
a n d o u t of h ib er na t ion d oes not d elete the data or testing information. N ote that p roto col
h i b e r n a t ion c a n a ls o b e a c c es s ed throug h the p rotocol p ag es (Fig ure 2-18).
Fi gure 2 -1 8 . Protocol Hi be rn ation
Hibernate a test by highlighting the test on the lef t hand side of the screen and then clicki n g Put into Hibernation. T h e tes t should now ap p ear on the rig ht screen and not the l e f t
Bring a protocol out of hibernation by highlighting the test from the right hand side of the
s cr e e n a nd t h en c lic king Awaken Fr o m Hibe r natio n. The test should now ap p ear on the
lef t screen and not the right one.
This screen allows you to delete the client case that has been selected from within the home
screen. Note that once a case has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved.
Step 1. Remove t h e c ur r ent c lien t case by clicking Rem ove Cur r e nt Case.
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Step 2 . A wa r ning w ill a ppea r p rior to deleting data. Click Yes to remove the case.
V. TASKBA R (F I G URE 2- 19)
Fi gur e 2 -1 9 . OD ES Ta s kba r
This screen allows you to open a database, create a new database, rename an existing
d at a b a s e, a nd r emove a n existing database (Fig ure 2-20).
Open a d a t a b a s e by loc a t i ng t h e d a t a b a s e, d oub le
clic king t h e na me in t h e
S e a rc h Res ult s f ield , a nd
t hen c lic king Open . Af ter
conf ir ming t h a t you would
l i ke to open t h e d a t a b a s e
selected, the home screen
w ill a ppea r w it h t h e s elected database available
to use. The blue title bar
a t t h e top of t h e s c r een
s h ould now r ea d t h e
opened database.
Fig u r e 2-20. Datab ase U tilities
Create a new database by typing in the new database name within the Database Locat i on tex t f ield , c lic king U s e B l a n k, and then conf irming you would like to create this new
Ren a me a n ex is t ing d a t a b a se by locating the database you would like to chang e , d ou b l e
clicking the name in the Search Results f ield, modifying the name within the Database
L oc a t ion tex t f ield , c lic king Renam e, and then conf irming you would like to rename this
Rem ove a d a t a b a s e by d ouble clicking the name in the Search Results field, click in g
Rem ove, and then conf irming you would like to delete this database.
N ote t h a t onc e a d a t a b a s e has been removed, it can not be recovered by you or B T E
T h is s c r een a llow s you to r e p air any small error s that
may occur due to networking (Figure 2-21).
Repair t h e d a t a b a s e by c licking on Compact & Repair.
A s c r een w ill pop up c onf ir ming you would like to rep air
t h e d a t a b a s e c ur r ent ly in use.
Another screen will appear once the repair is successful.
Fig u re 2-21. Com p act &
Rep air Datab ase Message
It is recommended that you compact and repair your database ever y one to two months.
T h is s c r een a llow s you to b ack up your databases; this is hig hly recommended in th e
cas e your h a rd d r ive b ec omes irrecoverable and you cannot access your files (Fi g u r e 2 22).
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section 02
B a c k u p a d a t a b a s e by loc a t in g the director y you
wo u ld like to s ave t h e d a t a b a s e to, selecting whether
o r n ot to us e a pa s s word , s electing whether or not to
b a ck up t h e impa ir ment r a t ings, selecting whether or
n ot to er a s e t h e d is k, a nd t h en clicking St ar t Bac k
Fig u re 2-22. Back U p Dat abase
N ote t h a t BT E Tec h nologies c a nnot recover any lost or
fo rgotten passwords that have been used for back ups.
I t i s h i g h l y r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t yo u b a c k u p yo u r d a t a b a s e to a f l o p py d i s k , C D , o r Z I P
di sk a t t h e end of ea c h d ay. A back-up reminder can be set within the Env ironme n t
Settings Screen.
If you are using a laptop or will be transpor ting your computer, we recommend backi n g up your d a t a b a s e pr ior to mov ing the system.
T h i s s c r een a llow s you to r es tore a p rev iously backed up database (Fig ure 2-23).
Res tore a d a t a b a s e by loc a t ing the
di re ctor y you would like to r es tore
t h e d a t a b a s e f rom, enter ing t he
p a s s word if nec es s a r y, s elec t in g
whether to keep the original name
o r n ot , s elec t ing w h et h er to r estore
t h e impa ir ment r a t ings or not , and
t h e n c lic king St a r t Res to r e.
Fig u re 2-23. Restore Datab ase
Note that if you choose to restore with a name that is the same as another database,
the other database will be over written by this new restore.
A f te r you r es tor e a d a t a b a s e, you must use the Database L ocation f ield to f ind the
newly restored database.
T h e L og O f f opt ion is to b e us ed if you are g oing to be using ODES on and of f throu g h ou t
t h e day. By logging of f r a t h er t han exiting , the sp eed of ODES will be enhanced.
It is recommended you exit the program at the end of each day and shut down the comp u te r.
This section is covered in Section 5 - Calibration & Verif ication.
Provides a summar y of all Employer s that are stored within the Case Information section
o f t h e O DE S d a t a b a s e. T h e r ep or t can be p rinted, exp or ted to a snap shot f ile format, or
ex por ted to Microsof t Word (if Word is installed on the computer).
P rovid es a s umma r y of a ll C lient Statuses. If the status of a client has been added to
t h e da t a b a s e in t h e C lient C a s e p ag e, the client will be added to this rep or t. You m ay
s o r t by la s t na me or by t h e s t atus of the client. The rep or t can be p rinted, exp or ted to
a s n aps h ot f ile for ma t , or ex por ted to Microsof t Word (if Word is installed on the co m page
40040005 rev. 000
section 02
Provides a summar y of all client information that has been added to the database. The
repor t can be printed, expor ted to a snapshot f ile format, or expor ted to Microsof t Word
( i f Word is ins t a lled on t h e comp uter).
Provides a summar y of all referral sources that have been entered into the database.
The repor t can be printed, expor ted to a snapshot f ile format, or expor ted to Microsof t
Word (if Word is ins t a lled on the comp uter).
Provides a summar y of all insurance companies that have been entered into the database. The repor t can be printed, expor ted to a snapshot f ile format, or expor ted to
Microsof t Word (if Word is installed on the computer).
A llow s you to quer y for information reg arding existing clients by searching variou s cr ite r i a ( F i g u r e 2 - 24 ) :
•C a s e M a na ger
•Referral Source
•Ins ur a nc e C ompa ny
•S uper vis ing P r a c t it ion er
•Pre/Post of f of employment
•Star t/End Date
•Injur y Loc a t ions
T h e r epor t provid es d et a iled informat i on on lengt h of t r ea t ment , common
i n jur ies , a nd t h e numb er of clients being referred from a specif ic source.
Under repor t type, select ‘Detailed’ to
o bt a in a lis t of t h e c lient s , and select
‘No Details’ to obtain the summar y
without client names.
Fig u re 2-24. Statistical Q u er ies
The repor t can be printed, expor ted to a snapshot f ile format, or expor ted to Microsof t
Word (if Word is ins t a lled on the comp uter).
Allows you to analyze the data from each individual client in detail. It also allows you to
compare individual or multiple trials of any strength test that is recorded in the datab a s e. Rea l T ime Ana ly s is is useful for research, analyzing job demands, and clie n t p rog r es s / t r a c king (F igur e 2-25).
Step 1 . Select the protocol to analyze.
Step 2 . Select the test range.
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section 02
Step 3 . S pec if y w h et h er you wish
to a n a ly z e a s pec if ic t r ia l or t he
ave ra ge of t h e t r ia ls r ela t ing to the
s p e c i f i c p roto c o l fo r a s p e c i f i c c l i ent.
Step 4 . S pec if y w h ic h pos it ion you
wo uld like to graph.
Step 5 . Indicate the time frame
yo u would like to analyze (optional).
Step 6 . C lic k An aly ze a nd a grap h
o f t h e r ea l t ime a na ly s is w ill a p p e a r.
Fig u r e 2-25. Real TIm e An aly sis
A l l ow s M ult i-C er vic a l us er s pa r ticip ating in International research with the Melbourn e
Protocol to expor t raw data into a program outside of ODES. This allows the user to work
with the data in a spreadsheet format if so desired (Figure 2-26).
Step 1 . S elec t t h e t y pe of tes ting
d a t a you w is h to ex por t .
Step 2 . S elec t t h e f ield s you wish to
i n cl ud e w h en ex por t ing.
Step 3 . Specify your target populat i o n (inc lud ing c lient s t a t us , gender,
a n d a ge r a nge) or t a r get d a tes .
Step 4 . S elec t a f ile na me a nd a
d i r e ctor y – your d a t a w ill b e s aved
as a text f ile here.
T h e f ile na me t h a t you c h os e will
n ow b e w r it ten in t h e ‘F ile Na me to
E xp o r t Into’ line.
A co n f ir ma t ion mes s a ge w ill a p p ear
once the expor t is successful.
In order to locate the expor ted data,
cl o s e O DE S a nd r et ur n to t h e W indows Desktop. Open the program
i n to w h ic h t h e d a t a wa s ex por ted
( e . g . E xc el). C lic k on t h e Dat a tab,
s e l e c t Impor t External Dat a a nd
Fig u re
t h e n Impor t Dat a. Locate the text f ile
wh i ch wa s jus t ex por ted , open the
f i le, and follow the directions given.
T h e ex por ted d a t a s h ould now ap p ear
i n t h e s pr ea d s h eet .
2-26. Exp or t Cervical Data
Allows you to expor t the administrative information related to the various protocols, sup e r p rotoc ols , a nd templa tes (Fig ure 2-27).
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section 02
F i gure 2 -2 7 . Expor t Ad m in istr ation In for m ation
Step 1 . Select which protocols, super protocols, or templates you would like to expor t.
Step 2 . C lic k B r ow s e to f i n d t h e d i r e c to r y yo u wo u l d l i ke to ex p o r t i n to .
Step 3 . Enter a password (optional) and click St ar t Expor t.
Allows you to impor t the administrative information related to the various protocols,
s uper protoc ols , a nd templates (Fig ure 2-28).
F i gure 2 -2 8 . Import Ad m in istr ation In form ation
Step 1 . Locate the director y you would like to impor t from.
Step 2 . Enter the password if needed and click St a r t Res to r e.
T h i s s c r een a llow s you to c r ea te PDF-like files from rep or ts so that they may be em a il e d
without compromising the validity of the document (Figure 2-29). A snapshot viewer exe cu t ab le f ile is b und led w it h t he rep or t f ile, which will allow indiv iduals without OD ES ( e . g .
insurance companies and manufacturing plants) to view the repor ts.
F i gure 2 -2 9 . R e port Sn ap sh ot View er
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section 02
Step 1 . C lic k on Repo r ts within the Home Screen.
Step 2 . P r eview t h e r epor t you would like to snap shot.
Step 3 . Wit h in t h e t a s kb a r, s elect Expor t then Create a Re por t Snapshot.
T h e repor t w ill now b e ex por ted into a rep or t snap shot, and a messag e will ap p ear on ce
the save is successful.
Step 1 . From t h e H ome S c r een taskbar, click on Snapshots .
Step 2 . Locate the snapshot you wish use. Double click on the f ile name within the
S e a rc h Res ult s f ield , a nd t h e f ile name should ap p ear within the Rep or t Snap shot text
f i el d.
Step 3 . C lic k on w h ic h ever ope ration (Em ail, To F l o p py , Rem ove, or V iew ) you wou l d
like to per form.
If you choose to email the snapshot, a message will appear asking if you would like to
i n cl u d e t h e s na ps h ot viewer. If the email recip ient does not have ODES or has neve r
viewed a snapshot before, you must email the viewer. Make sure the recipient is aware
that the viewer is included with the email and it must be used to view the repor t.
This menu of fer s a variety of questionnaires and forms available for printing. The client
can f ill out these forms and the information can be entered manually into the sof tware.
Using the standing and sitting icons within the taskbar, you can track a client’s tolera n ce of s t a nd ing a nd s it t ing a nd with resp ective to time (Fig ure 2-30).
Click on either the standing or the sitting icon to begin the
timer. Once the client can no longer tolerate the chosen opt i o n , c lic k Sto p.
Fig u r e 2-30. Standi ng/
Sittin g Toleran ce
T h e St a nd ing/ S it t ing Toler a nc e Rep or t tabulates the date and time star ted, the p osition
o f t h e c lient , t h e d ur a t ion of t ime the client was able to stand or sit, the total amou n t of
t i m e s t a nd ing or s it t ing, a nd t he p ercentag e of total standing v s. total sitting . N ote th a t
the duration of time is rounded to the closest minute.
Calculator for basic arithmetic needs
C a l cu la tor for f ind ing t h e s t a ndard dev iation of at least two values
T h i s s creen a llow s you to ins er t a variety of p ictures with accomp anying heading s and com ments. This feature is useful for showing clients how to per form tasks or exercises (Figure
2 - 31 ) .
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section 02
F i gure 2 -3 1 . D i gi ta l Ca ptu re
Step 1 . Take the picture with a digital camera.
Step 2 . Dow nloa d t h e pic t ur e to your hard drive using your camera sof tware.
Step 3 . Wit h in t h e Digit a l C a pture Obser vations screen, click on the binocular s ico n to
locate the picture in the director y it was saved and click Open .
Step 4 . C lic k Inser t and the picture should appear in the large box.
Step 5 . E nter a pic t ur e t it le a nd any comments if desired. The comments are inclu d e d
wh e n a pa ge of pic t ur es is pr in ted.
Step 6 . A pic t ur e may b e r emoved by clicking Rem ove b e l ow t h e f i l e n a m e tex t f i e l d .
Step 7. An ent ir e pa ge of pic t u res may be p rinted, deleted, and created by using th e Print,
Delete, a nd N ew icons at the top of the screen.
A P DF ver s ion of t h is M C U™ manual is located here. If you have loaded the Adob e
Acrob a t Rea d er a nd t h e h elp manuals onto your hard drive, you will be able to acce ss
the manuals directly. However, if you have no loaded sof tware and manuals, you will be
p rompted to ins er t t h e O DE S CD in your disk drive. You can load Adobe Acrobat Re a d e r
for free at
A s c r een s h ow ing t h e a t t r ib u tes of your sp ecific MCU™ and ODES sof tware. This is a
h e lpf ul s c r een to view w h enever you need to call customer ser v ice.
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section 02
40040005 rev. 000
section 03
0 3 - C L I EN T I N F O R M ATI O N
Intro duc tion
Adding a Clien t
Adding a Case
Adding a Fa mily Physicia n /S pe c i al i s t /At tor n ey /
Re fe rra l Sou rce/In su ra n ce Company /Empl oye r
Adding Cu rren t Medica tion s
Clie nt Photos
Clie nt S ta tu s
Star t/En d Time
Evalua tor 1 a n d 2
Adding in ICD -9 Codes
Ar e as of Compla in t
Lo ck i n g Ca ses
F inding a Clien t/Ca se
Adding a n d Remov in g Tests
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section 03
40040005 rev. 000
section 03
T h e cl i e nt infor ma t ion s c r een c a n be accessed from the center of the home screen, jus t a b ove
t h e cl i e nt d rop-d ow n menu (F igur e 3-1).
Fi gur e 3 -1 . Cl i e nt Informa ti on Icon
In order to utilize the sof tware, a client must f ir st be entered. It is recommended to star t by
cre a t i n g a s a mple c lient in ord er to g et familiarized with the sof tware without hav ing to wor r y
a b o u t l o sing va lua b le infor ma t ion (Fig ure 3-2).
F i gure 3 -2 . Clien t In form ation
Step 1 . C lic k on Client Information within the Home Screen.
T h e C l i e n t Infor ma t ion s c r een w ill ap p ear.
Step 2 . C lic k on N ew C l i e n t.
Step 3 . Enter all the demographics of the client.
The required information includes the name, gender, bir th date, and dominant hand. This data
is required for tests which compare the client’s objective measurements with a normative database.
Step 4 . C lic k C l o s e once all the information is entered.
The client is now stored in the database and should appear in the drop-down menu within the
Client Information screen.
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section 03
A l l cl i e n t s m us t h ave a c a s e a s s oc ia te d with their f ile.
Within the Client Information screen, click N ew C a s e.
T h e C l i e n t C a s e Infor ma t ion s c r een a llows you to enter information reg arding the client’s phy sician, medications, referral sources, employment, insurance, ICD-9 codes, etc. (Figure 3-3).
Fi gure 3 -3 . Ca s e Informa ti on
E n te r a new c ont a c t by d oub le c licking on the white text box. A new window will ap p ear th a t
a l l ow s you to a d d in t h e c ont a c t information. Af ter entering in the information and closin g
t h e n ew w ind ow, t h e c ont a c t ’s na m e will ap p ear in the drop -down menu for that p ar ticu l a r
contact type. This data will be saved in your database so the information will only have to
be entered once.
A l i s t o f c lient med ic a t ions c a n b e added by double clicking in the white text box. The
C u r r e n t M ed ic a t ions s c r een w ill ap p ear and this allows you to enter in the name of the
m e di ca tion a s well a s a d es c r ipt ion of its p urp ose and usag e. If the client is taking a
m e di ca tion t h a t h a s pr evious ly b e en entered, select the name of the medication from
t h e d ro p-d ow n menu a nd enter t h e remaining information by either typ ing it in or selec ting it from a drop-down menu. Once all the information has been added, and the screen
i s cl o s e d , t h e C ur r ent M ed ic a t ions text box will be p op ulated with all of the medication
This screen gives you the ability to add a client’s picture into his or her f ile, and this in
turn will be incorporated into that client’s repor ts. You must f irst take a picture with a
digital camera and then save the picture to your hard drive. Once that is done, click on the
l a rge wh ite b ox in t h e upper r igh t hand corner of the Client Case p ag e or click on Picture
a t t h e b ot tom r igh t h a nd c or ner of the p ag e. Click B r ow s e to locate the p icture and th e n
40040005 rev. 000
section 03
cl i ck Inser t to add the photo.
The client status f ield is useful for keeping track of the amount and type of assessments
yo u have completed. Client status can also be used as a criterion under Statistical Quer i e s . T h e d rop-d ow n menu s h ou ld already be p op ulated with status op tions, but you ca n
also add, edit or remove status information by double clicking on the blank text f ield.
T h e as s es s ment s t a r t t ime a nd date are automatically log g ed on the Client Case p ag e w h e n
yo u click on New Case in the Client Information Screen. In order to record an end time,
s i mp ly d oub le c lic k in t h e c or r e sp onding blank f ield once the assessment is comp lete d ,
and the current time will be entered into the f ield. You may also manually enter a time by
t y p i ng in t h e tex t f ield . T h e evaluation times will be disp layed on the cover sheet of you r
repor t.
T h e Eva lua tor 1 a nd 2 f ield s a llow the evaluator(s) to enter their name and credent ia l s
into the Client Case page. Enter a new Evaluator by double clicking in text f ield. A screen
will pop up which will allow you to enter in the Evaluator’s name, designation, occupation
and registration number. This information will be included in the front of the repor t and
beneath the signature sign-of f line (if a signature is requested when printing the repor t).
P l e a se note t h is is not a fea t ure of all rep or ts p rinted in ODES. Click the Allow Dig i ta l
Signature checkbox if you would like to add your signature to the sof tware; this is a useful
to o l if you a r e a nt ic ipa t ing e-m ailing rep or ts. See Section 2-IV-B on directions for ad d in g a
digital signature.
I C D - 9 c od es c a n b e s tor ed w it hin ODES for later use. Double click the blank ICD-9 Cod e s
b ox on t h e C lient C a s e pa ge, a nd a screen will p op up allowing you to select the p ro p e r
codes. To assign an existing ICD-9 code to your client, select the code from the Codes in
D a t a b a s e d rop-d ow n menu a nd click Add. Create new codes by double clicking on th e I C D - 9
Codes in Database f ield and entering in the code and description. Once an ICD-9 code has
been added to the database, it will be available from the drop-down menu for future clients. In addition, once a code is entered, it is available for use in the note templates.
A client’s areas of complaint may be obtained from his or her responses to the Pain Diagram or the Ransford Pain Diagram. To enter the information into the database, double
cl i ck on t h e la r ge Ar ea of C omp laint Information box or click Add in the Area of Comp l a in t
Information section of the Client Case page. A pain diagram will be displayed, which will
allow you to enter in location information and pain descriptions. Af ter clicking on the diag r a m loc a t ion w h er e t h e c lient p resents a comp laint, comp lete the char t that is bel ow th e
body diagrams. Once you have entered all the information, click Add, and it will ap p e a r on
the Client Case page.
T h i s fea t ur e a llow s t h e eva lua tor to p revent other indiv iduals from modifying a case . I n
order to access a locked case, a password must be entered. Please note that it is your
responsibility to remember this password. If the password is forgotten, our technical suppor t/customer ser vice staf f at BTE Technologies, Inc. will not be able to help you retrieve
i t . L oc k t h e c a s e by c lic king L o c k C a s e at the bottom of the Client Case page. A screen will
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section 03
appear prompting you to enter and conf irm a password. Click OK when you are done. Once
locked, you will see the Lock Case icon change to Unlock Case.
O n ce t h e C l ient C a s e pa ge is c omplete, you may click the C l o s e button located at the bottom
right hand corner of the page; this will bring you back to the Client Information page, and a
ca s e n u m b er w ill now b e a s s oc ia ted with your client. Click the C l o s e button in order to return
to the Home Screen. The new client will now be listed in the drop-down menu underneath the
Client Information button. To quickly access a client’s information screen, double click on the
cl i e n t ’ s n a m e. You c a n a ls o quic kly a ccess the client’s case information by double clicking on
the case number under the client name drop-down menu.
O D E S a l l ows you to s ea rc h for a c lient or case
u s i n g va r i o us prob es . Wit h in t h e C lien t Information screen, click on Find a Client or Find a
Ca s e to access these options (Figure 3-4).
Yo u may s e arc h us ing a ny of t h e f ield s. Remember that the more f ields which are selected, the
narrower the search. If you’re having trouble
f i nding a case or a client, tr y selecting only one
or two f ields to broaden the search.
Once you have populated the f ields you wish to
s e a rch by, c lic k on t h e b inoc ula r s ic on to retrieve the search results.
O p e n a cl i e nt or c a s e f ile by c lic king on the
arrow button to the lef t of the name or case
Fig u r e 3-4. Fin d a Clien t
Once you had added your client into ODES you can assign tests to the client.
From the Home Screen, click on Self Repor ts, Cardio, ROM Tests, Strength Tests, Work Sim
Te sts, or Clinical Tests. The same basic screen appear s for each icon: the box on the lef t lists
the tests related to the icon you selected, and the box on the right lists all the tests assigned
to t h e cl i e n t (F igur e 3-5).
Fi gure 3 -5 . Addi ng a nd R e movin g Tests
40040005 rev. 000
section 03
Add a n ew tes t to t h e c lient by eit her hig hlig hting the test name in the lef t box and clic k in g
Add to Client or by double clicking on the test name in the lef t box.
O n ce t h e tes t h a s b een a s s igned to the client it will ap p ear in the rig ht box.
Change the order the tests will be completed in by highlighting the test in the right box and
use the up and down arrow s under Change Protocol Order.
P e r f o r m t h e tes t a s s igned to a c lient either by hig hlig hting the test in the rig ht box and cl icki n g o n Per fo r m Tes t or by d oub le c licking on the test in the rig ht box.
Remove a tes t f rom a c lient by h ig hlig ht the test in the rig ht box and clicking Rem ove Fro m
Cl i e nt.
Yo u ca n ac c es s t h e ot h er t y pes of tests without hav ing to g o back to the Home Screen ev e r y t i m e by c lic king on t h e d es ir ed test-categ or y box disp layed at the bottom of the Protocol
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section 03
40040005 rev. 000
section 04
0 4 - T EM P L AT ES
Pr e -Progra mmed Templa tes
Custom Templa tes
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section 04
40040005 rev. 000
section 04
Each of the Notes pages in ODES has a template section that allows you to create any number of
te mplates. This feature allows you to specify which client information you would like to include on
each repor t and in which location. For example, the client’s name, date of injur y, and injur y locations could be inser ted in the upper lef t hand corner of a repor t. This feature speeds up repor ting
time, improves ef f iciency, and hence, prof itability.
Yo u ca n f i n d pr e-progr a mmed templa tes or create your own temp lates within the following Hom e
Screen categories:
•Histor y
•Testing Analysis
•Custom Note
•Progress Analysis
•Return to Wo rk
•Cover Letter
To access the pre-programmed templates, click on one of the categories listed on the lef t side
of the Home Screen. Click on the te mplate icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen
(Figure 4-1).
F i gure 4-1. Tem p late Icon
This will bring you to the main Templates screen (Figure 4-2).
F i gure 4 -2 . Ma i n Tem p lates Scr een
Step 1 . To view or edit a template, f i r st click on Edit; the Edit icon should change to Cancel
Edit. Next click on the pre-programmed template you wish to use.
A s cre e n w ill a ppea r w it h t h e generic temp late code (Fig ure 4-3).
F i gure 4 -3 . G e ner ic Tem p late Cod e
Step 2 . Highlight the code and either press C T R L - C on your keyboard or pull down the Edit
menu in the taskbar and select C o py . This will copy the code to your clipboard.
Step 3 . C lic k t h e C l o s e icon within the pre-programmed template’s screen. This will return you
to the main Te mplates screen.
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section 04
Step 4 . C l i c k Cancel Edit a nd t h en s elect the temp late you just v iewed. This will bring yo u to
the corresponding screen (Figure 4-4).
F i gure 4 -4 . Bl a nk Not es Screen
Step 5 . While in the home template screen, click within the white text box to place the cur sor
and paste in the code. You can paste by either pressing C T R L - V on your keyboard, clicking on
the Pas te icon within the home template screen, or pulling down the Edit menu in the taskbar
selecting Pas te ( F i g u r e 4 - 5 ) .
F i gure 4 -5 . Upda te d Tem p late Cod e
The code will be updated with the client’s information, but you must still populate the f i elds
with carets and select which bracketed options apply.
Note that any client demographics within brackets – [ ] – will automatically be populated with
the client’s information that has been entered in the client information and case screens (i.e.
title, name, gender). All other information which is bracketed but isn’t available from these
screens will remain intact until deleted. This is typically used when there are several options
to describe the situation and you must pick the most applicable one (i.e. condition is either
controlled by medication, in remission, or has resolved itself). Any text within carets – << >>
– is intended to aler t the evaluator to f i ll in the information (i.e. name of the condition and
year of the diagnosis).
Edit a p re - progr a mmed templa te by c licking Edit in the main Templates screen and selecting
the te mplate you wish to modify. You can then add f i elds by selecting the desired f i eld from the
I n s e r t F i e l d d rop d ow n menu a nd c lic k ing Inser t or delete f i elds using the delete key on your
keyboard. The text may also be modif ied as you see f i t.
To d e l e t e any te mplate, f i r s t click the Delete icon in the main Templates screen; the Delete
i co n s h o u l d c h a nge to C a nc el Delete. N ext click on the p re-p rog rammed temp late you wish to
de l ete.
To create or access a custom te mplate, click on one of the categories listed on the lef t side of
the Home Screen. Click on the template icon in the lower right hand corner of the screen (Figu re 4 - 5 ) .
F i gure 4 -6. Tem p late Icon
40040005 rev. 000
section 04
T h i s wi l l b r ing you to t h e ma in Temp lates screen (Fig ure 4-7).
F i gure 4 -7 . Ma i n Tem p lates Scr een
Step 1 . C r ea te a new templa te by clicking on N ew . A new icon will ap p ear within the m a in
Te mplates screen.
Step 2 . To view the template, f i r s t click on Edit; the Edit icon should change to Cancel Edit.
Next click on the template you just created.
A s cr e e n w ill a ppea r w it h a b la nk text box (Fig ure 4-8).
F i gure 4 -8 . Bl a nk Tem p late
Within this screen you can change the name of the template as well as create the generic code
by inser ting f i elds and typing text.
Step 3 . Begin by w r it ing w h a t you wish to include in the rep or t, but use the merg e f i el d s w h e n
you would like information automatically populated. The sof tware already includes multiple
pre-programmed merge f i elds which are listed under the Inser t Field drop down menu.
Inser t a merge f i eld by selecting the f i eld from the Inser t Field drop down menu and clicki n g Inser t. The merge f i eld will be inser ted where the text cur sor is located. The merge f i eld
should have brackets – [ ] – around the text.
You may create your own merge f i elds by typing the options you would like to include and placing brackets around each one. This is useful when there are several options to describe the
situation and you must pick the most applicable one (i.e. “client arrived [early][on time][late]
for the assessment…”).
Yo u c a n a l s o i n c l u d e c h a r a c te r s w h i c h a l e r t yo u to p e r s o n a l i z e a f i e l d fo r t h e c l i e n t . T h i s i s
useful when you need to include information which is dif ferent for ever y client but must be
i n cl u de d in t h e r epor t (i.e. “ c lient has been diag nosed with <> on << En te r
D a te > > by a <>…”). The p re-p rog rammed temp lates use carets – << > > – to
b r i n g yo u r a t tent ion to t h e f i eld , b ut you may use any characters you like (Fig ure 4-9).
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section 04
F i gure 4 -9 . Cus tom Tem p late Cod e
Step 4 . Once you have f inished creating the code, highlight the code and either press C T R L - C
on your keyboard or pull down the Edit menu in the taskbar and select C o py . This will copy th e
code to your clipboard. Next, click the C l o s e icon within the custom temp late’s screen. Th is
will return you to the main Templates screen.
Step 5 . C l i c k Cancel Edit a nd t h en s elect the temp late you just v iewed. This will bring you to
the corresponding screen (Figure 4-10).
F i gure 4 -1 0 . Bl a nk N otes Scr een
Step 6 . While in the home template screen, click within the white text box to place the cur sor
and paste in the code. You can paste by either pressing C T R L - V on your keyboard, clicking on
the Pas te icon within the home template screen, or pulling down the Edit menu in the taskbar
and selecting Pas te ( F i g u r e 4 - 11 ) .
F i gure 4 -1 1 . Upda t ed Cu stom Tem p late Cod e
The code will be updated with the client’s information, but you must still populate the f i elds
40040005 rev. 000
section 04
with carets and select which bracketed options apply.
Edit a cu s tom templa te by c lic king Edit in the main Templates screen and selecting the template you wish to modify. You can then add f i elds by selecting the desired f i eld from the Inser t
Field drop down menu and clicking Inser t or delete f i elds using the delete key on your key board. The text may also be modif ied as you see f i t.
To d e l e t e any te mplate, f i r s t click the Delete icon in the main Templates screen; the Delete
i co n s h o u ld c h a nge to C a nc el Delete. N ext click on the p re-p rog rammed temp late you wish to
de l ete.
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section 04
40040005 rev. 000
section 05
0 5 - C A L I B R AT I O N & V E R I FI CATI ON
Introduc tion
Pe r for min g the Ca libra tion
Pe r fo r m i n g t h e Ve r i f i c a t i o n
Calib r ation Repor ts
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section 05
40040005 rev. 000
section 05
C a l i b ra t i on is a n impor t a nt c omponent of the Multi-Cer v ical™ system. Since one of the m a in
attributes of the system is the ability to track the progress of your patients, it is essential that
the equipment is always giving accurate feedback . Therefore, we recommend calibrating ever y
7 d ay s a nd ver if y ing t h e b eginning of ever y day.
A s s h own in S ec t ion 2 und er t h e Administration Menu over v iew, reminders may be set for ca l ibrations and verif ications. There is also an option of requiring that the calibration and verif ication must be done.
Calibration may be per formed for the head braces, halo (2 locations), and the seat.
Acce s s t h e C a lib r a t ion S c r een by s e lecting Calibrate FOCUS & MCRP from the Calibration
drop-down menu, which is located in the taskbar (Figure 5-1).
F i gure 5 -1 . Ca l i bration Dr op -Dow n Men u
T h e m a i n c a lib r a t ion s c r een w ill a p p ear (Fig ure 5-2). Make sure that under Calibration Ty p e ,
which is located in the upper lef t of the screen, Manual is selected. The calibration screen
also has the Detail On feature, which allows you to directly view the voltage values of any tool
t h a t ca n b e c a lib r a ted ; t h is is us ef ul when troubleshooting .
F i gure 5 -2 . Ma i n Ca l i br ation Screen
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section 05
S e l e ct t h e Cer vical ic on f rom t h e ma in calibration screen to bring up the MCU™ calibration
screen (Figure 5-3).
F i gure 5 -3 . Ce rvi ca l Ca l ib r ation Screen
T h e s cre e n w ill a lway s ind ic a te t h e la st day of successful calibration in addition to the am ou n t
o f we i gh t u sed for t h e la s t c a lib r a t ion.
Step 1 . Secure the head brace you wish to calibrate to the calibration plate. Make sure the
RJ45 cable is plugged into the head brace as well to the jack closest to the front of the unit
o n t h e to p o f t h e M C U ™ ( F i g u r e 5 - 4 ) . C l i c k t h e f i r s t O K on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5 -4 . Prep arin g H ead Br ace for Calib ration
Step 2.
Pl ac e t h e c a lib r a t ion b loc k on the head brace (Fig ure 5-5).
Fi gur e 5 -5 . Pl a ci ng Ca l i bra ti on Block on H ead Brace
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section 05
Step 3. P la c e t h e c a lib r a t ion weig ht(s) on the calibration block (Fig ure 5-6). Enter the a m ou n t
o f we i gh t you a r e us ing to c a lib r a te (remember to add the weig ht of the calibration block ,
w h i ch i s 0.7lb / 0.3k g) in t h e c a lib r ation screen and then click O K .
F i gure 5-6. Calib r atin g th e H ead Brace
Step 4. Remove the calibration weights from the calibration block before proceeding with the
rest of the calibration.
Step 5 . If it isn’t already, set the halo rotation to 0 degrees (Figure 5-7). Click O K on the calibration screen.
F i gu re 5-7. H alo at 0 o Rotation
Step 6 . Unlock the rotation pin, set the halo rotation to 90 degrees lef t, and then lock the
rot a t i o n pin (F igur e 5-8). C lic k O K on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5-8. H alo at 90 o Rotation
Step 7.
Unlock the rotation pin, rotate the halo back to 0 degrees, and then lock the rotation
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section 05
Step 8 . If it isn’t already, set the halo flexion/extension angle to 0 degrees and inser t the
ROM s to p p i n ( F i g u r e 5 - 9 ) . C l i c k O K on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5 -9 . Ha l o at 0 o Flexion / Exten sion
Step 9 . Remove the ROM stop pin, set the halo flexion/extension angle to 70 degrees flexion,
a n d t h e n i n s er t t h e ROM s top pin (F ig ure 5-10). Click O K on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5 -1 0 . Ha l o at 70 o Flexion
Step 10 . Remove the ROM stop pin, set the halo flexion/extension angle back to 0 degrees,
a n d i n s e r t t h e ROM s top pin.
Step 1 1 . If it isn’t already, lower the seat height to its lowest position (Figure 5-11). Click O K
on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5 -1 1 . Seat H eig h t at Low est P osition
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section 05
Step 1 2 . Make sure the seat back is at its lowest position, and then raise the seat height to
i t s h i g h e s t p o s i t i o n ( F i g u r e 5 - 1 2 ) . C l i c k O K on the calibration screen.
F i gure 5 -12. Seat H eig h t at H ig h est P osition
Step 1 3 . Once the device has been successfully calibrated, a screen will appear requesting
the name of the individual who just completed the calibration.
I t i s r e commend ed t h a t t h e a c c ur a cy of the dev ice be verif ied af ter calibration. In addition ,
verif ication should be completed prior to testing each day or af ter the equipment has been set
Note that verif ication may only be per formed on the head braces.
T h e Ve r i fic a t ion S c r een c a n b e a c c essed under the Calibration menu within the taskbar or
w i t h i n t h e ind ivid ua l tool c a lib r a t ion screens (Fig ure 5-13).
F i gure 5 -1 3 . Ca l i bration Drop -Dow n Men u
T h e m a i n ver if ic a t ion s c r een w ill a p p ear (Fig ure 5-14).
F i gure 5 -1 4 . Ma i n Verification Screen
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section 05
S e l e ct t h e Cer vical ic on f rom t h e ma in verif ication screen to bring up the MCU™ verif ication
s c r e e n ( F i g u r e 5 - 15 ) .
F i gure 5 -1 5 . Ce rvi ca l Ver ification Scr een
T h e s cre e n w ill a lway s ind ic a te t h e la st day of successful verif ication.
The verif ication tools and process are the same as calibration. However, you mus t make sure
to use a dif ferent amount of weight for the verification than you did for the calibration .
L a s t l y, r e m emb er to inc lud e t h e weight of the calibration fixture, which is 0.7lb.
Once the device has been successfully verif ied, a screen will appear requesting the name of
the individual who just completed the calibration. In addition, the verif ication screen will show
the weight that you entered compared to the weight that the sof tware calculated.
To p r i n t o r view t h e c a lib r a t ion a nd verif ication rep or ts, g o to the Calibration menu within th e
t a s k b a r a n d t h en C a lib r a t ion Repor t s (Fig ure 5-16).
F i gure 5 -1 6 . Ca l i bration Dr op -Dow n Men u
You may f ilter the calibration repor t according to latest calibration, all calibrations, or date
r a n g e ( F i g u r e 5 - 17 ) .
F i gure 5 -1 7 . Calib r ation Rep or t O p tion s Men u
Print a r e p or t by c lic king Print.
View a re p or t by c lic king Prin t Preview .
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section 05
Re por ts include the name of the person who per formed the calibration/verif ication, the date
when the calibration/verif ication occurred, and actual weight vs. measured weight, and any
d evi a t i o n f rom t h e a c c ur a c y of t h e dev ice (Fig ure 5-18).
F i gure 5 -1 8 . Ca l i bra ti on an d Ver ification Rep ort
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section 06
0 6 - P R OTO C O L S
Se lf Re por ts
U tilizin g Self Repor ts
Editing a n d Crea tin g S elf Repor t s
Cardiova scular Protocols
U tilizin g Ca rdiova scu la r Protoc ol s
Editing a n d Crea tin g Ca rdiovas c u l ar P rotoc ol s
ROM Protocols
Positioning the Patient for a Cer vical ROM Protocol
Positioning the Patient for a ROM Flexion or Extension Test
Positioning the Patient for a ROM L/R Rotation Test
Positioning the Patient for a ROM Lateral Flexion Test
U tilizin g the Cer v ica l ROM P rotoc ol
Accessing the Cer vical ROM Protocol
U ti liz in g the ROM Flex ion Te s t
U ti liz in g the ROM Rota tion Te s t
U ti liz in g the ROM L a tera l Fl ex i on Te s t
U ti liz in g the ROM Ex ten si on Te s t
Strength Protocols
Positioning the Patient for a Neutral Cer vical
Isometric Strength Protocol
Positioning the Patient for an Isometric Flexion/Extension Test
Positioning the Patient for an Isometric Lateral Test
Positioning the Patient for a 25 Degree Cer vical
Isometric Strength Protocol
Positioning the Patient for a 25 Isometric Flexion/Extension Test
Positioning the Patient for a 25 Isometric Lateral Test
Positioning the Patient for a 45 Degree Cer vical
Isometric Strength Protocol
U tilizin g the Cer v ica l ROM P rotoc ol
Positioning the Patient for a 45 Isometric Flexion/Extension Test
Positioning the Patient for a 45 Isometric Lateral Test
Accessing the Cer vical Strength Protocols
U ti liz in g the Stren gth Flex i on Te s t
U ti liz in g the Stren gth Ex te n s i on Te s t
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section 06
U tiliz in g the Stren gth L a tera l Te s t
U tiliz in g the Stren gth Protra c t i on Te s t
U tiliz in g the Stren gth Retra c t i on Te s t
Cr e atin g Cu stom Cer v ica l In te gr at i on P rotoc ol s
Clinical Protocols
U tilizing Clin ica l Protocols
Editing a n d Crea tin g Clin ica l P rotoc ol s
Super Protocols
Validity An a lysis
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section 06
Through the ODES sof tware, you can access many pre-programmed protocols as well as crea te cu s to miz ed protoc ols . T h e follow in g p rotocol categ ories can be accessed throug h the Hom e
•Self Repor ts
•ROM Tests
•Strength Tests
•Clinical Tests
B T E Te ch n ologies r ec ommend s t h a t t he MCU™ be used in conjunction with a cer tified train in g
program on The Melbourne Protocol . This training p rog ram cover s the p ractical and clinica l a p p l ica t i o n o f E va lua t ion P rotoc ols for pa t ients suf fering from various cer v ical disorders. Preca u tion s,
indications, and contra-indications for the evaluation of patients on the MCU™ are also cove red.
Re fer to Section 10 for more information on this training program.
ODES includes several pre-programmed Self Repor t protocols, which are intended to be completed without the use of any tools. These are typically questionnaires used to evaluate the
p a t i e n t ’ s perc eived level of injur y and p ain.
Access the pre-programmed Self Repor ts protocols by clicking the Se lf Re po r ts icon on the
Home Screen.
T h i s w ill b r ing you to t h e S elf Rep or ts Protocols main p ag e. From this p ag e you have th e
ability to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add and
remove tests to clients, create new range of motion tests, edit tests, and delete tests (Figu re 6-1).
F i gure 6 -1 . S e l f R e por ts P r otocol Screen
Step 1 . Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the lef t box and clicking Add to
Cl i e n t or by double clicking on the test in the lef t box.
Step 2 . Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right box
and click Per for m Te s t to bring up the testing screen.
Step 3 . F ill out t h e ques t ionnaire using the following op tions: a) Read the question s a l ou d
and enter in the answer s; b) Allow the patient to enter in the answer s via the computer; c)
Print out the questionnaire and allow the patient to enter in the answer s on the paper.
Step 4 . Store and/or f ile the questionnaire according to your clinic’s procedures.
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section 06
Access the pre-programmed Self Repor ts protocols by clicking the Se lf Re po r ts icon on th e
Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Self Repor ts Protocols main page, where you can edit and create
te st s.
Edit a test by highlighting the test you would like to edit in the lef t box and clicking Edit
Te s t.
Create a new test by clicking on N ew Tes t.
I f yo u a r e ed it ing a tes t , a s c r een will ap p ear with the current setting s of the test you
selected. If you are creating a test, a screen will appear with the same headings as if you
we r e e d it ing a tes t , b ut a ll of t h e text f ields will be blank (Fig ure 6-2).
F i gure 6 -2 . Cus tom Self Rep or t
Since editing and creating protocols are ver y similar, an example of an edited test will be
given, but the same guidelines apply for creating a test.The following can typically be edi te d o r cr ea ted on C us tom S elf Re p or t Tests:
A . Te s t Name - Ty pe in t h e na me of the test
B . S e c t ion - Ty pe in t h e s ec t ions to include in the test
C. Fi na l S core Column Name - Ty p e i n t h e n a m e o f t h e f i n a l s c o r e c o l u m n
D . R a t i n g C o l u m n - Select whether to include a rating column and then type in the name of
t h e co l umn
E . E xa m i n e r D e s c r i p t i o n - Type in any description the examiner will need to per form the
te st - this f ield is especially useful for supplying instructions on how to per form the evaluation
F. Re p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n - Ty pe in a ny descrip tion that should be included on the rep or t
G . Re fe ren ce I n format ion - Include any reference information that needs to be added to
t h e re p or t
O n ce t he s c r een h a s b een c los ed , the p rotocol is saved under the assig ned test name w ith
40040005 rev. 000
section 06
t h e n ew s pec if ic a t ions .
ODES includes several pre-programmed Cardiovascular protocols.
Access the pre-programmed Cardiovascular protocols by clicking the Cardio icon on the
Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Cardiovascular Protocols main page. From this page you have the
ability to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add and
remove tests to clients, create new range of motion tests, edit tests, and delete tests (Figu re 6-3).
F i gure 6 -3 . Ca rdi ovascu lar P r otocols
Step 1 . Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the lef t box and clicking Add to
Cl i e n t or by double clicking on the test in the lef t box.
Step 2 . Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right box
and click Pe r for m Te s t to bring up the testing screen.
Step 3 . Follow the instructions on the test screen.
Access the pre-programmed Cardiovascular protocols by clicking the Cardio icon on th e
Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Cardiovascular Protocols main page, where you can edit and create tests .
Edit a test by highlighting the test you would like to edit in the lef t box and clicking Edit
Te s t.
Create a new test by clicking on N ew Tes t.
I f yo u a r e ed it ing a tes t , a s c r een will ap p ear with the current setting s of the test you
selected. If you are creating a test, a screen will appear with the same headings as if you
we re ed it ing a tes t , b ut a ll of t he text f ields will be blank (Fig ure 6-4).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -4 . Cus tom Ca r d iovascu lar P rotocol
Since editing and creating protocols are ver y similar, an example of an edited test will be
given, but the same guidelines apply for creating a test.
T h e fo l low ing c a n t y pic a lly b e ed ited or created on Cardiovascular Tests:
A . Te s t Name - Ty pe in t h e na me of the test
B. Set Maximum Allowable Hear t Rate - Select whether to set the maximum allowable
hear t rate and at what percentage of age.
C. View Initial Hear t Rate - Select whether to view the initial hear t rate within the test
s cr e e n
D. View Peak Hear t Rate - Select whether to view the peak hear t rate within the test
s cr e e n
E. View Final Hear t Rate - Select whether to view the f inal hear t rate within the test
s cr e e n
F. View Percent Hear t Rate Increase from Initial - Select whether to view the percent
h e a r t ra te inc r ea s e f rom t h e init ial within the test screen
G. View Recover y Hear t Rate - Select whether to view the recover y hear t rate within the
te st screen and choose when to stop the recover y time
H. U s e a Rat in g - Select whether to use a rating and then set the rating
I . E xa m i n e r D e s c r i p t i o n - Ty pe in any descrip tion the examiner will need to p er form the
te st - this f ield is especially useful for supplying instructions on how to per form the evaluation
J . Re p o r t D e s c r i p t i o n - Ty pe in a ny descrip tion that should be included on the rep or t
K . Re fe ren ce I n format ion - Inc lude any reference information that needs to be added to
t h e r e p or t
L . Te s t D u r a t i o n O p t i o n s - Choose which method will determine test duration
M . U s e a M et ron ome - Select whether to use a metronome and number of beats per minute
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section 06
N . Parameter s to be Measured (Heading Labels) - Ty p e i n t h e p a r a m eter s t h a t w i l l b e m e a s u re d
O n ce t h e s c r een h a s b een c losed, the p rotocol is saved under the assig ned test nam e w ith
t h e n ew s pec if ic a t ions .
In order to prepare for cer vical range of motion testing, it is extremely impor tant to understand how to properly position the patient; this will prevent any injur y during testing.
The following 7 steps are required prior to each type of ROM testing. Outlined af ter these 7
initial steps are the subsequent steps, which var y according to the test being per formed.
Step 1 . Inser t the range-of-motion stop pin in the zero degree position on the halo (Figure
Fig u re 6-5. In ser t
RO M Stop
Step 2 . Lower t h e c h a ir a ll t h e way down to its lowest p osition.
Step 3 . Using the latch on the right side, open the halo (Figure 6-6).
F i gure 6 -6 . O p en H alo
Step 4 . As k t h e pa t ient to s it in the chair.
Step 5 . Adjust the height of the seat, the position of the seat, the position of the back
of the chair, the height of the back of the chair, and the arm rests to accommodate the
patient’s size, height, and posture. Set the halo height to 3 as a star ting position (Figure
F i gure 6 -7 . S e a t Adj u stm en ts
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section 06
S te p 6 . S ec ur e t h e pa t ient w it h t he waist strap and shoulder strap s (Fig ure 6-8).
F i gure 6 -8 . Waist an d Sh ou ld er Str ap s
Step 7. Close and lock the halo (Figure 6-9).
F ig u re 6-9. Close
a nd Lock th e H alo
Step 8 . For a flexion test, inser t both of the head braces in the halo. For an extension
te st, inser t the back head brace with a Velcro strap attached. Note that the bottom of
the back brace is located at the external occipital protuberance (Figure 6-10).
F lex ion S et -up
Attaching Strap
for Extension
L ocation of
Back Brace
F i gure 6 -1 0 . Ini ti a l R OM Flexion & Exten sion Set-u p s
Step 9 . S et t h e h a lo to 15 d egrees below the horizontal (Fig ure 6-11).
Fig u re 6-11. H alo An g le
Step 10 . Pos it ion t h e h ea d b r a ce(s) ag ainst the p atient’s head, but do not secure his/
her head in place.
Step 1 1 . M a ke f ine a d jus t ment s to the seat and halo such that C5/C6 of the p atien t’ s
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section 06
s pine lines up w it h t h e pivot p oint of the halo (Fig ure 6-12).
F i gure 6 -1 2 . Fin al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 2 . Firmly secure the patient’s head with the head brace(s) and Velcro strap (if
p er for ming a n ex tens ion test).
Step 1 3 . Remove the range-of-motion stop pin before per forming the test (Figure 6-13).
F lex ion
F i gure 6 -1 3 . Fin al Set-u p s for RO M Flexion & Exten sion
Note that the RJ45 cable is not required for this test.
Step 8 . Ins er t b ot h of t h e head braces in the halo (Fig ure 6-14).
Fig u r e 6-14. In sert
Both H ead Braces
Step 9 . S et t h e h a lo to 0 d eg rees with resp ect to the horizontal and 10 deg rees fl exion
( F i g u r e 6 - 15 ) .
F i gure 6 -15. Set h alo an g les
Step 10. Position the head braces against the patient’s head, but do not secure his/her
head in place.
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section 06
Step 1 1 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e p ivot point of t h e h a lo (F igu re 6-16).
F i gure 6 -1 6 . F i nal Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 2 . Firmly secure the patient’s head with the head braces.
Step 1 3 . While holding onto the side of the halo, unlock the rotation pin, which is located at the top middle of the halo, before per forming the test (Figure 6-17).
Unlock Rotation Pin
Final Rotation Set-up
F i gure 6 -1 7 . U n lockin g Rotation P in an d Fin al
R OM L /R R otation Set-u p
Note that the RJ45 cable is not required for this test.
Step 8 . Unlock the rotation pin and rotate the halo to 90 degrees right rotation. Lock
t h e rot a t ion pin b a c k into pla c e (Fig ure 6-18).
F i gure 6-18. H alo at 90 o Rotation
Step 9 . Ins er t b ot h of t h e h ead braces in the halo (Fig ure 6-19).
F i gure 6-19. Attach H ead Br aces
Step 10 . S et t h e h a lo to 0 d egrees with resp ect to the horizontal. Make sure the flexion /
exten s ion a ngle is s et to 0 d egrees as well (Fig ure 6-20).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -20. Set h alo an g les
Step 1 1 . Position the head braces against the patient’s head, but do not secure his/her
head in place.
Step 1 2 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e pivot point of t h e h a lo (Fig ure 6-21).
F i gure 6 -2 1 . Fin al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 3 . Firmly secure the patient’s head with the head braces.
Step 1 4 . Remove the range-of-motion stop pin before per forming the test (Figure 6-22).
F i gure 6 -2 2. Fin al Set-u p for RO M Later al Flexion
Note that the RJ45 cable is not required for this test.
Access the pre-programmed ROM protocols by clicking the RO M Tes ts icon on th e Hom e
This will bring you to the ROM Protocols main page. From this page you have the ability to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add and
remove tests to clients, create new range of motion tests, edit tests, and delete te sts.
Note that the Cer vical Range of Motion protocol is the only pre-programmed ROM test
that will be needed for the MCU™ (Figure 6-23).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -2 3 . R a nge of Motion P r otocols
Step 1 . Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the lef t box and clicking Add
to Client or by double clicking on the test in the lef t box.
Step 2 . Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right
b ox a nd c lic k Per for m Te s t to bring up the testing screen (Fig ure 6-24).
Figure 6 -2 4 . Ce rvi ca l R a ng e of Motion Main Screen
T h e init ia l C er vic a l R a nge of Motion p rotocol screen contains the following features :
Name of the test
Test number
S t ar t Tes t ic on, w h ic h c h a nges to Stop Test af ter the test has beg un
New icon to begin a new set of tests
Delete icon to delete the selected test’s results
Close icon to return to the protocol screen
Next Protocol icon to move on to the next protocol
Flexion icon, which switches to the Flexion test screen
L / R Rot a t ion ic on, w h ic h s w itches to the Rotation test screen
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section 06
Lateral Flexion icon, which switches to the Lateral Flexion test screen
Extension icon, which switches to the Extension test screen
Graphs and tables to illustrate the test results
Instructions on how to per form the tests
Threshold icon, which allows a threshold force to be set
The ROM Flexion test measures the patient’s range of motion with respect to the flexor
muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e F l ex i o n icon. The Flexion Testing screen will ap p ear (Fig ure 6 - 2 5 ) .
F i gure 6 -2 5 . Ce rvi ca l RO M - Flexion Test
N ote t h a t t h e s c r een s h ow n in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp uter.
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-III of this manual.
Step 3 . C l i c k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c omp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wor st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The ROM Flexion test calls for three trials to be per formed.
A s t h e protoc ol is per for med, the screen will disp lay the results and averag es v i a a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average ROM, peak ROM,
coef f ic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating determ in e d by
t h e pa t ient w ill a ls o a ppea r in the p ain scale text f ield (Fig ure 6-26).
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section 06
Figure 6 -2 6 . Ce rvi ca l R OM - Com p leted Flexion Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
T h e RO M Rot a t ion tes t mea s ur es the p atient’s rang e of motion with resp ect to the l a teral rotator muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e L / R Rot at i o n icon. The Rotation Testing screen will ap p ear (Fig u r e
6 - 27 ). Note t h a t t h e s c r een s h own in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp ute r.
Fi gure 6 -2 7 . Ce rvi ca l R OM - L/ R Rotation Test
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section 06
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-III of this manual.
Step 3 . C l i c k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e ea c h s id e is comp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wor st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The ROM Rotation test calls for three trials to be per formed per side.
A s t h e protoc ol is per for med, the screen will disp lay the results and averag es v i a a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph. These f igures are especially helpful in comparing
the abilities of each side.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average ROM, peak ROM, coef ficient of variation (COV), the percent of normal, and the percent dif ference between
the lef t and right side. The pain ratings determined by the patient will also appear in
t he pa in s c a le tex t f ield s (F ig ure 6-28).
F i gure 6 -2 8 . Ce rvi ca l RO M - Com p leted L/ R Rotation Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
The ROM Lateral Flexion test measures the patient’s range of motion with respect to the
lateral flexo r muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Lateral Flexion icon. The L ateral Flexion Testing screen will a p p e a r
( F igur e 6-29). Note t h a t t h e screen shown in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on th e com p u ter.
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section 06
Figure 6 -2 9 . Ce rvi ca l R OM - Later al Flexion Test
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-III of this manual.
Step 3 . C lic k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e ea c h s id e is c omp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wo r st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The ROM Lateral Flexion test calls for three trials to be per formed per side.
A s t he protoc ol is per for med , t he screen will disp lay the results and averag es v ia a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph. These f igures are especially helpful in comparing
the abilities of each side.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average ROM, peak ROM, coef ficient of variation (COV), the percent of normal, and the percent dif ference between
the lef t and right side. The pain ratings determined by the patient will also appear in
t h e pa in s c a le tex t f ield s (F igure 6-30).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -3 0 . Ce rvi ca l RO M - Com p leted Lateral Flexion Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
The ROM Extension protocol measures the patient’s range of motion with respect to the
extensor muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Extension icon. The Extension Testing screen will ap p ear (Figu r e 6 31 ). Note t h a t t h e s c r een shown in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp u te r.
F i gure 6 -3 1 . Ce rvi ca l RO M - Exten sion Test
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section 06
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-III of this manual.
Step 3 . C lic k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c ompl eted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to rate
h i s / h er pa in on a ten-point s c ale (0 is equivalent to no p ain and 10 is equivalent to th e
wo r st pain possible). Click on the number the patient determined and then click O K .
The ROM Extension test calls for three trials to be per formed.
As the protocol is per formed, the screen will display the results and averages via a line
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average ROM, peak ROM,
co e f f ic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV ), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating determine d by
t h e pa t ient w ill a ls o a ppea r in the p ain scale text f ield (Fig ure 6-32).
Fi gure 6 -3 2 . Ce rvi ca l R OM - Com p leted Exten sion Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
In order to prepare for cer vical strength testing, it is extremely impor tant to under stand
how to properly position the patient; this will prevent any injur y during testing.
The following 7 steps are required prior to each type of strength testing. Outlined af ter
these 7 initial steps are the subsequent steps, which var y according to the test being perfo rmed.
Step 1 . Inser t the range-of-motion stop pin in the zero degree position on the halo (Figure
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Fig u re 6-33 In sert
RO M Stop
Step 2 . Lower t h e c h a ir a ll t h e way down to its lowest p osition.
Step 3 . Using the latch on the right side, open the halo (Figure 6-34).
F i gure 6 -3 4 . Op en H alo
Step 4 . As k t h e pa t ient to s it in the chair.
Step 5 . Adjust the height of the seat, the position of the seat, the position of the back
of the chair, the height of the back of the chair, and the arm rests to accommodate the
patient’s size, height, and posture. Set the halo height to 3 as a star ting position (Figure
F i gure 6 -3 5 . S e a t Adj ustm en ts
Step 6 . S ec ur e t h e pa t ient w ith the waist strap and shoulder strap s (Fig ure 6-36).
F i gure 6 -3 6. Waist an d Sh ou ld er Str ap s
Step 7. Close and lock the halo (Figure 6-37).
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section 06
Fig u re 6-37. Close
an d Lock th e H alo
Step 8 . For a flexion test, inser t the front head brace. For an extension test, inser t the
back head brace. Note that the bottom of the back brace is located at the external occi p i t al prot ub er a nc e (F igur e 6-3 8).
L ocation of
Back Brace
F lex ion Set-up
F i gure 6 -38. In itial Isom etr ic Flexion
& Exte ns ion Set-u p
Step 9 . S et t h e h a lo to 15 d egrees below the horizontal (Fig ure 6-39).
F ig u r e 6-39. H alo An g le
Step 10 . Pos it ion t h e h ea d b r a ce ag ainst the p atient’s head.
Step 1 1 . M a ke f ine a d jus t ment s to the seat and halo such that C5/C6 of the p atien t’ s
s p i n e lines up w it h t h e pivot point of the halo (Fig ure 6-40).
F i gure 6 -4 0 . F i n al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 2 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
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cl os es t to t h e f ront of t h e un it at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-41).
Fi gu re 6 -4 1 . MCU™ R J4 5 J ack an d Fin al Isom etric Flexion & Exten sion Set- ups
Step 8 . Unlock the rotation pin and rotate the halo to 90 degrees right rotation. Lock
t h e rot a t i o n p i n ( F i g u r e 6 - 4 2 ) .
F i gur e 6-42. H alo at 90 o Rotation
Step 9 . Att a c h t h e h ea d b r ace to the halo on the side being tested (Fig ure 6-43 ) .
F i g u re 6-43. Attach H ead Br ace
Step 10 . Set the halo to 0 degrees with respect to the horizontal. Make sure the flexion/
extens ion a ngle is s et to 0 deg rees as well (Fig ure 6-4 4).
F i gure 6 -44. Set h alo an g les
Step 1 1 . Position the head brace against the patient’s head.
Step 1 2 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e pivot point of t h e h a lo (Fig ure 6-45).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -4 5 . F i nal Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 3 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
cl o s e s t to t h e f ront of t h e unit at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-46).
F i gure 6 -4 6 . MCU™ R J45 J ack an d Fin al Isom etr ic Later al Set-u p
In order to prepare for cer vical strength testing, it is extremely impor tant to under stand
how to properly position the patient; this will prevent any injur y during testing.
The following 7 steps are required prior to each type of strength testing. Outlined af ter
these 7 initial steps are the subsequent steps, which var y according to the test being perfo rmed.
Step 1 . Inser t the range-of-motion stop pin in the zero degree position on the halo (Figure
6 - 47 ) .
Fig u r e 6-47. In sert
RO M Stop
Step 2 . Lower t h e c h a ir a ll t h e way down to its lowest p osition.
Step 3 . Using the latch on the right side, open the halo (Figure 6-48).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -48. O p en H alo
Step 4 . As k t h e pa t ient to s it in the chair.
Step 5 . Adjust the height of the seat, the position of the seat, the position of the back
of the chair, the height of the back of the chair, and the arm rests to accommodate the
p a t i ent ’s s iz e, h eigh t , a nd pos ture (Fig ure 6-49).
F i gure 6 -4 9 . S e a t Adj ustm en ts
Step 6 . S ec ur e t h e pa t ient w ith the waist strap and shoulder strap s (Fig ure 6-50).
F i gure 6-50. Waist an d Sh ou ld er Str ap s
Step 7. Close and lock the halo (Figure 6-51).
Fig u r e 6-51. Close
an d Lock th e H alo
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section 06
Step 8 . For a flexion test, inser t the front head brace. For an extension test, inser t the
back head brace. Note that the bottom of the back brace is located at the external occi p i t al prot ub er a nc e (F igur e 6-5 2).
L ocation of
Back Brace
F lex ion Set-up
F i gure 6-52. In itial Isom etric Flexion
& Exte nsion Set-u p
Step 9 . S et t h e h a lo to 15 d egrees below the horizontal (Fig ure 6-53).
Fig u r e 6-53. H alo An g le
Step 10 . Position the head brace against the patient’s head.
Step 1 1 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e p ivot point of t h e h a lo (F igu re 6-54).
F i gure 6 -5 4 . Fin al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5
Step 1 2 . While holding onto the side of the halo, unlock the rotation pin, which is located at the top middle of the halo. If you’re testing the patient’s lef t side, rotate the
halo 25 degrees right and then lock the rotation pin. Rotate the halo 25 degrees to the
l e f t to tes t t h e pa t ient ’s r igh t side (Fig ure 6-55).
Unlock Rotation Pin
25 o Rig ht
F i gure 6 -5 5 . Halo Rotation of 25 o
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section 06
Step 1 3 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
cl os es t to t h e f ront of t h e un it at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-56).
Fi gure 6 -5 6 . MCU™ R J4 5 Jack an d Fin al 25 o Isom etr ic Flexion & Exten sion Set - ups
Step 8 . Unlock the rotation pin, which is located at the top middle of the halo. If
you’re testing the patient’s lef t side, rotate the halo 65 degrees toward the right, and
then lock the rotation pin. Rotate the halo 65 degrees toward the lef t when testing the
patient’s right side (Figure 6-57). Note that the f igures show a set-up for testing the
patient’s right side.
F i gure 6-57. H alo Rotation of 25 o Lateral
Step 9 . Att a c h t h e h ea d b r ace to the halo on the side being tested (Fig ure 6-58 ) .
F i g u re 6-58. Attach H ead Br ace
Step 10 . S et t h e h a lo to 0 d eg rees with resp ect to the horizontal. Make sure the fl exion /
extens ion a ngle is s et to 0 deg rees as well (Fig ure 6-59).
F i gure 6 -59. Set h alo an g les
Step 1 1 . Position the head brace against the patient’s head.
Step 1 2 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
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section 06
t h e p ivot point of t h e h a lo (F igu re 6-60).
F i gure 6 -6 0 . Fin al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5
Step 1 3 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
cl o s e s t to t h e f ront of t h e unit at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-61).
F i gure 6 -6 1. MCU ™ RJ 45 J ack an d Fin al
2 5 o Is ome t ric Later al Set-u p
In order to prepare for cer vical strength testing, it is extremely impor tant to under stand
how to properly position the patient; this will prevent any injur y during testing.
The following 7 steps are required prior to each type of strength testing. Outlined af ter
these 7 initial steps are the subsequent steps, which var y according to the test being perfo rmed.
Step 1 . Inser t the range-of-motion stop pin in the zero degree position on the halo (Figure
F ig u r e 6-62. In sert
R O M Stop
Step 2 . Lower t h e c h a ir a ll t h e way down to its lowest p osition.
Step 3 . Using the latch on the right side, open the halo (Figure 6-63).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -6 3 . O p en H alo
Step 4 . As k t h e pa t ient to s it in the chair.
Step 5 . Adjust the height of the seat, the position of the seat, the position of the back
of the chair, the height of the back of the chair, and the arm rests to accommodate the
patient’s size, height, and posture. Set the halo height to 3 as a star ting position (Figure
F i gure 6 -6 4 . S e a t Adj ustm en ts
Step 6 . S ec ur e t h e pa t ient w ith the waist strap and shoulder strap s (Fig ure 6-65).
F i gure 6 - 65. Waist an d Sh ou ld er Strap s
Step 7. C los e a nd loc k t h e h a l o (Fig ure 6-66).
Fig u r e 6-66. Close
an d Lock th e H alo
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section 06
Step 8 . For a flexion test, inser t the front head brace. For an extension test, inser t the
back head brace. Note that the bottom of the back brace is located at the external occi p i t al prot ub er a nc e (F igur e 6-6 7).
L ocation of
Back Brace
F lex ion Set-up
F i gure 6-67. In itial Isom etric Flexion
& Exte nsion Set-u p
Step 9 . S et t h e h a lo to 15 d egrees below the horizontal (Fig ure 6-68).
Fig u r e 6-68. H alo An g le
Step 10 . Position the head brace against the patient’s head.
Step 11. Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e p ivot point of t h e h a lo (F igu re 6-69).
F i gure 6 -6 9 . F in al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 2 . While holding onto the side of the halo, unlock the rotation pin, which is located at the top middle of the halo. If you’re testing the patient’s lef t side, rotate the
halo to 45 degrees right rotation and then lock the rotation pin. Rotate the halo to 45
degrees lef t rotation to test the patient’s right side (Figure 6-70).
Unlock Rotation Pin
45 o Rig ht
F i gure 6 -7 0 . H alo Rotation of 45 o
40040005 rev. 000
section 06
Step 1 3 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
cl os es t to t h e f ront of t h e un it at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-71).
Fi gure 6 -7 1 . MCU R J4 5 Ja ck an d Fin al 25 o Isom etr ic Flexion & Exten sion Set - ups
Step 8 . Unlock the rotation pin, which is located at the top middle of the halo. If
you’re testing the patient’s lef t side, rotate the halo to 45 degrees right rotation, and
t h en loc k t h e rot a t ion pin. Rotate the halo to 45 deg rees lef t rotation when testin g th e
patient’s right side (Figure 6-72). Note that the f igures show a set-up for testing the
patient’s right side.
F i gure 6-72. H alo Rotation of 45 o Later al
Step 9 . Att a c h t h e h ea d b r ace to the halo on the side being tested (Fig ure 6-73 ) .
F i g u re 6-73. Attach H ead Br ace
Step 10 . S et t h e h a lo to 0 d eg rees with resp ect to the horizontal. Make sure the fl exion /
extens ion a ngle is s et to 0 deg rees as well (Fig ure 6-74).
F i gure 6 -74. Set h alo an g les
Step 1 1 . Position the head brace against the patient’s head.
Step 1 2 . Make f ine adjustments to the seat to line up C5/C6 of the patient’s spine with
t h e pivot point of t h e h a lo (Fig ure 6-75).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -7 5 . F i n al Ad ju stm en ts an d Locatin g C5/ C6
Step 1 3 . Attach the RJ45 cable to the head brace being used and the RJ45 jack that is
cl o s e s t to t h e f ront of t h e unit at the top of the MCU™ (Fig ure 6-76).
F i gure 6 -7 6. MCU ™ RJ 45 J ack an d Fin al
4 5 o Is ome tric Later al Set-u p
Access the pre-programmed Strength protocols by clicking the Streng th Tes ts icon on
the Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Strength Protocols main page. From this page you have the
ability to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add
and remove tests to clients, create new isometric strength tests, edit tests, and delete
te s t s (F igur e 6-77).
F i gure 6 -7 7 . S tre ngth P rotocols
Note that three strength protocols have been designed for the Multi-Cer vical™ Unit:
M C U™ Neut r a l Is omet r ic , M C U™ Ang le Sp ecif ic 25 Deg rees, and MCU™ Ang le Sp ecif ic 4 5
Degrees. The only dif ference between the three protocols is the rotation angle at which
40040005 rev. 000
section 06
the halo is set (i.e. 0 degrees, 25 degrees, and 45 degrees).
Step 1 . Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the lef t box and clicking Add
to Client or by double clicking on the test in the lef t box.
Step 2. Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right
b ox a nd c lic k Per for m Te s t to bring up the testing screen (Fig ure 6-78).
F i gure 6 -7 8 . Ce rvi ca l Stren g th Main Screen
The initial Cer vical Strength protocol screens contain the following features:
Name of the test
S t a r t Tes t ic on, w h ic h c h ang es to Stop Test af ter the test has beg un
Analysis icon to extensively analyze the data of a completed test
New icon to begin a new set of test results
Delete icon to delete the selected test’s results
Close icon to return to the protocol screen
Next Protocol icon to move on to the next protocol
Flexion icon, which switches to the Flexion test screen
Extension icon, which switches to the Extension test screen
Lateral icon, which switches to the Lateral test screen
P rot r a c t ion ic on, w h ic h s witches to the Protraction screen
Ret r a c t ion ic on, w h ic h s w itches to the Retraction screen
Graphs and tables to illustrate the test results
Instructions on how to per form the tests
Threshold icon, which allows a threshold force to be set
The Strength Flexion test measures the patient’s strength with respect to the flexor
muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e F l ex i o n icon. The Flexion Testing screen will ap p ear (Fig ure 6 - 7 9 ) .
N ote t h a t t h e s c r een s h ow n in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp uter.
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section 06
Fi gure 6 -7 9 . Ce rvi ca l S tren g th - Flexion Test
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-IV of this manual.
Step 3 . C lic k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c ompl eted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to rate
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wo r st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The Strength Flexion test calls for three trials to be per formed.
A s t he protoc ol is per for med , t he screen will disp lay the results and averag es v ia a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average force, peak forc e,
co e f fic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV ), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating s determin e d
by t h e pa t ient w ill a ls o a ppea r in the p ain scale text f ield (Fig ure 6-80).
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section 06
F i gure 6 -8 0 . Ce rvi ca l Str en g th - Com p leted Flexion Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
T h e S t r engt h E x tens ion tes t measures the p atient’s streng th with resp ect to the exten sor muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Extension icon. The Extension Testing screen will ap p ear (Figu r e 6 81 ). Note t h a t t h e s c r een s hown in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp u te r.
F i gure 6 -8 1 . Ce rvi ca l Stren g th - Exten sion Test
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section 06
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-IV of this manual.
Step 3 . C lic k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c ompl eted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to rate
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wo r st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The Strength Extension test calls for three trials to be per formed.
A s t he protoc ol is per for med , t he screen will disp lay the results and averag es v ia a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average force, peak forc e,
co e f fic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV ), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating s determin e d
by t h e pa t ient w ill a ls o a ppea r in the p ain scale text f ield (Fig ure 6-82).
Fi gure 6 -8 2 . Ce rvi ca l S tren g th - Com p leted Exten sion Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
The Strength Lateral test measures the patient’s strength with respect to the lateral
muscle group.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Lateral ic on. The L ateral Testing screen will ap p ear (Fig ure 6-83 ) .
N ote t h a t t h e s c r een s h ow n in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp uter.
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section 06
F i gure 6 -8 3 . Ce rvi ca l Str en g th - Later al Test
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-IV of this manual.
Step 3 . C l i c k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e ea c h s id e is comp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wor st pain possible). Click on the number the patient determined and then click O K .
The Strength Lateral test calls for three trials to be per formed per side.
As the protocol is per formed, the screen will display the results and averages via a line
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average force, peak force,
coef f ic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating s deter m in e d
by t h e pa t ient w ill a ls o a ppear in the p ain scale text f ield (Fig ure 6-8 4).
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section 06
Fi gure 6 -8 4 . Ce rvi ca l S tren g th - Com p leted Later al Test
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Protraction icon. The Protraction Testing screen will appear (Figure
6 - 8 5 ). Note t h a t t h e s c r een s hown in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp ute r.
Fi gure 6 -8 5 . Ce rvi ca l S tren g th - P r otraction Test
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-IV of this manual.
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section 06
Step 3 . C l i c k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c omp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wor st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
The Strength Protraction test calls for three trials to be per formed.
A s t h e protoc ol is per for med, the screen will disp lay the results and averag es v i a a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average force, peak force,
coef f ic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating s deter m in e d
by the patient will also appear in the pain scale text f ield.
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
Step 1 . S elec t t h e Retraction icon. The Retraction Testing screen will appear (Figure
6 - 86). Note t h a t t h e s c r een shown in the f ig ure may dif fer from that on the comp u te r.
F i gure 6 -8 6 . Ce rvi ca l Stren g th - Retr action Test
Step 2 . Position the patient as described in Section 06-IV of this manual.
Step 3 . C l i c k St ar t Te s t to begin testing.
Step 4 . O nc e t h e tes t is c omp leted, a p ain scale will ap p ear. Ask the p atient to r a te
his/her pain on a ten-point scale (0 is equivalent to no pain and 10 is equivalent to the
wor st pain possible). Click on the number the patient stated and then click O K .
T h e Ret r a c t ion S t r engt h tes t calls for three trials to be p er formed.
A s t h e protoc ol is per for med, the screen will disp lay the results and averag es v i a a l in e
graph, table, pie char t, and bar graph.
In addition to the test results, the screen will tabulate: the average force, peak force,
40 0 4 0 0 0 5 re v. 0 0 0
section 06
co e f f ic ient of va r ia t ion (C OV ), and the p ercent of normal. The p ain rating s determin e d
by the patient will also appear in the pain scale text f ield.
You may retest a trial by clicking on the R icon to the lef t or right of the trial table, depending on which trial you would like to redo. However, once a test has been closed, the
trials can not be retested.
Access the pre-programmed Strength protocols by clicking the Streng th Tes ts icon on
the Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Strength Protocols main page, where you can edit and create
te st s.
Create a new test by clicking on N ew Tes t and then clicking Cer vical Integration ( F i g u r e 6 - 87 ) .
Fi gure 6 -8 7 . Cus tom Ce rvical In teg ration P rotocol
T h e follow ing c a n b e c r ea ted on Custom Cer v ical Integ ration Protocols:
A . Cer vical Protocol Name - Ty p e in the name of the test
B . Maximum Trial Durat ion - Set the maximum amount of time (seconds) for the trial
du ra t ion
C. Res t Period Between Trials - Set the amount of time (seconds) to rest between trials
D. Res t Period Between Sides - Set the amount of time (seconds) to rest between
s wi t ch ing s id es
E. Fixed I n it ial Rot at ion An gle (de g ) - Set the initial angle (degrees) for a rotation test
F. Tes t D e s c r i p t i o n - Ty pe in a ny descrip tion that should be included on the test
G. I nser t Password - Choose whether a password is required to edit the test – if this option is selected, any user will be prompted for the password whenever he or she tries to
edit the test.
H . B o d y Reg i o n - Select which body region is to be evaluated
I. Fixed Initial Flexion/Extension Angle (deg) - Set the initial (degrees) for a flexion or
extens ion tes t
J. Flexion/Extension Threshold (lbs) - Set the amount of force (lbs) required for a flexpage
40040005 rev. 000
section 06
ion or extension test to begin
K . Rot at i o n T h r e s h o l d ( l b s ) - Set the amount of force (lbs) required for a rotation test to
b egin
L . Pain Rat in g Per S id e - Choose whether to display the pain rating scale
Once the screen has been closed, the protocol is saved under the assigned test name
w it h t h e new s pec if ic a t ions .
ODES includes several pre-programmed Clinical protocols, which are intended to be complete d
without the use of any tools. These protocols help to identify any injuries or anomalies the pat i e n t may h ave.
Access the pre-programmed Clinical protocols by clicking the Clinic al icon on the Hom e
This will bring you to the Clinical Protocols main page. From this page you have the ability
to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add and remove tests to clients, create new range of motion tests, edit tests, and delete tests (Figure
F i gure 6 -8 8 . Cl i ni ca l P r otocols
Step 1 . Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the lef t box and clicking Add to
Cl i e n t or by double clicking on the test in the lef t box.
Step 2 . Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right box
and click Pe r for m Te s t to b r ing up the testing screen (Fig ure 6-89).
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Title                           : 40040005_ rev.000.pdf
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