BlackBerry ITB100-1 Asset Tracker User Manual Technical rev
BlackBerry Limited Asset Tracker Technical rev
User Manual-1
‘5: BlackBerry radar BlackBerry Radar Dashboard User’s Guide August 2017 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 2 Table of Contents 1 Overview ..... 1.1 The Dashboard map 1.2 The Dashboard main men 2 Browsing the map 2.1 Map settings. 2.2 Modify map settings 2.3 Browse asset information on the map 2.4 Event markers 3 Retrieving asset information 3.1 Download installation worksheet 3.2 Search for assets 3.2.1 Search by asset [D 3.2.2 Search by sensor data 3.3 View asset information 3.4 View cargo state informatlo 3.5 Retrieve asset type information 3.6 Modify asset type... 3.7 Modify asset alert settings 3.8 Retrieve modules and pairing informatio 4 Understanding events and alerts 4.1 The Event Timeline view 4.2 View the Event Timeline 4.3 Filter events 4.4 Set event time range 4.5 Interpret the Timeline view 4.5.1 Zooming in and out. 4.5.2 Zooming in on a specific event 4.5.3 How events are interpreted 4.6 Download events in Timeline. 4.7 Events that require configuration 4.8 Temperature and humidity event configuration ..... 5 Access other asset related information 5.1 View geofence information ...... 5.2 Search for a geofence .. 5.3 Subscribe to alert notification 5.4 Unsuhscribe from alert notification 5.5 Retrieve users list.... 6 Generating asset data reports 6.1 General report features 6.1.1 Set a time range 6.1.2 Select geofences 6.1.3 Save the repor 6.1.4 View a saved report... BLACKBERRV RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 3 6.1.5 Refresh a report.... 6.1.6 Modify or delete a repor 6.2 Dwell report 6.2.1 Pie char number ofldle a et and their average dwell time 6.2.2 Histogram: idle assets and dwell time over time ..... 6.2.3 Dwell time by geofence. 6.2.4 Selected geofence. 6.3 Detention report... 6.3.1 Pie chart: number ofdetained assets and average detention time 6.3.2 Histogram: idle assets and detention time over time 6.3.3 Detention time by geuienc 6.3.4 Selected geofence. 6.4 Yard check 6.4.1 Time selection 6.4.2 Subscription .. 6.4.3 Assets by geofenc 6.4.4 Selected geofence. 6.5 Cargo utilization report. 6.5.1 Average number of loaded and empty .. 6.5.2 Utilization by geofence ...... .47 48 .48 . over time 7 Legal notice.... BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 4 1 Overview As a user, you can retrieve asset information from the BlackBerry Radar Dashboard, but you have very limited access to modifying asset configurations. lfyou need configuration changes, speak to an admin user of the application. The BlackBerry Radar Dashboard lets you access asset tracking information through: - The Dashboard map ~ The Dashboard main menu This guide provides step-by-step directions on how to use the Dashboard map and the main menu to track information about your assets. Note: As a user. you can retrieve asset information, but you have very limited access to modifying asset configurations. Ifyou need configuration changes, speak to an admin user of the application. 1.1 The Dashboard map The Dashboard map opens when you sign in to the Dashboard. It presents assets. geofences. and other related information through commonly used map markers and features. You can choose what types of asset information to display on the map using the map layers button V at the upper right corner ofthe map. The map layers include: ' Geofences: A coloured polygon represents a geofence on the map. “'0 D . 2“ . Baa“ I ° Asset markers: A balloon-shaped marker represents an asset on the map. When an asset is selected, the rest ofthe asset markers fade into the background. BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 5 An asset marker reveals the following information about the asset: ' A red marker indicates alarm condition[s) detected. - A blue marker indicates no alarm conditions. - A filled circle inside the marker indicates that the asset is carrying cargo. ' An unfilled circle indicates no cargo detected. ' A dash inside the marker indicates that the asset has no cargo-sensing capability. rm You can filter the display of asset markers by asset class, using the map layers button: - Reefer trailer asset markers ' Dry trailer asset markers ' Heated trailer asset markers - Reefer container asset markers - Dry container asset markers ' Heated container asset markers ' Chassis asset markers - Flatbed asset markers ' Light vehicle asset markers ' Heavy equipment asset markers - Other asset markers Asset clusters: An asset cluster represents a cluster ofassets that congregate around a small map space and that cannot be drawn individually due to space constraint. An asset cluster appears as a blue disk with a white number in the center that denotes the number of assets it represents. The image below shows an asset cluster that represents 6 assets. You can hover over or click on the marker to see details. BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 6 Location history dots: A blue dot indicates the location from which a selected asset has sent a data upload. Only uploads that were performed during the period specified in the asset Timeline View are represented. The image below shows three location history dots along the street the asset is travelling. m.- a ‘8 ‘9 fl Prince Albert 5‘ (% f . a @ & QstLauum Event markers: A purple marker indicates the location from which an asset has recorded an event. The icon inside the marker indicates the type ofevent recorded. The image below shows an event marker that indicates an extended stopover. You can view event detail in the asset Timeline view. GH [V ”m g E 4,. "(r ,. 4.,“ s. 0‘ Month CAN‘DH‘S‘ Event clusters: An event cluster represents a cluster of events that congregate around a small map space and that cannot be drawn individually due to space constraint. An event cluster appears as a purple disk with a number in the center that denotes the number of events it represents. The image below shows an event cluster example, You can click on the event cluster to zoom in and see the individual events. BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 7 VERMONT :/ 1’. ..-( We ° Address search results: i - Clicking on the yellow marker will display the address that was selected. ' Typing and selecting a new address in the search field will move the marker to the new location. - To clear the marker, click Clear, or uncheck the Address search results box from the WV?! 0). HEIGHTS ' l , El 969-: 6 Br! 13 Dark *2 mam . Beam and Heath ‘2 ’a ’3» x? Address Search Clear \ Map data 020’? 'saogWs clUse a map ervov To remove any of the above map layers from the map display. use the dropdown menu from the map layers button V. 1.2 The Dashboard main menu You can access the Dashboard main menu by clicking the BlackBerry button a at the upper left corner. Clicking on the menu options, you will find the following views: - Reports: periods that you choose. BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 8 - Modules: Lists all the BlackBerry Radar modules that belong to your organization, including those that are in service and those that are not. Before you can access the sensor data a module collects, the module must be associated with an asset. - Assets: Displays the list of assets that have been added to the application. You can use this view to locate your assets on the map and review their status details. configuration settings, as well as any events and alerts that have occurred. To do this, your assets must first be associated with modules. ' Asset Types: Lists all the asset types that have been defined by your organization. - Geofences: Lists all the geofences that have been defined by your organization. You can register to receive alert messages on the assets that enter and exit these geofences. ' Alerts: Lists all the alerts that your organization has enabled. You can register to receive notifications for individual alerts. - Users: Lists all the users from your organization and their roles in the Dashboard application. Note: Use Google Chrome to launch the BlackBerry Radar Dashboard. Other browsers are not supported. BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 9 2 Browsing the map The BlackBerry Radar Dashboard allows you to retrieve information related to your assets. 2.1 Map settings The Dashboard map supports a number ofmap views and layers. A map view is a map displayed according to a certain viewpoint, such as a 'Streets' view or a 'Terrain' view. A map layer is a collection ofinformation that can be either displayed on the map or turned off; for example, "Geofences" is a map layer that can be turned on or off by Checking or unchecking the box. I 1 o Streets Hybrid ' Terrain Geotences Asset clusters ’ Event clusters ‘ Reefer trailer asset markers Dry trailer asset markers Heated trailer asset markers ‘ Reefer container asset markers Dry container asset markers Heated container asset markers chassis asset markers “ Flatbed asset markers Heavy equipment asset markers gm vehicle asset markers Other asset markers Location history dots Asset distance paths Event markers Address search results The Dashboard map displays one map view and any number of map layers at a time. By default, it displays the Streets view and has all map layer options turned on, as shown in the example above. You can switch to any other view and uncheck any BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 10 map layers that you don't need. Note that the selections you make here are not saved. When you sign out and sign in again, the map display will revert to default settings. 2.2 Modify map settings 1. Click the map layers button V to open the list ofmap layers. 2. Set the map to a view of your choice by clicking one ofthe radio buttons. ' Streets: Default road map View ' Hybrid: Combined View of satellite images and names oflocations such as streets and towns ' Terrain: Map view that shows terrain information such as mountains and valleys 3. To display the map layers you need. check the corresponding checkboxes; to hide the map layers you want to ignore. uncheck the boxes. For a detailed description ofthe map layers. see The Dashboard map. 2.3 Browse asset information on the map You can find a lot of information directly from the Dashboard map. ' 0n the map. clicking any asset marker will: ' Highlight the asset on the map ' i ' The Asset view displays the Details tab. You can open other tabs to see more information. ° The Timeline view contains sensor reading details and events and alerts that happen in a specified time range. ' You can locate the asset on the map using the Q button in either view. This button works as a toggle. Click to toggle it on (button turns blue]; click again to toggle it off [button turns grey). When toggled on [button is blue) the selected asset is brought to the center of the map and your map view automatically follows the asset as it moves. You cannot move away from the asset on the map when the button is blue. ' When toggled off (button is grey). the map view releases its focus on the asset and you can move to another part ofthe map. ° Click X in the Timeline View to close both views. 10 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 11 a Mmmm mqumm MMEWWMCO) ‘ . m ‘ 033" g” 3 Asset 609788 Dealt: omen: mam GIO- Localion o await-755mm: q as Glendale Ave, Ottawa. ON K15 iwe, Oman-n > Status 3‘ Seuwwilws “of mm 25 AM .. mmMMmmwWNW. I t!" r ‘0» Week Custom u: C3139 emu M1y25,2m7 a 22 m («M m ism :94) Mon 5 June In: a n mm mm M. asamvewAM «mm m n u v ( mm 55m my 1‘! Dow closafl May 25. 2m 95:) AM (me 2m am m) E Yompevamrazzza‘c '4? Harmony em a varessure saskea n Bumaxwwwolmnnevavelso vwkm ' For any asset cluster marker, ' Hovering your mouse over it without clicking will highlight a rectangular area, outlining the location ofthe clustered assets. ' Clicking it, you'll zoom in and see the individual assets in the cluster. ' When you click the zoom out button, an asset cluster may be formed. ' Clicking any event marker on the map highlights the event in the Timeline view as well as other events that happen during the same time period. Similarly. clicking any event in the Timeline highlights the event in both the map and the Timeline view. The example below shows a Door event and details in the Timeline view. 11 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 12 509733 9 Yoday 4311va Week ouszam ruasJuno 10:50 11100 11:10 11:20 11:30 11740 11:50 12:00 12:10 1220 1; ‘1an 1001» 15-01: 5 cm: W” H I I ‘ . a 7.11,...1 * 2.4 Event markers the Admin Guide—E EventMarker Description Battery low Battery OK Cargo detected Cargo unloaded [empty] Door open Door clused Extended stopover Entry into geofence 90993 (M? 12 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 13 Exit from geofence Movement started Movement stopped Humidity out of specified range. or humidity back in range [marker in green) Temperature out of specified range, or temperature back in range (marker in green] 13 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 14 3 Retrieving asset information All assets are listed in the Assets view. You can sort the asset list by clicking column Identifier, Type, or Created. You can search for a specific asset and find detailed information about that asset by clicking anywhere in the asset row. This section describes the following tasks in detail: sk Description Download installation worksheet Download the installation worksheet. Search for an asset Search for an asset by asset ID or by sensor data View asset information Retrieve information about an individual asset View cargo state information View cargo status information Retrieve asset type information Retrieve asset data and alert settings Modify asset type Modify the asset type Modify asset alert settings Modify alert configuration for an asset Retrieve module and pairing See which module is associated with which asset information 3.1 Download installation worksheet The installation worksheet lists all the assets in the Dashboard application that are not yet asso ated with any module. lfyou have just added your assets to the application, those assets will appear on the installation worksheet. You can use this worksheet to help matching asset identifiers to module identifiers. The worksheet is available for your convenience; you can use any worksheet that works best for you. 1. Open the Assets View. 2. Check Only show unassociated assets to get a list ofassets not yet associated with any modules. Click Worksheet. 4-. Click PDF \Vorkshect to get the worksheet in PDF format or click CSV Worksheet to get the worksheet in CSV format. 5. Click Close. 6. Open the downloaded worksheet and print it. .9" 7. Click e to go back to the main menu. 14 BLACKBERRV RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 15 3.2 Search for assets There're two ways to search for assets: search by asset 1D and search by sensor data. Search by asset ID lets you find an individual asset by typing the asset identifier into the Asset Search field. You can do this either at the lower left corner ofthe map, or in the Assets view. Search by sensor data lets you find assets that share certain sensor data characteristics, such as assets that are not loaded. The Assets View contains the complete list ofall the assets that your administrator has entered into the BlackBerry Radar Dashboard. Many ofthese assets are already associated with BIackBerry Radar devices and are viewable on the map. Some assets, however, may represent containers that do not yet have a Radar module installed. and are therefore, not viewable on the map. Search by asset ID will find any asset in the BlackBerry Radar Dashboard, regardless of its association with a Radar module. Sensor search only works for those assets that are associated with a module, because the search is based on asset data received from the sensors on the Radar module. 3.2.1 Search by asset ID Using the Asset Search field, you can filter through the complete assets list. 1, Click a and then click Assets to open the Assets view. 2. In the Asset Search field. start typing the asset identifier. A filtered list will appear that matches the partial or complete asset identifier you have entered. 3.2.2 Search by sensor data Using the Sensor Search button, you can perform searches on the assets that have sensor data. Sensor data is grouped into the following search criteria: Descr Battery State ofthe battery: OK or Not 0K [needs replacement] Door State ofthe doo pen or Closed Pressure Air pressure range Humidity Humidity range in percentage Temperature Temperature range Cargo State ofcargo: Detected [carrying cargo) or Empty [not carrying cargo] "0 search by sensor data: 1. In the Assets view. click Sensor Search. 15 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 16 1. Enter your search criteria: Click Add Criteria. Click Criteria.... Click the dropdown button to display a list ofcriteria. Select a criterion from the list. Depending on the criterion selected, you can do one of the following: ' Click the button to toggle the criterion value - Enter a range 0fvalues 6. Click on the criterion button to accept your value[s]. 7. Repeat previous steps to add more criteria. or click the X button next to a criterion to remove it. 3. Click Search. 4. Each time you make changes to the search criteria, click Search again. P‘PP’NT‘ The following examples demonstrate the search process. ”w - " Haw , C - . “ Eausry Ide D00? Assetfype aamry v Door v Pressurex. Mumldnym Temperatx. cargo v lee preswe Stolen OK Closed 100077 05 4.0 Empty Humidity 20 Normal OK Closed 100044 37 0.700000... Loaded Tempamture PG Cargo Penshahle ox Closed 100075 04 2.000000... Empty NF: Movenme Normal OK closed 100953 70 -5.383782... Loaded x innal OK Closed 100959 50 4.000000... Empty Ev lrmal OK Closed 100040 35 4.500000... Empty From Ti) ‘ Humidity 3: +Add ’ena Sensor Search Identifier Container... Aasethe flattery v Door v Pressureri. Humiditym Temperal |G3849 ISO 668:2... Stolen OK Closed 100977 36 4.9 ZU1646 ISO 668:2... Normal OK Closed 100945 38 -0.600000 EV7582 ISO 665:2... Normal OK Closed 100046 36 4.500000. RL9386 ISO 668:2... Normal OK Closed 100925 30 0.5 RF294F. ISO 668'2 , Highvalup. 0K Closed 100927 50 4 annono MW3077 ISO 668: Hulllidilystatus a. summit“ new: man 25 m » Stoned mavmg- Fri we: AM (in eon 5m can) fi L‘argodaudnd M1y25,2m7832AM(1M22h sem nee) Today an Hours Week Mon 5 June . m. mm. mu um 3:35;, W V ‘ anon Moo 0... am- Doavclosao May25,20179.50AMl10d 2m am am) "m an. , cm Humdily 5m ‘ My w Temperature. 22 a-c newer M possum as s w: mm mm " Esllmaiw ww olmnoevaveleo cw Km 3. The Details tab displays asset information in three sections: Location, Status, and Details. Note that due to differences in hardware configuration, information in the Status area is different between assets that are associated with Radar modules and assets that are associated with Radar-L modules. - Location: The location of the asset. This may include: ' GPS location - Name of the geofence if the asset is in one ' Address ofthe asset location ' Status: The latest sensor readings. For an asset that is associated with a Radar module, this may include: ' Latest sensor reading time ' Asset movement ' Cargo state ' Door state 17 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 18 ' Battery state ' Environmental readings including temperature, humidity, and air pressure ' Estimated distance that the asset has travelled ' Alerts that have been triggered. Any alerted condition is highlighted in a red warning message indicating both the alert and the expected value. ' Status: For an asset that is associated with a Radar-L module, this may include: ' Latest sensor reading time - Asset movement ' Door state ' Battery state ' Estimated distance that the asset has travelled ' Alerts that have been triggered regarding the above conditions. ° Details: Asset details including: ' Asset properties such as asset type and dimensions ° The module associated with this asset 4. Click Options to open the Options tab and View asset data settings. 18
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