BlackBerry ITB100-1 Asset Tracker User Manual Technical rev
BlackBerry Limited Asset Tracker Technical rev
User Manual-4
BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 56 ' Last Movement: The last time the asset moved ' Avg. Detention Time: The asset's detention time averaged over the number of times it has been idle for in the geofence, for the selected time period ' Max Detention Time: The longest time the asset has been idle for in the geofence, for the selected time period ° Cumulative Detention Time: The sum of all detained times ofthe asset in the geofence, for the selected time period Assets in Rail yard Asset Asse‘ ‘ 5 Last Avg. Detention Max Detention Cumulative Detention yp Movement Tlme 0 Time. a Time a currently E28895 Perishable 45 days 17 hours 45 days 17 hours 45 days 17 hours moving 6.4 Yard check The yard check report shows you the state ofthe assets in your selected yards [that is, your included geofences] at the selected point in time. It includes two sections: ° Assets by geofence: Shows state ofassets in each ofthe selected geofences at the selected time ' Selected geofence: Shows state of assets in a specific geofence at the selected time. as well as details about each individual asset You can also subscribe to have yard check reports emailed to you. See details below. Yard Check EV (5.5m . omzsmzmmmam Tune Seledion Now Assets by Geofence Included cadences Geoience Total Assexs Loaded Assets Errply Assets ldle As o Ammo: Dimibufiunm o o a o l Custom Subscription ’ Subscribe 6.4.1 Time selection The yard check report allows you to choose a specific report time, under Time Selection. The default selection is Now. You can choose: 56 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 57 ' Relative time: Click and drag to choose any hour in the last day, or any day in the past 90 days. ° Absolute time: Click i. then follow the prompt to select a date, hour, and time. Click the back and forward arrows to see more choices. 6.4.2 Subscription To subscribe to yard check reports and receive reports in your email: 1. In the Reports view, click New Yard Check, or open an existing yard check report and click Edit Report. 2. Under Subscription, check the Subscribe box. 3. Click the dropdown list to choose a report time and frequency. 4. Click Save Changes. A green ribbon icon. along with the subscription time, appears under your yard check report name. The green ribbon icon will also appear with your saved report on the Reports view. indicating successful subscription. Note: You can only subscribe for the user account that is logged in. as shown under the Subscribe checkbox. To unsubscribe, 1. In the Reports View, open the yard check report that contains your subscription. 2. Uncheck the Subscribe box. 3. Click Save Changes. 6.4.3 Assets by geofence This section gives you a summary ofthe state ofthe assets in each geofence at the selected time, including: ' Total Assets: Total number of assets in the geofence ° Loaded Assets: Total number ofloaded assets 0 Empty Assets: Total number of empty assets ' Idle Assets: Total number of assets that are idle [not moving] 57 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 58 Assets by Geotence First Previnuslz 3 Next Last Geolence Total Assets Loaded Assets Empty Assets Umknown Cargo Assets Idle Assets Gary 11m I 4 3 o I 3 Bridluwood 5mm. 1 o 1 o 1 Fuquay deminmion 1 o 1 o a Kw ram 1 1 o o a Kocher min 1 o 1 o a 6.4.4 Selected geofence Click a geofence in the Assets by Geofence table to get a detailed yard check report about the individual assets in that geofence and their respective cargo status, door status, and idle time. You can click the asset identifier to bring up the asset details on the map. Selected Geofence: Cary Test 1 Assets in Cary Test 1 Asset Assel Type Asset Class Loaded Door Stale idle idle For AntoniOJIIryinriveiTeet DriveTesting Dry Trailer Yes Closed No Not Available JHP16504201 WIS DriveTes1ing Dry Trailer Yes Closed Ves 63d 00h 09m JHPIW1W DmeTesIlng DryTraIIer NorAvaIIabIe Unknown Ves mdmnssm .IHFIssoelcnsoBmoea DriveTelting Dry Trailer Vee Closed Va: 26611 ooh 36111 6.5 Cargo utilization report The cargo utilization report presents an overview ofthe utilization state ofyour assets--how many assets are loaded, and how many empty, through a selected time range. A loaded asset is considered utilized. Note: Cargo utilization reports are not available for assets that are associated with the following modules: ° Modules that do not have cargo-sensing capabilities ' Modules that are not mounted on doors A cargo utilization report may look like this: 58 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 59 . Cargo Utilization Report New Dawn Uflllmlnn Repofli ( 5° new new mm 2011. mmmw mm 2917.15.10 m Tim. Ring. Average Number 01 Loaded 5. Empty Ass-Is Over 'rima Today :i Included Gemnces — Aw ”magma — Aw Emflylssel: n “mm ‘" cm... ° 3 ‘ ‘ .i . i m M mm m m Mm mum mm mm uunzatlnn by sentence ‘imlm‘l— m m m equipped with ham and does not moiude mm WW... M a. Tu Ava Avc mm Equv J'iiza’vnuw'hmnfi E o o o u , cwmm 5 aw. Aw. $§ ’ ‘ . a m rm we a" —= ‘7 5.,— As you complete your time range and geofence selections, the cargo utilization report is automatically generated and updated. The report consists ofthree sections: ' Average number of loaded and empty assets histogram: The average number of loaded and empty assets through the selected time range ' Utilization by geofence table: Loaded vs. empty assets in each geofence through the selected time range For more information about selecting time range and geofences, see "Set a time range" and “Select geofences.” 6.5.1 Average number of loaded and empty assets over lime The histogram is a stacked area chart and shows the trend of the numbers ofloaded and empty assets over the selected time period. - X-axis: The progression of time ' Y-axis: The number of assets ' Blue line: The number of loaded assets over selected time range. - Red line: The number ofempty assets over selected time range. ' Hovering and moving along either line brings up more details. 59 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 60 Average Number of Loaded & Empty Assets Over Time — Avg. Loaded Assels — Avg. Emply Assets I 00:00 03:00 00:00 09:00 12:00 15 00 6.5.2 Utilization by geofence This table lists all the included geofences and their asset utilization status. For each geofence, the table displays: ' Geofence: Geofence name - Total Assets: The total number of assets in the geofence during the selected time range ' Avg Loaded: While assets were in the geofence, the percentage oftime that the assets were loaded during the selected time range ' Avg Empty: While assets were in the geofence, the percentage of time that the assets were empty during the selected time range - Utilization over Time: Histogram depicting the trend in the number of assets in the geofence that are either loaded or empty. during the selected time range. The x-axis indicates progression of time and the y-axis indicates the number ofloaded and empty assets in the geofence. Utilization by Geofence ' includes assets mat ale equipped with Radar and dues nm ineiude nadaeL (exoep! in Tmal Assets mum) Firsl Previous—2 Next Las1 Toiei Avg Avg Geofence AssetsO Loaded 0 Empty 0 Utilization overTimeO I.“ Ls Carv Th!” 5 60% 40% 3-" — nun 2011 mm ‘5 ' lEmptyAll-tx'! ' 0 “Damn I W“ hum 3 man 12x10 15:00 mu 0.75 7‘ KW Tostl 4 100% MIA 0 50 ‘ n25 . no name 01:00 mm mm 122m) 15:00 60 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 61 6.6 Asset mileage report The asset mileage report presents a summary ofthe mileage each asset has run within the time range. By default. the report uses the current date as the time range and includes all assets. You can set the time range and select the asset types to filter the list. For more information. see the "Set time range" and “Select geofences or asset types" sections. Asset Mileage Report 4 New Asset Mile-g: Hanan v ( Ga Back I From Am 11:: 2017,1zooun To Aug 1mm7.1n:2s my. firm Range i may g Asset Mileage Included Anal Iypn l 0 A" Mlcngn h l/laxlmu“ xemmm , 1 0.... 332;; 33:11. , lmll mu um 521043 Pariahlhla o.n n.o o.n n.n 0.0 n.» ‘ cxoam Hum-I 0.0 n.o 0.0 0.0 M n.o exam Normal m1 v.0 o.u n.n on ma ' exam Naml o.n n.» a.n n.n on n.» exam Manual on n.o o.a n.o on 0.0 , ’ gaunt» Many-I an n.o o.o n.o on 2.5 I ‘ FH152fl Maml (Ln n.» o.n n.n on 521.5 some Nomi-I o.n n.o o.n n.n on 51.5 6.6.1 Asset mileage table The Asset Mileage table details the mileage information of each asset of the selected asset types: ' Mileage in Time Range: Total distance traveled within the selected time range. ° Loaded Mileage in Time Range: Total distance traveled when asset is loaded. - Maximum Mileage: Longest distance traveled in the time unit indicated (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.]. ° Minimum Mileage: Shortest distance traveled in the time unit indicated (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.]. ' Average Mileage: Average distance traveled in the time unit indicated (e.g., hourly, daily, etc.]. ' Total Mileage: Total distance the asset has traveled. 61 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER’S GUIDE 62 Asset Mileage Asset Mileage in Loaded Mileage Maximum erllmum $3ng Total . Asset Type Time Range in Time Range Hourly Hourly y Mileage ldeniiiier , . . Mileage [ml] (mi) (ml) Mileage (ml) Mileage (mi) 0 (ml) 621048 Perishable 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 «35151 Perishable 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.1 JR7975 Perishable 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 mam HighValue 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4 6.7 Movement utilization report The movement utilization report presents a summary 0fthe movement time of each asset. By default, the report uses the current date as the time range and includes all assets. You can set the time range and select the asset types to filter the list. For more information, see the “Set time range" and "Select geofences or asset types” sections. . Movement Utilization Report NwaImImUIlllzallmR pan J (Gneank From: Nun 7m m11.12:00 .m 1»: Ann mi 2017.10121 .11. 11m Range Today ¢i A559. Movement Utilization lncludod Meal Type: new Star) Tifll"ll g A" Asset 111mm Asset lype Ire “me Ram 011mm 01mm. Drive 1m Inlld 11:0 112 DrlveTbiflng n m" 0.0% "Ptmtmcnaflnflm 0011 mi. " «mun 0 0m. :7m ' mbrimnlv—I 000 100 (JHPIGSOSOGIGOBOOODE) a ‘ ”m" 1"” 21m 0 100.0% Wm- cow we: 0 001111». 0m. 2m 00000Am1 OOWJVP’E 0 00111101 0.0% 21111 immune: emu-yer. n mm" am. 2111. °‘ ,. w e v “menu... w —-. m M“... 6.7.1 Asset movement utilization The Asset Movement Utilization table lists all the assets of the selected asset types and their: ' Move Time: The total time ofthe asset in movement ° Stop Time: The total time of the asset not in movement 62 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 63 Transit Ratio: The ratio ofthe asset's time in movement over the total time in time range Asset Movement Utilization Asset Identifier Asscl Type Move Timc Slop Time Transit Ratio Drive Test Build 1138 #2 DriveTesting 0 00d 10h 30m 0.0% BlackBerry Fleet Van 1 DriveTesting 0 00d 10h 30m 0.0% Drive Test Build 1138 DriveTesting 0 00d 10h 30m 0.0% RC0 Test Lite 2 DriveTesting 0 00d 10h (mm 0.0% 63 BLACKBERRY RADAR DASHBOARD DISPATCHER USER'S GUIDE 64 7 Legal notice @2017 BlackBerry. All rights reserved. BlackBerry® and related trademarks, names, and logos are the property of BlackBerry Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S. and countries around the world. All other trademarks are the property oftheir respective owners. This documentation, including any references to third-party sources of information, hardware or software, products or services ("Third Party Products and Service”), is provided or made accessible "AS is" and "AS AVAILABLE" and without condition. endorsement, guarantee. representation. or warranty of any kind by BlackBerry Limited and its affiliated companies ("BlackBerry"). BlackBerry assumes no responsibility for any typographical, technical. or other inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in this documentation and reserves the right to periodically change information that is contained in this documentation. The terms of use ofthis documentation and any BlackBerry product or service are set out in a separate license or other agreement with BlackBerry applicable thereto. Certain features outlined in this documentation may require Third Party Products and Services and your use ofThird Party Products and Services shall be governed by and subject to you agreeing to the terms ofseparate agreements applicable thereto with third parties. BlackBerry Limited 2200 University Avenue East Waterloo, Ontario Canada NZK 0A7 Published in Canada 64
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