Brother 8CAA19 Spread Spectrum Transmitter User Manual MFC 440CN UG US

Brother Industries, Ltd. Spread Spectrum Transmitter MFC 440CN UG US

User Manual 2

iBrother numbersIMPORTANTFor technical help, you must call the country where you bought the machine. Calls must be made from within that country.Register your productBy registering your product with Brother International Corporation, you will be recorded as the original owner of the product. Your registration with Brother:may serve as confirmation of the purchase date of your product should you lose your receipt;may support an insurance claim by you in the event of product loss covered by insurance; and,will help us notify you of enhancements to your product and special offers.Please complete and fax the Brother Warranty Registration And Test Sheet or, for your convenience and most efficient way to register your new product, register on-line at (frequently asked questions)The Brother Solutions Center is our one-stop resource for all your Fax Machine/Multi-Function Center needs. You can download the latest software documents and utilities, read FAQs and troubleshooting tips, and learn how to get the most from your Brother product.• You can check here for Brother driver updates.• To keep your machine performance up to date, check here for the latest firmware upgrade (for Windows® only).For Customer Service In USA: 1-800-284-4329 (voice)1-901-379-1215 (fax)1-800-284-3238 (TTY service for the hearing-impaired)In Canada: 1-877-BROTHER (voice)(514) 685-4898 (fax)  Page i  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:BlackPlease see "User manual 4[Short-Term Confidentiality].pdf" for FCC manual statements.
iiService Center Locator (USA only)For the location of a Brother authorized service center, call 1-800-284-4357.Service Center Locations (Canada only)For the location of a Brother authorized service center, call 1-877-BROTHER.Brother fax back system (USA only)Brother has installed an easy-to-use fax back system, so you can get instant answers to common technical questions and product information for all Brother products. This system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can use the system to receive faxed instructions and an Index of fax back subjects.In USA only:  Page ii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
iiiOrdering accessories and supplies For best quality results use only genuine Brother accessories, which are available at most Brother retailers. If you cannot find the accessory you need and you have a Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit card, you can order accessories directly from Brother. (In the USA, you can visit us online for a complete selection of the Brother accessories and supplies that are available for purchase.) 1Available in the USA and from November 2006 in Canada.In USA: 1-888-879-3232 (voice)1-800-947-1445 (fax)http://www.brothermall.comIn Canada: 1-877-BROTHER (voice)Description ItemInk Cartridge Standard <black> LC51BK (Prints approx. 500 pages)Ink Cartridge <cyan> (blue) LC51C (Prints approx. 400 pages)Ink Cartridge <magenta> (red) LC51M (Prints approx. 400 pages)Ink Cartridge <yellow> LC51Y (Prints approx. 400 pages)Premium Glossy Photo Paper(Letter size / 20 sheets)(4"×6" size / 20 sheets)BP61GLL 1BP61GLP 1Matte Inkjet Paper(Letter size / 25 sheets)BP60ML (USA only)Inkjet Plain Paper(Letter size / 250 sheets)BP60PL (USA only)Telephone Line Cord LG3077001 (USA only)Telephone Handset(MFC-665CW only)LE5803016 (USA only)Handset Curled Cord(MFC-665CW only)UL8019005 (USA only)Cordless Handset(MFC-845CW only)BCL-D10Battery(MFC-845CW only)BCL-BT10User's Guide LP5196001 (English for USA and Canada) LP3290002 (French for Canada)  Page iii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
vBrother® One Year Limited Warranty and Replacement Service(USA only)Who is covered:This limited warranty (“warranty”) is givenonly to the original end-use/retail purchaser(referred to in this warranty as “OriginalPurchaser”) of the accompanying product,consumables and accessories (collectivelyreferred to in this warranty as “thisProduct”).If you purchased a product from someoneother than an authorized Brother reseller inthe United States or if the product was used(including but not limited to floor models orrefurbished product), prior to yourpurchase you are not the OriginalPurchaser and the product that youpurchased is not covered by this warranty.What is covered:This Product includes a Machine andConsumable and Accessory Items.Consumable and Accessory Items includebut are not limited to print heads, toner,drums, ink cartridges, print cartridges, refillribbons, therma PLUS paper, thermalpaper, and the cordless handset battery.Except as otherwise provided herein,Brother warrants that the Machine and theaccompanying Consumable andAccessory Items will be free from defects inmaterials and workmanship, when usedunder normal conditions.This warranty applies only to productspurchased and used in the United States.For products purchased in, but usedoutside, the United States, this warrantycovers only warranty service within theUnited States (and does not includeshipping outside the United States).What is the length of the Warranty Periods:Machines: one year from the originalpurchase date.Accompanying Consumable andAccessory Items: 90 days from the originalpurchase date or the rated life ofconsumable, whichever comes first.What is NOT covered:This warranty does not cover:1 Physical damage to this Product;2 Damage caused by improper installation,improper or abnormal use, misuse, neglector accident (including but not limited totransporting this Product without the properpreparation and/or packaging);3 Damage caused by another device orsoftware used with this Product (includingbut not limited to damage resulting fromuse of non Brother®-brand parts andConsumable and Accessory Items);4 Consumable and Accessory Items thatexpired in accordance with a rated life; and,5 Problems arising from other than defects inmaterials or workmanship.6 Normal Periodic Maintenance Items, suchas Paper Feeding Kit, Fuser and LaserUnits.This limited warranty is VOID if this Producthas been altered or modified in any way(including but not limited to attempted warrantyrepair without authorization from Brotherand/or alteration/removal of the serialnumber).What to do if you think your Product iseligible for warranty service:Report your issue to either our CustomerService Hotline at 1-800-284-4329 for Fax,MFC and DCP and 1-800-276-7746 forPrinters, or to a Brother Authorized ServiceCenter within the applicable warrantyperiod. Supply Brother or the BrotherAuthorized Service Center with a copy of yourdated bill of sale showing that this Product waspurchased within the U.S. For the name oflocal Brother Authorized Service Center(s),call 1-800-521-2846.What Brother will ask you to do:After contacting Brother or a BrotherAuthorized Service Center, you may berequired to deliver (by hand if you prefer) orsend the Product properly packaged, freightprepaid, to the Authorized Service Centertogether with a photocopy of your bill of sale.You are responsible for the cost ofshipping, packing product, and insurance(if you desire). You are also responsible forloss or damage to this Product in shipping.What Brother will do:If the problem reported concerning yourMachine and/or accompanying Consumableand Accessory Items is covered by thiswarranty and if you first reported the problemto Brother or an Authorized Service Centerwithin the applicable warranty period, Brotheror its Authorized Service Center will repair orreplace the Machine and/or accompanyingConsumable and Accessory Items at nocharge to you for parts or labor. The decisionas to whether to repair or replace the Machineand/or accompanying Consumable andAccessory Items is made by Brother in its sole  Page v  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
vidiscretion. Brother reserves the right to supplya refurbished or remanufactured replacementMachine and/or accompanying Consumableand Accessory Items and use refurbishedparts provided such replacement productsconform to the manufacturer's specificationsfor new product/parts. The repaired orreplacement Machine and/or accompanyingConsumable and Accessory Items will bereturned to you freight prepaid or madeavailable for you to pick up at a convenientlylocated Authorized Service Center.If the Machine and/or accompanyingConsumable and Accessory Items are notcovered by this warranty (either stage), youwill be charged for shipping the Machineand/or accompanying Consumable andAccessory Items back to you and charged forany service and/or replacement parts/productsat Brother's then current published rates.The foregoing are your sole (i.e., only) andexclusive remedies under this warranty.What happens when Brother elects toreplace your Machine:When a replacement Machine is authorized byBrother, and you have delivered the Machineto an Authorized Service Center, theAuthorized Service Center will provide youwith a replacement Machine after receivingone from Brother. If you are dealing directlywith Brother, Brother will send to you areplacement Machine with the understandingthat you will, after receipt of the replacementMachine, supply the required proof ofpurchase information, together with theMachine that Brother agreed to replace. Youare then expected to pack the Machine thatBrother agreed to replace in the package fromthe replacement Machine and return it toBrother using the pre-paid freight bill suppliedby Brother in accordance with the instructionsprovided by Brother. Since you will be inpossession of two machines, Brother willrequire that you provide a valid major creditcard number. Brother will issue a hold againstthe credit card account number that youprovide until Brother receives your originalProduct and determines that your originalProduct is entitled to warranty coverage. Yourcredit card will be charged up to the cost of anew Product only if: (i) you do not return youroriginal Product to Brother within five (5)business days; (ii) the problems with youroriginal Product are not covered by the limitedwarranty; (iii) the proper packaginginstructions are not followed and has causeddamage to the product; or (iv) the warrantyperiod on your original Product has expired orhas not been sufficiently validated with a copyof the proof of purchase (bill of sale). Thereplacement Machine you receive (even ifrefurbished or remanufactured) will becovered by the balance of the limited warrantyperiod remaining on the original Product, plusan additional thirty (30) days. You will keep thereplacement Machine that is sent to you andyour original Machine shall become theproperty of Brother. Retain your originalAccessory Items and a copy of the returnfreight bill, signed by the courier.Limitations:Brother is not responsible for damage to orloss of any equipment, media, programs ordata related to the use of this Product. Exceptfor that repair or replacement as describedabove, Brother shall not be liable for anydirect, indirect, incidental or consequentialdamages or specific relief. Because somestates do not allow the exclusion or limitationof consequential or incidental damages, theabove limitation may not apply to you.THIS WARRANTY IS GIVEN IN LIEU OF ALLOTHER WARRANTIES, WRITTEN ORORAL, WHETHER EXPRESSED BYAFFIRMATION, PROMISE, DESCRIPTION,DRAWING, MODEL OR SAMPLE. ANY ANDALL WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THISONE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBYDISCLAIMED.This Limited Warranty is the only warrantythat Brother is giving for this Product. It isthe final expression and the exclusive andonly statement of Brother's obligations toyou. It replaces all other agreements andunderstandings that you may have withBrother or its representatives.This warranty gives you certain rights andyou may also have other rights that mayvary from state to state.This Limited Warranty (and Brother'sobligation to you) may not be changed inany way unless you and Brother sign thesame piece of paper in which we (1) referto this Product and your bill of sale date, (2)describe the change to this warranty and(3) agree to make that change.Important:We recommend that you keep all originalpacking materials, in the event that you shipthis Product.© 2003, 2006 Brother International  Page vi  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
viiBROTHER MULTIFUNCTION CENTER/FACSIMILE MACHINE LIMITED WARRANTY (Canada only)Pursuant to this limited warranty of 1 year from the date of purchase for labour and parts, BrotherInternational Corporation (Canada) Ltd. (“Brother”), or its Authorized Service Centers, will repairthis MFC/Facsimile machine free of charge if defective in material or workmanship. This LimitedWarranty does not include cleaning, consumables (including, without limitation, print cartridges,print head, toner and drum) or damage caused by accident, neglect, misuse or improperinstallation or operation, any damage caused from service, maintenance, modifications, ortampering by anyone other than a Brother Authorized Service Representative, or from the use ofsupplies or consumable items that are non-Brother products. Operation of the MFC/Facsimilemachine in excess of the specifications or with the Serial Number or Rating Label removed shallbe deemed abuse and all repairs thereafter shall be the sole liability of the end-user/purchaser. Inorder to obtain warranty service, the MFC/Facsimile machine must be delivered or shipped freightprepaid by the end user/purchaser to a “Brother” Authorized Service Center, together with yourProof of Purchase in the form of a Sales Receipt.For laser products: Failure to remove the Toner Cartridge (and Toner Drum Unit on applicablemodels) during shipping will cause severe damage to the MFC/Facsimile and will VOID theWarranty. (Refer to your User's Guide for proper packaging.)For ink-jet products: Do not remove the ink cartridges during shipping. Damage to your print headresulting from packing without the ink cartridges will VOID your warranty. (Refer to your User'sGuide for proper packaging.)BROTHER DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT ANY WARRANTIESIMPLIED BY LAW CANNOT BE VALIDLY WAIVED.No oral or written information, advice or representation provided by Brother, its Authorized ServiceCenters, Distributors, Dealers, Agents or employees, shall create another warranty or modify thiswarranty. This warranty states Brother's entire liability and your exclusive remedy against Brotherfor any failure of the MFC/Facsimile machine to operate properly.Neither Brother nor anyone else involved in the development, production, or delivery of thisMFC/Facsimile machine shall be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential,exemplary, or punitive damages, including lost profits, arising from the use of or inability to usethe product, even if advised by the end user/purchaser of the possibility of such damages. Sincesome Provinces do not allow the above limitation of liability, such limitation may not apply to you.This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights whichvary from Providence to Providence.Warranty Service is available at Brother Authorized Service Centers throughout Canada.For Technical Support or for the name and location of your nearest Authorized ServiceCenter call 1-877-BROTHER.Internet support: or browseBrother's Web Site: International Corporation (Canada) Ltd.1 Rue Hôtel de VilleDollard-Des-Ormeaux, QC H9B  Page vii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
viiiTable of ContentsSection I General1 General InformationUsing the documentation.......................................................................................2Symbols and conventions used in the documentation ....................................2Accessing the Software User’s Guide and Network User’s Guide ........................2Viewing Documentation...................................................................................2Accessing Brother Support (For Windows®) .........................................................5Control panel overview ..........................................................................................6LCD display screen .........................................................................................9Basic Operations ...........................................................................................102 Loading documents and paperLoading documents .............................................................................................11Using the ADF ...............................................................................................11Using the scanner glass ................................................................................12Scannable area .............................................................................................12Acceptable paper and other media......................................................................13Recommended media ...................................................................................13Handling and using media .............................................................................13Choosing the right media...............................................................................15Loading paper and other media...........................................................................17Loading envelopes and post cards................................................................19Loading photo paper......................................................................................21Removing small printouts from the machine .................................................22Printable area ................................................................................................233 General setupOn/Off key............................................................................................................24Turning the machine off.................................................................................24Turning the machine on.................................................................................24On/Off setting ......................................................................................................24Mode Timer..........................................................................................................26Paper settings......................................................................................................26Paper Type ....................................................................................................26Paper Size .....................................................................................................27Volume Settings...................................................................................................27Ring Volume ..................................................................................................27Beeper Volume..............................................................................................27Speaker Volume ............................................................................................28Handset Volume (MFC-665CW only) ............................................................28Choosing the Handset Volume (For Volume Amplify) (MFC-665CW only) ...29Setting Volume Amplify (MFC-665CW only) .................................................30Automatic Daylight Savings Time........................................................................30LCD display  Page viii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
ixLCD Contrast.................................................................................................31Setting the backlight brightness.....................................................................31Setting the Dim Timer for the backlight  ........................................................31Setting the Off Timer .....................................................................................31Setting the Wallpaper ....................................................................................324 Security featuresTX Lock (MFC-440CN only) ...........................................................................................33Setting and changing the TX Lock password ................................................33Turning the TX Lock on/off ............................................................................34Memory Security (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only).....................................34Setting and changing the memory security password...................................35Turning the memory security on/off ...............................................................35Section II Fax5 Sending a faxEntering Fax mode ..............................................................................................38Faxing from the ADF  ....................................................................................38Faxing from the scanner glass ......................................................................39Faxing A4 size documents from the scanner glass.......................................39Color fax transmission...................................................................................39Canceling a fax in progress...........................................................................39Broadcasting (Black & White only) ......................................................................40Canceling a Broadcast in progress................................................................40Additional sending operations..............................................................................41Sending faxes using multiple settings ...........................................................41Contrast.........................................................................................................41Changing fax resolution.................................................................................41Dual access (Black & White only)..................................................................42Real time transmission ..................................................................................42Overseas Mode .............................................................................................43Delayed Faxing (Black & White only) ............................................................43Delayed Batch Transmission (Black & White only) .......................................43Checking and canceling waiting jobs.............................................................43Setting your changes as a new default..........................................................44Restoring all the settings to factory settings..................................................44Sending a fax manually .................................................................................44Sending a fax at the end of a conversation ...................................................44Out of Memory message ...............................................................................456 Receiving a FaxReceive modes....................................................................................................46Choosing the Receive Mode .........................................................................46Using receive modes ...........................................................................................48Fax  Page ix  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
xFax/Tel...........................................................................................................48Manual...........................................................................................................48Message Center (MC) (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only) ......................48External TAD (MFC-440CN only) ..................................................................48Receive mode settings ........................................................................................49Ring Delay .....................................................................................................49F/T Ring Time (Fax/Tel mode only)...............................................................49Easy Receive.................................................................................................50Additional receiving operations............................................................................51Printing a reduced incoming fax ....................................................................51Receiving a fax at the end of a conversation.................................................51Printing a fax from the memory .....................................................................517 Telephone Services and External devicesVoice operations..................................................................................................52Making a telephone call (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only)....................52Answering calls with the Speaker Phone (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only).......................................................52Hold (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only) ..................................................52Tone or Pulse (Canada only).........................................................................53Fax/Tel mode when the power key is on .......................................................53Fax/Tel mode when the power key is off .......................................................53Telephone services..............................................................................................54Distinctive Ring..............................................................................................54Caller ID.........................................................................................................56Connecting an external TAD (telephone answering device)................................57Connections...................................................................................................58Recording outgoing message (OGM) on an external TAD............................59Special line considerations ............................................................................59Multi-line connections (PBX) .........................................................................61External and extension phones ...........................................................................61Connecting an external or extension telephone ............................................61Using external and extension telephones......................................................61Using a Non-Brother cordless external telephone (MFC-440CN and MFC-665CW only) .......................................................62Using remote codes.......................................................................................628 Dialing and storing numbersHow to Dial ..........................................................................................................63Manual dialing ...............................................................................................63Speed-Dialing ................................................................................................63Search ...........................................................................................................63Fax Redial .....................................................................................................64Outgoing Call.................................................................................................64Caller ID history .............................................................................................65Storing numbers ..................................................................................................65Storing a pause .............................................................................................65Storing Speed-Dial numbers .........................................................................65Changing Speed-Dial names or numbers .....................................................67Setting up groups for  Page x  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
xiDialing Access codes and credit card numbers.............................................699 Message Center (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only)Message Center mode ........................................................................................71Setting up the Message Center.....................................................................71Outgoing message (OGM) ............................................................................71Fax/Tel OGM (Announcement) .....................................................................72Activating Message Center mode..................................................................72Managing your messages....................................................................................73Message indicator .........................................................................................73Playing voice messages................................................................................73Erasing incoming messages..........................................................................73Additional Message Center operations................................................................74Setting maximum time for incoming messages .............................................74Setting toll saver............................................................................................74ICM Recording Monitor..................................................................................75Recording a conversation (MFC-665CW only)..............................................7510 Advanced fax operations (Black & White only)Fax Forwarding....................................................................................................76Paging .................................................................................................................77Fax Storage .........................................................................................................78Fax Preview (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only)............................................78Setting Fax Preview.......................................................................................78How to preview a fax .....................................................................................79How to delete all faxes in the list ...................................................................79How to print all faxes in the list ......................................................................79PC Fax Receive...................................................................................................80Changing the destination PC.........................................................................81Turning off Advanced Fax Operations.................................................................81Changing Advanced Fax Operations...................................................................82Remote Retrieval.................................................................................................82Setting a Remote Access Code.....................................................................82Using your Remote Access Code..................................................................83Remote Fax commands ................................................................................84Retrieving fax messages ...............................................................................86Changing your Fax Forwarding number ........................................................8611 Printing ReportsFax reports...........................................................................................................87Transmission Verification Report...................................................................87Fax Journal (activity report)...........................................................................87Reports ................................................................................................................88How to print a report......................................................................................8812 PollingPolling overview...................................................................................................89Polling receive  Page xi  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
xiiSetup to receive polling .................................................................................89Sequential polling (Black & White only) ..................................................................................89Polled transmit (Black & White only)....................................................................90Set up for polled transmit...............................................................................90Section III Copy13 Making copies How to copy.........................................................................................................92Entering Copy mode......................................................................................92Making a single copy .....................................................................................92Making multiple copies ..................................................................................93Stop copying..................................................................................................93Copy settings.......................................................................................................93Changing copy quality ...................................................................................93Enlarging or reducing the image copied ........................................................94Making N in 1 copies or a poster (page layout)  ............................................94Sorting copies using the ADF ........................................................................95Adjusting Brightness, Contrast and Color......................................................96Paper Options................................................................................................97Setting your changes as new default.............................................................97Restoring all the settings to factory settings ..................................................97‘Out of Memory’ message....................................................................................98Section IV Walk-up Photo Printing14 PhotoCapture Center®PhotoCapture Center® Operations ....................................................................100Printing from a media card without a PC .....................................................100Scanning to a media card without a PC ......................................................100Using PhotoCapture Center® from your computer ......................................100Using media cards.......................................................................................100Media card folder structure..........................................................................100Getting started ...................................................................................................101Entering PhotoCapture mode ......................................................................102Print Images.......................................................................................................102View Photo(s) ..............................................................................................102Print Index (Thumbnails) .............................................................................103Print All Photos ............................................................................................103Print Photos .................................................................................................104DPOF printing..............................................................................................104PhotoCapture Center® print settings .................................................................105Print Quality .................................................................................................106Paper options ..............................................................................................106Adjusting Brightness, Contrast and Color....................................................106Cropping  Page xii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
xiiiBorderless printing.......................................................................................108Setting your changes as new default...........................................................108Restoring all the settings to factory settings................................................108Scan to Card .....................................................................................................109Entering Scan mode....................................................................................109How to scan to card.....................................................................................109Understanding the Error Messages...................................................................11015 PictBridgeBefore Using PictBridge.....................................................................................111PictBridge requirements ..............................................................................111Using PictBridge ................................................................................................111Setting your digital camera..........................................................................111Printing Images..................................................................................................112DPOF printing..............................................................................................113Understanding the Error Messages...................................................................113Section V Software16 Software and Network featuresSection VI AppendixesA Safety and LegalChoosing a location ...........................................................................................118To use the machine safely.................................................................................119Important safety instructions........................................................................123Standard telephone and FCC Notices (These notices are in effect on models sold and used in the United States only.)................................................125Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Declaration of Conformity (USA only)......................................................126Industry Canada Compliance Statement (Canada only) .............................127LAN connection ...........................................................................................127Legal limitations for copying ........................................................................128Trademarks .................................................................................................129B Troubleshooting and Routine MaintenanceTroubleshooting ................................................................................................130If you are having difficulty with your machine ..............................................130Error messages .................................................................................................136Transferring your faxes or Fax Journal report .............................................139Document jam  ............................................................................................140Printer jam or paper jam..............................................................................141Dial Tone  ....................................................................................................142Phone line  Page xiii  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
xivRoutine maintenance.........................................................................................143Replacing the ink cartridges ........................................................................143Cleaning the outside of the machine ...........................................................145Cleaning the scanner...................................................................................146Cleaning the machine printer platen............................................................147Cleaning the paper pick-up roller.................................................................147Cleaning the print head ...............................................................................148Checking the print quality ............................................................................148Checking the printing alignment ..................................................................149Checking the ink volume .............................................................................150Uninstalling and installing the handset and handset cradle (MFC-665CW only)..................................................................................150Uninstalling and installing the cradle and the bracket (MFC-845CW only)..................................................................................152Machine Information ..........................................................................................154Checking the serial number.........................................................................154Packing and shipping the machine....................................................................154C Menu and FeaturesOn-screen programming....................................................................................158Memory storage...........................................................................................158Menu keys .........................................................................................................158Menu table...................................................................................................159Entering Text ...............................................................................................174D SpecificationsGeneral..............................................................................................................175Print media.........................................................................................................177Fax.....................................................................................................................178Message Center (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only) ...................................180Digital Cordless Handset (MFC-845CW only) ...................................................181Cordless handset.........................................................................................181Battery .........................................................................................................181Battery cradle ..............................................................................................182AC adapter ..................................................................................................182Copy ..................................................................................................................183PhotoCapture Center®.......................................................................................184PictBridge ..........................................................................................................184Scanner .............................................................................................................185Printer ................................................................................................................186Interfaces...........................................................................................................187Computer requirements.....................................................................................188Consumable items.............................................................................................189Network (LAN) ...................................................................................................190E GlossaryF  Page xiv  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Section IGeneral IGeneral Information 2Loading documents and paper 11General setup 24Security features  Page 1  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
21Using the documentation 1Thank you for buying a Brother machine! Reading the documentation will help you make the most of your machine. Symbols and conventions used in the documentation 1The following symbols and conventions are used throughout the documentation.Accessing the Software User’s Guide and Network User’s Guide 1This User’s Guide does not contain all the information about the machine such as how to use the advanced features of the Fax, Printer, Scanner, PC Fax and Network. When you are ready to learn detailed information about these operations, read the SoftwareUser’s Guide and Network User’s Guidethat are on the CD-ROM.Viewing Documentation 1Viewing Documentation (For Windows®)1To view the documentation, from the Startmenu, point to Brother,MFC-XXXX (where XXXX is your model name) from the programs group, and then choose User’s Guide.If you have not installed the software, you can find the documentation by following the instructions below:aTurn on your PC. Insert the Brother CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.bIf the model name screen appears, click your model name.General Information 1Bold Bold typeface identifies specific keys on the machine’s control panel.Italics Italicized typeface emphasizes an important point or refers you to a related topic.CourierNewText in the Courier New font identifies messages on the LCD of the machine.Warnings tell you what to do to prevent possible personal injury.Electrical Hazard icons alert you to possible electrical shock.Cautions specify procedures you must follow or avoid to prevent possible damage to the machine or other objects.Notes tell you how you should respond to a situation that may arise or give tips about how the operation works with other features.Improper Setup icons alert you to devices and operations that are not compatible with the  Page 2  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General Information31cIf the language screen appears, click your language. The CD-ROM main menu will appear.NoteIf this window does not appear, use Windows® Explorer to run the setup.exe program from the root directory of the Brother CD-ROM.dClick User’s Guide to view the Software User’s Guide and NetworkUser’s Guide in HTML format.How to find Scanning instructions 1There are several ways you can scan documents. You can find the instructions as follows:Software User’s GuideScanning(For Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional and Windows® XP)ControlCenter3(For Windows® 98/98SE/Me/2000 Professional and Windows® XP)Network ScanningPaperPort® SE with OCR User’s GuideThe complete ScanSoft® PaperPort® SE with OCR User’s Guide can be viewed from the Help selection in the ScanSoft®PaperPort® SE with OCR application.How to find Network setup instructions (MFC-665CW only) 1Your machine can be connected to a wireless or wired network. You can find basic setup instructions in the Quick Setup Guide. For more information, or if your access point supports SecureEasySetup™, please see the Network User’s Guide on the  Page 3  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 14Viewing Documentation (For Macintosh®)1aTurn on your Macintosh®. Insert the Brother CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The following window will appear.bDouble-click the Documentation icon.cDouble-click your language folder.dDouble-click the top page file to view the Software User's Guide and NetworkUser's Guide in HTML format.eClick the documentation you want to read:Software User’s GuideNetwork User’s GuideHow to find Scanning instructions 1There are several ways you can scan documents. You can find the instructions as follows:Software User’s GuideScanning(For Mac OS® X 10.2.4 or greater)ControlCenter2(For Mac OS® X 10.2.4 or greater)Network Scanning(For Mac OS® X 10.2.4 or greater)Presto!® PageManager® User’s GuideThe complete Presto!® PageManager®User’s Guide can be viewed from the Help selection in the Presto!® PageManager®application.How to find Network setup instructions (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only) 1Your machine can be connected to a wireless or wired network. You can find basic setup instructions in the Quick Setup Guide. For more information, or if your access point supports SecureEasySetup™, please see the Network User’s Guide on the  Page 4  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General Information51Accessing Brother Support(For Windows®)1You can find all the contacts you will need, such as Web support (Brother Solutions Center), Customer Service and Brother Authorized Service Centers on page i and on the Brother CD-ROM.Click Brother Support on the main menu. The following screen will appear:To access our web site (, click Brother Home Page.To view all Brother Numbers, including Customer Service numbers for the USA and Canada, click Support Information.To access the USA Brother online shopping mall ( for additional product and services information, click BrotherFor the latest news and product support information (,click Brother Solutions Center.To return to the main page, click Back or If you have finished, click  Page 5  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 16Control panel overview 1MFC-440CN 1MFC-665CW 1MFC-845CW 112981213 1 211 10 9 812 1 211 10 9  Page 6  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General Information7134 587634 587634  Page 7  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 18NoteMost of the illustrations in this User’s Guide show the MFC-440CN.1 Dial PadUse these keys to dial telephone and fax numbers and as a keyboard for entering information into the machine.(Canada only) The # key lets you temporarily switch the dialing mode during a telephone call from Pulse to Tone.2 Fax and telephone keysSearch/Speed Dial (MFC-440CN)Lets you look up and dial numbers that are stored in the memory.Redial/PauseRedials the last 30 numbers called. It also inserts a pause when programming quick dial numbers.Hook (MFC-440CN)Press before dialing if you want to make sure a fax machine will answer, and then press Black Start or Color Start.Also, press this key after picking up the handset of an external telephone during the F/T double/pseudo-ring.Hold (MFC-665CW)Lets you place telephone calls on hold.Hold/Intercom (MFC-845CW)Lets you place telephone calls on hold. Also, press this key to speak on the intercom or to transfer an incoming call to the cordless handset.3 Mode keys:FaxLets you access Fax mode.ScanLets you access Scan mode.CopyLets you access Copy mode.PhotoCaptureLets you access PhotoCapture Center®mode.4 Menu keys:Volume keysdcIn Fax mode, you can press these keys to adjust the ring volume.aSearch/Speed Dial (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Lets you look up and dial numbers that are stored in the memory.d or cPress to scroll backward or forward to a menu selection.aor bPress to scroll through the menus and options.MenuAccess the main menu.OKSelects a setting.Clear/BackPress to cancel the current setting.5 Start keys:Color StartLets you start sending faxes or making copies in full color. Also lets you start a scanning operation (in color or black & white, depending on the scanning setting in the ControlCenter software).Black StartLets you start sending faxes or making copies in black & white. Also lets you start a scanning operation (in color or black & white depending on the scanning setting in the ControlCenter software).6 On/OffYou can turn the machine on or off.7 Stop/ExitStops an operation or exits from a  Page 8  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General Information918 LCD (liquid crystal display)Displays messages on the screen to help you set up and use your machine.Also, you can adjust the angle of the LCD display by lifting it. 9InkLets you clean the print head, check the print quality, and check the available ink volume.10 Fax Preview (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Lets you preview incoming faxes on the LCD.11 Message Center keys (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only):MC On/OffTurns the Message Center on or off. Will also flash if you have new messages.Play/Record (MFC-665CW)Plays voice messages stored in the memory. Will also let you record telephone calls.Play (MFC-845CW)Plays voice messages stored in memory. EraseDeletes voice messages.12 Speaker Phone (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Turns the speaker phone on or off.13 Microphone (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Picks up your voice when you speak to another party using Speaker Phone.LCD display screen 1The LCD shows the current machine status when the machine is idle.1 Current Receive ModeLets you see the current receive mode.Fax (Fax only)F/T (Fax/Tel)TAD (External TAD) (MFC-440CN)MC (Msg Ctr) (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Mnl (Manual) 2Fax in the machine’s memoryShows how many received faxes are in the memory.3Voice message in the machine’s memory. (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)Shows how many received voice messages are in the memory.4 Memory StatusLets you see the available memory in the machine.5 Wireless Status (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW)A four level indicator shows the current wireless signal strength if you are using a wireless connection. 6 Ink indicatorLets you see the available ink  Page 9  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 110Basic Operations 1The following steps show how to change a setting in the machine. In this example the Mode Timer setting is changed from 2 minutes to 30 seconds.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.cPress OK.dPress a or b to choose Mode Timer.ePress OK.fPress a or b to choose 30 Secs.gPress OK.You can see the current setting on the LCD:hPress Stop/Exit.OKSelect & PressMENUFaxLANPrint ReportsMachine Info.General SetupMENUPaper TypePaper SizePlain PapGeneral Setup  VolumeOKSelect & PressLetterMode Timer 2 MinsOKSelect & PressMENU30 Secs1 Min2 Mins5 MinsMode TimerOKSelect & PressMENUMode TimerPaper TypePaper SizeVolume30SecsPlain PapGeneral Setup  Page 10  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
1122Loading documents 2You can send a fax, make copies, and scan from the ADF (automatic document feeder) and from the scanner glass.Using the ADF 2The ADF can hold up to 10 pages and feeds each sheet individually. Use standard 20 lb (80 g/m2) paper and always fan the pages before putting them in the ADF.Recommended environment 2Document Sizes Supported 2How to load documents 2CAUTIONDO NOT pull on the document while it is feeding.DO NOT use paper that is curled, wrinkled, folded, ripped, stapled, paper clipped, pasted or taped.DO NOT use cardboard, newspaper or fabric.Make sure documents written with ink are completely dry.aFan the pages well. Make sure you put the documents face down, top edge first in the ADF until you feel them touch the feed roller. bAdjust the paper guides to fit the width of your documents.cUnfold the ADF Document Output Support Flap (1).CAUTIONDO NOT leave thick documents on the scanner glass. If you do this, the ADF may jam.Loading documents and paper 2Temperature: 68 to 86°F (20 to 30°C)Humidity: 50% to 70%Paper: 20 lb LTR (80 g/m2 A4)Length: 5.8 to 14 in. (148 to 355.6 mm)Width: 5.8 to 8.5 in. (148 to 215.9 mm)Weight: 17 to 24 lb (64 to 90 g/m2)  Page 11  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 212Using the scanner glass 2You can use the scanner glass to fax, copy or scan pages of a book or one page at a time.Document Sizes Supported 2How to load documents 2NoteTo use the scanner glass, the ADF must be empty.aLift the document cover.bUsing the document guidelines on the left, center the document face down on the scanner glass.cClose the document cover.CAUTIONIf you are scanning a book or thick document, DO NOT slam the cover down or press on it.Scannable area 2The scannable area depends on the settings in the application you are using. The figures below show the areas you cannot scan on paper.Length:  Up to 11.7 in. (297 mm)Width: Up to 8.5 in. (215.9 mm)Weight: Up to 4.4 lb (2 kg)Usage DocumentSizeTop (1) Bottom (2)Left (3) Right (4)Fax Letter 0.12 in. (3 mm)0.16 in. (4 mm)A4 0.12 in. (3 mm)0.04 in. (1 mm)Copy Letter 0.12 in. (3 mm)0.12 in. (3 mm)A4 0.12 in. (3 mm)0.12 in. (3 mm)Scan Letter 0.12 in. (3 mm)0.12 in. (3 mm)A4 0.12 in. (3 mm)0in. (0 mm)  Page 12  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper132Acceptable paper and other media 2The print quality can be affected by the type of paper you are using in the machine.To get the best print quality for the settings you have chosen, always set the Paper Type to match the type of paper you load.You can use plain paper, inkjet paper (coated paper), glossy paper, transparencies and envelopes.We recommend testing various paper types before buying large quantities.For best results, use Brother paper.When you print on inkjet paper (coated paper), transparencies and photo paper, be sure to choose the proper media in the ‘Basic’ tab of the printer driver or in the Paper Type setting of the menu (See Paper Type on page 26).When you print on Brother photo paper, load the instruction sheet included with the photo paper in the paper tray first, and then put the photo paper on top of the instruction sheet.When you use transparencies or photo paper, remove each sheet at once to prevent smudging or paper jams.Avoid touching the printed surface of the paper immediately after printing; the surface may not be completely dry and may stain your fingers.Recommended media 2To get the best print quality, we suggest using Brother paper. (See table below.)We recommend using ‘3M Transparency Film’ when you print on transparencies.1Available in the USA and from November 2006 in Canada.Handling and using media 2Store paper in its original packaging, and keep it sealed. Keep the paper flat and away from moisture, direct sunlight and heat.The coated side of photo paper is shiny. Avoid touching the shiny (coated) side. Load photo paper with the shiny side facing down.Avoid touching either side of transparencies because they absorb water and perspiration easily, and this may cause decreased output quality. Transparencies designed for laser printers/copiers may stain your next document. Use only transparencies recommended for inkjet printing.Brother paperPaper Type ItemLetter Plain BP60PL (USA only)Letter Glossy Photo BP61GLL 1Letter Inkjet (Matte)  BP60ML (USA only)4× 6 in. Glossy Photo BP61GLP  Page 13  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 214Improper SetupDO NOT use the following kinds of paper:• Damaged, curled, wrinkled, or irregularly shaped paper1 0.08 in. (2 mm) or longer• Extremely shiny or highly textured paper• Paper already printed on by a printer• Paper that cannot be arranged uniformly when stacked• Paper made with a short grainPaper capacity of the output paper tray 2Up to 50 sheets of 20 lb Letter or 80 g/m2A4paper.Transparencies or photo paper must be picked up from the output paper tray one page at a time to avoid  Page 14  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper152Choosing the right media 2Paper type and size for each operation 2Paper Type Paper Size UsageFax Copy PhotoCapturePrinterCut Sheet Letter  8 1/2 × 11 in. (216 × 279 mm) Yes Yes Yes YesA4 8.3 × 11.7 in. (210 × 297 mm) Yes Yes Yes YesLegal 8 1/2 × 14 in. (216 × 356 mm) Yes Yes – YesExecutive 7 1/4 × 10 1/2 in. (184 × 267 mm) – – – YesJIS B5 7.2 × 10.1 in. (182 × 257 mm) – – – YesA5 5.8 × 8.3 in. (148 × 210 mm) – Yes – YesA6 4.1 × 5.8 in. (105 × 148 mm) – – – YesCards Photo 4 × 6 in. (10 × 15 cm) – Yes Yes YesPhoto L 3 1/2 × 5 in. (89 × 127 mm) – – – YesPhoto 2L 5 × 7 in. (13 × 18 cm) – – Yes YesIndex Card 5 × 8 in. (127 × 203 mm) – – – YesPost Card 13.9 × 5.8 in. (100 × 148 mm) – – – YesPost Card 2(Double)5.8 × 7.9 in. (148 × 200 mm) – – – YesEnvelopes C5 Envelope6.4 × 9 in. (162 × 229 mm) – – – YesDLEnvelope4.3 × 8.7 in. (110 × 220 mm) – – – YesCOM-10 4 1/8 × 9 1/2 in. (105 × 241 mm) – – – YesMonarch 3 7/8 × 7 1/2 in. (98 × 191 mm) – – – YesJE4Envelope4.1 × 9.3 in. (105 × 235 mm) – – – YesTransparenciesLetter 8 1/2 × 11 in. (216 × 279 mm) – Yes – YesA4 8.3 × 11.7 in. (210 × 297 mm) – Yes –  Page 15  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 216Paper weight, thickness and capacity 21Up to 50 sheets for Legal size paper 20 lb (80 g/m2).Up to 100 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m2) paper.2For Photo 4"×6" and Photo L 3.5"×5" paper, use the photo bypass tray (in USA) or the photo paper tray (in Canada). (See Loading photo paper on page 21.)Paper Type Weight Thickness No. of sheetsCutSheetPlain Paper 17 to 32 lb (64 to 120 g/m2)0.003 to 0.006 in. (0.08 to 0.15 mm) 100 1Inkjet Paper 17 to 53 lb (64 to 200 g/m2)0.003 to 0.01 in. (0.08 to 0.25 mm) 20Glossy Paper Up to 58 lb (Up to 220 g/m2)Up to 0.01 in. (Up to 0.25 mm) 20Cards Photo 4"×6" Up to 64 lb (Up to 240 g/m2)Up to 0.01 in. (Up to 0.28 mm) 20 2Index Card Up to 32 lb (Up to 120 g/m2)Up to 0.006 in. (Up to 0.15 mm) 30Post Card Up to 53 lb (Up to 200 g/m2)Up to 0.01 in. (Up to 0.23 mm) 30Envelopes 20 to 25 lb (75 to 95 g/m2)Up to 0.02 in. (Up to 0.52 mm) 10Transparencies – –  Page 16  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper172Loading paper and other media 2NoteTo print on Photo (4"×6") or Photo L (3.5"×5") paper, see Loading photo paper on page 21.aIf the paper support flap is open, close it, and then pull the paper tray completely out of the machine.Lift the output paper tray cover (1).bPress and slide the paper side guides (1) and paper length guide (2) to fit the paper size.cFan the stack of paper well to avoid paper jams and misfeeds.NoteAlways make sure that the paper is not  Page 17  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 218dGently put the paper into the paper tray print side down and top edge first.Check that the paper is flat in the tray.NoteWhen you use Legal size paper, press and hold the universal guide release button as you slide out the front of the paper tray.eGently adjust the paper side guides with both hands to the paper.Make sure the paper side guides touch the sides of the paper.NoteBe careful that you do not push the paper in too far; it may lift at the back of the tray and cause feed problems.fClose the output paper tray  Page 18  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper192gSlowly push the paper tray completely into the machine.hWhile holding the paper tray in place, pull out the paper support (1) until it clicks and unfold the paper support flap (2).NoteDo not use the paper support flap for Legal paper.Loading envelopes and post cards 2About envelopes 2Use envelopes that weigh from 20 to 25 lb (75 to 95 g/m2).Some envelopes need margin settings to be set in the application. Make sure you do a test print first.CAUTIONDo not use any of the following types of envelopes, as they will cause paper feed problems:• That are of a baggy construction.• That are embossed (have raised writing on them).• That have clasps or staples.• That are pre-printed on the inside.Occasionally you may experience paper feed problems caused by the thickness, size and flap shape of the envelopes you are using.Glue Double  Page 19  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 220How to load envelopes and post cards2aBefore loading, press the corners and sides of the envelopes or post cards to make them as flat as possible.NoteIf the envelopes or post cards are ‘double-feeding’, put one envelope in the paper tray at a time.bPut the envelopes or post cards into the paper tray with the address side down and the leading edge in first as shown in the illustration. Slide the paper side guides (1) and paper length guide (2) to fit the size of the envelopes or post cards.If you have problems when printing on envelopes, try the following suggestions:2aOpen the envelope flap.bMake sure the open flap is either to the side of the envelope or to the back edge of the envelope when printing.cAdjust the size and margin in your  Page 20  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper212Loading photo paper 2NoteIn Canada, the photo bypass tray is called the photo paper tray.Use the photo bypass tray, which has been assembled on the top of the output paper tray cover, to print on photo 4"×6" and photo L 3.5"×5" size paper. When you use the photo bypass tray, you do not have to take out the paper that is in the tray beneath it.aPress the photo bypass tray (1) release button with your left thumb and push the photo bypass tray backward until it clicks into the photo printing position.1 Photo Bypass TraybPress and slide the paper side guides (1) and paper length guide (2) to fit the paper size.cPut the photo paper into the photo bypass tray and gently adjust the paper side guides to the paper.Make sure the paper side guides touch the sides of the paper.Note• Be careful that you do not push the paper in too far; it may lift at the back of the tray and cause feed problems.• Always make sure that the paper is not curled.dWhen you have finished printing photos return the photo bypass tray to the normal printing position.Press the photo bypass tray release button with your left thumb and pull the photo bypass tray forward until it  Page 21  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 222Removing small printouts from the machine 2When the machine ejects small paper onto the output paper tray you may not be able to reach it. Make sure printing has finished, and then pull the tray completely out of the  Page 22  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Loading documents and paper232Printable area 2The printable area depends on the settings in the application you are using. The figures below show the unprintable areas on cut sheet paper and envelopes. The machine can only print in the shaded areas when the Borderless print feature is available and turned on. NoteThe Borderless feature is not available for envelopes.Cut Sheet Paper EnvelopesTop (1) Bottom (2) Left (3) Right (4)Cut Sheet 0.12 in. (3 mm) 0.12 in. (3 mm) 0.12 in. (3 mm) 0.12 in. (3 mm)Envelopes 0.47 in. (12 mm)  0.95 in. (24 mm)  0.12 in. (3 mm)  0.12 in. (3 mm)  Page 23  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
243On/Off key 3When the machine is idle, you can turn it on and off by pressing the On/Off key. NoteIf you have connected an external telephone or TAD, it is always available.Turning the machine off 3aPress and hold down the On/Off key until the LCD shows Shutting Down.The LCD light goes off.Turning the machine on 3aPress the On/Off key.On/Off setting  3You can customize the machine's On/Offkey. The factory setting is Fax Receive:Off. Your machine will not work when it is switched off, but it will clean the print head periodically. If you turn this setting to Fax Receive:On, you can receive faxes or calls even when the machine is switched off. (See On/Off key on this page.)aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose On/Off Setting.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Fax Receive:On (or Fax Receive:Off).Press OK.ePress Stop/Exit.General setup  Page 24  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General setup2531You cannot receive a fax with Black Start or Color Start.2You cannot receive a fax automatically if you have set the receive mode to Fax/Tel.3Set before you switch off the machine.1You cannot receive a fax with Black Start or Color Start.2You can receive telephone calls by lifting the handset (MFC-665CW) or using the cordless handset (MFC-845CW).3MFC-665CW4When an external TAD is connected and Easy Receive is turned on. 5You cannot receive a fax automatically if you have set the receive mode to Fax/Tel (MFC-845CW).6Set before you switch off the machine.MFC-440CNOn/OffsettingReceivemodeAvailable operationsFaxReceive:Off(factory setting)— No machine operations will be available.FaxReceive:On1Fax OnlyExternalTADFax Receive Easy ReceiveDelayed Fax 3Fax Forward 3Paging 3Fax Storage 3PC Fax Receive 3Remote Retrieval 3ManualFax/Tel 2Easy ReceiveDelayed Fax 3MFC-665CW and MFC-845CWOn/OffsettingReceivemodeAvailable operationsFaxReceive:Off(factorysetting)— No machine operations will be available.FaxReceive:On12Fax OnlyFax/Tel 3Manual 4Fax ReceiveEasy Receive Delayed Fax 6Fax Forward 6Paging 6Fax Storage 6Fax PreviewPC Fax Receive 6Remote Retrieval 6MC Fax Receive Recording Incoming MessageEasy Receive, Delayed Fax 6Fax Forward 6Paging 6Fax Storage 6Fax Preview 6PC Fax Receive 6Remote Retrieval 6ManualFax/Tel 5Easy ReceiveDelayed Fax  Page 25  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 326Mode Timer 3The machine has four temporary mode keys on the control panel: Fax,Scan,Copy and PhotoCapture. You can change the amount of time the machine takes after the last Scan, Copy or PhotoCapture operation before it returns to Fax mode. If you choose Off, the machine stays in the mode you used last.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Mode Timer.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose 0 Sec,30 Secs,1 Min,2 Mins,5 Mins or Off.Press OK.ePress Stop/Exit.Paper settings 3Paper Type 3To get the best print quality, set the machine for the type of paper you are using.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Paper Type.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Plain Paper,Inkjet Paper,Brother Photo,Other Photo or Transparency.Press OK.ePress Stop/Exit.NoteThe machine ejects paper with printed surfaces face up onto the paper tray in front of the machine. When you use transparencies or glossy paper, remove each sheet at once to prevent smudging or paper  Page 26  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General setup273Paper Size 3You can use five sizes of paper for printing copies: Letter, Legal, A4, A5, and 4 ×6in. (10 ×15 cm) and three sizes for printing faxes: Letter, Legal and A4. When you change the size of paper you load in the machine, you will need to change the paper size setting at the same time so your machine can fit an incoming fax on the page.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Paper Size.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Letter,Legal,A4,A5 or 4"×6".Press OK.ePress Stop/Exit.Volume Settings 3Ring Volume 3You can choose a range of ring volume lev-els, from High to Off.While in Fax mode  , press  d or c to adjust the volume level. The LCD shows the current setting, and each key press will change the volume to the next level. The machine will keep the new setting until you change it.You can also change the volume through the menu, by following the instructions below:Setting the Ring Volume from the menu 3aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Volume.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Ring.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Low,Med,High or Off.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Beeper Volume 3When the beeper is on, the machine will beep when you press a key, make a mistake or after you send or receive a fax.You can choose a range of volume levels, from High to Off.aPress  Page 27  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 328bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Volume.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Beeper.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Low,Med,High or OffPress OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Speaker Volume 3You can choose a range of speaker volume levels, from High to Off.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Volume.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Speaker.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Low,Med,High or Off.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.You can also adjust the speaker volume by pressing Hook or Speaker Phone.aPress Hook or Speaker Phone.bPress d or c.This setting will stay until you change it again.cPress Hook or Speaker Phone.Note(MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only)You can adjust the speaker volume while you are listening to your outgoing message (OGM) and incoming messages (ICM’s) by pressing  d or c.Handset Volume (MFC-665CW only) 3aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Volume.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Handset.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Low or High.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Note• You can adjust the handset volume any time you are talking on the telephone. There are two handset volume levels, Lowand High. The default setting is Low.• Press  d or c to adjust the volume level. The LCD shows the setting you are choosing. The new setting will remain until you change it  Page 28  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General setup293Choosing the Handset Volume (For Volume Amplify) (MFC-665CW only) 3Before you begin to use the machine, you must decide if you need to set the handset volume to Volume Amplify On for a user who is hearing-impaired. The AMPLIFY volume level complies with FCC standards.Volume Amplify OffThis default setting is appropriate if none of the users are hearing-impaired. During a conversation, users can press  d or con the control panel to adjust the volume to Low or High. When the handset is replaced, the handset volume will remain until you change it again.Volume Amplify On - TemporaryThis setting is appropriate if some of the users are hearing-impaired. During a conversation, users can press  d or con the control panel to adjust the volume to Low,High or Amplify. When the handset is replaced, the handset volume returns to the default setting of Low.Volume Amplify:On - PermanentChoose Volume Amplify On - Permanent if all of the users are hearing-impaired. During a conversation, users can press d or c on the control panel to adjust the volume to Low,High or Amplify.When the handset is replaced, the handset volume returns to the default setting of Amplify.NoteWhen you press  d or c on the control panel to adjust the volume, the LCD shows the setting you are choosing. Each key press changes the volume to the next setting.WARNINGIt is important that you do NOT choose Permanent unless ALL the users are hearing-impaired. Otherwise, the default setting of Amplify may damage the hearing of some  Page 29  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 330Setting Volume Amplify(MFC-665CW only) 3Please carefully read Choosing the Handset Volume (For Volume Amplify) (MFC-665CW only) on page 29.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Volume.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Volume Amplify.Press OK.eDo one of the following.If none of the users are hearing-impaired, press a or b to choose Off, and then press OK and go to step g.If some or all of the users are hearing-impaired, press a or b to choose On, and then press OK.fDo one of the following.If all the users are hearing-impaired, press a or b to choose Permanent, and then press OK.If only some of the users are hearing-impaired, choose Temporary, and then press OK.gPress Stop/Exit.Automatic Daylight Savings Time 3You can set the machine to change automatically for daylight savings time. It will reset itself forward one hour in the Spring and backward one hour in the Fall. Make sure you have set the correct date and time in the Date/Time setting.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Auto Daylight.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose On (or Off).Press OK.ePress Stop/  Page 30  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
General setup313LCD display 3LCD Contrast 3You can adjust the LCD contrast for a sharper and more vivid display. If you are having difficulty reading the LCD, try changing the contrast setting.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose LCD Settings.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose LCD Contrast.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Light,Med or Dark.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Setting the backlight brightness 3You can adjust the brightness of the LCD backlight. If you are having difficulty reading the LCD, try changing the brightness setting.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose LCD Settings.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Backlight.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Light,Med or Dark.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Setting the Dim Timer for the backlight 3You can set how long the LCD backlight stays on after the last key press. aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose LCD Settings.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Dim Timer.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose 10 Secs,20 Secs,30 Secs or Off.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.Setting the Off Timer 3You can set how long the LCD stays on after the last key press. This is a power saving feature. The machine can print, scan and receive faxes and voice calls when the LCD is off.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose LCD Settings.Press  Page 31  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 332dPress a or b to choose Off Timer.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose 1 Min,2 Mins,3 Mins,5 Mins,10 Mins,30 Mins or Off.Press OK.fPress Stop/Exit.NoteWhen the display is off you can press any key to turn it back on.Setting the Wallpaper 3You can change the wallpaper.aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose General Setup.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose LCD Settings.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Wallpaper.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose a wallpaper.Press OK.fPress Stop/  Page 32  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
3344TX Lock (MFC-440CN only) 4TX Lock lets you prevent unauthorized access to the machine. You will not be able to continue to schedule Delayed Faxes or Polling jobs. However, any pre-scheduled Delayed Faxes will be sent even if you turn on TX Lock, so they will not be lost.While TX Lock is On, the following operations are available:Receiving faxesFax Forwarding (If Fax Forwarding was already On) Remote retrieval (If Fax Storage was already On) PC Fax Receive (if PC Fax Receive was already On)While TX Lock is On, the following operations are NOT available:Sending faxesCopyingPC printing ScanningPhotoCaptureNoteIf you forget the TX Lock password, please call Brother Customer Service.Setting and changing the TX Lock password 4NoteIf you have already set the password, you will not need to set it again.Setting up the password 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose TX Lock.Press OK.eEnter a 4-digit number for the password.Press OK.fWhen the LCD shows Verify:, re-enter the password.Press OK.gPress Stop/Exit.Changing the TX Lock password 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose TX Lock.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Set Password.Press OK.fEnter a 4-digit number for the current password.Press OK.gEnter a 4-digit number for a new password.Press OK.Security features  Page 33  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 434hWhen the LCD shows Verify:, re-enter the password.Press OK.iPress Stop/Exit.Turning the TX Lock on/off 4Turning TX Lock on 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose TX Lock.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Set TX Lock.Press OK.fEnter the registered 4-digit password.Press OK.The machine goes offline and the LCD shows TX Lock Mode.Turning TX Lock off 4aPress Menu.bEnter the registered 4-digit password.Press OK.TX lock is automatically turned off.NoteIf you enter the wrong password, the LCD shows Wrong Password and stays offline. The machine will stay in TX Lock mode until the registered password is entered.Memory Security (MFC-665CW and MFC-845CW only) 4Memory Security lets you prevent unauthorized access to the machine. You will not be able to continue to schedule Delayed Faxes or Polling jobs. However, any pre-scheduled Delayed Faxes will be sent even if you turn on Memory Security, so they will not be lost.While Memory Security is On, the following operations are available:Receiving faxes into memory (limited by memory capacity)Fax Forwarding (If Fax Forwarding was already On) Remote retrieval (If Fax Storage was already On) Cordless handset (MFC-845CW only) • Making a call• Receiving a call• Viewing Caller ID (with subscriber service)While Memory Security is on, the following operations are NOT available: Printing received faxesSending faxesCopyingPC printing ScanningPhotoCapturePC Fax ReceiveCordless handset (MFC-845CW only)• Intercom• Transfer a call• Register cordless  Page 34  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Security features354Note• To print the faxes in memory, turn off Memory Security.• You must turn off PC Fax Receive before you can turn on Memory Security. (See Turning off Advanced Fax Operations on page 81.)• If you forget the Memory Security password, please call Brother Customer Service.Setting and changing the memory security password 4NoteIf you have already set the password, you will not need to set it again.Setting a password for the first time 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Mem Security.Press OK.eEnter a 4-digit number for the password.Press OK.fWhen the LCD shows Verify:, re-enter the password.Press OK.gPress Stop/Exit.Changing your memory security password 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Mem Security.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Set Password.Press OK.fEnter the registered 4-digit number for the current password.Press OK.gEnter a 4-digit number for a new password.Press OK.hWhen the LCD shows Verify:, re-enter the new password.Press OK.iPress Stop/Exit.Turning the memory security on/off 4Turning on the memory security lock 4aPress Menu.bPress a or b to choose Fax.Press OK.cPress a or b to choose Miscellaneous.Press OK.dPress a or b to choose Mem Security.Press OK.ePress a or b to choose Set Security.Press  Page 35  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black
Chapter 436fEnter the registered 4-digit password.Press OK.The machine goes offline and the LCD shows Secure Mode.NoteIf there is a power failure the data will stay in memory for approximately 24 hours.Turning off the memory security 4aPress Menu.bEnter the registered 4-digit password.Press OK.Memory Security is automatically turned off.NoteIf you enter the wrong password, the LCD shows Wrong Password and stays offline. The machine will stay in Secure mode until the registered password is  Page 36  Thursday, August 10, 2006  6:59 PMColor:Black

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