CalAmp Wireless Networks GPDB Gemini/PD User Manual revised pages 7 and 8 for preliminary ver1 11

CALAMP WIRELESS NETWORKS INC. Gemini/PD revised pages 7 and 8 for preliminary ver1 11

revised pages 7 and 8 for preliminary ver1 11

120 20111-100      preliminary 7 Gemini/PD Installation Guide2.5 AntennaTo meet the FCC’s RF Exposure Guidelines,the main transmitter antenna should:- be installed to ensure a 7.9 in/20cmminimum distance between the body of theuser or nearby persons and the antenna.-have the antenna gain less cable loss whichdoes not exceed 2.7dBi.2.5.1  Recommended tools andsupplies• circle cutter• hole saw or• socket punch for antenna• Mini-UHF Crimp tool2.5.2 PlanningGeminiPD commonly uses three separateantennas:• Main transceiver – constraints are MPElimits and omni-directional factors• Auxiliary receiver – constraints are diversityspacing and omni-directional requirements• GPS – constraints are TX spacing and clearsky view.For ground-plane dependent antennas –the center of metal surface is preferable for bestomni-directional pattern.For ground-plane independent antennas –installation may be close to the edges of thesurface.Follow spacing for TX antenna. Install theantennas in one of the following positions:- Most preferred for all antennas: centerline ofroof. For transmitter antenna, it is the ONLYacceptable position.- Less preferred for receiver antenna: trunklid, providing distance to transmittingantenna is respected whether lid is opened orclosed.- Much less preferred, but permissible forreceiver antenna: left or right rearfenders, just in back of rear window- Least preferred, but permissible forreceiver antenna: left or right frontfenders, ahead of windshieldNote: Proximity to other vehicle-mountedantennas may cause mutualinterference especially at higherfrequencies. The auxiliary receiver antenna must beinstalled at least 5/8 λ distant from thetransceiver antenna.The GPS antenna placement requires a fairlyunobstructed view of the sky. It must also beat least two feet distant from the transceiverantenna but it may be close to the auxiliaryRX antenna.For the optimum antenna spacing at thefrequency you are using, consult systemengineering.2.5.3 Antenna Installation1. Route good quality 50-ohm coaxialcables (e.g. RG-223) from each of theselected antenna positions to theposition where the GeminiPD unit ismounted.2. Terminate the end at each of the antennapositions with the appropriate connector forthe antenna used and make the connection.3. At the GeminiPD position, cut the threecables to length and terminate with theappropriate plug. For the transceiver and theauxiliary cables, use a Mini-UHF crimp plugusing an appropriate crimping tool. For theGPS, use a SMA connector.4. Positively identify the transceiver mini-UHFplug and connect to the left rear ofGeminiPD.5. Positively identify the auxiliary receivermini-UHF plug and connect to the front leftof GeminiPD to the RX position.6. Connect the SMA connector to the GPSposition below the auxiliary connectorposition.7. Do not skip this last step, trust us; it is animportant one. To complete the installation,tie-wrap together the auxiliary and the GPSantenna cables at a point about two inches in
120 20111-100      preliminary 8 Gemini/PD Installation Guidefront of the unit. It will be much easierhereafter to correctly identify which mini-UHF plug goes where. You DO NOT wantto cross the auxiliary plug with thetransceiver plug.2.6.  Completing the physicalInstallation.To complete the physical installation andprior to testing GeminiPD:• Connect DC Power cable’s connector toGeminiPD’s until you hear a click as thetwo parts snap together.• Re-check that all other connections aresecure (antennas, PC, etc.)• Switch vehicle ignition ON.You are now ready to check for normal operationand to run the Radio Installation Software (RIS)program for testing or trouble-shooting.2.7.  Checking out NormaloperationCheck that the vehicle ignition is ON.1- Check for proper operation of theGeminiPD’s LEDs as per Table 1 insection 3.12- Using the RIS program (described insection 4) and an in-line wattmeter,check forward & reverse power toconfirm main antenna installation.3- Using the RIS, check the RF link with abase station that can be heard by usingthe RIS “Ping” feature.See paragraph user application and its base stationare available, test the installation bygoing through a normal sequence oftransmitting and receiving messages.

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