Cisco Systems 102040 Hand Held Computer with Printer User Manual TeamPad7800

Cisco Systems Inc Hand Held Computer with Printer TeamPad7800

Teampad 500 System Users Guide

TeamPad500     SystemUser's GuideRevision 1.00.00March 27, 2001P/N 90000455
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.2 of 47Revision HistoryRevision Number Date Description of Change1.00.00 2-1-2001 Original Release
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.3 of 47Read this manual before using this product.User's GuideThank you for purchasing the TeamPad 500 (referred to as the "equipment" in this document).To ensure proper operation and satisfactory performance of this product, be sure to read this manualthoroughly before using this equipment.Intention of the User’s GuideTo document the functionality of the display screens that are unique to the equipment. Thisdocument is not intended to document Windows CE 2.12.It is assumed that the user has knowledgeof the features and functionality of Windows CE.Windows, Windows CE, Visual C++, and Visual Basic are registeredtrademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.4 of 47Table of Contents1 Quick Start Checklist ......................................................71.1 Open the Package ........................................................71.2 Turn the Power On .......................................................71.3 Equipment Startup .......................................................71.4 Application Setup and Configuration .....................................71.5 Run Installed Applications ..............................................72 Equipment Startup ..........................................................82.1 Startup check ...........................................................82.2 Touch Panel Calibration .................................................92.3 Date and Time Settings .................................................103 Application Setup and Configuration .......................................113.1 Setup Menu .............................................................113.2 Control Panel ..........................................................123.2.1 System Properties...................................................133.2.2 Power Management Properties.........................................143.2.3 Display Properties..................................................153.2.4 Date and Time Properties............................................163.2.5 Screen Input Panel (SIP) Keyboard Size..............................173.3 Application Installation ...............................................193.4 TeamPad Configuration ..................................................213.4.1 Initialize Settings.................................................213.4.2 Launcher Keys.......................................................233.4.3 Registry Backup and Restore.........................................253.4.4 Combination Keys....................................................273.5 Application Backup and Restore............................................283.6 Registry Editor ........................................................303.7 TeamPad Explorer .......................................................323.8 Run a Program ..........................................................353.9 Debug Mode .............................................................364 Basic Operations ..........................................................374.1 Turning on the backlight ...............................................374.2 Battery Status .........................................................374.3 Adjusting the Sound Volume .............................................394.4 Touch Panel Calibration ................................................404.5 Alpha Keyboard Pop-up ..................................................414.6 Low Main Battery Warning ...............................................424.7 Low Sub Battery Warning ................................................435 Restoring the Application .................................................445.1 Touch Panel Calibration ................................................455.2 Date and Time Settings .................................................465.3 Restore/Re-Initialize the Application ..................................47
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.5 of 47WarningsThis manual uses various indications to urge the user to use the equipment safely, to preventpersonal injury or property damage. Be sure to understand these indications and their meaningsbefore continuing to read this manual.Symbol DescriptionThis alert signal also indicates that damage to the product or otherproperty may occur if the user does not perform the procedure correctly.Other symbolsSymbol DescriptionThis indicates precautions on use or what must not be done.  Read thestatement carefully.Indicates advice or reference information.  Read the statement whennecessary.Screen and entry examplesThe screen display examples are given purely as examples and apply to individual situations.  Keepin mind that the actual screens may differ.The data in the entry examples is given purely as example and applies to individual situations.Keep in mind that the actual data required for entry may differ.Key notationsKey MeaningPWR key Use this key to turn the power to the equipment on or off (this key iscalled the power key in this document).Numerical keys         (0 to 9) Use these keys to enter numbersENT key Enter key.  Use this key to confirm and execute operations.Cursor keys Use these keys to move the cursor in the desired direction.CLR key Use this key to cancel operations and clear data entries.BKS key Backspace key.SFT key Shift key.  Use this key to perform shifted operations.F1-F5 keys Function keys.  Use these keys to perform special operations.  Key Backlight key.    Key (+/-) This key is used to adjust the contrast (“+” for more contrast and “-“ for less contrast).CAUTIONImportantRemember
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.6 of 47Touch panel operationThe equipment has a touch panel display.  Tapping on the screen has the same effect as left tappingwith the mouse.Method of screen tapping is explained below.Notation MeaningTap Similar to left tapping a mouse.  Denotes” touching” a point on thescreen.  This is done to execute an operation.Double tap Corresponds to double tapping a mouse.  Denotes “double touching” apoint on the screen.  This is done to run a program.When tapping the screen, use your finger or a dedicated accessory stylus (a pen for tapping).  Donot use a tool with a sharp edge in place of the dedicated stylus, as this may damage the panel.CAUTION
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.7 of 47When using the equipment for the first time, follow the procedure given below.1.1 Open the PackageRemove the equipment from the package.  For details, refer to the “Quick Reference Guide” thatcomes with the equipment.1.2 Turn the Power OnConnect the equipment to an AC adapter or charging unit to provide power to the main and subbatteries.Press the power switch to turn on the power.  For details, refer to the “Quick Reference Guide” thatcomes with the equipment.1.3 Equipment StartupAfter turning the power on, follow the steps in “Equipment Startup” (see section 2) to initialize theequipment.1.4 Application Setup and ConfigurationConfigure the equipment through the “Setup Menu”.  For details, refer to Section 3.  Follow theinstallation instructions provided by the application provider.1.5 Run Installed ApplicationsStart the equipment to verify that the unit is properly configured.The main battery is not charged. Be sure to charge it or connect the AC adapter to the equipmentbefore starting with operations.When turning on the power for the first time, or after a hard reset (ie both batteries removed) acheck is made on the equipment.  If the unit has never been installed and configured through the“Setup Menu” the following equipment check screen is displayed.1 Quick Start ChecklistRemember
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.8 of 472 Equipment Startup2.1 Startup check          To begin the startup procedure: Hold down the ENT/SYS key, then press the “1” Key to Start theTouch panel calibration.To stop the startup procedure: Turn off the power by pressing the power key.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.9 of 472. Touch Panel CalibrationThe following calibration screen will appear.  Follow the instructions on the screen.   Tap the target(+) with a stylus as it moves from the center to the four corners of the screen.If the system detects the touch too far from the target, the calibration must be done again from thebeginning.  When all the positions have been successfully tapped, the target ceases to be displayedand the following message appears: "Press the ENT key to accept the new setting".  Press the ENTkey to register the calibration data and terminate the function.  Proceed to “Date and TimeSettings”.Do not use an item with a sharp edge, such as a pencil or ballpoint pen, for tapping the screen, asthis may damage or break the screen.  Do not place the palm of your hand on the screen whentapping it.Tap the center of the target with thestylus.  Repeat as the target movesaround the screen.Press the SFT+BKS key to cancel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.10 of 472. Date and Time SettingsSet the date and time and tap the OK button.         [1] Time zoneSelect your local time zone. Use the drop down list to display the possible choices and thenselect one. .[2] CalendarSwitch the calendar to current year, month, and day. Use either the arrow’s next to themonth and year to scroll to the desire month and year, or tap on the month or year tochange them.[3] Current timeSet the time based on a 24-hour clock. After either selecting the hours, minutes or seconds,use the arrow keys or keyboard to change to the desire time.[4] OK and Apply ButtonRegister the date and time that you have set and proceed to Section 3.[5] X buttonCancel the date & time process and proceed to Section 3.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.11 of 47The Application “Setup Menu” is used to define the application environment and define systemwide configuration settings, such as Suspend and Backlight timers. This “Setup Menu” is displayedautomatically after the Touch Screen calibration and the Date/Time settings.  The “Setup Menu” isonly displayed if an application is loaded to start automatically or the re-install box has been tapped(for details, see Section 5.3) after a memory loss.  The following “Setup Menu” is presented to theuser for the equipment’s configuration and software installation.3.1 Setup Menu [1] Configure the operating environment via the Control Panel.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.[2] Application Installation from a storage card.  For details, refer to Section 3.3.[3] TeamPad Configuration.  For details, refer to Section 3.4.[4] Application Backup and Restore.  For details, refer to Section 3.5[5] Registry Editor.  For details, refer to Section 3.6[6] TeamPad Explorer.  For details, refer to Section 3.7.[7] Running a program.  For details, refer to Section 3.8[8] Run the defined startup program (if any) in debug mode.  For details refer to Section 3.9.3 Application Setup and Configuration
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.12 of 473.2 Control PanelTo update the operating environment of the equipment, press the “1” key, from the "Setup Menu”.The control panel will then open.The following settings may need to be updated.[1] System PropertiesSpecify if the RAM area (data storing memory and program running memory) is to beincreased or decreased.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.1[2] Power managementAutomatic power off can be configured.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.2[3] Display PropertiesAutomatic backlight can be configured.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.3[4] Date/time PropertiesThe date and time can be updated.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.4[5] Input Panel PropertiesChange the Screen Pop-up keyboard size.  For details, refer to Section 3.2.5.[6] X ButtonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.13 of 473.2.1 System PropertiesRAM usage can be updated from the System Properties function.To activate this function, double tap the System icon on the control panel and tap the Memory tab.[1] Memory area barThe data storage area and program area in memory (RAM), are isolated from each other bymoving the bar. The bar can only be moved to the right of the default, reserving more ofthe RAM for program execution. While the bar will automatically grow to the right, as anapplication needs more memory, the bar will never automatically move to the left if morestorage area is needed.  The primary purpose of this function is to provide a method toguarantee a minimum amount of executable memory.[2] OK ButtonApply the new RAM area memory allocation and return to the Control Panel.[3] X ButtonCancel the RAM area memory allocation changes and return to the Control Panel.Do not update the memory area unnecessarily.  Retain the default state.  Otherwise, an applicationprogram may not be able to run.The memory area will return to the default state when data is erased in memory because of a deadbattery.Important
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.14 of 473. Power Management PropertiesThe equipment’s automatic power off feature can be configured using the Power Propertiesfunction.  These settings will affect the equipments battery life.To activate this function, double tap the Power management icon on the control panel and tap thePower Off tab.          [1] Idle time until activation of suspend mode when battery is usedSpecify a time for activating the automatic power OFF feature when the main battery isused and the AC power is not connected.  It is set to three minutes at factory shipment.[2] Enable suspend mode when an external power supply is usedSpecify whether automatic power OFF is to be executed when the AC adapter is connectedor in the CIU or Vehicle Holder.  By checking box, the automatic power OFF feature isactivated.  The automatic power OFF feature is disabled at factory shipment.[3] Idle time until activation of suspend mode when an external power supply is usedSpecify the time until automatic power OFF when the AC adapter is connected and item[2] is checked.[4] OK ButtonApply the new Power Management Settings and return to the Control Panel.[5] X ButtonCancel the Power Management changes and return to the Control Panel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.15 of 473. Display PropertiesControls the period of time before the backlight will be automatically turned off.  These settingswill affect the equipments battery life.To activate this function, double tap the Display icon on the control panel and tap the Backlight tab.[1] Turn off the backlight automatically when a battery is usedSpecify whether the backlight is to be automatically turned off when the main battery isused (when the AC adapter is not connected).  By pressing the !, the automatic backlightOFF feature is enabled.  The feature is enabled at factory shipment and configured for 1minute.[2] Turn off the backlight automatically when an external power supply is used.Specify whether the automatic backlight OFF feature is to be activated when an ACadapter is connected or in the CIU or Vehicle Holder.  By pressing the !, the automaticbacklight OFF feature is enabled.  It is enabled at factory shipment and configured for 10minutes.[3] OK ButtonApply the new Backlight Settings and return to the Control Panel.[4] X ButtonCancel the Backlight Setting changes and return to the Control Panel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.16 of 473.2.4 Date and Time PropertiesSet the date and time for the equipment.[1] Time zoneSelect your local time zone. Use the drop down list to display the possible choices and thenselect one. .[2] CalendarSwitch the calendar to current year, month, and day. Use either the arrow’s next to themonth and year to scroll to the desire month and year, or tap on the month or year tochange them.[3] Current timeSet the time based on a 24-hour clock. After either selecting the hours, minutes or seconds,use the arrow keys or keyboard to change to the desire time.[4] OK and Apply ButtonRegister the date and time that you have set and proceed to Section 3.[5] X buttonCancel the date & time process and proceed to Section 3.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.17 of 473.2.5 Screen Input Panel (SIP) Keyboard SizeThe Screen Input Panel (SIP) can be configured to have small keys or larger keys.  To configure thekeyboard size, double tap the “Input Panel” icon on the control panel and the following Screen willbe displayed. Both keyboards require the use of a stylist.[1] Options buttonChange the Screen Input Panel keyboard size.  When tapped, the following window will bedisplayed.[2] OK buttonRegister the Input Panel Changes and return to the Control Panel.[3] X buttonCancel the Input Panel process and return to the Control Panel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.18 of 47[1] Large keys Radio ButtonChange the Screen Input Panel keyboard size to “Large Keys”.  When the SFT+F5 keysare pressed, the SIP will be displayed with the larger keys.[2] Small keys Radio ButtonChange the Screen Input Panel keyboard size to “Small Keys”.  When the SFT+F5 keysare pressed, the SIP will be displayed with the smaller keys. [3] OK buttonRegister the Input Panel Changes and return to the previous Window.[4] X buttonCancel the Input Panel process and return to the Previous Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.19 of 473.3 Application InstallationTo install the application(s) on the equipment, press the “2” key from the “Setup Menu” and thefollowing window opens.Select the Storage Card from which the software installation will occur. Select Storage Card1 if theapplication is to be loaded from a compact flash card located in the side of the unit. Select StorageCard2 if the application is to be loaded from a Type II flash card located in the top of the unit.  Forinformation regarding the CONFIG.HHT process, please refer to the “TeamPad 500 Programmer’sReference Guide”.[1] Next ButtonContinue the Application Installation process.[2] Cancel ButtonCancel the Application Installation Process.  Return to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.20 of 47As the CONFIG.HHT file is being processed, a status box is displayed.At completion a screen similar to the following will be displayed.[1] Apply ButtonFinishes the Application Installation process, and returns to the “Setup Menu”.When installing an application program, it’s best to initialize the system to a known state.  SeeSection 3.4.1 for more details.Important
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.21 of 473.4 TeamPad ConfigurationTo update the TeamPad 500’s configuration, press the ‘3” key at the “Setup Menu”.  Availableoptions are Initialize Settings, Defining Launcher Keys, Backup/Restore the Registry, or configurethe equipment’s combination keystrokes.3.4.1  Initialize SettingsThe “Initialize Settings” option allows the user to configure the equipment back to default settingsor to “Initialize” only certain settings (Flash ROM or RAM).  To access this function press theInitialize tab.     [1] Select Type Of InitializeSelect “Initialize all setting” to initialize ROM and RAM.Select “Initialize selected items” to initialize only ROM or RAM. Once this is selected youwill then be able to select either ROM or RAM.[2] Initialize ButtonContinue the Initialize Process.[3] OK buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu” and do not process the Initialize.[4] X buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu” and do not process the Initialize.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.22 of 47The following display will appear if the “Initialize” was selected.[1] Yes ButtonInitialize to default settings.  A progress bar will be displayed while the function is runningand at completion, will return to the previous Window.[2] No ButtonCancel the Initialize Process. Return to the Previous Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.23 of 473.4.2 Launcher KeysTo assign Launcher keys press the “Launcher” Tab after selecting “3” for “TeamPad Configuration”from the “Setup Menu”.  Each of the F1-F5 keys can be defined to have a special meaning.  Whenthe key is pressed, the application defined to the function key is started. The Launcher keys can beused to start additional functions without providing the end user access to the Task Bar.[1] Edit ButtonAdd or Modify a Launcher key.  Go to the next Window.[2] Delete ButtonDeletes an existing Launcher key definition.[3] OK buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.[4] X buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.24 of 47[1] Edit WindowEnter the path name of the program you wish to start by either browsing to the program orthe popup keyboard (“SFT” + ”F5”).[2] OK ButtonAccept the Launcher key definition.  When complete return to the previous Window.[3] Browse ButtonBrowse the system to locate an application to assign to the selected launcher key[4] Cancel ButtonCancel the Launcher Edit key process.  Return to the previous Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.25 of 473.4.3 Registry Backup and RestoreTo Backup or Restore the Registry, press the “Registry” Tab after selecting “3” for “TeamPadConfiguration” from the “Setup Menu”.[1]  “Select BackUp or Restore” boxContinue the Backup or Restore Registry function.  Continue to the next Window.[2] OK buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.[3] X buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.26 of 47[1] Backup or Restore TabSelect which process to perform.[2] Browse ButtonBrowse the system to locate destination of Backup or Restore File.[3] OK ButtonAccept the Registry Backup or Restore file destination.  When complete return to theprevious Window.[4] X buttonReturn to the previous Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.27 of 473.4.4 Combination KeysEquipment-specific functions, such as operations on sound volume/battery display, screenkeyboard, Paper Feed, etc., can be performed via key combinations.  To configure the allowedcombination keys, press the “Key” Tab after selecting “3” TeamPad Configuration from the “SetupMenu”.[1] Keyboard Check BoxesSpecifies whether to perform an operation that is selected by pressing a combination ofkeys.  By pressing the !, the operation specified by the keys can be executed.The following items can be specified.-  Task bar display control (SFT + 00 + BKS)-  Battery/Volume/Calibration display control (SFT + ENT/SYS)-  Screen keyboard display control (SYS + F5)-  Integrated Printer Paper Feed (SFT + F1) [2] OK buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.[3] X buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.For details on operations when key combinations are pressed, refer to Section 4.Except for the task bar display, operations are set to enabled at factory shipment.Remember
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.28 of 473.5 Application Backup and RestoreThe operating environment for a configured application program can be saved.  By restoring asaved application environment, the equipment can be returned to the state in which the environmentwas last saved. Backup/Restore can also be used to move an application from one RAM ObjectStore based system to another (clone an application).To save or restore an application environment, press “4” at the “Setup Menu”.  The followingselection window will then open.[1] Backup the Application radio button.Perform a Backup operation if the “OK” box is pressed.[2] Restore the Application radio buttonPerform a Restore operation if the “OK” box is pressed.[3] Browse buttonLocate another storage area, other than Storage Card 1 or 2.[4] OK buttonContinue Backup or Restore Operation.  Continue to next Window.[5] Cancel buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.29 of 47As the Backup or Restore procedure is executing, a Status Bar is displayed.  At completion, thefollowing screen is displayed.[1] OK buttonReturn to the “Setup Menu”[2] ENT KeyReturn to the “Setup Menu”.On a restore operation, instead of returning to the “Setup Menu”, the equipment powers off.  On thenext power on, the application will restart.The application is restored to the settings from the last backup operation.Remember
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.30 of 473.6 Registry EditorThe TeamPad 500’s registry can be viewed and or modified by selecting “5” from the “SetupMenu.”  Registry keys can be added and saved to a file if desired. These Registry update files canbe automatically loaded during the “Install” process. An individual registry update file must becreated for each new key tree structure created.Use extreme caution since accidental changes to the Registry could cause unpredictableresults.[1]  “+” Used to expand the sub keys.[2] X buttonClose the Registry Editor and return to the “Setup Menu”.[3] File Dropdown MenuProceed to the next Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.31 of 47          [1] Export/ImportExport or Import a Registry key.[2] Create key/valueCreate a registry key or modify an existing registry value.[3] DeleteDelete a Registry key.[4] Register or Un-registerRegister or Un-register a DLL to the system.[5] VersionDisplay the version number of the Registry Editor.[6] CloseClose the Registry Editor.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.32 of 473.7 TeamPad ExplorerThe equipment contains a dedicated file manager called the “TeamPad Explorer”.  This utilitysupports the following functions.- Copying data in file units and folder units- Deleting files and folders- Creating new folders- Displaying the available memoryUse extreme caution since accidental changes made by the Explorer could cause unpredictableresults.To start the “TeamPad Explorer”, press “5” at the “Setup Menu”.  The following selection windowwill then open. [1] ListingFolders and files are listed.  Double-tap the folder name to display the folder list.  Doubletap a file (execution format file: extension EXE) to run the file.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.33 of 47[2] Command barOperations can be performed using the command bar.[3] File Dropdown MenuProceed to the next Window.[4] X buttonClose the TeamPad Explorer and return to the “Setup Menu”.File copy button: Copies a selected file and folder in a specified list to the adjacent list.File delete button: Deletes a selected file and folder in a specified list.Return button: Displays the contents of a folder that is located one hierarchy levelabove a specified list.New folder creation button: Creates a new folder in a specified list.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.34 of 47[1] Create FolderCreates a Sub Folder in the selected Pane.[2] DeleteDeletes a file in the selected Pane.[3] CopyCopies a file in the selected Pane.[4] PropertiesDisplays the file properties of a selected file.[5] Free SpaceDisplays the available free space in the Object Store and Storage Card(s).[6] VersionDisplays the Version of the TeamPad Explorer.[7] Exit Exit TeamPad Explorer.  Return to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.35 of 473.8 Run a ProgramTo Run a Program, press “7” at the “Setup Menu”.  The following selection window will then open.You can drag the Screen by touching the display and moving in the direction you wish.[1] Entry BoxEnter the file name of the program to be run.[2] Browse buttonOpens a file browser dialog box.  A program name can be selected from the dialog box.[3] OK buttonRun the program whose file name was entered.[4] Cancel buttonCancel the Run program selection.  Return to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.36 of 473.9 Debug ModeTo enter Debug Mode, press “8” at the “Setup Menu”.  The following selection window will thenopen.  When in this mode, the Toolbar is active, so you can enter the Start Menu.When the debug mode is entered, if an auto start application is defined, it will be started and theTask Bar will be made accessible.[1] Yes buttonSelect this button to enter Debug Mode.  Unit will restart.  If a startup program is defined,that program will launch, otherwise equipment will go to the Windows CE desktop.[2] No buttonSelect this button to return to the “Setup Menu”.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.37 of 47Basic Operations are available at all times unless access was disabled during configuration (SeeSection 3.4.4).  These functions allow for operations such as turning on the Backlight, Checking theMain and Sub batteries, Adjusting the Sound and Touch Panel Calibration as well as the Alphakeyboard Pop-up.  The following is a description of each of the available basic functions.4.1 Turning on the backlightThe screen backlight can be turned ON and OFF by holding the SFT key down and pressing the F2key.4.2 Battery StatusThe equipment has a main and sub battery which charge automatically when either an AC adapter isconnected, or the unit is placed in a CIU or Vehicle Holder.  To check the Battery Status, press andhold the SFT key down and then press the ENT/SYS key.  The following Window will be displayed. [1] Main Batterya.  Status-  External:   An AC adapter or Holder is connected.-  Normal:     The battery is being used.-  Low :        The main battery is low (25%) .  It must be charged or replaced.-  Unknown: The operational state of the battery cannot be checked.b.  Percentage of the battery power leftDisplayed as a percentage.[2] Sub batterya.  Status4 Basic Operations
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.38 of 47-  Normal      : Sufficient for memory backup.-  Low           : Remaining power insufficient for memory backup.[3] X buttonClose the Battery Status Window.When the battery is very low on power, the LED just below the keyboard will start blinking red. Avery short time after the LED starts blinking, the unit will automatically power off.  The batterymust be charged or replaced in this case.If the main battery is disconnected in a situation in which the sub battery is low on power, the datastored in the memory may be lost.  If the sub battery must be replace, make sure the main batteryhas sufficient power to hold the state of the unit while the sub battery is replaced.Important
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.39 of 474.3 Adjusting the Sound VolumeWhile holding the SFT key down, press the ENT/SYS key.  The following Volume and Batterypanel will be displayed.To adjust the Volume, press the “1” key.  The sound volume can be adjusted to one of four levels.Tap the desired sound volume level.  A sample sound will be emitted on the tap.[1] OK buttonRegister the Sound Volume.  Return to the Battery Status Window.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.40 of 474.4 Touch Panel CalibrationAfter a period of time, you may experience that the Touch Panel seems too be “drifting”, ie thetouch does not register correctly.  If this is the case it will be necessary to re-calibrate the tappingposition.While holding the SFT key down, press the ENT/SYS key.  The following Volume and Batterypanel will be displayed.Press “2” for the “Touch Screen Calibration” process to start.  The following calibration screen willopen.   Follow the instructions on the screen.   Tap the target (+) with a stylus as it moves from thecenter to the four corners of the screen.If the system detects the touch too far from the target, the calibration must be re-done from thebeginning.  When all the positions have been tapped, the target ceases to be displayed and thefollowing message appears: "Press the ENT key to accept the new setting".  Press the ENT key toregister the calibration data and return to the Battery Status Window.Tap the center of the target with thestylus.  Repeat as the target movesaround the screen.Press the SFT+BKS key to cancel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.41 of 474.5 Alpha Keyboard Pop-upFor entering characters that are not available on the keypad, use the Alpha-Keyboard popup.Hold down the SFT key and press the F5 key to open the screen keyboard.  It will open in the lowerportion of the LCD display.Tap the desired character.  To close the screen keyboard, hold down the SFT key and press the F5key.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.42 of 474.6 Low Main Battery WarningWhen the Main Battery is at a low level, the following Window will be displayed to alert the user.When this panel is displayed, the equipment should be charged as soon as possible with anapproved A/C adapter or a charging device such as a CIU.   For more details, refer to theProgrammer’s Reference Guide or to the Operator’s Guide for details on Main Battery replacement.[1] X buttonClose the Low Main Battery Window.When the battery is very low on power, the LED just below the keyboard will start blinking red. Avery short time after the LED starts blinking, the unit will automatically power off.  The batterymust be charged or replaced in this case.If the main battery is disconnected in a situation in which the sub battery is low on power, the datastored in the memory may be lost.  If the sub battery must be replaced, make sure the main batteryhas sufficient power to hold the state of the unit while the sub battery is replaced.Important
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.43 of 474.7 Low Sub Battery WarningWhen the Sub Battery is at a low level, the following Window will be displayed to alert the user.Unless the Main battery has been removed for an extended period of time or the unit has been out ofservice for an extended period of time, the health of the sub battery should be questioned. If theMain battery has been removed for an extended period of time or the unit has been out of servicefor an extended period of time, then fully charge the Main battery and the Sub battery will slowlyrecharge. If the unit has been in constant operations, then the Sub battery should be checked to seeif it is disconnected and if not it should be replaced.[1] X buttonClose the Low Sub Battery WindowWhen the battery is very low on power, the LED just below the keyboard will start blinking red. Avery short time after the LED starts blinking, the unit will automatically power off.  The batterymust be charged or replaced in this case.If the main battery is disconnected in a situation in which the sub battery is low on power, the datastored in the memory may be lost.  If the sub battery must be replaced, make sure the main batteryhas sufficient power to hold the state of the unit while the sub battery is replaced.Important
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.44 of 47When data is lost from memory (RAM) because of a low battery situation, the application operatingenvironment can be automatically restored.  This function is only relevant for files that are installedusing the Application “Setup Menu” (for details, see Section 3).  Note that files that were copied totheir location via Explorer are not restored. The state of the unit is returned to that at Install time.          The Restore process starts up automatically when data is erased in memory because of a deadbattery.    When the unit is restarted/powered on, the following Window will be displayed.To begin the restore procedure: Hold down the ENT/SYS key, then press the “1” Key to start theTouch Panel calibration.To stop the restore procedure: Turn off the power by pressing the power key.5 Restoring the Application
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.45 of 475. Touch Panel CalibrationThe following calibration screen will open.   Follow the instructions on the screen.   Tap the target(+) with a stylus as it moves from the center to the four corners of the screen.If the System detects the touch too far from the target, the calibration must be done again from thebeginning.  When all the positions have been tapped, the target ceases to be displayed and thefollowing message appears: "Press the ENT key to accept the new setting".  Press the ENT key toregister the calibration data and terminate the function.  Proceed to “Date and Time Settings”.Do not use an item with a sharp edge, such as a pencil or ballpoint pen, for tapping the screen, asthis may damage or break the screen.  Do not place the palm of your hand on the screen whentapping it.Tap the center of the target with thestylus.  Repeat as the target movesaround the screen.Press the SFT+BKS key to cancel.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.46 of 475. Date and Time SettingsWhen turning on power for the first time, the date and time must be set.Set the date and time and tap the OK button.         [1] Time zoneSelect your local time zone. Use the drop down list to display the possible choices and thenselect one. .[2] CalendarSwitch the calendar to current year, month, and day. Use either the arrow’s next to themonth and year to scroll to the desire month and year, or tap on the month or year tochange them.[3] Current timeSet the time based on a 24-hour clock. After either selecting the hours, minutes or seconds,use the arrow keys or keyboard to change to the desire time.[4] OK and Apply ButtonRegister the date and time that you have set and proceed to Section 3.[5] X buttonCancel the date & time process and proceed to Section 3.
               TeamPad 500 User’s GuideCopyright 2001 by Fujitsu-ICL Systems Inc.47 of 475.3 Restore/Re-Initialize the ApplicationThe user will have a choice to restore (Recover) the application from a Storage Card or re-install theapplication from scratch.          [1] Restore the ApplicationWhen restore is complete, an end-of-operation message is displayed and the equipmentwill re-start and run the configured Startup Program.[2] Re-install the ApplicationWhen restore is complete, an end-of-operation message is displayed and the equipmentwill re-start and run the Setup Menu and Configuration procedure.  For details, see Section3.

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