Denso Wave orporated DWWB001 BHT-1300 Main Board (Bluetooth and Wireless LAN Module) User Manual DWWB001 Manualx
Denso Wave Incorporated BHT-1300 Main Board (Bluetooth and Wireless LAN Module) DWWB001 Manualx
- 1. Manual
- 2. user mnaual rev
- 3. user manual rev
user mnaual rev
DWWB001 User's Manual LBEH5Z9UWC Installation Manual For OEM integration only – device cannot be sold to general public. Therefore we will ask OEM to include the following statements required by FCC on the product and in the Installation manual Notice. Contents 1.Land Pattern(Recommended) 2.Supply Voltage 3. Dimensions, Marking And Pin configuration 4.Notice 1.Land Pattern(Recommended Unit:mm) 2. Supply Voltage 3. 1 Dimensio ons, Markin ng 3. 2 Pin configuration 4. Notice Please describe the following warning on the final product which contains this module. Contains Transmitter Mobile FCC ID:?????????? or Contains FCC ID:?????????? Please describe the following warning to the manual. When installing it in a mobile equipment When installing it in a portable equipment [Model Name] Note) Portable equipment : Equipment for which the spaces between human body and antenna are used within 20cm. Mobile equipment : Equipment used at position in which the spaces between human body and antenna exceeded 20cm. Federal Corll■ unicatioll(Commission lnterference Statemellt This dcvice complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is sutteCt tO the o oondiionsI(1)lbiS de宙 ce mtt not causc harmil interference,and following椰 √ (2)this device must accept any interference received,including inteFference that may cause undesired operation, This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lilnits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 ofthc FCC Rules. These limiヽ are designed to provide reasonable protection against harlnil interference in a residential installation.This equipment generatcs,uses and can radiatc radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmllll interferencc to radio communications. However9 there is no guarantee that intcrfercnce wili not occur in a particular installation, If this equipment does cause harlnfill interference to radio or television reception,which can be detcllllincd by tuning the equipment o3『 and on,the uscr is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ofthc following FneaSurcsI ◆ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. ◆ Increase the separation bemeen thc equipment and receiver. ◆ Connectthe equipmentinto an outlct on a circuit ditterent frOm that tO which the receiver is connected. ◆ Consultthe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. FCC Caution:Any changes or modiications not expressly approved by the party rcsponsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate this equipment. This translnitter must not be co‐ located or operating in conJunctiOn with any other antenna or ttanslnltte■ Ldintioll E=posll]・ e Si.■ teme■ 11 Tllls eqlliplllent cOlllplie5 llllCOlltrt■ lled ell■ l■ llut■ lllln diStc■ ミ vith FCC rattation t・ ■ romlettt.1■ 五s eqlliplllellt sl■ xpL■ Sllfe lillllts set forth fOr all odd be二 lstalled and Operated、 vitll llCe 20ctll bご 郷 げeen thE Ic■ cliator tt・ vOllf bOclT ‐ FOR COl「NTRY CODE SELECiT10N rSAGE(■ LAN DEヽ ICIS〕 -1」 S llloctel onlT c■ lld iS llot available [d 0 all US ll10cICl_Pご IF〔 iCi reg■ 1lation,all WViFi prodllct lllttkctFd ill US illllst i工 0 Notei The col■ t,code Selectioll is for no盤 US operation chttule15 o■ lI FCC Ra道 ●‐ ■equentt E珊 }osure andttppFO■ Vユ l Conditio=s: Antelllntns must be mstLtlled lo prclvide at least 20clrL Separaticn dlst&nceむ onl τhe tFanS■ 1ltting Lqntenna to the bodFofu■ er during normal operating condition 2. The antenn量 (3' uSed for ths tFanSTttltter IELuSt F10t be collocated oF OpeFating l■ COn,unctiOn with anl otheF antenn■ accorclance lrith FCC ttulマ ■ ce.except in transElttter pFOduCt proceduFe3. 0nly those ante■ na=椰 Fith=ane type and lesEer galn f』 ed undeF thiE FCC ID nullllbeF can be used、「ith i‐ or tFanSttnilter l∬ lthin a host de■ this tte、 電ce_ The Fegultntory label on the inal sFStem must include the■ tLtiement:・ =ContninI FCC I]D:PZttWYWVB001 andUor IC:1551C‐ Dマ 「 W「 B001 or using electFOnlC labellllg IIllttthOd aS dDCmented m KDBTS4743. The rlnal slstem inI● 晨tOr IIIlugt ensl】 Fe nlュ nual or cll]tolller docllil■ 『 there is■ o instructlon provittd in the user entation inぬ cating holv to insta1l or remove the translnitter nlodule except such虚 ●Tlce has iェ pleIIlented tlvo■rals authentication betiveen IIlodule and the host sTsteIEL. The inal ho5t manualsh■ 1l include the fo理 o■■ng regulatory statelnenti Thi=etulpment has been tesl and found lo c● mptt Fith the linits for a Class B ttgltal device.pttrsuant to Paコ■ 15 of FCC Rule=.Tlle■ e ll■ lits ttre designed to provide rea50nable protection against haFnlill inteFference in a residential installatlon.This equiFInent geneFate=,uses ttnd can Fattate rtttto fl・ ●quen等,energI If not installed and used in accordttnce lvith the instFuCtiOn3_it JnaF ca■ radb coEIIIluniCation= Holveve二 i.■ ]● there is no guarantee that inte■ a particul.■ r installation lf thi■ harmful interference to ference lマ 量 1ュot occur equipment does cause harmmlinterference to radlo or teleT蟄 lon receFtiOn whl.・ h can be deternined by tuning the equipmenl off and on. the uSeF iS enCouFaged lo tFV and CorFeCt the int● follo■ ving lneasures: tence by one or m● Ire of the rfe■ ―Reorient or Fe100■ te the recei、 ing antenna ―IncreaEe the cLstance betwfttn the equipllllent and the re優 ―Connect the equlp■ lent to outlet on a circuil dL田 》 iver erentむ oIEL that to lャ hch the FeCeiVer ls comected. ¨Consull Thi■ the dettler or ttn etterienCed radioFTl technician for help device complles with Parl 15 of the FCC Rules.OpeFat10n is subiett tO the following tTo contttionsI(1l Ths device mal not cause harlllful inteFference,and tE} this del■ ce nlusl accept any inte=ferlence receilttd. including interfeFenCe thttt maF catse unde」 red operation, Cnnada― IndustrT Canada Operatlon is sutteCt tO the following two conditions:{1)ths de宙 interfererLce,and(2'thiE device must accept an「 nlaI Cause und爵 =ired opeFatiOn on this de宙 ce IIlay■ ot cause inte■ ference.incluぬ ng inteばerence that ce L` utilttatiott de ce CLsPocitirest auton3■ e seulelnent aux condlilon3 suivintes(1'重 ne dOit pas produiFe de bFOu旦 建 age et(2)1 ・ utilisateuF du dlspositiF dolt itFe pFさ t tl accepter tout broulllage radiorlectrique re.メ ■, mさ lIIte si ce brouittage est susceptible de c● mpFOlnettre le fonctionne=Lent du diEPos董 ゴ To reduce poteュ tial radio inTeFfeFenCe lo otheF u]erS,the antenna type and its gttn shoul■ be 30 ChOSen that the eq饉 valent isotFOpicallド rattated poweF'EIRPlii not l■ ore than that lrequむ ed foF SuCCessful coEl■ lunication_ Cautioni ExposuFe tO Radio FFequencI Radiatlon To comply lrith RSS 102 RF exp● sure comphance requiFements,for IElobile codguFations, R separation di=tance of at least 20 cm must be mRmtained between the antenna of this device■ nd all per3o■ 3_ThiS detce muE‐ t not be co‐ located or opeFat撻 g in coniunctlon wiIIh ant other antenna oF tFtq n3n■ ltte五 Systellll inte『 atOrs inu_ql include the IC I]D on the end pFOduCt_ I(で 警語 11"織 lr型 言 1「 11島 格主 性功・ t式 量 '「 :事 it計主持 ■■動 1潰 11'モ ■ 111計 =ヽ ■司 。■11式 博層 │:塙 lt得 =慮 せ T輩 11・ ■目■時 疇■射 躊it聾 ,11籠 覇 │:俸 撃:警 ■F十 ■■・ T響 圭 ■111『 :ギ 警環盲 丁捧 T辱 嫌摯 F ri F「 停署 ヽ■ ■ギ 攀 丁1■ 時 青掲確■FF ttTき ■ 11督 .■ 1■ ■1燿 │■ 燿 デト It毒 111■ 1情 量■率町■ :ト 'Ⅲ !萱 1占 法 ::誉 す :.=:ヽ ■ 嘔ギ │■ ■等 1■ 躍 11境 1豊 射 Lll賞 ■督 ,資 │ほ =‐ 「与慎規す :it組 ‡ ││:[:キ 童 ■ ォニ往 ■チ 轟 :it'■ キt手 意 │ギ 十 まギ t‖ │テ ‡ ■ 品 Fき キ 与童■■ 1壌 :・ =「 (1懲 阻 wyLPD22Zべ │ヽ さC IIDI す i{
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