Course: ECE 124 Digital Circuits And Systems Manual
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Open PDF In Browser | View PDF | DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING ECE-124 LAB MANUAL-S2018 V2.5 Course: ECE-124 Digital Circuits and Systems ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 1 Contents 2 3 4 Introduction and ECE-124 Labs Outline ..............................................................................................7 2.1 LogicalStep FPGA Board User Peripherals ....................................................................................8 2.2 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Technology ...................................................................9 2.3 FPGA Design Software ................................................................................................................10 2.4 ECE-124 Lab Sessions Outline: ....................................................................................................11 Lab 1 – Design Entry Using Altera Quartus-II ....................................................................................12 3.1 Prelab ..........................................................................................................................................12 3.2 Lab1 Outline: ..............................................................................................................................12 3.3 Lab1 Activities .............................................................................................................................13 3.3.1 Starting Your Lab1 Project ...................................................................................................13 3.3.2 Functional Simulations ........................................................................................................23 3.3.3 Compensating for Active-LOW PB inputs ............................................................................27 3.3.4 FPGA Design Compilation and Download............................................................................28 3.3.5 VHDL Design Entry ...............................................................................................................31 3.3.6 Adding Some Automation....................................................................................................34 3.4 POST - Lab1 Activities .................................................................................................................36 3.5 LAB1 SUBMISSION FORM ...........................................................................................................39 Lab 2 – VHDL - Combinational Circuits PART 1 – Simple ALU Design ...............................................40 4.1 Prelab ..........................................................................................................................................40 4.2 Lab2 Outline ...............................................................................................................................40 4.3 Lab2 Activities .............................................................................................................................41 4.3.1 Recall from Lab1: .................................................................................................................41 4.3.2 Recalling Some Constructs of a VHDL Design ......................................................................41 4.3.3 Design Re-use of VHDL – Structural Coding Style ................................................................42 4.3.4 Project Setup for Lab2 .........................................................................................................43 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 5 6 2 4.3.5 NEW VHDL Component - What is a Seven Segment Decoder? ...........................................46 4.3.6 Lab2-Part A – Hunting for “BUGS” .......................................................................................48 4.3.7 NEW VHDL Component - What is a Multiplexer or MUX function? ...................................52 4.3.8 Lab2-Part B – Using the Seven Segment Displays ...............................................................53 4.3.9 Lab2-Part C- Project Brief for Lab2 Demo ...........................................................................55 4.4 POST- Lab2 Activities ..................................................................................................................59 4.5 LAB2 SUBMISSION FORM ...........................................................................................................61 LAB3: VHDL for Combinational Circuits PART 2 – Energy Monitor ...................................................62 5.1 Prelab ..........................................................................................................................................62 5.2 Lab3 Outline ...............................................................................................................................62 5.3 Lab3 Activities .............................................................................................................................63 5.3.1 Recall from Lab2: .................................................................................................................63 5.3.2 Project Setup for Lab3 .........................................................................................................63 5.3.3 New VHDL Component – What is a Magnitude Comparator? ............................................64 5.3.4 Lab3-Part A – Creating a 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator ......................................................64 5.3.5 Functional Simulation of Magnitude Comparator ...............................................................66 5.3.6 Lab3 Part B. – Project Brief for Lab3 Demo .........................................................................67 5.4 POST - Lab3 Activities .................................................................................................................68 5.5 LAB3 SUBMISSION FORM ...........................................................................................................69 LAB4: VHDL for Sequential Circuits – Flip-flops & State-Machines ..................................................70 6.1 Prelab ..........................................................................................................................................70 6.2 Lab4 Outline ...............................................................................................................................70 6.3 Lab4 Activities .............................................................................................................................71 6.3.1 Recall from Lab3: .................................................................................................................71 6.3.2 Brief Discussion on Sequential Processing ..........................................................................71 6.3.3 New VHDL Component – What is a Flip-Flop? ....................................................................72 6.3.4 What are VHDL Processes? ..................................................................................................72 6.3.5 Initial Project Setup for Lab4 ...............................................................................................74 6.3.6 Lab4 Part A – Creating Some Simple Flip-Flop Register Designs .........................................75 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 3 6.3.7 New VHDL Component – What is a State Machine? ...........................................................81 6.3.8 Lab4 Part B - Project Brief for Lab4 Demo ...........................................................................88 6.4 POST – Lab4 Activities ................................................................................................................93 6.5 LAB4 SUBMISSION FORM ...........................................................................................................94 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 4 LIST OF FIGURES: Figure 1 - LogicalStep Board.......................................................................................................................7 Figure 2 - LogicalStep Block Diagram .........................................................................................................8 Figure 3 - Typical FPGA Configuration Memory .........................................................................................9 Figure 4 Lab1: Starting Lab1 Project Folder .............................................................................................13 Figure 5 Lab1: FPGA Project Setup ..........................................................................................................13 Figure 6 Lab1: Project Folder After Setup ................................................................................................14 Figure 7 Lab1: TCL Script Invocation ........................................................................................................15 Figure 8 Lab1: TCL File Completed ...........................................................................................................15 Figure 9 Lab1: FPGA PIN PLANNER ..........................................................................................................16 Figure 10 Lab1: Starting Top Level Schematic .........................................................................................17 Figure 11 Lab1: New Schematic Creation for schem_gates Block ..........................................................17 Figure 12 Lab1: Insertion of Library Symbols into schem_gates Schematic............................................18 Figure 13 Lab1: Locating Pins in Symbol Library for schem_gates Block................................................18 Figure 14 Lab1: Insertion of I/O Pins into schem_gates Schematic .......................................................19 Figure 15 Lab1: Look-up Table for Gate Logic Functions ........................................................................19 Figure 16 Lab1: Locating Gates in Symbol Library for schem_gates Block .............................................20 Figure 17 Lab1: Connecting Gates in schem_gates Block .......................................................................20 Figure 18 Lab1: Creating Symbol for schem_gates Block ........................................................................21 Figure 19 Lab1: Top Level Schematic Before Adding Symbols ................................................................21 Figure 20 Lab1: Selecting the schem_gates Symbol for Insertion ...........................................................22 Figure 21 Lab1: Hooking Up Pins to schem_gates Block .........................................................................22 Figure 22 Lab1: Starting a New Simulation ..............................................................................................23 Figure 23 Lab1: Simulation Window ........................................................................................................23 Figure 24 Lab1: Setting Simulation End Time ..........................................................................................24 Figure 25 Lab1: Adding Nodes to Simulator Window ..............................................................................24 Figure 26 Lab1: Calling up Simulator Node Finder ..................................................................................25 Figure 27 Lab1: Listing Pins with Node Finder .........................................................................................25 Figure 28 Lab1: Adding Node Stimulus ....................................................................................................26 Figure 29 Lab1: Adding more Stimulus ....................................................................................................26 Figure 30 Lab1: Simulation Complete ......................................................................................................27 Figure 31 Lab1: Inserting Inverters after PB Key Inputs ..........................................................................28 Figure 32 Lab1: Quartus FPGA Programmer ............................................................................................28 Figure 33 Lab1: Quartus FPGA Programming File Browser .....................................................................29 Figure 34 Lab1: Selecting the FPGA Programming File (.sof)...................................................................29 Figure 35 Lab1: Starting the Quartus FPGA Programming ......................................................................30 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 5 Figure 36 Lab1: VHDL Example for a Simple AND Gate ...........................................................................31 Figure 37 Lab1: Starting a VHDL Design Entry File ...................................................................................32 Figure 38 Lab1: Initial VHDL_gates File ....................................................................................................32 Figure 39 Lab1: Selecting the VHDL_gates Symbol for Insertion ............................................................33 Figure 40 Lab1: Adding Connections to VHDL_gates...............................................................................33 Figure 41 Lab1: Adding Automation to LogicalStep_Lab1_top Design ...................................................34 Figure 42 Lab 1: Creating a 28 Bit Signal Bus for the Counter Output ....................................................35 Figure 43 Lab1: Using Bits from the Counter Signal Bus .........................................................................35 Figure 44 Lab1: Initial Schematic Version of Polarity Control .................................................................36 Figure 45 Lab1: Initial VHDL File of Polarity Control ................................................................................37 Figure 46 Lab1: Demo Design ..................................................................................................................37 Figure 47 Lab2: Component Structure are Similar to Entity Structures ..................................................42 Figure 48 Lab2: VHDL Example of Using Components for LogicalStep_Lab1_top Design ......................43 Figure 49 Lab2: Project Folder after Setup ..............................................................................................44 Figure 50 Lab2: FPGA Project Setup........................................................................................................44 Figure 51 Lab2: TCL Script Invocation ......................................................................................................45 Figure 52 Lab2: TCL File Completed .........................................................................................................45 Figure 53 Lab2: LogicalStep Board Seven Segment Displays ...................................................................46 Figure 54 Lab2: VHDL file Seven Segment Decoder.................................................................................46 Figure 55 Lab2: Initial VHDL Design of LogicalStep_Lab2_top ................................................................47 Figure 56 Lab2: Adding Nodes for Functional Simulation .......................................................................48 Figure 57 Lab2: Grouping Nodes for Hexadecimal format ......................................................................49 Figure 58 Lab2: Setting the Group Radix .................................................................................................49 Figure 59 Lab2: Group Hex Value Shown in Simulator ............................................................................50 Figure 60 Lab2: Stimulus Counting Increment Setup ..............................................................................51 Figure 61 Lab2: Counting Input Stimulus .................................................................................................51 Figure 62 Lab2: Seven Segment Decoder Reference Operation .............................................................52 Figure 63 Lab2: VHDL 2 to 1 Multiplexer .................................................................................................52 Figure 64 Lab2: Quad Port 4 bit Multiplexer ...........................................................................................53 Figure 65 Lab2: VHDL Code for a Quad-Bit 4 to 1 Multiplexer ................................................................53 Figure 66 Lab2: VHDL Component Declaration for seg7_mux ................................................................54 Figure 67 Lab2: Some Components Used in Lab2 Part B .........................................................................55 Figure 68 Lab2: Part C (Project) Multiplexing for Seven Segment Displays ............................................57 Figure 69 Lab2: Part C (Project) Logic Processor and Multiplexing for LED’s ..........................................57 Figure 70 Lab2: Part C (Project) Four Bit Inputs and Adder Circuit .........................................................58 Figure 71 Lab2: Part C (Project) Sections Integrated ...............................................................................59 Figure 72 Lab2: Project Report Format ....................................................................................................60 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 6 Figure 73 Lab3: Levels of Comparator Logic ...........................................................................................64 Figure 74 Lab4: D-Type Flip-Flop .............................................................................................................72 Figure 75 Lab4: Adding a Clock Enable To the Flip-Flop ........................................................................73 Figure 76 Lab4: Serial String of Flip-Flops ...............................................................................................74 Figure 77 Lab4: LogicalStep_Lab4_top with Clock Sourcing for FPGA ...................................................75 Figure 78 Lab3: VHDL for a Bidirectional Shift Register ...........................................................................76 Figure 79 Lab4: Inserting Register Nodes for Simulation .......................................................................77 Figure 80 Lab4: Simulation of the Bidirectional Shift Register ...............................................................78 Figure 81: Lab4: Compiler Example of a Unidirectional Shift Register ....................................................78 Figure 82 Lab4: Simple Up/Down Binary Counter .................................................................................79 Figure 83 Lab4: Simulation of Up/Down Binary Counter........................................................................80 Figure 84 Lab4: VHDL Compiler generated Binary Counter (Up direction only) .....................................80 Figure 85 Lab4: Process: Getting a Simple Breakfast ..............................................................................81 Figure 86 Lab4: State Diagram for Simple Breakfast process ..................................................................82 Figure 87 Lab4: Moore State Machine ....................................................................................................83 Figure 88 Lab4: Mealy State Machine .....................................................................................................83 Figure 89 Lab4: Entity Declaration for State Machine Example ..............................................................83 Figure 90 Lab4: State Machine States Defined by a VHDL TYPE Statement ...........................................84 Figure 91 Lab4: Process for the Register Section of State Machine Example .........................................84 Figure 92 Lab4: Transition Section for State Machine Example ..............................................................85 Figure 93 Lab4: Example of Decoder Logic for Moore State Machine ....................................................86 Figure 94 Lab4: Shortened Version of Moore Decoder section ..............................................................86 Figure 95 Lab4: Mealy State Machine Decoder Section with Extra Input and Output Added ................87 Figure 96 Lab4: Robotic Arm Project .......................................................................................................88 Figure 97 Lab4: Lab4 Project Block Diagram............................................................................................90 Table 1 - Lab1: Submission Form .............................................................................................................39 Table 2 - Lab2: Submission Form .............................................................................................................61 Table 3 - Lab3: Submission Form .............................................................................................................69 Table 4 - Lab4: Submission Form .............................................................................................................94 University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 7 2 Introduction and ECE-124 Labs Outline ECE-124 is an introductory course on Digital Logic Design and Implementation Each laboratory experiment has several parts: 1. A prelab will include to prepare for the Lab session. 2. A three‐hour lab session which is used to develop your Lab design. Help is available. 3. A final lab report, one day (24‐Hour) after your demo for each lab except for Lab1. You must regard the guidelines in the lab manual as the final reference. Late lab reports will lose marks of 1 mark per day. There is a Late‐Submission Drop Box. 4. Absolutely no food or drink in the laboratories. Do not leave the doors or windows open. The room will be closed after hours if the rules cannot be followed. 5. Following the Lab Manual is important but please note that: FURTHER DETAILS FOR THE LAB SESSION FPGA DESIGN WORK IS PROVIDED DURING THE LAB SESSION. ATTENDANCE IS THEREFORE REQUIRED. Each workstation in the ECE 124 lab is equipped with: 1. University of Waterloo LogicalStep Board housing an Altera MAX10 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chip and various peripheral components 2. Altera Quartus‐Prime FPGA Design v15.1 Software We are going to be briefly covering the design of the board platform that will be used to prove the implementation of the FPGA designs during the course. This board platform is the University of Waterloo - LogicalStep board. Figure 1 is a photo of the U of W LogicalStep board that will be used for your experiments in the course. Figure 1 - LogicalStep Board University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 8 Figure 2 is a sketch of the external FPGA designer resources (peripherals) that can be used for various FPGA design projects. Figure 2 - LogicalStep Block Diagram 2.1 LogicalStep FPGA Board User Peripherals The LogicalStep board is equipped with some peripherals that can be used to create various applications. These peripherals are things such as a clock source, switches and Push-Button Key inputs, output LED indicators, SDRAM, SD Card (like a mini-disk) and Audio electronics etc. For the purposes of the ECE-124 labs course we are only interested in using the clock source, switches / push buttons for supplying logic inputs and for outputs we will use the LED’s and the Seven-Segment Displays. LEDs are electronic components which can emit light with much greater efficiency than incandescent lamps. Specific pins on the FPGA are connected on the LogicalStep board to drive these LED’s. Other LED indicators on the board are the Seven‐Segment displays (so called because it is an arrangement of 7 bar segments). They are arranged in such a way that the numbers 0 to 9, and letters A to F, can be displayed. Seven segments is the minimum number which can uniquely display numbers and that is why they are used for many calculator or electronic displays. To drive these displays a Seven‐Segment decoder (inside the FPGA) is usually used to converts a 4 bit binary number to a Seven‐Segment LED pattern so that a person can see a number or letter instead of trying to interpret the original 4 bit binary number. There are also 8 slide switch inputs and 4 push-button key inputs. A 50 MHz clock is connected to the FPGA to drive logic processing. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 9 2.2 Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Technology FPGA technology has been around since the mid 1980’s. It has gradually grown in complexity and capability and is now a dominant technology used in the workplace. For a typical FPGA there are two prime components involved within its architecture. These are the Logic Elements (LE’s) and the interconnect resources. Both of these items are completely configurable after the FPGA device is powered. The Logic Elements are used to implement gate-level logic and the interconnect section is used to connect the various LE’s in some arrangement. The design files that are downloaded into the device are developed on an external software-based design platform (such as Altera Quartus Prime). When a designer has processed the design in Quartus its download file can be sent into the appropriate FPGA for use with other technology on a board. But one might ask ”How does a FPGA download file become functioning hardware?”. In the sketch shown below all of the logic functions and interconnect that are in an FPGA device are controlled by configuration memory cells located in the FPGA. These memory cells directly control the activation or deactivation of switch transistors. These transistors are placed in the FPGA to control logic lookup-tables (inside the LE blocks) and interconnect path link connections. Figure 3 - Typical FPGA Configuration Memory Thus a download file can be used to implement any logic hardware function or functions within the FPGA. Since the FPGA can be reconfigured, it can implement different hardware functions by simply having different download files sent to it. The external I/O connections are usually fixed on a board design however and they must be kept in mind when considering design new FPGA designs. FPGAs are different than microprocessors or microcontrollers because the designer is able to change the hardware design of the logic. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 10 The FPGA device that is used on the LogicalStep board that you will be using is a current technology FPGA platform. Although it is one of the smaller FPGA’s offered in the marketplace it can still pack a lot of functionality into the device’s 8K LE’s and 144 pins. This FPGA offers many other kinds of internal resources (DSP’, RAM, PLL’s) but are beyond the scope of the Lab course. 2.3 FPGA Design Software This course will be using the Quartus Prime set of tools to develop the FPGA designs and it is a full FPGA design software suite from Altera (now Intel). It aids the designer through the different stages of describing the hardware design and targeting it for a certain Altera FPGA chip. The typical development process uses the following stages: • Design Entry: O Schematic Entry: by connecting blocks of ranging complexity. It can be used to interconnect simple components such as simple logic gates or to interconnect previously created hardware blocks O Hardware Description Language: such as VHDL or Verilog (we use VHDL) • Design Compilation Part 1: O Analysis and Synthesis: An HDL or schematic file is analyzed and is mapped into a number of logic gate equivalents and their connections. The synthesized file can be used for functional simulations. • Circuit Simulation: o Functional Simulation: This is used to verify the logic functionality of the design before further processing steps are attempted. Any functional errors are fixed in the design • Design Compilation Part 2: O Repeat of Analysis and Synthesis: The proven functional design is synthesized for further processing. O Place and Route: the synthesized logic is arranged (Placement) for an FPGA device. After the Placement phase a Routing algorithm determines the best way to connect the logic. The routing details yield timing information about the “placed and routed” design. • Timing Analysis: o This is usually required for higher performance or higher density designs that have been placed and routed. It gives an accurate indication of how fast the circuit can run and how much timing margin is available for various operating conditions. Timing errors are fixed in the design. • Design Compilation Part 3: O Repeat of Analysis / Synthesis / Placement / Route: The fully implemented design is processed. O Assembly: a load file is produced so that it can be downloaded to the FPGA chip. • Programming the FPGA: o The circuit can be physically tested afterwards by applying inputs and observing the outputs. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 11 2.4 ECE-124 Lab Sessions Outline: Lab Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Session 1: Lab Procedures; Lab1- Design Entry Methods Using Altera Quartus Prime Tools (3 hrs) Session 2: Demo from Lab1; Lab2- VHDL for Combinational Circuits PART 1 (3 hrs) – Simple ALU Design Session 3: Demo from Lab2; Lab3- VHDL for Combinational Circuits PART 2 (3 hrs) – Energy Monitor Session 4: Demo from Lab3; Lab4- VHDL for Sequential Circuits (3 hrs)- Flip-flops/State Machines Session 5: Demo from Lab4; Lab5- Wrap-up of Sequential Circuits (3 hrs) - Robotic Arm Controller The Lab Stations are made for groups of two. Settle on your lab partner during the first Lab. NOTE: in the Lab Manual pages there are numerous, highly detailed screen-shots entered. The fine print on those pictures may be readable by using the ZOOM feature in your document viewer. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 3 12 Lab 1 – Design Entry Using Altera Quartus-II The goal of this lab session is primarily to gain experience with the Altera Quartus Prime FPGA Design Environment. Lab1 will go through two design entry methods and some simulation steps for design testing. Later the design will be processed for the programming of an FPGA on the LogicalStep board to observe how the logic circuit actually works in hardware. Since Lab1 starts so early in the term relative to the lecture material we will be doing some basic examination of two input gate functions 3.1 Prelab No prelab work is necessary for LAB1. However students should familiarize themselves with the ECE-124 Lab Manual Outline and FPGA technology sections. 3.2 Lab1 Outline: Attendance will be taken. Your Team partnerships will be settled during LAB1 and Group Numbers will be assigned for each team. Lab 1 is composed of the following main categories: 1. Brief introduction to the laboratory, its equipment and the student conduct expected during Lab sessions. 2. Learning two Design entry methods (Schematic and VHDL) for small digital circuits. 3. Running Synthesis and Simulation processes on the circuits to check that they operate as expected. 4. Processing the FPGA designs into load files for downloading into the LogicalStep board and confirming that the hardware implementations function as expected. 5. Modifying the above circuit designs to provide new functionality and then test them. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 13 3.3 Lab1 Activities 3.3.1 Starting Your Lab1 Project To begin your Lab1 project use the Windows10 File Explorer and browse to somewhere on a team members file space on the N: drive and create a folder called ECE124. Go to LEARN and download the Lab1 Zipped folder “Lab1” into the ECE124 folder on the N: drive. Extract the contents into a new Lab1 project folder. The new files are as follows in Figure 4: Figure 4 Lab1: Starting Lab1 Project Folder Start up the Altera Quartus Prime platform to begin a new project. Go to the FILE tab. SELECT FILE>New Project Wizard. Click NEXT to go to the second slide. The project parameters will now be entered as in Figure 5. Project Folder: N:/ECE-124/Lab1 Project Name: LogicalStep_Lab1 Project Top Level: LogicalStep_Lab1_top Click FINISH on the Wizard Dialog Window. Figure 5 Lab1: FPGA Project Setup After the setup has completed you should see the following in your project folder as in Figure 6: University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 14 Figure 6 Lab1: Project Folder After Setup Notice in the Project folder the file LogicalStep_Lab1.qpf (Altera Quartus Project File or QPF). In later FPGA design work you can do one of two procedures to get back into your FPGA project to run in Quartus for Lab1. 1) You can browse to the Project folder and “double-click on the QPF file. This will launch Quartus and will load your FPGA design that you saved previously. 2) Alternatively, you can invoke the Quartus Prime v15.1 tools and then go to the FILE>Open_Project tab and then browse to the QPF file in your project folder and select the QPF file. Next, in Quartus, the TCL script must be run to assign the FPGA device type that is being used for this lab and then pin assignments for the FPGA that are reserved for the LogicStep FPGA and finally the project LogicalStep_Lab1 is opened. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 15 Go to the Tools TAB and SELECT Tools>Tcl Scripts. The following dialog box (Figure 7) should appear: SELECT the TCL (pronounced as “tickle”) file and then click on the RUN button. Figure 7 Lab1: TCL Script Invocation The Figure 8 window should appear when it is finished. Figure 8 Lab1: TCL File Completed Click OK. Then SELECT the CLOSE button on the TCL Script Dialog window. NOTE that this TCL file will NOT have to be run again for the entire Lab1 project since the pin and FPGA Device assignments are established. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 16 DEEP DIVE : With the assignments made with the TCL file you can observe the signal pins that are used on the FPGA by calling up the Pin Planner utility. Go to the ASSIGNMENTS Tab and select the Pin Planner option. You should see something like the following: Figure 9 Lab1: FPGA PIN PLANNER Earlier the top level file for this lab was downloaded from LEARN into the Lab1 project folder. The top level file is in schematic form (see Figure 10). Schematic entry methods for a simple set of gate-level functions will be the first part of this lab. Go to FILE Tab and SELECT File>Open and then browse to the LogicalStep_Lab1_top.bdf file (see Figure 6). University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 17 Figure 10 Lab1: Starting Top Level Schematic There are two pins for Push-Button Key Inputs, two pins for Switch inputs, eight pins for LED Outputs and a pin for a Clock Input provided in the Lab1 design. The Clock Input will be used later in the lab session. Now we can start adding some design hierarchy by creating functional blocks and then installing them at the top level design later. The first block that will be created will be of a schematic entry format. Go to the FILE Tab and select File>New. The dialog box as shown in Figure 11 will open. SELECT the Block Diagram/Schematic File. A blank schematic window will then open in Quartus. After it opens save the schematic file as “schem_gates.bdf” by going to the FILE Tab and selecting the File>Save As option. Figure 11 Lab1: New To insert schematic symbols on the schem_gates sheet RIGHTCLICK anywhere on the schematic sheet (as in Figure 12) and a dialog box should appear. SELECT the Insert>Symbol Schematic Creation for schem_gates Block option. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 18 Figure 12 Lab1: Insertion of Library Symbols into schem_gates Schematic To this schematic we will add INPUT pins on the left and OUTPUT pins on the right (typical for schematic convention for readability). So within the Symbols Dialog box that will appear browse to the altera/quartus libraries and then SELECT the Primitives/pin folder. Here you can select the pins as required and place them on the schematic sheet. Figure 13 Lab1: Locating Pins in Symbol Library for schem_gates Block Add Inputs and Outputs to the schematic sheet as shown below in Figure 14: University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 19 Figure 14 Lab1: Insertion of I/O Pins into schem_gates Schematic List of inputs: AND_IN1, AND_IN2, NAND_IN1, NAND_IN2, OR_IN1, OR_IN2, XOR_IN1, XOR_IN2 List of outputs : AND_OUT, NAND_OUT, OR_OUT, XOR_OUT Name each of the pins as in the lists above. (Double-click each pin and modify its Name property). After placing and naming the pins on the schematic sheet return again to the symbol Libraries for logic gates in the Primitives/Logic folder. We will only be using 2 input gates for this lab. Below is a truth table for the gates that are to be entered. Also notice how in the INPUTS that bit1 changes at half the rate of bit0. IN 1 0 0 1 1 IN 0 0 1 0 1 AND 0 0 0 1 NAND 1 1 1 0 OR 0 1 1 1 XOR 0 1 1 0 GATE SYMBOL → Figure 15 Lab1: Look-up Table for Gate Logic Functions You must locate the basic 2 input gate functions (AND, NAND, OR, XOR) from the altera/quartus libraries and insert them into this schematic. Below in Figure 16 is an example of the two input AND gate. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 20 Figure 16 Lab1: Locating Gates in Symbol Library for schem_gates Block Connect the input pins to the gate inputs and the output pins to the gate outputs as shown below in Figure 17. Use the Orthogonal Node Tool (highlighted below)). After the schematic is drawn save the file. Go to the FILE Tab and select File>Save. Figure 17 Lab1: Connecting Gates in schem_gates Block Now that a schematic design file has been created we must make a symbol for it so that we can add its symbol to the top level schematic (LogicalStep_Lab1_top). Go to the FILE Tab. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 21 SELECT the File>Create / Update> Create Symbol Files for Current File option. A Window like the one in Figure 18 appears. The symbol filename option for “schem_gates.bsf” should be visible. Click Save. Figure 18 Lab1: Creating Symbol for schem_gates Block Close the schem_gates design file. Return to the LocialStep_Lab1_top schematic as in Figure 19. Figure 19 Lab1: Top Level Schematic Before Adding Symbols University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 22 On the LogicalStep_Lab1_top schematic design the new schem_gates.bsf symbol (block that was just created in the previous step) will be inserted. To insert a symbol RIGHT-CLICK anywhere on the top level schematic. SELECT the Insert>Symbol option. The Symbol Dialog box appears (see Figure 20). Expand the Project folder and browse to the schem_gates file. Figure 20 Lab1: Selecting the schem_gates Symbol for Insertion Click the OK Button. Place the symbol on the schematic. After it is added to the top level schematic sheet connect its symbol pins to the Push-Button port pins and to the output pins that drive LED’s on the LogicalStep board. Use the ORTHOGONAL NODE TOOL as before. SELECT File>Save to save the top schematic design as in Figure 21. Figure 21 Lab1: Hooking Up Pins to schem_gates Block Now we are ready to do some functional testing by simulation. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 23 3.3.2 Functional Simulations Preparation for Functional Simulation – Analysis and Synthesis Within Quartus go to the PROCESSING Tab. SELECT Start>Start Analysis and Synthesis” process to process the design into a gate level logic file for simulation purposes. Opening a Simulation Window Now under the FILE Tab SELECT the FILE>New and then SELECT the University Program VWF utility to open a Functional Simulation window (see Figure 22). This will be used to illustrate the gate-level functionality in a visual manner. Nodes (nets) will be inserted from the design (see below) for control and observation. Click OK. Figure 22 Lab1: Starting a New Simulation A new window will open like the one shown in Figure 23. Figure 23 Lab1: Simulation Window Set the Time scale by going to the Simulator Window EDIT Tab and SELECT the Edit >End Time option. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 24 Then a window like the one shown in Figure 24 will appear. Set it to 1 usec. Click the OK button. Figure 24 Lab1: Setting Simulation End Time Adding Nodes to the Simulation Window For the simulation only the two Push-Button inputs and the first four LED outputs will be inserted into the simulator. Figure 25 Lab1: Adding Nodes to Simulator Window Double-Click the Node NAME area of the Simulator Window and the following Dialog window will appear as in Figure 26 below: University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 25 Click on the Node Finder Button for faster node identification and insertion. The Node Finder Dialog Box will appear. This will allow you to browse the synthesized design for nodes (nets) to probe for the Functional Simulation. Figure 26 Lab1: Calling up Simulator Node Finder With the node FILTER setting set to “Pins all” Click on the LIST button as shown in Figure 27. The list of pins from the design will appear as shown. Figure 27 Lab1: Listing Pins with Node Finder SELECT the following pins in the order specified: PB[0], PB[1], leds[0], leds[1], leds[2], leds[3], leds[4], leds[5], leds[6], leds[7]. After selection of the group click on the ‘>’ button to copy them to the Selected Nodes window. Then click on the OK button and again Click on the OK button on the Node_Finder Dialog Box (Figure 26). University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 26 Adding Stimulus to the Input Nodes Figure 28 Lab1: Adding Node Stimulus To provide the stimulus waveforms to the input pins SELECT input PB [0] in the NAME column and then Click on the OVERWRITE CLOCK button (shown above in Figure 28) and enter a period of 500 nseconds. Then similarly, for the PB[1] input SELECT the PB[1] in the NAME column and then click on the OVERWRITE CLOCK button (shown above in Figure 29) and enter 1000 nsec for the period value. These two entries should create waveforms for stimulus as shown in Figure 29. Figure 29 Lab1: Adding more Stimulus University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 27 The stimulus is now created. But the outputs are still undefined since the simulation has not yet been run. Save the Simulation file as waveform.vwf by going to the Simulator window FILE Tab and SELECT the File>Save option. Running the Functional Simulation On the Simulator window SIMULATION Tab and SELECT the Simulation>Run Functional Simulation option. The simulation results should look like the screenshot in Figure 30 when it has completed. Figure 30 Lab1: Simulation Complete Recall that the leds[0] pin is connected to the AND_OUT pin of schem_gates in the design. Similarly leds[1] is connected to NAND_OUT, leds[2] with OR_OUT and leds[3] with XOR_OUT. Confirm that the simulation waveforms follow the gate truth tables covered earlier. 3.3.3 Compensating for Active-LOW PB inputs At this point the functional simulation has proven the design functionality. We can now close the Simulator Windows. Moving now to a real world operation of the FPGA on the LogicalStep board there will have to be a small modification added to the schematic to adjust for conditions external to the FPGA. We want the inputs to the logic blocks to match the logic levels that were defined as in the simulations. On the LogicalStep board when each PB key is pressed the signal state is ‘0’ for a closed condition. But we want a logical ‘1’ to arrive at the appropriate schem_gates block input when the PB key is pressed. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 28 Therefore we must add inverters to PB[0] and PB[1] pin inputs. The inverters will ensure that this compensation happens. Go to the altera/quartus libraries again to insert the “not” gate from the Primitives/logic folder for each of the inverters. Insert and connect them as shown in Figure 31. Figure 31 Lab1: Inserting Inverters after PB Key Inputs 3.3.4 FPGA Design Compilation and Download Now the FPGA Compilation process will be executed. Go to the PROCESSING Tab and SELECT the Processing>Start Compilation option. When the FPGA compilation finishes and if no compilation errors are found (ignore any warnings) then an FPGA load file can be downloaded into the FPGA. Figure 32 Lab1: Quartus FPGA Programmer Use the Quartus Programmer utility to download your design file into the LogicalStep board FPGA by going to the TOOLS Tab and SELECT the Tools>Programmer option. A Programmer dialog window will open as shown in Figure 32. Click the ADD File button. NOTE: If the LogicalStep board is connected the USB Blaster should be seen beside the Hardware Setup field (Otherwise speak with the Instructor). A Select Programming File window will open (Figure 33). Browse to the output_files folder. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 29 Figure 33 Lab1: Quartus FPGA Programming File Browser Select the LogicalStep_Lab1_top.sof file as shown in Figure 34. WATCH OUT! (NOT the .pof file). Click Open. Then requested file will then show up in the Programmer window as shown below in Figure 35. Figure 34 Lab1: Selecting the FPGA Programming File (.sof) University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 30 Click on the START button (see Figure 35) to begin the FPGA download. The progress window should indicate 100% after the downloading is completed. Figure 35 Lab1: Starting the Quartus FPGA Programming After downloading you can test your FPGA design by using board-level inputs (PB [1..0] Keys) and also observing the outputs (LEDs) according to your logic gate truth tables. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 31 3.3.5 VHDL Design Entry The main areas that will be covered on VHDL in this course have to do with the parts of the VHDL design unit (hardware block). For ECE-124 there are just two main areas of focus. These are the ENTITY and ARCHITECTURE constructs. (Library declarations are also required, as shown in Figure 36 below but just a few variants of these library declarations will be provided to you for use): 1. ENTITY: declares the design unit name and the ports (which are inputs and outputs of the entity or design unit) associated with it. Each port name, type (input or output) and width (number of bits) is declared in the entity. 2. ARCHITECTURE: specifies the actual functionality of the entity. Notice that the entity has no information about how the hardware block uses the inputs or how to produce the outputs ‐ that is the role of the architecture associated with the entity. Figure 36 is an example of a complete VHDL unit for a two input AND gate: Within the Architectural construct there are two styles used to describe the functionality of a VHDL design unit. These are: 1. Behavioral: where the relation between input and output is declared using logical equations. 2. Structural: where you can use Figure 36 Lab1: VHDL Example for a Simple AND Gate previously created entities in your design unit as components. For example if you built an adder unit you can use it as a component in designing a microprocessor. For Lab1 we will just be using the Behavioral style. The VHDL design entry method within Quartus will now be covered. Similar to how we created the design for the schem_gates block we will now create a VHDL design block. Returning to the LogicalStep_Lab1_top design in Quartus go to the FILE Tab and Select File>New. The dialog box shown below in Figure 37 will open: University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 32 SELECT the VHDL File option. A blank VHDL window will then open in Quartus. Save this VHDL file as “VHDL_gates.vhd” by going to the FILE Tab and SELECTING the File> Save As option. This VHDL design file is to be an exact functional replica of the schem_gates circuit that was done earlier (for easier comparison during the demo) but entered with VHDL coding. Figure 37 Lab1: Starting a VHDL Design Entry File You must enter the all of the VHDL code shown below in Figure 38 and then fill in the VHDL coding in the ARCHITECTURE section for the remaining gate function types (same as “schematic_gates”). Figure 38 Lab1: Initial VHDL_gates File Save the VHDL file by browsing to your Lab1 project folder and Save the VHDL_gates.vhd file and just leave the file active (current). Create a schematic block symbol for the VHDL_gates design.file. Do this as before (using File>Create / Update>Create Symbol files for Current File). Save the VHDL_gates.bsf symbol. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 33 Go back to the top level schematic design to insert (“instantiate”) the new VHDL_gates symbol as in Figure 39. Recall that to select the symbol RIGHT-CLICK anywhere on the top level schematic again and SELECT the Insert>Symbol option. Browse to the Project folder in the Symbol Window and Select the VHDL_gates symbol and Click OK. Figure 39 Lab1: Selecting the VHDL_gates Symbol for Insertion Connect the VHDL block input to the same input connections and connect the VHDL block outputs to the other remaining LogicalStep board LEDs as shown in Figure 40 by using the ORTHOGONAL NODE TOOL as before. Figure 40 Lab1: Adding Connections to VHDL_gates University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 34 Save the design and run a FULL compile of the new FPGA design (Processing>Start Compilation). Download the new FPGA design into the FPGA with the programmer and then test with the PB[1..0] keys. Confirm that both the schematic and VHDL implementations work the same by observing the patterns on the two sets of LED outputs. 3.3.6 Adding Some Automation As a next step to the LogicalStep_Lab1_top design add an LPM_counter from the library in (altera/quartus/megafunctions/arithmetic/lpm_counter). The counter will use the clkin_50 input pin signal to increment. The clock on the LogicalStep board runs at 50 MHz. The counter is being added to automate the operation of the PB keys and to slow down the logic activity of the schem_gates and VHDL gates blocks so that you can actually see them switching. The parameters for the counter can be observed in the diagram below in Figure 41. Double-Click the LPM_Parameter block and modify its properties. LPM_MODULUS: 260000000 LPM_DIRECTION: “UP” (include quotes) LPM_WIDTH: 28 LPM_PORT_UPDOWN: “PORT_UNUSED” (include quotes) Connect the LPM_Counter clock input (pin with a “I>” on the left side of the symbol) to the GLOBAL buffer that is used by the CLKIN_50 input pin using the Orthogonal Node Tool as before. Figure 41 Lab1: Adding Automation to LogicalStep_Lab1_top Design University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 35 Next connect the counter “cnt_en” inputs to the sw[0] input pin. Also make sure to connect the sw[0] INVERTER to the counter “aclr” pin. These two connections will turn the counter on and off. Disconnect the two PB inverter outputs from the schem_gates and VHDL_gates block inputs. Insert and connect a single, two-input OR gate to each of those inverter outputs. Then connect the OR gate outputs back to the wires connected to the schem_gates and VHDL_gates block inputs. Using the Orthogonal BUS tool (icon is located beside the Orthogonal NODE Tool) connect a bus (a thick wire) to the LPM_Counter “q[]” output (See Figure 42). Draw it to up close to the OR gates. Select this bus and Right-click to change its properties. Label this bus as COUNT[27..0]. Figure 42 Lab 1: Creating a 28 Bit Signal Bus for the Counter Output Using the Orthogonal NODE tool draw two thin wires from the new bus (COUNT[27..0]) to the open OR gate inputs as shown in Figure 43. Select each of these thin wires and change their properties to label them as COUNT[26] and COUNT[27] as shown. Figure 43 Lab1: Using Bits from the Counter Signal Bus University of Waterloo Why do you think we connect to the two highest COUNT bits from the counter?? ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 36 We will NOT be discussing the internal functionality of the counter during this lab. We will only be using it as a “generic engine” to automate the PB inputs to the design. Other schematic-based functions can be viewed in the library for your future reference. So the way this automation should work is: 1) If sw[0] is OFF then the counter does not count and the PB inputs can be used as before. 2) If sw[0] is ON then the counter is enabled and the PB inputs are not required to be manually operated. Recompile the design (Processing>Start Compilation) and then download the load file (using Tools>Programmer) into the FPGA and then confirm the automatic operation of the blocks on the LogicalStep LEDs. Again, the VHDL design driven LED’s should match the operation of the schematic design driven LEDs. 3.4 POST - Lab1 Activities For your DEMO design in the next Lab session you must add another two blocks (one in schematic form and one VHDL design form) that allows sw[1] to be used as an output polarity change control on each of the output pins. Further, a new block function must be entered to use a single 2 pin gate per path. (One pin will be connected to the Polarity Control and the second pin will be connected to the upstream schem_gates or VHDL_gates output). Hint: Do the schematic one first and create the gate truth tables for various 2 input gates in the library to determine what kind of 2 input gate to use. The connections are shown below in Figure 44 but with the gates missing. Figure 44 Lab1: Initial Schematic Version of Polarity Control University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 37 For the VHDL version you may use the following info below in Figure 45: Figure 45 Lab1: Initial VHDL File of Polarity Control For the VHDL version make sure that you save that file with the same name as the declared ENTITY name used. Create, save and add a schematic block symbol for EACH of your new blocks as before (using File>Create / Update>Create Symbol files for Current File) and add it to the LogicalStep_Lab1_top schematic with the required connections mentioned above. Your final schematic design will look something like the following in Figure 46. Figure 46 Lab1: Demo Design University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 38 Complete the work for the Lab1 Demo design (ie: get it compiled and tested on the LogicalStep board) since it will be required at the next lab session in Lab 2. Make sure everything is saved to project folder (“Lab1”) on your N:drive. Select the FILE>Close Project option. There will be no typical report for this lab but you will need to answer some basic Lab1 related questions listed on the Lab1 Submission form during the time of your Lab1 DEMO. NEXT LAB SESSION: We will get into more challenging logic designing where we learn and build functions that are used in simple computers today. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 39 3.5 LAB1 SUBMISSION FORM Table 1 - Lab1: Submission Form GROUP NUMBER: ECE-124 Lab-1 Submission Form – Winter 2018 Lab1 Demo SESSION NUMBER: Out of 5 Lab1 Quiz Out of 5 I am submitting this report for grading. I certify that this report, including any code, descriptions, flowcharts as part of the submission were written by the team member(s) below and there has not been any use of prior academic credit at this university or any other institution. The penalty for plagiarism or submission without signature(s) will be a grade of zero UW User ID NAME: (Print) Signature (not Student ID) Partner A: Partner B: LAB1 DESIGN DEMO With BOTH sw[0], sw[1] OFF and using PB[1..0] verify AND, NAND, OR, XOR of schem/VHDL gates driven LEDs Verify with sw[1] ON, sw[0] OFF that the LED’s invert when using the previous step of AND, NAND, OR, XOR With sw[1] OFF and sw[0] ON verify the LED SEQUENCE on LEDS[3..0] together with LED’s[7..4]: 0010, 1110, 1110, 0101 With sw[1] ON and sw[0] ON verify the LED SEQUENCE on LEDS[3..0] together with LED’s[7..4]: 1101, 0001, 0001, 1010 Marks Allotted 1 LAB1 DEMO MARK Out of 5 LAB1 QUIZ Why were inverters added after the PB[1..0] inputs? Name one typical development process used in an FPGA design. What are the two main components of a VHDL design file? What style of coding was used in the Lab1 VHDL Architecture section? For your Polarity Control block what kind of gate was used? LAB1 QUIZ MARK TOTAL out of 5 University of Waterloo A B A B 1 2 1 Marks Allotted 1 1 1 1 1 ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 4 40 Lab 2 – VHDL - Combinational Circuits PART 1 – Simple ALU Design The main goal of this lab session is to continue gaining lab experience with using VHDL for combinational logic design. Some new VHDL components will be introduced along with their associated data format requirements. There will be some logic errors “planted” into a part of the provided logic (Seven Segment decoder) that must be discovered during simulations and must be corrected to meet the Lab2 project requirements. The final design must be demonstrated during the next Lab Session. A report must be submitted on LEARN within 24 hours after the Lab2 DEMO is shown. 4.1 Prelab 1. Review the Lab1 processes used for entering, testing and implementing FPGA designs. 2. Review the Lab1 Submission form from LEARN for the Lab2 session. 3. Be ready to have your Lab1 Demo design available for demonstration. 4.2 Lab2 Outline Attendance will be taken. The lab starts with a brief review of design entry methods used in Lab1 and some VHDL topics are also covered. Then the following new topics will be presented: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Review of Lab1 Recalling Some Constructs of a VHDL Design Design Re-use in VHDL – Structural coding style Project Setup for Lab2 New VHDL Component - What is a Hex to Seven Segment Decoder? Lab2 Part A. – Hunting for “Bugs”. New VHDL Component - What is a Multiplexer or MUX function? Lab2 Part B. – Using the Seven Segment Displays Lab2-Part C- Project Brief for Lab2 Demo University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 41 4.3 Lab2 Activities 4.3.1 Recall from Lab1: Last time in the lab some basic gate functionality was entered into the FPGA. We briefly explored some of the tools and utilities available within the Quartus FPGA development environment. The top level design was schematic based. A subordinate block in schematic form was developed to be added in the hierarchy. Later the design was “synthesized” into a logical gates representation so that functional simulations could be completed. A functional simulation STIMULUS was created and saved to drive the synthesized gate design for simulation. The simulation was run and the results were compared against the truth tables of the gates implemented. Having completed a functional verification of the schematic design entry with simulation, a full design COMPILATION was run so that a download file could be created for loading into the LogicalStep board FPGA. It was confirmed that by observing the LED patterns that the schematic entry design worked in actual hardware. A VHDL design functionally equivalent to the schematic version was created and then added to the top level of the FPGA design. The larger FPGA design was compiled and downloaded to the FPGA on the LogicalStep board. It was then confirmed by observing the LED patterns that the VHDL design section behaved identically to the schematic design version. Later a type of hardware-bases automation was added to the design so that manual exercising of the hardware inputs was not required. As a final design step, and to be shown as a DEMO, some output polarity control was added (one in schematic form, one in VHDL form) so that the output operation could be run in two different modes based on an external Push-Button Key input. 4.3.2 Recalling Some Constructs of a VHDL Design The VHDL language uses two main structures to describe a design unit (hardware block): 1 Entity: declares the design unit name and the ports 2 Architecture: implements the actual functionality of the entity. There are two coding styles used in the VHDL Architecture section: a) Behavioral: where the relation between input and output is declared using logical equations. b) Structural: where you can use previously created entities in your design unit as components. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 42 4.3.3 Design Re-use of VHDL – Structural Coding Style Lab1 was very simple in scope and it just used the Behavioral style of VHDL coding. Lab2 will also be using the second style (Structural). To re-use VHDL units that were created beforehand we use the Structural style to include those VHDL files in a VHDL design file that is higher in the design hierarchy. First we have to explain a construct called the Component construct. It looks very much like an Entity construct (see Figure 47). See some example Entity syntax below for a VHDL file called VHDL_gates and a companion Component Declaration in another file that could use the VHDL_gates file. They are very close in syntax. One thing to remember in the Component declarations is that the port names must match those defined in the Entity declarations of the VHDL file being used. The nets to the Component instances may require unique names. Figure 47 Lab2: Component Structure are Similar to Entity Structures After a Component is declared inside a new VHDL architecture there is still the signal hook-up to its interfaces to be done. For example if we were to do the LogicalStep_Lab1_top as a purely VHDL file it could use the previously designed VHDL_gates file as a component. New signal declarations would be required for the internal VHDL component linking. The LogicalStep_Lab1_top could look something like that shown in Figure 48 with the Component INSTANCES added in the bottom section: Note the “signal” declaration for the pb_bar internal signals. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 43 Figure 48 Lab2: VHDL Example of Using Components for LogicalStep_Lab1_top Design This can be used as a reference for the component instantiation exercises later in this lab session. The signal hook-up is in the bottom section (between the “begin and end” statements). Notice how two signals pb_bar(0), pb_bar(1) were added to do the PB key active-low compensation via adding the inverter function (NOT). 4.3.4 Project Setup for Lab2 Start the LAB2 like what was done in Lab1 by creating a new project folder on your N: drive. Using the Windows File Explorer go to your ECE-124 folder directory. Go to LEARN and download the Lab2 Zipped folder “Lab2” into the ECE-124 folder. Extract the contents to create the new Lab2 project folder. The new files are shown below in Figure 49. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 44 Figure 49 Lab2: Project Folder after Setup Start up the Altera Quartus Prime platform and begin a new project (Using FILE>New Project Wizard). Click NEXT to go to the second slide. The project parameters will now be entered. Project Folder: N:/ECE-124/Lab2 Project Name: LogicalStep_Lab2 Project Top Level: LogicalStep_Lab2_top Click FINISH on the New Project Wizard Dialog Window. (see Figure 50) Figure 50 Lab2: FPGA Project Setup University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 45 Next, in Quartus, the Lab2 TCL script must be run to assign the FPGA device type, the FPGA pin assignments for the FPGA that are reserved for the LogicalStep FPGA and finally the project LogicalStep_Lab2 is created and opened. Go to the Tools tab and SELECT the Tcl Scripts option. The dialog box in Figure 51 should appear: Figure 51 Lab2: TCL Script Invocation SELECT the TCL file “LogicalStep_Lab2.tcl” and then click on the RUN button as in Figure 51. The following in Figure 52 should appear when it is finished. Figure 52 Lab2: TCL File Completed Click the OK Button and close the TCL Scripts window. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 46 4.3.5 NEW VHDL Component - What is a Seven Segment Decoder? Figure 53 Lab2: LogicalStep Board Seven Segment Displays For the LogicalStep board there are two seven segment displays available. See Figure 53. To drive each display with logic we typically use a hex to seven-segment decoder. Hex input values (4 bits) are used to represent hex variable values and the decoder converts the 4-bit hex values (the 3210 columns), to a pattern of 7 bits to drive the seven segments. An example of this function is shown in Figure 54 below in VHDL format. Figure 54 Lab2: VHDL file Seven Segment Decoder Question: For the above example how big of a task do you feel it would be to enter the function above with just schematic gates?? TAKE-AWAY: ➔A Hardware Description Language (HDL) can be much more efficient in design entry exercises than the schematic design entry method. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 47 Earlier the top level design file (LogicalStep_Lab2_top.vhd) was downloaded from LEARN into the Lab2 project folder. This time the top level design file is a VHDL file. Notice in the screen-shot below in Figure 55 that the pins are declared in the Entity section. Figure 55 Lab2: Initial VHDL Design of LogicalStep_Lab2_top In the above example the component for the SevenSegment decoder is already declared for you as well as two signal busses (hex_A and Seg7_A). Observe (between the “begin” and “end” statements) how the busses (signal groupings) are connected and how the instantiation of the component is done in the example above. YOU must add the above VHDL code to your LogicalStep_Lab2_top.vhd file. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 48 4.3.6 Lab2-Part A – Hunting for “BUGS” In the Architecture section instantiate a SevenSegment instance and call it INST1. Then connect the four switch inputs (sw[3..0] ) to the SevenSegment instance INST1 hex inputs and connect the seg7_data pins to the SevenSegment instance outputs. Refer to Figure 48 in the “Design Re-use within VHDL” section in the Lab Manual as an example. Next run an ANALYSIS and SYNTHESIZE compilation process to allow a functional simulation to be executed. This can be done by going to the Processing TAB and then selecting “Processing>Start>Analysis and Synthesis” option. WE WILL NOT BE DOWNLOADING THIS DESIGN DUE TO PIN PROPERTY CONSTRAINTS (pin drive settings) AT THIS STAGE OF THE LAB. For this Lab there are “logic errors planted” into a part of the provided SevenSegment.vhd file that must be discovered during functional simulations and must be corrected to meet the Lab2 project requirements later. There are three bugs in the SevenSegment.vhd table file. Recall from Lab1 how functional Simulations are set up within Quartus (see section 2.3.2 and Figures 22 to 26). In the Node Finder window in Figure 56 SELECT the following pins in the order specified: sw[3], sw[2], sw[1], sw[0], seg7_data[6], seg7_data[5], seg7_data[4], seg7_data[3], seg7_data[2], seg7_data[1], seg7_data[0] After selection of the group click on the ‘>’ button to copy them to the Selected Nodes window. Figure 56 Lab2: Adding Nodes for Functional Simulation Then click on the OK button. Then Click on the OK button on the Node Finder Dialog Box. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 49 Within the simulation Window one can group the individual nodes into “groups” or “buses”. This can often save interpretation time of the simulation results. Start with the sw[3..0] nodes. SELECT the nodes in the following order with the Control Key continually pressed: sw[3], sw[2], sw[1], sw[0]. With all of these signals highlighted RIGHT-CLICK over the names column and some options appear. SELECT the Grouping option as in Figure 57. Figure 57 Lab2: Grouping Nodes for Hexadecimal format A new window will appear for the group of nodes as shown in Figure 58. Leave the name “sw” but set the RADIX to Hexadecimal. Click OK. Figure 58 Lab2: Setting the Group Radix University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 50 Below in Figure 59 one can now see that the representation of the four sw nodes is replaced with a single BUS group called sw and its data is represented in Hexadecimal format. Figure 59 Lab2: Group Hex Value Shown in Simulator Now we must add some STIMULUS to represent counting in hex. With the sw bus still selected Click on the COUNT VALUE button ( ). A window like that shown in Figure 60 will appear. Set the counting to increment by 1 every 50 nsec. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 51 Click OK. Figure 60 Lab2: Stimulus Counting Increment Setup Now you should see the stimulus like the screen-shot below Figure 61: Figure 61 Lab2: Counting Input Stimulus Save the file as waveform.vwf. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 52 Now run the Functional simulation with the incrementing HEX values (0 – F) of the sw bus. Refer to the reference simulation in Figure 62. Notice that for each HEX value in Figure 62 that there is a set of column segment bit values. Compare your simulation results with those in Figure 62. Take note of any mismatched sets of column segment values per HEX input value in your simulation as compared to the reference column waveforms shown in Figure 62. Figure 62 Lab2: Seven Segment Decoder Reference Operation After noting the simulation differences for the HEX values open the SevenSegment.vhd file (inside Lab2 project directory) to correct the appropriate set of row segment values. The seg7_data[0] bits are in the segment “A”, seg7_data[1 ]bits are in the segment “B”, etc. Make the changes and then save the file in the Lab2 project folder. Then re-synthesize the design and then run the simulation again to confirm the correct functionality as in Figure 62 4.3.7 NEW VHDL Component - What is a Multiplexer or MUX function? Multiplexers are usually used to select different data sources of input to a downstream function input or process. The selection is controlled by the state of the SELECT control inputs (see Figure 63). Multiplexers can be found in a number of input/output ratios (e.g.: 2 to1, 4 to 1, 8 to 1 …) Figure 63 is a simple 2 to 1 multiplexer or MUX function. Its output function “f” will pass along the w0 input value when the “select” control input “s” is in a LOW state (or a “0”). But when “s” is in the HIGH state (or a “1”) the output function “f” will pass along the value from the w1 input. Figure 63 Lab2: VHDL 2 to 1 Multiplexer University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 53 A graphical representation example of a QUAD-bit 4 to 1 multiplexer is shown below for your reference in Figure 64. A VHDL companion is shown in Figure 65. All busses are 4 bits wide. Figure 64 Lab2: Quad Port 4 bit Multiplexer Figure 65 Lab2: VHDL Code for a Quad-Bit 4 to 1 Multiplexer 4.3.8 Lab2-Part B – Using the Seven Segment Displays Earlier we debugged the SevenSegment design and we can now use it for new VHDL project designs. There are two seven segment displays on the LogicalStep board so two SevenSegment decoders will be required. So there must be a second instance of the SevenSegment decoder added to the next version of the LogicalStep_Lab2_top design. Disconnect the SevenSegment decoder outputs (INST1) from the seg7_data pins that were used in Part A. This can be done by removing the “seg7_data <= seg7_A” line from the LogicalStep_Lab2_top file (added in Part A). University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 54 Add a second instance of the SevenSegment decoder component and name it as INST2. For example: INST2: SevenSegment port map (……); Now connect the sw[7..4] switch inputs to a new signal bus called hex_B. This signal bus will have the same width as the hex_A signal bus (4 bits) when declared. Connect the other end of the hex_B bus to the INST2 SevenSegment decoder set of inputs. The output port of INST2 will connect to a new signal bus to be declared called seg7_B. This new bus will have the same width as the seg7_A bus. The LogicalStep FPGA has just enough pins to access the external peripherals. The FPGA pin-out has a common external seven-segment bus driving the Digit1 and Digit2 displays. Please refer again to Figure 53 described earlier for the orientation of Digit1 and Digit2 on the board. So your FPGA design will need to add a provided seven segment multiplexer function. A unique (14 input to 7 output) MUX will be added to our design for this purpose on the LogicalStep board. It’s like having seven 2-to-1 muxes in parallel with a common SELECT input. This mux cannot be used for other purposes in the FPGA for the LogicalStep board. Add the VHDL function segment7_mux as a component declaration (Figure 66) to the LogicalStep_Lab2_top design. Figure 66 Lab2: VHDL Component Declaration for seg7_mux Also instantiate the segment7_mux function instance as INST3. For example: INST3: segment7_mux port map (……); The internal signal buses (hex_A, hex_B) are connected to the INST1 and INST2 inputs mentioned earlier. The INST1 and INST2 outputs (seg7_A, seg7_B) must be connected to the INST3 inputs (for DIN2, DIN1 resp.).There are three other signals to connect to INST3. These are the clk input to the clkin_50 input pin; the output to the seg7_char1 output pin and the output to the seg7_char2 output pin. These signals are generated internally in the segment7_mux block. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 55 An example block diagram for these instance interconnects is shown below in Figure 67: Figure 67 Lab2: Some Components Used in Lab2 Part B With the clock input the “mux selector” is generated internally in the block and it is automatically alternating the selection for the two SevenSegment data input buses. The two outputs (seg7_char1 and seg7_char 2) are sent to the external display to direct the mux output to the appropriate seven segment display on the LogicalStep board. Compile the design and download it to the FPGA. The Dual seven-Segment display should follow the two sets of HEX inputs from the switches. 4.3.9 Lab2-Part C- Project Brief for Lab2 Demo The next part of the lab will be used to develop a simple ALU with the LogicalStep_Lab2_top design. An ALU is an Arithmetic Logic Unit which is a fundamental part of computer technology used today. An ALU is typically enabled by a CPU after an instruction is decoded and the operands are gathered. The functional requirements for this ALU are described in the following: SIGNAL TYPE: INPUTS OUTPUTS SIGNAL NAME: Operand1[3..0] Operand2[3..0] OPERATOR[3..0] LOGICAL RESULT[3..0] ARITHMETIC RESULT[6..0] University of Waterloo ASSIGNED PORT(s): SW[3..0] SW[7..4] PB[3..0] LEDS[3..0], LEDS[7..4] SEVENSEG[6..0]. LEDS[7..0] Comment hex_A could be used hex_B could be used Logical operations of OP1,OP2 on LEDS[3..0], LEDS[7..4] are off Addition of OP1, OP2 shown in HEX on Seven Segment Digit1&Digit2 and in BINARY on the LEDS[7..0] ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 56 The functions are to be directed by the four PB Keys (perhaps use them as mux select lines). Remember that the PB keys are Active-low so you should either add inverters or modify your VHDL code to suit. PB[3..0] Pins 1111 Inverted PB[3..0] 0000 1110 OPERATOR DESCRIPTION DISPLAY none Operands displayed On sevensegment digits 0001 AND 1101 0010 OR 1011 0100 XOR 0111 1000 ADD Logical AND of operands Logical OR of operands Logical XOR of operands Binary ADD of operands Operand1 on seg7 display DIGIT2, Operand2 on seg7 display DIGIT1 Result on LEDs[3..0] Result on LEDs[3..0] Result on LEDs[3..0] Addition of OP1, OP2 shown on Dual Seven Segment display in HEX and in BINARY on the LEDS[7..0] Consider the following guidelines in your design. 1. Break the overall design into sections. Section 1: The hex to SevenSegment decoder and seg7_mux components from Lab2 part B may be used. But the SevenSegment Decoders will have different input signals. The 4 bit inputs will come from two halves of an eight-bit multiplexer output as shown in Figure 68. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 57 This output will be multiplexed between the 8 bit SUM (when PB(3) is active) and the two operands (e.g.: hex_A, hex_B) when PB(3) is NOT active. Figure 68 Lab2: Part C (Project) Multiplexing for Seven Segment Displays When PB(3) is in the OFF state the two operands should be displayed on the two Seven Segment displays. However when PB(3) is activated then both of the Seven Segment displays must be used to display the arithmetic sum. Add “signal” declarations as required for any intermediate connections between VHDL instances. To build a multiplexer you can use the reference example like that shown in Figure 65 but modified to suit your connections. 2. Section 2: The ALU logical results (Figure 69) should be displayed on the leds[3..0] but ONLY when a logical operation is selected from the table above (not for arithmetic). When the ADDITION mode is selected (related to pb(3)) the leds must show the ARITHMETIC result. Since the arithmetic result could be bigger than a 4 bit hex value the arithmetic result should be displayed on leds[7..0] when the ADDITION mode is requested. PB[3] sum (std_logic_vector[7 downto 0] ) 8 PB[2..0] 4 4 8 hex_A hex_B LOGIC PROCESSOR concatenate “0000” 4 8 Logic_func[3 downto 0] Figure 69 Lab2: Part C (Project) Logic Processor and Multiplexing for LED’s University of Waterloo LEDs ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 58 3. Section 3: The hardest part to understand for Lab2 Part C will perhaps be the recasting of the data types of the signals. The logic signals must use the std_logic_vector[..] data type but they must be recast into the unsigned data type (like an Integer) before they can be used in any arithmetic operation. When the Arithmetic result is computed the unsigned variable may be recast back to the std_logic_vector[..] for display on the LEDs or sent to the SevenSegment decoders etc. See Figure 70. Figure 70 Lab2: Part C (Project) Four Bit Inputs and Adder Circuit You may use a VHDL statement like the form below to do the whole add function and signal recasting (in light blue in Figure 70): sum (7 downto 0)<= std_logic_vector(unsigned(add_inpA) + unsigned(add_inpB)); (where: sum is declared of type std_logic_vector[7 ..0], add_inpA, add_inpB are ALL declared to be of type std_logic_vector[7 ..0]. Note then that the add_inpA and add_inpB buses are 8 bits. But the input hex operands sw[3..0], sw[7..4] are only 4 bits each. Use the Concatenate operator “&” in VHDL to add your leading zeroes with each of the input operands (hex_A, hex_B )to modify add_inpA[], add_inpB[] into 8 bit vectors etc. 4. BONUS: If more than ONE PB is pressed at the same time ALL GREEN LED’s should be activated to show an “ERROR” condition and the two SEVEN-SEGMENT displays should show “8”. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 59 Figure 71 Lab2: Part C (Project) Sections Integrated 4.4 POST- Lab2 Activities 1. Complete the work for the Lab2 Demo design since it will be required at the next lab session in Lab 3. 2. A report on the Lab2 design is due within 24 hours (after your Lab2 Demo). Submit your completed project report to LEARN ECE-124 Lab2 Reports Dropbox folder. Make sure that your Session Number and Group Number are included in your report title (see Figure 72) and filename. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 60 Figure 72 Lab2: Project Report Format NEXT LAB SESSION: You will be designing a Magnitude Comparator (from scratch) that will be used in the processing in subsequent labs. An Energy Monitor Logic function will be developed in Lab3. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 61 4.5 LAB2 SUBMISSION FORM Table 2 - Lab2: Submission Form GROUP NUMBER: ECE-124 Lab-2 Submission Form – Winter 2018 Lab2 Demo: Lab2 Report Out of 10 Out of 10 SESSION NUMBER: I am submitting this report for grading. I certify that this report, including any code, descriptions, flowcharts as part of the submission were written by the team member(s) below and there has not been any use of prior academic credit at this university or any other institution. The penalty for plagiarism or submission without signature(s) will be a grade of zero NAME: (Print) UW User ID (not Student ID) Signature Partner A: Partner B: LAB2 DESIGN DEMO Seven Segment Display bugs (quantity 3) corrected ? Operands appear on Digit1 & Digit2 when PB’s are OFF ? Logical Results shown correctly on LEDs[3..0] when PB[2..0] ON ? Arithmetic results shown on Digits and LED’s when PB(3) ON ? LEDs[7..4] OFF when Arithmetic result Less than or Equal to 1111 DISCUSSION: Describe how you implemented the VHDL coding. Marks Allotted LAB2 DEMO MARK Total (up to 12) out of 10 LAB2 DESIGN REPORT (see rubric on LEARN for details) Structural VHDL Used in top level VHDL design Sub-block VHDL files with good Coding Style Simulation of Logic functions showing the AND,OR,XOR modes Simulation of Arithmetic functions showing the ADD mode Total Design Logic Elements Used from Compilation Report Delay in Report Submission (-1 per day) x number of days: LAB2 Report MARK University of Waterloo A B 1 1 1 2 2 3 Marks Allotted 2 2 2 2 2 Out of 10 TEAM ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 62 5 LAB3: VHDL for Combinational Circuits PART 2 – Energy Monitor During this lab a new project for combinational logic will be described and a demo and a lab report are expected as deliverables. The project for this lab session is another VHDL-based FPGA design for implementing a simple Energy Monitoring Controller that could be used in a home. The final design must be demonstrated during the next Lab session. A Lab3 report must be submitted on LEARN within 24 hours after the Lab3 DEMO is completed. 5.1 Prelab 1. Review the Lab2 procedures used for entering, testing and implementing FPGA designs. 2. Review the Lab2 Submission form from LEARN for the Demo during the Lab3 session. 3. Be ready to have your Lab2 Demo design available for demonstration. 5.2 Lab3 Outline Attendance will be taken. The following new topics will be presented: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. University of Waterloo Review of Lab2 New VHDL Component - What is a Magnitude Comparator? Project Setup for Lab3 Lab3 Part A. – Creating a 4 Bit Magnitude Comparator Functional Simulations of a 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator Lab3 Part B. – Project Brief for Lab3 Demo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 63 5.3 Lab3 Activities 5.3.1 Recall from Lab2: During Lab2 we developed some further VHDL knowledge on using the VHDL “Structural” style of coding. We learned how to re-use VHDL files as components that were developed previously (Seven Segment Decoder and Multiplexers) and could instantiate a number of copies of these components in the primary VHDL design file (LogicalStep_Lab2_top). The INSTANCES could be then “wired” together using declared signals (busses) and port mapping. We also learned that signal data types could be “re-cast” into new types to allow different kinds of processing to be accomplished. 5.3.2 Project Setup for Lab3 Start the Lab3 setup like what was done in Labs 1&2 for creating a new project. Using the Windows File Explorer go to the ECE-124 folder directory. Go to LEARN and download the Zipped folder “Lab3” into the ECE-124 folder. Extract the zipped folder contents to create your Lab3 project folder and it should then have the LogicalStep_Lab3_top.vhd, LogicalStep_Lab3.tcl and segment7_mux.vhd files installed inside it. Start up the Altera Quartus Prime platform. Begin the new project by using FILE>New Project Wizard). Enter the new Project parameters: Project Folder: N:/ECE-124/Lab3 Project Name: LogicalStep_Lab3 Project Top Level: LogicalStep_Lab3_top Click FINISH on the New Project Wizard Dialog Window. Copy the sevensegment.vhd file from your Lab2 project folder into your Lab3 Project folder. Then run the Lab3 TCL script to assign the FPGA device type, pin assignments subordinate VHDL files for the LogicalStep_Lab3 project. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 64 5.3.3 New VHDL Component – What is a Magnitude Comparator? To put it simply - A magnitude comparator accepts two input variables and determines how they compare with each other. There are three outputs from such a function. These are the input A is greater than input B; input A is equal to input B; and input A is less than input B. 5.3.4 Lab3-Part A – Creating a 4-Bit Magnitude Comparator For Lab3 a magnitude comparator is to be designed with GATES using two levels of hierarchy. The bottom level will just compare the magnitude of two single bits and then pass along its three results (A>B, A=B, AB, A=B, AB, A=B, AB3 is TRUE then the lower bits of A2, B2, A1, B1, A0, B0 don’t need to be considered further for the 4 bit A>B equation. Use the table below (X means “Don’t Care”). Same thing if B3 > A3 (which is of course the same thing as A3B2) and so on. 4-Bit Comparator Outputs A2 B2 A1 B1 A0 B0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X X 0 X X 0 X X 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 A>B A3>B3 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 A=B A3=B3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 AB, A=B and A Desired Temp? Furnace ON & Blower ON when Current Temp < Desired Temp? A/C, Furnace, Blower turn OFF when Doors/Windows Open? DISCUSSION: Comment on your VHDL Implementation? Marks Allotted LAB3 DEMO MARK Total (up to 12) out of 10 LAB3 DESIGN REPORT (see rubric on LEARN for details) All VHDL files (not the sevenseg_decoder or seg7_mux files). Structural VHDL design must be used at the Top Level. Comparator must have a Boolean equation per each output. Truth Table for 4-Bit Comparator Design with all entries inserted Part A Simulations of Comparator showing A>B, A=B, A Enjoy. These tasks must be done in the sequence described for the process to be completed successfully. In the next section a new logical element will be described that can “hold” the logical value for any sequential step in a process. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 72 6.3.3 New VHDL Component – What is a Flip-Flop? Well this is not a reference to a type of footwear. Nope. In digital logic a basic element that is used in sequential logic is the Flip-Flop. This function records a sample presented at its input and presents a copy of that input value to its output when a clock signal is received. If there are no further clocks then the Flip-Flop should hold its output value indefinitely (as long as there is power). Another name, perhaps more professional sounding, for this kind of device is a Register. Flip-Flops can come in many flavours (R/S, J/K, T, D) but most casual references to flip-flops are referring to the D-type variety as shown below in Figure 74: Figure 74 Lab4: D-Type Flip-Flop There are usually other inputs to a standard flip flop (such as Asynchronous Preset, Asynchronous Clear, Clock Enable inputs) but for now let’s just focus on the simpler functions. Registers can be used in all kinds of higher-order functions such as counters, shift registers, state machines, accumulators etc. In Lab1 we used a 28-bit counter to automate the Lab1 digital logic. It would have 28 registered outputs. 6.3.4 What are VHDL Processes? VHDL Processes are hardware-description constructs that are used to design Sequential Logic. VHDL Process structures have the following syntax: Label: process (sensitivity list) is begin .. end process; University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 73 The Label can be any convenient value for code readability etc. The is the list of inputs that the process is directed to observe to determine if a process output is to change. Such inputs might include the “clock” signal for example. For clocks there is usually a kind “filtering” added within the processing block to constrain process changes to occur on a desired clock EDGE. For example one could use the “IF (rising_edge (clock)) THEN…” in the construct to evaluate whether any state machine change will occur but only in association with the rising edge of each clock cycle. So a Flip-Flop or Register (Figure 74) can be created in VHDL using a PROCESS. See the example below: process ( ) is begin if (rising_edge( )) then register <= ; end if; end process; The Register will accept the “data” value on the rising edge of . When the next clock rising edge arrives the input is again captured and the previous captured value is OVERWRITTEN. But what if we want to capture the data and KEEP IT for a while? What do we need to do since the clock may always be running? For this situation we need to add some new Flip-Flop functionality. In Figure 75 we add a new capability. This is the Clock Enable or just “ENABLE”. Figure 75 Lab4: Adding a Clock Enable To the Flip-Flop This function makes the Flip-Flop update to a new value at the Flip-Flop Data_INPUT when the next clock edge arrives and only IF the ENABLE is active. If the Enable is OFF during any rising_edge of the clock signal then the flip-flop implicitly retains its current value (inferred by VHDL). process ( ) is begin if (rising_edge( ) then if (ENABLE) then register <= ; end if; end if; end process; University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 74 The ENABLE can be activated whenever a change is required for a Flip-Flop at the next clock cycle. Now imagine the case where we want to put a string of these Flip-Flops registers together as shown in Figure 76. One can see that the separate registers are activated by when the various ENABLE inputs activate AND with the preceding upstream stage being ACTIVE. The process sequence is DONE when the last stage (Data_Output) is activated in this example. Figure 76 Lab4: Serial String of Flip-Flops 6.3.5 Initial Project Setup for Lab4 Start the Lab4 like what was done in earlier Labs. Go to LEARN and download the Lab4 Zipped folder “Lab4” into the ECE-124 folder on your N: Drive. Extract the contents to create the new Lab4 project folder and its contents therein. Start up the Altera Quartus Prime platform and begin a new project with the New Project Wizard. Enter the new Project parameters: Project Folder: Lab4 Project Name: LogicalStep_Lab4 Project Top Level: LogicalStep_Lab4_top Click FINISH on the New Project Wizard Dialog Window. Run the Lab4 TCL script to assign the FPGA device type and pins for the LogicalStep FPGA. This part of the lab session will require some of the same components that were used in the previous lab such as SevenSegment, seg7_mux, Compx4 and Compx1 VHDL files. Copy these VHDL files from your Lab3 Project folder into your Lab4 Project folder. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 75 6.3.6 Lab4 Part A – Creating Some Simple Flip-Flop Register Designs In the first part of this lab we will develop a simple bidirectional shift register and an up/down binary counter. For each of these the total number of register stages used will be eight. The register stages will also be output to the LED’s. Adding Some Clock Source Flexibility We want to be able to run this designs in either a physical, real-world scenario (with a download to the LogicalStep board) OR in a simulation environment. A flexible, high-level control of your design will select the “clocking source” for these two situations. Within the new top-level design file (LogicalStep_Lab4_top.vhd) near the beginning of the file VHDL code (as shown in Figure 77 below) the design uses the 50MHz clock input (clkin_50) and some new signals are created for flexibility of the clocking network. The first process “BINCLK” is a clock divider. Figure 77 Lab4: LogicalStep_Lab4_top with Clock Sourcing for FPGA This process is merely a counter (similar to what was used in Lab1) to slow down the shift register clock to something where the register changes can be observed by eye. At the high end of the divider counter outputs is Bit23 and it will output a clock that is 2**24th of the input clock frequency (50,000,000 Hz). After division Bit23 will change at just under a 4 Hz clock rate. This will be used to University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 76 drive the signal “Main_Clk” for the physical FPGA download version of the LogicalStep_Lab4_top design on the LogicalStep_Board for visual reasons. However for simulation purposes later on you must change the source for Main_Clk to one that is driven by STIMULUS for the clkin_50 pin directly (otherwise you will be waiting for a LOOONNNGGG time for each Main_Clk cycle to occur with the 2**24 division of the clock divider output). To make things easier to switch between FPGA-design versions some flexibility should be added to the design. In Figure 77 a CONSTANT named “SIM” is ahead of the signal declarations in the Architecture Section and it can be used to change the source of Main_Clk. The Boolean constant SIM is used as a selector for a 2-to-1 mux. When SIM is TRUE the Main_Clk signal is driven directly by the Clkin_50 pin as above for SIMulation. When SIM is set to a FALSE value then the Main_Clk signal is connected to the divider output Bit23 for use when running your design on the LogicalStep board. Implementing a Bidirectional Shift Register Component As specified earlier the shift register is to have 8 stages. Across all of the stages only ONE will be active at a time. This is equivalent to a “ONE-HOT” encoding arrangement of the shift register. The shift register will be clocked by the Main_Clk clock signal. Recall that registers are implemented inside VHDL processes. A control signal that should be made “common” to all of the shift register registers will be the input called Left0_Right1. When Left0_Right1 is at ‘0’ the shift register “shifts LEFT”. When it is at “1” the shift register “shifts RIGHT”. Enter the VHDL code (lines 1 to 45) in Figure 78 into a VHDL COMPONENT design and then declare it and Instantiate it at the top level. Connect its outputs to the LEDs, its LEFT0_RIGHT1 control input to PB(0) and its CLK_EN to PB(1). The Shift Register will only change if the “CLK_EN” (PB(1)) is a ‘1’. Figure 78 Lab3: VHDL for a Bidirectional Shift Register University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 77 Functional Simulation of the Bidirectional Shift Register Up until now the Quartus Simulator has been used to display combinational logic activity using only the Input and Output pins to control and observe the design. This is a limitation with the Quartus Simulator for the simulation of Combinational Logic. That is why in earlier labs when it was desired to view internal signals steps were taken to connect them to the outside pins in the VHDL coding (eg: Lab2 PartA). But the Quartus simulator also will display internal REGISTERS and this is the first lab session that illustrates that kind of access for observation purposes. Before you recompile the LogicalStep_Lab4_top for simulation change the clock source for Main_Clk by setting the SIM constant to TRUE. Then do an Analysis & Synthesis type of compile for your design. Besides adding the Input and Output Pins to the Node List in your Functional simulation you can now add the internal registers of the shift register. This can be done by changing the NodeFinder Filter to: Post-Synthesis. Then the register bits of the shift register can be selected. Refer to Figure 79. Figure 79 Lab4: Inserting Register Nodes for Simulation For stimulus do the following: Set the Clkin_50 to a 20 nsec period. Set each of the pb(0) and pb(1) inputs to a ‘1’. Set the rst_n to a ‘1’ (OFF state) for the whole simulation and then just force it to a ‘0’ for, say, the first 50 ns. Set the rst_n signal return to the ‘1’ state. Halfway in the simulation set the pb(0) to a ‘0’ state. Sometime after pb(0) is changed try toggling the pb(1) to ‘0’ and then back to a ‘1’. Your simulation should look something like that shown in Figure 80. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 78 Figure 80 Lab4: Simulation of the Bidirectional Shift Register Figure 81: Lab4: Compiler Example of a Unidirectional Shift Register For clarity purposes Figure 81 shows what the VHDL compiler creates for a simplified version of the shift register(unidirectional only). The flip-flops are only influenced by data from its downstream neighbor. There is no increase in connection complexity as number of shift register stages increases. This design will be compared to one in the next section. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 79 Implementing a Simple Up/Down Binary Counter Component You have already used some binary counters in this Lab course. A simple 8 bit up/down binary counter will now be implemented. The binary counter will be clocked by the Main_Clk clock signal like what was done for the shift register example. Recall that registers are implemented inside VHDL processes. A control signal that should be made “common” to all of the shift register registers will be the input called Up1_Down0. When up1_down0 is at ‘1’ the counter counts up. When it is at “0” ‘1’ the counter counts down. Enter the VHDL code (lines 1 to 41) in Figure 82 into a VHDL COMPONENT design and then declare it and Instantiate it in your LogicalStep_Lab4_top file. At the top level disconnect the LED’s from the shift Register component and then connect them to the counter component outputs, its Up1_Down0 control input to pb(0) and its clk_en to pb(1). The Binary Counter will only change if the “clk_en” (pb(1)) is a ‘1’. Figure 82 Lab4: Simple Up/Down Binary Counter University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 80 Functional Simulation of the Up/Down Binary Counter Similar to what was done for the Bidirectional Shift Register the Up/Down Binary Counter can be simulated. Using the same setup (SIM set to TRUE, Clkin_50 set to 20 nsec period etc.) run a simulation of the design. It should be similar to what is shown in Figure 83. Figure 83 Lab4: Simulation of Up/Down Binary Counter Side Note: Notice in Figure 83 how each higher-order bit in the binary counter toggles at half of the rate of the preceding lower-order bit (i.e.: bit 4 changes at half the rate of bit 3 which in turn changes at half the rate of bit2 and so on). Figure 84 Lab4: VHDL Compiler generated Binary Counter (Up direction only) For clarity purposes Figure 84 shows what the VHDL compiler creates for a simplified version of the Binary Counter where the clock enable and UP/Down logic are not included. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 81 Notice how much more logic is required as the design gets towards the higher order bits in the counter. The logic “FAN-IN” gets greater and greater for the binary counter higher order register bits. Each of the register outputs from all lower register bits in the chain come toward the higher order register inputs. Whereas for the earlier shift register example the logic FAN-IN is maintained to be the same for each stage (the inputs to a register stage just comes from its immediate neighbor). Each of these two kinds of register designs has an impact on how fast each of these register designs can be “clocked”. Another aspect to examine in this comparison is with the amount required for register logic for the format choice (encoding format). The 8 bit binary counter has 8 Flip-flops which can represent 2**8 combinations (256 - 8-bit binary values). To implement the equivalent number of combinations in the shift register it would require 256 serially connected flip-flops. Some interesting things can be noted from these two design exercises in terms of design trade-offs: 1) Sequential logic encoding format choice can impact the amount of logic required (both combinational and sequential). 2) Sequential logic encoding format choice can impact the speed of operation. The focus will now leave the simulation of these simple register designs. These designs will be revisited later on for the Lab4 Project Demo. 6.3.7 New VHDL Component – What is a State Machine? Now that the topic of basic register functionality has been introduced a new powerful use for registers will be covered. Returning to the earlier trivial process for a Simple Breakfast an outline is shown in Figure 85 and a state diagram is shown in Figure 86.. STATE: STATE: State 1: Get bread from cupboard State 2: Placing bread in toaster State 3: Get plate State 4: Wait for Toast cycle completion State 5: Put Toast on plate State 6: Butter the Toast State 7: Add Jam State 8: Process done…..--> Enjoy. Figure 85 Lab4: Process: Getting a Simple Breakfast University of Waterloo OUTPUTS: TRANSITION EVENT TO NEXT (DROP BREAD IN TOASTER) (START TOASTER) (GET TOAST FROM TOASTER) (APPLY BUTTER) (APPLY JAM) (DONE) < Got Bread > < Bread in toaster> < Got Plate > < Toast Pops Up > < Toast on Plate > < Toast Buttered > < Jam Added > ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 82 Observe the left hand column in Figure 85 that shows the name or “state” steps involved in the process. In the right-hand column are the transition inputs to the process that would be from sensors that could signify events such as “Got_Bread, Bread_in_Toaster_and_Started, Got_Plate” etc. The process outputs could be used to control the mechanics to “Drop Bread in Toaster”, “Start Toaster”,….”DONE” etc. Figure 86 Lab4: State Diagram for Simple Breakfast process To repeat the process above would have to receive an additional input such as a “Repeat” signal. The above process for some imaginative design engineer could be implemented with a STATE MACHINE design. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 83 In state machine design the conditions that make its process change from its CURRENT state to its NEXT state are varied. Combinational logic is used to determine if or when those state transitions should occur. The state changes occur in synchronization with a state machine clock. This is where registers are involved. There are just two classes of state machines in sequential logic design. These are the Moore and Mealy types. To remember the names just think of two engineers sitting at a Thanksgiving table. One engineer politely says to the other “Would you like some Moore corn?” to which the second engineer replies “Only if it’s not Mealy”. (Groan!). MOORE STATE MACHINE Output is a function of present state ONLY (Figure 87). Moore SM’s outputs are only changed when the state machine is clocked. Figure 87 Lab4: Moore State Machine MEALY STATE MACHINE Outputs are functions of present state AND inputs (Figure 88). Figure 88 Lab4: Mealy State Machine For this lab there will be development of both kinds of state machines (Moore and Mealy). Referring back to Figures 87 and 88 there are generally just three sections in each state machine design. These are the Register, Transition and Decoder sections. Provided for you in the Lab4 download files from Learn is a VHDL file named State_Machine Example. The Entity section for this file is shown in Figure 89. It consists of a clock input, a reset input, a few transition control inputs and two outputs to signal when the process is in specific states. Figure 89 Lab4: Entity Declaration for State Machine Example University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 84 Further in the VHDL file (shown in Figure 90) in the Architecture declaration section the details set up the list of states for a state machine with a TYPE statement named STATE_NAMES. This gives the state machine the set of state values for its processing. Figure 90 Lab4: State Machine States Defined by a VHDL TYPE Statement Then two signals are declared to HOLD two different values of the TYPE STATE_NAMES to keep the “current” state and “next” state assignments for the state machine. The Register section uses the state machine clock input, the next_state value input coming from the Transition Section, and usually some kind of RESET input signal in its Sensitivity List. These are used to advance the state machine to new states in alignment with a particular clock edge. This first state machine process is labelled in Figure 91 as “Register_Section”. Figure 91 Lab4: Process for the Register Section of State Machine Example University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 85 The Transition section (to be located in a second Process construct) uses the VHDL “CASE” statement construct. It uses a number of the State Machine inputs (not the clock or reset) and the CURRENT state in its Sensitivity List to evaluate what and when the NEXT state will be (including “no change”). A typical example of a CASE statement construct is shown below in Figure 92 and it is always implemented within a process. NOTE: All “constant_expression” options in a VHDL case statement must be constant and unique. Also, the case statement entries must cover all input values of “expression” to be complete, otherwise it must include a “when others” clause at the end. case is when => -- Sequential Statement(s) when => -- Sequential Statement(s) when others => -- Sequential Statement(s) end case; The CASE statement construct can specify a signal group for the and for each possible value of that signal group is stated in the fields. An example of Transition section being implemented with a CASE statement is shown in Figure 92 with the process labelled as “Transition_Section”. It implements the sequencing control of Figure 92 Lab4: Transition Section for State Machine Example the range of state values that were declared earlier. Note how specific inputs are observed by the Transition Logic only in specific states and also how inputs can cause the State Machine to “JUMP” states. For example if an “I0” input signal is active when the State Machine Example is in State “S2” the State Machine will take a jump in its state sequence to state “S6”. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 86 The example Decoder section shown in Figure 93 sets the output1 and output2 signals when the state machine state reaches specific states. The output signal levels must be defined for all current_state values. Figure 93 would be a Decoder section for a Moore State Machine design since the outputs are dependent ONLY on the state machine current_state values. Figure 94 shows an abbreviated version. Figure 93 Lab4: Example of Decoder Logic for Moore State Machine Figure 94 Lab4: Shortened Version of Moore Decoder section University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 87 For a Mealy State Machine the difference is that the outputs depend on the state value AND inputs. The inputs may or may not affect a change of the current_state value. In essence the Mealy State Machine state is like a “gate control”. If we were to convert the previous Moore State Machine into a Mealy State Machine then the following changes would happen to the Decoder section as shown in the Mealy Decoder section (Figure 95). Let’s assume that the Transition Logic can remain the same as in the Moore example earlier. Figure 95 Lab4: Mealy State Machine Decoder Section with Extra Input and Output Added From Figure 95 it can be deduced that output1 and output2 are combinational outputs driven by the input I0 but only when the state machine is in state S0 (for output1) or state S6 (for output2). If required the outputs can be driven during numerous different states with the appropriate inputs being considered. Note that for Mealy State machines, with the outputs being driven by combinational inputs, that the outputs can suffer from any kind of asynchronous behaviour of the inputs. For example, if I0 is “intermittent” then output1 and output2 will be “intermittent” as well during the enabling states. This is the main disadvantage of Mealy machines as compared to Moore machines. The advantage for Mealy State Machines is that often they can be designed with fewer states than their Moore machine counterparts. They can also impact the outputs sooner since a state change may not have to occur first. Alternatively an example for the Moore machine case, the output1 would be driven by a current_state value of “S0”only. Outside of the S0 state the direct input connection from “I0” to the outputs would be moot. The advantage that Moore State Machines over their Mealy State Machine counterparts is that external inputs are prevented from influencing the State Machine outputs directly. The State Machine must change “state” first and then the outputs are driven by decoding the “current_state” value. It all depends on the requirements of the application. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 88 6.3.8 Lab4 Part B - Project Brief for Lab4 Demo The Lab4 Project will encompass all of the components that you have designed earlier this term and in addition to the components that were developed earlier in this lab session. You will creating a Robotic Arm Controller or RAC (illustrated in Figure 96 and its Control System in Figure 97) that could be used for a positioning a robotic arm in 2 dimensions and employing an extender/grappler. Figure 96 Lab4: Robotic Arm Project Your Lab4 project will include the following declared as VHDL COMPONENTS in the LogicalStep_Lab4_top.vhd file: 1) 4-bit Magnitude Comparator (2 instances) 2) Seven-Segment Decoder (2 instances) 3) Seg7_Mux (1 instance) 4) Bidirectional 4-bit Shift Register (1 instance - changed from 8-bits earlier) 5) Binary 4-bit up/down Counter (2 instances - changed from 8-bits earlier) 6) Mealy State Machine (1 instance) to be used as the X/Y Position Controller 7) Moore State Machine (2 instances) one for Extender and one for Grappler 8) all multiplexers The above VHDL components are to be declared and used in the LogicalStep_Lab4_top.vhd file ONLY. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 89 There will also be some other I/O elements used in the Lab4 project: 1) 8 slide switch inputs: SW[7:4] – Target X co-ordinate; SW[3:0] – Target Y co-ordinate 2) 4 Push Buttons: pb(3) – X Drive Enable; pb(2) – Y Drive Enable; pb(1) Extender Toggle (In/Out); pb(0) Grappler Toggle (Open/Closed); 3) 2 seven segment displays: Digit1 – Multiplexed between Target X-co-ordinate when pb(3) open and ; X-current position when pb(3) is pressed; Digit2 – Multiplexed between Target Y-co-ordinate when pb(2) open; Y-current position when pb(2) is pressed; 4) 8 LED outputs: leds[7:4] – Extender position; leds[3] -- Grappler ON; leds[2:1] -- for your use; leds[0] -- System Error; Figure 97 shows the control system. The Motor Drive electronics are external and will be driven by the X/Y Comparators. The comparator outputs (EQ, GT, LT) also are connected back into the X/Y Position Controller (Mealy SM). The Comparator inputs are from the 4 bit Binary Counters and the Slide Switches. The slide switches will be used to set the desired X and Y TARGET co-ordinates for the Robotic Arm Controller (RAC). The hex-coded switches SW[7:4] value will represent the X TARGET co-ordinate and the hex-coded switches SW[3:0] value will represent the Y TARGET co-ordinate for the RAC. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 90 The seven-segment displays are multiplexed between the Target and the “in-motion” current X/Y position of the RAC (X on Digit1 and Y on Digit2). Figure 97 Lab4: Lab4 Project Block Diagram University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 91 The RAC will be considered “in X-motion” when PB[3] is pressed and RAC has not yet reached its TARGET X-location. The RAC will be considered “in Y-motion” when PB[2] is pressed and RAC has not yet reached its TARGET Y-location. If either pb(3) or pb(2) are not pressed before the Target Position is reached the appropriate binary counter will just retain its current value. The X-motion and Y-motion are completely independent operations. They should be able to operate either sequentially or be able to operate in parallel. When the RAC reaches its TARGET X/Y co-ordinates the Extender can be enabled for operation. When “enabled by the X/Y Position Controller the Extender Controller (Moore SM1) may extend the extender. A single bidirectional shift register is to represent the extender position. It is to be toggled either ON or OFF by push button pb(1). When activated the extender begins its extension process and continues until it reaches FULL extension. The extender position sequence is to be displayed on leds[7:4] as shown below: Position: Retracted: Extending1: Extending2: Extending3: Fully Extended: leds[7:4] 0000 1000 1100 1110 1111 Anytime that the extender is NOT in its retracted position (“0000”) the Moore SM1 status flag “Extender_Out” must be driven active. Only in the Fully Extended position is the Grappler Controller (Moore SM2) to be enabled for Open/Close operations. To Toggle the Open/Closed state of the Grappler the input pb(0) is used. The Grappler “Closed” state will be displayed on leds[3]. NOTE: If any attempt is made to move the RAC to new Target co-ordinates while the Extender_Out flag is active the X/Y Position Controller must be PREVENTED from X or Y motion and a System Error must be indicated on leds[0]. The System Error will also be displayed on BOTH Digit1 and Digit2 by exhibiting a FLASHING condition. This Error Condition must remain active (locked) until the Extender is Retracted. When retracted the Moore SM1 Extender_Out flag is turned OFF, the System Error conditioned is turned off and then X/Y motion may continue. Mealy State Machine Requirements for X/Y Position Control The Mealy State Machine for the Lab4 Project will consist of 3 primary sections. These will be the Register, Transition and Decoder sections. The Register section will be clocked by the rising edge of University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 92 the Main_Clk input. A reset input must also be included to clear the Register section back to its initial state. The Transition section will allow the states to change states according to the inputs received from the Comparators, Push-Button switches pb[3:2] and the Extender Controller. The Decoder section MUST be of the MEALY form. Outputs should be defaulted to ‘0’ but when activated to a ‘1’ level the outputs are NOT to be driven by the “current_state” alone but by inputs during specific current_state values. Hybrid forms of decoding (mix of Moore and Mealy) will be penalized for Lab4. Moore State Machine 1 and 2 Requirements The Moore State Machine 1 (Extender Controller) and 2(Grappler Controller) for the Lab4 Project will each consist of 3 primary sections. These will be the Register, Transition and Decoder sections. Each of the Register sections will be clocked by the rising edge of the Main_Clk input. A reset input must also be included to clear the Register sections back to its initial state. For Moore SM1 the Transition section will allow the states to change states according to the inputs received from the bidirectional Shift Register, Extender_Enable and the Push-Button pb[1]. For Moore SM2 the Transition section will allow the states to change states according to the inputs received from the Grappler_Enable and the Push-Button pb[0]. Each of the Decoder sections MUST be of the MOORE form. Outputs should be defined for each of the “current_state” values only. Hybrid forms of decoding (mix of Moore and Mealy) will be penalized for Lab4. Multiplexers Any Multiplexers used in the design are to be declared and instantiated at the top level to make for easier readability etc. All functionality will be reviewed and marked. State Diagrams State diagrams for each state machine can be created by the Quartus tools. Use the Tools>Netlist Viewers> State Machine Viewer to create them. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 93 Lab4 Project Input / Output Definitions SIGNAL TYPE: SIGNAL NAME: Inputs Main_clk rst_n sw[7..4] sw[3..0] pb[3] pb[2] pb[1] pb[0] seg7_data[6..0] ASSIGNED PORT(s): n/a rst_n sw[7..4] sw[3..0] pb[3] pb[2] pb[1] pb[0] seg7_data[6..0] seg7_char1, seg7_char2 leds[7:4] leds[3] leds[2:1] leds[0] seg7_char1, seg7_char2 leds[7:4] leds[3] leds[2:1] leds[0] Outputs Comment Main clock driven by clock source logic RESET (Active_LOW) Target X- Co-ordinate (in hex) Target Y- Co-ordinate (in hex) X-Motion Enable Y-Motion Enable Entender Toggle Grappler Toggle Used to display TARGET values for X (on Digit1 and Y (on Digit2). Target X/Y seven segment display control by seg7_mux Shows extender position Shows Grappler activation User LEDs. Shows System Error 6.4 POST – Lab4 Activities 1. Demo’s of the Lab4 designs will be required at the next lab session in Lab 5. 2. A report on the Lab4 design is due within 24 hours after your Lab Demo. Refer to the Lab4 Submission Form for its requirement details. Submit your completed project report (pdf format) to LEARN ECE-124 Lab4 Reports Dropbox folder according to your Session and Group Number naming format. University of Waterloo ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 94 6.5 LAB4 SUBMISSION FORM Table 4 - Lab4: Submission Form GROUP NUMBER: SESSION NUMBER: ECE-124 Lab-4 Submission Form – Winter 2018 Lab4 Demo Out of 10 Lab4 Report Out of 10 I am submitting this report for grading. I certify that this report, including any code, descriptions, flowcharts as part of the submission were written by the team member(s) below and there has not been any use of prior academic credit at this university or any other institution. The penalty for plagiarism or submission without signature(s) will be a grade of zero NAME: (Print) UW User ID (not Student ID) Signature Partner A: Partner B: LAB4 DESIGN DEMO Marks Allotted Target X value on Digit1 (pb3 OFF); Target Y value on Digit2 (pb2 OFF) X-Motion/Y-Motion has changing values on Digit1/Digit2 Extender enabled only at Target co-ordinates Extender Position shown on leds[7:4] Grappler enabled only at Fully Extended Extender (Grappler- led[3]) System Error when X/Y Motion with Extender not retracted System Error Cleared when Extender is retracted. DISCUSSION: Comment on your VHDL Implementation? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 LAB4 DEMO MARK Out of 10 LAB4 DESIGN REPORT (see rubric on LEARN for details) Marks Allotted Structural VHDL for Top Level VHDL file (only instances and connections) – no gates except in instance input fields Simulation of 8bit Shift Register and 8 bit Binary Counter in both directions State Diagrams of Mealy SM, Moore SM1, MooreSM2 machines Mealy Form for Mealy SM; Moore form for Moore SM1, Sm2 Fitter Report on Resources Utilization by Entity (Logic Cells each) Delay in Report Submission (-1 per day) x number of days: 2 LAB4 REPORT MARK Out of 10 University of Waterloo 2 2 2 2 A B TEAM ECE-124 Lab Manual – W2018– V2.4 University of Waterloo 95
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