Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192S Wireless Modem User Manual

Electronic Systems Technology Wireless Modem


Revision: 1.0                                                                                                                                                                                       Date: 11Feb 1999Electronic Systems Technology (EST) copyrights this manual and the firmware described in it, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual or the firmware internal to the ESTeem unit may not be copied, in whole or part,without the written consent of EST.  Under the law, copying includes translating into another language. EST cannot guarantee that you will receive notice of a revision to the firmware described in the manual, even if you havereturned a registration/warranty card received with the product.  You should periodically check with your authorized ESTdealer or call factory direct.EST and the EST logo are registered trademarks of Electronic Systems Technology, Inc.  Simultaneously published in theUnited States and Canada.  All rights reserved.ESTEEM USERS MANUALforMODELS 192SFirmware Versions 1.39 and above.February 1999
Revised: 11 Feb 99PRODUCT WARRANTYElectronic Systems Technology, Inc., (hereinafter EST)expressly warrants its products as free of manufacturingdefects for a period of one year from the date of sale to firstuser/customer. THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSOR IMPLIED AND THERE IS EXPRESSLYEXCLUDED ALL WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE.  NO OTHER WARRANTYGIVEN BY ANY EMPLOYEE, AGENT, DISTRIBUTOROR OTHER PERSON WITH RESPECT TO THEPRODUCT SHALL BE BINDING ON EST.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: EST's liability shall be limited to refunding of purchaseprice, repair or replacement of product.  IN NO EVENT SHALL EST HAVE LIABILITY FORCONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OREXEMPLARY DAMAGES CAUSED DIRECTLY ORINDIRECTLY BY THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO ANY INTERRUPTION OFSERVICES, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR ANTICIPATORYPROFITS.  IN NO EVENT SHALL EST BE LIABLEFOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER IN EXCESS OFTHE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT.In the event that a unit or part requires replacement orfactory servicing, the following conditions apply:a) Customer must obtain from EST an authorizedRMA (Return Materials Authorization) number(call 509-735-9092 Customer Support) beforeshipment of product or parts to EST for anyreason;b) If the whole unit is shipped, it must be in itsoriginal carton and shipping components, or acarton and shipping components supplied by EST,or if parts only are shipped, they must be packagedand cushioned so as to prevent damage in transitand shipped freight prepaid;PRODUCT WILL BE CONSIDERED OUT OFWARRANTY IF:a) If the product is damaged due to improper orabnormal use, abuse, mishandling, accident orimproper maintenance or failure to followoperating instruction;b) If the product is defective as a result of sand, dirt,or water damage;c) If any factory-sealed enclosure has been opened orshows evidence of an attempt to be opened;d) If defects or damage are caused by the use ofunauthorized parts or unauthorized service;e) If the product has had its serial numbers altered orremoved.Warranty repair form must be accompanied by proof ofuser's purchase of unit.  Product must be shipped to themanufacturer at the following address:Electronic Systems Technology415 North Quay StreetKennewick, Washington USA 99336ADDITIONAL SERVICE: If EST releases an improvement update to firmware internalto the ESTeem unit during the 90 day period after the unitwas purchased by the first user/customer, EST will updatethe applicable unit with the revised version at no chargeother than for UPS handling and shipping to and from yourlocation to the EST factory.  Return of any such item mustbe accompanied with proof of purchase.
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 11 Feb 99CHAPTER 1 - STARTING OUTBefore You Start ....................................................1-2ESTeem Utility.......................................................1-2Installing ESTeem Utility Software –Windows 95/98/NT................................................1-2Running The Program ............................................1-2Starting Out............................................................1-2Basic ESTeem Programming .................................1-5Help Functions .......................................................1-5Saving a Program...................................................1-5Restoring Factory Defaults.....................................1-5CHAPTER 2 - MODES OF OPERATIONCommand Mode.....................................................2-2Converse Mode ......................................................2-2Transparent Mode ..................................................2-3Semi-Transparent Mode.........................................2-3Hardware Mode Control.........................................2-3CHAPTER 3 - PROGRAMMING ESTEEMFEATURESDigi-Repeating Feature ..........................................3-2Global Broadcast Feature.......................................3-2Auto Transmit Feature............................................3-3Auto Connect Feature.............................................3-3Multi-Connect Feature ...........................................3-3Remote Programming Feature................................3-4Security Feature .................................................... .3-4Hardware Ring Line............................................... 3-4Packet Monitor Feature.......................................... 3-5Using The Infrared Communications Port ............. 3-5Using The Phone Communications Port ................ 3-6CHAPTER 4 - ESTEEM APPLICATIONPROGRAMSTransparent Auto-Connect..................................... 4-2Transparent Auto-Connect Global......................... 4-2Interactive Terminal Applications.......................... 4-3Programmable Logic Controllers........................... 4-3CHAPTER 5 - RS-232C/422/485INTERFACINGDTE vs DCE.......................................................... 5-2Flow Control.......................................................... 5-2Memory Buffers..................................................... 5-3Data Terminal Ready............................................. 5-3RS-422/485 Configuration..................................... 5-3RS-232/422/485 Port Pin-out Table....................... 5-4CHAPTER 6 - ANTENNASAntenna and Cable Configurations ........................ 6-2Weather Proofing Coaxial Connectors................... 6-2Grounding.............................................................. 6-2Lightning Arrestors................................................ 6-2
TABLE OF CONTENTSRevised: 11 Feb 99CHAPTER 6 – ANTENNAS (continued)Model 192S Typical Outdoor AntennaInstallation Diagram...............................................6-3Model 192S Typical Indoor AntennaInstallation Diagram...............................................6-4ESTeem SWR Measurements Block Diagram.......6-5CHAPTER 7 - THEORY OF OPERATIONIntroduction............................................................7-2ESTeem How It Works ..........................................7-2Spectrum Utilization ..............................................7-3Packet Protocols.....................................................7-3Flow Control ..........................................................7-3Data Privacy...........................................................7-3Effective Baud Rate ...............................................7-3APPENDICESAppendix A  - FCC Licensing(USA only)................................................... APX A-2Appendix B  - SpecificationsESTeem Specifications .................................APX B-1Model 192S Antenna Specifications.............APX B-2Appendix C - Tables/DiagramsESTeem Command Error Message Table.....APX C-1ESTeem System Status Message Table.........APX C-2ESTeem System Error Message Table..........APX C-3Appendix D - ESTeem Software CommandsFactory Default Settings............................... APX D-1Definitions ....................................................APX D-2

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