Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192S Wireless Modem User Manual PART 3

Electronic Systems Technology Wireless Modem PART 3


CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 11 Feb 99                                                                                                3-2     Listed in this chapter are the major ESTeem features andprogramming examples on how to use them.  These featuresare individual building blocks to solve your applicationneeds.  Remember your particular application my requireone or more of these features enabled.DIGI-REPEATINGThe Repeater feature allows an ESTeem to relay it's respective transmission or packet through a maximum ofthree ESTeems to increase the operating range of the unit. Any ESTeem in your radio network can function as arepeater for any other ESTeem.  This is independent of thefact that the ESTeem being used as a repeater is linked orconnected to another node, therefore an ESTeem canfunction as a repeater, operational node, or both at the sametime.  The data that is digi-repeated through an ESTeemwill not be output through the repeating ESTeem’sRS-232C port.To specify one or more ESTeems as repeaters, theCONNECT command has been expanded to except up tothree added addresses as follows:CONN r1,r2,r3,dar1 = Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.r2 = Address (1 to 254) of second ESTeem repeater.r3 = Address (1 to 254) of third ESTeem repeater.Da = Address (1 to 255) of destination ESTeem.Note: Address 255 is used for Global.When transmitting packets through other ESTeems, thesource ESTeem will automatically adjust it's FRACK timeto allow additional time for the packet to reach itsdestination and for the returned acknowledgment.  Fracktime takes into account the packet size and the number ofrepeaters specified.  The ACK still comes from thedestination ESTeem, not the first  or any repeater.For testing purposes, you can loop back a connection toyourself by placing your source address in the destinationaddress of the repeater string.  Any data transmitted willrepeat through the repeater address and display back on thescreen.Example:CONN r1,Sar1 = Address (1 to 254) of first ESTeem repeater.Sa = Address of local ESTeem.Any ESTeem command in this manual that uses an addressstring can be configured to use the Digi-repeating feature.Example: SETC r1,r2,r3,daGLOBAL BROADCASTGlobal broadcast is the ability of one ESTeem to transmitit's message to more than one ESTeem at one time.  AllESTeems within radio range will receive the messagewhether or not they are connected to another ESTeem or incommand or converse mode. You can put your ESTeem in Global by connecting orprogramming the SETC to address 255.  Address 255 is anon assignable unit address and is used by the ESTeemCPU to access this special mode.  When an ESTeem is inGlobal, the standard ACK protocol from the receivingESTeem is disabled, but the 32 bit CRC error checking onthe received ESTeem is still operational.  When youperform CONN 255 <cr> from the COMMAND MODEthe ESTeem will immediately go to the CONVERSEMODE (* is displayed).  All messages sent will betransmitted globally to all ESTeems in radio range.In the ESTeem you have a GLOBAL (on/off) command. When GLOBAL = On, you can receive Globaltransmissions.  If GLOBAL = Off you will not displayGlobal transmissions from other ESTeems. Note: Factory default is ON.By using the repeater function you can transmit Globalmessages from another ESTeem using the Digi-repeatingfeature. Example: CONN 10,20,30,255<cr>SETC 10,20,30,255<cr> By adjusting these commands you can route from unit 10 to20, 20 to 30, and go Global at unit 30.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 11 Feb 99                                                                                                3-3     You can enable global transmissions in more than oneESTeem in your network.  This will allow globalcommunications between all ESTeems within radio range.AUTO TRANSMITThe Auto Transmit feature of the ESTeem allows the userto transmit a data packet without filling up the PACKLEN(packet length) buffer or defining a special control characterusing the SENDPAC (send packet) variable.  The AutoTransmit feature is a timer that is enabled in the ESTeemthat monitors traffic in and out of the RS-232C port.  Ifthere are characters in the RS-232C buffer, the terminationcontrol timer starts from the time the last receive ortransmitted character is updated in the buffer.  If thetermination time expires before another character isreceived or transmitted, the received characters aretransmitted.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:TERMC (on/off) = On. Enable termination control.TERMT (10-255) = One unit number equals 1ms.TERMC is the termination control command.  TERMT  isthe termination time command.  Factory default forTERMC = Off and TERMT = 10.AUTO CONNECTThe Auto Connect feature allows the user to program theESTeem to perform a CONNECT to another ESTeem whendata is sent to the RS-232C communications port.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:SETCON (1-255) = Address of destination ESTeem.Remember, you can use the Repeater routing (r1,r2,r3,da)or put the ESTeem in Global (address 255).  SETCON isthe set connect command.SA SAVE command. This will save the SETCvariable to the non volatile memory so that it willnot be lost when the ESTeem is RESET.Bit 8 (on/off) = On.  Bit 8 is located on the RS-232CSETUP SWITCH on the rear of theESTeem.  The ESTeem must be RESETafter the Bit has been changed to be readby the ESTeem CPU.RESET ESTeem RESET is located on the front panelOFF/ON switch.  The T/E light on thefront panel of the ESTeem should nowflash at a two times per second rate.MULTI-CONNECTThe actual polling of the ESTeem must originate from thehost device connected to the ESTeem using the CONNECTcommand to originate the initial connect and theCOMMAND character to return from the CONVERSEmode to the COMMAND mode.  The first time around thepole a CONNECT data packet (rf transmission)  will beinitiated.  When a link is established, it is held internally inthe ESTeem connect table.  The next time around the poleto the same address, the link status will be checked in theESTeem table.  If the address indicates a link has alreadybeen established, then only data and its corresponding ACKwill be transmitted to that node.  This greatly increasespolling time by eliminating the usualCONNECT/DISCONNECT sequence each time exceptwhen communication is first established.The MULTID command allows the user to send data to aspecific ESTeem address from the CONVERSE Mode byspecifying the ESTeem address routing before the datapacket.  This feature will also display the address of thesending ESTeem on any received data.Example Of Transmitted Data:[001]DATA Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1.[100,200,250,1]DATA  Routes data to an ESTeemaddressed 1   via ESTeemsaddressed 100, 200, and 250.The above example replaces the CONNECT commandfrom the COMMAND Mode. Received data packets will have the address of the ESTeemthat sent the data at the beginning of the data packet.Example Of Received Data:[004]RECEIVED DATA Data received from anESTeem addressed 4.
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 11 Feb 99                                                                                                3-4     [030,100,244,004] Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4 via ESTeems addressed30, 100, and 244.MULTID (on/off) = On Enables this feature. Factorydefault = OFF.REMOTE PROGRAMMINGThe Remote Programming feature allows the user toremotely program ESTeems in his network.  When aconnection has been made with the remote ESTeem theRPG: prompt will be displayed showing that you are now inthe COMMAND mode of that remote ESTeem.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:PROG (1-254) Address of destination ESTeem.Note:   You can also use the Repeater routing(r1,r2,r3,da) to reach the destination ESTeem.  (r1= address of first repeater, r2 = address of secondrepeater, etc.  da = destination address).To end a remote programming session, type DISC(Disconnect) and you will return to the COMMANDprompt of your ESTeem.  There is a Watch Dog Timer thatwill automatically disconnect you from remoteprogramming if there is no activity for thirty seconds.The REMPROG (on/off) feature is used to defeat the abilityof your ESTeem from being remotely programmed.  IfREMPROG = OFF another ESTeem cannot remotelyprogram your unit.  Factory default = ON.SECURITYThe Security feature allows the user to lock outprogramming of the ESTeem.  REMEMBER TO STOREYOUR CODE NUMBER IN A SAFE PLACE.To enable this feature perform the following from theCOMMAND MODE:SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering a security numberenables the securityfeature. SAVE   To enter the security code permanently into theESTeem memory.Note:  When enabled,  the ESTeem will output a“Security On” message.To disable the security feature perform the following fromthe COMMAND mode.SECURITY (1 to 100,000) Entering your security numberdisables the securityfeature. SAVE To remove the security code permanently from theESTeem memory.Note: When disabled,  the ESTeem will output a“Security Off” message.HARDWARE RING LINEWhen the ESTeem establishes a CONNECT or link withanother ESTeem (T/E Light on solid), pin 22 at theESTeem RS-232C will change from a -15 vdc voltage stateto a +15 vdc voltage state.  The RING software commandallows the user to change the output from a latched state to apulsed state.  To change the state of this line program thefollowing from the COMMAND mode.  Factory default =LATCH.RING  = Latch.  Pin 22 is high when the ESTeem T/E lightis on solid.RING  = Pulse.  Pin 22 is pulsed (positive 250 ms.) whenthe ESTeem T/E light is on solid.PACKET MONITOR
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 11 Feb 99                                                                                                3-5     The PACKM [ON/OFF] command places the ESTeem in aspecial packet monitor mode.  When this feature is enabledthe ESTeem is placed in a receive only mode and will notfunction as a normal ESTeem.  The ESTeem will monitorand report the status of all message traffic within thenetwork in the following format, the actual packet messagewill not be outputted.SA-xxx, DA-xxx, Type Code, R1-Repeater Status, R2-Repeater Status, R3-Repeater Status, Data Bytes Sentxxx = ESTeem AddressDA = Destination ESTeemSA = Source ESTeemR1 = Address of first ESTeem repeater.R2 = Address of second ESTeem repeater.R3 = Address of third ESTeem repeater.Type CodesI = InformationDISC = DisconnectedRR = Receive ReadyUA  = Unnumbered AcknowledgeRNR  = Receive Not ReadyFRMR  = Frame RejectREJ = RejectDM  = Disconnected ModeUI   = Unnumbered InformationSABM  = Set Async. Balance ModeRepeater StatusP=PendingD= DoneUSING THE INFRAREDCOMMUNICATIONS PORTThe infrared (IR) communications port will allow you toprogram and interrogate the ESTeem without disconnectingthe serial cable from the back of the modem.  The IR port islocated on the front panel of the ESTeem, above the T/Elight.To communicate from a computer to the ESTeem throughthe IR port you will need a copy of the ESTeem UtilityProgram and an ESTeem IR Communication Dongle(ESTeem P/N AA300).Connect the dongle directly to the serial port of thecomputer.  The dongle requires initialization from theESTeem Utilities.  This initialization is done in theTerminal Emulation on the menu select ESTeem SetupInitialize IR Dongle.  If the modem is not in theCOMMAND mode, press CTRL-C to display the CMD:prompt.Note:With Switch 8 (RS-232 Setup) in the On positionthe ESTeem defaults the IR port to the commandmode.The IR dongle has a range of approximately three feet,directly in front of the port.  The dongle is powered by theserial port and requires no additional power sources.Note: Only one of the four communications ports (RS-232/422/485 connector, IR port, Phone ModemPort, or Remote Programming) can be in theCommand mode at a time.  When either the IR orthe Phone port switch to converse mode, the RS-232/422/485 port is blocked from receiving anydata.USING THE PHONE COMMUNICATIONSPORTANTENNAS/N:T/ETXRXPWRIRPortPhoneModel 192SAntenna 12 VDCRESETInfrared Communications Port forRemote Programming and DiagnosticsWithout Interruption Of The WirelessRadio Area NetworkESTeemUtilityIR Communications Dongal(EST p/n AA300)3 ft. RangeRESETFigure 1: Using The IR Port
CHAPTER 3PROGRAMMING ESTEEM FEATURESRevised: 11 Feb 99                                                                                                3-6     If your ESTeem modem has the optional phone portinstalled, you have the ability to gain access to theESTeem from anywhere in the world through astandard phone modem.Connect a standard phone company line to theESTeem’s phone connector and dial the numberwith a phone modem using the ESTeem UtilityPrpgram’s terminal emulator.  Select your phonemodem manufacturer, on the menu select TerminalSetup Modems.  Select your modems manufacturerand Model from the liste and CommPort and selectok.  The program will auto configure your modem.Set the terminal to connect at 2400 bps.  TheESTeem will answer on the first ring.  Type aCTRL-C  on the communications terminal and aCMD: prompt should appear.Note: When the phone port is active, the IR portwill be disabled.Optional 2,400 BaudPhone Modem ForRemoteProgramming andDiagnosticsESTeem Rear ViewRESETANTENNAS/N:T/ETXRXPWRIRPortPhoneModel 192SAntenna 12 VDCRESETFigure 2: Using The Phone Port

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