Electronic Systems Technology ESTEEM192S Wireless Modem User Manual appendix d

Electronic Systems Technology Wireless Modem appendix d

user manual appendix d

APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-2        A_BCTRLThis function enables the Allen Bradley controllerprotocol.  For further details reference the EST EngineeringReport on Allen Bradley controller interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.ADDress (1-255)The command defines the ESTeem source address.  Thedefault value is whatever address has been stored innonvolatile memory. Addresses 1 to 254 are usable for unitaddressing.  Address 255 is used for GLOBAL.ALTEREtr (0-255)This command specifies the number of retries to establish alink under the ALTEROUT command.  This command isindependent from the RETRY command. Factory default = 2. Note:  When ALTERROUT = ON, the RETRY variabledetermines how many times the ESTeem will cyclethrough the ALTEROUT table before displayingthe "Link Is Down" message.ALTEROUT (on/off)This command allows the user to define four alternateroutes. When this software switch is enabled the ESTeemwill prompt the user for four addition modem addresses ordestinations. It is noted that a destination using repeaterpaths can be used. If the modem is unable to connect to thespecific unit addressed or "DESTINATION CONNECTEDTO ANOTHER NODE" is encountered the modem will tryto connect using an alternate route. The modem will startroute selection with the last route used or the SETCONNvariable. The ALTERETR command will determine thenumber of tries the ESTeem will attempt to connect beforeit switches to the next route defined in the table. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.APPEndru (l#,r#,a1,a2,g)The APPEndru command appends routes to a connectaddress that are defined by the ROUTE command. l # = Location of route number in memory.  Addresslocations 1 to 16.r # = Appended route number.  Route numbers 1 to 16.a1 =  Address of first destination node.  Addressnumbers from 1 to 254.a2 = Address of last destination node. .  Addressnumbers from 1 to 254.g = Group feature is enabled by inserting a 1 in thisfield.Factory default = 0.  APPEndru 0 disables this feature.Note: This command is used in conjunction with theROUTE Command.AUtolf (on/off)This command enables the auto line feed sent to theterminal after each carriage return. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.BLOck (on/off)The BLOCK command, when enabled, disables the RS-232C/422/485 communications port from receiving oroutputting data.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.CARbsy (0-255)This command defines the carrier busy delay inmilliseconds.  A value of 0 will disable the carrier busydelay.  Factory default = 1.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-3        COMMand (0-255)This command specifics the value (in decimal) of an ASCIIcharacter used to return the ESTeem to COMMANDMODE.  If the COMMAND character is read by theESTeem when in the CONVERSE MODE, the modem willexit to the COMMAND MODE.  A value of 0 in thiscommand will disable the function. Factory default = $O3 (Hex) or CTRL-C.CONNect (r1,r2,r3,da)This command performs the CONNECT to a destinationESTeem.  This function supports a direct connect or aconnect through a maximum of three repeater nodes.  Thedefault value is whatever address has been stored by theSETCon COMMAND.r1 = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 1.r2 = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 2.r3 = ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 3.da =Destination address (1 to 254).CONVersThe execution of this command causes an immediate exitfrom COMMAND MODE into CONVERSE MODE.COPrightThe execution of this command causes the copyrightinformation to be printed.DISACK (on/off)This command when enabled instructs the modem todisable the acknowledgment request on the informationpacket. This is used when the designation device willrespond with its own acknowledgment. Factory default = OFF.DISCONnect (1-254)The disconnect command.  The execution of this commandimmediately initiates a disconnect request with thecurrently connected node or in a multi-connectenvironment only a specific node may be addressed.DTR_enab (on/off)The DTR enable command.  This command, when enabled,allows the ESTeem modem to monitor pin 20 of theRS-232C connector in regards to the status of an externaldevice connected to it.ON: Enables monitoring the DTR signal on pin 20 ofthe RS-232C connector.  If DTR is at a spacecondition, then the modem is enabled.  If DTR isat a mark condition, then the ESTeem modem willbe disabled.  The normal operation of this line isfor the ESTeem modem to have status on theexternal device, out-putting to pin 20.  This linecan act as a status to the ESTeem when theexternal device is ready to transmit or receivedata.OFF: DisabledFactory default = OFF.Note: If the DTR command is enabled and the line isdisabled then the ESTeem will perform a"Disconnect" if connected.  The DTR Commandwill also activate the Data Carrier Detect (DCD)Line (Pin 8) to toggle High when connected andLow when disconnected.ECHO (on/off)This command enables the ESTeem to echo charactersreceived from the input device back to the input device.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.EDit (on/off)This command enables the EDIT functions from theCONVERSE Mode.  Factory default = ON.FActoryThe factory default command. The execution of thiscommand causes the ESTeem to restore the command tablevalues from factory values that are stored permanently inmemory. This will allow the user the ability to restore theESTeem to factory conditions during testing or set-up.FRAck (1-255)This command programs the frame acknowledge delay inmilliseconds.  This value is used as a minimum time beforedecrementing the retry count and retransmitting a packet ifthe retry count is not zero.  Factory default = 50.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-4        GE_CTRLThis command enables the General Electric controllerprotocol.  For further information please reference the ESTEngineering Report on General Electric controllerinterfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.HElpHELP switches are:HELP Displays this Help menu.HELP ALL Displays All commands switchesand arguments.HELP CHANGE Displays only the commands thatare changed from factory default.HELP CONTROL Displays Control commandsswitches and arguments.HELP PLC Displays PLC commands switchesand arguments.HELP RADIO Displays Radio commands switchesand arguments.HELP RS-232 Displays RS232 commandsswitches and arguments.HELP SETUP Displays Setup commands switchesand arguments.HELP SYSTEM Displays System commandsswitches and arguments.JOHNctrl (on/off)This function enables the Johnson controller protocol.  Forfurther detail Reference the EST Engineering Report onJohnson controller interfacing.  ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.LATLatches the selection of the desired serial frequencysynthesizer on the Tx/Rx cardMESSform (on/off)When enabled all of the system status and error messageswill be in a formatted form."xx" indicates what error or message (See ErrorMessages and System Status Messages).EMxx <CR> [ESTeem Error Messages]SExx <CR> [System Error Messages]SSxx <CR> [System Status Messages]SSxx-xxxx <CR> [System Status MessageW/Returned Value]ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MOdecontr (on/off)ON:  The mode of the ESTeem modem is controlled bypin 19 of the RS-232C connector.  A low (0)directs the ESTeem into the COMMAND mode. A high (1) directs the ESTeem intoCONVERSE/TRANSPARENT mode.OFF: The mode of the ESTeem modem is controlled byASCII character.Factory default = OFFMODEL (xx)Displays the product model of default firmware that isinstalled.  Model should be the same as product being used.Listed below are the model codes19C = ESTeem Model 192C19F = ESTeem Model 192F19M = ESTeem Model 192M19V = ESTeem Model 192V19S = ESTeem Model 192S
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-5        MODCTRLThis command enables the Modicon controller protocol. For further detail Reference the EST Engineering Reporton Modicon controller interfacing. OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MODUlate (on/off)The radio modulate command.  When enabled will transmita modulated test signal when the RADIO ON command isenabled.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MOORE (on/off)This function enables the Moore products using Hartprotocol.  For further details reference the EST EngineeringReport on Moore Products interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.MULTID (on/off)This command when enabled allows the ESTeem User tosend data to another ESTeem from the CONVERSEMODE by specifying the routing address before the data.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default  = OFF.Example Of Transmitted Data:[001]DATA Routes data to an ESTeem addressed 1.[100,200,250,1]DATA  Routes data to an ESTeemaddressed 1 via ESTeemsaddressed 100, 200, and 250.This replaces using the CONNECT command from theCOMMAND Mode.  Received data packets will have theaddress of the ESTeem that sent the data at the beginningof the data packet.Example Of Received Data:[004]RECEIVED DATA Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4.[030,100,244,004] Data received from an ESTeemaddressed 4 via ESTeemsaddressed 30, 100, and 244.NETwork (0-255)Network identification code. This is used to program acommon code for all modems in the customers network sothat another facility on your frequency using the sameaddresses will not interfere with your equipment. Factory default = 37.OPTO (on/off)This function enables the Opto 22 protocol.  For furtherdetails reference the EST Engineering Report on Opto 22interfacing. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.PACKleng (1-2000)This command defines the length of the data packet inbytes.  Factory default = 2000.PACKMon (on/off)Places the ESTeem in the packet monitor mode. Factory default = OFF.PHone (on/off)Phone port  enable command.  The ESTeem will answer anincoming call when enabled.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-6        PLC_MAST (on/off)The programmable logic controller (PLC) command. ON: When enabled, the ESTeem modem will identifythe desired route from the master PLC message. The ESTeem modem will only identify the PLCmaster route if the master command is enabled inthe PLC.OFF: The ESTeem modem will be configured as tointerface to a slave PLC.Factory default = OFF.POLLed (on/off)When enabled the ESTeem will only transmit the contentsof its internal transmit buffer when it receives an ENQ (hex5) from a polling ESTeem.  During non polled times theESTeem transmit buffer will be continuously updated fromdata being received by theRS-232C/422 port. This software feature was developed forinterfacing the ESTeem to output devices without flowcontrol that are to be polled from a master device.ON: Enabled will transmit the contents of its transmitbuffer when a ENQ (hex 5) is received.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.PROGram (1-254,1-254,1-254,1-254)This command is used to remote program another ESTeemunit.  Example PROG 10 (Unit 10 is the address of theremote unit).  When a connection has been made with theremote ESTeem the RPG: prompt will appear.  The RPG:prompt is the command prompt of the remote modem. Note: See REMPROG Command.PROMpt (on/off)The prompt enable command.ON: The prompt responses are enabled.  These are theprompts for Converse or Trans Mode that arenormally output from the RS-232C serial port bythe ESTeem.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.RADio (on/off)The radio transmitter enable command.  The ESTeem radiotransmitter will cycle on and off when enabled for tuningand antenna testing procedures. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.RANdom (on/off)The RANDOM command when enabled will generate asimulated random data output when the RADIO ONcommand is enabledON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.REMprog (on/off)This command will disable the ESTeem from beingremotely programmed by any another ESTeem. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.RESetThe software reset command for the ESTeem.  Theexecution of this command resets the internal electronics inthe ESTeem.RESToreThe restore command.  The execution of this commandrestores the ESTeem command variables and switchesconfigurations stored in nonvolatile memory.RETry (1-255)The retry command number.  This is the number specifyingthe number of retries, retransmission of frames, that are notacknowledged.  Frames are retransmitted RETRY timesbefore operation is aborted.  Factory default = 6.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-7        RFcyclesThis command defines the number of cycles the ESTeemwill transmit when programmed with the RADIOCOMMAND.  Factory default = 10.ROUTe (l#,r1,r2,r3,)The ROUTE sets up the route table in the ESTeem.l # = User defined route number.  Route numbers 1to 16 may be used.r1 =  Address of first repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.r2 =  Address of second repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.r3 =  Address of third repeater. Address numbersfrom 1 to 254 may be used.Note: See APPENDRU Command.Factory default = 0.RXSIGNAL (on/off)This command enables the signal to noise ratio meteroutput.  Output level varies from 0 to 248 (248 being thehighest reading).ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.SAveThe save command.  The execution of this command storesthe current command values and switches. Note: Please wait approximately two seconds afterexecuting the SAVE command before turning offpower to the ESTeem.SECURITY (off or 1- 100000)The security command disables programming the ESTeem.1 to 100000 This feature is enabled when you enter anumber from 1 to 100000.  When enabled theESTeem will return a Security ON message. To disable security enter SECURity xxxxxx.xxxxxx =  your predefined security number.When disabled the ESTeem will return aSecurity Off message.OFF Security disabled.Factory default = OFF.SENDPACK (0-255)Send packet (SENDPACK) command. The value specifiesan ASCII character used to signal when to send thepacket. If set to a value of 255 the command is disabled. The factory default value is 13 (Return).SEL/A1 (1-255)The SEL/A1 command sets the transceiver for a specificfrequency.   Factory default (Model 192S) = 7.  SETCon (r1,r2,r3,da)This command defines the destination address for theESTeem to perform a connect using the Auto Connectfeature.  This function supports a direct connect or aconnect through a maximum of three repeaters.r1 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 1.r2 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 2.r3 =  ESTeem address (1 to 254) of repeater 3.da = Destination address (1 to 254).S/NSerial Number command.  When executed from theCommand Model will output the ESTeem serial number ofthe unit that is defined at the time of manufacturer.SQDCTRL (on/off)This function enables the Square D controller protocol.  Forfurther detail Reference the EST Engineering Report onSquare D controller interfacing.  Factory default = OFF.SQDADD (1-254)This function is used with the SQDCTRL command tocontrol the address fence when using SQ-D NetworkInterface Modules.  For further details reference the ESTEngineering Report on the SQ-D controller. Factory default = 0.
APPENDIX DSOFTWARECOMMANDSDefinitionsListed below in alphabetical order are the definitions of the ESTeem software commands.Revised: 11 Feb 99                                                                             APX D-8        SQUELCH (0-3)This command defines the squelch threshold of thereceiver.  Listed below are the settings:0 = -101 dBm  2µV1 = -  93 dBm  5µV2 = -  87 dBm 10µV3 = -  70 dBm 70µVFactory default = 0.TERMCont (on/off)The RS-232C/422/485 receive termination timer. ON: If there are characters in the RS-232 buffer andthe modem is in Converse Mode, the terminationtimer starts from the time the last receive characteris updated in the buffer.  If the termination timeexpires before another character is received, thecharacters are transmitted.OFF: DisabledFactory default = OFF.TERMTime (10-65535)The RS-232C/422/485 receive termination timer value. This value can be 10 to 65535  milliseconds.  This value isenabled by TERMCONT. Factory default = 5O.TRANSPAR (on/off)The transparent mode command. This mode allows theESTeem link to be completely transparent to thecommunicating RS-232/422/485 devices.  ReferenceChapter 2.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.TXSTATThis command outputs the total number of rf transmissionsvs. the total number of retries.  After output is completed,the counter is zeroed.TYPerr (on/off)This command enables the Communication ErrorMessages. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.TYPSyste (on/off)This command enables the System and Error MessageCommands. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON.VERSIONThis command will display the current software versionbeing used by the ESTeem.XHflow (on/off)This command enables hardware flow control.ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = OFF.XSflow (on/off)This command enables software flow control. ON: Enabled.OFF: Disabled.Factory default = ON

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