Ericsson LG LSP450 CDMA Fixed Wireless Terminal User Manual 1

Ericsson-LG Co., Ltd. CDMA Fixed Wireless Terminal Users Manual 1


Users Manual 1

CDMA Fixed Wireless PhoneL S P - 4 5 0       U s e r    G u i d ePlease read this manual carefully before operating your set.Retain it for future reference.P/NO : MMBB9223301MAR/2009/ISSUE 1.1
1IntroductionIntroduction1. Introduction1.1 Front View of the Phone① Menu : Activates Main Menu state.② Clear : Deletes the last digit, or moves previous Menu.③ OK : Used to store an entry or to accept a command.④ Up Key (+) : Moves up in the Menu or Volume Up.⑤ Down Key (–) : Moves down in the Menu or Volume Down.⑥ END/PWR : Deactivates states, or Power ON/OFF.⑦ Redial/Flash : Activates Redial/Flash state, or views      CallHistory.⑧ (      ) : Activates hands free function.⑨ ‘*’ : Inputs Symbol ‘*’, or makes a phone input ‘SPACE’        duringtext entry operation. ⑩ ‘#’  : Inputs Symbol ‘#’, or makes a phone lock after long-     press.⑪ Attached Antenna.+-MenuCOK① ② ③ ④⑤⑥⑧⑦⑨ ⑩⑪
2IntroductionIntroduction1.2 LCD DisplayThe LCD shows icons on the top of the LCD screen.Different indicators appear based on the phone's operating mode.Icon Operating ConditionRSSI Indicator : Indicates the signal strength in the service area.No Service : The phone is not receiving any system signal.In Use : Displayed when a call is in progress or the phone is in off-hook state.Text Message : Displayed when a text message is received.Voice Message : Displayed when voice message is received.Alarm : Displayed when alarm time is set.Roaming : Indicate the roaming service area.Battery Charge Level : Indicates charged battery level.1.3 InstallationYou should follow each step carefully as shown below in order to guarantee the proper operation of CDMA Fixed Wireless Phone.+-MenuCOKGSM Fixed Wireless PhoneL S P - 4 5 0       U s e r    G u i d ePlease read this manual carefully before operating your set.Retain it for future reference.P/NO : MMBB9223301MAR/2009/ISSUE 1.1Main Phone Dipole Antenna AC/DC Power Adapter User Guide
3STEP I. Check ComponentsIntroductionIntroduction▶The following components are supplied Fixed       Wireless Phone.1. LSP-450 Main Phone with Handset     (Including inner backup battery) -1EA-2. Dipole Antenna-      -1EA-3. AC/DC Power Adapte    -1EA-4. User Guide      -1EA-▶Please make sure that these components are     present before youbegin to install the phone. If any     of the components are missing or damaged,contact     your service provider immediately.STEP II. Place the Terminal▶Place the phone on the stable flat surface area     (desk, table, etc).Serious damage may result if the     phone is dropped. Do not placethe phone within     1 meter of heaters or radiators.▶This phone is designed for desktop usage. Avoid     the directexposure to sunlight and dampness.▶Read the SAFETY INFORMATION located in the     first part of thisdocument before you lace the phone.STEP III. Connect Components(Please refer to “Installation Steps” in 1.4)▶Connect the antenna to the TNC antenna connector     located atthe top of the phone.▶If you have placed the phone on a flat surface,     position theantenna upright.▶Connect the curl cord of the handset to the RJ-11     port locatedon the left side of the phone.▶Connect the AC/DC Adapter cable to the DC input    port locatedat the top of the phone.- If it is correct, a beep tone will be heard.- If it is not correct (Booting fails or beep tone is not    heard), you willhave to reconnect the adapter or    reset the battery.▶Please observe the following to get better voice    quality.1. Keep away from electrical appliances such as TV,      computer, radioetc.2. Keep the phone in a high and central location      without anyobstructions.3. Raise the integral antenna of the phone to get      maximum strengthas shown in the figure.
4IntroductionIntroduction1.4 Installation StepsPlease follow the procedure below to install the phone properly.STEP IV. Check the LCD Display▶After you follow the installation instruction     step I to step III,please check the LCD for     normal operation.▶If you do not see the status of service, please     repeat the 4thinstruction of step III.▶Then confirm the status of phone to get the     proper signalstrength from the service operator     system.1234+-MenuCOK5Connect basehandset to the handset connector.Connect the antenna to the TNC connector (Turn right).Turn the antenna upright. Connect the AC power supply.Press         button to operate initially.
52. Basic Operation2.1 Making a CallYou can make a call as follows:1. Pick up the handset or press             button.2. Listen for dial tone and enter the phone number.3. Wait for the Auto Time-out or Press                      button.4. The call is connected and you may start conversation.5. To disconnect the call, replace the handset or press                 button.2.2  Redialing Last Number1. Pick up the handset or press  button.2. Listen for dial tone.3. Press                       button.4. The call is connected and you may start conversation.5. To disconnect the call, replace the handset or press                 button.2.3  3-way Call ConferencingMethod 11. Enter the phone number of the 2nd party phone while       you are intelephonic conversation with 1st party.2. Press                       button. And press buttonagain. Method 21. Press                       button while you are in telephonic      conversation with 1st party.2. If you listen to the dialing tone, Press the phone    number of the2nd party phone.3. Press                        button. And press                        button again.This service should be provided by your service provider.END/PWRDial/FlashRedial/FlashRedial/FlashRedial/FlashRedial/FlashRedial/FlashRedial/Flash2.4  Call Wait1. Press button, you may start conversation with called      number.2. Re-press button, you may start conversation with      previous number.2.5  Volume Control1. Press                  button of navigation while in a call, to     adjust speaker volume.2. Press               + 1(                        ) to prevent sound     from yourend during the call. To cancel Mute, Press        again               +1(                        ).3. Press               + 4(                   ) during a call and select     Low or High by pressing                   button, to adjust    MIC volume.Up/DownMenu Mute/UnmuteMenu Mute/UnmuteMenu MIC LevelUp/DownBasic OperationBasic Operation
6Basic OperationBasic Operation2.6 Receiving a CallWhen the bell rings in idle state, you can receive a call as follows:1. Pick up the handset or press the                  button.2. Start a conversation. To disconnect the call, replace the handsetor press the                    button.2.7 MemoAllow you to store number during the call.To store number :1. Press                + 2(                 ).2. Enter up to 32 numbers using the keypad.3. Press            key to save.To retrieve an In Call Memo :1. Press                      button to see saved number.Redial/FlashMenu MemoOK2.8 Lock Mode1. Press ‘#’ button for some time. The phone is now      locked. Tounlock, press                and enter lock code      (Default “0000”).Also you can lock your phone manually. If you need to modify thelock code, you may modify it using the                                within the security menu.MenuNew Lock Code
7Menu TreeMenu Tree3.1  PHONE BOOKUp to 300 entries can be listed here.To store phone number :1. Enter the area code and phone number (Max. 32 digits)      in on-hook state.2. Press           key and enter name.3. Enter the desired memory location.4. The phone will display a message asking you  whether      to keepyour number as secret or not.    Select           or             using                   button and     press            key.OKNO Yes Up/DownOK3.1.1  Find1. Press              + 1(                               ) + 1(            ) in     on-hookstate.2. Select a desired search Menu.▶ Address, Name, Number : Enter full or part of name      (number),select           .3. Select desired item.▶         key : can edit item.▶                      : can delete item.Menu PHONEBOOK FindOKOKRedial/Flash3.1.2  AddYou can save up to 300 entries in your LSP-450 phonebook.1. Press                + 1(                                ) + 2(              ) in     on-hookstate.Menu PHONEBOOK Add3.1.3  Erase All1. Press                 + 1(                               ) + 3(                      ) in     on-hookstate.Menu PHONEBOOK Erase All3.2  MESSAGESThe phone can store up to 50 messages in each Inbox and Outbox. If you press           Key, SMS Menu is activated.In the list of Inbox, all sorts of the icon have the meaning as follows :! : Unread message                                V : Read messageIn Inbox, the meaning of (5/37) beside Inbox is that 5 out of 37messages are unread.OK3.2.1  Write1. Press               + 1(                ) in on-hook state.2. Enter phone number or press                               to      search from phonebook.3. Write messages. 4. Press           key to send message.OK WriteRedial/FlashOK3.2.2  Inbox1. Press             + 2(                   ) + in onhook state.2. To delete desired message, select                             key.3. To view desired message, select           .4. Press                 to reply, forward, erase a message or      save thesender’s number in the phone-book.OK InboxRedial/FlashOKMenu
8Menu TreeMenu Tree3.2.3  SMS 82821. Press           + 3(                       ) in on-hook state.2. You may select from nine items (1. What’s New? / 2. News / 3. Cricket / 4. Astrology / 5. Win Prizes / 6. Stocks / 7. Fun / 8. LifeStyle / 9. More ).OK SMS 82823.2.4  OutboxAll your successfully sent messages are saved here.1. Press            + 4(                  ) in on-hook state.OK Outbox3.2.5  Voice Mail1. Press            + 5(                     ) in on-hook state.2. Pick up the handset or press          button to make a call       back yourvoice mailbox if the number of the voice     mailbox is provided bythe telecom service company’s     system.OK Voice MailEND/PWRDial/Flash3.2.6  Erase MessagesYou may erase all messages from three options (1: Inbox & Voice / 2: Outbox / 3: All Messages).1. Press            + 6(                                 ) in on-hook state.OK Erase Messages3.2.7  MSG SettingsPriority1. Press            +7(                           ) + 1(               ) in on-hook     state.OK MSG Settings Priority2. You may select from three options (Normal / Urgent /Emergency).Delivery ACK1. Press            + 7(                            ) + 2(                          ) in      on-hook state.Defer Delivery1. Press           + 7(                           ) + 3(                               ) in     on-hook state.Valid Period1. Press            + 7(                           ) + 4(                        ) in     on-hook state.Save Sent MSG1. Press           + 7(                          ) + 5(                              )i n     on-hook state.Auto Del. Inbox1. Press           + 7(                          ) + 6(                            ) in     on-hook state.OK MSG Settings Delivery ACKOK MSG Settings Defer DeliveryOK MSG Settings Valid PeriodOK MSG Settings Save Sent MSGOK MSG Settings Auto Del. Inbox3.3  CALL HISTORYThe phone can store up to 30 Missed, 30 Received, 30 Dialled calls,and 30 In Call Memo in Call History.All sorts of the icons have the meaning as follows :- Received :    - In call Memo :               - Dialled :        - Call Waiting :               - Missed :         - 3-Way Call :!C!C!C!C!C!C
9Menu TreeMenu Tree3.3.1  All Call1. Press                   + 3(                               ) + 1(                  ) or                                 button.2. To view desired item, press            key.3. To erase desired number, press                             key.4. After you press            key, press           key to see more     information and press           key to save the number in     the phonebook.Menu CALL HISTORY All CallRedial/FlashOKRedial/FlashOK OKOK3.3.2  Missed1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 2(                  ) in     on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY Missed3.3.3  Received1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 3(                     ) in     on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY Received3.3.4  Dialled1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 4(                     ) in     on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY Dialled3.3.5  In Call Memo1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 5(                          ) in     on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY In Call Memo3.3.6  Call DurationLast Dialled1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 6(                          ) in     on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY Call DurationAll Dialled1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 6(                          )+     2(                     ) in on-hookstate.All Calls1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 6(                          )+     3(                     ) in on-hookstate.Reset1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 6(                          )+     4(                     ) in on-hookstate.Menu CALL HISTORY Call DurationAll DialledMenu CALL HISTORY Call DurationAll CallsMenu CALL HISTORY Call DurationReset3.3.7  Erase HistoryYou may erase all history from five options (1: Erase All Call / 2:Erase Missed / 3: Erase Received / 4: Erase Dialled / 5: Erase Memo).1. Press               + 3(                             ) + 7(                          ) in     on-hookstateMenu CALL HISTORY Erase History3.4  SOUND3.4.1  Ring Type1. Press               + 4(                     ) + 1(                     ) in     on-hookstate.2. Select one of the following : (Ring/One-Beep/Light)Menu Ring TypeSOUND3.4.2  Ring Tone1. Press               + 4(                   ) + 2(                          ) in     on-hookstate.Menu SOUND Ring Tone

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