Fuji Film 02000002 Wireless LAN Module User Manual 00 LX22 OM 200 EN indb

Fuji Film Corporation Wireless LAN Module 00 LX22 OM 200 EN indb

[STC]User Maunal_Part III

66The DRIVE Button Multiple Exposures Multiple  ExposuresCreate a photograph that combines two exposures.+ 1 Press the DRIVE button to display drive options.  Press the selector up or down to highlight Adv., then press the selector left or right to highlight jMULTIPLE EXPOSURE and press MENU/OK. 2 Take the  rst shot. 3 Press MENU/OK.  The  rst shot will be shown su-perimposed on the view through the lens and you will be prompted to take the second shot. RTo return to Step 2 and retake the  rst shot, press the selector left.  To save the  rst shot and exit without creating a multiple exposure, press DISP/BACK. 4 Take the second shot, using the  rst frame as a guide. 5 Press MENU/OK to create the multiple exposure, or press the selector left to return to Step 4 and retake the second shot.
67More on Photography and PlaybackThe DRIVE Button 1 Press the DRIVE button to display drive options.  Press the selector up or down to highlight Y and press MENU/OK. 2 Choose from the following  lters and press MENU/OK.FilterFilterDescriptionDescription  GG TOY CAMERA TOY CAMERA Choose for a retro toy camera e ect.  HH MINIATURE MINIATUREThe tops and bottoms of pic-tures are blurred for a diorama e ect.  II POP COLOR POP COLOR Create high-contrast images with saturated colors.  JJ HIGH-KEY HIGH-KEY Create bright, low-contrast images.  ZZ LOW-KEY LOW-KEYCreate uniformly dark tones with few areas of emphasized highlights.FilterFilterDescriptionDescription  KK DYNAMIC TONE DYNAMIC TONE Dynamic tone expression is used for a fantasy e ect.  XX SOFT FOCUS SOFT FOCUSCreate a look that is evenly soft throughout the whole image.  uu PARTIAL COLOR (RED) PARTIAL COLOR (RED)Areas of the image that are the selected color are record-ed in that color. All other areas of the image are recorded in black-and-white.  vv PARTIAL COLOR (ORANGE) PARTIAL COLOR (ORANGE)  ww PARTIAL COLOR (YELLOW) PARTIAL COLOR (YELLOW)  xx PARTIAL COLOR (GREEN) PARTIAL COLOR (GREEN)  yy PARTIAL COLOR (BLUE) PARTIAL COLOR (BLUE)  zz PARTIAL COLOR (PURPLE) PARTIAL COLOR (PURPLE) RDepending on the subject and camera settings, im-ages may in some cases be grainy or vary in bright-ness and hue. Advanced Filter Advanced  FilterTake photos with  lter e ects.
68 Focus Mode Focus  ModeUse the focus mode selector to choose how the camera focuses (note that regardless of the option selected, manual focus will be used when the lens is in manual focus mode).•  S (single AF): Focus locks while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Choose for stationary subjects.•  C (continuous AF): Focus is continually adjusted to re ect changes in the dis-tance to the subject while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Use for subjects that are in motion.•   M  (manual): Focus manually using the lens focus ring.  Rotate the ring left to reduce the focus distance, right to increase.  The manual focus indicator indicates how closely the focus distance matches the distance to the subject in the focus brackets (the white line indicates the focus distance, the blue bar the depth of  eld, or in other words the distance in front of and behind the focus point that ap-pears to be in focus); you can also check focus visually in the view nder or LCD monitor.  Choose for manual control of focus or in situations in which the camera is unable to focus using autofocus (P 57).18 XF ZOOMA18-55 23 35 55 Reduce focus distanceIncrease focus distance01 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 1040005.6 400MManual focus indicatorManual focus mode iconFocus distance (white line)51.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0Depth of  eld (blue bar) RUse the I FOCUS RING option in the setup menu (P 109) to reverse the direction of rotation of the focus ring. R To use autofocus to focus on the subject in the selected focus area (P71), press the AF-L button (the size of the focus area can be chosen with the command dial).  In manual focus mode, you can use this feature to quickly focus on a chosen subject using either single or continuous AF according to the option chosen for G AUTO-FOCUS SETTING> INSTANT AF SETTING (P 000).
69More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode RThe camera can show focus distance in meters or feet.  Use the A SCREEN SET-UP > FOCUS SCALE UNITS option in the setup menu (P 108) to choose the units used. RIf ON is selected for G AUTOFOCUS SETTING> PRE-AF in the shooting menu (P 000), focus will be ad-justed continuously in modes S and C even when the shutter button is not pressed. ■ The Focus IndicatorThe focus indicator turns green when the subject is in focus and blinks white when the camera is unable to focus.  Brackets (“(  )”) indicate that the camera is focusing and are displayed continuously in mode C while the shutter button is pressed half-way.  j is displayed in manual focus mode. 40005.6 400PFocus indicator    Checking Focus Checking FocusTo zoom in on the current focus area (P 71) for precise focus, press the center of the command dial.  Press again to cancel zoom.  In manual focus mode, zoom can be adjusted by rotating the com-mand dial when STANDARD or FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT is se-lected for c MF ASSIST, while if ON is selected for A SCREEN SET-UP> FOCUS CHECK, the camera will automatically zoom in on the selected focus area when the focus ring is rotated.  Focus zoom is not available in focus mode C or when G AUTOFOCUS SETTING> PRE-AF is on or an option other than r SINGLE POINT is selected for G AUTO-FOCUS SETTING > AF MODE.M M
70Focus Mode ■ MF  AssistThe c MF ASSIST option in the setup menu can be used to check focus when pictures are framed in the LCD monitor or electronic view nder in manual focus mode. RThe c MF ASSIST menu can be displayed by pressing and holding the center of the command dial.The following options are available:•  FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT: Highlights high-contrast outlines. Rotate the focus ring until the subject is highlighted.•  DIGITAL SPLIT IMAGE: Displays a split, black-and-white image in the center of the frame.  Frame the subject in the split-image area and rotate the focus ring until the three parts of the split image are correctly aligned.
71More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode  Autofocus Options (AF Mode)Autofocus Options (AF Mode)To choose the AF mode for focus modes S and C, press the function button (Fn3) to display the options shown below, then press the selec-tor up or down to highlight an option and press MENU/OK to select.•  r SINGLE POINT: The camera focuses on the subject in the select-ed focus point.  Use for pin-point focus on a selected subject.•  y ZONE: The camera focuses on the subject in the selected focus zone.  Focus zones include multiple focus points (5 × 3, 5 × 5, or 3 × 3), making it easier to focus on subjects that are in motion.•  z WIDE/TRACKING: In focus mode C, the camera tracks focus on the subject in the selected focus point while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  In focus mode S, the camera automatically focuses on high-contrast subjects; the areas in focus are shown in the display. The camera may be unable to focus on small objects or subjects that are moving rapidly. RAF mode options can also be accessed using the G AUTOFOCUS SETTING option in the shooting menu (P 000).
72Focus Mode Focus-Point Selection Focus-Point  SelectionChoose a focus point for autofocus.  The procedure for selecting the focus point varies with the option chosen for AF mode (P 000). RFocus-area selection can also be accessed using the G AUTOFOCUS SETTING option in the shooting menu (P 000). RFocus-area selection can also be used to choose the focus point for man-ual focus and focus zoom. ■ Single Point AFPress the function button (Fn6) to display the focus points (“+”) and focus frame.  Use the selector to position the focus frame over the de-sired focus point, or press DISP/BACK to return to the center point.Focus frameFocus pointTo choose the size of the focus frame, rotate the command dial.  Rotate the dial left to reduce the frame by up to 50%, right to enlarge it by up to 150%, or press the center of the dial to restore the frame to its origi-nal size.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.
73More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode ■ Zone  AFPress the function button (Fn6) to display the focus zone.  Use the se-lector to position the zone or press DISP/BACK to return the zone to the center of the display.Focus zoneTo choose the number of focus frames in the zone, rotate the com-mand dial.  Rotate the dial right to cycle through zone sizes in the or-der 5 × 5, 3 × 3, 5 × 3, 5 × 5…, left to cycle through zone sizes in reverse order, or press the center of the dial to select a zone size of 5 × 3.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.
74Focus Mode ■Tracking (Focus Mode C Only)Press the function button (Fn6) to display the focus frame.  Use the selector to position the focus frame, or press DISP/BACK to return the frame to the center of the display.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.  The camera will track focus on the subject while the shutter button is pressed halfway.Focus frame QManual focus-frame selection is not available when wide/tracking is selected in focus mode S.    Burst Mode Focus-Frame Selection  Burst Mode Focus-Frame SelectionDuring high-speed burst photography (J), the number of focus frames available in focus mode C drops and the maximum zone size is restricted to 5 × 3.Single point Zone Wide/Tracking
75More on Photography and Playback Sensitivity Sensitivity“Sensitivity” refers to the camera’s sensitivity to light.  Choose from values between 200 and 6400, or se-lect low-gain (L (100)) or high-gain (H (12800), H (25600), or H (51200)) options for special situations.  Higher values can be used to reduce blur when lighting is poor, while lower values allow slower shut-ter speeds or wider apertures in bright light; note, however, that mottling may appear in pictures taken at high sensitivities, particularly at higher gains, while choosing the low-gain option reduces dynamic range.  Values of from ISO 200 to ISO 6400 are recommended in most situations.  If AUTO1, AUTO2, or AUTO3 is selected, the camera will adjust sensitivity automatically in response to shooting conditions. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Press the selector up or down to highlight N ISO and press MENU/OK. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK to select. RSensitivity is not reset when the camera is turned o . RThe low-gain option reset to ISO 200 and the high-gain options to ISO 6400 when RAW,  FINE+RAW, or NORMAL+RAW is selected for image quality (P 93).  For more information on the settings available with low- and high-gain options, see page 151.
76Sensitivity ■AUTOThe following options are available when AUTO1, AUTO2, or AUTO3 is selected: OptionOption Default DefaultDEFAULT SENSITIVITY200200MAX. SENSITIVITY800 (800 (AUTO1AUTO1))1600 (1600 (AUTO2AUTO2))3200 (3200 (AUTO3AUTO3))MIN. SHUTTER SPEED1/601/60The camera automatically chooses a sensitivity between the default and maximum values. Sensitiv-ity is only raised above the default value if the shutter speed required for optimal exposure would be slower than the value selected for MIN. SHUTTER SPEED. RIf the value selected for DEFAULT SENSITIVITY is higher than that selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY, DEFAULT SENSITIVITY will be set to the value selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY. RThe camera may select shutter speeds slower than MIN. SHUTTER SPEED if pictures would still be underex-posed at the value selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY.
77More on Photography and Playback Recording Pictures in RAW Format Recording Pictures in RAW FormatTo record raw, unprocessed data from the camera image sensor, select a RAW option for image qual-ity in the shooting menu as described below. JPEG copies of RAW images can be created using the j RAW CONVERSION option in the playback menu, or RAW images can be viewed on a computer using the RAW FILE CONVERTER application (P 000, 000). 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu. Press the selector up or down to highlight T IMAGE QUALITY and press MENU/OK. 2 Highlight an option and press MENU/OK. Select RAW to record only RAW images, or FINE+RAW or NORMAL+RAW to record both JPEG copy together with the RAW images. FINE+RAW uses lower JPEG compression ratios for higher-quality JPEG images, while NORMAL+RAW uses higher JPEG compression ratios to increase the number of images that can be stored.  The Function Button  The Function ButtonTo toggle RAW image quality on or o  for a single shot, assign RAW to a function button (P 000).  If a JPEG option is currently selected for image quality, pressing the button temporarily selects the equivalent JPEG+RAW option.  If a JPEG+RAW option is currently selected, pressing the button temporarily selects the equivalent JPEG option, while if RAW is selected, pressing the button temporarily selects FINE.  Taking a picture or pressing the button again restores the previous setting. RLow- and high-gain ISO sensitivities are not available when RAW image quality is on (P 75).
78Recording Pictures in RAW Format Creating JPEG Copies of RAW Pictures Creating JPEG Copies of RAW PicturesRAW pictures store information on camera settings separately from the data captured by the camera image sensor.  Using the j RAW CONVERSION option in the playback menu, you can create JPEG copies of RAW pictures using di erent options for the settings listed below.  The original image data are una ected, allowing a single RAW image to be processed in a multitude of di erent ways. 1 Press MENU/OK during playback to display the playback menu, then press the selector up or down to highlight j RAW CONVERSION and press MENU/OK to display the settings list-ed in the table at right. RThese options can also be displayed by pressing Q button during playback. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight a setting and press the selector right to select.  Press the selec-tor up or down to highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK to select and return to the settings list.  Repeat this step to adjust additional settings. 3 Press the Q button to preview the JPEG copy and press MENU/OK to save.SettingSettingDescriptionDescriptionREFLECT SHOOTING COND.Create a JPEG copy using the settings in ef-fect at the time the photo was taken.PUSH/PULL PROCESSINGAdjust exposure by –1 EV to +3 EV in incre-ments of / EV  (P 55).DYNAMIC RANGE Enhance details in highlights for natural contrast (P 93).FILM SIMULATION Simulate the e ects of di erent types of  lm (P 59).WHITE BALANCE Adjust white balance (P 82).WB SHIFT Fine-tune white balance (P 82).COLOR Adjust color density (P 94).SHARPNESS Sharpen or soften outlines (P 94).HIGHLIGHT TONE Adjust highlights (P 94).SHADOW TONE Adjust shadows (P 94).NOISE REDUCTION Process the copy to reduce mottling (P 94).LENS MODULATION OPTIMIZERImprove de nition by adjusting for di rac-tion and the slight loss of focus at the pe-riphery of the lens (P 94).COLOR SPACE Choose the color space used for color repro-duction (P 111).CREATEREFLECT SHOOTING COND.PUSH/PULL PROCESSINGDYNAMIC RANGEFILM SIMULATIONWHITE BALANCEWB SHIFTRAW CONVERSIONCANCEL
79More on Photography and Playback  Using the Self-TimerUsing the Self-TimerUse the timer for self-portraits or to prevent blur caused by camera shake. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Press the selector up or down to highlight B SELF-TIMER and press MENU/OK. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight one of the following options and press MENU/OK to select.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionRR  2 SEC  2 SEC The shutter is released two seconds after the shutter button is pressed.  Use to reduce blur caused by the camera moving when the shutter button is pressed.SS  10 SEC  10 SEC The shutter is released ten seconds after the shutter button is pressed.  Use for photographs in which you wish to appear yourself.OFFOFF Self-timer o . 3 Press the shutter button halfway to focus. QStand behind the camera when using the shutter button.  Standing in front of the lens can interfere with focus and exposure.
80Using the Self-Timer 4 Press the shutter button the rest of the way down to start the timer.  The display in the monitor shows the number of seconds remaining until the shutter is released.  To stop the timer before the picture is taken, press DISP/BACK.99 The self-timer lamp on the front of the camera will blink immediately before the picture is taken.  If the two-second timer is selected, the self-timer lamp will blink as the timer counts down. RThe self-timer turns o  automatically when the camera is turned o .
81More on Photography and PlaybackInterval Timer PhotographyInterval Timer PhotographyFollow the steps below to con gure the camera to take photos automatically at a preset interval. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Press the selector up or down to highlight o INTERVAL TIMER SHOOTING and press MENU/OK. 2 Use the selector to choose the interval and number of shots.  Press MENU/OK to proceed.INTERVAL/NUMBER OF TIMESINTERVAL NUMBER OF TIMESEND CANCEL001212423001 00hms 3 Use the selector to choose the starting time and then press MENU/OK.  Shooting will start automatically.START WAITING TIMEESTIMATED START TIME  11:00 PMSTART CANCELLATERhm212423000 QInterval timer photography can not be used at a shutter speed of B (bulb) or during panorama or multiple exposure photography.  In burst mode, only one picture will be taken each time the shutter is released. RUse of a tripod is recommended. RCheck the battery level before starting.  We recommend using an optional AC-9V AC power adapter and CP-W126 DC coupler. RThe display turns o  between shots and lights a few seconds before the next shot is taken.  The display can be activated at any time by pressing the shutter button all the way down.
82 White Balance White  BalanceFor natural colors, select D WHITE BALANCE in the shooting menu to display the following options, then use the selector to highlight an option that matches the light source and press MENU/OK.  The dialog shown at bottom right will be displayed; use the selector to  ne-tune white balance or press DISP/BACK to exit without  ne-tuning.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionAUTOAUTO White balance adjusted automatically.hhMeasure a value for white balance (P 83).kkSelecting this option displays a list of color temperatures (P 83); highlight a tempera-ture and press MENU/OK to select the high-lighted option and display the  ne-tuning dialog.iiFor subjects in direct sunlight.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionjjFor subjects in the shade.kkUse under “daylight”  uorescent lights.llUse under “warm white”  uorescent lights.mmUse under “cool white”  uorescent lights.nnUse under incandescent lighting.ggReduces the blue cast typically associated with underwater lighting.R:0 B:0WB SHIFT AUTOSET RWhite balance is adjusted for  ash lighting only in AUTO and g modes.  Turn the  ash o  using other white balance options. RResults vary with shooting conditions.  Play pictures back after shooting to check colors.
83More on Photography and PlaybackWhite Balance    hh: Custom White Balance: Custom White BalanceChoose h to adjust white balance for unusual lighting conditions.  White balance measurement options will be displayed; frame a white object so that it  lls the display and press the shutter button all the way down to measure white balance (to select the most recent custom value and exit without measuring white balance, press DISP/BACK, or press MENU/OK to select the most recent value and display the  ne-tuning dialog).•  If “COMPLETED!” is displayed, press MENU/OK to set white balance to the measured value.•  If “UNDER” is displayed, raise exposure compensation (P 55) and try again.•  If “OVER” is displayed, lower exposure compensation (P 55) and try again.    kk: Color Temperature: Color TemperatureColor temperature is an objective measure of the color of a light source, expressed in Kelvin (K).  Light sources with a color temperature close to that of direct sunlight appear white; light sources with a lower color tempera-ture have a yellow or red cast, while those with a higher color temperature are tinged with blue.  You can match color temperature to the light source as shown in the following table, or choose options that di er sharply from the color of the light source to make pictures “warmer” or “colder.” Choose for redder light sources or “colder”  pictures Choose for bluer light sources or “warmer”  pictures2,000 KCandlelight5,000 KDirect sunlight15,000 KBlue skySunset/sunrise Shade
84 Saving Settings Saving  SettingsSave up to 7 sets of custom camera settings for commonly-encountered situations.  Saved settings can be recalled using the u SELECT CUSTOM SETTING option in the shooting menu. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Press the selec-tor up or down to highlight K EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING and press MENU/OK.PSHOOTING MENUEDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTINGOFF35mmOFF50mmONON0OCUSTOM 1CUSTOM 2CUSTOM 3CUSTOM 4CUSTOM 5CUSTOM 6CUSTOM 7 2 Highlight a custom settings bank and press MENU/OK to select.  Adjust the fol-lowing as desired and press DISP/BACK when adjustments are complete: N ISO, U DYNAMIC RANGE, P FILM SIMULATION, D WHITE BALANCE, f COLOR, q SHARPNESS, r HIGHLIGHT TONE, s SHADOW TONE, and h NOISE RE-DUCTION.EXITSAVE CURRENT SETTINGSDYNAMIC RANGEFILM SIMULATIONWHITE BALANCECOLORCUSTOM 1AUTO0ISO200 RTo replace the settings in the selected bank with the settings currently selected with the camera, select K SAVE CURRENT SETTINGS and press MENU/OK. 3 A con rmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OK.OKCUSTOM 1 SET OK?CANCELOKSAVE CUSTOM SETTING
85More on Photography and Playback Using a Mount Adapter Using a Mount AdapterWhen M-mount lenses are attached using an optional FUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER, the camera processes pictures as they are taken to maintain image quality and correct for a variety of e ects. RAttaching a mount adapter enables m SHOOT WITHOUT LENS (P 95) and hides the distance indicator in the standard display. RBefore checking focus, set the focus mode selector to M (P 68).Mount Adapter SettingsMount Adapter SettingsPressing the function button on the mount adapter displays l MOUNT ADAPTOR SET-TING options.SETLENS 1LENS 2LENS 3LENS 4LENS 5LENS 621mm24mm28mm35mm50mm75mmMOUNT ADAPTOR SETTING ■ Choosing a Focal LengthIf the lens has a focal length of 21, 24, 28, or 35 mm, choose a matching option in the l MOUNT ADAPTOR SET-TING menu.  For other lenses, select option 5 or 6 and use the selector to enter the focal length. ■Distortion CorrectionChoose from STRONG, MEDI-UM, or WEAK options to cor-rect BARREL or PINCUSHION distortion.CANCELBARREL STRONGBARREL MEDIUMBARREL WEAKOFFPINCUSHION WEAKPINCUSHION MEDIUMLENS5 DISTORTION CORRECTIONSETBarrel distortion Pincushion distortion RTo determine the amount required, adjust distor-tion correction while taking photos of graph paper or other objects featuring repeating vertical and horizontal lines, such as the windows in a high-rise.0219850mmLENS 5CANCELSETINPUT FOCAL LENGTH
86Using a Mount Adapter ■Color Shading CorrectionColor (shading) variations be-tween the center and edges of the frame can be adjusted separately for each corner.SETNEXT  To use color shading correction, follow the steps below. 1 Rotate the command dial to choose a corner.  The selected corner is indi-cated by a triangle. 2 Use the selector to adjust shading until there is no visible di erence in color between the selected corner and the center of the image.  Press the selector left or right to adjust colors on the cyan–red axis, up or down to adjust colors on the blue–yellow axis.  There are a total of 19 positions available on each axis. RTo determine the amount required, adjust color shading correction while taking photos of blue sky or a sheet of gray paper. ■Peripheral Illumination CorrectionChoose from values between –5 and +5.  Choosing positive values increases peripheral il-lumination, while choosing negative values reduces pe-ripheral illumination.  Positive values are recom-mended for vintage lenses, negative values to create the e ect of images taken with an antique lens or a pinhole camera. RTo determine the amount required, adjust periph-eral illumination correction while taking photos of blue sky or a sheet of gray paper.0CANCELSET
87More on Photography and Playback  PhotoBook AssistPhotoBook AssistCreate books from your favorite photos. Creating a PhotoBook Creating a PhotoBook 1 Select NEW BOOK for m PHOTOBOOK AS-SIST in the playback menu (P 103) and choose from the following options:•  SELECT FROM ALL: Choose from all available pictures.•  SELECT BY IMAGE SEARCH: Choose from pictures matching selected search conditions (P 89). RNeither photographs a or smaller nor movies can be selected for photobooks. 2 Scroll through the images and press the se-lector up to select or deselect.  To display the current image on the cover, press the selector down.  Press MENU/OK to exit when the book is complete. RThe  rst picture selected becomes the cover im-age.  Press the selector down to select a di erent image for the cover. 3 Highlight  COMPLETE PHOTOBOOK and press MENU/OK (to select all photos or all pho-tos matching the speci ed search conditions for the book, choose SELECT ALL).  The new book will be added to the list in the photo-book assist menu. QBooks can contain up to 300 pictures. QBooks that contain no photos are automatically de-leted.
88PhotoBook AssistViewing PhotobooksViewing PhotobooksHighlight a book in the photobook assist menu and press MENU/OK to display the book, then press the selector left or right to scroll through the pic-tures.Editing and Deleting PhotobooksEditing and Deleting PhotobooksDisplay the photobook and press MENU/OK.  The following options will be displayed; select the desired option and follow the on-screen instruc-tions.•  EDIT: Edit the book as described in “Creating a PhotoBook” (P 87).•  ERASE: Delete the book.  Photobooks PhotobooksPhotobooks can be copied to a computer using MyFinePix Studio software (P 000).
89More on Photography and Playback Image Search Image  SearchFollow the steps below to search for pictures. 1 Press MENU/OK during playback to display the playback menu.  Press the selector up or down to highlight b IMAGE SEARCH and press MENU/OK. 2 Highlight an option and press MENU/OK.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionBY DATE Search by date.BY FACE Search for pictures that include faces.BY I FAVORITES Search by rating (P 31).BY SCENE Search by scene.BY TYPE OF DATA Find all still pictures, all movies, or all RAW pictures.BY UPLOAD MARK Find all pictures selected for upload to a speci ed destination. 3 Select a search condition.  Only pictures that match the search condition will be displayed.  To delete or protect selected pictures or to view the selected pictures in a slide show, press MENU/OK and choose from the options at right. 4 To end the search, select EXIT SEARCH.OptionOptionSee pageSee pageAA  ERASE  ERASE9999DD  PROTECT  PROTECT101101II  SLIDE SHOW  SLIDE SHOW102102
90MenusMenusUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeThe shooting menu is used to adjust settings for a wide range of shooting condi-tions.  To display the shooting menu, press MENU/OK in shooting mode.  Highlight items and press the selector right to view options, then highlight an option and press MENU/OK.  Press DISP/BACK to exit when settings are complete.EXITSHOOTING MENUISOAUTOFOCUS SETTINGPROGRAM AEIMAGE SIZEIMAGE QUALITYDYNAMIC RANGE AUTOFILM SIMULATIONF2003:2PShooting Menu Options (Photographs)Shooting Menu Options (Photographs) RThe options available vary with the shooting mode selected.dd ADVANCED FILTER ADVANCED  FILTERChoose a  lter (P 67). RThis option is only available when Y ADVANCED FILTER is selected for drive mode. A A SCENE POSITION SCENE POSITIONChoose a scene for auto mode. RThis option is only available when auto mode has been selected by pressing a function button (by default, Fn2/AUTO). G G AUTOFOCUS SETTING AUTOFOCUS SETTINGAdjust autofocus settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFOCUS AREAFOCUS AREA Choose the focus area (P 71).AF MODEAF MODE Choose the AF mode for focus modes S and C (P 000).RELEASE/FOCUS RELEASE/FOCUS PRIORITYPRIORITYChoose how the camera focuses in focus mode AF-S or AF-C.•  RELEASE: Shutter response is prioritized over focus.  Pictures can be taken when the camera is not in focus.•  FOCUS: Focus is prioritized over shutter response.  Pictures can be only taken when the camera is in focus.INSTANT AF SETTINGINSTANT AF SETTING Choose how the camera focuses when the AF-L button is pressed in manual focus mode (P 000).
91MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeGG AUTOFOCUS SETTING (Continued) AUTOFOCUS SETTING (Continued)OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionAF+MFAF+MFIf ON is selected in focus mode S, focus can be adjusted manually by rotating the focus ring while the shut-ter button is pressed halfway.  Both standard and focus peaking MF assist options are supported (P 92). Lenses with a focus distance indicator must be set to manual focus mode (MF) before this option can be used.  Selecting MF disables the focus distance indicator. Set the focus ring to the center of the focus dis-tance indicator, as the camera may fail to focus if the ring is set to in nity or the minimum focus distance.  AF + MF Focus Zoom   AF + MF Focus Zoom When When ONON is selected for  is selected for AA  SCREEN SET-UPSCREEN SET-UP >  > FOCUS CHECKFOCUS CHECK in the setup menu and  in the setup menu and SINGLE POINTSINGLE POINT  selected for selected for AF MODEAF MODE, focus zoom can be used to zoom in on the selected focus area.  Focus zoom is , focus zoom can be used to zoom in on the selected focus area.  Focus zoom is not available when not available when ZONEZONE or  or WIDE/TRACKINGWIDE/TRACKING is selected for  is selected for AF MODEAF MODE. The zoom ratio is the same as . The zoom ratio is the same as that selected in manual focus mode (from 2.5× to 6×) and can not be changed.that selected in manual focus mode (from 2.5× to 6×) and can not be changed.FACE DETECTIONFACE DETECTIONIntelligent Face Detection sets focus and exposure for human faces anywhere in the frame, preventing the camera from focusing on the background in group portraits.  Choose for shots that emphasize portrait subjects.To use Intelligent Face Detection, press MENU/OK to display the shooting menu and select ON for FACE DETECTION.  Faces can be detected with the camera in vertical or horizontal orientation; if a face is detected, it will be indicated by a green border.  If there is more than one face in the frame, the camera will select the face closest to the center; other faces are indicated by white borders. QIn some modes, the camera may set exposure for the frame as a whole rather than the portrait subject. QIf the subject moves as the shutter button is pressed, the face may not be in the area indicated by the green border when the picture is taken.
92Using the Menus: Shooting ModeGG AUTOFOCUS SETTING (Continued) AUTOFOCUS SETTING (Continued)OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionEYE DETECTION AFEYE DETECTION AFChoose whether the camera detects and focuses on eyes when Intelligent Face Detection is on.  Choose from uAUTO (the camera automatically chooses which eye to focus on), w RIGHT EYE PRIORITY (the camera focuses on the right eye), v LEFT EYE PRIORITY (the camera focuses on the left eye), and OFF (eye focus o ). RIf the camera is unable to detect the subject’s eyes because they are hidden by hair, glasses, or other objects, the camera will instead focus on faces.PRE-AFPRE-AF If ON is selected, the camera will continue to adjust focus even when the shutter button is not pressed halfway.  Note that this increases the drain on the battery.AF ILLUMINATORAF ILLUMINATORIf ON is selected, the AF-assist illuminator will light to assist autofocus. RThe AF-assist illuminator turns o  automatically when OFF is selected for o SOUND & FLASH in the setup menu. QThe camera may be unable to focus using the AF-assist illuminator in some cases.  If the camera is un-able to focus in macro mode, try increasing the distance to the subject. QAvoid shining the AF-assist illuminator directly into your subject’s eyes. N N ISO ISOControl the camera’s sensitivity to light (P 75).
93MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode O O IMAGE SIZE IMAGE SIZEChoose the size and aspect ratio at which still pictures are recorded.  Aspect Ratio Aspect RatioPictures with an aspect ratio of 3 : 2 have the same proportions as Pictures with an aspect ratio of 3 : 2 have the same proportions as a frame of 35 mm  lm, while an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 is suited to a frame of 35 mm  lm, while an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 is suited to display on display on HHigh igh DDe nition (HD) devices.  Pictures with an aspect e nition (HD) devices.  Pictures with an aspect ratio of 1 : 1 are square.ratio of 1 : 1 are square.O IMAGE SIZE is not reset when the camera is turned o  or an-other shooting mode is selected.OptionOptionPrints at sizes up toPrints at sizes up toOptionOptionPrints at sizes up toPrints at sizes up toOO 3 : 2 3 : 2 41 × 28 cm (16 × 11 in.)QQ 3 : 2 3 : 2 21 × 14 cm (8 × 5 in.)OO 16 : 9 16 : 9 41 × 23 cm (16 × 9 in.)QQ 16 : 9 16 : 9 21 × 12 cm (8 × 4 in.)OO 1 : 1 1 : 1 28 × 28 cm (11 × 11 in.)QQ 1 : 1 1 : 1 14 × 14 cm (5 × 5 in.)PP 3 : 2 3 : 2 29 × 20 cm (11 × 7 in.)PP 16 : 9 16 : 9 29 × 16 cm (11 × 6 in.)PP 1 : 1 1 : 1 20 × 20 cm (7 × 7 in.) T T IMAGE QUALITY IMAGE QUALITYChoose a  le format and compression ratio.  Select FINE or NORMAL to record JPEG images, RAW to record RAW images, or FINE+RAW or NORMAL+RAW to record both JPEG and RAW images.  FINE and FINE+RAW use lower JPEG compression ratios for higher-quality JPEG images, while NORMAL and NORMAL+RAW use higher JPEG compression ratios to increase the num-ber of images that can be stored. U U DYNAMIC RANGE DYNAMIC RANGEControl contrast.  Choose lower values to increase contrast when shooting indoors or under overcast skies, higher values to reduce loss of detail in highlights and shadows when photographing high-contrast scenes.  Higher values are recommended for scenes that include both sunlight and deep shade, for such high-contrast subjects as sunlight on water, brightly-lit autumn leaves, and portraits taken against a blue sky, and for white objects or people wearing white; note, however, that mottling may appear in pictures taken at higher values. RIf AUTO is selected, the camera will automatically choose either VV 100% or WW 200% according to the subject and shoot-ing conditions. Shutter speed and aperture will be displayed when the shutter button is pressed halfway.  RRWW 200% is available at sensitivities of ISO 400 and above, XX 400% at sensitivities of ISO 800 and above. P P FILM SIMULATION FILM SIMULATIONSimulate the e ects of di erent types of  lm (P 59).
94Using the Menus: Shooting ModeBB SELF-TIMER SELF-TIMERTake pictures with the self-timer (P 79).oo INTERVAL TIMER SHOOTING INTERVAL TIMER  SHOOTINGAdjust settings for interval timer photography (P 000).DD WHITE BALANCE WHITE  BALANCEAdjust colors to match the light source (P 82). f f COLOR COLORAdjust color density.  qq SHARPNESS SHARPNESSSharpen or soften outlines.  rr HIGHLIGHT TONE HIGHLIGHT TONEAdjust the appearance of highlights.  ss SHADOW TONE SHADOW TONEAdjust the appearance of shadows. h h NOISE REDUCTION NOISE REDUCTIONReduce noise in pictures taken at high sensitivities. K K LONG EXPOSURE NR LONG EXPOSURE NRSelect ON to reduce mottling in long time-exposures (P 53). j j LENS MODULATION OPTIMIZER LENS MODULATION OPTIMIZERSelect ON to improve de nition by adjusting for di raction and the slight loss of focus at the periphery of the lens.
95MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode u u SELECT CUSTOM SETTING SELECT CUSTOM SETTINGRecall settings saved with K EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING. K K EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTINGSave settings (P 84).  ll MOUNT ADAPTOR SETTING MOUNT ADAPTOR SETTINGAdjust settings for M-mount lenses connected using an optional FUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER (P 85). m m SHOOT WITHOUT LENS SHOOT WITHOUT  LENSChoose whether shutter release is enabled when no lens is attached. c c MF ASSIST MF ASSISTChoose how focus is displayed in manual focus mode (P 70).•  STANDARD: Focus is displayed normally (focus peaking and digital split image are not available).•  DIGITAL SPLIT IMAGE: A black-and-white split-image display.•  FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT: The camera heightens high-contrast outlines. Choose a color and peaking level. v v AE/AF-LOCK MODE AE/AF-LOCK MODEIf AE & AF ON WHEN PRESSING is selected, exposure and/or focus will lock while the AE-L or AF-L button is pressed.  If AE & AF ON/OFF SWITCH is selected, exposure and/or focus will lock when the AE-L or AF-L button is pressed and remain locked until the button is pressed again.  dd AF-LOCK BUTTON AF-LOCK BUTTONChoose the role played by the AF-L button (P 56).CC PHOTOMETRY PHOTOMETRYChoose how the camera meters exposure (P 58).vv INTERLOCK SPOT AE & FOCUS AREA INTERLOCK SPOT AE & FOCUS AREASelect ON to meter the current focus frame when SINGLE POINT is selected for AUTOFOCUS SETTING> AF MODE and SPOT is selected for PHOTOMETRY.
96Using the Menus: Shooting Mode p p FLASH SET-UP FLASH SET-UPAdjust  ash settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFLASH MODEFLASH MODE Choose a  ash mode (P 000).FLASH COMPENSATIONFLASH COMPENSATION Adjust  ash brightness.  Choose from values between +2 EV and –2 EV.  Note that the desired results may not be achieved depending on shooting conditions and the distance to the subject.RED EYE REMOVALRED EYE REMOVALChoose ON to remove red-eye e ects caused by the  ash. RRed-eye reduction is performed only when a face is detected. RRed-eye removal is not available with RAW images.  WW MOVIE SET-UP MOVIE SET-UPAdjust movie settings (P 38).).OptionOptionDescriptionDescription MOVIE MODE MOVIE  MODESelect a frame size and rate for movie recording.•  i 1920×1080 60 fps: Full HD (60 fps)•  i 1920×1080 50 fps: Full HD (50 fps)•  i 1920×1080 30 fps: Full HD (30 fps)•  i 1920×1080 25 fps: Full HD (25 fps)•  i 1920×1080 24 fps: Full HD (24 fps)•  h 1280×720 60 fps: HD (60 fps)•  h 1280×720 50 fps: HD (50 fps)•  h 1280×720 30 fps: HD (30 fps)•  h 1280×720 25 fps: HD (25 fps)•  h 1280×720 24 fps: HD (24 fps)MOVIE ISOMOVIE ISO Choose the sensitivity for movie recording from AUTO or from settings between ISO 400 and 6400. RThis setting has no e ect on photographs.MIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENTMIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENT Adjust the microphone recording level.MIC/REMOTE RELEASEMIC/REMOTE RELEASE Specify whether the device connected to the microphone/remote release connector is a microphone or a remote release (P 39, 54). X X FILM SIMULATION BKT FILM SIMULATION BKTChoose  lm types for  lm simulation bracketing (P 62).
97MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode L L IS MODE IS MODEChoose from the following image stabilization options:OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionLL CONTINUOUS + MOTION CONTINUOUS + MOTION Image stabilization on.  If + MOTION is selected, the camera will adjust shutter speed to reduce motion blur when a moving objects are detected.ll CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUSMM SHOOTING + MOTION SHOOTING + MOTION As above, except that image stabilization is performed only when the shutter button is pressed halfway or the shutter is released.mm SHOOTING ONLY SHOOTING ONLYOFFOFF Image stabilization o . Choose this option when using a tripod. R+ MOTION has no e ect when sensitivity is set to a  xed value, and may also be unavailable at some other combinations of settings. The e ect may vary with lighting conditions and the speed at which the object is moving. RIS mode is available only when lens that supports image stabilization is attached. r r WIRELESS COMMUNICATION WIRELESS  COMMUNICATIONConnect to a smartphone or tablet over a wireless network (P 000). RFor more information, visit http://fujifilm-dsc.com/wifi/. e e APERTURE SETTING APERTURE SETTINGChoose the method used to adjust aperture when using lenses with no aperture rings.•  AUTO + o MANUAL: Rotate the command dial to choose the aperture.  Rotate past minimum aperture to choose A (auto).•  AUTO: Aperture is selected automatically; camera functions in exposure mode P (program AE) or S (shutter-priority AE).•  MANUAL: Rotate the command dial to choose the aperture; camera functions in exposure mode A (aperture-priority AE) or M (manual). RAperture can not be adjusted while the view through the camera lens is zoomed in.
98Using the Menus: Shooting Mode x x SHUTTER TYPE SHUTTER TYPEChoose the shutter type.  Choose the electronic shutter to mute the shutter sound.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptiontt  MECHANICAL SHUTTER  MECHANICAL SHUTTER Take pictures with the mechanical shutter.ss  ELECTRONIC SHUTTER  ELECTRONIC SHUTTER Take pictures with the electronic shutter.tt MECHANICAL +  MECHANICAL + ss ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC The camera chooses the shutter type according to shooting conditions. RIf s ELECTRONIC SHUTTER or t MECHANICAL  +  s ELECTRONIC is selected, shutter speeds faster than /s can be chosen by rotating the shutter speed dial to 4000 and then rotating the command dial. RFor information on the role of the command dial when the camera is used with lenses not equipped with an aperture ring, see “Lenses with No Aperture Rings” (P 000). RRegardless of the option selected, the mechanical shutter is used for motion panoramas. When the electronic shutter is used, shutter speed and sensitivity are restricted to values of /–1s and ISO 6400–200 respectively, and long exposure noise reduction has no e ect. In burst mode, focus and exposure are  xed at the values for the  rst shot in each burst.  QDistortion may be visible in shots of moving subjects with electronic shutter, while banding and fog may occur in shots taken under  uorescent lights or other  ickering or erratic illumination. When taking pictures with the shutter muted, respect your subjects’ image rights and right to privacy.
99Menus Using the Menus: Playback Mode Using the Menus: Playback ModeTo display the playback menu, press MENU/OK in playback mode.  Highlight items and press the selector right to view options, then highlight an option and press MENU/OK.  Press DISP/BACK to exit when settings are complete.RAW CONVERSIONPLAYBACK MENUERASECROPRESIZEPROTECTIMAGE ROTATEEXITWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONPlayback Menu OptionsPlayback Menu Optionsrr WIRELESS COMMUNICATION WIRELESS  COMMUNICATIONConnect to a smartphone or tablet over a wireless network (P 117). RFor more information, visit http://app.fujifilm-dsc.com.jj RAW CONVERSION RAW  CONVERSIONCreate JPEG copies of RAW pictures (P 78). A A ERASE ERASEDelete all or selected pictures.•  FRAME: Press the selector left or right to scroll through pictures and press MENU/OK to delete the current picture (a con rmation dialog is not displayed).•  SELECTED FRAMES: Highlight pictures and press MENU/OK to select or deselect.  When the operation is complete, press DISP/BACK to display a con rmation dialog, then highlight OK and press MENU/OK.•  ALL FRAMES: A con rmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OK to delete all unprotected pictures.
100Using the Menus: Playback ModeGG CROP CROPCreate a cropped copy of the current picture. 1 Display the desired picture. 2 Select G CROP in the playback menu. 3 Use the k and n buttons to zoom in and out and press the selector up, down, left, or right to scroll the picture until the desired portion is displayed. 4 Press MENU/OK to display a con rmation dialog. 5 Press MENU/OK again to save the cropped copy to a separate  le. RLarger crops produce larger copies; all copies have an aspect ratio of 3 : 2.  If the size of the  nal copy will be a, OK will be displayed in yellow.ee RESIZE RESIZECreate a small copy of the current picture. 1 Display the desired picture. 2 Select e RESIZE in the playback menu. 3 Highlight a size and press MENU/OK to display a con rmation dialog. 4 Press MENU/OK again to save the resized copy to a separate  le. RThe sizes available vary with the size of the original image.
101MenusUsing the Menus: Playback Mode D D PROTECT PROTECTProtect pictures from accidental deletion.  Highlight one of the following options and press MENU/OK.•  FRAME: Protect selected pictures.  Press the selector left or right to view pictures and press MENU/OK to select or deselect.  Press DISP/BACK when the operation is complete.•  SET ALL: Protect all pictures.•  RESET ALL: Remove protection from all pictures. QProtected pictures will be deleted when the memory card is formatted (P 113). C C IMAGE ROTATE IMAGE ROTATERotate pictures. 1 Display the desired picture. 2 Select C IMAGE ROTATE in the playback menu. 3 Press the selector down to rotate the picture 90° clockwise, up to rotate it 90° counterclockwise. 4 Press MENU/OK.  The picture automatically be displayed in the selected orientation whenever it is played back on the camera. RProtected pictures can not be rotated.  Remove protection before rotating pictures. RThe camera may not be able to rotate pictures created with other devices.  Pictures rotated on the camera will not be rotated when viewed on a computer or on other cameras. RPictures taken with A SCREEN SET-UP > AUTOROTATE PB are automatically displayed in the correct orientation during playback (P 108).
102Using the Menus: Playback Mode B B RED EYE REMOVAL RED EYE REMOVALRemove red-eye from portraits.  The camera will analyze the image; if red-eye is detected, the image will be processed to create a copy with reduced red-eye. 1 Display the desired picture. 2 Select B RED EYE REMOVAL in the playback menu. 3 Press MENU/OK. RRed eye may not be removed if the camera is unable to detect a face or the face is in pro le.  Results may di er depending on the scene.  Red eye can not be removed from pictures that have already been processed using red-eye removal or pictures created with other devices. RThe amount of time needed to process the image varies with the number of faces detected. RCopies created with B RED EYE REMOVAL are indicated by a e icon during playback. RRed eye removal can not be performed on RAW images. I I SLIDE SHOW SLIDE SHOWView pictures in an automated slide show.  Choose the type of show and press MENU/OK to start.  Press DISP/BACK at any time dur-ing the show to view on-screen help.  The show can be ended at any time by pressing MENU/OK.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionNORMALNORMAL Press the selector left or right to go back or skip ahead one frame.  Select FADE-IN for fade transitions between frames.FADE-INFADE-INNORMAL NORMAL ggAs above, except that camera automatically zooms in on faces.FADE-IN FADE-IN ggMULTIPLEMULTIPLE Display several pictures at once. RThe camera will not turn o  automatically while a slide show is in progress.
103MenusUsing the Menus: Playback Mode m m PHOTOBOOK ASSIST PHOTOBOOK  ASSISTCreate books from your favorite photos (P 87). j j MARK FOR UPLOAD TO MARK FOR UPLOAD TOSelect pictures for upload to YouTube, Facebook or MyFinePix.com using MyFinePix Studio (Windows only). 1 Select YouTube to choose movies for upload to YouTube, FACEBOOK to choose photos and movies for upload to Facebook, or MyFinePix.com to choose photos for upload to MyFinePix.com. 2 Press the selector left or right to display pictures and press MENU/OK to select or deselect.  Press DISP/BACK to exit when all the desired pictures are selected. ROnly movies can be selected for upload to YouTube. ROnly photos can be selected for upload to MyFinePix.com. RDuring playback, selected pictures are indicated by j YouTube, j FACEBOOK or j MyFinepix.com icons. RChoose RESET ALL to deselect all pictures.  If the number of pictures a ected is very large, some time may be required to complete the operation.  Press DISP/BACK to exit before the operation is complete.  Uploading Pictures (Windows Only)  Uploading Pictures (Windows Only)Selected  pictures  can  be  uploaded  using  the Selected pictures can be uploaded using the YouTube/Facebook/YouTube/Facebook/MyFinePix.com  UploadMyFinePix.com Upload  option  in  MyFinePix  Studio.    For  information  on  option in MyFinePix Studio.  For information on installing  MyFinePix  Studio  and  connecting  the  camera  to  a  computer,  see installing MyFinePix Studio and connecting the camera to a computer, see “Viewing Pictures on a Computer”(“Viewing Pictures on a Computer”(PP  118).).Select with cameraUpload from computerbb IMAGE SEARCH IMAGE SEARCHSearch for pictures (P 89).
104Using the Menus: Playback Mode  ss PC AUTO SAVE PC AUTO SAVEUpload pictures to a computer over a wireless network (P 117). RFor more information, visit http://app.fujifilm-dsc.com. K K PRINT ORDER (DPOF) PRINT ORDER (DPOF)Select pictures for printing on DPOF- and PictBridge-compatible devices (P 123).VV instax PRINTER PRINT instax PRINTER PRINTPrint pictures on optional FUJIFILM instax SHARE printers (P 000).JJ DISP ASPECT DISP ASPECTChoose how High De nition (HD) devices display pictures with an aspect ratio of 3 : 2 (this option is available only when an HDMI cable is connected).  Select 16 : 9 to display the image so that it  lls the screen with its top and bottom cropped out, 3 : 2 to display the entire image with black bands at either side.3:216:916 : 916 : 93 : 23 : 2
105Menus The Setup Menu The Setup Menu Using the Setup Menu Using the Setup Menu 1 Display the setup menu.1.1 Press MENU/OK to display the menu for the current mode.1.2 Press the selector left to highlight the tab for the current menu.1.3 Press the selector down to highlight the setup menu tab containing the de-sired option.OFFEXITSET-UPDATE/TIMETIME DIFFERENCERESETSOUND & FLASH OFFSOUND SET-UPSCREEN SET-UPENGLISHTab1.4 Press the selector right to place the cursor in the setup menu. 2 Adjust settings.Highlight items and press the selector right to view options, then highlight an option and press MENU/OK.  Press DISP/BACK to exit when settings are complete.
106The Setup MenuSetup Menu OptionsSetup Menu Options F F DATE/TIME DATE/TIMESet the camera clock (P 22).NN TIME DIFFERENCE TIME  DIFFERENCESwitch the camera clock instantly from your home time zone to the local time at your destination when traveling.  To specify the di erence between local time and your home time zone: 1 Highlight g LOCAL and press MENU/OK. 2 Use the selector to choose the time di erence between local time and your home time zone.  Press MENU/OK when settings are complete.To set the camera clock to local time, highlight g LOCAL and press MENU/OK.  To set the clock to the time in your home time zone, select h HOME.  If g LOCAL is selected, g will be displayed for three seconds when the camera is turned on.  QQ  aaChoose a language (P 22). R R RESET RESETReset shooting or setup menu options to default values.  Custom white balance, custom settings banks created using KK  EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING, rr WIRELESS SETTINGS, and the setup menu F DATE/TIME, N TIME DIFFERENCE options are not a ected. 1 Highlight the desired option and press the selector right. 2 A con rmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OK. o o  SOUND & FLASHSOUND & FLASHSelect OFF to disable the speaker,  ash, and illuminator in situations in which camera sounds or lights may be unwelcome.  oappears in the display when OFF is selected.
107MenusThe Setup Menubb SOUND SET-UP SOUND SET-UPAdjust sound settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionOPERATION VOL.OPERATION VOL. Adjust the volume of the sounds produced when camera controls are operated.  Choose e OFF (mute) to disable control sounds.SHUTTER VOLUMESHUTTER VOLUME Adjust the volume of the sounds produced when the shutter is released. Choose e OFF (mute) to disable the shutter sound.SHUTTER SOUNDSHUTTER SOUND Choose the sound made by the shutter.  PLAYBACK VOLUMEPLAYBACK VOLUME Adjust the volume for movie playback.AA SCREEN SET-UP SCREEN SET-UPAdjust display settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescription  IMAGE DISP.IMAGE DISP.Choose how long images are displayed after shooting.  Colors may di er slightly from those in the  nal image and “noise” mottling may be visible at high sensitivities.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionCONTINUOUSCONTINUOUSPictures are displayed until the MENU/OK button is pressed or the shutter button is pressed halfway.  To zoom in on the active focus point, press the center of the command dial; press again to cancel zoom.1.5 SEC1.5 SEC Pictures are displayed for 1.5 seconds (1.5 SEC) or 0.5 seconds (0.5 SEC) or until the shutter button is pressed halfway.0.5 SEC0.5 SECOFFOFF Pictures are not displayed after shooting.EVF AUTOROTATE DISPLAYSEVF AUTOROTATE DISPLAYS Choose whether the indicators in the view nder rotate to match camera orientation (P 000).  Re-gardless of the option selected, the indicators in the monitor do not rotate.PREVIEW EXP. IN MANUAL PREVIEW EXP. IN MANUAL MODEMODESelect ON to enable exposure preview in manual exposure mode.  Select OFF when using the  ash or on other occasions on which exposure may change when the picture is taken.
108The Setup MenuAA SCREEN SET-UP (Continued) SCREEN SET-UP (Continued)  EVF BRIGHTNESSEVF BRIGHTNESS Adjust the brightness of the display in the electronic view nder.LCD BRIGHTNESSLCD BRIGHTNESS Adjust monitor brightness.PREVIEW PIC. EFFECTPREVIEW PIC. EFFECTChoose ON to preview the e ects of  lm simulation, white balance, and other settings in the monitor. Choose OFF to make shadows in low-contrast, back-lit scenes and other hard-to-see subjects more visible.  RIf OFF is selected, the e ects of camera settings will not be visible in the monitor and colors and tone will di er from those in the  nal picture.  The display will however be adjusted to show the e ects of advanced  lters and of monochrome and sepia settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescription  FRAMING GUIDELINEFRAMING GUIDELINEChoose the type of framing grid available in shooting mode.FF GRID 9 GRID 9GG GRID 24 GRID 24HH HD FRAMING HD FRAMINGPPPFor “rule of thirds” composition. A six-by-four grid. Frame HD pictures in the crop shown by the lines at the top and bottom of the display. AUTOROTATE PB AUTOROTATE  PB Choose ON to automatically rotate “tall” (portrait-orientation) pictures during playback.FFOCUS CHECKOCUS CHECK If ON is selected, the camera will automatically zoom in on the view through the lens when the focus ring is rotated in manual focus mode (P 70). FOCUS SCALE UNITS FOCUS SCALE UNITS Choose the units used for the focus distance indicator (P 68).DISP. CUSTOM SETTINGDISP. CUSTOM SETTING Choose items for the standard display (P 000).
109MenusThe Setup Menu  hh BUTTON/DIAL SETTING BUTTON/DIAL SETTINGChoose the roles played by camera controls.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFUNCTION (Fn) SETTINGFUNCTION (Fn) SETTING Choose the roles played by the function buttons (P 000).SELECTOR BUTTON SETTINGSELECTOR BUTTON SETTINGChoose the roles played by the up, down, left, and right buttons on the selector.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFn BUTTONFn BUTTON The selector buttons serve as function buttons.FOCUS AREAFOCUS AREA The selector buttons can be used to position the focus area.EDIT/SAVE QUICK MENUEDIT/SAVE QUICK MENU Choose the options displayed in the quick menu (P 000).COMMAND DIAL SETTINGCOMMAND DIAL SETTING Choose whether the command dial controls shutter speed (S.S, the default option) or aperture (F). RThis option only takes e ect with lenses that are not equipped with an aperture ring.AE-L/AF-L BUTTON SETTINGAE-L/AF-L BUTTON SETTING Switch the roles of the AF-L and AE-L buttons. I I FOCUS RING FOCUS RINGChoose the direction in which the focus ring is rotated to increase the focus distance.ZZ POWER MANAGEMENT POWER MANAGEMENTAdjust power management settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescription AUTO POWER OFF AUTO POWER OFFChoose the length of time before the camera turns o  automatically when no operations are performed. Shorter times increase battery life; if OFF is selected, the camera must be turned o  manually. Note that in some situations the camera turns o  automatically even when OFF is selected. HIGH PERFORMANCE HIGH  PERFORMANCE Select ON for faster focus and to reduce the time needed to restart the camera after it has been turned o .
110The Setup Menu  VV SENSOR CLEANING SENSOR CLEANINGRemove dust from the camera image sensor.•  OK: Clean sensor immediately (P xi).•  WHEN SWITCHED ON: If this option is selected, sensor cleaning will be performed when the camera turns on.•  WHEN SWITCHED OFF: If this option is selected, sensor cleaning will be performed when the camera turns o  (sensor cleaning is not however performed if the camera turns o  in playback mode). RDust that can not be removed using sensor cleaning can be removed manually (P 134). t t SAVE DATA SET-UP SAVE DATA SET-UPAdjust  le management settings.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFRAME NO.FRAME NO.New pictures are stored in image  les named using a four-digit  le number assigned by adding one to the last  le number used.  The  le number is displayed during playback as shown at right.  FRAME NO. controls whether  le numbering is reset to 0001 when a new memory card is inserted or the current memory card is formatted.Frame number 100-0001Directory numberFile numberOptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionCONTINUOUSCONTINUOUS Numbering continues from the last  le number used or the  rst available  le number, whichever is higher.  Choose this option to reduce the number of pictures with duplicate  le names.RENEWRENEW Numbering is reset to 0001 after formatting or when a new memory card is inserted. RIf the frame number reaches 999-9999, the shutter release will be disabled (P 141). RSelecting R RESET (P 112)  sets FRAME NO. to CONTINUOUS but does not reset the  le number. RFrame numbers for pictures taken with other cameras may di er.SAVE ORG IMAGESAVE ORG IMAGE Choose ON to save unprocessed copies of pictures taken using BB RED EYE REMOVAL.EDIT FILE NAMEEDIT FILE NAME Change the  le name pre x.  sRGB images use a four-letter pre x (default “DSCF”), Adobe RGB images a three-letter pre x (“DSF”) preceded by an underscore.
111MenusThe Setup Menu J J COLOR SPACE COLOR  SPACEChoose the gamut of colors available for color reproduction.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionsRGBsRGB Recommended in most situations.Adobe RGBAdobe RGB For commercial printing.uu EVF/LCD SETTING EVF/LCD SETTINGChoose a display (P 24).
112The Setup Menurr CONNECTION SETTING CONNECTION SETTINGAdjust settings for connection to wireless devices, including smartphones, computers, and FUJIFILM instax SHARE printers.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionWIRELESS WIRELESS SETTINGSSETTINGSAdjust settings for connection to wireless networks.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionGENERAL SETTINGSGENERAL SETTINGSChoose a name (NAME) to identify the camera on the wireless network (the camera is as-signed a unique name by default) or select RESET WIRELESS SETTINGS to restore default settings.RESIZE IMAGE FOR RESIZE IMAGE FOR SMARTPHONE SMARTPHONE HChoose ON (the default setting, recommended in most circumstances) to resize larger images to H for upload to smartphones, OFF to upload images at their original size.  Resizing applies only to the copy uploaded to the smartphone; the original is not a ected.PC AUTO SAVE PC AUTO SAVE SETTINGSSETTINGSChoose DELETE REGISTERED DESTINATION PC to remove selected destinations, DE-TAILS OF PREVIOUS CONNECTION to view computers to which the camera has recently connected.PC AUTO SAVE PC AUTO SAVE SETTINGSETTINGChoose an upload destination.  Choose SIMPLE SETUP to connect using WPS, MANUAL SETUP to con g-ure network settings manually. GEOTAGGING SET-UP GEOTAGGING  SET-UPView location data downloaded from a smartphone and choose whether to save the data with your pic-tures.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionGEOTAGGINGGEOTAGGING Choose whether location data downloaded from a smartphone are embedded in pictures as they are taken.LOCATION INFOLOCATION INFO Display the location data last downloaded from a smartphone.instax PRINTER instax PRINTER CONNECTION SETTINGCONNECTION SETTING Adjust settings for connection to optional FUJIFILM instax SHARE printers (P 113). RFor more information on wireless connections, visit http://fujifilm-dsc.com/wifi/
113MenusThe Setup Menu K K FORMAT FORMATTo format the memory card: 1 Highlight K FORMAT in the setup menu and press MENU/OK. 2 A con rmation dialog will be displayed. To format the memory card, highlight OK and press MENU/OK.  To exit without formatting the memory card, select CANCEL or press DISP/BACK. QAll data—including protected pictures—will be deleted from the memory card.  Be sure important  les have been copied to a computer or other storage device. QDo not open the battery-chamber cover during formatting.SETFORMATFORMAT  OK?ERASE ALL DATAOKCANCEL
117ConnectionsConnectionsConnections Wireless Transfer Wireless  TransferAccess wireless networks and connect to computers, smartphones, or tablets.  For downloads and other information, visit http://app.fujifilm-dsc.com/.Wireless Connections: SmartphonesWireless Connections: SmartphonesInstall the “FUJIFILM Camera Remote” app on your smartphone to browse the images on the cam-era, download selected images, control the cam-era remotely, or copy location data to the camera.  To connect to the smartphone, press the camera function button (Fn7/Wi-Fi). RYou can also connect using the r WIRELESS COMMUNICATION options in the camera shooting and playback menu.Wireless Connections: ComputersWireless Connections: ComputersOnce you have installed the “FUJIFILM PC AutoSave” application and con gured your computer as a destination for the images copied from the camera, you can upload pictures from the camera using the s PC AUTO SAVE option in the camera playback menu or by pressing and holding the function but-ton (Fn7/Wi-Fi) in playback mode.
118 Viewing Pictures on a Computer Viewing Pictures on a ComputerRead this section for information on copying pictures to a computer.WindowsWindowsUse MyFinePix Studio to copy pictures to your computer, where they can be stored, viewed, organized, and printed.  MyFinePix Studio is available for download from the following website:http://fujifilm-dsc.com/mfs/Once download is complete, double-click the downloaded  le (“MFPS_Setup.EXE”) and follow the on-screen instructions to complete installation.  Proceed to “Connecting the Camera” (P 000) when installation is complete.MacintoshMacintoshPictures can be copied to your computer using Image Capture (supplied with your computer) or other software.  Proceed to “Connecting the Camera” (P 000).    Viewing RAW Files  Viewing RAW FilesTo view RAW  les on your computer, use the RAW FILE CONVERTER, available for download from:http://fujifilm-dsc.com/rfc/
119ConnectionsViewing Pictures on a ComputerConnecting the CameraConnecting the Camera 1 Find a memory card containing pictures you want to copy to the computer and insert the card into the camera (P 17). RWindows users may require the Windows CD when starting the software for the  rst time. QLoss of power during transfer could result in loss of data or damage to the memory card.  Insert a fresh or fully-charged battery before connecting the camera. 2 Turn the camera o  and connect a USB cable as shown, mak-ing sure the connectors are fully inserted.  Connect the cam-era directly to the computer; do not use a USB hub or key-board. QThe USB cable must be no more than 60 cm (1.9 ft.) long and be suitable for data transfer. 3 Turn the camera on. 4 Copy pictures to the computer using MyFinePix Studio or applications provided with your operat-ing system.For more information on using the software, start the application and select the appropriate option from the Help menu.
120Viewing Pictures on a Computer QIf a memory card containing a large number of images is inserted, there may be a delay before the software starts and you may be unable to import or save images.  Use a memory card reader to transfer pictures. QMake sure that the computer does not display a message stating that copying is in progress and that the indi-cator lamp is out before turning the camera o  or disconnecting the USB cable (if the number of images cop-ied is very large, the indicator lamp may remain lit after the message has cleared from the computer display).  Failure to observe this precaution could result in loss of data or damage to the memory card. QDisconnect the camera before inserting or removing memory cards. QIn some cases, it may not be possible to access pictures saved to a network server using the software in the same way as on a standalone computer. QThe user bears all applicable fees charged by the phone company or Internet service provider when using services that require an Internet connection.  Disconnecting the Camera  Disconnecting the CameraAfter con rming that the indicator lamp is out, turn the camera o  and disconnect the USB cable.
121ConnectionsPrinting Pictures via USBPrinting Pictures via USBIf the printer supports PictBridge, the camera can be connected directly to the printer and pictures can be printed without  rst being copied to a computer.  Note that depending on the printer, not all the functions described below may be supported. Connecting the Camera Connecting the Camera 1 Connect a USB cable as shown and turn the printer on. QThe USB cable must be no more than 60 cm (1.9 ft.) long and be suitable for data transfer. 2 Turn the camera on.  t USB will be displayed in the monitor, followed by the PictBridge dis-play shown below at right.USB00PICTBRIDGETOTAL: 00000SHEETSSETOKFRAME RPictures can be printed from memory cards that has been formatted in the camera. RPage size, print quality, and border selections are made using the printer.Printing Selected PicturesPrinting Selected Pictures 1 Press the selector left or right to dis-play a picture you wish to print. RTo print one copy of the current picture, pro-ceed directly to Step 3. 2 Press the selector up or down to choose the number of copies (up to 99).  Repeat steps 1–2 to select ad-ditional pictures. 3 Press MENU/OK to display a con rma-tion dialog.PRINT THESE FRAMESTOTAL: 9 SHEETSCANCELYES 4 Press MENU/OK to start printing.
122Printing Pictures via USB  Printing the Date of Recording  Printing the Date of RecordingTo print the date of recording on pictures, press DISP/BACK in the PictBridge display and select PRINT WITH DATE s (to print pictures without the date of recording, select PRINT WITHOUT DATE).  To ensure that the date is correct, set the camera clock before taking pictures.  Some printers do not support date printing.  See the printer manual for details. Printing the DPOF Print Order Printing the DPOF Print OrderTo print the print order created with K PRINT ORDER (DPOF) in the playback menu (P 104): 1 In the PictBridge display, press DISP/BACK to open the PictBridge menu. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight u PRINT DPOF.PICTBRIDGEPRINT WITH DATE sPRINT WITHOUT DATEPRINT DPOF 3 Press MENU/OK to display a con rma-tion dialog.CANCELYESPRINT DPOF OK?TOTAL: 9 SHEETS 4 Press MENU/OK to start printing.
123ConnectionsPrinting Pictures via USB  During Printing During PrintingThe message shown at right is displayed during printing.  Press DISP/BACK to cancel before all pictures are printed (depending on the printer, printing may end before the current picture has printed).If printing is interrupted, turn the camera o   and then on again.  Disconnecting the Camera  Disconnecting the CameraCon rm that the above message is not displayed and turn the camera o .  Disconnect the USB cable. Creating a DPOF Print Order Creating a DPOF Print OrderThe K PRINT ORDER (DPOF) option in the play-back menu can be used to create a digital “print order” for PictBridge-compatible printers or de-vices that support DPOF.  DPOF DPOFDPOF (Digital  Print  Order  Format) is stan-dard that allows pictures to be printed from “print orders” stored on the memory card.  The information in the order includes the pictures to be printed and the number of copies of each picture.CANCELPRINTING
124Printing Pictures via USB ■WITH DATE s/ WITHOUT DATETo modify the DPOF print order, select K PRINT ORDER (DPOF) in the playback menu and press the selector up or down to highlight WITH DATE s or WITHOUT DATE.SLIDE SHOWPLAYBACK MENUPHOTOBOOK ASSISTMARK FOR UPLOAD TOIMAGE SEARCHPRINT ORDER (DPOF)PC AUTO SAVERED EYE REMOVALYWITH DATE sWITHOUT DATERESET ALLWITH DATE s: Print date of recording on pictures.WITHOUT DATE: Print pictures without date.Press MENU/OK and follow the steps below. 1 Press the selector left or right to dis-play a picture you wish to include in or remove from the print order. 2 Press the selector up or down to choose the number of copies (up to 99).  To remove a picture from the order, press the selector down until the number of copies is 0.01PRINT ORDER (DPOF)SHEETSSETFRAMEDPOF: 00001Total number of printsNumber of copies 3 Repeat steps 1–2 to complete the print order.  Press MENU/OK to save the print order when settings are complete, or DISP/BACK to exit with-out changing the print order. 4 The total number of prints is dis-played in the monitor.  Press MENU/OK to exit.The pictures in the current print order are indicated by a u icon during playback.
125ConnectionsPrinting Pictures via USB ■RESET ALLTo cancel the current print order, select RESET ALL for K PRINT ORDER (DPOF).  The con rmation shown at right will be displayed; press MENU/OK to remove all pictures from the order. RPrint orders can contain a maximum of 999 pictures. RIf a memory card is inserted containing a print order cre-ated by another camera, the message shown at right will be displayed.  Pressing MENU/OK cancels the print order; a new print order must be created as described above.CANCELYESRESET DPOF OK?NOYESRESET DPOF OK?
126instax SHARE Printersinstax SHARE PrintersPrint pictures from your digital camera to instax SHARE printers. Establishing a Connection Establishing a ConnectionSelect r CONNECTION SETTING > instax PRINTER CONNECTION SETTING in the camera setup menu and enter the instax SHARE printer name (SSID) and password.  The Printer Name (SSID) and Password  The Printer Name (SSID) and PasswordThe printer name (SSID) can be found on the bottom of the printer; the default password is “1111”.  If you have already chosen a di erent password to print from a smartphone, enter that password instead.SSID:instax-12345678XxxxxXxxx XX:000000000XxxxxXxxx XX:000000000XxxxxXxxx XX:000
127Connectionsinstax SHARE PrintersPrinting PicturesPrinting Pictures 1 Turn the printer on. 2 Select V instax PRINTER PRINT in the cam-era playback menu.  The camera will connect to the printer.FUJIFILM-CAMERA-1234CONNECTING TO PRINTERCANCELPRINTER PRINTinstax-12345678 RTo print a frame from a burst sequence, display the frame before selecting V instax PRINTER PRINT. 3 Use the selector to display the picture you want to print, then press MENU/OK.100-0020100-0020instax-12345678PRINTER PRINTTRANSMIT CANCEL RPictures taken with other cameras can not be printed. RThe area printed is smaller than the area visible in the LCD monitor. 4 The picture will be sent to the printer and printing will start.FUJIFILM-CAMERA-1234CANCELSENDINGPRINTER PRINTinstax-12345678
128 Viewing Pictures on TV Viewing Pictures on TVTo show pictures to a group, connect the camera to a TV using an HDMI cable (available separately from third-party suppliers; note that the TV can only be used for playback, not shooting). 1 Turn the camera o . 2 Connect the cable as shown below.Insert into HDMI mini connectorInsert into HDMI connector QUse an HDMI cable no more than 1.5m (4.9ft.) long. RBe sure the connectors are fully inserted. 3 Tune the television to the HDMI input channel.  See the documentation supplied with the televi-sion for details. 4 Turn the camera on and press a button.  The camera monitor turns o  and pictures and movies are played back on the TV.  Note that the camera volume controls have no e ect on sounds played on the TV; use the television volume controls to adjust the volume. RThe USB cable can not be used while an HDMI cable is connected. RSome televisions may brie y display a black screen when movie playback begins.
129Technical NotesTechnical NotesTechnical Notes Optional Accessories Optional  AccessoriesThe camera supports a wide range of accessories from FUJIFILM and other manufacturers. Accessories from FUJIFILM Accessories from FUJIFILMThe following optional accessories are available from FUJIFILM.  For the latest information on the accesso-ries available in your region, check with your local FUJIFILM representative or visit http://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/index.html.Rechargeable Li-ion batteriesRechargeable Li-ion batteriesNP-W126: Additional large-capacity NP-W126 rechargeable batteries can be purchased as required.Battery chargersBattery chargersBC-W126: Replacement battery chargers can be purchased as required.  At+20 °C/+68 °F, the BC-W126 charges an NP-W126 in about 150 minutes.AC power adaptersAC power adaptersAC-9V (requires CP-W126 DC coupler): Use for extended shooting and playback or when copying pictures to a computer. DC couplers DC  couplersCP-W126: Connect the AC-9V to the camera.
130Optional AccessoriesRemote releasesRemote releasesRR-90: Use to reduce camera shake or keep the shutter open during a time exposure.Stereo microphonesStereo microphonesMIC-ST1: An external microphone for movie recording. FUJINON Lenses FUJINON  LensesXF-series lenses: Interchangeable lenses for use exclusively with the FUJIFILM X-mount.XC-series lenses: Interchangeable lenses for use exclusively with the FUJIFILM X-mount. Shoe-mounted  ash units Shoe-mounted  ash unitsEF-20: This clip-on  ash unit (powered by two AA batteries) has a Guide Number of 20/65 (ISO 100, m/ft.) and supports TTL  ash control.  The  ash head can be rotated upwards 90° for bounce lighting.EF-42: This clip-on  ash unit (powered by four AA batteries) has a Guide Number of 42/137 (ISO 100, m/ft.) and supports TTL  ash control and auto power zoom in the range 24–105 mm (35 mm format equivalent).  The  ash head can be rotated 90° up, 180° left, or 120° right for bounce lighting.EF-X20: This clip-on  ash unit has a Guide Number of 20/65 (ISO 100, m/ft.).
131Technical NotesOptional AccessoriesGripsGripsHG-XE1: Features an improved grip.Leather casesLeather casesBLC-XE1: This case combines practicality with the luxury of leather and comes with a shoulder strap made of the same material, as well as a cloth that can be used to wrap the camera before putting it in the case and on other occasions.  Pictures can be taken and batteries and memory cards inserted or removed with the camera still in its case.Macro extension tubesMacro extension tubesMCEX-11/16: Attach between the camera and the lens to shoot at high reproduction ratios.Protector FiltersProtector FiltersPRF-39/PRF-43/PRF-49S/PRF-52/PRF-58/PRF-62/PRF-67/PRF-72/PRF-73: Use to protect the lens.TeleconvertersTeleconvertersXF1.4X TC WR: Increases the focal length of the compatible lenses by about 1.4×.Mount AdaptersMount AdaptersFUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER: Allows the camera to be used with a wide selection of M-mount lenses.Front lens capsFront lens capsFLCP-39/FLCP-43/FLCP-52/FLCP-52/FLCP-58/FLCP-62/FLCP-67/FLCP-72/FLCP-72 II/FLCP-77: Protect the front lens element when the lens is not in use.Rear lens capsRear lens capsRLCP-001: Protect the rear lens element when the lens is not attached to the camera.Body capsBody capsBCP-001: Cover the camera lens mount when no lens is attached.instax SHARE printersinstax SHARE printersSP-1: Connect via wireless LAN to print pictures on instax  lm.
132Optional Accessories   Connecting the Camera to Other Devices Connecting the Camera to Other DevicesX-E2S  ■■Macro Extension TubeMacro Extension TubeMCEX-11/16 *  ■■Computer RelatedComputer RelatedComputer †  ■■PrintingPrintingPrinter †PictBridge-compatible printer †* Available separately from FUJIFILM.† Available separately from third-party suppliers.  USB cables must be no more than 60 cm (1.9 ft.) long, HDMI cables no more than 1.5 m (4.9 ft.) long.USB cable †USB cable †SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card †  ■■LensesLensesXF-series lenses *XC-series lenses *  ■■Flash PhotographyFlash PhotographyEF-20 shoe mount  ash *EF-42 shoe mount  ash *EF-X20 shoe mount  ash *  ■■Remote Shutter Remote Shutter ReleasesReleases  ■■External External MicrophonesMicrophonesMIC-ST1 stereo microphone *RR-90 remote release *  ■■M Mount M Mount AdaptersAdaptersFUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER *HDTV †  ■■Audio/VisualAudio/VisualHDMI cable †SP-1 instax SHARE printer *Wireless LAN
133Technical NotesCaring for the CameraCaring for the CameraTo ensure continued enjoyment of the product, observe the following precautions.Storage and UseStorage and UseIf the camera will not be used for an extended pe-riod, remove the battery and memory card.  Do not store or use the camera in locations that are:•  exposed to rain, steam, or smoke•  very humid or extremely dusty•  exposed to direct sunlight or very high temper-atures, such as in a closed vehicle on a sunny day• extremely cold•  subject to strong vibration•  exposed to strong magnetic  elds, such as near a broadcasting antenna, power line, radar emit-ter, motor, transformer, or magnet• in contact with volatile chemicals such as pes-ticides•  next to rubber or vinyl products ■Water and SandExposure to water and sand can also damage the camera and its internal circuitry and mechanisms.  When using the camera at the beach or seaside, avoid exposing the camera to water or sand.  Do not place the camera on a wet surface. ■CondensationSudden increases in temperature, such as occur when entering a heated building on a cold day, can cause condensation inside the camera.  If this occurs, turn the camera o  and wait an hour be-fore turning it on again.  If condensation forms on the memory card, remove the card and wait for the condensation to dissipate.TravelingTravelingKeep the camera in your carry-on baggage.  Checked baggage may su er violent shocks that could damage the camera.
134 Cleaning the Image Sensor Cleaning the Image SensorMultiple photographs marred by spots or blotches in identical locations may indicate the presence of dust on the camera image sensor.  Clean the sensor using the V SENSOR CLEANING option in the setup menu (P 110); if the problem persists, you can clean the sensor manually as described below.  Note that there will be a charge to repair or replace the image sensor if it is damaged during cleaning. 1 Use a blower (not a brush) to remove dust from the sensor. QDo not use a brush or blower brush.  Failure to observe this precaution could damage the sensor. 2 Check whether the dust has been successfully removed. RRepeat Steps 1 and 2 as necessary. 3 Replace the body cap or lens.
135TroubleshootingTroubleshootingTroubleshooting Problems and Solutions Problems and Solutions  ■■Power and BatteryPower and BatteryProblemProblemSolutionSolutionThe camera does not The camera does not turn on.turn on.• • The battery is exhaustedThe battery is exhausted: Charge the battery (: Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).• • The battery is inserted incorrectlyThe battery is inserted incorrectly: Reinsert in the correct orientation (: Reinsert in the correct orientation (PP 17). 17).• • The battery-chamber cover is not latchedThe battery-chamber cover is not latched: Latch the battery-chamber cover (: Latch the battery-chamber cover (PP 18). 18).The monitor does not The monitor does not turn on.turn on.The monitor may not turn on if the camera is turned off  and then on again very quickly. Press the shutter button The monitor may not turn on if the camera is turned off  and then on again very quickly. Press the shutter button halfway to activate the monitor.halfway to activate the monitor.The battery runs down The battery runs down quickly.quickly.• • The battery is coldThe battery is cold: Warm the battery by placing it in a pocket or other warm place and reinsert it in the camera : Warm the battery by placing it in a pocket or other warm place and reinsert it in the camera immediately before taking a picture.immediately before taking a picture.• • There is dirt on the battery terminalsThere is dirt on the battery terminals: Clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth.: Clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth.• • ONON is selected for  is selected for G AUTOFOCUS SETTING> PRE-AFPRE-AF: Turn : Turn PRE-AFPRE-AF off  ( off  (PP  000000).).• • SS is selected for shooting mode is selected for shooting mode: Select a diff erent mode (: Select a diff erent mode (PP  000000, , 000000). ). • • The battery has been charged many timesThe battery has been charged many times: The battery has reached the end of its charging life.  Purchase a new : The battery has reached the end of its charging life.  Purchase a new battery.battery.The camera turns o  The camera turns o  suddenly.suddenly.The battery is exhaustedThe battery is exhausted: Charge the battery (: Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).Charging does not start.Charging does not start.Reinsert the battery in the correct orientation and make sure that the charger is plugged in (Reinsert the battery in the correct orientation and make sure that the charger is plugged in (PP 16). 16).Charging is slow.Charging is slow.Charge the battery at room temperature (Charge the battery at room temperature (PP v). v).The charging lamp blinks, The charging lamp blinks, but the battery does not but the battery does not charge.charge.• • There is dirt on the battery terminalsThere is dirt on the battery terminals: Clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth.: Clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth.• • The battery has been charged many timesThe battery has been charged many times: The battery has reached the end of its charging life.  Purchase a new : The battery has reached the end of its charging life.  Purchase a new battery.  If the battery still fails to charge, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.battery.  If the battery still fails to charge, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.  ■■Menus and DisplaysMenus and DisplaysProblemProblemSolutionSolutionDisplay is not in English.Display is not in English.Select Select ENGLISHENGLISH for  for QQ  aa ( (PP 106). 106).
136Problems and Solutions  ■■ShootingShootingProblemProblemSolutionSolutionNo picture is taken when No picture is taken when the shutter button is the shutter button is pressed.pressed.• • The memory card is fullThe memory card is full: Insert a new memory card or delete pictures (: Insert a new memory card or delete pictures (PP 17, 35). 17, 35).• • The memory card is not formattedThe memory card is not formatted: Format the memory card (: Format the memory card (PP 113). 113).• • There is dirt on the memory card contactsThere is dirt on the memory card contacts: Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.: Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.• • The memory card is damagedThe memory card is damaged: Insert a new memory card (: Insert a new memory card (PP 17). 17).• • The battery is exhaustedThe battery is exhausted: Charge the battery (: Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).• • The camera has turned o  automaticallyThe camera has turned o  automatically: Turn the camera on (: Turn the camera on (PP 21). 21).• • The indicator lamp was orange when you attempted to record a panoramaThe indicator lamp was orange when you attempted to record a panorama: Wait until the indicator lamps turns off  : Wait until the indicator lamps turns off  ((PP 4). 4).Mottling (“noise”) appears Mottling (“noise”) appears in the monitor or view-in the monitor or view- nder when the shutter  nder when the shutter button is pressed halfway.button is pressed halfway.Gain is increased to aid composition when the subject is poorly lit and aperture is stopped down, which may result Gain is increased to aid composition when the subject is poorly lit and aperture is stopped down, which may result in noticeable mottling when images are previewed in the displays.  Images taken with the camera are unaff ected.in noticeable mottling when images are previewed in the displays.  Images taken with the camera are unaff ected.The camera does not focus.The camera does not focus.TThe subject is not suited to autofocushe subject is not suited to autofocus: Use focus lock (: Use focus lock (PP 56) or manual focus ( 56) or manual focus (PP 68). 68).Intelligent Face Detection Intelligent Face Detection is not available.is not available.Intelligent Face Detection is not available in the current shooting modeIntelligent Face Detection is not available in the current shooting mode: Choose a diff erent shooting mode (: Choose a diff erent shooting mode (PP 151). 151).No face is detected.No face is detected.• • The subject’s face is obscured by sunglasses, a hat, long hair, or other objectsThe subject’s face is obscured by sunglasses, a hat, long hair, or other objects: Remove the obstructions.: Remove the obstructions.• • The subject’s face occupies only a small area of the frameThe subject’s face occupies only a small area of the frame: Change the composition so that the subject’s face oc-: Change the composition so that the subject’s face oc-cupies a larger area of the frame (cupies a larger area of the frame (PP 56). 56).• • The subject’s head is tilted or horizontalThe subject’s head is tilted or horizontal: Ask the subject to hold their head straight.: Ask the subject to hold their head straight.• • The camera is tiltedThe camera is tilted: Keep the camera level.: Keep the camera level.• • The subject’s face is poorly litThe subject’s face is poorly lit: Shoot in bright light.: Shoot in bright light.Wrong subject is selected.Wrong subject is selected.The selected subject is closer to the center of the frame than the main subject. Recompose the picture or turn face The selected subject is closer to the center of the frame than the main subject. Recompose the picture or turn face detection off  and frame the picture using focus lock (detection off  and frame the picture using focus lock (PP 56). 56).
137TroubleshootingProblems and SolutionsProblemProblemSolutionSolutionThe  ash does not  re.The  ash does not  re.• • The  ash can not be used at current settingsThe  ash can not be used at current settings: See the list of the settings that can be used with the fl ash (: See the list of the settings that can be used with the fl ash (PP 128). 128).• • The  ash is loweredThe  ash is lowered: Raise the fl ash (: Raise the fl ash (PP 36). 36).• • The battery is exhaustedThe battery is exhausted: Charge the battery (: Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).• • The camera is in bracketing or continuous modeThe camera is in bracketing or continuous mode: Select single frame mode (: Select single frame mode (PP 61, 61). 61, 61).• • OFFOFF is selected for  is selected for oo  SOUND & FLASHSOUND & FLASH: Select : Select ONON ( (PP 106). 106).Some  ash modes are not Some  ash modes are not available.available.OFFOFF is selected for  is selected for oo  SOUND & FLASHSOUND & FLASH: Select : Select ONON ( (PP 106). 106).The  ash does not fully The  ash does not fully light the subject.light the subject.• • The subject is not in range of the  ashThe subject is not in range of the  ash: Position the subject in range of the fl ash (: Position the subject in range of the fl ash (PP 147). 147).• • The  ash window is obstructedThe  ash window is obstructed: Hold the camera correctly (: Hold the camera correctly (PP 30). 30).• • Shutter speed is faster than Shutter speed is faster than // s s: Choose a slower shutter speed (: Choose a slower shutter speed (PP 37, 48, 50). 37, 48, 50). Pictures are blurred. Pictures are blurred.• • The lens is dirtyThe lens is dirty: Clean the lens (: Clean the lens (PP xi). xi).• • The lens is blockedThe lens is blocked: Keep objects away from the lens.: Keep objects away from the lens.• • ss is displayed during shooting and the focus frame is displayed in red is displayed during shooting and the focus frame is displayed in red: Check focus before shooting (: Check focus before shooting (PP 30). 30).• • kk is displayed during shooting is displayed during shooting: Use the fl ash or mount the camera on a tripod (: Use the fl ash or mount the camera on a tripod (PP 36). 36).Pictures are mottled.Pictures are mottled.• • Shutter speed is slow and the ambient temperature is highShutter speed is slow and the ambient temperature is high: This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.: This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.• • The camera has been used continuously at high temperatures or a temperature warning is displayedThe camera has been used continuously at high temperatures or a temperature warning is displayed: Turn the cam-: Turn the cam-era off  and wait for it to cool down.era off  and wait for it to cool down.
138Problems and Solutions  ■■PlaybackPlaybackProblemProblemSolutionSolutionPictures are grainy.Pictures are grainy.The pictures were taken with a diff erent make or model of camera.The pictures were taken with a diff erent make or model of camera.Playback zoom is unavail-Playback zoom is unavail-able.able.The pictures were created using The pictures were created using OO  RESIZERESIZE or with a diff erent make or model of camera. or with a diff erent make or model of camera.No sound in movie No sound in movie playback.playback.• • Playback volume is too lowPlayback volume is too low: Adjust playback volume (: Adjust playback volume (PP 107). 107).• • The microphone was obstructedThe microphone was obstructed: Hold the camera correctly during recording (: Hold the camera correctly during recording (PP 2, 38). 2, 38).• • The speaker is obstructedThe speaker is obstructed: Hold the camera correctly during playback (: Hold the camera correctly during playback (PP 2, 40). 2, 40).• • OFFOFF is selected for  is selected for oo  SOUND & FLASHSOUND & FLASH: Select : Select ONON ( (PP 106). 106).Selected pictures are not Selected pictures are not deleted.deleted.Some of the pictures selected for deletion are protected.  Remove protection using the device with which it was Some of the pictures selected for deletion are protected.  Remove protection using the device with which it was originally applied (originally applied (PP 101). 101).File numbering is unex-File numbering is unex-pectedly reset.pectedly reset.The battery-chamber cover was opened while the camera was on.  Turn the camera off  before opening the bat-The battery-chamber cover was opened while the camera was on.  Turn the camera off  before opening the bat-tery-chamber cover (tery-chamber cover (PP 17, 21). 17, 21).  ■■Connections/MiscellaneousConnections/MiscellaneousFor additional information on troubleshooting wireless connections, visit:http://faq.fujifilm.com/digitalcamera/faq_product.html?pid=XProblemProblemSolutionSolutionProblem connecting or Problem connecting or uploading pictures to uploading pictures to smartphone.smartphone.• • The smartphone is too far awayThe smartphone is too far away: Move the devices closer.: Move the devices closer.• • Nearby devices are causing radio interferenceNearby devices are causing radio interference: Move the camera and smartphone away from microwave ovens or : Move the camera and smartphone away from microwave ovens or cordless phones.cordless phones.Can not upload images.Can not upload images.• • The smartphone is connected to another deviceThe smartphone is connected to another device: The smartphone and camera can connect to only one device at a : The smartphone and camera can connect to only one device at a time.  End the connection and try again.time.  End the connection and try again.• • There are several smartphones in the vicinityThere are several smartphones in the vicinity: Try connecting again. The presence of multiple smartphones can : Try connecting again. The presence of multiple smartphones can make connection diffi  cult.make connection diffi  cult.• • The current image is a movie or was created on another device and can not be uploaded to a smartphone.The current image is a movie or was created on another device and can not be uploaded to a smartphone.
139TroubleshootingProblems and SolutionsProblemProblemSolutionSolutionSmartphone will not Smartphone will not display pictures.display pictures.Select Select ONON for  for rr  CONNECTION SETTINGCONNECTION SETTING >  > WIRELESS SETTINGWIRELESS SETTING> > RESIZE IMAGE FOR SMARTPHONERESIZE IMAGE FOR SMARTPHONE  HH.  Selecting .  Selecting OFFOFF increases upload times for larger images; in addition, some phones may not display images  increases upload times for larger images; in addition, some phones may not display images over a certain size.over a certain size.No picture or sound on TV.No picture or sound on TV.• • The camera is not properly connectedThe camera is not properly connected: Connect the camera properly (: Connect the camera properly (PP  128).  Note that once the camera is con-).  Note that once the camera is con-nected, pictures will be displayed on the TV instead of in the camera monitor.nected, pictures will be displayed on the TV instead of in the camera monitor.• • Input on the television is set to “TV”Input on the television is set to “TV”: Set input to “HDMI”.: Set input to “HDMI”.• • The volume on the TV is too lowThe volume on the TV is too low: Use the controls on the television to adjust the volume.: Use the controls on the television to adjust the volume.The computer does not The computer does not recognize the camera.recognize the camera.Be sure the camera and computer are correctly connected (Be sure the camera and computer are correctly connected (PP  120).).Can not transfer RAW or Can not transfer RAW or JPEG  les to computer.JPEG  les to computer.Use MyFinePix Studio to transfer pictures (Windows only; Use MyFinePix Studio to transfer pictures (Windows only; PP  118).).Pictures can not be Pictures can not be printed.printed.• • The camera is not properly connectedThe camera is not properly connected: Connect the camera correctly (: Connect the camera correctly (PP  121).).• • The printer is o The printer is o : Turn the printer on.: Turn the printer on.Only one copy is printed/Only one copy is printed/the date is not printed.the date is not printed.The printer is not PictBridge compatible.The printer is not PictBridge compatible.The camera is unrespon-The camera is unrespon-sive.sive.• • Temporary camera malfunctionTemporary camera malfunction: Remove and reinsert the battery (: Remove and reinsert the battery (PP 17, 19). 17, 19).• • The battery is exhaustedThe battery is exhausted: Charge the battery (: Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).The camera does not func-The camera does not func-tion as expected.tion as expected.Remove and reinsert the battery (Remove and reinsert the battery (PP 17, 19).  If the problem persists, contact your FUJIFILM dealer. 17, 19).  If the problem persists, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.No sound.No sound.Select Select ONON for  for oo  SOUND & FLASHSOUND & FLASH ( (PP 106). 106).
140 Warning Messages and Displays Warning Messages and DisplaysThe following warnings appear in the display.WarningWarningDescriptionDescriptionBB (red) (red)Low battery.  Charge the battery (Low battery.  Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17).AA (blinks red) (blinks red)Battery exhausted.  Charge the battery (Battery exhausted.  Charge the battery (PP 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery ( 16) or insert a fully-charged spare battery (PP 17). 17). k kSlow shutter speed.  Pictures may be blurred; use the fl ash or a tripod.Slow shutter speed.  Pictures may be blurred; use the fl ash or a tripod. s s(displayed in red with (displayed in red with red focus frame)red focus frame)The camera can not focus.  Try one of the following solutions:The camera can not focus.  Try one of the following solutions:• • Use focus lock to focus on another subject at the same distance, then recompose the picture (Use focus lock to focus on another subject at the same distance, then recompose the picture (PP 56 56).).Aperture or shutter speed Aperture or shutter speed displayed in reddisplayed in redThe subject is too bright or too dark and the picture will be over- or under-exposed.  Use the fl ash for additional The subject is too bright or too dark and the picture will be over- or under-exposed.  Use the fl ash for additional lighting when taking photographs of poorly-lit subjects (lighting when taking photographs of poorly-lit subjects (PP 36). 36).FOCUS ERRORFOCUS ERRORCamera malfunction.  Turn the camera off  and then on again.  If the message persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.Camera malfunction.  Turn the camera off  and then on again.  If the message persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.TURN OFF THE CAMERA TURN OFF THE CAMERA AND TURN ON AGAINAND TURN ON AGAINLENS CONTROL ERRORLENS CONTROL ERRORLENS ERRORLENS ERRORTurn the camera off , remove the lens, and clean the mounting surfaces, then replace the lens and turn the camera Turn the camera off , remove the lens, and clean the mounting surfaces, then replace the lens and turn the camera on.  If the problem persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.on.  If the problem persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.BUSYBUSYThe memory card is incorrectly formatted.  Use the camera to format the card (The memory card is incorrectly formatted.  Use the camera to format the card (PP 113). 113).CARD NOT INITIALIZEDCARD NOT INITIALIZED• • The memory card is not formatted or the memory card has been formatted in a computer or other deviceThe memory card is not formatted or the memory card has been formatted in a computer or other device: Format the : Format the memory card using the memory card using the KK  FORMATFORMAT option in the camera setup menu ( option in the camera setup menu (PP 113). 113).• • The memory card contacts require cleaningThe memory card contacts require cleaning: Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.  If the message is repeated, : Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.  If the message is repeated, format the card (format the card (PP 113).  If the message persists, replace the card. 113).  If the message persists, replace the card.• • Camera malfunctionCamera malfunction: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer.: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer.PROTECTED CARDPROTECTED CARDThe memory card is locked.  Unlock the card (The memory card is locked.  Unlock the card (PP 18). 18).
141TroubleshootingWarning Messages and DisplayWarningWarningDescriptionDescriptionCARD ERRORCARD ERROR• • The memory card is not formatted for use in the cameraThe memory card is not formatted for use in the camera: Format the card (: Format the card (PP 113). 113).• • The memory card contacts require cleaning or the memory card is damagedThe memory card contacts require cleaning or the memory card is damaged: Clean  the contacts with a  soft,  dry : Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.  If the message is repeated, format the card (cloth.  If the message is repeated, format the card (PP 113).  If the message persists, replace the card. 113).  If the message persists, replace the card.• • Incompatible memory cardIncompatible memory card: Use a compatible card (: Use a compatible card (PP 20). 20).• • Camera malfunctionCamera malfunction: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer.: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer.bb MEMORY FULL MEMORY FULLThe memory card is full and pictures can not be recorded.  Delete pictures (The memory card is full and pictures can not be recorded.  Delete pictures (PP 35) or insert a memory card with  35) or insert a memory card with more free space (more free space (PP 17). 17).NO CARDNO CARDThe shutter can only be released when a memory card is inserted.  Insert a memory card.The shutter can only be released when a memory card is inserted.  Insert a memory card.WRITE ERRORWRITE ERROR• • Memory card error or connection errorMemory card error or connection error: Reinsert the card or turn the camera off  and then on again.  If the message : Reinsert the card or turn the camera off  and then on again.  If the message persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.persists, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.• • Not enough memory remaining to record additional picturesNot enough memory remaining to record additional pictures: Delete pictures (: Delete pictures (PP 35) or insert a memory card with  35) or insert a memory card with more free space (more free space (PP 17). 17).• • The memory card is not formattedThe memory card is not formatted: Format the memory card (: Format the memory card (PP 113). 113).READ ERRORREAD ERROR• • The  le is corrupt or was not created with the cameraThe  le is corrupt or was not created with the camera: The fi le can not be viewed.: The fi le can not be viewed.• • The memory card contacts require cleaningThe memory card contacts require cleaning: Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.  If the message is repeated, : Clean the contacts with a soft, dry cloth.  If the message is repeated, format the card (format the card (PP 113).  If the message persists, replace the card. 113).  If the message persists, replace the card.• • Camera malfunctionCamera malfunction: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer.: Contact a FUJIFILM dealer. FRAME NO. FULL FRAME NO. FULLThe camera has run out of frame numbers (current frame number is 999-9999).  Format the memory card and The camera has run out of frame numbers (current frame number is 999-9999).  Format the memory card and select select RENEWRENEW for  for BB  FRAME NO.FRAME NO. Take a picture to reset frame numbering to 100-0001, then select  Take a picture to reset frame numbering to 100-0001, then select CONTINU-CONTINU-OUSOUS for  for BB  FRAME NO.FRAME NO. ( (PP 110). 110).TOO MANY FRAMESTOO MANY FRAMES• • A search has returned more than 30,000 resultsA search has returned more than 30,000 results: Choose a search that returns fewer results.: Choose a search that returns fewer results.• • More than 999 images are selected for deletionMore than 999 images are selected for deletion: Choose fewer images.: Choose fewer images.
142Warning Messages and DisplayWarningWarningDescriptionDescriptionPROTECTED FRAMEPROTECTED FRAMEAn attempt was made to delete or rotate to a protected picture.  Remove protection and try again (An attempt was made to delete or rotate to a protected picture.  Remove protection and try again (PP 101). 101).CAN NOT CROPCAN NOT CROPThe picture is damaged or was not created with the camera.The picture is damaged or was not created with the camera.mm CANNOT EXECUTE CANNOT EXECUTERed-eye removal can not be applied to pictures created with other devices.Red-eye removal can not be applied to pictures created with other devices.FF CANNOT EXECUTE CANNOT EXECUTERed-eye removal can not be applied to movies.Red-eye removal can not be applied to movies.CAN NOT ROTATECAN NOT ROTATEThe selected picture can not be rotated.The selected picture can not be rotated.FF CAN NOT ROTATE CAN NOT ROTATEMovies can not be rotated.Movies can not be rotated.DPOF FILE ERRORDPOF FILE ERRORThe DPOF print order on the current memory card contains more than 999 images.  Copy the pictures to a com-The DPOF print order on the current memory card contains more than 999 images.  Copy the pictures to a com-puter and create a new print order.puter and create a new print order.CAN NOT SET DPOFCAN NOT SET DPOFThe picture can not be printed using DPOF.The picture can not be printed using DPOF.FF CAN NOT SET DPOF CAN NOT SET DPOFMovies can not be printed using DPOF.Movies can not be printed using DPOF.COMMUNICATION ERRORCOMMUNICATION ERRORA connection error occurred while pictures were being printed or copied to a computer or other device.  Confi rm A connection error occurred while pictures were being printed or copied to a computer or other device.  Confi rm that the device is turned on and that the USB cable is connected.that the device is turned on and that the USB cable is connected.PRINTER ERRORPRINTER ERRORPrinter out of paper or ink, or other printer error.  Check printer (see printer manual for details).  To resume printing, Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error.  Check printer (see printer manual for details).  To resume printing, turn the printer off  and then turn it back on.turn the printer off  and then turn it back on.PRINTER ERRORPRINTER ERRORRESUME?RESUME?Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error.  Check printer (see printer manual for details).  If printing does not Printer out of paper or ink, or other printer error.  Check printer (see printer manual for details).  If printing does not resume automatically, press resume automatically, press MENU/OKMENU/OK to resume. to resume.CANNOT BE PRINTEDCANNOT BE PRINTEDAn attempt was made to print a movie, a picture not created with the camera, or a picture in a format not sup-An attempt was made to print a movie, a picture not created with the camera, or a picture in a format not sup-ported by the printer.  Movies, RAW images, and some pictures created with other devices can not be printed; if ported by the printer.  Movies, RAW images, and some pictures created with other devices can not be printed; if the picture is a still picture created with the camera, check the printer manual to confi rm that the printer supports the picture is a still picture created with the camera, check the printer manual to confi rm that the printer supports the JFIF-JPEG or Exif-JPEG format.  If it does not, the pictures can not be printed.the JFIF-JPEG or Exif-JPEG format.  If it does not, the pictures can not be printed. p pTurn the camera off  and wait for it to cool.  Mottling may increase in pictures taken when this warning is displayed.Turn the camera off  and wait for it to cool.  Mottling may increase in pictures taken when this warning is displayed.
143AppendixAppendixAppendix Memory Card Capacity Memory Card CapacityThe following table shows the recording time or number of pictures available at di erent image sizes.  All  gures are approximate;  le size varies with the scene recorded, producing wide variations in the number of  les that can be stored.  The number of exposures or length remaining may not diminish at an even rate.CapacityCapacityOO8 GB8 GB8 GB8 GBTT FINE FINETT NORMAL NORMALTT FINE FINETT NORMAL NORMALPhotographsPhotographsOO 3 : 2 3 : 212101210191019102490249039503950RAWRAW230230490490MoviesMovies 1 1ii 1920×1080 60 fps 1920×1080 60 fps 2 2ii 1920×1080 50 fps 1920×1080 50 fps 2 2ii 1920×1080 30 fps 1920×1080 30 fps 2 2ii 1920×1080 25 fps 1920×1080 25 fps 2 2ii 1920×1080 24 fps 1920×1080 24 fps 2 226 min.26 min.54 min.54 min.hh 1280×720 60 fps 1280×720 60 fps 3 3hh 1280×720 50 fps 1280×720 50 fps 3 3hh 1280×720 30 fps 1280×720 30 fps 3 3hh 1280×720 25 fps 1280×720 25 fps 3 3hh 1280×720 24 fps 1280×720 24 fps 3 351 min.51 min.105 min.105 min.1 Use  a  H card or better.2 Individual movies can not exceed 14 minutes in length.3 Individual movies can not exceed 27 minutes in length.
144LinksLinksFor more information on FUJIFILM digital camera, visit the websites listed below.FUJIFILM X-FUJIFILM X-E2SE2S Product Information Product InformationOptional accessories and support information can be found on the following website.fujilm X-E2SFirmware UpdatesFirmware UpdatesUpdates to product  rmware may result in changes not described in the manual.  For more information, visit:http://www.fujifilm.com/support/digital_cameras/software/fw_table.htmlfujilm rmwareFree FUJIFILM AppsFree FUJIFILM AppsFUJIFILM apps give you more opportunities to enjoy your pictures on smartphones, tablets, and computers.http://fujifilm-dsc.com/fujilm Wi-Fi appFor the latest version of MyFinePix Studio, visit:http://fujifilm-dsc.com/mfs/fujilm mfsFor the latest version of RAW FILE CONVERTER, visit:http://fujifilm-dsc.com/rfc/fujilm rfc
145AppendixSpeci cationsSpeci cationsSystemModelModelFUJIFILM X-FUJIFILM X-E2SE2S digital camera digital cameraE ective pixelsE ective pixels16.3 million16.3 millionImage sensorImage sensor23.6 mm × 15.6 mm (APS-C), X-Trans CMOS II sensor with square pixels and primary color fi lter23.6 mm × 15.6 mm (APS-C), X-Trans CMOS II sensor with square pixels and primary color fi lterStorage mediaStorage mediaFUJIFILM-recommended SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cardsFUJIFILM-recommended SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cardsFile systemFile systemCompliant with Compliant with DDesign Rule for esign Rule for CCamera amera FFile System ile System (DCF)(DCF), Exif 2.3, and , Exif 2.3, and DDigital igital PPrint rint OOrder rder FFormat ormat (DPOF)(DPOF)File formatFile format• • Still picturesStill pictures: Exif 2.3 JPEG : Exif 2.3 JPEG (compressed)(compressed); RAW ; RAW (original RAF format, special-purpose software required)(original RAF format, special-purpose software required); RAW+; RAW+JPEGJPEG available available• • MoviesMovies: H.264 standard with stereo sound : H.264 standard with stereo sound (MOV)(MOV)Image sizeImage size• • OO 3 : 2 3 : 2: 4,896 × 3,264: 4,896 × 3,264• • PP 3 : 2 3 : 2: 3,456 × 2,304: 3,456 × 2,304• • QQ 3 : 2 3 : 2: 2,496 × 1,664: 2,496 × 1,664• • OO 16 : 9 16 : 9: 4,896 × 2,760: 4,896 × 2,760• • PP 16 : 9 16 : 9: 3,456 × 1,944: 3,456 × 1,944• • QQ 16 : 9 16 : 9: 2,496 × 1,408: 2,496 × 1,408• • OO 1 : 1 1 : 1: 3,264 × 3,264: 3,264 × 3,264• • PP 1 : 1 1 : 1: 2,304 × 2,304: 2,304 × 2,304• • QQ 1 : 1 1 : 1: 1,664 × 1,664: 1,664 × 1,664• • OO panorama panorama: 2,160 × 9,600: 2,160 × 9,600 (vertical) (vertical) / 9,600 × 1,440 / 9,600 × 1,440 (horizontal) (horizontal)• • PP panorama panorama: 2,160 × 6,400: 2,160 × 6,400 (vertical) (vertical) / 6,400 × 1,440 / 6,400 × 1,440 (horizontal) (horizontal)Lens mountLens mountFUJIFILM X mountFUJIFILM X mountSensitivitySensitivityStandard output sensitivity equivalent to ISO 200 – 6400 in increments of Standard output sensitivity equivalent to ISO 200 – 6400 in increments of // EV; AUTO; extended output sensitivity  EV; AUTO; extended output sensitivity equivalent to ISO 100, 12800, equivalent to ISO 100, 12800, 25600, or 5120025600, or 51200MeteringMetering256-segment 256-segment tthrough-hrough-tthe-he-llens (TTL) metering; MULTI, SPOT, AVERAGEens (TTL) metering; MULTI, SPOT, AVERAGEExposure controlExposure controlProgrammed AE Programmed AE (with program shift)(with program shift); shutter-priority AE; aperture-priority AE; manual exposure; shutter-priority AE; aperture-priority AE; manual exposureExposure compensationExposure compensation–3 EV – +3 EV in increments of –3 EV – +3 EV  in increments of // EV EV
146Speci cationsSystemShutter speed Shutter speed • • MECHANICAL SHUTTERMECHANICAL SHUTTER  --PP mode mode: 4 sec. to : 4 sec. to // sec. sec.  --BulbBulb: Max. 60 min.: Max. 60 min.  --TimeTime: 30 sec. to : 30 sec. to // sec. sec.  --All other modesAll other modes: 30 sec. to : 30 sec. to // sec. sec.• • ELECTRONIC SHUTTERELECTRONIC SHUTTER  --PP, , SS, , AA, and , and MM modes modes: 1 sec. to : 1 sec. to // sec. sec.  --BulbBulb: Fixed at 1 sec.: Fixed at 1 sec.  --TimeTime: 1 sec. to : 1 sec. to // sec. sec.• • MECHANICAL + ELECTRONICMECHANICAL + ELECTRONIC  --PP mode mode: 4 sec. to : 4 sec. to // sec. sec.  --BulbBulb: Max. 60 min.: Max. 60 min.  --TimeTime: 30 sec. to : 30 sec. to // sec. sec.  --All other modesAll other modes: 30 sec. to : 30 sec. to // sec. sec.ContinuousContinuousModeModeFrame rate (fps)Frame rate (fps)Frames per burstFrames per burstIIJJ7.07.0Up to approximately Up to approximately 1717OO3.03.0Until card is fullUntil card is full RUse a H card or better. RThe frame rate varies with shooting conditions and the number of images recorded.FocusFocus• • ModeMode: Single or continuous AF; manual focus with focus ring;: Single or continuous AF; manual focus with focus ring; AF+MF AF+MF• • Focus-area selectionFocus-area selection: SINGLE POINT, ZONE, WIDE/TRACKING: SINGLE POINT, ZONE, WIDE/TRACKING• • Autofocus systemAutofocus system: Intelligent hybrid AF (TTL contrast-detect/phase-detection AF) with AF-assist illuminator: Intelligent hybrid AF (TTL contrast-detect/phase-detection AF) with AF-assist illuminatorWhite balanceWhite balanceCustom, color temperature selection, auto, direct sunlight, shade, daylight fl uorescent, warm white fl uorescent, Custom, color temperature selection, auto, direct sunlight, shade, daylight fl uorescent, warm white fl uorescent, cool white fl uorescent, incandescent, underwatercool white fl uorescent, incandescent, underwaterSelf-timerSelf-timerOff , 2 sec., 10 sec.Off , 2 sec., 10 sec.
147AppendixSpeci cationsSystem Flash Flash• • TypeType: Manual pop-up fl ash unit: Manual pop-up fl ash unit• • Guide numberGuide number: Approx. 7/22 (ISO 200, m/ft.): Approx. 7/22 (ISO 200, m/ft.)ModeModeAuto, fi ll fl ash, off , slow sync, rear-curtain sync, commander Auto, fi ll fl ash, off , slow sync, rear-curtain sync, commander (red-eye removal o )(red-eye removal o ); auto with red-eye removal, fi ll fl ash ; auto with red-eye removal, fi ll fl ash with red-eye removawith red-eye removal, off , sl, off , slow sync with red-eye removal, rear-curtain sync with red-eye removal, commander low sync with red-eye removal, rear-curtain sync with red-eye removal, commander (red-eye removal on)(red-eye removal on)Hot shoeHot shoeAccessory shoe with TTL contactsAccessory shoe with TTL contactsView nderView nder0.5-in., 2,360k-dot color OLED viewfi nder with diopter adjustment (–4 to +2m0.5-in., 2,360k-dot color OLED viewfi nder with diopter adjustment (–4 to +2m–1–1); eye point approx. 23 mm; frame ); eye point approx. 23 mm; frame coverage approx. 100%coverage approx. 100%LCD monitorLCD monitor3.0-in/7.6 cm., 1,040k-dot color LCD monitor; frame coverage approx. 100%3.0-in/7.6 cm., 1,040k-dot color LCD monitor; frame coverage approx. 100%MoviesMovies• • ii 1920 × 1080 60fps 1920 × 1080 60fps: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 60 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 60 fps; stereo sound• • ii 1920 × 1080 50fps 1920 × 1080 50fps: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 50 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 50 fps; stereo sound• • ii 1920 × 1080 30fps 1920 × 1080 30fps: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 30 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 30 fps; stereo sound• • ii 1920 × 1080 25fps 1920 × 1080 25fps: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 25 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 25 fps; stereo sound• • ii 1920 × 1080 24fps 1920 × 1080 24fps: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 24 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,920 × 1,080 (1080p); 24 fps; stereo sound• • hh 1280 × 720 60fps 1280 × 720 60fps: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 60 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 60 fps; stereo sound• • hh 1280 × 720 50fps 1280 × 720 50fps: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 50 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 50 fps; stereo sound• • hh 1280 × 720 30fps 1280 × 720 30fps: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 30 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 30 fps; stereo sound• • hh 1280 × 720 25fps 1280 × 720 25fps: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 25 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 25 fps; stereo sound• • hh 1280 × 720 24fps 1280 × 720 24fps: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 24 fps; stereo sound: Frame size 1,280 × 720 (720p); 24 fps; stereo sound
148Speci cationsInput/output terminalsHDMI outputHDMI outputHDMI mini connectorHDMI mini connectorDigital input/outputDigital input/outputMicro USB connector (USB 2.0 High-Speed)Micro USB connector (USB 2.0 High-Speed)Microphone/Microphone/remote release connectorremote release connectorφ2.5 mm mini-stereo jackφ2.5 mm mini-stereo jackPower supply/otherPower supplyPower supplyNP-W126 rechargeable batteryNP-W126 rechargeable batteryBattery lifeBattery life (approximate  (approximate number of frames that can number of frames that can be taken with a fully-charged be taken with a fully-charged battery in mode battery in mode PP, XF 35 mm , XF 35 mm f/1.4 R lens)f/1.4 R lens)Battery typeBattery typeApproximate number of framesApproximate number of framesNP-W126 NP-W126 (type supplied with camera)(type supplied with camera)350350CIPA standard, measured using battery supplied with camera and SD memory card.CIPA standard, measured using battery supplied with camera and SD memory card.NoteNote: Number  of shots that can  be taken with  battery varies  with battery  charge level  and will decline  at low : Number of shots that can be taken with battery varies with battery charge level and will decline at low temperatures.temperatures.Camera sizeCamera size (W × H × D) (W × H × D)129.0 mm × 74.9 mm × 37.2 mm (129.0 mm × 74.9 mm × 37.2 mm (30.9 mm excluding projections, measured at thinnest part30.9 mm excluding projections, measured at thinnest part)/5.0 in. × 2.9 in. × 1.4 in. (1.2 in.))/5.0 in. × 2.9 in. × 1.4 in. (1.2 in.)Camera weightCamera weightApprox. 300 g/10.5 oz., excluding battery, accessories, and memory cardApprox. 300 g/10.5 oz., excluding battery, accessories, and memory cardShooting weightShooting weightApprox. 350 g/12.3 oz., including battery and memory cardApprox. 350 g/12.3 oz., including battery and memory cardOperating conditionsOperating conditions• • TemperatureTemperature: 0 °C to +40 °C/+32 °F to +104 °F: 0 °C to +40 °C/+32 °F to +104 °F• • HumidityHumidity: 10% – 80% : 10% – 80% (no condensation)(no condensation)Wireless transmitterStandardsStandardsIEEE 802.11b/g/n IEEE 802.11b/g/n (standard wireless protocol)(standard wireless protocol)Operating frequencyOperating frequency• • U. S. A., Canada, TaiwanU. S. A., Canada, Taiwan: 2,412 MHz–2,462 MHz : 2,412 MHz–2,462 MHz (11 channels)(11 channels)• • Other countriesOther countries: 2,412 MHz–2,472 MHz : 2,412 MHz–2,472 MHz (13 channels)(13 channels)Access protocolsAccess protocolsInfrastructureInfrastructure
149AppendixSpeci cationsNP-W126 rechargeable batteryNominal voltageNominal voltage7.2 V DC7.2 V  DCNominal capacityNominal capacity1,260 mAh1,260 mAhOperating temperatureOperating temperature0 °C to +40 °C/+32 °F to +104 °F0 °C to +40 °C/+32 °F to +104 °FDimensionsDimensions (W × H × D) (W × H × D)36.4 mm × 47.1 mm × 15.7 mm/1.4 in. × 1.8 in. × 0.6 in.36.4 mm × 47.1 mm × 15.7 mm/1.4 in. × 1.8 in. × 0.6 in.WeightWeightApprox. 47 g/1.7 oz.Approx. 47 g/1.7 oz.BC-W126 battery chargerRated inputRated input100 V – 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz100 V – 240 V AC, 50/60 HzInput capacityInput capacity13 –21 VA13 –21 VARated outputRated output8.4 V DC, 0.6 A8.4 V DC, 0.6 ASupported batteriesSupported batteriesNP-W126 rechargeable batteriesNP-W126 rechargeable batteries Charging time Charging  timeApprox. 150 minutes (+20 °C/+68 °F)Approx. 150 minutes (+20 °C/+68 °F) Operating temperature Operating  temperature5 °C to +40 °C/+41 °F to +104 °F5 °C to +40 °C/+41 °F to +104 °FDimensionsDimensions (W × H × D) (W × H × D)65 mm × 91.5 mm × 28 mm/2.5 in. × 3.6 in. × 1.1 in., excluding projections65 mm × 91.5 mm × 28 mm/2.5 in. × 3.6 in. × 1.1 in., excluding projectionsWeightWeightApprox. 77 g/2.7 oz., excluding batteryApprox. 77 g/2.7 oz., excluding batteryWeight and dimensions vary with the country or region of sale.  Labels, menus, and other displays may di er from those on the actual camera.
150Speci cations  ■■NoticesNotices•  Speci cations subject to change without notice; for the latest information, visit http://www.fujifilm.com/products/digital_cameras/index.html.  FUJIFILM shall not be held liable for damages resulting from errors in this manual.• Although the view nder and LCD monitor are manufactured using advanced high-precision technology, small bright points and anomalous colors may appear, particularly in the vicinity of text.  This is normal for this type of LCD display and does not indicate a malfunction; images recorded with the camera are una ected.•  Digital cameras may malfunction when exposed to strong radio interference (e.g., electric  elds, static electricity, or line noise).•  Due to the type of lens used, some distortion may occur at the periphery of images.  This is normal.
151Appendix Restrictions on Camera Settings Restrictions on Camera SettingsThe options available in each shooting mode are listed below.  Some options may not be available for the items that are supported in any given mode, and function may be restricted depending on shoot-ing conditions.Auto modeAuto modeOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONONONFFrr  22Shooting mode/Shooting mode/scene positionscene positionPPSSAAMMYYjjuuSShhZZMMNNOOHHppQQRRssffUUVVWWpp  1212RED EYE REMOVAL: OFFRED EYE REMOVAL: OFFAA✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔NN✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FF✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ll✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔DD✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔PP✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔RED EYE REMOVAL: ONRED EYE REMOVAL: ONKK✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔LL✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔MM✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔dd✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔DD✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔PP✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔II✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88BB✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔dd✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  55✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  22✔✔FF✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔S.S.S.S.✔✔  11✔✔  44✔✔  11✔✔  44✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  33✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  33✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  33✔✔xxtt✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88tt++ss✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88ss✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  88Program shiftProgram shift✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88ddAF-LAF-L✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔AE+AFAE+AF✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
152Restrictions on Camera SettingsAuto modeAuto modeOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONONONFFrr  22Shooting mode/Shooting mode/scene positionscene positionPPSSAAMMYYjjuuSShhZZMMNNOOHHppQQRRssffUUVVWWNNAUTO1/AUTO2/AUTO1/AUTO2/AUTO3AUTO3✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔H (51200)/H (51200)/H (25600)/H (25600)/H (12800)H (12800)✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔6400 – 10006400 – 1000✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔800800✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔640 – 400640 – 400✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔320 – 200320 – 200✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔L (100)L (100)✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔OOOO✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88PP✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88QQ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88TTFINE/NORMALFINE/NORMAL✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88RAWRAW✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88UUAUTOAUTO✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  88VV//WW//XX✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88PPcc✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔dd//ee//ii✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔gg//hh✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔bb//ee//dd//ff✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ff✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔DD✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔BracketingBracketing✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Continuous ShootingContinuous Shooting✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔bb✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔yy✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
153AppendixRestrictions on Camera SettingsAuto modeAuto modeOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONONONFFrr  22Shooting mode/Shooting mode/scene positionscene positionPPSSAAMMYYjjuuSShhZZMMNNOOHHppQQRRssffUUVVWWCCoo✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  88pp✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88qq✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88Focus Focus modemodeSS✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88CC✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11MM✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88GGrr✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11yy✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11zz✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ccSTANDARDSTANDARD✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔DIGITAL SPLIT DIGITAL SPLIT IMAGEIMAGE✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FOCUS PEAK FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHTHIGHLIGHT✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔AF+MFAF+MF✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔LLLL✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88ll✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88MM✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88mm✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88OFFOFF✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  11✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88jj  66✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88RED EYE REMOVALRED EYE REMOVAL✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔AF ILLUMINATORAF ILLUMINATOR✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88
154Restrictions on Camera SettingsAuto modeAuto modeOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONONONFFrr  22Shooting mode/Shooting mode/scene positionscene positionPPSSAAMMYYjjuuSShhZZMMNNOOHHppQQRRssffUUVVWWff✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88qq✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88rr✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88ss✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88hh✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88KK✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88uu//KK✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  33AAPREVIEW EXP. IN PREVIEW EXP. IN MANUAL MODEMANUAL MODE✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  88FOCUS CHECK (AF) FOCUS CHECK (AF) 99✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77✔✔  77FOCUS CHECK (MF) FOCUS CHECK (MF) 99✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔vvFRAMING FRAMING GUIDELINEGUIDELINE✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ELECTRONIC LEVELELECTRONIC LEVEL✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔AF DISTANCE AF DISTANCE INDICATORINDICATOR✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔MF DISTANCE MF DISTANCE INDICATORINDICATOR✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔HISTOGRAMHISTOGRAM✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔APERTURE/APERTURE/S-SPEED/ISOS-SPEED/ISO✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  1010EXP. EXP. COMPENSATIONCOMPENSATION✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔PHOTOMETRYPHOTOMETRY✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FLASHFLASH✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔WHITE BALANCEWHITE BALANCE✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FILM SIMULATIONFILM SIMULATION✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
155AppendixRestrictions on Camera SettingsAuto modeAuto modeOFFOFFOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONOFFOFFONONONONFFrr  22Shooting mode/Shooting mode/scene positionscene positionPPSSAAMMYYjjuuSShhZZMMNNOOHHppQQRRssffUUVVWWvvDYNAMIC RANGEDYNAMIC RANGE✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FRAMES FRAMES REMAININGREMAINING✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔IMAGE SIZE/IMAGE SIZE/QUALITYQUALITY✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔BATTERY LEVELBATTERY LEVEL✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔JJ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔  1111✔✔  88  1 1  Fixed automatically. Fixed automatically.  22  Wireless remote photography.  Wireless remote photography.  3 3  Options available vary with shooting mode.  Options available vary with shooting mode.  4 4  AA is not available. is not available.  5 5  Available only with auto ISO sensitivity.  Available only with auto ISO sensitivity.  6 6  Varies with lens.  Varies with lens.  7 7  Available only when   Available only when SINGLE POINTSINGLE POINT is selected for  is selected for AF MODEAF MODE in  in focus mode focus mode SS..  88  Still photography settings are used.  Still photography settings are used.  99  Turns o  automatically when interval timer is on.Turns o  automatically when interval timer is on.1010  Display shows shutter speed only.  Display shows shutter speed only.1111  sRGB selected automatically.  sRGB selected automatically.1212  Flash turns o  when   Flash turns o  when ELECTRONIC SHUTTERELECTRONIC SHUTTER//MECHANICAL + MECHANICAL + ELECTRONICELECTRONIC is selected for  is selected for SHUTTER TYPESHUTTER TYPE..
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