Fuji Film 02000002 Wireless LAN Module User Manual 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

Fuji Film Corporation Wireless LAN Module 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

User manual 3

50 The Fn (Function) Buttons The Fn (Function) Buttons Using the Function Buttons Using the Function ButtonsThe roles played by each of the six function buttons can be selected by pressing and holding the but-ton.  The default options are shown below: Fn1 button Fn2 button Fn3 buttonRecording movies (P 44) Bright frame simulation (P 30) Metering (P 59)Fn4 button Fn5 button Fn6 buttonFilm simulation (P 60) White balance (P 61) AF mode (P 66)
51Using the Function ButtonsThe Fn (Function) Buttons Assigning Roles to the Function Buttons Assigning Roles to the Function ButtonsTo assign roles to the function buttons, press and hold the DISP/BACK button until the menu below is displayed.  Select buttons to choose their roles.FUNCTION (Fn) SETTINGCANCELSET•  PREVIEW DEPTH OF FIELD•  ISO AUTO SETTING•  SELF-TIMER•  IMAGE SIZE•  IMAGE QUALITY•  DYNAMIC RANGE•  FILM SIMULATION•  GRAIN EFFECT•  WHITE BALANCE•  PHOTOMETRY•  AF MODE•  FOCUS AREA•  FLASH MODE•  FLASH COMPENSATION•  SELECT CUSTOM SETTING•  MOVIE MODE•  FACE/EYE DETECTION SETTING•  RAW•  APERTURE SETTING•  WIRELESS COMMUNICATION•  SHUTTER TYPE•  PREVIEW EXP./WB IN MANUAL MODE•  PREVIEW PIC. EFFECT•  BRIGHT FRAME SIMULATOR•  BRIGHT FRAME BRIGHTNESS•  NONE RTo disable the selected button, choose NONE. RYou can also display options for any of the function buttons by pressing and holding the button. RThe roles played by the six function buttons can also be selected using D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> FUNC-TION (Fn) SETTING (P 112).
52More on Photography and PlaybackMore on Photography and Playback Drive Mode Drive  ModeUse the DRIVE (e) button to choose the drive mode. 1 Press  the  DRIVE (e) button to display drive mode options. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight a drive mode.AE BKTIcon Icon Drive modeDrive modePPBBSTILL IMAGESTILL IMAGE——RRCONTINUOUSCONTINUOUS5353OOAE BKTAE BKT5454WWISO BKTISO BKTXXFILM SIMULATION BKTFILM SIMULATION BKTHHWHITE BALANCE BKTWHITE BALANCE BKTYYDYNAMIC RANGE BKTDYNAMIC RANGE BKTjjMULTIPLE EXPOSUREMULTIPLE EXPOSURE5656YYADVANCED FILTERADVANCED FILTER5555 3 Press the selector left or right to choose a set-ting.•  Burst mode (CONTINUOUS): Choose the frame-advance rate.•  AE/ISO/WB BKT: Choose the bracketing incre-ment.•  ADVANCED FILTER: Choose a  lter e ect.•  Other modes: Proceed to Step 4. 4 Press MENU/OK. 5 Take pictures. RIn burst mode, pictures will be taken while the shutter button is pressed. Shooting ends when the button is released, the maximum number of pictures has been taken, or the memory card is full.
53More on Photography and PlaybackDrive Mode  RR Burst Mode (CONTINUOUS) Burst Mode (CONTINUOUS)Capture motion in a series of pictures. RFrame rate varies with the subject, shutter speed, sensitivity, and focus mode and may slow as more shots are taken. RDepending on shooting conditions, the frame rate may drop or the  ash may not  re. RAdditional time may be required to record pictures when shooting ends. RIf  le numbering reaches 999 before shooting is complete, the remaining pictures will be recorded to a new folder (P 115). RBurst shooting may not begin if the space available on the memory card is insu  cient.  Focus and Exposure  Focus and ExposureTo vary focus and exposure with each shot, select focus mode C; in other modes, focus and exposure are deter-mined by the  rst shot in each series. QSelecting 8.0 fps in focus mode C restricts the choice of focus frames (P 70). QExposure and focus tracking performance may vary with aperture, sensitivity, and shooting conditions.
54Drive Mode Bracketing BracketingAutomatically vary settings over a series of pictures.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionOO AE BKT AE BKTSelect a bracketing amount.  Each time the shutter button is pressed, the camera will take three shots: one using the metered value for exposure (P 57), the second overexposed by the selected amount, and the third underexposed by the same amount (regardless of the amount selected, ex-posure will not exceed the limits of the exposure metering system).WW ISO BKT ISO BKTSelect a bracketing amount.  Each time the shutter is released, the camera will take a picture at the current sensitivity (P 58) and process it to create two additional copies, one with sensitivity raised and the other with sensitivity lowered by the selected amount (regardless of the amount selected, sensitivity will not exceed ISO 12800 or fall below ISO 200).  XX FILM SIMULATION BKT FILM SIMULATION BKT Each time the shutter is released, the camera takes one shot and processes it to create copies at the settings chosen using A SHOOTING SETTING> FILM SIMULATION BKT (P 60, 95).HH WHITE BALANCE BKT WHITE BALANCE BKTSelect a bracketing amount.  Each time the shutter button is pressed, the camera takes three shots: one at the current white balanced setting (P 61), one with  ne-tuning increased by the selected amount, and another with  ne-tuning decreased by the selected amount.YY DYNAMIC RANGE BKT DYNAMIC RANGE BKTEach time the shutter button is pressed, the camera takes three shots with di erent dynamic ranges (P 89): 100% for the  rst, 200% for the second, and 400% for the third.  While dynamic range bracket-ing is in e ect, sensitivity will be restricted to a minimum of ISO 800 (or to a minimum of ISO 200 to 800 when an auto option is selected for sensitivity); the sensitivity previously in e ect is restored when bracketing ends.
55More on Photography and PlaybackDrive Mode  YY Advanced Filters Advanced FiltersTake photos with  lter e ects.FilterFilterDescriptionDescription  GG TOY CAMERA TOY CAMERA Choose for a retro toy camera e ect.  HH MINIATURE MINIATURE The tops and bottoms of pictures are blurred for a diorama e ect.  II POP COLOR POP COLOR Create high-contrast images with saturated colors.  JJ HIGH-KEY HIGH-KEY Create bright, low-contrast images.  ZZ LOW-KEY LOW-KEY Create uniformly dark tones with few areas of emphasized highlights.  KK DYNAMIC TONE DYNAMIC TONE Dynamic tone expression is used for a fantasy e ect.  XX SOFT FOCUS SOFT FOCUS Create a look that is evenly soft throughout the whole image.  uu PARTIAL COLOR (RED) PARTIAL COLOR (RED)Areas of the image that are the selected color are recorded in that color.  All other areas of the image are recorded in black-and-white.  vv PARTIAL COLOR (ORANGE) PARTIAL COLOR (ORANGE)  ww PARTIAL COLOR (YELLOW) PARTIAL COLOR (YELLOW)  xx PARTIAL COLOR (GREEN) PARTIAL COLOR (GREEN)  yy PARTIAL COLOR (BLUE) PARTIAL COLOR (BLUE)  zz PARTIAL COLOR (PURPLE) PARTIAL COLOR (PURPLE) RDepending on the subject and camera settings, images may in some cases be grainy or vary in brightness and hue.
56Drive Mode    jj Multiple Exposures Multiple ExposuresCreate a photograph that combines two exposures.+ 1 Select j for drive mode (P 52). 2 Take the  rst shot. 3 Press MENU/OK.  The  rst shot will be shown su-perimposed on the view through the lens and you will be prompted to take the second shot.EXITRETRYNEXT RTo return to Step 2 and retake the  rst shot, press the selector left.  To save the  rst shot and exit without creating a multiple exposure, press DISP/BACK. 4 Take the second shot, using the  rst frame as a guide.2.030EXIT 5 Press MENU/OK to create the multiple exposure, or press the selector left to return to Step 4 and retake the second shot.EXITRETRY
57More on Photography and Playback Exposure Compensation Exposure  CompensationRotate the exposure compensation dial to adjust exposure when photographing very bright, very dark, or high-contrast subjects.  The e ect is vis-ible in the display.   Exposure compensation indicatorChoose positive values (+) to increase exposureChoose negative values (–) to reduce exposure QThe amount of compensation available varies with the shooting mode. ■C (Custom)When the exposure compensation dial is rotated to C, exposure compensation can be adjusted by rotating the front command dial.set RThe front command dial can be used to set exposure compensation to values between −5 and +5 EV. RThe front command dial can be used to set shutter speed or exposure compensation. Press the dial to toggle between the two.  Choosing an Exposure Compensation Value  Choosing an Exposure Compensation Value•  Backlit subjects: Choose values from +/ EV to +1/ EV.•  Highly re ective subjects or very bright scenes (e.g., snow elds): +1 EV•  Scenes that are mostly sky: +1 EV•  Spotlit subjects (particularly if photographed against dark back-grounds): –/ EV•  Subjects with low re ectivity (pine trees or dark-colored foliage): –/ EV
58 Sensitivity Sensitivity“Sensitivity” refers to the camera’s sensitivity to light.  Lift and rotate the ISO dial to choose from val-ues between 200 and 12800, or select L(100), H(25600), or H(51200) for special situations (P 112).  Higher values can be used to reduce blur when lighting is poor, while lower values allow slower shut-ter speeds or wider apertures in bright light; note, however, that mottling may appear in pictures taken at high sensitivities, particularly at H(51200), while choosing L(100) reduces dynamic range.  Values of from ISO 200 to ISO 6400 are recommended in most situations.  If A is selected, the camera will ad-just sensitivity automatically in response to shooting conditions according to the option selected for A SHOOTING SETTING> ISO AUTO SETTING (P 97).  Choose from AUTO 1, AUTO 2, and AUTO 3. RSensitivity is not reset when the camera is turned o .
59More on Photography and Playback Metering MeteringChoose how the camera meters exposure.  Press the function (Fn3) button to display the options shown below, then use the selector to highlight an option and press MENU/OK to select. QThe selected option will only take e ect  when  G AF/MF SETTING> FACE/EYE DETECTION SETTING is o  (P 92).ModeModeDescriptionDescriptionoo(MULTI)(MULTI)The camera instantly determines exposure based on an analysis of composition, color, and brightness distribution.  Recommended in most situations.pp(CENTER WEIGHTED)(CENTER WEIGHTED) The camera meters the entire frame but assigns the greatest weight to the area at the center.vv(SPOT)(SPOT)The camera meters lighting conditions in an area at the center of the frame equivalent to 2% of the total.  Recommended with backlit subjects and in other cases in which the background is much brighter or darker than the main subject.ww(AVERAGE)(AVERAGE)Exposure is set to the average for the entire frame.  Provides consistent exposure across multiple shots with the same lighting, and is particularly e ective for landscapes and portraits of subjects dressed in black or white. RMetering options can also be accessed using A SHOOTING SETTING> PHOTOMETRY (P 95).
60 Film Simulation Film  SimulationSimulate the e ects of di erent kinds of  lm, including black-and-white (with or without color  lters).  Press the function (Fn4) button to display the options shown below, then use the selector to highlight an option and press MENU/OK to select.OptionOptionDescriptionDescription  cc  (PROVIA/STANDARD)(PROVIA/STANDARD) Standard color reproduction.  Suited to a wide range of subjects, from portraits to landscapes.  >>  (Velvia/VIVID)(Velvia/VIVID) A high-contrast palette of saturated colors, suited to nature photos.  ee  (ASTIA/SOFT)(ASTIA/SOFT) Enhances the range of hues available for skin tones in portraits while preserving the bright blues of day-light skies.  Recommended for outdoor portrait photography.  ii  (CLASSIC CHROME)(CLASSIC CHROME) Soft color and enhanced shadow contrast for a calm look.  gg  (PRO Neg. Hi)(PRO Neg. Hi) O ers slightly more contrast than h (PRO Neg. Std).  Recommended for outdoor portrait photography.  hh  (PRO Neg. Std)(PRO Neg. Std) A soft-toned palette.  The range of hues available for skin tones is enhanced, making this a good choice for studio portrait photography.  aa  (ACROS) *(ACROS) * Take black-and-white photos with rich gradation and outstanding sharpness.  Available with yellow (Ye), red (R), and green (G)  lters.  bb  (MONOCHROME) *(MONOCHROME) * Take pictures in standard black and white.  Available with yellow (Ye), red (R), and green (G)  lters.  ff  (SEPIA)(SEPIA) Take pictures in sepia.* Filters deepen shades of gray corresponding to hues complementary to the selected color. The yellow (Ye)  lter deepens purples and blues and the red (R)  lter blues and greens. The green (G)  lter deepens reds and browns, including skin tones, making it a good choice for portraits. RFilm simulation options can be combined with tone and sharpness settings (P 89). RFilm simulation options can also be accessed using H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> FILM SIMULATION (P 89).

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