Fuji Film 02000002 Wireless LAN Module User Manual 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

Fuji Film Corporation Wireless LAN Module 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

User manual 2

22 1 Open the memory card slot cover. QDo not open the memory card slot cover when the camera is on.  Failure to observe this precau-tion could damage image  les or memory cards.   2  Insert a memory card.Holding the memory card in the orientation shown, slide it in until it clicks into place at the back of the  rst slot (if you are using two cards, insert the second card into second slot).Click! Q Be sure card is in the correct orientation; do not insert at an angle or use force. Q SD/SDHC/SDXC  memo-ry cards can be locked, making it impossible to format the card or to record or delete images.  Before inserting a memory card, slide the write-protect switch to the unlocked position. 3 Close the memory card slot cover.    Removing Memory Cards  Removing Memory CardsBefore removing memory cards, turn the camera o  and open the memory card slot cover.To remove a memory card, press it in and release it slowly.  The card can then be removed by hand.  When a memory card is removed, the card could be ejected too quickly.  Use your  nger to hold it and gently re-lease the card. Write-protect  switch Inserting Memory Cards Inserting Memory CardsThe camera has no internal memory; instead, pictures are stored on optional SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards (sold separately).  The camera can be used with two cards, one in each of its two slots. Movies are recorded only to the card in the  rst slot, which supports UHS-II.Press center of card
23First StepsInserting Memory Cards Using Two Cards Using Two CardsAt default settings, the card in the second slot is used only if the card in the  rst slot is full (SEQUENTIAL). This can be changed using D SAVE DATA SETTING> CARD SLOT SETTING (STILL IMAGE) (P 116).OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionDisplayDisplaySEQUENTIAL SEQUENTIAL (default)(default)The card in the second slot is used only when the card in the  rst slot is full. RIf the second slot is selected for D SAVE DATA SETTING> SWITCH SLOT (SEQUEN-TIAL), recording will start on the card in the second slot and switch to the  rst slot when the card in the second slot is full.BACKUPBACKUP Each picture is recorded twice, once to each card.RAW/JPEGRAW/JPEGAs for SEQUENTIALSEQUENTIAL, except that the RAW copy of pictures taken with RAW + FINE or NOR-MAL + RAW selected for H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> IMAGE QUALITY will be saved to the card in the  rst slot and the JPEG copy to the card in the second slot.    Movies MoviesRegardless of the option selected for CARD SLOT SETTING (STILL IMAGE), movies will be recorded to the card in the  rst slot; if SEQUENTIAL is selected, movies will be recorded to the card in the  rst slot even after record-ing has moved on to the card in the second slot.
24Inserting Memory Cards ■ Compatible Memory CardsFUJIFILM and SanDisk SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards have been approved for use in the cam-era; UHS-II cards can be used in the  rst slot.  A complete list of approved memory cards is available at http://www.fujifilm.com/support/digital_cameras/compatibility/.  Operation is not guaranteed with other cards.  The camera can not be used with xD-Picture Cards or MultiMediaCard (MMC) devices.  QQMemory CardsMemory Cards•  Do not turn the camera o  or remove the memory card while the memory card is being formatted or data are being recorded to or deleted from the card.  Failure to observe this precaution could damage the card.•  Format memory cards before  rst use, and be sure to reformat all memory cards after using them in a computer or other device.  For more information on formatting memory cards, see page 107.•  Memory cards are small and can be swallowed; keep out of reach of children.  If a child swallows a memory card, seek medical assistance immediately.•  miniSD or microSD adapters that are larger or smaller than the standard dimensions of an SD/SDHC/SDXC card may not eject normally; if the card does not eject, take the camera to an authorized service representative.  Do not forcibly remove the card.•  Do not a  x labels to memory cards.  Peeling labels can cause camera malfunction.•  Movie recording may be interrupted with some types of SD/SDHC/SDXC memory card.  Use a UHS speed class 1 card or better for movies and burst photography.•  Formatting a memory card in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored.  Do not rename or delete this folder or use a computer or other device to edit, delete, or rename image  les.  Always use the camera to delete pictures; before editing or renaming  les, copy them to a computer and edit or rename the copies, not the originals.  Renaming the  les on the camera can cause problems during playback.
25First Steps Turning the Camera on and O  Turning the Camera on and O Rotate the ON/OFF switch to ON to turn the camera on.  Select OFF to turn the camera o . RPress the a button to start playback.  Press the shutter button half-way to return to shooting mode. RThe camera will turn o  automatically if no operations are per-formed for the length of time selected for D POWER MANAGE-MENT> AUTO POWER OFF (P 114).  To reactivate the camera after it has turned o  automatically, press the shutter button halfway or turn the ON/OFF switch to OFF and then back to ON. QFingerprints and other marks on the lens or view nder can a ect pictures or the view through the view nder.  Keep the lens and view nder clean.    Battery Level Battery LevelAfter turning the camera on, check the battery level in the display.IndicatorIndicatorDescriptionDescriptioneBattery partially discharged.fBattery about 80% full.gBattery about 60% full.hBattery about 40% full.iBattery about 20% full. i (red) Low battery.  Charge as soon as possible.j (blinks red) Battery exhausted.  Turn camera o  and recharge battery
26 Basic Setup Basic  SetupA language-selection dialog is displayed the  rst time the camera is turned on. 1 Choose a language.Highlight a language and press MENU/OK. RPress DISP/BACK to skip the current step.  Any steps you skip will be displayed the next time the camera is turned on. 2 Set the date and time.DATE/TIME NOT SETNOSETYY.MM.DDAM20172018201520142016Press the selector left or right to highlight the year, month, day, hour, or minute and press up or down to change.  To change the order in which the year, month, and day are displayed, highlight the date for-mat and press the selector up or down.  Press MENU/OK to exit to shoot-ing mode when settings are complete. RIf the battery is removed for an extended period, the camera clock will be reset and the language-selection dialog will be displayed when the camera is turned on.
27First StepsBasic Setup Changing Basic Settings Changing Basic SettingsTo change the language or reset the clock: 1 Display the desired option.Display the setup menu and select D USER SETTING> a to change the language or DATE/TIME to reset the clock (P 106). 2 Adjust settings.To choose a language, highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK.  To set the clock, press the selector left or right to highlight the year, month, day, hour, or minute and press up or down to change, then press MENU/OK once the clock has been set to your satisfaction.
28 Display Settings Display  SettingsThe camera is equipped with a hybrid optical/electronic view nder (OVF/EVF) and an LCD monitor (LCD). Choosing a Display Choosing a DisplayPress the VIEW MODE button to cycle through displays as shown below.EE EYE SENSOR EYE SENSOR: Automatic display selection using eye sensor LCDVIEWFINDER VIEWFINDERVIEWFINDER ONLY: View nder onlyVIEWFINDER ONLY+ E: View nder only; eye sensor turns display on or o VIEWFINDERLCD LCD ONLY: LCD monitor only    The Eye Sensor  The Eye SensorThe eye sensor turns the view nder on when you put your eye to the view nder and turns it o  when you take your eye away (note that the eye sensor may respond to objects other than your eye or to light shining directly on the sensor).  If automatic display selection is enabled, the LCD monitor will turn on when the view nder turns o .Eye sensor
29First StepsDisplay Settings The View nder Selector The View nder SelectorUse the view nder selector to switch between the electronic view nder (EVF), the optical view nder (OVF), and a dual optical view nder/elec-tronic range  nder (ERF) display.P3210-1-2-3P3210-1-2-3PEVF OVF ERF (dual display)    The OVF Display  The OVF DisplayKeep the selector pressed up to choose the optical view nder display zoom ratio.
30Display Settings  The Hybrid (EVF/OVF/ERF) View nder  The Hybrid (EVF/OVF/ERF) View nderThe features of the di erent displays are described below.DisplayDisplayDescriptionDescriptionOVFOVFThe optical display is sharp and free of blur so that your subject’s expression is always visible.  In addition, the OVF shows the area just outside the frame, making it easier to compose shots on the  y.  Because the view nder window is a slight distance from the lens, the area visible in photographs may however di er slightly from the display in the view nder due to parallax.EVFEVF The live view display gives you a preview of the  nal picture (including depth of  eld, focus, exposure, and white balance) with exactly the same frame coverage.ERFERF(dual display)(dual display)As for the optical view nder but with a focus preview.  A magni ed view of an area of the frame including the current focus position is shown at the bottom right corner of the display. Bright Frame Simulation Bright Frame SimulationThe angle of view covered by the bright frame in the OVF display varies with the focal length of the lens. Pressing a function button (by default, Fn2) displays a bright frame simulation that shows the area covered by the bright frame at di erent focal lengths. RKeep the view nder selector pressed up to toggle between the bright frames for maximum and minimum aperture.33272318 Focal length90605635Wide (0.36 ×) Tele (0.6 ×)
31First StepsDisplay Settings The View nder Display The View nder DisplayWhen ON is selected for D SCREEN SETTING> EVF AUTOROTATE DISPLAYS (P 110), the indi-cators in the view nder automatically rotate to match camera orientation.Orientation changed from “wide” to “tall” QThe display in the LCD monitor is una ected. Focusing the View  nder Focusing the View  nderThe camera is equipped with diopter adjustment in the range –4 to +2 m–1 to accommodate indi-vidual di erences in vision.  Rotate the diopter adjustment control until the view nder display is in sharp focus.Diopter adjustment controlAdjusting Display BrightnessAdjusting Display BrightnessThe brightness and hue of the view nder and LCD monitor can be adjusted using the options under D SCREEN SETTING.  Choose EVF BRIGHTNESS or EVF COLOR to adjust view nder brightness or hue (P 110), LCD BRIGHTNESS or LCD COLOR to do the same for the LCD monitor (P 110).
32 The  The DISP/BACKDISP/BACK Button ButtonThe  DISP/BACK button controls the display of indicators in the view nder and LCD monitor. ■Shooting: Optical View nderStandard Information o 3210-1-2-3P ■Shooting: Electronic View nderStandard Information o P ■ LCD Monitor: ShootingStandard Information o Info display
33First StepsThe DISP/BACK Button ■ Customizing the Standard DisplayTo choose the items shown in the standard display: 1 Display standard indicators.Press the DISP/BACK button until standard indicators are displayed. 2 Select DISP. CUSTOM SETTING.Select D SCREEN SET-UP> DISP. CUSTOM SETTING (P 111) in the setup menu. 3 Choose a display.Highlight OVF or EVF/LCD and press MENU/OK. 4 Choose items.Highlight items and press MENU/OK to select or deselect.OptionOptionOVFOVFEVFEVFOptionOptionOVFOVFEVFEVFOptionOptionOVFOVFEVFEVFFRAMING GUIDELINEwwINFORMATION BACKGROUND —RDUAL IS MODE RRELECTRONIC LEVELwwExpo. Comp. (Digit)wwWHITE BALANCE RRFOCUS FRAME RR Expo. Comp. (Scale) RR FILM SIMULATION RRAF DISTANCE INDICATORwwFOCUS MODE RR DYNAMIC RANGE RRMF DISTANCE INDICATOR RR PHOTOMETRY RR FRAMES REMAINING RRHISTOGRAMwwSHUTTER TYPE RR IMAGE SIZE/QUALITY RRSHOOTING MODE RR FLASH RR MOVIE MODE & REC. TIMEwRAPERTURE/S-SPEED/ISO RR CONTINUOS MODE RR BATTERY LEVEL RR 5 Save changes.Press DISP/BACK to save changes. 6 Exit the menus.Press DISP/BACK as needed to exit the menus and return to the shooting display. RSee page 8 for the locations of these items in the displays.
34The DISP/BACK Button    Virtual Horizon Virtual HorizonSelecting ELECTRONIC LEVEL displays a virtual horizon.  The camera is level when the two lines overlap. RThe virtual horizon may not be displayed if the camera lens is pointed up or down. ■View nder/LCD Monitor: PlaybackStandard Information o Info display Favorites12/31/2050 10:00 AM102/31/2050 10:00 AM12/31/2050 10:00 AMFAVORITES    Histograms HistogramsHistograms show the distribution of tones in the im-age.    Brightness is shown by the horizontal axis, the number of pixels by the vertical axis.Shadows HighlightsNo. of pixelsPixel brightnessOptimal exposure: Pixels are distrib-uted in an even curve through-out the tone range.Overexposed: Pixels are clustered on the right side of the graph.Underexposed: Pixels are clustered on the left side of the graph.
35Basic Photography and PlaybackBasic Photography and PlaybackBasic Photography and Playback Program AE (P) Program AE (P)To allow the camera to adjust both shutter speed and aperture for optimal exposure, set shutter speed and aperture to A.  P will appear in the display. QIf the subject is outside the metering range of the camera, the shutter speed and aperture displays will show “– – –”. Aperture mode switch       Program Shift Program ShiftIf desired, you can rotate the front or rear command dial to select other combi-nations of shutter speed and aperture without altering exposure (program shift).  Program shift is not available if the attached  ash supports TTL auto, or if an auto option is selected for H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> DYNAMIC RANGE (P 89).  To cancel program shift, turn the camera o .   Shutter speedAperture
36 Shutter-Priority AE (S) Shutter-Priority AE (S)To adjust shutter speed manually while letting the camera se-lect aperture for optimal exposure, set aperture to A and use the shutter speed dial (if A is currently selected for shutter speed, press the dial lock release while rotating the shutter speed dial).  S will appear in the display. RShutter speed can also be adjusted in increments of /EV by rotating the front command dial.  Shutter speed can be adjusted even while the shutter button is pressed halfway. QIf the correct exposure can not be achieved at the selected shutter speed, aperture will be displayed in red when the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Adjust shutter speed until the correct exposure is achieved. QIf the subject is outside the metering range of the camera, the aper-ture display will show “– – –”.Aperture mode switch   
37Basic Photography and Playback Aperture-Priority AE (A) Aperture-Priority AE (A)To adjust aperture manually while letting the camera select shut-ter speed for optimal exposure, rotate the shutter speed dial to A and adjust aperture as desired.  A will appear in the display. RAperture can be adjusted even while the shutter button is pressed halfway. QIf the correct exposure can not be achieved at the selected aper-ture, the shutter speed will be displayed in red when the shutter but-ton is pressed halfway.  Adjust aperture until the correct exposure is achieved. QIf the subject is outside the metering range of the camera, the shutter speed display will show “– – –”.Aperture mode switch       Previewing Depth of Field  Previewing Depth of FieldWhen L PREVIEW DEPTH OF FIELD is assigned to a function button (P 51), pressing the button stops aperture down to the selected setting, allowing depth of  eld to be previewed in the display.Depth of  eld can also be previewed using the depth-of- eld indicator in the stan-dard display (P 33).  Press DISP/BACK to cycle through display modes until standard indicators are displayed. RUse the G AF/MF SETTING> DEPTH-OF-FIELD SCALE option (P 94)  to choose how depth of  eld is displayed.  Choose FILM FORMAT BASIS to help you make practical assessments of depth of  eld for pictures that will be viewed as prints and the like, PIXEL BASIS to help you assess depth of  eld for pictures that will be viewed at high resolutions on computers or other elec-tronic displays.   Depth of  eld
38 Manual Exposure (M) Manual Exposure (M)Exposure can be altered from the value suggested by the camera by setting both shutter speed and aperture to values other than A (if A is currently selected for shutter speed, press the dial lock release while rotating the shutter speed dial).  M will appear in the display. RShutter speed can also be adjusted in increments of /EV by rotating the front command dial.Aperture mode switchExposure indicator   㹋    Exposure Preview Exposure PreviewTo preview exposure in the LCD monitor, select an option other than OFF for D SCREEN SETTING> PREVIEW EXP./WB IN MAN-UAL MODE ( P 110).  Select OFF when using the   ash or on other oc-casions on which exposure may change when the picture is taken.
39Basic Photography and Playback Viewing Pictures Viewing  Pictures Viewing Pictures Full Frame Viewing Pictures Full FramePictures can be viewed in the view nder or LCD monitor.  When taking important pictures, take a test shot and check the results.To view pictures full frame, press a.100-0001Additional pictures can be viewed by pressing the selector left or right or rotating the front command dial.  Press the selector or rotate the dial right to view pictures in the order recorded, left to view pic-tures in reverse order.  Keep the selector pressed to scroll rapidly to the desired frame. R Pictures taken using other cameras are marked with a m (“gift image”) icon to warn that they may not display correctly and that playback zoom may not be available.    Favorites: Rating Pictures  Favorites: Rating PicturesTo rate the current picture, press DISP/BACK and press the selector up and down to select from zero to  ve stars.    Two Memory Cards  Two Memory CardsIf two memory cards are inserted, you can press and hold the a button to choose a card for playback. RYou can also select a card using the C PLAYBACK MENU> SWITCH SLOT option (P 102).
40Viewing PicturesViewing Photo InformationViewing Photo InformationThe photo information display changes each time the selector is pressed up.Basic data Info display 112/31/2050 10:00 AM102/31/2050 10:00 AM1/4000S.S5.6F400 +21/3ISOLENS23.0mmF5.6FOCAL LENGTH23.0mmCOLOR SPACE sRGBLENS MODULATION OPT.ONNEXTInfo display 2 RRotate the front command dial to view other im-ages.    Zooming in on the Focus Point  Zooming in on the Focus PointPress the center of the rear com-mand dial to zoom in on the focus point.  Press again to return to full-frame playback.
41Basic Photography and PlaybackViewing Pictures Playback Zoom Playback  ZoomRotate the rear command dial right to zoom in on the current picture, left to zoom out (to view mul-tiple images, rotate the dial left when the picture is displayed full frame; P 42).  When the picture is zoomed in, the selector can be used to view areas of the image not currently visible in the display.  To exit zoom, press DISP/BACK, MENU/OK, or the center of the rear command dial.Zoom indicatorNavigation window shows portion of image currently displayed RThe maximum zoom ratio varies with image size (P 88).  Playback zoom is not available with cropped or resized copies saved at a size of a (P 102, 103).
42Viewing Pictures Multi-Frame Playback Multi-Frame  PlaybackTo change the number of images displayed, rotate the rear command dial left when a picture is displayed full frame.Rotate left to view more images.100-0001100-0001Rotate right to view fewer images.Use the selector to highlight images and press MENU/OK to view the highlighted image full frame (to zoom in on the selected image, rotate the rear command dial right when the picture is displayed full frame; P 41).  In the nine- and hundred-frame displays, press the selector up or down to view more pictures.
43Basic Photography and Playback  Deleting PicturesDeleting PicturesTo delete individual pictures, multiple selected pictures, or all pictures, press the b button when a picture is displayed full frame and choose from the options below.  Note that deleted pictures can not be recovered.  Copy important pictures to a computer or other storage device before proceeding.ERASEFRAMESELECTED FRAMESALL FRAMESOptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFRAMEFRAME Press the selector left or right to scroll through pictures and press MENU/OK to delete the current picture (a confirmation dialog is not displayed).SELECTED FRAMESSELECTED FRAMESHighlight pictures and press MENU/OK to select or deselect (pictures in photobooks or print orders are shown by S).  When the operation is complete, press DISP/BACK to display a con rmation dialog, then highlight OK and press MENU/OK to delete the selected pictures.ALL FRAMESALL FRAMESA con rmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OK to delete all unprotected pictures.  Pressing DISP/BACK cancels deletion; note that any pictures deleted before the button was pressed can not be recovered. RProtected pictures can not be deleted.  Remove protection from any pictures you wish to delete (P 103). RPictures can also be deleted from the menus using the C PLAY BACK MENU> ERASE option (P 102). RIf a message appears stating that the selected images are part of a DPOF print order, press MENU/OK to delete the pictures.
44Basic Movie Recording and PlaybackBasic Movie Recording and Playback  Recording MoviesRecording MoviesThe camera can be used to record short high-de nition movies.  Sound is recorded in stereo via the built-in microphone; do not cover the microphone during recording. QMovies are recorded to the card in the  rst slot. Be sure a card is inserted in the  rst slot before proceeding. 1 Press the movie-record (Fn1) button to start re-cording.Recording indicatorTime remaining 2 Press the button again to end recording.  Re-cording ends automatically when the maximum length is reached or the memory card is full. RZoom can be adjusted while recording is in progress. RFrame size and rate can be selected using W MOVIE SETTING>  MOVIE MODE (P 99).  Focus mode is se-lected using the focus mode selector (P 63); for con-tinuous focus adjustment, select C, or choose S and enable Intelligent Face Detection (P 92).  Intelligent Face Detection is not available in focus mode M. RDuring recording, exposure compensation can be adjusted by up to ±2EV. RThe indicator lamp lights while movies are being recorded.
45Basic Movie Recording and PlaybackRecording Movies QIf the lens is equipped with an aperture mode switch, select the aperture mode before beginning recording.  If an option other than A is selected, shutter speed and aperture can be adjusted while recording is in progress. Q The microphone may pick up lens noise and other sounds made by the camera during recording. QVertical or horizontal streaks may appear in movies containing very bright subjects.  This is normal and does not indicate a malfunction.    Depth of Field  Depth of FieldAdjust aperture before recording begins.  Choose low f-numbers to soften background details. Using an External Microphone Using an External MicrophoneSound can be recorded with external microphones that con-nect using jacks 2.5 mm in diam-eter; microphones that require bus power can not be used.  See the microphone manual for de-tails. RThe dialog shown at right will be displayed when a microphone is connected to the microphone/remote release connector.  Press MENU/OK and select MIC/RE-MOTE RELEASE> m MIC.CHECK MIC/REMOTE RELEASESETTINGSKIPSET
46 Viewing Movies Viewing  MoviesDuring playback, movies are displayed as shown at right.  The following operations can be performed while a movie is displayed:OperationOperationDescriptionDescriptionStart/pause playbackStart/pause playbackPress the selector down to start playback.  Press again to pause.  While playback is paused, you can press the selector left or right to rewind or advance one frame at a time.End playbackEnd playback Press the selector up to end playback.Adjust speedAdjust speed Press the selector left or right to adjust playback speed during playback.Adjust volumeAdjust volumePress MENU/OK to pause playback and display volume controls.  Press the selector up or down to adjust the volume; press MENU/OK again to resume playback.  Volume can also be adjusted using D SOUND SETTING> PLAYBACK VOLUME (P 109).12/31/2050 10:00 AMPLAYPLAY±0Movie iconProgress is shown in the display during playback. Q Do not cover the speaker during playback.Progress barSTOP PAUSE29m59s    Playback Speed Playback SpeedPress the selector left or right to adjust playback speed during playback.  Speed is shown by the number of arrows (M or N).ArrowSTOP PAUSE29m59s
47The Q (Quick Menu) Button The Q (Quick Menu) Button The Q (Quick Menu) ButtonUsing the Q ButtonUsing the Q ButtonPress Q for quick access to selected options. The Quick Menu Display The Quick Menu DisplayAt default settings, the quick menu contains the following items.SETSELECT CUSTOM SETTINGBASEA SELECT CUSTOM SETTINGB AF MODEC DYNAMIC RANGED WHITE BALANCEE NOISE REDUCTIONF IMAGE SIZEG IMAGE QUALITYH FILM SIMULATIONI HIGHLIGHT TONEJ SHADOW TONEK COLORL SHARPNESSM SELF-TIMERN FACE/EYE DETECTION SETTINGO FLASH MODEP EVF/LCD BRIGHTNESSThe quick menu shows the options currently selected for items B—P, which can be changed as described on page 49.  The H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> SELECT CUSTOM SETTING item (item A) shows the current custom settings bank:•  q: No custom settings bank selected.•  t — u: Select a bank to view the settings saved using the H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING option (P 82).•  r — s: The current custom settings bank.
48Using the Q Button Viewing and Changing Settings Viewing and Changing Settings 1 Press Q to display the quick menu during shooting.SETSELECT CUSTOM SETTINGBASE 2 Use the selector to highlight items and rotate the rear command dial to change. RChanges are not saved to the current settings bank (P 47).  Settings that di er from those in the current settings bank (t — u) are shown in red. 3 Press Q to exit when settings are complete.
49The Q (Quick Menu) ButtonUsing the Q Button Editing the Quick Menu Editing the Quick MenuTo choose the items displayed in the quick menu: 1 Press and hold the Q button during shooting.SET ENDSELECT CUSTOM SETTING 2 The current quick menu will be displayed; use the selector to highlight the item you wish to change and press MENU/OK.  You will be given the following choice of items to assign to the selected position:•  SELECT CUSTOM SETTING *•  DYNAMIC RANGE *•  WHITE BALANCE *•  NOISE REDUCTION *•  IMAGE SIZE•  IMAGE QUALITY•  FILM SIMULATION *•  GRAIN EFFECT *•  HIGHLIGHT TONE *•  SHADOW TONE *•  COLOR *•  SHARPNESS *•  SELF-TIMER•  FACE/EYE DETECTION SETTING•  PHOTOMETRY•  AF MODE•  FLASH MODE•  FLASH COMPENSATION•  MF ASSIST•  MOVIE MODE•  MIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENT•  EVF/LCD BRIGHTNESS•  EVF/LCD COLOR•  SHUTTER TYPE•  NONE* Stored in custom settings bank. RSelect NONE to assign no option to the selected position.  When SELECT CUSTOM SETTING is selected, current settings are shown in the quick menu by the label BASE. 3 Highlight the desired item and press MENU/OK to assign it to the selected position. RThe quick menu can also be edited using D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> EDIT/SAVE QUICK MENU (P 112).

Navigation menu